* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The core service class for handling Exif v2.2 File Format.
#include "ExifIfd.h"
#include "ExifCore.h"
#include "ExifReadImpl.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::CExifCore
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::ConstructL()
CreateIfdL( EIfd0 );
CreateIfdL( EIfdExif);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CExifCore* CExifCore::NewL()
CExifCore* self = new( ELeave ) CExifCore();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
for ( TUint i = 0; i < KIfdNo; ++i )
if ( iIfdArray[i] )
delete iIfdArray[i];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::InsertTagL
// Inserts the given tag into the specified IFD structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::InsertTagL( TExifIfdType aIfdType, CExifTagImpl* aExifTag, TBool aCheckValidity )
LOGTEXT3( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::InsertTagL() entering: aIfdType=0x%x, aCheckValidity=%d" ), aIfdType, aCheckValidity);
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
case EIfdExif:
case EIfd1:
case EIfdGps:
case EIfdIntOp:
if ( aCheckValidity && ( !TagIsValid( aExifTag->TagInfo(), aIfdType ) ) )
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::InsertTagL() Leaving: KErrNotSupported" ));
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
if ( !iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
// Since a new IFD should be created, 6 bytes more than tag
// size is required.
// Check if it exceeds 64K bytes after insertion.
if ( App1Size() + aExifTag->Size() + 6 > KMaxApp1Size )
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::InsertTagL() Leaving: KErrOverflow (>KMaxApp1Size)1" ));
User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
CreateIfdL( aIfdType );
TRAPD( error, iIfdArray[aIfdType]->InsertTagL( aExifTag, aCheckValidity ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete( iIfdArray[aIfdType] );
iIfdArray[aIfdType] = 0;
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::InsertTagL() Leaving: error=%d" ), error );
User::Leave( error );
// Check if it exceeds 64K bytes after insertion.
if ( !( TagExists( aExifTag->Id(), aIfdType ) ) &&
( App1Size() + aExifTag->Size() > KMaxApp1Size ) )
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::InsertTagL() Leaving: KErrOverflow (>KMaxApp1Size)2" ));
User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
iIfdArray[aIfdType]->InsertTagL( aExifTag, aCheckValidity );
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::InsertTagL() Leaving: KErrArgument" ));
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetTagDataL
// Sets the given 8-bit integer to the data of tag specified by the given tag ID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetTagDataL( TUint16 aTagId, TInt8 aTagData )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagUndefined;
// Total tag data size = 1 bytes.
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
buffer->Des().SetLength( 1 );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdFileSource:
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::SetTagDataL() Leave( KErrNotSupported ) aTagId=0x%x" ), aTagId);
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
*REINTERPRET_CAST( TInt8*, CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ) )
= aTagData;
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( ifdType, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetTagDataL
// Sets the given 16-bit unsigned integer to the data of a tag specified by the
// given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetTagDataL( TUint16 aTagId, TUint16 aTagData )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagShort;
// Total tag data size = 2 bytes.
// Since tag data type is 2-byte type, tagCount = 1.
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( 2 );
buffer->Des().SetLength( 2 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdCompression:
case KIdOrientation:
case KIdResolutionUnit:
case KIdYCbCrPositioning:
ifdType = EIfd0;
case KIdFlash:
case KIdColorSpace:
case KIdExposureMode:
case KIdWhiteBalance:
case KIdSceneCaptureType:
case KIdExposureProgram:
case KIdMeteringMode:
case KIdLightSource:
case KIdContrast:
case KIdSaturation:
case KIdSharpness:
case KIdCustomRendered:
case KIdGainControl:
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::SetTagDataL() Leave( KErrNotSupported ) 16 aTagId=0x%x" ), aTagId);
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TExifCommon::SetUint16( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ), aTagData );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( ifdType, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetTagDataL
// Sets the given 32-bit integer to the data of tag specified by given tag ID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetTagDataL( TUint16 aTagId, TUint32 aTagData )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagLong;
// Total tag data size = 4 bytes.
