2010-06-15 Lars Kurth Bug 2966 - Fixed GCC issues with redefinition of typedef's GCC_SURGE
2010-06-11 Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) Revision: 201023
2010-06-09 Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) Revision: 201021 RCL_3
2010-06-11 William Roberts Branch for GCC_SURGE fixes GCC_SURGE
2010-06-07 Jose Thachil Removed riMiniEGL.h included twice and reverted changes in directgdiadapter_vg.mmp EGL_MERGE
2010-05-19 Jose Thachil Back out changes to sflibopenvgrefimplu.def EGL_MERGE
2010-05-19 Jose Thachil Back out changes to sflibopenvgrefimplu.def EGL_MERGE
2010-05-19 Jose Thachil Backed out changeset 2bf8a359aa2f EGL_MERGE
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