* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CJp2kReadCodec class implements the ICL read codec interface.
#include <fbs.h>
#include <JP2KImageData.h>
#include "JP2KImageUtils.h"
#include "JP2KFormat.h"
#include "JP2KStreamReader.h"
#include "JP2KTileInfo.h"
#include "JP2KImageInfo.h"
#include "JP2KCodec.h"
#include "JP2KEntropyDecoder.h"
#include "JP2KImageWriter.h"
#include "JP2KSynthesis.h"
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJp2kReadCodec* CJp2kReadCodec::NewL( const TJ2kInfo& aJ2kInfo )
CJp2kReadCodec* self = new ( ELeave ) CJp2kReadCodec( aJ2kInfo );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iImageInfo;
iImageInfo = 0;
delete iEntropy;
iEntropy = 0;
delete iImageWriter;
iImageWriter = 0;
delete iSynthesis;
iSynthesis = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::DecodeTileL
// Decoding the current tile-part
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::DecodeTileL()
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Decode and delete the tile
DecodeAndDeleteTileL( tile );
// reset the codec back to the parsing state
iDecodeTile = EFalse;
TFrameState retCode = EFrameIncomplete;
// Start with new tile
iUseNewTile = ETrue;
if ( !iUseNextTile )
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
retCode = EFrameIncompleteRepositionRequest;
if ( !iSequential )
// Must be End of Codestream EOC
iFHState = EStateInEOC;
retCode = EFrameComplete;
else if ( iFHState == EStateInEOC )
retCode = EFrameComplete;
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return retCode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::IsDecodeTile
// Is codec in the decoding state
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CJp2kReadCodec::IsDecodeTile() const
return iDecodeTile;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::InitFrameHeader
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJp2kReadCodec::InitFrameHeader( TFrameInfo& aFrameInfo, CFrameImageData& aFrameData )
// Initialize internal data structure for holding frame header
ASSERT( aFrameInfo.CurrentFrameState() == TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoUninitialised );
iFrame = &aFrameInfo;
iFrameData = &aFrameData;
aFrameInfo.SetCurrentFrameState( TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoProcessingFrameHeader );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ProcessFrameHeaderL
// Collect the JP2 codestream Main Header information.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ProcessFrameHeaderL( TBufPtr8& aData )
// Read frame header and fill up internal data structure
TFrameState retCode = EFrameIncomplete;
iReader.iPtr = aData.Ptr();
iReader.iPtrStart = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, iReader.iPtr );
iReader.iPtrEnd = iReader.iPtrStart + aData.Length();
while ( iFHState != EStateInSOT )
iReader.iPtrStartMarker = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, iReader.iPtr );
switch ( iFHState )
case EStateInSOC:
retCode = ReadSOCL();
case EStateInSIZ:
retCode = ReadSIZL();
case EStateInCOD:
retCode = ReadCODL();
case EStateInCOC:
retCode = ReadCOCL();
case EStateInQCD:
retCode = ReadQCDL();
case EStateInQCC:
retCode = ReadQCCL();
case EStateInRGN:
retCode = ReadRGNL();
case EStateInPOC:
retCode = ReadPOCL();
case EStateInPPM:
retCode = ReadPPML();
case EStateInTLM:
retCode = ReadTLML();
case EStateInPLM:
retCode = ReadPLML();
case EStateInCRG:
retCode = ReadCRGL();
case EStateInCOM:
retCode = ReadCOML();
case EStateInUnknown:
// Update the internal state based on the Marker
retCode = UpdateStateFromMarkerL();
// Unrecognized marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Check for underflow
if ( retCode != EFrameComplete )
aData.Shift( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStart );
return retCode;
// Update the internal counter for data processed
// Convert the MainHeader's COM marker to TJp2kComment
// and let the framework managing the buffer.
TMainMarker& mainMarker = CONST_CAST( TMainMarker&, iImageInfo->MainMarker() );
for ( TInt index = 0; index < mainMarker.iCom.Count(); ++index )
TJp2kComment* jp2kComment = new ( ELeave ) TJp2kComment;
CleanupDeletePushL( jp2kComment );
jp2kComment->iComment = mainMarker.iCom[index]->iCcom;
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageData( jp2kComment ) );
// Transfer the ownership of the buffer from TMainMarker to framework
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageBuffer( jp2kComment->iComment ) );
mainMarker.iCom[index]->iCcom = 0;
// Convert some metadata from file format to TImageDataBlock derived objects
// Try to sort PPM and PLM if there is one
aData.Shift( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStart );
// Fill up the image related information if it is not
// JP2 file format
if ( !( iJ2kInfo.iOption & TJ2kInfo::EJP2file ) )
const TSizMarker &sizMarker = iImageInfo->SizMarker();
// To get the right output image size, we must compute the size tile by tile.
// Compute the width of the output image
TInt32 tileCompCanvasWidth = 0;
TInt32 numHorTiles = iImageInfo->NumOfHorizTilesL();
TInt32 tileStartCanvas;
TInt32 tileEndCanvas;
TInt32 tileCompStartCanvas;
for(TUint16 indexX = 0; indexX < numHorTiles; ++indexX )
tileStartCanvas = Max( ( sizMarker.iXTOsiz + indexX * sizMarker.iXTsiz ), sizMarker.iXOsiz );
tileEndCanvas = Min( ( sizMarker.iXTOsiz + ( indexX + 1 ) * sizMarker.iXTsiz ), sizMarker.iXsiz );
// Add this tile's contribution to the total size
tileCompStartCanvas = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileStartCanvas, sizMarker.iXRsiz[0] );
tileCompCanvasWidth += TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileEndCanvas, sizMarker.iXRsiz[0] ) - tileCompStartCanvas;
// Compute the height of the output image
TInt32 tileCompCanvasHeight = 0;
TInt32 numVerTiles = iImageInfo->NumOfVertTilesL();
for(TUint16 indexY = 0; indexY < numVerTiles; ++indexY )
tileStartCanvas = Max( ( sizMarker.iYTOsiz + indexY * sizMarker.iYTsiz ), sizMarker.iYOsiz );
tileEndCanvas = Min( ( sizMarker.iYTOsiz + ( indexY + 1 ) * sizMarker.iYTsiz ), sizMarker.iYsiz );
// Add this tile's contribution to the total size
tileCompStartCanvas = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileStartCanvas, sizMarker.iYRsiz[0] );
tileCompCanvasHeight += TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileEndCanvas, sizMarker.iYRsiz[0] ) - tileCompStartCanvas;
iFrame->iOverallSizeInPixels = TSize( tileCompCanvasWidth, tileCompCanvasHeight );
iFrame->iFrameCoordsInPixels.SetRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), iFrame->iOverallSizeInPixels );
iFrame->iFrameSizeInTwips.SetSize( 0, 0 );
for ( TUint16 index = 0; index < sizMarker.iCsiz; ++index )
iFrame->iBitsPerPixel += ( ( sizMarker.iSsiz[index] & 0x7f ) + 1 );
// We can dither.
