* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CJ2kImageWriter class used to perform inverse transformation and
* writing decoded image data to bitmap.
#include <e32math.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include "JP2KImageUtils.h"
#include "JP2KFormat.h"
#include "JP2KTileInfo.h"
#include "JP2KImageInfo.h"
#include "JP2KSubband.h"
#include "JP2KComponentInfo.h"
#include "JP2KImageWriter.h"
#define INT2BYTE( n ) ( ( n ) < 0 ? (TUint8)0 : ( ( n ) > 255 ? (TUint8)255 : (TUint8)( n ) ) )
#define CLIPINT( n,bitdepth ) ( ( n >= ( 1 << bitdepth ) ) ? ( ( 1<<bitdepth ) - 1 ) : ( n < 0 ) ? 0 : n )
#define CLIP2BITDEPTH( n, maxValue ) ( ( n > maxValue ) ? ( maxValue ) : ( n < 0 ) ? 0 : n )
#define CLIP2RANGE( n, minValue, maxValue ) ( ( n > maxValue ) ? ( maxValue ) : ( n < minValue ) ? minValue : n )
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::AllocDataL
// Allocate 2-D data array with a size
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::AllocDataL( const TSize& aSize )
iData = TJ2kUtils::Alloc2DArrayL( aSize.iHeight, aSize.iWidth );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::FreeData
// Free the 2-D data array
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::FreeData()
if ( iData )
TJ2kUtils::Free2DArray( iData );
iData = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::Data
// Get the 2-D data array
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPrecInt** CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::Data()
return iData;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::TileStartAt
// Get the starting point of a tile
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPoint& CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::TileStartAt( TUint16 aTileIndex )
return iTileStartList[aTileIndex];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::UpdateNextTileStartAt
// Update the starting point of next tile
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kWriterComponentInfo::UpdateNextTileStartAt( TUint16 aTileIndex,
const TSize& aSize,
CJ2kImageInfo& aImageInfo )
TUint16 numOfHorizTiles = aImageInfo.NumOfHorizTiles();
TUint16 numOfVertTiles = aImageInfo.NumOfVertTiles();
// Calculate the p and q of a tile
TDiv tDiv = TJ2kUtils::Div( aTileIndex, numOfHorizTiles );
if ( tDiv.rem != ( numOfHorizTiles - 1 ) )
iTileStartList[aTileIndex + 1].iX = iTileStartList[aTileIndex].iX + aSize.iWidth;
if ( tDiv.quot != ( numOfVertTiles - 1 ) )
iTileStartList[aTileIndex + numOfHorizTiles].iY = iTileStartList[aTileIndex].iY + aSize.iHeight;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kImageWriter* CJ2kImageWriter::NewL( CImageProcessor* aImageProcessor,
CJ2kImageInfo& aImageInfo,
TJ2kInfo& aJ2kInfo )
CJ2kImageWriter *self = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kImageWriter( aImageProcessor, aImageInfo, aJ2kInfo );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
delete iLinearsRGBLut;
iLinearsRGBLut = 0;
User::Free( iGrayTRCLut );
User::Free( iRedTRCLut );
User::Free( iGreenTRCLut );
User::Free( iBlueTRCLut );
User::Free( iMonoPixelBlock );
User::Free( iColorPixelBlock );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::WriterComponentAt
// Get the component of the image writer
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CJ2kWriterComponentInfo& CJ2kImageWriter::WriterComponentAt( TUint16 aIndex ) const
return *iComponents[aIndex];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::OutputImageL
// Output the image related to the component of the tile
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::OutputImageL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aComponentIndex )
TUint8 bitdepth = 0;
TUint16 c = 0;
CJ2kComponentInfo& componentInfo = CONST_CAST( CJ2kComponentInfo&, aTile.ComponentAt( aComponentIndex ) );
TInt16 reducedLevels = (TInt16)( componentInfo.Levels() - iImageInfo.LevelDrop() );
if ( reducedLevels < 0 )
reducedLevels = 0;
CJ2kSubband* subband = CONST_CAST( CJ2kSubband*, componentInfo.SubbandAt( (TUint8)reducedLevels ) );
if ( subband->SubbandResLevel() != 0 )
subband = subband->Parent();
TSize subbandSize = subband->SubbandCanvasSize();
// Note that in case of component truncation color transform is not performed
if ( iImageInfo.ComponentDrop() )
iNumComponents = 1;
else // Only perform color transform if we don't drop components
// Perform the color transfrom
if ( aComponentIndex == 2 && aTile.ColorTransformation() )
// Perform the inverse color transform
if ( aTile.ComponentAt( 0 ).IsReversible() ) // If RCT is used
PerformInverseRCT( subbandSize );
PerformInverseICT( subbandSize );
// Check if palettes are used. If so, get the number of output channels
if ( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() )
TUint16 numCSComp = iImageInfo.NumOfComponents();
// Allocate more memory for data if needed
if ( iNumComponents > numCSComp )
for ( c = numCSComp; c < iNumComponents; c++ )
// Allocate memory for component data
iComponents[c]->AllocDataL( subbandSize );
// Check if we have all the necessary channels for component mapping
if ( aComponentIndex == ( numCSComp - 1 ) )
MapComponentsL( numCSComp, reducedLevels, subbandSize, aTile );
// We start the output of files:
if ( iSingleFileOutput )
if ( iNumComponents == 3 ) // 3 comp to combine
// Compute the subbandSize from the first component since others might be downsampled.