// If the tag data type is one of 4-byte types, tagCount = 1.
// If the tag data type is one of 1-byte types, tagCount = 4.
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL(4 );
buffer->Des().SetLength(4 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdExifIfdPointer:
case KIdGpsIfdPointer:
ifdType = EIfd0;
case KIdIntOpIfdPointer:
case KIdPixelXDimension:
case KIdPixelYDimension:
case KIdComponentsConfiguration:
case KIdExifVersion:
case KIdFlashPixVersion:
tagType = CExifTag::ETagUndefined;
tagCount = 4;
case KIdGpsVersion:
tagType = CExifTag::ETagByte;
tagCount = 4;
ifdType = EIfdGps;
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::SetTagDataL() Leave( KErrNotSupported ) 32 aTagId=0x%x" ), aTagId);
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TExifCommon::SetUint32( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ), aTagData );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( ifdType, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetTagDataL
// Sets the given data buffer to the data of a tag specified by the given tag ID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetTagDataL( TUint16 aTagId, const TDesC8& aTagData )
if ( !aTagData.Length() )
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagAscii;
TUint32 tagCount = aTagData.Length();
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfd0;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdImageDescription:
case KIdMake:
case KIdModel:
case KIdSoftware:
case KIdCopyright:
case KIdTransferFunction:
tagType = CExifTag::ETagShort;
tagCount /= 2;
case KIdDateTime:
case KIdIsoSpeedRatings:
tagType = CExifTag::ETagShort;
tagCount /= 2;
ifdType = EIfdExif;
case KIdDateTimeOriginal:
case KIdDateTimeDigitized:
case KIdRelatedSoundFile:
ifdType = EIfdExif;
case KIdMakerNote:
case KIdUserComment:
tagType = CExifTag::ETagUndefined;
ifdType = EIfdExif;
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::SetTagDataL() Leave( KErrNotSupported ) C8 aTagId=0x%x" ), aTagId);
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// Check if ASCII string terminates with NULL character.
// If not add NULL.
HBufC8* buffer = NULL;
if ( ( tagType == CExifTag::ETagAscii ) &&
( aTagData.Ptr()[aTagData.Length() - 1] ) )
buffer = HBufC8::NewL( aTagData.Length() + 1 );
buffer->Des().Copy( aTagData );
*( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Des().Ptr() ) +
aTagData.Length() ) = NULL;
buffer->Des().SetLength( aTagData.Length() + 1 );
buffer = aTagData.AllocL();
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( ifdType, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetTagDataL
// Sets the given 64-bit (2 x 32-bit ) unsigned integers to the data of a tag
// specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetTagDataL(
TUint16 aTagId,
TUint32 aNumerator,
TUint32 aDenominator )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagRational;
// Total tag data size = 8 bytes.
// Since tag data type is 8-byte type, tagCount = 1.
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfd0;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( 8 );
buffer->Des().SetLength( 8 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdXResolution:
case KIdYResolution:
case KIdExposureTime:
case KIdApertureValue:
case KIdDigitalZoomRatio:
ifdType = EIfdExif;
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TExifCommon::SetUint32( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ), aNumerator );
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() + 4 ), aDenominator );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( ifdType, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetTagDataL
// Sets the given 64-bit (2 x 32-bit ) integers to the data of a tag specified
// by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetTagDataL(
TUint16 aTagId,
TInt32 aNumerator,
TInt32 aDenominator )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagSrational;
// Total tag data size = 8 bytes.
// Since tag data type is 8-byte type, tagCount = 1.
