author hgs
Wed, 25 Aug 2010 12:58:08 +0300
changeset 24 d8e463b04c5c
parent 0 469c91dae73b
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Exif data parser, that can parse both Little and Big endian 
*                formats

#include "ExifEndian.h"
#include "ExifCommon.h"

// ============================ CLASS CExifEndianBase ==========================
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::CExifEndianBase
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifEndianBase::ConstructL()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::NewBaseL
// Two-phased constructor. Instantiates and returns relevant derived class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CExifEndianBase* CExifEndianBase::NewBaseL( 
    const TUint8* aExifDataPtr, 
    TUint aDataLength, 
    TBool aIsExif )
    // Parse header. 
    // Find SOI (FFD8 )
    // ptr = SOI pos.
    // Then check the following 10 bytes:
    // APP1 Marker (FFE1) + APP1 Length (no check) + Identifier ("Exif"00) + 
    // Pad (00) (no check)

    //TUint8* dataStartPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aExifData.Ptr() ); 
    if ( !aExifDataPtr )
        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
    TUint8* ptr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aExifDataPtr ) - 1;
    TUint8 *pE = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aExifDataPtr ) + aDataLength; 

    // Locate the SOI marker.
        if ( ptr == pE )
            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
    while ( *++ptr != KMarkerStart );
    if ( *( ptr + 1 ) != KSoiEnd )
        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
    // ptr is now at SOI.

    // If original is Exif, check whether it is Little- or Big-endian.
    // Otherwise create Little-endian reader.
    if ( aIsExif )
        // Locate the APP1 marker
                if ( ptr == pE )
                    User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
            while ( *++ptr != KMarkerStart );
        while ( *( ptr + 1 ) != KApp1End );
        // ptr is now at APP1
        // Skip App1 length.
        ptr += 4;

        // Check the APP1 and Exif header.
        if ( TExifCommon::Uint32L( ptr ) != KExifIdentifierRev ) 
            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
        ptr += 4;

        // Padding 0 after 8 bytes of data. No need to check, skip.
        //if ( ( *ptr ) != 0)
        //    {
        //    User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
        //    }
        ptr += 2;

        // Check if little- or big- endian, and create the reader.
        if ( TExifCommon::Uint16L( ptr ) == KLittleEndian )
            return CExifLittleEndian::NewL( aExifDataPtr, ptr, pE, aIsExif );
        else if ( TExifCommon::Uint16L( ptr ) == KBigEndian )
            return CExifBigEndian::NewL( aExifDataPtr, ptr, pE, aIsExif );
        else // None of the formats match!!
            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
        return CExifLittleEndian::NewL( aExifDataPtr, ptr, pE, aIsExif );

    return NULL;

// Destructor

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::CopyBufferL
// Copies the data from the location, which starts and ends with the given 
// Jpeg Markers.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifEndianBase::CopyBufferL( 
    TUint16 aStartMarker, 
    TUint16 aEndMarker, 
    HBufC8*& aDestBuffer, 
    TBool aIncludeEnd )
    TUint32 startOffset = 0;
    if ( LocateJpegMarker( aStartMarker, startOffset ) )
        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
    TUint32 endOffset = 0;
    if ( LocateJpegMarker( aEndMarker, endOffset ) )
        User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
    TUint32 size =  endOffset - startOffset;
    if ( aIncludeEnd )
        size += 2;
    aDestBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( size );
    CleanupStack::PushL( aDestBuffer );

    iPosOffset = startOffset;