iFrame->iFlags |= TFrameInfo::ECanDither;
// Decoder is able to handle scaleable resolution
iFrame->iFlags |= TFrameInfo::EConstantAspectRatio;
if ( sizMarker.iCsiz > 1 )
iFrame->iFlags |= TFrameInfo::EColor;
// Animation is not allowed
iFrame->iDelay = 0;
switch ( iFrame->iBitsPerPixel )
case 1:
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = EGray2;
case 2:
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = EGray4;
case 4:
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = ( iFrame->iFlags & TFrameInfo::EColor ) ? EColor16 : EGray16;
case 8:
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = ( iFrame->iFlags & TFrameInfo::EColor ) ? EColor16M : EGray256;
case 12:
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = ( iFrame->iFlags & TFrameInfo::EColor ) ? EColor4K : EGray256;
case 16:
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = EColor64K;
case 24:
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = EColor16M;
iFrame->iFrameDisplayMode = EColor64K;
// It is the offset that ICL framework used to read in
// more data from the image file.
iFrame->SetFrameDataOffset( iReader.iStartSOT );
// Frame header has been processed without error
// the flag is used by the ICL framework to determine
// whether it should continue processing or halt with error
iFrame->SetCurrentFrameState( TFrameInfo::EFrameInfoProcessingComplete );
return retCode;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::InitFrameL
// Called from ICL framework to initialise frame.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJp2kReadCodec::InitFrameL( TFrameInfo& /*aFrameInfo*/, CFrameImageData& /*aFrameData*/,
TBool aDisableErrorDiffusion, CFbsBitmap& aDestination,
CFbsBitmap* /*aDestinationMask*/ )
// Always use ERgb mode unless specified in the JP2 file format
TDisplayMode mode = ERgb;
TInt reductionFactor = ImageProcessorUtility::ReductionFactor( iFrame->iOverallSizeInPixels,
aDestination.SizeInPixels() );
iImageInfo->SetLevelDrop( (TUint8)reductionFactor );
// If the codestream doesn't contain enough wavelet levels to do the resolution
// reduction required by the framework / calling application, "extraLevels" are
// assigned to perform the resolution reduction. The "extra" resolution drop is
// performed at the output stage, i.e. all the samples are decoded, but only
// 1/4, 1/16, etc. are written to output.
if(reductionFactor > iImageInfo->MainMarker().iCod.iNumOfLevels)
iImageInfo->SetExtraLevelDrop( (TUint8)(reductionFactor - iImageInfo->MainMarker().iCod.iNumOfLevels) );
iImageInfo->SetExtraLevelDrop( 0 );
CImageProcessor* imageProc = ImageProcessorUtility::NewImageProcessorL( aDestination,
aDisableErrorDiffusion );
TPoint startAt( iFrame->iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl.iX,
iFrame->iFrameCoordsInPixels.iTl.iY );
TRect imageSize( startAt, aDestination.SizeInPixels() );
// Prepare the bitmap using the image size
SetImageProcessor( imageProc );
imageProc->PrepareL( aDestination, imageSize );
// Clear bitmap so sensibly draw partial decodes
ClearBitmapL(aDestination, KRgbWhite);
iUseNewTile = ETrue;
iReader.iNewDataStart = iFrame->FrameDataOffset();
iStyleUsed = EUnknownDecoder;
iProgressBar = EFalse;
if ( ( iImageInfo->NumOfHorizTilesL() == 1 ) &&
( iImageInfo->NumOfVertTilesL() == 1 ) )
// To force a return immediately from ProcessFrameL()
// on first entry to stimulate the occurrance of
// the progress bar
iProgressBar = ETrue;
if ( iFHState != EStateInSOT )
// We are in zoom in mode
iUseNextTile = iSequential = EFalse;
iFHState = EStateInSOT;
iLastTileIndex = 0;
iImageInfo->SetLastTilePartProcessed( (TUint16)0xffff );
iImageWriter->SetNewImageProcessor( imageProc );
if ( iJ2kInfo.iOption & TJ2kInfo::EJP2file )
iReader.iCSLength = iJ2kInfo.iCSBoxLength;
// We have read in all header information, so skip it
if ( iReader.iCSLength > iReader.iStartSOT )
iReader.iCSLength -= iReader.iStartSOT;
iReader.iDataUsed = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ProcessFrameL
// Collect the JP2 codestream Tile Part information.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ProcessFrameL(TBufPtr8& aSrc)
// Start decoding the compressed data stream
TFrameState retCode = EFrameIncomplete;
iReader.iPtr = aSrc.Ptr();
iReader.iPtrStart = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, iReader.iPtr );
iReader.iPtrEnd = iReader.iPtrStart + aSrc.Length();
while ( iFHState != EStateInEOC )
iReader.iPtrStartMarker = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, iReader.iPtr );
switch ( iFHState )
case EStateInSOT:
retCode = ReadSOTL();
case EStateInSOD:
retCode = ReadSODL();
retCode = ReadBitStreamL();
case EStateInCOD:
retCode = ReadCODL( EFalse );
case EStateInCOC:
retCode = ReadCOCL( EFalse );
case EStateInQCD:
retCode = ReadQCDL( EFalse );
case EStateInQCC:
retCode = ReadQCCL( EFalse );
case EStateInRGN:
retCode = ReadRGNL( EFalse );
case EStateInPOC:
retCode = ReadPOCL( EFalse );
case EStateInPPT:
retCode = ReadPPTL();
case EStateInPLT:
retCode = ReadPLTL();
case EStateInCOM:
retCode = ReadCOML( EFalse );
case EStateInUnknown:
// Update the internal state based on the Marker
retCode = UpdateStateFromMarkerL();
case EStateInSkipTile:
retCode = ReadSkipTileL();
// Unrecognized marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Check for underflow
if ( retCode != EFrameComplete )
// Request to jump to another section of the image file
if ( retCode == EFrameIncompleteRepositionRequest )
// Update the internal counter for data processed
aSrc.Shift( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStart );
return retCode;
if ( iFHState != EStateInSkipTile && iFHState != EStateInSOT )
// Update the internal counter for data processed
// only for the current tile
if ( ( iProgressBar && iFHState != EStateInEOC ) || iDecodeTile )
iProgressBar = EFalse;
aSrc.Shift( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStart );
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( iDecodeTile == EFalse )
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::GetNewDataPosition
// Get the new offset where data should be read from.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJp2kReadCodec::GetNewDataPosition( TInt& aPosition, TInt& /*aLength*/ )
// Set new offset position so that
// ICL framework will read in more image data for processing
aPosition = iReader.iNewDataStart + iJ2kInfo.iCSOffset;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::CJp2kReadCodec
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJp2kReadCodec::CJp2kReadCodec( const TJ2kInfo& aJ2kInfo ) :
iJ2kInfo( aJ2kInfo )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJp2kReadCodec::ConstructL()
iImageInfo = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kImageInfo;
// Invoke base class 2nd phase constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSOCL
// Verify and process Start of Codestream (SOC marker).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSOCL()
const TUint8* dataPtr = iReader.iPtr;
if ( iJ2kInfo.iOption & TJ2kInfo::EJP2file )
// Codestream box in JP2 file format