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( 8 );
buffer->Des().SetLength( 8 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdExposureBiasValue:
case KIdShutterSpeedValue:
case KIdBrightnessValue:
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TExifCommon::SetUint32( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ), aNumerator );
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() + 4 ), aDenominator );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( ifdType, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetThumbnailTagDataL
// Sets the given 16-bit unsigned integer to the data of a thumbnail (IFD1) tag
// specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetThumbnailTagDataL( TUint16 aTagId, TUint16 aTagData )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagShort;
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( 2 );
buffer->Des().SetLength( 2 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdCompression:
case KIdResolutionUnit:
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TExifCommon::SetUint16( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ), aTagData );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( EIfd1, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetThumbnailTagDataL
// Sets the given 32-bit unsigned integer to the data of a thumbnail (IFD1) tag
// specified by the given tag ID,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetThumbnailTagDataL( TUint16 aTagId, TUint32 aTagData )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagLong;
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( 4 );
buffer->Des().SetLength( 4 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdJpegInterchangeFormat:
case KIdJpegInterchangeFormatLength:
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TExifCommon::SetUint32( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ), aTagData );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( EIfd1, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetThumbnailTagDataL
// Sets the given 64-bit (2 x 32-bit ) unsigned integers to the data of a
// thumbnail (IFD1) tag specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetThumbnailTagDataL(
TUint16 aTagId,
TUint32 aNumerator,
TUint32 aDenominator )
CExifTag::TExifTagDataType tagType = CExifTag::ETagRational;
TUint32 tagCount = 1;
HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL( 8 );
buffer->Des().SetLength( 8 );
CleanupStack::PushL( buffer );
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdXResolution:
case KIdYResolution:
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TExifCommon::SetUint32( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() ), aNumerator );
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, buffer->Ptr() + 4 ), aDenominator );
CExifTagImpl* tag = CExifTagImpl::NewL( aTagId, tagType, tagCount, buffer, ETrue );
CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
CleanupStack::PushL( tag );
InsertTagL( EIfd1, tag, ETrue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagData
// Gets the 8-bit integer data of a tag specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetTagData( TUint16 aTagId, TInt8& aTagData ) const
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdFileSource:
return KErrNotSupported;
const CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag = GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
aTagData = *REINTERPRET_CAST( TInt8*, CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagData
// Gets the 16-bit unsigned integer data of a tag specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetTagData( TUint16 aTagId, TUint16& aTagData ) const
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdFlash:
case KIdColorSpace:
case KIdExposureMode:
case KIdWhiteBalance:
case KIdSceneCaptureType:
case KIdExposureProgram:
case KIdMeteringMode:
case KIdLightSource:
case KIdContrast:
case KIdSaturation:
case KIdSharpness:
case KIdCustomRendered:
case KIdGainControl:
case KIdOrientation:
case KIdResolutionUnit:
case KIdYCbCrPositioning:
ifdType = EIfd0;
return KErrNotSupported;
const CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag = GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
TRAP( error, aTagData = TExifCommon::Uint16L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagData
// Gets the 32-bit unsigned integer data of a tag specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetTagData( TUint16 aTagId, TUint32& aTagData ) const
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdComponentsConfiguration:
case KIdPixelXDimension:
