* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: JP2KPacket class used to collect packet related
* information such as tag tree and list of codeblocks.
#include <icl/imagecodec.h>
#include "JP2KImageUtils.h"
#include "JP2KStreamReader.h"
#include "JP2KTileInfo.h"
#include "JP2KImageInfo.h"
#include "JP2KCodeBlock.h"
#include "JP2KPacket.h"
#include "JP2KSubband.h"
#include "JP2KComponentInfo.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::CJ2kPacket
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kPacket::CJ2kPacket( TUint16 aLayer ) :
// Destructor
delete iIncluded;
iIncluded = 0;
delete iTagTreeInfo;
iTagTreeInfo = 0;
delete iIncTagTreeValue;
iIncTagTreeValue = 0;
delete iIncTagTreeState;
iIncTagTreeState = 0;
delete iMsbTagTreeValue;
iMsbTagTreeValue = 0;
delete iMsbTagTreeState;
iMsbTagTreeState = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::SetPacketCanvas
// Set the canvas of the packet
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::SetPacketCanvas( TInt32 aX, TInt32 aY, TInt32 aWidth, TInt32 aHeight )
iPacketCanvas.iTl = TPoint( aX, aY );
iPacketCanvas.SetWidth( aWidth );
iPacketCanvas.SetHeight( aHeight );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::SetNumOfBlocksL
// Set the number of blocks
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::SetNumOfBlocksL( TSize& aCodeBlock )
TInt32 x0 = TJ2kUtils::FloorL( iPacketCanvas.iTl.iX, aCodeBlock.iWidth ) * aCodeBlock.iWidth;
TInt32 y0 = TJ2kUtils::FloorL( iPacketCanvas.iTl.iY, aCodeBlock.iHeight ) * aCodeBlock.iHeight;
TInt32 x1 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iPacketCanvas.iTl.iX + iPacketCanvas.Width(), aCodeBlock.iWidth ) * aCodeBlock.iWidth;
TInt32 y1 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( iPacketCanvas.iTl.iY + iPacketCanvas.Height(), aCodeBlock.iHeight ) * aCodeBlock.iHeight;
iCodeBlockSize.iWidth = ( x1 - x0 ) / aCodeBlock.iWidth;
iCodeBlockSize.iHeight = ( y1 - y0 ) / aCodeBlock.iHeight;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::BuildInclusiveInfoL
// Build the inclusive information of the packet
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::BuildInclusiveInfoL()
TInt entries = ( iLayer % 8 ) ? ( ( iLayer / 8 ) + 1 ) : ( iLayer / 8 );
iIncluded = HBufC8::NewMaxL( entries );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::BuildCodeBlocksL
// Build the codeblocks in the packet
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::BuildCodeBlocksL( TInt32 aX, TInt32 aY, TSize& aCodeBlock )
TUint16 numOfBlocks = NumOfBlocks();
if ( numOfBlocks )
TInt32 x0 = 0;
TInt32 y0 = 0;
TInt32 x1 = 0;
TInt32 y1 = 0;
TInt32 origX = aX;
TUint16 index = 0;
while ( index < numOfBlocks )
x0 = Max( aX, iPacketCanvas.iTl.iX );
y0 = Max( aY, iPacketCanvas.iTl.iY );
x1 = Min( aX + aCodeBlock.iWidth, iPacketCanvas.iTl.iX + iPacketCanvas.Width() ) - x0;
y1 = Min( aY + aCodeBlock.iHeight, iPacketCanvas.iTl.iY + iPacketCanvas.Height() ) - y0;
if ( x1 > 0 && y1 > 0 )
CJ2kCodeBlock *block = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kCodeBlock;
CleanupStack::PushL( block );
User::LeaveIfError( iCodeBlockList.Append( block ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
iCodeBlockList[index]->SetCodeBlockCanvas( x0, y0, x1, y1 );
// Initialize the codeblock
iCodeBlockList[index]->InitializeL( iLayer );
aX += aCodeBlock.iWidth;
if ( aX >= iPacketCanvas.iTl.iX + iPacketCanvas.Width() )
aX = origX;
aY += aCodeBlock.iHeight;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadPacketHeaderL
// Read the packet header
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadPacketHeaderL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent, CJ2kSubband& aSubband )