iReader.iCSLength = iJ2kInfo.iCSBoxLength;
iReader.iPtr += KJ2kBoxTypeLength;
if ( iReader.iCSLength == 1 )
// The XLBox shall exist and contains the actual length of the box
// XLBox is 8 bytes width
iReader.iCSLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
iReader.iCSLength += PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
// Populate back to the iJ2kInfo
CONST_CAST( TJ2kInfo&, iJ2kInfo ).iCSBoxLength = iReader.iCSLength;
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerSize )
// Underflow, backup the pointer to the beginning
iReader.iPtr = dataPtr;
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KSOC )
// Unrecognized SOC marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// SIZ marker shall immediately follow the SOC marker
iFHState = EStateInSIZ;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSIZL
// Verify and process Image and Tile Size (SIZ marker).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSIZL()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KSIZ )
// Unrecognized SIZ marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TSizMarker& sizMarker = CONST_CAST( TSizMarker&, iImageInfo->SizMarker() );
sizMarker.iRsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iXsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iYsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iXOsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iYOsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iXTsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iYTsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iXTOsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iYTOsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sizMarker.iCsiz = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if(sizMarker.iXOsiz > sizMarker.iXsiz || sizMarker.iYOsiz > sizMarker.iYsiz)
// Image offset is larger than image size, exit
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if(sizMarker.iXTOsiz > sizMarker.iXsiz || sizMarker.iYTOsiz > sizMarker.iYsiz)
// Tile offset is larger than image size, exit
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
for ( TUint16 index = 0; index < sizMarker.iCsiz; ++index )
// Component's information
User::LeaveIfError( sizMarker.iSsiz.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
User::LeaveIfError( sizMarker.iXRsiz.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
User::LeaveIfError( sizMarker.iYRsiz.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
if((( sizMarker.iSsiz[index] & 0x7f ) + 1) > KMaxBitdepth )
// Invalid bitdepth for this component, exit
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() > sizMarker.iCsiz )
// Populate the remaining component Rsiz using component 0's Rsiz
TUint16 indexi = (TUint16)( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() - sizMarker.iCsiz );
while ( indexi )
User::LeaveIfError( sizMarker.iXRsiz.Append( sizMarker.iXRsiz[0] ) );
User::LeaveIfError( sizMarker.iYRsiz.Append( sizMarker.iYRsiz[0] ) );
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Any valid marker may come after SIZ marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCODL
// Verify and process Coding Style Default (COD marker).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCODL( TBool aMain )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KCOD )
// Unrecognized COD marker
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TCODMarker *codMarker = NULL;
if ( aMain )
TMainMarker& mainMarker = CONST_CAST( TMainMarker&, iImageInfo->MainMarker() );
codMarker = &mainMarker.iCod;
// COD in Tile Part Header
codMarker = new ( ELeave ) TCODMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( codMarker );
codMarker->iScod = *iReader.iPtr++;
codMarker->iProgressionOrder = *iReader.iPtr++;
codMarker->iNumOfLayers = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
codMarker->iColorTransformation = *iReader.iPtr++;
codMarker->iNumOfLevels = *iReader.iPtr++;
TUint8 tmp = (TUint8)( ( *iReader.iPtr++ ) + 2 );
codMarker->iCodeBlockSiz.iWidth = 1 << tmp;
tmp = (TUint8)( ( *iReader.iPtr++ ) + 2 );
codMarker->iCodeBlockSiz.iHeight = 1 << tmp;
codMarker->iCodeBlockStyle = *iReader.iPtr++;
codMarker->iWaveletTransformation = *iReader.iPtr++;
if ( codMarker->iScod & 0x01 )
// Entropy coder with precincts defined below
codMarker->iPrecinctSiz = HBufC8::NewL( codMarker->iNumOfLevels + 1 );
for ( TUint8 index = 0; index < codMarker->iNumOfLevels + 1; ++index )
codMarker->iPrecinctSiz->Des().Append( *iReader.iPtr++ );
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( !aMain )
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append COD to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendCOD( codMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after COD marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCOCL
// Verify and process Coding Style Component (COC marker).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCOCL( TBool aMain )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KCOC )
// Unrecognized COC marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
const TSizMarker& sizMarker = iImageInfo->SizMarker();
TCOCMarker *cocMarker = new ( ELeave ) TCOCMarker;
if ( sizMarker.iCsiz < 257 )
// 8 bits component
cocMarker->iCcoc = *iReader.iPtr++;
// 16 bits component
cocMarker->iCcoc = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
cocMarker->iScoc = *iReader.iPtr++;
cocMarker->iNumOfLevels = *iReader.iPtr++;
TUint8 tmp = (TUint8)( ( *iReader.iPtr++ ) + 2 );
cocMarker->iCodeBlockSiz.iWidth = 1 << tmp;
tmp = (TUint8)( ( *iReader.iPtr++ ) + 2 );
cocMarker->iCodeBlockSiz.iHeight = 1 << tmp;
cocMarker->iCodeBlockStyle = *iReader.iPtr++;
cocMarker->iWaveletTransformation = *iReader.iPtr++;
if ( cocMarker->iScoc & 0x01 )
// Entropy coder with precincts defined below
cocMarker->iPrecinctSiz = HBufC8::NewL( cocMarker->iNumOfLevels + 1 );
for ( TUint8 index = 0; index < cocMarker->iNumOfLevels + 1; ++index )
cocMarker->iPrecinctSiz->Des().Append( *iReader.iPtr++ );
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( aMain )
iImageInfo->AppendCOCL( cocMarker );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append COC to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendCOCL( cocMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after COC marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadQCDL
// Verify and process Quantization Default (QCD marker).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadQCDL( TBool aMain )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KQCD )
// Unrecognized QCD marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TQCDMarker *qcdMarker = NULL;
if ( aMain )
TMainMarker& mainMarker = CONST_CAST( TMainMarker&, iImageInfo->MainMarker() );
qcdMarker = &mainMarker.iQcd;
// QCD in Tile Part Header
qcdMarker = new ( ELeave ) TQCDMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( qcdMarker );
qcdMarker->iSqcd = *iReader.iPtr++;
if ( qcdMarker->iSqcd & 0x01 )
// Scalar derived (values signalled for NLL subband only)