    CopyBuffer( size, 1 , aDestBuffer );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::ReadUint8
// Gets the next 8-bit unsigned integer from the data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifEndianBase::ReadUint8( TUint8& aInt8 )
    if ( iPosOffset + 1 >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    aInt8 = *( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset );
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::MoveTo
// Moves to the specified offset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifEndianBase::MoveTo( TUint aOffset )
    if ( iExifStartOffset + aOffset >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    iPosOffset = iExifStartOffset + aOffset;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::Skip
// Moves the current position forward by the given number of bytes.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifEndianBase::Skip( TUint aNoBytes )
    if ( iPosOffset + aNoBytes >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    iPosOffset += aNoBytes;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::Locate8
// Locates the offset of the next specified 8-bit unsigned integer 
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifEndianBase::Locate8( TUint8 aSearch, TUint32& aOffset )
    TUint8 *pBuf = iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset;
    TUint8 *pB = pBuf - 1;
    TUint8* pE = iDataStartPtr + iExifEndOffset;
        if ( pB == pE )
            return KErrCorrupt;
    while ( *++pB != aSearch );
    aOffset = pB - iDataStartPtr;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::LocateJpegMarker
// Locates the offset of the specified Jpeg Marker, which resides after the 
// given offset.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifEndianBase::LocateJpegMarker( 
    TUint16 aMarker, 
    TUint32& aOffset, 
    TUint32 aAfter,
    TUint32 aBefore )
    if ( aAfter < iPosOffset )
        aAfter = iPosOffset;
    TUint8* startPtr = iDataStartPtr + aAfter;
    if ( !aBefore )
        aBefore = iExifEndOffset;
    TUint8* endPtr = iDataStartPtr + aBefore;
    TUint8* pB = TExifCommon::LocateJpegMarkerPtr( 
        aMarker, startPtr, endPtr );
    if ( !pB )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    aOffset = pB - iDataStartPtr;
    return KErrNone;    

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::LocateJpegMarkerFromEnd
// Locates the offset of the last specified Jpeg Marker.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifEndianBase::LocateJpegMarkerFromEnd( 
    TUint16 aMarker, 
    TUint32& aOffset,
    TUint32 aAfter,
    TUint32 aBefore )
    if ( aAfter < iPosOffset)
        aAfter = iPosOffset;
    TUint8* startPtr = iDataStartPtr + aAfter;
    if ( !aBefore )
        aBefore = iExifEndOffset;
    TUint8* endPtr = iDataStartPtr + aBefore;
    TUint8* pB = TExifCommon::LocateJpegMarkerPtrFromEnd( aMarker, 
        startPtr, endPtr );
    if ( !pB )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    aOffset = pB - iDataStartPtr;
    return KErrNone;    

// ============================ CLASS CExifLittleEndian ========================
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CExifLittleEndian* CExifLittleEndian::NewL( 
    const TUint8* aDataStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
    TBool aIsExif )
    CExifLittleEndian* self = new( ELeave ) CExifLittleEndian();
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    self->ConstructL( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aDataStartPtr ), aExifStartPtr, 
        aExifEndPtr, aIsExif );
    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::CExifLittleEndian
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifLittleEndian::ConstructL( 
    TUint8* aDataStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
    TBool aIsExif )
    if ( !aDataStartPtr || !aExifStartPtr || !aExifEndPtr )
        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
    iDataStartPtr = aDataStartPtr;
    iExifEndOffset = aExifEndPtr - iDataStartPtr;
    if ( aIsExif )
        iExifStartOffset = aExifStartPtr - iDataStartPtr;
        if ( TExifCommon::Uint16L( aExifStartPtr + 2 ) != KExifDummyRev )
            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
        TUint32 ifdOffset = TExifCommon::Uint32L( aExifStartPtr + 4 );
        iPosOffset = iExifStartOffset + ifdOffset; //Locate 0th IFD position
        if ( iPosOffset >= iExifEndOffset )
            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
        iPosOffset = aExifStartPtr - iDataStartPtr;

