author Gareth Stockwell <>
Fri, 22 Oct 2010 22:19:05 +0100
changeset 210 da03feddbab7
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
child 116 171fae344dd4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Cleaned up eglbringuptest code - Refactored CEGLRendering construction to separate EGL and VG setup - Consistently check EGL and VG errors after each API call - Standardised RDebug::Printf statements to all start with [EBT] - Removed unused libraries from MMP file - Removed unused openvgengine.h - Removed various unused member variables - Removed unused CWsCanvas class

(object Petal
    version    	35)

(object Design "<Top Level>"
    is_unit    	TRUE
    file_name  	"d:\wserv\des\gdi.mdl"
    is_loaded  	TRUE
    defaults   	(object defaults
	rightMargin 	0.25
	leftMargin 	0.25
	topMargin  	0.25
	bottomMargin 	0.5
	pageOverlap 	0.25
	clipIconLabels 	TRUE
	autoResize 	FALSE
	snapToGrid 	TRUE
	gridX      	16
	gridY      	16
	defaultFont 	(object Font
	    size       	10
	    face       	"Arial"
	    bold       	FALSE
	    italics    	FALSE
	    underline  	FALSE
	    strike     	FALSE
	    color      	0
	    default_color 	TRUE)
	showMessageNum 	3)
    root_category 	(object Class_Category "<Top Level>"
	exportControl 	"Public"
	global     	TRUE
	subsystem  	"<Top Level>"
	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object Class "Bitmap Font"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			supplier   	"Font"))
		statediagram 	(object State_Diagram ""
		    title      	""
		    zoom       	100
		    max_height 	28350
		    max_width  	21600
		    origin_x   	0
		    origin_y   	0
		    items      	(list diagram_item_list)))
	    (object Class "Pattern Brush"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			supplier   	"GDI object"))
		statediagram 	(object State_Diagram ""
		    title      	""
		    zoom       	100
		    max_height 	28350
		    max_width  	21600
		    origin_x   	0
		    origin_y   	0
		    items      	(list diagram_item_list)))
	    (object Class "Pen"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			supplier   	"GDI object"))
		statediagram 	(object State_Diagram ""
		    title      	""
		    zoom       	100
		    max_height 	28350
		    max_width  	21600
		    origin_x   	0
		    origin_y   	0
		    items      	(list diagram_item_list)))
	    (object Class "Font"
		fields     	(list has_relationship_list
		    (object Has_Relationship
			supplier   	"Bitmap Font"
			supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n"))
		    (object Has_Relationship
			supplier   	"Vector font"
			supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..1")
			client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "n")))
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			supplier   	"GDI object"))
		statediagram 	(object State_Diagram ""
		    title      	""
		    zoom       	100
		    max_height 	28350
		    max_width  	21600
		    origin_x   	0
		    origin_y   	0
		    items      	(list diagram_item_list)))
	    (object Class "Vector font"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			supplier   	"Font"))
		statediagram 	(object State_Diagram ""
		    title      	""
		    zoom       	100
		    max_height 	28350
		    max_width  	21600
		    origin_x   	0
		    origin_y   	0
		    items      	(list diagram_item_list)))
	    (object Class "Palette"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			supplier   	"GDI object")))
	    (object Class "Drawable"))
	logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
		title      	"Main"
		zoom       	100
		max_height 	28350
		max_width  	21600
		origin_x   	3000
		origin_y   	2000
		items      	(list diagram_item_list
		    (object ClassView "Class" "Bitmap Font" @1
			location   	(3728, 3184)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    location   	(3624, 3100)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	240
			    justify    	0
			    label      	"Bitmap Font")
			annotation 	8)
		    (object ClassView "Class" "Pattern Brush" @2
			location   	(4432, 2784)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    location   	(4328, 2700)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	240
			    justify    	0
			    label      	"Pattern Brush")
			annotation 	8)
		    (object ClassView "Class" "Pen" @3
			location   	(5360, 2800)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    location   	(5256, 2716)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	240
			    justify    	0
			    label      	"Pen")
			annotation 	8)
		    (object ClassView "Class" "Font" @4
			location   	(3888, 2768)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    location   	(3784, 2684)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	240
			    justify    	0
			    label      	"Font")
			annotation 	8)
		    (object ClassView "Class" "Vector font" @5
			location   	(4176, 3184)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    location   	(4072, 3100)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	240
			    justify    	0
			    label      	"Vector font")
			annotation 	8)
		    (object ClassView "Class" "Palette" @6
			location   	(4896, 2800)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    location   	(4792, 2716)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	240
			    justify    	0
			    label      	"Palette")
			annotation 	8)
		    (object ClassView "Class" "Drawable" @7
			location   	(3328, 2768)
			label      	(object ItemLabel
			    location   	(3224, 2684)
			    nlines     	2
			    max_width  	240
			    justify    	0
			    label      	"Drawable")
			annotation 	8)
		    (object InheritView ""
			client     	@1
			supplier   	@4)
		    (object InheritView ""
			client     	@5
			supplier   	@4)))))
    root_subsystem 	(object SubSystem "<Top Level>"
	physical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
	physical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object Module_Diagram "Main"
		title      	"Main"
		zoom       	100
		max_height 	28350
		max_width  	21600
		origin_x   	0
		origin_y   	0
		items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
    process_structure 	(object Processes
	ProcsNDevs 	(list
	    (object Process_Diagram ""
		title      	""
		zoom       	100
		max_height 	28350
		max_width  	21600
		origin_x   	0
		origin_y   	0
		items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
    properties 	(object Properties))