TInt16 tempNumLevels = (TUint16)( aTile.ComponentAt( 0 ).Levels() - iImageInfo.LevelDrop() );
if ( tempNumLevels < 0 )
tempNumLevels = 0;
CJ2kSubband* tempSubband = CONST_CAST( CJ2kSubband*, aTile.ComponentAt( 0 ).SubbandAt( (TUint8)tempNumLevels ) );
if ( tempSubband->SubbandResLevel() != 0 )
tempSubband = tempSubband->Parent();
subbandSize = tempSubband->SubbandCanvasSize();
if( !iColorPixelBlock )
// Allocate memory for block of color pixels
iColorPixelBlock = STATIC_CAST( TRgb*, User::AllocL( 2 * KPixelsBlock * sizeof( TRgb ) ) );
CombineOutputFile( aTile, subbandSize );
for ( c = 0; c < iNumComponents; c++ )
else // 1 comp to output
if ( iImageInfo.ComponentDrop() )
c = ( TUint16 )( iImageInfo.ComponentDrop() - 1 );
c = aComponentIndex;
bitdepth = iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( c );
if( !iMonoPixelBlock )
// Allocate memory for block of grayscale pixels
iMonoPixelBlock = STATIC_CAST( TUint32*, User::AllocL( KPixelsBlock * sizeof( TUint32 ) ) );
// Output a single component
WriteOutputFile( aTile, c, subbandSize, bitdepth );
// Write out three independent output files
if( !iMonoPixelBlock )
// Allocate memory for block of grayscale pixels
iMonoPixelBlock = STATIC_CAST( TUint32*, User::AllocL( KPixelsBlock * sizeof( TUint32 ) ) );
if ( aComponentIndex == 2 && aTile.ColorTransformation() )
for ( c = 0; c < 3; c++ )
bitdepth = iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( c );
// Output single files
WriteOutputFile( aTile, c, subbandSize, bitdepth );
else if ( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() )
for ( c = 0; c < iNumComponents; c++ )
// Bitdepth is the lowest seven bits plus one for palettes
bitdepth = ( TUint8 )( ( iJ2kInfo.iPalette.iBList[0] & 0x7f )+1 );
// Output single files
WriteOutputFile( aTile, c, subbandSize, bitdepth );
bitdepth = iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( aComponentIndex );
// Output only the first component to screen
if( aComponentIndex == 0 )
WriteOutputFile( aTile, aComponentIndex, subbandSize, bitdepth );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::OutputImageL
// Output the image related to the component of the tile
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::OutputImageL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aComponentIndex,
const TSize& aSize )
TUint8 bitdepth = 0;
TUint16 c = 0;
CJ2kComponentInfo& componentInfo = CONST_CAST( CJ2kComponentInfo&, aTile.ComponentAt( aComponentIndex ) );
TInt16 reducedLevels = (TInt16)( componentInfo.Levels() - iImageInfo.LevelDrop() );
if ( reducedLevels < 0 )
reducedLevels = 0;
CJ2kSubband* subband = CONST_CAST( CJ2kSubband*, componentInfo.SubbandAt( (TUint8)reducedLevels ) );
if ( subband->SubbandResLevel() != 0 )
subband = subband->Parent();
TSize subbandSize = aSize;
// Note that in case of component truncation color transform is not performed
if ( iImageInfo.ComponentDrop() )
iNumComponents = 1;
else // Only perform color transform if we don't drop components
// Perform the color transfrom
if ( aComponentIndex == 2 && aTile.ColorTransformation() )
// Perform the inverse color transform
if ( aTile.ComponentAt( 0 ).IsReversible() ) // If RCT is used
PerformInverseRCT( subbandSize );
PerformInverseICT( subbandSize );
// Check if palettes are used. If so, get the number of output channels
if ( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() )
TUint16 numCSComp = iImageInfo.NumOfComponents();
// Allocate more memory for data if needed
if ( iNumComponents > numCSComp )
for ( c = numCSComp; c < iNumComponents; c++ )
// Allocate memory for component data
iComponents[c]->AllocDataL( subbandSize );
// Check if we have all the necessary channels for component mapping
if ( aComponentIndex == ( numCSComp - 1 ) )
MapComponentsL( numCSComp, reducedLevels, subbandSize, aTile );
// We start the output of files:
if ( iSingleFileOutput )
if ( iNumComponents == 3 ) // 3 comp to combine
if( !iColorPixelBlock )
// Allocate memory for block of color pixels
iColorPixelBlock = STATIC_CAST( TRgb*, User::AllocL( 2 * KPixelsBlock * sizeof( TRgb ) ) );
CombineOutputFile( aTile, subbandSize );
for ( c = 0; c < iNumComponents; c++ )
else // 1 comp to output
if ( iImageInfo.ComponentDrop() )
c = (TUint16)( iImageInfo.ComponentDrop() - 1 );
c = aComponentIndex;
bitdepth = iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( c );
if( !iMonoPixelBlock )
// Allocate memory for block of grayscale pixels
iMonoPixelBlock = STATIC_CAST( TUint32*, User::AllocL( KPixelsBlock * sizeof( TUint32 ) ) );
// Output a single component
WriteOutputFile( aTile, c, subbandSize, bitdepth );
// Write out three independent output files
if( !iMonoPixelBlock )
// Allocate memory for block of grayscale pixels
iMonoPixelBlock = STATIC_CAST( TUint32*, User::AllocL( KPixelsBlock * sizeof( TUint32 ) ) );
if ( aComponentIndex == 2 && aTile.ColorTransformation() )
for ( c = 0; c < 3; c++ )
bitdepth = iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( c );
// Output single files
WriteOutputFile( aTile, c, subbandSize, bitdepth );
else if ( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() )
for ( c = 0; c < iNumComponents; c++ )
// Bitdepth is the lowest seven bits plus one for palettes
bitdepth = (TUint8)( ( iJ2kInfo.iPalette.iBList[0] & 0x7f )+1 );
// Output single files
WriteOutputFile( aTile, c, subbandSize, bitdepth );
bitdepth = iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( aComponentIndex );
// Output only the first component to screen
if( aComponentIndex == 0 )
WriteOutputFile( aTile, aComponentIndex, subbandSize, bitdepth );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::OutputBlockL
// Output the image related to the component of the tile
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::OutputBlockL( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, TUint16 aComponentIndex,
TInt32 aBlockXCoord, TInt32 aBlockYCoord,
TSize aFirstCompSize, TSize aThisCompSize )
TUint32 tileIndex = 0;
CJ2kWriterComponentInfo* currentComponent = iComponents[aComponentIndex];
TPoint tmpTileStart( 0, 0 );
TPoint tmpTileStart1( 0, 0 );
TPoint tmpTileStart2( 0, 0 );
CJ2kComponentInfo& componentInfo = CONST_CAST( CJ2kComponentInfo&, aTile.ComponentAt( aComponentIndex ) );
TSize outputSize( 0, 0 );
tileIndex = aTile.SotMarker().iIsot;
// Update the subband size ( which will be used to compute output size )
TInt16 reducedLevels = (TInt16)( componentInfo.Levels() - iImageInfo.LevelDrop() );
if ( reducedLevels < 0 )
TInt32 i;
TInt32 stepSize = 1;
// Compute the output step size, the stepSize indicates how much more
// resolution has to be dropped if the image didn't have enough wavelet
// levels to begin with. One indicates no extra resolution drop (write
// each sample) and for each extra drop skip half of the samples, i.e.
// stepSize is 2^extraLevels in case extra drop is needed.
// Compute the stepSize
for ( i = 0; i < (-reducedLevels); i++ )
// Double the step size for every extra level dropped.
stepSize *= 2;
// Adjust the block coordinates, so that next block is drawn to the right coordinates
aBlockXCoord /= stepSize;
aBlockYCoord /= stepSize;
reducedLevels = 0;
CJ2kSubband* subband = CONST_CAST( CJ2kSubband*, componentInfo.SubbandAt( (TUint8)reducedLevels ) );
if ( subband->SubbandResLevel() != 0 )
subband = subband->Parent();
// If we are going to combine the output into a single file we must use the first components size and
// tile-start values ( other components might be sub sampled ).