TUint16 tmp = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
qcdMarker->iExponent = HBufC8::NewL(1);
qcdMarker->iExponent->Des().Append( (TUint8)( (tmp >> 11) & 0x1f ) );
qcdMarker->iMantissa = HBufC16::NewL(1);
qcdMarker->iMantissa->Des().Append( (TUint16)( tmp & 0x07ff ) );
TInt entries = markerLength - ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) + KMarkerSize;
if ( qcdMarker->iSqcd & 0x1f )
// Word oriented
TUint16 tmp;
qcdMarker->iExponent = HBufC8::NewL( entries / 2 );
qcdMarker->iMantissa = HBufC16::NewL( entries / 2 );
while ( entries >= 2 )
tmp = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
qcdMarker->iExponent->Des().Append((TUint8)( ( tmp >> 11) & 0x1f ) );
qcdMarker->iMantissa->Des().Append((TUint16)( tmp & 0x07ff ) );
entries -= 2;
// No quantization
qcdMarker->iExponent = HBufC8::NewL( entries );
while ( entries )
qcdMarker->iExponent->Des().Append( (TUint8)( ( *iReader.iPtr++ >> 3 ) & 0x1f ) );
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( !aMain )
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append QCD to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendQCD( qcdMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after QCD marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadQCCL
// Verify and process Quantization Component (QCC marker).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadQCCL(TBool aMain)
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KQCC )
// Unrecognized QCC marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < (markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
const TSizMarker& sizMarker = iImageInfo->SizMarker();
TQCCMarker *qccMarker = new (ELeave) TQCCMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( qccMarker );
if ( sizMarker.iCsiz < 257 )
// 8 bits component
qccMarker->iCqcc = *iReader.iPtr++;
// 16 bit component
qccMarker->iCqcc = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
qccMarker->iSqcc = *iReader.iPtr++;
if ( qccMarker->iSqcc & 0x01 )
// Scalar derived (values signalled for NLL subband only)
TUint16 tmp = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
qccMarker->iExponent = HBufC8::NewL(1);
qccMarker->iExponent->Des().Append( (TUint8)( ( tmp >> 11 ) & 0x1f ) );
qccMarker->iMantissa = HBufC16::NewL(1);
qccMarker->iMantissa->Des().Append( (TUint16)( tmp & 0x07ff ) );
TInt entries = markerLength - ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) + KMarkerSize;
if ( qccMarker->iSqcc & 0x1f )
// Word oriented
TUint16 tmp;
qccMarker->iExponent = HBufC8::NewL( entries / 2 );
qccMarker->iMantissa = HBufC16::NewL( entries / 2 );
while ( entries >= 2 )
tmp = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
qccMarker->iExponent->Des().Append( (TUint8)( ( tmp >> 11 ) & 0x1f ) );
qccMarker->iMantissa->Des().Append( (TUint16)( tmp & 0x07ff ) );
entries -= 2;
// No quantization
qccMarker->iExponent = HBufC8::NewL( entries );
while ( entries )
qccMarker->iExponent->Des().Append( (TUint8)( ( *iReader.iPtr++ >> 3 ) & 0x1f ) );
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( aMain )
iImageInfo->AppendQCCL( qccMarker );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append QCC to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendQCCL( qccMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after QCC marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadRGNL
// Verify and process Region of Interest (RGN marker).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadRGNL( TBool aMain )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KRGN )
// Unrecognized RGN marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
const TSizMarker& sizMarker = iImageInfo->SizMarker();
TRGNMarker *rgnMarker = new ( ELeave ) TRGNMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( rgnMarker );
if ( sizMarker.iCsiz < 257 )
// 8 bits component
rgnMarker->iCrgn = *iReader.iPtr++;
// 16 bits component
rgnMarker->iCrgn = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
rgnMarker->iSrgn = *iReader.iPtr++;
rgnMarker->iSPrgn = *iReader.iPtr++;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( aMain )
iImageInfo->AppendRGNL( rgnMarker );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append RGN to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendRGNL( rgnMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after RGN marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPOCL
// Verify and process Progression Order Change ( POC marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPOCL( TBool aMain )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KPOC )
// Unrecognized COC marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
const TSizMarker& sizMarker = iImageInfo->SizMarker();
TPOCMarker *pocMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPOCMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( pocMarker );
TInt entries = markerLength - KMarkerSize;
TInt sizEntry = ( sizMarker.iCsiz < 257 ) ? 7 : 9;
while ( entries >= sizEntry )
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iRSpoc.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
if ( sizMarker.iCsiz < 257 )
// 8 bits component
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iCSpoc.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
// 16 bits component
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iCSpoc.Append( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) ) );
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iLYEpoc.Append( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) ) );
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iREpoc.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
if ( sizMarker.iCsiz < 257 )
// 8 bits component
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iCEpoc.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
// 16 bits component
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iCEpoc.Append( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) ) );
User::LeaveIfError( pocMarker->iPpoc.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
entries -= sizEntry;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( aMain )
iImageInfo->AppendPOCL( pocMarker );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append POC to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendPOCL( pocMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after POC marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPPML
// Verify and process Packed Packet Headers, Main Header ( PPM marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPPML()
TUint8 isUnderflow = EFalse;
if ( !iPreviousPPM )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KPPM )
// Unrecognized PPM marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( KMarkerLength + 1 ) )
// Underflow, we need Zppm and Nppm to be in the buffer
// backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, will keep reading
isUnderflow = ETrue;
TPPMMarker *ppmMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPPMMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( ppmMarker );