case KIdPixelYDimension:
case KIdExifVersion:
case KIdFlashPixVersion:
case KIdIntOpIfdPointer:
case KIdGpsVersion:
ifdType = EIfdGps;
case KIdExifIfdPointer:
case KIdGpsIfdPointer:
ifdType = EIfd0;
return KErrNotSupported;
CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag =
CONST_CAST( CExifTagImpl*, GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
if ( tagData.Length() == 2)
TRAP( error, aTagData = STATIC_CAST( TUint32,
TExifCommon::Uint16L( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) ) );
TRAP( error, aTagData = TExifCommon::Uint32L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagDataL
// Gets the data buffer of a tag specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CExifCore::GetTagDataL( TUint16 aTagId ) const
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfd0;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdImageDescription:
case KIdMake:
case KIdModel:
case KIdTransferFunction:
case KIdDateTime:
case KIdSoftware:
case KIdCopyright:
case KIdIsoSpeedRatings:
case KIdDateTimeOriginal:
case KIdDateTimeDigitized:
case KIdMakerNote:
case KIdUserComment:
case KIdRelatedSoundFile:
ifdType = EIfdExif;
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
const CExifTagImpl* tag = GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId );
return tag->Data().AllocL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagData
// Gets the 64-bit (2 x 32-bit) unsigned integer data of a tag specified by the
// given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetTagData(
TUint16 aTagId,
TUint32& aNumerator,
TUint32& aDenominator ) const
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfd0;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdXResolution:
case KIdYResolution:
case KIdExposureTime:
case KIdApertureValue:
case KIdDigitalZoomRatio:
ifdType = EIfdExif;
return KErrNotSupported;
const CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag = GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
TRAP( error, aNumerator = TExifCommon::Uint32L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) );
if ( error )
return error;
TRAP( error, aDenominator = TExifCommon::Uint32L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() + 4 ) ) );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagData
// Gets the 64-bit (2 x 32-bit) integer data of tag specified by the given tag
// ID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetTagData(
TUint16 aTagId,
TInt32& aNumerator,
TInt32& aDenominator ) const
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfdExif;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdExposureBiasValue:
case KIdShutterSpeedValue:
case KIdBrightnessValue:
return KErrNotSupported;
const CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag = GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
TRAP( error, aNumerator = TExifCommon::Int32L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) );
if ( error )
return error;
TRAP( error, aDenominator = TExifCommon::Int32L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() + 4 ) ));
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData
// Gets the 16-bit unsigned integer data of a thumbnail (IFD1) tag specified by
// the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData( TUint16 aTagId, TUint16& aTagData ) const
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData TUint16 entering" ));
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfd1;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdResolutionUnit:
case KIdCompression:
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData returning: KErrNotSupported" ));
return KErrNotSupported;
const CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag = GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData returning: KErrNotFound" ));
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
TRAP( error, aTagData = TExifCommon::Uint16L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) );
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData returning: error=%d" ), error);
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData
// Gets the 32-bit unsigned integer data of a thumbnail (IFD1) tag specified by
// the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData( TUint16 aTagId, TUint32& aTagData ) const
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData TUint32 entering" ));
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfd1;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdJpegInterchangeFormat:
case KIdJpegInterchangeFormatLength:
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData returning: KErrNotSupported" ));