if( iSingleFileOutput && iNumComponents == 3 )
// Update the tileStartCoordinates
tmpTileStart = iComponents[0]->TileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot );
iComponents[0]->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iX += aBlockXCoord;
iComponents[0]->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iY += aBlockYCoord;
// Also store and update the tileStartCoordinates of the other two components, as they may be output to file
tmpTileStart1 = iComponents[1]->TileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot );
iComponents[1]->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iX += aBlockXCoord;
iComponents[1]->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iY += aBlockYCoord;
tmpTileStart2 = iComponents[2]->TileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot );
iComponents[2]->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iX += aBlockXCoord;
iComponents[2]->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iY += aBlockYCoord;
outputSize = aFirstCompSize;
// Update the tileStartCoordinates
tmpTileStart = currentComponent->TileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot );
currentComponent->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iX += aBlockXCoord;
currentComponent->iTileStartList[tileIndex].iY += aBlockYCoord;
outputSize = aThisCompSize;
// Call OutputImageL with the changed parameters
OutputImageL( aTile, aComponentIndex, outputSize );
// Restore the original values
if( iSingleFileOutput && iNumComponents == 3 )
iComponents[0]->iTileStartList[tileIndex] = tmpTileStart;
iComponents[1]->iTileStartList[tileIndex] = tmpTileStart1;
iComponents[2]->iTileStartList[tileIndex] = tmpTileStart2;
currentComponent->iTileStartList[tileIndex] = tmpTileStart;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::SetNewImageProcessor
// Set the image processor of the image write
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::SetNewImageProcessor( CImageProcessor* aImageProcessor )
iImageProcessor = aImageProcessor;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::SingleFileOutput
// Get the single output file
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageWriter::SingleFileOutput() const
return iSingleFileOutput;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::CSCode
// Get the EnumCS
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint8 CJ2kImageWriter::CSCode() const
return (TUint8)iJ2kInfo.iEnumCS;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::CJ2kImageWriter
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CJ2kImageWriter::CJ2kImageWriter( CImageProcessor* aImageProcessor,
CJ2kImageInfo& aImageInfo,
TJ2kInfo& aJ2kInfo ) :
iImageProcessor( aImageProcessor ),
iImageInfo( aImageInfo ),
iJ2kInfo( aJ2kInfo )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::ConstructL()
TInt32 i = 0;
TSizMarker& sizMarker = CONST_CAST( TSizMarker&, iImageInfo.SizMarker() );
iNumComponents = iImageInfo.NumOfComponents();
if ( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() )
iNumComponents = (TUint16)( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList.Count() );
if(iNumComponents < iImageInfo.NumOfComponents())
// Every component in the codestream must have a mapping defined
User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
for ( i = 0; i < iNumComponents; i++ )
CJ2kWriterComponentInfo *info = new ( ELeave ) CJ2kWriterComponentInfo;
CleanupStack::PushL( info );
User::LeaveIfError( iComponents.Append( info ) );
if ( iNumComponents == 3 )
iSingleFileOutput = 1;
if ( sizMarker.iXRsiz[1] == 2 * sizMarker.iXRsiz[0] &&
sizMarker.iXRsiz[2] == 2 * sizMarker.iXRsiz[0] )
if ( sizMarker.iYRsiz[1] == 2 * sizMarker.iYRsiz[0] &&
sizMarker.iYRsiz[2] == 2 * sizMarker.iYRsiz[0] )
iFileType = KYUV420;
iFileType = KYUV422;
else if ( iNumComponents == 1 )
iFileType = KRGB;
if ( iImageInfo.ComponentDrop() ) //lint !e961 no else is needed here at the end of if...else if
iFileType = KRGB;
if ( iJ2kInfo.iICCProfile )
iICCProfile = ETrue;
// Initialize the output parameters
if ( iImageInfo.Crop() )
// Currently do nothing.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::PerformInverseRCT
// Perform the inverse reversible color transformation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::PerformInverseRCT( const TSize& aSize )
TInt32 col = 0;
TPrecInt red = 0;
TPrecInt green = 0;
TPrecInt blue = 0;
TPrecInt** block1 = iComponents[0]->iData;
TPrecInt** block2 = iComponents[1]->iData;
TPrecInt** block3 = iComponents[2]->iData;
for ( TInt32 row = 0; row < aSize.iHeight; row++ )
for ( col = 0; col < aSize.iWidth; col++ )
red = block1[row][col];
green = block2[row][col];
blue = block3[row][col];
block2[row][col] = red - ( ( blue + green ) >> 2 ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
block1[row][col] = blue + block2[row][col];
block3[row][col] = green + block2[row][col];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::PerformInverseICT
// Perform the inverse irreversible color transformation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::PerformInverseICT( const TSize& aSize )
TInt32 col = 0;
TPrecInt red = 0;
TPrecInt green = 0;
TPrecInt blue = 0;
TPrecInt** block1 = iComponents[0]->iData;
TPrecInt** block2 = iComponents[1]->iData;
TPrecInt** block3 = iComponents[2]->iData;
for ( TInt32 row = 0; row < aSize.iHeight; row++ )
for ( col = 0; col < aSize.iWidth; col++ )
red = block1[row][col];
green = block2[row][col];
blue = block3[row][col];
InverseICTTransform( red, green, blue, block1[row][col], block2[row][col], block3[row][col] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::InverseICTTransform
// Inverse irreversible color transformation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::InverseICTTransform( TPrecInt aY, TPrecInt aU, TPrecInt aV,
TPrecInt& aR, TPrecInt& aG, TPrecInt& aB )
aR = ( TPrecInt )( ( ( ( aY << KFractionBits ) +
( KIctCoefficient11 * aV ) ) + KOffset ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aG = ( TPrecInt )( ( ( ( aY << KFractionBits ) +
( KIctCoefficient21 * aU ) + ( KIctCoefficient22 * aV ) ) + KOffset ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aB = ( TPrecInt )( ( ( ( aY << KFractionBits ) +
( KIctCoefficient31 * aU ) ) + KOffset ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::InverseICTTransform
// Inverse irreversible color transformation.
// Performs fast transform and outputs even and odd samples at the same time
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::InverseICTTransform( TPrecInt aY1, TPrecInt aY2, TPrecInt aU, TPrecInt aV,
TPrecInt& aR1, TPrecInt& aG1, TPrecInt& aB1,
TPrecInt& aR2, TPrecInt& aG2, TPrecInt& aB2)
TInt32 y1Shifted;
TInt32 y2Shifted;
TInt32 rTempValue;
TInt32 gTempValue;
TInt32 bTempValue;
y1Shifted = ( aY1 << KFractionBits );
y2Shifted = ( aY2 << KFractionBits );
rTempValue = ( KIctCoefficient11 * aV ) + KOffset;
gTempValue = ( KIctCoefficient21 * aU ) + ( KIctCoefficient22 * aV ) + KOffset;
bTempValue = ( KIctCoefficient31 * aU ) + KOffset;
aR1 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y1Shifted + rTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aG1 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y1Shifted + gTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aB1 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y1Shifted + bTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aR2 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y2Shifted + rTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aG2 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y2Shifted + gTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aB2 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y2Shifted + bTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::InverseICTFastYUV420Transform
// Inverse irreversible color transformation
// Performs fast transform and outputs even and odd samples on even and odd
// rows (four samples) at the same time.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::InverseICTTransform( TPrecInt aY1, TPrecInt aY2, TPrecInt aY3, TPrecInt aY4,
TPrecInt aU, TPrecInt aV,
TPrecInt& aR1, TPrecInt& aG1, TPrecInt& aB1,
TPrecInt& aR2, TPrecInt& aG2, TPrecInt& aB2,
TPrecInt& aR3, TPrecInt& aG3, TPrecInt& aB3,
TPrecInt& aR4, TPrecInt& aG4, TPrecInt& aB4)
TInt32 y1Shifted;
TInt32 y2Shifted;
TInt32 y3Shifted;
TInt32 y4Shifted;
TInt32 rTempValue;
TInt32 gTempValue;
TInt32 bTempValue;
y1Shifted = ( aY1 << KFractionBits );
y2Shifted = ( aY2 << KFractionBits );
y3Shifted = ( aY3 << KFractionBits );
y4Shifted = ( aY4 << KFractionBits );
rTempValue = ( KIctCoefficient11 * aV ) + KOffset;
gTempValue = ( KIctCoefficient21 * aU ) + ( KIctCoefficient22 * aV ) + KOffset;
bTempValue = ( KIctCoefficient31 * aU ) + KOffset;
aR1 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y1Shifted + rTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aG1 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y1Shifted + gTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aB1 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y1Shifted + bTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aR2 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y2Shifted + rTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aG2 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y2Shifted + gTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aB2 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y2Shifted + bTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aR3 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y3Shifted + rTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aG3 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y3Shifted + gTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aB3 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y3Shifted + bTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aR4 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y4Shifted + rTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aG4 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y4Shifted + gTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
