changeset 0 a41df078684a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     2 Version 1.02.371
     3 ================
     4 (Made by Dennis 04/04/2002)
     6 1)	TimBa
     7 	1)	Fix for BAD-58CDM4: Locale change has no effect on contact filtering.
     8 2)	ChrisM
     9 	1)	Fix for MOS-58EJ8V (Integrator calibration doesn't work properly)
    10 		Removed the "patches" from the Y coordinate digitizertoscreen calculation and
    11 		changed the Y calibration constants to work with this.
    12 	2)	Fix for CAR-57RETM (WINSCW UDEB Emulator crashes when launched in console mode)
    13 	3)	Fix for TAR-58LEUV (Emulator title - variant indication) CR ref MTAR-58LDG2
    14 	4)	Fix for SHY-58GGR5 (Test case that leads to unhandled exception
    15  		in DThread::GetDesMaxLength)
    17 3)	Nicolas
    18 	1)	Fixed defect THY-588MLT (Integrator board with ARM926
    19 		core module does not boot).  The ARM920 clock setting
    20 		code can not be reused as-is for ARM926.  Modified
    21 		bootstrap to figure out which core is being used and
    22 		branch to the appropriate code.	 A software reset is
    23 		necessary halfway through the ARM926 clock
    24 		configuration.	See comments in HwInitialise for more
    25 		details.  For ARM926, the clocks are set to:
    26 			  CPU:			125mhz
    27 			  system bus:	25mhz
    28 			  local bus:	31.25mhz (CPU clock / 4)
    29 4) 	AndrewJ
    30 	1) 	Fixed defect JON-58DHHP where Assabet lffs media driver has an error in 
    31 		suspend resume operation.
    32 5)	MarkCa
    33 	1)	Fixed CAN-58GG5E (MEDMMC is not leave-safe.)  Used non-leaving new in
    34 		D_MEDMMC.CPP.
    36 6)	PeteS
    37 	1)	Added Lubbock Base port.
    39 Version 1.02.370
    40 ================
    41 (Made by CarlosF, 12/03/2002)
    43 1)	JonathanM
    44 	1)	Fix for defect MET-57ZHTH - "TDblQueBase has incorrect copy constructor
    45 		and operator ="
    47 2)	Nicolas
    48 	1)	Fixed defect MET-57YN7A (Power Sequence at EmergencyStandby).
    49 		Migrated 6.1 fix: In DPowerModel::PowerEmergencyStandbyDfc(),
    50 		PowerEmergencyStandby() is now called for all power handlers
    51 		*before* switching off the machine.
    52 	2)	Fixed defect MET-57YMU7 (Template Port requires 'EARLY
    53 		DEBUG' examples in the template code).
    54 	3)	Modified template port to use the same UART API as
    55 		recent ports, e.g. Uart1Data() and Uart2Data()
    56 		replaced with UartData(TUint32 aUartBase).
    57 	4)	Fixed defect THY-585N22 (OOM during process creation
    58 		can crash the kernel).	Now uses HBufC::New() instead
    59 		of NewL() in svProcessCreate() to allocate the
    60 		command-line buffer.
    62 3)	Markdo
    63 	1) 	Fixed defect DON-585LNV "Media door open does not work on WINS with
    64 		Mmc card controller". Removed call from PcCard Controller to set up a
    65 		media change callback in WINS. Only MmcCard Controller sets this callback
    66 		now.
    68 4)	ChrisM
    69 	1)	Fixed defect MOS-586BWV (integrator had digitizer and mouse driver loaded
    70 		in e32 text shell roms).  Removed mouse driver from rom.
    71 	2)	Fixed defect MOS-55DJN4 (New integrator video driver should use constants
    72 		rather than magic numbers)
    73 	3)	Tidied up integrator digitizer calibration.
    74 	4)	Fixed defect OMC-586LJF assabet rom size
    75 	5)	Fixed defect OMC-586K5Z mainline warnings
    77 5)	Pete
    78 	1) 	Change to the WINS local drive mappings.
    79 		The entire local drive mapping for WINS is now as follows:-
    80 		Local drive 0:	Internal RAM drive (EFixedMedia0) - Y:
    81 		Local drive 1:	MMC Card on MMC socket 0 (ERemovableMedia0) - X: 
    82 		Local drive 2:	MMC Card on MMC socket 1 - Partition1 (ERemovableMedia1)
    83 		Local drive 3:	MMC Card on MMC socket 1 - Partition2 (ERemovableMedia1)
    84 		Local drive 4:	PC Card on PC Card socket 0 (ERemovableMedia2)
    85 		Local drive 5:	PC Card on PC Card socket 1 (ERemovableMedia3)
    86 		Local drive 6:	Not currently assigned
    87 		Local drive 7:	Not currently assigned
    88 		Local drive 8:	Internal LFFS drive (EFixedMedia1) - W: 
    89 	2) 	Implemented CR PHAR-54RJMT 'We should be able to simulate password
    90 		protected disks on the emulator'.
    91 		1) The method of mapping drive letter to local drive number on the WINS
    92 		emulator has been changed from being a fixed mapping, to one that uses
    93 		enviroment variables to specify the mapping. When the system starts up
    94 		it sets environment variables to reconstuct the same mapping as before:
    95 		Y:-LocDrv 0, X:-LocDrv 1, W:-LocDrv8. (This is done in SetupEmulatorPaths()
    96 		in \e32\euser\emul\win32\up_path.cpp). However, these default mappings can
    97 		overidden or new mappings created in EPOC.INI using the following syntax:
    99 			_EPOC_LocDrv_<locDrvNum> <drvLetter>: <FileSystemID string> 
   101 		The FileSystem ID indicates which file system should be mounted on the
   102 		local drive in question. The following file system IDs are defined:
   103 			'Fat' and 'Lffs'.
   104 		For example, to map X: to local drive 1 specifying the FAT file system:  
   105 			'_EPOC_LocDrv_1 X: Fat'
   106 		The file system ID is read by the text shell as it starts up and mounts the
   107 		appropriate file system on any local drive that it finds a mapping for.	
   108 		2) A start-up media password can now be assigned to any MMC card - again
   109 		using environment variables to store the password. Passwords are set in
   110 		EPOC.INI using the syntax:
   112 			EPOC_LocDrv_<locDrvNum>_PWord_<cardNum> <password>
   114 		'locDrvNum' is the number of the local drive and 'cardNum' is the number of
   115 		the MMC card on that drive. The latter is only relevant on local drive 1 where
   116 		two virtual MMC cards are emulated (with the user hot swapping between cards
   117 		by hitting F4 while F5 is down). For example, to set Card0 on local drive 1:
   118 			'EPOC_LocDrv_1_PWord_0 aaa1'
   120 		3) The start-up state of the MMC card in local drive 1 can be configured to be
   121 		any one of the following: No MMC card, MMC Card0 or MMC Card1. The user
   122 		subsequently toggles between each of these states each time they hit the F4 key
   123 		while F5 is down. The start-up state is set in EPOC.INI using the syntax:
   125 			_EPOC_Active_LocDrv_1 <StartUpState>
   127 		'StartUpState' can be one of the following values:  -1 - card present,
   128 		0 - MMC Card0, 1 - MMC Card1. For example, to set the start up state to MMC Card1:
   129 			'EPOC_Active_LocDrv_1 1' 		
   131 6)	MarkCa
   132 	1)	Removed SD specific parts of MMC controller.  EPBUSM no longer built for MEIG.
   134 7)	TimBa
   135 	1)	Fix for COY-56DEYY: "MatchesPartial function uses undocumented
   136 		feature of CompareC". TDesC16::HasPrefix function added.
   139 Version 1.02.369
   140 ================
   141 (Made by ChrisM, 06/03/2002)
   143 0) 	ArunsakhS
   144 	1) 	Fix for defect  BAD-57HF3Y - "Locale persistence broken" 
   145 		A new HAL atrribute was added to TAttribute in Hal_data.h for the
   146 		defect fix above. The new attribute is "ELocaleLoaded". 
   147 		Made the required changes to "config.hcf" and "values.hda" in HAL 
   148 		and all the reference platform components. Added the test for
   149 		ELocaleLoaded in the test "T_newhal" in HAL. 
   151 1)	RobertJ
   152 	1)	Silenced some warnings in:
   153 		\e32\drivers\medmmc\epoc\d_medmmc.cpp
   154 		\e32\drivers\medmmc\epoc\d_medsdp.cpp
   155 	2) 	Correction of comms header file to correct KCapsBpsxxxx constants
   156 		\e32\include\d32comm.h
   157 		JAN-57WL3N  "Comm port capability constants same, missing"
   158 		(was SAS-554K4P in GT6.1)
   159 	3)	Fixed JAN-57WL8G "Possible access violations in e32 drivers under OOM?"
   160 		was HAR-56DPLW in GT6.1
   161 		\e32\drivers\dfir\d_fir.cpp
   162 		\e32\drivers\ecomm\d_comm.cpp
   163 		\e32\drivers\ecommdce\epoc\d_commdce.cpp
   165 2)	CarlosF
   166 	1)	Fixed defect MOS-579LUN powering down digitiser causes machine to hang
   167  		when screen is tapped.
   168 	2)	Changes to Serial Port: the existing power-down timeout after finishing 
   169 		transmitting has been made configurable through the introduction of a new
   170 		member to the comms config structure (this is now TCommConfigV02).
   171 		Changes to d_comm.cpp (ARM and WIN32 emulator) to support this. Also when
   172 		it powers down as a consequence of having timed out it now completes the
   173 		requests with KErrTimedOut instead of KErrAbort.
   174 	3)	Further changes to the digitiser extension on Assabet and Brutus in order to
   175 		fix problems with Silent Running.
   176 	4)	Fixed defect THE-57LHGD Unable to use the Profiler tool on Assabet.
   178 3) 	MichaelP
   179 	1)	Added data member access function TInt BytesToBeTransfered() to class
   180 		THwaDataTfReq (k32hwa.[h|inl]).
   181 	2) 	In T_HWA (\f32test\DEVICE\t_hwa.cpp) changed test of "HWA device specific
   182 		function (2)": the address that is now used lies within the DSP bridge
   183 		shared memory area.
   184 	3)	Fixed address and size of reserved RAM area in \Helen\Bootstrap\Helen.s.
   186 4)	MarkCa
   187 	1)	Fixed CAN-579MLN MultiMediaCard controller does not pre-check current
   188 		password.
   190 5)	Nicolas
   191 	1)	Fixed defect THY-57QNYA (incorrect default debug port
   192 		on assabet).  The default port is now UART3
   193 		everywhere.
   195 7)	ChrisM
   196 	1)	Fix for DON-57RNLR (Screen is not switched on when coming back from digitiser
   197 		power-down)
   198 	2)	Fix for defect PEN-57XBRV ("EPOC Emulator" should be replaced)
   199 		Changed the emulator name from EPOC Emulator to Symbian OS Emulator by default.
   200 		Name can be specified in epoc.ini with the keyword EmulatorName.
   203 Version 1.02.368
   204 ================
   205 (Made by RobertJ, 11/02/2002)
   207 1)	ChrisM
   208 	1)	Fix for defect ROS-55CGCR - "EPOC.EXE logo fails to conform to Corporate ID guidelines"
   210 3)	JonathanM
   211 	1)	Fix for defect MET-572N7U - "Destroying FixedContiguous TransferBuffers causes
   212 		memory to be 'lost' to the free pool"
   214 4) 	Pete
   215 	1) 	Further extended the local drive caps class (TLocalDriveCapsV3)
   216 		by adding the following member:-
   217 			TUint iExtraInfo;		
   218 	2)	Modified the MMC Media driver to supply the above information as part of
   219 		the Media Driver Caps() function.
   220 	3)	Fixed a defect where the 'iHiddenSectors' field in
   221 		the disk caps. info was not being initialised if a default boot
   222 		partition wasn't detected in the MBR.
   224 Version 1.02.367
   225 ================
   226 (Made by PeterS, 02/02/2002)
   228 1)	RobertJ
   229 	1) CR CLCT-55JENG. Modified \e32\include\d32usbc.h & \e32\include\d32usbc.inl
   230 	argument TInt& aLen for RDevUsbcClient::Write and
   231 	RDevUsbcClient::WriteEndpointZero changed to TInt aLen
   233 2)	JonathanM
   234 	1)	Fix for defect FID-563G8A - "TPckgBuf cannot return a const reference"
   235 	2)  Fix for defect PAR-56MGEB - "Generic EDISP driver lives in the wrong place."
   236 	3)	Removed last vestiges of Cogent from E32
   237 	4)	Fix for defect THY-4XPH4C - "T_CURRENCYFORMAT fails from time to time"
   238 	5)	Fix for defect MET-56UJ35 - "Unhandled Leave in Kernel Server"
   239 	6)	Fix for defect MET-56VJY6 - "Session creation can crash machine under OOM conditions"
   241 3)	MarkCa
   242 	1)	Added caps buffer zeroing to MEDMMC and MEDLFS on MINT and MINK.
   244 4) Nicolas
   245 	1)	CR JPAR-54XMZD: ROM building and run time configuration of debug port
   246 		- On selected targets the current debug port can be
   247 		  viewed and changed at run-time thanks to a new eshell
   248 		  command (debugport).	See rombuild release notes for details
   249 		  about ROM building time configuration.
   250 		- Debug port setting applies everywhere (i.e. bootstrap
   251 		  traces, early debug mode, non early debug mode (variant)
   252 		  and debug monitor) *but* run-time port switching is not
   253 		  supported in early debug mode as in this case the port
   254 		  initialisation is done by the bootstrap.
   255 		- The bootstrap fetches the debug port from the ROM
   256 		  header and copy it to a new field in the the super page.
   257 		- A new HAL attribute (EDebugPort) has been added and
   258 		  a default implementation based on userhal has been provided.
   259 		- Assabet port modified.  The accepted debug port
   260 		  values are 1 (UART1) and 3 (UART3).  The default is 3.
   261 		- Brutus port always uses UART3.
   262 		- Integrator (MINT) port modified.  The accepted debug
   263 		  port values are 0 (UART0), 1 (UART1) and 42 (JTAG DCC).  The
   264 		  default is 0.
   265 		- KHARDWAREASSIST flag removed.	 Ports supporting JTAG
   266 		  DCC output should use the new scheme.
   267 		- Modified accordingly the template port
   268 	2)	Modified bootvariant.mke in MINT port so that a symbol
   269 		file for bootromv1.bin is generated.
   270 	3)	Fixed long standing bug in MISA variants: BOOTMISA.LIB was
   271 	  	not suffixed by a variant-specific identifier.  This was
   272 	  	not discovered before as the libraries were identical on
   273 	  	assabet and brutus.  The libraries are now called
   275 	4)	"abld clean bootmisa" now removes symbol files for both
   276 		assabet and brutus.
   278 5)	ChrisM
   279 	1)	Euser source reorg for ipr categorisation CR GBON-567RCZ
   280 		- created new directory  base\e32\euser\utils
   281 		- moved us_array.cpp, us_func.cpp, us_lex8.cpp, us_lex16.cpp, us_heap.cpp 
   282 		  and us_que.cpp into the new dir which has a cat D ipr file.
   283 		- created new file us_desx.cpp which contains all the exported constructors
   284 		  from us_des8.cpp and us_des16.cpp
   285 		- created a new header file in utils which contains some inline funcs which 
   286 		  are needed in us_desx.cpp and the old us_des8.cpp and us_des16.cpp files
   287 		- + some panic numbers and a few other shared bits.
   288 		- removed the exported constructors from us_des8.cpp and us_des16.cpp
   293 Version 1.02.366
   294 ================
   295 (Made by MarkCa, 15/01/2002)
   297 1)	MarkCa
   298 	1)	Modified MEDMMC to support partial reads, write-through caching and
   299 		multi-block writes.  Multi-block writes are a compile-time option
   300 		that is not compiled in by default.
   301 	2)	Removed packed struct optimization from PS_MMC.CPP.
   302 	3)	Changed debug print statements in D_MEDSDP.CPP so can distinguish
   303 		from D_MEDMMC.CPP.
   304 	4)	Fixed FID-54YK2B (MEDMMC buffer not DMA-safe.)  Pages of physically
   305 		contiguous RAM are allocated by the EPBUS controller at bootup and
   306 		the media driver uses a virtual function to find out where they are.
   307 		Note this is a convenience for the principal EPBUS client, i.e.,
   308 		MEDMMC / MEDSDU.  If other drivers want to be clients of EPBUS, they
   309 		should still allocate their own internal buffers.
   310 	5)	Fixed MBR.H header file to use include guards and #include <e32std.h>.
   311 	6)	Fixed FID-54VENJ (MMC: Same debug trace used for different functions.)
   312 		Changed debug text for DMMCStack::SchedGroundDown().
   314 2) 	Peter
   315 	1) 	Added support on MMC Card Controller for mechanical write protect switch.
   316 	2) 	Extended the local drive caps class (now extended to TLocalDriveCapsV3)
   317 		by adding two extra members:-
   318 			TUint iMediaSubType;
   319 			TInt64 iTotalDiskCapacity;
   320 	3) 	Added support for multiple Peripheral Bus Controllers.
   321 		For all platforms other than WINS, these are now loaded as kernel
   322 		extensions which then register themselves with the kernel from
   323 		the extension DLL entry-point. Each Controllers register once for
   324 		each socket that it controls and the kernel supports up to
   325 		KMaxPBusSockets(4) sockets (i.e. the system could support four different
   326 		Controllers each managing a single socket, two different Controllers
   327 		each managing a pair of sockets etc). The Peripheral Bus Controller
   328 		DLLs have been renamed. All used to be build as EPBUS.DLL. Now PC Card
   329 		Controllers are built as EPBUSP.DLL and MMC Controllers are built as
   330 		EPBUSM.DLL. For non-WINS platforms, the kernel no longer links with the
   331 		Peripheral Bus object and a platform can be configured with multiple
   332 		Controllers, a single Controller or no Controllers simply by the inclusion
   333 		(or non-inclusion) of the Controller extension DLL in the rom OBY file. The
   334 		WINS and MEIG platforms now support dual Controllers, both a PC Card
   335 		Controller and an MMC Controller. (Note, to achieve this in WINS, the kernel
   336 		now links to EPBUSP.DLL and EPBUSM.DLL). Changes to support this include:-
   337 		a) Added the function:-
   338 		   	void Kern::RegisterPBusController(TPBusNum aMachineBusNum,
   339 				DPeriphBusController* aController,TPBusNum aControllerBusNum)
   340 		which should be called from the Controller extension DLL entry-point for
   341 		each bus that the Controller manages in order to register that Controller
   342 		for that bus. 'aControllerBus' is the number of the bus relative to that
   343 		particular Controller as opposed to 'aMachineBus' which is the bus number
   344 		relative to the entire machine (e.g. on a machine configured with two
   345 		Controllers each managing two buses, then when the 2nd controller registers
   346 		for it's 2nd bus, the machine bus number of this is 3, but the number relative
   347 		to the 2nd Controller is 1).  
   348 		b) With there now being potentially multiple Controllers,
   349 		the function to retrieve the pointer to the Controller now takes a  bus
   350 		number as a parameter and becomes:-
   351 			DPeriphBusController* Kern::PBusController(TPBusNum aMachineBusNum)
   352 		c) Added the function 
   353 			TPBusNum Kern::PBusControllerBusNum(TPBusNum aMachineBusNum)
   354 		which returns the bus number relative to its owning Controller for a given 
   355 		machine bus number.
   356 		d) The kernel now keeps a count of Controller registered. This means the
   357 		platform specific HAL function ImpHal::TotalSupportedBuses() is now
   358 		redundant and has been removed.
   359 		e) Modified the extension DLL entry-point function for the generic
   360 		Peripheral Bus Controller to allocate the Controller object and perform
   361 		secondary initialisation before registering the Controller with the kernel.
   362 		This makes the function P::InitialiseLocalDrives() redundant and it has
   363 		therefore been removed. Also, the function DPeriphBusController::NewL() is
   364 		no longer exported. (Still exported from WINS Controllers which aren't
   365 		extensions and therefore still need to to initialised directly by the kernel).
   366 		f) Removed the function DPeriphBusController::TotalSupportedDrives() and
   367 		replaced this with a straight call to the variant of the same name:
   368 			Custom::TotalSupportedDrives().
   369 		Following on from this, removed the data member iTotalSupportedDrives
   370 		from the classes TPcCardMachineInfo and TMmcCardMachineInfo.
   371 		g) Added the pure virtual function:
   372 			TPBusNum DPeriphBusController::BaseBusNumber()
   373 		to the generic Peripheral Bus Controller class which returns the
   374 		machine bus number of the first bus under the control of this Peripheral
   375 		bus Controller. Provided implementations of this in the DPcCardController
   376 		and DMMCController classes. These read the required information from the
   377 		corresponding TPcCardMachineInfo and TMmcCardMachineInfo classes. Added the 
   378 		corresponding data member iBaseBusNumber to each of these classes which
   379 		is supplied from the variant.  
   380 		h) Constructors for TPBusCallBack made inline rather than being exported
   381 		from the Peripheral Bus Controller so that the kernel no longer needs to
   382 		link with EPBUS.LIB.
   383 		i) Moved the function:
   384 			DPBusMediaDriver::SetCurrentConsumptionInMilliAmps()
   385 		to the Media Driver base class - DMediaDriver and removed the function
   386 		DMediaDriver::DeltaCurrentConsumptionInMilliAmps() which was now redundant.
   387 		Also added a destructor to the DMediaDriver class to reset the current
   388 		consumption when the object is destroyed. This again required in order that
   389 		the kernel need no longer link with EPBUS.LIB (as this needs to reset
   390 		the media driver current consumption on a media change - with object
   391 		destruction not occuring until the next mount).
   392 		j) Change to the WINS local drive mappings to include emulation of PC Card
   393 		drives as well as MMC drives.
   394 		The entire local drive mapping for WINS is now as follows:-
   395 		Local drive 0:	Internal RAM drive (EFixedMedia0) - Y:
   396 		Local drive 1:	1st special MMC Card on MMC socket 0 (ERemovableMedia0) - X: 
   397 		Local drive 2:	2nd special MMC Card on MMC socket 0 (ERemovableMedia0) - V:
   398 		Local drive 3:	MMC Card on MMC socket 1 (ERemovableMedia1)
   399 		Local drive 4:	PC Card on PC Card socket 0 (ERemovableMedia2)
   400 		Local drive 5:	PC Card on PC Card socket 1 (ERemovableMedia3)
   401 		Local drive 6:	Not currently assigned
   402 		Local drive 7:	Not currently assigned
   403 		Local drive 8:	Internal LFFS drive (EFixedMedia1) - W: 
   404 		k) For MEIG, MISA and MTEMPLATE platforms, the Peripheral Bus variant interface has
   405 		been removed from the variant DLL and is instead built as a separate kernel extension - either
   406 		as EPBUSPV.DLL for PC Card Controller variants or EPBUSMV.DLL for MMC Controller variants.
   407 		For these platforms, registration of the Controller with the kernel takes place via a call
   408 		from the Controller variant extension DLL entry point rather than from the Controller extension
   409 		DLL entry point. For all other platforms, the Controller variant remains as part of the main
   410 		variant DLL. These platforms therefore have no separate Controller variant DLL.
   411 		As a result of this change, the Controller DLL entry
   412 		point has been moved out of the generic layer of the Peripheral Bus
   413 		Controller (PS_PBUS.CPP) into the ASSP layer. 
   414 		Splitting the Controller variant out of the main
   415 		variant DLL is necesssary where there are multiple
   416 		Peripheral Bus Controllers on a platform - otherwise the variant DLL has to contain
   417 		multiple Controller variants.
   418 		l) Deleted V32PCCD.H, and V32PCCDI which were being used as a general definition of the
   419 		PC Card Controller variant interface for all platforms. Each peripheral bus ASSP layer
   420 		should define its own variant interface as required for that impelementation. This
   421 		should be defined in the header file \e32\epbus\epoc\<assp>\v32pccdv.h (or v32mmcv.h
   422 		for MMC Controllers). Implemented this for all supported platforms.
   424 		NOTE: The power model extension - EPOWER.DLL must be loaded before any Peripheral
   425 		Bus Controller extensions - EPBUS?.DLL or EPBUS?V.DLL (i.e. in the OBY file, the
   426 		lines that specify the inclusion of EPBUS??.DLL must occur after the line which
   427 		specifies the inclusion of EPOWER.DLL).
   429 3)	RobertJ
   430 	1)	Changed string descriptor text in pa_usbc.cpp to remove reference
   431 		to EPOC and ER6.2
   433 	2)	Removed function CopyMaxToClient in d_usbc.cpp, this was in effect a
   434 		duplicate of CopyToClient. Code now uses CopyToClient in all cases.
   436 	3)	In usbdma.cpp & k32usbc.h changed interface to
   437 		TDmaBuf::RxCopyPacketToClient & TDmaBuf::RxCopyDataToClient to take
   438 		an explicit length argument. This removes the need to modify the
   439 		TEndpointTransferInfo
   440 		Modified d_usbc.cpp to reflect change in the calling interface to 
   441 		TDmaBuf::RxCopyPacketToClient & TDmaBuf::RxCopyDataToClient
   443 4)	MichaelP
   444 	1)	Fixed compile time error in /e32/drivers/ehwa/d_hwa.cpp which only occurred
   445 		when GETPUTDATA_ARE_KERNELSERVERCALLS had been #defined.
   446 	2)	Added parameter 'TInt aNumWindows' to functions DHwaTask::Init() and
   447 		THwaTaskHwInterface::Init(), which are declared in k32hwa.h.
   448 	3)	Introduction of boolean flag iInUse to class THwaDataTfReq: used to identify
   449 		transfer requests which are currently being processed by the PDD.
   450 	4)	HWA bogus PDDs: changed order of calls to DHwaTask::GetNextRequest to account
   451 		for change no. 3).
   452 	5)	Moved HWA device state member iStatus from class DHwaDevice to class
   453 		DHwaDevicePdd; maintaining its correct value is now up to the PDD.
   456 Version 1.02.365
   457 ================
   458 (Made by AndrewJ, 12/12/2001)
   460 1)	Morgan
   461 	1)	Integrated DPassiveDebugger enhancements from \tools\debugger_stub\...
   462 		into Helen variant: \helen\debugger\...
   464 2)	ChrisM
   465 	1)	Fixed MET-54HLQA (T_NEWHAL tests fail)
   466 	2)	Fixed MET-555GLS (On WINS HAL function EDisplayMemoryAddress should return the Window Handle)
   468 3)	Dennis
   469 	1)	Fixed HEY-54JJ9Y (DPlatLibrary not filled in for some loads)
   471 4)	JonathanM
   472 	1)	Fix for 6.1 defect MOS-54NLHX - "__PROFILE_DISPLAY macro in e32def.h has error"
   474 5)	WilliamRo
   475 	1)	Fixed ROS-54MGXX "WINSCW builds enable C++ exceptions and RTTI" by adding 
   476 		appropriate #pragmas to the __CW32__ section of e32def.h
   478 6)	Nicolas
   479 	1)	Fixed MOS-54QM2W (Building bootstrap MMU layer &
   480 		special bit patterns in permissions): The MMU
   481 		permissions are now global variables defined in the
   482 		variant part of the bootstrap and used by the generic
   483 		ones.
   484 	2)	Removed the write-through version of the generic
   485 		bootstrap MMU library.	This was used only by the
   486 		Helen port which now uses the same code as everything
   487 		else and selects write-through behaviour by changing
   488 		the MMU permissions in the variant (see previous
   489 		entry).	 See commented out code at the top of helen.s
   490 		and helenc.cpp to switch between write-back and
   491 		write-through.
   492 	3)	Fixed THY-54XJFZ (When fast RAM used, cache should be
   493 		disabled for kernel stacks, data and heap).  When
   494 		those entities are in DRAM, they are always cacheable.
   495 		When they are in FRAM, they are mapped using the map
   496 		flags specified in the FRAM bank.  This allows to
   497 		enable/disable the cache on a per-bank basis.
   499 7)	RobertJ
   500 	1)	Fixed HEY-54JME9. Removed mini-loader
   501 		"Drive specifier missing on libraries loaded with the mini-loader"
   503 8)	MichaelP
   504 	1)	Removed /e32/drivers/ subdirectories ecommdma and emcbsp. These two drivers were
   505 		introduced by the Helen port and are actually TI-specific. Since they are not even
   506 		used by the current Helen port, we can safely get rid of them.
   508 9)	PeterH
   509 	1)	Integrated changes to DEF files from the mainline.
   510 		Frozen exports are now marked with the R3UNUSED flag where appropriate.
   511 		This is to support the thumb stub optimisation where the R3 register is
   512 		use to generate a smaller import stub for a function if it isn't used to
   513 		receive parameters.
   515 10)	MarkCa
   516 	1)	Updated MLNK EPBUS port to detect all events in ISR.
   517 	2)	Reduced EPBUS by c1.2k by using packed TMMCCommandSpec structure.
   519 Version 1.02.364
   520 ================
   521 (Made by MichaelP, 20/11/2001)
   523 1)	MarkCa
   524 	1)	Changed DFlashDevice::SetupWrite() in \integratorap\lffs\flashfile.cpp
   525 		to use wrapper class for testing if write buffer available instead of
   526 		testing bits in 32bit value.
   527 	2)	Fixed CAN-547HD3 (Controller panics when no events to handle.)
   529 2)	RobertJ
   530 	1)	Corrected coding comments in d_usbc.cpp & minor clarification in pa_usbc.cpp
   531 	2)	Implemented new USB VID.
   532 	3)	Further cleanup work following deconfiguration on USB client SIN-535KPU
   533 	4)	Propagated fix for PBN-4TKJ7J "Bluetooth panics with HCI error 23".
   534 		In \brutusa\vi_com2.cpp, reordered ISR rx now done first
   535 		then tx, removed uart tx busy spin.
   537 3)	Nicolas
   538 	1)	Fixed FID-53YD58 (Bootstrap doesn't dump all MMU
   539 		pages): off-by-one error.
   540 	2)	Enabled cache for exception vector page when it is in
   541 		DRAM (cache still disabled if the page is in fast RAM
   542 		as TC RAM and cache are not compatible).
   544 4)	ChrisM
   545 	1)	Fixed ALM-53LHP4 (Fixed Calibration settings are not saved).  Assabet only defect, 
   546 		problem was in the variant vi_xyin.cpp in DDigitiserSA1100::DigitiserToScreen.
   547 	2)	Fixed FOD-54MET2 (Display bytesPerLine calculated as bits not bytes).  Fixed the problem 								in template port + integrator.
   549 5) 	AndrewJ
   551 	1)	Fixed DOM-4XWC5P (Medlfs driver  is not reliable) This problem was concerned with 
   552 		flash devices not erasing properly when suspended, on assabet boards. This was 
   553 		fixed by not suspending an erase unless both chips have gone into suspend mode 
   554 		properly.
   555 	2)	Fixed FID-53YDJC (Error LFFS driver SetupWrite() function) Semi implemented 
   556 		suggestion in defect report though still need to issue dummy command after 
   557 		correct register has been read, otherwise command issued does not work.
   559 6)	JonM
   560 	1)	Implemented change request JMET-544FUM - "Change RTransferWindow::MapInBuffer() to
   561 		return error code and not panic"
   563 7)	CarlosF
   564 	1)	Fixed MOU-543FVR HAL attribute ECaseSwitch returns wrong value for Assabet.
   565 		The following files were modified:
   566 		\assabetb\hal\config.hcf
   567 		\assabetb\hal\values.hda
   568 		\assabetb\lffs\loadlffs.cpp
   569 		\assabetb\vi_hal.cpp
   570 		\hal\inc\hal_data.cpp
   571 		\hal\tsrc\t_new_hal.cpp.
   572 		Fixed FRS-534EWW T_SERIAL fails on Assabet. The following files were
   573 		modified:
   574 		\assabetb\bmisa\visaabu.def
   575 		\assabetb\v32scpld1111.h
   576 		\assabetb\vi_com1.cpp
   577 		\assabetb\vi_com3.cpp
   578 		\assabetb\vi_cpld1111.h
   579 		\assabetb\vi_hw.cpp
   580 		\assabetb\vi_power.cpp.
   582 8)	MichaelP
   583 	1)	HWA API implementation now corresponds to API document version 0.15:
   584 		a) Removed enum TTaskPriority from d32hwa.h (was not used).
   585 		b) Two new functions in class RHwaTask:
   586 		   TInt PutData(RTransferBuffer& aBuf, TInt aBytesToBeTransfered,
   587 		                TInt* aBytesTransfered=NULL, TInt TransferId=KTfBufIdNull);
   588 		   and
   589 		   TInt PutData(RTransferBuffer& aBuf, TRequestStatus& aStat,
   590 		                TInt aBytesToBeTransfered, TInt* aBytesTransfered=NULL,
   591 		                TInt aTransferId=KTfBufIdNull);
   592 		   which allow the user to specify the number of bytes to be transferred to the
   593 		   DSP (rather than the whole buffer).
   594 		c) New member in class TTaskDataTfInfo (d32hwa.h): TInt iBytesToBeTransfered;
   595 		d) Renamed THwaPanic enums from EHwaXxx to EHwaPanicXxx (k32hwa.h).
   596 		e) Added virtual destructor for class THwaTaskHwInterface to prevent resource
   597 		   leaking in derived classes.
   598 		f) Removed function TInt DHwaTask::Priority() (was not used).
   599 		g) New member in class THwaDataTfReq (k32hwa.h): TInt iBytesToBeTransfered;
   600 		h) Removed data member iPriority from class DHwaTask: moved to class
   601 		   THwaTaskHwInterface; thus the task priority is now managed entirely by the PDD.
   602 		i) Added three additional arguments to TInt THwaTaskHwInterface::DoInputFrom(const
   603 		   DHwaTask& /*aTask*/, TInt /*aOutputIndex*/, TInt /*aInputIndex*/,
   604 		   TInt /*aConnectionId*/) to pass the task index and connection ID information to
   605 		   the PDD.
   606 		j) Made function void DHwaDevice::SetStatus(THwaDeviceStatus aStatus) public
   607 		   (was: protected).
   608 		k) Merged two functions of class DHwaDevice
   609 		   TInt TaskCallPutData(DHwaTask* aTask, const TAny* aArg);
   610 		   TInt TaskCallGetData(DHwaTask* aTask, const TAny* aArg);
   611 		   into one function
   612 		   TInt TaskCallTransferData(DHwaTask* aTask, const TAny* aArg, THwaDataTfDir aDir);
   613 		l) Fixed kernel heap memory leak caused by incorrect call to S::TransferWindowClose()
   614 		   in destructor DHwaTask::~DHwaTask().
   616 	2)	USB client implementation:
   617 		a) Added "#define SET_DESCRIPTOR_REQUEST_SUPPORTED" to k32usbc.h (in commented-out
   618 		   form).
   619 		b) Added "const TUint16 KUsbVendorId_Symbian = 0x0E22;" to usb.h (USB-IF assigned
   620 		   Vendor ID).
   623 Version 1.02.363
   624 ================
   625 (Made by Dennis 26/10/2001)
   627 1)	MarkCa
   628 	1)	Updated Linkup MMC port with event checking asserts.
   629 	2)	Modified P32MMC.H to allow per-platform configuration.  The file
   630 		can only be included into ASSP-specific builds.  It reads a header
   631 		file MMC_CFG.H from \epoc32\include\kernel\ASSP.
   632 	3)	Fixed FID-4ZKEKQ (Inefficient memfill in MMC driver.)  Use Mem::Fill()
   633 		instead of loops to fill buffers with 0xff in DoFormat() for
   634 		DMmcMediaDriverFlash.
   636 2)	Nicolas
   637 	1)	Fixed THY-52WJTE (DLL static data support doesn't
   638 		allow for DLLs which only have BSS): The "$DAT" chunk
   639 		which holds the initial content of the DATA section is
   640 		not created when there is no DATA section.
   641 		Additionally it is not created for ROM-based DLLs as
   642 		the initial content is fetched from ROM in that case.
   643 	2)	Fixed generic bootstrap defect FID-53BKSD (920T
   644 		MMU_Invalidate is wrong): The ARM920T version of that
   645 		function now only invalidates TLB and I-cache.
   646 	3)	Fixed kernel defect THY-53FE32 (Confusion between
   647 		TheKernelPage and TKernelPage ctor)
   648 	4)	Fixed generic bootstrap defect THY-53LC9Y (crash when
   649 		only exception handlers and supervisor stack/heap in
   650 		IRAM).  Reversed exception code and supervisor
   651 		heap/stack allocation order in fast RAM to ensure that
   652 		stack/heap always at top of bank where the bootstrap
   653 		stack is.  Otherwise the adjusted stack value after
   654 		enabling MMU is wrong.
   655 	5)	Fixed generic bootstrap defect FID-53LKTG (Bootstrap
   656 		test code: heap test is useless, author should be
   657 		shot).  Kernel data is now really checked.
   658 	6)	Modified bootstrap tests to take into account possible
   659 		exception vectors relocation to highmem.
   660 	7)	Removed deprecated "screensize" keyword from bootstrap
   661 		test obey files.
   663 3)	ChrisM
   664 	1)	Fixed WIR-53FANN (RArrayBase::HeapSort makes assumption about max iEntrySize value)
   665 		Changed temp buffer in HeapSort functions to use the const KSimpleArrayMaxEntrySize
   666 	2)	Fixed MOS-53FLUF (HAL attribute ordering incorrect).  Moved EPenState from
   667  		before EKeyboardState to after ESystemDrive.
   668 	3)	Fixed MOS-53RHP3v(Screen width and height returned by HAL are constant).  Added func
   669 		to hal\src\emul.cpp to return the current sizes defined in epoc.ini.
   671 4)	Carlosf
   672 	1)	Changes to Assabet Variant to fix a problem with the External Interrupts
   673 		dispatching. Modified \assabetb\vi_hw.cpp.
   674 	2)	Fixed BAN-52BKKC Physical device driver for serial port have a defect and
   675 		can cause loss of data.
   677 5)	Pete
   678 	Migrated the fixes for the following 6.1 defects:
   679 	1) Fixed PAS-4WRMQS: "Requeing a read() after PowerOn Panics the Driver/Kernel".
   680 	Problem caused by driver registering for PC Card IREQ events twice without
   681 	de-registering in between. This causes a panic in the PC Card Controller.
   682 		- Modified the Brutus and Assabet PC Card serial PDDs
   683 		(DITXBA4.PDD/DITXAB4.PDD) so that rather than registering and de-registering
   684 		for notification of PC Card IREQ events whenever they need to disable serial
   685 		interrupts, the drivers keep the notification request registered - and simply
   686 		enable and disable IREQ events on that socket.
   687 		- Changed the PC Card Controller so that registering a TPBusCallBack object
   688 		for event notification (with DPcCardController::RegisterEvent()) which is
   689 		already registered returns an error rather than causing a kernel panic.
   690 		- Modified the PC Card Controller by adding support for a new configuration
   691 		request flag: KPccdConfigOverrideNormalPwrEvents. If a configuration is
   692 		requested (via DPcCardController::RequestConfig()) which contains this flag
   693 		setting then normal machine power handling by the Controller for the socket
   694 		in question will be disabled - leaving the PC Card Controller client to
   695 		implement its own power handling policy. This only applies to machine power
   696 		on/ power off events. The Controller will continue to handle emergency power
   697 		down and media change events. The power handling override will remain in
   698 		force as long as the configuration is applied (i.e. this condition is removed
   699 		following a call of DPcCardController::ReleaseConfig(),
   700 		DPcCardController::DeregisterClient(), a media change event etc). This
   701 		feature is required to support PC Card serial cards in order to support the
   702 		'idle off' power policy which serial ports now implement.  Without this, even
   703 		though the PC Card serial driver will ignore a machine power down call when
   704 		it still has a write request in progress, the PC Card Controller will still 
   705 		turn off the VCC supply to the card and thus power it down.		
   706 	2) Fixed SCE-534GAE: "Problems with Serial Comms LDD power handling"
   707 		- Modification to the serial port LDDs, ECOMM.LDD (including the WINS version)
   708 		and ECOMMDCE.LDD to fix a problem with the way it implements the 'idle off'
   709 		power policy. Although it currently ignores Power-Off notifications, it does
   710 		not ignore Power-On notifications and instead completes any outstanding request
   711 		with KErrAbort. Hence, if the machine happens to be powered off and then back
   712 		on again before the serial port has had an inactivity timeout, any outstanding
   713 		requests will wrongly be completed with KErrAbort as the machine turns back on.
   714 		- Another problem fixed is associated with the fact that the
   715 		current comms driver power handler doesn't actually power the
   716 		device down on a normal power down event. However, the driver
   717 		itself uses the power model at other times to control power
   718 		to the device (e.g. when closing the driver). Hence,
   719 		DChannelComm::DoPowerDown() is never called and the driver
   720 		closes leaving the comms h/w powered up. This is now fixed,
   721 		with the driver calling DoPowerDown directly when required.
   722 	3) Fixed SCE-52YHQE: "Serial change notifier problems".
   724 6)	WilliamR
   725 	1)	Fix defect ROS-53TDGG "Access Violation in CreateFirstDllRefTable" by allowing for
   726 		GetModuleHandleA to return 0. This is essentially the same code as used in 
   727 		CreateDllRefTable() which handles dynamically loaded DLLs.
   730 Version 1.02.362
   731 ================
   732 (Made by ChrisM, 05/10/2001)
   734 1)	CarlosF
   735 	1)	Port defect fix for defect ALM-4VQB5V Ditizer freezes (was: The Brutus
   736 		board freezes after entering 50-60 characters with HWR) from 6.1.
   737 		Modified \assabetb\vi_xyin.cpp and \brutusa\vi_xyin.cpp.
   739 2)	MarkCa
   740 	1)	Fixed FID-4ZWDMZ (MMC program poll is too slow to be useful.)
   741 		Use TMilliSecondCallBack instead of TTickLink.  Pure virtual DMMCStack
   742 		function ProgramPollPeriod() replaced with pure virtual DMMCController
   743 		function ProgramPeriodInMilliSeconds().
   744 	2)	Moved Integrator LFFS drive to k:.  ImpHal::TotalSupportedDrives() now
   745 		returns 9 instead of 2, as does unused Variant::PeriphBusMachineInfo().
   746 		MEDLFS changed to use 22MB of flash across three pairs of chips.
   747 		The memory range is a contiguous block, which can be specified at
   748 		compile time in \integratorap\lffs\ffs_config.h.
   750 3)	JonM
   751 	1)	Fixed defect FER-4XDK9G - "Assabet timers go off at strange intervals."
   752 	2)	Fixed defect MET-52AF29 - "Power off/on may freeze Assabet/Brutus"
   753 	3)	Fixed defect in TSa1100::SetRtcData. This needed to wait longer for the new value to take effect.
   754 	4)	Moved HELEN's exported headers from E32 to the HELEN variant.
   755 		This helps fix defect MAY-4XWM9Q - "e32 does not build in an IPR-E OCK".
   756 		It also moves what should probably be IPR category B stuff from a cat E directory.
   758 4)	MichaelP
   759 	1)	HWA API implementation now corresponds to API doc version 0.14
   760 		a) THwaTaskHwInterface::DoCloseTask() now has a parameter TBool
   761 		   aCallbackRequest which indicates whether or not the PDD should
   762 		   finally call DHwaTask::CloseComplete()
   763 		b) RHwaTask::Logon() now has a second parameter TUint aFlagsWord which
   764 		   can be used to make a logon request more specific
   765 		c) RHwaTask functions Start(), Suspend(), Resume(), and SetPriority()
   766 		   are now asynchronous; however this is transparent to the user as the
   767 		   asynchronousness is wrapped up in the d32hwa.inl inline header file
   768 		d) Renamed DHwaTask::DoLogonComplete() to LogonComplete()
   769 	2)	USB PIL: Endpoint Data Toggles are now correctly reset after Set_Interface and
   770 		Set_Configuration requests.
   772 5)	AndrewT
   773 	1)	Fixed BAN-52BKTN (CAsyncCallBack ctor TCallBack& could be const). Made
   774 		the TCallBack parameters to the constructor and Set() const.
   775 	2)	Fixed BAN-52BKV2 (Should inline TInt RSubSessionBase::SubSessionHandle() be
   776 		const?). Added const to this member.
   777 	3)	Fixed THE-52WJR6 (Equality operators for TThreadId and TProcessId should be
   778 		const). Made the accessor and comparison operators const on these classes.
   779 6)	RobertJ
   780 	1) 	Incorrect behaviour in usb client after getting deconfigured then
   781 		configured, without an intervening reset.
   782 		Data toggles were not getting reset,
   783 		ldd wasn't cancelling user requests,
   784 		PIL layer wasn't cancelling ldd requests and
   785 		psl layer was trying to drain fifo because RPE bit was set.
   786 		RPE will get reset on next read when RPC gets cleared and fifo is
   787 		automatically emptied.
   788 	2)	Fixed FID-52HBTA: USB driver not leave safe
   789 	3)	Fixed ROS-534EAV: usbdma.cpp mixes new[] and delete
   791 7)	ChrisM
   792 	1)	Fixed  PAR-52CLSB (920T bootstrap code is Cat D it should be Cat E).  Changed
   793 		categorisation to E after source code recategorisation CR - CMOS-52WJ5V
   796 8)	Pete
   797 	1)	Removed Cogent source
   798 	2)	Removed Windermere source
   799 	3)	Removed MEDCRM and MEDCRR media driver source.
   801 Version 1.02.361
   802 ================
   803 (Made by AndrewT, 31/08/2001)
   805 1)	AndrewT
   806 	1)	Fixed EDNATHE-4QQKZM (RThread().Suspend() deadlocks the emulator) again.
   807 		The original fix was incomplete.
   808 	2)	Fixed HEY-4XHGD5 (Remove \e32\include\K32DBGDD.H)
   809 	3)	Fixed MET-4YSM3M (Text shell DIR command problems)
   811 2)	Nicolas
   812 	1)	Fixed FID-4VHGDK (Debug should show current thread
   813 	  	after exception).  When a thread or process panics or
   814 	  	takes an unhandled exception, the name and ID of the
   815 	  	thread/process is displayed in the kernel traces (only
   816 	  	if KPANIC is set).
   817 	2)	Replaced void GetExceptionVectorsInfo(addr, size) with
   818 	  	TUint32 ExcVectorsAddr() in generic bootstrap because
   819 	  	vector table size not used anymore.  Documented that
   820 	  	in bootstrap doc version 1.2.
   821 	3)	Small changes following RHR 113.2 (exception code in
   822 	  	fast RAM) review.
   823 	4)	Exception vectors are now moved to highmem on assabet.
   824 	5)	Updated makefiles used to build bootstrap tests for
   825 	  	MLNK, MINT and VTEMPLATE now that the generic test
   826 	  	code is contained in libraries.
   828 3)	Chris
   829 	1)	Fixed problem with cirrus not turning display on introduced with LCD changes for GT111
   830 	2)	finished implementation of mapping video chunk from more than one physical region
   831 	3)	Updates to video driver code from code review.  Split video driver up into bit which needs porting and the interface.
   832 	4)	Changes to video driver for CR LROS-4Z7E7Z to allow scdv get all display modes
   833 	5)	updated video test code to include tests for palette when not in palettized video mode and updated assabet and brutus
   834 		to report if backlight is supported via HAL and fixed inconsistency between assabet,brutus and the template reporting
   835 		different error value if palette functions called on a none palettized video mode.
   836 	6)	Fixed  FID-4ZGJ2L WINS/WINC doesn't handle command line args correctly.  If executable command path 
   837 		has spaces it will be quoted.  If a quote is found it skips until the next one.
   838 	7)	Fixed MOS-4Y4D9K Two taps on screen required to turn on display.
   840 4)	AndrewJ
   841 	1)	Fixed THY-4YCP96 stopped Null pointer from being derefrenced in LFFS media driver
   843 5)	JonM
   844 	1)	Fixed defect FID-4WUGL4 - "MMU secondary config is annoying"
   845 		The MMU secondary config is now obtained from a constant (KMmuSecondaryConfig) contained
   846 		in the bootstrap's variant library.
   847 	2)	Fixed defect FID-4XTC27 - "Bank width corrupted in BDB"
   848 	3)	Fixed defect FID-4Y3CP3 - "Should fill unused Rom config blocks"
   849 	4)	TransferBuffer performance greatly improved.
   850 	5)	API CHANGE: DTransferWindow::MapInBufferL is now non-leaving and has been
   851 		renamed to MapInBuffer.
   852 	6)	Fixed bug in DPlatProcess::RemoveChunk, this no longer flushed the data chache
   853 		when removing EFixedAddress chunks.
   854 	7)	Extended T_HWA test to include a benchmark test for PutData. Also made this
   855 		work on Integrator.
   856 	8)	Fix for defect PAR-4VMKV7 - "WD_VT100 has lost its basic nature and now depends on the Comms drivers!!"
   857 		WD_VT100.CPP Has now reverted being output only, via the debug port.
   858 		The implementation using the ECOMM driver has been added as WD_VT100_ECOMM.CPP
   859 	9)	Fix for defect FID-4YTET9 - "Manufacturer in HAL should be a UID"
   860 		(Made TManufacturer definition obviousely extendable by using UIDs.)
   861 	10)	Fixed defect SAS-4ZTD5D - "Missing l7200a t_trace.cpp file for bootstrap tests"
   862 		Also fixed build failure with Integrator bootstrap test code.
   863 	11)	Fixed defect SAS-4ZSGBU - "Exports inconsistent. v32isaab.h includes not exported"
   864 	12)	Fixed defect FER-4XGDVT - "Integrator can't cope with time being set randomly"
   865 	13)	Removed #include <e32transbuf.h> from e32std.h
   867 6)	MarkCa
   868 	1)	Implemented MEDLFS driver for Integrator.  Mounts on local drive 1
   869 		and provides access to 2 * 4Mb flash chips.  ELFFS is not mounted
   870 		by default.
   872 7)	CarlosF
   873 	1)	Changes to Assabet bootstrap and Variant to make Assabet's CPU and Memory
   874 		bus clock speed configurable. Also includes an option to always format the
   875 		C:\ drive on start-up if LFFS filesystem is mounted on this media.
   876 	2)	Changes to SA1100 ASSP to enable WAIT signal detection on Assabet PCCard 
   877 		IO accesses. This is required as the Assabet controller needs to be
   878 		configured to detect the assertion of this signal on accesses to IO space
   879 		contrary to Brutus which has this detection enabled by default.
   881 8)	TimBa
   882 	1)	Folding now folds 0xA0 (non-breaking space) to normal space (0x20)
   884 9)	Andy Curran (Uikon)
   885 	1)	Fix for (PER-4Z5DW6) Switch On/Off Control Panel Dialog case closed option does not work.
   886 		Really just correcting a few typos.  Fix tested with success.  Fix accepetd by Nicolas T.
   888 10)	MichaelP
   889 	1)	Updated Helen port (mhelen target) to 6.1 port sources from 30 July
   890 		2001 (Perforce revision 10426). Many changes, among them items 2) - 6).
   891 	2)	Added directory stdarmWT (containing some files) under /bootstrap/mmu/:
   892 		"Bootstrap MMU Write-Through Mode." 
   893 	3)	Added directory ecommdma (also containing some files) under
   894 		/e32/drivers/: "Implements the Logical device driver for a serial port
   895 		using DMA transfers." This driver is used by the mhelen target.
   896 	4)	New kernel exports for mhelen: 
   897 		THelen::ReadIntMask(unsigned int);
   898 		THelen::SetMcBspReg(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int);
   899 		THelen::SetComBSPStatus(int);
   900 	5)	Re-activated #define __EARLY_DEBUG__ in
   901 		\e32\ekern\epoc\arm\Helen\KA_UTL.CPP.
   902 	6)	Added file \e32\rombuild\HelenTests.oby.
   903 	7)	HWA API: RHwaTask functions GetData / PutData are now kernel exec calls
   904 		(as opposed to kernel server calls) --> significant performance
   905 		increase.
   906 		The previous behaviour (i.e. server calls) can be had by uncommenting 
   907 		//#define GETPUTDATA_ARE_KERNELSERVERCALLS in d32hwa.h.
   908 	8)	HWA API: Constant value changed: KTfBufIdNull = 0x0 (was: 0xf0000000).
   909 	9)	Added overloaded function
   910 		DTransferWindow* Kern::TransferWindowFromHandle(TInt aHandle, DThread* aThread);
   911 		to \e32\include\k32std.h, exported and frozen for all targets. Function
   912 		is implemented in \e32\ekern\ks_transbuf.cpp. This function is used
   913 		where the current thread is not the same as the one that created the
   914 		window handle.
   915 	10)	T_HWA has now integrated profiling support, activated by calling "t_hwa
   916 		profile". 
   918 11)	RobertJ
   919 	1)	Added a new constructor each for RArray and RArrayPointer. This enables
   920 		the sort/find to be used with an existing array with memory allocated
   921 		outside of these classes.
   924 Version 1.02.360
   925 ================
   926 (Made by Peter, 06/08/2001)
   928 1)	MarkCa
   929 	1)	Fixed FID-4X8JKB (TMMCCommandDesc::Direction() should be const.)
   930 	2)	Fixed MMC controller defect in ExecCommandSM() / EStDeselectEndCheck
   931 		where cmd was not reset after the stack was popped.
   932 	3)	Optimized DMMCcontroller::PowerUpBus() to initialize stack once for
   933 		all drives.  Check if initialized successfully and still powered up.
   934 		If so, complete immediately.  Retain ability to power down and power
   935 		up again if failed because of unknown password (CMD3 RTO.)
   937 2)	Chris
   938 	1)	Changed brutusa\video.mmp to use visaba.lib not visaab.lib and cixyba.lib not cixyab.lib
   939 	2)	Updated headers and removed dead code from files changed for LCD driver improvements.
   940 	3)	Removed "screensize" keyword from header.iby files
   942 3)	AndrewT
   943 	1)	Fixed NEO-4X8CFY (TTime::WeekNoInYear() function returns wrong 
   944 		week number if  week start day is not monday). Rewrote the
   945 		second half of the offending function to do the right calculations.
   947 4)	Michael
   948 	1)	Commented out #define __EARLY_DEBUG__ in
   949 		\e32\ekern\epoc\arm\Helen\KA_UTL.CPP.
   950 	2)	Deleted line "screensize=320x240x12" from
   951 		\e32\rombuild\mhelen\header.iby.
   952 	3)	Added to \hal\inc\hal_data.h enum TManufacturer
   953 		"EManufacturer_TexasInstruments" and enum TMachineUid
   954 		"EMachineUid_Helen=0x101F3EE3".
   955 	4)	HWA API:
   956 		a) Introduction of concept of input and output index for tasks with
   957 		   multiple I/Os. These indices are additional (& optional) arguments for
   958 		   RHwaTask functions InputFrom(), DisConnectInput(), InputConnection(),
   959 		   and OutputConnection(), and are also part of class TTaskConnectInfo.
   960 		b) New RHwaTask querying functions: GetTaskProperties() and
   961 		   GetTaskStatus().
   962 		c) With these come two new classes: TTaskPropertyInfo (this not new but
   963 		   updated), and TTaskStatusInfo.
   964 		d) RHwaDevice::Tasks() now returns a find-handle -- the handle is no
   965 		   longer a component of the filled TTaskPropertyInfo structure.
   966 		e) RHwaDevice::CreateTask() has an additional parameter aNumWindows (#
   967 		   of transfer windows for DHwaTask object).
   968 		f) RHwaTask functions Logon() and LogonCancel() are now void.
   969 		g) RHwaTask::SetOwningDevice() is now a protected class member and no
   970 		   longer documented in the API doc.
   971 		h) Class RHwaDevice is now a friend of class RHwaTask.
   972 		i) Removed RHwaTask functions GetStatus() and GetTaskID().
   973 		j) Removed RHwaTask default constructor (was empty).
   974 		k) Removed enum THwaTaskLogon (was not used).
   976 5)	Nicolas
   977 	1)	Modified MCOY bootstrap to take into account the super
   978 	  	and CPU pages layout changes introduced in E32 359.
   979 	2)	MCOY ASSP layer now contains static arrays for the
   980 	  	various stacks and initialises the PP::* and Arm::*
   981 	  	stack "top" pointers.  Note that it would be possible
   982 	  	to perform the stack allocation in the bootstrap
   983 	  	instead.
   984 	3)	Fixed MAY-4V4E5V (Breakpoints don't work on ARM
   985 	  	architecture 5 processors). Now two opcodes in the
   986 	  	undefined space are used: a 16 bit one for THUMB and a
   987 	  	32 bit one for ARM (previously a unique 16 bit pattern
   988 	  	was used).  RDebug::SetBreakPoint() has now a new
   989 	  	overload which allows to specify what kind of
   990 	  	breakpoint is excepted.  The old overload is
   991 	  	deprecated (it returns KErrGeneral systematically).
   992 	4)	Cosmetic changes to bootstrap and kernel following
   993 	  	code review.
   994 	5)	Removed dubious assert from bootstrap which crashed
   995 	  	Brutus when warm-booting: MarkRamImageInBank() can
   996 	  	actually be called with a BDB containing
   997 	  	KBdbBankTypeRamAsRom in that case because the BDB
   998 	  	initialised during cold boot is reused.  This allows
   999 	  	to skip bank size/width detection.
  1000 6)	William
  1001 	1)	Add CleanupArrayDelete template to E32BASE.H, and remove the __EPOC_CLEANUP_SUPPORT__
  1002 		include guards to complete Epoc32 Proposal SW1-87 (See STORE 0049 notes from 1998) 
  1003 	2)	Export EKDATA.DEF so that ASSPs can get it from a published place, rather than
  1004 		referring to ..\e32\bmarm\ekdata.def. Modified various MMP files to get this file
  1005 		from \epoc32\release\marm\ekdata.def instead.
  1007 7)	Pete	
  1008 	1)	Fixed FID-4XEE3C "Remount of fixed media broken". Change to the function
  1009 		DPrimaryMediaBase::NotifyMediaStatusChange() which is called on media
  1010 		change, but more significantly when forcing a remount on a drive. The change
  1011 		involves only attempting to reset media driver current consumption if the
  1012 		media is removable (since only drivers for removable media track current
  1013 		consumption). This fixes a problem where the kernel heap became corrupt when
  1014 		forcing a remount on a fixed drive.
  1015 	2) 	Added the following functions to the TBusLocalDrive class:-
  1017 		a) TInt SetMountInfo(const TDesC8* aMountInfo,TInt aMountInfoThreadHandle);
  1018 			The SetMountInfo() function allows a descriptor to be associated with
  1019 		a local drive - which is passed down to the corresponding media driver for the
  1020 		drive as that driver is opened. This therefore provides a means of supplying
  1021 		additional information to the driver at creation time. In the case of 'secure'
  1022 		drives, a driver may not open successfully unless the correct mount information
  1023 		is supplied at creation time. Mount information, once passed into the drive, is
  1024 		stored in the correspnding DPrimaryMedia object for the drive and is therefore
  1025 		available for subsequent remounts of the drive following media change or machine
  1026 		power down events. Mount information can be cleared by passing in a NULL mount
  1027 		info descriptor.
  1029 		b) TInt ForceRemount(TUint aFlags);
  1030 			This forces a local drive to be remounted. This is a replacement for the
  1031 		function UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(TMediaDevice aDevice) since the latter
  1032 		requires knowlege of the h/w platform in quesion in order to select the 
  1033 		appropraite TMediaDevice value for a particular drive.
  1034 	3)	Added SetMountInfo() function to TLocDrv class and modified TLocDrv::Open()
  1035 		so this no longer takes a 'const TDesC* aMountInfo' parameter. Corresponding
  1036 		change to DMedia::Open() function which also no longer has a 
  1037 		'const TDesC* aMountInfo' a parameter. The mount info is intead stored in the
  1038 		DPrimaryMedia class which has two new functions:-
  1039 			TInt SetMountInfo(TLocalDriveMessageData &aMountInfo,TInt aMediaNum);
  1040 			TMediaDrvDescData* MountInfo(TInt aMediaNum);
  1041 	4)	Change to DMediaDriver class which now supplies the DoCreate() function and instead
  1042 		requires a derived driver class to supply the pure virtual function:-
  1043 			Int Open(TMediaDevice aMediaDevice).
  1044 		In most cases, convertion of existing non-removable drivers will require the existing
  1045 		DoCreate() function to be renamed Open().
  1048 Version 1.02.359
  1049 ================
  1050 (Made by JonathanM, 18/07/2001)
  1052 1)	Morgan
  1053 	1)	Implemented CR MHEY-4XHN9D "Move DPassiveDebugger implementation out
  1054 		of the core kernel"
  1055 		Exported the following functions and K32DBG.H
  1056 			ImpMmu::AllocatePageTable(unsigned long, unsigned long, int)
  1057 			DPlatProcess::DataSectionBase(DPlatChunk *) const
  1058 			ImpMmu::FreePageTable(int, int)
  1059 		Moved ka_edbg.cpp from all ASSPs and
  1060 		\e32\ekern\epoc\arm\kc_edbg.cpp into a device-driver/extention in
  1061 		\tools\debugger_stub\passivestub\...
  1062 	2)	Removed DDebugger initialisation calls from boot.
  1063 		A DDebugger implementation should load itself as an extension or a
  1064 		device driver, and install using Plat::SetDebugger(debugger);
  1065 	3)	Added __ENABLE_NOTIFY_DEBUGGER__ macro to enable/disable debug support
  1066 		in the kernel.  Currently on in UREL and UDEB builds by default.
  1067 	4)	Cogent passive debugger now lives in \tools\debugger_stub\passivestub
  1068 		and is built as EDEBUG.LDD.  Include this as an extension to get
  1069 		Lauterbach OS aware debug.  Or load it as an LDD with DEBUGGER.EXE
  1070 			"DEBUGGER load" from the command line
  1071 	5)	Helen debugger now lives in \helen\debugger and built as EDEBUG.LDD
  1072 		See 4) for usage.
  1074 2)    Nicolas
  1075 	1)	The kernel data/bss section can be relocated to any fast
  1076 		RAM bank by setting KBdbFlagKernelData in the
  1077 		appropriate BDB bank descriptor (generic bootstrap
  1078 		only).
  1079 	2)	The supervisor stack/heap can be relocated to any fast
  1080 		RAM bank by setting KBdbFlagSvStackHeap in the
  1081 		appropriate BDB bank descriptor (generic bootstrap
  1082 		only).
  1083 	3)	The kernel stacks (reentrant, null, irq, fiq, exception)
  1084 		can be relocated to any fast RAM bank by setting the
  1085 		relevant bit (KBdbFlagStack*) in the appropriate BDB
  1086 		bank descriptor (generic bootstrap only).
  1087 	4)	The kernel stacks are now allocated by the generic
  1088 		bootstrap (either in DRAM or fast RAM).	 Super and CPU
  1089 		pages layout modified to pass stack info to the kernel.
  1090 		Each variant using the generic bootstrap calls
  1091 		Arm::Init1Stacks() from ImpHal::Init1() to initialise
  1092 		the stacks.
  1093 	5)	For the windermere port which does not use the generic
  1094 		bootstrap, the stacks are statically allocated in the
  1095 		ASSP layer and ImpHal::Init1() initialises the
  1096 		Arm::*StackTop and PP::*StackTop pointers.
  1097 	6)	The exception vectors, handler and dispatch table can
  1098 	  	be relocated to any fast RAM bank by setting
  1099 	  	KBdbExcCode4k in the appropriate bank descriptor
  1100 	  	(generic bootstrap only).  There also exist
  1101 	  	KBdbExcCode8k and KBdbExcCode12k in case the exception
  1102 	  	handlers get bigger in the future.
  1103 	7)	The exception vectors are now located at 0xFFFF0000 on
  1104 	  	platforms which support this.  Grep for
  1105 	  	__CPU_EXC_VECTORS_MOVABLE in u32std.h for a
  1106 	  	comprehensive list.  As a consequence dereferencing
  1107 	  	NULL pointers in privileged mode now enters the debug
  1108 	  	monitor.
  1109 	8)	Fix defect CLE-4Y4EMG (Bootstrap doesn't fill in Rom
  1110 		config section completely): ROM type fields now
  1111 		correctly initialised in the super page.
  1112 	9)	Bootstrap test code added for assabet.
  1113 	10)	Bootstrap documentation updated.
  1114 	11)	Template port updated.
  1117 3)	Michael
  1118 	1)	Fixed Helen crashing (exc id 26) at boot-up time: ImpHal::Idle() in 
  1119 		\e32\ekern\epoc\arm\Helen\KA_UTL.CPP
  1120 	2)	Modified macro test() in e32test.h such that it now also displays the
  1121 		respective source filename when an RTest test fails. Added the necessary
  1122 		overloaded operator() and constructor to class RTest in us_test.cpp.
  1123 		An occasional stack overflow problem has been fixed: we now pass the filename
  1124 		string as a const TText* rather than a const TDesc& (_S() vs. _L()).
  1125 	3)	Fixed DPlatChunk::SetContiguousRamL() and DPlatChunk::SetHardwareL() in
  1126 		\e32\ekern\epoc\kp_chk.cpp: too much memory was	reserved upon creation of a
  1127 		transfer buffer, too little freed after closing it.
  1128 	4)	Fixed CBitMapAllocator::ExtractRamPages() in \e32\euser\cbase\ub_bma.cpp:
  1129 		eliminated a condition when the do/while loop would never be left.
  1130 	5)	added two exported static kernel functions: DThread* Kern::SvThread() and
  1131 		DProcess* Kern::SvProcess(), frozen for mawd, mcga, mcoy, meig, mhelen, mint,
  1132 		misa, mlnk, mtemplate, wins
  1133 	6)	HWA API:
  1134 		- changed task parameter TaskID from type TInt to TUid
  1135 		- RHwaTask::Close() and RHwaDevice::CloseTask() now return an TInt error code
  1136 		  from the kernel (actually from the PDD), rather than being void
  1137 		- T_HWA: creating a contiguous transfer buffer from the user side now works,
  1138 		  added test of task messaging functions, misc. fixes.
  1140 4)	Tim Band and Arun Sachamuneewongse
  1141 	1)	Added three 'next favourite' language specifiers to TLocale and
  1142 		SLocaleData, and setters and getters for them in TLocale.
  1144 5)	JonathanM
  1146 	LCD Driver Portability Enhancements
  1148 	Moved all display related code into new kernel extension (VIDEODRIVEREX)
  1149 	New LDD stub (VIDEODRIVERLDD) provides access to this implementation.
  1151 	Added HAL attributes
  1153 		EDisplayIsMono,                // Display is monochrome
  1154 		EDisplayIsPalettized,          // True if display is in a paletized mode
  1155 		EDisplayBitsPerPixel,          // Number of bits per pixel for current display mode
  1156 		EDisplayMaxBitsPerPixel,       // Max color resolution display mode
  1157 		EDisplayMemoryAddress,         // Start of video memory
  1158 		EDisplayOffsetToFirstPixel,    // Offset of first displayed pixel from EDisplayMemoryAddress
  1159 		EDisplayOffsetBetweenLines,    // Number of bytes between the first pixel in successive lines
  1160 		EDisplayPaletteEntry,          // To get, pass entry number (Color returned as 0x00bbggrr)
  1161 									   // To set, pass entry in bits 31-24, color in bits 23-0
  1162 		EDisplayIsPixelOrderRGB,       // True if physical pixel layout is RGB, false for BGR
  1163 		EDisplayIsPixelOrderLandscape, // True if physical pixel layout is landcape, false for portrait
  1165 	Added new exports to EKERN
  1167 		DPlatChunkHw::DoCreateL(class TPhysAddrs* aAddr,TInt aCount,TChunkType aChunkType)
  1168 		TBool Plat::CheckInWservThread()                     // Returns true if current thread is the registerd WSERV thread
  1169 		void Hal::SetDisplaySizeInPixels(const TSize& aSize) // Inform kernel of display size in pixels
  1170 		void Hal::SetPhysicalScreenSize(const TSize& aSize)  // Inform kernel of display size in twips
  1171 		void Hal::SetMaximumDisplayColors(TInt aMaxColors)   // Inform kernel of number of phsysical colors
  1173 	Removed the following methods
  1175 		ImpHal::DisplaySizeInPixels()
  1176 		ImpHal::PhysicalScreenSize()
  1177 		ImpHal::MaximumDisplayColors()
  1179 		Hal::DisplaySizeInPixels()
  1180 		Hal::PhysicalScreenSize()
  1182 		ImpPsu::DisplayOn()
  1184 		Custom::DisplaySize();
  1185 		Custom::PhysicalScreenSize();
  1186 		Custom::DisplayOn();
  1187 		Custom::DisplayOff();
  1188 		Custom::MaximumDisplayColors()=0;
  1190 		P::ClearScreen()
  1192 6)	JonathanM
  1194 	Fixes for base release.
  1196 	1) Updated E32 and F32 version numbers.
  1197 	2) Added IPR Policy files to base\assabetb\bootstrap\test (Category E)
  1198 	   and base\helen\debugger (Category B).
  1199 	3) Fixed WINS EDISP build warning.
  1200 	4) Changed T_VIDEO so that it doesn't build for WINS.
  1201 	5) Modified OBY files for varients which now use the new VideoDriverExtension.
  1202 	   These now have "#define USE_VIDEODRIVEREXTENSION"
  1203 	6) Removed spuriours Kern::Printfs.
  1204 	7) Renamed Integrator VideoDriverExtension to match romkit name pattern.
  1205 	8) Fixed bug in MISA videodriver GetPaletteEntry function.
  1206 	9) Removed always on tracing from brutus screen driver code.
  1207 	10) Fixed Integrator ROM building (needed to include video driver by correct name
  1208 	    and exclude the old Neon250 kernel extension.
  1211 Version 1.02.358
  1212 ================
  1213 (Made by Michael, 19/06/2001)
  1215 1)	MichaelP
  1216 	1)	Added (many) and modified (some) files for the MHELEN ASSP base port.
  1217 	2)	Modified macro test() in e32test.h such that it now also displays the
  1218 		respective source filename when an RTest test fails. Added the necessary
  1219 		overloaded operator() and constructor to class RTest in us_test.cpp.
  1220 	3)	Reverted the change of the test() macro mentioned under 2) because of stack
  1221 		overflow problems with some programs which were detected during the link
  1222 		stage. This needs to be further investigated. For the time being we use the
  1223 		old version of test().
  1224 	4)	Updated HWA driver (LDD + WINS PDD) and API code. Added (bogus) PDD for Helen.
  1226 2)	Nicolas
  1227 	1)	rom.cfg: suppressed no-header option for integrator.
  1228 	2)	Fixed defect FER-4XDH9P (Switch On messages not
  1229 	  	received) on WINS by calling Power::SwitchOn() when
  1230 	  	waking up following normal or emergency standby.
  1231 	3)	Deleted Eiger custom bootstrap because the port
  1232 	  	actually uses the generic one.
  1234 3)	MarkCa
  1235 	1)	Fixed EDNHLJT-4WZGTD (Secure mmc - "Invalid" after cancelling pw change
  1236 		& FM panic) and related EDNHAAO-4WZFYR (Secure MMC: Note "Invalid" shown
  1237 		after updating the file system.)  New media attribute KMediaAttHasPassword
  1238 		shadows PWD_LEN != 0 in card, and controller backs up store before
  1239 		password operation, recovering on failure.
  1240 	2)	Fixed CAN-4WJHJN (6.0) and EDNMCAN-4VYKTY (6.1) ("File server must accept
  1241 		new MultiMediaCard password encoding scheme".)  Password notifier
  1242 		changed to encode passwords as Unicode.
  1243 	3)	Enabled debug password notifier for F32 fix EDNPCHY-4VWP5B
  1244 		(problems with secure mmc implementation.)  This completes after
  1245 		a user specified period and is used to debug using F32 when a
  1246 		notifier is raised.
  1247 	4)	Implemented CR PSCE-4VMP3K to set hard limit for RAM drive.  New HAL
  1248 		attribute EMaxRAMDriveSize must be set to size in bytes, where value
  1249 		includes FAT.
  1251 4)	TimBa	Fixed bug in MatchF: if argument was an empty descriptor, it always
  1252 		returned null. Now if the candidate is nonempty it returns KErrNotFound.
  1254 Version 1.02.357
  1255 ================
  1256 (Made by Carlos, 31/05/2001)
  1258 1)	William
  1259 	1)	Change DebugThreadPanic to use a struct for the debugger-friendly values, so that
  1260 		a simple autoexp.dat change will display the panic details properly.
  1262 2)	Dennis
  1263 	1)	Fixed defect HAR-4WSGJ5 (RArray::FindInUnsignedKeyOrder not returning KErrNotFound).
  1264 		This was due to problems with the special case handling of 4 byte entries in the ARM
  1265 		assembler version.
  1266 	2)	Fixed problem with MCOY failing to boot when image was loaded using RedBoot
  1267 		instead of RT bootloader.
  1268 		There were two problems - a spurious CIU interrupt and the fact that the RTC correction
  1269 		and LastSetTime were uninitialised.
  1271 3)	Nicolas (RHR 113.1 completly implemented)
  1272 	1)	5mx: Set LCD contrast to its default level every time
  1273 	  	the screen is switched on.  This works around the
  1274 	  	regression introduced while cleaning up the Hal class (p4 changelist 
  1275 	  	(the screen was completely black and unusable).  
  1276 	2)	Fixed typo in ImpMmu::UnmapPage(): confusion between pde and pte.
  1277 	3)	Added support for TC RAM banks in generic bootstrap.
  1278 	  	Hardware-specific initialisation is left as an
  1279 	  	exercise to the system integrator.  It should be done
  1280 	  	in HWInitialise().
  1281 	4)	Added new consistency checks in generic bootstrap
  1282 	  	(ROM/RAM bank ordering, bank overlap in
  1283 	  	physical/linear space).  Enabled for UDEB only.
  1284 	5)	Partially implemented scheme allowing to fake IRAM on
  1285 	  	assabet (disabled).
  1286 	6)	Reorganised bootstrap test code: generic code moved
  1287 	  	from brutusa to bootstrap.
  1288 	7)	Ported bootstrap test code on assabet.
  1290 4)	JonathanM
  1291 	1)	Added a new export to the BLD.INF files for BRUTUSA and ASSABETB.
  1292 		VI_POWER.H is now exported to KERNEL\SA1100\ to enable the sound drivers to
  1293 		set their power requirements.
  1295 5)	AndrewCu
  1296 	1)	Small changes to the RNotifier class in e32 (for Uikon 6.2 Dialog Server work).
  1298 6)	Tim Band
  1299 	1)	Changed TChar functions that query the type of the character so that
  1300 		they do not make an Exec call
  1301 	2)	Made Private Use Area characters graphical and printable according
  1302 		to their meaning
  1303 	3)	New folding code that respects Unicode
  1304 	4)	Removed Uzbek, Tajik and Azerbaijani from language list, added
  1305 		Tagalog in place of Azerbaijani
  1307 7)	CarlosF
  1308 	1)	Several changes to Assabet Variant to get LFFS to mount on C:\ drive. This ended up
  1309 		being made configurable, Switch 4 of the switch-pack on the Companion Chip Card
  1310 		is used to decide wheter to Mount FAT or LFFS on drive C:\.
  1312 1)	Nicolas (RHR 113.1 completly implemented)
  1313 	1)	5mx: Set LCD contrast to its default level every time
  1314 	  	the screen is switched on.  This works around the
  1315 	  	regression introduced while cleaning up the Hal class (p4 changelist 
  1316 	  	(the screen was completely black and unusable).  
  1317 	2)	Fixed typo in ImpMmu::UnmapPage(): confusion between pde and pte.
  1318 	3)	Added support for TC RAM banks in generic bootstrap.
  1319 	  	Hardware-specific initialisation is left as an
  1320 	  	exercise to the system integrator.  It should be done
  1321 	  	in HWInitialise().
  1322 	4)	Added new consistency checks in generic bootstrap
  1323 	  	(ROM/RAM bank ordering, bank overlap in
  1324 	  	physical/linear space).  Enabled for UDEB only.
  1325 	5)	Partially implemented scheme allowing to fake IRAM on
  1326 	  	assabet (disabled).
  1327 	6)	Reorganised bootstrap test code: generic code moved
  1328 	  	from brutusa to bootstrap.
  1329 	7)	Ported bootstrap test code on assabet.
  1332 Version 1.02.356
  1333 ================
  1334 (Made by Pete, 10/05/2001)
  1336 1)	MarkCa
  1337 	1)	Added base support for store LFFS optimization.  KDriveAttTransaction
  1338 		bit added to \e32\include\e32std.h.
  1340 2)	Dennis
  1341 	1)	Added mouse driver and VGA video driver for Integrator.
  1342 	2)	Renamed the text window server DServer object to "TextWindowServer".
  1344 3)	Morgan
  1345 	1)	Implemented Silent Running on Assabet
  1347 4)	Pete
  1348 	Further changes to MMC Controller:-
  1349 	1) 	Renamed the function 
  1350 		DMMCSession::FillCommandDesc(TMMCArgumentTUint32,TUint8*,TUint32) to
  1351 		FillCommandArgs() since it doesn't actually result in the command descriptor
  1352 		array being updated.	
  1353 	3) 	Removed check from DMMCStack::IssueCommandCheckResponseSM() whether
  1354 		a multiblock read/write command has been selected with a total length less than 
  1355 		a block. This is redundant.
  1356 	4) 	Modified DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSM(). This
  1357 		function no longer sets up the command descriptor array for special block transfer 
  1358 		commands (but expects this to have been already done before the function is called).		
  1359 	8) 	Further change to the WINS local drive mappings. The entire local drive mapping for
  1360 		WINS is now as follows:-
  1361 		Local drive 0:	Internal RAM drive (EFixedMedia0) - Y:
  1362 		Local drive 1:	1st special MMC Card on MMC socket 0 (ERemovableMedia0) - X: 
  1363 		Local drive 2:	2nd special MMC Card on MMC socket 0 (ERemovableMedia0)
  1364 		Local drive 3:	MMC Card on MMC socket 1 (ERemovableMedia1)
  1365 		Local drive 4:	Not currently assigned
  1366 		Local drive 5:	Not currently assigned
  1367 		Local drive 6:	Not currently assigned
  1368 		Local drive 7:	Not currently assigned
  1369 		Local drive 8:	Internal LFFS drive (EFixedMedia1) - W:
  1371 5)	Pete
  1372 	1)  	Modified bootstrap for Cirrus7211a so that this now runs at 36MHz.