// Destructor

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::Locate16
// Locates the offset of the next specified 16-bit unsigned integer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifLittleEndian::Locate16( TUint16 aSearch, TUint32& aOffset )
    TUint8* pB = iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset - 1;
    TUint16 atHand = *pB;
    TUint8* pE = iDataStartPtr + iExifEndOffset;
    TInt error = KErrNone;
        if ( pB >= pE )
            return KErrCorrupt;
        TRAP( error, atHand =TExifCommon::Uint16L( ++pB ) );
    while ( ( atHand != aSearch ) && ( error == KErrNone ) );
    if ( error )
        return error;
    aOffset = pB - iDataStartPtr;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::ReadUint16
// Gets the next 16-bit unsigned integer from the data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifLittleEndian::ReadUInt16( TUint16& aInt16 )
    if ( iPosOffset + 2 >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TRAPD( error, aInt16 = TExifCommon::Uint16L( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset ) );

    if ( error )
        return error;
    iPosOffset += 2;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::ReadUint32
// Gets the next 32-bit unsigned integer from the data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifLittleEndian::ReadUInt32( TUint32& aInt32 )
    if ( iPosOffset + 4 >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TRAPD( error, aInt32 = TExifCommon::Uint32L( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset ) );
    if ( error )
        return error;
    iPosOffset += 4;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::CopyBuffer
// Copies the next specified amount of data to the given descriptor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifLittleEndian::CopyBuffer( 
    TUint32 aCount, 
    TUint8 aWordSize, 
    HBufC8*& aBuffer )
    if ( !aBuffer )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TUint bufferSize = aCount * aWordSize;
    if ( iPosOffset + bufferSize >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    aBuffer->Des().Copy( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset, bufferSize );

    iPosOffset += bufferSize;

    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifLittleEndian::CopyBuffer
// Copies the specified amount of data located in the given offset to the 
// given descriptor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifLittleEndian::CopyBuffer( 
    TUint32 aOffset, 
    TUint32 aCount, 
    TUint8 aWordSize, 
    HBufC8*& aBuffer )
    if ( !aBuffer )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TUint bufferSize = aCount * aWordSize;
    if ( ( aOffset + iExifStartOffset + bufferSize ) >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TUint8* ptr = iDataStartPtr + iExifStartOffset + aOffset;
    aBuffer->Des().Copy( ptr, bufferSize );

    return KErrNone;

// ============================ CLASS CExifBigEndian ===========================
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CExifBigEndian* CExifBigEndian::NewL( 
    const TUint8* aDataStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
    TBool aIsExif )
    CExifBigEndian* self = new( ELeave ) CExifBigEndian();
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    self->ConstructL( CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aDataStartPtr ), aExifStartPtr, 
        aExifEndPtr, aIsExif );
    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::CExifBigEndian
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifBigEndian::ConstructL( 
    TUint8* aDataStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifStartPtr, 
    TUint8* aExifEndPtr, 
    TBool aIsExif )
    if ( !aDataStartPtr || !aExifStartPtr || !aExifEndPtr )
        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
    iDataStartPtr = aDataStartPtr;
    iExifEndOffset = aExifEndPtr - iDataStartPtr;
    if ( aIsExif )
        iExifStartOffset = aExifStartPtr - iDataStartPtr;
        if ( TExifCommon::Uint16L( aExifStartPtr + 2 ) != KExifDummy )
            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );

        TUint8* tmpPtr = aExifStartPtr + 4;
        TUint32 ifdOffset = STATIC_CAST( TUint32,  ( *tmpPtr << 24 ) 
            + ( ( *( tmpPtr + 1 ) ) << 16 ) +  ( ( *( tmpPtr + 2 ) ) << 8 ) 
            + ( *( tmpPtr + 3 ) ) ); 
        iPosOffset = ( iExifStartOffset + ifdOffset ); //Locate 0th IFD pos.
        if ( iPosOffset >= iExifEndOffset )
            User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
        iPosOffset = aExifStartPtr - iDataStartPtr;