aB4 = ( TPrecInt )( ( y4Shifted + bTempValue ) >> KFractionBits ); //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::InitializeICCProfileL
// Initialize the ICC profile from JP2 file format ( iJ2kInfo )
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::InitializeICCProfileL()
const TUint8* iterator = iJ2kInfo.iICCProfile->Ptr();
TUint8* origin = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, iJ2kInfo.iICCProfile->Ptr() );
// Skip the first 128 bytes
iterator += KICCSkipBytes;
// Get the tag count
TUint32 tagCount = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator );
TUint32 tagSignature = 0;
TUint32 tagSize = 0;
TUint32 redXYZOffset = 0;
TUint32 greenXYZOffset = 0;
TUint32 blueXYZOffset = 0;
TUint32 trcOffset = 0;
TUint32 index = 0;
TInt32 i = 0;
TInt entries = 0;
HBufC16* redTRC = 0;
HBufC16* greenTRC = 0;
HBufC16* blueTRC = 0;
HBufC16* grayTRC = 0;
TUint8 isColor = EFalse;
TReal value = 0.0;
for ( index = 0; index < tagCount; ++index )
tagSignature = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator );
switch ( tagSignature )
case KRedMatrixTag:
redXYZOffset = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) + 8;
iterator += 4;
case KGreenMatrixTag:
greenXYZOffset = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) + 8;
iterator += 4;
case KBlueMatrixTag:
blueXYZOffset = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) + 8;
iterator += 4;
case KRedTrcTag:
isColor = ETrue;
trcOffset = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) + 12;
tagSize = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) - 12;
entries = tagSize >> 1;
redTRC = HBufC16::NewLC( entries );
TPtr16 tmpPtr = ( redTRC->Des() );
// Read bytes into the TRC values array
for( i = 0; i < entries; i++ )
tmpPtr.Append( (TUint16)( ( origin[trcOffset + 2 * i] << 8 ) |
origin[trcOffset + 2 * i + 1] ) );
case KGreenTrcTag:
isColor = ETrue;
trcOffset = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) + 12;
tagSize = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) - 12;
entries = tagSize >> 1;
greenTRC = HBufC16::NewLC( entries );
TPtr16 tmpPtr = ( greenTRC->Des() );
// Read bytes into the TRC values array
for( i = 0; i < entries; i++ )
tmpPtr.Append( (TUint16)( ( origin[trcOffset + 2 * i] << 8 ) |
origin[trcOffset + 2 * i + 1] ) );
case KBlueTrcTag:
isColor = ETrue;
trcOffset = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) + 12;
tagSize = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) - 12;
entries = tagSize >> 1;
blueTRC = HBufC16::NewLC( entries );
TPtr16 tmpPtr = ( blueTRC->Des() );
// Read bytes into the TRC values array
for( i = 0; i < entries; i++ )
tmpPtr.Append( (TUint16)( ( origin[trcOffset+2*i] << 8 ) |
origin[trcOffset+2*i+1] ) );
case KGrayTrcTag:
trcOffset = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) + 12;
tagSize = PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32Inc( iterator ) - 12;
entries = tagSize >> 1;
grayTRC = HBufC16::NewLC( entries );
TPtr16 tmpPtr = ( grayTRC->Des() );
// Read bytes into the TRC values array
for( i = 0; i < entries; i++ )
tmpPtr.Append( (TUint16)( ( origin[trcOffset + 2 * i] << 8 ) |
origin[trcOffset + 2 * i + 1] ) );
iterator += 8;
TReal gamma = 0.0;
TReal maxInput = 0.0;
TReal src = 0.0;
TUint32 numPerSample = 0;
TUint32 lutSize = 0;
if ( iJ2kInfo.iBPCList.Count() )
lutSize = 1 << ( iJ2kInfo.iBPCList[0] & 0x7f + 1 );
lutSize = 1 << iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 0 );
if ( isColor )
// Read the RGB( lin. ) -> XYZ conversion matrix coefficients
// The matrix is the following:
// _ _
// | redX greenX blueX |
// | redY greenY blueY |
// | redZ greenZ blueZ |
// |_ _|
TReal redX = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + redXYZOffset ) / KDivisor;
TReal redY = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + redXYZOffset + 4 ) / KDivisor;
TReal redZ = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + redXYZOffset + 8 ) / KDivisor;
TReal greenX = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + greenXYZOffset ) / KDivisor;
TReal greenY = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + greenXYZOffset + 4 ) / KDivisor;
TReal greenZ = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + greenXYZOffset + 8 ) / KDivisor;
TReal blueX = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + blueXYZOffset ) / KDivisor;
TReal blueY = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + blueXYZOffset + 4 ) / KDivisor;
TReal blueZ = ( TReal )PtrReadUtil::ReadBigEndianUint32( origin + blueXYZOffset + 8 ) / KDivisor;
// Combine the RGB( lin. ) -> XYZ and the XYZ -> sRGB( lin. ) conversions, i.e.
// perform the matrix multiplication. Store the result in "iMatrix".
iMatrix[0] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB00 * redX + KSRGB01 * redY + KSRGB02 * redZ ) );
iMatrix[1] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB00 * greenX + KSRGB01 * greenY + KSRGB02 * greenZ ) );
iMatrix[2] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB00 * blueX + KSRGB01 * blueY + KSRGB02 * blueZ ) );
iMatrix[3] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB10 * redX + KSRGB11 * redY + KSRGB12 * redZ ) );
iMatrix[4] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB10 * greenX + KSRGB11 * greenY + KSRGB12 * greenZ ) );
iMatrix[5] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB10 * blueX + KSRGB11 * blueY + KSRGB12 * blueZ ) );
iMatrix[6] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB20 * redX + KSRGB21 * redY + KSRGB22 * redZ ) );
iMatrix[7] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB20 * greenX + KSRGB21 * greenY + KSRGB22 * greenZ ) );
iMatrix[8] = ( TInt32 )( KSRGBMaxIntShifted * ( KSRGB20 * blueX + KSRGB21 * blueY + KSRGB22 * blueZ ) );
iRedTRCLut = STATIC_CAST( TInt32*, User::AllocL( lutSize * sizeof( TInt32 ) ) );
if ( redTRC->Length() == 1 )
gamma = (TReal)( *redTRC )[0] / KGamma;
maxInput = (TReal)( lutSize - 1 );
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
src = index / maxInput;
Math::Pow( value, src, gamma );
iRedTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value * KTRCShiftMultiplier + 0.5 );
numPerSample = lutSize / (TUint32)( redTRC->Length() );
if ( numPerSample )
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
value = ( *redTRC )[index / numPerSample] / KDivisor;
iRedTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value * KTRCShiftMultiplier + 0.5 );
if ( iJ2kInfo.iBPCList.Count() )
lutSize = 1 << ( iJ2kInfo.iBPCList[1] & 0x7f + 1 );
lutSize = 1 << iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 1 );
iGreenTRCLut = STATIC_CAST( TInt32*, User::AllocL( lutSize * sizeof( TInt32 ) ) );
if ( greenTRC->Length() == 1 )
gamma = (TReal)( *greenTRC )[0] / KGamma;
maxInput = (TReal)( lutSize - 1 );
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
src = index / maxInput;
Math::Pow( value, src, gamma );
iGreenTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value * KTRCShiftMultiplier + 0.5 );
numPerSample = lutSize / (TUint32)( greenTRC->Length() );
if ( numPerSample )
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
value = ( *greenTRC )[index / numPerSample] / KDivisor;
iGreenTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value * KTRCShiftMultiplier + 0.5 );
if ( iJ2kInfo.iBPCList.Count() )
lutSize = 1 << ( iJ2kInfo.iBPCList[2] & 0x7f + 1 );
lutSize = 1 << iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 2 );
iBlueTRCLut = STATIC_CAST( TInt32*, User::AllocL( lutSize * sizeof( TInt32 ) ) );
if ( blueTRC->Length() == 1 )
gamma = (TReal)( *blueTRC )[0] / KGamma;
maxInput = (TReal)( lutSize - 1 );
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
src = index / maxInput;
Math::Pow( value, src, gamma );
iBlueTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value * KTRCShiftMultiplier + 0.5 );
numPerSample = lutSize / (TUint32)( blueTRC->Length() );
if ( numPerSample )
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
value = ( *blueTRC )[index / numPerSample] / KDivisor;
iBlueTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value * KTRCShiftMultiplier + 0.5 );
iGrayTRCLut = STATIC_CAST( TInt32*, User::AllocL( lutSize * sizeof( TInt32 ) ) );
if ( grayTRC->Length() == 1 )
gamma = (TReal)( *grayTRC )[0] / KGamma;
maxInput = (TReal)( lutSize - 1 );
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
src = index / maxInput;
Math::Pow( value, src, gamma );
iGrayTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value*KSRGBMax+0.5 );
numPerSample = lutSize / (TUint32)( grayTRC->Length() );
if ( numPerSample )
for ( index = 0; index < lutSize; ++index )
value = ( *grayTRC )[index / numPerSample] / KDivisor;
iGrayTRCLut[index] = (TInt32)( value*KSRGBMax + 0.5 );
TUint16 cutoffIdx = 0; // Cutoff index for linear portion of output LUT
TReal linearSlope = 0.0; // Slope of output LUT in the linear region
TReal normalisation = 0.0; // Scale factor to normalize sRGB linear value to [0,1]
// Generate the final output LUT for converting linear sRGB to non-linear sRGB.