  1374 6)	Nicolas 
  1375 	1)	Added fixed size internal RAM banks in generic
  1376 	  	bootstrap.
  1377 	2)	Introduced support for area relocation in generic
  1378 		bootstrap.  Every kind of file (including the primary)
  1379 		can be relocated to an internal RAM bank.
  1380 	3)	Updated generic bootstrap version number to 2.1.
  1381 	4)	Submitted Richard's bootstrap test files.
  1382 	5)	Removed MCORE stuff from generic bootstrap.
  1383 	6)	Inversed order of "static" and "const" in _LIT()
  1384 	  	definition to avoid lint warning.
  1385 	7)	Added assabet.mbc (metabuild script).	 
  1386 	8)	Implemented RProcess::GetMemoryInfo().  This allows to
  1387 	  	extend GDB so it can attach itself to running threads.
  1389 7)	Michael
  1390 	1) 	Added overloaded function:
  1391 		DTransferBuffer* TransferBufferFromHandle(TInt aHandle, DThread *aThread)
  1392 		to \e32\include\k32std.h, exported and frozen for all BUILDS. Function
  1393 		implemented in \e32\ekern\ks_transbuf.cpp. This function is used where the
  1394 		current thread is not the same as the one that created the handle.
  1395 	2)	Changed behaviour of DPlatTransferBuffer::~DPlatTransferBuffer() and
  1396 		DPlatTransferBuffer::DoClose() in \e32\ekern\emul\win32\kp_transbuf.cpp and 
  1397 		\e32\ekern\epoc\kp_transbuf.cpp: iChunk gets only deleted if it actually exists,
  1398 		i.e. is non-NULL
  1399 	3)	Numerous changes to HWA implementation (User API, LDD and WINS PDD), work
  1400 		still ongoing.
  1402 Version 1.02.355
  1403 ================
  1404 (Made by Nicolas, 04/05/2001)
  1406 1)	William
  1407 	1)	Changed the WINC-only KernelStarted semaphore to be anonymous, to prevent
  1408 		problems with concurrent WINC execution on a multiple processor build machine.
  1409 		This will not re-open defect EDNGBON-4JYNU6 "Inaccessibility of request
  1410 		semaphores breaks EPOC connect" because this isn't a request semaphore.
  1411 	2)	Fixed TGlobalAlloc to use User::AllocL rather than new[], and User::Free instead of
  1412 		the mismatched delete. This will now work even if new[] plays funny tricks (which
  1413 		is the case with CodeWarrior) and makes the User::ReAllocL call legitimate.
  1415 2)	Nicolas
  1416 	1)	Merged 6.1 release branch back into the mainline.
  1418 Version 1.02.354
  1419 ================
  1420 (Made by Dennis, 20/04/2001)
  1422 1)	AndrewJ
  1423 	1) 	Changed the misa kernel.iby file to detect whether the build is for 
  1424 	   	Assabet varient. If it is for assabet an alternative estart is 
  1425 		included in the rom which automatically loads the LFFS on to K: drive 
  1426 		as well as other tasks performed by estart. This should not take place
  1427 		on any other platform.
  1428 	2)	The generic estart is only loaded (in f32) for non Assabet platform as
  1429 		added a definition call CUSTOM_ROM that is only defined for assabet. 
  1430 	3) 	Added estart.cpp /assabetb/ and loadlffs.cpp to /assabetb/lffs/ for
  1431 		new estart.exe component loaded only fopr Assabet.
  1432 	4)	removed /test/ subdirectory in /assabetb/lffs/ as nothing it it is or 
  1433 		should be used.
  1434 	5)	removed obsolete definition of BASE_ROM from F32tests.oby,
  1435 		E32tests.Oby and Alltests.oby
  1437 2)	Morgan
  1438 	1)	Deleted \e32\bmarm\EXYIN.DEF
  1439 	2)	Added EPenState attribute to HAL to get/set state of the digitiser.
  1440 	3)	Added EKeyboardState.
  1441 	4)	Added pen/display get/set functionality to BRUTUS HAL DLL and driver.
  1442 	5)	Added Enable() and Disable() functions to digitiser driver on Brutus.
  1443 	6)	Tweeked Brutus digitiser driver to send switch on events when coming
  1444 		out of standby or hibernation (disabled) mode.
  1445 	7)	Removed LCD switch on from LCD power handler.
  1446 	8)	Generic kernel now doesn't call DisplayOn().
  1447 	9)	Added Power::SwitchOn() that can be called from device drivers to
  1448 		send a ESwitchOn event if the KPowerUserCpu bit is not set.  Does the
  1449 		same thing as a call to SetRequirement(KPowerUserCpu | ...) but is
  1450 		easier to understand.
  1451 		Added variant that takes a TRawEvent to specify which event is sent
  1452 		for switch on.
  1453 		Call Power::SwitchOn() from your device driver to cause full UI switch
  1454 		on.
  1455 	10)	Tidied Brutus HAL DLL startup code.
  1456 	11)	Made text window server take responsibility for turning on the screen
  1457 		at switch on.
  1458 	12)	Tidied Assabet HAL DLL startup code and removed spurious panicking
  1459 		code.
  1460 	13)	Updated HAL\DOC\HAL.DOC boilerplate startup code.
  1461 	14)	Made display on imply switch on, and send events as appropriate
  1462 	15)	assabetb, cirrus7211a, series5mx1 variant updates to maintain current
  1463 		behaviour.
  1464 	16)	Changed the prototype of DPowerModel::PowerStandby() to return an error
  1465 		value.
  1467 3)	Dennis
  1468 	1)	Fixed a problem with creation of fixed address chunks with initial
  1469 		size zero.
  1471 4)	Jonathan
  1472 	1)	Removed redundant Hal and UserHal functions from kernel and ASSPs.
  1473 	2)	Refroze kernel exports for all platforms other than WINS/WINC.
  1474 	3)	Removed associated variant functions and, where necessary to implement
  1475 		the HAL API, re-implemented them via a HAL driver on the mainstream
  1476 		platforms Brutus, Assabet and VTemplate. Other variant DLLs still
  1477 		contain some redundant functions and may not have implementations for
  1478 		all appropriate HAL attributes.
  1480 5)	Carlos
  1481 	1)	Several changes to Assabet Variant to get PC Card working
  1482 	2)	Assabet builds its own ATA driver (vi_medata.cpp). The generic ATA
  1483 		driver is not used. Changed the MISA kernel.iby to allow Brutus to use
  1484 		the generic ATA driver and Assabet to use its Variant-specific one.
  1486 6)	Dennis
  1487 	1)	Added integrator port. No screen or serial drivers yet.
  1489 7)	Pete 	
  1490 	4)	Fixed SCE-4V7S6C "MMC Controller card init. function is in-efficient
  1491 		and unnecessarily complex". This entailed:-
  1493 		- Add new TMmcCardArray class to replace the DMMCStack::iCxNewAcqArray[]
  1494 		and DMMCStack::iCards[] arrays and their associated functionality.
  1495 		- Removal of ASSP layer function DMMCStack::PhysicalCardSlots()
  1496 		  function as this was duplicating information already returned in the
  1497 		  ASSP layer function DMMCController::SetMachineInfo() function.
  1498 		- Addition of generic layer DMMCStack::Init() function to determine
  1499 		  the max. number of cards for the platform once - at Controller
  1500 		  init. time rather than every time a card stack is initialized.
  1501 		- Modification to DMMCStack::PowerDownStack() function to add an extra
  1502 		  argument to this function (TBool aMediaChange) indicating whether
  1503 		  the power down is required due to media change or not.
  1504 		- Removal of the 'update stack' implementation in the generic layer of
  1505 		  the Controller. This was intended to re-scan for new cards after a
  1506 		  media change. This is now redundant since all cards are always
  1507 		  powered down on media change.
  1508 		- Various comments added throughout PS_MMC.CPP to aid clarity.
  1509 	5)	Fixed FID-4UZLFG "Increase number of supported local drives"
  1511 8)	Nicolas
  1512 	1)	Added \brutusa\brutusa.mbc
  1513 	2)	Cogent: Moved call to ImpHal::EnableIrqs() from ImpPic::Init3() to
  1514 	  	beginning of ImpHal::Init3() to avoid the board hanging forever while
  1515 	  	initialising the PCI base module.
  1517 9)	William
  1518 	1)	Removed temporary WINSCW workaround in up_i64.cpp, now that the CodeWarrior
  1519 		compiler supports the BT instruction.
  1520 	2)	Added WINSCW-specific variation of the path constants in up_path.cpp
  1521 	3)	Rearranged win32/up_trp.cpp version of TTrap::Trap() so that the register
  1522 		saving happens before the C++ code to manipulate iResult and aResult. This
  1523 		avoids a problem where the CodeWarrior compiler was saving EBX on the stack and
  1524 		and using it as a temporary during the iResult/aResult mangling, causing the
  1525 		wrong EBX value to be restored during Leave.
  1527 Version 1.02.353
  1528 ================
  1529 (Made by RobertJ, 26/03/2001)
  1531 1)	Carlos
  1532 	1)	Several Changes in Assabet Bootstrap and vi_power.cpp in order to get
  1533 		the Power Management/Sleep Mode working properly.
  1534 	2)	Changes to Assabet Keyboard driver/controller
  1535 	3)	Removed #define __USE_LEDS_FOR_SYSTEM_DEBUG. User software can now use
  1536 		those LEDs if they wish.
  1537 	4)	Had to implement a function in the Assabet Variant to allow enabling
  1538 		RTC Interrupts. Surprisingly the SA1100 ASSP does not have these
  1539 		functions!
  1540 	5)	Some changes to the SA1100 Interrupt controller (only affect Assabet
  1541 		as they were changes in the way External Interrupts are handled).
  1542 	6)	Needed to export the Kernel function ImpMmu::LinearToPhysical as this
  1543 		will be called from the Assabet Variant (vi_power.cpp).
  1544 	7)	Got rid of the debug message printed every time the Variant is called:
  1545 		after waking up, a call to re-enable the Debug Port would attempt to
  1546 		print this out and crash!
  1548 2)	Alastair
  1549 	1)	Added initial transfer buffer functionality.  Chief classes are
  1550 		RTransferBuffer and RTransferWindow user-side, described in
  1551 		E32TransBuf.h, and DTransferBuffer and DTransferWindow
  1552 		kernel-side, described in K32Std.h.  Test program is built from
  1553 		e32test\mmu\t_transbuf.cpp, though the test isn't fully
  1554 		complete yet.  Also, the scheme doesn't yet cater for transfer
  1555 		buffer access via transfer windows for "fixed" processes, though
  1556 		it will shortly.
  1558 3)	Nicolas
  1559 	1)	Introduced example metabuild script for MCGA (see
  1560 		\cogent1\cogent1.mbc).
  1562 4)	MarkCa
  1563 	1)	Fixed CAN-4TXKZQ (Using a PC Card can wrongly produce password
  1564 	  	notifier)
  1565 	2)	Fixed CAN-4TWM6E (L7200 MMC Controller takes control of second UART)
  1566 		Fix affects t_atadrv, so changed \l7200a\va_hw.cpp to use non-zero
  1567 		machine uid.
  1568 	3)	Fixed CAN-4TYFHS (Reading to the end of a MultiMediaCard can produce
  1569 		an out-of-range error)
  1570 	4)	Fixed EDNTDAS-4L4JZ8 (Thread leakage using emulators)
  1571 	5)	Fixed TOD-4RXJSS (Race condition causing accessing of already delete
  1572 		pointer when deleting DChannelComm)
  1573 	6)	Fixed CAN-4UBJU2 (Controller does not process all error conditions)
  1574 	7)	Changed l7200\pa_mmc.cpp to return KMMCErrNotSupported because pre 2.1
  1575 		controller.
  1576 	8)	Added __MLNK__ case to cpu defines in u32std.h.
  1577 	9)	Fixed CAN-4UNE8D (MMC Controller access violation after emergency power
  1578 		down)
  1579 	10)	Removed KPBUS1 | KPBUS2 | KPBUSDRV tracing from mlnk\header.iby.
  1581 5)	AndrewJ
  1582 	1)	Enabled LFFS on assabet.
  1583 	2)	Edited vi_hw.cpp and vi_pbus.cpp to enable LFFS on K: with PC Card
  1584 	  	disabled.
  1585 	3)		put in fixes from 6.1 Numbers: 	SCE-4TVQ78	
  1586 						TOD-4RWEHL
  1588 6)	Dennis
  1589 	1)	Fixed XScale RTC rounding problem
  1590 	2)	Added check for imprecise aborts on XScale - fault the kernel if they
  1591 	  	occur.
  1592 	3)	iExtraData=FSR for both data and prefetch aborts.
  1594 	*** Release note for XScale delivery ***
  1596 	This release supports the Intel IQ80310 evaluation board based on the
  1597 	XScale 80200 processor (Coyanosa). Code for this board can be built by
  1598 	specifying platform MCOY on the build command line.
  1600 	The following property definitions are used to specify the CPU type (in
  1601 	\e32\include\u32std.h):
  1603 	__CPU_XSCALE__
  1604 		Means that the CPU is based on the XScale microarchitecture
  1605 	__CPU_ARMV5TE
  1606 		Means that the CPU supports the ARMv5TE instruction set
  1608 		Means that the base register is unaltered if a load/store with base
  1609 		register writeback is aborted.
  1611 		Means that the CPU uses separate instruction and data caches
  1612 	__CPU_SPLIT_TLB
  1613 		Means that the CPU uses separate instruction and data TLBs
  1615 		Means that the CPU uses a write buffer
  1617 		Means that the CPU (data) cache supports write-back operation and that
  1618 		the OS uses this mode for normal RAM allocations.
  1620 		Means that the CPU (data) cache supports line allocation on writes and
  1621 		that the OS uses this mode for normal RAM allocations.
  1623 		Means that the (data) cache is cleaned/flushed by using an explicit
  1624 		line allocate instruction.
  1626 		Means that the (data) cache policy can be changed between writethrough
  1627 		and writeback on a page-by-page basis using flags in the page table
  1628 		entries.
  1630 		Means that the CPU possesses the cache type register as specified in
  1631 		the ARM architecture reference manual (CP15 CRn=CRm=0, opc2=1)
  1633 		Means that the CPU supports the 'Flush single ITLB entry by MVA'
  1634 		instruction (MCR P15, 0, Rn, C8, C5, 1)
  1636 		Means that the CPU supports the 'Flush single ICache line by MVA'
  1637 		instruction (MCR P15, 0, Rn, C7, C5, 1)
  1638 	__CPU_HAS_BTB
  1639 		Means that the CPU has a branch target buffer which needs to be
  1640 		flushed explicitly in conjunction with partial ICache flushes.
  1642 		Means that the CPU supports the extended page table permissions (TEX)
  1643 		field.
  1645 		Means that the CPU allows the exception vectors to be relocated to
  1646 		FFFF0000.
  1648 	All E32 and F32 automatic tests pass on this release, with the exception
  1649 	of:
  1650 		T_PCCD1, T_PCCD2 - because the board does not support PCMCIA
  1651 		T_DEBUGGER - because the debugger uses a bit pattern for breakpoints
  1652 			which is defined in ARM Arch 5 (was undefined on ARM Arch 4). This
  1653 			is being handled as a defect (defect number MAY-4V4E5V).
  1655 	The branch target buffer is not enabled by this release. This is due to a
  1656 	known problem when executing THUMB code with the BTB enabled.
  1658 7)	Pete
  1659 	1) 	First release of Hardware Accelerator (HWA) LDD and a crude emulation
  1660 		of a HWA PDD on WINS.
  1661 	2) 	Changes to MMC Controller to support SD Memory card initialisation.
  1662 	3) 	Added TMMCCardArray class and various other minor changes to the MMC
  1663 		Controller such (e.g. more comments).
  1664 	4)	Improved the WINS MMC emulation. Two cards are now emulated rather
  1665 		than one as before. Also, better account of the current card status is
  1666 		taken when deciding how to respond to an MMC command.
  1667 	5) 	Change to the WINS local drive mapping. Local drive 2 
  1668 		is now the primary partition on the second emulated MMC card rather
  1669 		than a secondry partition on the first emulated MMC card.
  1670 	6)	Temporarily disabled PC Card Peripheral bus (EPBUS.DLL) on Cirrus Logic
  1671 		board and replaced this with MMC Peripheral bus to facilitate development
  1672 		of SD Memory card development. (PC Card support will be restored once
  1673 		the multiple peripheral bus Controllers are supported).
  1675 8)	William
  1676 	1)	Added exported destructor to CAsyncCallBack, to solve a problem with
  1677 		the CodeWarrior compiler.
  1679 Version 1.02.352
  1680 ================
  1681 (Made by Morgan, 08/03/2001)
  1683 0)	Requires E32TOOLS(173), E32TOOLP(226), F32(260)
  1684 	from \\epoc\development\base\ongoing\...
  1686 1)	Morgan
  1687 	1)	Split functions in UP_DLL.CPP into separate source files.  This
  1688 		allows the linker to discard unused functions.
  1689 		Functions are grouped by functional area. up_dll_file.cpp,
  1690 		up_dll_global.cpp, up_dll_static, up_dll_tls.cpp.
  1691 	2)	Split EDLL.LIB into EDLL.LIB containing the entrypoint and
  1692 		EDLLSTUB.LIB containing the class Dll stub functions.
  1693 	3)	Removed strange .idata$3 padding from UP_DLL.CPP since (we think) it
  1694 		is a hack for a defunct version of GCC
  1695 	4)	Moved thumb gcc helper functions into up_gcc.cpp in EGCC.LIB
  1696 	5)	Removed thumb gcc helper functions from uc_exe.cpp.  These are now in
  1697 		EGCC.LIB that should be included in the link of a GCC EXE or GCC DLL.
  1698 	6)	Moved float gcc helper functions into up_gcc_float.cpp in EGCC.LIB
  1699 	7)	Removed null definition of atexit() from up_dll.cpp
  1700 	8)	Deleted \e32\euser\epoc\arm\uc_dll.cpp since it is not used anywhere
  1701 	9)	Integrated MAWD DDebugger bug fix (again)
  1702 	10)	Added default cpu definition for __MTEMPLATE__ in U32STD.H to make it
  1703 		compile
  1705 2)	Carlos
  1706 	1)	Disabled the Pc Card on Assabet as it is not fully working and causes
  1707 		problems when using the CF loader to download an image.
  1709 3)	Dennis
  1710 	1)	Added basic port to Intel XScale 80200 CPU on IQ80310 board.
  1711 	2)	Fixed defect HAS-4U7N92 (T_WWINS hangs on Brutus). This is due to the
  1712 		smaller screen size compared with the Series 5.
  1713 		Modified notifier stuff to take account of the screen size.
  1715 4)	RobertJ
  1716 	1) 	Added notification of clear stall to USB Client
  1717 	2) 	Fixed dma handling code for USB Client.
  1719 5)	Alastair
  1720 	1)	Added initial transfer buffer functionality.  Chief classes are
  1721 		RTransferBuffer and RTransferWindow user-side, described in
  1722 		E32TransBuf.h, and DTransferBuffer and DTransferWindow
  1723 		kernel-side, described in K32Std.h.  Test program is built from
  1724 		e32test\mmu\t_transbuf.cpp, though the test isn't fully
  1725 		complete yet.  Also, the scheme doesn't yet cater for transfer
  1726 		buffer access via transfer windows for "fixed" processes, though
  1727 		it will shortly.
  1729 6)	Nicolas
  1730 	1)	Introduced example metabuild script for MCGA (see
  1731 		\cogent1\cogent1.mbc).
  1733 7)	MarkCa
  1734 	1)	Fixed CAN-4TXKZQ (Using a PC Card can wrongly produce password notifier)
  1735 	2)	Fixed CAN-4TWM6E (L7200 MMC Controller takes control of second UART)
  1736 		Fix affects t_atadrv, so changed \l7200a\va_hw.cpp to use non-zero
  1737 		machine uid.
  1738 	3)	Fixed CAN-4TYFHS (Reading to the end of a MultiMediaCard can produce an
  1739 		out-of-range error)
  1740 	4)	Fixed EDNTDAS-4L4JZ8 (Thread leakage using emulators)
  1741 	5)	Fixed TOD-4RXJSS (Race condition causing accessing of already delete
  1742 		pointer when deleting DChannelComm)
  1743 	6)	Fixed CAN-4UBJU2 (Controller does not process all error conditions)
  1744 	7)	Changed l7200\pa_mmc.cpp to return KMMCErrNotSupported because pre 2.1
  1745 		controller.
  1746 	8)	Added __MLNK__ case to cpu defines in u32std.h.
  1747 	9)	Fixed CAN-4UNE8D (MMC Controller access vilation after emergency power
  1748 		down)
  1749 	10)	Removed KPBUS1 | KPBUS2 | KPBUSDRV tracing from mlnk\header.iby.
  1751 Version 1.02.351
  1752 ================
  1753 (Made by Carlos, 20/02/2001)
  1755 1)	Carlos
  1756 	1)	Added Assabet Variant (\Assabetb). This is an interim release 
  1757 		(see Release_Notes.txt)
  1758 	2)	Debug Monitor on SA1100 ASSP: now gets the serial port number to 
  1759 		be used as debug port from the variant TInt Variant::DebugInit().
  1760 	3)	Interrupt Controller on SA1100 ASSP: expanded the Interrupt controller
  1761 		to work with Conceptual Interrupts (IRQ11-27) and external interrupts.
  1762 		Also disabled the watchdog to free-up the OST Timer3 as an auxillary
  1763 		timed interrupt source for LFFS.
  1764 	4)	Several changes to Brutus' Variant according to what's decribed above.
  1765 	5)	FIR Driver: Assabet allows setting the IR range. Therefore a new
  1766 		Synchronous Request was introduced to deal with this.
  1767 	6)	ecomm driver - as above, passes the setting for the range on
  1768 		iSIRSettings member of the Config structure.
  1769 	7)	Implemented EARLY DEBUG on SA1100 ASSP.
  1770 	8)	A few changes on the SA1100 ASSP implementation of PC Card Controller.
  1771 	9)	SA1100 Text shell: changed Background/foreground colours to improve
  1772 		visibility on Assabet.
  1773 	10)	Text Shell (generic): now traps EKeyIncBrightness and
  1774 	   	EKeyDecBrightness.
  1775 	11)	HAL: added Machine ID for Assabet on hal_data.h.
  1776 	12)	HAL: changed hal.iby file to include an HAL##VARIANT##.DLL to get
  1777 	   	round the problem of having two Variants coming off the same ASSP but
  1778 	   	not sharing the same HAL. Changed the hal.mmp on \assabetb, \brutus,
  1779 		\cirrus721, \cogent1, \l7200, \series5mx1 and \vtemplate.
  1780 		NOTE: Had to change \romkit\base.iby to allow overnight builds to
  1781 		build correctly.
  1782 	13)	MISA EKERN def file (e32\bmisa\ekernu.def) - includes a new export
  1783 		Plat::BindExtInterrupt(..) to allow binding to external interrupts
  1784 		on Assabet.
  1785 	14)	Some changes on MISA .IBY files. LFFS is excluded for the time being,
  1786 		even on Brutus. It will be put back when Assabet's LFFS is ready. The
  1787 		bootstrap is now passed with the Variant extension to its name. Now
  1788 		includes a Hal LDD in kernel.iby.
  1789 	15)	MISA Variants allowed (\e32\rombuild\rom.cfg): now allows 3 variants, 
  1790 		Brutus (BA), Assabet-only (A0) and Assabet+Companion Card (AB).
  1792 2)	MarkCa
  1793 	1)	UART media change must now be explicitly compiled in for linkup
  1794 		MMC port.
  1795 	2)	t_atadrv will now not run media change tests on linkup.  Machine
  1796 		UID modified in va_hw.cpp to avoid clash with Cogent.
  1798 3)	William
  1799 	1)	Introduce __CW32__ defines for CodeWarrior, and adjust various
  1800 		compiler-related definitions accordingly.
  1801 	2)	Workaround bugs in the CW inline assembler
  1802 	3)	Remove spurious WINBASEAPI decorations in euniw.h, which upset
  1803 	  	CodeWarrior.
  1805 4)	RobertJ
  1806 	1)	Fixed problem with FIR reads in D_FIR.CPP, the LDD. When read
  1807 		completes to LDD from the PDD it was possible for another read to
  1808 		complete the same user request.
  1809 	2)	Added first release of USB client for SA-1100. Components are
  1810 		EUSBC.LDD, which is a generic LDD, and EUSBCC.DLL. \EUSBCC is the USB
  1811 		Client Controller and loads as a KERNEL extension.
  1813 Version 1.02.350
  1814 ================
  1815 (Made by Dennis, 05/02/2001)
  1817 1)	William
  1818 	1)	Adjust the x86 inline assember in euser\emul\win32 so that it is
  1819 		acceptable to the CodeWarrior compiler: change the 8000h style
  1820 		constants to 0x8000, and change "_asm SomeLabel:" into "SomeLabel:".
  1822 2)	Dennis
  1823 	1)	Added APIs to support execution of data as code, for use by just in
  1824 		time compilers for Java and also for the ARM JBit extension. New APIs
  1825 		are:
  1827 		TInt RChunk::CreateLocalCode(TInt aSize, TInt aMaxSize, TOwnerType);
  1829 		This creates a data chunk with a globally unique virtual address which
  1830 		is allocated from the top of virtual address space (as for EXE and DLL
  1831 		code chunks). The chunk is accessible only by the current process
  1832 		(unlike DLL code chunks) and is marked by the kernel as containing
  1833 		code. This means that on a split-TLB machine the ITLB will be flushed
  1834 		when a reschedule occurs to or from a process with a chunk of this
  1835 		type mapped into it and also when pages are decommitted from such a
  1836 		chunk. The globally unique virtual address means that the ICache need
  1837 		not be flushed on a reschedule.
  1839 		RHeap* UserHeap::ChunkHeap(RChunk& aChunk, TInt aMinLength, TInt aGrowBy=KMinHeapGrowBy);
  1841 		This creates a heap in an already existing chunk. It is intended to
  1842 		allow a heap to be created in a local code chunk; this heap can then
  1843 		be used to hold code fragments from a JIT compiler.
  1845 		void User::IMB_Range(TAny* aStart, TAny* aEnd);
  1847 		This performs whatever cache cleaning/flushing operations are
  1848 		necessary in order to guarantee correct execution of code in the
  1849 		specified address range (from aStart inclusive to aEnd exclusive),
  1850 		under the assumption that this code has been loaded/modified by user
  1851 		code. Typically this will involve cleaning the data cache for the area
  1852 		concerned, draining the write buffer and flushing the instruction
  1853 		cache and branch target buffer for the area concerned.
  1855 	2)	Added a new chunk type EUserSelfModCode to TChunkType to represent the
  1856 		new chunks. Added a new attribute DPlatChunk::ECode to the DPlatChunk
  1857 		iAttributes field to signify any chunk containing code.
  1859 	3)	Added code to notify the ARM ETM of reschedules if the PROCID register
  1860 		exists (conditioned on __CPU_HAS_ETM_PROCID_REG).
  1862 	4)	Added support for kernel trace via the JTAG port on ARM720 and ARM920.
  1863 		The KHARDWAREASSIST bit in the debug mask controls whether tracing is
  1864 		directed to the JTAG port or to a UART.
  1866 	5)	Modified perl script so that the output file is not opened
  1867 		until the inputs have been parsed - this prevents strange error
  1868 		messages due to a zero length file being generated.
  1871 Version 1.02.310
  1872 ================
  1873 (Made by Morgan, 09/04/2001)
  1875 1)	Jonathan
  1876 	1)	Move notes for releases prior to creation of 6.1 release branch to
  1877 	  	releases_old.txt.
  1879 2)	Pete
  1880 	1)	Fixed SCE-4V7S6C "MMC Controller card init. function is in-efficient and
  1881 		unnecessarily complex". This entailed:-
  1883 		- Add new TMmcCardArray class to replace the DMMCStack::iCxNewAcqArray[]
  1884 		and DMMCStack::iCards[] arrays and their associated functionality.
  1885 		- Removal of ASSP layer function DMMCStack::PhysicalCardSlots() function as
  1886 		this was duplicating information already returned in the ASSP layer function
  1887 		DMMCController::SetMachineInfo() function.
  1888 		- Addition of generic layer DMMCStack::Init() function to determine the max.
  1889 		number of cards for the platform once - at Controller init. time rather than
  1890 		every time a card stack is initialized.
  1891 		- Modification to DMMCStack::PowerDownStack() function to add an extra
  1892 		argument to this function (TBool aMediaChange) indicating whether the power
  1893 		down is required due to media change or not.
  1894 		- Removal of the 'update stack' implementation in the generic layer of the
  1895 		Controller. This was intended to re-scan for new cards after a media change.
  1896 		This is now redundant since all cards are always powered down on media
  1897 		change.
  1898 		- Various comments added throughout PS_MMC.CPP to aid clarity.
  1899 	2)	Fixed FID-4UZLFG "Increase number of supported local drives"
  1902 Version 1.02.309
  1903 ================
  1904 (Made by Will Ramsay, 03/04/2001)
  1906 1)	Requires  E32TOOLP(226), F32(237)
  1907 	from \\epoc\development\base\ongoing\...
  1909 2)	Backported Morgan's 6.2 changes to remove import stubs:
  1910 	1)	Split functions in UP_DLL.CPP into separate source files.  This
  1911 		allows the linker to discard unused functions.
  1912 		Functions are grouped by functional area. up_dll_file.cpp,
  1913 		up_dll_global.cpp, up_dll_static, up_dll_tls.cpp.
  1914 	2)	Split EDLL.LIB into EDLL.LIB containing the entrypoint and
  1915 		EDLLSTUB.LIB containing the class Dll stub functions.
  1916 	3)	Removed strange .idata$3 padding from UP_DLL.CPP since (we think) it
  1917 		is a hack for a defunct version of GCC
  1918 	4)	Moved thumb gcc helper functions into up_gcc.cpp in EGCC.LIB
  1919 	5)	Removed thumb gcc helper functions from uc_exe.cpp.  These are now in
  1920 		EGCC.LIB that should be included in the link of a GCC EXE or GCC DLL.
  1921 	6)	Moved float gcc helper functions into up_gcc_float.cpp in EGCC.LIB
  1922 	7)	Removed null definition of atexit() from up_dll.cpp
  1925 Version 1.02.308
  1926 ================
  1927 (Made by MarkCa, 20/03/2001)
  1929 1)	Morgan/AndrewF
  1930 	1)	Fixed FOD-4TAH7A "DMA double buffering will not work on Halla".
  1931 		This is an interface change and it is not source compatable.
  1932 		Added extra buffer fill during transfer initialisation for double
  1933 		buffered HW.  Added explicitly named enums and new imp functions
  1934 		in ASSP to make writing ImpDMA easier.
  1935 	2)	Changed all ASSPs, and added implementation details to template
  1936 		port.
  1937 		Detail of changes required to \e32\ekern\epoc\arm\<assp>\KA_DMA.CPP:
  1938 		a) Remove ImpDma::NextBlock()
  1939 		b) Add the following functions:
  1941 		/**
  1942 		 * No more DMA blocks for this transfer
  1943 		 *
  1944 		 * TO DO: (mandatory)
  1945 		 *
  1946 		 * Modify to suit your hardware. The code below is just an example
  1947 		 *
  1948 		 * If your DMA hardware has multiple buffers this function should be
  1949 		 * used to disable the empty buffer
  1950 		 */
  1951 		void ImpDma::FinalBlock(TInt aChannel);
  1953 		/**
  1954 		 * Get the reason for the DMA interrupt.
  1955 		 * Called from TDmaInterrupt::Service()
  1956 		 *
  1957 		 * TO DO: (mandatory)
  1958 		 *
  1959 		 * Modify to suit your hardware. The code below is just an example
  1960 		 *
  1961 		 * EBufferEmpty indicates that one buffer is empty
  1962 		 * EStall indicates the entire transfer is complete, ie both buffers
  1963 		 * empty, FinalBlock() has been called.
  1964 		 * EError indicates a transfer error
  1965 		 * (ELastBuffer indicates that one buffer is empty and FinalBlock()
  1966 		 * has been called. On most hardware it is sufficient to return
  1967 		 * EBufferEmpty in this case)
  1968 		 *
  1969 		 */
  1970 		Dma::TDmaState ImpDma::GetState(TInt aChannel);
  1972 		//
  1973 		// Return ESingleBuffer or EDoubleBuffer
  1974 		//
  1975 		Dma::TDmaBufferMode ImpDma::BufferMode();
  1978 2)	Nicolas
  1979 	1)	Fixed STE-4UEQC2 "The case off event and possibly some other events
  1980 		do not get through WSERV correctly".  EPOC doesn't any more send
  1981 		two ESwitchOn notifications instead of one when starting up.  The
  1982 		emulator now sends only one ESwitchOn notification when being
  1983 		switched back on after an emergency power off.  The emulator sends
  1984 		ECaseOpen or ECaseClose notifications when F11 is pressed while not
  1985 		in standby mode.  And finally the emulator doesn't any more switch
  1986 		off automatically when the case is closed (this is up to the
  1987 		user-side event consumer).
  1988 	2)	Fixed STE-4UJPEC "Some of the HAL attributes are not supported".
  1989 		The following attributes are now supported on WINS: EPenDisplayOn,
  1990 		ECaseSwitch, ECaseSwitchDisplayOn, ECaseSwitchDisplayOff.
  1991 	3)	T_NEWHAL TestGetAll() output modified to make it readable on a
  1992 		small screen (key press expected when screen is full).
  1993 3)	MarkCa
  1994 	1)	Fixed CAN-4UNE8D (MMC Controller access vilation after emergency power
  1995 		down)
  1996 	2)	Removed KPBUS1 | KPBUS2 | KPBUSDRV tracing from mlnk\header.iby.
  1999 Version 1.02.307
  2000 ================
  2001 (Made by Nicolas, 27/02/2001)
  2003 1)	Jonathan
  2004 	Manual e32test cleanup:
  2005 	1)	Moved T_COLOUR from a manual to a support test since no-one bothers
  2006 		implementing text video modes other than mono. Made those screen
  2007 		drivers that didn't already return KErrNone from SetMode(EMono).
  2008 	2)	Moved T_PS and T_WWINS from manual to support tests since they're not
  2009 	  	useful.
  2010 	3)	Nuked T_PTNOS test and D_PTNOS test driver.
  2011 	4)	Nuked T_REGRAM registry test (which was lurking unused since v6.0).
  2012 	5)	Made T_INF prompt for confirmation that displayed values are OK, so
  2013 		if not OK an error appears in the test log.
  2014 	6)	Fixed FID-4TXFVX "Wrong defaults for MainBatteryGood()".
  2015 	7)	Fixed FID-4TYF78 "FIQ link with battery state is broken".
  2016 	8)	Fixed BAR-4SMG99 "Efficiently implement the "MergeModifiers" function
  2017 	  	in e32\include\K32KEYS.INL".
  2018 	9)	Fixed FID-4RRMTH "bootstrap: Bug searching for sleep info block".
  2020 2)	MarkCa
  2021 	1)	Fixed CAN-4TXKZQ (Using a PC Card can wrongly produce password
  2022 	  	notifier)
  2023 	2)	Fixed CAN-4TWM6E (L7200 MMC Controller takes control of second UART)
  2024 		Fix affects t_atadrv, so changed \l7200a\va_hw.cpp to use non-zero
  2025 		machine uid.
  2026 	3)	Fixed CAN-4TYFHS (Reading to the end of a MultiMediaCard can produce
  2027 	  	an out-of-range error)
  2028 	4)	Fixed EDNTDAS-4L4JZ8 (Thread leakage using emulators)
  2029 	5)	Fixed TOD-4RXJSS (Race condition causing accessing of already delete
  2030 		pointer when deleting DChannelComm)
  2031 	6)	Fixed CAN-4UBJU2 (Controller does not process all error conditions)
  2033 3)	Dennis
  2034 	1)	Fixed defect HAS-4U7N92 (T_WWINS hangs on Brutus). This is due to the
  2035 		smaller screen size compared with the Series 5.
  2036 		Modified notifier stuff to take account of the screen size.
  2037 	2)	Fixed defect HAD-4T2EJ5 (P::TimerLockSpecToTicks returns incorrect
  2038 	  	value).
  2039 	3)	Fixed defect MAT-4TYKLE (Profiler doesn't work on Quartz/Brutus).
  2042 Version 1.02.306
  2043 ================
  2044 (Made by Markdo, 07/02/2001)
  2046 1)	Tim Band
  2047 	1)	Fixed BAD-4SVJY8 "Unavoidable initialisation cost for TRect, TPoint
  2048 		and TSize"
  2050 2)	Alastair
  2051 	1)	Fixed EDNTBAD-4Q8M2F "CBufSeg can leak memory"
  2052 	2)	Fixed EDNATHE-4QQJSU
  2053 		"Inconsistent error handling in use of S::MakeHandleAndOpen",
  2054 		though there's still some work to be done in this area.
  2055 	3)	Fixed FID-4RKDJT
  2056 		"Use Cogent key translation tables on template port"
  2057 	4)	Fixed HAD-4RLFVN
  2058 		"Template header.iby has exyin.dll as file instead of extension"
  2059 	5)	Fixed HAD-4RLFSY
  2060 		"Template header.iby missing kerneltrace entry"
  2061 	6)	Fixed FID-4SNDAD
  2062 		"TemplatePort: Tick counter not invalidated when time changed"
  2064 3)	Morgan
  2065 	1)	Integrated fix for DPassiveDebugger allocation bug for
  2068 4)	Jonathan
  2069 	1)	Created new \e32\ekern\emul\win32\d_entry.cpp as a copy of
  2070 		\e32\euser\emul\win32\up_dll.cpp. This allows edev.lib to be built
  2071 		for WINS in an IPR Category E only build. To preserve layering WINS
  2072 		device driver initialisation no longer wires the kernel.
  2073 	2)	Documented the deprecated nature of UserHAL enums in e32hal.h.
  2074 		Added minimal documentation to \hal\inc\hal.h and hal_data.h.
  2076 5)	MarkCa
  2077 	1)	Update linked build by removing warnings from linkup ekern and
  2078 		implemented polling after MMC data transfers.
  2080 Version 1.02.304
  2081 ================
  2082 (Made by Pete, 19/01/2001)
  2084 1) Morgan
  2085 	1)	Fixed EDNSCHM-4M7PAJ. Added RMessagePtr::IsNull()
  2086 	2)	Fixed EDNJPAR-4KLLCA "Brutus bootstrap contains large delay..."
  2087 	3)	Fixed EDNRFID-4NVFWF "Bootstrap test-code has Brutus-specific code"
  2088 	4)	Fixed EDNRFID-4MVEQV "Bootstrap: bug in RAM width checking"
  2089 	5)	Fixed EDNRFID-4MVKBL "Bootstrap attempts to write to ROM"
  2090 	6)	Fixed EDNRFID-4NXETX "Bootstrap: bugs mapping IO as sections"
  2091 	7)	Fixed EDNWROS-4LQEPN "bootstrap component -WHAT output incorrect"
  2092 	8)	Fixed EDNRFID-4LGBVH "Bootstrap should keep PE file"
  2093 	9)	Fixed EDNRFID-4PXFYK "Add buffered, not cached flag to bootstrap"
  2094 	10)	Fixed EDNRFID-4PTHXH "Flush D TLBs & Cache in bootstrap after enabling
  2095 	   	MMU"
  2096 	11) Fixed EDNRFID-4MVJZQ "Bootstrap bugs finding initial scratch RAM"
  2097 		Tested on COGENT, BRUTUS, [UDEB,UREL]
  2098 	12)	Fixed HEY-4STFK7 "Template port: Definition of interrupt names
  2099 	   	should..."
  2100 	13)	Fixed TOD-4RJJ75 "Corruption of K::TickQ". This fix creates a change
  2101 	   	in the behaviour of the emulator - comms power handler active requests
  2102 	   	keep the power requirement up. In practice this means that the
  2103 	   	emulator will never power off. A proper fix will have to wait for v7.
  2105 2)  Pete
  2106 	1) 	Fixed a problem introduced in release 303 with the
  2107 		Cirrus bootstrap which was mapping in 16K rather than 12K for the h/w
  2108 		registers.
  2109 	2)	Changes to the MMC Controller - to the way that the
  2110 		ASSP layer reports the operating PSU voltage. Removed TOCR class.
  2112 3)	Dennis
  2113 	1)	Modified low-memory notification system. There are now two TChanges
  2114 		flags: EChangesFreeMemory and EChangesOutOfMemory. The first is raised
  2115 		if the free memory level crosses the relevant threshold, and the
  2116 		second is raised if an allocation fails due to insufficient free
  2117 		memory.
  2119 4)	Jonathan
  2120 	1)	Brutus HAL: Fixed defect EDNABOT-4MCGNL "HALData::EKeyboardClickVolume
  2121 	  	doesn't accept valid value". Key click and digitiser click are not
  2122 	  	supported on Brutus for 6.1. Changed the values reported by HAL to
  2123 	  	reflect this. Cogent was similarly incorrect.
  2124 	2)	Added memory traces for kernel stack and data.
  2125 	3)	Brutus keyboard: Fixed defect JAN-4RLLH3 "Brutus board doesn't map
  2126 	  	EKeyDevice key codes". Made Fn modifier generate EKeyDevice0-9. Fixed
  2127 	  	some Fn and Shift translation errors.
  2129 5)	Markdo	
  2130 	1)	Implemented Pc Card Controller for Cogent. Controller is disabled (by
  2131 		setting total supported drives to 1) until timer problem sorted out.
  2132 	2)	Fixed problem in Brutus Pc Card Controller where reset signal not
  2133 		asserted for long enough when powering up. Reduced length of time spent
  2134 		in Sa1100::BootWaitMilliSeconds when called in \brutus1\vi_pbus.cpp.
  2135 	3)	Ensured that uart1 in linkup initialised in release builds.
  2136 	4)	Implemented dma on linkup.
  2138 6)	MarkCa
  2139 	1)	Merged in MMC security code.  _LOCKABLE_MEDIA in e32svr.h is not
  2140 		commented out any more.
  2141 	2)	Updates to linkup example mmc port.
  2144 Version 1.02.303
  2145 ================
  2146 (Made by RobertJ, 13/12/2000)
  2148 1)	Nicolas
  2149 	1)	ECOMMDCE: Cancel power handler timer and reset power requirements in
  2150 		DChannelComm dtor (pasted from ECOMM).  This avoid a kernel panics
  2151 		in DPowerHandler::RemovePowerModel() when a DCE comm port is
  2152 		closed.
  2153 	2)	Added DISTRIBUTION.POLICY file (cat. E) to \e32\rombuild\mlnk and
  2154 		removed superfluous ones from E32 and BOOTSTRAP.
  2155 	3)	Modified rom.bat to avoid spurious error msg when some files
  2156 		included in the ROM image contain "warning" or "error".
  2158 2)	Dennis
  2159 	1)	Removed all MCORE code.
  2160 	2)	Minor consolidation of MMU-related #ifdefs in order to support ARM920.
  2162 		__CPU_ARMV3 is no longer supported.
  2164 		Remaining #ifdefs with meanings are:
  2167 			This means that you can select write through or write-back caching
  2168 			on a page-by-page basis.
  2170 			This means that write-back caching is being used. This may be
  2171 			either because the cache only supports write-back mode (eg SA1100)
  2172 			or the cache supports both modes and write-back mode is being used
  2173 			(eg ARM920). If this is not defined and the cache can support both
  2174 			modes, write-through caching will be used.
  2176 			This option is only applicable if write-back caching is in use.
  2177 			It means that the cache must be flushed by reading spurious data
  2178 			(i.e. SA1100 mode). Currently the data used for flushing is always
  2179 			mapped at 0x430fe000 and a cache size of 8K is assumed.  If this
  2180 			option is not selected and write-back caching is in use, the
  2181 			ARM920 method is used (ie flush each line by way/set index) and
  2182 			the CP15 cache config register is read to determine the size and
  2183 			layout of the cache.
  2184 		__CPU_SPLIT_CACHE
  2185 			This means that the processor has separate instruction and data
  2186 			caches.
  2187 		__CPU_SPLIT_TLB
  2188 			This means that the processor has separate instruction and data
  2189 			TLBs.
  2191 	3)	Added low memory notification. This uses two thresholds (low and
  2192 		good).  If a low-level chunk adjust or allocation of page tables fails
  2193 		due to out-of-memory or causes the amount of free memory to drop below
  2194 		the low threshold, all change notifiers are signalled. If a low-level
  2195 		chunk adjust or freeing of page tables causes the amount of free
  2196 		memory to rise above the good threshold change notifiers are also
  2197 		signalled. A new change notifier flag (EChangesFreeMemory) has been
  2198 		added to signify the occurrence of one of these conditions. A new
  2199 		function
  2201 			TInt UserSvr::SetMemoryThresholds(TInt low, TInt good)
  2203 		has been added to set the thresholds at which notification occurs.
  2205 		Test program T_CHUNK has been extended to test this system.
  2207 	4)	Fixed defect EDNATHE-4LCEWZ (Sessions using global message pool can
  2208 		lose available slots).
  2209 	5)	Fixed defect PAR-4R6DGK (WS_MAIN.CPP should have an extra line of debug
  2210 		to warn you that you have booted in test mode).
  2211 	6)	Fixed defect EDNJPAR-4L2LMM (WS_MAIN.CPP has a leave without a trap).
  2212 	7)	Fixed defect EDNJPAR-4N9GU2 (TEiger:: missing from added 7211 functions
  2213 		in ka_eiger.cpp)
  2214 	8)	Fixed defect HAS-4R5NPC (JTAG trace example in template variant).
  2216 3)	Alastair
  2217 	1)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4QLRPC "All 3rd UIDs wrong" (in the template port).
  2218 		Uids are now the UNICODE rather than narrow values.
  2219 	2)	Split this file up on the assumption that its large size is the
  2220 		reason P4 sometimes has difficulty accepting changes to it.
  2221 		Old release notes are now in release_old.txt.
  2222 	3)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4QNRUB "Template variant include file in E32" by moving
  2223 	   	it into the vtemplate directory and exporting it from there.
  2224 	4)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4QNR4M "Template ASSP is in the wrong place"
  2225 	5)	Changed include paths in VTemplate .mmp files so that they no longer
  2226 	  	refer to \e32\include.
  2227 	6)	Added DISTRIBUTION.POLICY files (cat. E) to the \VTemplate
  2228 	  	directories.
  2229 	7)	Fixed  EDNABRY-4L8NR2 "Text console appears stripy on Windows 95"
  2230 	8)	Fixed problem with emulator parent window appearing jazzed if no
  2231 		bitmap is specified on Windows9x platforms.
  2232 	9)	Fixed EDNJBRN-4MEP5F
  2233 		"Threads that use a shared heap don't get their stack 0x29 filled".
  2234 	10)	Fixed EDNATHE-4QQKZM
  2235 		"RThread().Suspend() deadlocks the emulator".
  2236 		Under WINS/WINC, if a thread is about to suspends itself then it
  2237 		relinquishes the kernel critical first.
  2238 	11)	Fixed EDNTEEA-4L4BHV
  2239 		"WINS emulator does not remember its previous position".
  2240 		Emulator only remembers its position if it's shutdown with Alt+F4 or
  2241 		via the Windows menus, not with typing "exit" in eshell or exiting
  2242 		from a test.  It is clever about not "reappearing" off-screen.
  2243 	12)	Extended Dennis' low memory notification changes to work under WINS.
  2244 	13)	Fixed defect FID-4RDJTJ
  2245 		"Template port keyboard driver generates streams of keyup"
  2246 	14)	Fixed defect FID-4RHKC9
  2247 		"Template Idle function should not be naked"
  2248   	15)	Fixed defect EDNNGRE-4LGJU7
  2249   		 "UserHal::SwitchOff() hangs emulator if mouse is pressed".
  2250   		Problem: Emulator would power off but not minimise since mouse button
  2251   		was down, and power on requires impossible window restoration.
  2252   		Solution: No longer minimise and maximise Emulator window to emulate 
  2253   		Power Off and Power On.  Instead, blank screen for Power Off.  Power
  2254   		back on when EStdKeyOff (F9 by default) is pressed.  Power on also if
  2255   		screen is tapped, or case is opened (toggle F11 by default), depending
  2256   		upon EPointerSwitchesOn and ECaseOpenSwitchesOn
  2257 		HAL/machine_configuration settings: these values now default to TRUE
  2258 		for WINS.
  2260 4)	MarkCa
  2261 	1)	Fixed defect EDNJHET-4PTLUD (Emulator crashes on startup if com
  2262 		ports used by another program under win98.)
  2264 5)	Pete
  2265 	1)  Modified the FIR LDD so it conforms with latest power handling scheme
  2266 		(i.e. it requests it's power requirement on all tx requests while at
  2267 		the same time setting a timer to releases these requirements if it is
  2268 		allowed to expire). This in turn required an extra function to be
  2269 		added to each FIR PDD - PowerRequirement() which returns the FIR power
  2270 		requirements for that particular platform.
  2271 	2)	Fixed warnings when building WINS version of MMC Controller.
  2272 	3)	Modified TBusLocalDrive class and the associated local media
  2273 		sub-system so that an info. descriptor can be passed down to the media
  2274 		driver which is available to the driver at the point at which it is
  2275 		opened.
  2276 	4)	Fixed warnings when building WINS version of MMC Media Driver.
  2277 	5)	Applied various bug fixes supplied by Pete Sanders for Cirrus Logic
  2278 	  	build:-
  2279 		 - Increased BDB IO block size from 8K to 16K in bootstrap.
  2280 		 - Moved addition of power handler from Variant::Init3() to
  2281 		   Variant::Init4().
  2282 		 - Set mem. config registers for both banks of 8Mb flash in
  2283 		   Variant::Init1().
  2284 		 - Fixed problem with digitizer resistive plate enable signals.
  2286 6)	Morgan
  2287 	1)	Fixed EDNGTIN-4KUH3E "Dll::FileName inconsistent in ARMI",
  2288 		Mini-loader now forms the filename correctly.
  2289 	2)	Fixed memory allocation bug in DPassiveDebugger
  2290 	2.1)	Fixed empty members of DProcess for bootstrapped processes,
  2291 		(kernel and file server) for the benefit of the debugger
  2292 	3)	Enabled DPassiveDebugger on Cogent UDEB builds
  2293 	4)	EDNMHEY-4N3FV8 "TDma::iChannel should be set back to ENotBound ..."
  2294 	5)	PAR-4R5EGK "Definition of interrupt name should be in ASSP header ..."
  2295 		Moved interrupt name definitions from ka_pic.cpp to a32*.h
  2297 	6)	Updated Cogent1, Brutusa, Series5mx1, l7200a, cirrus7211x, variants to
  2298 		use symbolic interrupt names
  2299 	7)	Updated \e32\rombuild\rom.cfg to match stricter options in ROMBUILD
  2301 7)	Jonathan
  2302 	1)	Changed meaning of KMEMTRACE kernel trace option. Now only traces
  2303 	  	changes in chunk committed size and does not trace RHeap allocation.
  2305 8)	Markdo
  2306 	1)	Changed WINS simulated mmc drive to 1MB size (from 2MB).
  2308 9)	William
  2309 	1)	Added iRomRootDirectoryList to TSuperPage in K32STD.H
  2310 	2)	Added TExtensionRomHeader in E32ROM.H
  2311 	3)	Modified epoc\kp_ini.cpp to get the iRomRootDirectoryList from the
  2312 	  	superpage
  2313 	4)	Changed bootstrap to pass the iRomRootDirectoryList address vai the
  2314 		superpage, and added code to support extension ROMs. If a valid
  2315 		extension ROM is found, the Root Directory List comes from the
  2316 		extension rather than the main ROM.
  2319 Version 1.02.302
  2320 ================
  2321 (Made by Nicolas, 19/10/2000)
  2323 1)	Alastair	
  2324 	1)	Applied fix which will be made on the release branch to EDNJBON-4PBJFD
  2325 		"Crystal emulator won't run under Windows 98"
  2326 	2)	Replaced calls to Win32 "W" suffixed functions, which won't work on 
  2327 	      	Windows9x platforms, with new versions supplied in EUNIW.DLL.
  2328 	3)	Merged in Template Port from //epoc/release/bpk/....  This builds as
  2329 		platform MTemplate and the variant is described by the \VTemplate
  2330 		directory.  Function comments have been changed to JavaDoc format.
  2331 		Changes have also been made in accordance with Jonathan's changes to
  2332 		E32 version 301, detailed below ...
  2333 		\e32\include\v32arm.h --> \e32\ekern\epoc\katemplate\v32template.h
  2334 		\e32\include\v32templateassp.h --> \e32\ekern\epoc\katemplate\a32templateassp.h
  2335 		\e32\include\v32templatev1.h --> \e32\ekern\epoc\katemplate\v32template1.h
  2337 2)	Nicolas
  2338 	1)	Fixed defect EDNNTHY-4PMKJW "RDebug Breakpoints Are Sometimes
  2339 		Ignored Under Brutus".  The B bit is now set in
  2340 		KRomSectionPermissions and KRomPtePermissions.  As a side-effect,
  2341 		on CPUs with write-through caches the write buffer is now used for
  2342 		shadowed pages.  On SA-1100, setting B ensures the main data cache
  2343 		is used instead of the mini one, and so fixes the defect.
  2345 3)	Pete
  2346 	1)	Added WINS platform layer for MMC Controller.
  2347 	2)	Changed the WINS EPBUS.DLL from being a PC Card Controller
  2348 		to being an MMC Controller (i.e emulation of the PC
  2349 		Card Controller has now been disabled in WINS and replaced
  2350 		with an MMC Controller emulator). Similarly, the Media Driver
  2351 		for WINS drive X: is now a MMC Media driver rather than a CF card
  2352 		Media Driver. 
  2353 	3) 	Fixed defect EDNMCAN-4P5C37 "File Mgr:Memory card menu is
  2354 		not dynamic'. Fixed by powering down any MMC cards while
  2355 		the media door is open and not allowing any operations on
  2356 		the cards during this time.
  2357 	4)	Implemented inactivity timer on MMC Controller. While the
  2358 		MMC bus is powered up, if a given period elapses (set at the
  2359 		ASSP/Variant layer) where no MMC bus activity has taken place,
  2360 		then the MMC clock is turned off and power removed from the
  2361 		bus.
  2363 4)	Dennis
  2364 	1)	Fixed defect EDNDFER-4N2K8R (Wrong error code returned by fix to
  2365 		another bug). DThread::Read/Write now return KErrDied if the target
  2366 		thread has exited.
  2368 5)	Jonathan
  2369 	1)	Removed old distrib IPR files and script.
  2372 Version 1.02.301
  2373 ================
  2374 (Made by MarkCa, 29/09/2000)
  2376 0)	Must add the following line (BEFORE LINE 44) to
  2377 	\\epoc\main\romkit\include\base.iby when releasing to mainline:
  2378 		extension[VARID]=ASSP_DIR\BUILD_DIR\epower.dll     System\Libs\EPower.dll
  2380 1)	Pete
  2381 	1) 	Merged in changes to MMC Controller from Cambridge base porting
  2382 		branch.
  2383 	2)	Improved scheme in MMC Controller on how information on
  2384 		number of MMC sockets and media drives is returned.
  2385 		This is now set in the variant layer as you would expect.
  2386 	3)	Removed workaround for broken MCR instruction on ARM915T from
  2388 	4)	Changes to Cogent DTE serial port drivers. Also to
  2389 		Cogent IREQ1 interrupt control code. These changes,
  2390 		together your Cogent board re-configured with config 'p120_05_v12'
  2391 		and also a PCB cut/strap modification to each DTE serial port to
  2392 		reverse the TX and RX signals will allow the Cogent DTE serial ports
  2393 		to work fully.
  2394 		Cogent EUART3.PDD which had been temporarily modified
  2395 		to drive 'SERIAL 1' rather than 'SERIAL 2' (PCB designations) has now
  2396 		been changed to drive 'SERIAL 2'.
  2398 2)	MarkCa
  2399 	2)	Added linkup port from BPC.  Build with assp MLNK, variant LA.
  2401 3)	Nicolas
  2402 	1)	Fixed defect EDNNTHY-4P3GT6 (RDebug::SingleStep() does not stop
  2403 		after one instruction sometimes).  Fix applied to arm generic and
  2404 		windermere.
  2406 4)	Jonathan
  2407 	1)	Include file re-org for IPR reasons - ASSP-specific include files live
  2408 	  	in the ASSP directory under ekern:
  2409 		- Include files describing ASSPs (TEiger etc) are named a32*.h:
  2410 			v32eiger.h -> ekern\epoc\arm\721x\a32eiger.h
  2411 			v32s1100.h -> ekern\epoc\arm\sa1100\a32sa1100.h
  2412 			v32wind.h  -> ekern\epoc\arm\windermere\a32windermere.h
  2413 			v32cog.h   -> ekern\epoc\generic\cogent\a32cogent.h
  2414 		- Custom interface files are named v32*.h:
  2415 			v32arm.h   -> ekern\epoc\arm\721x\v32eiger.h
  2416 			v32arm.h   -> ekern\epoc\arm\sa1100\v32sa1100.h
  2417 			v32awd.h   -> ekern\epoc\arm\windermere\v32windermere.h
  2418 			v32arm.h   -> ekern\epoc\generic\cogent\a32cogent.h
  2419 			v32mcore.h -> ekern\epoc\generic\cogent\a32cogent.h
  2420 		- All variant-specific include files moved to the variants.
  2421 		- kc_std.h -> kc_arm.h.
  2422 	2)	New exported file for the text notifier interface
  2423 	  	\e32\include\twintnotifier.h split out from ws_std.h, which is no
  2424 	  	longer exported.
  2426 5)	Morgan
  2427 	1)	Integrated fix from 6.0 branch: Fixed EDNTRIN-4BPCTM2 "Detection of
  2428 		pointer events stops - multiple platforms" for MAWD. Keyboard now
  2429 		detects switch on keys while sleeping.
  2430 	2)	Removed \brutus\v32isa.h and references
  2431 	3)	Called through to the variant for the following functions on MISA
  2432 			TBool ImpPsu::ExternalPowerPresent();
  2433 			TSupplyStatus ImpPsu::MainBatteryStatus();
  2434 			TInt ImpPsu::MainBatteryMilliVolts();
  2435 			TSupplyStatus ImpPsu::BackupBatteryStatus();
  2436 			TInt ImpPsu::BackupBatteryMilliVolts();
  2437 	4)	Moved MISA, MCGA, MCGM, MEIG default power models to variant layer so
  2438 		they can be replaced as necessary
  2439 	5)	Removed P::SwitchOffBacklight().  Calls to this can be replaced with
  2440 		Hal::SetBacklightOn(EFalse)
  2441 	6)	Promoted P::OsSwitchOnScreen() to Plat:: so it can be called from the
  2442 		power model.
  2443 	7)	Added Plat::DebugInit() to force re-initialisation of the trace port
  2444 		after switch off.
  2445 	8)	Fixes to the interface and implementation of DDebugger/DPassiveDebugger
  2447 6)	Alastair
  2448 	1)	Applied fixes already made on release branch for EDNABRY-4PHFJJ:
  2449 		"Emulator support for international keyboards is broken on Windows9x
  2450 		platforms" and EDNSRES-4P4EFD: "CopyAnyWhere page fault on Win 98".
  2453 Version 1.02.300
  2454 ================
  2455 (Made by Dennis, 13/09/2000)
  2457 1)	Alastair
  2458 	1)	Renamed K32ADDR.H to M32ADDR.H and removed references to it from
  2459 		WINS/WINC builds, since it isn't required.
  2460 	2)	Fixed Base v6.1 defect EDNWROS-4MJKWH
  2461 			 "Request for a change to emulator window size calculation".
  2462 		The Emulator window no longer defaults to the Series5 Fascia bitmap
  2463 		size, and expands to accommodate the specified digitizer size if
  2464 		necessary.
  2466 2)	William
  2467 	1)	Modified COGENT1 MMP files to use \e32\bmarm DEF files in all cases
  2468 	2)	Fixed a few places in RArrayBase where delete was being used on a
  2469 		TAny* pointer. This should be User::Free() as there is no destructor
  2470 		to be called.
  2471 	3)	Fixed EDNMMIR-4JQDYY "E32DEF.H doesn't correctly use all the features
  2472 		of GCC" by changing the definitions of CONST_CAST etc.
  2473 	4)	Fixed EDNWROS-4MEJRS "_LIT generates compiler warnings when string
  2474 		contains large Unicode constants" as suggested in the defect report.
  2475 	5)	Replaced lots of M*Core PP:Fault(PP:ESystemException) calls with
  2476 		distinct Mcore::Panic(Esomething) calls so that we can tell which is
  2477 		which.
  2478 	6)	Export \e32\bmarm\eloclu.def 
  2479 	7)	Remove excess ".." in bootstrap makefile variables BUILDDIR and
  2480 	  	TARGETDIR
  2482 3)	Jonathan
  2483 	1)	Changes to distrib mechanism:
  2484 		- "mnt distrib generic" no longer includes source under \e32\euser
  2485 		  since this is "IPR Category D: Additional" source. Split out MMP
  2486 		  files under \e32\euser into new \e32\additional.inf file.
  2487 		- New "mnt distrib Additional" is similar to "generic" but does
  2488 		  include the \e32\euser source.
  2490 4)	Dennis
  2491 	1)	Merged in MCore source from Motorola.
  2492 	2)	Added GCC helpers for 64-bit integers (long long) to EUSER so that the
  2493 		same .DEF file can be used for ARM and MCore.
  2494 	3)	Added test program SAVEHAL to HAL component to store the modifiable HAL
  2495 		values in \System\Data\HAL.DAT
  2497 6)	Markdo
  2498 	1)	Added support for pci interrupts on Cogent.
  2501 Version 1.02.276
  2502 ================
  2503 (Made by Morgan, 31/08/2000)
  2505 1)	Alastair
  2506 	1)	Fixed defect EDNABRY-4NFNPX
  2507 			"HAL component should create HAL.LIB from a dummy HAL.DLL project".
  2508 		Now a dummy HAL.LIB can be created for ARMI, ARM4 or THUMB builds by
  2509 		executing "abld build armi", or some similar command(s), for dependent
  2510 		components to link to.  The HAL.DLL created in the ARMI, ARM4 or THUMB
  2511 		release directories is an empty implementation and should be ignored.
  2513 2)	Morgan
  2514 	1)	Fixed defect EDNJBED-4NAFQ2 "Switch makes the digitiser freeze"
  2515 		1) Gave the LCD a power handler so it can respond to on/off calls
  2516 		from the power model.  (Effects MISA, MAWD)
  2517 		2) PowerStandby can now be aborted.  Power handlers are given a
  2518 		power-on call if they were sent power-off and standby is later
  2519 		aborted.  (Effects generic kernel)
  2520 		3) Changed the MISA digitiser wrt 2
  2521 		4) Improved the PM heuristics in the WINS and EPOC comms drivers to
  2522 		guess when it is busy.  (Effects WINS/EPOC comms)
  2525 Version 1.02.275
  2526 ================
  2527 (Made by Alastair, 24/08/2000)
  2529 1)	Alastair
  2530 	1)	Fixed defect EDNPHAR-4N3HRA "Access Violation when closing RLibrary
  2531 `		handle".
  2532 		Note that entrypoints of DLLs which are statically-linked
  2533 		to, having already been dynamically-loaded, will not have their
  2534 		entrypoints called in the statically-linked context.
  2537 Version 1.02.274
  2538 ================
  2539 (Made by MarkCa, 17/08/2000)
  2541 1)	Morgan
  2542 	1)	Fixed EDNMHEY-4N3FAY.  Removed references to V32ETNA.H from MEIG and
  2543 		MAWD platforms.
  2545 2)	MarkCa
  2546 	1)	Fixed EDNTBLT-4MFKKY (peripherals need to be started after extensions
  2547 		loaded). The pbus code has been moved to P::InitialiseLocalDrives(),
  2548 		which is called from InitialiseLocalDrivesL().
  2551 Version 1.02.273
  2552 ================
  2553 (Made by Alastair, 2/8/2000)
  2555 1)	Alastair
  2556 	1)	Removed enum EKeyEuro from E32Keys.h - fixes EDNGASR-4MKLHW
  2557 			"EKeyEuro should not be 0x80 but 0x20AC in e32keys.h"
  2559 2)	MarkCa
  2560 	1)	Fixed defect EDNPSCE-4MFPQC Media Change doesn't work properly
  2561 		on MMC Controller
  2562 		\e32\drivers\medmmc\epoc\d_medmmc.cpp
  2563 			Added return value checking for Engage() calls, particularly in
  2564 			DMmcMediaDriverFlash::SessionEndDfc() where value is used to
  2565 			determine behaviour on media door opening / closing.
  2566 		\e32\epbus\epoc\linda\pa_mmc.cpp
  2567 			Added KPBUS1 conditional door interrupt debug trace.
  2568 		\e32\epbus\epoc\linda\pa_std.h
  2569 			Made MediaState() definition in TLindaMMCMediaChange virtual.  It
  2570 			is implicitly virtual because it is derived from TMediaChangeBase.
  2571 		\e32\include\p32mmc.h
  2572 			Made TMediaState MediaState() pure virtual function in
  2573 			TMMCMediaChange.  The function is pure virtual from
  2574 			TMediaChangeBase anyway.  Added AccessMediaChange(TPBusNum aBus)
  2575 			function to DMMCController.  MediaChange(TPBusNum aBus) is
  2576 			declared as a pure virtual protected function in
  2577 			DPeriphBusController, and so is not accessible from
  2578 			DMMCSession::Engage().
  2579 		\e32\include\p32mmc.inl
  2580 			Added definition for DMMCController::AccessMediaChange(TPBusNum
  2581 			aBus).  This is an accessor function that simply returns
  2582 			MediaChange(aBus).
  2583 		\e32\epbus\ps_mmc.cpp
  2584 			Added checking to DMMCSession::Engage() to return KErrNotReady if
  2585 			media driver tries to launch a write while the door for the
  2586 			associated bus is opened.
  2587 		\e32test\pccd\t_mmcdrv.cpp
  2588 			Added test code to check above modifications.  Source file must be
  2589 			explicitly recompiled with TEST_DOOR_CLOSE #define set to non-zero
  2590 			for test to work.
  2592 3)	Jonathan
  2593 		1)	Disallow reads/writes to/from dead threads. Fixes EDNDFER-4MFNER.
  2594 		2)	Also removed some old code from ks_thrd, commented out since ER1.
  2596 4)	Nicolas
  2597 	1)	Fixed EDNNTHY-4MNJXK (Kernel crash after calling ARM4 code from
  2598 		THUMB code).
  2599 		In the exception reporting code in __ArmVectorUndef(), the address of
  2600 		the invalid ARM opcode is now forced to a four-byte boundary before
  2601 		fetching the opcode. Fixed both in kc_int.cpp (arm generic) and
  2602 		ke_int.cpp (windermere).
  2605 Version 1.02.272
  2606 ================
  2607 (Made by RobertJ, 20/07/2000)
  2609 1) Morgan
  2610 	1)	Added a TVersion member to the Debugger API
  2611 	2)	Added a iDebugger member to TKernelPage so it is available
  2612 		to externel debugger software over JTAG/BDM, at a constant
  2613 		address.  Removed K::Debugger.
  2614 	3)	Fixed EDNMMAT-4M6KHZ "TLex::Val returns the wrong number"
  2616 2) 	Alastair
  2617 	1)	Fixed EDNJBON-4MBMC8 '"set _epoc_drive_j=...." causing emulator
  2618 		problems' by removing trailing spaces from _EPOC_DRIVE_? environment
  2619 		variables as they are read.
  2621 3)	Dennis
  2622 	1)	Fixed EDNKLIG-4LVJST (Device turns off when time changed).
  2623 		The problem was due to K::TickCounter being updated when the system
  2624 		time changed. This no longer happens - K::TickCounter now increments
  2625 		every tick when the machine is on and does not change when the machine
  2626 		is off. The offset between K::TickCounter and the real time clock is
  2627 		remembered in order to make locked timers work.
  2630 Version 1.02.271
  2631 ================
  2632 (Made by Morgan, 5/07/2000)
  2634 1) Morgan
  2635 	1)	Fixed EDNBBOY-4LWGW2
  2636 	2)	Fixed MCGA Monitor warnings
  2637 	3)	Fixed Cirrus7211a MMP warnings
  2640 Version 1.02.270
  2641 ================
  2642 (Made by RobertJ, 29/06/2000)
  2644 1) RobertJ
  2645 	1)	Fixed EDNMHEY-4L3KX7 "References to Licensee hardware in generic code"
  2646 	2)	Changed \e32\drivers\dfir\epoc\d_fir.cpp to return an error code for a
  2647 		read failure
  2648 	3)	Changed \e32\drivers\dfir\epoc\d_fir.cpp test for buffer full from
  2649 		>= to > as limit excluded valid transfer address.
  2650 	4)	Changed \e32\drivers\dfir\epoc\dmabuff.cpp error code was not always
  2651 		correctly returned. It could return zero when in error
  2652 	5)	Changed \brutusa\vi_fir.cpp to remove 1ms wait after write to
  2653 		spin until TUR flag set (fifo is empty) then TBY flag transmitter busy.
  2654 		This is to remove as much latency as possible in tx->rx turnaround
  2656 2) Jonathan
  2657 	1)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4LQPA5: changed MMAD to use ARM Base Restored Data
  2658 		Abort Model.
  2660 3) Pete
  2661 	1)	Fixed EDNPSCE-4L3CHV "Device driver slow open
  2662 		mechanism doesn't work properly on machines with more than one PCMCIA
  2663 		slot."
  2664 		In fact, the slow open mechanism is OK as long as a
  2665 		separate unit number can be used to open a serial channel on each
  2666 		slot. Hence, the change really just involves enabling the PC Card
  2667 		Serial driver on Brutus to open on either PC Card slot.
  2668 			Bottom slot - Unit number 3 (Com4).
  2669 			Top slot - Unit number 4 (Com5).
  2670 		Also a change to the function DPhysicalDevice::CheckForSlowOpening()
  2671 		just to make this more logical.
  2673 4) MarkCa
  2674 	1)	Removed Kern::Printf() debug from DLindaMMCStack::DoPowerUpSM() in
  2675 		\e32\epbus\epoc\linda\pa_mmc.cpp.
  2677 Version 1.02.269
  2678 ================
  2679 (Made by Dennis, 22/06/2000)
  2681 1) Alastair
  2682 	1)	Using CP_ACP rather that CP_UTF8 for EPOC.INI file text conversion
  2683 		since CP_UTF8 is not supported on Windows 95
  2684 	2)	Fixed EDNWROS-4L5NLW "Text window server has hardcoded width of 80
  2685 		characters in some places" and EDNNGRE-4H2MKK "ConsoleBase does not
  2686 		work on small screens" by replacing the hardcoded widths of 80
  2687 		characters by iTextScreenSize.iWidth in
  2688 		\e32\drivers\edisp\emul\win32\wd_wins.cpp.
  2689 	3)	Fixed EDNNSIH-4LCLNE "Access violation when loading SMUM.DLL..."  by
  2690 		using the base name of a dll rather than it's full name to get a Win32
  2691 		handle to it, in case it's already been loaded from a different
  2692 		directory.
  2693 	4)	Fixed EDNRCLF-4L4FB2 "User::LeaveIfError crash while trying to connect
  2694 		to File Server Session in WINC" Now the dll reference table for the
  2695 		starting process includes efile.dll and dependent dlls if efile.dll
  2696 		has already been loaded by the process.  This ensures that the
  2697 		efile.dll's entry point is called on startup where necessary and that
  2698 		the file server is started.
  2699 	5)	Fixed EDNRCLF-4LALXK "E32Initialize Crash".
  2700 		UpWins::__DllAttachProcess() now changes "TRUE" return value from
  2701 		Win32 DLLs to KErrNone.
  2704 2) Morgan
  2705 	1)	EDNRFID-4FQKKQ Zero-filled the 'Visibility Map' in the text window
  2706 		server, during initialisation.
  2707 	2)	EDNMHEY-4L9NKJ Added TRawEvent::ECaseOpen and TRawEvent::ECaseClose
  2708 		events
  2709 	3)	Added idle off behaviour to the comms LDD D_COMM.  This stops the
  2710 		machine turning off while
  2711 			a) there is a write request outstanding,
  2712 			b) 20 seconds elapse after the last character has been sent,
  2713 			c) there is a read request outstanding
  2714 	4)	Altered comms PDD for all variants wrt above.
  2716 3) Dennis
  2717 	1)	Yet another 'fix' for defect EDNGBON-4JYNU6 (Inaccessibility of request
  2718 		semaphores breaks EPOC connect). For WINC the semaphore name has been
  2719 		reverted to be the same as ER5U.
  2721 4) Pete
  2722 	1)	Changes required to move Cirris Logic bootstrap over
  2723 		to the new bootstrap scheme.
  2726 Version 1.02.268
  2727 ================
  2728 (Made by Markdo, 07/06/2000)
  2730 1) Alastair
  2731 	1)	Fixed EDNTJOS-4JGME4 "Dialog title EPOC32 fault needs to be changed"
  2732 	2)	If dll entrypoints return TRUE, the return value is changed to
  2733 		KErrNone.
  2734 		This change means that Win32 DLLs linked to by EPOC DLLs can return
  2735 		TRUE without resulting in a KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint error.
  2737 2) Nicolas
  2738 	1)	Fixed bugs preventing from building __EARLY_DEBUG__-enabled MCGA
  2739 		kernels.
  2741 3) Dennis
  2742 	1)	Fixed EDNPPAN-4KEELX (HAL attribute for keyboard backlight needed).
  2743 	2)	Fixed EDNPPAN-4KPEEL (HAL attribute EAccessoryPower needed).
  2744 	3)	Fixed EDNJPAR-4KLLGL (HAL TManufacturer not generic).
  2745 	4)	Fixed EDNRFID-4KTFD3 (Bootstrap doesn't clear first new page table).
  2746 	5)	Removed ARM architecture 3 maths code from UC_I64.CPP and UC_REALX.CPP.
  2747 		The architecture 4 code is always used now.
  2749 Version 1.02.267
  2750 ================
  2751 (Made by Alastair, 23.5.2000)
  2753 1) Dennis
  2754 	1)	Fixed problem with all ARM bootstraps caused by switching mode from
  2755 		svc26 to svc32 in a subroutine - LR will contain flags since the BL
  2756 		was executed in 26-bit mode, giving an incorrect return address for
  2757 		32-bit mode. Fixed by masking top 6 bits of LR if the routine was
  2758 		actually entered in 26-bit mode.
  2759 	2)	Fixed defect EDNGBON-4JYNU6 (Inaccessibility of request semaphores
  2760 		breaks EPOC connect). Thread request semaphores are no longer added
  2761 		to the K::Semaphores container so that other EPOC code cannot access
  2762 		them directly. On EPOC they are also unnamed, on Win32 they are named
  2763 		PROCESSNAME::THREADNAME{EPOCTHREADID} so that the Win32 semaphore
  2764 		inherits this name and can be found by EPOC connect.
  2765 	3)	Fixed defect EDNSCHM-4K7MTC (CActiveScheduler::Error() broken on ARM).
  2766 	4)	Fixed defect EDNDBAR-4K5EU3 (Close functions in RArray...)
  2767 	5)	Fixed defect EDNMBOX-4JZEAP (TDblQueLink should allow multiple deques).
  2768 	6)	Fixed defect EDNACLN-4JQK2F (HAL::Get panics on low memory).
  2769 	7)	Fixed defect EDNSCHM-4JHRRS (RTimer::Inactivity only useful for switch
  2770 		off)
  2772 2) Nicolas
  2773 	1)	Debug::EnableBreakPoint() now flushes instruction cache after writing
  2774 		breakpoints into memory.  This fixes the transient test failures
  2775 		observed on brutus.
  2777 3)	Alastair
  2778 	1)	Introduced new scheme into WINS/WINC so that Dll entry-points are
  2779 		called by EPOC in much the same way that they are called on a target
  2780 		device.
  2781 		When a process is started or when a library is loaded, the Kernel
  2782 		creates a Dll reference table for the executable to mimic the Dll
  2783 		information available on the target device.  EPOC under WINS/WINC can
  2784 		thus call Dll entry-points at the appropriate times.  This change
  2785 		means that the Win32 Dll entrypoint mechanism is no longer used for
  2786 		calling Dll entry-points, and therefore avoids deadlock occurring due
  2787 		to the "hidden" critical section used by Windows operating systems
  2788 		while making entry-point calls.  This change fixes Symbian defect
  2789 		EDNATHE-4GAL54 -
  2790 			"Emulator hangs during startup"
  2791 		Whether this change will also fix similar deadlocks occuring with the
  2792 		Emulator running  with NT SP5 on Compaq PCs remains to be seen.
  2793 	2)	Added WINS/WINC base address for HAL.DLL - 0x6b000000
  2795 4) Morgan
  2796 	1)	Undid a change to TMillisecondTimer::CounterExpired that was causing
  2797 		the digitiser to crash on Series5mx.
  2800 Version 1.02.266
  2801 ================
  2802 (Made by MarkCa, 16/05/00)
  2804 1) Pete
  2805 	1)	Fixed EDNPHAR-4JCNSC (Can't access removable drives
  2806 		on latetst Brutus Roms).
  2807 	2) 	Fixed a couple of problems to allow UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia()
  2808 		to work when a non-removable drive is specified. This now
  2809 		allows the media driver for a non-removable drive to be swapped
  2810 		successfully.
  2811 	3) 	Modified the ISR for the Brutus PCMCIA/CF Card Serial driver (COM4)
  2812 		so that it now handles all pending UART interrupts in
  2813 		a single call rather than just the highest priority interrupt. This
  2814 		fixes problems with the driver where it could 'lose track' of
  2815 		interrupts when multiple interrupts were pending.
  2816 		This fixes EDNACLE-4JZL3V (Brutus PCMCIA Serial I/O Adapter hangs...)
  2817 		and EDNPREF-4JCKV (Protocol hanging on Brutus board).
  2818 	4) 	Modified the Brutus PCMCIA/CF Card Serial driver (COM4)
  2819 		to support change notification.
  2820 	5)	Fixed a problem with Brutus built-in serial ports
  2821 		(COM1 and COM2) which were not correctly configuring the port when
  2822 		either Odd or Even parity was selected.