if ( IsIncludedL( aTile.LastLayerProcessed() ) )
return EFalse;
TUint8 incomplete = ETrue;
if ( LastCodeBlockProcessed() == 0 )
if ( ReadSOP_EPHMarker( aComponent, aTile ) )
return incomplete;
TJ2kStreamReader& reader = CONST_CAST( TJ2kStreamReader&, aTile.StreamReader() );
TUint8 *rollbackPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, reader.iPtr );
if ( !StartReadBit( aTile ) )
TUint8 bit = 0;
if ( LastCodeBlockProcessed() == 0 )
if ( !IsRecoverFromIncomplete() )
ReadBit( bit, aTile );
if ( bit == 0 )
// Empty packet
incomplete = EFalse;
if ( incomplete )
// Packet header has not been processed yet
if ( !IsHeader() )
TUint8 isBackup = IsBackupNeeded( aTile );
CJ2kSubband *subband = &aSubband;
if ( subband->SubbandResLevel() > 0 )
if ( subband->LastSubbandProcessed() == CJ2kSubband::EBandLL )
subband->SetLastSubbandProcessed( CJ2kSubband::EBandHL );
// Move to last subband processed
while ( subband->SubbandType() != aSubband.LastSubbandProcessed() )
subband = subband->NextSubbandRaster();
TUint16 bandIndex = 0;
TUint16 cbIndex = 0;
TUint16 cbYIndex = 0;
TUint16 xIndex = 0;
TUint16 yIndex = 0;
TUint16 incValue = 0;
TUint16 msbValue = 0;
TUint16 index = 0;
TUint16 layer = aTile.LastLayerProcessed();
TUint16 numPass = 0;
TUint16 codePass = 0;
TUint16 numSegment = 0;
TUint8 recoverIncTag = 0;
TUint8 recoverMsbTag = 0;
TUint8 firstRecovery = ETrue;
TUint8 recoverData = 0;
TUint8 recoverPos = 0;
TUint8 recoverNextPos = 0;
TUint8 origPassIndex = 0;
TUint8 origLengthBits = 0;
TInt8 origLastPass = 0;
TUint32 origDataLength = 0;
HBufC16 *recoverIncTagTreeValue = 0;
HBufC16 *recoverIncTagTreeState = 0;
HBufC16 *recoverMsbTagTreeValue = 0;
HBufC16 *recoverMsbTagTreeState = 0;
if ( IsRecoverFromIncomplete() )
recoverData = reader.iData;
recoverPos = reader.iPos;
recoverNextPos = reader.iNextPos;
CJ2kPacket *packet = CONST_CAST( CJ2kPacket*, &subband->PacketAt( aSubband.LastPacketProcessed() ) );
CJ2kCodeBlock *codeBlock;
incomplete = EFalse;
if ( aComponent.QuantizationStyle() != 1 )
bandIndex = subband->SubbandTreeIndex();
for ( yIndex = 0; yIndex < packet->NumOfBlocksY(); ++yIndex )
cbYIndex = (TUint16)( yIndex * packet->NumOfBlocksX() );
for ( xIndex = 0; xIndex < packet->NumOfBlocksX(); ++xIndex )
cbIndex = (TUint16)( cbYIndex + xIndex );
if ( cbIndex < packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() ||
( packet->IsMatch() && cbIndex == packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() ) )
// Has been processed, skip to the next codeblock
continue; //lint !e960 Using continue saves a lot of code here.
recoverIncTag = recoverMsbTag = EFalse;
codeBlock = CONST_CAST( CJ2kCodeBlock*, &packet->CodeBlockAt( cbIndex ) );
TPtr16 numSegPtr = codeBlock->iNumSegment->Des();
origPassIndex = codeBlock->iPassIndex;
origLastPass = codeBlock->iLastPass;
if ( codeBlock->iLastPass < 0 && codeBlock->iPassIndex == 0 )
if ( isBackup )
packet->BackupIncTagtreeL( recoverIncTagTreeValue, recoverIncTagTreeState );
recoverIncTag = ETrue;
msbValue = (TUint16)0;
incomplete = packet->DecodeIncTagtree( aTile, xIndex, yIndex, incValue );
if ( !incomplete )
if ( incValue <= layer )
if ( isBackup )
packet->BackupMsbTagtreeL( recoverMsbTagTreeValue, recoverMsbTagTreeState );
recoverMsbTag = ETrue;
incomplete = packet->DecodeMsbTagtree( aTile, xIndex, yIndex, msbValue );
packet->SetLastCodeBlockProcessed( cbIndex );
firstRecovery = EFalse;
recoverData = reader.iData;
recoverPos = reader.iPos;
recoverNextPos = reader.iNextPos;
recoverIncTag = recoverMsbTag = EFalse;
rollbackPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, reader.iPtr );
// Move on to the next codeblock
continue; //lint !e960 Using continue saves a lot of code here.