// Input values are in the range [0,KSRGBMax] and output will be 8-bit [0,255].
// Conversation values can be obtained in e.g. "JPEG2000 - Image compression
// fundamentals, standards and practice" book by Taubman and Marcellin.
cutoffIdx = (TUint16)( KSRGB_CUTOFF * KSRGBMax );
linearSlope = 255.0 * KSRGB_SLOPE / KSRGBMax;
normalisation = 1.0 / KSRGBMax;
iLinearsRGBLut = HBufC8::NewL( KSRGBMaxInt + 1 );
// Generate the output lin.sRGB -> non-lin.sRGB LUT
// Linear part
for ( index = 0; index <= cutoffIdx; ++index )
iLinearsRGBLut->Des().Append( (TUint8)( linearSlope * index ) );
// Non-linear part
for ( ; index <= (TUint32)KSRGBMaxInt; ++index )
gamma = index * normalisation;
Math::Pow( src, gamma , KSRGB_EXPONENT );
iLinearsRGBLut->Des().Append( (TUint8)( 255 * ( KSRGB_MULTIPLIER * src - KSRGB_SUBTRACT ) ) );
// We do not need iJ2kInfo.iICCProfile data anymore
delete iJ2kInfo.iICCProfile;
iJ2kInfo.iICCProfile = 0;
if ( isColor )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::InitializeOutputParametersL
// Initialize the output parameters
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::InitializeOutputParametersL()
CJ2kWriterComponentInfo* component = 0;
TUint16 l = 0;
TUint16 m = 0;
TUint16 tileIndex = 0;
TUint16 tileYIndex = 0;
TPoint tileStart( 0, 0 );
TUint16 numOfHorizTiles = iImageInfo.NumOfHorizTiles();
TUint16 numOfVertTiles = iImageInfo.NumOfVertTiles();
TRect tileCanvas( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
TRect componentCanvas( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
const TSizMarker &sizMarker = iImageInfo.SizMarker();
TInt useHeight = 0;
TInt useWidth = 0;
// Prepare the tile coordinates for output image
for ( TUint16 compIndex = 0; compIndex < iNumComponents; compIndex++ )
component = iComponents[compIndex];
for ( l = 0; l < numOfVertTiles; l++ )
tileYIndex = (TUint16)( l * numOfHorizTiles );
for ( m = 0; m < numOfHorizTiles; m++ )
// Tile index
tileIndex = (TUint16)( tileYIndex + m );
// Tile canvas
tileCanvas.iTl = TPoint( Max( sizMarker.iXTOsiz + m * sizMarker.iXTsiz, sizMarker.iXOsiz ),
Max( sizMarker.iYTOsiz + l * sizMarker.iYTsiz, sizMarker.iYOsiz ) );
tileCanvas.iBr = TPoint( Min( sizMarker.iXTOsiz + ( m + 1 ) * sizMarker.iXTsiz, sizMarker.iXsiz ),
Min( sizMarker.iYTOsiz + ( l + 1 ) * sizMarker.iYTsiz, sizMarker.iYsiz ) );
// Component canvas
componentCanvas.iTl = TPoint( TJ2kUtils::Ceil( tileCanvas.iTl.iX, sizMarker.iXRsiz[compIndex] ),
TJ2kUtils::Ceil( tileCanvas.iTl.iY, sizMarker.iYRsiz[compIndex] ) );
componentCanvas.iBr = TPoint( TJ2kUtils::Ceil( tileCanvas.iBr.iX, sizMarker.iXRsiz[compIndex] ),
TJ2kUtils::Ceil( tileCanvas.iBr.iY, sizMarker.iYRsiz[compIndex] ) );
if ( m )
tileStart.iX = component->iTileStartList[tileIndex - 1].iX + useWidth;
tileStart.iX = 0;
// Width to be used on the next horizontal tile
useWidth = componentCanvas.Width();
if ( l )
tileStart.iY = component->iTileStartList[tileIndex - 1].iY + useHeight;
useHeight = 0;
tileStart.iY = 0;
User::LeaveIfError( component->iTileStartList.Append( tileStart ) );
// Height to be used on the next vertical tile
useHeight = componentCanvas.Height();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::DoICCConversion
// Perform XYZ to sRGB conversion with the ICC profile.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::DoICCConversion( TInt32 aX,
TInt32 aY,
TInt32 aZ,
TPrecInt& aR,
TPrecInt& aG,
TPrecInt& aB )
TInt32 tmpX = 0;
TInt32 tmpY = 0;
TInt32 tmpZ = 0;
TInt32 tmpR = 0;
TInt32 tmpG = 0;
TInt32 tmpB = 0;
// First perform the input linearization
tmpX = iRedTRCLut[aX];
tmpY = iGreenTRCLut[aY];
tmpZ = iBlueTRCLut[aZ];
// Then perform the matrix multiplication to obtain the nonlinear RGB
tmpR = ( iMatrix[0] * tmpX + iMatrix[1] * tmpY + iMatrix[2] * tmpZ ) >> KICCDownshift; //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
tmpG = ( iMatrix[3] * tmpX + iMatrix[4] * tmpY + iMatrix[5] * tmpZ ) >> KICCDownshift; //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
tmpB = ( iMatrix[6] * tmpX + iMatrix[7] * tmpY + iMatrix[8] * tmpZ ) >> KICCDownshift; //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
// Get rid of values outside the range of legal values
tmpR = CLIP2RANGE( tmpR, 0, KSRGBMaxInt );
tmpG = CLIP2RANGE( tmpG, 0, KSRGBMaxInt );
tmpB = CLIP2RANGE( tmpB, 0, KSRGBMaxInt );
// De-linearize the output RGB values
aR = ( *iLinearsRGBLut )[tmpR];
aG = ( *iLinearsRGBLut )[tmpG];
aB = ( *iLinearsRGBLut )[tmpB];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::MapToEightBits
// Map data less than 8 bits to 8 bits data
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::MapToEightBits( CJ2kWriterComponentInfo& aComponent,
const TSize& aSize,
TUint16 aBitDepth )
TPrecInt* imageRow;
TInt32 i = 0;
TInt32 j = 0;
// DC-shift is always non zero, since we map signed data to unsigned
if ( aBitDepth < 8 )
TPrecInt upshift = KByteBits - aBitDepth;
TPrecInt dcShiftUp = 1 << ( KByteBits - 1 );
for ( i = aSize.iHeight - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
imageRow = aComponent.Data()[i];
for ( j = aSize.iWidth - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
imageRow[j] = ( imageRow[j] * ( 1 << upshift ) ) + dcShiftUp;
else // The original bitdepth is more than eight
TPrecInt dcShift = 1 << ( aBitDepth - 1 );
TPrecInt downshift = aBitDepth - KByteBits;
for ( i = aSize.iHeight - 1; i >= 0; --i )
imageRow = aComponent.Data()[i];
for ( j = aSize.iWidth - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
imageRow[j] = ( imageRow[j] + dcShift ) >> downshift; //lint !e704 shifting is OK.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::MapComponentsL
// Map data using the component mapping box from JP2 file format
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::MapComponentsL( TUint16 aNumCSComp,
TUint16 aReducedLevels,
const TSize& aSize,
CJ2kTileInfo& aTile )
TInt32 i = 0;
TInt32 j = 0;
TInt32 k = 0; // Indices
TInt32 compIndex = 0; // Index of the component in the codestream
TInt32 paletteIndex = 0; // Index of the component in the palette
