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     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    15 // WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
    16 //          to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
    17 //          outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
    18 //
    20 #ifndef D32BTRACE_H
    21 #define D32BTRACE_H
    23 #include <e32cmn.h>
    24 #include <e32ver.h>
    25 #include <e32btrace.h>
    27 #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
    28 #include <e32std.h>
    29 #endif
    32 class TBTraceBuffer;
    34 /**
    35 Interface to the fast-trace memory buffer.
    37 @publishedPartner
    38 @released
    39 */
    40 class RBTrace : public RBusLogicalChannel
    41 	{
    42 public:
    43 	/**
    44 	Bit flags indicating the operational mode of the fast-trace buffer.
    45 	*/
    46 	enum TMode
    47 		{
    48 		/**
    49 		Flag set to enable trace to be stored in the buffer.
    50 		If this is not set, all trace records are discarded.
    51 		*/
    52 		EEnable			= 1<<0,
    54 		/**
    55 		This flag dictates the behaviour which occurs when the trace buffer is too full to
    56 		accomodate a new record.
    57 		When this flag is set, new trace records will overwrite the oldest ones.
    58 		When this flag is not set, new trace records are discard.
    59 		(This latter mode provides the best performance.)
    60 		*/
    61 		EFreeRunning	= 1<<1,
    62 		};
    64 #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
    65 	/**
    66 	Open channel to fast-trace driver.
    67 	Must be called before any other methods are used.
    68 	@return KErrNone or standard error code.
    69 	*/
    70 	IMPORT_C TInt Open();
    72 	/**
    73 	Close channel to fast-trace driver.
    74 	*/
    75 	IMPORT_C void Close();
    77 	/**
    78 	Get the current size of trace buffer.
    79 	@return Buffer size.
    80 	*/
    81 	IMPORT_C TInt BufferSize();
    83 	/**
    84 	Change size of trace buffer.
    85 	This causes all current data in the trace buffer to be lost.
    86 	If this method fails then the trace buffer may no longer exist.
    87 	@param aSize The size in bytes for the trace buffer.
    88 	@return KErrNone or standard error code.
    89 	*/
    90 	IMPORT_C TInt ResizeBuffer(TInt aSize);
    92 	/**
    93 	Discard all trace data.
    94 	*/
    95 	IMPORT_C void Empty();
    97 	/**
    98 	The chunk in which trace data returned by GetData() resides.
    99 	@return The chunk.
   100 	*/
   101 	inline RChunk DataChunk();
   103 	/**
   104 	The operational mode for fast-trace.
   105 	@return The current operational mode. This is bitmask of values from TMode.
   106 	*/
   107 	IMPORT_C TUint Mode();
   109 	/**
   110 	Set the operational mode for fast-trace.
   111 	Calling this method, invalidates the trace data returned by the last call to GetData().
   112 	@param aMode A bitmask of values from TMode.
   113 	*/
   114 	IMPORT_C void SetMode(TUint aMode);
   116 	/**
   117 	Set the trace filter bit for the specified category.
   118 	@param aCategory A category value from BTrace::TCategories.
   119 	@param aValue The new filter value for the category.
   120 				  1 means traces of this category are output, 0 means they are suppressed.
   121 				  Any other value will be ignored, and this method will just return the current
   122 				  value of the filter.
   123 	@return The previous value of the filter for the category, 0 or 1.
   124 			Or KErrNotSupported if this category is not supported by this build of the kernel.
   125 	*/
   126 	IMPORT_C TInt SetFilter(TUint aCategory, TInt aValue);
   128 	/**
   129 	Get the trace filter bit for the specified category.
   130 	@param aCategory A category value from enum BTrace::TCategory,	
   131 	@return The value of the filter for the category, 0 or 1,
   132 			or KErrNotSupported if this category is not supported by this build of the kernel.
   133 			(1 means traces of this category are output, 0 means they are suppressed.)