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow, should backup the iterator position
if ( cbIndex > packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() )
// Next read should match the codeblock index
if ( !firstRecovery )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( IsRecoverFromIncomplete() )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( isBackup )
if ( recoverIncTag )
packet->RestoreIncTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue, recoverIncTagTreeState );
if ( recoverMsbTag )
packet->RestoreMsbTagtree( recoverMsbTagTreeValue, recoverMsbTagTreeState );
// Release memory
packet->FreeBackupTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue, recoverIncTagTreeState,
recoverMsbTagTreeValue, recoverMsbTagTreeState );
reader.iPtr = rollbackPtr;
// Return from the packet header decoding
return incomplete;
codeBlock->iLastPass = 0;
numSegPtr[layer] = 1;
codeBlock->iEmptyBitplane = (TUint8)msbValue;
if ( aComponent.RoiShift() > 0 )
numPass = (TUint16)( ( aComponent.MagnitudeBits( bandIndex ) + aComponent.RoiShift() ) * 3 + 1 );
numPass = (TUint16)( ( aComponent.MagnitudeBits( bandIndex ) - msbValue ) * 3 + 1 );
if ( codeBlock->iDataSize == 0 || codeBlock->iDataSize->Length() < numPass )
if ( codeBlock->iDataSize == 0 )
codeBlock->iDataSize = HBufC16::NewMaxL( numPass );
codeBlock->iPassesPerSegment = HBufC16::NewMaxL( numPass );
incValue = ( TUint16 )( numPass - codeBlock->iDataSize->Length() );
codeBlock->iDataSize = codeBlock->iDataSize->ReAllocL( numPass );
codeBlock->iPassesPerSegment = codeBlock->iPassesPerSegment->ReAllocL( numPass );
while ( incValue-- )
codeBlock->iDataSize->Des().Append( 0 );
codeBlock->iPassesPerSegment->Des().Append( 0 );
incomplete = ReadBit( bit, aTile );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow, should backup the iterator position
if ( cbIndex > packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() )
// Next read should match the codeblock index
if ( !firstRecovery )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( IsRecoverFromIncomplete() )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( isBackup )
// Release memory
packet->FreeBackupTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue, recoverIncTagTreeState,
recoverMsbTagTreeValue, recoverMsbTagTreeState );
reader.iPtr = rollbackPtr;
// Return from the packet header decoding
return incomplete;
numSegPtr[layer] = bit;
if ( bit == 0 )
packet->SetLastCodeBlockProcessed( cbIndex );
firstRecovery = EFalse;
recoverData = reader.iData;
recoverPos = reader.iPos;
recoverNextPos = reader.iNextPos;
recoverIncTag = recoverMsbTag = EFalse;
rollbackPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, reader.iPtr );
// Move on to the next codeblock
continue; //lint !e960 Using continue saves a lot of code here.