return KErrNotSupported;
CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag = CONST_CAST( CExifTagImpl*, GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData returning: KErrNotFound" ));
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
TRAP( error, aTagData = TExifCommon::Uint32L(
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) );
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData returning: error=%d" ), error);
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData
// Gets the 64-bit (2 x 32-bit) unsigned integer data of a thumbnail (IFD1) tag
// specified by the given tag ID.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetThumbnailTagData(
TUint16 aTagId,
TUint32& aNumerator,
TUint32& aDenominator ) const
TExifIfdType ifdType = EIfd1;
switch ( aTagId )
case KIdXResolution:
case KIdYResolution:
return KErrNotSupported;
const CExifTagImpl* tag = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tag = GetTagL( ifdType, aTagId ) );
if ( ( error ) || ( !tag ) )
return KErrNotFound;
TPtrC8 tagData = tag->Data();
TRAP( error, aNumerator =
TExifCommon::Uint32L( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() ) ) );
if ( error )
return error;
TRAP( error, aDenominator =
TExifCommon::Uint32L( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, tagData.Ptr() + 4 ) ) );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagL
// Gets the tag instance having the given tag ID from the specified IFD
// structure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CExifTagImpl* CExifCore::GetTagL(
TExifIfdType aIfdType, TUint16 aTagId ) const
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
case EIfdExif:
case EIfd1:
case EIfdGps:
case EIfdIntOp:
if ( !iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return iIfdArray[aIfdType]->GetTagL( aTagId );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::DeleteTag
// Removes the tag instance having the given tag ID from the specified IFD
// structure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::DeleteTag( TExifIfdType aIfdType, TUint16 aTagId )
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
case EIfdExif:
case EIfd1:
case EIfdGps:
case EIfdIntOp:
if ( !iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
return KErrNotFound;
TInt error = iIfdArray[aIfdType]->DeleteTag( aTagId );
if ( error )
return error;
if ( iIfdArray[aIfdType]->Size() )
return KErrNone;
return DeleteIfd( aIfdType );
return KErrArgument;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetTagIdsL
// Gets the tag IDs and the number of tags in the specified IFD structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint16* CExifCore::GetTagIdsL( TExifIfdType aIfdType, TInt& aNoTags ) const
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
case EIfdExif:
case EIfd1:
case EIfdGps:
case EIfdIntOp:
if ( !iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return iIfdArray[aIfdType]->GetTagIdsL( aNoTags );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::iExifCore->CreateIfdL
// Instantiates the specified IFD structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::CreateIfdL( TExifIfdType aIfdType )
if ( App1Size() > ( KMaxApp1Size - 6 ) )
User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
case EIfdExif:
case EIfd1:
case EIfdGps:
case EIfdIntOp:
iIfdArray[aIfdType] = CExifIfd::NewBaseL( aIfdType );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::DeleteIfd
// Removes the specified IFD structure and all its tags.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::DeleteIfd( TExifIfdType aIfdType )
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
case EIfdExif:
case EIfd1:
iIfdArray[EIfd0]->SetNextIfdOffset( 0 );
case EIfdGps:
iIfdArray[EIfd0]->DeleteTag( KIdGpsIfdPointer );
case EIfdIntOp:
iIfdArray[EIfdExif]->DeleteTag( KIdIntOpIfdPointer );
return KErrArgument;
if ( iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
delete ( iIfdArray[aIfdType] );
iIfdArray[aIfdType] = 0;
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetIfdTypesL
// Gets the IFD types and number of IFDs in the file format.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TExifIfdType* CExifCore::GetIfdTypesL( TInt& aNoIfd ) const
TInt noIfd = 0;
TUint i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < KIfdNo; ++i )
if ( iIfdArray[i] )
if ( !noIfd )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
TExifIfdType* ifdTypes = STATIC_CAST( TExifIfdType*,
User::AllocL( sizeof( TExifIfdType ) * noIfd ) );
aNoIfd = noIfd;
noIfd = 0;
for ( i=EIfd0; i<=EIfdIntOp; ++i )
if ( iIfdArray[i] )
ifdTypes[noIfd] = STATIC_CAST( TExifIfdType, i );
