* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: JP2KSubband class used to collect the subband related
* information such as list of packets and list of subbands.
#include <icl/imagecodec.h>
#include "JP2KImageUtils.h"
#include "JP2KFormat.h"
#include "JP2KStreamReader.h"
#include "JP2KTileInfo.h"
#include "JP2KImageInfo.h"
#include "JP2KCodec.h"
#include "JP2KPacket.h"
#include "JP2KSubband.h"
#include "JP2KComponentInfo.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::BuildSubbandTreeL
// Static method to set up the tree structure of the DWT subbands.
// ( other items were commented in a header ).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband* CJ2kSubband::BuildSubbandTreeL( TUint8 aMaxLevel, CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent )
CJ2kSubband *root = CJ2kSubbandLL::NewLC();
root->iLevel = 0;
// The root subband, LLO, original image
root->iResLevel = (TUint8)( aMaxLevel + 1 );
root->iSubbandCanvas = aComponent.ComponentCanvas();
root->iHighPassFirst = TPoint( root->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iX % 2,
root->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iY % 2 );
CJ2kSubband *start = root;
CJ2kSubband *tmpLL = 0;
CJ2kSubband *tmpHL = 0;
CJ2kSubband *tmpLH = 0;
CJ2kSubband *tmpHH = 0;
for ( TUint8 index = 1; index <= aMaxLevel; ++index )
// Must be built in the following order - LL, HL, LH, and HH
// where all of them share the same parent - next lower LL
// but only the LL subband can be further sub-divided into
// lower resolution subband
// create LL subband
TUint8 highPassFirstX = (TUint8)( start->iHighPassFirst.iX );
TUint8 highPassFirstY = (TUint8)( start->iHighPassFirst.iY );
tmpLL = CJ2kSubbandLL::NewLC();
tmpLL->iLevel = index;
tmpLL->iResLevel = (TUint8)( aMaxLevel - index + 1 );
tmpLL->iSubbandCanvas.iTl = TPoint( (TUint32)( start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iX + 1 ) >> 1,
(TUint32)( start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iY + 1 ) >> 1 );
tmpLL->iSubbandCanvas.SetWidth( ( start->iSubbandCanvas.Width() + ( 1-highPassFirstX ) ) / 2 );
tmpLL->iSubbandCanvas.SetHeight( ( start->iSubbandCanvas.Height() + ( 1-highPassFirstY ) ) / 2 );
tmpLL->iHighPassFirst = TPoint( tmpLL->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iX % 2,
tmpLL->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iY % 2 );
start->AddChildL( tmpLL );
// Create HL subband
tmpHL = CJ2kSubbandNLL::NewLC();
tmpHL->iType = EBandHL;
tmpHL->iLevel = index;
tmpHL->iGain = 1;
tmpHL->iResLevel = tmpLL->iResLevel;
tmpHL->iSubbandCanvas.iTl = TPoint( (TUint32)start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iX >> 1,
(TUint32)( start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iY + 1 ) >> 1 );
tmpHL->iSubbandCanvas.SetWidth( ( start->iSubbandCanvas.Width() + highPassFirstX ) / 2 );
tmpHL->iSubbandCanvas.SetHeight( tmpLL->iSubbandCanvas.Height() );