  2824 2) RobertJ
  2825 	1)	Fixed \brutusa\vi_com2.cpp, \brutusa\vi_fir.cpp, \brutusa\v32isaba.h
  2826 		to cope with transceiver SIR/FIR mode change
  2828 3) Morgan
  2829 	Fixed some anomalies in the power handling code:
  2830 	1)	Removed ImpHal::Standby() and ImpHal::Standby(aWakeup) (from
  2832 		and replaced it with appropriate code in the power model.
  2833 		The correct way to turn off the machine from kernel-side is to call
  2834 			a) DPowerModel::PowerStandby() for immediate kernel-side switchoff
  2835 			b) Kern::AddEvent(ESwitchOff) for ordered user shutdown
  2836 		To turn off from user side, we call UserHal::SwitchOff().
  2837 	1.2)Renamed K::SwitchOff() to Power::SwitchOff()
  2838 		Renamed K::PowerOn() to Power::PowerOn()
  2839 		Removed DPowerModel::PowerStandby(aWakeup) because it is useless.
  2840 	2)	UserHal::SwitchOff calls Power::SwitchOff which calls PowerStandby on
  2841 		all power handlers.  This will cause
  2842 		DPowerModel::PowerTransition(EPowerNone) to be called (when each power
  2843 		hander has called SetRequirement(0)).  The power model should then
  2844 		call DPowerModel::PowerStandby() to turn the machine off. (see a)
  2845 		above).
  2846 	3)	DPowerModel::PowerStandby() works out when the next alarm is due, and
  2847 		turns off the machine by calling the appropriate
  2848 		DPowerModel::DoPowerStandby(/*aWakeup*/) function.
  2849 	4)	Added a User-Cpu-In-Use flag to the power model's power-requirement.
  2850 		This stops the machine turning off while there is user-side processing
  2851 		but no device drivers (power handlers) active.  This flag does NOT
  2852 		prevent idle.  This flag is unset when UserHal::SwitchOff is called,
  2853 		and set for PowerOn.
  2855 Version 1.02.265
  2856 ================
  2857 (Made by Morgan, 18/4/2000)
  2859 0)	Must change \\epoc\main\generic\romkit\include\base.iby line
  2860 		file[VARID]=ASSP_DIR\BUILD_DIR\cVARLETTERxyVARIANT.dll System\Libs\Exyin.dll
  2861 	to
  2862 		extension[VARID]=ASSP_DIR\BUILD_DIR\cVARLETTERxyVARIANT.dll System\Libs\Exyin.dll
  2863 	when integrating to mainline.
  2865 1) Morgan
  2866 	1)	Made all XYInputs into kernel-extensions
  2867 	2)	Removed TXYInput from M32HAL.H
  2869 2) Dennis
  2870 	1)	Fixed EDNJPAR-4G5FA8 (missing chunk types)
  2871 	2)	Fixed EDNMBOX-4DSJXH (missing #include guards on e32des8.h
  2872 		and e32des16.h)
  2873 	3)	Fixed EDNJBON-4DCEHD (Kern::Printf doesn't support %c)
  2874 	4)	Fixed EDNPBAA-4HXEST (TDes::Format doesn't support %i)
  2875 	5)	Fixed EFNATHE-4GYFQ8 (Thread semaphores named after thread)
  2876 	6)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4HCQAF (SA1100 standby)
  2877 	7)	Fixed EDNDBAR-4C5E7V (RArray<> should have a TArray interface).
  2878 	8)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4HXEGT (Literal length as compiler constant).
  2879 	9)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4HXELS (Compile-time TFixedArray).
  2880 	10)	Fixed EDNJHAS-4HXEPN (Support for profiling).
  2881 	11)	Added CleanupStack checking functions:
  2882 			CleanupStack::Pop(TAny* aExpectedItem)	check top item and pop
  2883 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(TAny* aExpectedItem)	check top
  2884 			item, pop and destroy
  2885 			CleanupStack::Pop(TInt aCount, TAny* aExpectedItem)	Pop aCount
  2886 			items, checking last one
  2887 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(TInt aCount, TAny* aExpectedItem)
  2888 			Pop/destroy aCount items, checking last one
  2889 	12)	Removed compiler warnings from E32 and variants.
  2890 	13)	Added EMemoryRAMFree option to HAL to get amount of free RAM.
  2891 	14) Fixed EDNCDUG-4J3QA8 (collate.h includes files not in \epoc32\include).
  2893 3)	Alastair
  2894 	1)	Fixed EDNABRY-4JGJG4 "Test T_Float fails under WINS/WINC"
  2897 Version 1.02.264
  2898 ================
  2899 (Made by Morgan, 7/4/2000)
  2901 1) Morgan
  2902 	1)	Added DPowerHandler::DoPowerTransition(aPowerState) virtual
  2903 		function to the power handlers.  Power handlers should
  2904 		implement this if they need notification when the power state
  2905 		of the machine changes.
  2906 	2)	Added DPowerModel::PowerTransition to call the power handlers.
  2907 		Added pure virtual function DPowerModel::DoPowerTransition()
  2908 		to replace the DPowerModel::SetPowerState function, (which has
  2909 		now been killed).
  2910 	3)	Added Power Model locking - Power::[Un]LockPowerModel().  This
  2911 		prevents the power model from shifting power states during
  2912 		power critical periods.
  2913 	4)	Added ECaseState to the HAL.
  2914 	5)	Removed ImpHal::EmergencyStandby() from all platforms.  This fn
  2915 		is not used or needed any more.
  2917 2) Nicolas
  2918 	1)	Improvements and bug fixes in RDebug API implementation
  2919 		so in-target-debugging will be usable on ER6 devices.
  2921 		* Debugging resources owned by the debugger and the
  2922 		  debuggee are automatically released when the
  2923 		  debugger/debuggee ends (this includes automatically
  2924 		  closing the debugging session).
  2925 		* SDebugInfo has a new field containing the start
  2926 		  address of the debuggee's data/bss chunk: this is
  2927 		  mandatory to support the current toolchain in
  2928 		  gdbstub.
  2929 		* THUMB breakpoints supported.  Let A be the address
  2930 		   of a breakpoint to be set/cleared.  In THUMB mode, A
  2931 		   should be passed as-is to RDebug.     In ARM mode, A+2
  2932 		   should be passed.  See below for a rationale.
  2933 		* New class TArmBreakPoint added in kc_std.h.  It
  2934 		  contains breakpoint characteristics and an inline
  2935 		  function that can be used to insert a hardcoded ARM
  2936 		  or THUMB breakpoint in user code.
  2938 		* Breakpoint notification in __ArmVectorUndef() was
  2939 		  disabled.  It is now re-enabled.  Code updated to
  2940 		  take into account both THUMB and ARM.
  2941 		* Support for ARM BX instruction has been added to
  2942 		  single-stepping code.  THUMB single-stepping still
  2943 		  not supported.
  2944 		* In Debug::Continue(), removed code which stepped
  2945 		  over breakpoints located at the start address
  2946 		  because GDB already does the same thing.  Removed
  2947 		  too, code which stepped over hardcoded breakpoints
  2948 		  because it was buggy and hardcoded breakpoints are
  2949 		  uncommon.
  2950 		* New scheme used for breakpoints: a single 16-bit
  2951 		  opcode is used for both ARM and THUMB breakpoint.
  2952 		  For ARM, this pattern must replace the upper 16-bits
  2953 		  of the instruction to break at.  As little-endian is
  2954 		  used, the breakpoint bit pattern is actually at
  2955 		  address+2, hence the API change described above.
  2956 		* CPU-dependent modifications done in both generic ARM
  2957 		  and in windermere.
  2958 	2)    Fixed defect EDNNTHY-4H6PXT (PC address computed at
  2959 		  start of __ArmVectorUndef() is wrong in THUMB mode).
  2961 3) AndrewB
  2962 	1)	Removed K32SND.H, K32SND.INL, D32SND.H and D32SND.INL
  2963 		from the export section of bld.inf. These files should
  2964 		no longer be public since all sound functionality is now
  2965 		managed by the Media Server.
  2967 4)	MarkCa
  2968 	1)	\E32\EPBUS\EMUL\WIN32\PP_PCCD.CPP
  2969 		Added ReadPasswordFromStore() and EncodePassword().
  2970 		Added logic to RPlatPccdChunk::(Read|Write) to automatically unlock
  2971 		card if pw in store  Replaced assertion w. return code in
  2972 		DPlatPcCardController::WritePasswordData().  Added comments to describe
  2973 		how emulated mechanism corresponds with real MMC mechanism.
  2974 		Modified password store to use 128-bit card ids to simulate mmc better.
  2975 		DPlatPcCardController::PasswordControl(),
  2976 		DPlatPcCardController::PasswordStoreLengthInBytes(),
  2977 		DPlatPcCardController::(Read|Write)PasswordStore()
  2978 		All modified to give same behaviour as default DPeriphBusController
  2979 		virtual functions if _LOCKABLE_MEDIA is not #defined.
  2980 	2)	\E32\EPBUS\EMUL\WIN32\PP_STD.H
  2981 		DPlatPcCardController prototypes for above.
  2982 		Removed panics EWinsPcCard(MappingNotInStore|PswdStoreBadWriteDesc).
  2983 	3)	\E32\INCLUDE\E32SVR.H
  2984 		Added "//#define _LOCKABLE_MEDIA" so WINS PC Card controller can be
  2985 		built without locking mechanism.
  2987 5)	Morgan
  2988 	1)	Changed declaration of Custom::DriveSettings to pure virtual on
  2989 		MAWD and MMAD and MIEG platforms.
  2990 	2)	k32snd.h and d32snd.h are no longer exported, so:
  2991 		Changed \series5mx\va_sdrv.h to get k32snd.* and d32snd.*
  2992 		from \e32\include. Changed \cirrus72x1\va_sdrv.h to get k32snd.*
  2993 		and d32snd.* from \e32\include.  Modified k32snd.h and d32snd.h
  2994 		to get header files from \e32\include
  2996 6)	Alastair
  2997 	1)	Removed unused __USE_CRITICAL_SECTION__ #defines from the WINS/WINC
  2998 		kernel.
  2999 	2)	Removed badly-spelt LedArrangeVerticaly keyword from the EPOC.INI file
  3000 		processing code - use LedArrangeVertically instead.
  3001 	3)	Named the WINS/WINC kernel critical section mutex so that it can be
  3002 		shared between processes.
  3003 	4)	Fixed Symbian ER5u defect EDNHLOO-4HGKKJ
  3004 		"EXPORT_C used instead of IMPORT_C in header file".
  3006 7) 	Pete
  3007 	1)	Added extra member to TDriveInfoV1 class:-
  3008 			TInt iRuggedFileSystem
  3009 		With this set (to KRuggedFileSystem), it indicates to the
  3010 		file server that it should implement a rugged file system.
  3011 		This required the addition of a new variant function - DriveSettings()
  3012 		so the ruggedization option can be selected at the variant level.
  3013 	2) 	Added latest versions of LFFS Media drivers for WINS and Brutus - 4th
  3014 		candidate version (R1.2) of LFFS.
  3015 	3) 	Modification to E32 local media subsystem so that the reading
  3016 		of partition information from the media driver on mounting
  3017 		a drive is done asynchronously. This affects the media driver API as
  3018 		follows:-
  3020 		TInt DMediaDriver::PartitionInfo(TPartitionInfo &anInfo);
  3021 		becomes
  3022 		void DMediaDriver::ReadPartitionInfo(TInt &aResult,const TCallBack& aCallBack);
  3024 		The ReadPartitionInfo() call just initiates the reading of partitiion
  3025 		information with this typically being concluded on an interrupt. From
  3026 		the interrupt, the driver signals the conclusion of the requests by
  3027 		call 'aCallback', having first written the result of the request to
  3028 		'aResult'. The partition info is now written by the driver directly
  3029 		into its member data - DMediadriver::iPartitionInfo rather than being
  3030 		passed back to the local media subsystem.
  3032 8)	Dennis
  3033 	1)	Renamed iCount member of CObjectIx to iHighWaterMark. Added new member
  3034 		iNumEntries which counts the number of actual entries in the index.
  3035 		The Count() member function now returns iHighWaterMark so its meaning
  3036 		is unchanged. Added new ActiveCount() member function to return the
  3037 		new iNumEntries member.
  3038 		Changed Exec::HandleCount() to return the number of actual handles open
  3039 		rather than the high water mark of the handles array as before.
  3041 Version 1.02.263
  3042 ================
  3043 (Made by MarkDo, 30.03.2000)
  3045 1)	Morgan
  3046 	1)	Reorganised the super-page into TSuperPage, TKernelPage,
  3047 		and TMachineConfiguration.  TMachineConfiguration has
  3048 		been promoted from WINS.
  3049 		TSuperPage holds values discovered by the bootstrap that
  3050 		are required by the generic kernel.  TKernelPage
  3051 		contains generic kernel data that needs to be preserved
  3052 		over a warm reset.  TMachineConfiguration contains
  3053 		system wide settings that should be persisted over a
  3054 		warm reset and machine state saves (backup).
  3055 	2)	Changed P::SetMachineConfiguration() and
  3056 		P::MachineConfiguration() to use the new
  3057 		TMachineConfiguration on all platforms.
  3058 	3)	Removed iDebugger from the super page
  3059 	4)	Fixed some warnings
  3060 	5)	Changed the bootstraps for MEIG and MAWD to match new
  3061 		superpage layout.
  3062 		Changed bootstrap\include\superpage.h to match new
  3063 		bootstrap.
  3064 	6)	Removed PowerRestart functions since the power model
  3065 		never calls them.
  3068 Version 1.02.262
  3069 ================
  3070 (Made by Dennis, 23.03.2000)
  3072 1)	Alastair
  3073 	1)	Added calls to Sleep(0) before all occurrences of SetEvent(),
  3074 		ReleaseSemaphore() and ReleaseMutex() in accordance with advice given
  3075 		in MSDN Knowledge Base article Q173260.  This change should make one
  3076 		variant of the Emulator Hanging bug less likely to occur.
  3078 2)	MarkCa
  3079 	1)	\E32\EPBUS\EMUL\WIN32\PP_PCCD
  3080 		Added ReadPasswordFromStore() and EncodePassword().
  3081 		Added logic to RPlatPccdChunk::(Read|Write) to automatically unlock
  3082 		card if pw in store.
  3083 		\E32\EPBUS\EMUL\WIN32\PP_STD.H
  3084 		DPlatPcCardController prototypes for above.
  3086 3)	MarkDo
  3087 	1)	Added additional media attributes KMediaAttLockable and
  3088 		KMediaAttLocked.
  3090 4)	Pete
  3091 	1) 	Removed the EUSER class UserPcCardCntrl.
  3092 	2)	Modified the function MBusDev::DoAsyncLateOpen() to
  3093 		now take an additional second parameter 'TInt anOpenInfo'.
  3095 5)	Dennis
  3096 	1)	Removed the EPOC registry - files US_REG.CPP, UB_REG.CPP and KP_REG.CPP
  3097 		along with TRegistryCategory, TRegistryItemName, TRegistryItemValue,
  3098 		CRegistry, CPersistentRegistry and Environment classes.
  3099 	2)	Removed most UserHal:: functions - these have been superseded by HAL::
  3100 		functions.
  3101 	3)	Removed RThread::Create() overload taking a RProcess& parameter and
  3102 		removed RProcess* parameter from the overload taking an RLibrary*
  3103 		parameter. Threads may now only be created in the current process.
  3104 	4)	Reassigned ARM domains following demise of registry. 2 is still used
  3105 		for page tables, 3 is now used for the RAM drive and 4 for F32.
  3106 	5)	Change to Brutus bootstrap to link at 0xc8000000 for compatibility
  3107 		with 12Mb bootloader.
  3110 Version 1.02.261
  3111 ================
  3112 (Made by Robert, 17.3.2000)
  3114 1)	Morgan
  3115 	1)	Added User::ResetInactivityTime() to reset all
  3116 		RTimer::Inactivity timers
  3117 	2)	Added TRawEvent::EKeyRepeat for adding auto repeated key events
  3118 		to the event queue
  3120 2)	Pete
  3121 	1)	Added kernel functions to read, write and return the
  3122 		size of the Peripheral Bus Controller password store.
  3124 3)	MarkCa
  3125 		1)	Added WINS PC Card locking features to test mmc (Crystal) functions
  3127 			\E32\EKERN\KW_EXEC.CPP
  3128 			Modified ExecHandler::Drive(ReadPasswordData|PasswordStoreLengthInBytes)()
  3129 		to call P functions.
  3131 			\E32\EKERN\KS_SVR.CPP
  3132 			Modified svDriveWritePasswordData to call P::WritePeriphBusPasswordData().
  3135 			Modified DPlatPcCardController::PasswordControl().
  3136 			Implemented DPlatPcCardController::(Read|Write)PasswordStore(),
  3137 			DPlatPcCardController::PasswordStoreLengthInBytes().
  3138 			Read and write routines return KErrLocked if locked and accessing
  3139 			EPccdAttribMem memory.  This still allows chunks to be created for
  3140 			locked cards.
  3142 		\E32\EPBUS\EMUL\WIN32\PP_STD.H
  3143 			Prototypes for above and store panic codes.
  3145 4)	RobertJ
  3146 	1)	Entered suppilied mods to Linda SIR in vm_com2.cpp for all variants
  3149 Version 1.02.260
  3150 ================
  3151 (Made by Alastair, 10.3.2000)
  3154 1)	Alastair
  3155 	1)	Updated e32 rombuild scripts to pick up the test .IBY files
  3156 		generated by Bldmake from the new directory structure implied
  3157 		by recent changes to E32TOOLP.
  3159 	2)	Added temporary hack to bootstrap component extension makefile
  3160 		so that mainline rombuilds for MEIG, MAWD and MMAD will still work,
  3161 		now that the rombuild system has been changed to work with output
  3162 		produced by the generic bootstrap build system.
  3164 2)	Pete
  3165 	1)	Modified PC Card Controller emulator (EPBUS) in WINS
  3166 		to implement Peripheral bus password functions (Lock/Unlock/Clear).
  3167 		This is only possible on the simulated CF cards in Socket 0 (not the
  3168 		simulated Compact rom card in socket 1).
  3170 3)	MarkCa
  3171 	1)	\E32\EUSER\US_KSVR: converted
  3172 		TBusLocalDrive::((Lock|Unlock)Drive)|ClearPassword) from async to sync.
  3173 		\E32\E32SVR.H: changed TBusLocalDrive prototypes.
  3175 Version 1.02.259
  3176 =================
  3177 (Made by MarkCa 03-03-00)
  3179 1)	Morgan
  3180 	1)	Guarded POS hooks with #define __SUPPORT_PARTNER_OS__ and updated
  3181 		U32STD.H appropriately.  This removes partner OS support from most
  3182 		platforms.
  3183 	2)	'Enhanced' the POS hooks.  Kernel lock is now done after the POS
  3184 		reschedule hook, instead of before.  This makes it necessary to
  3185 		check for the POS rescheduler being interrupted.  If it has been
  3186 		interrupted then we now make an early exit from the int-vector to
  3187 		prevent running DFCs from the nested interrupt.
  3189 2)	William
  3190 	1)	Fixed the borders for text-window server windows on EPOC devices.
  3191 		WINS uses true Unicode fonts, but EPOC devices have a cp1252 font
  3192 		built in, and so need to continue using the cp1252 encoding for the
  3193 		box drawing characters.
  3195 3)	MarkCa
  3196 	1)	Added TBusLocalDrive -> Exec -> ExecHandler functions for MMC
  3197 		password support.
  3199 4)	Pete
  3200 	1)	Added PasswordControl() function to TLocDrv,DMediaDriver and
  3201 		DPeriphBusController classes.
  3203 Version 1.02.258
  3204 ================
  3205 (Made by Pete 24/02/00)
  3207 1)	Alastair
  3208 	1)	Updated a few .mmp files to hardcode .def file locations.
  3210 2)	Dennis
  3211 	1)	Made TDesC8::Left(), TDesC8::Right(), TDesC16::Left() and
  3212 		TDesC16::Right() truncate the requested length to Length() instead
  3213 		of panicing.
  3214 	2)	Export COLLATE.H to \Epoc32\Include instead of \Epoc32\Include\Kernel
  3215 		since it contains public interfaces.
  3216 	3)	Added DEBUG mode checking to ensure that heaps are not referenced by
  3217 		DFCs. Before calling a DFC the current heap pointer is changed to
  3218 		0xC90FDAA2 and is restored when the DFC returns.
  3220 3)	Morgan
  3221 	1)	Removed \hal\group.  BLD.INF is now in \hal.  Removed annoying
  3222 		"Nothing to do" declarations.  Updated all variant hals to match.
  3224 4)	Robert
  3225 	1)	Added new export ClearIrError for Linda in ka_linda.cpp and v32linda.h
  3227 5)	Pete
  3228 	1)	Signal change notification added to Cogent DTE serial drivers (COM3 &
  3229 	  	COM4).
  3230 	2)	Fixed problem with signal change notification on DTE
  3231 		and DCE serial drivers where it was possible for a transition on a
  3232 		modem status line to occasionally fail to trigger notification.
  3233 	3) 	Added CF Card Serial driver for Brutus (COM4) - not yet tested.
  3236 Version 1.02.257
  3237 ================
  3238 (Made by Dennis, 14-02-2000)
  3240 1)	Dennis
  3241 	1)	Added HAL component.
  3242 	2)	Removed calls to most UserHal functions except for those which are
  3243 		always available from the kernel.
  3244 	3)	Inlined ::operator new(TUint, TLeave) and
  3245 		CBase::operator new(TUint, TLeave) to remove the need for the
  3246 		TLeave parameter to be generated by the compiler.
  3247 	4)	Kernel now always disables auto switch off by default.
  3248 	5)	Added RTimer::Inactivity() and CTimer::Inactivity() functions to
  3249 		support generic user inactivity timers.
  3250 	6)	Added K::InactivityQ and TInactivityLink to the kernel to implement
  3251 		generic user inactivity timers.
  3252 	7)	Added User::InactivityTime() to return the time elapsed since the last
  3253 		user event.
  3255 2)	Morgan
  3256 	1)	Exported hal_int.h into the system\kernel include dir
  3257 	2)	Made \hal\group\config.mke generic so it works for HALs in
  3258 		\hal component and also works for HALs in \<variant>\hal.
  3259 		Renamed <variant>.hda and <variant>.hcf to values.hda and
  3260 		config.hcf.
  3261 	3)	Added HALs to linda b,c,1 variants
  3262 	4)	Updated Variant::DisplayOn for all linda variants.
  3263 		Code from Sampsa - not tested locally.
  3264 	5)	Fixed EPBUS build error in pa_std.h on MMAD platform
  3265 	6)	Added kernel-extension loading to kernel init.
  3266 		Kernel extensions are loaded just before the file-server.
  3267 		Extensions can have writable static data but global constructors
  3268 		are not called.
  3269 	8)	Made keyboard drivers on all platforms into kernel-extensions.
  3270 	9)	Removed TKeyboard.
  3271 	10)	Fixed bug in TIdler::Idle().  There are now 64 ticks in a second.
  3273 3)	Jonathan
  3274 	1)	Fixes to "mnt distrib" mechanism and dsitrib.txt files.
  3275 		Made checking stricter: Checks for mising distrib.txt files
  3276 		and for non-existent files listed in distrib.txt.
  3278 4)	Pete
  3279 	1) 	Re-enabled the ACD on MEIG.
  3280 	2)	Enabled main battery voltage measurement on Cirrus 7211
  3281 		board (which is simulated using a pot. on the board). Also reference
  3282 		voltage measurement. Disabled backup battery measurement.
  3283 	3)	Added digitizer driver for Cirrus 7211 board - using
  3284 		ADC channels to measure screen position.
  3285 	4)	Generally tidied up variant for Cirrus 7211 board.
  3286 	5)	Modified MEIG bootsrap so it resets DRAM width to
  3287 		32bit. (Cirrus 7211 repro program sets it to 16bit).
  3288 	6) 	Temporarily re-assigned Cogent UART3.PDD to use
  3289 		UARTB rather than UARTC since UARTC/UARTD still have h/w problems
  3290 		with setting thier interrupt mask registers. This means Cogent now
  3291 		has a single DCE and DTE serial port. The ports are now assigned:-
  3293 		Driver	Port Number	Uart	Port Type
  3294 		------	-----------	----	---------
  3295 		EUART1	Serial 0	UART-A	DCE
  3296 		EUART2	Serial 2	UART-C	Not working
  3297 		EUART3	Serial 1	UART-B	DTE
  3298 		EUART4	Serial 3	UART-D	Not working
  3300 Version 1.02.256
  3301 ================
  3302 (Made by Simon, 01-02-2000)
  3304 1)	Dennis
  3305 	1)	Added aLength parameter to Dll::GlobalRead() to specify how much data
  3306 		to read.
  3307 	2)	Added UserSvr::HalGet() and UserSvr::HalSet().
  3309 2)	Pete
  3310 	1)	Modified Linda MMC Controller to include calls on the
  3311 		power model to reduce the clock frequency during MMC operation (and
  3312 		restore to normal clock frequency afterwards).
  3313 	2) 	Corresponding changes to the Linda power model to support MMC clock
  3314 		switching.
  3315 	3)	Added various additional functions to TLinda class to
  3316 		support power model clock switching.
  3317 	4)	Added CF card modem serial PDD to MAWD - DATXB13
  3319 3)	Morgan
  3320 	1)	Integrated Matt's changes for the LCD on the HPs
  3322 4)	Simon
  3323 	1)	Restructured e32 source directory, and moved varients to new components
  3326 Version 1.02.255
  3327 ================
  3328 (Made by Dennis, 19th January 2000)
  3330 1)	Morgan
  3331 	1)	Bug fix for WINS emulator-configuration on the command-line
  3332 		(EDNATHE-4ETJPC)
  3333 	2)	MMAD LC/LB/L1 clock moved to 52Mhz and changed LCD settings
  3334 	3)	EXPORT_Ced some more functions (in ImpAsic) for use by ENOS
  3335 	4)	Integrated changes from Nile to MMAD keyboard drivers
  3336 	5)	Added TRUST changes to MMAD bootstrap
  3337 	6)	Modification to the POS fiq vector to defer POS reschedule
  3338 		when interrupted from irq or svc mode
  3340 2)	Dennis
  3341 	1)	Removed X86 build
  3342 	2)	Removed NoLongerSupported... functions from EUSER and EKERN
  3343 	3)	Removed TReal96. Removed the implementations of Math:: functions which
  3344 		use TReal96; only the TRealX implementations now remain. Rewrote some
  3345 		code in UM_RTOD.CPP (real to text conversion) to use TRealX instead of
  3346 		TReal96.
  3347 	4)	Removed SObjectIxArray, SObjectConArray and SObjectConIxArray. These
  3348 		data members are now part of CObjectIx, CObjectCon and CObjectConIx
  3349 		respectively.
  3350 	5)	Inlined CObjectCon::UniqueID() and CObjectCon::Count()
  3351 	6)	Changes to descriptor code from Andrew Thoelke. Copy constructors are
  3352 		no longer explicitly defined (compiler generated instead). A protected
  3353 		empty destructor has been added to TDesC8 and TDesC16 to prevent the
  3354 		passing of TDesC and TDes parameters by value, which would result in
  3355 		object slicing. To cope with static descriptors, an empty atexit()
  3356 		function has been added to UP_DLL, UP_EXE and KC_EXE for all platforms.
  3357 	7)	Added machine coded 16-bit descriptor code for ARM (UC_DES16.CPP). This
  3358 		is enabled by __DES16_MACHINE_CODED in U32STD.H.
  3359 	8)	Inlined TCallBack functions.
  3360 	9)	Removed TChar copy constructor. This means that TChar parameters passed
  3361 		by value are now passed in registers by GCC. Modified machine coded
  3362 		functions which take a TChar parameter to account for this.
  3363 	10)	Removed TLex8 and TLex16 copy constructors.
  3364 	11)	UserSvr::StaticCallList(), UserSvr::DynamicCallList() and
  3365 		RLibrary::LibraryCallList() are no longer exported.
  3366 	12) RChunk::CreateDllStatic(), RChunk::ReserveAt() and all overloads of
  3367 		RChunk::Read() and RChunk::Write() have been removed.
  3368 	13)	Added inline functions for converting TProcessId and TThreadId to and
  3369 		from TUint.
  3370 	14)	Removed RThread::Mark(), RThread::SetMark(), RThread::NotifyIfDie(),
  3371 		RThread::SetNotifyIfDie(), RThread::Busy() and RThread::SetBusy().
  3372 	15)	Removed RProcess::Mark(), RProcess::SetMark() and RProcess::Busy().
  3373 	16)	Removed User::Abort() and User::Dying().
  3374 	17)	Inlined TRawEvent default constructor, TRawEvent::Type() and
  3375 		TRawEvent::Ticks().
  3376 	18)	Removed RLoader::LoadProcess and RLoader::LoadLibrary functions which
  3377 		don't take a TUidType. RLoader::Version() and RLoader::LoadProcess()
  3378 		are no longer exported.
  3379 	19)	Changed CCaptureKeys to use RArray instead of CArrayFixFlat.
  3380 	20)	Removed class RMmu.
  3381 	21)	Removed CArrayFixA etc.
  3382 	22)	Options %E, %F, %G in TDes::AppendFormatList() now convert a TRealX
  3383 		instead of a TReal96.
  3384 	23)	Fixed bug in chunk creation - between setting the domain and the
  3385 		iOwningProcess, the SetNameL could leave. The chunk destructor would
  3386 		then erroneously free the domain.
  3388 3)	Alastair
  3389 	1)	Removed SROS, ARM3 and MARM targets from BLD.INF and GENERIC.INF.
  3390 	2)	Fixed minor problem with DIFILB.MMP.
  3391 	3)	Added support for specifying color depths Gray256 and Color64K in the
  3392 		EPOC.INI file with the ColorDepth keyword.  Changed the Emulator color
  3393 		depths default to all supported color depths rather than just Gray2,
  3394 		Gray4 and Gray16.
  3395 	4)	Made processing of all EPOC.INI file keywords case-insensitive, and
  3396 		extended maximum line length from 80 to 256 characters.  EPOC.INI
  3397 		syntax errors are now captured and displayed in a Message box before
  3398 		causing the Emulator to exit.  Text from the EPOC.INI file is
  3399 		converted to UNICODE before processing.
  3401 4)	Mark
  3402 	1)	Added KLindaUidValue and used to set iMachineUniqueId in superpage
  3403 		for MMAD L1/LB/LC.
  3405 5)	Pete
  3406 	1)	Merged in latest changes to MMC Controller and MMC Media driver.
  3407 		The Controller now supports multiple block read/writes requests
  3408 		and the Media driver makes use of the multiple block reads.
  3409 	2)	Added support in TCogent for the 2nd Dual UART device (ST16C2552) and
  3410 		also suppport for its associated interrupts (in KA_PIC.CPP).
  3411 	3)	Added DCE serial drivers to Cogent - not yet fully functional. Also
  3412 		re-organized cogent serial PDDs. These are now assigned as follows:-
  3413 			Serial 0 - DCE using ST16C552 device (CTS/RTS).
  3414 			Serial 1 - DCE using ST16C552 device (CTS/RTS).
  3415 			Serial 2 - DTE using ST16C2552 device (RTS,DTR/CTS,DSR,RI).
  3416 			Serial 3 - DTE using ST16C2552 device (RTS,DTR/CTS,DSR,RI).
  3417 	4) 	Removed TLocalDrive class from EUSER (use TBusLocalDrive instead).
  3418 	5)	Changed TBusLocalDrive Read(), Write() Format() functions to use a
  3419 		TInt64 rather than a TInt to specify position within the drive.
  3420 	6) 	Removed RLogicalChannel class from EUSER (use RBusLogicalChannel
  3421 	   	instead).
  3422 	7)	Removed RDevComm class from EUSER (use RBusDevComm instead).
  3424 Version 1.02.254
  3425 ================
  3426 (Made by Pete, 21st December 1999)
  3428 1)	Petteri
  3429 	1)	Added extended serial port functionality as required by Linda. A new
  3430 		pair of device drivers has been added to enable Linda to act as a DCE
  3431 		device in addition to DTE. New notifications and capabilities have
  3432 		been added.
  3434 		Files changed:
  3435 		Inc\D32comm.h		Inc\D32comm.inl
  3436 		Inc\K32comm.h		Inc\K32comm.inl
  3437 		Inc\K32std.h		Inc\V32linda.h
  3438 		Dcomm\D_comm.cpp	Vmadlc\Vm_com1.cpp
  3439 		Vmadlc\Vm_com2.cpp	Vmadlb\Vm_com1.cpp
  3440 		Vmadlb\Vm_com2.cpp	Varmca\Va_com1.cpp
  3441 		Varmca\Va_com2.cpp	Varmcl\Va_com1.cpp
  3442 		Varmcl\Va_com2.cpp	Varmp2\Va_com1.cpp
  3443 		Varmpb\Va_com1.cpp	Varmpc\Va_com1.cpp
  3444 		Varmpc\Va_com2.cpp	Varmpd\Va_com1.cpp
  3445 		Varmpd\Va_com2.cpp	Varmpd\Va_com3.cpp
  3446 		Vawdb1\Va_com1.cpp	Vawdb1\Va_com2.cpp
  3447 		Vcgac1\Va_com1.cpp	Vcgac1\Va_com2.cpp
  3448 		Visaba\Vi_com1.cpp	Visaba\Vi_com2.cpp
  3449 		Visaba\Vi_com3.cpp	Vrosr1\Va_coms.cpp
  3450 		Vx86pc\Vx_comm.cpp	Dpwins\D_cdrv.cpp
  3451 		Kamad\Ka_linda.cpp	Bmmad\Ekernu.def
  3452 		Group\Bld.inf		Ksrc\Ks_chn.cpp
  3454 		Files added:
  3455 		Dcomm\D_commdce.cpp	Vmadlc\Vm_com1dce.cpp
  3456 		Group\Ecommdce.mmp	Group\Dmtxlc1dce.mmp
  3457 		Group\Dmtxlb1dce.mmp	Vmadlb\Vm_com1dce.cpp
  3459 2) 	Pete
  3460 	Changes to the above DCE serial drivers and the new notification aspects
  3461 	of the DTE serial drivers:-
  3462 	1)	Added DCE serial driver for Linda L1 together with the corresponding
  3463 		changes to the existing DTE serial drivers for Linda L1.
  3464 	2)	Postponed various notification completion calls to a DFC. Also, now
  3465 		uses DThread::Write() were appropriate to return completion
  3466 		information to the client thread.
  3467 	3)	Changed implementation of NotifyFlowControlChange() so this only
  3468 		completes when a change to a h/w signal has actually changed the Tx
  3469 		flow control status. Also, now XON/XOFF changes trigger this notifier
  3470 		too.
  3471 	4) 	Slight change to the way NotifySignalChange() is implemented.
  3472 	5)	Implemented notification changes to WINS serial driver.
  3474 3) 	Pete
  3475 	Converted MEIG build to the Cirrus Logic 7211 - a ARM Architecture V4
  3476 	device. MEIG can now be built for ARM4, ARMI and THUMB and can no longer
  3477 	be used on ARM 7110 (Eiger) platforms.
  3478 	1)	Modifications to Varmca variant (i.e. Cirrus Logic 7211 evaluation
  3479 	  	board:
  3480 		- Alterations to reflect changed GPIO allocation for the Rev.B
  3481 		  evaluation board.
  3482 		- Fixed problem with diagnostic LED.
  3483 	2) 	Fixed a problem with enabling additional CL-PS7111 interrupts.
  3484 	3) 	Fixed a problem with TEiger::SetUart2Config() so that the 2nd 7211
  3485 		serial port now works OK.
  3486 	4)	Altered MEIG bootstrap to use ARMv4 rather than ARMv3 coprocessor
  3487 		instructions to flush the cache and TLB. Also, now maps an extra page
  3488 		for the additional 7211 Eiger specific registers.
  3489 	5)	Changed the definitions for MEIG in U32STD.H to use ARM4 rather than
  3490 		ARM3 settings.
  3491 	6)	Added added support for additional 7211 registers in the TEiger class.
  3492 	7)	Modifed BLD.INF so that only the CA variant is built for MEIG
  3493 		builds. The PB,PC,PD,P2,CL variants are no longer built.
  3495 4) 	Pete
  3496 		1) 	Changes to e32\dcomm\d_comm.cpp to fix a s/w flow control
  3497 		problem. If SetConfig() is called on the serial port with
  3498 		KConfigSendXon set in config.iHandshake and the port h/w has not yet
  3499 		been initialised then the driver attempts to send an XON char with the
  3500 		h/w off. No XON char is transmitted and no subsequent data can be
  3501 		transmitted.
  3503 5) 	Morgan
  3504 	1)	Bug fix for MMAD LB and LC variants
  3506 Version 1.02.253
  3507 ================
  3508 (Made by Morgan, 3/12/99)
  3510 0)	Use with F32(201)
  3512 1)	Dennis
  3513 	1)	Use section mapped garbage area for SA1100 cache flushing. Main cache
  3514 		flush area is at 0x43000000, mini cache at 0x43100000.
  3515 	2)	Added new function Mmu::FlushUnmap() which is called when RAM is
  3516 		unmapped. This function flushes a writeback DCache to ensure that no
  3517 		modified lines remain which relate to the unmapped memory.
  3518 	3)	Added new function Mmu::FlushCode() which is called after new code
  3519 		is loaded into RAM - in DPlatProcess::Loaded and DPlatLibrary::Loaded.
  3520 		This flushes the ICache on a split-cache machine.
  3521 	4)	Reinstated machine coded CActiveScheduler::Start() and CServer::RunL()
  3522 		after applying the RunError() modifications from last release.
  3523 	5)	Added new define __CPU_EXC_VECTORS_MOVABLE in U32STD.H for
  3524 		SA1100. This signifies that the processor offers a choice about the
  3525 		virtual address used for the exception vector table. Changed SA1100
  3526 		bootstrap to place the vectors at 0xFFFF0000 and changed Mmu::Init1()
  3527 		to set the end of the home section to 0xFFF00000 on SA1100.
  3528 	6)	Fixed scheduler bug which caused a null pointer dereference in the case
  3529 		where TheCurrentVMProcess=NULL, i.e. during boot.
  3530 	7)	Modified SA1100 bootstrap to output boot tracing to the same port as
  3531 		kernel tracing. Added more boot tracing. Tracing can now be done after
  3532 		the MMU is enabled, since the output char function checks the MMU
  3533 		control register.
  3534 	8)	Modified SA1100 bootstrap to set the correct RAM wait states when
  3535 		running from RAM, since the bootloader sets pessimistic values.
  3536 	9)	Modified SA1100 bootstrap to mark the exception vectors as cacheable
  3537 		and as readable by all code and writeable by none.
  3538 	10)	Removed __MCGA__ hacks from KCARM. We now use __CPU_ARMV3 define to
  3539 		determine whether to use architecture 3 or 4 MMU instructions.
  3540 	11)	EXE code chunks are now allocated at the top of virtual address space
  3541 		in the same region as DLL code chunks. Also they don't move during a
  3542 		reschedule. This means that split-cache machines need never flush the
  3543 		ICache except following loading of new code to RAM.
  3544 	12)	When sharing a DLL code chunk, copy entry point from the library whose
  3545 		code chunk is being shared.
  3546 	13)	Added "kerneltrace 0x80000000" to every HEADER.IBY file, so panics are
  3547 		always traced in debug builds.
  3549 2) Morgan
  3550 	1)	Fixed a couple of warnings
  3551 	2)	Removed the 256 character limit from process command lines
  3552 		Added Exec::ProcessCommandLineLength
  3553 		Added RProcess::CommandLineLength()
  3554 		Added RProcess::CommandLine(TDes&)
  3555 		Changed UserSvr::ProcessCreate to take an additional cl HBufC parameter
  3556 		Changed svProcessCreate and S::ProcessCreate[L] accordingly, and added
  3557 		cleanup code.
  3558 		Changed RLoader::LoadProcess RMessage to take additional cl parameter
  3559 		Changed WINS getFileNameAndCommandLine initialisation function
  3560 		DProcess::Create now takes and additional command line HBufC
  3561 	3)	Fixed PWM interface in TLinda
  3562 	4)	Added EStdKeyApplication<n> enumerations
  3563 	5)	Added KHARDWAREASSIST to the KTRACE #defines for switching on
  3564 		hardware that can assist with kernel tracing
  3565 	6)	Mapped in CBA on EStdKeyDevice0..EStdKeyDevice3 on MMAD LB and LC
  3566 		variants
  3567 	7)	Added hardware assist tracing to Variant::DebugOutput() on
  3568 		MMAD platforms
  3569 	8)	Changed the XYInputType on MMAD platforms to EXYInputDeltaMouse,
  3570 		and MCGA to EXYInputMouse by implementing ImpHal::XYInputType()
  3571 	9)	Integrated Matthew's new MMAD L1 variant
  3572 	10)	Integrated Matthew's WINS changes for mapping application keys
  3574 3)	Simon
  3575 	1)	Use Cogent extended PCI space if available
  3577 Version 1.02.252
  3578 ================
  3579 (Made by Simon 25-11-1999)
  3581 1) Morgan
  3582 	1)	Process create now correctly notifies the debugger of the new main
  3583 		thread.
  3584 	2)	VMADLB and VMADLC report correct physical screen dimensions.
  3585 	3)	Updated the MMAD bootstrap to take new flash initialisation values
  3586 	4)	Pushed DPassiveDebugger Rom-library-hunting into 3rd stage kernel
  3587 		initialisation.  This is to allow the kernel heap to grow as required.
  3588 		Also, reorganised strings in the DPassiveDebugger tables to take up
  3589 		less room.
  3590 	5)	Added EVT100.MMP to build the vt100 display driver.
  3592 2)	Alastair
  3593 	1)	Changed exception-handling for system threads under WINS/WINC so that
  3594 		exceptions are passed on to the system debugger for handling rather
  3595 		than producing the Plat 46 dialog.
  3597 3)	Andrew T
  3598 	1)	Fixed regression defect EDNMDON-4DJK8E (from Defect tracking V3.0) as
  3599 		suggested.
  3600 	2)	Added a further check on the message slot handle in
  3601 		Kern::MessageComplete to verify that it lies within the kernel heap,
  3602 		prior to the validity check. This prevents bogus message handles from
  3603 		causing a kernel exception and crashing the kernel.
  3604 	2a)	Modified E32 t_svr test to test the new check.
  3606 4)	Andrew B
  3607 	1)	Added virtual "RunError" function to CActive definition in E32BASE.H,
  3608 		and modified CActive::Scheduler::Start() to use new CActive::RunError
  3609 		function when RunL leaves. It is a source compatible but not binary
  3610 		compatible change.
  3611 	2)	Modified U32STD.H to prevent machine-coded versions of CServer::RunL()
  3612 		and CActiveScheduler::Start() being used until the implementations are
  3613 		updated to reflect the changes to the C++ versions.
  3614 	3)	Fixed long-standing defect in CActive::Deque() which stopped active
  3615 		objects being re-added to scheduler. Updated T_ACT.CPP to test
  3616 		CActive::Deque() defect and new RunError function.
  3618 Version 1.02.251
  3619 ================
  3620 (Made by Morgan, 25/10/99)
  3622 1)	Alastair
  3623 	1)	Removed local function loadEnvironmentVariablesL() from
  3624 		KPWINS\KP_INI.CPP.  This change addresses ER5u software problem
  3625 		EDNKDEY-4AAKEW "Long environment variables stop the emulator working".
  3626 		The full emulator (from Mainline build 00019) still appears to work OK
  3627 		without this function.  Note that this change means that F32 will no
  3628 		longer search the system path for DLLs to be loaded dynamically.
  3630 	2)	Added code to make it possible to set the User::JustInTime() value
  3631 		from the EPOC.INI file for WINS debug builds, using the syntax
  3633 			JustInTime	1	# turn on just-in-time debugging
  3634 			JustInTime	0	# turn off just-in-time debugging
  3636 		Presumably only the latter will ever be used since JustInTime
  3637 		debugging is enabled in WINS debug builds by default.  The keyword is
  3638 		case-insensitive.  This change addresses ER5 defect EDN414664 "Should
  3639 		be possible to set User::JustInTime from the EPOC.INI file".
  3641 	3)	Refrozen EKERN.DLL for WINS/WINC so that the four functions referenced
  3642 		by ordinal in source code appear at the start of the frozen .DEF file.
  3643 		This means WINS/WINC executables linking to EKERN.LIB will need to be
  3644 		rebuilt with the latest EKERN.LIB before they will run against the
  3645 		latest EKERN.DLL.
  3647 2)	Morgan
  3648 	1)	TMachineInfo::iXYInputPresent has become iXYInputType.  Added
  3649 		enum TXYInputType in e32hal.h.  This can take one of the values
  3650 		EXYInputNone, EXYInputPointer, EXYInputMouse (delivers absolute
  3651 		values in mouse events), EXYInputDeltaMouse (delivers relative
  3652 		values in mouse events).
  3653 	2)	Removed MouseButtonDown and SetMouseButtonDown from UserHal and
  3654 		Hal classes.  Binary incompatable change.  Incompatability limited
  3655 		to the functions added last release.
  3656 	3)	Removed unused events from TRawEvent:  EFlipChange, ESimButton*
  3657 		and EPointerMoveBy.  Removed unused TFlipPos from TRawEvent.
  3658 	4)	Updated MMAD emulated-mouse driver to use new API
  3660 3)	Alex
  3661 	1)	Added a preliminary version of MMC stack controller and MMC media
  3662 		driver (currently disabled) to the "peripheral bus" drivers family.
  3663 	2)	Added Linda implementation of MMC stack ASSP layer.
  3665 4)  Bob
  3666 	1)	Applied suggested fix to TLinda::ArtError and TLinda::IrError in
  3667 		kamad\ka_linda.cpp
  3668 		Reset the fifo only when error condition, not after every byte
  3670 5) 	Pete
  3671 		Change to bootloader to support CL-PS7211.
  3672 		Temporarily disabled ADC on Cirrus Logic board due to problems with it.
  3675 Version 1.02.250
  3676 ================
  3677 (Made by Morgan, 27/9/99)
  3679 1)	Morgan
  3680 	1)	Added the very random number generator Math::Random and Kern::Random.
  3681 		Any device drivers that can derive random bits from their devices
  3682 		should call Kern::RandomSalt(TUint aBitOfSalt) to mix up the kernel's
  3683 		random pool.  Only the LSB is used.
  3684 	2)	MAWD Arm::IrqDispatch adds random salt from TWind::RtcTickCount()
  3685 		MEIG Arm::IrqDispatch adds random salt from TEiger::RtcTickCount()
  3686 		MISA Arm::IrqDispatch adds random salt from TSa1100::OstData()
  3687 		MCGA Arm::IrqDispatch adds random salt from TCogent::TimerCounter()
  3688 	3)	Added DPowerModel::NotifyEvent called from Kern::AddEvent.  Override
  3689 		this function in your power model to implement auto timeout behaviour.
  3690 			eg
  3691 			DMachinePowerModel::NotifyEvent()
  3692 				{ iLcdPowerHandler->ResetAutoSwitchOffTimer(); }
  3693 	4)	Fixed HW IO mapping problem in the MMAD bootstrap
  3694 	5)	Fixed \e32\rmmad\header.iby.  Now includes screen size.
  3696 2)	Chris
  3697 	1)	Fixed bug in TDMA (generic dma) affecting receive transfers large
  3698 		enough to require breaking down into multiple dma operations.
  3699 	2)	Changes to TLinda fns DmaSrcSize() and DmaDestSize().
  3700 	3)	Changed ImpDma::GetInterrupt() and added code to set up the correct
  3701 		device widths of peripherals for dma on Linda.
  3702 	4)	Changed fast ir LDD to store ir frames on 4 byte boundaries.
  3703 	5)	Changed PDD/LDD fast ir interface to be more generic and added
  3704 		Caps/Config.
  3705 	6)	Added incomplete Linda fast ir pdd(difilb). Supports 1M and 4M.
  3707 3)	Jonathan
  3708 	1)	Fixed ER5u defect EDNGASR-46SD7V "Special keycodes conflict with
  3709 		Unicode values" by making non-character keys start at 0xff80 and
  3710 		special keys start at 0xff70, within the UNICODE private area.
  3711 			inc\e32keys.h
  3713 4)	Petteri
  3714 	1)	Added base mouse support.
  3715 		[Note, this API has not been finalised.  If you use these
  3716 		APIs expect source and binary incompatable changes next
  3717 		release]
  3718 		Files changed:
  3719 		Vmadlc\Vm_hw.cpp	Usrc\Us_exec.cpp
  3720 		Vmadlc\Vm_keyb.cpp	Kpehal\Kph_inf.cpp
  3721 		Vmadlb\Vm_hw.cpp	Kamad\ka_inf.cpp
  3722 		Vmadlb\Vm_keyb.cpp	Kpepoc\Kp_dat.cpp
  3723 		Inc\E32svr.h		Bmarm\Euseru.def
  3724 		Inc\E32hal.h		Bmmad\Ekernu.def
  3725 		Inc\U32std.h		Bmawd\Ekernu.def
  3726 		Inc\M32hal.h		Bmcga\Ekernu.def
  3727 		Inc\M32std.h		Bmeig\Ekernu.def
  3728 		Kaisa\Ka_inf.cpp	Bmisa\Ekernu.def
  3729 		Kacga\Ka_inf.cpp	Bmros\Ekernu.def
  3730 		Kaeig\Ka_inf.cpp	Bwins\Euseru.def
  3731 		Karos\Ka_inf.cpp
  3732 		Keawd\Ka_inf.cpp
  3733 	2)	Added virtual cursor support for Linda
  3735 5)	Simon
  3736 	1)	MCGA will now 'dual boot' on CMA120 and CMA102
  3738 6)	Alastair
  3739 	1)	Changed GROUP\GENERIC.INF so that ELOCL.DLL is not built for
  3740 		THUMB.
  3742 7)  Malcolm
  3743 	1)  Added new feature to rom.bat find template files by scanning
  3744 		the e32/r*/ directories for .oby files.  The config file now
  3745 		simply specifies which one is the default - if this is not
  3746 		present then another template is picked.  The new
  3747 		--list-templates option lists the known templates, along with
  3748 		a description.  The description is picked up from a line in
  3749 		the .oby file starting //#NAME:
  3751 	2)	Added ability to reuse rom.oby file in rom.bat (--reuse).
  3752 		This is not recommended but is useful for quick .oby file
  3753 		hacks.  There is a heuristic employed to determine the ASSP of
  3754 		the rom.oby file from its name, or it can be specified
  3755 		directly.
  3757 	3)  Changed MAWD, MEIG, MISA, MAD, SROS and SARM bootstraps to
  3758 		pick up the kernel trace mask from the rom header (requires
  3759 		rombuild > 125 to write the info there).
  3761 8)	Alex
  3762 	1)	Fixed multiplier for TMillisecondTimer on MMAD, and adjusted
  3763 		delay in keyboard driver.
  3766 Version 1.02.197
  3767 ================
  3768 (Made by Morgan, 26/8/99)
  3771 Built with MSVC6
  3773 1)	Jason
  3774 	1)	Removed Casius MISA variant and all references to FPGA14 from MISA
  3775 	  	code.
  3776 	2)	Uncached screen chunk in \KAISA\KA_INI.CPP to fix stripy cursors.
  3777 	3)	Update the MISA OST timer and match registers (KA_INI.CPP) over switch
  3778 	  	off/on.
  3779 	4)	MISA Seting of RTC clock now wait for one 32KHz tick.
  3780 	5)  MISA Codec sample rate divider functions fixed.
  3781 	6)  MISA Tick code fixed.
  3782 	7)  InitSystemTime() implemented for MISA.
  3783 	8)	MISA Bootstrap now uses correct MMU permissions for page tables.
  3784 		Pagetables unlocked and locked (KA_ISA.CPP) in MISA sleep code.
  3785 	9)	MISA Mini-Cache is now mappable and flushable, using new mappings of
  3786 		EUserRwNotBuff, ESupRwNotBuff.
  3787 	10) \VISABA\VI_HW.CPP variant tidied up with Eikon friendly constants.
  3788 	11) \VISABA\VI_XYIN.CPP	restructured.
  3789 	12) Added OS Timer Watchdog Enable to MISA sleep code and cleared all
  3790 		the OST status bits after wakeup.
  3791 	13) Fixed possible MISA millisecond timer code bug.
  3793 2)	Alastair
  3794 	1)	Removed ESOUND.LDD and ESDRV.PDD - these projects are now part of
  3795 		E32TEST.
  3796 	2)	Used #defines in GROUP\GENERIC.INF to ensure that KC_EXE.LIB is not
  3797 		built for THUMB.
  3798 	3)	Moved EUSER from BLD.INF to GENERIC.INF so that it's built only for
  3799 		generic platforms rather than ASSP-specific platforms.  Used #defines
  3800 		so that it's not built for THUMB.
  3801 	4)	Added empty target "FINAL" to GROUP\BOOTROM.MKE.
  3802 	5)	Disabled VC6 warning C4414 - short jump to function converted to near,
  3804 	6)	Fixed BOOTROM.MKE so that SROS builds correctly report their
  3805 	  	releasable.
  3806 	7)	Added extension makefile KCARM\ABORTH.MKE to copy the correct abort
  3807 		handler object file to \Epoc32\Build\...., and corresponding Perl file
  3809 	8)	Changed IBY files in ROMBUILD directory to #include the E32TEST and
  3810 		F32TEST IBY files generated by ABLD TEST ROMFILE.
  3811 	9)	Removed narrow frozen .DEF files.
  3812 	10)	Re-frozen all .DEF files in new format so that the C++ name
  3813 		appears with the mangled name for all exports and windiff can be
  3814 		used to compare frozen .DEF files with generated .DEF files.
  3816 3)	Petteri
  3817 	1)	Added a new variant (Vmadlc) for Linda Macro m1.3BB rack.
  3819 		Files changed:
  3820 		Group\Bld.inf		Kbmad\E32var.iby
  3821 		Kbmad\Rom.cmd		Kbmad\Rom.oby
  3823 		Files added:
  3824 		Vmadlc\Distrib.txt	Vmadlc\Vm_com1.cpp
  3825 		Vmadlc\Vm_com2.cpp	Vmadlc\Vm_hw.cpp
  3826 		Vmadlc\Vm_kdata.cpp	Vmadlc\Vm_keyb.cpp
  3827 		Vmadlc\Vm_pbus.cpp	Vmadlc\Vm_xyin.cpp
  3828 		Inc\V32madlc.h		Group\Cmkdlc.mmp
  3829 		Group\Cmkylc.mmp	Group\Cmxylc.mmp
  3830 		Group\Dmtxlc1.mmp	Group\Dmtxlc2.mmp
  3831 		Group\Vmadlc.mmp	Bmmad\Vmadlc.def
  3832 		Bmmad\Vmadlcu.def
  3834 4)	Morgan
  3835 	1)	Improved the MMAD TIdler to perform tickQ correction and to take notice
  3836 		of active millisecond timers
  3837 	2)	Wired in the TRtc class to the SetSystemTime function
  3838 	3)	Corrected ImpMmu::FlushShadow for MMAD
  3839 	4)	Added a flag to MilliSecondTimer so we can tell if the Millisecond
  3840 		timers are being used while in Idle
  3841 	5)	Bug fix to TDma::GetLargestXfer which was delivering odd count values
  3842 	6)	Added initialisation function optimisation for pipe and copy commands
  3843 		in ImpDma
  3844 	7)	Incorporated TLinda::SetStateDiscriminator into the ImpDma
  3845 		initialisation functions
  3847 5)	Pete
  3848 	1)	E32 provides the following function to facilitate notification
  3849 		of media change events:-
  3850 		TInt UserSvr::MediaChangeNotify(TMediaDevice aDevice,TRequesStatus *aStat);
  3851 		This currently only supports a single request to be outstanding on any
  3852 		socket at any given time. Hence, for platforms which have more than one
  3853 		socket, it is only possible to be notified of a media change on one of
  3854 		these sockets. This has been changesd to allow a request to be
  3855 		outstanding on each socket.
  3856 	2) 	Removed support for 2nd PC Card socket from VARMPD - no longer have a
  3857 		rack with this h/w functional.
  3858 	3) 	Modified function UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(TMediaDevice aDevice) to
  3859 		allow a fixed drive as well as a removable drive to be specified. It
  3860 		can now be called after having installed a new media driver to force
  3861 		a remount on the appropriate drives. This fixes a problem where a new
  3862 		driver for a fixed device is loaded but there is no way to force F32
  3863 		to remount the local drives associated with the media driver.
  3864 	4)	Modifications to Varmca variant:
  3865 		- Alterations to reflect changed GPIO allocation for the LCD interface
  3866 		on Rev.B evaluation board.
  3867 		- Enabled diagnostic LED.
  3868 		- Enabled SPI-ADC device.
  3870 6)	Chris
  3871 	1)	Added mouse driver to Cogent + hardware cursor.
  3872 	2)	Changed name of serial driver on Cogent to that expected by Romkit.
  3873 	3)	Tidied up fast ir.
  3874 	4)	Changed unit masks for Com2 and Com3 on Brutus.
  3875 	5)	Modified Cogent serial drivers. Passes T_Serial.
  3878 7)	Jonathan
  3879 	1)	Removed kc_exc.cpp and ke_exc.cpp from all distributions until IPR
  3880 		issues are clarified.
  3882 8)	Dennis
  3883 	1)	Added __SWITCH_TO_ARM and __END_ARM macros for use in test programs to
  3884 		enable them to build in THUMB without rewriting assembler code.
  3885 	2)	Modified test ROM build script to work with new GCC.
  3886 	3)	Initialise .data and .bss for ROM-resident device drivers when driver
  3887 		is loaded.
  3888 	4)	Corrected TLocDrv::Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf) so it doesn't assume that the
  3889 		descriptor parameter is a TBuf8.
  3890 	5)	Removed Kern::Printf() from Kern::PowerGood() - this causes the serial
  3891 		driver to lock up since it gets called in the serial driver's ISR.
  3892 	6)	Modifications to ROM.BAT:
  3893 		Added --inst option to specify instruction set. If not specified,
  3894 		defaults to first instruction set listed for the ASSP in ROM.CFG.
  3895 		Build (--build) can now be UDEB or UREL only. If not specified,
  3896 		defaults to the first build listed in ROM.CFG (ie UDEB).
  3897 		Changed format of ROM.CFG - [VARIANTS] section has been scrapped.
  3898 		[ASSPS] section now lists for each ASSP the ROMBUILD flags to use, the
  3899 		variants supported and the instruction sets supported.
  3901 9)	Simon
  3902 	1)	Mouse is now optional, ie doesn't hang if no mouse connected
  3905 Version 1.02.196
  3906 ================
  3907 (Made by William, 13.8.99)
  3910 Built with MSVC6 and ARMv4 (GCC 518).
  3913 1)	William
  3914 	1)	CAKD*.MMP files no longer specify ASSP_LIBRARY EKERN.LIB, so that they
  3915 		can be built correctly for THUMB.
  3917 	2)	U32STD.H now defines __SUPPORT_THUMB_INTERWORKING for ARMv4T, using
  3918 		#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_4T__ to distinguish between MAWD compiled with the
  3919 		new GCC and MAWD compiled with the old toolchain.
  3921 	3)	The GCC "_call_via_rX" helper functions required by THUMB code are
  3922 		hacked into up_dll.cpp and uc_exe.cpp. This should be removed and
  3923 		replaced by the proper GCC.LIB mechanism.
  3925 	4)	RequestComplete tracing is now conditional on KTHREAD+KSEMAPHORE
  3927 	5)	BOOTROM.MKE CLEAN target now removes intermediate .o files
  3930 Version 1.02.195
  3931 ================
  3932 (Made by Alastair, 2.8.99)
  3935 Built with MSVC6
  3938 1)	Alastair
  3939 	1)	E32 now releases zip files for ARMI, ARM4 and THUMB in the same style
  3940 	  	as it's other releasables.  Note that generic EUSER.LIB and EDISP.LIB
  3941 	  	are still released with the ASSP-specific releasables, though all
  3942 	  	other generic stuff is now contained in the 3 new zip files.  To use
  3943 	  	these releasables it's necessary to use E32TOOLP version 120 and the
  3944 	  	new GCC compiler.
  3946 		This change is academic for this release since it's source-only, also
  3947 		it has, in fact, been built with the old gcc compiler.
  3949 1)	Alastair
  3950 	1)	Hopefully fixed ER5u defect EDNDMAI-49UE4V
  3951 		'"KERN RE-ENTRANT" Panic' in KPWINS\KP_UTL.CPP by converting the
  3952 		UNICODE RDebug::Print text to NARROW 256 characters at a time using
  3953 		a stack variable rather than allocating space on the heap.
  3955 	2)	Fixed ER5 defect EDNKDEY-45NHVH
  3956 		"Unhandled exception checking for priority key (emulator only)" in
  3957 		WSRC\KY_TRAN.CPP by making sure that capture key data is not left
  3958 		uninitialised when Windows produces a character code that the EPOC
  3959 		translation tables didn't.
  3961 	3)	Fixed ER5u defect EDNWROS-46YC3V "Plat fault or Plat panic?" in
  3962 		KPWINS\KP_UTL.CPP so that the Fault/Panic distinction is part of the
  3963 		text inside the alert box rather than just in the title where nobody
  3964 		ever thinks to look.
  3966 	4)	Split BLD.INF into BLD.INF and GENERIC.INF with GENERIC.INF containing
  3967 		details of those projects which are not ASSP-specific.  This change
  3968 		corresponds to changes in E32TOOLP version 120 and is designed to
  3969 		support building E32 with the new GCC compiler for the new targets.
  3970 		To build E32 it is now necessary to build the generic libraries, then
  3971 		the ASSP-specific libraries, then the generic releasables, then the
  3972 		ASSP-specific releasables.
  3973 		Updated .OBY files so that, if E32 is built with the old GCC compiler,
  3974 		they will look for the generic releasables in the right places.  They
  3975 		will need more updating to work with the new compiler though.
  3977 	5)	Changed EKERN.MMP and KC_EXE.MMP so that EKERN links to KC_EXE.LIB
  3978 		rather than KE_EXE.LIB under MAWD.
  3980 	6)	Now building E(EXE|DLL).LIB rather than E(EXE|DLL).o under MARM and
  3981 		E(EXE|DLL).obj under WINS.  This means that using this version of
  3982 		E32 requires E32TOOLP version 120.
  3984 	7)	Changed E32DEF.H so that WINS/WINC warning C4710, about functions not
  3985 		being inlined, is disabled for MSVC versions 5 or later, rather than
  3986 		just MSVC5.
  3988 	8)	Commented out user-side tracing macros under WINS/WINC builds in
  3989 		INC\U32STD.H because they cause the kernel to go re-entrant.  This
  3990 		should be investigated further.
  3992 	9)	Integrated changes for compiling with VC6 from Ann Windsor and William
  3993 		Roberts.  Changes to EKERNU.DEF and EUSERU.DEF mean that this release
  3994 		of E32 will not build with MSVC5 and the import libraries from this
  3995 		release will not be compatible with MSVC5.
  3997 2) Malcolm
  3998 	1)  Enabled debug monitor for SROS, and protected some MMU
  3999 		instructions for single builds.
  4000 	2)	Added new trace level, KMEMTRACE that dumps alloc/free/realloc and
  4001 		chunk adjustments (chunks in SINGLE only) to the debug log
  4003 3) Morgan
  4004 	1)	Made Mmu::AllocPageTable public so it can be accessed by the debugger
  4005 	2)	Added MMAD-specific debugger implementation, and null debuggers for
  4006 		those platforms without support
  4007 	3)	Moved useful ARM Mmu definitions into kcarm\kc_mmu.h
  4008 	4)	MMAD debugger now updates the thread id register, remaps the Rom
  4009 		as small pages, and allocates some free pages for SW breakpointing.
  4010 	5)	Removed explicit references to variants from KC_UTL.CPP and removed
  4011 		reference to the Eiger variant (V32ARM.H) from the global header
  4012 		KC_STD.H.  Pushed P::StartupBeep into the ASSP layer.  Re-organised
  4013 		P::OutputToCom1 functionality so the variant is only referenced in
  4014 		ASSP layer. Changed P::ScreenInfo() to use the Hal function instead
  4015 		of calling the variant directly.
  4016 	6)	Defined TExtInterrupt in KC_STD.H, but it should really be moved into
  4017 		the Eiger platform which seems to be its only client.
  4018 	7)	Modified the Asic::Debug* functions for all ASSPs
  4019 	8)	Added MMAD interfaces for the Psu and Rtc to V32MAD.H and wired them
  4020 		into the kernel
  4021 	9)	Implemented EDNWROS-49ZKUX "Unhelpful trace message"
  4023 4) Dennis
  4024 	1)	Added alignment checking on 16-bit descriptor functions in DEBUG mode.
  4025 	2)	Modified User::HandleException() to trap leaves by the exception
  4026 		handler and pass them on after clearing the last chance flag and doing
  4027 		User::WaitForAnyRequest();
  4029 5) Chris
  4030 	1)	Added slow ir pdd for Linda (dmtxlb2).
  4031 	2)	Added serial pdd for Cogent (datxcg1 and datxcg2).
  4032 	3)	Made small change to Brutus slow ir pdd (ditxba2).
  4035 Version 1.02.189
  4036 ================
  4037 (Made by Kal Patel, 22nd July 1999)
  4039 1)	Jonathan
  4040 	1)	TStringToDateTime::NextToken():
  4041 		Fixed defect EDN830354: Allow am/pm designators to be non-alpha and >3
  4042 		characters.
  4043 		Reapplied and reworked an ER5 ICF (defect EDNANOE-49BFV2): Match
  4044 		against abbreviated month names instead of leading substrings of
  4045 		months.
  4046 		usrc\us_parse.cpp
  4048 2)	Morgan
  4049 	1)	Added an implementation of TMillisecondTimer for MMAD
  4050 		kamad\ka_pic.cpp
  4051 	2)	Implemented workaround for ARM915T MMU MCR instruction bug
  4052 		Interrupts are disabled over writes to the domain access control
  4053 		register
  4054 		kcarm\kc_int.cpp
  4055 		kcarm\kc_sched.cpp
  4056 		inc\kc_std.h
  4057 	3)	Fixed the definition of delta and tick TTimerModes
  4058 		inc\v32linda.h
  4059 	4)	Added a new class TIdler, that switches off rescheduling and the tick
  4060 		during idle, and reenables it shortly before a timer is due.
  4061 		kamad\ka_idle.cpp
  4062 		kamad\ka_std.h
  4063 	5)	Exported functions from DPowerModel for those power models that
  4064 		are implemented outside of the platform kernel
  4065 		inc\k32power.h
  4066 		ksrc\ks_power.h
  4067 	6)	Moved the MMAD variant to VMADLB, and invented a custom layer suitable
  4068 		for MMAD.  VARMLB.DLL is now VMADLB.DLL. CA*LB.DLL is now CM*LB.DLL.
  4069 		DATXLB1.DLL is now DMTXLB1.DLL.
  4070 		varmlb\*
  4071 		inc\v32mad.h
  4072 		inc\v32madlb.h
  4073 		group\ca*lb.mmp
  4074 		group\varmlb.mmp
  4076 3)	Alastair
  4077 	1)	Added RESOURCE target to GROUP\BOOTROM.MKE.
  4078 	2)	Removed defunct .DEF files from BSARM, BSCGA and BSROS.
  4079 	3)	Removed defunct UPEPOC\UP_CON.CPP.
  4080 	4)	Removed defunct BLD.CMD files from various directories.
  4081 	5)	Updated GROUP\E32.FTC to include the MCGA releasables.
  4082 	6)	Changed GROUP\BOOTROM.MKE to copy KBMCGA\COGENT.BIN to
  4083 		\EPOC32\Release\MCGA\BOOTROM.BIN.  Updated KBMCGA .OBY files
  4084 		accordingly.
  4085 	7)  Changes to support building with new compiler (*.oby files,
  4086 		/group/mnt.bat files, /group/bld.inf files etc)
  4088 4)	Simon
  4089 	1)	Fixed problem with cogent timer interrupt going off for no good reason
  4090 		kacga\ka_pic.cpp
  4091 	2)	Fixed problem in vcgac1\va_keyb.cpp that caused intermittent exceptions
  4093 5)	Malcolm
  4094 	1) Added new RAM Loaded code functionality
  4095 	2) Modifications for Unicode SROS
  4096 	3) Incorporated Kista-Patch-Baseport-3.00-990717A
  4097 		kbros/
  4098 		vrosr1/va_xyin.cpp
  4099 		karos/ka_rose.cpp
  4100 		INC/D32COMM.H, INC/V32Rose.h
  4101 		vrosr1/va_coms.cpp
  4102 		group/DATXR11.MMP
  4103 		group/bld.inf
  4105 6)	Kal
  4106 	1) Added the Aort handler functionality for flash filing system use
  4107 		karos/ka_ini.cpp
  4108 		karos/ka_excep.cpp
  4109 		karos/ka_std.h
  4110 		karos/ka_rose.cpp
  4111 		WSRC/wd_rose4.cpp
  4112 		group/EKERN.MMP
  4113 		INC/V32Rose.h
  4114 	2) Added Fast Timers on A1C
  4115 		karos/ka_rose.cpp
  4116 		karos/ka_pic.cpp
  4117 		karos/ka_std.h
  4118 		INC/distrib.txt
  4119 		INC/V32FTick.h
  4120 		group/bld.inf
  4123 Version 1.02.188
  4124 ================
  4125 (Made by Dennis, 13th July 1999)
  4127 1) Morgan
  4128 	1)	Removed the SPI controller from MMAD platform
  4129 		kamad\ka_spi.cpp
  4130 		kamad\ekern.mmp
  4131 		kamad\ka_psu.cpp
  4132 	2)	Used a more efficient method for draining the write buffer on MMAD
  4133 		kcarm\kc_mmu.cpp
  4134 		kamad\ka_ini.cpp
  4135 	3)	Included a missing call to POS in the slow swi dispatcher
  4136 		kcarm\kc_int.cpp
  4137 	4)	Frozen BMMAD
  4138 		bmmad\*.def
  4139 	5)	Added a gcc-helper static library (EGCC.LIB) which currently
  4140 		only contains the __fixuns* helper functions
  4141 		upepoc\up_gcc.cpp
  4142 		group\egcc.mmp
  4143 	6)	Implemented RTC emulation
  4144 		kamad\ka_utl.cpp
  4145 		kamad\ka_std.h
  4146 		kamad\ka_pic.cpp
  4147 	7)	Added state discriminator functions to TLinda and updated Linda Dma
  4148 		kamad\ka_dma.cpp
  4149 		kamad\ka_linda.cpp
  4150 		inc\v32linda.h
  4152 2) Petteri
  4153 	1)	Added an improved version of
  4154 		varmlb\va_keyb.cpp
  4156 3) Alastair
  4157 	1)	Added Graham Asher's updates to his change to UMATH\UM_DTOR.CPP so that
  4158 		it builds in narrow variants.
  4159 	2)	Added GROUP\BOOTROM.MKE - a bldmake-compatible custom-build makefile
  4160 	  	for building bootstraps.
  4161 	3)	Removed some hacks from MNT.BAT now that MAKMAKE from E32TOOLP version
  4162 		109 builds static libraries to \EPOC32\Release\MARM rather than
  4163 		\EPOC32\Release\MEIG.
  4164 	4)	Moved \e32\inc\conswins.def to \e32\inc\econs.def and listed it for
  4165 		export to \epoc32\release\wins\econs.def.  Made a corresponding change
  4166 		to \e32\inc\consmarm.def and removed \e32\inc\consmisa.def.
  4167 	5)	Moved the implementation of the RConsole and TConsoleKey classes into
  4168 		EWSRV.DLL from ECONS.DLL. Stopped exporting all functions from the
  4169 		CConsoleTextWin Class under WINS/MARM except the function to create a
  4170 		new console.  Removed the dummy export from the text window server.
  4171 		This means there is no longer a mutual link-time dependency between
  4172 		ECONS.DLL and EWSRV.DLL - ECONS.DLL merely depends upon EWSRV.DLL, and
  4173 		the WINS ECONS.DLL has the same API as the WINC one. and not vice
  4174 		versa.
  4175 	6)	Added fetcher definition file, E32.FTC, to the group directory.
  4176 	7)	Fixed ER5U defect EDNABRY-48YFUC "Compiling E32 with MSVC6 reveals
  4177 	  	problems with TPtr8 and TPtr16 copy constructors."
  4178 		Fixed in USRC\US_DES8.CPP by taking the contents of the function
  4179 		TPtr8::Set(TPtr8 &aPtr) function and adding it to function
  4180 		TPtr8::TPtr8(const TPtr8& aTPtr).  This change is not binary compatible
  4181 		backwards with code which calls the TPtr8 copy constructor either
  4182 		explicitly or implicitly and relies upon the previous behaviour of the
  4183 		copy constructor.  The previous behaviour merely made sure that the
  4184 		copied TPtr pointed to the same descriptor as the original TPtr, while
  4185 		the new behaviour also makes sure that the TPtr's iType is set
  4186 		correctly.
  4187 		These changes were necessary for TPtr8s to work correctly when compiled
  4188 		with MSVC6.  I have made corresponding changes to the TPtr16 copy
  4189 		constructor.
  4190 	8)	Changed KPWINS\KP_GUI.CPP so that the Windows character code
  4191 		translation is suppressed if the Ctrl, Alt and Shift keys are all
  4192 		depressed.  This means that the heap-checking code for APPs which used
  4193 		the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-A combination will now work again, as the EPOC key
  4194 		translation will not be overridden by the Windows translation.
  4196 4) Chris
  4197 	1) 	Added export to mmu to enable creation of DHardware chunk from Ram.
  4198 	2) 	Slight change to TDma to allow it to break up non-contigous transfer
  4199 	   	buffers.
  4200 	3) 	Added fast infra-red LDD(Efir) to misa and mmad and a fast infra-red
  4201 	   	PDD(Difiba) to misa.
  4202 	4) 	Changes to TSa1100 variant class to implement infra red and dma on
  4203 	   	misa.
  4204 		ImpDma class impemented also for misa.
  4205 	5) 	Added 572000,1152000 and 4000000 baud defs to d32comm.h.
  4207 5) Dennis
  4208 	1)	Added routine ImpExc::AdjustRegisters() to restore registers on ARM
  4209 		processors to allow an aborted instruction to be retried.
  4210 	2)	Added TException::Bind(), TException::UnBind() exported functions to
  4211 		allow device drivers to bind to exceptions.
  4212 	3)	Various Snowdrop-specific fixes which didn't make it for ER5.
  4213 	   (Euro, Digitiser factory settings, Windermere DRAM refresh, ROM size,
  4214 	   digitiser EEPROM calibration)
  4215 	4)	Prefetch aborts now have exception ID EExcCodeAbort instead of
  4216 	  	EExcGeneral.
  4217 	5)	Added ExecHandler::RomHeaderAddress() to windermere kernel.
  4218 	6)	Rearranged VAWDB1U.DEF so that VariantInitialise__Fv is at ordinal 1
  4219 		(this is necessary or else nothing works).
  4220 	7)	Fixed bug in new RTest where RDebug::Printf(_L("<string>")) would panic
  4221 		if <string> contained a % character. This was due to <string> being
  4222 		passed into AppendFormatList which was then interpreting the % as a
  4223 		format specification.
  4224 	8)	Modified assembler code in EUSER to allow thumb interworking by making
  4225 		all subroutine returns and indirect function calls use the BX
  4226 		instruction.  Macros have been used so that the ARM-only version with
  4227 		no BX instructions can still be built - this is necessary for
  4228 		StrongARM builds.
  4230 		Macros employed are:
  4232 		__JUMP(cc,r) = BXcc r or MOVcc PC, r
  4233 		__POPRET(rlist) = LDMFD SP!, {rlist,lr} \ BX lr or LDMFD SP!,{rlist,pc}
  4234 		__CPOPRET(cc,rlist) = LDMccFD SP!, {rlist,lr} \ BXcc lr or LDMccFD SP!, {rlist,pc}
  4236 		NOTE: Thumb interworking is still disabled by default, since the new GCC
  4237 		is not yet fully deployed.
  4239 	9)	Made minimal modification to EKERN to permit thumb user code to execute
  4240 		correctly. This involves changing two instances of "mov pc, lr" in the
  4241 		SWI handler to __JUMP(,lr) and also involves changing
  4242 		DArmPlatThread::CallFunction to use separate routines depending on
  4243 		whether an ARM or THUMB context is being modified. Also, when saving
  4244 		context following a SWI call, the saved PC points to a BX instruction
  4245 		instead of to the return address from the Exec:: function.
  4247 		NOTE: All supervisor mode code is expected to be ARM. Much more
  4248 		extensive modification of the kernel would be required to permit THUMB
  4249 		device drivers.
  4251 	10)	Compiled and tested E32 with the new version of GCC. This produces
  4252 		several warnings, mostly "comparison of signed and unsigned", "ANSI
  4253 		C++ does not permit declaration without type", "Taking address of
  4254 		temporary" and "XXX declared but not used" (for variables or functions
  4255 		only used from within assembler code). Modified the source to remove
  4256 		these warnings.
  4258 	11)	Compiled and tested E32 using THUMB test executables. These all work
  4259 		apart from those which contain ARM assembler code.  Disabled
  4260 		breakpoint exception since this can crash the kernel with an alignment
  4261 		fault if an undefined instruction is encountered in THUMB code.
  4262 		Fixing this properly would require a lot of work on the debugger to
  4263 		fully support THUMB.
  4265 		NOTE: To build THUMB executables, the _call_via_r0() helper functions
  4266 		are required. These were added to EEXE.O for testing purposes, but will
  4267 		eventually be in the GCC helper library.
  4269 	12)	Modified TDes::AppendFormatList() so that variable precision
  4270 		specifications are now allowed, and so that the precision
  4271 		specification is also applied to strings.
  4273 6) Simon
  4274 	1)	Improved ps/2 keyboard initialisation within kacga
  4276 7) Mark
  4277 	1)	Enabled unicode WINS/WINC to run on Windows 9x. Introduced euniw.dll
  4278 		to convert between unicode and relevant narrow Win32 functions.
