Re-merge fixes for bug 1362, bug 1666, bug 1863, KhronosRI and bld.inf.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// For the Winscw Emulator only, selects between NGA and Non-NGA version of wsgraphicdrawer.
// The default is the non-GCE based version.
// To select the NGA version do one of:
// 1. Add a line to the epoc.ini file in \epoc32\data like this:
// symbian_graphics_use_gce ON
// or
// 2. Start epoc.exe with these parameters, (the "--" IS necessary):
// -Dsymbian_graphics_use_gce=ON --
// or
// 3. epoc.exe can be told to switch to a different initialisation file than epoc.ini, with the -M parameter.
// Progress chaining to the real Wserv is logged in epocwind.out.
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <u32hal.h>
_LIT(KProcessName, "WservSwitch");
TInt ChainWservSwitch()
// need to forward the command parameters to the chained version of Wserv
TInt argLen = User::CommandLineLength();
HBufC* arg = HBufC::New(argLen);
if (arg == NULL)
return KErrNoMemory;
TPtr argPtr = arg->Des();
// NGA or Non-NGA WServ version?
TBool nga = EFalse;
UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupEmulator, EEmulatorHalBoolProperty, (TAny*)"symbian_graphics_use_gce", &nga);
// try to launch it
const TPtrC exeName = nga ? KWservSwitchNga() : KWservSwitchNonNga();
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print(_L("%S: Starting \"%S\" \"%S\""), &KProcessName, &exeName, &argPtr);
RProcess server;
TInt err = server.Create(exeName, argPtr, EOwnerThread);
delete arg;
arg = NULL;
if (err)
return err;
// wait for server to start
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print(_L("%S: waiting on process ..."), &KProcessName);
TRequestStatus stat;
if (stat!=KRequestPending)
{ // abort startup
{ // logon OK - start the server
return (server.ExitType() == EExitPanic) ? KErrGeneral : stat.Int();
TInt E32Main()
TInt error = ChainWservSwitch();
// propagate error to SysStart
if (error)
#ifdef _DEBUG
RDebug::Print(_L("%S: Failed with error %i"), &KProcessName, error);
return error;