author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 09:22:31 +0200
changeset 0 469c91dae73b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200949 Kit: 200951

* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Exif data parser for both Little and Big Endian formats.


#include <e32base.h>


*  Exif data parser base class.
*  Provides the base for Little and Big endian parsers.
*  @lib ExifLib
*  @since 2.6 
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CExifEndianBase ): public CBase
    public:  // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CExifEndianBase* NewBaseL( 
            const TUint8* aExifDataPtr, 
            TUint aDataLength, 
            TBool aIsExif );

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CExifEndianBase();

        * Gets the next 8-bit unsigned integer from the data.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aUint8 The 8-bit integer returned.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt ReadUint8( TUint8& aUint8 );

        * Gets the next 16-bit unsigned integer from the data.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aUint16 The 16-bit integer returned.
        * @return Error code.
        virtual TInt ReadUInt16( TUint16& aUint16 ) = 0;

        * Gets the next 32-bit unsigned integer from the data.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aUint32 The 32-bit integer returned.
        * @return Error code.
        virtual TInt ReadUInt32( TUint32& aUint32 ) = 0;

        * Copies the data from the location, which starts and ends with the 
        * given Jpeg Markers.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aStartMarker Jpeg Marker for the beginning of copying.
        * @param aEndMarker Jpeg Marker for the end of copying.
        * @param aDestBuffer Pointer to the target descriptor.
        * @param aIncludeEnd States if the ending Jpeg Marker will be copied 
        *                    or not.
        * @return void
        void CopyBufferL( 
            TUint16 aStartMarker, 
            TUint16 aEndMarker, 
            HBufC8*& aDestBuffer, 
            TBool aIncludeEnd = ETrue );

        * Copies the next specified amount of data to the given descriptor.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aCount Number of words to copy
        * @param aWordSize Word size
        * @param aBuffer Pointer to the target descriptor.
        * @return void
        virtual TInt CopyBuffer( 
            TUint32 aCount, 
            TUint8 aWordSize, 
            HBufC8*& aBuffer ) = 0;

        * Copies the specified amount of data located in the given offset to 
        * the given descriptor.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aOffset Offset for starting copying
        * @param aCount Number of words to copy
        * @param aWordSize Word size
        * @param aBuffer Pointer to the target descriptor.
        * @return void
        virtual TInt CopyBuffer( 
            TUint32 aOffset, 
            TUint32 aCount, 
            TUint8 aWordSize, 
            HBufC8*& aBuffer ) = 0;

        * Moves to the specified offset.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aOffset Target offset.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt MoveTo( TUint aOffset );

        * Moves the current position forward by the given number of bytes.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aNoBytes Number of bytes to skip
        * @return Error code.
        TInt Skip( TUint aNoBytes );

        * Locates the offset of the next specified 8-bit unsigned integer 
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aSearch Queried 8-bit unsigned integer
        * @param aOffset The offset of the found location.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt Locate8( TUint8 aSearch, TUint32& aOffset );

        * Locates the offset of the next specified 16-bit unsigned integer 
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aSearch Queried 16-bit integer
        * @param aOffset The offset of the found location.
        * @return Error code.
        virtual TInt Locate16( TUint16 aSearch, TUint32& aOffset ) = 0;

        * Locates the offset of the specified Jpeg Marker, which resides 
        * inside the given interval.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aMarker The queried Jpeg Marker
        * @param aOffset The offset of the found location.
        * @param aAfter Offset for starting searching.
        * @param aBefore Offset for ending searching.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt LocateJpegMarker( 
            TUint16 aMarker, 
            TUint32& aOffset, 
            TUint32 aAfter = 0,
            TUint32 aBefore = 0 );

        * Locates the offset of the last specified Jpeg Marker, which resides
        * inside the given interval
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aMarker The queried Jpeg Marker
        * @param aOffset The offset of the found location.
        * @param aAfter Offset for starting searching.
        * @param aBefore Offset for ending searching.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt LocateJpegMarkerFromEnd( 
            TUint16 aMarker, 
            TUint32& aOffset, 
            TUint32 aAfter = 0,
            TUint32 aBefore = 0 );

        * Returns the current offset position
        * @since 3.1 
        * @param aOffset The offset of the location.
        * @return void.
        void CurrentPosOffset( TUint32& aOffset );

        * C++ default constructor.