// Destructor

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::Locate16
// Locates the offset of the next specified 16-bit unsigned integer.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifBigEndian::Locate16( TUint16 aSearch, TUint32& aOffset )
    TUint8* pB = iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset;
    TUint16 atHand = *pB;
    TUint8* pE = iDataStartPtr + iExifEndOffset;
        if ( pB >= pE )
            return KErrCorrupt;
        atHand = STATIC_CAST( TUint16, ( atHand << 8 ) + *++pB );
    while ( atHand != aSearch );
    aOffset = ( pB - 1 ) - iDataStartPtr;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::ReadUInt16
// Gets the next 16-bit unsigned integer from the data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifBigEndian::ReadUInt16( TUint16& aInt16 )
    if ( iPosOffset + 2 >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;

    aInt16 = STATIC_CAST( TUint16,  ( *( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset ) << 8 ) 
        + *( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset + 1 ) ); 
    iPosOffset += 2;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::ReadUInt32
// Gets the next 32-bit unsigned integer from the data.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifBigEndian::ReadUInt32( TUint32& aInt32 )
    if ( iPosOffset + 4 >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;

    aInt32 = STATIC_CAST( TUint32,  ( *( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset ) << 24 ) 
        + ( *( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset + 1 ) << 16 ) 
        + ( *( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset + 2 ) << 8 ) 
        + *( iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset + 3 ) ); 

    iPosOffset += 4;
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::CopyBuffer
// Copies the next specified amount of data to the given descriptor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifBigEndian::CopyBuffer( 
    TUint32 aCount, 
    TUint8 aWordSize, 
    HBufC8*& aBuffer )
    if ( !aBuffer )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TInt bufferSize = aCount * aWordSize;
    if ( iPosOffset + bufferSize >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TUint8* posPtr = iDataStartPtr + iPosOffset;
    if ( aWordSize == 1 )
        aBuffer->Des().Copy( posPtr, bufferSize );
        iPosOffset += bufferSize;
    else if ( aWordSize == 2 )
        TUint8* destPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aBuffer->Ptr() );
        for( TUint i = 0; i < aCount; ++i)
            destPtr[0] = posPtr[1];
            destPtr[1] = *posPtr;
            posPtr += 2;
            iPosOffset += 2;
            destPtr += 2;
        TUint8* destPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aBuffer->Ptr() );
        for( TInt i = 0; i < bufferSize / 4; ++i)
            destPtr[0] = posPtr[3];
            destPtr[1] = posPtr[2];
            destPtr[2] = posPtr[1];
            destPtr[3] = *posPtr;
            posPtr += 4;
            iPosOffset += 4;
            destPtr += 4;
    aBuffer->Des().SetLength( bufferSize );
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifBigEndian::CopyBuffer
// Copies the specified amount of data located in the given offset to the 
// given descriptor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CExifBigEndian::CopyBuffer( 
    TUint32 aOffset, 
    TUint32 aCount, 
    TUint8 aWordSize, 
    HBufC8*& aBuffer )
    if ( !aBuffer )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TInt bufferSize = aCount * aWordSize;
    if ( ( aOffset + iExifStartOffset + bufferSize ) >= iExifEndOffset )
        return KErrCorrupt;
    TUint8* ptr = iDataStartPtr + iExifStartOffset + aOffset;
    if ( aWordSize == 1 )
        aBuffer->Des().Copy( ptr, bufferSize );
    else if ( aWordSize == 2 )
        TUint8* destPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aBuffer->Ptr() );
        for( TUint i = 0; i < aCount; ++i)
            destPtr[0] = ptr[1];
            destPtr[1] = *ptr;
            destPtr += 2;
            ptr += 2;
        TUint8* destPtr = CONST_CAST( TUint8*, aBuffer->Ptr() );
        for( TInt i = 0; i < bufferSize / 4; ++i)
            destPtr[0] = ptr[3];
            destPtr[1] = ptr[2];
            destPtr[2] = ptr[1];
            destPtr[3] = *ptr;
            destPtr += 4;
            ptr += 4;
    aBuffer->Des().SetLength( bufferSize );
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CExifEndianBase::CurrentPosOffset
// Returns the current position of decoded data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CExifEndianBase::CurrentPosOffset( TUint32& aOffset )
    aOffset = iPosOffset;