return ifdTypes;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetThumbnailL
// Gets the Exif thumbnail image data from the IFD1 structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC8* CExifCore::GetThumbnailL() const
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfd1] )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
TDesC8* thumbnailData = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( ( STATIC_CAST( CExifIfd1*, iIfdArray[EIfd1] ) )->
GetThumbnailData( thumbnailData ) );
// Next check needed when option ENoTagChecking is used
if ( !thumbnailData )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return thumbnailData->AllocL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::InsertThumbnailL
// Inserts/Updates the given Exif thumbnail image data in the IFD1 structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::InsertThumbnailL( TDesC8* aThumbnailData )
if ( STATIC_CAST( TUint, App1Size() + aThumbnailData->Length() ) >
KMaxApp1Size )
User::Leave( KErrOverflow );
TUint8* jpgStartPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aThumbnailData->Ptr() );
TUint8* jpgEndPtr = jpgStartPtr + aThumbnailData->Length();
jpgStartPtr = TExifCommon::LocateJpegMarkerPtr(
KSoi, jpgStartPtr, jpgEndPtr );
if( !jpgStartPtr )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
jpgStartPtr = TExifCommon::LocateJpegMarkerPtr(
KSof0, jpgStartPtr, jpgEndPtr );
if( !jpgStartPtr )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
jpgStartPtr = TExifCommon::LocateJpegMarkerPtr(
KEoi, jpgStartPtr, jpgEndPtr );
if( !jpgStartPtr )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfd1] )
CreateIfdL( EIfd1 );
User::LeaveIfError( ( STATIC_CAST( CExifIfd1*, iIfdArray[EIfd1] ) )->
SetThumbnailData( aThumbnailData ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::RemoveThumbnail
// Removes the Exif thumbnail image data from the IFD1 structure.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::RemoveThumbnail()
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfd1] )
return KErrNotFound;
( STATIC_CAST( CExifIfd1*, iIfdArray[EIfd1] ) )->RemoveThumbnailData();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::WriteExifDataL
// Writes the Exif data to the given descriptor starting from the specified
// position/offset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::WriteExifDataL( HBufC8*& aExifData, TUint& aPos )
// Ensure byte alignment
if ( ( aExifData->Length() - aPos ) % 2 > 0 )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
TUint16* exifDataPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint16*,
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aExifData->Ptr() ) + aPos );
WriteExifHeaderL( exifDataPtr, aPos );
WriteIfdL( exifDataPtr, EIfd0, aPos );
WriteIfdL( exifDataPtr, EIfdExif, aPos );
WriteIfdL( exifDataPtr, EIfdGps, aPos );
WriteIfdL( exifDataPtr, EIfdIntOp, aPos );
WriteIfdL( exifDataPtr, EIfd1, aPos );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::WriteJpegHeaderL
// Writes the Jpeg header to the given descriptor starting from the specified
// position/offset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::WriteJpegHeaderL( HBufC8*& aExifData, TUint& aPos )
if ( ( aExifData->Length() - aPos ) % 2 > 0 )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
TUint16* exifDataPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint16*,
CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aExifData->Ptr() ) + aPos );
*exifDataPtr = KSoiRev;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::Finalize
// Finalizes the Exif data to ensure the validity, updates the internal offsets.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::Finalize()
TInt error = 0;
TUint32 ifdOffset = FindIfdOffset( EIfdExif );
TRAP( error, SetTagDataL( KIdExifIfdPointer, ifdOffset ) );
if ( error )
return error;
ifdOffset = FindIfdOffset( EIfdGps );
if ( ifdOffset )
TRAP( error, SetTagDataL( KIdGpsIfdPointer, ifdOffset ) );
if ( error )
return error;
DeleteTag( EIfd0, KIdGpsIfdPointer );
ifdOffset = FindIfdOffset( EIfdIntOp );
if ( ifdOffset )
TRAP( error, SetTagDataL( KIdIntOpIfdPointer, ifdOffset ) );
if ( error )
return error;
DeleteTag( EIfdExif, KIdIntOpIfdPointer );
if ( iIfdArray[EIfd1] )
if ( !STATIC_CAST( CExifIfd1*, iIfdArray[EIfd1] )->ThumbnailSize() )
DeleteIfd( EIfd1 );
iIfdArray[EIfd0]->SetNextIfdOffset( 0 );
ifdOffset = FindIfdOffset( EIfd1 );
iIfdArray[EIfd0]->SetNextIfdOffset( ifdOffset );
TRAP( error, SetThumbnailTagDataL( KIdJpegInterchangeFormat,
STATIC_CAST( TUint32, ifdOffset + iIfdArray[EIfd1]->Size() ) ) );
if ( error )
return error;
