changeset 25 3c4e2b88bdcd
parent 24 d8e463b04c5c
child 26 33125ea6abcb
--- a/imageadaptationextensions/iclextjpegapi/src/IclExtJpegApiFrameImplV2.cpp	Wed Aug 25 12:58:08 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation of CVisualFrameImpl
-#include "IclExtJpegApi.h"
-#include "IclExtJpegApiFrameImpl.h"
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// TFrameFormatExt::Constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void TFrameFormatExt::Constructor()
-    {
-    switch ( iFormatCode )
-        {
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatMonochrome:
-            {
-            iColourSpace    = KUidColourSpaceYCbCr;
-            iSampling       = KUidSamplingMonochrome;
-            break;            
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormat16bitRGB444:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormat16BitRGB565:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormat32BitRGB888:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M:
-            {
-            iColourSpace    = KUidColourSpaceRGB;
-            iSampling       = KUidSamplingColor444;            
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420Interleaved:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420Planar:
-            {
-            iColourSpace    = KUidColourSpaceYCbCr;
-            iSampling       = KUidSamplingColor420;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV422:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV422Reversed:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV422Interleaved:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV422Planar:
-            {
-            iColourSpace    = KUidColourSpaceYCbCr;
-            iSampling       = KUidSamplingColor422;
-            break;
-            } 
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV444Planar:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV444:
-            {
-            iColourSpace    = KUidColourSpaceYCbCr;
-            iSampling       = KUidSamplingColor444;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatJpeg:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExif:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatUserDefined:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtDctCoeff:
-            {
-            iColourSpace    = KNullUid;
-            iSampling       = KNullUid;
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            iFormatCode     = KErrNotFound;
-            iColourSpace    = KNullUid;
-            iSampling       = KNullUid;
-            }
-        }   
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// TFrameFormatExt::ColourSpace
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-TUid TFrameFormatExt::ColourSpace() const
-    {
-    return iColourSpace;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// TFrameFormatExt::Sampling
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-TUid TFrameFormatExt::Sampling() const
-    {
-    return iSampling;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// TFrameFormatExt::FormatCode
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-TInt TFrameFormatExt::FormatCode() const
-    {
-    return iFormatCode;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// TFrameFormatExt::ColourSpace
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-void TFrameFormatExt::SetColourSpace( TUid aColourSpace )
-    {
-    iColourSpace = aColourSpace;
-    }
-/* Visual Frame Data Structure in Extended ICL API   */
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// TFrameFormatBase* GetFrameFormatL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-TFrameFormatBase* GetFrameFormatL( TInt aFrameFormatCode )
-    {
-    TUid formatUid = KNullUid;
-    switch ( aFrameFormatCode )
-        {
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatMonochrome:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUVMonochrome;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormat16bitRGB444:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormat16bitRGB444Interleaved; 
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormat16BitRGB565:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormat16BitRGB565Interleaved;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormat32BitRGB888:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormat32BitRGB888Interleaved;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420Interleaved:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV420Interleaved;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420Planar:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV420Planar;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV422:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV422Interleaved;
-            break;
-            } 
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV422Reversed:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV422InterleavedReversed;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV444:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV444Interleaved;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420SemiPlanar:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV420SemiPlanar;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV422Interleaved:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYYUV422Interleaved;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV422Planar:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV422Planar;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV444Planar:
-            {
-            formatUid = KUidFormatYUV444Planar;
-            break;
-            }
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatJpeg:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExif:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatFbsBitmapColor4K:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatFbsBitmapColor64K:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatFbsBitmapColor16M:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatUserDefined:
-        case CVisualFrame::EFormatExtDctCoeff:
-            {
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            {
-            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-            }
-        }
-    TFrameFormatBase* frameFormatBase = NULL;
-    if ( formatUid == KNullUid )
-        {
-        frameFormatBase = new ( ELeave ) TFrameFormatExt( aFrameFormatCode );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        frameFormatBase = new ( ELeave ) TFrameFormat( formatUid );