  4279 		Added exported set of functions to euser.dll that return a pointer
  4280 		to either the relevant 'W' Win32 function or a wrapper function in
  4281 		euniw.dll. These functions and the initialisiation of the function
  4282 		pointers is implemented in upwins\up_uansi.cpp.
  4283 	2)	Changed unicode to narrow WINS/WINC conversion from UTF-8 to
  4284 		CP_ACP in WinCOutput::Write and Debug::DebugFunction.
  4286 Version 1.02.187
  4287 ================
  4288 (Made by Alastair, 9.6.99)
  4291 1)	Jason
  4292 	1)	Added sleep and wakeup code for MISA
  4293 	2)	Enabled LCD and Keyboard for Brutus wakeup.
  4294 	3)	Added MCP controller accessor functions for MISA
  4295 	4)	Modified power model to share MCP clock
  4296 	5)  Added definitions for the Brutus UCB1200 codec chip.
  4297 	6)	Added touch screen controller for Brutus, including touch to wakeup.
  4298 	7)  Fixed Brutus keyboard controller to not enable interrupt edges that it
  4299 		does not use.
  4300 	8)  Added the missing function TSa1100::UartTxBusy() to MISA
  4301 		\inc\v32s1100.h
  4302 			\v32ucb12.h
  4303 		\kaisa\ka_isa.cpp
  4304 			  \ka_ini.cpp
  4305 			  \ka_power.cpp
  4306 			  \ka_power.h
  4307 		\kbisa\
  4308 			  \sa1100.s
  4309 		\visaba\vi_hw.cpp
  4310 			   \vi_keycn.cpp
  4311 			   \vi_xyin.cpp
  4313 2)	Morgan
  4314 	1)	Made Mmu::UnlockPageTables and Mmu::LockPageTables public so
  4315 		code that calls Mmu::LogicalToPhysical() can unlock and
  4316 		access the page tables.
  4317 		\inc\m32hal.h
  4318 	2)	Unlocked the page tables in TDma::NextBlock() function
  4319 		\kpepoc\kp_dma.cpp
  4321 3)	Petteri
  4322 	1)	Added Linda serial driver.
  4323 	2)	Added 230.4K speed to d32comm.h and modified old serial drivers
  4324 		to dislike it.
  4325 		\group\datxlb1.mmp
  4326 		\inc\d32comm.h
  4327 			\v32linda.h
  4328 		\kamad\ka_linda.cpp
  4329 		\varmca\va_com1.cpp
  4330 			   \va_com2.cpp
  4331 		\varmcl\va_com1.cpp
  4332 			   \va_com2.cpp
  4333 		\varmlb\va_com1.cpp
  4334 		\varmp2\va_com1.cpp
  4335 		\varmpb\va_com1.cpp
  4336 		\varmpc\va_com1.cpp
  4337 			   \va_com2.cpp
  4338 		\varmpd\va_com1.cpp
  4339 			   \va_com2.cpp
  4340 		\vawdb1\va_com1.cpp
  4341 			   \va_com2.cpp
  4343 4)	Graham Asher (merged by Jonathan)
  4344 	1)	Implement standard Unicode collation and add new collation functions
  4345 		to allow loose matching.
  4346 	2)	Fill up all the available TLanguage slots (00 to 99); codes added
  4347 		include those requested for Roxette; this is a provisional solution
  4348 		pending the introduction of a saner language and locale number API.
  4349 	3)	Fix problems in TLex16::Val(TRealX&,TChar) &
  4350 		TLex16::Val(TReal64&,TChar) in Unicode-to-8-bit conversion (defect
  4351 		EDN769607).
  4352 	4)	Obsolete functions yet to be removed:
  4353 		TInt TDesC16::CompareC(const TDesC16& aDes,const TInt16*
  4354 							   aCollationRules) const;
  4355 		TInt TDesC16::CompareC(const TDesC16& aDes,TUint32
  4356 							   aDesiredCollationRulesId,TUint32&
  4357 							   aActualCollationRulesId) const;
  4358 		static TInt Mem::CompareC(const TUint16* aLeft,TInt aLeftL,const
  4359 								  TUint16* aRight,TInt aRightL,const TInt16*
  4360 								  aCollationRules);
  4361 		static TInt Mem::CompareC(const TUint16* aLeft,TInt aLeftL,const
  4362 								  TUint16* aRight,TInt aRightL,TUint32
  4363 								  aDesiredCollationRulesId,TUint32&
  4364 								  aActualCollationRulesId);
  4365 		static TInt Mem::CollationRuleSets();
  4366 		static TInt Mem::CollationRuleSetId(TInt aIndex);
  4367 		static const TInt16* Mem::CollationRuleSetByIndex(TInt aIndex);
  4368 		static const TInt16* Mem::CollationRuleSetById(TUint32
  4369 													   aDesiredId,TUint32&
  4370 													   aActualId);
  4372 5)	Jonathan
  4373 	1)	Fixed "ambiguous overload for `bool ? TChar : char'" errors from new
  4374 		gcc compiler.
  4375 			umath\um_rtod.cpp
  4377 6)	Alastair
  4378 	1)	To build this release of e32tools you'll need the latest version - 108
  4379 		- of E32toolp.  If you're going to use this release at all, you'll
  4380 		need to be building your component with the latest version of
  4381 		e32toolp, since import libraries are only released in the MARM release
  4382 		and WINS debug directories and also because EDLL.O and EEXE.O won't
  4383 		link properly with older versions of e32toolp.
  4384 	2)	Renamed MARM platform to MEIG and SARM platform to SEIG just as far as
  4385 		E32 is concerned.  Other components will still build for the MARM (and
  4386 		SARM) platforms.  This change means that rombuild obey files will need
  4387 		to change to reflect the new location of e32 releasables in
  4388 		\EPOC32\Release\Meig instead of \EPOC32\Release\Marm.
  4389 	3)	Changed zips of releasables put onto the network. There is now one zip
  4390 		file for each platform.  There is also a zip file for exported header
  4391 		files.  Hence, the contents of S:\e32\zip includes
  4392 			export.<ver>, wins.<ver>, meig.<ver>, misa.<ver> ,mawd.<ver> winc.<ver>.
  4393 		Each of the meig, misa and mawd zip files should contain everything
  4394 		necessary for building components which depend on E32 for marm.
  4395 		The files within these zip files now also have full pathnames so ensure
  4396 		you unzip them into the root of your EPOC drive with any flags required
  4397 		to recreate the directory structure.
  4398 	4)	Added new MAKMAKE keyword ASSPEXPORTS to various .MMP files so that
  4399 		they search ASSP-specific deffile directories rather than CPU-specific
  4400 		deffile directories by default.  E.G. EKERN.DLL built for narrow MISA
  4401 		REL will refer to \E32\BMISA\EKERN.DEF rather than
  4402 		\E32\BMARM\EKERN.DEF.  These .MMP files are for EKERN, EPBUS, VARMCL,
  4404 		VISACA, VROSR1, VCGAC1, VARMCA.  This keyword means that the import
  4405 		library for a project build for MEIG will go into
  4406 		\EPOC32\Release\MEIG\<rel|urel>\ rather than
  4407 		\EPOC32\Release\MARM\<rel|urel>\.
  4409 		Where .MMP files have links to the import libraries for these
  4410 		components I have listed the libraries with new keyword ASSPLIBRARY
  4411 		and taken them out of any existing LIBRARY statements.  This ensures
  4412 		that the generated- makefile will search in the correct place for the
  4413 		import library.  Any other components linking to these libraries will
  4414 		have to do the same thing.
  4415 	5)	Kernel include headers are now exported to \EPOC32\Include\Kernel
  4416 		rather than \EPOC32\Include, so if your component includes these
  4417 		headers you'll need to add \EPOC32\Include\Kernel as a SYSTEMINCLUDE
  4418 		file in your .MMP file.
  4419 	6)	Added new command, MNT CHECKREL, to check that all releasables are
  4420 		present before doing an MNT PUTREL.
  4421 		Before doing MNT CHECKREL or MNT PUTREL call BLDMAKE -v RELFILES to
  4422 		create the lists of releasables.
  4423 	7)	Changed edll, exdll, eexe and kc_exe so that they all build as static
  4424 		libraries rather than object files in accordance with ER5u makmake
  4425 		changes.
  4426 	8)	Changed second uids in device driver .MMP files to zero so that makmake
  4427 		will apply the correct ones automatically.
  4428 	9)	Changed .MMP files to take advantage of changes in makmake .MMP
  4429 		#defines.
  4430 	10)	Replaced all B[plat].PRJ files for use with BLDMAKE with BLD.INF in
  4431 		accordance with latest BLDMAKE changes.
  4432 	11)	Moved ETIMR and T_DEVC to project E32TEST.
  4433 	12)	Removed all E*.REL files from GROUP directory and changed MNT.BAT so
  4434 		that MNT PUTREL looks for .REL files generated by BLDMAKE instead.
  4435 		Updated BLD.INF accordingly.
  4436 	13)	Changed #defines in the following files now that __MEIG__ is being used
  4437 		to mean __MARM__ and __MARM__ is being used to mean ARM CPU:
  4441 	14)	Removed EVALID.PL and EVALID.BAT from GROUP dir now that this version
  4442 		of EVALID is being released as part of E32TOOLP.
  4443 	15) Created directory \E32\BMEIG.  Moved .DEF files for the following
  4444 		projects from \E32\BMARM\ to \E32\BMEIG:
  4446 	16)	Removed unnessary __XCON__ #defines and swapped them with __WINC__
  4447 		instead where necessary.
  4448 	17)	Removed XWSRV.MMP, XPBUS.MMP, XCONS.MMP, EXYIN.MMP and EKEYB.MMP - they
  4449 		were no longer required now that libraries can be built separately.
  4450 		Note that this means the import libraries must be built before building
  4451 		the other releasables because of the mutual imports between some E32
  4452 		Dlls.
  4453 	18)	Changed variant .MMP files to link to the respective variant versions
  4454 		of exyin.lib and ekeyb.lib now that exyin.lib and ekeyb.lib are no
  4455 		longer built as import libraries.
  4456 	19)	Removed WINS #defines from around the dummy export for the text window
  4457 		server so that it has a dummy export for other builds.  Frozen the dummy
  4458 		export in \E32\BMARM\EWSRV.DEF.
  4459 	20)	Removed export command from MNT.BAT and EXPORT.PL from group directory
  4460 		now that and equivalent command is provided by BLDMAKE.
  4461 	20)	CONSWINS.DEF, CONSMARM.DEF and CONSMISA.DEF are now exported to
  4462 		directory \EPOC32\Release\<Platform>\ rather than \EPOC32\Include.
  4463 	21)	Changed #defines in K32ADDR.H, U32STD.H, V32COG.H in accordance with
  4464 		makmake #define changes for __SROS__ and __SCGA__.
  4465 	22)	Adjusted BLD.INF so that kernel headers are exported to
  4466 		\EPOC32\Include\Kernel\ rather than \EPOC32\Include.  This means that
  4467 		any projects requiring the kernel headers will have to have
  4468 		\EPOC32\Include\Kernel added to the list of SYSTEMINCLUDE paths within
  4469 		their .MMP files.
  4470 	23)	Removed all .DEF files from the B<plat> directories which are now
  4471 		referenced in the BMARM directory.  Renamed BSROS BMROS and removed
  4472 		BSARM and BSCGA.
  4473 	24)	Added extra commands to MNT.BAT to copy edll.o and eexe.o from the MEIG
  4474 		release directories to the MARM ones pro tem, and to zip them up for
  4475 		MEIG, MAWD and MISA.
  4476 	25)	Changed rom.oby files in KBARM and KBSARM directories to incorporate
  4477 		changes resulting from the new way E32 is built.  A few changes in
  4478 		other rom.oby files may also be required.
  4479 	26)	Excluded Graham Asher's change to UMATH\UM_DTOR.CPP since they won't
  4480 		build in narrow variants.
  4481 	27)	Fixed up MEIG EKERN.DEF following Pete's DMedia changes.
  4482 	28)	Changed P::Print so that in release builds it uses Win32's
  4483 		OutputDebugString() rather than putting up a message box.  This has
  4484 		always been the behaviour in debug builds.  As a result of this change,
  4485 		test output will no longer appear in an annoying sequence of message
  4486 		boxes.
  4488 7)	Pete
  4489 	1) 	Modification to DMediaDriver class so a media driver
  4490 		can be configured to allow read/write/format requests simultaneously
  4491 		with each other. By default, a driver only allows one
  4492 		request to be outstanding at any time but by setting the
  4493 		DMediaDriver member iFlags to KMediaDrvMultipleReqs,
  4494 		a read/write and format command may each be outstanding at a given
  4495 		time.
  4496 		\ksrc\ks_locd.cpp
  4497 		\inc\k32std.h
  4498 		\inc\k32std.inl
  4500 Version 1.02.186
  4501 ================
  4502 (Made by Malcolm, 21st May 1999)
  4504 Petteri
  4505 	1)	Added a new variant (Varmca) for the Rev.A of the new Cirrus
  4506 		Logic 711X evaluation board. This port is not complete: digitiser
  4507 		driver, most of ADC code, second serial port and some other
  4508 		small things are missing. Also, the board is still evolving.
  4510 		New files added:
  4511 		Varmca\Va_c6700.cpp	Group\Cakdca.mmp
  4512 		Varmca\Va_com1.cpp	Group\Cakyca.mmp
  4513 		Varmca\Va_com2.cpp	Group\Caxyca.mmp
  4514 		Varmca\Va_hw.cpp	Group\Dasnca.mmp
  4515 		Varmca\Va_kdata.cpp	Group\Datxca1.mmp
  4516 		Varmca\Va_keyb.cpp	Group\Datxca2.mmp
  4517 		Varmca\Va_pbus.cpp	Group\Varmca.mmp
  4518 		Varmca\Va_sdrv.cpp	Inc\V32armca.h
  4519 		Varmca\Va_spi.cpp
  4520 		Varmca\Va_xyin.cpp
  4521 		Varmca\Va_std.h
  4523 		Old files modified:
  4524 		Group\Bmarm.prj
  4525 		Group\Emarm.rel
  4526 		Kbarm\E32var.iby
  4527 		Kbarm\Rom.oby
  4528 		Kbarm\Setvars.cmd
  4529 		( and also:
  4530 		Kamad\Ka_linda.cpp
  4531 		Inc\V32linda.h )
  4533 Jason
  4534 	1)	MISA Idle code fix.
  4535 		\kaisa\ka_utl.cpp
  4536 		\kcarm\kc_int.cpp
  4537 		\kbisa\sa1100.s
  4539 Jonathan
  4540 	1)	Added Protea, Cassius and inc{c|k} files to distrib.txt files
  4541 		bmarm\distrib.txt
  4542 		bmisa\distrib.txt
  4543 		inc\distrib.txt
  4544 		group\distrib.txt
  4546 Version 1.02.185
  4547 ================
  4548 (Made by Malcolm, 14th May 1999)
  4550 Malcolm et al.
  4551 	1)  Prepared E32 for automatic building and testing.  Each kbXXX
  4552 		directory should now have the following files:
  4554 		rom.cmd that takes an .oby file as the first parameter (and
  4555 		then the standard build/variant as before).
  4556 		test.oby that builds a rom with all the test code for that
  4557 		platform.  Test.oby should also include batch files called
  4558 		z:\test\e32auto.bat, z:\test\f32auto.bat and
  4559 		z:\test\allauto.bat that run respectively the e32, f32 and all
  4560 		tests for this platform.  For now, these are taken from
  4561 		\e32test\group./
  4562 		bld.cmd that creates udeb and urel roms, given that all of
  4563 		e32, f32 and the test suites have been built.  Typically this
  4564 		makes the bootstrap code then calls rom.cmd.
  4566 		This change has been implemented for misa, marm, mcga & sros.
  4569 Alastair
  4570 	1)	Changed RDebug::Print for WINS/WINC so that output is appended to file
  4571 		EPOCWIND.OUT in the PC's temporary directory, as well as being sent
  4572 		where it is currently.  In UNICODE builds, the output is converted to
  4573 		UTF-8 before being appended to the file.
  4574 	2)	Changed WINC Console output under UNICODE builds so that it can be
  4575 		redirected to a file.  The output is converted to UTF-8 before being
  4576 		sent to the console.
  4578 Simon
  4579 	1)	Merged in Cogent
  4580 		\kacga\*
  4581 		\bmcga\*
  4582 		\vcgac1\*
  4583 		\wsrc\wd_vgacga.cpp
  4584 		\wsrc\wd_vtcgakb.cpp
  4586 	2)	Modified coproc related bits for ARM4 on Cogent
  4587 		\kcarm\kc_sched
  4588 		\kcarm\kc_mmu
  4590 Petteri
  4591 	1)  Minor Linda screen and keyboard related changes.
  4592 		\kamad\ka_ini.cpp
  4593 		\kamad\ka_linda.cpp
  4594 		\inc\v32linda.h
  4595 		\varmlb\va_hw.cpp
  4596 		\varmlb\va_keyb.cpp
  4597 		\wsrc\wd_mad.cpp
  4600 Malcolm
  4601 	1)  Changes to mnt.bat.  Directories are now enummerated in
  4602 		dir.prj rather than being hard-coded into mnt.bat all over the
  4603 		place.  Two perl helper scripts have been created to interface
  4604 		to PVCS.
  4605 		\group\mnt.bat
  4606 		\group\
  4607 		\group\
  4608 		\group\dir.prj
  4611 Petteri
  4612 	1)  Minor changes in order to tidy up DisplayOn()
  4613 		\kamad\ka_ini.cpp
  4614 		\inc\v32linda.h
  4615 		\varmlb\va_hw.cpp
  4616 		\wsrc\wd_mad.cpp
  4619 Petteri
  4620 	1)  Speed improvements to Linda screen driver.
  4621 		\wsrc\wd_mad.cpp
  4623 	2)  Modified keyboard related files so that Linda keyboard
  4624 		driver works properly.
  4625 		\varmlb\va_keyb.cpp
  4626 		\varmlb\va_kdata.cpp
  4627 		\group\cakylb.mmp
  4630 Malcolm
  4631 	1)  Upgraded the MNT DISTRIB command to cope with per-file
  4632 		inclusion/exclusion.  Now uses perl to parse distrib.txt
  4633 		files.  These files have changed in format.  The format is
  4634 		now lines of the format:
  4635 		<filename>   <licensee>
  4636 		If the filename is Default, then all the files in this
  4637 		directory will be included.  If the licensee text contains
  4638 		"Epoc" then this is part of the generic release.
  4639 		To always exclude a file I suggest using a licensee of "Never".
  4640 		Comments can be started with the # character and last to the
  4641 		end of the line. \inc\distrib.txt and \group\distrib.txt files
  4642 		are good examples.
  4643 		The distrib.txt files themselves are never included.
  4644 		At the moment, this script requires pkzip version 2.5, called
  4645 		pkzip25 to be in the path.  This is due to limitations with
  4646 		the previous versions of pkzip.
  4647 		\group\
  4648 		\group\mnt.bat
  4649 		\*\distrib.txt
  4651 	2)  Fixed single process scheduler bug
  4652 		\kcarm\kc_sched.cpp
  4654 	3)	Merged in Simon's automatic test changes.
  4655 		\usrc\us_test.cpp
  4656 		\inc\e32test.h
  4658 	4)  Added that will export E32 headers appropriately.
  4659 		\group\
  4662 Petteri
  4663 	1)  Added text screen driver for Linda
  4664 		\wsrc\wd_mad.cpp
  4665 		\group\edisp.mmp
  4668 Malcolm
  4669 	1)  Removed all the li.prj files & moved the distribution comments
  4670 		to distrib.txt files. Updated mnt.bat to deal with this.
  4671 		\group\mnt.bat
  4672 		*\li.prj
  4673 		*\distrib.txt
  4675 	2)  Boilerplated Roxette sources
  4676 		\vrosr1\*
  4677 		\karos\*
  4678 		\kbros\*
  4681 Malcolm
  4682 	1) 	Major reorganisation of the E32 tree.  Tags: Pre-ER5u-Reorg is
  4683 		before this, Post-ER5u-Reorg is after it.
  4685 		What was upmarm and upmx86 has had the common parts extracted
  4686 		into upepoc and the architecture dependant bits moved to
  4687 		ucmarm and ucmx86 respectively.
  4688 		\upmarm\*
  4689 		\upmx86\*
  4690 		\ucmarm\*
  4691 		\ucmx86\*
  4692 		\upepoc\*
  4693 		group\ekern.mmp
  4694 		group\eexe.mmp
  4695 		group\xcons.mmp
  4697 	2)	Ucdt has been moved over to Usrc
  4698 		\ucdt\*
  4699 		\usrc\*
  4700 		group\euser.mmp
  4702 	3) 	Roxette (SROS) has been merged in
  4703 		\karos\*
  4704 		\kbros\*
  4705 		\vrosr1\*
  4706 		\bsros\*
  4707 		group\ekern.mmp
  4708 		group\bsros.prj
  4709 		group\esros.rel
  4710 		group\euser.mmp
  4711 		group\ekern.mmp
  4712 		group\edisp.mmp
  4713 		group\eexe.mmp
  4714 		group\ekdata.mmp
  4715 		group\inck.rel
  4716 		group\vrosr1.mmp
  4717 		wsrc\wd_rose*
  4719 	4)	Removed EPBUS reference in epbus
  4720 		group\epbus.mmp
  4722 	5)	Added support for screen dimension keys (flip keys)
  4723 		inc\e32keys.h
  4724 		inc\e32panic.h
  4725 		usrc\us_evnt.cpp
  4727 	6) 	Changes to timers to disambiguate periodic and locked timers for the
  4728 		lower layers by encoding a value in the repeat field
  4729 		ksrc\ks_tim.cpp
  4730 		inc\k32std.h
  4732 	7) 	New function UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress(), replacing the use of
  4733 		KRomLinAddr	constant.  This is so the F32 is single-process agnostic.
  4734 		All address constants have been moved to k32addr.h
  4735 		inc\k32addr.h
  4736 		kpepoc\kp_ini.cpp
  4737 		inc\u32std.h
  4738 		inc\e32rom.h
  4739 		inc\e32svr.h
  4740 		inc\m32hal.h
  4743 Jason
  4744 	1)	Added debug monitor for MISA
  4745 		\KAISA\KA_MON.CPP
  4746 		\INC\M32STD.H
  4749 Morgan
  4750 	1)	Upgraded Dma abstraction to cope with transfers across page boundaries
  4751 		\INC\M32STD.H
  4752 		\KAMAD\KA_DMA.CPP
  4754 	2)	Fixed function prototype for DPowerHandler::SetRequirement(TUint &aState)
  4755 		\inc\k32power.h
  4756 		\ksrc\ks_power.cpp
  4757 		\b*\ekern*.def
  4758 	3)	Implemented Hal::ModifyLedMask()
  4759 		\kpehal\kph_inf.cpp
  4760 	4)	Fixed key translator to use User::LowerCase instead of User::Fold
  4761 		for EMatchKeyCaseInsens
  4762 		\wsrc\ky_tran.cpp
  4763 	5)	Merged in changes for MMAD
  4764 		\inc\u32std.h
  4765 		\inc\v32linda.h
  4766 		\kbmad\*
  4767 		\kamad\*
  4768 		\varmlb\*
  4769 	6)	Corrected remote serial screen cursor positioning
  4770 		\wsrc\wd_vt100.cpp
  4771 	7)	Fixed mismatched #defines of
  4772 			__CPU_SPLIT_TLBS and __CPU_SPLIT_TLB
  4774 		\kcarm\kc_mmu.cpp
  4775 	8)	Removed NotBuffered attribute from the read-only EKernelCode and
  4776 		EUserCode chunks
  4777 		\kcarm\kc_mmu.cpp
  4778 	9)	Added Platform dependent constants for page table attributes
  4779 		\kcarm\kc_mmu.cpp
  4780 	10) Integrated the debug monitor into MMAD
  4781 		\kamad\ka_mon.cpp
  4782 		\inc\m32std.h
  4783 	11) Uncommented the two lines of code that flush the D-Cache on
  4784 		split cache processors
  4785 		\kcarm\kc_sched.cpp
  4786 		\kcarm\kc_mmu.cpp
  4787 	12) More bug fixes for MMAD
  4788 		\kamad\ka_linda.cpp
  4789 	13) Implemented Rom groping in the bootstrap
  4792 Jonathan
  4793 	1)	Fixed fix for EDN430762 in 170; trap handler was not being correctly
  4794 		zeroed.
  4795 		kpwins\kp_utl.cpp
  4796 	2)	Reinstated unused functions SetLine and GetLine cos they're pure
  4797 		virtual in the base class and so need to exist.
  4798 		wsrc\wd_wins.cpp
  4799 	3)	Made RTest::Getch() pause for input even in non-manual mode.
  4800 		usrc\us_test.cpp
  4802 Version 1.02.181
  4803 ================
  4804 (Made by Pete, 5th May 1999)
  4806 1)	Pete
  4807 	1)	Added the (exported) function:-
  4808 			TBusLocalDrive::Format(TInt aPos,TInt aLength)
  4809 		so that it is possible to format just a part of a
  4810 		drive.
  4811 	2) 	Changed the local drive allocation for Brutus/WINS as follows:-
  4813 		Local-Drive-Num	Assignment
  4814 		(Let-EPOC/WINS)
  4815 		0 (C:/Y:)	EFixedMedia0 (Internal Ram)
  4816 		1 (D:/X:)	ERemovableMedia0 (1st partition on PC Card Socket0)
  4817 		2 (E:)		ERemovableMedia1 (1st partition on PC Card Socket1)
  4818 		3 (F:)		ERemovableMedia0 (2nd partition on PC Card Socket0)
  4819 		4 (G:)		ERemovableMedia1 (2nd partition on PC Card Socket1)
  4820 		5 (H:)		ERemovableMedia0 (3rd partition on PC Card Socket0)
  4821 		6 (I:)		ERemovableMedia1 (3rd partition on PC Card Socket1)
  4822 		7 (J:)		Not used
  4823 		8 (K:/W:)	EFixedMedia1 (Flash File System)
  4825 	3) 	Backed out the change made in V180 to TTrapK::Trap() in kpwins\kp_utl.cpp as
  4826 		this is suspected to be causing problems in WINS Unicode builds.
  4827 	4) 	Fixed a problem with the function ImpHal::Idle() on ISA builds
  4828 		(KAISA\KA_UTL.CPP).
  4829 	5)	Fixed a problem with EPBUS.DLL which resulted in an exception
  4830 		if an attempt was made to open a media driver for a peripheral
  4831 		bus device (ie derived from DPBusMediaDriver) on an
  4832 		internal drive. This typically only causes a problem on machines
  4833 		which have a local drive designated as an internal drive in addition
  4834 		to the standard Internal Ram drive (ie EFixedMedia1). This isn't a
  4835 		problem on Snowdrop/Protea. There generally isn't a problem on the
  4836 		internal Ram drive (ie EFixedMedia0) since the IRAM media driver
  4837 		(MEDINT.PDD) opens successfully on this device before any drivers for
  4838 		removable devices. (It would have caused a problem if ATA media driver was
  4839 		loaded before the IRAM media driver).
  4840 	6)	Modified E32VAR.IBY and ROM.OBY in \KBISA to allow ISA UNICODE rom's
  4841 		to be built successfully.
  4842 	7)	Added a LFFS media driver (MEDLFS.PDD) to the WINS and Brutus platforms.
  4843 		The WINS version emulates a media device by performing reads/writes to the
  4844 		file <temp>LFSLDRV.BIN (e.g. C:\TEMP\LFSLDRV.BIN). The Brutus version uses
  4845 		2Mb of flash in Static Memory bank 1 and thus requires a pair of 1M x 16 flash
  4846 		chips to be fitted to this bank. These devices aren't fitted on a standard Brutus
  4847 		rack as shiped from Intel. The Brutus media driver is a read-only implementation
  4848 		in this release.
  4850 Version 1.02.180
  4851 ================
  4852 (Made by Pete, 29th April 1999)
  4854 	This is an ER5U release
  4856 1)	Jonathan
  4857 	1)	Fixed EDN430762 (E32TEST T_REG.EXE fails in WINS REL).
  4858 		TTrapK::Trap() in kpwins\kp_utl.cpp mixed assembler and C++ and was
  4859 		being broken by MSVC5's aggressive optimisations when built for
  4860 		WINS/WINC REL/UREL. The fixed code is still vulnerable to compiler
  4861 		changes because it still contains one C++ statement and could
  4862 		therefore be confused by the compiler setting up a stack frame or
  4863 		trashing the cx register.
  4864 		TTrap::Trap() in upwins\up_trp.cpp and upmx86\up_trp.cpp would contain
  4865 		the same problem but we can't build the user library under MSVC5 with
  4866 		optimisations enabled for other reasons so the problem does not
  4867 		appear.
  4869 2)	Pete
  4870 	1)	Modifications to Brutus variant (VISABA) to fix a problem with the PC Card
  4871 		interface CD signals on GPIO7 (socket1) and GPIO4 (socket0). These were being
  4872 		reconfigured to their alternate function (upper port of LCD interface) within
  4873 		the function Variant::DisplayOn().
  4874 	2) 	Change to the way the ISA PC Card Controller handles a media change interrupt so
  4875 		that it now queues a 20ms millisecond callback to handle switch debounce rather
  4876 		than doing this directly from the interrupt service routine.
  4877 	3) 	In the ISA PC Card Controller abstraction, removed some redundant functions calls
  4878 		called during media change and socket interrupt handling. These functions had been
  4879 		carried over from the MARM platform.
  4880 	4) 	Disabled idle mode for now in the ISA platform (ImpHal::Idle()). There appears to be a
  4881 		problem with PC Card IREQ interrupts (implemnted using GPIO edge triggered interrupt)
  4882 		bringing the machine out of idle such that the machine eventually hangs.
  4883 	5) 	Implemented a new Pc Card Controller to Variant interface for ISA platforms (TPcCardControllerIsaInterface
  4884 		in V32PCCDI.H). This includes the following new functions:-
  4885 			- const TDesC8& SocketIntSource(TSocket aSocket,TPccdEvent anEvent);
  4886 			- void InitSocketInt(TSocket aSocket,TPccdEvent anEvent);
  4887 			- void ClearSocketInt(TSocket aSocket,TPccdEvent anEvent);
  4888 		This is allows the socket interrupt implementation on ISA platforms to performed
  4889 		at the variant layer
  4891 3)	Alex
  4892 	1)	Modifications to ISA bootstrap (which is really tailored for the reference Brutus
  4893 		platform) to support running code from RAM rather than FLASH. This means that images larger
  4894 		than 4Mb (the previous limit on this platform due to the size of the flash bank) can be
  4895 		handled. Use with E32UTILS REPROB V027.
  4897 4)	Pete
  4898 	(inc\E32SVR.H)
  4899 		Modification to TLocalDriveCapsV2 to add the data member
  4900 		iEraseBlockSize. This is to support an F32 Flash File System.
  4903 Version 1.02.166
  4904 ================
  4905 (Made by Jonathan, 23rd February 1999)
  4907 1)	Jason
  4908 	1)	Implemented Millisecond timer for MISA.
  4909 	2)  Made the ATA Media driver as part of the ROM for MISA.
  4911 2)	Dennis
  4912 	1)	Replaced Snowdrop digitiser default calibration values with values
  4913 		supplied by Amazon.
  4914 	2)	Modified Windermere LCD controller Timing2 register setting as
  4915 		requested by Amazon.
  4916 	3)	Changed Snowdrop current consumption and battery threshold values
  4917 		to those supplied by Amazon.
  4919 3)	Morgan
  4920 	1)	Replaced the code that stops the machine turning off if an absolute
  4921 		timer is due soon.
  4923 4)	Jonathan & Co
  4924 	1)	Boilerplated source.
  4925 	2)	Removed historical epocfns.txt, sizes.txt, sizes.xls from .\group.
  4927 5)	Alastair
  4928 	1)	Replaced hard-coded R: with %s% in MNT.BAT.
  4929 	2)	Changed MNT PUTSRC to use T:\Tools\Zip.exe rather than
  4930 		T:\Tools\PKZip.exe.
  4931 	3)	Changed MNT GETREL to get the WINC debugging releaseables for DEB and
  4932 		UDEB builds.
  4933 	4)	Removed non-existent V32ARMS1.H, V32SASIC.H and duplicate listing of
  4934 		K32POWER.H from \E32\INC\INCK.PRJ.
  4935 	5)	Removed non-existent D32FTIM.H, D32FTIM.INL and *.FRZ from
  4936 		\E32\INC\INCC.PRJ.
  4938 	7)	Removed CAKDP2 Series5 keyboard variants from EMARM.REL.
  4939 	8)	Removed ELOCL variants from EMARM.REL, EWINS.REL and EWINC.REL.
  4940 	9)	Moved \E32\INC\INCC.PRJ to \E32\GROUP\INCC.REL and \E32\INC\INCK.PRJ to
  4941 		\E32\GROUP\INCK.REL and changed MNT.BAT so that these .REL files are
  4942 		treated in the same way as all the other .REL files.
  4943 	10)	Updated validation process to use William's new EVALID.BAT (added to
  4944 		E32\Group pro tem.).
  4945 	11)	Removed empty file \E32\Inc\M32hal.inl.
  4948 Version 1.02.165
  4949 ================
  4950 (Made by Pete, 16th February 1999)
  4952 1)	Jason
  4953 	1)	Removed fixed Rom address from MMU initialisation bootstrap code.
  4955 2)	Morgan
  4956 	1)	Fix for defect EDN964446 to prevent WINS standby going re-entrant.
  4958 3)	Mark
  4959 	1)	Implemented PC card driver for MISA.
  4961 4)	Dennis
  4962 	1)	Applied Jason Robinson's patch for defect EDN061952 (cannot force a
  4963 		cold reset by holding down both shift keys).
  4964 	2)	Fixed problem EDN106813 (snowdrop pathological failure mode).
  4966 5)	Pete
  4967 	1)	Added range checking to the Pc Card h/w chunk allocation functions
  4968 		(derived versions of RPccdChunkBase::CreateL()) in MARM, MISA and MAWD
  4969 		builds to prevent this allocating memory chunks beyond the physical
  4970 		region assigned to the Pc Card memory.
  4973 Version 1.02.164
  4974 ================
  4975 (Made by Jonathan, 10th February 1999)
  4977 1)	Jonathan
  4978 	1)	Disabled the crash debug monitor.
  4979 	2)	Fixed problem EDN941329 "RThread::GetRamSizes() Crashes the Kernel" by
  4980 		making RThread::GetRamSizes() return 0 for the heap size in combined
  4981 		stack+heap chunks.
  4982 	3)	Applied Dennis' fix for EDN157244 "Process creation can leak memory"
  4983 		by promoting DPlatProcess::FirstThread() to DProcess::FirstThread()
  4984 		and checking for case where OOM occurs after thread creation.
  4986 2)	Dennis
  4987 	1)	Fixed problem EDN256123 (adding a thread to a dead process crashes the
  4988 		kernel). Create empty process handles array after deleting the
  4989 		original one, and when creating a new thread check that the owning
  4990 		process is not dead.
  4991 	2)	COM061952: Put in Jason Robinson's bootstrap fix for Windermere so
  4992 		that cold resets (both shift keys down) should now work on Snowdrop.
  4994 3)	Morgan
  4995 	1)	User::LoadLogicalDevice and User::LoadPhysicalDevice now supply
  4996 		match-Uid's KLogicalDeviceDriverUid and KPhysicalDeviceDriverUid on
  4997 		their calls to RLoader::LoadLibrary
  4999 4)	Pete
  5000 	1)	Added the function TPBusCallBack::Clear() (exported from EPBUS.DLL) to
  5001 		clear the source of a Peripheral Bus event (e.g. IREQ interrupt from
  5002 		PC card). This is a 'generic' version of the temporary fix applied in
  5003 		E32-162 for defect 'CF Card interrupts being missed on Snowdrop
  5004 		machines'. Also, removed the functions
  5005 		DPcCardController::EnableEvent() and DPcCardController::DisableEvent()
  5006 		and replaced them with TPBusCallBack::Enable() and
  5007 		TPBusCallBack::Disable() respectively.
  5008 	2)	Added the functions DPcCardController::PwrUpProfile() and
  5009 		DPcCardController::SetPwrUpProfile() to read/modify the power up
  5010 		profile of the PC Card Controller (ie time reset applied, pause after
  5011 		card becomes ready, timeout period when waiting for card to become
  5012 		ready).  Removed the parameter 'aResetProfile' from
  5013 		DPeriphBusController::PowerUpBus(), DPcCardController::PowerUpCard(),
  5014 		and DPcCardController::RestoreCardPower() as this information is now
  5015 		superfluous.
  5016 	3) 	Increased synchronous busy timeout period on ARM ATA driver from 15mS
  5017 		to 20mS to support large Lexar CF cards.
  5018 	4) 	Enabled CF card rail (Vpc) monitoring in Snowdrop variant. Also
  5019 		modified this so that checking is performed periodically as long as
  5020 		the rail is on (in addition to once when first turned).
  5021 	5) 	Change to ARM ATA driver so it checks for 'card not busy' if it times
  5022 		out on a command. If the card isn't busy then it processes this as if
  5023 		it had received a normal card interrupt.
  5026 Version 1.02.163
  5027 ================
  5028 (Made by Pete, 3rd February 1999)
  5030 1) Morgan
  5031 	1)	Fixed a problem that was causing Dll entrypoints to be called
  5032 		with EDllProcessAttach twice.
  5034 2) Jason
  5035 	1)	Restored the RAM drive to MISA.
  5037 3) Dennis
  5038 	1)	Fixed problem EDN591058 (remote thread write to end of chunk can
  5039 		fail). Use sizeof(TDes8) instead of sizeof(TBuf8<1>)-1 for checking
  5040 		to avoid alignment problems.
  5041 	2)	Fixed problem EDN468376 (RHeap::Compress can leave heap
  5042 		corrupted). In the situations where a free cell header would have
  5043 		been chopped in half, an extra page of RAM is now left allocated to
  5044 		the heap.
  5045 	3)	Fixed problem EDN102617 (undefined instruction exception kills the
  5046 		kernel). Modified undefined instruction handler to run Exc::Dispatch
  5047 		in mode_und rather than mode_abt.
  5048 	4)	Modified super page signature so that it includes the E32 version
  5049 		number. This means that when a machine is reprogrammed to a
  5050 		different version of E32, a cold reset will be forced when the
  5051 		machine is first booted even if the user attempts to do a warm
  5052 		reset.
  5054 4)	Jonathan
  5055 	1)	Fixed problem EDN671244 (RDebug::ReadMemory can reset the machine)
  5056 		by trapping calls from Debug::DebugFunction to Debug::ReadMemory and
  5057 		Debug::WriteMemory.
  5058 	2)	Fixed problem EDN471656 (underlying cause of which was RAM disk
  5059 		size not being a multiple of page size) by applying Andrew/Pete's
  5060 		modified fix.
  5062 5)	Pete
  5063 	1)		Renamed current implementation of the class TLocalDrive as
  5064 		TBusLocalDrive. Also, changed TBusLocalDrive::Caps() from the form:-
  5065 			TInt Caps(TLocalDriveCaps &anInfo);
  5066 		to
  5067 			TInt Caps(TDes8& anInfo);
  5068 		with the later taking a TLocalDriveCapsBuf.
  5069 			Re-introduced a TLocalDrive class which is BC with the E32-114
  5070 		version. The TLocalDrive class will be maintained to support disk
  5071 		utilities which need a level of direct disk access. However,
  5072 		TLocalDrive functions: Enlarge(), ReduceSize() and Format() now
  5073 		return KErrNotSupported. TBusLocalDrive is intended to be used only
  5074 		by F32 and there is no BC commitment with this. (Fixes EDN545357).
  5075 	2)	Added EPBUS.MAP to MARM,MISA,MAWD release files.
  5076 	3)	Modification to prevent CF card from being powered down during a
  5077 		write operation when the machine is turned off. This involves a
  5078 		change to DPcCardController::PowerStandby() so that it waits a short
  5079 		period for any critical operation to complete. If still critical
  5080 		after that period then it goes ahead and powers down the sockets,
  5081 		but generates an emergency reset event so that clients can attempt to
  5082 		recover. (Fixes EDN201114).
  5083 	4)	Modification to IRAM media driver (EPOC Platform) so that when it is
  5084 		first mounted, it takes its initial size directly from the super
  5085 		page rather than the IRAM chunk size (which is in multiples of a
  5086 		page size).
  5089 Version 1.02.162
  5090 ================
  5091 (Made by Morgan, 27th January 1999)
  5093 1) Dennis
  5094 	1)	Fixed problem EDN153887 (using infra-red lowers RS232 RTS line) -
  5095 		modified VAWDB1\VA_COM1.CPP to ensure that UART1 SIR enable bit is
  5096 		always cleared.
  5097 	2)	Store garbage values in K::SvThread and K::SvProcess on completion of
  5098 		a kernel server function to guard against inadvertent use of these in
  5099 		executive calls or DFCs.
  5100 	3)	Fixed problem EDN741588. Modified S::ChunkCompressAll() in KS_CHK.CPP
  5101 		so that it only attempts to compress the kernel heap if its critical
  5102 		section is not blocked.
  5103 	4)	Added extra command 'R' to crash debugger to print the values of all
  5104 		processor registers across all processor modes at the point where the
  5105 		debugger was entered.
  5107 2) Jason
  5108 	1)	Restored link to MISA Idle code with-in the bootstrap.
  5109 	2)	MISA DRAM initialisation made to match the documentation.
  5111 3) Jonathan
  5112 	1)	Added missing "Distribution:" comments to PSRC\LI.PRJ and
  5113 		KBAWD\LI.PRJ. Modified "mnt check" to check that all LI.PRJs contain
  5114 		"Distribution:" comments.
  5115 	2)	Added new "mnt distrib" verb for zipping up a copy of E32 source for
  5116 		distribution to a named licensee. This verb is intended to be used
  5117 		on a clean freshly-got copy of the source.
  5118 		"mnt distrib acme" will produce \ for acme.
  5119 		"mnt distrib generic" will produce an unencumbered \
  5121 4) Pete
  5122 	1)	Fixed EDN590829 (CF Card interrupts being missed on snowdrop
  5123 		machines).  Fixed by clearing the interrupt directly from the media
  5124 		driver interrupt callback rather than relying on it to be cleared by
  5125 		the PC Card controller before the callback.  This affects CF cards
  5126 		which 'claim' to support pulse mode interrupts but actually seem to
  5127 		implement level mode interrupts.
  5130 Version 1.02.161
  5131 ================
  5132 (Made by MarkD, 19 January 1999)
  5134 1) Dennis
  5135 	1)	New Snowdrop digitiser and SPI code from Mark Ball.
  5136 	2)	Battery low interrupt now disables UART and Codec interrupts on
  5137 		EIGER to prevent watchdog death due to permanently asserted
  5138 		interrupt from UART when power is removed abruptly.
  5139 	3)	Reinstated __COMMS_MACHINE_CODED__ in VA_COM1.CPP for P2 and PD
  5140 		variants, after fixing problem caused by hard-coded vtable offset.
  5142 2) Pete
  5143 	1)	Fixed two problems with the ATA command timeout
  5144 		implementation on the ARM ATA driver. (The timeout catches
  5145 		situations where a request is made on the card which ought to be
  5146 		signalled by an interrupt from the card when complete, but where the
  5147 		card fails to generate an interrupt):-
  5148 			a) Changed to use a ticklink rather than a
  5149 		TMilliSecondCallBack to implement the timeout.
  5150 			b) Fixed a problem where the timeout could be requeued
  5151 		before the previous timeout had completed.
  5152 	2) 	Increased synchronous busy timeout period on ARM ATA driver from
  5153 		8mS to 15mS to support KingMax CF cards.
  5154 	3) 	Modification to function DMediaDriver::RequestSetup()
  5155 		so it now returns KErrInUse if the data member iReqStat isn't NULL.
  5156 		This prevents the possibility of more than one request at a time on a
  5157 		single media driver.
  5158 	4) 	Stopped releasing WINS .BMP files (ie killed SWINS.REL).
  5160 3) Morgan
  5161 	1)	Turned off emulation of the WINS backlight
  5164 Version 1.02.160
  5165 ================
  5166 (Made by Jason, 12th January 1999)
  5168 1) Mark
  5169 	1) 	Fixed a problem with MISA such that the screen wasn't being turned
  5170 		on.
  5172 2) Dennis
  5173 	1)	Added kernel crash debugger to MARM and MAWD builds. When a kernel
  5174 		fault occurs, the debugger will start instead of the machine just
  5175 		restarting.  The crash debugger is enabled by compiling with
  5176 		__ENABLE_DEBUG_MONITOR__ defined in M32STD.H.
  5177 	2)	Got the C++ build going again. Compiling with
  5178 		__MINIMUM_MACHINE_CODE__ defined in U32STD.H will result in a build
  5179 		with all non-essential machine code removed. All tests pass on EIGER
  5180 		in debug and release builds.
  5181 	3)	Assembler-coded most TWind functions (KE_WIND.CPP).
  5182 	4)	Made RPointerArray<T>::Count() and RPointerArray<T>::Find*() const.
  5183 	5)	Added check in svProcessTerminate in KS_SVR.CPP so that calling
  5184 		RProcess().Terminate() does not crash the kernel.
  5186 3) Jason
  5187 	1 )	MISA five layer split done created \e32\kaisa\ removed \e32\keisa\.
  5189 4)	Morgan
  5190 	1)	Added Dll::FileName() which will return the drive, path, and filename
  5191 		of the library it is called from.  (Added UserSvr::DllFileName and
  5192 		associated EXEC functions to support this).  Dll's that exist on the
  5193 		ROM drive and have not been RLibrary::Load()ed will return only the
  5194 		drive, (ie. "Z:").
  5195 	2)	Fixed bugs in LoadLogicalDevice and LoadPhysicalDevice that was causing
  5196 		unbalanced calls to the entrypoint of drivers (with EProcessDetatch and
  5197 		EThreadAttach).
  5198 	3)	Removed cleanup code from user side code RLoader::LoadLibrary.  Cleanup
  5199 		of half loaded dll's is now performed loader side as it should be.
  5200 	4)	Fixed a problem with switch-off-on-case-close.
  5201 	5)	S::LoadLibraryExact now creates a handle into the Loader thread rather
  5202 		than into the loading client.  DLibrary::LoadedL transfers handles and
  5203 		created dependencies as required.  See Note F32 126.2.2
  5206 Version 1.02.159
  5207 ================
  5208 (Made by Pete, 21st December 1998)
  5212 1) Jonathan
  5213    1)	Added TLanguage enums { ELangTaiwanChinese, ELangHongKongChinese,
  5214 		ELangPrcChinese, ELangJapanese, ELangThai }.
  5216 2) Morgan
  5217 	1)	Removed old static power functions that are no longer used from
  5218 		classes P, K, and ImpPsu.
  5219 	2)	Removed TKeyboard::SwitchOn() and TXYInput::SwitchOn().  And for those
  5220 		variants that required it, upgraded the keyboards and digitisers to be
  5221 		first class power handlers.
  5222 	3)	Changed KLogicalDeviceDriverUid for Unicode and Narrow builds because
  5223 		the Ldd interface has changed.  This change stops old device drivers
  5224 		loading on the new kernel.
  5225 	4)	Uniquely identified each architecture of the kernel with a Uid.  This
  5226 		change stops libraries that link to the kernel from loading on the
  5227 		wrong architecture.
  5229 3) MarkD
  5230 	1)	Performed the PC Card reorganisation for MISA.
  5231 	2) 	Fixed a problem in KEISA\KE_INI where the requested video chunk size wasn't
  5232 		rounded to page size.
  5233 	3)	Added a serial driver for Brutus using serial ports 1 (VISABA\VI_COM1.CPP)
  5234 		and 3 (VISABA\VI_COM2.CPP).
  5236 4) Alastair
  5237 	1)	Fixed ER5 defect EDN381842 "WINS 'large' fascia problem under Win95/98".
  5238 		If not running under Windows_NT SetupEmulatorPaths() function in upwins\up_path.cpp
  5239 		takes account of the fact that Win32 GetModuleFileName() will report a full path
  5240 		rather than a virtual path if the Emulator is running on a subst'ed drive from a
  5241 		DOS prompt.
  5243 5) Petteri
  5244 	1)	Changes to VARMCL variant to fully enable the PC Card Controller. All PC Card tests
  5245 			now pass on this variant.
  5247 6) Dennis
  5248 	1)	Merged in more Amazon changes to Windermere port.
  5249 	2)	Modified Plat::ScreenInfo for Windermere to return the address of the screen RAM
  5250 		bitmap rather than the palette.
  5251 	3)	Fixed a bug in the text window server introduced in 158 which stops pointer drag
  5252 		from working.
  5254 7) Pete
  5255 	1)		Various changes to facilitates a better partitiioning of
  5256 		functions between EKERN and EPBUS and to allow ROMS to be built without an EPBUS
  5257 		component. Functions which previously called either TPBusCallBack or
  5258 		Kern::PBusController() in the indepedant layer have now been moved to the Asic
  5259 		layer:-
  5260 			Modification of class DPrimaryMedia into an Indepedent layer class
  5261 		DPrimaryMediaBase and a Asic layer class DPrimaryMedia.
  5262 			Modification of class DMediaChangeNotifier into an Indepedent layer class
  5263 		DMediaChangeNotifierBase and a Asic layer class DPrimaryMedia.
  5264 			Functions K::PowerUpPeriphBus(), K::BusDevPowerStatus() are now platform
  5265 		dependent (hence moved to class P). Also creation of the functions P::ForceMediaRemount(),
  5266 		ImpHal::TotalSupportedBuses() and ImpHal::TotalSupportedDrives().
  5268 Version 1.02.158
  5269 ================
  5270 (Made by Pete, 7th December 1998)
  5272 1) Morgan
  5273 	1)	Bug fix for MARM and MAWD Emergency power down. (Screen not powered up
  5274 		after emergency power down).  Effects KEAWD\KE_POWER.CPP and
  5276 	2)	Pointer-switch-on now behaves as it did in E32(156).
  5277 	3)	Added MISA power model.
  5279 2) Pete
  5280 	1) 		Split out the PC Card Controller from the kernel into a new
  5281 		component - EPBUS.DLL. The independant layer code, previously in \KSRC,
  5282 		files KS_PCCD.CPP and KS_PSOCK.CPP has been moved into \PSRC.
  5283 		The architecture layer code files have been renamed from K?_PCCD.CPP
  5284 		to P?_PCCD.CPP (e.g. \KAEIG\KA_PCCD.CPP renamed PA_PCCD.CPP).
  5285 			As far as the interface with the kernel is conserned, EPBUS.DLL
  5286 		is now a 'generic' Peripheral Bus Controller rather than specifically a
  5287 		PC Card Controller. Machines which have a MultiMedia card interface or
  5288 		a USB interface rather than a PC Card interface will have a Peripheral
  5289 		Bus Controller supplying services for these interfaces instead. This has
  5290 		involved quite extensive modifications to the classes which previously
  5291 		implemented the PC Card media change (DMediaChange) and supply voltage
  5292 		(TPcCardVcc) since large parts of these implementations are common for
  5293 		any Peripheral Bus Controller.
  5294 			The classes associated with the 'generic' Peripheral Bus Controller
  5295 		are defined in P32STD.H. Of these functions, the code for those asociated with
  5296 		media change and supply voltage classes is in PS_PSU.CPP and the code for the
  5297 		Controller interface itself is in PS_PBUS.CPP. The independant layer code for
  5298 		the PC Card Controller implementation in now in PS_PCCD.CPP and PS_PSOCK.CPP
  5299 		(defined in P32PCCD.H).
  5300 			The variant layer code for the Peripheral Bus Controller is still supplied
  5301 		by the variant DLL. However, the bulk of the PC Card Controller functions have
  5302 		been removed from the main Custom class and moved to a TPcCardControllerInterface
  5303 		class (defined in V32PCCD.H). The custom now has a single function:-
  5304 			TAny* Custom::CreatePeriphBusControllerInterface()
  5305 		which returns a pointer to this class. This will allow variant layer code for other
  5306 		types of Peripheral Bus Controller to be supplied by the variant DLL without bloating
  5307 		the basic Custom class with these functions.
  5308 			Removed the majority of the exported functions of the class UserPcCardController
  5309 		(all apart from PwrDown() and NotifyChange()) from EUSER.DLL. Also, constructors for the
  5310 		classes TPccdChnk, TPccdConfigInfo, TPccdRegionInfo and TPccdType. The DEF file entries for
  5311 		these functions have been replaced with NotSupported entries.
  5312 			Similarly, fixed up the MARM/WINS EKERN DEF files to replace all the entries for
  5313 		exported PC Card Controller functions with NotSupported entries.
  5314 		[Note: No Pc Card reorganisation for MISA.]
  5315 	2)		The class TPccdCallback has become TPBusCallBack. A single callback can now be
  5316 		registed for mutiple events, with the event now specified by a mask rather than an enum.
  5317 		This has simplified the implemenation of the classes DPrimaryMedia and DMediaChangeNotifier.
  5318 	3) 		Modified the variant function PcCardMemPhysicalAddress() to take an extra
  5319 		parameter - 'TPccdMemType'. Prior to this, the variant just returned
  5320 		the physical address per socket, with the kernel adding an offset
  5321 		dependant on the memory type. Unfortunatley, the PS7111 has a
  5322 		different PC Card memory offset scheme to that used in the PS7110.
  5323 		Hence the need for it to be calculated in the variant (since 7111 and
  5324 		7110 share the same kernel).
  5327 Version 1.02.157
  5328 ================
  5329 (Made by Dennis, 1st December 1998)
  5331 NOTE:	Must be used with F32 version.
  5332 		No ISA or Windermere binaries.
  5333 		Outstanding problem with machine-code serial PDDs (non-machine code
  5334 		version has been released) and with Windermere power-off.
  5335 		Bldmake-generated batch files are no longer released as source so
  5336 		bldmake <all> must be run to create the batch files before any building
  5337 		can be done.
  5339 1) Morgan
  5340 	1)	Added uid-type-safety overloads to RLibrary::Load() and
  5341 		RProcess::Create() to only load Dlls and Exes that match
  5342 		the supplied Uids.
  5343 			eg
  5344 		lib.Load(_L("\\system\\plugins\\PLUGIN.DLL");
  5345 			should change to
  5346 		lib.Load(_L("\\system\plugins\\PLUGIN.DLL"),
  5347 				 TUidType(KNullUid, KPluginUid, KNullUid);
  5348 			where KPluginUid is either KPluginUid8 or KPluginUid16.
  5349 	2)	SARMBE-RIP
  5350 	3)	Added a new power management framework in INC\K32POWER.H.  Here is a
  5351 		quick overview:
  5352 		A DPowerHandler performs power related functions previously resident
  5353 		in DLogicalChannel, and also provides mechanisms for communicating
  5354 		with the machine's power model.  A DPowerModel, (DEigerPowerModel on
  5355 		the Series5, DWinsPowerModel on WINS), logs all DPowerHandlers in
  5356 		the system and their power requirements.  The power model controls
  5357 		power up and power down behaviour of all shared power units.  This
  5358 		allows it to dictate the machine's power management policy.  (See
  5359 		document POWER001 in the Base database for more grusome details).
  5360 		These changes break binary compatability for DLogicalChannels, and
  5361 		existing device drivers that require power management.
  5363 		* Here is some guidance on how to update existing
  5364 		  DLogicalChannels to use E32(157):
  5365 			// 1. given an old Ldd "Tomfoolery":
  5366 			class DTomfooleryLdd : public DLogicalChannel
  5367 				{
  5368 			public:
  5369 				~DTomfooleryLdd();
  5370 				[...]
  5371 				// override DLogicalChannel pure virtual functions
  5372 				virtual void DoPowerUp();
  5373 				virtual void DPowerDown();
  5374 				virtual void DoEmergencyPowerDown();
  5375 				}
  5377 			// 2. modify the class declaration to insert a power handler
  5378 			class DTomfooleryPowerHandler;
  5379 			class DTomfooleryLdd : public DLogicalChannel
  5380 				{
  5381 			public:
  5382 				~DTomfooleryLdd();
  5383 				[...]
  5384 				// these power functions no longer need to be virtual
  5385 				// but you may wish to keep them virtual to maintain
  5386 				// Ldd-Pdd compatability.
  5387 				virtual void DoPowerUp();
  5388 				virtual void DoPowerDown();
  5389 				virtual void DoEmergencyPowerDown();
  5390 			public:
  5391 				// add power handling to this channel
  5392 				DTomfooleryPowerHandler *iPowerHandler;
  5393 				}
  5395 			// 3. add a new power handler to the TOMFOOL.CPP file
  5396 			class DTomfooleryPowerHandler : public DPowerHandler
  5397 				{
  5398 			public:
  5399 				DTomfooleryPowerHandler(DTomfooleryLdd *aLdd) : iLdd(aLdd) {}
  5400 				virtual TInt DoPowerOn() { return iLdd->DoPowerUp; }
  5401 				virtual void DoPowerStandby() { iLdd->DoPowerDown(); }
  5402 				virtual void DoPowerRestart() { iLdd->DoPowerDown(); }
  5403 				virtual void DoPowerEmergencyStandby() { iLdd->DoEmergencyStandby(); }
  5404 			public:
  5405 				DTomfooleryLdd *aLdd;
  5406 				}
  5408 			// 4. change DTomfooleryLdd::DoCreateL and destructor
  5409 			void DTomfooleryLdd::DoCreateL(...)
  5410 				{
  5411 				[...]
  5412 				iPowerHandler=new (ELeave) DTomfooleryPowerHandler(this);
  5413 				// register the power handler so we get power events
  5414 				User::LeaveIfError(Power::AddPowerHandler(iPowerHandler));
  5415 				[...]
  5416 				// ask the PowerManager to power us up
  5417 				iPowerHandler->PowerOn();
  5418 				}
  5419 			DTomfooleryLdd::~DTomfooleryLdd()
  5420 				{
  5421 				[...]
  5422 				// ask the PowerManager to power us down
  5423 				iPowerHandler->PowerStandby();
  5424 				// remove the power handler from the system
  5425 				Power::RemovePowerHandler(iPowerHandler);
  5426 				delete iPowerHandler;
  5427 				}
  5429 			// 5. Finally, redirect calls to DLogicalChannel::PowerGood()
  5430 			// and SetPowerConsumption() through the new iPowerHandler and
  5431 			// remove all references of RegisterEmergencyPowerDownHandlerL()
  5433 		It should also be noted that DLogicalChannel::PowerOn() and
  5434 		DLogicalChannel::PowerDown() are no longer called called during
  5435 		S::CreateLogicalChannel() and DLogicalChannel::Close().
  5436 	4)	Moved WINS, MAWD and MARM over to the new power models.  Changed
  5437 		DPcCardCntrl, and DLddSound to use the new facilities.
  5438 		Also Altered DComm, DChannelComm, and DEigerComm.
  5439 		[Note: Models not added for MMAD, MISA.]
  5440 	5)	Removed duplicate implementations of P::PowerOff, P::PowerOn,
  5441 		P::Standby(), and P::CheckSupplies in WINS.
  5443 2) Jo
  5444 	1)	Fixed EPOC software problem SW1-266 "TLocale isn't updated in
  5445 		WINC/WINS when the time zone is changed"
  5446 		Added a line to KPWINS\KP_INI to update locale data on EStartupCold
  5447 		when the time zone on the PC is changed.
  5449 3) Jane
  5450 	1)  Split kearm directory into kcarm for cpu only code and kaeig for
  5451 		asic code.
  5452 		Made the kcarm code generic for any arm processor, so that all arm
  5453 		based ports can eventually share it.
  5454 		Added a set of __CPU_ #defines for "cpu properties" such as whether
  5455 		cache is write-back or write-through, whether there is a write
  5456 		buffer, and so forth. Used these to make the kcarm directory
  5457 		generic.
  5458 		These properties are set up in u32std.h from the build #define.
  5459 		Moved the MAD port to the new scheme - it shares the kcarm directory
  5460 		and has its own asic dependent directory, kamad.
  5461 		The MARM and MAD ports have new .MMP files for ekern (ekernx),
  5462 		ekdata (ekdatx) and ke_exe (kc_exe).
  5463 		I am particularly pleased with the new TMadPanic - it made it all
  5464 		worthwhile...
  5466 4)	Alastair
  5467 	1)	Changed PP::TheMachineName to "Epoc".  Take note SDK people, this
  5468 		means the default .INI file loaded from the emulator's data
  5469 		directory will be EPOC.INI rather than SYSTEM.INI.  I've also
  5470 		removed the facility to specify the fascia bitmap within the
  5471 		<machine>.ini file - instead the emulator will expect the fascia
  5472 		bitmap to have the same base name as it's corresponding ini file -
  5473 		so if the emulator is invoked with the -Mgeofox1 switch it will try
  5474 		to load geofox1.bmp.  By default the emulator will try to load
  5475 		epoc.bmp.  I've updated E32's SWINS release component accordingly.
  5476 	2)	Updated EKERN.MMP and EUSER.MMP to take advantage of MAKMAKE's new
  5477 		FIRSTOBJECT keyword (E32TOOLP 097).  Merged Jane's new EKERNX.MMP
  5478 		into EKERN.MMP, and old KE_EXE.MMP into Jane's new KC_EXE.MMP
  5479 		following these changes.
  5480 	3)	Exporting the following functions from ekern under WINS/WINC by
  5481 		ordinal rather than name
  5482 			EXPORTS E32KernelDispatchAddress @279 NONAME
  5483 			EXPORTS _E32Initialise @280 NONAME
  5484 			EXPORTS _E32DeInitialise @281 NONAME
  5485 			EXPORTS _E32ExitProcess @282 NONAME
  5487 		Euser.dll has been changed to look up these functions by ordinal.
  5488 		The latter 3 functions were previously only exported under WINC, and
  5489 		do nothing and are not called under WINS.  The hack in MAKMAKE to
  5490 		handle the linking of these functions by ordinal has been removed
  5491 		(E32TOOLP O97).
  5492 	4)	Removed Plat::EnterCS() and Plat::LeaveCS() from ESDRV.CPP and
  5493 		ECDRV.CPP
  5494 		- these fixes should no longer be required to avoid deadlock since a
  5495 		generic fix has been applied to E32 version 155.
  5496 	5)	Added 2 new exports to EUSER.DLL in E32WINS.H
  5497 			IMPORT_C void SetEmulatorColorDepth(TUint& aDepths);
  5498 			IMPORT_C void EmulatorColorDepth(TUint& aDepths);
  5499 		SetEmulatorColorDepth() is called by EKERN.DLL which will set colour
  5500 		depths supported by the emulator according to the specification of
  5501 		the ColorDepth keyword in the System.ini file.  Syntax is
  5502 			ColorDepth {Gray2} {Gray4} {Gray16} {Color16} {Color256}
  5503 					   {Color4K} {Color16M}
  5504 		If the ColorDepth keyword is not specified supported colour depths
  5505 		will default to Gray2,Gray4 and Gray16 for backward compatibility.
  5506 		Users of EmulatorColorDepth() will need to pass a bitmap reference
  5507 		to the function which will be set based on the following constants
  5508 		defined in E32WINS.H
  5509 			const TUint KEmulGray2=		0x00000001;
  5510 			const TUint KEmulGray4=		0x00000002;
  5511 			const TUint KEmulGray16=	0x00000004;
  5512 			const TUint KEmulGray256=	0x00000008;
  5513 			const TUint KEmulColor16=	0x00000010;
  5514 			const TUint KEmulColor256=	0x00000020;
  5515 			const TUint KEmulColor4K=	0x00000040;
  5516 			const TUint KEmulColor64K=	0x00000080;
  5517 			const TUint KEmulColor16M=	0x00000100;
  5518 	6)	Changed RThread::Panic() so that in WINS DEBUG builds it calls a new
  5519 		function, ThreadPanicBreakpoint2, in upwins\up_debug.cpp, with
  5520 		information about the thread being panicked and also the name of the
  5521 		killing thread.  This fixes Epoc S/W problem 356 "The __DEBUGGER
  5522 		macro that catches panics should be un-commented out."  To get the
  5523 		Windows ID of the panicking thread in RThread::Panic() I changed the
  5524 		code which keeps a list of Epoc threads in EUSER.DLL so that it
  5525 		contains the Epoc thread ID as well as the Windows one and added a
  5526 		function to upwins\up_thrd.cpp, TUint32 WinsEpocThreadWinID(TUint
  5527 		aEpocID), which returns the Windows ID corresponding to the Epoc ID
  5528 		passed in as a parameter.
  5529 	7)	Split header inc\e32wins.h into 2 headers, e32wins.h and u32wins.h.
  5530 		U32wins.h contains euser functions that should not need to be used
  5531 		by any component except E32.
  5532 	8)	Removed all the logical and physical device driver deffiles from
  5533 		\E32\INC, since makmake always ensures the right function is
  5534 		exported at ordinal one for LDD and PDD targettypes.
  5535 	9)	Changed the Emulator's path scheme.  Now, if a directory called
  5536 		'Data\' is found in the same directory as the executable which
  5537 		started the Emulator, the Emulator's data directory will be
  5538 		considered to be this directory and expected to contain .INI files
  5539 		and any corresponding bitmaps.  Also, directories 'C\' and 'Z\' in
  5540 		the executable's directory will be mapped to the emulated C: and Z:
  5541 		drives.  If a 'Data\' directory is not found in the executable's
  5542 		directory, the old scheme will be assumed where the Emulator's data
  5543 		directory is '\Epoc32\Data\' and the emulated C: drive is mapped to
  5544 		'Epoc32\WINS\C\'.
  5545 	10)	Fixed Epoc S/W problem 466
  5546 			"Plat: 46 fault when running EXEs from a different directory".
  5547 		The emulator now looks in the directory containing the emulated Z
  5548 		directory for filenames specified without a drive, rather than in
  5549 		the directory containing the executable that started up the
  5550 		emulator; so if Z is mapped to \Epoc32\Release\WINS\DEB\Z\, the
  5551 		emulator will look in \Epoc32\Release\WINS\DEB\ for these files.
  5552 		Note that mappings for emulated C and Z drives will be overwritten
  5553 		if specified in the environment, but can safely be set in the
  5554 		EPOC.INI file using the _EPOC_DRIVE_? keyword.  Any attempted
  5555 		mapping for the Z drive which does not specify a directory ending in
  5556 		\Z or \Z\ will fail.
  5557 	11)	Removed references to all bldmake-generated batch files from LI.PRJ
  5558 		files containing them, and updated MNT.BAT so that directories \BWINC,
  5559 		\BVC4 and \BVC4WINC are not archived (they contain nothing but
  5560 		bldmake-generated files anyway).  This means that to build E32 from
  5561 		source bldmake must always be called first to generate the batch files,
  5562 		and ensures these batch files are more likely to be up-to-date.
  5564 5)	Jonathan
  5565 	1)	Retired KEARM directory following Jane's changes. The MAWD and MISA
  5566 		builds depended on some files in KEARM, so these files were copied:
  5567 			KEISA:	ke_edbg.cpp, ke_edbg.h, ke_dma.cpp
  5568 			KEAWD:	ke_edbg.cpp, ke_edbg.h, ke_dma.cpp,
  5569 					ke_exc.cpp, ke_thrd.cpp,
  5570 					ke_exe.cpp, ke_kdata.cpp
  5571 	2)	Updated MNT.BAT to reflect all of the above directory changes.
  5572 	3)	Hacked a workaround to MSVC++ 5.0 (sp3) assembler bug, where MSVC
  5573 		incorrectly fixes up conditional jumps when the destination is a C++
  5574 		function. Files affected: upwins\up_realx.cpp, upwins\up_i64.cpp.
  5576 6)	Dennis
  5577 	1)	Fixed bug in serial comms driver relating to zero-length reads. If
  5578 		the receive buffer was empty when a zero-length read was requested,
  5579 		the driver would enter an inconsistent state and the request would
  5580 		not be completed unless a terminating character was specified.
  5582 7) 	Pete
  5583 	1)		Added the class RBusDevCom which is intended as a replacement
  5584 		for RDevCom (although the latter is still supported). This new class
  5585 		allows the support of serial devices such as PC Card modems which
  5586 		require the asynchronous power up of the card. The changes included
  5587 		in E32-120 allowed these types of cards to be initially powered up
  5588 		just before a channel was opened on the device. They didn't however
  5589 		support the repowering of an open channel (which again needs to be
  5590 		asynchronous) after the machine has been turned off. The RBusDevCom
  5591 		now provides the means to support for this scenario. If a channel is
  5592 		opened on a serial device which requires asynchronous powering then
  5593 		all DoControl() and DoRequest() calls are preceded by a fast exec
  5594 		call to check whether the device needs repowering. (Channels open on
  5595 		standard serial devices don't suffer the penatly of this
  5596 		exec. call).
  5597 			Added the class RBusLogicalChannel (RBusDevCom is derived from
  5598 		this class) which is intended as a replacement for RLogicalChannel -
  5599 		to be used for devices which may need to be asynchronously powered
  5600 		either before opening or while the channel is use. RLogicalChannel
  5601 		would continue to be the choice for classes of devices which don't
  5602 		require this behaviour.
  5603 			Modifications to the TLocalDrive class. This now makes use of the
  5604 		MBusDev class - created as part of the implementation of the
  5605 		RBusLogicalChannel class.
  5606 			Fixed a problem with the TLocalDrive class CheckMount() function
  5607 		so that it can't lock the file system doing continuous re-mounts
  5608 		when a CF card is inserted that never asserts its RDY signal.
  5609 	2)		Added a member 'iHiddenSectors' to TLocalDriveCaps
  5610 		to report the number of sectors on a media device reserved before
  5611 		the start of the first partition.
  5612 	3)		Added a new version of the
  5613 		DPcCardCntrl::RegisterEvent() function taking an extra parameter
  5614 		'TUint aFlag'. This allows the better support of PC cards which use
  5615 		level mode interrupt requests rather than pulse mode. The flag is
  5616 		set when level mode is required meaning the PC Card Controller can
  5617 		avoid failing to clear the interrupt in the PC Card Controller
  5618 		hardware.
  5619 	4)		Merged various changes to the MAWD architecture layer, the MAWD
  5620 		B1 variant layer and the MARM P2 variant layer including a new SPI
  5621 		implementation for MAWD, support for ETNA Rev3 etc.
  5622 			Added a function Plat::WaitAtLeastAMicroSecond() for use by the
  5623 		ATA media driver.
  5626 Version 1.02.156
  5627 ================
  5628 (Made by Jonathan, 27th October 1998)
  5630 N.B. WINS DEB/UDEB will only work with F32 122 OR LATER.
  5632 1) Dennis
  5633 	1)	Reintroduced debug/release interoperability for WINS. Removed
  5634 		CBase::iName and SObjectIxArray::iPadding. Deleted all debug DEF
  5635 		files.
  5636 	2)	Merged in Andrew Thoelke's E32 proposals:
  5637 		i)	SW1-77 Compiler-generated constant descriptors.
  5638 		ii)	SW1-14 C++ range-checking template wrapper for fixed arrays.
  5639 		iii) SW1-87 CleanupClosePushL and related cleanup-stack things.
  5640 	3)	Globally disabled warning about not inlining functions in MSVC++ 5.0.
  5642 2) Jonathan
  5643 	1)	Fixed version bug in mnt getbld.
  5644 	2)	Fixed pvcs paramater error for bsarm and bsarmbe dirs in mnt *lock.
  5646 3)	Alastair
  5647 		1) Added the following Unicode Uid values
  5648 			KLogicalDeviceDriverUidValue	0x100039cf
  5649 			KPhysicalDeviceDriverUidValue	0x100039d0
  5650 			KKernelUidValue					0x100039e2
  5651 			KUserDllUidValue				0x100039e5
  5652 			KLocaleDllUidValue				0x100039e6
  5653 			KConsoleDllUidValue				0x100039e7
  5654 			KDisplayDllUidValue				0x100039eb
  5655 			KCustomDllUidValue				0x100039e8
  5656 			KKeyboardDllUidValue			0x100039e9
  5657 			KKeyboardDataUidValue			0x100039e0
  5658 			KKeyboardTranUidValue			0x100039e1
  5659 			KXYInputDllUidValue				0x100039ea
  5661 		N.B. some of these values are defined in the file E32UID.IBY (from
  5662 		\e32\kbarm\,\e32\kbisa\, etc).  If this file is to be used in creating
  5663 		UNICODE roms then the preprocessing stage prior to rombuilding should
  5664 		define the _UNICODE macro.
  5665 		2)	Updated .MMP files in accordance with the UNICODE plan.
  5666 		3)	Changed MNT.BAT to get E32TOOLP version 096.
  5669 Version 1.02.155
  5670 ================
  5671 (Made by Morgan, 20th October 1998)
  5675 0)	Jonathan
  5676 	1)	Added Distribution lines to the LI.PRJ files in all subdirectories to
  5677 		identify licensee-specific source.
  5679 1)	Graham Asher, 13/10/98
  5680 	These changes affect the Unicode builds only. They make it possible to use
  5681 	several different sets of collation rules in the same locale, which is
  5682 	needed for East Asian locales; and they make it easier to write collation
  5683 	rules for these and other locales.
  5685 	\inc\collate.h
  5686 	introduced TCollationRepertoire - stores a series of rule sets so that one
  5687 	can choose, say, between sorting on stroke count and radical, or JIS code,
  5688 	without changing locale.  added new collation operators to make it easier
  5689 	to write complex collation rules reorganised TCollate constructors to make
  5690 	them easier for Mem functions to call
  5692 	\inc\e32des16.h
  5693 	added new TDesC16::CompareC overloads to allow selection of rule set
  5695 	\inc\e32panic.h
  5696 	added EBadCollationRulesIndex panic number
  5698 	\inc\e32std,h
  5699 	added Mem functions to enumerate collation rule sets and select them when
  5700 	comparing; these are new CompareC overloads
  5702 	\inc\u32std.h
  5703 	changed LCharSet to include a collation repertoire (instead of just a ptr
  5704 	to the rules) and a collation attribute repertoire
  5705 	(TUnicodeAttributeRepertoire) for storing locale-specific character
  5706 	attribute tables like radical and stroke count
  5708 	\inc\unicode.h
  5709 	added the new structures used by TCollationRepertoire, and added
  5710 	TUnicodeAttributeRepertoire and its constituents; added
  5711 	TUnicode::GetAttribute, so that collation can use locale-specific
  5712 	attributes, and abolished TUnicode::TranslateFromUnicode and
  5713 	TUnicode::TranslateToUnicode
  5715 	\lsrc\ls_unic.cpp
  5716 	now contains collation repertoire ptr, not rules ptr, and an attribute
  5717 	repertoire ptr for any attributes supported by the locale
  5719 	\ucdt\uc_des16.cpp
  5720 	implementation of new TDesC16::CompareC overloads
  5722 	\ucdt\uc_exec.cpp
  5723 	TChar::TranslateFromUnicode and TChar::TranslateToUnicode now do nothing;
  5724 	have not abolished them like the TUnicode functions of the same names
  5725 	because of binary compatibility
  5727 	\ucdt\uc_func.cpp
  5728 	added new Mem functions to enumerate and retrieve collation rules; and
  5729 	implemented new Mem::CompareC overloads
  5731 	\unicode\collate.cpp
  5732 	reorganised constructor arguments; implemented new operators including
  5733 	those that retrieve locale-specific attributes; increased subkey size to
  5734 	16 bits
  5736 	\unicode\unicode.cpp
  5737 	abolished TUnicode::TranslateFromUnicode and TUnicode::TranslateToUnicode
  5739 2)	Dennis
  5740 	1)	Machine coded most of the TEiger functions because things like keyboard
  5741 		scanning were taking a ridiculously long time (nearly 500us).
  5742 	2)	Fixed bug SW1-256 - TInt64::TInt64(TReal) won't compile under VC5.
  5743 	3)	Fixed bug SW1-738 - Scheduler bug may leave processes unprotected.
  5744 	4)	Added extra function calls to serial comms PDD VA_COM1.CPP to cope
  5745 		with new chained interrupts.
  5747 3)	Alastair
  5748 	1)	Changed Emulator title bar to read "EPOC Emulator".
  5749 	2)	Changed \e32\dpwins\d_medint.cpp and \e32\kpwins\kp_pccd.cpp
  5750 		to use Win32 function GetTempPath() to get the system
  5751 		temporary path rather than manually checking the "temp" environmental
  5752 		variable.  Fixes Epoc Software problem SW1-112.
  5753 	3)	Changed WINS F11 key case closed behaviour so that "case
  5754 		closed" is added to the WINS title bar rather than the case
  5755 		bitmap being displayed.
  5756 	4)	Removed possibility of specifying the case bitmap within
  5757 		WINS's system.ini file, and all references to the case bitmap.
  5758 	5)	Disabled Emulator Window maximise button since the button
  5759 		served no purpose.
  5760 	6)	Added new header \E32\INC\E32WINS.H containing the following
  5761 		WINS-specific functions to be exported from EUSER.DLL
  5763 		IMPORT_C TInt SetupEmulatorPaths();
  5764 		IMPORT_C TPtrC EmulatorPath();
  5765 		IMPORT_C TPtrC EmulatorDataPath();
  5766 		IMPORT_C TInt SetupEmulatedDrive(const TChar aDrive,const TDesC& aPath);
  5767 		IMPORT_C TInt MapEmulatedFileName(TDes& aBuffer,const TDesC& aFileName);
  5769 		These functions are defined in new file
  5770 		\E32\UPWINS\UP_PATH.CPP, and replace various drive-mapping
  5771 		activities in different places in E32 and F32.  They also
  5772 		incorporate changes to make the Emulator runnable from
  5773 		anywhere.  If the Emulator is running from a traditional
  5774 		\Epoc32\Release\WINS\<build>\ directory, then emulated C: and Z:
  5775 		drives and the Emulator data directory will be as before;
  5776 		otherwise, emulated C: and Z: will be subdirectories 'C' and 'Z'
  5777 		of the Emulator directory, and the Emulator data directory
  5778 		will be the 'data' subdirectory of the Emulator directory.