TInt32 value = 0;
TInt32 dcShift = 0;
TPrecInt*** tempData = 0; // temporary storage for codestream data
TUint8 bitdepth = 0;
CJ2kWriterComponentInfo* componentFrom = 0;
CJ2kWriterComponentInfo* componentTo = 0;
CJ2kSubband* subband = 0;
TSize subbandSize( 0, 0 );
// First allocate the temporary storage
tempData = STATIC_CAST( TPrecInt***, User::Alloc( aNumCSComp * sizeof( TPrecInt** ) ) );
if ( !tempData )
User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
CleanupStack::PushL( tempData );
for ( i = 0; i < aNumCSComp; i++ )
subband = CONST_CAST( CJ2kSubband*, aTile.ComponentAt( (TUint16)i ).SubbandAt( (TUint8)aReducedLevels ) );
if( subband->SubbandResLevel() != 0 )
subband = subband->Parent();
subbandSize = subband->SubbandCanvasSize();
// Check that this component's size doesn't exceed the output size
if( subbandSize.iWidth > aSize.iWidth )
subbandSize.iWidth = aSize.iWidth;
if( subbandSize.iHeight > aSize.iHeight )
subbandSize.iHeight = aSize.iHeight;
// Allocate the temporary storage
tempData[i] = TJ2kUtils::Alloc2DArrayL( subbandSize.iHeight, subbandSize.iWidth );
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( ( TCleanupOperation )&( TJ2kUtils::Free2DArray ), ( TAny* )tempData[i] ) );
componentFrom = iComponents[i];
for ( j = subbandSize.iHeight - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
Mem::Copy( tempData[i][j], componentFrom->Data()[j], subbandSize.iWidth * sizeof( TPrecInt ) );
for ( k = 0; k < iNumComponents; k++ )
// Get the channel in the codestream from which to map
compIndex = iJ2kInfo.iCMPList[k].iCmp;
componentFrom = iComponents[compIndex];
subband = CONST_CAST( CJ2kSubband*, aTile.ComponentAt( (TUint16)compIndex ).SubbandAt( (TUint8)aReducedLevels ) );
if( subband->SubbandResLevel() != 0 )
subband = subband->Parent();
subbandSize = subband->SubbandCanvasSize();
// Check that this component's size doesn't exceed the output size
if( subbandSize.iWidth > aSize.iWidth )
subbandSize.iWidth = aSize.iWidth;
if( subbandSize.iHeight > aSize.iHeight )
subbandSize.iHeight = aSize.iHeight;
// Get the output channel
componentTo = iComponents[k];
// Check if palette is used for mapping
if ( iJ2kInfo.iCMPList[k].iMtyp == 1 )
// Get the right palette channel for mapping
paletteIndex = iJ2kInfo.iCMPList[k].iPcol;
// Bitdepth is the lowest seven bits plus one for palettes
bitdepth = (TUint8)( ( iJ2kInfo.iPalette.iBList[paletteIndex] & 0x7f ) + 1 );
dcShift = 1 << ( bitdepth - 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < subbandSize.iHeight; i++ )
for ( j = 0; j < subbandSize.iWidth; j++ )
// Map the input codestream channel into the output component
// using the palette value.
value = tempData[compIndex][i][j] + dcShift;
if ( value < 0 )
value = 0;
if ( value >= iJ2kInfo.iPalette.iC2DArray.Count() )
value = iJ2kInfo.iPalette.iC2DArray.Count() - 1;
componentTo->iData[i][j] = ( *iJ2kInfo.iPalette.iC2DArray[value] )[paletteIndex] - dcShift;
else // Direct mapping
for ( i = subbandSize.iHeight - 1; i >= 0; --i )
for ( j = subbandSize.iWidth - 1; j >= 0; --j )
// Map the input codestream channel into the output component directly.
componentTo->iData[i][j] = componentFrom->iData[i][j];
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aNumCSComp + 1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::WriteOutputFile
// Write the component to the single output file
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::WriteOutputFile( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile,
TUint16 aCompIndex,
const TSize& aSize,
TUint16 aBitDepth )
TPrecInt* imageRow = 0;
CJ2kWriterComponentInfo* currentComponent = iComponents[aCompIndex];
TSize outputSize = aSize;
TUint16 numLevels = aTile.ComponentAt( aCompIndex ).Levels();
TInt16 tempNumLevels = (TUint16)( numLevels - iImageInfo.LevelDrop() );
TPoint tileStartCoord = currentComponent->TileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot );
currentComponent->UpdateNextTileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot, aSize, iImageInfo );
if ( tempNumLevels < 0 )
TInt32 i;
TInt32 stepSize = 1;
// Compute the output step size, the stepSize indicates how much more
// resolution has to be dropped if the image didn't have enough wavelet
// levels to begin with. One indicates no extra resolution drop (write
// each sample) and for each extra drop skip half of the samples, i.e.
// stepSize is 2^extraLevels in case extra drop is needed.
// Adjust the tile starting points and the stepSize
for ( i = 0; i < (-tempNumLevels); i++ )
// Double the step size for every extra level dropped.
stepSize *= 2;
// Also take care of next tile's starting position
outputSize.iHeight /= stepSize;
outputSize.iWidth /= stepSize;
iComponents[0]->UpdateNextTileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot, outputSize, iImageInfo );
TInt32 dcShift = 0;
TInt32 j = 0;
if ( aBitDepth == 8 )
if ( !( iImageInfo.SignOfComponent( aCompIndex ) ) )
dcShift = 1 << ( aBitDepth - 1 );
// Convert with an ICC profile if necessary
if( iICCProfile )
TInt32 value = 0;
TInt32 outputValue = 0;
// Compute the dcShift again, we must have dcShift != 0 for other than 8-bit input.
dcShift = 1 << ( iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 0 )-1 );
for ( TInt32 i = 0; i < outputSize.iHeight; i++ )
imageRow = currentComponent->Data()[i];
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, tileStartCoord.iY + i );
for ( j = 0; j < outputSize.iWidth; j++ )
// Use a clipped value of input sample for an index to the grayscale TRC LUT.
value = iGrayTRCLut[CLIPINT( ( imageRow[j]+dcShift ), aBitDepth )];
// Get rid of values outside the range of legal values.
value = CLIP2RANGE( value, 0, KSRGBMaxInt );
// De-linearize the output values.
outputValue = ( *iLinearsRGBLut )[value];
iMonoPixelBlock[j] = (TUint32)( INT2BYTE( outputValue ) );
// Flush the row of grayscale pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetMonoPixels( iMonoPixelBlock, outputSize.iWidth );
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
else // No ICC profile was used.
