* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CJ2kComponentInfo class used to collect component related
* information such as precincts size at each resolution level and
* list of subbands.
#include "JP2KTileInfo.h"
#include "JP2KImageInfo.h"
#include "JP2KSubband.h"
#include "JP2KComponentInfo.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::NewLC
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kComponentInfo* CJ2kComponentInfo::NewLC( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aIndex )
CJ2kComponentInfo* self = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kComponentInfo;
self->ConstructL( aTile, aIndex );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iRootSubband;
iRootSubband = 0;
// iExponentList and iMantissaList are not owned by this object
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::LRCPProgressionL
// At each component, parse the bitstream with LRCP progression order
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kComponentInfo::LRCPProgressionL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
TUint8 incomplete = 0;
if ( aTile.LastLevelProcessed() <= iNumOfLevels )
incomplete = iRootSubband->SubbandAt( aTile.LastLevelProcessed() )->LRCPProgressionL( aTile, *this );
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::RPCLProgressionL
// At each component, parse the bitstream with RPCL progression order
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kComponentInfo::RPCLProgressionL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
TUint8 incomplete = 0;
TUint8 level = aTile.LastLevelProcessed();
TUint8 diff = (TUint8)( iNumOfLevels - level );
if ( level <= iNumOfLevels )
TInt trx0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iTl.iX, 1 << diff );
TInt try0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iTl.iY, 1 << diff );
const TSizMarker& sizMarker = aTile.ImageInfo().SizMarker();
if ( ( ( aTile.LastN1Processed() % (TInt)( sizMarker.iYRsiz[aTile.LastComponentProcessed()] * iGridList[level].iHeight ) == 0) ||
( ( aTile.LastN1Processed() == aTile.TileCanvas().iTl.iY ) &&
( ( try0 << diff) % iGridList[level].iHeight ) ) ) &&
( ( aTile.LastN2Processed() % (TInt)( sizMarker.iXRsiz[aTile.LastComponentProcessed()] * iGridList[level].iWidth ) == 0) ||
( ( aTile.LastN2Processed() == aTile.TileCanvas().iTl.iX ) &&
( ( trx0 << diff ) % iGridList[level].iWidth ) ) ) )
incomplete = iRootSubband->SubbandAt( level )->RPCLProgressionL( aTile, *this );
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::CPRLProgressionL
// At each component, parse the bitstream with CPRL progression order
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kComponentInfo::CPRLProgressionL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
TUint8 incomplete = 0;
TUint8 level = aTile.LastLevelProcessed();
TUint8 diff = (TUint8)( iNumOfLevels - level );
if (level <= iNumOfLevels)
TInt trx0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iTl.iX, 1 << diff );
TInt try0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iTl.iY, 1 << diff );
const TSizMarker& sizMarker = aTile.ImageInfo().SizMarker();
if ( ( ( aTile.LastN1Processed() % (TInt)( sizMarker.iYRsiz[aTile.LastComponentProcessed()] * iGridList[level].iHeight ) == 0 ) ||
( ( aTile.LastN1Processed() == aTile.TileCanvas().iTl.iY ) &&
( ( try0 << diff) % iGridList[level].iHeight ) ) ) &&
( ( aTile.LastN2Processed() % (TInt)( sizMarker.iXRsiz[aTile.LastComponentProcessed()] * iGridList[level].iWidth ) == 0 ) ||
( ( aTile.LastN2Processed() == aTile.TileCanvas().iTl.iX ) &&
( ( trx0 << diff) % iGridList[level].iWidth ) ) ) )
incomplete = iRootSubband->SubbandAt( level )->CPRLProgressionL( aTile, *this );
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::SubbandAt
// Get the subband at specific resolution level
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CJ2kSubband* CJ2kComponentInfo::SubbandAt( TUint8 aResLevel ) const
return ( iRootSubband ) ? iRootSubband->SubbandAt( aResLevel ) : 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::NumOfPackets
// Get the number of packets at specific resolution level
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CJ2kComponentInfo::NumOfPackets( TUint8 aResLevel ) const
return (TUint32)( iPrecinctSizeList[aResLevel].iWidth *
iPrecinctSizeList[aResLevel].iHeight );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::Exponent
// Get the quantization exponnet value for transformation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kComponentInfo::Exponent( TUint16 aIndex ) const
if ( iQc & 0x01 )
if ( aIndex > 0 )
return (TUint8)( ( *iExponentList)[0] - ( ( aIndex - 1 ) / 3 ) );
return ( *iExponentList )[aIndex];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::Mantissa
// Get the quantization mantissa value for transformation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint16 CJ2kComponentInfo::Mantissa( TUint16 aIndex ) const
if ( iQc & 0x01 )
if ( aIndex > 0 )
return ( *iMantissaList )[0];
return ( *iMantissaList )[aIndex];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::MagnitudeBits
// Get the magnitude bits
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kComponentInfo::MagnitudeBits( TUint16 aIndex ) const