-        }
-    return frameFormatBase;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// GetFrameFormat
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-TInt GetFrameFormat( const TFrameFormatBase& aFrameFormat )
-    {
-    TInt frameFormatCode = KErrNotFound;
-    if ( aFrameFormat.Type() == KUidIclImageFrameFormat )
-        {
-        const TFrameFormat& frameFormat = reinterpret_cast<const TFrameFormat&>( aFrameFormat );
-        switch ( frameFormat.FormatCode().iUid )
-            {
-            case KFormatYUVMonochromeUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatMonochrome;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormat16bitRGB444InterleavedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormat16bitRGB444; 
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormat16BitRGB565InterleavedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormat16BitRGB565;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormat32BitRGB888InterleavedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormat32BitRGB888;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormatYUV420InterleavedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420Interleaved;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormatYUV420PlanarUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420Planar;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormatYUV422InterleavedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV422;
-                break;
-                } 
-            case KFormatYUV422InterleavedReversedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV422Reversed;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormatYUV444InterleavedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV444;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormatYUV420SemiPlanarUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatYUV420SemiPlanar;
-                break;
-                }              
-            case KFormatYYUV422InterleavedUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV422Interleaved;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormatYUV422PlanarUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV422Planar;
-                break;
-                }
-            case KFormatYUV444PlanarUidValue:
-                {
-                frameFormatCode = CVisualFrame::EFormatExtYUV444Planar;
-                break;
-                }                              
-            default:
-                {
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( aFrameFormat.Type() == KUidExtIclImageFrameFormat )
-        {
-        frameFormatCode = reinterpret_cast<const TFrameFormatExt&>( aFrameFormat ).FormatCode();
-        }
-    return frameFormatCode;    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL( 
-                                    TDes8& aBuffer, 
-                                    const TSize& aDimension, 
-                                    TInt aFrameFormat )
-    {
-    TFrameFormatBase* frameFormat = GetFrameFormatL( aFrameFormat );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( frameFormat );
-    TFrameLayout frameLayout = TFrameLayout( 1 );
-    frameLayout.SetStart( 0, 0 );
-    frameLayout.SetScanLength( 0, aBuffer.MaxLength() );
-    frameLayout.SetLength( 0, aBuffer.MaxLength() );
-    frameLayout.SetCurrentLength( 0, aBuffer.Length() );
-    CVisualFrameImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CVisualFrameImpl();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aBuffer, aBuffer.MaxLength(), aDimension, *frameFormat, frameLayout );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( frameFormat );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL( 
-                                    RChunk& aChunk, 
-                                    TInt aSize, 
-                                    TInt aMaxSize, 
-                                    TInt aDataOffset,
-                                    const TSize& aDimension, 
-                                    TInt aFrameFormat )
-    {
-    TFrameFormatBase* frameFormat = GetFrameFormatL( aFrameFormat );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( frameFormat );
-    TFrameLayout frameLayout = TFrameLayout( 1 );
-    frameLayout.SetStart( 0, aDataOffset );
-    frameLayout.SetScanLength( 0, aMaxSize );
-    frameLayout.SetLength( 0, aMaxSize );
-    frameLayout.SetCurrentLength( 0, aSize );
-    CVisualFrameImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CVisualFrameImpl();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( &aChunk, aMaxSize, aDataOffset, aDimension, *frameFormat, frameLayout );
-    self->iSize = aSize;
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( frameFormat );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL( 
-                                    TDes8& aBuffer, 
-                                    const TSize& aDimension, 
-                                    TInt aFrameFormat, 
-                                    const CVisualFrame::TFrameLayout& aFrameLayout )
-    {
-    TFrameFormatBase* frameFormat = GetFrameFormatL( aFrameFormat );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( frameFormat );
-    TFrameLayout frameLayout = TFrameLayout( aFrameLayout.iNumberOfPlanes );
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aFrameLayout.iNumberOfPlanes; ++i )
-        {
-        frameLayout.SetStart( i, aFrameLayout.iOffset[i] );
-        frameLayout.SetScanLength( i, aFrameLayout.iScanLineLength[i] );
-        frameLayout.SetLength( i, aFrameLayout.iMaxLength[i] );
-        frameLayout.SetCurrentLength( i, aFrameLayout.iLength[i] );
-        }
-    CVisualFrameImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CVisualFrameImpl();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aBuffer, aBuffer.MaxLength(), aDimension, *frameFormat, frameLayout );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( frameFormat );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL( 
-                                    RChunk& aChunk, 
-                                    TInt aSize, 
-                                    TInt aMaxSize, 
-                                    const TSize& aDimension, 
-                                    TInt aFrameFormat, 
-                                    const CVisualFrame::TFrameLayout& aFrameLayout )
-    {
-    TFrameFormatBase* frameFormat = GetFrameFormatL( aFrameFormat );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( frameFormat );
-    TFrameLayout frameLayout = TFrameLayout( aFrameLayout.iNumberOfPlanes );