incomplete = ReadBit( bit, aTile );
codePass = (TUint16)0;
if ( !incomplete )
if ( bit ) // 1
incomplete = ReadBit( bit, aTile );
if ( !incomplete )
if ( bit ) // 11
incomplete = ReadBits( bit, 2, aTile );
if ( !incomplete )
if ( bit == 0x03 ) // 1111
incomplete = ReadBits( bit, 5, aTile );
if ( !incomplete )
if ( bit == 0x1f ) // 1111 11111
incomplete = ReadBits( bit, 7, aTile );
if ( !incomplete )
codePass = (TUint16)( 0x25 + bit );
// 1111 XXXXX, at least one of them is not 1
codePass = (TUint16)( 6 + bit );
// 11XX
codePass = (TUint16)( 3 + bit );
// 10
codePass = 2;
// 0
codePass = 1;
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow, restore the original codeblock information
codeBlock->iPassIndex = origPassIndex;
codeBlock->iLastPass = origLastPass;
// Underflow, should backup the iterator position
if ( cbIndex > packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() )
// Next read should match the codeblock index
if ( !firstRecovery )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( IsRecoverFromIncomplete() )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( isBackup )
if ( recoverIncTag )
packet->RestoreIncTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue,
recoverIncTagTreeState );
if ( recoverMsbTag )
packet->RestoreMsbTagtree( recoverMsbTagTreeValue,
recoverMsbTagTreeState );
// Release memory
packet->FreeBackupTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue, recoverIncTagTreeState,
recoverMsbTagTreeValue, recoverMsbTagTreeState );
reader.iPtr = rollbackPtr;
// Return from the packet header decoding
return incomplete;
if ( codeBlock->iPassIndex == 0 )
codeBlock->iLastPass = -1;
numSegment = 1;
if ( aComponent.IsTermination() )
numSegment = codePass;
else if ( aComponent.IsACByPass() )
if ( ( codeBlock->iLastPass + codePass ) >= KFirstLazyPassIndex )
for ( index = 1; index < codePass; ++index )
if ( ( index + codeBlock->iLastPass ) >= KFirstLazyPassIndex )
if ( ( ( index + codeBlock->iLastPass ) % 3 ) != 1 )
numSegPtr[layer] = numSegment; //lint !e961 no else is needed here at the end of if...else if
origLengthBits = codeBlock->iLengthBits;
origDataLength = codeBlock->iDataLength;
incomplete = ReadBit( bit, aTile );
if ( !incomplete )
// Skip all 1 bits
while ( bit )
incomplete = ReadBit( bit, aTile );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow
// Set bit to zero to break from the while-loop
bit = 0;
if ( !incomplete )
TUint8 bits = 0;
TUint32 tmpBits = 0;
TPtr16 numPassesPerSegPtr = codeBlock->iPassesPerSegment->Des();
TPtr16 numDataSizePtr = codeBlock->iDataSize->Des();
if ( numSegment == 1 )
bits = (TUint8)( codeBlock->iLengthBits + TJ2kUtils::Log2( codePass ) );
incomplete = ReadBits( tmpBits, bits, aTile );
if ( !incomplete )
numPassesPerSegPtr[codeBlock->iPassIndex] = codePass;
numDataSizePtr[codeBlock->iPassIndex++] = (TUint16)tmpBits;
codeBlock->iDataLength += tmpBits;
codeBlock->iLastPass = (TUint8)( codeBlock->iLastPass + codePass );
if ( tmpBits > 0 )
TUint16 totalCodePass = codePass;
TUint16 tmpCodePass;
for ( index = 0; index < numSegment; ++index )
if ( aComponent.IsTermination() )
tmpCodePass = 1;
if ( codeBlock->iLastPass < KFirstLazyPassIndex )
tmpCodePass = (TUint16)( KFirstLazyPassIndex - ( TInt )codeBlock->iLastPass );
tmpCodePass = (TUint16)( ( codeBlock->iLastPass % 3 ) ? 1 : ( ( totalCodePass > 1 ) ? 2 : 1 ) );
bits = (TUint8)( codeBlock->iLengthBits + TJ2kUtils::Log2( tmpCodePass ) );
incomplete = ReadBits( tmpBits, bits, aTile );
if ( !incomplete )
numPassesPerSegPtr[codeBlock->iPassIndex] = tmpCodePass;
numDataSizePtr[codeBlock->iPassIndex++] = (TUint16)tmpBits;
codeBlock->iDataLength += tmpBits;
codeBlock->iLastPass = (TUint8)( codeBlock->iLastPass + tmpCodePass );
totalCodePass = (TUint16)( totalCodePass - tmpCodePass );
if ( tmpBits > 0 )
index = numSegment; // break from the for-loop
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow, restore the original codeblock information
codeBlock->iPassIndex = origPassIndex;