ppmMarker->iZppm = *iReader.iPtr++;
TUint32 entries = (TUint32)( markerLength - KMarkerSize - 1 );
ppmMarker->iNppm = entries;
ppmMarker->iIppm = HBufC8::NewL( entries );
if ( !isUnderflow )
ppmMarker->iIppm->Des( ).Append( iReader.iPtr, entries );
iReader.iPtr += entries;
iPreviousPPM = 0;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
ppmMarker->iIppm->Des().Append( iReader.iPtr, ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
ppmMarker->iRemainder = (TUint32)( entries - ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
iReader.iPtr = iReader.iPtrEnd;
iPreviousPPM = ppmMarker;
// Insert the new PPM marker into the right order
TMainMarker& mainMarker = CONST_CAST( TMainMarker&, iImageInfo->MainMarker() );
TUint8 tmp = ETrue;
if ( mainMarker.iPpm.Count() > 0 &&
mainMarker.iPpm[mainMarker.iPpm.Count() - 1]->iZppm > ppmMarker->iZppm )
for ( entries = 0; entries < (TUint32)mainMarker.iPpm.Count(); ++entries )
// Order by iZppm of the PPM marker
if ( mainMarker.iPpm[entries]->iZppm > ppmMarker->iZppm )
User::LeaveIfError( mainMarker.iPpm.Insert( ppmMarker, entries ) );
tmp = EFalse;
entries = (TUint32)mainMarker.iPpm.Count();
if ( tmp )
User::LeaveIfError( mainMarker.iPpm.Append( ppmMarker ) );
if ( (TUint32)( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < iPreviousPPM->iRemainder )
// Continue reading incomplete COM marker
iPreviousPPM->iIppm->Des().Append( iReader.iPtr, ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
iPreviousPPM->iRemainder = (TUint32)( iPreviousPPM->iRemainder - ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
iReader.iPtr = iReader.iPtrEnd;
isUnderflow = ETrue;
// We have the complete COM marker now
iPreviousPPM->iIppm->Des().Append( iReader.iPtr, iPreviousPPM->iRemainder );
iReader.iPtr += iPreviousPPM->iRemainder;
iPreviousPPM->iRemainder = 0;
iPreviousPPM = 0;
if ( !isUnderflow )
// Any valid marker may come after PPM marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// Underflow, stay in the same state
return EFrameIncomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadTLML
// Verify and process Tile Part Lengths, Main Header ( TLM marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadTLML()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KTLM )
// Unrecognized TLM marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TTLMMarker *tlmMarker = new ( ELeave ) TTLMMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( tlmMarker );
tlmMarker->iZtlm = *iReader.iPtr++;
tlmMarker->iStlm = *iReader.iPtr++;
TInt entries = markerLength - ( 2 * KMarkerSize );
TUint8 st = (TUint8)( ( tlmMarker->iStlm >> 4 ) & 0x03 );
TUint8 sp = (TUint8)( ( tlmMarker->iStlm >> 6 ) & 0x01 );
TInt sizEntry = st;
sizEntry += ( sp ? 4 : 2 );
while ( entries >= sizEntry )
if ( st == 1 )
// 8 bits tile index
User::LeaveIfError( tlmMarker->iTtlm.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
else if ( st == 2 )
// 16 bits tile index
User::LeaveIfError( tlmMarker->iTtlm.Append( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) ) );
if ( sp ) //lint !e961 no else is needed here at the end of if...else if
// 32 bits length
User::LeaveIfError( tlmMarker->iPtlm.Append( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr ) ) );
// 16 bits length
User::LeaveIfError( tlmMarker->iPtlm.Append( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) ) );
entries -= sizEntry;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Insert the new TLM marker into the right order
TMainMarker& mainMarker = CONST_CAST( TMainMarker&, iImageInfo->MainMarker() );
sp = 1;
for ( entries = 0; entries < mainMarker.iTlm.Count(); ++entries )
// Order by iZtlm of the TLM marker
if ( mainMarker.iTlm[entries]->iZtlm > tlmMarker->iZtlm )
User::LeaveIfError( mainMarker.iTlm.Insert( tlmMarker, entries ) );
sp = 0;
entries = mainMarker.iTlm.Count();
if ( sp )
User::LeaveIfError( mainMarker.iTlm.Append( tlmMarker ) );
// Any valid marker may come after TLM marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPLML
// Verify and process Packet Length, Main Header ( PLM marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPLML()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KPLM )
// Unrecognized PLM marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TPLMMarker *plmMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPLMMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( plmMarker );
plmMarker->iZplm = *iReader.iPtr++;
TUint32 entries = (TUint32)( markerLength - KMarkerSize - 1 );
plmMarker->iNplm = (TUint8)entries;
plmMarker->iIplm = HBufC8::NewL( entries );
plmMarker->iIplm->Des().Append( iReader.iPtr, entries );
iReader.iPtr += entries;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Insert the new PLM marker into the right order
TMainMarker& mainMarker = CONST_CAST( TMainMarker&, iImageInfo->MainMarker() );
TUint8 tmp = ETrue;
if ( mainMarker.iPlm.Count() > 0 &&
mainMarker.iPlm[mainMarker.iPlm.Count() - 1]->iZplm > plmMarker->iZplm )
for ( entries = 0; entries < (TUint32)mainMarker.iPlm.Count(); ++entries )
// Order by iZplm of the PLM marker
if ( mainMarker.iPlm[entries]->iZplm > plmMarker->iZplm )
User::LeaveIfError( mainMarker.iPlm.Insert( plmMarker, entries ) );
tmp = EFalse;
entries = (TUint32)mainMarker.iPlm.Count();
if ( tmp )
User::LeaveIfError( mainMarker.iPlm.Append( plmMarker ) );
// Any valid marker may come after PLM marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCRGL
// Verify and process Component Registration, Main Header ( CRG marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCRGL()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KCRG )
// Unrecognized CRG marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TCRGMarker *crgMarker = new ( ELeave ) TCRGMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( crgMarker );
TInt entries = markerLength - KMarkerSize;
TUint16 xCrg;
TUint16 yCrg;
while ( entries )
xCrg = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
yCrg = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
User::LeaveIfError( crgMarker->iXYcrg.Append( TPoint( xCrg, yCrg ) ) );
entries -= 4;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
iImageInfo->AppendCRGL( crgMarker );
// Any valid marker may come after CRG marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCOML
// Verify and process Comment ( COM marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadCOML( TBool aMain )
TUint8 isUnderflow = EFalse;
if ( !iPreviousCOM )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KCME )
// Unrecognized COM marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerLength )
// Underflow, we need Rcom to be in the buffer
// backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, will keep reading
isUnderflow = ETrue;
TCOMMarker* comMarker = new ( ELeave ) TCOMMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( comMarker );
comMarker->iRcom = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
TInt entries = markerLength - ( 2 * KMarkerSize );