  5779 	7)	Fixed Epoc Software problem SW1-153 "Allow applications to simulate
  5780 		running from C: or D: on WINS".  F32 has been changed so that
  5781 		an Epoc path, rather than a full Win32 path, is passed to
  5782 		the kernel's DPlatLibrary::DoLoad() function.  The path is mapped
  5783 		to a Win32 path using MapEmulatedFileName() for the Win32 call to
  5784 		LoadLibrary(), but DPlatLibrary.iFileName is set to the Epoc
  5785 		path rather than the full Win32 path.  It is iFileName that function
  5786 		RLibrary.FileName() returns.  Previously F32 would
  5787 		pass in the full Win32 path and DPlatLibrary::DoLoad() would
  5788 		convert it to an Epoc path to set the iFileName value, but for
  5789 		libraries on the emulated Z drive only.
  5790 	8)	In \E32\KPWINS\KP_GUI.CPP, replaced some old dos function
  5791 		calls with newer, more UNICODE-friendly, Win32 ones.
  5792 	9)	Added 2 new, case-sensitive, command-line flags.
  5793 		Use EPOC.EXE -C<emulated C drive> -- (that's 2 dashes) to
  5794 		specify the emulated C drive.
  5795 		Use EPOC.EXE -T -- to specify that the system temporary path
  5796 		should be used as the emulated C drive.
  5797 		These flags will override the default settings and any _EPOC_DRIVE_C
  5798 		setting in the environment or in the System.ini file.
  5799 	10)	Removed obselete code defaulting maximum free RAM under WINS from
  5800 		\E32\KPWINS\KP_HAL.CPP.  The default is now applied by
  5801 		\E32\KPWINS\KP_GUI.CPP.
  5802 	11)	Changes to support international keyboard variants - these changes
  5803 		will mean that WSERV version 100 (or above) and it's corresponding
  5804 		changes are required to provide sensible keyboard behaviour.
  5805 		a) Changed WINS EKERN.DLL so that character codes are passed onto the
  5806 		Window Server in the 2 high bytes of the TRawEvent iScanCode
  5807 		member variable.
  5808 		b) Changed WINS EKTRAN.DLL to translate Epoc scan codes to the
  5809 		character code provided in the 2 high bytes of the aScanCode
  5810 		parameter if this code is available.
  5811 		c) Changed EWSRV.DLL so that the 2 high bytes of the TRawEvent
  5812 		iScanCode are ignored where appropriate.
  5813 		d) Changed WINC ECONS.DLL to support international keyboard
  5814 		input.
  5815 		e) Removed \E32\KPWINS\KP_KYBD.CPP - this file used to provide
  5816 		limited international keyboard support - UK/US variants only.
  5817 	12)	Added KConsoleDllUid, 0x100000C5, to \E32\INC\E32UID.H.
  5818 	13) Made changes to \E32\WSRC\CO_TWIN.CPP to resolve the ECONS.DLL
  5819 		problem in line with the version of Epoc S/W Proposal SW1-84
  5820 		revised 27/8/98.  Some changes to the Eikon console will be
  5821 		required for the solution to be fully effective.  The changes
  5822 		don't go quite as far as the proposal - the text console only
  5823 		attempts to load ECONSEIK.DLL, not ECONS?*.DLL, since the
  5824 		dll-loading code does not handle wildcards.
  5825 	14) Changed \E32\KPWINS\KP_GUI.CPP so that under WINS the pointer
  5826 		name (TMachineInfoV1.iXYInputName) is always either _L("PEN"),
  5827 		_L("MOUSE") or _L("NONE").  This value can be set via
  5828 		\Epoc32\Data\System.ini using keyword "PointerType", and
  5829 		defaults to _L("PEN").  E.G. "PointerType mouse".
  5830 	15) Changed \E32\KPWINS\KP_GUI.CPP to allow Emulator windows to be
  5831 		created which are larger than the PC screen.
  5832 	16)	Changed \E32\GROUP\SWINS.REL to include the new symbian fascia.bmp and
  5833 		friends from R:\SDK\ZIP\SDKMODELS.007.
  5834 	17)	Added new function and an enum to E32WINS.H
  5836 			IMPORT_C TInt EmulatorFlip(TEmulatorFlip aEmulatorFlip);
  5837 			enum TEmulatorFlip
  5838 				{EEmulatorFlipRestore,EEmulatorFlipInvert,EEmulatorFlipLeft,EEmulatorFlipRight};
  5840 		Calling this function, defined in \E32\UPWINS\UP_GUI.CPP, will change
  5841 		the size and orientation of the emulator's parent and child windows
  5842 		and bitmap.
  5843 	18)	Implemented Epoc Proposal SW1-93 "Help for debugging Panics on WINS".
  5844 		In WINS DEBUG mode, when a thread is panicked, a function in
  5845 		\E32\UPWINS\UP_DEBUG.CPP will be called which will break into the
  5846 		debugger and provide comprehensive information about the panic.  Source
  5847 		file UP_DEBUG.CPP will be needed for this to work properly.  I've
  5848 		removed the __DEBUGGER() macro from RThread::Panic() since it should no
  5849 		longer be required.
  5850 	20)	Added 2 new functions to E32WINS.H - AddToWinsEpocThreadList() and
  5851 		RemoveFromWinsEpocThreadList().  These enable the kernel to create and
  5852 		maintain a list of "real" Epoc threads (as opposed to fake WINS
  5853 		hardware threads) within EUSER.DLL.  New function
  5854 		UpWins::__EpocThread() in UP_STD.H is called by EDLL.OBJ (linked into
  5855 		every WINS Epoc dll) to check whether the current thread is in this
  5856 		list, so that EUSER's E32Dll() routine is only called when real Epoc
  5857 		threads attach to and detach from loaded Epoc dlls.  As a result of
  5858 		this change dlls linked to the new version of EDLL.OBJ will not run
  5859 		against older versions of EUSER.DLL.  All these new functions are
  5860 		defined in new file \E32\UPWINS\UP_THRD.CPP.  This change addresses
  5861 		Epoc Proposal SW1-19, though I haven't removed the calls to E32Dll()
  5862 		with parameters EDllProcessAttach and EDllProcessDetach yet since the
  5863 		window server, and perhaps other components, make use of these.
  5865 4) Morgan
  5866 	1)	Added interrupt chaining to TInterrupt.  This breaks binary
  5867 		compatability for this class, but maintains source compatability.
  5868 		Attempts to Bind the old TInterrupt class with the new kernel will
  5869 		fail with KErrNotSupported.
  5872 Version 1.02.151
  5873 ================
  5874 (Made by Pete, 12 October 1998)
  5876 1) Morgan
  5877 	1)	Updated TLinda and KEMAD\KE_PIC.CPP to take the new interrupts
  5878 	2)	Added some kernel access functions so device drivers can
  5879 		find DPhysicalDevices, DLogicalDevices, DChunks, and DLibraries
  5880 	3)	Added TDma::Fill()
  5881 	4)	Fixed a bug in the ImpDma interface
  5882 	5)	Added hooks for automatic chaining of Dma buffers
  5884 2) Pete
  5885 	1) 		Re-organisation of the SPI bus / ADC channel
  5886 		measurement code in MARM and MAWD builds:-
  5887 			TSpiController is now an abstract class. A
  5888 		TSpiController derived class is defined and instanciated in each
  5889 		variant. During initialisation, the kernel calls
  5890 		TSpiController* Custom::CreateSpiController() to create the
  5891 		appropriate SPI controller device.
  5892 			TSpiController now includes the following
  5893 		pure virtual functions which (hopefully) encompass the variant
  5894 		specific aspects of this device:-
  5895 			- void TSpiController::InitialiseSpiDevice();
  5896 			- void TSpiController::StartAveragedReading();
  5897 			- void TSpiController::StartOneShotReading();
  5898 			Created the file VA_SPI.CPP in each MARM/MAWD
  5899 		variant to implement the above functions (the code for which
  5900 		has been essentially extracted from the appropriate KE_SPI.CPP
  5901 		file). Also moved the following SPI related functions out of
  5902 		VA_HW.CPP into VA_SPI.CPP:-
  5903 		- TBool Custom::TestBootSequence()
  5904 		- TInt Custom::BindSpiChannel(const TDesC8& aName)
  5905 		- TBool Custom::EightChannelAdcFitted().
  5906 			The TSpiController device no longer relies on
  5907 		the digitizer driver to drive it to pull off and process
  5908 		entries from its queue of ADC channels waiting for an ADC reading.
  5909 		The Controller now has its own 8mS tick to perform
  5910 		this. The later can be suspended/resumed by the variant using:-
  5911 			- void TSpiController::Suspend();
  5912 			- void TSpiController::Resume();
  5913 		(For PB-PD/P2 MARM and B1 MAWD variants, the
  5914 		digitizer driver does indeed suspend this operation and
  5915 		drives processing of pending channels itself so as not to
  5916 		change the operation of this driver).
  5917 	2) 		Re-organisation of the way the PC Card Controller
  5918 		hardware (e.g. Etna) is implemented for MARM builds to make
  5919 		use of the fact that the variant DLL can now contain static
  5920 		data. The h/w chunks are no longer allocated in the
  5921 		architecture layer (KE_INI.CPP), but are
  5922 		allocated within the variant as part of the Custom::Init3()
  5923 		function. As such, the function
  5924 		Custom::PcCardCntrlPhysicalAddress() has become redundant.
  5925 	3) 		The function Hal::ColdStart() is now properly
  5926 		exported.
  5928 3) Petteri
  5929 	1) Changes to MARM display driver (WD_EIGER.CPP) so to handle
  5930 	different screen sizes. Previous one assumed 640x240.
  5931 	2) Changes to bootstrap and MARM variant layer to allocate an
  5932 	additional h/w chunk for the extra registers in the CL-PS7111 device.
  5933 	3) Various changes to the Cirrus Logic evaluation board
  5934 	variant - to bring back as a supported variant.
  5936 4)	Dennis
  5937 	1) Put SCREENVARIANT code back into MARM bootstrap.
  5939 Version 1.02.150
  5940 ================
  5941 (Made by Alastair, 23rd September 1998)
  5943 This release is not intended for ER4, though it could be used as part
  5944 of an ER4 SDK.
  5946 1)	Alastair
  5947 	1)	Changed ECDRV.PDD, ESDRV.PDD and ESOUND.LDD as suggested by replies
  5948 		to topic "WINS sound and comms cause deadlocks with STDLIB" under
  5949 		category "Known Epoc Problems" in Notes database
  5950 		"Symbian Tech Support General", except that the change to
  5951 		ECDRV.PDD has been modified slightly so that it doesn't break test
  5952 		T_SERIAL.EXE.  The ECDRV.PDD change has been tested with a version of
  5953 		T_SERIAL.EXE modified to simulate the conditions which
  5954 		could previously cause deadlock.
  5955 		These changes address the following bugs/proposals, but do not
  5956 		represent a permanent solution:
  5957 			Epoc Software problem SW1 - 176 "WINS sound driver
  5958 				deadlock in ESTLIB E32Dll() function."
  5959 			Series5 Software problem SW1 - 503 "ECDRV.PDD can cause
  5960 				deadlocks in simple test programs".
  5961 			Epoc proposal SW1 - 19 "Implement true EPOC32 handling of
  5962 				E32Dll() under WINS".
  5963 		The change to ESOUND.LDD fixes Epoc Software problem SW1 - 179
  5964 		"ESOUND.LDD plays silence indefinitely for short sound samples".
  5967 Version 1.02.144
  5968 ================
  5969 (Made by Dennis, 7th August 1998)
  5971 1) Matthew
  5972 	1)	Added code to MISA platform so that the cpu goes into idle mode when
  5973 		in the idle thread.
  5974 	2)	Added \e32\keisa\todo.txt - a to-do list for the MISA platform.
  5976 2) Dennis
  5977 	1)	Fixed bug in comms device driver D_COMM.CPP which left unwanted DFCs
  5978 		queued after a power-down. These then attempted to complete requests
  5979 		twice. Power down now cancels any pending DFCs.
  5981 3) Jonathan
  5982 	1)	Removed tests for redundant files from valid command in mnt.bat.
  5983 	2)	Updated build.txt to add dire warnings about checking e32ver.h and
  5984 		advice about MNT VALIDating releases.
  5987 Version 1.02.143
  5988 ================
  5989 (Made by Pete, 20th July 1998)
  5991 1) Dennis
  5992 	1) Fixed SW1-586 incorrect handling of signed zeros.
  5994 2) Morgan
  5995 	1) Updated V32Linda.h to reflect the latest hw
  5996 	2) Added TDma class and supporting classes Dma, ImpDma
  5997 	3) Changed MMAD bootstrap to use the same modular scheme as MARM
  5999 3)	Alastair
  6000 	1)	Fixed Epoc Software problem SW1-107 'WINS RThread::Resume problem on
  6001 		Win95' by not faulting the platform unless Win32 API function
  6002 		GetLastError() reports an error as well as ResumeThread().
  6004 4) Pete
  6005 	1) 	Fixed a problem with ATA media driver such that it sometimes failed
  6006 		to reduce machine current consumption - having raised it due to a
  6007 		read or write to the CF card.
  6008 	2) 	Fixed a problem with ATA media driver. As part of the exec. call to
  6009 		read/write/format the card, the driver sends a command to the card,
  6010 		to read/write the appropriate number of sectors. Each time a sector
  6011 		is complete, the card generates an interrupt so the driver can
  6012 		either read the data from the sector or supply the data for the next
  6013 		sector to be written. There was a problem with the driver such that,
  6014 		if the first interrupt from the card occurred while still in the
  6015 		initial exec. call, the interrupt could be prematurely cleared. The
  6016 		driver then only detects that the sector has been processed when a 2
  6017 		second time-out occurs on the operation - making the operation
  6018 		appear very slow. This only seems to have been a problem for Viking
  6019 		and Panasonic CF cards.
  6020 	3) 	Alteration to the ATA media driver to improve speed of transfer,
  6021 		particularly on reads from the card. Before, the driver queued a DFC
  6022 		for the completion of each sector read from the card (to write it
  6023 		back the thread making the request). The media driver's buffer has
  6024 		now been increased so that this can be filled under interrupt. A DFC
  6025 		in now only queued when the buffer is full.
  6028 Version 1.02.142
  6029 ================
  6030 (Made by Pete, 1st July 1998)
  6032 1) Matthew
  6033 	1)	Changed MISA bootstraps to use the same modular scheme as MARM.
  6034 	2)	Added functions to TSa1100 for new hardware registers in revision D.
  6035 1) Dennis
  6036 	1)	Added thread write function DThread::WriteNoCheck() which doesn't
  6037 		perform the strict checking that DThread::Write() does.
  6038 	2)	Changed TLex::Val(TReal*) to use TRealX in its intermediate
  6039 		calculations in order to increase the precision of the final
  6040 		result. Added a new function Math::MultPow10X which multiplies a
  6041 		TRealX argument by an integer power of 10. This is basically a
  6042 		higher precision version of Math::Pow10.
  6043 1) Pete
  6044 	1)	Changed MARM ATA and CROM media driver to use
  6045 		DThread::WriteNoCheck(). Fixes SW1-482.
  6048 Version 1.02.141
  6049 ================
  6050 (Made by Pete, 10th June 1998)
  6052 1) Jonathan
  6053 	1)	Removed private assignment operators from TSglQueIterBase and
  6054 		TDblQueIterBase as per EPOC32 Proposal SW1-53.
  6055 	2)	Made inline RSubSessionBase::SubSessionHandle() public as per EPOC32
  6056 		Proposal SW1-45.
  6057 	3)	Bumped up the E32 KMediaDriverInterface*VersionNumber.
  6058 	4)	Changed the default WINS memory emulation from 4MB to 64MB as per
  6059 		EPOC32 Proposal SW1-88.
  6060 	5)	New code page 1252 and Unicode character information tables derived
  6061 		from release 2.1 of the character database from Unicode Inc.
  6062 		Fixes EPOC32 Software Problems SW1-42 and also adds:
  6063 			80 & U+20AC	  New euro currency symbol
  6065 			9E			  LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON (= U+017E)
  6067 	6)	From Graham Asher:
  6068 		The enumerated type TChar::TCategory in e32std.h, used only in the
  6069 		Unicode build, has been changed to accommodate the new character
  6070 		categories in unidata2.txt.
  6072 2) Matthew
  6073 	1)	Changed the TSa1100 class - removed SetHalt(), which had been
  6074 		copied over from TEiger, and renamed IntLevels() to	IntsPending()
  6075 		and IntTypes() to IntLevels() to conform with the terminology in
  6076 		the SA1100 documentation. Breaks misa kernel-side compatability.
  6077 	2)	Removed lccr followers from MISA, which were working around a bug
  6078 		in the SA1100.
  6079 	3)	Changed MISA ScreenInfo function to return the address of the
  6080 		beginning of the palette (rather than the pixel data for 8bpp).
  6081 		The screen driver will have to change to take account of this.
  6082 	4)	Removed TSa1100 palette functions - the screen driver should write
  6083 		to memory instead.
  6084 	5)	Removed Cassius-A releasables from the releasables, because we had
  6085 		the hardware taken from us.
  6086 	6)	Changed Windamere(AWD) and SARMBE architectures to set year to
  6087 		rombuild year on a cold boot, which I forgot in the last release
  6088 		(see 3.13 in release 140).
  6089 	7)	Fixed Epoc32 defect SW1-33 ("Problem in Plat::Fault in Unicode
  6090 		builds") by changing Length() calls to Size() calls.
  6091 	8)	Changed sound ldd to use DThread::Read() and Write() rather than
  6092 		doing its own thing this fixes S5 defect SW1-231 ("Machine warm
  6093 		reset when playing sound while spy running").
  6094 	9)	Changed svChangeLocale() function so that it triggers
  6095 		RChangeNotifiers.
  6096 	10)	Changed keyboard translator dll so that the default library is
  6097 		closed when not in use.
  6098 	11)	Incremented EPOC comms-driver minor version number (but not WINS
  6099 		one) and put a check into the pdds so that they will not be used
  6100 		with early versions of the ldd. Partially fixes Bluebell defect
  6101 		SW1-5 ("Triple beep reset when turning on the link").
  6102 	12)	Added an explicit call to compress the kernel heap to
  6103 		S::ChunkCompressAll(). This fixes the E32 bit of Series-5 defect
  6104 		SW1-356 ("Large uncompressible heaps in system components").
  6105 	13)	Fixed bug in sound ldd which caused sine waves to not be
  6106 		cancelled in WINS on PCs which did not support aLaw.
  6108 3) Dennis
  6109 	1)	Fixed bug in ARM710.S in EIGER bootstrap code. In function
  6110 		EigerSetCSnWidth register R1 is accidentally overwritten, causing
  6111 		the ROM to be set up incorrectly if its bus width is not 32 bits.
  6112 	2)	Implemented EPOC32 proposal SW1-69. User::StartThread modified to do
  6113 		the DLL attach and detach in separate functions, so that the 1K of
  6114 		stack used in these functions can be reused during actual running of
  6115 		the thread.
  6116 	3)	Fixed problem SW1-51 - renamed TPointerArray<T> to RPointerArray<T>
  6117 		and TSimpleArray<T> to RArray<T>. Replaced TArray(U)Int with
  6118 		RArray<T(U)Int>.  Replaced the destructor with a Close() function to
  6119 		do memory deallocation.  Frozen DEF files modified so that renamed
  6120 		functions are at same ordinal as before, with Close() functions at
  6121 		the same ordinals as the destructors were.
  6122 	4)	Fixed problem SW1-47 - modified code in DebugFunction ProfileResult
  6123 		to get the tick period from Hal::TickPeriod instead of hardcoding it
  6124 		to 15625us.
  6125 	5)	Fixed problem SW1-622 - modified heap code so that all free cells
  6126 		are at least 16 bytes in debug mode, since this is the minimum
  6127 		allocated cell size.
  6128 	6)	Modified RHeap::ReAlloc() so that the nestingLevel field in debug
  6129 		mode is preserved.  This prevents test programs failing a kernel
  6130 		heap check due to one of the kernel's arrays being reallocated
  6131 		during the test.
  6132 	7)	Modified handlers for vectors 0x00 and 0x14 (reset and reserved) to
  6133 		fault with a simulated exception EExcInvalidVector rather than
  6134 		looping forever.  iCodeAddress=0x00 or 0x14, iDataAddress=value of
  6135 		lr on jumping to 0x00 or 0x14.
  6136 	8)	Added functions RChunk::IsReadable() and RChunk::IsWritable() so
  6137 		that user code can determine whether or not a chunk is mapped into
  6138 		its process address space.
  6139 	9)	Fixed problem SW1-370 (Math::Mod is not sufficiently
  6140 		accurate). Changed the algorithm from x%y=x-y*INT(x/y) to a
  6141 		bit-by-bit shift and subtract algorithm.  Added operator%,
  6142 		operator%=, Mod() and ModEq() functions to TRealX class to implement
  6143 		the new algorithm.
  6145 4) Petteri
  6146 	1)	Fixed a bug in Math::Round(). (SW1-402)
  6147 	2)	Fixed a couple of bugs in the text window server.
  6148 	3)	Changed Ekern.mmp as required by changes in Makmake.
  6150 5) Alastair
  6151 	1)	Changed mnt.bat so that mnt getsrc no longer attempts to make
  6152 		the Epoc work directories.
  6153 	2)	Changed WinCOutput::Write(const TDesC &aDes) so that WINC
  6154 		programs can write output to STDOUT for redirection.  This change
  6155 		applies to ascii builds only.
  6156 	3)	Changed the kernel so that the Windows Alt-F4 keyboard
  6157 		shortcut for closing applications works for WINS.
  6158 	4)	Changed #define in kpwins\kp_chunk.cpp so that the code which
  6159 		checks that requests for more memory won't cause the emulated
  6160 		memory allocation limit to be exceeded applies for WINS only, not
  6161 		WINC.  This won't change WINC behaviour because the emulated
  6162 		memory limit under WINC was always zero, which meant that the
  6163 		check wasn't applied anyway.
  6164 	5)	Changed kpwins\kp_gui.cpp in line with Epoc Proposal SW1-21,
  6165 		so that emulated drive assignment is possible from
  6166 		\Epoc32\Data\System.ini.
  6167 		Syntax is
  6168 		_EPOC_DRIVE_<letter> <path>
  6170 6) Jo
  6171 	1)	Fixed Series 5 software problem SW1-440 ("PDD returns different errors
  6172 		in WINS and ARM").  Both WINS and ARM now return KErrNotSupported.
  6173 	2)	Fixed Series 5 software problem SW1-943 ("XXX_CAST macros in E32DEF.H
  6174 		are written incorrectly")
  6176 7) Pete
  6177 	1)	Implemented asynchronous rather than synchronous system
  6178 		for read,write and format operations on local media devices.
  6179 		This affects the TLocDrv and DMediaDriver classes.
  6180 	2)	Changed API on for local media devices so that for any given
  6181 		operation (eg read,write,format,reduce size) the position on the
  6182 		device is specified as a TInt64 rather than TInt. This will allow
  6183 		very large media devcies to be supported. This affects the TLocDrv,
  6184 		DMedia and DMediaDriver classes.
  6186 		Taking changes 1 & 2 for DMediaDriver, the functions
  6187 			TInt DMediaDriver::ReduceSize(TInt aPos,TInt aLength);
  6188 			TInt DMediaDriver::Read(TInt aPos,TInt &aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset);
  6189 			TInt DMediaDriver::Write(TInt aPos,TInt &aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt aHandle,TInt anOffset);
  6190 			TInt DMediaDriver::Format(TInt aPos,TInt &aLen);
  6192 		become:-
  6193 			TInt DMediaDriver::ReduceSize(TInt64 &aPos,TInt aLength);
  6194 			void DMediaDriver::Read(TInt64 &aPos,TInt *aLength,TLocalDriveMessageData &aTrg,DThread *aThread,TRequestStatus *aStatus);
  6195 			void DMediaDriver::Write(TInt64 &aPos,TInt *aLength,TLocalDriveMessageData &aSrc,DThread *aThread,TRequestStatus *aStatus);
  6196 			void DMediaDriver::Format(TInt64 &aPos,TInt *aLength,DThread *aThread,TRequestStatus *aStatus);
  6197 	3)	Withered the UserPcCardCntrl class. Now all functions are 'not supported'
  6198 		apart from:-
  6199 			void UserPcCardCntrl::PwrDown(TSocket aSocket);
  6200 			TInt UserPcCardCntrl::NotifyChange(TSocket aSocket,TRequestStatus *aReqStat);
  6201 		which are implemented using the corresponding UserSvr functions
  6202 		described below.
  6203 		The media device functions previously provided by UserPcCardCntrl
  6204 		are now provided by D_DRVIF.LDD in E32UTILS.
  6205 		The PC Card controller functions previously provided by UserPcCardCntrl
  6206 		are now provided by D_PCCDIF.LDD in E32UTILS.
  6207 	4)	Added the following UserSvr local media functions:
  6208 			void UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(TMediaDevice aDevice);
  6209 		Causes remount on next access to specifed device (ie
  6210 		media change simulation).
  6211 			TInt UserSvr::MediaChangeNotify(TMediaDevice aDevice,TRequestStatus *aReqStat);
  6212 		Request notification of power of powerup and media change
  6213 		events on the specified media device.
  6214 	5)	In MARM build the function:-
  6215 			TInt DArmPlatPcCardSocket::EventCallBackEnable(TPccdEvent anEvent)
  6216 		no longer performs a clear of any pending events before enabling an
  6217 		event callback type. Also, it now performs an additional check that
  6218 		a power down of a PC Card hasn't occured (ie Kern::PowerGood()) before
  6219 		enabling PC Card IREQ events.
  6222 Version 1.02.140
  6223 ================
  6224 (Made by Morgan, 14th May 1998)
  6226 1) Graham
  6227 		1) Added P3 variant to the rom building capabilities in KBARM
  6229 2) Dennis
  6230 		1)	Added support for multiple kernels/variants in the same ROM.
  6231 			This requires F32 096 and ROMBUILD version 093.
  6232 		2)	Added TSimpleArray<>, TPointerArray<>, TArrayInt simple array classes.
  6233 		3)	Changed occurrences of CArray* in the kernel to TSimpleArray<>.
  6234 		4)	Rearranged ARM boot code into a form which is easier to adapt to other
  6235 			hardware and which facilitates multiple-boot ROMs.
  6236 		5)	EKERN.EXE no longer links to the variant DLL. Instead, the variant DLL
  6237 			is found by searching a list of possible variants.
  6238 		6)	Added executive call UserSvr::RomRootDirectoryAddress() to enable F32 to
  6239 			obtain the address of the ROM file system root directory. This address is
  6240 			now determined at boot time from a list of possible root directories, one
  6241 			for each variant which the ROM supports.
  6242 		7)	Added code to enable profiling of threads (measures CPU time used by each
  6243 			thread in the system). To use this, rebuild the MARM REL version with the
  6244 			symbol __PROFILE__ defined at the top of M32STD.H. You will also need test
  6245 			program T_PROF.EXE and device driver D_PROF.LDD from E32TEST.
  6246 		8)	Added two new format options %O and %o to Kern::Printf. %o prints the short
  6247 			name of a CObject and %O prints the full name. Also modified Kern::Printf
  6248 			to print (null) if a NULL pointer is passed into %S, %O or %o.
  6249 		9)	Modified statements of the form Kern::Printf(_L("%S"),&obj->FullName())
  6250 			to Kern::Printf(_L("%O"),obj).
  6251 		10)	Added a generic algorithm for determining the size and configuration of
  6252 			DRAM devices to the ARM bootstrap code.
  6253 		11)	Modified ARM/ISA/X86 bootstrap to map in the PageTableInfo array at
  6254 			0x41080000. The fixed offset from the page directory simplifies remapping
  6255 			during a reschedule.
  6256 		12)	Added fields iHomePdes, iPdes and iNumPdes to the definition of DPlatChunk.
  6257 			These indicate directly which PDEs are used by the chunk and simplify
  6258 			moving a chunk around. Modified the scheduler to use these fields when
  6259 			switching processes. Added a function DPlatChunk::SetPdeInfo to set up
  6260 			these fields.
  6261 		13)	Removed the current consumption setting code from the scheduler. Added
  6262 			a function K::TotalCurrentConsumptionInMilliAmps() which calculates the
  6263 			machine current by adding K::TotalCurrentMilliAmps to the machine current,
  6264 			determined by simply looking to see if the null thread is running.
  6265 		14)	Modified DPlatProcess::LookupChunk to do a binary search on the chunk list
  6266 			instead of a straight entry-by-entry search.
  6267 		15)	Fixed a bug in DPlatChunk::ReallocateHomeAddress which would result in a
  6268 			chunk being left without a home address if all linear addresses in the
  6269 			home section were exhausted.
  6270 		16)	Modified text window server so that it loads EDISP.DLL from Z:\SYSTEM\LIBS
  6271 			and invokes ordinal 1 in order to create the screen device driver, rather
  6272 			than being statically linked to EDISP.DLL. This is necessary for multi-boot
  6273 			ROMs since EDISP.DLL is hardware dependent.
  6274 		17)	Added WINDERMERE architecture (\E32\KEAWD), Bluebell V1 variant (\E32\VAWDB1),
  6275 			and dual-boot EIGER/WINDERMERE test ROM (\E32\KBAWD).
  6276 			This builds and runs on Rack D but is obviously completely untested on
  6277 			Windermere. There are some outstanding issues with the Windermere port:
  6278 			i)		Standby code may be faulty - problem with restoring state when machine
  6279 					powers back up.
  6280 			ii)		PC card/CF card code requires modification to use LDRH/STRH 16 bit
  6281 					instructions rather than relying on EIGER 'mad-mad mode'.
  6282 			iii)	Bootstrap needs modifying to detect Windermere.
  6283 			iv)		SPI controller and LCD controller setup may be incorrect.
  6285 3) Matthew
  6286 		1) Got rid of MARM P1 (banana) variant.
  6288 		2) Bug fixes to MISA so it can be run in 4bpp and 16bpp modes.
  6290 		3) Changed misa to use the hardware rtc to keep track of the time, instead of
  6291 		   counting ticks.
  6292 		   Unfortunately the 32MHz crystal is very slow to warm up, so a cold boot is now
  6293 		   much slower than it was because it has to wait for the crystal to stabilise.
  6295 		4) Changed misa bootstraps to be fractionally more like the marm one.
  6297 		5) Moved the WINS-specific setting of the daylight-saving mode out of the
  6298 		   independent layer and into KPWINS. Removed the resetting of the
  6299 		   daylight-saving from the change-locale function. These mean that S5
  6300 		   defect SW1-558 ("Remove windows dependency") has been fixed.
  6302 		6) Fixed bug in DLogicalChannel::Request(), which previously, in WINS,
  6303 		   could have sent a request from a thread which had no right to do a request
  6304 		   on that channel.
  6306 		7) Integrated Andrew Baldwin's wonderful new WINS sound pdd, which will not
  6307 		   offend your ears. Many thanks to Andrew for this.
  6309 		8) Modified sound ldd so that it can pass multiple samples to the pdd. Modified
  6310 		   pdds to use this new functionality. This reduces the amount of time spent in
  6311 		   the service routine.
  6313 		9) Fixed S5 defect SW1-228 ("Dial setup errors") in sound LDD.
  6315 		10)Incrememented sound driver minor version number, to stop people mixing old
  6316 		   and new pdds/ldds.
  6318 		11)Put an __DEBUGGER() macro into K::PanicCurrentThread() - previously these
  6319 		   panics were just stopping WINS without giving you a chance to jump in with
  6320 		   a debugger.
  6322 		12)Added int3's to WINS DEBUG versions Plat::Panic() and Plat::Fault() so they
  6323 		   break into the debugger whatever the state of the JustInTime flag.
  6325 		13)Changed MISA and MARM cold-boot to read the year from the rom header and set
  6326 		   the time to 10:10 January 1st of that year. Fixes Bluebell defect SW1-134.
  6328 		14)Made the private function KernelCompressAll() into the public
  6329 		   User::CompressAllHeaps(). This is to allow Shell to trigger heap compression
  6330 		   more easilly (see Bluebell defect SW1-299).
  6332 4) Morgan
  6333 		1) Integrated the MADLinda architecture and build system
  6334 		2) Bug fix to KESARMBE\KE_PIC.CPP
  6335 		3) Changed occurences of DisableIrqs and EnableIrqs to DisableIrqsToLevel2 and
  6336 		   RestoreIrqs in SARMBE architecture
  6337 		4) Added callback hook for the idle loop
  6338 		5) Added Kern::PhysicalDeviceFromHandle
  6339 		6) Added an external debugger interface (K32DBG.H).  Used it to bolt on an
  6340 		   InfoOutput debugger for MSDEV.  On the MARM platforms bolted on a logging
  6341 		   debugger for use by an external JTAG debugger, (like TI's).  No debugger
  6342 		   for X86.
  6344 5) Jonathan
  6345 		1) Made Eiger and Windemere text drivers return correct screen size
  6346 		   from CScreenDriverMarm::Init() instead of assuming 80x24.
  6347 		   Removed old #ifdefed-out SetMode() code from Eiger driver.
  6350 ================
  6351 Big version number increment to skip over Liffey release.
  6352 ================
  6354 Version 1.02.128
  6355 ================
  6356 (Made by Jonathan Harris, 8th May 1998)
  6358 1) Jonathan
  6359 	1)	P::SetMachineConfiguration(): Don't update the bits of the SuperPage that
  6360 		belong to the boot code (including the exception info), apart from the
  6361 		display contrast.
  6364 Version 1.02.127
  6365 ================
  6366 (Made by Graham Darnell, 26th March 1998)
  6368 1) Dennis
  6369 	1) Added a new variant function Variant::SetSoundDriverEnabled(TBool) for use
  6370 	   with Snowball in order to allow user code to enable/disable the speaker
  6371 	   using UserHal::SetSoundDriverEnabled().
  6373 	2) Added some code to Variant::Init3 for P2 variant to enable correct operation
  6374 	   with either a single ROM device, 4Mb on CS0 and 2Mb on CS1, or 4Mb on both.
  6376 2) Matthew, Pete and Rob Pym
  6377 	1) Converted the MISA build from being for a Digital IT board to being for
  6378 	   SA-1100 based hardware. This has an identical user-side API to MARM, so
  6379 	   MARM releasables will run unchanged. To build a rom use the MARM F32.
  6381 	2) Added variants VISABA for a Digital's "Brutus" board and VISACA for a
  6382 	   Cassius rack.
  6388 3) Matthew
  6389 	1) Changed all interrupt-binding and startup-beep internals to use Narrow
  6390 	   descriptors in the Unicode build.
  6392 	2) Added code to read extra digitiser information in E2 on P1, P2 and PD
  6393 	   variants. Changed the digitiser drivers on P2 and PD machines to use this
  6394 	   extra information, so different digitisers can be used on these machines.
  6396 	   If the new  E2 information is invalid due to a new rom has been put into
  6397 	   an old machine, then this is detected due to the x rise-time being zero,
  6398 	   and the driver defaults to the previous good values.
  6400 	   If you wish to program your E2 with values suitable for the standard
  6401 	   digitiser use XYSpread/16=6; X-Rise=1; Y-Rise=1; Pen-down discard=0.
  6403 	3) Moved TVideoMode enum from d32video.h to e32twin.h, and stopped e32twin.h
  6404 	   including d32video.h, thus fixing SW1-921.
  6406 	4) Changed sound LDD to make sure that the internal state is implies no
  6407 	   request is pending when a play request is completed. Thanks to Andrew
  6408 	   Baldwin for finding this.
  6410 	5) Changed some RChangeNotifier internals so that the internal state implies
  6411 	   no request is pending when a request is completed.
  6413 4) Graham/Matthew
  6414 	1) Changed the WINC memory information function so that it doesn't emulate a
  6415 	   machine with 4 megs of ram.
  6417 	2) Removed some critical-section switching in the WINS thread-startup code.
  6418 	   This fixes a bug which occasionally caused WINC to hang on fast machines
  6419 	   if a thread did an exec call very soon after being resumed for the first
  6420 	   time.
  6422 		3) Removed another 'dance of the semaphores' during WINS thread
  6423 		   startup. This seemed to prevent a resumer proceeding
  6424 		   until all resumee dll entry points have been called. Since
  6425 		   there seems to be no reason for this and since this was
  6426 		   causing a problem when threads were resumed inside
  6427 		   dll entry code, there seemed no point in keeping it.
  6428 		   However, this might be something to watch out for.
  6430 	3) On WINS/WINC, the call to tick the tick-queue is now sandwiched between a
  6431 	   Plat::EnterCS() and a Plat::LeaveCS(). This will make these platforms far
  6432 		   more robust, but might break work-arounds that may or may not exist in
  6433 		   user code.
  6435 5) Morgan
  6436 	1) Fixed Bluebell defect SW1-43.
  6438 	2) Added Dll::FreeData().  This should be called in the EProcessDetatch
  6439 	   of those Dlls sporting static data.
  6441 6) Graham
  6442 		1) Added comms and sound device drivers to the WINC
  6443 		   releasables.
  6446 Version 1.02.126
  6447 ================
  6448 (Made by Jonathan, 26th February 1998)
  6450 1) Matthew
  6451 	1) Tweaked MMP files in preparation for misa platform.
  6453 	2) Added lots of useful constants to k32std.h - these will be used in the
  6454 	   misa platform.
  6456 	3) Removed the obsolete DriveName and PccdSlotHame() functions from the
  6457 	   variant layers.
  6459 2) Graham
  6460 	1) Added K32KEYS, K32COMM, and K32SND header files to INCK release
  6462 	2) Split off the S1 variant into its own project
  6464 	3) Removed S1 variant from E32 project
  6466 	4) Fixed a bug in the MARM architecture that assumed that an eight channel
  6467 	   ADC was fitted when powering up.
  6469 3) Dennis
  6470 	1) Modified RHeap definition so that it is now derived from RHeapBase,
  6471 	   which contains all the non-debug data members. This is to force GCC
  6472 	   to put the vptr in the same place that it always was in release builds.
  6473 	   This is to enable test code to run on a real machine with EUSER.DLL
  6474 	   replaced from RAM.
  6476 	2) Changed UP_CON.CPP in UPMARM, UPMX86 and UPWINS to only include <e32def.h>
  6477 	   instead of up_std.h. Previously, modifying k32std.h would cause up_con.cpp
  6478 	   to be rebuilt but not the real econs.dll.
  6480 4) Alastair
  6481 	1) Added edll.pdb and eexe.pdb to ewinsdb.rel because following the move
  6482 	   to using makmake edll.obj and eexe.obj no longer contain their own
  6483 	   debugging information.
  6484 	2) Updated .MMP files previously using the START MARM .. END block keyword
  6485 	   DLLNAME so that they use the new LINKAS keyword instead.  Updated MNT.BAT
  6486 	   to get e32tools 091 and e32toolp 091.
  6488 5) Jonathan
  6489 	1)	Added new SwitchOn() digitizer driver call. Needed by the Snowball
  6490 		variant to reinit the digitizer after power-off.
  6493 Version 1.02.125
  6494 ================
  6495 (Made by Graham, 16th February 1998)
  6497 1)	Morgan
  6498 	1)	Allowed static data for Rom Ldds/Pdds.  These require the 'fixed'
  6499 		keyword in the obey file.
  6501 2)  Graham
  6502 		1)      Removed debug/release interoperability from WINS/WINC.
  6505 Version 1.02.124
  6506 ================
  6507 (Made by Jonathan, 10th February 1998)
  6509 1) Jonathan
  6510 	1)	Incremented KMediaDriverInterfaceMinorVersionNumber because the
  6511 		media interface has changed (actually, it changed back in 120).
  6512 	2)	Added new TPasswordToken member to TMachineConfiguration on WINS,
  6513 		updated on setting the password or machine configuration.
  6514 	3)	For internal consistency, WINS now actually limits the amount of
  6515 		available memory on the 'machine' to the parameter set in
  6516 		system.ini, and defaults to 3M if no value is set. Previously WINS
  6517 		merely _reported_ 3M if no default was set, but allowed you to
  6518 		allocate past 3M. This broke test code.
  6519 	4)	Fixed generation of event on Off keypress on Snowball 1.
  6520 	5)	Incorporated Pete's change: Snowball 1 variant no longer waits for
  6521 		400ms for SanDisk to come out of reset. Instead, the media driver
  6522 		polls the SanDisk on first use.
  6524 2) Alastair
  6525 	1)	Updated e32base.h and ub_sec.cpp with Andrew Thoelke's changes to
  6526 		implement EPOC32 proposal PR-0077, that a new function be provided
  6527 		to return the maximum possible length that an encrypted piece of
  6528 		data could become under the encryption scheme in use given the
  6529 		initial length of the data.
  6530 	2)	Changed mnt getrel so that it doesn't attempt to get the non-existent
  6531 		.PDB files for release builds.
  6533 3) Basher
  6534 	1)	Changed K::EmergencyPowerDown() and K::EmergencyPowerDownDfcFn()
  6535 		functions (ks_power.cpp).
  6537 	2)	Changed Variant::EmergencyStandby() - on the folowing varients
  6538 		varmcl, varmpd, varmsa and varmsb.
  6540 	3)	\varms1\va_mati.cpp changed - implementing safe EmergencyPowerDwn
  6541 		control. EmergencyCallBack function added and the SectorWrite function
  6542 		changed to control emergency system shutdown to prevent Liffy's
  6543 		internal CF card from corruption.
  6545 4) Morgan
  6546 	1)	Added VARMLA variant and bigendian support
  6548 5) Graham
  6549 		1)      Changed variant structure for VARMCL, VARMPB, VARMPC,
  6552 				The variant object is now created on the kernel heap.
  6553 				This allows the variant code to have state and will
  6554 				result in many simplifications of code that interacts
  6555 				between variant and architecture layers. It will also
  6556 				allow for improved customisation possibilities for
  6557 				our licensees.
  6559 				Questions concerning historical and cross-platform
  6560 				binary compatibility are yet to be resolved.
  6562 		2)      Cleaned up E32STD.H. This now follows the new standard:
  6564 						CBase *Function(TDes &aParameter);
  6565 						becomes
  6566 						CBase* Function(TDes& aParameter);
  6568 		3)      Snowball PTR2 varmsb and Delaware varmpg removed.
  6570 6) Petteri
  6571 		Changes to the text window server:
  6572 		1)      Four different window classes have been reduced into just one.
  6574 		2)      The notifier server now has a thread of its own and uses text window
  6575 				server API for its output.
  6577 		3)      ASCII font has been changed to get the window borders back.
  6579 		4)      There is now a constant KCONSFULLSCREEN, which can be used to create
  6580 				a full-size window whatever the size of the screen.
  6582 		5)      Windows can be moved, resized and scrolled using the mouse or a pen.
  6584 		6)      OnTop flag has been added. If the flag is set, the window stays on top
  6585 				of other windows.
  6587 		7)      The size of notifier windows now depends on the length of the text
  6588 				which is being displayed. Buttons can have more than just one character
  6589 				and they are centred. One button option now works properly. Pressing
  6590 				ESCAPE returns value 0, ENTER returns 1. The notifier window stays on
  6591 				top of other windows.
  6593 		8)      Info prints are also variable-sized and they stay on top of other windows.
  6595 		9)      System.ini files are now read correctly in Unicode build. (Files written
  6596 				in Unicode cannot be read.)
  6598 		10)     Colour support has been added. WINS supports a mode EColor256, where a
  6599 				palette of 256 colours is available. SetTextAttribute() provides an easy
  6600 				way to display text in colour. The following attributes are available:
  6601 				ETextAttributeNormal, ETextAttributeBold, ETextAttributeInverse and
  6602 				ETextAttributeHighlight. Palettes (if supported) can be manipulated and
  6603 				read with SetPaletteEntry() and GetPaletteEntry(). SetTextColors() changes
  6604 				colours for text foreground and background. Colours for window background,
  6605 				window borders and screen background are set with SetUIColors().
  6607 		11)     The text window server API has 8 new functions:
  6608 					 TInt SetWindowPosAbs(const TPoint &aPosition) (Sets window position.)
  6609 					 TInt ScreenSize(TSize &aSize) (Returns screensize in characters.)
  6610 					 TInt SetMode(TVideoMode aMode)
  6611 					 void SetPaletteEntry(TUint anIndex,TUint8 aRed,TUint8 aGreen,TUint8 aBlue)
  6612 					 void GetPaletteEntry(TUint anIndex,TUint8 &aRed,TUint8 &aGreen,TUint8 &aBlue)
  6613 					 void SetTextColors(TUint anFgColor,TUint aBgColor)
  6614 					 void SetUIColors(TUint aWindowBgColor,TUint aBorderColor,TUint aScreenColor)
  6615 					 void SetTextAttribute(TTextAttribute anAttribute)
  6617 Version 1.02.123
  6618 ================
  6619 (Made by Jonathan, 27th January 1998)
  6621 1) Alastair
  6622 	1)  Changed MNT.BAT so that no attempt is made to release PDB files for
  6623 		WINS and WINC release builds, because MAKMAKE generated makefiles do
  6624 		not create them by default.
  6626 	2)	Removed references to defunct directory \e32\dmedia from MNT.BAT.
  6628 2) Jonathan
  6629 	1)	Drain the Snowball 1 digitizer FIFO before enabling its interrupt to
  6630 		prevent it from generating spurious and unwelcome penup/downs on
  6631 		startup.
  6632 	2)	P::SetMachineConfiguration() : delete the current password and update
  6633 		the password from the new configuration.
  6634 	3)	Dropping DTR on Snowball 1's 2nd serial port (the phone port)
  6635 		asserts the ONKEY signal to the phone, allowing users of that serial
  6636 		port to turn the phone on/off.
  6637 	4)	Corrected size returned by Custom::XYInputSize() on Snowball().
  6638 	5)	Hugely simplified the Snowball 1 key data tables.
  6639 	6)	Added special support for the Snowball 1's Off key in the keyboard
  6640 		driver. But this doesn't work.
  6641 	7)	Belatedly updated kbarm files with support for Snowball 1.
  6643 Version 1.02.122
  6644 ================
  6645 (Made by Graham, 23rd January 1998)
  6647 1) Jonathan
  6648 	1)  Snowball 1. Don't reset the ASIC on startup.
  6650 2) Dennis
  6651 	1)	New serial comms LDD and modified PDDs for all variants.
  6653 	2)	WINS comms LDD is now separate from the real comms LDDs. WINS LDD lives in
  6654 		DPWINS directory with the WINS PDD, and is currently the same as the old comms LDD.
  6656 	3)	Added hooks to KEARM\KE_INT.CPP to allow another operating system to be bolted on to EPOC32.
  6658 	4)	Added test program T_PTNOS.CPP with LDD D_PTNOS.CPP to test the partner OS hooks.
  6660 	5)	Added a check to KPEPOC\KP_PROC.CPP to prevent two copies of a fixed-address
  6661 		process from being created. DPlatProcess::DoCreate will leave with
  6662 		KErrAlreadyExists if it finds a matching EXE code chunk belonging to a fixed
  6663 		address process.
  6665 	6)	Added some more facilities to T_TERM.CPP, including file upload and download
  6666 		and loopback.
  6668 	7)	Fixed typo in ARM boot code which caused problems by failing to map in the
  6669 		CS1 ROM if ROM address 0x10000ec6 (physical) contained zero.
  6671 	8)	Fixed bug which could cause processes to be run with incorrect domain access
  6672 		if an interrupt occurs during a reschedule. This caused machine to reset
  6673 		during heavy keyboard use.
  6675 	9)	Added missing __NAKED__ declaration to ARM assembler versions of
  6676 		TDes8::AppendNumUC() and TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidthUC().
  6678 	10)	Fixed problem in DThread::Write() (all 3 variants) - it was returning an error
  6679 		code if the source descriptor had zero length and a null pointer.
  6681 3) Graham
  6682 		1)      Created a new public header file - E32PANIC.H - which
  6683 				contains the base panic numbers.
  6685 		2)      Split the test programs off into a new E32TEST
  6686 				project.
  6688 	3)	Removed full exception handling from WINS and WINC if running under Windows '95.
  6689 		E32's exception handling system relies on being able to asynchronously
  6690 		meddle with another threads context and stack in order to inject a call
  6691 		to an exception handler into that thread's normal train of execution. This
  6692 		technique works with NT but Windows 95 is not up to it. It is clear that
  6693 		not every operating system would be able to handle this. Consider, for example,
  6694 		the possibility that the thread is inside an OS call when the call is injected.
  6696 4) Alastair
  6697 	1)	Moved build system over to MAKMAKE.  The batch files for building E32 are
  6698 		created by e32tools's BLDMAKE.  From the GROUP directory, type BLD or CLEAN
  6699 		or PREPARE without any arguments for help on how to use the new batch
  6700 		commands.  MAKMAKE has not yet been applied to the build system for MISA,
  6701 		MX86.  CLEAN.BAT uses NMAKE to do its cleaning, so a PREPARE.BAT
  6702 		needs to have been done first.  PREPARE.BAT will make the makefiles and
  6703 		build the working directories.
  6705 	2)	Renamed freeze files from .FRZ to .DEF, including CONSMARM.FRZ, CONSMISA.FRZ
  6706 		and CONSWINS.FRZ.
  6708 	3)	Removed WINS_UID statements from all source files.
  6710 	4)	Changed EDLL.O, EXDLL.O, EEXE.O so they are built by separate makefiles
  6711 		rather than that of EUSER for MARM.
  6713 	5)	Changed KE_EXE.O so that it is built by a separate makefile rather than
  6714 		that of EKERN for MARM.
  6716 	6)	Added SARMBE platform to the build process so big-endian single-process ARM
  6717 		platform can be built.
  6720 Version 1.02.121
  6721 ================
  6722 (Made by Graham, 10th Dec 1997)
  6724 1) Dennis
  6725 	1)	Fixed bug whereby CObjectIx::~CObjectIx could crash if Close()ing an object
  6726 		in the index caused other objects to be removed from the index and thereby
  6727 		caused the array to be ReAlloc()ed.
  6729 	2)	Speeded up TInt64 multiply a bit more on the ARM.
  6731 	3)	Added a mechanism whereby every DFC knows whether or not it is pending. Kern::Add
  6732 		will now only queue the DFC if it is not already queued. DFCs are flagged unqueued
  6733 		just before being run. A Queued() function is provided to discover whether a DFC
  6734 		is currently queued or not, and a Cancel() function is provided to cancel a DFC
  6735 		which is currently pending.
  6737 	4)	Added missing break statements to case EConsoleSetTitle and case EConsoleSetSize
  6738 		in ws_main.cpp
  6740 	5)	Fixed bug in KBARM\BOOTROM1.S and KBSARM\BOOTROM1.S where a register was being
  6741 		corrupted (subroutine WordMove corrupts r3) leading to the kernel BSS section not
  6742 		being correctly zeroed on reset.
  6744 	6)	Fixed bug in TInt64::GetTReal() ARM machine code version - wrong shift count in one
  6745 		instruction.
  6747 	7)	Added new function KFormat() to KS_UTL.CPP to do limited printf-style formatting
  6748 		without using any EXEC calls. Modified Kern::Printf to use this function instead
  6749 		of TDes::AppendFormatList(). This enables Kern::Printf to be used in fast exec
  6750 		calls, interrupts etc. Use a static buffer to receive the formatted string instead
  6751 		of an automatic one to avoid gobbling a large amount of stack.
  6753 	8)	Added a new flag ExecMutateFlag which is set by the IRQ and FIQ dispatchers if
  6754 		an interrupt occurs in SVC mode. The fast executive dispatcher tests this flag on
  6755 		return from the exec function and if it is set, DFCs and/or a reschedule will be
  6756 		executed in the same way as for a slow exec call. This fills a hole in the interrupt
  6757 		scheme whereby if an FIQ occurred during a fast executive call and queued a DFC,
  6758 		the DFC would not be run before user code was resumed. This flag can also be set
  6759 		by a fast executive call in order to allow rescheduling to occur.
  6761 	9)	Changed some executive calls from slow to fast to reduce overhead in the case where
  6762 		a reschedule is not needed. These are ChunkBase, ChunkSize, ChunkBottom, ChunkTop,
  6763 		ChunkMaxSize, MutexCount, MutexWait, MutexSignal, ProcessId, ProcessExitReason,
  6764 		ProcessExitType, ProcessExitCategory, ProcessPriority, ProcessFlags, SemaphoreCount,
  6765 		SemaphoreWait, SemaphoreSignal1, ServerReceive, SessionSend, ThreadId,
  6766 		ThreadPriority, ThreadProcessPriority, ThreadFlags, ThreadExitType, ThreadExitReason,
  6767 		ThreadExitCategory, ThreadRequestCount, ThreadRequestComplete, WaitForAnyRequest
  6768 		and SvSendReceive.
  6770 	10) Use a different stack for IRQs (IrqStack) rather than the reentrant stack. This
  6771 		allows IRQs to be enabled during a fast executive call. ThreadRequestComplete,
  6772 		SessionSend, SvSendReceive, ServerReceive enable IRQs during their execution.
  6774 	11)	Modified the exception handling mechanism. All exceptions are now placed into
  6775 		one of three categories:
  6777 		Fatal		(exceptions in IRQ, FIQ or ABT mode) - these always cause a kernel fault
  6778 		Critical	(SVC mode or UND mode with the kernel locked) - these cause a kernel
  6779 					fault unless exception trapping is enabled (DThread::iExceptionErrorCode)
  6780 		Noncritical	(user mode or UND mode with the kernel unlocked) - these are handled by
  6781 					exception trapping, thread exception handler, global exception handler
  6782 					in that order. If none of these is active, the current thread is paniced,
  6783 					and if that thread has the system flag set a kernel fault results.
  6785 	12)	If an exception occurs while the kernel is locked, DFCs will not be run at the end
  6786 		of the exception handler.
  6788 	13)	PD Variant::Init3() now sets CS1 ROM size to 4Mb and total ROM size to 8Mb.
  6791 2) Morgan
  6792 	1)	Renamed Dll::Data to Dll::InitialiseData()
  6793 	2)	Fixed zeroing bss for Dll data in ROM
  6796 Version 1.02.120
  6797 ================
  6798 (Made by Jonathan, 24th Nov 1997)
  6800 1) Pete
  6801 	A) Various changes to PC Card Controller to fully support I/O cards as well as memory cards:-
  6803 	1)	Added a new (exported) PC card controller function -
  6804 		TInt DPcCardCntrl::RestoreCardPower(TSocket aSocket, TInt aResetProfile).
  6805 		This re-applies power to a PC Card which has previously been successfully powered by the system.
  6806 		If a media change has occurred on the socket since it was last powered then function will
  6807 		immediately return KErrGeneral. The power up process is the same as carried out by the controller
  6808 		function PowerUpCard() - wait up to 2.5Secs for card to become ready using specified reset
  6809 		profile. However, this function doesn't implement a TRequestStatus mechanism when complete.
  6810 		It is left to the caller to poll the card status. If the card had previously been configured when
  6811 		powered and the configuration options allow the configuration to be restored (see 3) then the
  6812 		card will be reconfigured automatically when it is re-powered.
  6813 	2) 	Modified the PC card controller function DPcCardCntrl::PowerUpCard() so that, like RestoreCardPower()
  6814 		it re-configures PC cards which were previously configured when the card was powered down if a media
  6815 		change hasn't happened since. Also, the optional last parameter (was TInt aResetLen, now TInt
  6816 		aResetProfile) now specifies both the reset length and a pause after the card becomes ready. The upper
  6817 		16bit word specifies a pause period (in 20mS units) after the card signals it is ready before the
  6818 		controller updates the socket status (and TRequestStatus is signalled). The lower 16bit word specified
  6819 		the length of the reset pulse (also in 20mS units) applied to the card.
  6820 	3) 	Added a new version of the PC card controller function DPcCardCntrl::RequestConfig(). The new
  6821 		version has an additional parameter 'TUint aFlag' (the old version is now obsolete). The only
  6822 		flag currently defined is 'KPccdConfigRestorable' which is set if the config may be restored
  6823 		automatically by the controller if the card is re-powered (see 1 and 2).
  6824 	4) 	Added new values to TPccdSocketStatus (to support 1,2 and 14). This can now have the following
  6825 		values:-
  6826 		- ESocketFullyOff: 	Card not present or present but not yet powered.
  6827 		- ESocketPoweredDown: 	Card present, not currently powered but has been powered
  6828 						and could be restored to previous configuration (ie no media change
  6829 						since it was last powered).
  6830 		- ESocketBatTooLow:	Card present, but not currently powered. A previous attempt to
  6831 						power the card failed because the main battery voltage was too low.
  6832 		- ESocketNotReset:	Card present and powered, waiting for it to become ready.
  6833 		- ESocketReady:		Card present, powered and ready.
  6834 		- ESocketCorruptCard:	Card present but not powered since it cannot be recognised by
  6835 						controller (not used yet).
  6836 	5) 	Changed the PC card controller event type that causes the mount status of TLocalDrive objects
  6837 		(associated with PC card media) to be updated. Before, the status was updated on a power-up
  6838 		event (EPccdEvPwrUp) meaning that any subsequent access to the TLocalDrive object would
  6839 		be preceded by a remount.  Having it on power-up rather than power-down meant the media drive
  6840 		system only had to bind to one event rather than EPccdEvPwrDown and EPccdEvEmergencyPwrDown.
  6841 		This however meant it was not possible to power-down cards during periods of inactivity. The
  6842 		media drive system now binds to power-down events.
  6843 	6) 	Change to ATA media driver (MEDATA) on ARM architectures brought about by the emergency power
  6844 		down changes in E32-V115. The driver was bound to the PC card controller emergency power down
  6845 		event. Since the driver's event callback is now called on a DFC, changes have been necessary
  6846 		to handle card writes aborted by emergency power down.
  6847 	7) 	Added a new (exported) PC card controller function -
  6848 			TInt DPcCardCntrl::SetEvent(TSocket aSocket, TPccdEvent anEvent, TInt anInfo);
  6849 		This allows drivers etc to generate PC card events. It also allows extra info to be passed to
  6850 		callback functions via 'anInfo' (see 8 below).
  6851 	8)	TPccdCallBack has an extra member 'TInt iCallBackInfo' which can be used to provide extra info.
  6852 		on a PC card controller event. Extra info on the reason for card power down is now provided in
  6853 		iCallBackInfo for EPccdEvPwrDown events.
  6854 	9) 	The following functions have been added to the custom DLL:-
  6855 			TPtrC PcCardMediaChangeIntSource(TInt aMediaChange)
  6856 			void ClearPcCardMediaChangeInt(TInt aMediaChange)
  6857 			TMediaState PcCardMediaState(TInt aMediaChange);
  6858 		Prior to these changes the PC card controller media change implementation was completely
  6859 		implemented in the architecture level and above, meaning that variations to the media change
  6860 		system couldn't be handled without a new architecture.
  6861 		Also added an additional member 'TInt iMediaDoorCloseDelay' to 'TPccdCntrlMachineInfo' (returned by the
  6862 		custom function PcCardMachineInfo()) which allows the media door switch de-bounce parameter to be specified
  6863 		in the custom.
  6864 	10) 	Support for dual voltage PC Card sockets added. These are sockets where the VCC voltage can be
  6865 		altered depending on the type of card detected (typically 3.3V or 5V). The system implemented,
  6866 		initially sets the socket VCC depending on the voltage setting indicated by the cards VS (voltage sense)
  6867 		signals. Dynamically changing the socket VCC once the card is powered (in response to information in
  6868 		a card's CIS etc) is not supported.
  6869 	11) 	Added a new (exported) PC card controller function -
  6870 			TPccdSocketVcc DPcCardCntrl::SocketVcc(TSocket aSocket);
  6871 		This returns the current VCC setting for the specified socket. Note that this function
  6872 		returns info on its current VCC setting even when the supply is turned off.
  6873 	12) 	Generally tidy up of the ARM PC card controller VCC implementation. Additions of the following
  6874 		function to custom DLL:-
  6875 			PcCardVccInfo(TInt aPsu,TPccdCntrlVccInfo &aninfo).
  6876 		TPccdCntrlVccInfo is defined:-
  6877 			class TPccdCntrlVccInfo
  6878 				{
  6879 			public:
  6880 				TUint iVoltageSupported;
  6881 				TInt iMaxCurrentInMicroAmps;
  6882 				TUint iVoltCheckInterval;
  6883 				TPccdPsuVoltChkMthd iVoltCheckMethod;
  6884 				};
  6885 		This specifies the voltage(s) that the supply supports (5V,3.3V etc), the maximum current
  6886 		it can supply, when the o/p of the supply should be checked (once when first turned on,
  6887 		or continuously while on) and how the voltage should be check (via the ADC channel reserved
  6888 		for the PC card controller or via a variant layer function).
  6889 	13) 	TPcCardPsu renamed to TPcCardVcc since it now has functionality which could
  6890 		only be attributed to a VCC supply (eg 10&12 above) rather than a generic PC Card supply.
  6891 	14)	Added an additional member 'TInt iDisableOnLowBattery' to 'TPccdCntrlMachineInfo' (returned by the
  6892 		custom function PcCardMachineInfo()). This can be used to set a battery level (see TSupplyStatus) such that
  6893 		if the main battery level is below this level, the PC card controller will no longer power up
  6894 		any PC cards. Set to EZero to disable this feature.
  6895 	15) 	Fixed problem clearing PC Card IREQ interrupts on ARM. On ARM platforms the PC card controller
  6896 		IREQ interrupt service routine was clearing the interrupt in the controller hardware (ETNA)
  6897 		before calling any ISRs bound by drivers. Since it is generally the driver ISR which clears
  6898 		the source of the interrupt on the card you end up with a second bogus IREQ interrupt. This
  6899 		only occurs when 'level mode' interrupts are enabled, not 'pulse mode'. Pulse mode interrupts
  6900 		are selected if supported which is why the problem was only discovered so late in the day.
  6901 	16)	Changed the reset timing when powering up a PC card. Now:- Apply reset for 100mS, wait up to 2.5Seconds
  6902 		for card to become ready, delay any access to the card for a further 100mS after ready. (Was:- apply reset
  6903 		for 60mS, wait 2.5Seconds for ready and no delay on subsequent access).
  6904 	17) 	Fixed problem in PC card serial port PDD where the destructor could be called before the member
  6905 		'iSocket' was initiated. The destructor calls PcCardCntrl::PowerDownCard(iSocket). This was
  6906 		a particular problem on rack D where the PC card socket is socket 1 (CF card socket is socket 0)
  6907 		and the rack hw doesn't fully isolate the two sockets. Certain comms programs attempt to open a channel
  6908 		on the PC card serial port while a channel is already open on this device. These subsequent attempts fail
  6909 		calling the PDD destructor which then was incorrectly powering off the wrong socket. Due to the h/w
  6910 		implementation, this was actually resulting in the serial PC card being reset.
  6911 	18) 	Fixed a problem affecting EXTFIQ. Once you bound a TInterrupt to EXTFIQ it was not possible to unbind
  6912 		again.
  6913 	19) 	Added the following test programs to TPCCD:-
  6914 		i)T_MEDCH (and associated LDD MEDCH.LDD): Soak test of Compact Flash (ATA) - h/w media changes.
  6915 		ii)T_EXTFIQ (and associated LDD EXTFIQ.LDD): Continuously generates EXTFIQ on rack D using EXTFIQ.LDD.
  6916 		iii)T_BEXFIQ (and associated LDD BEXFIQ.LDD): Generates EXTFIQ on rack D, associated LDD binds and clears
  6917 		FIQ.
  6918 		Also modified DRVSOAK to better support emergency power down testing.
  6920 	B) 	Modification to serial comms in order to support PC card serial devices:-
  6922 	20) 	Added mechanism for opening a channel on a PC Card I/O device. These devices requires an asynchronous
  6923 		power-up of the card before the standard channel open mechanism can take place. In the case of some PC
  6924 		Cards (e.g. Serial port cards) there needs to be a further asynchronous phase after creating the PDD
  6925 		before the channel is fully open.
  6926 		Added a kernel slow exec function:-
  6927 			TInt RLogicalChannel::CheckOpenMode(const TDesC &aLogicalDevice,const TVersion &aVer,TInt aUnit);
  6928 		This is called once each time a channel is opened. If the return value is <0 then the open proceeds as
  6929 		normal. Otherwise, it indicates that a 1 or 2 phase asynchronous open is required. (This function would
  6930 		normally ripple down to the custom DLL).
  6931 		Added a kernel supervisor function:-
  6932 			TInt RLogicalChannel::DoSlowOpen(TInt aMode,TInt anInfo,TRequestStatus &aStatus);
  6933 		This initiates the asynchronous parts of the operation. 'aMode' is either KChanSlowOpenPhase1 or
  6934 		KChanSlowOpenPhase1 to indicate whether its the aynchronous phase before or after the normal open. 'anInfo'
  6935 		is derived from the value returned from CheckOpenMode() and normally indicates the PC Card socket in
  6936 		question. TInt RLogicalChannel::DoCreate() has been modified to include these extra operations.
  6937 		An extra pure virtual function:-
  6938 			TInt DComm::CompleteSlowOpen(DThread *aThread,TRequestStatus *aReqStat);
  6939 		had to be added to DComm in order to implement the 2nd asynchronous open phase.
  6940 	21) 	Modified PC card serial port PDD to take advantage of the above PDD open scheme (20) so that the PDD now
  6941 		fully controls the PC card. (Before it relied on the media system having already powered up the PC Card and
  6942 		didn't properly perform the 2nd part of the initialisation). Also modified the PDD so that it re-applies
  6943 		power and re-configures the Serial PC Card each time the system comes out of standby (eg machine switched
  6944 		off, emergency power down etc).
  6945 	22) 	Changes to LDD to handle PC Card media change events (ie media door open or card removal - dependant on
  6946 		platform).
  6947 			As far as I can gather, in the serial LDD, iStatus==EClosed never occurs. I now force the LDD into
  6948 		this state from a PC Card PDD when a media change is detected. The serial port now needs to be disabled
  6949 		(for good) because it has been powered down (and in all likelyhood removed). Once in this state
  6950 		you never should to change to any other state. Any write requests return with KErrNotReady which hopefully
  6951 		will give any client a clue that they shouldn't have removed the PC card serial port while using it. This
  6952 		is an intermediate solution. The eventual plan (involving a the invention of a new RDevCom type class) will
  6953 		handle the media change and re-power the serial PC card (if still there) before any requests get down to
  6954 		the LDD. However, you need an asychronous supervisor kernel call to restore a PC card after media change
  6955 		which can't be acheived with the present scheme. It is possible to re-power the PC card when coming out of
  6956 		standby (machine turned off etc) because you know the same PC card is still present and hence you don't
  6957 		need to alter any memory allocation associated with the card.
  6958 	23)	Modified PC card serial port PDD to enable serial interrupts for modem signal status changes (CTS,DCD,DSR,
  6959 		RI). Prior to this, h/w flow control wasn't supported on this serial device.
  6960 	24) 	Modified PC card serial port PDD to update system current consumption info. This info is derived from the
  6961 		PC card CIS where possible.
  6962 	25) 	Modified PC card serial port PDD to determine its baudrate capabilities from 'max baudrate supported' field
  6963 		(if present) in the CIS. Also, limit baudrate (capabilities) to 19200 if serial card doesn't contain a FIFO.
  6964 	26) 	Added the following test programs to TCOMM:-
  6965 		i)T_MODEM1: Test code for PC Card Modem Serial Ports (analogue loopback).
  6966 		ii)T_COMSOAK1: Serial port soak test program (requires loopback connector).
  6967 		iii)T_AMPV: Approval test code for PC Card Adapter.
  6968 		iv) T_MODEM2: T_SERIAL for PC card serial port. Instead of looping COM1 to COM2(Etna) it loops
  6969 			COM1 to COM3 expecting a PC Card Socket I/O Serial card.
  6970 		Also modified T_TERM so it can be used to open a channel on COM3. (Also added extra error reporting).
  6972 2) Jonathan
  6973 	1)	Old Snowball variant SA retired.
  6974 	2)	New Snowball variant S1 for Prototype 3 units. Major changes from SB:
  6975 		- Combined PDD for Eiger and ASIC serial ports using shared modem
  6976 		  status interrupt.
  6977 		- Variant-specific LDD for use on ASIC serial port only - implements
  6978 		  Spark phone's weird CTS handshaking.
  6979 		- QuickEmergencyStandby handler.
  6980 	3)	New PhysicalScreenWidth and PhysicalScreenHeight values for
  6981 		\epoc32\data\system.ini, see kpwins\kp_gui.cpp .
  6982 	4)  Prevented *\va_sdrv.cpp from trying to Disable or UnBind when unbound
  6983 		from its interrupt.
  6986 Version 1.02.119
  6987 ================
  6988 (Made by Morgan, 7th Nov 1997)
  6990 1) Alastair
  6991 	1) SARM
  6992 		Integrated Single-process code into e32 source allowing SARM roms to be
  6993 		created.  Build commands are mnt sarm, sarmall, sarmrel etc.  There are no
  6994 		releaseables and no facilities for building test programs.  SARM builds
  6995 		use the "__SINGLE__" macro for distinguishing Single-process-specific
  6996 		code.  Work directories are \epoc32\build\e32\sarm\[build] and
  6997 		\epoc32\release\sarm\[build].  SARM makefiles are generated into
  6998 		\e32\bsarm using perl to process makefiles from \e32\bmarm as a
  6999 		temporary measure prior to the use of makmake for creating e32
  7000 		makefiles.  SARM roms are built from directory \e32\kbsarm, and require
  7001 		a special version of rombuild - the makefile for this special version
  7002 		will be released with e32tools version 082.
  7004 	Major changes
  7005 	a)	\e32\kbsarm - contains special versions of bootrom1.s and rom.oby.
  7007 	b)	\e32\inc - changes to e32rom.h, k32std.h, m32mmu.h, m32std.h and
  7008 		v32eiger.h so that different linear address constants are defined
  7009 		for __SINGLE__ builds.
  7011 								__SINGLE__						(MULTI)
  7012 		KRomHeaderLinAddr		0x00000000						0x50000000
  7013 		KSuperPageLinAddr		0xC0000000						0x40000000
  7014 		KHomeBase				0xC0000000						0x80000000
  7015 		KHomeEnd				KHomebase+0x3fffff				0xffffffff
  7016 		KHwLinBase				0xa0000000						0x60000000
  7017 		KHwLinEnd				0xbfffffff						0x7fffffff
  7018 		KEigerBaseAddress		0x80000000						0x58000000
  7020 	c)	\e32\kpepoc\kp_chk.cpp - __SINGLE__ chunks are allocated in the kernel's
  7021 		heap - they cannot change in size and don't move.  Since SARM roms do not
  7022 		utilise the MMU.  The actual size of a chunk is a compromise between the
  7023 		initial and maximum sizes requested when a chunk is created.
  7025 	File changes
  7026 	d)	bsarm\*
  7027 		dpepoc\d_medint
  7028 		group\mnt.cmd
  7029 		inc\ - e32rom.h, k32std.h, m32mmu.h, m32std.h, v32eiger.h
  7030 		kbsarm\*
  7031 		kearm\ - ke_ini, ke_int, ke_mmu, ke_utl
  7032 		kpehal\ - kph_inf, kph_pic
  7033 		kpemmu\ - kpm_mmu.cpp
  7034 		kpepoc\ - kp_chk, kp_ini, kp_proc, kp_reg, kp_std.h, kp_thrd, kp_utl
  7035 		ksrc\ - ks_svr, ks_utl
  7036 		varmpd\va_hw
  7037 		wsrc\wd_eiger
  7039 	2)	Added UNICODE.H to e32\inc\incc.prj so that the file is released.
  7041 	3)	Changed WINS command line processing such that only switches specified
  7042 		before "--" is encountered are processed.  Switches after the "--" switch,
  7043 		or all switches if the "--" switch is not specified, are ignored.
  7045 	4)	Added -L<language Index> switch to WINS command line so that
  7046 		different Epoc locales can be specified.  Eg "WSEXE -L5 --" will
  7047 		mean that elocl5.dll rather than elocl.dll is loaded.
  7049 2) Dennis
  7050 	1)	Rewrote MMU code. Major changes are:
  7051 		i)		Linear address map has changed - see file KEARM\KE_MMU.CPP
  7052 		ii)		RAM drive is at fixed linear address but no longer composed of consecutive
  7053 				physical RAM pages.
  7054 		iii)	The free page pool has been removed.
  7055 		iv)		The ROM is mapped with section descriptors on the ARM instead of 4K pages.
  7056 		v)		Chunks can be adjusted in place rather than only in the home section.
  7057 		vi)		On the ARM extra protection has been added for page tables, registry
  7058 				and RAM drive.
  7059 		vii)	ROM layout is different - the kernel data is at 80000000, followed by
  7060 				static data for fixed-address ROM processes (see below). The kernel
  7061 				stack follows the last fixed-address data chunk, and the home section
  7062 				starts with the kernel stack chunk.
  7064 	2)	Modified process handling and scheduling:
  7065 		i)		Now have two classes of process. One class has its chunks mapped down
  7066 				into the data section while running, the other class has its chunks
  7067 				at the same linear address all the time. The latter class is used for
  7068 				system servers. It reduces the need for cache flushing - this is only
  7069 				required if any chunks have moved - and thus gives a considerable speed
  7070 				increase.
  7071 		ii)		ROM fixed address processes specified in .OBY file
  7072 				RAM fixed address processes specified by setting KImageFixedAddressExe flag
  7073 		iii)	On the ARM, a domain will be allocated to every fixed-address process.
  7074 				All the process' local chunks will be located in this domain. In addition,
  7075 				every global chunk created by a fixed-address process will be allocated
  7076 				a domain. The use of domains removes the need for page directory
  7077 				manipulation when switching between these processes.
  7078 		iv)		The scheduler has been machine coded for ARM and ISA. Actions performed
  7079 				on switching between processes now depend on the attributes of these
  7080 				processes.
  7082 	3)	Added ARM machine coded message passing and semaphore code.
  7084 	4)	Modified inter-process reading and writing code. Two functions have been added:
  7085 		i)		TAny* DPlatThread::CurrentAddress(TAny *anAddress);
  7086 				This function returns the current linear address corresponding to an
  7087 				address in the thread's address space. No translation is done for addresses
  7088 				above 0x40000000 or if the thread's process is currently running.
  7089 				This function is used to convert addresses for reading.
  7090 		ii)		TAny* DPlatThread::CurrentAddress(TAny *anAddress, TInt& aMaxSize);
  7091 				This function returns the current linear address corresponding to an
  7092 				address in the thread's address space and also the maximum size of a write
  7093 				to the thread's address space (end of chunk - specified address).
  7094 				Chunk lookup is always performed.
  7095 				This function is used to convert addresses for writing.
  7097 	5)	Kernel faults now restart the system from the reset vector. The MMU backup
  7098 		page has been removed.
  7100 	6)	Added double-ended chunks. These are regions of memory where the committed
  7101 		region can start at any address in the reserved range, rather than always starting
  7102 		at the base of the reserved range. Added functions
  7103 		i)		RChunk::CreateDoubleEndedLocal()
  7104 				Create a local double-ended chunk with a specified maximum size and
  7105 				a specified initial committed region.
  7106 		ii)		RChunk::CreateDoubleEndedGlobal()
  7107 				Create a global named double-ended chunk with a specified maximum size and
  7108 				a specified initial committed region.
  7109 		iii)	RChunk::AdjustDoubleEnded()
  7110 				Adjust the position and/or size of the committed region. If the initial
  7111 				and final regions intersect, the contents of the intersection are
  7112 				unchanged. Other parts of the committed region have undefined contents.
  7113 		iv)		RChunk::Bottom()
  7114 				Returns the offset of the base of the committed region from the base of
  7115 				the reserved region (RChunk::Base()).
  7116 		v)		RChunk::Top()
  7117 				Returns the offset of the top of the committed region from the base of
  7118 				the reserved region. ( Top() = Bottom()+Size() )
  7119 		RChunk::Size() always returns the size of the committed region.
  7121 	7)	Extended the CBitMapAllocator class. Functions added are:
  7122 		i)		TInt Alloc(TInt aCount, TInt& aConsecutive)
  7123 				Allocates from the first free position as many consecutive positions as
  7124 				possible, up to aCount. Returns the first free position, and aConsecutive
  7125 				equal to the number of positions allocated.
  7126 		ii)		TInt AllocAligned(TInt anAlignment)
  7127 				Allocates a position whose number is an exact multiple of 2^anAlignment.
  7128 		iii)	TInt AllocAlignedBlock(TInt anAlignment)
  7129 				Allocates a block of 2^anAlignment consecutive positions such that the
  7130 				first position is an exact multiple of 2^anAlignment. Returns the
  7131 				first position.
  7132 		iv)		AllocAt(TInt aPos, TInt aCount)
  7133 				Allocates aCount positions starting at aPos.
  7134 		v)		Free(TInt aPos, TInt aCount)
  7135 				Frees aCount positions starting at aPos.
  7136 		iv)		TBool IsFree(TInt aPos, TInt aCount)
  7137 				Returns TRUE if and only if positions [aPos,aPos+aCount) are all free.
  7139 	8)	Modified Math::Sin, Math::Cos and Math::Tan functions to return exact answers
  7140 		when input values are exact multiples of pi/2. This is done by adding tests of
  7141 		the form
  7142 		IF ( ABS(x MOD pi) < 2^-52 * ABS(x) )
  7143 			return exact answer
  7144 		ELSE
  7145 			do calculation as before
  7146 		ENDIF
  7148 	9)	Modified TTime::Convert(const TDateTime&) and TTime::DateTime() in order
  7149 		to minimise the number of divisions involved and to use 32 bit arithmetic
  7150 		rather than 64 bit wherever possible. The latter of these functions gets
  7151 		called frequently by the window server on a periodic timer.
  7153 	10)	Added functions TDes8/TDes16 :: (Append)NumFixedWidth(UC)
  7154 		These convert 32-bit integers to descriptors in a specified radix, adding leading
  7155 		zeros up to the specified field width. These are intended to replace calls of
  7156 		the form
  7157 			des.Format(_L("%08x"),value)
  7158 		which are very inefficient. All Format() calls in E32 have been replaced, apart
  7159 		from the ones which use an overflow handler.
  7161 	11)	Fixed problem with comms driver causing reset if an interrupt occurs while the
  7162 		kernel server is closing a comms channel. This was caused by the interrupt queuing
  7163 		a DFC which refers to the comms channel being closed. The DFC runs after the
  7164 		kernel server has deleted the channel, and resets the machine when it tries to
  7165 		access the nonexistent channel.