codeBlock->iLastPass = origLastPass;
codeBlock->iLengthBits = origLengthBits;
codeBlock->iDataLength = origDataLength;
// Underflow, should backup the iterator position
if ( cbIndex > packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() )
// Next read should match the codeblock index
if ( !firstRecovery )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( IsRecoverFromIncomplete() )
reader.iData = recoverData;
reader.iPos = recoverPos;
reader.iNextPos = recoverNextPos;
if ( isBackup )
if ( recoverIncTag )
packet->RestoreIncTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue,
recoverIncTagTreeState );
if ( recoverMsbTag )
packet->RestoreMsbTagtree( recoverMsbTagTreeValue,
recoverMsbTagTreeState );
// Release memory
packet->FreeBackupTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue,
recoverMsbTagTreeState );
reader.iPtr = rollbackPtr;
// Return from the packet header decoding
return incomplete;
packet->SetLastCodeBlockProcessed( cbIndex );
firstRecovery = EFalse;
recoverData = reader.iData;
recoverPos = reader.iPos;
recoverNextPos = reader.iNextPos;
recoverIncTag = recoverMsbTag = EFalse;
rollbackPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, reader.iPtr );
} // end of xIndex
} // end of yIndex
packet->SetLastCodeBlockProcessed( 0 );
subband = subband->NextSubbandRaster();
if ( subband )
if ( isBackup )
// Sibling may have different tag tree level, so release memory here
packet->FreeBackupTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue, recoverIncTagTreeState,
recoverMsbTagTreeValue, recoverMsbTagTreeState );
packet = CONST_CAST( CJ2kPacket*, &subband->PacketAt( aSubband.LastPacketProcessed() ) );
aSubband.SetLastSubbandProcessed( (TUint8)subband->SubbandType() );
} while ( subband );
if ( !incomplete )
// Packet header has been completely processed
SetIncluded( aTile.LastLayerProcessed() );
AlignReader( aTile );
aSubband.SetLastSubbandProcessed( CJ2kSubband::EBandLL );
if ( isBackup )
// Release memory
packet->FreeBackupTagtree( recoverIncTagTreeValue, recoverIncTagTreeState,
recoverMsbTagTreeValue, recoverMsbTagTreeState );
// Packet has been processed
reader.iPtr = rollbackPtr;
if ( !incomplete )
if ( aComponent.IsEPHMarkerUsed() )
ReadEPHMarker( aTile );
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadPacketBodyL
// Read the packet body
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadPacketBodyL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent, CJ2kSubband& aSubband )
TUint8 incomplete = EFalse;
if ( LastCodeBlockProcessed() == 0 )
if ( ReadSOP_EPHMarker( aComponent, aTile, EFalse ) )
return ETrue;
TJ2kStreamReader& reader = CONST_CAST( TJ2kStreamReader&, aTile.StreamReader() );
// Packet body has not been processed yet
if ( !IsBody() )
CJ2kSubband *subband = &aSubband;
if ( subband->SubbandResLevel() > 0 )
if ( subband->LastSubbandProcessed() == CJ2kSubband::EBandLL )
subband->SetLastSubbandProcessed( CJ2kSubband::EBandHL );
// Move to last subband processed
while ( subband->SubbandType() != aSubband.LastSubbandProcessed() )
subband = subband->NextSubbandRaster();
TUint16 xIndex = 0;
TUint16 yIndex = 0;
TUint16 cbIndex = 0;
TUint16 cbYIndex = 0;
TUint16 index = 0;
TUint16 cblkLength = 0;
TUint16 layer = aTile.LastLayerProcessed();
TInt32 totalLength = 0;
TUint8 *rollbackPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, reader.iPtr );
CJ2kCodeBlock *codeBlock = 0;
CJ2kPacket * packet = CONST_CAST( CJ2kPacket*, &subband->PacketAt( aSubband.LastPacketProcessed() ) );
for ( yIndex = 0; yIndex < packet->NumOfBlocksY(); ++yIndex )
cbYIndex = (TUint16)( yIndex * packet->NumOfBlocksX() );
for ( xIndex = 0; xIndex < packet->NumOfBlocksX(); ++xIndex )
cbIndex = (TUint16)( cbYIndex + xIndex );
if ( cbIndex < packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() ||
( packet->IsMatch() && cbIndex == packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() ) )
// Has been processed, skip to the next codeblock
continue; //lint !e960 Using continue saves a lot of code here.
