Export missing vgcontext*.h headers and remove libvgi.mmp due to collision with KhronosRI.
file1 =\graphics\t_graphics.ini
name =wtreenode
name =wingrp
name =wingrp2
name =ws
name =scrdev
name =bnkwin
ws =ws
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
screendevice =scrdev
ws =ws
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
screendevice =scrdev
isfocusable =TRUE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
idofparentwindowgroup =wingrp
clienthandle =100
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
idofparentwindowgroup =wingrp
clienthandle =100
isfocusable =TRUE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
state =TRUE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
state =TRUE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
processsid =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
keycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
keycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
inputWGN =MultiWindow_Set
expectRtnWGN =MultiWindow_Set
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
expectRtnWGN =
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =2
id_name =wingrp2
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =2
id_name =wingrp2
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =2
OwningWGId_name =wingrp
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =101
adjust =4
adjust =0
expected =0
expected =1
expected =2
expected =3
expected =4
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =101
pos =4
ordinalpriority =0
pos =0
ordinalpriority =0
pos =3
ordinalpriority =1
pos =3
ordinalpriority =0
expected =0
expected =1
expected =2
expected =3
expected =4
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
parent =wingrp
handle =2
win =bnkwin
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
cursor_type =ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags =EFlagNoFlash
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
parent =wingrp
handle =2
win =bnkwin
pos_x =10
pos_y =10
cursor_type =ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags =EFlagNoFlash
cliprect_top =5
cliprect_left =5
cliprect_bottom =50
cliprect_right =50
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
state =TRUE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
type =EPointerMove
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
clienthandle =1
isfocusable =TRUE
keycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
clienthandle =2
isfocusable =TRUE
keycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
priority =1
capturekey =-1
scancode =EStdKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
capturekey =-1
scancode =EStdKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
priority =1
inputkeycode =EKeyF1
outputkeycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
priority =1
flags =ELongCaptureNormal
capturekey =-1
inputkeycode =EKeyF1
outputkeycode =EKeyF1
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
priority =1
flags =ELongCaptureNormal
repeattime =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
keycode =EKeyOff
modifiermask =EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier =EModifierCtrl
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
state =FALSE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
state =FALSE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
inputWGN =
expectRtnWGN =
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =2
OwningWGId =-1
ws =ws
clienthandle =-99999999
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =-99999999
ws =ws
ws =ws
clienthandle =-99999999
screendevice =scrdev
ws =ws
ws =ws
clienthandle =-99999999
screendevice =scrdev
isfocusable =TRUE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
idofparentwindowgroup =wingrp
clienthandle =-99999999
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
idofparentwindowgroup =wingrp
clienthandle =-99999999
isfocusable =TRUE
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
processsid =-99999999
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
adjust =99999999
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
pos =-99999999
ordinalpriority =99999999
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
parent =wingrp
handle =2
win =bnkwin
pos_x =-99999999
pos_y =-99999999
cursor_type =ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags =EFlagNoFlash
ws =ws
isfocusable =TRUE
clienthandle =1
ws =ws
parent =wingrp
handle =2
win =bnkwin
pos_x =-99999999
pos_y =-99999999
cursor_type =ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags =EFlagNoFlash
cliprect_top =-99999999
cliprect_left =-99999999
cliprect_bottom =-99999999
cliprect_right =-99999999