  7167 	12)	Files changed:
  7168 		dcomm\	d_comm.cpp
  7169 		dpepoc\	d_medint.cpp
  7170 		dvideo\	ws_disp.cpp
  7171 		inc\	e32base.h, e32des8.h, e32des16.h, e32rom.h, e32std.h, e32svr.h,
  7172 				k32std.h, k32std.inl, m32std.h, m32std.inl, m32hal.h, u32std.h, v32eiger.h
  7173 				m32mmu.h and m32mmu.inl have been removed
  7174 		kbarm\	bootrom1.s, rom.oby
  7175 		kbx86\	boot486.asm, bootrom.asm, build.cmd, e32d.oby, e32r.oby, m486.bat,
  7177 		kbsarm\	bootrom1.s
  7178 		kearm\	ke_dat.cpp, ke_dbg.cpp, ke_ini.cpp, ke_int.cpp, ke_mmu.cpp, ke_pccd.cpp,
  7179 				ke_pic.cpp, ke_psu.cpp, ke_std.h, ke_thrd.cpp, ke_utl.cpp
  7180 				ke_all.cpp deleted, ke_sched.cpp added
  7181 		keisa\	ke_dat.cpp, ke_dbg.cpp, ke_ini.cpp, ke_int.cpp, ke_mmu.cpp, ke_pccd.cpp,
  7182 				ke_std.h, ke_thrd.cpp, ke_utl.cpp
  7183 				ke_all.cpp deleted, ke_sched.cpp added
  7184 		kex86\	ke_exc.cpp, ke_ini.cpp, ke_int.cpp, ke_mmu.cpp, ke_std.h, ke_thrd.cpp,
  7185 				ke_utl.cpp
  7186 				ke_all.cpp deleted
  7187 		kpehal\	kph_dbg.cpp, kph_inf.cpp, kph_pic.cpp
  7188 		kpemmu\	kpm_mmu.cpp
  7189 				kpm_all.cpp, kpm_regn.cpp, kpm_sect.cpp deleted
  7190 		kpepoc\	kp_chk.cpp, kp_dat.cpp, kp_dev.cpp, kp_ini.cpp, kp_proc.cpp, kp_reg.cpp,
  7191 				kp_sched.cpp, kp_sem.cpp, kp_thrd.cpp, kp_utl.cpp
  7192 		kpwins\	kp_chk.cpp, kp_ini.cpp, kp_proc.cpp, kp_std.h, kp_thrd.cpp, kp_utl.cpp
  7193 		ksrc\	ks_chk.cpp, ks_exec.cpp, ks_ldd.cpp, ks_lib.cpp, ks_mes.cpp, ks_pdd.cpp,
  7194 				ks_proc.cpp, ks_svr.cpp, ks_thrd.cpp, ks_utl.cpp
  7195 		ubas\	ub_bma.cpp, ub_obj.cpp, ub_std.h
  7196 		ucdt\	uc_des8.cpp, uc_des16.cpp, uc_exec.cpp, uc_func.cpp, uc_ksvr.cpp,
  7197 				uc_reg.cpp, uc_std.h, uc_time.cpp
  7198 		umath\	um_rtod.cpp, um_sin.cpp, um_tan.cpp
  7199 		upmarm\	up_des8.cpp, up_exec.cpp, up_utl.cpp
  7200 		upmx86\	up_exec.cpp
  7201 		upwins\	up_exec.cpp
  7202 		vx86pc\	vx_vga.cpp
  7205 3) Morgan
  7206 	1)	Added dll process attach and detach for ARM and X86 builds
  7207 	2)	Added RThread::Context(TDes8 &aDes) to retrieve the register contents of
  7208 		a sleeping thread.
  7209 	3)	Added RChunk::ReserveAt(TUint8 *) to force allocation of a chunk at the
  7210 		specified linear address.
  7211 	4)	Ldd/Pdds with static data was broken.  Now fixed.
  7212 	5)	Loading Dlls with writable static data now allocates a Data/Bss chunk
  7213 		and offers it to F32 to be fixed up.
  7214 	6)	Added TInt Dll::Data() to initialise Dll writable static data
  7217 Version 1.02.118
  7218 ================
  7219 (Made by Jonathan, 15th October 1997)
  7221 1) Dennis
  7222 	1)	Rewrote CObjectIx, CObjectCon and CObjectConIx classes to do their own
  7223 		array handling instead of using CArrayFixFlat.
  7225 	2)	Added ARM machine-coded versions of CObjectIx::At, CObjectIx::operator[],
  7226 		CObjectCon::At and CObjectCon::operator[].
  7228 	3)	Added ARM machine-coded versions of CActiveScheduler::Start() and
  7229 		CServer::RunL().
  7231 	4)	Removed CArrayFixFlat from DPlatProcess. Custom array handling code is now
  7232 		used to store the chunks being used by a process.
  7234 	5)	Added ARM machine-coded versions of some commonly used fast Exec:: calls and
  7235 		of DPlatProcess::LookupChunk().
  7237 2) Morgan
  7238 	1)	Added -M<machineName> switch to WINS command line to pick up
  7239 		alternate System ini files from \epoc32\Data.  eg WSEXE -Mfungus
  7240 		will use \epoc32\data\fungus.ini
  7241 	2)	Froze the Custom Dll against V1.01 E32(114)
  7242 	3)	Froze the Variant Dlls (P1,P2,PB,PC,PD,PG,SA,SB,CL) against V1.01 E32(114)
  7244 3) Jonathan
  7245 	1)	Changed Snowball A & B physical screen size to 4.4"x1.375".
  7246 	2)	New TSAsic::SetCrystalSpeed function in varmsb\va_sasic.cpp.
  7247 	3)	Added cakysbd keyboard driver for Snowball B which has a, b, z and :
  7248 		instead of arrow keys.
  7249 	4)	Snowball B variant autodetects 4MB or 8MB ROM, 1MB or 4MB RAM
  7250 	5)	New Hal::StartupReason() type EStartupSafeReset. Currently this is only
  7251 		returned by Snowballs when "Home" and "Back" are pressed at boot.
  7252 	6)	Replaced Variant::ColdReset with more general Variant::StartupReason.
  7253 		This breaks Morgan's variant & custom freezes against 114 for this one
  7254 		function, but that's OK because the kernel really is the only component
  7255 		that should be calling this.
  7256 	7)	New UserSvr::ResetMachine(TMachineStartupType) function. Currently only
  7257 		allows a reset type of EStartupWarmReset. Implemented by generating a
  7258 		TPlatFault::ESoftwareWarmReset. After the reset the kernel may
  7259 		actually report a reason other than EStartupWarmReset if either:
  7260 		-	EStartupWarmReset isn't supported (mx86/misa/wins)
  7261 		-	The variant supports munging of reset types, ie by holding down
  7262 			keys at boot, and those keys are held down (various marm variants).
  7263 	8)	New custom and parent functions AutoSwitchOffType, which returns
  7264 		ESwitchOffEvent on Snowballs A & B, ESwitchOffHard on other variants.
  7265 	9)	New TRawEvent::ESwitchOff. The kernel generates this at auto-switchoff
  7266 		time instead of just switching off if the above function returns
  7267 		ESwitchOffEvent. The window server (or one of its clients) must call
  7268 		UserHal::SwitchOff fairly soon after receiving this event. Made the
  7269 		text window server do this. Auto-switchoff is still disabled by default
  7270 		on Snowballs A & B becuase wakeup is still broken.
  7273 4) Matthew
  7274 	1)	Enabled hardware filtering on SA and SB digitisers.	Also boosted
  7275 		sampling rate to 112 pps.
  7277 	2)	Changed SB variant so that the san-disk is mapped to InternalMedia0
  7278 		(ie C:). Make sure you get rid of MEDINT.PDD from your .oby file when
  7279 		building roms, or F32 will pick this up and you will still have the
  7280 		ram disk as C:.
  7283 Version 1.02.117
  7284 ================
  7285 (Made by Jonathan, 5th September 1997)
  7287 1) Dennis
  7288 	1)	Rewrote Math:: transcendental functions to use simpler algorithms
  7289 		and to run faster. All functions now use polynomial approximations
  7290 		instead of rational functions.
  7292 	2)	Added Math::PolyX function to do fast polynomial evaluation using
  7293 		TRealX for argument, coefficients and result.
  7295 	3)	Updated T_R64BM to benchmark more functions and to use a range of
  7296 		different argument values.
  7298 	4)	Added new test program T_MATH2.EXE to test the accuracy of the
  7299 		transcendental functions.
  7301 	5)	Fixed SW-21.
  7302 		Changed way in which DLLs statically linked to an EXE are handled.
  7303 		Instead of opening a process-relative handle on the DLL, the process'
  7304 		code chunk now holds a list of DLLs on which it depends. This list
  7305 		is only deleted when the chunk itself is deleted, thus solving the
  7306 		problem of two instances of the same EXE running concurrently.
  7307 		Added function UserSvr::ExeAddDependency to add a DLL to the process
  7308 		code chunk's dependency list.
  7310 2) Matthew
  7311 	1)	Added software filtering to Snowball digitiser drivers.
  7313 	2)	Moved initial calibration of digitiser into the TDigitiserXxx::Init3().
  7314 		This has also meant that some of the E2Prom functions needed to be
  7315 		exported - I exported all the public functions.
  7316 		This change has allowed Hal::Init3 to be rearranged to how it was in 114.
  7318 	3)	Fixed small bug in Snowball B Comm2 driver, which was acting as though
  7319 		it supported 57600bps.
  7321 3) Rob Pym
  7322 	1)	Added support for ARM 7115 - this chip has a few more peripherals
  7323 		than the ARM 7110. New functions in ke_eiger.cpp and ke_pic.cpp.
  7325 	2)	Added CL variant for the Cirrus Logic ARM 7115 evaluation board.
  7326 		[Jonathan:] Releasables not released because it doesn't build.
  7329 Version 1.02.116
  7330 ================
  7331 (Made by Jonathan, 26th August 1997)
  7333 1) Dennis
  7334 	1)	Added new extended-precision real class TRealX, defined in
  7335 		e32math.h. This class provides 64 bit precision and a dynamic
  7336 		range of approx. 1E-9863 to 1E+9863. All member functions are
  7337 		assembler coded for speed.
  7339 	2)	Changed GCC compiler helper functions to use TRealX instead
  7340 		of TReal96 to speed things up. Also modified all UM_xxx files
  7341 		to use TRealX instead of TReal96, apart from UM_DTOR and
  7342 		UM_RTOD.
  7344 	3)	Added new test programs T_TREALX, T_R64BM, T_RXBM. T_TREALX
  7345 		tests the TRealX member functions. T_R64BM does a benchmark
  7346 		test for TReal64 field operations and transcendental functions.
  7347 		T_RXBM does a benchmark test for TRealX field operations.
  7349 	4)	Added machine coded versions of Math::Sqrt() and some other
  7350 		Math:: functions for ARM.
  7352 2) Jonathan
  7353 	1)	Fixed data TX on varmsa/va_com2.cpp and varmpd/va_com3.cpp when
  7354 		Fifos are disabled; no longer trys to output >1 byte on TX interrupt.
  7356 	2)  Variant::Init3() on Snowball A & B sets AutoSwitchOffBehavior to
  7357 		ESwitchOffDisabled because power management isn't yet implemented.
  7359 	3)	Changed table in Snowball B Variant::SetLcdContrast to correct for
  7360 		strange hardware.
  7362 	4)	To reduce noise in the output logs, all .cmd files to build E32 now
  7363 		invoke NMAKE with the -nologo flag.
  7365 3) Pete
  7366 	1) 	Added Internal ATA media driver (MATISB.PDD) for Lavender prototype B
  7367 		build.
  7369 	2)	Change to internal ram media driver on WINS/ARM so that it only
  7370 		opens on media device type EFixedMedia0 rather than any fixed media
  7371 		type.
  7373 4) Matthew
  7374 	1)	Fixed bug in Snowball digitiser drivers which caused execeptions when
  7375 		the pen was down. Fixed by moving the queueing of the pen-up timer from
  7376 		the interrupt service routine into the Dfc.
  7378 	2)	Added code to read the CTS signal in the Snowball prototype B com2 PDD.
  7380 	3)	Temporarilly made the Snowball prototype B com2 PDD ignore framing
  7381 		errors at 38400 bps. This is to allow people downstream to use the port.
  7383 	4)	Further modifications to T_SERIAL for Snowball compatibility.
  7385 Version 1.02.115
  7386 ================
  7387 (Made by Jonathan, 16th August 1997)
  7389 1) Graham
  7390 		1)      Changed in RAM standby code to have a delay loop
  7391 				rather than the previous faulty inmplementation
  7392 				which attempted to validate the ROM by
  7393 				continually reading it until it returned a known
  7394 				good value - this was erroneous because the ROM
  7395 				reads were coming from the cache anyway.
  7397 				Then I commented out this code and replaced it with
  7398 				the traditional code that runs from ROM (this was
  7399 				only introduced as a result of some hardware paranoia
  7400 				when we were getting 'unable to switch on' bugs in
  7401 				the run up to V1.00
  7403 		2)      Updated minor version number to 02.
  7405 2) Dennis
  7406 	1)	Modified emergency power-down FIQ handler so that it
  7407 		only performs the bare minimum of tasks when the machine
  7408 		is powered up again. Other more time-consuming tasks have
  7409 		been moved into a DFC.
  7411 	2)	Added new machine code versions of TInt64 functions for MARM,
  7412 		WINS and MX86 which don't use the TInt64A class.
  7414 	3)	Added machine coded versions of some 8-bit descriptor functions
  7415 		for MARM in new file UPMARM\UP_DES8.CPP.
  7417 	4)	Added machine coded versions of RHeap::Alloc(), RHeap::Free()
  7418 		for MARM REL.
  7420 	5)	Modified Mem::Copy() to run faster when source and destination
  7421 		addresses are unaligned, or when a small copy is required.
  7423 3) Ann
  7424 		1)		Fixed rounding bug where the number of intervening zeros
  7425 				after the decimal point in a descriptor was being ignored
  7426 				when next non-zero digit is out of range of precision when
  7427 				converting to real.
  7429 4) Matthew/Jonathan
  7430 		1)		Added Snowball B variant for use with the Snowball prototype.
  7432 		2)		With a TSAsic class to access the ASIC on the Snowball prototype.
  7434 5) Matthew
  7435 		1)		Added digitiser drivers for snowballs A and B.
  7437 		2)		Added a virtual SetCalibration() function to the TXYInput
  7438 				class, so that future digitiser drivers can use hardware
  7439 				calibration, if this is available.
  7440 				Currently none of the drivers use this (including the Snowball
  7441 				ones) and they return KErrNotSupported.
  7443 		3)		Added a comm pdd for the Snowball prototype asic. There are
  7444 				several known bugs in this driver.
  7445 				Made some modifications to T_SERIAL so that it does not test
  7446 				things beyond the capabilities of the comm port when running
  7447 				on a Snowball.
  7449 6) Jonathan
  7450 		1)		Fixed problem caused by reading IID register too often in
  7451 				Snowball A 2nd comm pdd.
  7452 		2)		Added IR support to Snowball B 1st comm pdd (untested).
  7454 		Failing on Snowball B prototype:
  7455 		-	tests t_power, t_timer, t_chunk, t_serial, t_idrv, t_pccd1, t_pccd2
  7456 		-	Power up after switch-off
  7459 Version 1.01.114
  7460 ================
  7461 (Made by Graham, 29th July 1997)
  7463 1) Matthew
  7464 		1)      SW1-244 Fixed sound driver so that it no longer returns
  7465 				KErrAlreadyExists if a prepare function is called
  7466 				twice. Changed test code accordingly.
  7468 2) Morgan
  7469 		1)      SW3-1556 Removed dependency in M32HAL.H on M32DBG.H and
  7470 				re-inserted dependency on M32DBG.H in appropriate .CPP
  7471 				files.
  7474 Version 1.01.113
  7475 ================
  7476 (Made by Graham, 25th July 1997)
  7478 1) Dennis
  7479 	1)	Fixed CSW3-1559, CSW3-1560, CSW3-1530, SW1-91, SW1-155, SW1-158
  7480 		Added doubly-linked tree structure to DLibrary objects to record which
  7481 		DLLs depend on which. The access count of a DLibrary object is now equal to
  7482 		the number of thread/process handles open on it, plus the number of other
  7483 		DLibrary objects which have a dependency on it. Added code to DLibrary::Close()
  7484 		to check that a DLL is really in use (directly or indirectly) by traversing
  7485 		the tree structure and to delete it if it is not. Added a new supervisor function
  7486 		UserSvr::DllAddDependency() used by the loader to record DLL dependencies.
  7488 2) Matthew
  7489 	1)	Fixed bug in sound ldd which caused buffers to be orphaned on the kernel heap if
  7490 		a prepare function was called twice. This now returns KErrAlreadyExists.
  7491 		Added test code to t_sound.
  7493 3) Graham
  7494 		1)      Made further changes to the backup battery levels:
  7496 				Good -> Low     2850
  7497 				Low -> Replace  2800
  7499 				Replace -> Low  2850
  7500 				Low -> Good     2900
  7502 				Not present     2000
  7504 		2)      SW1-201. Reduced the maximum voltage of the main battery
  7505 				from 3100mV to 3000mV.
  7507 		3)      SW1-179. Removed redundant IMPORT_C declarations from
  7508 				E32BASE.H on:
  7510 				CServer::NewSessionL
  7511 				CSession::ServiceL
  7513 		4)      Added Charles Wier's ASSERT macro.
  7515 		5)      Changed the battery voltage reading algorithm. I used
  7516 				to do one one dummy read on the adc channel then wait
  7517 				10mS then take the real reading. I now do 10 dummy
  7518 				reads at the rate of one every millisecond and then
  7519 				take the real reading.
  7521 		6)      Fixed the .REL files to release Dutch and French
  7522 				localisation dlls and a french keyboard table for MARM P2.
  7524 		7)      Added Scandinavian localisation dll in WINS and MARM
  7525 				builds.
  7527 		8)      Added DANISH/NORWEGIAN keyboard table (CAKDP2.DN) and
  7528 				SWEDISH/FINNISH keyboard table (CAKDP2.SF) for P2
  7529 				MARM builds.
  7531 Version 1.01.112
  7532 ================
  7533 (Made by Graham, 17th July 1997)
  7535 1) Dennis
  7536 	1)	Fixed CSW-2710, SW1-114
  7537 		Changed four kernel faults to K::PanicCurrentThread with new KERN-EXEC
  7538 		panic numbers; these are KK::EMesAlreadyPending, KK::EEvntRequestPending
  7539 		and two instances of PP::EIllegalWsProcess.
  7541 	2)	Fixed CSW3-880
  7542 		Corrected checking of filename length in RLoader::LoadProcess() and added
  7543 		a check for the command line length.
  7545 	3)	Fixed CSW3-1340
  7546 		Changed the code to allow both heap min size and heap max size to be zero.
  7547 		However if heap max size < 256, then a value of 256 will actually be used.
  7549 	4)	Fixed CSW3-1601
  7550 		Set up the value of K::TickCounter in the RTC tick ISR rather than in code
  7551 		which runs asynchronously to the RTC tick. Reinitialise K::TickCounter when
  7552 		the system time is changed.
  7554 	5)	Fixed CSW3-1670
  7555 		Added function TBool TTickQ::CheckMidnightCrossover(TInt aSecs) to check if
  7556 		a midnight crossover has occurred and set iTomorrowStarts accordingly. Added
  7557 		overloaded function void TSecondQ::SystemTimeChanged(TUint& aChanges)
  7558 		to abort all absolute and locked timers and set the EChangesMidnightCrossover
  7559 		bit in aChanges if a system time change results in a midnight crossover.
  7560 		TSecondQ::SystemTimeChanged() now calls this function, as does
  7561 		ExecHandler::LocaleSet(). Updated T_CHNOT.CPP to test the new RChangeNotifier
  7562 		behaviour.
  7564 	6)	Modified prefetch abort handler to set iDataAddress to the value of lr when
  7565 		the exception occurred.
  7567 	7)	Corrected User::StartThread to call DLL entrypoints with EDllThreadDetach
  7568 		rather than EDllThreadAttach when the thread exits.
  7570 	8)	Set the RTC correction to zero on a cold start. (Forgot this last time!)
  7572 2) Graham
  7573 		1)      Added code to fetch the language index and the keyboard
  7574 				index from E2. Added these values to the machine info
  7575 				structure (UserHal::MachineInfo()) by adding class
  7576 				TMachineInfoV2 which derives from TMachineInfoV1.
  7578 		2)      Modified the text window server to load a different
  7579 				localisation module and keyboard module according to
  7580 				the language and keyboard indexes read from E2.
  7582 		3)      Increased the adjustment for current consumption
  7583 				that is made prior to establishing whether the main
  7584 				battery status should fall.
  7586 		4)      Reduced the voltage levels at which the main battery
  7587 				status changes. Low is now at 2150mV, Replace is now
  7588 				at 1900mV (P2 and PD variants only).
  7590 		5)      Reduced the max backup battery voltage to 3100mV in
  7591 				line with the max main battery voltage  (P2 and PD
  7592 				variants only).
  7594 		6)      Reduced the voltage levels at which the backup up
  7595 				battery status changes:
  7597 								Old (mV)        New (mV)
  7598 				Good -> Low     2900            2800
  7599 				Low -> Replace  2800            2750
  7601 				Replace -> Low  2850            2780
  7602 				Low -> Good     3000            3000
  7604 				Not present     2000            2000
  7606 		7)      Added kernel side EXPORTS for:
  7607 						S::ChunkCreate
  7608 						S::LibraryLoadExact
  7609 						S::MutexCreate
  7610 						S::PhysicalDeviceLoad
  7611 						S::PhysicalDeviceFree
  7612 						S::SemaphoreCreate
  7615 3) Basher
  7616 		1)      Added new function in the keyboard translation dll
  7617 				(ChangeKeyData) which loads a different keyboard data
  7618 				module.
  7620 4) Pete
  7621 		1)      When interrogating the CIS of a PC Card to determine the cards type,
  7622 				the PC Card controller verifies the integrity of the CIS by
  7623 				attempting to follow each CIS chain to the end. While performing this
  7624 				operation the controller is currently reading each tuple entirely
  7625 				rather than just checking its type and link. This is un-necesary and
  7626 				in fact not recomemded. Unknown tuples may contain active registers.
  7627 				This change fixes the problem.
  7630 Version 1.01.111
  7631 ================
  7632 (Made by Graham, 11th July 1997)
  7634 1) Jonathan
  7635 	1) Small fix to DPccdCntrlInterface::DoNotifyChange and DoChangeFlag to return
  7636 	   KErrGeneral instead of panicing on being passed an invalid socket number.
  7637 	2) Kernel now exports all of DPlatChunkHw so that device drivers can map
  7638 	   in their own memory-mapped registers etc.
  7639 	3) Added 2nd serial port (16550-based) to Snowball MARM variant. Currently
  7640 	   just a dummy because of a suspected bug triggered by ~DPlatChunkHW().
  7641 	4) Variant::TestBootSequence on Snowball is always True. This enables an
  7642 	   (alternative) etest.exe to be run on boot, which starts elink before booting
  7643 	   normally.
  7644 	5) Added etestl.exe which does the above.
  7646 2) Pete
  7647 	1)	Fixed SW3-1226
  7648 		Makes it possible to force accesses to as particular type of PC Card
  7649 		memory (ie Common,Attribute,I/O) to be 8-bit accesses only (ie 32bit
  7650 		word accesses disabled). This mode can be enabled in the function
  7651 		Variant::PcCardCntrlMemConfig() by returning KMemConfigByteAccess.
  7652 		This is to support h/w implementations which can't support 32-bit accesses
  7653 		to PC Card memory.
  7655 3) Dennis
  7656 	1)	Fixed SW3-1321
  7657 		Moved the RTC correction value and last set time into the super page so
  7658 		that they will be preserved over warm resets. This stops strange offsets
  7659 		from being added to the system time when the machine is switched off and on.
  7661 	2)	Moved the definition of the super page from M32STD.H to K32STD.H. Added a
  7662 		super page to the WINS build. Moved the battery statistics (insertion time,
  7663 		time on main battery, time on external power, battery power used) from K::
  7664 		into the super page so that they will be preserved over warm resets.
  7666 	3)	Fixed SW3-1419
  7667 		Removed all user access from user data chunks in the home section. Changed
  7668 		the way the stack/heap chunk is created on thread creation - the pages are
  7669 		now allocated using DPlatChunk::AdjustL() instead of AdjustUserL(). This means
  7670 		that the pages are immediately mapped with the correct page permissions
  7671 		rather than with full user access. Removed the line in DPlatProcess::Loaded()
  7672 		which applies the final page permissions to the main thread's stack/heap chunk.
  7674 	4)	Fixed SW3-1317
  7675 		Modified function RUserHeap::SvClose() so that if it finds the access count of
  7676 		the heap negative, it panics the owning process rather than causing a kernel fault.
  7678 	5)	Fixed SW3-1311
  7679 		Fixed operator precedence error in CObjectIx::Remove().
  7681 	6)	Fixed SW3-770, SW3-1539
  7682 		Modified DPlatProcess::DoSetPriority() to recursively descend the tree of threads
  7683 		owned by the process and adjust their priorities (previously, thread-relative threads
  7684 		were not adjusted).
  7685 		Introduced a new set of absolute thread priorities which enable the priority of a
  7686 		thread to be made independent of the priority of its owning process.
  7687 		Note that this upgrade requires a modification to the SHELL to set the priority of
  7688 		the EIKON server thread to EPriorityAbsoluteForeground instead of EPriorityMore.
  7690 	7)	Fixed SW3-319
  7691 		Added a new exported function Kern::PanicCurrentThread(const TDesC&, int) which panics
  7692 		a thread by sending a message to the kernel server (like K::PanicCurrentThread).
  7693 		Modified D_COMM.CPP to call this function instead of DPlatThread::Panic().
  7695 	8)	Fixed SW3-1604
  7696 		Modified RThread::RaiseException() so that if the exception is unhandled, it panics
  7697 		with ECausedException rather than calling User::Exit(KErrDied);
  7699 	9)	Fixed SW3-4688
  7700 		Modified UPWINS\UP_TRP.CPP to do a ret 4 at the end of User::Leave() instead
  7701 		of a compiler-generated ret 0. Applied the same modification to the X86 build.
  7703 	10) Fixed SW3-1408, SW3-1671
  7704 		Modified UCDT\UC_REGN.CPP TRegion::SubRect() to return without doing anything if
  7705 		the rectangle to be subtracted is empty. Applied the same modification to the
  7706 		ARM version in UPMARM\UP_UTL.CPP.
  7708 	11)	Fixed SW-4688
  7709 		Modified UPWINS\UP_TRP.CPP User::Leave() to end with a ret 4 instead of a ret 0.
  7710 		Applied the same modification to the MX86 version.
  7712 	12)	Fixed SW3-1149
  7713 		Added an inline accessor function for the iThread member of CAsyncOneShot to
  7714 		allow the handle to be changed.
  7716 	13)	Fixed SW3-1604
  7717 		Modified RThread::RaiseException() so that if the exception is unhandled, it
  7718 		panics with ECausedException rather than calling User::Exit(KErrDied);
  7720 	14)	Fixed SW-5529
  7721 		Modified RLibrary::LoadRomLibrary in UPMARM\UP_LIB.CPP and UPMX86\UP_LIB.CPP
  7722 		to close a handle in all possible cases.
  7724 	15) Fixed SW-5530
  7725 		Modified KS_SEM.CPP, KS_MUTX.CPP and KS_CHK.CPP so that if a global object is
  7726 		created with a thread-relative handle, it has no owner.
  7728 	16)	Modified DPlatThread::Die() so that if a system thread panics, the machine resets.
  7730 	17)	Fixed SW1-22
  7731 		Modified CObjectIx destructor to invalidate each array entry after closing it.
  7732 		Modified CObjectIx::Remove() to panic if an attempt is made to remove an entry with
  7733 		a null object pointer.
  7734 		Modified S::Close() to check if the handle is valid before attempting to close it.
  7736 	18)	Fixed CSW3-1426
  7737 		Made 0x10 (DLE, non-breaking space character in OPL) a whitespace character.
  7739 	19)	Fixed CSW-5500
  7740 		Check for nDig<0 in doGeneral() function, return KErrGeneral in this case.
  7742 4) Matthew
  7743 	1) Fixed SW3-883
  7744 	   Moved the undertaker notification call Kern::NotifyThreadDeath() from
  7745 	   DThread::Cleanup() to DThread::DoDie(), so it is called before any child threads
  7746 	   are killed.
  7747 	   Added test to T_THREAD.
  7749 	2) Fixed SW3-1173
  7750 	   Made "%X" give upper-case, instead of lower-case hex.
  7751 	   Added test to T_BUF.
  7753 	3) Changed T_SOUND test code so that it actually tests that keyclicks are disabled
  7754 	   during recording.
  7756 	4) Renamed Variant::TVarmpdPanic to TVarmp2Panic in P2 variant.
  7758 	5) Made varmp2\va_prom.cpp #include v32armp2.h instead of v32armpd.h.
  7760 5) Graham
  7761 		1) Anns fix for incompatibility between random number
  7762 		   generation on WINS and MARM.
  7764 		2) Martin Tasker's updated header files E32BASE.H and
  7765 		   E32DEF.H for MSVC 5.0 compliance.
  7767 		3) Increased RAM refresh rate to the maximum in the
  7768 		   bootstrap. This can then be slowed down in the
  7769 		   variant layer if applicable.
  7771 		4) Changed the reschedule code to run with interrupts on.
  7773 		5) Added Charles Wier's __DECLARE_TEST_DEBUG that compiles
  7774 		   out in release mode.
  7776 		6) Added Charles Wier's RTest::SetConsole(CConsoleBase*).
  7778 		7) SW3-716 sanitise E32KEYS.H for the resource compiler.
  7780 		8) SW3-1556 released M32MMU.H and .INL in INCK and removed
  7781 		   dependency in M32HAL.H on M32DBG.H.
  7783 		9) SW3-1557. Fixed an ASSERT in Mmu::AllocShadowPage().
  7785 		10) Added new Central European language enums to TLanguage.
  7787 		11) Changed RNotifier::Connect to use its own version number
  7788 			instead of the operating system version number - the
  7789 			notifier interface is updated independently of E32.
  7791 		12) Merged in new in localisation files since 110.
  7793 		13) Fixed bug in ARM architecture which caused ADC code
  7794 			to be called when the variant specified that no
  7795 			ADC was fitted - caused problems for Delaware.
  7797 		14) Changed the main battery monitoring code to compensate
  7798 			for voltage drops with high current consumption when
  7799 			calculating changes in battery status.
  7801 		15) Changed the main battery monitoring code to increase
  7802 			the frequency that it samples the main battery voltage
  7803 			when other components are interested in obtaining
  7804 			accurate readings of that voltage.
  7806 		16) Changed the P2 and PD sound driver to divorce its ability
  7807 			to play digital sound from the main battery status. It
  7808 			now has two threshhold voltages - one at 2200mV below
  7809 			which no sound driver operation will begin and another
  7810 			at 2000mV below which any sound driver operation that
  7811 			is in progress will be aborted.
  7813 		17) Fixed the backup battery code which caused its status to
  7814 			oscillate between Good and Low every time you switched
  7815 			off and on.
  7817 			These fixes, in combination should fix CSW-5376, CSW3-682,
  7818 			CSW3-1672
  7820 6) Basher
  7821 		1) Added new user server function "ChangeLocale" to change
  7822 		   localisation dll.
  7824 Version 1.00.110
  7825 ================
  7826 (Made by Graham , 5th June 1997)
  7828 1) Graham / Jonathan / Morgan / Colly
  7829 		1) Fixed a bug in the Comms LDD emergency power down code.
  7830 		   This was causing interrupts to be enabled which then
  7831 		   caused the kernel irq handling routine to reenable
  7832 		   fiqs thus causing the fiq handler to be reentered with
  7833 		   subsequent death of a random nature to any user code
  7834 		   that might happen to be lying around within reach.
  7835 		   Multiple SW's hopefully.
  7837 		2) Introduced interrupt protection around
  7838 		   TEiger::ModifyRegister8. This had been introduced into
  7839 		   TEiger::ModifyRegister32 a long time ago but somehow got
  7840 		   missed out of the 8 bit variant.
  7842 		3) Added protection against rogue irqlevels passed into
  7843 		   Hal::RestoreIrqs();
  7845 		4) Added NOPs into the following type of ARM assembler
  7846 		   construct:
  7848 				asm("stmia lr, {r13-r14}^");
  7849 				asm("add lr, lr, #8");
  7851 		   This now becomes:
  7853 				asm("stmia lr, {r13-r14}^");
  7854 				asm("mov r0, r0");
  7855 				asm("add lr, lr, #8");
  7857 		   The ARM manual advises against using a banked register
  7858 		   directly after any user-bank load or store multiple
  7859 		   instruction.
  7861 		5) Added T_IRQS test code developed by Alastair.
  7864 Version 0.01.109
  7865 ================
  7866 (Made by Graham , 3rd June 1997)
  7868 1) Dennis
  7869 	1) 2/6/97
  7870 	Fixed SW-3795, SW-3798
  7871 	Set main battery insertion time after initialising RTC
  7872 	When system time is set, main battery insertion time is changed
  7873 	by (new system time-old system time)
  7874 	Moved initialisation of Locale data from S::Initialise() to P::Initialise()
  7875 	just after Hal::Init1(). This is necessary to make sure that the home time
  7876 	offset is initialised before the system time on a cold start.
  7878 		2) Fixed alloc heaven problem in KS_CHN.CPP whereby a
  7879 		physical channel is created and not deleted if the
  7880 		corresponding logical channel creation failed.
  7882 2) Matthew
  7883 	1) Changed sound and comms emergency power-down code to do their completions
  7884 	with DFCs. This seems to fix the exception-type resets associated with
  7885 	emergency power-downs.
  7887 	2) Fixed a bug in the sound driver's write-to-thread code where the home
  7888 	address of the user buffer was not being used. Spotted by Colly.
  7890 	3) Fixed bug in sound driver where if an Open() failed with OOM then any
  7891 	subsequent attempts to open would fail with KErrInUse. Spotted by Colly.
  7893 3) Pete
  7894 		1) Fixed SW3-998: Prevents emergency power downs occuring
  7895 		   while servicing PC Card interrupts from generating an exception.
  7898 		2) Fixed SW3-974: Machine reset inserting CF card with OOM.
  7899 		   Fix is low risk (FLW). One part affects code only called in OOM
  7900 		   situation, and the other is minor change to a destructor.
  7902 4) Graham
  7903 		1) Fixed a bug in the comms logical device driver. This bug
  7904 		   prevented the machine from switching on sometimes in the
  7905 		   presence of an oscillating DSR input (like Nautilus).
  7907 		2) Fixed a bug in the backup battery handling when switching
  7908 		   on. This again was preventing machine from turning on
  7909 		   occasionally. Thanks to Colly, Bill and Morgan for help
  7910 		   finding this one. SW3-666 (the number of the beast).
  7912 		3) SW3-877. Slowed down the turning off of the display
  7913 		   when switching off normally - the previous behaviour
  7914 		   may have been damaging to the lcd panel. (UNAPPROVED)
  7916 		4) SW3-997 fixed a keyboard table bug when pressing FN+B
  7917 		   followed by the space bar - previously gave a little
  7918 		   circle; now gives a circumflex. (UNAPPROVED)
  7920 		5) Upped the LCD pump value to 11 from 8. SW3-354.
  7921 		   (UNAPPROVED)
  7923 		6) Changed MachineInfo for P2 to describe the microprocessor
  7924 		   as an ARM 7100 rather than an ARM 7110. SW3-1028.
  7925 		   (UNAPPROVED).
  7927 5) Morgan
  7928 		1) Fixed RTC error. Conversion between parts per 4000000
  7929 		   and parts per 2^24 was wrong.
  7931 Version 0.01.108
  7932 ================
  7933 (Made by ---, --- May 1997)
  7935 1) Matthew
  7936 	1) 22/5/97
  7937 	Fixed SW-5406: Made the fall-back alarm sound slightly less offensive.
  7938 	Forward and backward compatible.
  7940 	2) 22/5/97
  7941 	Fixed SW-4899: WINS comms pdd no longer calls the ldd's transmit ISR the
  7942 	extra time.
  7943 	Backward compatible, not forward if you were assume the transmit ISR
  7944 	can only be called once.
  7946 	3) 22/5/97
  7947 	Fixed SW3-293: Moved EWSRV.DLL to base 0x42800000 so it no longer clashes
  7948 	with dsound.ldd.
  7949 	Forward and backward compatible.
  7951 	4) 22/5/97
  7952 	Fixed SW3-372: Added the '%.' label to TTime::FormatL. This gives the
  7953 	locale decimal separator. Test code in T_TIME.
  7954 	Backward compatible, not forward compatible - previous versions of
  7955 	E32 reduced '%.' to '.' whatever the locale information was.
  7957 2) Morgan
  7958 	1) 23/5/97
  7959 	Fixed SW-4604:  When a growing Ram Drive hits a page containing
  7960 	page tables the page allocator attempts to move them.  This code was
  7961 	assuming all four page tables in the page were in use which is not
  7962 	always the case, causing the allocator to Leave.  To fix this, trapped
  7963 	the Leave when an unused page table is not found in the PageDir.
  7964 	Forward and Backward compatible.
  7966 	2) 27/5/97
  7967 	Applied the correct Uids and capitalised the names of EKern and EFile
  7968 	by hand during startup.   Required because neither of these processes
  7969 	are loaded by the file server (which is normally responsible for doing
  7970 	that).
  7972 	3) 27/5/97
  7973 	Added RProcess::SetType(const TUidType &aType) and test code.
  7974 	Backward compatible
  7976 3) Ann
  7977 	1) 27/5/97
  7978 	Changed KRealFormatNoExponent to use a maximum of aMaxSigFigs digits.
  7979 	Updated test code accordingly.
  7981 4) Graham
  7982 	1) 28/5/97
  7983 	SW3-495. Reduced the risk of E32 getting out of step with case
  7984 		opening/closing
  7986 		2) 28/5/97
  7987 		Introduced BLDARMREL as a synonym for ARMREL in MNT.CMD and
  7988 		removed the need to do MAKEWORK before building.
  7991 Version 0.01.107
  7992 ================
  7993 (Made by ---, --- May 1997)
  7995 1) Graham
  7996 		1) Removed MEDCRR.MAP and DATXPD3.MAP from MARM releaseables
  7998 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8000 		2) Removed EKERN.LIB from WINC releaseables
  8002 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8004 		3) Upgrade 003
  8006 		   Fixed SW3-282. If the 'switch off when case is closed' option was
  8007 		   enabled and one switched off, closed the case, then attempted to wake
  8008 		   the machine up using the external buttons or by asserting dsr, then
  8009 		   the machine would remain dead until the next warm reset.
  8011 		   This was fixed by reading the state of the case when coming out of
  8012 		   standby as well as every second while switched on.
  8014 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8016 		4) Upgrade 007
  8018 		   Removed the ability to turn on using the digitiser after an emergency
  8019 		   power down. This makes the behaviour consistent with 'Switch on when
  8020 		   case is opened'. SW-5282
  8022 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8024 		5) Upgrade 008
  8026 		   Upgraded P2 and PD digitiser drivers to include debouncing logic
  8027 		   (SW-874 and duplicates).
  8029 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8031 		6) Upgrade 009
  8033 		   Upgraded P2 and PD comms pdd's. These now implement the following
  8034 		   current consumption scheme.
  8036 				RS232 drivers enabled           2mA
  8037 				Cable connected                 + 22 mA
  8038 				Ir enabled                      0 mA
  8039 				Ir receiving                    0 mA
  8040 				Ir transmitting                 + 35 mA
  8042 		   The cable is detected by either:
  8044 				1) DSR high
  8045 				2) Character received
  8047 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8049 2) Pete
  8050 		1) Upgrade 001
  8052 		   Fixed SW3-331. Formatting of Local Drives was being done cardSize/32
  8053 		   bytes at a time. This was OK on smaller CF cards but on larger ones
  8054 		   (eg 16M Hitachi CF) it was locking up the machine for long periods
  8055 		   (because F32 which is running during each sub-format is at a high
  8056 		   priority). Changed so that a Local Drive is formatted
  8057 		   Min(16K,size/32) bytes at a time.
  8059 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8061 		2) Upgrade 004
  8063 		   In addition to having the option to disable compatibility checking between a cards
  8064 		   Vcc level requrements and those supported by a machine, it is now possible
  8065 		   to disable Vcc current and Vpp level compatibility checking in
  8066 		   TPcCardConfig::IsMachineCompatible().
  8068 		   Backward compatible, not forward.
  8070 		3) Upgrade 005
  8072 		   Fixed a problem parsing device info. tuples which fail to provide the
  8073 		   end of field character. TCisReader::FindReadRegion() now checks the
  8074 		   length of such a tuple and doesn't rely on the terminating character
  8075 		   being present.
  8077 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8079 		4) Upgrade 006
  8081 		   Various changes to Pc Card Serial Port PDDs:
  8082 		   - Added Cellular Card Phone Serial Driver (VA_NCCP.CPP) for Rack D.
  8083 		   - Fixed a problem with the standard Modem Card Serial Driver (EUART3.PDD)
  8084 			 when writing to the card at 115Kbps. The driver wasn't making full
  8085 			 use of the Tx FIFO and was spending too long servicing interrupts
  8086 			 resulting in a triple beep reset due to the watchdog timing out.
  8087 			 Also disabled Vpp compatibility checking in order to support the
  8088 			 WorldPort modem.
  8089 			 The full list of supported modems is now:-
  8090 			- Socket I/O serial port
  8091 			- Dacom Goldcard V34 + Fax
  8092 			- Dacom GoldCard Global (V34+Fax)
  8093 			- Hayes Optima 288
  8094 			- US Robotics WorldPort
  8095 			- MegaHertz XJ2288
  8096 			- Trellis Datacom PC288V2
  8097 			- Com1 Modem Card MC218
  8098 			- Paldio Data card
  8099 		   - Changes to Delaware standard Modem Card Serial Driver (EUART2.PDD)
  8100 			 to bring it up to same standard as the Rack D driver.
  8101 			 None of this affects Protea P2.
  8103 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8105 3) Ann
  8106 		1) Upgrade 002
  8108 		   Fixed SW-4304, SW3-415.  TRealFormat changes.  Changed
  8109 		   Calculator mode to discard trailing zeros first and then to decide on
  8110 		   exponential or non-exponential format based on the number of digits
  8111 		   available.  If the number of digits (including significant leading/trailing
  8112 		   zeros) when using non-exponential format would exceed aMaxSigFigs, then
  8113 		   exponential format would be used, so reducing to no more than aMaxSigFigs.
  8114 		   Fixed SW3-416.  The above changes should been this situation won't
  8115 		   occur, but leaves space for sign now, just in case!
  8116 		   Also T_FLOAT test code improved and updated.
  8119 Version 0.01.106
  8120 ================
  8121 (Made by Graham, 19th May 1997)
  8123 1) Graham
  8124 		1) Implemented MNT VALID verb.
  8126 		   Forward and backward compatible.
  8128 		2) Updated all version numbers to 1.0(106)
  8130 		   The compatibilty issues for this are quite complicated.
  8131 		   However, I believe these changes to be both forward and
  8132 		   and backward compatible.
  8134 		3) Added .MAP files to MARM releasables.
  8136 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8138 		4) Changed idle current to 38mA, backlight current to 98mA.
  8140 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8142 		5) Upgrade 004
  8144 		   Changed the WINS fascia to reflect the changed order on the
  8145 		   application bar.
  8147 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8149 		6) Upgrade 009
  8151 		   Fix which defends against the possibility that the Flash ROM will not
  8152 		   wake up quickly enough when coming out of standby. We jump into RAM
  8153 		   to execute the standby instruction. When we come out of standby we
  8154 		   check the ROM is reading correctly before jumping back.
  8156 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8158 		7) Upgrade 010
  8160 		   SW-5179 Return an error if an attempt is made to turn the backlight
  8161 		   on when the main batteries are set to 'replace' and no external power
  8162 		   is being applied.
  8164 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8166 		8) Upgrade 011
  8168 		   Reduce default on time of backlight to one minute and make it
  8169 		   sensitive to user activity.
  8171 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8173 		9) Upgrade 012
  8175 		   SW-5319 Changed default screen contrast of PD and P2 variants
  8177 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8179 	   10) Upgrade 013
  8181 		   SW-3264 Changed default auto power down behaviour to
  8182 		   'Enabled always' and reduced the default timeout to
  8183 		   3 minutes.
  8185 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8187 	   11) Upgrade 014
  8189 		   SW-3232 Swop round FN-Q,D and FN-Q,T
  8191 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8193 2) Dennis
  8194 		1) Changed wait states on CS1 ROM from 4 to 2 on P2 variant.
  8196 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8198 		2) Modified ImpHal::PrepareForRepro() to leave the cache and
  8199 		   write buffer enabled. It is only necessary that the page
  8200 		   directory entries for the FLASH are marked as not
  8201 		   cacheable or bufferable and that the TLB and cache are
  8202 		   flushed, which was already the case.
  8204 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8206 		3) Upgrade 001
  8208 		   Rewrote some of the TRegion member functions in ARM assembly language in an attempt to
  8209 		   speed up the operation of the window server, which uses these functions extensively, and
  8210 		   which was found to be responsible for slow operation of the machine when a large number
  8211 		   of applications are open. See defect reports SW-3500 and SW-4478 and the replies to them.
  8213 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8215 3) Ann
  8216 		1) Upgrade 002
  8218 		   Fixed a bug in Math::Pow() (defect report SW-4624) so that
  8219 		   KErrOverflow errors are not incorrectly returned as KErrArgument
  8220 		   errors.  This occured because of differencing of infinity - which is
  8221 		   now checked for.  Updated maths test code (t_math) to test this
  8222 		   change fully.
  8224 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8226 		2) Upgrade 025
  8228 		   Fixed SW3-317 KRealFormatNoExponent mode was not checking for
  8229 		   KExtraSpaceForSign flag.  Now checks and changed to act accordingly.
  8230 		   Also added this to test code.
  8233 4) Morgan
  8234 		1) Upgrade 003
  8236 		   Set a constant string in the SuperPage when platform initialisation
  8237 		   has completed.  This string is checked on warm resets to validate
  8238 		   cold start initialisation has completed successfully at some point
  8239 		   in the past.
  8241 		   Forward and Backward compatible except for machine configuration
  8242 		   compatiblity. So, machine configurations may not be passed
  8243 		   between old and new versions of E32. You must perform a cold
  8244 		   reset having upgraded to the version of E32 because of this
  8245 		   change.
  8248 		2) Upgrade 019
  8250 		   Fix for SW3-91 and SW3-66:  Shared code chunks are Open()ed properly
  8251 		   in DProcess::Create().  New code chunks are named "$EXE[<Checksum>]"
  8252 		   and no longer have an owner.
  8254 		3) Upgrade 026
  8256 		   Initialised TheSuperPage.iXtalError to 0 in Hal::Init1() on a cold boot
  8257 		   for those platforms that don't do it themselves in their variant
  8258 		   initialisation.
  8260 5) Matthew
  8261 		1) Upgrade 005
  8263 		   Changed "Rings" alarm sound to be the same as those on the 3a. Thanks to Jezar
  8264 		   for his help with this.
  8266 		   Also adjusted the trailing silence in algorithmic alarms as suggested.
  8267 		   Fixes SW3-22.
  8269 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8271 		2) Upgrade 006
  8273 		   Fixed SW3-256: Arm sound ldd no longer links to localisation dll.
  8275 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8277 		3) Upgrade 007
  8279 		   Fixed bug SW3-25: Requests on logical channels by threads which did not open
  8280 		   that channel will now panic the rogue thread, rather than potentially crashing
  8281 		   the whole machine.
  8283 		   Added test code to T_SOUND.
  8285 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8287 		4) Upgrade 008
  8289 		   Fixed bug SW3-9. Wins fixed (again) to take account of NT daylight saving settings.
  8291 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8293 		5) Upgrade 023
  8295 		   Fixed SW3_315. In the sound LDDs play and record dfc functions the value of
  8296 		   iThread.iExit is now tested, and if it is not EExitPending then the function
  8297 		   returns straight away.
  8299 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8301 6) Pete
  8302 		1) Upgrade 015
  8304 		   SW3-138 Change to CF card interrupt enable scheme. Currently the MTD keeps
  8305 		   card IREQ interrupts enabled in Etna while its open. These are normally
  8306 		   disabled at the card level but enabled in the card during a write operations.
  8307 		   When the media switch is broken or when a dodgy CF card is present, this can
  8308 		   resulting in a watchdog timeout due to the card permanently asserting IREQ and
  8309 	   not responding to the interrupt clear. This change leaves IREQ disabled
  8310 		   in Etna until required for the write operation.
  8312 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8314 		2) Upgrade 016
  8316 		   Change only for variants with 2 sockets (ie RackD). Currently on these systems,
  8317 		   when a media change occurs, the PC Card controller does the following
  8318 		   to each socket in turn before turning off Vpc:
  8319 		   - Disable IREQ
  8320 		   - Disable Etna interface
  8321 		   However, because the two sockets have an individual IREQ, but share
  8322 		   the same Data/Address buffers, when the Etna interface is disabled on
  8323 		   the 1st socket, it causes the RESET signal to the 2nd to become
  8324 		   active. This in turn causes the 2nd socket to permanently assert IREQ
  8325 		   (which is now Rdy/Bsy) while its IREQ interrupt could potentially be
  8326 		   enabled. Result is continuous interrupts followed by watchdog
  8327 		   timeout.
  8328 		   The fix is to disable IREQs on both sockets before disabling the Etna
  8329 		   interface. This is done in the variant code for Rack D - ie no impact
  8330 		   on Protea P2.
  8332 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8334 		3) Upgrade 017
  8336 		   Change to test program DRVSOAK so that it monitors the amount of
  8337 		   spare RAM while soak test is running.
  8339 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8341 		4) Upgrade 027
  8343 		   Fixed SW3-440. Older SanDisk CF cards still sometimes timeout when
  8344 		   running on batteries. Increased timeout in CF card media driver from 60ms
  8345 		   to 70ms.
  8347 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8349 		5) Upgrade 028
  8350 		   Fixed SW3-434. Allow CIS parsing functions not to reject a CIS which
  8351 		   has incorrect link tuples.
  8352 		   If a CIS chain contains no link tuples then a check is made for a link target
  8353 		   tuple at address 0 in common memory (as before). However, if a link
  8354 		   target isn't found here then we assume a normal end of the CIS chain
  8355 		   (rather than marking the entire CIS chain as invalid as before).
  8356 		   If a CIS chain contains a 'Long Link to attribute memory' tuple but no link
  8357 		   target tuple is found at address: (specified offset x2) then we also check for a
  8358 		   link target tuple at address: (specified offset x1).
  8360 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8362 7) William
  8363 		1) Upgrade 020
  8365 		   Changes to test programs so that they run from CF card on top of the full
  8366 		   Protea ROM. T_CTRAP, T_POWR, T_UID from TBAS, the rest from TCDT. Still more changes
  8367 		   required to fix "Z:\Test" assumptions and the strange bug with the EIKON console.
  8368 		   T_CTRAP will now fail on WINS debug because it checks the stack depth.
  8370 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8372 		2) Upgrade 021
  8374 		   Extend RChangeNotifier to do EChangesSystemTime: effects E32STD.H and KSRC\KS_TIM.CPP, KS_NOFTY.CPP
  8375 		   There is a Defect for this, but it's really an E32 Proposal trying to be noticed...
  8377 		   Backward compatible, not forward compatible if you take
  8378 		   advantage of this new feature.
  8380 		3) Upgrade 022
  8382 		   Check in DThread::Cleanup to see if the dying thread is the one which currently owns the event hook.
  8383 		   If so, cause a 'graceful' kernel fault instead of an
  8384 		   'ungraceful' one further down the line (SW3-205).
  8386 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8388 		4) Upgrade 024
  8390 		   Fixed SW3-73. Puts the first 8 characters of the Panic/Fault category into the codeAddress
  8391 		   and dataAddress of the last exception information (except, of course, if we are faulting
  8392 		   because of an exception...)
  8394 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8396 8) Geert
  8397 		1) Upgrade 029
  8399 		   Fully source and binary compatible. Not link compatible, however. See below for details.
  8401 		   Fixed SW3-11, replacing the following EUSER.DLL exported functions with binary equivalents:
  8403 			CArrayFix<TAny>::CArrayFix(TBufRep aRep,TInt aRecordLength,TInt aGranularity);
  8404 			CArrayFix<TAny>::~CArrayFix();
  8405 			CArrayFixFlat<TAny>::CArrayFixFlat(TInt aRecordLength,TInt aGranularity);
  8406 			CArrayFixFlat<TAny>::~CArrayFixFlat();
  8407 			CArrayFixSeg<TAny>::CArrayFixSeg(TInt aRecordLength,TInt aGranularity);
  8408 			CArrayFixSeg<TAny>::~CArrayFixSeg();
  8409 			CArrayVar<TAny>::CArrayVar(TBufRep aRep,TInt aGranularity);
  8410 			CArrayVar<TAny>::~CArrayVar();
  8411 			CArrayPak<TAny>::CArrayPak(TBufRep aRep,TInt aGranularity);
  8412 			CArrayPak<TAny>::~CArrayPak();
  8414 		   All CArrayXxx<TAny> stock instances acquire inline ctors just like the template ones.
  8415 		   If you use any of these classes then to be able to link against the new EUSER.LIB
  8416 		   will require re-compilation.
  8418 		   A clean build should be sufficient.
  8420 		2) Upgrade 030
  8422 		   Entirely backward compatible. Forward compatible for all software that doesn't use the new service.
  8423 		   And additional forward incompatible change now allows the element just past the array to be addressed
  8424 		   using CArrayXxx::End().
  8426 		   Fixed SW3-374, adding new exported function
  8428 				TAny* CArrayFixBase::Back(TInt anIndex) const;
  8430 		   as well as inline wrappers to CArrayFix<T> and CArrayFix<TAny>.
  8432 		   These functions provide functionality equivalent to CBufBase::BackPtr(), being CArrayFixXxx::End()
  8433 		   counterparts for fast _backward_ iteration.
  8435 		   Also introduced modifiable overloads of End() inline wrappers and relaxed index range checks for
  8436 		   CArrayFixXxx::End() as well as Back().
  8438 9) Jonathan
  8439 		1) Upgrade 031
  8441 		   Fixes SW3-334
  8443 		   Debug::SetBreakpoint only allowed breakpoints to be set at 0x2xxxxxxx (and at
  8444 		   0x5xxxxxxx in debug releases). Eikon apps get loaded into memory between
  8445 		   0x9000~ and 0xFFFF~.
  8447 		   Debug::SetBreakpoint allows breakpoints between 0x9000~ and 0xFFFF~.
  8449 		   No API change. Doesn't depend or tread on any previous upgrade.
  8451 		   Forward and backward compatible
  8454 Version 0.01.105
  8455 ================
  8456 (Made by Pete, 8th May 1997)
  8458 1) Dennis
  8459 		1) Modified the scheduler to set machine current consumption to either
  8460 		   running or idle current depending on whether the null thread is
  8461 		   being scheduled.
  8462 		2) Added functions Custom::BacklightCurrentInMilliAmps() and
  8463 		   ImpHal::BacklightCurrentInMilliAmps and code to include the
  8464 		   backlight current in K::TotalCurrentMilliAmps when it is on.
  8465 		3) Fixed a problem with average battery current calculation - the function
  8466 		   was using a hard-coded tick rate of 10 ticks per second.
  8467 		4) Changed function DLogicalChannel::SetCurrentConsumptionInMilliAmps from
  8468 		   protected to public since in practice it is always the PDD which calls it.
  8469 		5) Modified the sound and COM1 PDDs to set the current consumption according
  8470 		   to the device state.
  8472 2) Morgan
  8473 		1) Digitiser calibrated from values in E-squared Prom on a Cold Start.
  8474 		2) Calibration preserved over a warm reset.
  8475 		3) Plugged in crystal error and machine unique Id values from the E-squared.
  8476 		4) DPlatProcess destructor closes the process code chunk, and Create() adds
  8477 		   newly created code chunks to the list of Kernel chunks.
  8478 		5) RLoader::LoadProcess() Kill()s the new process on a failed load.
  8481 3) William
  8482 		1) Reorganise CDeltaTimer creation to fix SW-4030
  8483 		2) Remove TDblQueLInkBase::EnQue() assertion, to fix SW-4991
  8484 		3) Reset auto switchoff timeout when an absolute timer completes, to fix SW-4870
  8486 4) Ann
  8487 		1) Fixed bug SW-4351 in Math::Mod().  Now returns KErrTotalLossOfPrecision
  8488 		if an accurate answer cannot be given.
  8489 		2) Reorganised maths test code so it now builds for ARM.
  8492 5) Andrew       1) Fixed bug SW-4180. SetReserveL(TInt) is now available only
  8493 				for CArrayFixFlat<T>, CArrayFixFlat<TAny> and CArrayPtrFlat<T>.
  8494 				The parameter is new the reserved size of the array, not the
  8495 				reserved expansion space.
  8497 6) Pete		1) TPcCardSocket::SetSocketStatus() made virtual function.
  8498 		2) Added the inline function
  8499 		TPcCardSocket::EventCallBacksRequested(TPccdEvent anEvent).
  8500 		Used to determine if there are any clients expecting notification of
  8501 		a particular PC Card event.
  8502 		3) CROM Media Driver Caps() no longer sets the drive attributes as
  8503 		KDriveAttRom.
  8504 		4) Fixed problem parsing Configuration table entry tuples where the
  8505 		last two entries both have the same configuration entry value. Prior to
  8506 		this, only the first of the two was reported.
  8507 		5) ATA Media Driver now leaves card interrupts enabled in the PC Card
  8508 		Controller h/w, and enables/disables these as required on the card. This
  8509 		is quicker than the previous scheme where it was continuously enabling
  8510 		and disabling interrupts in controller h/w on each Write() request.
  8511 		6) Media Driver Open() failures due to media change now only return
  8512 		KErrNotReady rather than any other error value.
  8513 		7) ATA Media Driver now verifies that a partition is a DOS partition
  8514 		(extended DOS partitions not supported).
  8515 		8) ATA Media Driver now uses Pulse mode interrupts where possible.
  8516 		Previously it always used Level mode interrupts.
  8517 		9) Change to ATA Media Driver - for write requests
  8518 		which straddle a sector boundary and require prior reading of two
  8519 		consecutive sectors, the read is now performed with a single read
  8520 		command (of two sectors) rather than two reads of one sector.
  8521 		10) Default attribute memory access speed for 3.3V
  8522 		socket is 600ns rather than 300ns (as per PC Card Spec.).
  8523 		11) Withered Custom::DriveName() and Custom::PcCardSocketName() in
  8524 		custom dll.
  8525 		12) Prevented DPrimaryMedia queueing same DFC twice.
  8526 		13) Introduce Media Driver Interface version number.
  8527 		14) Made media driver current consumption values more realistic.
  8529 7) Jonathan
  8531 		1) The Debug class won't let the user insert breakpoints or
  8532 		   single-step into ROM code before the aDebugLimit argument to
  8533 		   Debug::Open.  Gdbstub sets aDebugLimit to its own location in
  8534 		   ROM, thus preventing breakpoints/stepping into code before it in
  8535 		   ROM (including EUser, EKern etc) which might otherwise break.
  8537 		2) The Debug class ignores the user-supplied aDebugLimit in Release
  8538 		   builds and prevents setting of breakpoints/single-stepping
  8539 		   anywhere in the ROM.
  8541 		3) Binary incompatibility (affects gdbstub & test code, doesn't
  8542 		   affect RDebug::Printf):
  8543 		   Debugger functions in the RDebug & Debug classes changed to use
  8544 		   thread Ids instead of opaque DThread pointers. Components that
  8545 		   call RDebug::ReadMemory() or RDebug::WriteMemory() should pass in
  8546 		   RThread().Id() as the first argument to these functions to retain
  8547 		   their current functionality.
  8549 		4) New DThread* Kern::ThreadFromId(TThreadId) for use by Debug
  8550 		   class. Also changed S::ThreadOpen(... TThreadId, ...) to use it.
  8552 8) Matthew
  8553 		1) Fixed SW-3783 - by default, the comms driver now uses descriptor
  8554 		   MaxLength() rather than Length() for reads.
  8555 		   Note: This fix has meant a change to the inline function RDevComm::Read(),
  8556 		   so anyone using this function should recompile with the new E32. You
  8557 		   know who you are.
  8558 		2) Fixed bug in comms driver so that it no longer crashes if you
  8559 		   request that it writes beyond the end of a descriptor.
  8560 		3) Stopped WINS sound pdd from gurgling when you do a PlaySineWave().
  8561 		4) Moved DTMF volume information from sound LDD into the PDDs, since
  8562 		   it depends on the frequency response of the hardware.
  8563 		5) Tiny amount of fiddling with algorithmic alarm sounds.
  8564 		6) Made the __WINS_UID() macro expand in WINC builds, implementing the E32
  8565 		   proposal.
  8566 		7) Removed the EChangesAll enum from E32STD.H since if it used it may break
  8567 		   forwards compatability. This should only effect BAFL.
  8568 		8) Added a User::SetCurrencySymbol() function for setting the system-wide
  8569 		   currency symbol.
  8571 9) Graham
  8572 				1) Added German keyboard table which now gets
  8573 				   released as CAKDP2.GE
  8574 				2) Released IMPORT_C from TInt64A functions. These
  8575 				   were not being exported anyway.
  8576 				3) Exported RLibrary::LoadRomLibrary on EPOC
  8577 				   platforms
  8578 				4) Fixed update of battery statistics when the
  8579 				   main batteries are changed (SW-5096, SW-4228).
  8580 				5) Fixed update of main and backup battery statuses
  8581 				   when switching on (SW-3401, SW-4479).
  8582 				6) Changed UK, US, and German keyboard tables to give
  8583 				   the multiplication and division signs when the
  8584 				   appropriate keystrokes are made.
  8585 				7) Shortened the beeps for Cold Start, Warm Start,
  8586 				   and Kernel Fault.
  8589 10) Jal
  8590 				1) Added build infrastructure for ELOCL.GE
  8591 				   (the german localisation dll).
  8593 Version 0.01.104
  8594 ================
  8595 (Made by William, 2nd May 1997)
  8597 1) William
  8599 		1) Removed the TRAPD() from DThread::RequestComplete, which still seems
  8600 		   to cause lots of E32USER-CBase 71 and 63 panics when used in the
  8601 		   harsh environment of real test roms
  8602 		2) Remove reference to GateFunction in EGATE.DEF to fix the T_DUID.DLL test
  8603 		3) Add extra test cases to TCDT\T_THREAD.CPP
  8604 		4) Add missing XCUST*.DEF files to BMARM\LI.PRJ
  8606 Version 0.01.103
  8607 ================
  8608 (Made by Morgan, 1st May 1997)
  8610 1) Graham
  8612 		1) Fixed a problem with the code which looks for both shift
  8613 		   keys when switching on after a warm reset in order to
  8614 		   change it into a cold reset.
  8616 		2) Fixed a problem with constructing the encrypted password
  8617 		   in the super page.
  8619 Version 0.01.102
  8620 ================
  8621 (Made by Morgan, 30th April 1997)
  8623 1) Pete
  8624 		1) Change to PC Card Serial Driver (EUART3.PDD) for Rack D. Added
  8625 		followers for 16550 registers IER,LCR,MCR rather than relying on
  8626 		them being read/write registers. Tested this driver using
  8627 		COMMS(033) app. Sent/received files at various baud rates up to
  8628 		57600 (didn't test at 115K) using XMODEM without any problems. The
  8629 		above driver works with the following PC Card Serial Ports/Modems:
  8630 			- Socket I/O serial port
  8631 			- Dacom Goldcard V34 + Fax
  8632 			- Hayes Optima 288
  8633 		2) Now possible for ATA media driver to return the following errors
  8634 		on read or write command fails:
  8635 			KErrCorrupt  - Bad block detected / sector ID error.
  8636 			KErrWrite    - Write fault.
  8637 			KErrTimedOut - Timeout waiting for ATA controller to negate
  8638 					   BSY bit.
  8639 			KErrLocked   - Timeout waiting for ATA controller to assert
  8640 					   RDY bit).
  8641 			KErrGeneral  - Protocol error (wrong state of DRQ bit
  8642 					   detected).
  8643 			KErrUnknown  - General ATA controller error.
  8644 			KErrCancel   - Command aborted
  8645 			KErrDied     - Uncorrectable error encountered.
  8646 		Prior to this, all the above conditions resulted in KErrTimedOut.
  8647 		(All of these get translated as before by F32 but the extra
  8648 		information from the driver is useful).
  8649 		3) Format command now implemented using ATA WriteSectors command rather
  8650 		than FormatTrack. This is because there seem to be a variety of
  8651 		implementations of the FormatTrack command and also it can take a significant
  8652 		time to complete (>200ms) on some cards which require CHS addressing.
  8653 		4) Changes to various trace o/ps to prevent system watchdog timeouts on media
  8654 		changes with tracing on.
  8656 2) William
  8657 		 1) Use Win32 IsBadReadPtr/IsBadWritePtr functions to provide better emulation of
  8658 			EPOC32 kernel exception handling (should allow us to handle the access violations
  8659 			that the kernel has contingency plans for, even under the MSDEV debugger).
  8660 		 2) Fix SW-1799 by preventing the Win32 thread priority from being raised too high
  8661 		 3) Fix SW-???? by ignoring the KNotifyIfDie flag when WINS threads die (as per EPOC32).
  8662 		 4) Trace the Win32 Thread ID and the WINS thread name in the debug window (WINS debug builds)
  8663 		 5) Fix SW-4346 by making CalcChunkHeapCompression wary of corrupt heaps and wrapping the
  8664 			invocation from ChunkCompressAll in a suitable exception trap.
  8665 		 6) Arrange to keep iHandles valid (but empty) after thread cleanup
  8666 		 7) Fix SW-3718 by making ChangeNotifier handles thread-relative.
  8667 		 8) Prevent WINS RProcess::SetPriority from changing the Win32 process priority (SW-1799)
  8668 		 9) Limit the size of a heap cell to 1 Gigabyte (SW-4528)
  8669 		10) Fix SW-4389 by ignoring UserSvr::InitRegisterCallback calls after initial bootstrap.
  8670 		11) Fix SW-3527 by ensuring that the SYSTEM.INI screenwidth is rounded up to a multiple of 16.
  8671 		12) Fix T_QUE, T_DLL1, T_DLL2 and T_SVR2 test failures.
  8673 3) Graham
  8674 				1) Fixed WINS problem with expanded MachineInfo
  8675 				   structure.
  8677 4) Bruce
  8678 				1) Two field dates are now accepted for all locales. Fixed year 2000 bug.
  8679 				   Removed hard-coded 'am'/'pm' and replaced these with data
  8680 				   retrieved from the localisation dll.
  8682 5) Ann
  8683 			1) Fixed bug in TLex8::ScndigAfterPoint() (SW-4304) - now reads in first 18 significant
  8684 			   digits rather than just first 18 digits.
  8685 			2) Fixed bug in TLex8::Val() (SW-4355) - overflow in some cases was being returned as
  8686 				   positive regardless of actual sign.
  8688 Version 0.01.101
  8689 ================
  8690 (Made by Graham, 29rd April 1997)
  8692 1) Graham
  8693 				1) SW-1921 Fixed the occasional load click by disabling interrupts while creating the click.
  8694 				2) Added localised keyboard tables to the P2 build
  8695 				   system and created CAKDP2.UK and CAKDP2.US. CAKDP2.DLL
  8696 				   remains and gives a layout consistent with the keyboards
  8697 				   currently on our Limes.
  8698 				3) Change the rombuilding system to accept a localisation
  8699 				   parameter. So you may use "rom rel p2 uk". If you specify
  8700 				   just "rom rel p2", you get what you always used to.
  8701 				4) SW-3330 Fixed repeating keys when entering 'Raw'
  8702 				   mode in the text window server while a key is depressed.
  8703 				5) SW-3837 introduced ELangInternationalFrench
  8704 				6) SW-4181 allocated WINS DLL address for MEDCRM.PDD
  8705 				7) Solved problem with watchdog timer going off sometimes
  8706 				   when coming out of standby.
  8707 				8) Changed Hal information names in preparation for the
  8708 				   final ROM.
  8709 				9) Changed supply voltage information so that it
  8710 				   never returns a voltage above the stated maximum
  8711 				   for that battery and returns zero millivolts if
  8712 				   the battery status is EZero. Changed the maximum
  8713 				   voltage for the main battery to 3100mV and for the
  8714 				   backup battery to 3200mV. SW-4194 SW-4237.
  8715 			   10) Implemented the reading of ADC channel 7 on a cold
  8716 				   boot in order to detect when test department boot
  8717 				   to final test is required.
  8718 			   11) SW-3563 Displaying years >2000 as 2 digits in
  8719 				   abbreviated form.
  8720 			   12) SW-4339 Set CurrencyNegativeInBrackets to EFalse
  8721 				   in both the US and UK localisation dlls.
  8722 			   13) Added structure for UserHal::CpuInfo(TDes8& aInfo)
  8723 			   14) Added UserSvr::WsRegisterSwitchOnScreenHandling().
  8724 				   If a window server wants to take control of
  8725 				   turning on the screen, then it should call this
  8726 				   function with ETrue and may then call
  8727 				   UserSvr::WsSwitchOnScreen(). It may relinquish
  8728 				   control back to the Os by calling the register
  8729 				   function again with EFalse.
  8730 			   15) Added the functions:
  8731 						UserHal::SaveXYInputCalibration();
  8732 						UserHal::RestoreXYInputCalibration(aType);
  8733 				   Restore takes an argument that may be EFactory (to
  8734 				   restore the factory set calibration) or ESaved to
  8735 				   restore the previously saved calibration.
  8736 			   16) Added the following to the Machine Information
  8737 				   structure:
  8738 						TInfoName iProcessorName
  8739 						TInt iProcessorClockInKHz
  8740 						TInt iSpeedFactor
  8741 						TInt iMaximumDisplayColors
  8743 2) William
  8744 		1) Added WINS SYSTEM.INI support for "MegabytesOfFreeMemory" which also turns on the
  8745 		   mechanism for limiting the total amount of memory which WINS can allocate.
  8746 		2) Number some more enumerated types associated with panics and faults. Note that this
  8747 		   includes removing #ifdef __XCON in KPWINS\KP_STD.H so that the KPWINS platform fault
  8748 		   numbers will change: prior permission was obtained from the BC police.
  8749 		3) In DEBUG builds, change RHeap::Free to fill the released block with 0xDE rather than 0
  8750 		4) Add __ASSERT_DEBUG to catch double insertion of a TDblQueLink (and fix two places in
  8751 		   the Base which weren't constructing a link when creating an object).
  8752 		5) Fix SW-3707 by not panicing unnecessarily in DPlatProcess::AllocateDataSectionBase()
  8753 		6) Fix SW-2104 in DTimer::Cancel(), by not calling RequestComplete on a dead thread, and
  8754 		   not doing the expensive timer scan in DThread::Cleanup().
  8755 		7) Fix SW-1185 by interpreting EKeyIncContrast to mean "bigger number in SetContrast" in the
  8756 		   text window server.
  8758 3) Morgan
  8759 		1) Preserved the password and its enabled state over a warm reset.
  8761 4) Matthew
  8762 		1) Added PlaySineWave() function to RDevSound. Also added an iMaxSineWaveFrequency
  8763 		   member variable to the sound caps structure. Frequencies are in Hz.
  8764 		2) Changed sound LDD so that it gets the alarm name via the kernel's
  8765 		   locale-message-text service. LS_SND.CPP and K32LSND.H have thus been scrapped.
  8766 		3) Fixed bug in sound LDD which caused a kernel panic if FlushRecordBuffer() was
  8767 		   called after a record request had failed with bad power.
  8770 Version 0.01.100
  8771 ================
  8772 (Made by Graham, 23rd April 1997)
  8774 1) Dennis
  8775 		1) Modified ARM boot code to automatically work out the size and bus width of
  8776 		   the ROMs connected to CS0 and CS1 chip selects. This information is stored
  8777 		   in the super page in the iRomConfig entries. Both banks of ROM are then mapped
  8778 		   to consecutive linear addresses.
  8779 		2) Added a new function Hal::PrepareForRepro, which re-maps all the ROM in the
  8780 		   machine. This is to make sure repro works correctly even if ROM page shadowing
  8781 		   is in use. This function uses the information stored in the iRomConfig entries
  8782 		   in the super page to work out which ROM to map and how to map it.
  8783 		3) Removed ROM mapping calls from VA_HW.CPP for all variants, and added code to set
  8784 		   up the ROM speed and type. For P2 variant, added code to set up the ROM size
  8785 		   for CS1 and the total ROM size. This is required to ensure that repro will work
  8786 		   correctly even if the CS1 ROM is initially blank.
  8787 		4) Added code to SF_MAIN.CPP to load an LDD (BOOT.LDD) from Z: immediately prior to
  8788 		   loading the window server. This allows any shadowing of the ROM for bug fixes to
  8789 		   be done.
  8790 		5) Added a new function UserHal::RomInfo to read the iRomConfig entries from the
  8791 		   super page. Updated T_INF.CPP to display this information.
  8792 		6) Modified ARM boot code to allocate 1K for each page table instead of 4K as it
  8793 		   does at the moment. Also use page tables 6 onwards for ROM mapping instead of
  8794 		   8 onwards, since page tables 6 and 7 are unused at the moment.
  8795 		   This saves 44K RAM for the standard Protea configuration.
  8796 		7) Modified ARM boot code to make checking the RAM configuration non-destructive.
  8798 2) Graham
  8799 				1) SW-3765 Export TReal96::IsZero by number instead of by name.
  8800 				2) SW-3760 Removed E32VIRT.H from the release
  8801 				3) SW-3759 Removed temporary __ARRAY_NO_PTRS__ from E32DEF.H
  8802 				   and appropriate function definitions.
  8803 				4) SW-3058 Removed __DECLARE_DLL_UID().
  8804 				5) SW-3480 Removed default Southern daylight savings
  8805 				   time from the UK localisation DLL.
  8806 				6) SW-3565 Implemented ~ as FN+J on Lime keyboards
  8807 				7) SW-3564 Implemented the dial key as Fn+Menu on a
  8808 				   Lime and as F3 on WINS. This comes through as
  8809 				   EStdKeyDial and EKeyDIal (in E32KEYS.H).
  8811 3) Morgan
  8812 		1) Moved the locale configuration into the SuperPage to preserve it
  8813 		   over a warm-reset.
  8814 		2) Implemented TDes::TrimAll();
  8815 		3) Checked Uid[1] in S::PhysicalDeviceLoad and S::LogicalDeviceLoad.
  8816 		   Added WINS Uids to the device drivers in the Base.
  8817 		4) Cold reset is now: Warm-reset followed by LeftShift+RightShift+On
  8818 		   to make it harder to do by accident.
  8819 		5) Fixed K::TickCounter synchronisation after standby, and initialised
  8820 		   iLastLock for locked timers.
  8822 4) Matthew
  8823 		1) Fixed SW-2855 - the TRegion::Sort() and CArrayXxxBase::Sort() functions
  8824 		   have been changed from having no return value to returning TInts, they
  8825 		   will return KErrGeneral if there is a stack overflow.
  8826 		2) Fixed blitting bug in eiger text window server which caused blocks of
  8827 		   screen to be cleared.
  8828 		3) Fixed bug in sound driver which made it crash when given a zero-length
  8829 		   sample.
  8831 5) Jal
  8832 				1) Added TLocaleMessageText to E32SVR.H
  8834 6) Alastair
  8835 		1)	Changed e32\wsrc\ws_main.cpp so that the eikon shell is not loaded
  8836 			if the machine is in test department boot mode.
  8837 		2)	Created new project e32\etest producing an executable which will be
  8838 			loaded instead of ewsrv.exe if the machine is in test department
  8839 			boot mode.  This executable will attempt to load ewsrv.exe and
  8840 			final.exe from the root directory of a cf card containing euser.dll,
  8841 			edisp.dll and econs.dll	from the base in directory D:\system\libs.
  8842 			If this attempt fails, etest.exe will try to load elink.exe from
  8843 			Z:\system\libs which will open the remote link so that the machine
  8844 			can be booted down the serial port.  If this fails etest.exe will
  8845 			attempt to boot the machine up normally.
  8847 7) Pete
  8848 			1) Fixed 'Emergency power down with CF card powered results in cold
  8849 			reset' (SW-3620). This was due to QuickEmergencyStandby() not
  8850 			disabling the Etna's wait state controller properly.
  8851 			2) Force ATA and CROM media drivers on ARM to only return KErrNotReady
  8852 			rather than any other error value when a request is interrupted by a
  8853 			media change.
  8854 			3) Added the function CardIsReady() to class DPcCardCntrl. This should
  8855 			be used periodically while using the PC Card Controller to check that
  8856 			a media change hasn't occured. The new function is a quicker alternative
  8857 			to the function CardIsReadyAndVerified(). The later is now only used once
  8858 			at the start of each interface with the controller.
  8859 			4) Requests to Write or Format the CROM card now return KErrAccessDenied
  8860 			rather than KErrNotSupported.
  8861 			5) PC Card Controller now calls P::ResetAutoSwitchOffTimer() on each
  8862 			call off RPccdWindow::SetupChunkHw() to stop the machine going into
  8863 			standby in the middle of a long write to a CF card etc.
  8865 Version 0.01.099
  8866 ================
  8867 (Made by Graham, 18th April 1997)
  8869 1) William
  8870 		1) Fix SW-3331 by ignoring Undertakers owned by threads which have themselves already died
  8871 		2) Tweak UPWINS\BLD.CMD to bootstrap ECONS.LIB more reliably
  8872 		3) Arrange for absolute timers to complete with KErrOverflow for times too far in the future
  8873 		   instead of treating them as times in the past (starts to fix SW-3566)
  8875 2) Graham       1) Fixed leaving without a trap harness. This was
  8876 				   calling a slow executive function to panic the
  8877 				   thread inside a fast executive trap function.
  8878 				   Moved the call to panic to the user side.
  8879 				2) Added V32ARMP2.H to INCK release.
  8880 				3) Fixed a problem with 098 which meant that
  8881 				   EKERN.DLL was linking to ELOCL.US rather
  8882 				   than ELOCL.DLL (In WINS).