codeBlock = CONST_CAST( CJ2kCodeBlock*, &packet->CodeBlockAt( cbIndex ) );
if ( ( *codeBlock->iNumSegment )[layer] > 0 )
TUint tempLength = 0;
TUint8 skip = 0;
if ( !aTile.IsSpeedup() )
// If this resolution level is not required in decoding, skip storing the data to save memory
if ( aTile.LastLevelProcessed() > (TUint8)( aTile.NumOfLevelsPOC() - aTile.ImageInfo().LevelDrop() ) )
skip = 1;
tempLength = codeBlock->iDataLength;
if ( tempLength )
// Find out which segment has been processed
totalLength = codeBlock->iDataLength - tempLength;
for ( index = 1; index <= ( *codeBlock->iNumSegment )[layer]; ++index )
totalLength -= ( *codeBlock->iDataSize )[codeBlock->iPassIndex - index];
if ( totalLength <= 0 )
break; //lint !e960 break usage saves code here.
index = ( *codeBlock->iNumSegment )[layer];
for ( ; index > 0; --index )
cblkLength = ( *codeBlock->iDataSize )[codeBlock->iPassIndex - index];
if ( ( reader.iPtrEnd - reader.iPtr ) < cblkLength )
// Underflow, rollback the iterator position
reader.iPtr = rollbackPtr;
incomplete = ETrue;
if ( cbIndex > packet->LastCodeBlockProcessed() )
// Next read should match the codeblock index
return incomplete;
// Store data only if the resolution level is not skipped
if( !skip )
TPtr8 data = codeBlock->DataL()->Des();
data.Append( reader.iPtr, cblkLength );
reader.iPtr += cblkLength;
// Save the iterator position
rollbackPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, reader.iPtr );
packet->SetLastCodeBlockProcessed( cbIndex );
// Save the iterator position
rollbackPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, reader.iPtr );
} // end of xIndex
} // end of yIndex
packet->SetLastCodeBlockProcessed( 0 );
subband = subband->NextSubbandRaster();
if ( subband )
packet = CONST_CAST( CJ2kPacket*, &subband->PacketAt( aSubband.LastPacketProcessed() ) );
aSubband.SetLastSubbandProcessed( (TUint8)subband->SubbandType() );
} while ( subband );
aSubband.SetLastSubbandProcessed( CJ2kSubband::EBandLL );
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ResetInternalFlags
// Reset the internal flags
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::ResetInternalFlags()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::BuildTagtreeL
// Build the tag tree
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::BuildTagtreeL()
TUint32 width = iCodeBlockSize.iWidth;
TUint32 height = iCodeBlockSize.iHeight;
while ( width != 1 || height != 1 )
width = ( width + 1 ) >> 1;
height = ( height + 1 ) >> 1;
TInt size = 0;
TInt sizeIndex = 0;
width = iCodeBlockSize.iWidth;
height = iCodeBlockSize.iHeight;
iTagTreeInfo = HBufC16::NewMaxL( iTagTreeLevel + 1 );
TPtr16 tmpPtr = ( iTagTreeInfo->Des() );
tmpPtr[0] = (TUint16)sizeIndex;
for ( TUint8 index = 0; index < iTagTreeLevel; ++index )
size = width * height;
sizeIndex += size;
tmpPtr[index + 1] = (TUint16)sizeIndex;
TChar fillChar( 0xffff );
iIncTagTreeValue = HBufC16::NewMaxL( sizeIndex );
iIncTagTreeValue->Des().Fill( fillChar, iIncTagTreeValue->Length() );
iIncTagTreeState = HBufC16::NewMaxL( sizeIndex );
iMsbTagTreeValue = HBufC16::NewMaxL( sizeIndex );
iMsbTagTreeValue->Des().Fill( fillChar, iIncTagTreeValue->Length() );
iMsbTagTreeState = HBufC16::NewMaxL( sizeIndex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::DecodeIncTagtree
// Decode the included tag tree
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::DecodeIncTagtree( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint32 aWidth, TUint32 aHeight, TUint16& aValue )
TUint8 bit = 2;
TInt16 parentState = 0;
TUint8 contCoding = 1;
TUint16 idx = 0;
TUint16 layer = (TUint16)( aTile.LastLayerProcessed() + 1 );
for ( TInt16 index = TInt16( iTagTreeLevel - 1 ); index >= 0; --index )
idx = (TUint16)( ( aHeight >> index ) * ( (TUint32)( iCodeBlockSize.iWidth + ( 1 << index ) - 1 ) >> index ) + ( aWidth >> index ) );
if ( ( IncTagState( index, idx ) < parentState ) && IncTagValue( index, idx ) == 0xffff )
SetIncTagState( index, idx, (TUint16)( parentState - contCoding ) );
while ( contCoding && IncTagState( index, idx ) < layer && IncTagValue( index, idx ) == 0xffff )
