changeset 0 a41df078684a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\include\byte_pair_compress.h
    15 // This header file contains both the prototype and implementation for the byte pair compressor.
    16 // This is done to facilitate sharing the code between the e32 test code and the tools.  The
    17 // implementation is only included if the macro BYTE_PAIR_COMPRESS_INCLUDE_IMPLEMENTATION is
    18 // defined.
    19 // 
    20 // WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
    21 //          to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
    22 //          outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
    23 //
    25 #ifndef __BYTE_PAIR_COMPRESS_H__
    26 #define __BYTE_PAIR_COMPRESS_H__
    28 #include <e32std.h>
    30 /**
    31  * @internalTechnology
    32  *
    33  * Compress up to 4096 bytes of data usign the byte-pair compression algorithm.
    34  *
    35  * @param aDest Destination buffer, must be at least four times the size of the source data.
    36  * @param aSrc  Source data to compress.
    37  * @param aSize The size of the source data.
    38  */
    39 extern TInt BytePairCompress(TUint8* aDest, TUint8* aSrc, TInt aSize);
    43 const TInt BlockSize = 0x1000;
    44 TInt ExtraSave = 0;
    46 TUint16 PairCount[0x10000];
    47 TUint16 PairBuffer[BlockSize*2];
    49 TUint16 GlobalPairs[0x10000] = {0};
    50 TUint16 GlobalTokenCounts[0x100] = {0};
    52 TUint16 ByteCount[0x100+4];
    54 void CountBytes(TUint8* data, TInt size)
    55 	{
    56 	memset(ByteCount,0,sizeof(ByteCount));
    57 	TUint8* dataEnd = data+size;
    58 	while(data<dataEnd)
    59 		++ByteCount[*data++];
    60 	}
    62 inline void ByteUsed(TInt b)
    63 	{
    64 	ByteCount[b] = 0xffff;
    65 	}
    67 int TieBreak(int b1,int b2)
    68 	{
    69 	return -ByteCount[b1]-ByteCount[b2];
    70 	}
    72 TInt MostCommonPair(TInt& pair, TUint8* data, TInt size, TInt minFrequency, TInt marker)
    73 	{
    74 	memset(PairCount,0,sizeof(PairCount));
    75 	TUint8* dataEnd = data+size-1;
    76 	TInt pairsFound = 0;
    77 	TInt lastPair = -1;
    78 	while(data<dataEnd)
    79 		{
    80 		TInt b1 = *data++;
    81 		if(b1==marker)
    82 			{
    83 			// skip marker and following byte
    84 			lastPair = -1;
    85 			++data;
    86 			continue;
    87 			}
    88 		TInt b2 = *data;
    89 		if(b2==marker)
    90 			{
    91 			// skip marker and following byte
    92 			lastPair = -1;
    93 			data+=2;
    94 			continue;
    95 			}
    96 		TInt p = (b2<<8)|b1;
    97 		if(p==lastPair)
    98 			{
    99 			// ensure a pair of identical bytes don't get double counted
   100 			lastPair = -1;
   101 			continue;
   102 			}
   103 		lastPair = p;
   104 		++PairCount[p];
   105 		if(PairCount[p]==minFrequency)
   106 			PairBuffer[pairsFound++] = (TUint16)p;
   107 		}
   109 	TInt bestCount = -1;
   110 	TInt bestPair = -1;
   111 	TInt bestTieBreak = 0;
   112 	TInt p;
   113 	while(pairsFound--)
   114 		{
   115 		p = PairBuffer[pairsFound];
   116 		TInt f=PairCount[p];
   117 		if(f>bestCount)
   118 			{
   119 			bestCount = f;
   120 			bestPair = p;
   121 			bestTieBreak = TieBreak(p&0xff,p>>8);
   122 			}
   123 		else if(f==bestCount)
   124 			{
   125 			TInt tieBreak = TieBreak(p&0xff,p>>8);
   126 			if(tieBreak>bestTieBreak)
   127 				{
   128 				bestCount = f;
   129 				bestPair = p;
   130 				bestTieBreak = tieBreak;
   131 				}
   132 			}
   133 		}
   134 	pair = bestPair;
   135 	return bestCount;
   136 	}
   138 TInt LeastCommonByte(TInt& byte)
   139 	{
   140 	TInt bestCount = 0xffff;
   141 	TInt bestByte = -1;
   142 	for(TInt b = 0; b<0x100; b++)
   143 		{
   144 		TInt f = ByteCount[b];
   145 		if(f<bestCount)
   146 			{
   147 			bestCount = f;
   148 			bestByte = b;
   149 			}
   150 		}
   151 	byte = bestByte;
   152 	return bestCount;
   153 	}