        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();

    protected:  // Data

        // The offset of the current position in the Exif data.
        TUint32 iPosOffset;

        // The offset of the Exif header (APP1 header) in the Exif data.
        TUint32 iExifStartOffset;

        // The offset for the end of Exif data.
        TUint32 iExifEndOffset;

        // The pointer to the beginning of the Exif data.
        TUint8* iDataStartPtr;


*  Exif data parser class for Little endian format.
*  @lib ExifLib
*  @since 2.6 
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CExifLittleEndian ): public CExifEndianBase
    public:  // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CExifLittleEndian* NewL( 
            const TUint8* aDataStartPtr,
            TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
            TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
            TBool aIsExif );

        * C++ default constructor.

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CExifLittleEndian();

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CExifEndianBase Gets the next 16-bit unsigned integer from the 
        * data.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aUint16 The 16-bit integer returned.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt ReadUInt16( TUint16& aUint16 );

        * From CExifEndianBase Gets the next 32-bit unsigned integer from the 
        * data.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aUint32 The 32-bit integer returned.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt ReadUInt32( TUint32& aUint32 );
        * From CExifEndianBase Copies the next specified amount of data to the 
        * given descriptor.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aCount Number of words to copy
        * @param aWordSize Word size
        * @param aBuffer Pointer to the target descriptor.
        * @return void
        TInt CopyBuffer( TUint32 aCount, TUint8 aWordSize, HBufC8*& aBuffer );

        * From CExifEndianBase Copies the specified amount of data located in 
        * the given offset to the given descriptor.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aOffset Offset for starting copying
        * @param aCount Number of words to copy
        * @param aWordSize Word size
        * @param aBuffer Pointer to the target descriptor.
        * @return void
        TInt CopyBuffer( 
            TUint32 aOffset, 
            TUint32 aCount, 
            TUint8 aWordSize, 
            HBufC8*& aBuffer );

        * From CExifEndianBase Locates the offset of the next specified 16-bit 
        * unsigned integer 
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aSearch Queried 16-bit integer
        * @param aOffset The offset of the found location.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt Locate16( TUint16 aSearch, TUint32& aOffset );


        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL( 
            TUint8* aDataStartPtr,
            TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
            TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
            TBool aIsExif );


*  Exif data parser class for Big endian format.
*  @lib ExifLib
*  @since 2.6 
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CExifBigEndian ): public CExifEndianBase

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CExifBigEndian* NewL( 
            const TUint8* aDataStartPtr, 
            TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
            TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
            TBool aIsExif );

        * C++ default constructor.

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CExifBigEndian();

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CExifEndianBase Gets the next 16-bit unsigned integer from the 
        * data.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aUint16 The 16-bit integer returned.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt ReadUInt16( TUint16& aUint16 );
        * From CExifEndianBase Gets the next 32-bit unsigned integer from the 
        * data.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aUint32 The 32-bit integer returned.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt ReadUInt32( TUint32& aUint32 );
        * From CExifEndianBase Copies the next specified amount of data to the 
        * given descriptor.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aCount Number of words to copy
        * @param aWordSize Word size
        * @param aBuffer Pointer to the target descriptor.
        * @return void
        TInt CopyBuffer( TUint32 aCount, TUint8 aWordSize, HBufC8*& aBuffer );

        * From CExifEndianBase Copies the specified amount of data located in 
        * the given offset to the given descriptor.
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aOffset Offset for starting copying
        * @param aCount Number of words to copy
        * @param aWordSize Word size
        * @param aBuffer Pointer to the target descriptor.
        * @return void
        TInt CopyBuffer( 
            TUint32 aOffset, 
            TUint32 aCount, 
            TUint8 aWordSize, 
            HBufC8*& aBuffer );

        * From CExifEndianBase Locates the offset of the next specified 16-bit 
        * unsigned integer 
        * @since 2.6 
        * @param aSearch Queried 16-bit integer
        * @param aOffset The offset of the found location.
        * @return Error code.
        TInt Locate16( TUint16 aSearch, TUint32& aOffset );
        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL( 
            TUint8* aDataStartPtr, 
            TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
            TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
            TBool aIsExif );

#endif // EXIFENDIAN_H

// End of File