comMarker->iCcom = HBufC8::NewL( entries );
if ( !isUnderflow )
comMarker->iCcom->Des().Append( iReader.iPtr, entries );
iReader.iPtr += entries;
iPreviousCOM = 0;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
comMarker->iCcom->Des().Append( iReader.iPtr, ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
comMarker->iRemainder = (TUint16)( entries - ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
iReader.iPtr = iReader.iPtrEnd;
iPreviousCOM = comMarker;
if ( aMain )
iImageInfo->AppendCOML( comMarker );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append COM to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendCOML( comMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < iPreviousCOM->iRemainder )
// Continue reading incomplete COM marker
iPreviousCOM->iCcom->Des().Append( iReader.iPtr, ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
iPreviousCOM->iRemainder = (TUint16)( iPreviousCOM->iRemainder - ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) );
iReader.iPtr = iReader.iPtrEnd;
isUnderflow = ETrue;
// We have the complete COM marker now
iPreviousCOM->iCcom->Des( ).Append( iReader.iPtr, iPreviousCOM->iRemainder );
iReader.iPtr += iPreviousCOM->iRemainder;
iPreviousCOM->iRemainder = 0;
iPreviousCOM = 0;
if ( !isUnderflow )
// Any valid marker may come after COM marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// Underflow, stay in the same state
if ( aMain )
return EFrameIncomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSOTL
// Verify and process Start of Tile Part ( SOT marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSOTL()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KSOT )
// Unrecognized SOT marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TSotMarker sotMarker;
sotMarker.iIsot = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sotMarker.iPsot = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iReader.iPtr );
sotMarker.iTPsot = *iReader.iPtr++;
sotMarker.iTNsot = *iReader.iPtr++;
if(sotMarker.iIsot >= ( iImageInfo->NumOfHorizTilesL() * iImageInfo->NumOfVertTilesL() ))
// Invalid tile index, exceeds the number of tiles, exit
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( sotMarker.iPsot == 0 )
// Try to look for tile part length information
// from the TLM in the main header - if there is one
iImageInfo->GetFromTLM( sotMarker );
if ( iUseNewTile )
if ( sotMarker.iIsot < iLastTileIndex )
// Skip all tiles with iIsot smaller than the iLastTileIndex
iReader.iSkipLength = sotMarker.iPsot - markerLength - KMarkerSize;
iUseNewTile = EFalse;
iFHState = EStateInSkipTile;
return EFrameComplete;
if(sotMarker.iTPsot >= sotMarker.iTNsot)
// Skip the tiles where tile part index is larger than
// the number of tile parts
iReader.iSkipLength = sotMarker.iPsot - markerLength - KMarkerSize;
iUseNewTile = EFalse;
iFHState = EStateInSkipTile;
return EFrameComplete;
// Start using this tile as the current tile
iLastTileIndex = sotMarker.iIsot;
// Save the next tile offset
iReader.iNewDataStart += sotMarker.iPsot;
iUseNextTile = iSequential = ETrue;
if ( sotMarker.iIsot != iLastTileIndex )
if ( iUseNextTile )
if ( sotMarker.iIsot > iLastTileIndex )
iUseNextTile = EFalse;
iSequential = EFalse;
// Skip all tiles that are not equal to current tile
iReader.iSkipLength = sotMarker.iPsot - markerLength - KMarkerSize;
iFHState = EStateInSkipTile;
return EFrameComplete;
// Tiles are in sequential order
if ( iUseNextTile && iSequential )
// Save the next tile offset
iReader.iNewDataStart += sotMarker.iPsot;
CJ2kTileInfo *tile = 0;
if ( iUseNewTile )
tile = CJ2kTileInfo::NewLC( *iImageInfo, iReader );
tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo*, &iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Set the SOT marker
tile->SetSotMarker( sotMarker );
if ( sotMarker.iPsot )
// Decrement the tile length
tile->SetTileLength( sotMarker.iPsot - markerLength - KMarkerSize );
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( iUseNewTile )
iImageInfo->Append( tile );
iUseNewTile = EFalse;
// Any valid marker may come after SOT marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSODL
// Verify and process Start of Data ( SOD marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSODL()
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KSOD )
// Unrecognized SOD marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
TUint32& length = tile.TileLength();
if ( length )
// Decrement the tile length
length -= KMarkerSize;
// Initialize the tile only for tile part 0
if ( tile.IsFirstTilePart() )
iImageInfo->SetLastTilePartProcessed( tile.SotMarker().iIsot );
if ( tile.IsPPT() )
// Use packet header information from PPT
else if ( iImageInfo->IsPPM() )
// Use packet header information from PPM
iImageInfo->UsePPM( tile );
tile.SetPacketHeaderReader( &iReader );
if ( ( iImageInfo->NumOfHorizTilesL() == 1 ) &&
( iImageInfo->NumOfVertTilesL() == 1 ) )
// To force a return immediately from ProcessFrameL()
// on first entry to stimulate the occurrance of
// the progress bar
iProgressBar = ETrue;
// We know that bitstream will follow SOD marker
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadBitStreamL
// Verify and process BitStream Data.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadBitStreamL()
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
TUint32& length = tile.TileLength( );
if ( length )
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( TInt32 )length )
// Larger bitstream will not fit into the internal
// buffer size, so process a chunk at a time
// we have to add some kind of state information
// so that we know where to continue and process
if ( tile.IsSpeedup() )
// For RLCP/RPCL progression order
if ( tile.LastLevelProcessed() <= tile.NumOfLevelsPOC() )
// discard any data that beyond the required resolution level
if ( !tile.IsPPT() )
if ( iImageInfo->IsPPM() )
// discard current packet header in PPM marker
iReader.iPtr = iReader.iPtrEnd;
length -= ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker );
// stay in the current state
return EFrameIncomplete;
// We are sure that all tile part data fit into the buffer
// so just go ahead and process it
if ( tile.IsSpeedup() )
// For RLCP/RPCL progression order
if ( tile.LastLevelProcessed() <= tile.NumOfLevelsPOC() )
tile.ReadBitStreamL( ETrue );
// discard any data that beyond the required resolution level
if ( !tile.IsPPT() )
if ( iImageInfo->IsPPM() )
// discard current packet header in PPM marker
iReader.iPtr += length;
tile.ReadBitStreamL( ETrue );
length -= ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker );
if ( tile.IsSpeedup() )
// discard any data that beyond the required resolution level
if ( !tile.IsPPT() )
if ( iImageInfo->IsPPM() )
// discard current packet header in PPM marker
iReader.iPtr += length;
length = 0;
// Sanity check
if ( length != 0 )
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
if ( tile.IsLastTilePart() )
// proceed to the decoding state
iDecodeTile = ETrue;
// Start with new tile
iUseNewTile = ETrue;
if ( !iUseNextTile )
