Thu, 13 May 2010 15:10:22 +0100 emilio Changes to fix the TimeZone Server Crash NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 13 May 2010 14:19:38 +0100 Faisal Memon Get rid of un-needed float-specific defines around yuv support. Remove unintended support for rgb to yuv conversion. We only support yuv to rgb conversion. NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 13 May 2010 09:27:58 +0100 Jose Thachil Check if RIEGLDisplay is already created in CEglThreadSession::EglInitialize,then return EGL_TRUE EGL_MERGE
Wed, 12 May 2010 13:05:33 +0100 Jose Thachil Minor updates. EGL_MERGE
Wed, 12 May 2010 12:14:19 +0100 Jose Thachil Removed RDebug statements and added more error checkings. EGL_MERGE
Wed, 12 May 2010 11:20:41 +0100 Jose Thachil Create EGL 1.4 implementation by merging eglrefimpl and EGL from sfopenvg EGL_MERGE
Thu, 08 Apr 2010 19:09:03 +0100 Faisal Memon Make sure the syborg version of the openwfc adaptation is used NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 08 Apr 2010 19:08:08 +0100 Faisal Memon Fix selection of openwf implementation NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 06 May 2010 19:35:50 +0100 Faisal Memon Apply patch 8. Fix minigui_syborg.oby. This also includes the whole file as it was accidentally made new but empty in an earlier patch. This file might have stuff particular to a Nokia config. So this may need tuning to be platform specific and needs to be compared with the stripped down version integrated in a separate change. NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 06 May 2010 19:17:55 +0100 Faisal Memon Apply patch 7. Refactor code so that there is just the additional compilation target for syborg NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 06 May 2010 18:24:48 +0100 Faisal Memon Apply patch 6. Cleanup syborg specific variation by allowing the project file to build one specially for it. Fix include macros for test apps. Further tuning how the variant is build appears in later patches. Explicitly including platform_paths seems to make debugging easier for carbide. This might be removed if its bad practice or causes issues. NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 06 May 2010 15:52:48 +0100 Faisal Memon Apply patch 5. This is mostly collapsed as a null change since the head has the fixes for techview (removing techview from the path name). NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 06 May 2010 15:42:13 +0100 Faisal Memon Apply patch 4. Fix the stub generator to insert proper license text in autogenerated output. NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 06 May 2010 15:31:43 +0100 Faisal Memon Apply patch 3. Many of the fixes in patch 3 are obseleted by updates made to the FCL. So the FCL head is taken in preference. This leaves only the hack in the display channel implementation to do not do a screen rotation on syborg. That solution is a bit hacky, but actually revised in a later patch. NewGraphicsArchitecture
Thu, 06 May 2010 14:32:51 +0100 Faisal Memon Patch 2 to update adaptation hby file to pull in openwf_ref.iby and report the setting OPENWFCLIB_DRV. Fix window server iby file to not use gce.iby to avoid missing file problem. Fix typo in the export for minigui_syborg. NewGraphicsArchitecture
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