return (TUint8)( NumGuard() + Exponent( aIndex ) - 1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::ResetLastPacketProcessed
// Reset the last packet processed
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kComponentInfo::ResetLastPacketProcessed()
for ( TUint8 index = 0; index <= iNumOfLevels; ++index )
iRootSubband->SubbandAt( index )->ResetLastPacketProcessed();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::CJ2kComponentInfo
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kComponentInfo::CJ2kComponentInfo() :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kComponentInfo::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kComponentInfo::ConstructL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aIndex )
CJ2kImageInfo& imageInfo = CONST_CAST( CJ2kImageInfo&, aTile.ImageInfo() );
const TSizMarker& sizMarker = imageInfo.SizMarker();
const TRect& tileCanvas = aTile.TileCanvas();
iComponentCanvas.iTl = TPoint( TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileCanvas.iTl.iX, sizMarker.iXRsiz[aIndex] ),
TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileCanvas.iTl.iY, sizMarker.iYRsiz[aIndex] ) );
iComponentCanvas.iBr = TPoint( TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileCanvas.iBr.iX, sizMarker.iXRsiz[aIndex] ),
TJ2kUtils::CeilL( tileCanvas.iBr.iY, sizMarker.iYRsiz[aIndex] ) );
if ( iComponentCanvas.Width( ) <= 0 || iComponentCanvas.Height( ) <= 0 )
// Empty may be caused by subsampled
// Tile part COD > main header COD
TCODMarker *codMarker = aTile.TileMarker().iCod;
if ( !codMarker )
codMarker = CONST_CAST( TCODMarker*, &imageInfo.MainMarker().iCod );
TCODMarker *cod = 0;
TCOCMarker *coc = 0;
// Tile part COC > tile part COD > main header COC > main header COD
imageInfo.GetCodingStyle( cod, coc, aTile, aIndex );
iNumOfLevels = ( coc ) ? coc->iNumOfLevels : cod->iNumOfLevels;
iCodeBlockSiz = ( coc ) ? coc->iCodeBlockSiz : cod->iCodeBlockSiz;
iCodeBlockStyle = ( coc ) ? coc->iCodeBlockStyle : cod->iCodeBlockStyle;
iWaveletTransformation = ( coc ) ? coc->iWaveletTransformation : cod->iWaveletTransformation;
HBufC8 *precinctSiz = ( coc ) ? coc->iPrecinctSiz : cod->iPrecinctSiz;
iCod = ( coc ) ? (TUint8)( ( codMarker->iScod & 0xfe ) | ( coc->iScoc & 0x01 ) ): cod->iScod;
TQCDMarker *qcd = 0;
TQCCMarker *qcc = 0;
// Tile part QCC > tile part QCD > main header QCC > main header QCD
imageInfo.GetQuantization( qcd, qcc, aTile, aIndex );
iQc = ( qcc ) ? qcc->iSqcc : qcd->iSqcd;
iExponentList = ( qcc ) ? qcc->iExponent : qcd->iExponent;
iMantissaList = ( qcc ) ? qcc->iMantissa : qcd->iMantissa;
TRGNMarker *rgn = 0;
// Tile part RGN > main header RGN
imageInfo.GetRegion( rgn, aTile, aIndex );
iRoiShift = ( rgn ) ? rgn->iSPrgn : (TUint8)0;
TSize& maxBlock = CONST_CAST( TSize&, imageInfo.MaxBlockSize() );
maxBlock.iWidth = Max( maxBlock.iWidth, iCodeBlockSiz.iWidth );
maxBlock.iHeight = Max( maxBlock.iHeight, iCodeBlockSiz.iHeight );
TSize precinct( 0,0 );
TInt trx0 = 0;
TInt trx1 = 0;
TInt try0 = 0;
TInt try1 = 0;
TInt denom = 0;
TInt ppx = 15;
TInt ppy = 15;
for ( TUint8 index = 0; index <= iNumOfLevels; ++index )
// Resolution level at r = index
if ( precinctSiz )
ppx = ( *precinctSiz )[index] & 0x0f;
ppy = ( ( *precinctSiz )[index] & 0xf0 ) >> 4;
denom = 1 << ( iNumOfLevels - index );
trx0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iTl.iX, denom );
try0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iTl.iY, denom );
trx1 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iBr.iX, denom );
try1 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iComponentCanvas.iBr.iY, denom );
if ( trx1 > trx0 )
precinct.iWidth = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( trx1, 1 << ppx ) - TJ2kUtils::FloorL( trx0, 1 << ppx );
precinct.iWidth = 0;
if ( try1 > try0 )
precinct.iHeight = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( try1, 1 << ppy ) - TJ2kUtils::FloorL( try0, 1 << ppy );
precinct.iHeight = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( iPrecinctSizeList.Append( precinct ) );
precinct.iWidth = 1 << ( ppx + iNumOfLevels - index );
precinct.iHeight = 1 << ( ppy + iNumOfLevels - index );
User::LeaveIfError( iGridList.Append( precinct ) );
// Calculate the minimum grid
if ( iMinGrid.iWidth == 0 || iMinGrid.iWidth > precinct.iWidth )
iMinGrid.iWidth = precinct.iWidth;
if ( iMinGrid.iHeight == 0 || iMinGrid.iHeight > precinct.iHeight )
iMinGrid.iHeight = precinct.iHeight;
if ( imageInfo.Crop() )
const TRect& crop = imageInfo.CropArea();
if ( !( crop.iTl.iX >= ( tileCanvas.iBr.iX - ( TInt )sizMarker.iXOsiz ) ||
crop.iBr.iX < ( tileCanvas.iTl.iX - ( TInt )sizMarker.iXOsiz ) ||
crop.iTl.iY >= ( tileCanvas.iBr.iY - ( TInt )sizMarker.iYOsiz ) ||
crop.iBr.iY < ( tileCanvas.iTl.iY - ( TInt )sizMarker.iYOsiz ) ) )
imageInfo.SetTileMask( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot, ETrue );
// Current tile is not in the cropping area,
// just skip setting up the subbands and packets
// Build the associated Subband root
iRootSubband = CJ2kSubband::BuildSubbandTreeL( iNumOfLevels, *this );
// Build the associated Packet classes
iRootSubband->BuildPacketsL( *this, precinctSiz, codMarker->iNumOfLayers );