tmpHL->iSubbandOrigin.iX = start->iSubbandOrigin.iX + ( ( start->iSubbandCanvas.Width() + ( 1-highPassFirstX ) ) / 2 );
tmpHL->iSubbandOrigin.iY = start->iSubbandOrigin.iY;
start->AddChildL( tmpHL );
// Create LH subband
tmpLH = CJ2kSubbandNLL::NewLC();
tmpLH->iType = EBandLH;
tmpLH->iLevel = index;
tmpLH->iGain = 1;
tmpLH->iResLevel = tmpLL->iResLevel;
tmpLH->iSubbandCanvas.iTl = TPoint( (TUint32)( start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iX + 1 ) >> 1,
(TUint32)start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iY >> 1 );
tmpLH->iSubbandCanvas.SetWidth( tmpLL->iSubbandCanvas.Width() );
tmpLH->iSubbandCanvas.SetHeight( ( start->iSubbandCanvas.Height() + highPassFirstY ) / 2 );
tmpLH->iSubbandOrigin.iX = start->iSubbandOrigin.iX;
tmpLH->iSubbandOrigin.iY = start->iSubbandOrigin.iY + ( ( start->iSubbandCanvas.Height() + ( 1-highPassFirstY ) ) / 2 );
start->AddChildL( tmpLH );
// Create HH subband
tmpHH = CJ2kSubbandNLL::NewLC();
tmpHH->iType = EBandHH;
tmpHH->iLevel = index;
tmpHH->iGain = 2;
tmpHH->iResLevel = tmpLL->iResLevel;
tmpHH->iSubbandCanvas.iTl = TPoint( ( TUint32 )start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iX >> 1,
( TUint32 )start->iSubbandCanvas.iTl.iY >> 1 );
tmpHH->iSubbandCanvas.SetWidth( tmpHL->iSubbandCanvas.Width() );
tmpHH->iSubbandCanvas.SetHeight( tmpLH->iSubbandCanvas.Height() );
tmpHH->iSubbandOrigin.iX = tmpHL->iSubbandOrigin.iX;
tmpHH->iSubbandOrigin.iY = tmpLH->iSubbandOrigin.iY;
start->AddChildL( tmpHH );
start = start->ChildAt( EBandLL );
// The lowest resolution must be 0, so reset
// the resolution of NLL from 1 to 0.
start->iResLevel = 0;
return root;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::BuildPacketsL
// Build the possible packets that may be in the subband
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kSubband::BuildPacketsL( CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent, HBufC8 *aPrecinctSiz, TUint16 aLayer )
CJ2kSubband *subband = 0;
CJ2kPacket *packet = 0;
TUint16 packetIndex = 0;
TUint16 xIndex = 0;
TUint16 yIndex = 0;
TInt denom = 0;
TInt ppx = 0;
TInt ppy = 0;
TInt ppxL = 0;
TInt ppyL = 0;
TInt32 trx0 = 0;
TInt32 try0 = 0;
TInt32 trx1 = 0;
TInt32 try1 = 0;
TInt32 n = 0;
TInt32 m = 0;
TInt32 nOrig = 0;
TInt32 mOrig = 0;
TInt32 xCoord = 0;
TInt32 yCoord = 0;
TInt32 numOfPackets = 0;
TInt32 tmpX = 0;
TInt32 tmpY = 0;
TSize cblkSize( 0, 0 );
TSize tmpSize( 0, 0 );
const TSize &compSize = aComponent.CodeBlockSize();
TInt compSizeLogWidth = TJ2kUtils::Log2( compSize.iWidth );
TInt compSizeLogHeight = TJ2kUtils::Log2( compSize.iHeight );
for ( TUint8 resLevel = 0; resLevel <= aComponent.Levels(); ++resLevel )
subband = SubbandAt( resLevel );
numOfPackets = aComponent.NumOfPackets( resLevel );
if ( numOfPackets )
for ( packetIndex = 0; packetIndex < numOfPackets; ++packetIndex )
CJ2kPacket *packet = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kPacket( aLayer ); //lint !e578 must be declared also earlier.