if ( ReadBit( bit, aTile ) )
return ETrue;
if ( bit == 1 )
SetIncTagValue( index, idx, IncTagState( index, idx ) );
IncrementIncTagState( index, idx );
parentState = IncTagState( index, idx );
if ( bit == 0 || IncTagValue( index, idx ) == 0xffff )
contCoding = 0;
aValue = IncTagValue( 0, idx );
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::DecodeMsbTagtree
// Decode the msb tag tree
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::DecodeMsbTagtree( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint32 aWidth, TUint32 aHeight, TUint16& aValue )
TUint8 bit = 2;
TInt16 parentState = 0;
TUint8 contCoding = 1;
TUint16 idx = 0;
TUint16 layer = 0xffff;
for ( TInt16 index = (TUint16)( iTagTreeLevel - 1 ); index >= 0; --index )
idx = (TUint16)( ( aHeight >> index ) * ( (TUint32)( iCodeBlockSize.iWidth + ( 1 << index ) - 1 ) >> index ) + ( aWidth >> index ) );
if ( ( MsbTagState( index, idx ) < parentState ) && MsbTagValue( index, idx ) == 0xffff )
SetMsbTagState( index, idx, (TUint16)( ( parentState - contCoding ) ) );
while ( contCoding && MsbTagState( index, idx ) < layer && MsbTagValue( index, idx ) == 0xffff )
if ( ReadBit( bit, aTile ) )
return ETrue;
if ( bit == 1 )
SetMsbTagValue( index, idx, MsbTagState( index, idx ) );
IncrementMsbTagState( index, idx );
parentState = MsbTagState( index, idx );
if ( bit == 0 || MsbTagValue( index, idx ) == 0xffff )
contCoding = 0;
aValue = MsbTagValue( 0, idx );
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::BackupIncTagtreeL
// Backup the included tag tree
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::BackupIncTagtreeL( HBufC16*& aTagValue, HBufC16*& aTagState )
if ( aTagValue && aTagState )
if ( aTagValue->Des().MaxLength() < iIncTagTreeValue->Length() )
aTagValue = aTagValue->ReAllocL( iIncTagTreeValue->Length() );
if ( aTagState->Des().MaxLength() < iIncTagTreeState->Length() )
aTagState = aTagState->ReAllocL( iIncTagTreeState->Length() );
aTagValue = HBufC16::NewMaxLC( iIncTagTreeValue->Length() );
aTagState = HBufC16::NewMaxLC( iIncTagTreeState->Length() );
*aTagValue = *iIncTagTreeValue;
*aTagState = *iIncTagTreeState;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::BackupMsbTagtreeL
// Backup the msb tag tree
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::BackupMsbTagtreeL( HBufC16*& aTagValue, HBufC16*& aTagState )
if ( aTagValue && aTagState )
if ( aTagValue->Des().MaxLength() < iMsbTagTreeValue->Length() )
aTagValue = aTagValue->ReAllocL( iMsbTagTreeValue->Length() );
if ( aTagState->Des().MaxLength() < iMsbTagTreeState->Length() )
aTagState = aTagState->ReAllocL( iMsbTagTreeState->Length() );
aTagValue = HBufC16::NewMaxLC( iMsbTagTreeValue->Length() );
aTagState = HBufC16::NewMaxLC( iMsbTagTreeState->Length() );
*aTagValue = *iMsbTagTreeValue;
*aTagState = *iMsbTagTreeState;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::RestoreIncTagtree
// Restore the included tag tree
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::RestoreIncTagtree( HBufC16 *aTagValue, HBufC16 *aTagState )
*iIncTagTreeValue = *aTagValue;
*iIncTagTreeState = *aTagState;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::RestoreMsbTagtree
// Restore the msb tag tree
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::RestoreMsbTagtree( HBufC16 *aTagValue, HBufC16 *aTagState )
*iMsbTagTreeValue = *aTagValue;
*iMsbTagTreeState = *aTagState;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::FreeBackupTagtree
// Release the temporary backup memory
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::FreeBackupTagtree( HBufC16*& aIncTagValue, HBufC16*& aIncTagState,
HBufC16*& aMsbTagValue, HBufC16*& aMsbTagState )
TInt count = 0;
if ( aIncTagValue )
delete aIncTagValue;
aIncTagValue = 0;
if ( aIncTagState )
delete aIncTagState;
aIncTagState = 0;
if ( aMsbTagValue )
delete aMsbTagValue;
aMsbTagValue = 0;
if ( aMsbTagState )
delete aMsbTagState;
aMsbTagState = 0;
CleanupStack::Pop( count );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::IsIncludedL
// Is the layer has been included in previous packet
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::IsIncludedL( TUint16 aLayer )