   134 	*/
   135 	inline TInt Filter(TUint aCategory);
   137 	/**
   138 	Set the trace secondary trace filter for the specified UID.
   140 	This method can not be used to disable a UID key if SetFilter2(TInt aGlobalFilter)
   141 	has been used to set the filter to pass all traces. Such attempts result in a return
   142 	code of KErrNotSupported.
   144 	@param aUid   The UID to filter.
   145 	@param aValue The new filter value for the UID.
   146 				  1 means traces with this UID are output, 0 means they are suppressed.
   147 				  Other values must not be used.
   149 	@return The previous value of the filter for the UID, 0 or 1, if operation is successful.
   150 			Otherwise, a negative number representing a system wide error code.
   151 			(E.g. KErrNoMemory.)
   152 	*/
   153 	IMPORT_C TInt SetFilter2(TUint32 aUid, TBool aValue);
   155 	/**
   156 	Set the secondary trace filter to include only the specified UIDs.
   158 	@param aUids    Pointer to array of UIDs.
   159 	@param aNumUids Number of UID values pointer to by \a aUid.
   161 	@return KErrNone on success.
   162 			Otherwise, a negative number representing a system wide error code.
   163 			(E.g. KErrNoMemory.)
   164 	*/
   165 	IMPORT_C TInt SetFilter2(const TUint32* aUids, TInt aNumUids);
   167 	/**
   168 	Set the secondary trace filter to pass or reject every trace.
   170 	@param aGlobalFilter If 0, the secondary filter will reject
   171 						 all traces; if 1, all traces are passed
   172 						 by the filter.
   173 						 Other values have no effect.
   175 	@return The previous value of the global filter.
   176 	*/
   177 	IMPORT_C TInt SetFilter2(TInt aGlobalFilter);
   179 	/**
   180 	Get the contents of the secondary trace filter.
   182 	@param [out] aUids   Pointer to array of UIDs contained in the secondary filter.
   183 						Ownership of this array is passed to the caller of this
   184 						function, which is then responsible for deleting it.
   185 						If filter is empty, \a aUid equals zero.
   186 	@param [out] aGlobalFilter	Set to 1 if the secondary filter passes all traces.
   187 								Set to 0 if the secondary filter rejects all traces.
   188 								Set to -1 if the secondary filter operates by UIDs contained in traces.
   190 	@return Number of UIDs in returned array, if operation is successful.
   191 			Otherwise, a negative number representing a system wide error code.
   192 	*/
   193 	IMPORT_C TInt Filter2(TUint32*& aUids, TInt& aGlobalFilter);
   195 	/**
   196 	Get pointer to as much contiguous trace data as is available.
   197 	This data resides in the shared chunk DataChunk().
   198 	The data returned will always be a whole number of trace records, i.e. trace records
   199 	will not be split between successive calls to this method.
   200 	Once the data is no loger required, DataUsed() must be called.
   201 	This method can be called repeatedly to get more trace data. E.g.
   202 	@code
   203 		RBTrace trace;
   204 		TInt error = trace.Open();
   205 		if(error!=KErrNone)
   206 			return error;
   207 		const TInt KTraceDataBlockSize = 65536; // size of data we ideally want to process in one go
   208 		TUint8* data;
   209 		TInt size;
   210 		do
   211 			{
   212 			while((size=trace.GetData(data))!=0)
   213 				{
   214 				ProcessTheTraceData(data,size);
   215 				trace.DataUsed();
   216 				}
   217 			TRequestStatus waitStatus;
   218 			trace.RequestData(waitStatus,KTraceDataBlockSize);
   219 			User::WaitForRequest(waitStatus);
   220 			error = waitStatus.Int();
   221 			}
   222 		while(error==KErrNone);
   223 		trace.Close();
   224 		return error;
   225 	@endcode
   227 	@param aData Pointer to the first byte of trace data.
   228 	@return The number of bytes of trace data available at aData.
   229 	@see DataChunk();
   230 	*/
   231 	IMPORT_C TInt GetData(TUint8*& aData);
   233 	/**
   234 	Remove from the trace buffer all of the data returned by the last call to GetData().
   235 	*/
   236 	IMPORT_C void DataUsed();
   238 	/**
   239 	Request notification when trace data becomes available.
   240 	Only one outstanding request may be present at any one time.
   241 	@param aStatus Request status to be complete with KErrNone once data becomes available.