CleanupStack::PushL( packet );
User::LeaveIfError( subband->iPacketList.Append( packet ) );
CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
if ( subband->iType == EBandLL || subband->iType == EBandHL )
subband = subband->NextSubbandRaster();
} while ( subband );
// Set to the default
ppx = ppy = 15;
if ( aPrecinctSiz )
ppxL = ( *aPrecinctSiz )[resLevel] & 0x0f;
ppyL = ( ( *aPrecinctSiz )[resLevel] & 0xf0 ) >> 4;
ppxL = ppyL = 15;
if ( ppxL != 15 || ppyL != 15 )
ppx = ( resLevel ) ? ppxL - 1 : ppxL;
ppy = ( resLevel ) ? ppyL - 1 : ppyL;
cblkSize.iWidth = ( compSizeLogWidth < ppx ) ? compSize.iWidth : 1 << ppx;
cblkSize.iHeight = ( compSizeLogHeight < ppy ) ? compSize.iHeight : 1 << ppy;
cblkSize = compSize;
denom = 1 << ( aComponent.Levels() - resLevel );
trx0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( aComponent.ComponentCanvas().iTl.iX, denom );
try0 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( aComponent.ComponentCanvas().iTl.iY, denom );
trx1 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( aComponent.ComponentCanvas().iBr.iX, denom );
try1 = TJ2kUtils::CeilL( aComponent.ComponentCanvas().iBr.iY, denom );
nOrig = ( trx0 / ( 1 << ppxL ) ) * ( 1 << ppxL );
mOrig = ( try0 / ( 1 << ppyL ) ) * ( 1 << ppyL );
// First subband at this resolution level
// at r = 0, it will be nLL
// at r > 0, it will be ( n-r+1 )HL
tmpSize = aComponent.PrecinctSizeAt( resLevel );
tmpX = 1 << ppx;
tmpY = 1 << ppy;
subband = SubbandAt( resLevel );
if ( subband->SubbandCanvasSize().iWidth > 0 &&
subband->SubbandCanvasSize().iHeight > 0 )
n = nOrig;
m = mOrig;
if ( subband->iType != EBandLL )
n /= 2;
m /= 2;
yCoord = m;
for ( yIndex = 0; yIndex < tmpSize.iHeight; ++yIndex )
xCoord = n;
for ( xIndex = 0; xIndex < tmpSize.iWidth; ++xIndex )
// Reuse the variables trx0, trx1, try0, try1
trx0 = Max( subband->SubbandCanvas().iTl.iX, xCoord );
try0 = Max( subband->SubbandCanvas().iTl.iY, yCoord );
trx1 = Min( xCoord + tmpX, subband->SubbandCanvas().iBr.iX ) - trx0;
try1 = Min( yCoord + tmpY, subband->SubbandCanvas().iBr.iY ) - try0;
if ( trx1 > 0 && try1 > 0 )
packetIndex = ( TUint16 )( yIndex * tmpSize.iWidth + xIndex );
packet = subband->iPacketList[packetIndex];
packet->SetPacketCanvas( trx0, try0, trx1, try1 );
packet->SetNumOfBlocksL( cblkSize );
packet->BuildCodeBlocksL( xCoord, yCoord, cblkSize );
xCoord += tmpX;
} // end of xIndex
yCoord += tmpY;
} // end of yIndex
} // precinct size is greater than 0
subband = subband->NextSubbandRaster();
} while ( subband );
} // num of packets is greater than 0
} // end of resolution level
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::LRCPProgressionL
// At each subband, parse the bitstream with LRCP progression order
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kSubband::LRCPProgressionL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent )
TUint8 incomplete = EFalse;
TUint16 marker = 0;
const TJ2kStreamReader& reader = aTile.StreamReader();
while ( iLastPacket < iPacketList.Count() )
if ( aTile.IsPOC() )
marker = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16( reader.iPtr );
if ( marker == KSOT || marker == KEOC )
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
incomplete = iPacketList[iLastPacket]->ReadPacketHeaderL( aTile, aComponent, *this );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
if ( iPacketList[iLastPacket]->IsBodyIncomplete() )
incomplete = iPacketList[iLastPacket]->ReadPacketBodyL( aTile, aComponent, *this );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
if ( !incomplete && iLastPacket == iPacketList.Count() )
// Reset it back to 0 for the next layer
iLastPacket = 0;
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::RPCLProgressionL
// At each subband, parse the bitstream with RPCL progression order
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kSubband::RPCLProgressionL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent )
TUint8 incomplete = EFalse;
TUint16 numOfLayers = aTile.NumOfLayersPOC();
TUint16 marker = 0;
const TJ2kStreamReader& reader = aTile.StreamReader();
while ( aTile.LastLayerProcessed() < numOfLayers )
if ( iPacketList.Count() )
if ( aTile.IsPOC() )
marker = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16( reader.iPtr );
if ( marker == KSOT || marker == KEOC )
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
incomplete = iPacketList[iLastPacket]->ReadPacketHeaderL( aTile, aComponent, *this );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
if ( iPacketList[iLastPacket]->IsBodyIncomplete() )
incomplete = iPacketList[iLastPacket]->ReadPacketBodyL( aTile, aComponent, *this );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
