* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CJ2kImageInfo class used to collect image related
* information such as Main Header, SIZ marker and
* list of tiles. It's also implement the
* MJ2kPacketHeaderReader interface for reading the
* packet header from PPM marker.
#include <icl/imagecodec.h>
#include "JP2KImageUtils.h"
#include "JP2KFormat.h"
#include "JP2KStreamReader.h"
#include "JP2KTileInfo.h"
#include "JP2KImageInfo.h"
#include "JP2KCodec.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::CJ2kImageInfo
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kImageInfo::CJ2kImageInfo() :
iLastTilePartProcessed( -1 )
// Destructor
delete iTile;
iTile= 0;
delete iPpm;
iPpm = 0;
// iPpmBuffer not owned.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::AppendCOCL
// Verify and append COC to the main header
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::AppendCOCL( TCOCMarker *aMarker )
for ( TUint16 index = 0; index < iMainMarker.iCoc.Count(); ++index )
if ( iMainMarker.iCoc[index]->iCcoc == aMarker->iCcoc )
// No more than one COC per component
delete aMarker;
aMarker = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iCoc.Append( aMarker ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::AppendQCCL
// Verify and append QCC to the main header
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::AppendQCCL( TQCCMarker *aMarker )
for ( TUint16 index = 0; index < iMainMarker.iQcc.Count(); ++index )
if ( iMainMarker.iQcc[index]->iCqcc == aMarker->iCqcc )
// No more than one QCC per component
delete aMarker;
aMarker = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iQcc.Append( aMarker ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::AppendRGNL
// Verify and append RGN to the main header
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::AppendRGNL( TRGNMarker *aMarker )
for ( TUint16 index = 0; index < iMainMarker.iRgn.Count(); ++index )
if ( iMainMarker.iRgn[index]->iCrgn == aMarker->iCrgn )
// no more than one RGN per component
delete aMarker;
aMarker = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iRgn.Append( aMarker ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::AppendPOCL
// Verify and append POC to the main header
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::AppendPOCL( TPOCMarker *aMarker )
if ( iMainMarker.iPoc == 0 )
iMainMarker.iPoc = aMarker;
// Appending the content of the POC to the
// existing main header POC
for ( TInt index = 0; index < aMarker->iPpoc.Count(); ++index )
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iPoc->iRSpoc.Append( aMarker->iRSpoc[index] ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iPoc->iCSpoc.Append( aMarker->iCSpoc[index] ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iPoc->iLYEpoc.Append( aMarker->iLYEpoc[index] ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iPoc->iREpoc.Append( aMarker->iREpoc[index] ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iPoc->iCEpoc.Append( aMarker->iCEpoc[index] ) );
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iPoc->iPpoc.Append( aMarker->iPpoc[index] ) );
// At most one POC may exist in main header
delete aMarker;
aMarker = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::AppendCRGL
// Verify and append CRG to the main header
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::AppendCRGL( TCRGMarker *aMarker )
if ( iMainMarker.iCrg == 0 )
iMainMarker.iCrg = aMarker;
// Appending the content of the CRG to the
// existing main header CRG
for ( TInt index = 0; index < aMarker->iXYcrg.Count(); ++index )
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iCrg->iXYcrg.Append( aMarker->iXYcrg[index] ) );
// At most one CRG may exist in main header
delete aMarker;
aMarker = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::AppendCOML
// Verify and append COM to the main header
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::AppendCOML( const TCOMMarker *aMarker )
User::LeaveIfError( iMainMarker.iCom.Append( aMarker ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::GetCodingStyle
// Retrieve the right Coding Style Marker
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::GetCodingStyle( TCODMarker*& aCod, TCOCMarker*& aCoc,
const CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aComponentIndex )
// Tile part COC > tile part COD > main header COC > main header COD
aCod = 0;
aCoc = 0;
TUint16 index = 0;
TUint16 cocCount = 0;
const TTileMarker &tileMarker = aTile.TileMarker();
cocCount = (TUint16)tileMarker.iCoc.Count();
if ( cocCount )
for ( index = 0; index < cocCount; ++index )
if ( tileMarker.iCoc[index]->iCcoc == aComponentIndex )
aCoc = tileMarker.iCoc[index];
if ( tileMarker.iCod )
aCod = tileMarker.iCod;
cocCount = (TUint16)iMainMarker.iCoc.Count();
if ( cocCount )
