* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Exif file format parser ( reader ) class implementation
#include "ExifRead.h"
#include "ExifValueTable.h"
class CExifEndianBase;
class CExifCore;
* CExifReadImpl
* Implementation class for parsing Exif v2.2 file format. An instance of this
* class can be instantiated providing valid Exif data.
* @lib ExifLib
* @since 2.6
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CExifReadImpl ): public CExifRead
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CExifReadImpl* NewL( const TDesC8& aExifData, TBool aCreate, TUint aExifReadOption );
* Two-phased constructor.
static CExifReadImpl* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CExifReadImpl();
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CExifRead. Returns the Tag instance, which has the specified ID
* from the requested IFD.
* @since 2.6
* @param aIfdType The hosting IFD type
* @param aTagId The queried tag ID.
* @return Unmodifiable tag instance returned.
const CExifTag* GetTagL( TExifIfdType aIfdType, TUint16 aTagId ) const;
* From CExifRead. Returns the IDs of all the tags that are stored in
* the Exif data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aIfdType The hosting IFD type.
* @param aNoTags Number of tag IDs returned.
* @return Pointer to the tag IDs.
TUint16* GetTagIdsL( TExifIfdType aIfdType, TInt& aNoTags ) const;
* From CExifRead. Returns the types of the IFDs stored in the Exif data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aNoIfd Number of IFD types returned.
* @return Pointer to the IFD types.
TExifIfdType* GetIfdTypesL( TInt& aNoIfd ) const;
* From CExifRead. Returns pointer to a copy of the thumbnail image data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing a copy of the Exif
* thumbnail image.
HBufC8* GetThumbnailL() const;
* From CExifRead. Returns a boolean stating if the queried IFD
* structure exists in the Exif data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aIfdType The queried IFD type.
* @return Boolean stating if the specified IFD exists or not.
TBool IfdExists( TExifIfdType aIfdType ) const;
* From CExifRead. Returns a boolean stating if the queried tag exists
* in the specified IFD structure.
* @since 2.6
* @param aTagId Queried tag ID.
* @param aIfdType The hosting IFD type.
* @return Boolean stating if the specified tag exists or not.
TBool TagExists( TUint16 aTagId, TExifIfdType aIfdType ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Image Description tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Image
* Description data.
HBufC8* GetImageDescriptionL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Make tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Make data.
HBufC8* GetMakeL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Model tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Model data.
HBufC8* GetModelL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Transfer Function tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Transfer
* Function data.
HBufC8* GetTransferFunctionL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Date Time tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Date Time
* data.
HBufC8* GetDateTimeL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Software tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Software
* data.
HBufC8* GetSoftwareL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Copyright tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Copyright
* data.
HBufC8* GetCopyrightL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Orientation tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aOrientation Returned Orientation data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetOrientation( TUint16& aOrientation ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the X Resolution tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aXResolution1 Returned X Resolution numerator.
* @param aXResolution2 Returned X Resolution denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetXResolution(
TUint32& aXResolution1,
TUint32& aXResolution2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Y Resolution tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aYResolution1 Returned Y Resolution numerator.
* @param aYResolution2 Returned Y Resolution denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetYResolution(
TUint32& aYResolution1,
TUint32& aYResolution2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Resolution Unit tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aResolutionUnit Returned Resolution Unit data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetResolutionUnit( TUint16& aResolutionUnit ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the YCbCr Positioning tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aYCbCrPositioning Returned YCbCr Positioning data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetYCbCrPositioning( TUint16& aYCbCrPositioning ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Exif Ifd Pointer tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aExifIfdPointer Returned Exif Ifd Pointer data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetExifIfdPointer( TUint32& aExifIfdPointer ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Gps Info Ifd Pointer tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aGpsInfoIfdPointer Returned Gps Info Ifd Pointer data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetGpsInfoIfdPointer( TUint32& aGpsInfoIfdPointer ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Iso Speed Ratings tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Iso Speed
* Ratings data.
HBufC8* GetIsoSpeedRatingsL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Date Time Original tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Date Time
* Original data.