   155 TInt BytePairCompress(TUint8* dst, TUint8* src, TInt size)
   156 	{
   157 	TInt originalSize = size;
   158 	TUint8* dst2 = dst+size*2;
   159 	TUint8* in = src;
   160 	TUint8* out = dst;
   162 	TUint8 tokens[0x100*3];
   163 	TInt tokenCount = 0;
   165 	CountBytes(in,size);
   167 	TInt marker = -1;
   168 	TInt overhead = 1+3+LeastCommonByte(marker);
   169 	ByteUsed(marker);
   171 	TUint8* inEnd = in+size;
   172 	TUint8* outStart = out;
   173 	while(in<inEnd)
   174 		{
   175 		TInt b=*in++;
   176 		if(b==marker)
   177 			*out++ = (TUint8)b;
   178 		*out++ = (TUint8)b;
   179 		}
   180 	size = out-outStart;
   182 	TInt outToggle = 1;
   183 	in = dst;
   184 	out = dst2;
   186 	for(TInt r=256; r>0; --r)
   187 		{
   188 		TInt byte;
   189 		TInt byteCount = LeastCommonByte(byte);
   190 		TInt pair;
   191 		TInt pairCount = MostCommonPair(pair,in,size,overhead+1,marker);
   192 		TInt saving = pairCount-byteCount;
   193 		if(saving<=overhead)
   194 			break;
   196 		overhead = 3;
   197 		if(tokenCount>=32)
   198 			overhead = 2;
   200 		TUint8* d=tokens+3*tokenCount;
   201 		++tokenCount;
   202 		*d++ = (TUint8)byte;
   203 		ByteUsed(byte);
   204 		*d++ = (TUint8)pair;
   205 		ByteUsed(pair&0xff);
   206 		*d++ = (TUint8)(pair>>8);
   207 		ByteUsed(pair>>8);
   208 		++GlobalPairs[pair];
   210 		inEnd = in+size;
   211 		outStart = out;
   212 		while(in<inEnd)
   213 			{
   214 			TInt b=*in++;
   215 			if(b==marker)
   216 				{
   217 				*out++ = (TUint8)marker;
   218 				b = *in++;
   219 				}
   220 			else if(b==byte)
   221 				{
   222 				*out++ = (TUint8)marker;
   223 				--byteCount;
   224 				}
   225 			else if(b==(pair&0xff) && in<inEnd && *in==(pair>>8))
   226 				{
   227 				++in;
   228 				b = byte;
   229 				--pairCount;
   230 				}
   231 			*out++ = (TUint8)b;
   232 			}
   233 		ASSERT(!byteCount);
   234 		ASSERT(!pairCount);
   235 		size = out-outStart;
   237 		outToggle ^= 1;
   238 		if(outToggle)
   239 			{
   240 			in = dst;
   241 			out = dst2;
   242 			}
   243 		else
   244 			{
   245 			in = dst2;
   246 			out = dst;
   247 			}
   248 		}
   250 	// sort tokens with a bubble sort...
   251 	for(TInt x=0; x<tokenCount-1; x++)
   252 		for(TInt y=x+1; y<tokenCount; y++)
   253 			if(tokens[x*3]>tokens[y*3])
   254 				{
   255 				TInt z = tokens[x*3];
   256 				tokens[x*3] = tokens[y*3];
   257 				tokens[y*3] = (TUint8)z;
   258 				z = tokens[x*3+1];
   259 				tokens[x*3+1] = tokens[y*3+1];
   260 				tokens[y*3+1] = (TUint8)z;
   261 				z = tokens[x*3+2];
   262 				tokens[x*3+2] = tokens[y*3+2];
   263 				tokens[y*3+2] = (TUint8)z;
   264 				}
   266 	// check for not being able to compress...
   267 	if(size>originalSize)
   268 		{
   269 		*dst++ = 0; // store zero token count
   270 		memcpy(dst,src,originalSize); // store original data
   271 		return originalSize+1;
   272 		}
   274 	// make sure data is in second buffer (dst2)
   275 	if(in!=dst2)
   276 		memcpy(dst2,dst,size);
   278 	// store tokens...
   279 	TUint8* originalDst = dst;
   280 	*dst++ = (TUint8)tokenCount;
   281 	if(tokenCount)
   282 		{
   283 		*dst++ = (TUint8)marker;
   284 		if(tokenCount<32)
   285 			{
   286 			memcpy(dst,tokens,tokenCount*3);
   287 			dst += tokenCount*3;
   288 			}
   289 		else
   290 			{
   291 			TUint8* bitMask = dst;
   292 			memset(bitMask,0,32);
   293 			dst += 32;
   294 			TUint8* d=tokens;
   295 			do
   296 				{
   297 				TInt t=*d++;
   298 				bitMask[t>>3] |= (1<<(t&7));
   299 				*dst++ = *d++;
   300 				*dst++ = *d++;
   301 				}
   302 			while(--tokenCount);
   303 			}
   304 		}
   305 	// store data...
   306 	memcpy(dst,dst2,size);
   307 	dst += size;
   309 	// get stats...
   310 	++GlobalTokenCounts[tokenCount];
   312 	// return total size of compressed data...
   313 	return dst-originalDst;
   314 	}
   316 #endif
   317 #endif