TRAP( error, SetThumbnailTagDataL( KIdJpegInterchangeFormatLength,
iIfdArray[EIfd1] )->ThumbnailSize() ) ) );
if ( error )
return error;
TRAP( error, SetThumbnailTagDataL( KIdCompression, KCompressed ) );
if ( error )
return error;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::TotalSize
// Returns the total size of the Exif file format in bytes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CExifCore::TotalSize() const
return ( App1Size() + 4 + JpegSize() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::JpegSize
// Returns the size of the Jpeg image in the Exif file format, excluding SOI
// and APP markers in bytes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint CExifCore::JpegSize() const
return iJpgEndOffset - iJpgStartOffset;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::App1Size
// Returns the size of the APP1 marker, which includes the Exif-specific data
// in bytes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint16 CExifCore::App1Size() const
TUint16 app1Size = 0;
if ( iIfdArray[EIfd0] )
app1Size = STATIC_CAST( TUint16, app1Size + iIfdArray[EIfd0]->Size() );
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdExif] )
app1Size =
STATIC_CAST( TUint16, app1Size + iIfdArray[EIfdExif]->Size() );
if ( iIfdArray[EIfd1] )
app1Size = STATIC_CAST( TUint16, app1Size + iIfdArray[EIfd1]->Size() );
app1Size = STATIC_CAST( TUint16, app1Size + ( STATIC_CAST( CExifIfd1*,
iIfdArray[EIfd1] )->ThumbnailSize() ) );
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdGps] )
app1Size =
STATIC_CAST( TUint16, app1Size + iIfdArray[EIfdGps]->Size() );
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdIntOp] )
app1Size =
STATIC_CAST( TUint16, app1Size + iIfdArray[EIfdIntOp]->Size() );
return STATIC_CAST( TUint16, app1Size + 16 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::IsValid
// Checks if the Exif data is in valid Exif v2.2 format and contains all
// mandatory information.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CExifCore::IsValid() const
if ( (!iIfdArray[EIfd0] ) || (!iIfdArray[EIfdExif] ) )
return EFalse;
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfd0]->IsValid() )
return EFalse;
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfdExif]->IsValid() )
return EFalse;
if ( iIfdArray[EIfd1] )
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfd1]->IsValid() )
return EFalse;
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdGps] )
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfdGps]->IsValid() )
return EFalse;
TRAPD( error, GetTagL( EIfd0, KIdGpsIfdPointer ) );
if ( error )
return EFalse;
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdIntOp] )
if ( !iIfdArray[EIfdIntOp]->IsValid() )
return EFalse;
TRAPD( error, GetTagL( EIfdExif, KIdIntOpIfdPointer ) );
if ( error )
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::TagIsValid
// Checks if the specified tag information conforms to the Full Validity
// characteristics (Data count is correct, data type matches tag ID and data
// value falls into the predefined range).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CExifCore::TagIsValid( TExifTagInfo aTagInfo, TExifIfdType aIfdType ) const
LOGTEXT3( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::TagIsValid() entering: aIfdType=0x%x, aTagInfo.iId=0x%x" ), aIfdType, aTagInfo.iId );
TInt noTags = 0;
const TReferenceTag* tags = NULL;
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
noTags = KNoIfd0Tags;
tags = ifd0Tags;
case EIfdExif:
noTags = KNoIfdExifTags;
tags = ifdExifTags;
case EIfd1:
noTags = KNoIfd1Tags;
tags = ifd1Tags;
case EIfdGps:
noTags = KNoIfdGpsTags;
tags = ifdGpsTags;
case EIfdIntOp:
noTags = KNoIfdIntOpTags;
tags = ifdIntOpTags;
return EFalse;
TInt k = 0;
TBool found = EFalse;
for ( k = 0; ( k < noTags ) && ( !found ); ++k )
if ( tags[k].iId == aTagInfo.iId )
found = ETrue;
if ( !found )
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::TagIsValid() returning EFalse (tag not found)" ));
return EFalse;
// k locates the item next to the found item. Make it locate the found.
if ( tags[k].iDataType != TReferenceTag::ETagLongOrShort )
if ( tags[k].iDataType != aTagInfo.iDataType )
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::TagIsValid() returning EFalse 1 aTagInfo.iDataType=0x%x" ), aTagInfo.iDataType );
return EFalse;
else if ( ( aTagInfo.iDataType != CExifTag::ETagShort ) &&
( aTagInfo.iDataType != CExifTag::ETagLong ) )
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::TagIsValid() returning EFalse 2 aTagInfo.iDataType=0x%x" ), aTagInfo.iDataType );
return EFalse;
// Nothing to check for this case!