// Take care of bitdepths != 8
if ( aBitDepth != 8 )
MapToEightBits( *currentComponent, outputSize, aBitDepth );
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
for ( TInt32 i = 0; i < outputSize.iHeight; i++ )
imageRow = currentComponent->Data()[i];
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, tileStartCoord.iY + i );
for ( j = 0; j < outputSize.iWidth; j++ )
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iMonoPixelBlock[j] = (TUint32)( INT2BYTE( ( imageRow[j] + dcShift ) ) );
// Flush the row of grayscale pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetMonoPixels( iMonoPixelBlock, outputSize.iWidth );
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::CombineOutputFile
// Write all components of the tile to the single output file
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::CombineOutputFile( CJ2kTileInfo& aTile, const TSize& aSize )
TInt32 i = 0;
TInt32 j = 0;
TUint16 numLevels = aTile.ComponentAt( 0 ).Levels();
TInt16 tempNumLevels = (TUint16)( numLevels - iImageInfo.LevelDrop() );
TSize outputSize = aSize;
TPoint& tileStartCoord = iComponents[0]->TileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot );
iComponents[0]->UpdateNextTileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot, outputSize, iImageInfo );
if ( tempNumLevels < 0 )
TInt32 stepSize = 1;
// Compute the output step size, the stepSize indicates how much more
// resolution has to be dropped if the image didn't have enough wavelet
// levels to begin with. One indicates no extra resolution drop (write
// each sample) and for each extra drop skip half of the samples, i.e.
// stepSize is 2^extraLevels in case extra drop is needed.
// Adjust the tile starting points and the stepSize
for ( i = 0; i < (-tempNumLevels); i++ )
// Double the step size for every extra level dropped.
stepSize *= 2;
// Also take care of next tile's starting position
outputSize.iHeight /= stepSize;
outputSize.iWidth /= stepSize;
iComponents[0]->UpdateNextTileStartAt( aTile.SotMarker().iIsot, outputSize, iImageInfo );
tempNumLevels = 0;
TInt32 dcShift = 0;
if ( iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 0 ) == 8 )
if ( !( iImageInfo.SignOfComponent( 0 ) ) )
dcShift = 1 << ( iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 0 ) - 1 );
TSize subSamplingSize( 0, 0 );
// Due to subsampling we might have one more sample than the result of
// height/2 or width/2 will give thus we have to check whether we an
// extra row/column .
if ( iImageInfo.NumOfComponents() == 3 && iJ2kInfo.iEnumCS == 18 )
CJ2kSubband* subband = CONST_CAST( CJ2kSubband*, aTile.ComponentAt( 1 ).SubbandAt( (TUint8)tempNumLevels ) );
if ( subband->SubbandResLevel() != 0 )
subband = subband->Parent();
subSamplingSize = subband->SubbandCanvasSize();
if ( subSamplingSize.iWidth )
if ( subSamplingSize.iHeight )
TPrecInt** c1 = iComponents[0]->Data();
TPrecInt** c2 = iComponents[1]->Data();
TPrecInt** c3 = iComponents[2]->Data();
TPrecInt* c1Row = c1[0];
TPrecInt* c2Row = c2[0];
TPrecInt* c3Row = c3[0];
// For taking care of channel definition box order
if ( iJ2kInfo.iCNList.Count() > 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( iJ2kInfo.iCNList[i].iAsoc == 1 )
c1 = iComponents[i]->Data();
else if ( iJ2kInfo.iCNList[i].iAsoc == 2 )
c2 = iComponents[i]->Data();
else if( iJ2kInfo.iCNList[i].iAsoc == 3 )
c3 = iComponents[i]->Data();
} //lint !e961 no else is needed here at the end of if...else if
// If dithering is needed the following lines should be used:
// TInt32 A = KDitherCoeffcient11 + dcShift;
// TInt32 B = KDitherCoeffcient12 + dcShift;
// TInt32 C = KDitherCoeffcient21 + dcShift;
// TInt32 D = KDitherCoeffcient22 + dcShift;
// Without dithering, use dcShift only.
TInt32 ditherA = dcShift;
TInt32 ditherB = dcShift;
TInt32 ditherC = dcShift;
TInt32 ditherD = dcShift;
TUint8 values[6];
// Convert with the ICC profile values if necessary.
if( iICCProfile )
TInt32 x = 0;
TInt32 y = 0;
TInt32 z = 0;
TPrecInt sR = 0;
TPrecInt sG = 0;
TPrecInt sB = 0;
TInt32 maxValue = 0;
// Compute the dcShift again, we must have dcShift != 0 for other than 8-bit input.