for ( index = 0; index < cocCount; ++index )
if ( iMainMarker.iCoc[index]->iCcoc == aComponentIndex )
aCoc = iMainMarker.iCoc[index];
aCod = &iMainMarker.iCod;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::GetQuantization
// Retrieve the right Quantization Marker
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::GetQuantization( TQCDMarker*& aQcd, TQCCMarker*& aQcc,
const CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aComponentIndex )
// Tile part QCC > tile part QCD > main header QCC > main header QCD
aQcd = 0;
aQcc = 0;
TUint16 index = 0;
TUint16 qccCount = 0;
const TTileMarker &tileMarker = aTile.TileMarker();
qccCount = (TUint16)tileMarker.iQcc.Count();
if ( qccCount )
for ( index = 0; index < qccCount; ++index )
if ( tileMarker.iQcc[index]->iCqcc == aComponentIndex )
aQcc = tileMarker.iQcc[index];
if ( tileMarker.iQcd )
aQcd = tileMarker.iQcd;
qccCount = (TUint16)iMainMarker.iQcc.Count();
if ( qccCount )
for ( index = 0; index < qccCount; ++index )
if ( iMainMarker.iQcc[index]->iCqcc == aComponentIndex )
aQcc = iMainMarker.iQcc[index];
aQcd = &iMainMarker.iQcd;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::GetRegion
// Retrieve the right Region of Interest Marker
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::GetRegion( TRGNMarker*& aRgn, const CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aComponentIndex ) const
// Tile part RGN > main header RGN
aRgn = 0;
TUint16 index = 0;
TUint16 rgnCount = 0;
const TTileMarker &tileMarker = aTile.TileMarker();
rgnCount = (TUint16)tileMarker.iRgn.Count();
if ( rgnCount )
for ( index = 0; index < rgnCount; ++index )
if ( tileMarker.iRgn[index]->iCrgn == aComponentIndex )
aRgn = tileMarker.iRgn[index];
rgnCount = (TUint16)iMainMarker.iRgn.Count();
if ( rgnCount )
for ( index = 0; index < rgnCount; ++index )
if ( iMainMarker.iRgn[index]->iCrgn == aComponentIndex )
aRgn = iMainMarker.iRgn[index];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::GetFromTLM
// Retrieve the tile length field from TLM marker
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::GetFromTLM( TSotMarker& aSotMarker ) const
TTLMMarker* tlm = 0;
TUint16 tileIndex = 0;
TUint16 dIndex = 0;
for ( TInt index = 0; index < iMainMarker.iTlm.Count(); ++index )
tlm = iMainMarker.iTlm[index];
dIndex = 0;
if ( tlm->iTtlm.Count() == 0 )
// One tile-part per tile and the tiles are
// in index order without omission or repetition
while ( dIndex < tlm->iPtlm.Count() )
if ( dIndex == aSotMarker.iIsot )
aSotMarker.iPsot = tlm->iPtlm[dIndex];
while ( dIndex < tlm->iTtlm.Count() )
// Looking for the right tile
if ( tlm->iTtlm[dIndex] == aSotMarker.iIsot )
// Looking for the right tile-part
if ( tileIndex == aSotMarker.iTPsot )
aSotMarker.iPsot = tlm->iPtlm[dIndex];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::UsePPM
// Set up to read the packet header from the PPM marker
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::UsePPM( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
if ( iPpm->iPtr == iPpm->iPtrEnd )
iPpm->iPtr = 4;
iPpm->iPtrEnd = iPpm->iPtr + iMainMarker.iPpm[iLastTilePartProcessed]->iNppm;
iPpmBuffer = iMainMarker.iPpm[iLastTilePartProcessed]->iIppm;
aTile.SetPacketHeaderReader( this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::DoCompactMainHeaderL
// Re-arrange the PPM and PLM buffers
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::DoCompactMainHeaderL()
RPointerArray<TPLMMarker>& plmList = iMainMarker.iPlm;
if ( plmList.Count() )
TPLMMarker *plmMarker = 0;
TPLMMarker *prevMarker = 0;
TUint8 checkNplm = ETrue;
TUint8 continuation = EFalse;
TUint8 length = 0;
const TUint8 *ptr = 0;
TUint32 remainder = 0;
TInt index = 0;
for ( index = 0; index < plmList.Count(); ++index )
plmMarker = plmList[index];
if ( checkNplm )
ptr = plmMarker->iIplm->Ptr();
length = *ptr;
if ( length != ( TUint8 )( plmMarker->iNplm - 1 ) )
// Incomplete PLM marker
// there is a continuation of data in the next PLM marker
// and concatenation is needed
plmMarker->iIplm = plmMarker->iIplm->ReAllocL( length + 1 );
remainder = (TUint32)( length - ( plmMarker->iNplm - 1 ) );
plmMarker->iNplm = length;
prevMarker = plmMarker;
checkNplm = EFalse;
// It is a complete PLM marker
plmMarker->iNplm = length;
// Concatenate with the previous PLM marker
continuation = ETrue;
TPtr8 previous = prevMarker->iIplm->Des();
previous.Append( plmMarker->iIplm->Ptr(), plmMarker->iNplm );
remainder = (TUint32)( remainder - plmMarker->iNplm );
plmMarker->iNplm = 0;
if ( remainder == 0 )
checkNplm = ETrue;
if ( continuation )
index = 0;
while ( index < plmList.Count() )
plmMarker = plmList[index];
if ( plmMarker->iNplm )
// Remove PPM marker which has been concatenated
plmList.Remove( index );
delete plmMarker;
// Do not use PLM segment.