if ( tags[k].iDataCount != KAny )
if ( tags[k].iDataCount != aTagInfo.iDataCount )
LOGTEXT2( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::TagIsValid() returning EFalse aTagInfo.iDataCount=0x%x" ), aTagInfo.iDataCount );
return EFalse;
LOGTEXT( _L( "ExifLib: CExifCore::TagIsValid() returning ETrue" ));
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::IfdExists
// Checks if the specified IFD structure exists in the Exif data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CExifCore::IfdExists( TExifIfdType aIfdType ) const
if ( iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::TagExists
// Checks if the tag having the given tag ID exists in the specified IFD
// structure
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CExifCore::TagExists( TUint16 aTagId, TExifIfdType aIfdType ) const
if ( iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
return iIfdArray[aIfdType]->TagExists( aTagId );
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetJpgOffsets
// Sets the given Jpeg data start and end offsets.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetJpgOffsets( TUint32 aJpgStartOffset, TUint32 aJpgEndOffset )
iJpgStartOffset = aJpgStartOffset;
iJpgEndOffset = aJpgEndOffset;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::GetJpegData
// Gets the pure Jpeg image data excluding the SOI and APP1 markers.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifCore::GetJpegData( TPtr8 aJpgPointer ) const
if ( !iJpgStartOffset )
return KErrGeneral;
TUint8* jpgStartPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, iDataStartPtr + iJpgStartOffset );
if ( *jpgStartPtr != KMarkerStart )
return KErrGeneral;
aJpgPointer.Copy( jpgStartPtr, JpegSize() );
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::SetDataStartPtr
// Sets the Exif data start pointer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::SetDataStartPtr( const TUint8* aPtr )
iDataStartPtr = aPtr;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::WriteExifHeaderL
// Writes the Exif header to the location, which is defined by the given pointer
// and the offset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::WriteExifHeaderL( TUint16*& aExifDataPtr, TUint& aPos )
if ( !aExifDataPtr )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
*aExifDataPtr++ = KApp1Rev;
TUint16 app1Size = App1Size();
*REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint8*, aExifDataPtr ) = STATIC_CAST( TUint8,
app1Size >> 8 );
*( REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint8*, aExifDataPtr ) + 1 ) = STATIC_CAST(
TUint8, app1Size );
TExifCommon::SetUint32( REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint8*, aExifDataPtr ),
KExifIdentifierRev );
*aExifDataPtr++ = KExifPad;
*aExifDataPtr++ = KLittleEndian;
*aExifDataPtr++ = KExifDummyRev;
TExifCommon::SetUint32( REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint8*, aExifDataPtr ),
KHeaderOffset );
aPos = 20;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::WriteIfdl
// Writes the specified IFD data to the location, which is defined by the given
// pointer and the offset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifCore::WriteIfdL(
TUint16*& aExifDataPtr,
TExifIfdType aIfdType,
TUint& aPos )
if ( !aExifDataPtr )
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
if ( iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
iIfdArray[aIfdType]->WriteTagsL( aExifDataPtr, aPos );
if ( aIfdType == EIfd1 )
(STATIC_CAST( CExifIfd1*, iIfdArray[aIfdType] ) )->WriteThumbnailL(
REINTERPRET_CAST( TUint8*&, aExifDataPtr ), aPos );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifCore::FindIfdOffset
// Returns the offset of the specified IFD structure in the Exif data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CExifCore::FindIfdOffset( TExifIfdType aIfdType ) const
if ( !iIfdArray[aIfdType] )
return 0;
TUint32 offset = 8;
switch ( aIfdType )
case EIfd0:
case EIfdExif:
offset += ( iIfdArray[EIfd0]->Size() );
case EIfd1:
offset += ( iIfdArray[EIfd0]->Size() + iIfdArray[EIfdExif]->Size() );
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdGps] )
offset += iIfdArray[EIfdGps]->Size();
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdIntOp] )
offset += iIfdArray[EIfdIntOp]->Size();
case EIfdGps:
offset += ( iIfdArray[EIfd0]->Size() + iIfdArray[EIfdExif]->Size() );
case EIfdIntOp:
offset += ( iIfdArray[EIfd0]->Size() + iIfdArray[EIfdExif]->Size() );
if ( iIfdArray[EIfdGps] )
offset += iIfdArray[EIfdGps]->Size();
return 0;
return offset;