TInt entries = ( iLayer % 8 ) ? ( ( iLayer / 8 ) + 1 ) : ( iLayer / 8 );
if ( iIncluded == 0 || iIncluded->Des().MaxLength() < entries )
if ( iIncluded )
TInt diff = entries - iIncluded->Length();
iIncluded = iIncluded->ReAllocL( entries );
while ( diff-- )
iIncluded->Des().Append( (TUint8)0 );
iIncluded = HBufC8::NewMaxL( entries );
return IncludedAt( aLayer );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::IncludedAt
// Get the inclusive information at specific layer
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::IncludedAt( TUint16 aLayer ) const
TInt entry = aLayer / 8;
TInt bit = aLayer % 8;
return (TUint8)( ( iIncluded->Des() )[entry] & ( 0x01 << bit ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::SetIncluded
// Set the inclusive information at specific layer
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::SetIncluded( TUint16 aLayer )
TInt entry = aLayer / 8;
TInt bit = aLayer % 8;
TPtr8 tmpPtr = iIncluded->Des();
tmpPtr[entry] |= ( 0x01 << bit );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::IsBackupNeeded
// Is tag tree backup is required for underflow recovery
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::IsBackupNeeded( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
return !( aTile.IsPPT() || aTile.ImageInfo().IsPPM() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::StartReadBit
// Read a bit from the packet header stream
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::StartReadBit( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
return ( !IsRecoverFromIncomplete() ) ?
aTile.PacketHeaderReader().StartReadBit() :
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadBit
// Read a bit from the packet header stream
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadBit( TUint8& aBit, CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
return aTile.PacketHeaderReader().ReadBit( aBit );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadBits
// Read some bits from the packet header stream
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadBits( TUint8& aBit, TUint8 aBitLen, CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
return aTile.PacketHeaderReader().ReadBits( aBit, aBitLen );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadBits
// Read some bits from the packet header stream
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadBits( TUint32& aBit, TUint8 aBitLen, CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
return aTile.PacketHeaderReader().ReadBits( aBit, aBitLen );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::AlignReader
// Align the stream to the next byte boundary if necessary
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kPacket::AlignReader( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadSOPMarker
// Try to consume the SOP marker if there is one
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadSOPMarker( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
// SOP may be inside the CodeStream only
return CONST_CAST( TJ2kStreamReader&, aTile.StreamReader() ).ReadSOPMarker();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadEPHMarker
// Try to consume the EPH marker if there is one
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadEPHMarker( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
// EPH may be inside PPT or PPM or CodeStream
return aTile.PacketHeaderReader().ReadEPHMarker();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kPacket::ReadSOP_EPHMarker
// Try to re-align stream to next byte boundary if necessary,
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kPacket::ReadSOP_EPHMarker( CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent, CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TBool aSOP )
TJ2kStreamReader& reader = CONST_CAST( TJ2kStreamReader&, aTile.StreamReader() );
TUint8 incomplete = reader.TryReAlignReader();
incomplete = reader.TryReadEPHMarker();
if ( !incomplete && aSOP && aComponent.IsSOPMarkerUsed() && ( !IsHeader() || !IsBody() ) )
incomplete = ReadSOPMarker( aTile );
return incomplete;