-    for ( TInt i = 0; i < aFrameLayout.iNumberOfPlanes; ++i )
-        {
-        frameLayout.SetStart( i, aFrameLayout.iOffset[i] );
-        frameLayout.SetScanLength( i, aFrameLayout.iScanLineLength[i] );
-        frameLayout.SetLength( i, aFrameLayout.iMaxLength[i] );
-        frameLayout.SetCurrentLength( i, aFrameLayout.iLength[i] );
-        }
-    CVisualFrameImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CVisualFrameImpl();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( &aChunk, aMaxSize, aFrameLayout.iOffset[0], aDimension, *frameFormat, frameLayout );
-    self->iSize = aSize;
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( frameFormat );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CVisualFrameImpl* CVisualFrameImpl::NewL( const CImageFrame* aImageFrame )
-    {
-    if ( ( aImageFrame->FrameFormat().Type() != KUidIclImageFrameFormat ) && 
-        ( aImageFrame->FrameFormat().Type() != KUidExtIclImageFrameFormat ) )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        }
-    CVisualFrameImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CVisualFrameImpl();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    if ( aImageFrame->IsChunk() )
-        {
-        self->ConstructL( 
-                    &const_cast<CImageFrame*>( aImageFrame )->DataChunk(), 
-                    aImageFrame->MaxBufferSize(), 
-                    aImageFrame->DataOffset(), 
-                    aImageFrame->FrameSizeInPixels(), 
-                    aImageFrame->FrameFormat(), 
-                    aImageFrame->FrameLayout() );
-        const TFrameLayout& frameLayout = reinterpret_cast<const TFrameLayout&>( aImageFrame->FrameLayout() );
-        self->iSize = frameLayout.CurrentLength( frameLayout.Planes() - 1 ) + frameLayout.Start( frameLayout.Planes() - 1 ) - frameLayout.Start( 0 );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        self->ConstructL( 
-                    const_cast<CImageFrame*>( aImageFrame )->Data(), 
-                    aImageFrame->MaxBufferSize(), 
-                    aImageFrame->FrameSizeInPixels(), 
-                    aImageFrame->FrameFormat(), 
-                    aImageFrame->FrameLayout() );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::GetImageFrameL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-CImageFrame* CVisualFrameImpl::GetImageFrameL()
-    {
-    if ( FrameFormat().Type() != KUidIclImageFrameFormat )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-        }
-    if ( IsChunk() )
-        {
-        return CImageFrame::NewL( 
-                    &DataChunk(), 
-                    MaxBufferSize(), 
-                    DataOffset(), 
-                    FrameSizeInPixels(), 
-                    FrameFormat(), 
-                    FrameLayout() );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return CImageFrame::NewL( 
-                    Data(), 
-                    MaxBufferSize(), 
-                    FrameSizeInPixels(), 
-                    FrameFormat(), 
-                    FrameLayout() );        
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::DataChunkL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-const RChunk& CVisualFrameImpl::DataChunkL() const
-    {
-    if ( !IsChunk() )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
-        }
-    return const_cast<CVisualFrameImpl*>( this )->DataChunk();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::DataPtrL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TPtr8 CVisualFrameImpl::DataPtrL() const
-    {
-    if ( IsChunk() )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
-        }    
-    TDes8& des = const_cast<CVisualFrameImpl*>( this )->Data();
-    return TPtr8( const_cast<TUint8*>( des.Ptr() ), des.Length(), des.MaxLength() );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::Dimension
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TSize CVisualFrameImpl::Dimension() const
-    {
-    return FrameSizeInPixels();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::FrameFormat2
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVisualFrameImpl::FrameFormat2() const
-    {
-    return GetFrameFormat( FrameFormat() );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::DataOffset
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVisualFrameImpl::DataOffset() const
-    {
-    return CImageFrame::DataOffset();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::Size
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVisualFrameImpl::Size() const
-    {
-    if ( !IsChunk() )
-        {
-        return Data().Length();
-        }
-    return iSize;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::SetSizeL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CVisualFrameImpl::SetSizeL( TInt aSize )
-    {
-    if ( ( aSize < 0 ) || ( aSize > MaxSize() ) )
-        {
-        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
-        }
-    if ( !IsChunk() )
-        {
-        Data().SetLength( aSize );
-        }
-    iSize = aSize;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::MaxSize
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVisualFrameImpl::MaxSize() const
-    {
-    return MaxBufferSize();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::DataContainer
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVisualFrameImpl::DataContainer() const
-    {
-    if ( IsChunk() )
-        {
-        return CVisualFrame::EInChunk;
-        }
-    return CVisualFrame::EInDescriptor;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::FrameLayout2
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-const CVisualFrame::TFrameLayout& CVisualFrameImpl::FrameLayout2() const
-    {
-    const TFrameLayout& frameLayout = reinterpret_cast<const TFrameLayout&>( FrameLayout() );
-    CVisualFrame::TFrameLayout& frameLayout2 = const_cast<CVisualFrameImpl*>( this )->iFrameLayout2;
-    frameLayout2.iNumberOfPlanes = frameLayout.Planes();
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < iFrameLayout2.iNumberOfPlanes; ++i )
-        {
-        frameLayout2.iOffset[i] = frameLayout.Start( i );
-        frameLayout2.iScanLineLength[i] = frameLayout.ScanLength( i );
-        frameLayout2.iLength[i] = frameLayout.CurrentLength( i );
-        frameLayout2.iMaxLength[i] = frameLayout.Length( i );
-        }
-    return iFrameLayout2;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CVisualFrameImpl::~CVisualFrameImpl
-// Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    } 
-// End of File