dcShift = 1 << ( iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 0 ) - 1 );
maxValue = ( 1 << iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( 0 ) ) - 1; // Maximum value for this bitdepth
for( i = 0; i < outputSize.iHeight; i++ )
// Set the current coordinate in the output image
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, tileStartCoord.iY + i );
for( j = 0; j < outputSize.iWidth; j++ )
x = CLIP2BITDEPTH( ( c1[i][j] + dcShift ),maxValue );
y = CLIP2BITDEPTH( ( c2[i][j] + dcShift ),maxValue );
z = CLIP2BITDEPTH( ( c3[i][j] + dcShift ),maxValue );
DoICCConversion( x,y,z,sR,sG,sB );
values[0] = INT2BYTE( sB );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( sG );
values[2]= INT2BYTE( sR );
WritePixel( values[2], values[1], values[0] );
// Set the current coordinate in the output image
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
// To speed up output writing (for subsampled samples), compute the number of half the samples
TInt32 halfOfWidth = outputSize.iWidth / 2;
// If the bitdepth is not eight, shift values so that output is unsigned eight bit
for ( i = 0; i < iImageInfo.NumOfComponents(); i++ )
if ( iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( ( TUint16 )i ) != 8 )
MapToEightBits( *iComponents[i], outputSize, iImageInfo.DepthOfComponent( (TUint16)i ) );
// Do the YUV to RGB conversion if needed
if ( iJ2kInfo.iEnumCS == 18 )
TPrecInt y1 = 0;
TPrecInt y2 = 0;
TPrecInt u = 0;
TPrecInt v = 0;
TPrecInt r = 0;
TPrecInt g = 0;
TPrecInt b = 0;
TPrecInt r1 = 0;
TPrecInt g1 = 0;
TPrecInt b1 = 0;
TPrecInt r2 = 0;
TPrecInt g2 = 0;
TPrecInt b2 = 0;
if ( iFileType == KYUV420 ) // YUV 4:2:0
TPrecInt* c1EvenRow = c1[0];
TPrecInt* c1OddRow = c1[0];
TPrecInt y3 = 0;
TPrecInt y4 = 0;
TPrecInt r3 = 0;
TPrecInt g3 = 0;
TPrecInt b3 = 0;
TPrecInt r4 = 0;
TPrecInt g4 = 0;
TPrecInt b4 = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < outputSize.iHeight / 2; i++ )
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, ( tileStartCoord.iY + 2 * i ) );
c1EvenRow = c1[2 * i];
c1OddRow = c1[2 * i + 1];
c2Row = c2[i];
c3Row = c3[i];
for ( j = 0; j < halfOfWidth; j++ )
y1 = *c1EvenRow++;
y2 = *c1EvenRow++;
y3 = *c1OddRow++;
y4 = *c1OddRow++;
u = *c2Row++;
v = *c3Row++;
// Even rows, even columns
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r1 + ditherA ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g1 + ditherA ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b1 + ditherA ) );
// Even rows, odd columns:
values[3] = INT2BYTE( ( r2 + ditherB ) );
values[4] = INT2BYTE( ( g2 + ditherB ) );
values[5] = INT2BYTE( ( b2 + ditherB ) );
// Store the values in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[2 * j] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
iColorPixelBlock[2 * j + 1] = TRgb( values[3], values[4], values[5] );
// Now the odd row:
// Odd rows, even column
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r3 + ditherC ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g3 + ditherC ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b3 + ditherC ) );
// Odd rows, odd columns:
values[3] = INT2BYTE( ( r4 + ditherD ) );
values[4] = INT2BYTE( ( g4 + ditherD ) );
values[5] = INT2BYTE( ( b4 + ditherD ) );
// Store the values in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[KPixelsBlock + 2 * j] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
iColorPixelBlock[KPixelsBlock + 2 * j + 1] = TRgb( values[3], values[4], values[5] );
if ( outputSize.iWidth & 1 ) // If the width is odd:
// The even row:
y1 = c1[2 * i][outputSize.iWidth - 1];
// And the odd row:
y2 = c1[2 * i + 1][outputSize.iWidth - 1];
u = c2[i][subSamplingSize.iWidth];
v = c3[i][subSamplingSize.iWidth];
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r1 + ditherA ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g1 + ditherA ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b1 + ditherA ) );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[outputSize.iWidth - 1] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r2 + ditherC ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g2 + ditherC ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b2 + ditherC ) );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[KPixelsBlock + outputSize.iWidth - 1] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
// Flush the row of color pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetPixels( iColorPixelBlock, outputSize.iWidth );
// Duplicated processing for the odd rows
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, ( tileStartCoord.iY + 2 * i + 1 ) );
// Flush the row of color pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetPixels( (iColorPixelBlock + KPixelsBlock), outputSize.iWidth );
} // End of loop on rows
if ( outputSize.iHeight & 1 ) // If the height is odd:
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, ( tileStartCoord.iY + outputSize.iHeight - 1 ) );
c1Row = c1[outputSize.iHeight - 1];
c2Row = c2[subSamplingSize.iHeight];
c3Row = c3[subSamplingSize.iHeight];
for ( i = 0; i < halfOfWidth; i++ )
y1 = *c1Row++;
y2 = *c1Row++;
u = *c2Row++;
v = *c3Row++;
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r1 + ditherA ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g1 + ditherA ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b1 + ditherA ) );
values[3] = INT2BYTE( ( r2 + ditherB ) );
values[4] = INT2BYTE( ( g2 + ditherB ) );
values[5] = INT2BYTE( ( b2 + ditherB ) );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[2 * i] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
iColorPixelBlock[2 * i + 1] = TRgb( values[3], values[4], values[5] );
if ( outputSize.iWidth & 1 ) // if the width is odd:
y1 = c1[outputSize.iHeight - 1][outputSize.iWidth - 1];
u = c2[subSamplingSize.iHeight][subSamplingSize.iWidth];
v = c3[subSamplingSize.iHeight][subSamplingSize.iWidth];
InverseICTTransform( y1, u, v, r, g, b );
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r + ditherA ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g + ditherA ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b + ditherA ) );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[outputSize.iWidth - 1] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
// Flush the row of color pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetPixels( iColorPixelBlock, outputSize.iWidth );
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
else if ( iFileType == KYUV422 )
for ( i = 0; i < outputSize.iHeight; i++ )
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, ( tileStartCoord.iY + 2 * i ) );
c1Row = c1[i];
c2Row = c2[i];
c3Row = c3[i];
for ( j = 0; j < halfOfWidth; j++ )
y1 = *c1Row++;
y2 = *c1Row++;
u = c2Row[j];
v = c3Row[j];
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r1 + dcShift ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g1 + dcShift ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b1 + dcShift ) );
values[3] = INT2BYTE( ( r2 + dcShift ) );
values[4] = INT2BYTE( ( g2 + dcShift ) );
values[5] = INT2BYTE( ( b2 + dcShift ) );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[j] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
iColorPixelBlock[j+1] = TRgb( values[3], values[4], values[5] );
if ( outputSize.iWidth & 1 ) // if the width is odd:
y1 = c1Row[outputSize.iWidth - 1];
u = c2Row[subSamplingSize.iWidth];
v = c3Row[subSamplingSize.iWidth];
InverseICTTransform( y1, u, v, r, g, b );
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r + dcShift ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g + dcShift ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b + dcShift ) );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[outputSize.iWidth-1] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
// Flush the row of color pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetPixels( iColorPixelBlock, outputSize.iWidth );
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
else // To take care of YUV 4:4:4
for ( i = 0; i < outputSize.iHeight; i++ )
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, ( tileStartCoord.iY + i ) );
c1Row = c1[i];
c2Row = c2[i];
c3Row = c3[i];
for ( j = 0; j < outputSize.iWidth; j++ )
y1 = *c1Row++;
u = *c2Row++;
v = *c3Row++;
InverseICTTransform( y1, u, v, r, g, b );
values[0] = INT2BYTE( ( r + dcShift ) );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( ( g + dcShift ) );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( ( b + dcShift ) );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[j] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
// Flush the row of color pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetPixels( iColorPixelBlock, outputSize.iWidth );
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
else // RGB
TInt32 r = 0;
TInt32 g = 0;
TInt32 b = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < outputSize.iHeight; i++ )
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord.iX, tileStartCoord.iY + i );
c1Row = c1[i];
c2Row = c2[i];
c3Row = c3[i];
for ( j = 0; j < outputSize.iWidth; j++ )
r = *c1Row++;
g = *c2Row++;
b = *c3Row++;
values[0] = INT2BYTE( r + dcShift );
values[1] = INT2BYTE( g + dcShift );
values[2] = INT2BYTE( b + dcShift );
// Store the value in the RGB "block"
iColorPixelBlock[j] = TRgb( values[0], values[1], values[2] );
// Flush the row of color pixels to image processor
iImageProcessor->SetPixels( iColorPixelBlock, outputSize.iWidth );
SetPixelPos( tileStartCoord );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::WritePixel
// Write out a color pixel
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::WritePixel( TUint8 aR, TUint8 aG, TUint8 aB )
iImageProcessor->SetPixel( TRgb( aR, aG, aB ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::WritePixel
// Write out a grayscale pixel
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::WritePixel( TUint8 aGray256 )
iImageProcessor->SetMonoPixel( aGray256 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::SetPixelPos
// Set the position of the pixel
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::SetPixelPos( const TPoint& aPosition )
iImageProcessor->SetPos( aPosition );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CJ2kImageWriter::SetPixelPos
// Set the position of the pixel
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CJ2kImageWriter::SetPixelPos( const TInt aX, const TInt aY )
iImageProcessor->SetPos( TPoint( aX, aY ) );