author Faisal Memon <>
Mon, 19 Jul 2010 13:28:19 +0100
changeset 120 f528087f811a
parent 0 5d03bc08d59c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update deployment diagram to show guest instead of platsim

file1			=\graphics\t_graphics.ini

name			=wtreenode

name			=wingrp

name			=wingrp2

name			=ws

name			=scrdev

name			=bnkwin

ws			=ws

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1
screendevice		=scrdev

ws			=ws

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=1
screendevice		=scrdev
isfocusable		=TRUE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

idofparentwindowgroup	=wingrp
clienthandle		=100

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

idofparentwindowgroup	=wingrp
clienthandle		=100
isfocusable		=TRUE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

state			=TRUE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

state			=TRUE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

processsid		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

keycode			=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

keycode			=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

inputWGN		=MultiWindow_Set

expectRtnWGN		=MultiWindow_Set

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

expectRtnWGN		=

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=2

id_name			=wingrp2

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=2

id_name			=wingrp2

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=2

OwningWGId_name		=wingrp

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=101

adjust			=4

adjust			=0

expected		=0

expected		=1

expected		=2

expected		=3

expected		=4

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=101

pos			=4
ordinalpriority		=0

pos			=0
ordinalpriority		=0

pos			=3
ordinalpriority		=1

pos			=3
ordinalpriority		=0

expected		=0

expected		=1

expected		=2

expected		=3

expected		=4

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

parent			=wingrp
handle			=2

win			=bnkwin
pos_x			=10
pos_y			=10
cursor_type		=ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags		=EFlagNoFlash

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

parent			=wingrp
handle			=2

win			=bnkwin
pos_x			=10
pos_y			=10
cursor_type		=ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags		=EFlagNoFlash
cliprect_top		=5
cliprect_left		=5
cliprect_bottom		=50
cliprect_right		=50

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

state			=TRUE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

type			=EPointerMove

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws	        	=ws

clienthandle   		=1
isfocusable    		=TRUE

keycode			=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl

clienthandle		=2
isfocusable		=TRUE

keycode			=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl
priority		=1

capturekey		=-1

scancode		=EStdKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl

capturekey		=-1

scancode		=EStdKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl
priority		=1

inputkeycode		=EKeyF1
outputkeycode		=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl
priority		=1
flags			=ELongCaptureNormal

capturekey		=-1

inputkeycode		=EKeyF1
outputkeycode		=EKeyF1
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl
priority		=1
flags			=ELongCaptureNormal
repeattime		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

keycode			=EKeyOff
modifiermask		=EModifierAlt|EModifierCtrl
modifier		=EModifierCtrl

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

state			=FALSE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

state			=FALSE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

inputWGN		=

expectRtnWGN		=

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=2

OwningWGId			=-1

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=-99999999

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=-99999999

ws			=ws

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=-99999999
screendevice		=scrdev

ws			=ws

ws			=ws

clienthandle		=-99999999
screendevice		=scrdev
isfocusable		=TRUE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

idofparentwindowgroup	=wingrp
clienthandle		=-99999999

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

idofparentwindowgroup	=wingrp
clienthandle		=-99999999
isfocusable		=TRUE

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

processsid		=-99999999

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

adjust			=99999999

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

pos			=-99999999
ordinalpriority		=99999999

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

parent			=wingrp
handle			=2

win			=bnkwin
pos_x			=-99999999
pos_y			=-99999999
cursor_type		=ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags		=EFlagNoFlash

ws			=ws

isfocusable		=TRUE
clienthandle		=1

ws			=ws

parent			=wingrp
handle			=2

win			=bnkwin
pos_x			=-99999999
pos_y			=-99999999
cursor_type		=ETypeRectangle
cursor_flags		=EFlagNoFlash
cliprect_top		=-99999999
cliprect_left		=-99999999
cliprect_bottom		=-99999999
cliprect_right		=-99999999