HBufC8* GetDateTimeOriginalL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Date Time Digitized tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Date Time
* Digitized data.
HBufC8* GetDateTimeDigitizedL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Maker Note tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Maker Note
* data.
HBufC8* GetMakerNoteL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the User Comment tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the User Comment
* data.
HBufC8* GetUserCommentL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Related Sound File tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @return Pointer to the descriptor containing copy of the Related
* Sound File data.
HBufC8* GetRelatedSoundFileL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Exposure Time tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param ExposureTime Returned Exposure Time data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetExposureTime(
TUint32& aExposureTime1,
TUint32& aExposureTime2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Components Configuration tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aComponentsConfiguration Returned Components Configuration
* data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetComponentsConfiguration(
TUint8& aFirstComponent, TUint8& aSecondComponent,
TUint8& aThirdComponent, TUint8& aFourthComponent) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Flash tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aFlash Returned Flash data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetFlash( TUint16& aFlash ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the ColorSpace tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aColorSpace Returned ColorSpace data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetColorSpace( TUint16& aColorSpace ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Pixel X Dimension tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aPixelXDimension Returned Pixel X Dimension data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetPixelXDimension( TUint32& aPixelXDimension ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Pixel Y Dimension tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aPixelYDimension Returned Pixel Y Dimension data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetPixelYDimension( TUint32& aPixelYDimension ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Exposure Mode tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aExposureMode Returned Exposure Mode data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetExposureMode( TUint16& aExposureMode ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the White Balance tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aWhiteBalance Returned White Balance data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetWhiteBalance( TUint16& aWhiteBalance ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Scene Capture Type tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aSceneCaptureType Returned Scene Capture Type data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetSceneCaptureType( TUint16& aSceneCaptureType ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Exposure Program tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aExposureProgram Returned Exposure Program data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetExposureProgram( TUint16& aExposureProgram ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Aperture Value tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aApertureValue1 Returned Aperture Value numerator.
* @param aApertureValue2 Returned Aperture Value denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetApertureValue(
TUint32& aApertureValue1,
TUint32& aApertureValue2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Exposure Bias Value tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aExposureBiasValue1 Returned Exposure Bias Value numerator.
* @param aExposureBiasValue1 Returned Exposure Bias Value denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetExposureBiasValue(
TInt32& aExposureBiasValue1,
TInt32& aExposureBiasValue2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Metering Mode tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aMeteringMode Returned Metering Mode data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetMeteringMode( TUint16& aMeteringMode ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Light Source tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aLightSource Returned Light Source data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetLightSource( TUint16& aLightSource ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the File Source tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aFileSource Returned File Source data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetFileSource( TInt8& aFileSource ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Digital Zoom Ratio tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aDigitalZoomRatio1 Returned Digital Zoom Ratio numerator.
* @param aDigitalZoomRatio2 Returned Digital Zoom Ratio denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetDigitalZoomRatio(
TUint32& aDigitalZoomRatio1,
TUint32& aDigitalZoomRatio2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Contrast tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aContrast Returned Contrast data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetContrast( TUint16& aContrast ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Saturation tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aSaturation Returned Saturation data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetSaturation( TUint16& aSaturation ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Sharpness tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aSharpness Returned Sharpness data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetSharpness( TUint16& aSharpness ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Exif Version tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aExifVersion Returned Exif Version data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetExifVersion( TUint32& aExifVersion ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Flash Pix Version tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aFlashPixVersion Returned Flash Pix Version data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetFlashPixVersion( TUint32& aFlashPixVersion ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Interoperability Ifd Pointer tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aInteroperabilityIfdPointer Returned Interoperability Ifd
* Pointer data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetInteroperabilityIfdPointer(
TUint32& aInteroperabilityIfdPointer ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the thumbnail X Resolution tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aXResolution1 Returned thumbnail X Resolution numerator.
* @param aXResolution1 Returned thumbnail X Resolution denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetThumbnailXResolution(
TUint32& aXResolution1,
TUint32& aXResolution2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the thumbnail Y Resolution tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aYResolution1 Returned thumbnail Y Resolution numerator.