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameIncompleteRepositionRequest;
if ( !iSequential )
// Must be End of Codestream EOC
iFHState = EStateInEOC;
iReader.iPtr += KMarkerSize;
return EFrameComplete;
// We do not know what is the next marker
// either next SOT or EOC
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
if ( iReader.iPtrEnd == iReader.iPtr )
// Assume that we have done with the image
iFHState = EStateInEOC;
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) >= 2 )
TUint16 marker = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16( iReader.iPtr );
if ( marker == KSOT )
// Next SOT marker is found
iFHState = EStateInSOT;
else if ( marker == EStateInEOC )
// End of Codestream is found
iFHState = EStateInEOC;
iReader.iPtr += KMarkerSize;
marker = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16( iReader.iPtr );
if ( marker == KSOT || marker == KEOC )
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
if ( tile.IsLastTilePart() )
// proceed to the decoding state
iDecodeTile = ETrue;
// Start with new tile
iUseNewTile = ETrue;
if ( !iUseNextTile )
return EFrameIncompleteRepositionRequest;
if ( !iSequential )
// Must be End of Codestream EOC
iFHState = EStateInEOC;
iReader.iPtr += KMarkerSize;
// Stay in the current state
return EFrameIncomplete;
// Stay in the current state
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( ( iImageInfo->NumOfHorizTilesL() == 1 ) &&
( iImageInfo->NumOfVertTilesL() == 1 ) )
// To force a return immediately from ProcessFrameL()
// on first entry to stimulate the occurrance of
// the progress bar
iProgressBar = ETrue;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPPTL
// Verify and process Packed Packet Headers, Tile Part Header ( PPT marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPPTL()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KPPT )
// Unrecognized PPT marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TPPTMarker *pptMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPPTMarker;
TInt entries = markerLength - KMarkerSize - 1;
pptMarker->iZppt = *iReader.iPtr++;
pptMarker->iIppt = HBufC8::NewL( entries );
pptMarker->iIppt->Des( ).Append( iReader.iPtr, entries );
iReader.iPtr += entries;
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append PPT to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendPPTL( pptMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after PPT marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPLTL
// Verify and process Packet Length, Tile Part Header ( PLT marker ).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadPLTL()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerMinLength )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr ) != KPLT )
// Unrecognized PLT marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
TUint16 markerLength = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( iReader.iPtr );
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < ( markerLength - KMarkerLength ) )
// Underflow, backup the iterator to the beginning of the marker
iReader.iPtr -= KMarkerMinLength;
return EFrameIncomplete;
TPLTMarker *pltMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPLTMarker;
CleanupDeletePushL( pltMarker );
pltMarker->iZplt = *iReader.iPtr++;
TInt entries = markerLength - KMarkerSize - 1;
while ( entries )
User::LeaveIfError( pltMarker->iIplt.Append( *iReader.iPtr++ ) );
// Make sure we read all the data
if ( ( iReader.iPtr - iReader.iPtrStartMarker ) != ( markerLength + KMarkerSize ) )
// We must be missing some data in the marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Append PLT to the current tile and decrement the tile length
tile.AppendPLTL( pltMarker, markerLength + KMarkerSize );
// Any valid marker may come after PLT marker
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSkipTileL
// Ignore the content and advance the iterator to the next marker.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::ReadSkipTileL()
if ( (TUint32)( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < iReader.iSkipLength )
iReader.iSkipLength -= ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr );
iReader.iPtr = iReader.iPtrEnd;
// Stay in the current state
return EFrameIncomplete;
if ( iReader.iSkipLength )
iReader.iPtr += iReader.iSkipLength;
iReader.iSkipLength = 0;
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::UpdateStateFromMarkerL
// Update the current state according to the marker type.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFrameState CJp2kReadCodec::UpdateStateFromMarkerL()
if ( ( iReader.iPtrEnd - iReader.iPtr ) < KMarkerSize )
// Underflow
return EFrameIncomplete;
TUint16 marker = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16( iReader.iPtr );
switch ( marker )
case KCOD:
iFHState = EStateInCOD;
case KCOC:
iFHState = EStateInCOC;
case KQCD:
iFHState = EStateInQCD;
case KQCC:
iFHState = EStateInQCC;
case KRGN:
iFHState = EStateInRGN;
case KPOC:
iFHState = EStateInPOC;
case KPPM:
iFHState = EStateInPPM;
case KTLM:
iFHState = EStateInTLM;
case KPLM:
iFHState = EStateInPLM;
case KCRG:
iFHState = EStateInCRG;
case KCME:
iFHState = EStateInCOM;
case KSOT:
iFHState = EStateInSOT;
case KPPT:
iFHState = EStateInPPT;
case KPLT:
iFHState = EStateInPLT;
case KSOD:
iFHState = EStateInSOD;
case KEOC:
if ( !iUseNewTile && iImageInfo->TileCount() )
// There is a tile which has not been decoded yet
CJ2kTileInfo& tile = CONST_CAST( CJ2kTileInfo&, iImageInfo->TileAt( iLastTileIndex ) );
// Decode and delete the tile
DecodeAndDeleteTileL( tile );
// Start with new tile
iUseNewTile = ETrue;
if ( !iUseNextTile )
iFHState = EStateInUnknown;
return EFrameIncompleteRepositionRequest;
if ( !iSequential )
// Must be End of Codestream EOC
iFHState = EStateInEOC;
iReader.iPtr += KMarkerSize;
return EFrameComplete;
iFHState = EStateInEOC;
// Have to increment the iterator
iReader.iPtr += KMarkerSize;
if ( marker < KEXTS || marker > KEXTE )
// Unrecognized marker
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
// Ignore the extension marker
iReader.iPtr += KMarkerSize;
return EFrameComplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::DecodeAndDeleteTileL
// Decode the tile, write to image processor and delete the tile.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJp2kReadCodec::DecodeAndDeleteTileL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
if ( !iEntropy )
iEntropy = CJ2kEntropyDecoder::NewL( *iImageInfo );
if ( !iImageWriter )
iImageWriter = CJ2kImageWriter::NewL( ImageProcessor( ), *iImageInfo, CONST_CAST( TJ2kInfo&,iJ2kInfo ) );
if ( !iSynthesis )
iSynthesis = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kSynthesis;
if ( iStyleUsed == EUnknownDecoder )
// Use tile-based as the default
iStyleUsed = ETileBasedDecoder;
// If extra levels are dropped, the resolution of the decoded image is larger than
// the resolution of the output image. levelsDropped here gives the resolution of
// the decoded image (and thus relates to the amount of memory required for decoding).
