Export missing vgcontext*.h headers and remove libvgi.mmp due to collision with KhronosRI.
// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// graphics-wserv-integ-xga.script
// This test is a direct copy of graphics-wserv-integ-surface-0001-001
// using the emulator configured in xga mode
//! @file
//! @SYMTestSuiteName graphics-wserv-integ-surface
//! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment This test is only only run on emulator
LOAD_SUITE t_wservintegserver
//! @SYMPREQ 1007 1019
//! @SYMREQ 8222 8223 8227
//! @SYMAPI RWindow
//! @SYMAuthor John Mercer
//! @SYMCreationDate 24/08/2007
//! @SYMTestCaseDependencies graphics-wserv-integ-surface.script
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Moving Image with opaque UI Components
//! @SYMTestActions Environment settings:
//! Emulator configured in xga mode
//! Window Size: Full screen
//! Image Size: Full screen
//! Simulated Load: 0%
//! Colour Depth: 16MAP
//! Pixel Format: YUV
//! Screen Number: 0
//! Rotation: 0
//! Screen Location: (0,0)
//! Execution Time: 30s
//! Frame Rate: 30fps
//! Buffer Format: Multiple [exact details unknown at this point]
//! Start SimLoadApp
//! Start pseudo video playback application:
//! Create RWindow (simulate DevVideo/Ecam usage)
//! Create RsurfaceHandle with ‘first frame of video’
//! Use Surface data APIs to generate content. Since this is licensee replaceable, the test code implementation must allow for this to be replaceable, e.g. library dll. [exact details of data APIs unknown at this point]
//! Content is to be simple but quickly indicative of failure to the human eye, e.g. a clock sweep with large numerals indicating the frame number..
//! Utilise multiple buffers to simulate real video usage, e.g. 4 buffers for MPEG4 decoding.
//! Call RWindow::SetBackgroundImage()
//! Create simulated UI Components
//! Draw components using CwindowGC::BitBlt() with preloaded images of UI components (button, menu bar).
//! Activate Window.
//! Update Image with next frame
//! Utilise RsurfaceHandle notification to indicate when surface has been consumed by GCE. Use Surface data APIs to update contents. Invalidate window to cause redraw.
//! Continuously perform Image updates to simulate video playback.
//! Measure the frame rate at which the display is updated.
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
//! @SYMTestPriority 1
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Frame Rate: 30fps
//! Display is composed of moving image in background, with opaque UI components in foreground. The moving image is that of a clock sweep with large numerals indicating the frame number.
//! @SYMTestType IT
RUN_TEST_STEP 500 t_wservintegserver WServIntegSurface c:\graphics\graphics-wserv-integ-xga.ini graphics-wserv-integ-xga-0001-001