* @param aYResolution1 Returned thumbnail Y Resolution denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetThumbnailYResolution(
TUint32& aYResolution1,
TUint32& aYResolution2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the thumbnail Resolution Unit tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aResolutionUnit Returned thumbnail Resolution Unit data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetThumbnailResolutionUnit( TUint16& aResolutionUnit ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the thumbnail Compression tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aCompression Returned thumbnail Compression data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetThumbnailCompression( TUint16& aCompression ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the thumbnail Jpeg Interchange Format tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aJpegInterchangeFormat Returned thumbnail Jpeg Interchange
* Format data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetJpegInterchangeFormat( TUint32& aJpegInterchangeFormat ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the thumbnail Jpeg Interchange Format Length tag
* data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aJpegInterchangeFormatLength Returned thumbnail Jpeg
* Interchange Format Length data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetJpegInterchangeFormatLength(
TUint32& aJpegInterchangeFormatLength ) const;
* From CExifRead. Returns a copy of whole Exif APP1 segment in a
* descriptor.
* @since 2.6
* @return Descriptor containing the Exif APP1 segment data.
HBufC8* GetExifAppSegmentL() const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Shutter Speed Value tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aShutterSpeedValue1 Shutter Speed Value numerator.
* @param aShutterSpeedValue2 Shutter Speed Value denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetShutterSpeedValue( TInt32& aShutterSpeedValue1,
TInt32& aShutterSpeedValue2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Brightness Value tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aBrightnessValue1 Brightness Value numerator.
* @param aBrightnessValue2 Brightness Value denominator.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetBrightnessValue( TInt32& aBrightnessValue1,
TInt32& aBrightnessValue2 ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Custom Rendered tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aCustomRendered Returned Custom Rendered data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetCustomRendered( TUint16& aCustomRendered ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Gain Control tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aGainControl Returned Gain Control data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetGainControl( TUint16& aGainControl ) const;
* From CExifRead. Gets the Gps Version tag data.
* @since 2.6
* @param aGpsVersion Returned Gps Version data.
* @return Error code.
TInt GetGpsVersion( TUint32& aGpsVersion ) const;
* Parses the Jpeg primary image data and initializes the Jpeg primary
* image structures.
* @since 2.6
* @return void.
void ParseJpegDataL( const TDesC8& aJpegData );
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const TDesC8& aExifData, TBool aCreate, TUint aReadOption );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
private: // New functions
* Parses the Exif data format and creates/initializes the internal
* Exif data structures.
* @since 2.6
* @return void.
void ParseExifFormatL();
* Parses the IFD data according to the specified IFD type.
* Creates/initializes the internal IFD data structures.
* Returns the offset of the next IFD in the parameter.
* @since 2.6
* @param aIfdType The parsed IFD type
* @param aNextIfdOffset The next IFD offset returned.
* @return void.
void ParseIfdL( TExifIfdType aIfdType, TUint32& aNextIfdOffset );
* Parses the Jpeg primary image data and initializes the Jpeg primary
* image structures.
* @since 2.6
* @return void.
void ParseJpegDataL();
* Parses the Jpeg thumbnail image data and initializes the Jpeg
* thumbnail structures.
* @since 2.6
* @return void.
void ParseThumbnailL();
* Reads the tag header, and returns the header information in the
* parameters.
* @since 2.6
* @param aTagId The tag ID read.
* @param aTagType The tag data type read
* @param aTagCount The number of tag data elements read.
* @return Error code.
TInt ReadTagHeader(
TUint16& aTagId,
TUint16& aTagType,
TUint32& aTagCount ) const;
// Exif data reader/parser
CExifEndianBase* iReader;
// Core Exif data structure storing the IFDs and tags.
CExifCore* iExifCore;
// CExifModifyImpl (only) needs to access iExifCore member of this
// class. Thus, it is defined as friend.
friend class CExifModifyImpl;
// Exif read options
TUint iExifReadOption;
// End of File