  8883 				4) Included device driver def files in the INCK
  8884 				   release.
  8886 3) Matthew
  8887 				1) Fixed Sound device driver's DTMF tone generating
  8888 				   interrupt handler.
  8890 4) Ann
  8891 		1) Fixed doCalculator() function so that KRealFormatCalculator mode displays in no exponent
  8892 		 mode only if full precision may be seen in this mode or if no mor precision will be available
  8893 		 in exponent mode.
  8894 		2) Fixed doNoExponent() function so that KRealFormatNoExponent mode reduces the number of
  8895 		 significant figures used if the given no won't fit.  Now only raises an error if value is too
  8896 		 big or too small to fit into the given width.
  8899 Version 0.01.098
  8900 ================
  8901 (Made by Graham, 16 April 1997)
  8903 Note: This release is neither 100% binary compatible with 097, nor 100% source compatible.
  8904 	The binary incompatibility is to do with UID allocation changes, the source incompatibility
  8905 	with the correction of "overriden".
  8906 	The UID changes are such that narrow release DLLs should work as they are. Other targets need
  8907 	tweaking, which maktran 063 will do for you. See below for details.
  8909 1) GrahamA
  8913 NEW FILES
  8914 e32\inc\collate.h
  8915 	header for Unicode collation system
  8917 e32\inc\unicode.h
  8918 	header for Unicode character classification system
  8920 e32\unicode\collate.cpp
  8921 	Unicode collation system
  8923 e32\unicode\unicode.cpp
  8924 	Unicode character classification and attribute retrieval
  8926 e32\unicode\unitable.cpp
  8927 	tables of Unicode character attributes; this file is generated by the READTYPE utility from unidata2.txt.
  8930 e32\bmarm\elocl.mak:
  8931 e32\bmisa\elocl.mak:
  8932 e32\bmx86\elocl.mak:
  8933 e32\bwins\elocl.mak:
  8934 	added ls_unic.cpp to list of source files
  8936 e32\bmarm\eloclu.def:
  8937 e32\bmarm\eloclud.def
  8938 e32\bmisa\eloclu.def:
  8939 e32\bmisa\eloclud.def
  8940 e32\bmx86\eloclu.def
  8941 e32\bwins\eloclu.def
  8942 	removed UpperTable, LowerTable, FoldTable, CollTable, TypeTable; added CharSet.
  8943 	(where relevant) added ls_unic.cpp to list of source files
  8945 e32\bmarm\euser.def:
  8946 e32\bmarm\euser.frz:
  8947 e32\bmarm\euserd.def:
  8948 e32\bmarm\euserd.frz:
  8949 e32\bmisa\euser.def:
  8950 e32\bmisa\euser.frz:
  8951 e32\bmisa\euserd.def:
  8952 e32\bmisa\euserd.frz:
  8953 e32\bmx86\euser.def:
  8954 e32\bmx86\euser.frz:
  8955 e32\bwins\euser.def:
  8956 e32\bwins\euser.frz:
  8957 	added TChar::GetUpperCase, TChar::GetLowerCase
  8959 e32\bmarm\euser.mak:
  8960 e32\bmisa\euser.mak:
  8961 e32\bmx86\euser.mak:
  8962 e32\bwins\euser.mak:
  8963 	added collate.cpp, unicode.cpp and unitable.cpp to list of source files, and collate.h and unicode.h
  8964 	to dependencies where needed
  8966 e32\bmarm\euseru.def:
  8967 e32\bmarm\euseru.frz:
  8968 e32\bmarm\euserud.def:
  8969 e32\bmarm\euserud.frz:
  8970 e32\bmisa\euseru.def:
  8971 e32\bmisa\euseru.frz:
  8972 e32\bmisa\euserud.def:
  8973 e32\bmisa\euserud.frz:
  8974 e32\bmx86\euseru.def:
  8975 e32\bmx86\euseru.frz:
  8976 e32\bwins\euseru.def:
  8977 e32\bwins\euseru.frz:
  8978 	added TChar::Compose, TChar::Decompose, User::Fold (new overload), TUnicode::Fold,
  8979 	TChar::GetBDCategory, TChar::GetCJKWidth, TChar::GetCategory, TUnicode::GetCategory,
  8980 	TChar::GetCombiningClass, TChar::GetInfo, TCHar::GetLowerCase, TUnicode::GetLowerCase,
  8981 	TChar::GetNumericValue, TChar::GetTitleCase, TChar::GetUpperCase, TUnicode::GetUpperCase,
  8982 	TChar::IsAssigned, TChar::IsMirrored, TChar::IsTitle, User::TitleCase,
  8983 	TChar::TranslateFromUnicode,TChar::TranslateFromUnicode.
  8984 	changed entry for RLogicalChannel::DoCreate to suit new signature
  8986 e32\dsound\d_sound.cpp
  8987 	changed an erroneous use of TChar::Fold to TChar::UpperCase
  8989 e32\inc\d32ftim.inl
  8990 	corrected penultimate arg to RLogicalChannel::DoCreate to suit new type (const TDesC8 *, not const TDesC 8).
  8992 e32\inc\e32std.h
  8993 	added Unicode functions and constants to TChar class
  8994 	added Unicode functions to User class
  8996 e32\inc\e32std.inl
  8997 	added inline definitions of TChar::Fold and TChar::TitleCase
  8999 e32\inc\k32std.h
  9000 	added declarations for ExecHandler::GetLocaleCharSet, Locl::CharSet, K::CharSet
  9002 e32\inc\u32std.h
  9003 	added definition of LCharSet and removed character type bits (__U, __L, etc.), from Unicode build
  9004 	defined EExecGetLocaleCharSet and DExecGetLocaleCharSet
  9005 	added declaration for Exec::GetLocaleCharSet
  9007 e32\kearm\ke_int.cpp
  9008 e32\keisa\ke_int.cpp
  9009 e32\kex86\ke_int.cpp
  9010 e32\kpwins\kp_utl.cpp
  9011 	added ExecHandler::GetLocaleCharSet to the dispatch table
  9013 e32\ksrc\ks_dat.cpp
  9014 	in the Unicode build, removed K::TypeTable, K::UpperTable, K::LowerTable, K::FoldTable and K::CollTable
  9015 	and added K::CharSet
  9017 e32\ksrc\ks_exec.cpp
  9018 	added Unicode functionality to existing functions; added ExecHandler::GetLocaleCharSet
  9020 e32\ksrc\ks_ini.cpp
  9021 	in the Unicode build, removed initialisation of K::TypeTable, K::UpperTable, K::LowerTable,
  9022 	K::FoldTable and K::CollTable and added initialisation of K::CharSet
  9024 e32\lsrc\ls_lat1.cpp
  9025 	in the Unicode build, used preprocessor directives to remove unused material
  9027 e32\lsrc\ls_table.cpp
  9028 	added preprocessor directives to select Unicode-build or Ascii-build material as appropriate
  9030 e32\lsrc\ls_std.h
  9031 	in the Unicode build, removed the LAlphabet class and added the TheCharSet object
  9033 e32\tbas\t_key.cpp
  9034 e32\t_cdt\t_buf.cpp
  9035 	collation tests now work with new Unicode stuff
  9037 e32\t_cdt\t_char.cpp
  9038 	now works with new Unicode stuff; and in the Unicode build tests character classification and
  9039 	my new collation system
  9041 e32\tlocale\t_chset.cpp
  9042 	now works with new Unicode stuff
  9044 e32\ucdt\uc_des.cpp
  9045 	changed two erroneous uses of TCharF to TCharUC
  9047 e32\ucdt\uc_des16.cpp
  9048 e32\ucdt\uc_des8.cpp
  9049 	Capitalize and CopyCP convert first letter to title case, not upper case, in the Unicode build
  9051 e32\ucdt\uc_exec.cpp
  9052 	character classification and conversion functions (TChar::IsUpper, etc.) now work for all
  9053 	Unicode values in the Unicode build; added new Unicode-only functions like TChar::IsMirrored
  9054 	and TChar::GetNumericValue
  9056 e32\ucdt\uc_func.cpp
  9057 	the Unicode versions of Mem::CompareC now use the Unicode locale-specific string-based collation
  9058 	system implemented by the TCollate class in the new source file collate.cpp
  9060 e32\ucdt\uc_ksvr.cpp
  9061 	changed type of penultimate arg to RLogicalChannel::DoCreate from const TDesC* to const TDesC8*
  9062 	so that it works in the Unicode build: this caused changes to exported function signatures in the
  9063 	.def and .frz files
  9065 e32\ucdt\uc_lex16.cpp
  9066 e32\ucdt\uc_lex8.cpp
  9067 	changed two erroneous uses of TChar::Fold to TChar::UpperCase: folding isn't guaranteed to make
  9068 	characters upper case, and doesn't in the Unicode build, but UpperCase is
  9070 e32\upmarm\up_exec.cpp
  9071 e32\upmx86\up_exec.cpp
  9072 e32\upwins\up_exec.cpp
  9073 	added Exec::GetLocaleCharSet
  9075 e32\upmarm\up_lib.cpp
  9076 e32\upmx86\up_lib.cpp
  9077 	changed an erroneous use of CompareC to CompareF
  9079 2) William
  9080 		 1) Used Win32 InterlockedIncrement/InterlockedDecrement to implement WINS LockedInc and LockedDec
  9081 		 2) Implemented first-cut exception->leave translation for WINS (as per MARM)
  9082 		 3) Added exception trapping to DThread::RequestComplete, to fix SW-2274
  9083 		 4) Arranged not to complete requests if the requesting thread has already died
  9084 		 5) Enhance T_HEAP test to include truly concurrent access to shared heaps
  9085 		 6) Fix incorrect semaphore count on default heaps (as shown by the revised T_HEAP!)
  9086 		 7) Correct implementation of DThread::GetRamSizes for shared heaps, to fix SW-2671
  9087 		 8) Fix WINS implementation of RDebug::Print, which was assuming a zero-terminated string
  9088 		 9) Add T_REASON, a utility which loops printing the restart reason using RDebug::Print.
  9089 			This isn't a test program as such, but can be put on a CF card as \System\libs\wserv.exe
  9090 			to help debug endless restarting.
  9091 		10) Improve DSession destructor to dequeue any messages which are marked EDelivered, in the
  9092 			hope of fixing SW-1407 and friends.
  9093 		11) Implement scheme to orphan kernel CObjects when their owner goes away, to fix SW-1665 (again!)
  9095 3) Dennis
  9096 		1) Modified prefetch abort, data abort and undefined instruction exception
  9097 		   handlers in ke_int.cpp to save correct context if exception occurs in
  9098 		   supervisor mode.
  9100 4) Matthew
  9101 		1) Fixed SW-2408 (problems with signals when you come out af standby).
  9102 		2) Fixed SW-3293 (cancelling fallback alarm causes panic).
  9103 		3) Fixed bug with emergency power down during fallback sound.
  9104 		4) Increased DTMF buffer so if can now cope with 32 characters.
  9105 		5) Made kernel noises (keyclicks, buzzes and sound driver activity) obey
  9106 		   the state of the sound info. KErrAccessDenied is returned when sound
  9107 		   cannot be played. Fixes SW-2725.
  9108 		6) Yet more fiddling with algorithmic alarm sounds - fixed nasty distortion
  9109 		   occuring with chimes.
  9110 		7) Fixed potential memory leaks in CSecurityBase and CConsoleBase.
  9111 		8) Fixed TTime::RoundUpToNextMinute() and TTime::operator+(TTimeIntervalMonth)
  9112 		   so they now handle negative values correctly.
  9113 		9) Fixed SW-1974 (Switching on IrDA gives 0xff in Rx buffer).
  9114 		10) Changed comms PDD so that RS232 hardware is not enabled when IrDA is in use.
  9115 		11) Changed "KeyClickOverriden" to "KeyClickOverridden" in lots of places.
  9116 		12) Fixed SW-3097 (Wins Hal switch statement missing a break after TickPeriod).
  9118 5) Graham
  9119 				1) Fixed (with help from Morgan) booting up into a text
  9120 				   shell on a normal eikon-based machine by placing
  9121 				   the appropriate components (EWSRV.EXE EUSER.DLL ECONS.DLL
  9122 				   EDISP.DLL ESHELL.EXE) in the \system\libs directory on
  9123 				   a CF card.
  9124 				2) Fixed SW-3163 (Alarms when the case is closed and
  9125 				   'switch off when case is closed' is enabled).
  9126 				3) Fixed SW-3091 (Auto switch of in the presence of
  9127 				   'switch on when case opens').
  9128 				4) Fixed SW-2893 (UserHal::MaxDisplayContrast(TInt&) in
  9129 				   WINS).
  9131 6) Geert
  9132 		1) Removed the encoding of build variants in uid[0] of E32 images. Introduced
  9133 		   differentiation between EXEs and DLLs in uid[0]. EXEs have a uid[0] of
  9134 		   KExecutableImageUid [0x1000007a], DLLs come with one of KDynamicLibraryUid
  9135 		   [0x10000079]; ie, DLLs don't change for narrow release builds, EXEs get the
  9136 		   value previously used for narrow debug builds. EXEs won't load unless they
  9137 		   have their uid[0] changed.
  9139 		2) Changed lots of other private and public UIDs, taking care to preserve
  9140 		   compatibility for ARM builds. Unless you release an EXE you're alright, and
  9141 		   even EXEs can be fixed at rom build time.
  9142 		   UIDs of interest can be found in a bare <e32uid.h>, which, in addition to
  9143 		   KExecutableImageUid and KDynamicLibraryUid contains KLogicalDeviceDriverUid
  9144 		   and KPhysicalDeviceDriverUid--uid[1] values for device drivers--and unrelated
  9145 		   KMachineConfigurationUid.
  9147 		3) Removed the second PREP stage from the rom build process.
  9149 7) Morgan
  9150 		1) Fixed a chunk problem with RAM loading the same process twice.
  9152 8) Pete
  9153 		1) Fixed 'Panic in DPlatMediaChange::TickService()' in WINS
  9154 		(SW-1962). Now ignore further media change events (F5 keydown)
  9155 		while the door state is open (as per ARM).
  9156 		2) Fixed problems parsing the CIS of Multifunction PC Cards.
  9157 		3) Temporarily fixed 'Occasional Write() / Format()
  9158 		timeouts when accessing CF card' (SW-3311) by increasing the
  9159 		WaitForNotBusy() watch dog in the CF media driver from 40mS to 60mS.
  9160 		4) Door close event in WINS (F5 keyup) now processed
  9161 		when the machine is in standby.
  9162 		5) CRom(Prog) media driver (MEDCRR.PDD) now
  9163 		calculated the CRom size by attempting to read the intelligent ID
  9164 		from each flash device. This driver now has 'high' priority to allow
  9165 		it to open in preference to the normal CRom media driver.
  9168 Version 0.01.097
  9169 ================
  9170 (Made by ???, ??? April 1997)
  9172 1) MarkT
  9173 		1) Added Early write completion to serial driver - D_COMM.CPP.
  9174 		   To enable set the flag KConfigWriteBufferedComplete in the
  9175 		   iHandshake of TCommConfigV01 and writes will be completed when
  9176 		   they are in the transmit buffer as oppose to waiting until they are
  9177 		   in the hardware.  To flush data from the transmit buffer either
  9178 		   use Write(0), (Write(0) will not complete until transmit buffer
  9179 		   is empty), or unset KConfigWriteBufferedComplete and do a
  9180 		   write as normal.
  9182 2) Pete		1) Change to CF media driver (MEDATA.PDD) so that this reverts to CHS
  9183 		addressing if the LBA disk size is found to be invalid. Allows us to
  9184 		work with Epson PC ATA card.
  9185 		2) Fixed a problem such that the second socket on rack D (E:) wasn't
  9186 		properly being reset following a media change (DPcCardSocket::Reset1()
  9187 		wasn't being called) - only applies to racks modified for
  9188 		VPC control via the CHRGEN signal.
  9189 		3) Pc Card Controller now fully supports Memory Space Description fields
  9190 		when parsing Configuration Table Entry tuples.
  9191 		4) Pc Card Controllers attribute memory chunk increased from 8K to 64K.
  9192 		5) Added the Delaware variant (VARMPG).
  9193 		6) Added PC Card Serial Driver (EUART3.PDD) for Rack D - ie providing a third
  9194 		serial port on Rack D when PC Card Modem or Serial card is inserted into the PC
  9195 		Card Socket (68pin socket). To use it you have to switch the '3.3V/5V' switch to
  9196 		the 5V position (LEFT) and apply a 5V/500mA supply to the '+5V'pin next to this
  9197 		switch. Unfortunately, without a modification to Rack D it is not possible to
  9198 		turn this socket on/off under s/w control. The driver assumes the card is
  9199 		permanently powered and if the rack goes into standby (or the media change switch
  9200 		is operated) then the card is no longer useable.
  9201 		This driver has only received limited testing:-
  9202 		- With a Serial PC Card it passes T_SERIAL up to 115K baud as long as the power-off
  9203 		tests are disabled and the serial port FIFO is enabled. (Passes T_SERIAL up to
  9204 		19200baud with FIFO disabled).
  9205 		- Dacom V34 PC Card modem responds to an AT<CR> with T_TERM.
  9206 		7) Change to CROM media driver so that the page latch
  9207 		is reset after each access. This ensures that the page containing the
  9208 		cards CIS is always selected at the start of each access.
  9209 		8) Fixed problem where DPccdCntrlInterface::DoNotifyChange was adding the same TPccdCallBack
  9210 		to two event queues. This resulted in the wrong event callback being
  9211 		called on media change. This eventually lead to the situation where
  9212 		the DMediaChange Dfc wasn't queued and the door close event was
  9213 		missed. Any subsequent access to the CF card returned KErrNotReady.
  9214 		(Fixes SW-2557)
  9216 3) William
  9217 		1) Fixed HeapOffset/ChunkCompressAll interactions to ensure heap safety: the HeapOffset
  9218 		   is now set by RHeap::ChunkHeapCreated after the RHeap has been fully created, and
  9219 		   ChunkCompressAll now respects the RHeap critical sections.
  9220 		2) Add "DebugMask nnn" facility to WINS SYSTEM.INI (sadly you have to specify the
  9221 		   bitmask as a decimal number, but it's still useful).
  9222 		3) Start adding explicit numbering to some of the panic enumerated types, in particular
  9223 		   TBasePanic, TCdtPanic and TExcType.
  9224 		4) Implement CConsoleTextWin::SetTitle
  9225 		5) Add T_HCOMP.CPP heap compressing program used to cause ChunkCompressAll problems.
  9226 		6) Add __KTRACE_ANY which is similar to the previous version of __KTRACE_OPT
  9228 4) Graham
  9229 		1) Made pointer click volume default to soft (on a cold boot)
  9230 				2) Removed Steve Townsend's change to TRegn::Clear()
  9231 				3) Removed the leading 'V' from version names
  9232 				4) Changed the fold and collate tables of the ISO
  9233 				   LATIN1 character set so that 'a with a ring above
  9234 				   it' and 'ae combined into one character' both
  9235 				   fold to an 'a' and so that 'o with a slash through
  9236 				   it' folds to an 'o'.
  9237 				5) Froze the complete kernel interface on all builds
  9238 				   except WINC.
  9239 				6) Published CConsoleBase interface def files in
  9241 				   These are released in the INCC zip file so they
  9242 				   will end up in \EPOC32\INCLUDE
  9244 5) Morgan
  9245 		1) Released E32 as PETRANned components, complete with Uids.
  9246 		2) Removed RLibrary::UidL() and RLibrary::Gate() from the API
  9247 		3) Introduced TUidType RLibrary::Type() and
  9248 		   TUidType RProcess::Type().
  9249 		4) TLoaderInfo has changed, so this E32 and the new F32 must be
  9250 		   used as a pair.
  9252 6) Matthew
  9253 		1) Fixed comms drivers so they return the correct Ir Capabilities
  9254 		   (KCapsSIR115kbps on Eiger).
  9255 		2) Fixed bug in WINS sound pdd which meant that sometimes cancelling
  9256 		   a play request would only finish after the sound had finished playing
  9257 		   anyway.
  9258 		3) Fixed bug in sound LDD which meant that samples up to the length of
  9259 		   the buffer could be played or recorded on one go. Now descriptors
  9260 		   must be less than or equal to the half the size of the buffer.
  9261 		4) Added code to check that the power was not too low for playing or
  9262 		   recording before it started. Also added code which checks the power
  9263 		   level while it is in use and aborts if the power drops too low.
  9264 		5) Further changes to the algorithmic alarm sounds - they now use beats,
  9265 		   as on the 3a.
  9266 		6) Added EChangesPowerStatus to the change notifier. This change occurs
  9267 		   when either of the two battery statuses changes, or if external power
  9268 		   is connected or disconnected.
  9269 		7) Fixed bugs in TTime::DayNoInWeek() and TTime::DateTime() which were
  9270 		   giving the wrong values for negative TTimes.
  9271 		8) Added horizontal tabs, delete and ascii bell to test window server.
  9272 		   Also made it ignore the null character and vertical tabs.
  9274 Version 0.01.096
  9275 ================
  9276 (Made by Graham, 2nd April 1997)
  9278 Binary compatible with 095
  9280 1) Graham
  9281 		1) Improved backup battery voltage monitoring
  9282 		2) Fixed a bug in the sound driver in the presence of
  9283 		   emergency power loss. This should cure all reported
  9284 		   problems of not being able to turn the machine back
  9285 		   on after playing sounds with low batteries.
  9287 2) Dennis
  9288 		1) Fixed bug in unsigned division routine when used with
  9289 		   a divisor >= 0x80000000.
  9291 3) William
  9292 		1)	Implement primitive support for WINS memory gauge (SW-1183)
  9293 			Note that this won't limit the total memory allocated, so the gauge can
  9294 			exceed 100% (see Defects database for details).
  9295 		2)	Report allocated base address even for chunks of committed size 0 (SW-1876)
  9296 		3)	Fix dangling pointer problem with DChunk::AdjustL (SW-1793)
  9297 		4)	Implement Steve Townsend's suggested shortcut in User::Free and User::FreeZ
  9298 		5)	Tidy up handling of config structures in DoControl in D_COMM.CPP (SW-1970)
  9300 4) Matthew
  9301 		1) Fixed SW-1994: Playing no sound can lock up machine.
  9303 5) Pete
  9304 		1) Measurement of Vpc when powering up Pc Cards has now been enabled. This is in order
  9305 		   to reject cards which are found to be drawing excessive current.
  9306 		   (This had been disabled until it was possible to convert the ADC reading to millivolts).
  9308 Version 0.01.095
  9309 ================
  9310 (Made by Graham, 26th March 1997)
  9312 1) William
  9313 		1) Fixed bug with shared heaps (SW-1665) and added failure scenario to the T_RHEAP test.
  9314 		2) Fixed SW-1884 bug about timer.At() alarms going off early after switchoff, and
  9315 		   enhanced T_POWR test to check for this.
  9317 2) Morgan
  9318 		1) Added code to calibrate the digitiser based on the values in the
  9319 		   E-squared on a cold start.  This may mean that if your E-squared
  9320 		   contains wildly outrageous values the digitiser will be out of
  9321 		   kilter.  You can run \E32\TBAS\T_PROM to rectify this.
  9323 3) Matthew
  9324 		1) Fixed B5/B6 bug SW-1726 (volume suddenly shooting to maximum).
  9326 		2) Moved algorithmic alarm data into the localisation dll, so the names can
  9327 		   be changed.
  9329 		3) Fixed B5/B6 bug SW-1630 in Comms PDDs: trying to set Mark and Space now
  9330 		   returns an error, and they are not returned as part of the capabilities.
  9332 		4) Changes to Etna comms:
  9333 			Fixed bug where the TEtna class was ignoring the Parity-Enable bit.
  9334 			Removed the Uart interrupt enable from the boot up, since it was being
  9335 			switched off anyway, and made the Etna comms driver switch interrupts on.
  9337 		5) Added Comms driver power handling code. The behaviour is now that read and
  9338 		   write requests are completed with KErrAbort on normal switch-off and with
  9339 		   KErrBadPower if there is an emergency power down. On a power down the input
  9340 		   signals drop. On switch off, writes will keep going until the end of the
  9341 		   hardware fifo.
  9343 		6) Fixed some bugs in the Comms LDD to do with signals.
  9345 		7) Added Grahams K32DBGDD.H header file, which contains a helpful class for
  9346 		   debugging device drivers.
  9348 4) Jal
  9349 		1) Changes to the Pccd interface controller to allow
  9350 				   access to media change notification. Added to UserPcCardCntrl:
  9352 						IMPORT_C static TInt NotifyChange(TSocket aSocket,TRequestStatus *aReqStat);
  9354 5) Graham
  9355 				1) Tightened up the backlight handling code and added various
  9356 				   backlight tests to T_POWR.CPP
  9358 		2) Made Steve Townsends modification to TRegion.
  9360 				3) Fixed a bug in Unicode in UM_RTOD.CPP
  9362 6) Jonathan
  9363 				1) t_dbg: Added memory read/write tests to user data and, on
  9364 				   MARM, to Eiger registers.
  9365 				2) Forced RDebug::WriteMemory() to use Mem::Move for aligned
  9366 				   writes so that writing to Eiger registers works.
  9368 7) Dennis
  9369 		1) Added code to implement real-time clock correction based on a
  9370 		   measured crystal error value in parts per 2^24, written into
  9371 		   K::XtalError at startup.
  9372 8) Pete
  9373 		1) On media change, before writing to a thread which
  9374 		   has requested notification of media change, a check has been added to
  9375 		   verify the thread has not been destroyed.
  9376 		2) Fixed a problem with CRom media driver (MEDCRM.PDD).
  9377 		   Reads/writes from a position which wasn't on a word boundary (or of a
  9378 		   length in bytes which wasn't a multiple of 4), weren't previously supported.
  9379 		3) Implemented a 40ms watchdog timeout on writes to CF cards (MEDATA.PDD).
  9380 		4) Pc Card Controller now supports extended device
  9381 		   speed bytes when parsing Device Information Tuples.
  9382 		5) Added extra fixed media enum to TMediaDevice in E32PCCD.H.
  9383 		6) Various changes to Pc Card Controller to reduce code size.
  9384 		7) It is now possible to disable the media change
  9385 		   implementation by setting iTotalMediaChanges=0 in Custom::PcCardMachineInfo().
  9386 		8) Pc Card inactivity power down and 'not locked' power down periods can now be
  9387 		   set at the custom layer in Custom::PcCardMachineInfo().
  9389 Version 0.01.094
  9390 ================
  9391 (Made by Graham, 20th March 1997)
  9393 1) William
  9394 		1) Changed __KTRACE_OPT for exact matches on multiple trace bits, and tweaked some
  9395 		   of the debug messages a bit.
  9396 		2) Enabled __KTRACE_OPT for WINS builds, writing to "Output" window under MSDEV
  9397 		3) Automatically set KPANIC trace bit if debug mask is non-zero
  9398 		4) Use aThread==NULL to mean &Plat::CurrentThread() in ObjectFromHandle functions,
  9399 		   and adjusted the callers appropriately
  9400 		5) Check in SvSendReceive to make sure that the iSvSession is not NULL, and
  9401 		   fault if it is: the most likely reason for this is a User::Panic in the Supervisor
  9402 		   thread, so we check to see if the message code is ESvThreadPanic and extract the
  9403 		   Panic category and code as appropriate.
  9404 		6) Added a new TCDT\T_KILLER.CPP test program.
  9405 		7) Added simple calibration of WINS ticks, to fix SW-1384 by making the clocks run on time...
  9406 		8) Arranged for Plat::Panic to add 0x10000 to the afult number and call Plat::Fault, so that
  9407 		   the machine will restart rather than loop forever.
  9408 		9) Put back tweaked VA_RCHG.CPP battery charging driver: it will charge batteries without
  9409 		   melting the machine, but it won't do so automatically: still needs more work.
  9411 2) Graham
  9412 		1) Changed rack B,C,and D keyboard tables to interpret FN+cursor
  9413 		   keys as home, end, page down and up.
  9415 		2) Updated all keyboard tables to handle ctrl+fn as outlined in
  9416 		   the 090 release notes - not sure what happened to these changes,
  9417 		   they seemed to disappear some time after 090
  9419 		3) Added code to handle low battery situations a lot faster.
  9420 		   Typically, we remove power from all devices within 110uS and go
  9421 		   into standby within 130uS.
  9423 		4) Enhanced the P2 keyboard driver. It no longer locks the keyboard
  9424 		   out fully when three keys are pressed simultaneously. Rather, it
  9425 		   waits until fewer then three keys remain pressed before beginning
  9426 		   to deliver keyboard events again.
  9428 		5) Fixed a bug in the keyboard when switching on with the dictaphone
  9429 		   keys - it delivered the key down event but never delivered a
  9430 		   key up event when the key was released.
  9432 3) Ann
  9433 		1) Changed TRealFormat KRealFormatExponent mode to be able to use
  9434 		either significant figures or decimal places.  Default is still
  9435 		decimal places, but oring in the KUseSigFigs flag to the format type
  9436 		will allow use of significant figures instead.
  9438 		2) Changed TRealForamtFixed mode so that negative numbers < -1 are
  9439 		are "0" rather than "-0" when 0 dp are used.
  9441 4) Dennis
  9442 	1) Exec::ThreadRead8, ThreadRead16, ThreadWrite8, ThreadWrite16, ThreadGetDesLength,
  9443 	   ThreadGetDesMaxLength now return an error code of KErrArgument if the pointer into the
  9444 	   remote thread address space is invalid, rather than panicing the caller. This fixes
  9445 	   problem SW-1013.
  9447 	2) Supervisor server functions invoked with a bad pointer will now panic the caller,
  9448 	   rather than causing a system fault and rebooting the machine.
  9450 	3) The sound driver LDD has been changed to allow only one channel to be open at a time.
  9451 	   This fixes problem SW-1165.
  9453 	4) All key and pointer clicks are now disabled during sound recording. This fixes
  9454 	   problem SW-817.
  9456 5) Morgan
  9457 	1) Read the E-Squared ROM into RAM on a cold boot.
  9460 Version 0.01.093
  9461 ================
  9462 (Made by Graham, 14th March 1997)
  9464 1) Pete
  9465 		1) Fixed a problem with inter-thread reading from CF card.
  9466 	2) Fixed a timeout problem with some CF cards when
  9467 	formatting.
  9469 2) Jonathan
  9470 	1) StrongARM port (ISA) brought up-to-date but not tested.
  9472 	*) Base team please note that (rightly or wrongly) the ARM Custom
  9473 	   API is shared with ISA (file inc\v32arm.h), so any changes or
  9474 	   additions to the ARM Custom API must be reflected in the ISA
  9475 	   Custom implementation.
  9477 3) Graham
  9478 		1) Fixed handling of the emergency power down queue. This
  9479 		   problem was due to the bad design of single queues - it
  9480 		   is impossible to fully check that you are enqueued without
  9481 		   traversing the queue from the top. We might look into
  9482 		   adding a more useful single queue type.
  9484 Version 0.01.092
  9485 ================
  9486 (Made by Graham, 13th March 1997)
  9489 1) Pete
  9490 	1) Fixed problem with Format() in Compact Rom (repro version)
  9491 	media driver (MEDCRR.PDD) such that it was only formatting the first
  9492 	2M of a CRom card.
  9493 	2) Compact Rom media driver (MEDCRM.PDD) now included in release.
  9495 2) Graham
  9496 		1) Fixed an bug in the mmu abstraction which assumed that the page
  9497 		   directory was aligned linearly in the same way as it was aligned
  9498 		   physically.
  9500 3) William
  9501 		1) Fixed a problem with threads dying
  9503 Version 0.01.091
  9504 ================
  9505 (Made by Graham, 12th March 1997)
  9507 1) SimonB
  9508 		1) Fix for Serial PDD in NT 4
  9509 		2) Removal of dependancy on MSVCRT40*.DLL
  9511 2) Morgan
  9512 		1) Added screen information to TRomHeader for the bootstrap
  9513 		2) Fixed corrupted ExcInfo on MARM by adding a FiqStack and
  9514 		   moving the exceptions onto the ExceptionStack.
  9515 		3) Moved TExcInfo to E32HAL.H
  9516 		4) System Death due to an exception now saves ExcInfo in the
  9517 		   Superpage and causes a Kernel Fault.  Startup, Fault and
  9518 		   Exception reasons are available through:
  9519 				UserHal::StartupReason()
  9520 				UserHal::FaultReason()
  9521 				UserHal::ExceptionId()
  9522 				UserHal::ExceptionInfo()
  9523 				   There should be a Shell dialogue which retrieves
  9524 				   this information after a kernel fault. This will
  9525 				   enable us to pin down the offending code. Also, along
  9526 				   with each new Protea image, MAKSYM should be run and
  9527 				   the generated log file should be placed on the network
  9528 				   as well. This will give the address of every function
  9529 				   in every module of the ROM.
  9530 		5) Changed the startup beeps
  9531 				ColdStart    1 beep
  9532 				WarmStart    2 beeps
  9533 				KernelFault  3 decending beeps
  9534 		6) Fixed SW-1069 - WINC heaps can grow up to 8Mb
  9536 3) Graham
  9537 		1) Enabled the shift key when typing e.g. CTRL-1 a to give
  9538 		   a-umlaut.
  9540 		2) Solved the œ sign problem on WINS - this had been
  9541 		   re-introduced by Simon's WINS internationalisation
  9542 		   code.
  9544 		3) Re-introduced some digitiser inertia code to prevent
  9545 		   wobble.
  9547 		4) Re-structured the Spi controller code.
  9549 		5) Fixed a bug in CObjectCon::CheckUniqueFullName() that was
  9550 		   preventing two processes of the same name being loaded.
  9551 		   This cures problems with T_KHEAP.EXE and T_PROC1.EXE.
  9553 		6) Fixed T_KEYS.EXE by updating it for the new ISO LATIN 1
  9554 		   keyboard tables.
  9556 		7) Made TInt64::GetTInt() and TInt64::GetTReal() const.
  9558 		8) Swapped the dictaphone keys round (again?)
  9560 		9) Changed the emergency power down list to be on a single
  9561 		   queue instead of an object container.
  9563 		10) Changed the P2 keyboard table to make FN-e give e acute
  9564 			and FN-SHIFT-e to give E acute. This is just to test that
  9565 			such things are possible although it might be cool to just
  9566 			leave this in since e acute is probably the most-used
  9567 			accented character in English.
  9569 		11) Moved the accenting keys from CTRL+1-6 to FN+Q and FN+Z-B
  9571 		12) Completed anti-ghosting logic to disallow more than one
  9572 			modifier and more than one normal key at the same time.
  9574 		13) Changed the text window server so that a pointer click outside
  9575 			the region of any window will cause the foreground window to
  9576 			change.
  9578 		14) Implemented battery voltage monitoring
  9580 		15) Increased the number of frozen functions in the kernel to
  9581 			avoid BITGDI recompilations when E32 is released. Lane, you
  9582 			will have to recompile, hopefully for the last time, for
  9583 			this version of E32.
  9585 		16) Changed keyboard driver to recognise when the machine is
  9586 			turned on. It will then scan the keyboard and deliver a
  9587 			keyboard event only if the dictaphone keys are down. It then
  9588 			waits for all keys to be up before proceeding to deliver
  9589 			further events.
  9591 4) Matthew
  9592 		1) Fixed B5 bug SW-266 ("%+0*S" formatted incorrectly).
  9594 		2) Put in Ir power-down fix (from Mark Ball).
  9596 		3) Added emergency power down handling to sound driver. The driver
  9597 		   completes statuses with KErrBadPower on emergency power down.
  9598 		   This fixes B5 bug SW-384.
  9600 		4) Added two functions to sound driver - BytesPlayed() and
  9601 		   ResetBytesPlayed() wich give the user feedback on how playing is
  9602 		   progressing.
  9604 		5) Increased the volume of EVolumeMedium in Eiger sound PDD so the
  9605 		   steps are more even. "Fixes" SW-543 (No apparent difference
  9606 		   between volume settings).
  9608 		6) Moved sound test code from F32 to E32.
  9610 5) Jonathan
  9611 	1) Added SA ARM variant for Snowball.
  9613 	2) Fixed #defines in ROM.OBY file to make PREP happy.
  9615 	3) Made screen size a variant-dependent thing on ARM:
  9616 		- Screen size is no longer hard-coded in ARM text window server
  9617 		  (wd_eiger.cpp) or ImpHal::Init3(). Text window server no
  9618 		  longer handles switching bit depth.
  9619 		- LCD initialisation moved out of boot code into
  9620 		  ImpHal::Init3(), with size-dependant LCD initialisation in
  9621 		  Variant::Init3().
  9622 		- ARM boot code uses screensize parameters in ROM header to
  9623 		  determine video RAM size and placement of page tables.
  9625 6) Dennis
  9626 		1) Fixed a bug in the high-resolution timer code, and added a
  9627 		   Cancel() function to TMilliSecondCallBack.
  9629 		2) Added a logical device driver for the high-resolution
  9630 		   timer (EFTIM.LDD) accessed via RFastTimer class in
  9631 		   D32FTIM.H
  9633 		3) Fixed some bugs in 486 build of E32 and speeded it up
  9634 		   by enabling the processor cache and by coding the Mem::
  9635 		   functions in assembler.
  9637 7) Ann
  9638 		1) Fixed a bug in TLex8::Val() which setting next to start of
  9639 		string if an overflow occurred, causing problems for EIKON.
  9641 8) Pete
  9642 	1)  On ARM architecture, moved code for Etna device out of the Kernel
  9643 	 into the Variant DLL for P1,P2,RackC and RackD builds.
  9644 	2) Added iInterruptInfo to TPccdConfigInfo class. Users of
  9645 	UserPcCardCntrl::GetConfig() must rebuild - only Pc Card test code should
  9646 	be using this.
  9647 	3) Changes to the inter-thread Read()/Write() functions and the Format()
  9648 	function of DMediaDriver to take a reference to a length (TInt &aLen rather
  9649 	than TInt aLen). Read/Write/Format requests which would result in excessive time 		spent in the Kernel now only partly complete. They then return TErrTooBig
  9650 	with aLength adjusted to the remaining length.
  9651 	4) Removed the current thread read/write functions
  9652 	Read(TInt aPos,TintaLength,TDes8 &aTrg) and Write(TInt aPos,TDesC8 &aSrc) from 	class DMediaDriver as the inter thread read/write versions now perform the same 		function if the target thread is found to be current.
  9653 	5) ARM Ata media driver now adjusts auto power down timeout of CF card to 1sec. 		This prevents it from going into sleep mode between access which could affect CF 		card transfer rates (default is 5mS).
  9655 Version 0.01.090
  9656 ================
  9657 (Made by Graham, 26th February 1997)
  9659 1) Graham
  9660 		1) Changed CTRL+FN+key behaviour. This is a complicated
  9661 		   issue. If one hits CTRL+FN+'1' on a Lime, then it is clear
  9662 		   that the Control and Function modifiers should be set.
  9663 		   However, what should the keycode be? It should be '1'
  9664 		   and not '_'. Higher level software is more interested in
  9665 		   the fact that CTRL+FN+'1' has been pressed than CTRL+'_' has
  9666 		   been pressed. For this reason, in 089, the keyboard tables
  9667 		   were changed to make CTRL override FN as far as keycode code
  9668 		   production was concerned.
  9670 		   However, consider the keystroke CTRL+FN+LeftArrow. In this
  9671 		   case, the opposite is true. Higher level software is more
  9672 		   interested in the fact that CTRL+HOME has been pressed
  9673 		   than that CTRL+FN+LeftArrow has been pressed.
  9675 		   So, in this release I have changed the keyboard tables to
  9676 		   cater for both problems by judging each key on an
  9677 		   individual basis. On a Lime, the keycode produced for:
  9679 		   CTRL+FN+'1' - CTRL+FN+'9'    ->      '1' - '9'
  9680 		   CTRL+FN+'A' - CTRL+FN+'Z'    ->      0x01 - 0x1a
  9681 		   CTRL+FN+LeftArrow            ->      Home
  9682 		   CTRL+FN+RightArrow           ->      End
  9683 		   CTRL+FN+UpArrow              ->      PgUp
  9684 		   CTRL+FN+DownArrow            ->      PgDn
  9685 		   CTRL+FN+Tab                  ->      CapsLock
  9686 		   CTRL+FN+Esc                  ->      Off
  9687 		   CTRL+FN+'                    ->      '
  9688 		   CTRL+FN+.                    ->      .
  9689 		   CTRL+FN+<space>              ->      Backlight
  9690 		   CTRL+FN+,                    ->      Help
  9692 		2) Changed the raw key code on WINS for the Alt key from
  9693 		   EStdKeyLeftAlt to EStdKeyLeftFunc. Attempted to get the
  9694 		   windows key to be the Epoc32 Alt key.
  9696 		3) Various additions to do with REPROing the upper 2Mb on
  9697 		   Limes.
  9699 		4) Protected the eiger internal registers from user mode access
  9701 		5) Introduced anti-ghosting algorithm into the P2 keyboard
  9702 		   driver. It doesn't, however, get rid of the ghost FN key
  9703 		   when you hold down LeftShift, DownArrow, and RightArrow
  9704 		   together. This leads me to believe that not all the diodes
  9705 		   have been fitted on the modifier keys.
  9707 		   The algorithm is basically one of 2-key rollover. So, any
  9708 		   keypresses made when two keys are already held down should
  9709 		   be ignored. Naturally, this is no good when you want to
  9710 		   hold down certain complex modifier and key combinations.
  9711 		   So, these special cases are compensated for in the software
  9712 		   in the knowledge diodes should be fitted into the modifier keys
  9713 		   to prevent any matrix-ghosting.
  9715 2) Ann
  9716 	1) Fixed bug spotted by Natascha in doCalculator() so that values
  9717 	   with negative exponents are displayed correctly.
  9720 Version 0.01.089
  9721 ================
  9722 (Made by Jane, 21st February 1997)
  9724 1) SimonB
  9725 	1) Removed dependency on WINMM. Timer now based on a RealTime thread
  9726 	   and sleeps.
  9727 	   Required for Win95 and general compatibility.
  9729 	2) Changed WINS Comms PDD to work with Windows 95
  9731 	3) Mark T's Comms PDD bug fixes integrated.
  9733 		4) International Keyboard support. Just UK and US at the
  9734 		   moment, more to follow.
  9736 		5) Removed first chance exceptions from WINS loading.
  9737 		   IsBadWritePtr replaced by VirtualQuery.
  9739 2) Jane
  9741 	1) Finished the CObjectCon improvements suggested by Andrew. Note
  9742 	   that to pick these up you need the new version of
  9743 	   CheckUniqueName which takes CObject*s rather than names.
  9744 	   The time taken to Add 0x600 named objects to a container has
  9745 	   gone down from 14 seconds to 6 seconds.
  9747 	2) Added code for _ftol() to WINS and X86 builds. The function
  9748 	   header is in e32std.h
  9750 	3) Fixed various debugging printfs by supplying a simple overflow
  9751 	   handler so that long strings are truncated rather than
  9752 	   panicing the caller.
  9754 3) Graham
  9756 		1) Fixed the œ gives ae keyboard problem by converting all
  9757 		   keyboard tables from CP850 to ISO Latin 1.
  9759 		2) Introduced a new key code - EKeyHelp. This is now F2
  9760 		   on WINS.
  9762 		3) Changed the WINS keyboard tables so that the dictaphone
  9763 		   keys give the correct raw scan code as well as the
  9764 		   appropriate Epoc32 key code. Did the same trick for
  9765 		   the menu, help and off keys.
  9767 		4) Fixed up the P2 keyboard tables. Note that the backlight
  9768 		   keys have to be handled in higher level software -
  9769 		   presumably the window server. On Protea the key code used
  9770 		   is EKeyBacklightToggle. However, a really skillful
  9771 		   implementation would handle EKeyBacklightOn and
  9772 		   EKeyBacklightOff as well (in case future hardware has
  9773 		   both on and off keys for the backlight).
  9775 		5) Fixed the P2 sticky shift and function modifiers.
  9777 		6) Removed the keyclick on shift, function and control keys.
  9778 		   This has only been implemented on P2.
  9780 4) Pete
  9781 	1) Renamed EPccdEvent enums to prevent name clashing with
  9782 	W32STD.H.
  9783 	2) Enabled media change interrupts on P2 hardware.
  9785 5) Morgan
  9786 		1) WarmReset+LeftShift boots with EStartupColdReset on P1,P2,PB,PC,PD
  9787 		2) Added startup beep
  9788 		3) Fixed SW-32
  9789 		4) Write protected the Mmu page directory backup
  9791 6) Ann
  9794 		TReal96, Math and TDes8/16 classes now handle "special values" - NaNs,
  9795 		infinities, signed zeros and denormals.
  9797 		Changes are as follows:
  9799 		1) Maths constants renamed:
  9800 			K...ExponentBigBad   now K...SpecialExponent
  9801 			K...ExponentSmallBad now K...ZeroExponent.
  9803 		2) The Math member functions
  9804 		ASin(), ACos(), ATAn(), Exp(), Frac(), Int(), Ln(), Log(), Mod(),
  9805 		Pow(), Pow10(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Sqrt()
  9806 		have been changed as follows:
  9808 		a) to return an error corresponding to the result, i.e.
  9809 		KErrArgument if the result is indefined / a NaN,
  9810 		KErrOverflow if the result is too big to be represented or infinite
  9811 		positive only if the result is an integer),
  9812 		KErrUnderflow if the result is too small to be represented (or if the
  9813 		result is an integer, if the result is too large or infinite
  9814 		and negative),
  9815 		KErrNone if the result is finite and representable.
  9816 		b) to write a result to the aTrg IN ALL CASES rather than just
  9817 		the return value is KErrNone.  Hence the result is as follows:
  9818 		NaN if the error is KErrArgument,
  9819 		Positive or negative infinity as appropriate if the error is
  9820 			KErrOverflow (or the max value if the result is an integer),
  9821 		Positive or negative zero as appropriate if the error is
  9822 			KErrUnderflow (or the min value if the result is an integer).
  9823 		c) to be able to handle denormals. i.e. all numbers >= 5E-324 and <
  9824 		KMinTReal64=2.2250738585072015E-308.
  9826 		3) Math member functions IsZero(), IsNaN(), IsInfinite() and
  9827 		IsFinite() added.  Also private member functions SetZero(), SetNaN()
  9828 		and SetInfinite().
  9830 		4) TDes8/16::Num/AppendNum() returns error value or length of string
  9831 		as previously, but if error value is returned an appropriate string
  9832 		is set:
  9833 		"Inf" for positive overflow (KErrOverflow and positive argument)
  9834 		"-Inf" for negative overflow (KErrOverflow and negative argument)
  9835 		"0" for positive underflow (KErrUnderflow and positive argument)
  9836 		"-0" for negative underflow (KErrUnderflow and negative argument)
  9837 		"NaN" for NaN (KErrArgument)
  9839 		5) TDes8/16::AppendFormatList() only panics for KErrGeneral and
  9840 		if another error value is returned by Num(), uses the string set
  9841 		as above.
  9843 		6) The exponent of TReal96 zero is now -32768, the smallest exponent
  9844 		possible.
  9846 		7) TReal96 member functions IsZero(), IsNaN(), IsInfinite(),
  9847 		IsFinite(), SetZero(), SetNaN() and SetInfinite() added.
  9851 		See Programming DB - Global Rounding Flag Required
  9852 		A new private member of TReal96, iFlag, has been added to
  9853 		indicate whether the mantissa is rounded up, rounded down or exact.
  9854 		This has required changes in member functions to set and use the
  9855 		flag where necessary.
  9857 		Changes are:
  9859 		1) iSign member changed from TInt16 to TInt8.
  9861 		2) Constants for values of iFlag added to e32math.h:
  9862 			const TUint8 KRoundedUp=2;
  9863 			const TUint8 KRoundedDown=1;
  9864 			const TUint8 KExact=0;
  9866 		3) New TReal96 member function TReal96::Flag() which returns the
  9867 		value of iFlag as a TInt.
  9869 		4) New private function TReal96::Round() taking an argument which
  9870 		specifies the number of binary digits in the mantissa to perform
  9871 		rounding in the (MSDEV and IEEE standard default) round to nearest
  9872 		mode and to set the flag as appropraite has been added to be used by
  9873 		Normalise(), Prepare() and conversion functions.  New private member
  9874 		function TReal96::ShiftToNormalise() added to be used in cases where
  9875 		rounding will never be required e.g. assignment/construction of
  9876 		TReal96 from TInt.
  9878 		5) TInt64::Multop() returns integer values between -2 and 1 with the
  9879 		following meanings:
  9880 		-2	least significant 64 bits exactly zero
  9881 		-1	least significant 64 bits less than TInt64(0x80000000,0) but
  9882 			not zero
  9883 		0	least significant 64 bits exactly TInt64(0x80000000,0)
  9884 		1	least significant 64 bits greater than TInt64(0x80000000,0)
  9885 		and TReal96::MultEq() changed to round according to these values.
  9887 		6) TReal96::DivEq() rounds on the remainder after division similarly.
  9890 		All maths test code updated to test special cases including
  9891 		correct return values and setting target values and new functions,
  9892 		etc.  Also fixed to work in X86 build.
  9895 		III OTHER
  9897 		1) UP_GCC.CPP function converting double to float changed to raise
  9898 		the exception.  Also all arithmetic changed to do operation and
  9899 		conversion and raise the exception if an error value is returned at
  9900 		any stage.
  9902 		2) Function TReal96::CheckOverUnderflow() used by arithmetic now a
  9903 		private member function and altered to check fewer large-exponent
  9904 		cases for overflow.
  9906 7) Matthew
  9907 		1) Fixed SW-25 from B5 database (Power off while recording hangs machine).
  9910 Version 0.01.088
  9911 ================
  9912 (Made by Jane, 12th February 1997)
  9914 This version requires F32 053
  9916 1) Graham
  9917 				1) Sorted out the digitiser. This should no longer
  9918 				   exhibit wobble or erroneous points when touching
  9919 				   the surface lightly.
  9921 				2) Updated digitser driver to use the new digitiser
  9922 				   clicks rather than the keyboard clicks. These
  9923 				   should now be indepenently controllable.
  9925 2) Jane
  9926 		1) Added an implementation of User::IsRomAddress from
  9927 		   Simon B.
  9929 		2) Added CArrayFixBase::SetReserveL
  9931 		3) Fixed a chunk bug - when a TFindChunk was opened read-only
  9932 		   in a process, the top bit of the process address (data
  9933 		   section) was set to indicate this. If another thread was
  9934 		   then created in the process, its heap address was incorrectly
  9935 		   allocated over the TFindChunk, as the latter's address was
  9936 		   stored with top bit set.
  9938 		4) Fixed a shared chunk bug on 486 - when T_CHUNK opened the
  9939 		   Window Server chunk RO, and then did an Exec::SessionSend
  9940 		   to the WindowServer, there was a fault when the kernel
  9941 		   attempted to write the message into the Window Server's
  9942 		   heap. Fixed this by unsetting the WP bit in CR0, so that
  9943 		   supervisor can write over User RO chunks. This is OK on the
  9944 		   ARM, but a thing to look out for if we ever port to another
  9945 		   processor.
  9947 		5) Improved CArrayPtr<T>::ResetAndDestroy as suggested.
  9949 		6) Changed profiler end/start behaviour as detailed on Notes.
  9951 		7) Started to optimise CObjectCon::CheckUniqueName as suggested
  9952 		   by Andrew Thoelke.
  9953 		   The time taken to store 0x200 unnamed objects has gone down
  9954 		   from 6 seconds to being as close to 0 as makes no difference.
  9955 		   More on this later...
  9957 		8) Added __ftol to EUSER.
  9959 		9) Added CObjectCon::AtL which leaves rather than panicking, so that
  9960 		   the kernel can panic a thread which passes an invalid find handle to
  9961 		   open, rather than dying itself.
  9963 		10) Increased the WINS main user thread's max heap size to 8M.
  9965 3) Pete
  9966 		1) Moved sections of code relating external interrupt control and binding out of
  9967 				the Kernel DLL and down into the Variant DLL.
  9968 				2) Code for Pc Card external interrupts (Ready,IREQ,Status change) added.
  9969 				3) CF card media driver now makes use of card IREQ signal during card writes. This
  9970 				now goes into idle after initiating a write to the card, with the card asserting
  9971 				an interrupt on completion to wake up the system.
  9972 				4) Added a media driver for compact rom card (MEDCRM.PDD).
  9973 				5) Written media driver for programming flash on compact rom card(MEDCRR.PDD).
  9974 				6) Modified the functions
  9975 		7) Changes to functions CardInfo() and ChangeFlag() of UserPcCardCntrl class.
  9976 				8) Monitor the Vpc voltage on first applying power to a Pc Card to check that
  9977 				the card isn't drawing too much current for the rail.
  9978 				9) Alteration to media change simulation in WINS:
  9979 						F5 - Media door open as long as F5 is held down.
  9980 						F4 - This toggles between 1 of two simulated CF cards on socket 0 (ie X:)
  9981 							 when hit while F5 is held down.
  9982 				10) All files used to simulate Pc Card memory and internal ram drive now created in
  9983 				systems temp directory rather than \EPOC32\DATA - ie fixed HA-262.
  9984 				11) Fixed problem with ATA media driver - divide by zero.
  9985 				12) Removed support for Rev 1.0 Asic12.
  9986 				13) Check battery status before commencing write to CF Card - return with
  9987 				KErrBadPower if battery is low.
  9988 				14) CF Card driver now handles emergency power down.
  9989 				15) Pc Card power consumption - K::PcCardCurrentMilliAmps
  9990 				now implemented.
  9992 4) Matthew
  9993 		1) User::SetHomeTime() has been changed to return a TInt. This will return KErrOverFlow on
  9994 		   Arm if the new time is out of range (past about 2068, before about 1932).
  9996 		2) Sound driver: Added more click controlling code and implemented a fallback alarm.
  9999 Version 0.01.087
 10000 ================
 10001 (Made by Graham, 5th February 1997)
 10003 This release is binary compatible with 086
 10005 1) Graham
 10006 				1) Implemented dictaphone keys in WINS:
 10007 						F6 Dictaphone Play
 10008 						F7 Dictaphone Stop
 10009 						F8 Dictaphone Record
 10011 				2) Begun the production of power supply
 10012 				   information from UserHal::SupplyInfo().
 10013 				   Expanded test code in t_power accordingly.
 10015 				3) Added the P2 variant which will be used for green
 10016 				   machines. Changed the keyboard variant to include
 10017 				   the dictaphone keys.
 10019 				4) Added PD and P2 variants to the releaseables.
 10021 				5) Added the function UserSvr::TestBootSequence(). This
 10022 				   returns true if the machine is being booted by the test
 10023 				   department. The file server should call this function and
 10024 				   load etest.exe rather than ewsrv.exe if this is the case.
 10026 				6) Added the function UserHal::ResetAutoSwitchOffTimer().
 10029 				7) Added the function UserSvr::AddEvent(). This enables user
 10030 				   code to add events into the event queue. Quite apart from
 10031 				   the numerous applications that this might spawn, it is
 10032 				   necessary for user side implementation of a VT100
 10033 				   console driver and handwriting recognition software.
 10035 				8) Added the EKeyMenu, EKeyBacklightOn,
 10036 				   EKeyBacklightOff, and EKeyBacklightToggle keycodes
 10037 				   to all variants. On WINS the F1 key is used as the
 10038 				   MENU key.
 10040 				9) Rationalised the MARM rom building system. This is
 10041 				   now controlled by a single ROM.OBY file which is
 10042 				   preprocessed with build and variant information.
 10044 				10) Added backlight support. The backlight may be
 10045 					either timed or untimed. Should the timeout
 10046 					be reset whenever the machine is used?
 10048 				11) Made pointer clicks configurable separately from
 10049 					key clicks.
 10051 				12) Added screen clearing on switch on if a password
 10052 					is set.
 10054 				13) Added UserHal functions for PointerSwitchesOn,
 10055 					CaseOpenSwitchesOn, and CaseCloseSwitchesOff.
 10056 					Grouped these, together with the
 10057 					AutoSwitchOffTime, AutoSwitchOffBehavior,
 10058 					BacklightTime, and BacklightBehavior information,
 10059 					into a new TOnOffInfo structure.
 10061 				14) Implemented switch off on case close and switch
 10062 					on on case open on all platforms.
 10064 				15) Simon has implemented a visual simulation on WINS
 10065 					of case closing. On WINS, F11 is also used to simulate
 10066 					both closing and opening the case. You will
 10067 					notice that, while the case is closed, keyboard
 10068 					and pointer events have no effect. This is to
 10069 					simulate the fact that normally you can't get to the
 10070 					keyboard or screen under these conditions.
 10072 				16) Enhanced MARM switch on on pen down to take
 10073 					account of the Hal variable PointerSwitchesOn.
 10075 				17) Solved Low battery bugs (HA-357, HA-362)
 10077 2) Ann
 10078 		1) Test code changes:
 10080 		i) Additional tests added to t_math tests for Pow10().  These show
 10081 		that in all but one case inexact string to real conversion is due
 10082 		to inexact calculation by Math::Pow10(). All tests in t_math check
 10083 		for as much accuracy as possible.
 10085 		ii) t_float tests are now consistent between WINS and ARM.
 10087 		iii) Whetstone benchmark tests added
 10089 		iv) t_r96 casting tests now include identity tests (which check
 10090 		consistency with MSDEV in WINS).  Casting to TInt tests changed
 10091 		in line with changes to source code (ii below).
 10093 		2) Source code changes:
 10095 		i) TReal96::MultEq() altered to do one shift rather than preparing
 10096 		and then shifting to left.  This avoids losing bits which may be
 10097 		shifted off the end by preparation, but for which there is space in
 10098 		the final postition.
 10100 		ii) TReal96::operator TInt() changed to round towards zero to
 10101 		comply with IEEE standard and Java requirements (also MSDEV).
 10103 		iii) TReal96::Prepare() altered to check for zero sign or zero
 10104 		mantissa.  If so, preparation is not done.  Im the latter case,
 10105 		the mantissa is meaningless and in the second preparation would
 10106 		result in an infinite loop which does nothing.
 10108 3) Morgan
 10109 		1) Implemented Kernel Faulting.
 10110 		2) Reorganised low memory to include the Registry just before the
 10111 				   Ram Drive.  This means that the Ram Drive is shoved up and down
 10112 				   in memory as the Registry changes size.
 10113 		   Added class TLowMemory to manage the Ram Drive and Registry
 10114 		   memory allocation and to provide information to F32 about the
 10115 		   drive's changing position.
 10116 		3) The Ram Drive now survives Warm Resets and Kernel Faults
 10117 		   Implemented CPersistantRegistry to do the same for the Registry.
 10118 		   T_RESET tests all this jiggery pokery on MARM.
 10119 		4) Added integer divide by zero exception to MARM
 10120 		5) Implemented a user side mini-loader for loading Dlls from ROM
 10121 		   when an explicit ROM path is provided.
 10122 				   eg. lib.Load(_L("MONKEY.DLL"), _L("Z:\\Animals\\Primates\\Hairy"));
 10123 		   This eliminates most of the time taken to load these Dlls.
 10125 4) Jane
 10127 		1) Fixed MMU bug which showed up in fairly obscure kernel growth/shrinkage
 10128 		   situations.
 10130 		2) Optimised page allocator for faster kernel growth.
 10132 		3) Added a routine to compact kernel pages when the machine is reset. This function
 10133 		   is not called yet, except in test code.
 10135 		4) Made a TFindChunk::Open() actually add the chunk to the process address space (unless
 10136 		   it is a kernel chunk) so that the chunk can be read/written from another process.
 10138 5) Matthew
 10139 		1) Fixed HA-355: added %*a and %*b to TTime::Format() which give
 10140 		   am/pm without a space.
 10142 		2) Fixed HA-367: descriptor formatting now accepts things like
 10143 		   %-10f (default fill character space) and % 5F (no "+").
 10145 		3) Internal changes to sound driver to reduce the amount of clicking.
 10146 		   Also fiddled with the volumes of DTMF dialling, so it should work now.
 10149 Version 0.01.086
 10150 ================
 10151 (Made by Matthew, 22nd January 1997)
 10153 This release is binary compatible with 085
 10155 1) Graham
 10156 				1) Renamed T_PARSE to T_TPARSE to eliminate the
 10157 				   conflict with the F32 test program of the same
 10158 				   name.
 10159 				2) Updated the TREALTIM test programs and fixed some
 10160 				   super thread bugs.
 10161 				3) Temporarily reintroduced page-based ROM mapping so
 10162 				   that debugging can be tested again.
 10163 				4) Fixed a bug in the user side event code which
 10164 				   prevented position information being extracted
 10165 				   from the new EPointerSwitchOn events.
 10166 				5) Fixed bugs in the ARM implementation of
 10167 				   TInt64A::MulTop() and changed it to return a TInt.
 10169 2) Ann Windsor
 10170 		1) Removed KTReal96MaxExponent and KTReal96MinExponent from
 10171 		 e32math.h
 10173 		2) Fixed bug HA-345: constants now correct to full precision.
 10175 		3) In t_math test code, all approximate tests now use the
 10176 		function testApprox().  This tests that the relative error
 10177 		is within a specified tolerance.
 10179 		4) Removed all approximate tests from t_r96 and t_r64.
 10181 		5) In Pow10(), limits for second underflow check changed so
 10182 		1.0E-308 underflows as expected.
 10184 		6) TInt64A::Multop() fixed to carry from insignificant parts
 10185 		and now returns a TInt to indicate whether the insignificant
 10186 		64 bits are zero or non-zero.  TInt64::MulTop() changed
 10187 		accordingly.
 10189 		7) TReal96::DivEq() fixed to force rounding up where
 10190 		appropriate.  This results in division being up to
 10191 		5E-6 secs slower in the worst case.
 10193 		8) SReal64 and SReal32 struct definitions added to um_std.h
 10194 		 and removed from other umath *.cpp files
 10196 		9) TReal96::MultEq() fixed to force rounding up where appropriate.
 10198 3) Alastair
 10199 		1) Fixed bugs in release versions of T_SEC.
 10201 4) Simon
 10202 		1) Protected EventQ from access from WINS Window and Timer threads.
 10203 		   Fixes a few WINS Bugs related to AddEvent causing an Access
 10204 		   Violation.
 10206 		2) Added some new shutdown code to allow System threads to continue
 10207 		   execution when the machine is off. This fixes bugs like "Program
 10208 		   does not exit when minimized" and other miscallaneous hangings
 10209 		   after a PowerDown.
 10211 		3) Change to E32Initialize to allow WINC apps to call it more than
 10212 		   once.
 10214 5) Matthew
 10215 		1) Stopped WINS from adding 1 hour for summer time when it's winter.
 10217 		2) Fixed bug in CRegistry::SetContents().
 10220 Version 0.01.085
 10221 ================
 10222 (Made by Jal, 10th January 1997)
 10224 1) Morgan
 10225 		1) Fixed OOM alloc heaven in CreateSession and RLoader::LoadLibrary
 10226 		2) Renamed kernel.exe to ekern.exe in the X86 obey file so device
 10227 		   drivers can link to it.
 10228 		3) Added iLanguage bitfield and iHardware members to TRomHeader.
 10229 		   Updated BOOTROM.BIN to match.
 10231 2) Jane
 10232 		1) E32 Proposals
 10233 			a) Made CObjectCon::ValidateName -> User::ValidateName (static)
 10234 			b) Removed copy constructors for TPoint, TSize, TRect
 10235 			c) Made TLocale constructor exported, removed setting to 0 from TChar
 10236 			   constructor.
 10237 			d) Removed CDeltaTimerAlloc
 10238 			e) Americanised Capitalise.
 10239 			f) Make TDesC8::Length and TDesC16::Length inline
 10240 			g) Implemented Rog's amendment of David's User::Notify proposal: an RNotifier
 10241 			   class with the following member functions-
 10242 					TInt Connect();
 10243 					void Notify(const TDesC& aLine1,const TDesC& aLine2,const TDesC& aBut1,const TDesC& aBut2,TInt& aButtonVal,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
 10244 					TInt InfoPrint(const TDesC& aDes);
 10246 		2) Bug fixes
 10247 			a) Removed unused User time/date functions
 10248 			b) Kept a list of thread relative threads within the thread so that they
 10249 			   can be closed properly when the thread dies.
 10250 			c) Alloced a bit in the DThread iFlags for whether the thread is the main one, this
 10251 			   fixed the bug with APPRUNs not dying.
 10252 			d) The priority of the NULL thread was incorrect in WINS - spotted by
 10253 			   David Batchelor, thanks.
 10254 			f) Added CServer::Restart() and fixed CServer::RunL()
 10255 			g) Fixed HA-55 kernel alloc heaven causes kernel re-entrancy
 10257 3) SteveG
 10258 		1) Fixed bug in the battery recharger hanging when free'd. Added
 10259 		   iChargeTick.Cancel() into the device driver destructor.
 10261 4) Geert
 10262 		1) Inlined various TDateTime, TTimeIntervalXxx and TTime members.
 10264 		2) Integrated Bruce's TTime::Parse() service. (See the proposal and
 10265 		   spec in E32 Proposals for details.)
 10267 		3) Removed all Time member functions duplicating services in TTime.
 10269 		4) Removed initialisation code from TTimeIntervalXxx's and TTime's
 10270 		   default ctors. Default constructed instances of these classes now
 10271 		   have undefined, arbitrary values.
 10273 5) Graham
 10274 				1) Added functionality to the text window server to allow raw
 10275 				   event information to be passed through to a client. The
 10276 				   primary user of this is the final test program which
 10277 				   needs some way of testing each raw keyboard element.
 10279 				2) Updated the double multitasking kernel functions to give
 10280 				   handles wrt the kernel server rather than the device
 10281 				   driver client. Updated the real time test program and
 10282 				   device driver accordingly.
 10284 				3) Made relocatable static data changes appropriate for
 10285 				   our real-time needs.
 10287 				4) Fixed a further digitiser problem. There should
 10288 				   now be no machines which experience complete
 10289 				   digitiser failure apart from those with hardware
 10290 				   faults in this area.
 10292 6) Alastair
 10293 				1) Added overloaded NewL function for Security class which
 10294 				   takes a piece of security data as a parameter so that a
 10295 				   CSecurityBase object can be constructed using security
 10296 				   data stored in a file for decryption purposes.
 10298 				2) Removed ConstructL, EncryptL, DecryptL and
 10299 				   IsValid functions from CSecurityBase API.
 10301 				3) Added NewEncryptL and NewDecryptL functions to
 10302 				   CSecurityBase API so that objects for handling encryption
 10303 				   sessions and objects for handling decryption sessions can
 10304 				   be created.  The APIs for these object classes -
 10305 				   CSecurityEncryptBase and CSecurityDecryptBase - have been
 10306 				   added to E32BASE.H.
 10307 				   NewEncryptL and NewDecryptL take an initialisation
 10308 				   vector as a parameter to allow for pluggability with
 10309 				   more sophisticated encryption methods.
 10311 				4) Written a new UB_SEC.CPP to cater for the above
 10312 				   changes.  The current encryption scheme produces
 10313 				   encrypted data in multiples of 32 bytes.
 10315 				5) Rewritten T_SEC.CPP to test security changes.
 10317 7) Matthew
 10318 		1) Changed set and free tls functions from exec to sv calls.
 10320 		2) Fixed alloc heaven in change notifier, and changed notifier so that
 10321 		   you can only logon once to each notifier, so that the kernel's notify
 10322 		   function can be called from exec functions. This has meant API changes,
 10323 		   and the RUndertaker API has also been changed - the parameter has been
 10324 		   removed from LogonCancel - so the two are more similar.
 10326 		3) Added iMaxVolume capability to sound driver, now the volume-by-value
 10327 		   takes a value from 0 to iMaxVolume, instead of 0 to 100.
 10329 		4) Removed Time::IsValidDate().
 10331 8) Pete
 10332 		1) Added custom and variant DLL for rack D h/w.
 10334 		2) Moved sections of code relating to the Pc Card Controller h/w out of
 10335 		   the Kernel DLL and down into the Variant DLL.
 10337 		3) Added the function UserHal::DriveInfo() which
 10338 		   returns a TInfoName for each local drive and Pc Card socket as well
 10339 		   as the total number of valid drives and socketss on a given variant.
 10341 		4) Various changes to the member functions of UserPcCardCntrl
 10342 		   class.
 10344 9) Ann Windsor - CHANGES TO MATHS SOURCE CODE
 10346 I e32\inc\e32math.h
 10347 -------------------
 10348 1. Constants KTReal32MinExponent and KTReal32MinExponent, KTReal96MaxExponent,
 10349 KTReal96MinExponent, KTReal96ExponentBigBad and KTReal96ExponentSmallBad added.
 10351 2. Functions added to UM_R96.CPP added to TReal96 class
 10353 II e32\inc\e32std.h
 10354 -------------------
 10355 1. Constant KErrDivideByZero added.
 10357 2. New constants defined for flags in TRealFormat type:
 10358 	KExtraSpaceForSign=0x40000000
 10359 	KAllow ThreeDigitExp=0x20000000
 10360 	KUseSigFigs=0x10000000
 10361 	KDoNotUseTriads=0x08000000
 10362 	KGeneralLimit=0x04000000
 10363 	KRealFormatTypeFlagsMask=0x7c000000
 10364 	KRealFormatTypesMask=0x0000007
 10366 3. RealFormatType no longer enum; changed to constant TInts
 10367 	KRealFormatFixed=1
 10368 	KRealFormatExponent=2
 10369 	KRealFormatGeneral=3
 10370 and two new types added:
 10371 	KRealFormatNoExponent=4
 10372 	KRealFormatCalculator=5
 10374 4. iDecimalPlaces member of TRealFormat name changed to iPlaces because used
 10375 for decimal places or significant figures as appropriate.
 10377 5. TLex8 member function ScndigAfterPoint() added.
 10380 III e32\ucdt\uc_des.cpp
 10381 ----------------------
 10382 1. Changed in line with changes to e32std.h above.
 10384 2. AppendFormatList() altered to allow three-digit exponents in E,e (exponent)
 10385 and G,g, so Printf %E,e,G and g all display numbers to the maximum range.
 10388 IV e32\umath\um_dtor.cpp
 10389 ------------------------
 10390 1. Changed TLex8::Val() appropriately to deal with the full range of values.  This
 10391 includes doing multiplications in TReal96's so that errors can be detected.
 10393 2. TLex8::ScndigAfterPoint() added to do conversion from decimal after point, so that
 10394 trailing zeros are not included.  This ensures that e.g. 0.2900 and 0.29 have the same
 10395 binary representation.
 10398 V e32\umath\um_pow.cpp
 10399 -----------------------
 10400 1. Changed to check for aSrc being ±1.  If so, sets result appropriately to ensure exact
 10401 and to save running algorithm.
 10403 2. Bug found and fixed: Int() being used for a number potentially larger than 32767.
 10404 Altered to return an error if Int() reports an error, i.e. if the input has an absolute
 10405 value larger than 32767 (a return value larger than 32767 would lead to an error later in
 10406 the function anyway).  This ensures that results over and underflow as expected.
 10408 3. Bug found and fixed: reduce() set high part of f to 0 rather than leaving it unchanged.
 10409 This fixes the bug reported in B4 problem report no HA-207: overflows are now reported as
 10410 expected.
 10413 VI e32\umath\um_pow10.cpp
 10414 -------------------------
 10415 1. Changed to handle the full range of TReals rather than up to 1e±100.
 10418 VII e32\umath\um_r96.cpp
 10419 ------------------------
 10420 1. Set() checks that exponent does not exceed maximum (KTReal64ExponentBigBad/
 10421 KTReal64ExponentBigBad) and is not less than minimum (KTReal32ExponentSmallBad/
 10422 KTReal64ExponentSmallBad). If so, KErrArgument is returned.
 10424 2. GetTReal()
 10425 i) In checking for underflow, value against which check is made changed from
 10426 -KTReal32MaxExponent/-KTReal64MaxExponent to KTReal32MinExponent/KTReal64MinExponent.
 10427 ii) Rounding has been implemented for TReal32s so that when a TReal96 mantissa is
 10428 converted to a TReal32 it is rounded to the nearest value using all bits available,
 10429 rather than just being truncated.
 10431 3. Casting to a TInt from a TReal96 changed to check for zero by using sign and also to
 10432 round to nearest, rather than always rounding down.
 10434 4. Arithmetic
 10435 i) Added functions AddEq(), SubEq(), MultEq() and DivEq() which perform the operations
 10436 +=(), -=(), *=() and /=() respectively, as these operator functions did previously, but
 10437 reporting an error constant, rather than panicking.
 10438 ii) Similarly to i), functions Add(), Sub(), Mult() and Div() have been added as the
 10439 non-panicking variants of operator +(), -(), *() and /().  The latter functions panic on
 10440 an error as described in ii).  The result is written to an input target variable.
 10441 iii) operator +=(), -=(), *=() and /=() perform arithmetic operations (using AddEq(),
 10442 SubEq(), MultEq() and DivEq() respectively) and either panic (when unsuccessful), leaving
 10443 the initial arguments unchanged, or otherwise return the result in *this.
 10444 iv) Added function CheckOverUnderflow(), to be used in AddEq(), SubEq(), MultEq() and
 10445 DivEq(), to check for overflow or underflow in cases where it may occur by normalising
 10446 the result and checking the exponent.
 10447 v) Added function PanicOverUnderflowDividebyZero() which is used in operator +=(), -=(),
 10448 *=() and /=() to panic if an error is returned by AddEq(), SubEq(), MultEq() or DivEq()
 10449 respectively.
 10450 vi) Addition operations (in AddEq()) improved to eliminate loops which change exponent by
 10451 1 and shift the mantissa by 1 place on each loop to make the exponents equal before
 10452 addition takes place, instead altering the exponent and shifting as appropriate in one
 10453 step.
 10454 vii) Fixed bug in AddEq() so that it shifts the mantissa of the bigger number right by
 10455 one.  This prevents failure when subtracting numbers of the same sign (or adding numbers
 10456 of the opposite sign) when the ms bit needs to be carried down (and hence only two bits
 10457 are shifted down into the extended part when preparing the result) and the last hex digit
 10458 of the result is 4 when prepared.
 10459 viii) In DivEq(), a new error KErrDivideByZero has been introduced. Also reports
 10460 KErrArgument if 0/0 (invalid operation).
 10462 5. Changed Normalise() to round on last three bits to nearest value, rounding to value
 10463 with l.s. bit zero (even) if two values are equally near to be consistent with MSDev and
 10464 to minimise propagation of rounding errors in general.
 10466 6. To be consistent with MSDev, increment and decrement operators should normalise after
 10467 each operation.  However, this doubles the time and ultimately decreases accuracy, so
 10468 has not been adopted.
 10471 VIII e32\umath\um_rtod.cpp
 10472 --------------------------
 10473 1. fDigLim() changed to handle all exponents between -1022 and 1025, i.e. all TReal64s.
 10475 2. All do...() functions now take TInt flags as one of their parameters to enable (or
 10476 disable) extra space for sign, three-digit exponents, significant figures rather than
 10477 decimal places, triads and linited accuracy of digbuf.
 10479 3. In addtition to the flags above, an internal flag determining whether the digbuf needs
 10480 rounding has been added.
 10482 4. doExponent() altered so it can be used both directly and by doGeneral() and
 10483 doCalculator().  In calculator mode, trailing zeros are eliminated.  Also uses three-
 10484 digit exponents if allowed by flag if necesary.
 10486 5. doFixed() altered so that a space is left for a potential sign if a flag is set.  This
 10487 allows positive and negative numbers of the same exponent to be of the same accuracy.
 10489 6. doGeneral() altered in line with alterations to doFixed() and doExponent().
 10491 7. doNoExponent() new function added to deal with calculator representation which does
 10492 not use exponents, i.e. numbers to a maximum number of significant figures.  This
 10493 function is similar to doFixed(), other than it does not pad with zeros and hence does
 10494 not necessarily have a decimal point or deciaml places.  If the triad length is non-zero
 10495 then triads are allowed by default (but can of course be disabled by a flag).  An
 10496 overflow error is reported if the number is too big to fit in the maximum significant
 10497 figures and an underflow if it is too small for any significant digits to appear i.e.
 10498 apparently 0.  If the number does not fit, i.e. not enough space for sign, point or triad
 10499 separators, then a general error is reported.
 10501 8. doCalculator() new function added which operates as a conventional calculator would,
 10502 i.e. using non-exponential representation as far as possible and otherwise exponential
 10503 representation.  The number of figures in the display is limited by the maximum
 10504 significant figures.  This function will report a general error if there is insufficient
 10505 space availble to include a sign, decimal point and exponent, as well as the figures,
 10506 EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT REQUIRED.  In this way it operates as a conventional calculator.
 10507 doCalculator() uses either doNoExponent() or doExponent() (in calculator mode, see 4.)
 10508 as necessary.
 10510 9. rtob() has been altered in line with the above changes.
 10511 Also it now checks that the numspace is >0, otherwise reporting a general error. iType is
 10512 now used to take both the user-specified flags and type.  If no type or flags are
 10513 specified then it leaves.  Flags are also set as necessary for the various modes (in all
 10514 modes, rounding is needed):
 10515 	fixed - does not use significant figures
 10516 	exponent - does not use significant figures (when accessed directly rather than
 10517 	through calculator)
 10518 	general - does not use significant figures or triads
 10519 	no exponent - uses significant figures
 10520 	calculator - uses significant figures and no triads.
 10523 IX e32\umath\um_sin.cpp
 10524 -----------------------
 10525 1. sinx() changed to ensure than sin of a multiple of pi and cos of an odd multiple of pi/2
 10526 give exactly zero.
 10529 X e32\umath\um_std.h
 10530 ---------------------
 10531 1. EMathUnknownPanic added to TMathPanic to deal with unknown errors.
 10534 XI e32\umath\um_tan.cpp
 10535 -----------------------
 10536 1. Tan() changed to ensure that tan of a multiple of pi gives exactly zero and tan of an
 10537 odd multiple of pi/2 reports an overflow error.
 10540 XII e32\umath\um_utl.cpp
 10541 ------------------------
 10542 1. Poly() changed to use TReal96s.
 10545 XIII e32\upmarm\up_gcc.cpp
 10546 --------------------------
 10547 1. Arithmetic now raises an exception if an error is returned by the TReal96 non-
 10548 panicking arithmetic variants.