   242 	@param aSize The minimum number of bytes of trace data required.
   243 				 This is intended to improve performance by only signalling the client once
   244 				 a suitably large amount of trace data is available. However, this request
   245 				 may complete before this amount of trace data is available, therefore a
   246 				 client must be able to handle this situation.
   247 				 If aSize is zero or negative, then the request completes as soon as any trace
   248 				 data is available.
   249 	@panic BTRACE 0 if a previous request is still pending
   250 	*/
   251 	IMPORT_C void RequestData(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aSize);
   253 	/**
   254 	Cancel any previous RequestData(), completing it with KErrCancel.
   255 	*/
   256 	IMPORT_C void CancelRequestData();
   258 	/**
   259 	@internalTechnology
   260 	*/
   261 	TBool SetSerialPortOutput(TBool aEnable);
   263 	/**
   264 	Controls whether Timestamp2 field is added to trace record headers.
   265 	*/
   266 	IMPORT_C TBool SetTimestamp2Enabled(TBool aEnable);
   268 #endif
   270 	/**
   271 	Enumeration of panic reasons for category 'BTRACE'.
   272 	*/
   273 	enum TPanic
   274 		{
   275 		ERequestAlreadyPending, /**< A call to RequestData() was made whist a request was already pending. */
   276 		};
   277 private:
   278 	TInt OpenChunk();
   279 	void CloseChunk();
   280 	inline static const TDesC& Name();
   282 	enum TControl
   283 		{
   284 		EOpenBuffer,
   285 		EResizeBuffer,
   286 		ESetFilter,
   287 		ESetFilter2,
   288 		ESetFilter2Array,
   289 		ESetFilter2Global,
   290 		EGetFilter2Part1,
   291 		EGetFilter2Part2,
   292 		ERequestData,
   293 		ECancelRequestData,
   294 		ESetSerialPortOutput,
   295 		ESetTimestamp2Enabled,
   296 		};
   297 #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
   298 	RChunk iDataChunk;
   299 	TBTraceBuffer* iBuffer;
   300 	TInt iLastGetDataSize;
   301 	TUint32 iSpare[4];
   302 #endif
   303 	friend class DBTraceChannel;
   304 	friend class DBTraceFactory;
   305 	friend class RBTraceAdapter;
   306 	};
   308 #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
   310 inline RChunk RBTrace::DataChunk()
   311 	{
   312 	return iDataChunk;
   313 	}
   315 inline TInt RBTrace::Filter(TUint aCategory)
   316 	{
   317 	return SetFilter(aCategory,-1);
   318 	}
   320 #endif // !__KERNEL_MODE__
   322 inline const TDesC& RBTrace::Name()
   323 	{
   324 	_LIT(KBTraceName,"btrace");
   325 	return KBTraceName;
   326 	}
   329 /**
   330 @internalComponent
   331 */
   332 class TBTraceBuffer
   333 	{
   334 private:
   335 	TUint				iStart;
   336 	TUint				iEnd;
   337 	volatile TUint		iHead;
   338 	volatile TUint		iTail;
   339 	volatile TUint		iWrap;
   340 	volatile TUint		iGeneration;
   341 	volatile TUint		iMode;
   342 	TUint				iRecordOffsets;
   343 	TUint				iCopyBuffer;
   344 	TUint				iCopyBufferSize;
   345 private:
   346 	TInt	Data(TUint& aData, TUint& aTail);
   347 	TInt	Adjust(TUint aTail, TInt aSize);
   348 	TInt	CopyData(TUint aData, TUint aTail, TInt aSize);
   349 	TUint	UpdateTail(TUint32 aOld, TUint32 aNew);
   350 	TInt	GetData(TUint8*& aData);
   352 	friend class RBTrace;
   353 	friend class TBTraceBufferK;
   354 	friend class RBTraceAdapter;
   355 	};
   359 #endif