TUint8 levelsDropped = (TUint8)(iImageInfo->LevelDrop() - iImageInfo->ExtraLevelDrop());
TSizMarker& sizMarker = CONST_CAST( TSizMarker&, iImageInfo->SizMarker() );
if ( ( sizMarker.iXTsiz >> levelsDropped ) > (TUint32) KWaveletBlockSize ||
( sizMarker.iYTsiz >> levelsDropped ) > (TUint32) KWaveletBlockSize )
iStyleUsed = EBlockBasedDecoder;
if ( iStyleUsed == ETileBasedDecoder )
iSynthesis->DecodeTileL( *iImageWriter, *iEntropy, *iImageInfo, aTile );
iSynthesis->DecodeTileBlockL( *iImageWriter, *iEntropy, *iImageInfo, aTile );
iImageInfo->Remove( 0 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJp2kReadCodec::ConvertImageDataL
// Convert some metadata from file format to TImageDataBlock derived objects
// and let the framework managing the buffer
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJp2kReadCodec::ConvertImageDataL()
TJ2kInfo& info = CONST_CAST( TJ2kInfo&, iJ2kInfo );
TInt index;
// Convert each IPR box to TJp2kIprBox image data
for ( index = 0; index < info.iIPRList.Count(); ++index )
TJp2kIprBox* jp2kIPR = new (ELeave) TJp2kIprBox;
CleanupDeletePushL( jp2kIPR );
jp2kIPR->iIprData = info.iIPRList[index];
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageData( jp2kIPR ) );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // jp2kIPR
// Transfer the ownership of the buffer to the framework
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageBuffer( jp2kIPR->iIprData ) );
info.iIPRList[index] = 0;
// Convert each XML box to TJp2kXmlBox image data
for ( index = 0; index < info.iXMLList.Count(); ++index )
TJp2kXmlBox* jp2kXML = new (ELeave) TJp2kXmlBox;
CleanupDeletePushL( jp2kXML );
jp2kXML->iXmlData = info.iXMLList[index];
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageData( jp2kXML ) );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // jp2kXML
// Transfer the ownership of the buffer to the framework
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageBuffer( jp2kXML->iXmlData ) );
info.iXMLList[index] = 0;
TInt length;
const TUint8 *ptr = 0;
// Convert each UUID box to TJp2kUuidBox image data
for ( index = 0; index < info.iUUIDList.Count(); ++index )
TJp2kUuidBox* jp2kUUID = new (ELeave) TJp2kUuidBox;
CleanupDeletePushL( jp2kUUID );
ptr = info.iUUIDList[index]->Ptr();
jp2kUUID->iUuidId.Copy( ptr, KJ2KUuidIDSize );
// Advance the pointer
ptr += KJ2KUuidIDSize;
length = info.iUUIDList[index]->Length() - KJ2KUuidIDSize;
jp2kUUID->iUuidData = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
jp2kUUID->iUuidData->Des().Append( ptr, length );
// Transfer the ownership of the buffer to the framework
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageBuffer( jp2kUUID->iUuidData ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // jp2kUUID->iUuidData
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageData( jp2kUUID ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // jp2kUUID
// Convert each UUIDInfo box to TJp2kUuidInfoBox image data
for ( index = 0; index < info.iUUIDInfoListList.Count(); ++index )
TJp2kUuidInfoBox* jp2kUUIDInfo = new (ELeave) TJp2kUuidInfoBox;
CleanupDeletePushL( jp2kUUIDInfo );
if ( info.iUUIDInfoListList[index]->Length() )
ptr = info.iUUIDInfoListList[index]->Ptr();
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoNu = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16Inc( ptr );
length = jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoNu * KJ2KUuidIDSize;
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoId = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoId->Des().Append( ptr, length );
if ( info.iUUIDInfoUrlList[index]->Length() )
ptr = info.iUUIDInfoUrlList[index]->Ptr();
// 1 byte unsigned integer
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoVersion = *ptr++;
// 3 bytes unsigned integer (in little endian)
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoFlag = *ptr++;
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoFlag |= ( *ptr++ << 8 );
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoFlag |= ( *ptr++ << 16 );
length = info.iUUIDInfoUrlList[index]->Length() - 4;
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoData = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoData->Des().Append( ptr, length );
// Transfer the ownership of the buffer to the framework
if ( jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoData )
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageBuffer( jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoData ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // jp2kUUIDInfo->iUUidInfoData
// Transfer the ownership of the buffer to the framework
if ( jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoId )
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageBuffer( jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoId ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // jp2kUUIDInfo->iUuidInfoId
User::LeaveIfError( iFrameData->AppendImageData( jp2kUUIDInfo ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // jp2kUUIDInfo