if ( !incomplete && aTile.LastLayerProcessed() == numOfLayers )
if ( iLastPacket == iPacketList.Count() )
iLastPacket = 0;
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::CPRLProgressionL
// At each subband, parse the bitstream with CPRL progression order.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kSubband::CPRLProgressionL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, CJ2kComponentInfo& aComponent )
TUint8 incomplete = EFalse;
TUint16 numOfLayers = aTile.NumOfLayersPOC();
TUint16 marker = 0;
const TJ2kStreamReader& reader = aTile.StreamReader();
while ( aTile.LastLayerProcessed() < numOfLayers )
if ( iPacketList.Count() )
if ( aTile.IsPOC() )
marker = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint16( reader.iPtr );
if ( marker == KSOT || marker == KEOC )
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
incomplete = iPacketList[iLastPacket]->ReadPacketHeaderL( aTile, aComponent, *this );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
if ( iPacketList[iLastPacket]->IsBodyIncomplete() )
incomplete = iPacketList[iLastPacket]->ReadPacketBodyL( aTile, aComponent, *this );
if ( incomplete )
// Underflow
break; //lint !e960 Break is OK.
if ( !incomplete && aTile.LastLayerProcessed() == numOfLayers )
if ( iLastPacket == iPacketList.Count() )
iLastPacket = 0;
return incomplete;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::ChildAt
// Get the child subband at specific index
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband* CJ2kSubband::ChildAt( TInt /*aBand*/ )
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::NextSubbandRaster
// Get the sibling subband
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband* CJ2kSubband::NextSubbandRaster()
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::SubbandAt
// Get the subband at specific resolution level
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband* CJ2kSubband::SubbandAt( TUint8 /*aResLevel*/ )
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::AddChildL
// Add the child subband into the list of child subbands ( No-op )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kSubband::AddChildL( CJ2kSubband* /*aChild*/ )
{ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::SubbandTreeIndex
// Get the subband tree index
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint16 CJ2kSubband::SubbandTreeIndex() const
TUint16 bandIndex = 0;
if ( iResLevel )
bandIndex = ( TUint16 )( ( iResLevel - 1 ) * 3 + iType );
return bandIndex;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubband::CJ2kSubband
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband::CJ2kSubband() :
iPacketList( 1 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubbandLL::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubbandLL* CJ2kSubbandLL::NewLC()
CJ2kSubbandLL* self = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kSubbandLL();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->iType = EBandLL;
return self;
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubbandLL::ChildAt
// Get the child subband at specific index
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband* CJ2kSubbandLL::ChildAt( TInt aBand )
if ( iChildList.Count() > 0 )
return iChildList[aBand];
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubbandLL::SubbandAt
// Get the subband at specific resolution level
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband* CJ2kSubbandLL::SubbandAt( TUint8 aResLevel )
if ( iResLevel > aResLevel )
return ChildAt( EBandLL )->SubbandAt( aResLevel );
if ( iResLevel == 0 && aResLevel == 0 )
return this;
return Parent()->ChildAt( EBandHL );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubbandLL::AddChildL
// Add the child subband into the list of child subbands
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kSubbandLL::AddChildL( CJ2kSubband* aChild )
aChild->SetParent( this );
User::LeaveIfError( iChildList.Append( aChild ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubbandNLL::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubbandNLL* CJ2kSubbandNLL::NewLC()
CJ2kSubbandNLL* self = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kSubbandNLL();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kSubbandNLL::NextSubbandRaster
// Get the sibling subband
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kSubband* CJ2kSubbandNLL::NextSubbandRaster()
CJ2kSubband *nextSubband = 0;
switch ( iType )
case EBandHL:
nextSubband = Parent()->ChildAt( EBandLH );
case EBandLH:
nextSubband = Parent()->ChildAt( EBandHH );
return nextSubband;