RPointerArray<TPPMMarker>& ppmList = iMainMarker.iPpm;
if ( ppmList.Count() > 0 )
iPpm = new ( ELeave ) TPPMStream;
Mem::FillZ( iPpm, sizeof( TPPMStream ) );
TPPMMarker *ppmMarker = 0;
TPPMMarker *prevMarker = 0;
TUint8 checkNppm = ETrue;
TUint8 continuation = EFalse;
const TUint8 *ptr = 0;
TUint32 length = 0;
TUint32 remainder = 0;
TInt index = 0;
TUint8 zppm = 0;
for ( index = 0; index < ppmList.Count(); ++index )
ppmMarker = ppmList[index];
if ( checkNppm )
ptr = ppmMarker->iIppm->Ptr();
length = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( ptr );
if ( length != (TUint32)( ppmMarker->iNppm - 4 ) )
if ( length > (TUint32)( ppmMarker->iNppm - 4 ) )
// Incomplete PPM marker
// there is a continuation of data in the next PPM marker
// and concatenation is needed
ppmMarker->iZppm = zppm++;
ppmMarker->iIppm = ppmMarker->iIppm->ReAllocL( length + 4 );
remainder = (TUint32)( length - ( ppmMarker->iNppm - 4 ) );
ppmMarker->iNppm = length;
prevMarker = ppmMarker;
checkNppm = EFalse;
// We should split the PPM marker into smaller PPM marker
TInt location = 0;
ppmList.Remove( index );
remainder = ppmMarker->iNppm;
while ( remainder >= ( length + 4 ) )
prevMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPPMMarker;
CleanupStack::PushL( prevMarker );
prevMarker->iZppm = ( location ? (TUint8)0 : zppm++ );
prevMarker->iNppm = length + ( location ? 4 : 0 );
prevMarker->iIppm = HBufC8::NewL( length + 4 );
prevMarker->iIppm->Des().Append( ptr, length + 4 );
User::LeaveIfError( ppmList.Insert( prevMarker, index + location ) );
ptr += ( length + 4 );
remainder -= ( length + 4 );
if ( remainder > 4 )
length = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( ptr );
length = 0;
if ( remainder )
// Incomplete PPM marker
prevMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPPMMarker;
CleanupStack::PushL( prevMarker );
prevMarker->iNppm = remainder;
prevMarker->iIppm = HBufC8::NewL( remainder );
prevMarker->iIppm->Des().Append( ptr, remainder );
User::LeaveIfError( ppmList.Insert( prevMarker, index + location ) );
delete ppmMarker;
ppmMarker = 0;
// It is a complete PPM marker, adjust the Nppm to length
ppmMarker->iZppm = zppm++;
ppmMarker->iNppm = length;
continuation = ETrue;
if ( ppmMarker->iNppm <= remainder )
// Concatenate with the previous PPM marker
TPtr8 previous = prevMarker->iIppm->Des();
previous.Append( ppmMarker->iIppm->Ptr(), ppmMarker->iNppm );
remainder = ( TUint32 )( remainder - ppmMarker->iNppm );
ppmMarker->iNppm = 0;
if ( remainder == 0 )
checkNppm = ETrue;
checkNppm = ETrue;
// Partially concatenate with the previous PPM marker
TPtr8 previous = prevMarker->iIppm->Des();
previous.Append( ppmMarker->iIppm->Ptr(), remainder );
// We should split the PPM marker into smaller PPM marker
TInt location = 0;
ppmList.Remove( index );
ptr = ppmMarker->iIppm->Ptr() + remainder;
length = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( ptr );
remainder = ( TUint32 )( ppmMarker->iNppm - remainder );
while ( remainder >= ( length + 4 ) )
prevMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPPMMarker;
CleanupStack::PushL( prevMarker );
prevMarker->iZppm = ( location ? (TUint8)0 : zppm++ );
prevMarker->iNppm = length + ( location ? 4 : 0 );
prevMarker->iIppm = HBufC8::NewL( length + 4 );
prevMarker->iIppm->Des().Append( ptr, length + 4 );
User::LeaveIfError( ppmList.Insert( prevMarker, index + location ) );
ptr += ( length + 4 );
remainder -= ( length + 4 );
if ( remainder > 4 )
length = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( ptr );
length = 0;
if ( remainder )
// Incomplete PPM marker
prevMarker = new ( ELeave ) TPPMMarker;
CleanupStack::PushL( prevMarker );
prevMarker->iNppm = remainder;
prevMarker->iIppm = HBufC8::NewL( remainder );
prevMarker->iIppm->Des().Append( ptr, remainder );
User::LeaveIfError( ppmList.Insert( prevMarker, index + location ) );
delete ppmMarker;
ppmMarker = 0;
if ( continuation )
index = 0;
while ( index < ppmList.Count() )
ppmMarker = ppmList[index];
if ( ppmMarker->iNppm )
// Remove PPM marker which has been concatenated
ppmList.Remove( index );
delete ppmMarker;
ppmMarker = 0;
// Do not use the COM segment at this release
if ( iMainMarker.iCom.Count() )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::IsPPM
// Is packet header should be read from PPM marker
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageInfo::IsPPM() const
if ( iPpm )
if ( iPpm->iPtr < iPpm->iPtrEnd )
return ETrue;
else if ( iLastTilePartProcessed < iMainMarker.iPpm.Count() )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::ReadEPHMarker
// Try to consume the EPH marker if there is one.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageInfo::ReadEPHMarker()
if ( iPpm && ( iPpm->iPtrEnd - iPpm->iPtr ) >= 2 )
const TUint8 *ptr = iPpmBuffer->Ptr();
ptr += iPpm->iPtr;
if ( PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16( ptr ) == KEPH )
iPpm->iPtr += 2;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::ReadBit
// Read a bit from the packet header stream.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageInfo::ReadBit( TUint8& aBit )
if ( iPpm->iPos == 0 )
if ( iPpm->iPtr < iPpm->iPtrEnd )
// Stream contains some packet header data
iPpm->iData = ( *iPpmBuffer )[iPpm->iPtr++];
iPpm->iPos = iPpm->iNextPos;
if ( iPpm->iNextPos == 0x08 && iPpm->iData == 0xff )
iPpm->iNextPos = 0x07;
iPpm->iNextPos = 0x08;
// No more data
return ETrue;
aBit = (TUint8)( ( iPpm->iData >> ( --iPpm->iPos ) ) & 0x01 );
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::ReadBits
// Read some bits from the packet header stream.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageInfo::ReadBits( TUint8& aBit, TUint8 aBitLen )
aBit = (TUint8)0;
TUint8 bit;
for ( TInt8 index = (TInt8)( aBitLen - 1 ); index >= 0; --index )
if ( !ReadBit( bit ) )
aBit |= ( bit << index );
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::ReadBits
// Read some bits from the packet header stream.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageInfo::ReadBits( TUint32& aBit, TUint8 aBitLen )
aBit = (TUint32)0;
TUint8 bit = 0;
for ( TInt8 index = (TInt8)( aBitLen - 1 ); index >= 0; --index )
if ( !ReadBit( bit ) )
aBit |= ( bit << index );
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::StartReadBit
// Start reading from packet header stream.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageInfo::StartReadBit()
if ( iPpm && iPpm->iPtr < iPpm->iPtrEnd )
// Stream contains some packet header data
iPpm->iData = ( *iPpmBuffer )[iPpm->iPtr++];
iPpm->iPos = iPpm->iNextPos = 0x08;
if ( iPpm->iData == 0xff )
iPpm->iNextPos = 0x07;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageInfo::AlignReader
// Align the stream to the next byte boundary if necessary.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageInfo::AlignReader()
if ( iPpm->iNextPos == 0x07 )
if ( iPpm->iPtr < iPpm->iPtrEnd )
iPpm->iData = iPpm->iPos = iPpm->iNextPos = 0;