 10551 XIV e32\upwins\up_i64.cpp
 10552 -------------------------
 10553 1. Bug found in MulTop() - the two least significant words are never multiplied together
 10554 and hence the possible carry from this part into the ls word of the result is ignored.
 10555 This part may also need to be used for rounding purposes.
 10559 --------------------------
 10560 I T_FLOAT
 10561 ---------
 10562 1. Altered and increased appropriately to test altered and new cases due to changes
 10563 in the above.  Also divided into two modules containing data only (FLTDATA1.CPP and
 10564 FLTDATA2.CPP) and a header file containing class definitions because the amount
 10565 of initialised data was too large for the GCC compiler.
 10567 2. Altered and increased appropriately to test fully string to real conversion to
 10571 II T_GEN and T_GEN32
 10572 --------------------
 10573 1. Added to generate files for use by T_R64 and T_R32. These are for testing in
 10574 ARM, to see that the GCC and MSDEV compiler give the same results.
 10575 T_GEN also generates special values needed for the generation of these files and
 10576 for T_R32 and T_R64 test code.
 10579 III T_MATH
 10580 ----------
 10581 1. In the light of changes made to sin, cos, tan and power functions various tests have
 10582 been added or updated:
 10583 i) tests exact results are given for: zero to a power, any number to power zero, ±1 to
 10584 any power, sin(n*pi), cos((2n+1)*pi/2) and tan(n*pi) (where n is an integer).
 10585 ii) tests overflows occur as expected for Math::Pow()
 10586 iii) tests tan((2n+1)*pi/2) overflows.
 10588 2. More comprehensive tests of trig functions have been included to test multiples of
 10589 "common" values: pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, pi/2 and pi (in addition to test for exact values
 10590 above).
 10592 3. Comprehensive testing of Math::Cos() (not just Sin() ) have been added.
 10594 4. Added test to check reduce() is working correctly.
 10597 IV T_R64 and T_R32
 10598 -------------------
 10599 1. Special values generated by T_GEN and T_GEN32 used in all tests.
 10601 2. Casting tests for TReal32s now use TReal96s. (A special test following this shows the
 10602 occurrence of an (as yet unresolved) bug.)  Tests have also been added to be used when
 10603 exception handling is fully implemented.
 10605 3. All tests improved and made comprehensive.
 10607 4. Further tests added using the files generated as described in II.
 10609 5. T_R64.CPP and T_R32.CPP have also been split so their data is in a separate file
 10610 to avoid duplication of code in T_GEN and T_GEN32.
 10612 6. Arithmetic tests all test for equality rather than using BitApprox, with cases
 10613 which fail being removed until bugs are fixed so exact results are obtained in all cases.
 10614 With changes to um_r96.cpp explained in VII 2. and 4. above, T_R32 tests are now all
 10615 exact.
 10617 7. Test code has been included (for use in debug mode only) to test that exceptions
 10618 are raised correctly by the up_gcc.cpp code (which has been copied into separate files -
 10619 emgcc32.cpp and emgcc64.cpp - which may be called by these tests).
 10622 V T_R96
 10623 --------
 10624 1. Special values for use in the test code have been initialised and used in the tests
 10625 where appropriate.
 10627 2. Constructors of TReal96s from TInts, TReal32s and TReal64s tested fully, including
 10628 tests that attempting to construct from values with "bad" exponents (i.e. exponents too
 10629 big or too small) results in a return of KErrArgument.
 10631 3. Test of preparing a denormal checks that the value is not already prepared. Also added
 10632 test of preparing of an unprepared value.
 10634 4. Arithmetic tests
 10635 i) Arithmetic tests all test for equality rather than using BitApprox, with cases
 10636 which fail being removed until bugs are fixed so exact results are obtained in all cases.
 10637 ii) As a result of the bug fixed in operator/=() by Jal a test of division of denormals
 10638 has been added.
 10639 iii) Extra tests have been added to test the new member functions AddEq(), SubEq(),
 10640 MultEq() and DivEq() which perform arithmetic operations and report an error rather than
 10641 panicking if overflow, underflow or division by zero errors occur. The panicking-variants
 10642 are also tested to be sure panics occur as expected (to be run in debug only).
 10644 5. Tests of GetTReal(), casting functions unary operators, increment and decrement
 10645 operators and equalities and inequalities have been made more comprehensive and include
 10646 tests for overflow, underflow and total loss of precision errors where appropriate.
 10648 6. Tests for SetExp() and SetSign() and also for assignment operators added.
 10650 7. Increment/decrement tests now include normalising to get results consistent with
 10651 Microsoft.
 10653 Version 0.01.082
 10654 ================
 10655 (Made by Morgan, 20th December 1996)
 10657 This release is binary compatible with 081
 10659 1) Morgan
 10660 		1) Fixed a bug in the SWI vector code on the ARM that was calling
 10661 		   dispatchDfcAndReschedule incorrectly.
 10663 2) Jane
 10664 		1) Changed the base addresses of WINS dlls as suggested by Martin Budden.
 10666 		2) Fixed bug in CObjectIx where creating many objects could return a null handle.
 10668 		3) Fixed Daylight saving bug in WINS
 10670 3) Graham
 10671 				1) Modified bootup code so that it reads the keyboard to
 10672 				   set up ROM memory configuration. This will be used with
 10673 				   the masked ROM to check paged mode rom access
 10676 Version 0.01.081
 10677 ================
 10678 (Made by Matthew, 17th December 1996)
 10680 This release is binary compatible with 080
 10682 1) Matthew
 10683 		1) Fixed dereferencing-zero bug in CObjectCon and CObjectConIx destructors.
 10685 		2) Changed EDLL WINS debug info to C7 format.
 10688 Version 0.01.080
 10689 ================
 10690 (Made by Jane, 16th December 1996)
 10692 This release is binary compatible with 079
 10694 1) Morgan
 10695 		1) Timers abort on power up and locale changes to universal
 10696 		   time, and daylight saving.
 10697 		2) Fixed HA-307
 10699 2) Matthew
 10700 		1) Speeded up several CObjectIx, CObjectCon and CObjectConIx
 10701 		   functions by using pointers into arrays instead of operator[].
 10703 3) Jane
 10704 		1) Added support for real time threads. These are supervisor mode threads
 10705 		   whose real time response is greatly improved over ordinary user threads,
 10706 		   as it is possible for them to interrupt the supervisor server and
 10707 		   non-blocked slow exec calls.
 10708 		   Wrote the WINS and X86 implementations of the above, and a test driver
 10709 		   and test program. (D_RTIM and T_RTIM).
 10711 4) Graham
 10712 		1) Added ARM implementation of real time threads.
 10714 Version 0.01.079
 10715 ================
 10716 (Made by Graham, 10th December 1996)
 10718 This release is binary compatible with 078
 10720 1) Graham
 10721 		1) Changed the bootstrap to map the ROM using ARM MMU 1Mb
 10722 		   sections. This reduces the number of TLB entries used
 10723 		   by the ROM and yields a 4% speed increase on our inter-
 10724 		   process message passing test (T_PROC1).
 10726 		2) Fixed MachineInfo problems on WINS (HA-220, HA-303).
 10728 		3) Patched up some Hal information services.
 10730 		4) Experimentally added clicks when the digitiser is touched.
 10732 2) Matthew
 10733 		1) Checked all PP::, KK::, Plat:: Panics and Faults. Some
 10734 		have been changed to panic the calling thread, instead of
 10735 		the kernel. This fixes bugs like HA-276 (Leave without TRAP).
 10738 Version 0.01.078
 10739 ================
 10740 (Made by Graham, 7th December 1996)
 10742 This release is binary compatible with 077
 10744 1) Simon
 10745 		1) Changed WINC over to use some WINS components, allowing
 10746 		   Store and other components to use WINS librraies for WINC
 10747 		   development.
 10749 		   WINC now conists of a EKERN ECONS and EEXE but all other
 10750 		   components are taken from the WINS build. The BLD.CMD has
 10751 		   been changed to reflect this new building model.
 10753 		2) WINS EUSER added WINC initialisation functions.
 10755 		3) Removed unecessary files from UPWINC
 10757 2) Graham
 10758 		1) Implemented User::MachineConfiguration() and
 10759 		   User::SetMachineConfiguration(). These may be used to
 10760 		   save and restore the registry and O/S information such as
 10761 		   whether key clicks are enabled or sound volume is loud etc.
 10762 		   It is hoped that this information will now be standardised
 10763 		   in such a way that anyone moving from one EPOC/32 machine
 10764 		   to another will be able to transfer their machine's
 10765 		   'personality' in one go.
 10767 		2) Moved P::DebugMask() to Plat::DebugMask() as it was being
 10768 		   exported.
 10770 3) Pete
 10771 	1) PC Cards are now powered down automatically after 5
 10772 	   seconds if the card is left both un-configured and with no memory
 10773 	   allocated.
 10774 	2) Fixed a problem were a CF Card was incorrectly returning
 10775 	   'Not supported'  on each subsequent access following the
 10776 	   situation were a read from the card was interrupted with a media
 10777 	   change. (Unfortunatley interrupted writes still cause the file server
 10778 	   to panic).
 10779 	3) Full 16bit access of CF cards (and therefore support of Hitachi
 10780 	   cards) now takes place when a Rev2 Etna is detected.
 10781 	4) General PC Card related class renameing. Also, PC Card
 10782 	   configuration info. has now been moved from the EKERN into the
 10783 	   appropriate custom DLL for ARM builds.
 10786 Version 0.01.077
 10787 ================
 10788 (Made by Graham, 6th December 1996)
 10790 1) SteveG
 10791 	1) Fixed bug in battery charging LDD which hung when free'ing the
 10792 	   device driver. Removed debug information which was being
 10793 	   output to the comms port while charging was in progress
 10795 2) Morgan
 10796 		1) Altered the MARM MMU PTE permissions lookup table to enable
 10797 		   write buffers for user data.  Fixes HA-300 (Speed).
 10798 		2) User::Abort now raises EExcKill exception.
 10800 3) Jane
 10801 		1) Fixed Lane's shared chunk growing problem
 10803 4) Graham
 10804 		1) Fixed a versioning problem with the text window notifier
 10805 		   server.
 10807 Version 0.01.076
 10808 ================
 10809 (Made by Graham, December 3rd 1996)
 10811 This release is binary compatible with 075
 10813 1) Graham
 10814 		1) Added Eiger port control code which avoids output bits
 10815 		   reading erroneously when they are connected to circuits
 10816 		   with large rise or decay times.
 10818 		2) Added Minor Version 4 to the E32 version number to reflect
 10819 		   the fact that this is a B4 release.
 10821 		3) Fixed a problem in the media driver version numbering.
 10823 2) SteveG
 10824 		1) Preliminary release of the battery recharging LDD, DARCP1.LDD,
 10825 		   for tests by the hardware dept. This is only for the real
 10826 		   Proteas.
 10828 	   The LDD offers the following functions:
 10830 	   RDevNicads::Open() to open a channel
 10832 	   RDevNicads::Type(TInt& type) to get the charge type in progress
 10833 	   This will be EChargeNone, EChargeFast or EChargeTrickle
 10835 	   RDevNicads::SetChargeType(TInt aType) to set the type
 10836 	   The type should be EChargeNone, EChargeFast or EChargeTrickle.
 10837 	   Returns an error if it is not possible to start the requested
 10838 	   charging method.
 10840 	   RDevNicads::Close()
 10842 	   The functions are defined in D32RCHG.H and D32RCHG.INL
 10844 	   Loading the device driver using LoadLogicalDevice will start
 10845 	   the charging if a rechargeable battery pack is fitted. The mains
 10846 	   LED will flash while fast charging is in process. Once fully charged,
 10847 	   the battery pack is trickle charged while mains power is applied.
 10848 	   This can be overridden using the above functions.
 10850 3) Morgan
 10851 		1) Fixed WINS so that it reports the same physical screen
 10852 		   size as it did before .INI-file-controlled fascia bitmaps
 10853 		   were introduced.
 10855 Version 0.01.075
 10856 ================
 10857 (Made by Graham, November 28th 1996)
 10859 This release is not binary compatible with any previous version.
 10861 1) SteveG
 10862 		a) Wrote the device driver for the serial E2PROM. This is currently
 10863 		   only for P1 Proteas, as the racks do not have the device fitted
 10865 		   The device driver is DAE2P1.LDD and provides all the commands
 10866 		   necessary for writing, reading, protecting and locking the
 10867 		   sixteen 16-bit registers in the E2PROM chip
 10869 		b) Fixed bug in ARM Mem::Compare with non word aligned buffers >=16
 10871 		c) Implemented keyboard repeats in the E32 text WServ
 10873 		d) Added an EActive event, which is sent in WINS when the focus
 10874 		   is returned to the WINS window. The EInactive event is still
 10875 		   sent when the WINS window loses focus
 10877 		e) Added an EUpdateModifers event, which is sent whenever the
 10878 		   WINS window gains focus. This event includes the current
 10879 		   state of the toggling modifier keys, and should be passed
 10880 		   on to the keyboard translator to update its modifier states
 10881 		   using KeyTranslator->UpdateModifiers(TInt). The modifiers
 10882 		   are extracted from the event using TInt TRawEvent::Modifiers();
 10883 		   E32 text WServ modified accordingly. This event is sent before
 10884 	   the EActive event. This event will also be sent when booting
 10885 	   up WINS, so the caps/num lock states will be correct at bootup.
 10886 	   KeyTranslator->UpdateModifiers() also resets the state of the
 10887 	   key translator to normal
 10889 		f) Implemented keyboard clicks, the following UserHal functions
 10890 		   can be used to set the clicks:
 10892 		   to set/read the volume:
 10893 				   UserHal::SetKeyClickLoud(TBool)
 10894 				   UserHal::KeyClickLoud(TBool&)
 10896 		   to set/read if clicks are enabled:
 10897 				   UserHal::SetKeyClickEnabled(TBool);
 10898 				   UserHal::KeyClickEnabled(TBool&);
 10900 		   to override the system on/off setting, forcing clicks off
 10901 		   (will be used by WServ to turn off clicks when an application
 10902 		   requests to disable clicks while in foreground):
 10903 				   UserHal::SetKeyClickOverriden(TBool)
 10904 				   UserHal::KeyClickOverriden(TBool&)
 10905 		   (This function could do with a better name...:-)
 10907 	   Using SetKeyClickOverriden(ETrue) will disable key clicks
 10908 	   regardless of the system setting. The system setting can
 10909 	   still be changed while overriden.
 10911 		   Note that key clicks will not work in WINS as they produced
 10912 		   more of a key fart than a click. The functionality is there,
 10913 		   and if a way of producing a suitable click is found, will be
 10914 		   added in a later release (function P::KeyClick() in KP_UTL.CPP)
 10916 		g) Fixed problem with CTimers going off 1 second early - this
 10917 		   solves the problem of alarms going off a second or so early
 10918 		   in TimeW app on MARM. There still appear to be problems
 10919 		   in WINS, which may lie elsewhere...
 10921 		   TSecondLink::At() now converts the absolute time you specify
 10922 		   to seconds since year2000, and uses this to work out the
 10923 		   delta value to put into the queue. This is more accurate
 10924 		   since the time that the queue was last ticked over is also
 10925 		   stored in seconds since year2000. Previously the value added
 10926 		   to the delta queue was the difference between the system time
 10927 		   and the time you supplied, which could be upto a second out
 10928 		   if the microseconds part of the system time was non-zero
 10929 		   which would be 99.9999% of the time
 10931 2) Morgan,
 10932 	a) Added support for a WINS system ini file allowing some system defaults
 10933 		   to be setup.  The .INI file lives at \EPOC32\DATA\SYSTEM.INI
 10934 	   and allows you to change the screen dimentions, fascia and the
 10935 		   LED arrangement.
 10936 		   The defaults are
 10937 		ScreenWidth 640
 10938 		ScreenHeight 240
 10939 		ScreenOffsetX 123
 10940 		ScreenOffsetY 53
 10941 		FasciaBitmap \epoc32\data\Fascia.bmp
 10942 		LedOffsetX 30
 10943 		LedOffsetY 26
 10944 		LedSize 14
 10945 		LedGap 5
 10946 		LedArrangeHorizontally
 10947 		#LedArrangeVertically
 10949 	b) Added exception support for MX86, MARM, and WINS:
 10951 		   TExceptionHandler* RThread::ExceptionHandler() const;
 10952 	   TInt RThread::SetExceptionHandler(TExceptionHandler* aHandler,TUint32 aMask);
 10953 	   void RThread::ModifyExceptionMask(TUint32 aClearMask, TUint32 aSetMask);
 10954 	   TInt RThread::RaiseException(TExcType aType);
 10955 	   TBool RThread::IsExceptionHandled(TExcType aType);
 10957 		   If a thread has no handler for an exception it is passed onto the
 10958 		   kernel for handling.  The default action is to panic the offending
 10959 		   thread.  Unhandled exceptions caused by RThread::RaiseException()
 10960 		   force the thread to exit via User::Exit().
 10961 		   Otherwise handlers are executed in the context of the thread on
 10962 		   which the exception is raised and control returned to the
 10963 		   point of the exception.
 10965 		   When debugging under WINS, MSDEV will intercept the exception before
 10966 		   the handler has a chance to execute.
 10968 	c) Fixed HA-258
 10970 	d) Added Uids (and -type-safe-link for ROMBUILD) to the Base components under ARM.
 10971 	   The Uids are #defined in \Epoc32\include\E32UID.H and \e32\kbarm\E32UID.IBY.
 10973 	e) Added an iTextSize to TLoaderInfo and TRomImageHeader for GDB
 10975 	f) Implemented Dll::GlobalAlloc, Dll::GlobalAllocated, Dll::GlobalRead, and
 10976 	   Dll::GlobalWrite.
 10978 3) Matthew
 10979 	a) Fixed HA-208 (IsPresent and IsValid in TUidType should return TBool).
 10980 	   Also changed loads of other Is*() functions to return a TBool instead
 10981 	   of a TInt. A few Is*() functions which returned KErr values have been
 10982 	   renamed:
 10984 			CObjectCon::IsValidName -> ValidateName
 10985 			CObjectCon::IsUniqueFullName -> CheckUniqueName
 10986 			DComm::IsValid -> Validate
 10988 	b) Fixed HA-196 (inline TLocale functions not expanded in release builds).
 10990 	c) Fixed HA-238 (Shortcomings of KNullUid definition): removed TUidC class
 10991 	   and added static functions TUid::Uid(TInt) and TUid::Null() to get round
 10992 	   GCC bug. #defined KNullUid as TUid::Null().
 10994 	d) Changed WINS Uid scheme so that the UId is stored in a segment of its own
 10995 	   called ".E32_UID", to add a UID to a windows file include the code
 10997 			#pragma data_seg(".E32_UID")
 10998 			__WINS_UID(Uid1,Uid2,Uid3)
 10999 			#pragma data_seg()
 11001 	   in your source.
 11003 	e) Added the capability to detect thread death to the RChangeNotifier
 11004 	   (completes with the EChangesThreadDeath bit set).
 11006 	f) Implemented User::InfoPrint() function. Also added a very simple notifier
 11007 	   server to the text window server so that little windows appear when
 11008 	   anyone calls User::Notify or InfoPrint.
 11010 	g) Improved the Tls scheme so that it uses a CArrayFixFlat. According to my
 11011 	   benchmarking this should speed up Dll::Tls(), though it remains to be
 11012 	   seen what happens in the real world.
 11014 	   Note that there is now a Dll::FreeTls() function, and that Dll::SetTls
 11015 	   can now return KErrNoMemory.
 11017 	h) Changed midnight crossover code, to avoid costly divisions.
 11019 	i) Changes to sound driver: Fixed several bugs to do with having two LDDs
 11020 	   going at once. This has caused the driver to become more sensitive to
 11021 	   playing and recording at once, and may mean that code that previously
 11022 	   worked fine now returns KErrInUse. Remember that the driver keeps
 11023 	   playing aLaw even after the last play request has been completed, and
 11024 	   keeps recording until the buffer is full. If you find problems, check
 11025 	   that you flush the record buffer when you have stopped recording, and if
 11026 	   you try to record and get KErrInUse, you may want to wait until the play
 11027 	   buffer has had time to drain and try again before reporting an error.
 11029 	   Added some preliminary power handling code. Playing will stop on
 11030 	   switch-off and the restart from where it left off; recording will
 11031 	   terminate with KErrGeneral (this seemed the only appropriate value)
 11032 	   when you switch back on.
 11034 	   The PDDs now support EVolumeByValue. The values are as follows:
 11036 				0-20  = EVolumeNone
 11037 			21-40 = EVolumeSoft
 11038 			41-60 = EVolumeMedium
 11039 			61-80 = between EVolumeMedium and EVolumeLoud
 11040 			81-100 = EVolumeLoud
 11042 4) Jane
 11043 		a) Changed MMU from a scheme of passing 3 parameters denoting the chunk's
 11044 		owner, its type (code, data etc.) and whether it was locked in physical or
 11045 		linear memory, to a simpler scheme where the chunk's owner is passed throughout the MMU
 11046 		system (there being a greatly increased possible number of chunk owners). This
 11047 		was to enable the ARM MMU, which is more limited than the X86 one, to cope with
 11048 		shared chunks being read only in one process and writable in another etc.
 11050 		b) When creating certain types of chunks, kept a list of allocated pages, so that it
 11051 		is possible to support 3 possible states of permissions. (On the X86 this is achievable
 11052 		by merely changing the top level PDE permissions - this is not so on the ARM). This change
 11053 		allows the ARM MMU to support code chunks which are read/write to start with when the file
 11054 		server reads the code into them from a CF card, but later are both supervisor read/only
 11055 		when in the home section and user read/only when running.
 11057 		c) Made a note early on of the file server's process. Changed the ram drive chunk
 11058 		to being two-state chunk, and when the file server runs, change the permissions on the
 11059 		RAM chunk (top level PDEs only) so that the file server has direct access to the
 11060 		RAM drive.
 11062 		d) Made the RAM drive supervisor priviledges, so that no-one except the file
 11063 		server (see above) can access it.
 11065 		e) Added size reporting functions for spy programs
 11066 			TInt RLibrary::GetRamSizes(TInt& aCodeSize, TInt& aConstDataSize);
 11067 			TInt RThread::GetRamSizes(TInt& aHeapSize, TInt& aStackSize);
 11068 			TInt RProcess::GetRamSizes(TInt& aCodeSize, TInt& aConstDataSize, TInt& anInitialisedDataSize, TInt& anUninitialisedDataSize);
 11070 		f) Added Andrew Thoelke's optimisations to various Find and Locate functions - see
 11071 		   Notes for more details.
 11074 5) Graham
 11075 		1) Added and enhanced Kazuhiro Konishi's unicode/japanese changes
 11076 		   to the text window server.
 11078 		2) Added the UID into the sound driver make file and removed
 11079 		   all the link dependancies that the sound PDDs had upon
 11080 		   their LDD.
 11082 		3) Fixed the dodgy digitiser (HA-284)
 11084 		4) Experimentally increased the digitiser sample rate to
 11085 		   50 samples/s.
 11087 		5) Introduced the EPointerSwitchOn event. This event contains
 11088 		   x and y information and is generated when pen down causes
 11089 		   the machine to switch on. No further pen events should be
 11090 		   generated until the pen has subsequently been removed from
 11091 		   the surface of the digitiser. I believe appropriate windows
 11092 		   (i.e. the application bar window) will be able to register
 11093 		   with the window server an interest in these events. So, normal
 11094 		   windows should not be troubled by them. This should solve
 11095 		   problem HA-325.
 11097 		6) Removed the text window server's beep when switching on
 11098 		   normally and introduced it when switching on with the
 11099 		   digitiser. (This only occurs on debug builds).
 11101 6) Rog	1) Fixed RackC COM::1 bug which was causing input RS-232 lines
 11102 	   to be reported incorrectly.
 11103 7) Pete 1) Reduced the wait states introduced by Etna on CF Card
 11104 	   attribute memory reads. This was interfering with screen
 11105 	   refreshing when 16 shades of grey mode was enabled (HA285).
 11106 	2) CF card support when powering on and off the machine has
 11107 	   now been added. On power off, the card is fully powered down. On power
 11108 	   up, TLocalDrive objects are notified of the power down, forcing them
 11109 	   to re-mount the disk on the next access (HA281).
 11110 	3) Added the functions InCritical() and EndInCritical() to
 11111 	   the PC Card controller. While in-critical, media change power down is
 11112 	   delayed. Writes to the CF Card are now critical. Prior to this, if a
 11113 	   media change occured during a write to the card then this could leave
 11114 	   a sector with an ID error on the card.
 11115 	   However, there is currently a problem such that the File Server
 11116 	   panics if a media change occures during a write to the CF card
 11117 	   so this should be avoided for now.
 11118 	4) PC Card controller now able to access a CIS chain in common
 11119 	   memory as well as attribute memory.
 11120 	5) Removed the function User::PcCardCntrlInterface() and
 11121 	   replaced this with the class UserPcCardCntrl.
 11122 	6) Added the following functions to the above class: MediaStart(),
 11123 	   MediaOpen(),MediaInfo(),MediaRead(),MediaWrite(). These
 11124 	   allow access to a media device (eg CF Card) at a media
 11125 	   level (rather than a partition level as do TLocalDrive.Read() and
 11126 	   Write()). I.E. they allow access to the partition table etc.
 11129 Version 0.01.074
 11130 ================
 11131 (Made by Graham, November 6th 1996)
 11133 1) Graham
 11134 		1) Fixed a leak in AddProtected() which caused the O/S to
 11135 		   panic with EBadDfc when stressed.
 11137 		2) Added followers into the TEiger class for ports A,B,C,D
 11138 		   and E. Modifying these registers can now be safely
 11139 		   achieved without worrying about those bits which are
 11140 		   programmed to be input bits.
 11142 		3) Added interrupt protection into all TEiger modify
 11143 		   functions.
 11145 		4) Stopped KE_ALL debug information from coming out in all
 11146 		   circumstances.
 11148 2) Morgan
 11149 	1) Moved WINS power off button to F9 (HA-214).
 11150 	2) Fixed HA-255 and added test code.
 11151 	3) Made semaphore and mutex names unique for each process to fix
 11152 		   HA-163. It is now possible to run 2 WINS kernels with the same
 11153 		   process name simultaniously.
 11155 Version 0.01.073
 11156 ================
 11157 (Made by Graham, November 6th 1996)
 11159 1) Graham
 11160 		1) Solved the stack problem which prevented debug information
 11161 		   from being emmitted in MARM debug builds.
 11163 		2) Fixed WINS keyboard repeat problem when the WINS window
 11164 		   loses focus.
 11166 2) SteveG
 11167 		1) Reduced stack usage of CObject::FullName, which was shoving a
 11168 		   TFullName on the stack for every owner of an object. Now only
 11169 		   one TFullName is put on the stack regardless of the number of
 11170 		   owners. This cures HA-273.
 11172 Version 0.01.072
 11173 ================
 11174 (Made by Jane, October 25th 1996)
 11176 This release is the candidate B3 release. Unless there are any show-stopping
 11177 bugs, our next release will be the first in the chain leading to B4, and
 11178 will not be binary compatible with this one.
 11180 NOTE: Once again to speed the passage of this non-binary compatible release
 11181 through the system, I have released with test code failures. However in this
 11182 case I believe them to be test code problems. The following tests are failing
 11183 with kernel alloc heaven - T_CHUNK (chunk testing), T_KHEAP (thread testing)
 11184 and T_THREAD (undertaker testing). These tests fail in ARM debug builds only,
 11185 and pass on X86, which leads me to believe that these are granularity
 11186 issues in the kernel heap on ARM.
 11188 1) Jane
 11189 		a) Implemented allocation of sub-page tables for ARM.
 11191 		b) Fixed bugs to do with lengths of supplied filenames in
 11192 		   process and library loading. Took the opportunity to rationalise
 11193 		   the loader to do this and reduce stack impact considerably.
 11195 		c) Added MMU debug supervisor calls to enable the porting of my
 11196 		   MMU system from its emulated environment, and converted several
 11197 		   tests to the new system.
 11199 		d) Tidied up various APIs to their correct places, ready for
 11200 		   unfreeze.
 11201 		   Affected are the new unimplemented exception APIS, and the
 11202 		   RLoader::LoadLibrary
 11204 		e) Added an enum, TKernPanic, to e32std.h
 11205 		   Now client threads will be panicked with values in this list,
 11206 		   rather than error numbers.
 11208 	f) Fixed a couple of bugs in the low-level arm mmu implementation which
 11209 	   showed up with very large RAM disks.
 11211 	g) Exported wildcards KMatchAny and KMatchOne from e32std.h
 11213 	h) Changed RConsole::Set to RConsole::Init
 11215 	i) Stopped RTest writing to comm ports (except in X86 builds)
 11217 	j) Rationalised KErrxxxx constants
 11218 	   KErrNoLinearMemory gone, used KErrNoMemory instead
 11219 	   KErrSubSystem gone
 11220 	   KErrDomain gone, used KErrArgument instead
 11221 	   KErrException gone (kernel panic enum used instead)
 11222 	   KErrNotFound becomes -1, so that we could omit KNotFound in future.
 11224 	   NOTE - KErrGeneral is no longer -1. This showed up quite a few
 11225 	   bugs in the file server which was assuming that KNotFound was the
 11226 	   same thing as KErrGeneral. This is no longer the case, beware!
 11228 	 k) Added RThread::ProcessPriority() and RThread::SetProcessPriority()
 11230 	 l) Changed void RThread::GetHeap(RHeap*&) to RHeap* RThread::Heap()
 11232 		 m) Speeded up interprocess messaging by about 10%. A further 8%
 11233 			to come in next release.
 11235 2) Steve
 11236 		a) Fixed UserHal::MemoryInfo which was returning an incorrect
 11237 		   figure for FreeRam - it was deducting the size of the RAM
 11238 		   disk from the real free ram size.
 11240 3) Graham
 11241 		a) Changed the ADC interface to unsigned values. This should give
 11242 		   doubled digitiser accuracy but meant recalibration of the
 11243 		   digitiser on all platforms.
 11245 		b) Updated K32VIDEO.H to include power handling functions.
 11247 		c) Add CountDown(n) and FirstDelta() function calls to the
 11248 		   priority queue class.
 11250 		d) Implemented waking up from alarms.
 11252 		e) Implemented waking up from pen down.
 11254 		f) Implemented ESwitchOn events on all platforms (HA-229).
 11256 		g) Added a beep to the Text Window Server in debug builds
 11257 		   when an ESwitchOn event occurs.
 11259 		h) Added a general purpose interface to the ADC channels which
 11260 		   measure battery voltages, thermistor readings etc.
 11262 		i) Made Neil Lilliot's change for reducing shadowing on the LCD.
 11264 4) Jal
 11265 		a) Fixed a bug in TReal96::operator/=
 11267 Version 0.01.071
 11268 ================
 11269 (Made by Graham, October 11th 1996)
 11271 1) Graham
 11272 		1) Added a millisecond timer queue to the kernel. It
 11273 		   currently uses FRC2. All kernel services which were
 11274 		   using TEiger::WaitMilliseconds should now move over
 11275 		   to the new services provided by this queue.
 11276 		2) Implemented the digitiser in terms of the millisecond
 11277 		   timer queue instead of the system tick queue. This enables
 11278 		   code to be written which can deliver more than 21 digitiser
 11279 		   events per second (it is currently set to 25/s). Not only
 11280 		   this, by driving current across the digitiser only when it
 11281 		   is absolutely necessary, power consumption has been
 11282 		   reduced. The digitiser should now work on upgraded
 11283 		   machines - the H/W fix for digitiser wobble involves an
 11284 		   increase to 1mS in the X/Y drive rise-time. In order to
 11285 		   take account of this rise-time, the millisecond timer was
 11286 		   required.
 11287 		3) Implemented the buzzer in terms of the millisecond timer
 11288 		   queue. Due to variable interrupt latency, this does not
 11289 		   produce a pleasing effect. So, for the time being, I have
 11290 		   left the buzzer monopolising FRC1. You can switch between
 11291 		   this and the new millisecond timer buzzer with the compile
 11292 		   time switch __SOFTWARE_BUZZER__ in KEARM\KE_UTL.CPP
 11293 		4) Introduced Hal::WaitMilliSeconds which uses the
 11294 		   millisecond timer. This replaces TEiger::WaitMilliSeconds.
 11295 		5) Added device driver power handling functions in
 11296 		   KS_POWER.CPP.
 11297 		6) Created a release of header files for those who link to
 11298 		   the E32 kernel (device driver writers mainly). This can
 11299 		   be found in R:\E32\ZIP\
 11300 		7) Implemented the auto clibration sequence on the ADC
 11301 		   converter. This cures the problem which causes the first
 11302 		   ever pen down event to have the wrong y-coordinate.
 11304 2) Pete
 11305 		1) Fixed a bug which prevented the machine booting up with
 11306 		   the CF card door open.
 11308 Version 0.01.070
 11309 ================
 11310 (Made by Jane, October 4th 1996)
 11312 1) Morgan
 11313 		1) Priority of a process is set according to the Executable's E32Image.
 11315 		2) Fixed svLibraryLoadExact to deal with statically linked libraries where
 11316 		the ownership of the libraries handle belongs to the newly created process.
 11318 2) SteveG
 11319 		1) Changed the keyboard data for P1 to have ' on shift-6, not ^
 11321 		2) RDebug changes: Anyone can now request to be informed when a thread
 11322 		   panics, hits a breakpoint or causes an exception without having
 11323 		   called RDebug::Open. This means a panic catcher can be running
 11324 		   continuously and still allow GDB to be used. Previously, only one call
 11325 		   to RDebug::Open was allowed, meaning that the debugger could not
 11326 		   be used while a panic catcher was running and vice-versa.
 11328 		   To catch panics etc, use the following code:
 11330 			   SDebugInfo info;
 11331 			   TRequestStatus status;
 11332 			   RDebug::GetException(info,status);
 11333 			   User::WaitForRequest(status);
 11335 		   SDebugInfo is defined in E32SVR.H
 11337 		   You must kill the thread that paniced at some point using:
 11339 			   RDebug::KillThread(info.iThread);
 11341 		   or it will remain suspended forever. Do not use RDebug::Open
 11342 		   or you will prevent GDB from running at the same time.
 11344 		   If someone starts GDB while your request to GetException is pending,
 11345 		   GDB takes priority and you will not recieve any notifications of threads
 11346 		   panicing until GDB quits
 11348 		   Only one call to GetException can be active at any one time. It is
 11349 		   quite safe to call GetException while GDB is running, your request
 11350 		   will remain pending until the first app panics after GDB quits
 11352 		   To cancel a request to GetException, use RDebug::CancelGetException()
 11354 		   This feature has been buried by Jane's RUndertaker class which
 11355 		   should be used in preference ('cos she says it's better :-()
 11356 		   The ability to use GetException without calling RDebug::Open will
 11357 		   be removed in a later release.
 11359 		3) Altered D_GDB, the GDB stub, so that if you launch it without
 11360 		   passing a program to debug on the command line, it will wait
 11361 		   for a thread to panic/hit a breakpoint and then call
 11362 		   User::Notify(). You can then start up GDB on the PC and
 11363 		   connect to the Protea and start debugging the thread that
 11364 		   paniced/hit a breakpoint.
 11366 		   To put a hardcoded breakpoint into your code, use the line:
 11368 			   asm(".word 0xe7ffffff");
 11370 		   in your code. Run D_GDB without passing a command line, and
 11371 		   start your program. When the notify appears saying that
 11372 		   a program has hit a breakpoint, start up GDB on the remote
 11373 		   PC and start debugging...
 11375 3) Jane
 11376 		1) Added KErrException. Threads which make illegal accesses etc. are
 11377 		   now panicked with this value.
 11379 	2) Added RThread::RaiseException(TExcType aType)
 11380 		   For the time being, this just panics a thread with category
 11381 		   "Exception Raised" and panic number = the exception number
 11382 		   TExceptionType is obsolete, and will be retired at the next thaw.
 11384 	3) Filled all user mode stacks with 0x29 to aid spy programs
 11386 	4) Implemented the thread death notifer service. The class is
 11388 		class RUndertaker : public RHandleBase
 11389 			{
 11390 		public:
 11391 			IMPORT_C TInt Create();
 11392 			IMPORT_C TInt Logon(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TInt& aThreadHandle) const;
 11393 			IMPORT_C TInt LogonCancel(TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
 11394 			};
 11396 			To use the class, create an RUndertaker and logon to it like so
 11398 		RUndertaker u;
 11399 		u.Create();
 11400 		TRequeststatus stat;
 11401 		TInt handle;
 11402 		u.Logon(stat, handle);
 11403 		User::WaitForRequest(stat);
 11405 			When a thread dies, the status word is completed, and the handle is that
 11406 		of the dying thread. To look at why the thread died, for example, you might
 11407 			do the following...
 11409 			RThread r;
 11410 			r.SetHandle(handle);
 11411 			if (r.ExitReason()==0x666)
 11412 				{
 11413 				...
 11415 		As you now have a handle on the dying thread, it won't go away until
 11416 		you close it.
 11418 			r.Close();
 11420 			Look at T_THREAD for examples.
 11422 		NOTE: This service isn't guaranteed. If a thread dies while you are not
 11423 		logged on to your RUndertaker, obviously you'll miss it - and there is a
 11424 		window of opportunity after a thread has died & your status has completed
 11425 			and before you get chance to deal with this and logon on again.
 11427 		NOTE2: Matt will be implementing a more general form of this in his
 11428 		RChangeNotifier class, which will complete to tell you that a thread
 11429 		has died, but not tell you *which* thread.
 11431 4) Matthew
 11432 		Fixed bugs: HA-207 (%J in TTime::FormatL should abbreviate in 12hour
 11433 		mode) and HA-215 (CActiveScheduler::Add should assert parameter).
 11435 5) Graham
 11436 		Partial implementation of a kernel millisecond timer which
 11437 		now runs the buzzer. Do not be alarmed if buzzing sounds
 11438 		different in this release.
 11440 Version 0.01.069
 11441 ================
 11442 (Made by Jane, September 26th 1996)
 11444 1) Jane
 11445 		1) Clients causing an exception are now panicked KErrAbort.
 11447 		2) Possible fix for curtains bug. Any more reports of curtains
 11448 		   welcome (sort of.)
 11449 		   The bug was caused because of the change in behaviour such that
 11450 		   a client thread is still hanging around when the server processes
 11451 		   the disconnect. If the process creator had already closed its
 11452 		   process handle, then the process died immediately, but the client
 11453 		   thread was left. Then when the client thread eventually died, it
 11454 		   closed its chunks, which involved removing them from the (dead)
 11455 		   process's address space. BANG!
 11457 		   Now the chunk is removed from the process address space earlier on.
 11460 2) SteveG
 11461 		1) Release 068 had a problem with the MARM custom DLLs,
 11462 		   which prevented the LEDs from flashing. Now OK.
 11464 3) Graham
 11465 		1) When the kernel faulted, it used to continue to run and
 11466 		   possibly do all sorts of bad things.
 11467 		   For the time being, we just print a helpful message to
 11468 		   COMM1 and loop forever. (In the future we will reset.)
 11471 Version 0.01.068
 11472 ================
 11473 (Made by Jane, September 23rd 1996)
 11475 NOTE - T_RDRV failed on certain bananas. We think that it is due
 11476 to a problem with the hardware - the door open interrupt is not
 11477 asserted for these fruit.
 11479 1) Graham
 11480 		1) Removed nocallentrypoint declarations in MARM .OBY files
 11481 		   and added  dll= appropriately.
 11483 		2) Fixed HA-219 which caused the digitiser to stop working
 11484 		   after the sound driver had been used.
 11486 		3) Added a system of cumulative inertia into the digitiser.
 11487 		   Consider a system where a physical movement of the pen
 11488 		   produces an actual Pen Move Event only if it has moved
 11489 		   more than 1 pixel. Call this an inertia of value 1. So,
 11490 		   if the digitiser has an inertia value of 3, then it only
 11491 		   produces Pen Move Events when a movement of greater than
 11492 		   3 pixels in any direction has occured. The system I am
 11493 		   now experimenting with is one where the longer the pen
 11494 		   stays in one place, the greater inertia it acquires. So,
 11495 		   normally, with the pen moving all the time, no inertia
 11496 		   effects are apparent. But, when the pen comes to rest,
 11497 		   then the inertia begins to increase by one unit for every
 11498 		   1/4s that it remains within its 'inert event horizon'. It
 11499 		   is currently set so that the maximum possible inertia
 11500 		   value is 5. Clearly, I can't tell if this is a valuable
 11501 		   system until some higher level apps start running with
 11502 		   this O/S. So, feedback on this subject is especially
 11503 		   welcome.
 11505 		4) Speculative fix for HA-217 ('Curtains').
 11507 		5) Exported Hal::DisableIrqsToLevel1() et al. from the kernel
 11509 		6) Reworked the kernel exception interface (TException,Exc).
 11511 2) SimonB
 11512 		1) Removal of F32 code from the EWINC library
 11514 		1) Addition of a new TWINC directory with MAK files for building all the code in TBAS. (The CPP files
 11515 		   used are the ones in TBAS). The header files from TBAS have been copied into TWINC, but this could
 11516 		   be rectified by changing the #includes to reference "..\TBAS\..."
 11518 		1) Addition of bld and run cmd for building WINC libs, and test code. Also for running the test code.
 11520 		1) Changes to MNT additional verbs
 11522 					winc            build the libarries
 11523 					wincall
 11524 					wincdeb
 11525 					wincrel
 11526 					wincudeb
 11527 					wincurel
 11528 					btwinc          build the test code
 11529 					btwincall
 11530 					btwincdeb
 11531 					btwincrel
 11532 					btwincudeb
 11533 					btwincurel
 11534 					rtwinc          Run the test code
 11535 					rtwincall
 11536 					rtwincdeb
 11537 					rtwincrel
 11538 					rtwincudeb
 11539 					trwincurel
 11542 		1) Changes to EWINC MAK files and build cmd file to get Unicode variants to build and work. May still
 11543 		   need some more changes - (the mak files were completely stuffed with release builds compiling debug
 11544 		   code). It may be worth recreating all mak files again froms scratch
 11546 		1) Changes to E32Initialise. With the file server in a separate Dll, the init code follows the WINS
 11547 		   init code method for the file server.
 11549 3) Jane
 11550 		1) Added new RThread::Create which takes an open RLibrary, as discussed in EON defects -
 11551 				IMPORT_C TInt Create(const TDesC &aName,TThreadFunction aFunction,TInt aStackSize,TAny* aPtr,RLibrary* aLibrary,RProcess* aProcess,RHeap* aHeap, TInt aHeapMinSize,TInt aHeapMaxSize,TOwnerType aType);
 11552 		   This function takes all possible parameters so that a thread with an open library
 11553 		   handle can be created in another process, sharing a heap etc. (If the RLibrary*, RProcess*, RHeap*
 11554 		   are not required, just pass in NULL as usual.)
 11556 		   The entrypoints of the library are called before the thread's entrypoint.
 11558 		   NOTE - obviously the thread cannot access the handle it has on the library, so the library
 11559 		   can only get its final close when the thread dies.
 11561 		2) Fixed a bug to do with stack chunk creation. Improved the naming scheme for chunks.
 11563 		3) Various E32 Proposals
 11564 			- Processes unmarked by default
 11565 			- Queues don't allow shallow copies
 11566 			- CActive functions const
 11567 			- RTest Console() accessor for iConsole
 11569 		4) Improved the kernel server protection method, which was becoming more unsafe
 11570 		   with the addition of each new way of shooting a client thread. (Now if the kernel
 11571 		   server shoots a client, it should always leave KErrKernelServerLeave, after
 11572 		   stashing a suitable error to shoot the client with in K::ClientErrorCode)
 11574 		5) Fixed a few situations where the kernel was shooting itself rather than the client.
 11576 		6) Pervasive change, such that the Owmer() of a CObject - used in forming the
 11577 		   name - is correct for thread-owned objects.
 11578 		   If a semaphore A is owned by thread B in process C its name is now C::B::A
 11579 		   If it was owned by process C directly it would be called C::A
 11581 4) SteveG
 11582 		1) Implemented control of the LEDs on the racks and P1. It is now possible to get your
 11583 		   red alarm LED on your banana to flash, but it will flash green. Please note that this
 11584 		   is not an E32 software bug
 11586 		2) Changed all occurances of TheSuperPage().iTotalRamSize to TheSuperPage().iMaxFreeRam,
 11587 		   and added iTotalRamSize and iTotalRomSize to the SuperPage. iRamDriveSize is now
 11588 		   setup correctly, and these figures will be returned properly when using UserHal::MemoryInfo
 11590 		3) Added ESpecialKeyBase and ESpeicalKeyCount to E32KEYS.H. Any scancode in this range passed
 11591 		   to the keyboard translator will be passed through unaltered, and can be used for the
 11592 		   on-screen keys facility provided by the window server
 11594 5) Morgan
 11595 		1) Added RLibrary::FileName()
 11596 		2) Corrected the key mappings for Func and Alt on the X86 build
 11597 		3) Extended Library and Process RAM loading to share ready loaded code chunks.  RAM loaded
 11598 		   Libraries can use ROM code chunks but currently Processes cannot.  Suitable code chunks
 11599 		   are identified by matching their checksums.
 11601 5) Matthew
 11602 		1) Implemented %lx, %ld etc for formatting TInt64s. Added TLex::Val functions for TInt64s.
 11603 		   Removed TLex::Convert() and TLex::ConvertList().
 11605 		2) Given DThreads and DProcesses ids: essentially just a unique TUint. Threads and processes
 11606 		   can be now opened by their id.
 11608 		3) Changed Hal::RomVersion() so that it now returns version number from the rom header on
 11609 		   Epoc platforms.
 11610 6) Pete
 11611 		1) Changes to support Asci12-Rev2. (Still works with Rev1 though).
 11612 		2) ATA Driver - Validation of partition entries in MBR now added.
 11613 		3) ATA Driver - CHS and LBA addressing now supported (this allows us to work with Hitachi CF
 11614 		   card).
 11616 7) Rog
 11617 		1) Introduced a rack only bug into hardware handshaking for the Serial driver. To facilitate a
 11618 		   timely E32 release the serial drivers will be re-released with C32. If you don't need h/w
 11619 		   handshaking or can get by on WINS, these drivers are just fine.
 11621 Version 0.01.067
 11622 ================
 11623 (Made by Jal, September 7th 1996)
 11625 1) Jane
 11626 		1) MMU fix to do with re-allocating linear space after RAM disk
 11627 		   has grown.
 11629 		2) More build and mnt fixes.
 11631 		3) Fixed HA-204, incorrect error given by in WINS library loading.
 11633 		4) Fixed HA-205, bug in RThread::Create
 11635 		5) Changed the Environment class, so that all environment variables are
 11636 		   stored and compared in UPPER CASE.
 11638 		6) Changed ks_proc as requested by Colly so that names which are duplicates except
 11639 		   for generation are allowed.
 11641 		7) Fixed HA-95, allowing the server to refer to the client thread when processing a
 11642 		   disconnect message
 11644 		8) Fixed HA-211, RProcess::Open stops process from being destroyed
 11646 		9) Fixed HA-210, runtime checks on queues
 11648 		10) Implemented basic exception handling - i.e. shooting the offending thread. Fixes
 11649 			bugs HA-137 and HA-157
 11651 		11) Fixed HA-212, RLibrary::Load problems after creating thread in foreign process
 11654 2) Matthew
 11655 		1) Bug fixes HA-188, HA-198 and HA-202. Also fixed a time-mangling bug on
 11656 		   the rack, which effected relative timers due to off after more than
 11657 		   about 30 seconds, and a bug which caused the sound LDD to panic.
 11659 3) SteveG
 11660 		1) On the WINS build, F10 and F11 now send EKeySliderDown and
 11661 		   EKeySliderUp keypresses. F12 key is now the OFF key and
 11662 		   sends an EKeyOff keypress. The UserHal::SwitchOff() function
 11663 		   now minimizes the WINS window, simulating switching off.
 11664 		   Maximising the window will simulate switching on by sending
 11665 		   a TEvent::SwitchOn. The Shell, or whoever switches off,
 11666 		   should just look for EKeyOff and then call UserHal::SwitchOff
 11667 		   which will then work with the correct key on all platforms
 11669 		2) Implemented the TTime::Set(TDesC& aString) function which
 11670 		   allows setting or constructing a TTime from a date string
 11671 		   in the format YYYYMMDD:HHMMSS.MMMM - any part of the string
 11672 		   may be omitted, but either the dot or colon must be present.
 11673 		   Any parts of the string which are omitted are zero'd.
 11675 		3) Added suitable values to be returned by the WINS memory
 11676 		   functions in UserHal::MemoryInfo()
 11678 		4) Fixed problem with supplying long category names when
 11679 		   panicing a thread - only the first 16 characters used
 11681 4) Morgan
 11682 		1) Fixed HA-191 by not passing the placement new as an argument to
 11683 		   CArrayFixBase::ResizeL.
 11684 		   Fixed HA-187.  Under WINS Mutex are signaled in thread CleanUp code
 11685 		   rather than in the DPlatThread destructor.
 11686 		   Fixed a Bug in Time::FormatL to prevent the %C directive overflowing
 11687 		   the descriptor and causing a panic.
 11689 		2) CArray???::FindIsq returns an index of 0 if the array is empty.
 11691 		3) User::IsRomAddress is back.  Again.
 11694 Version 0.01.066
 11695 ================
 11696 (Made by Jane, August 23rd 1996)
 11698 1) SteveG
 11699 		1) Re-fixed bug in ARM Mem::Copy and Mem::Move, which got
 11700 		   lost prior to releasing 0.01.065. Refixed the test
 11701 		   software T_FUNC.CPP as well. The bug meant that
 11702 		   Mem::Copy and Mem::Move didn't return the correct
 11703 		   address if the source and target were the same
 11705 		2) Debugger fixed to take into account the changes in the
 11706 		   way threads start - the change meant the debugger no
 11707 		   longer set a breakpoint at the start of the thread
 11708 		   when starting a debug session
 11710 2) Matthew
 11711 		1) Fixes to sound LDD and arm PDD.
 11713 3) Jane
 11714 		1) Various build fixes, especially to WINC
 11717 Version 0.01.065
 11718 ================
 11719 (Made by Jane and Jal, 17th August 1996)
 11723 To avoid delaying the chain below us, this version of E32 has been released with
 11724 2 known bugs and one possible bug. They are as follows...
 11727 1. Problems on ARM build when the RAM drive grows beyond 1 Meg in size. To avoid this
 11728    bug, this release of E32/F32 implements a maximum size of 1 Meg for the RAM drive.
 11730 2. T_SOUND fails on the ARM platform.
 11732 3. T_CPER (CPeriodic test) fails on EPOC platforms. However, I believe this is not a bug
 11733    - Graham fixed the timers but the test code is out of date.
 11735 4. There are WINC test code problems which aren't worth delaying the release for.
 11737 1) Graham
 11738 		1) Added microseconds to the system time. This required a
 11739 		   fix to TEiger::RtcTickCount() to counteract an Eiger
 11740 		   hardware anomoly - the SYSFLG 64ths do not roll over to
 11741 		   zero at the same time as the RTC rolls over its seconds.
 11742 		   It does this on the half-second instead. Enhanced T_TIMER
 11743 		   to test this roll-over effect.
 11745 		2) Changed the MUTATBLE errors in E32DEF.H
 11747 		3) Updated EMARM.REL to include the P1 variant device drivers
 11749 		4) Fixed warnings in T_BUF.CPP.
 11751 		5) Fixed intrnal TTickLink services to work with microseconds
 11752 		   instead of tenths. In order to help device-driver writers,
 11753 		   I have changed the name of the functions to
 11754 		   PeriodicInMicroSeconds and OneShotInMicroSeconds.
 11756 		6) IMPORTANT
 11758 		I have changed the way in which the timing services in E32 work.
 11759 		Although the changes mean that more of the underlying mechanism
 11760 		is exposed, it is hoped that this policy will result in more
 11761 		programmer-friendly services once the theory has been explained.
 11763 		The theory:
 11765 		The timing services are based upon the regular pulse that animates
 11766 		the operating system. The time between pulses is called the tick
 11767 		period and this will vary according to the platform being used.
 11768 		The tick period for WINS, for instance, is 100000 uS, while for
 11769 		MARM it is 15625 uS.
 11771 		A new service has been introduced which enables the programmer
 11772 		to determine the length of the tick period in microseconds:
 11774 	TInt UserHal::TickPeriod(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aPeriod)
 11776 		But, for the purposes of the subsequent discussion, I will call
 11777 		this length of time T.
 11779 		So, we have the following situation:
 11781 	---|-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|--
 11782 	   <----------->
 11783 			 T
 11785 		At any point in time, a program may request a timing service
 11786 		such as User::After(x). This function should return x uS later.
 11787 		Let us show this on the diagram and introduce the term y.
 11789 							User::After(x)
 11790 									 |
 11791 	---|-----------|-----------|-----+-----|-----------|--
 11792 	   <----------->                 <----->
 11793 			 T                          y
 11795 		So, y represents the amount of time between the timing service
 11796 		being requested and the next system tick. It is clear that y may
 11797 		be any duration of time less than or equal to T.
 11799 		Let's explore the behaviour of User::After(x) for a range of
 11800 		different values of x.
 11802 		x=0
 11803 		---
 11804 		This will return on the next system tick. So, if you ask
 11805 		for 0 uS, you actually get y uS.
 11807 							User::After(0)     Completes
 11808 									 |     |
 11809 	---|-----------|-----------|-----+-----|-----------|--
 11810 	   <----------->                 <----->
 11811 			 T                          y  |
 11813 		x<T
 11814 		---
 11815 		This will also return on the next system tick. So, if you
 11816 		ask for T-1 uS, you actually get y uS.
 11818 						  User::After(T-1)     Completes
 11819 									 |     |
 11820 	---|-----------|-----------|-----+-----|-----------|--
 11821 	   <----------->                 <----->
 11822 			 T                          y  |
 11824 		x=T
 11825 		---
 11826 		This will cause a wait of 1 tick to be set up. So, if you
 11827 		ask for T uS, you actually get y+T uS.
 11829 							User::After(T)                 Completes
 11830 									 |                 |
 11831 	---|-----------|-----------|-----+-----|-----------|--
 11832 	   <----------->                 <----->
 11833 			 T                          y  |
 11835 		x=2T-1
 11836 		------
 11837 		Just to expose the workings a little more. 2T-1 gets divided
 11838 		by T to see how many ticks to wait. Any remainder is discarded.
 11839 		Now, in integer maths, (2T-1)/T = 1. So, we set up a wait of
 11840 		1 tick. So, if you ask for 2T-1 uS, you actually get y+T uS.
 11842 						 User::After(2T-1)                 Completes
 11843 									 |                 |
 11844 	---|-----------|-----------|-----+-----|-----------|--
 11845 	   <----------->                 <----->
 11846 			 T                          y  |
 11848 		x=2T
 11849 		----
 11850 		2T/T = 2. So, we set up a wait of 2 ticks. So, if you ask
 11851 		for 2T uS, you actually get y+2T uS.
 11853 						   User::After(2T)                     Completes
 11854 									 |                             |
 11855 	---|-----------|-----------|-----+-----|-----------|-----------|--
 11856 	   <----------->                 <----->
 11857 			 T                          y  |
 11860 		Notes
 11861 		-----
 11863 		a. It is a slightly irksome feature of this system that if you
 11864 		   ask for x uS, you may end up waiting less time than x, or you
 11865 		   might end up waiting more time than x. It all depends on
 11866 		   the value of the 'wobble factor', y.
 11868 		   As mentioned above, if you ask for T-1 uS, you actually
 11869 		   get y uS. Now y could be, in fact it will in all probability
 11870 		   be, significantly less than T-1. On the other hand, if you ask
 11871 		   for T uS, you get T+y uS, which means you will be waiting a
 11872 		   longer time than that requested.
 11874 		   It is impossible, then, for the operating system using this
 11875 		   system to guarantee that it will wait at least as long as the
 11876 		   period of time requested. If this is the sort of guarantee you
 11877 		   need, then you will have to arrange it yourself by
 11878 		   adding (T-1) to your request. You can determine T using the
 11879 		   UserHal function mentioned above.
 11881 		b. In some situations the value of y is known. Consider a
 11882 		   periodic timer. After the first callback, you know that
 11883 		   you are now synchronised to the system tick and that y
 11884 		   is just less than T. The 'wobble factor', in this situation,
 11885 		   can be taken allowed for by the programmer. So, if you start
 11886 		   a CPeriodic with a delay of 0 uS and an interval of 0 uS,
 11887 		   you will get one which immediately starts calling back on
 11888 		   every system tick.
 11890 		c. Timing test programs commonly want to synchronise to the
 11891 		   system tick in order to remove the 'wobble factor' from
 11892 		   their calculations. This can now be achieved using User::After(0).
 11895 2) Jane
 11896 		1) Added new User class layout from Martin Tasker.
 11898 		2) Re-fixed WINS RDebug.Print (HA-170) which had become un-edited after
 11899 		   I put it in!
 11901 		3) Added CObjectIx::Count() to return the total number of
 11902 		   objects in a CObjectIx.
 11904 		4) Added RThread::HandleCount(TInt& aProcessHandleCount, TInt& aThreadHandleCount) const;
 11905 		   This returns the total number of handles open in a thread and
 11906 		   its owning process.
 11908 		5) Added RHandleBase::HandleInfo(THandleInfo* anInfo);
 11909 		   This function fills in a THandleInfo structure with
 11910 		   information about the current handle.
 11912 		   class THandleInfo
 11913 				{
 11914 		   public:
 11915 				TInt iNumOpenInProcess;
 11916 				TInt iNumOpenInThread;
 11917 				TInt iNumProcesses;
 11918 				TInt iNumThreads;
 11919 				};
 11921 		   iNumOpenInProcess = the number of times the object given by
 11922 			   the handle is open in this process.
 11923 		   iNumOpenInThread = the number of times the object given by
 11924 			   the handle is open in this thread.
 11925 		   iNumProcesses = the number of processes which have a handle on the object.
 11926 		   iNumThreads = the number of threads which have a handle on the object.
 11928 		 6) Added an extra defaulted parameter to many RHandleBase derived classes' Create calls.
 11929 			For example, from RMutex...
 11930 			TInt CreateLocal(TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
 11931 			TInt CreateGlobal(const TDesC &aName,TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
 11933 			The owner type specifies whether the handle created is
 11934 			thread or process relative. (The default is process-relative
 11935 			as before.)
 11936 			Process-relative handles may be passed between threads in
 11937 			the same process without duplication. The handles are held
 11938 			in the process, and are not closed when the thread dies, so
 11939 			the objects will hang around until the process dies.
 11940 			Thread-relative handles need to be duplicated between
 11941 			threads in the same process, but the handles will be closed
 11942 			when the thread dies.
 11944 			IMPORTANT NOTE 1
 11945 			Due to design considerations, RLibraries and RTimers are
 11946 			now always thread relative handles. You will need to
 11947 			duplicate them if they are shared between threads. RLibraries
 11948 			should now unload when their access counts become 0.
 11950 			Fixes bug HA-170
 11952 		 7) Fixed X86 crash on test failure.
 11954 		 8) Fixed HA-177 - panicking a dead thread kills the caller.
 11956 		 9) Fixed HA-180 - panic enum was incorrect.
 11958 		10) Dll loading changes.
 11960 			RLibrary load api becomes...
 11961 			TInt Load(const TDesC &aFileName,const TDesC &aPath=_L(""));
 11963 			If aFileName is a full filename with path, then aPath will be ignored,
 11964 			and the only load attempted will be that of aFileName. If the dll is not
 11965 			at the specified location, the load will fail.
 11966 			If aFileName is just a rootname, (e.g. _L("ECONS.DLL")), then the dll
 11967 			will be searched for in the following order - specifed path, followed by
 11968 			the system directory on each attached drive.
 11970 			IMPORTANT - old calls with the extension specified as the second parameter
 11971 			e.g. lib.Load(_L("MYDLL"),_L(".DLL")) are now likely to fail as the second
 11972 			parameter is now interpreted as a path.
 11974 		11) Dll entrypoints
 11975 			For the first time under EPOC, DLL entrypoints are now called.
 11977 			When a process is loaded, all the DLLs to which it is statically linked
 11978 			get their entrypoints called with the value EDllThreadAttach. (This call
 11979 			is on behalf of and in the context of the main thread.)
 11980 			When a new thread is created in the process, the statically
 11981 			linked DLLs' entrypoints are again called with EDllThreadAttach in the
 11982 			context of the newly created thread.
 11983 			When each thread in the process dies, the entrypoints are called with
 11984 			EDllThreadDetach in the context of that thread.
 11986 			Unlike Windows NT, I do not call entrypoints with EDllProcessAttach and
 11987 			EDllProcessDetach. This is because the function pair Dll::GlobalAlloc()
 11988 			and Dll::GlobalAllocated (currently unimplemented) allow the DLL to
 11989 			discover its first ever call, if necessary. This is though to be more
 11990 			useful in our system then knowing a first call per process. Similarly
 11991 			Dll::SetTls() and Dll::Tls() enable the DLL to discover its first load
 11992 			within a thread.
 11994 			When a thread loads a DLL dynamically via RLibrary::Load(), the DLL's
 11995 			entrypoint is called, if and only if this is the first load of this DLL
 11996 			within the thread. (So if a process is statically linked to FRED.DLL and then
 11997 			a thread does an RLibrary::Load of FRED.DLL, then FRED's entrypoint is not called
 11998 			in response to this load.)
 11999 			The entrypoint is called with the value EDllThreadAttach in the context of the
 12000 			thread loading the DLL.
 12002 			The above situation is further complicated by DLL's themselves being statically
 12003 			linked to other DLLs. When a DLL is loaded, I make a list of unique DLL entrypoints
 12004 			in the statically linked chain, and call each of them once only. So if DLL
 12005 			A is linked to DLLs B, C and D, and then B is linked to X, C and Y, and D is
 12006 			linked to B, C, and Z, then the entrypoints for A, B, C, D, X, Y and Z are called
 12007 			once each when A is loaded.
 12008 			If A were statically linked to just B and C, then when it was loaded just the
 12009 			entrypoints for A, B, C, X, Y would be called. If the same thread then went
 12010 			on to load D, then the entrypoints which had not already been loaded in that
 12011 			thread would be called - i.e. D and Z.
 12013 			All this DLL entrypoint calling can get very time-consuming in the case of
 12014 			many of the DLLs in the ROM which have no need for entrypoints to be called.
 12015 			In this case, add "nocallentrypoint" after the DLL's specification line in the
 12016 			obeyfile, and no entrypoints will be called for that DLL or any DLLs below it
 12017 			in the static linkage chain.
 12018 			All drivers should have "nocallentrypoint" specifiers.
 12020 			E.g. primary=\xxx\ekernd.exe sys\kernel.exe nocallentrypoint
 12023 			IMPORTANT NOTE 2
 12025 			Although for many of the files "nocallentrypoint" is optional, it is compulsory for
 12026 			kernel.exe and efile.exe. Bad things happen if the kernel's entrypoint is called
 12027 			when something which is linked to it is loaded, and the file server doesn't take
 12028 			too kindly to it either!
 12029 			Also, note that the name of efsrv.dll has changed in the obeyfile. It's probably
 12030 			best to cut and paste from the released E32 obeyfiles.
 12032 			There are new versions of ROMBUILD & PETRAN which support the above obeyfile
 12033 			changes and new structures necessary for the calling of DLL entrypoints.
 12035 		12) Due to the new directory scheme, it has been possible to remove
 12036 			RLibrary::LoadExact. RLibrary::Load now does a load exact - i.e. it does no
 12037 			name mangling on the name passed in as a parameter.
 12039 			RLoader::LoadExact has been renamed to RLoader::Load. This will affect you
 12040 			if you have one of those "mini-loaders" for WINS which allows you to live
 12041 			without the file server.
 12044 3) SteveG
 12045 		1) Altered all builds of E32 to use the new directory structure \Epoc32\Build and
 12046 		   \Epoc32\Release
 12048 		2) Added SetModifierState function to KeyTranslator:
 12050 		   TInt SetModifierState(TEventModifier aModifier,TModifierState aState)
 12052 		   which alters the supplied modifier according to the supplied state.
 12053 		   TModifierState is defined in E32Keys.h and is one of ETurnOnModifier,
 12054 		   ETurnOffModifier or EToggleModifier.
 12056 		3) Fixed bug in KYTRAN where left and right modifiers were not being set
 12058 		4) Implimented DigitizerCalibration functions, and wrote simple text shell
 12059 		   calibration program. A calibrator will need to be written as an Eikon app.
 12061 		   A calibration program should:
 12063 		   Call UserHal::CalibrationPoints(TCalibration& aCalibration) which will return
 12064 		   three screen coordinates at which points should be plotted. The user should
 12065 		   touch these three points, and the values returned by the digitizer for the points
 12066 		   actually touched should then be returned to
 12067 		   UserHal::SetXYInputCalibration(TCalibration aCalibration)
 12069 		   Note that a TCalibration actually has 4 points - the 4th is ignored by
 12070 		   SetXYInputCalibration
 12072 		   Suitable default calibration values incorporated into each ARM variant, so
 12073 		   the calibration on your yellow jobbie should be more or less correct without
 12074 		   calibrating. If yours is wildly off, please let us know
 12076 		5) Added profiling support to all platforms, and increased the number of nested
 12077 		   profiles to 64. You can specify a range of profiles to clear/read results of.
 12078 		   Results returned in microseconds, but only recorded at tick resolution. This
 12079 		   avoids changing the API when profiles are measured more accurately.
 12081 		   Using profiles:
 12083 		   Decide on the profile numbers you are going to use, between 0 and 63. You can
 12084 		   use any of them, unless someone else is using some in the same ROM build.
 12086 		   Reset the profiles you are using, by:
 12088 		   RDebug::ProfileReset(aStart,aCount);
 12090 		   which resets aCount profiles starting from profile number aStart.
 12092 		   Surround the code with __PROFILE_START(n) and __PROFILE_END(n) where n is
 12093 		   a number of your choice between 0 and 63 inclusive. You can nest the profiles.
 12095 		   Return the results using:
 12097 		   TProfile profile[n]; // n is the number of results you are reading
 12099 		   RDebug::ProfileResults(&profile[0],aStart,aCount);
 12101 		   which writes the results of aCount profiles starting with profile number
 12102 		   aStart into your profile array.
 12104 		   TProfile is currently defined as:
 12106 		   class TProfile
 12107 			   {
 12108 			   TInt iTime;
 12109 			   TInt iCount;
 12110 			   };
 12112 		   You need to include E32SVR.H in your code to use profiles
 12114 		6) Moved the keystroke data dll to the variant level, allowing
 12115 		   different keyboard layouts for each implementation. Changed
 12116 		   the P1 version to give correct keystrokes and modifiers on the
 12117 		   yellow jobbies.
 12119 		   On the real Proteas:
 12120 			   Fn sets EModifierLeftFunc and EModifierFunc
 12121 			   Menu sets EModifierLeftAlt and EModifierAlt
 12122 			   Fn-Esc sends an EKeyOff keypress
 12123 			   Fn-M sends an EKeyDecContrast keypress
 12124 			   Fn-, sends an EKeyIncContrast keypress
 12126 		   On B and C racks:
 12127 			   Alt sets EModifierLeftAlt and EModifierAlt
 12128 			   Alt-Esc sends EKeyOff
 12129 			   Alt-, sends EKeyDecContrast
 12130 			   Alt-. sends EKeyIncContrast
 12132 		   On WINS:
 12133 			   Left Alt sets EModifierLeftAlt and EModifierAlt
 12134 			   Right Alt sets EModifierFunc and EModifierLeftCtrl
 12135 					and EModiiferCtrl (the setting of Ctrl is a Windows
 12136 					funny and can't be prevented AFAIK)
 12139 		7) Fixed bug with ARM coded Mem::Copy and Mem::Move where it
 12140 		   returned the wrong value if the source and targets were the same
 12143 4) AdamG
 12144 		1) Much of ECOMM re-written to speed up data paths and fix all known serial driver
 12145 		   bugs.
 12147 		2) Implemented reference counting of interrupts in all serial PDDs for all hardware
 12148 		   and platform variants.
 12150 		3) Added use of NT Critical sections to WINS Serial PDD to eliminate multiple
 12151 		   completion bugs.
 12153 		4) Corrected signal polarity in all MARM serial PDDs.
 12155 5) Matthew
 12156 		1) Changes to TLocale.
 12157 		   Most importantly there are now four date separators and four time separators, one
 12158 		   for the beginning, one for the end and two potentially different internal
 12159 		   separators. The convention is that the NULL character represents no separator.
 12160 		   This has had a knock on effect on the TTime::FormatL() function: now '%:0' means
 12161 		   first time separator, '%/3' means the forth date separator etc.
 12163 		   Additionally there is now an AmPmSymbolPosition indicator, and different distance
 12164 		   units for different contexts: one general and two for short/long distances.
 12166 		2) Added an RChangeNotifier class, for notifying users of global changes. At the
 12167 		   moment changes to TLocale and midnight crossover are the only things which are
 12168 		   notified.
 12170 		   To use call Create() and then Logon() with a TRequestStatus. This first Logon()
 12171 		   will complete straight away with the value EChangesAll. Subsequent logons will
 12172 		   complete next time there is a change and the status will contain a bitfield
 12173 		   indicating what has changed.
 12175 		3) Made certain TInt64 functions inline. Also changed the default constructor so
 12176 		   that it does not assign zero.
 12178 		4) Changed the X86 build so that getting the time returns fractions of seconds. The
 12179 		   time is now given to the nearest tick (which occur at just over 18.2Hz on the X86).
 12181 		5) Added unary minus operators to TPoint and TSize.
 12183 		6) Changes to sound driver: Fixed a bug that caused a crash when you tried cancelling
 12184 		   playing alarm sounds. Stopped it from panicking in Wins if you turned beeps off
 12185 		   from the control panel.
 12187 6) Jal
 12188 				1) Various internal changes to TLocalDrive and media drivers.
 12190 				2) Added operator[] to CObjectIx
 12192 7) Morgan
 12193 		1) More RThread test code under Suspend/Resume conditions
 12194 		   and fixes to WINS and EPOC threads.
 12195 		2) Moved User::IsRomAddress to the file server where it is now called
 12196 				 RFs::IsRomAddress
 12197 		3) Added User::TickPeriod
 12198 		4) Added physical screen size (in twips) to MachineInfo
 12200 8) Steve & Jane
 12202 	Implemented new Epoc32 directory structure (described in more detail on Notes.)
 12204 	All makefiles should be changed so that the intermediate files are built to
 12205 	e.g. \Epoc32\Build\WINS\E32\Deb for exes and \Epoc32\Build\WINSD\E32\Deb for dlls.
 12206 	The executables and dlls themselves should be built to
 12207 	e.g. \Epoc32\Release\WINS\Deb. (NOTE - there is no "E32" in this directory path -
 12208 	all releasables for a given build go to the same directory.)
 12210 	E32 mnt makework currently makes the whole Epoc32 structure - this can be used to
 12211 	get started.
 12213 	mnt gettools gets tools to Epoc32\Tools. This should be added to your path from
 12214 	the control panel. All existing paths to \tools should be removed if possible
 12215 		- if not possible then the e32 tools themselves should be removed from any tools
 12216 	 directories in your path.
 12218 	\E32SYS should also be removed from the path.
 12220 	The scheme whereby executables can be installed under Epoc32\WINS\Z and appear as
 12221 	if they are under Z: is not in this release, but will be in the next one. For the
 12222 	time being, the old scheme with romfile.bin holds.
 12224 	NOTE: GCC only runs from C:\Epoc32\GCC\BIN, so if you are working on a substed
 12225 	drive, you will still need an Epoc32 directory with GCC in on C:.
 12228 Version 0.01.064
 12229 ================
 12230 (Made by Graham, 26 July '96)
 12232 1) Graham
 12233 		1) Integrated WINC into MNT.CMD. This version is the first
 12234 		   to include a release of WINC.
 12236 		2) Implemented a special version of RDebug::SupervisorMode
 12237 		   which suits the purposes of REPRO.EXE
 12239 		3) REPRO.EXE now works. It communicates with a program called
 12240 		   PREPRO.EXE which runs on the PC. You can get this program
 12241 		   from S: using GETREL PTOOL PEIGER 104 in your \TOOLS
 12242 		   directory. You may type PREPRO for command line options, but, in
 12243 		   general, you merely type PREPRO imagefilename.IMG. The PC will
 12244 		   then wait for the Protea to lead communications.
 12246 		   Now run the REPRO program on your Protea. Make sure you do
 12247 		   not remove mains power during the reprogramming process.
 12249 		   Progress will be reported on the screen of the PC.
 12251 		   If an error is detected during the reprogramming process,
 12252 		   then the program on the Protea will just restart - erasing
 12253 		   all the flash chips again and then programming them.
 12255 		   This means that if you interrupt the PC program, no
 12256 		   disaster will occur. If you decide you are programming the wrong
 12257 		   image in the middle of the process, then just escape from the PC
 12258 		   program, get the correct image on your PC and restart
 12259 		   PREPRO with this image. By the time you have done this,
 12260 		   the Protea will have timed out and will have decided to
 12261 		   restart.
 12263 		4) Added Gillian's bug fix for TTime::MonthsFrom() and
 12264 		   TDateTime::SetHour()
 12266 		5) Changed EWSRV.EXE so that it hunts for ESHELL.EXE on all
 12267 		   drives from A: to Z:
 12269 		6) Upgraded BOOTROM.BIN to the new E32TOOLS(36)
 12272 2) SteveG
 12273 		1) Fixed bug in Des::AppendNumUC which converted the whole
 12274 		   descriptor to uppercase rather than just the appended number
 12276 		2) Added simple profiling for ARM builds, which counts the
 12277 		   number of times a function or section of code is executed
 12278 		   and the time taken in ticks. A later version will be
 12279 		   more accurate (using a 512kHz timer).
 12281 		   To use this, surround the section of code to be tested with:
 12283 		   __PROFILE_START(n)
 12284 		   and
 12285 		   __PROFILE_END(n)
 12287 		   where n is a number between 0 and 7 inclusive. You use upto
 12288 		   8 profiles, which can be nested if necessary. You will need
 12289 		   to use the RDebug class to access the results as follows:
 12291 		   TInt E32Main()
 12292 			   {
 12293 			   RDebug debug;
 12295 			   debug.ProfileReset(); // Clear readings & reset counts
 12297 			   __PROFILE_START(0);
 12298 			   <test code>
 12299 			   __PROFILE_END(0);
 12301 			   SProfileInfo profile;
 12303 			   debug.ProfileResult(profile);
 12304 			   }
 12306 		   SProfileInfo and RDebug are defined in E32SVR.H.
 12308 		   SProfileInfo is defined as:
 12310 		   struct SProfileInfo
 12311 			   {
 12312 			   TInt iCount[8];
 12313 			   TUint iTimes[8];
 12314 			   }
 12316 		   RDebug::ProfileResults returns the counts and times
 12317 		   for all 8 profiles, even if you are only using 1 profile.
 12319 		3) ARM coded the following E32 routines which were dog slow,
 12320 		   and changed the relevent descriptor functions to use these
 12321 		   new functions rather than their own copying code
 12323 		   Mem::Copy
 12324 		   Mem::Move
 12325 		   Mem::Swap
 12326 		   Mem::Fill
 12327 		   Mem::Compare
 12329 		   TDes8::AppendNum
 12330 		   TDes8::AppendNumUC
 12332 		   and added ARM code for signed or unsigned integer divide
 12333 		   by 2,4,5,7,8,10 and 16, which will improve the modulo
 12334 		   function as well.
 12336 		   Speed improvements, TDes::AppendNum()
 12338 		   TDes8::AppendNum has been optimised for hex, decimal, octal
 12339 		   and binary conversions, and is improved for all other
 12340 		   conversions as well.
 12342 		   TDes::AppendNum(num,EHex)     is now  614% faster
 12343 		   TDes::AppendNum(num,EDecimal) is now  611% faster
 12344 		   TDes::AppendNum(num,EOctal)   is now  751% faster
 12345 		   TDes::AppendNum(num,EBinary)  is now 1322% faster
 12347 		   The uppercase conversions will be the same speed as the
 12348 		   lowercase ones, but the %age increase will be greater due
 12349 		   to the fact that the string is worked out in uppercase rather
 12350 		   than converting the descriptor to uppercase after the conversion,
 12351 		   as was done in the CPP version.
 12353 		   Speed improvements, Mem functions
 12355 		   Mem::Fill is now 236% faster for word aligned buffers, and
 12356 		   around 400% faster for non word aligned buffers, which were
 12357 		   slow before
 12359 		   Mem::Swap is now 975% faster for buffers which have the same
 12360 		   word or non-word alignment and around 160% faster for buffers
 12361 		   which have different alignments to each other
 12363 		   Mem::Move and Mem::Copy are 330% faster for word aligned
 12364 		   buffers. For buffers with the same byte alignment, the speed
 12365 		   increase is around 600%. If the two buffers have different
 12366 		   alignments to each other, the increase is around 157%.
 12367 		   Mem::Move will be slightly faster than Mem::Copy as it knows
 12368 		   the buffers are aligned by definition of the function.
 12370 		   Mem::Compare: no figures yet, but descriptor compares are
 12371 		   around 220% faster, although this depends on what you're
 12372 		   comparing
 12374 		   Speed improvements, Integer division
 12376 		   No speed measurements on this, but for divide by 16,8,4,2
 12377 		   should be pretty big, and the divide by 10 seems to be around
 12378 		   200% faster. Much hair missing after realising that the GCC
 12379 		   routine __umodsi3 in UP_GCC.CPP (which returns the remainder
 12380 		   of a division), doesn't actually 'destroy r3' as it states in
 12381 		   the cpp file, it returns the quotient in r3, which is relied
 12382 		   upon in divide routines which call __umodsi3.
 12384 		4) DeBugger. Drastic unimprovements to get a working version,
 12385 		   which is now what we have :-)) The debugger will now not
 12386 		   single step into EUSER or certain other DLLs, as this
 12387 		   causes problems on the ARM build. As the ARM processor
 12388 		   does not have any single step or trace mode, all single
 12389 		   stepping is done by looking at the next instruction to
 12390 		   be executed, working out where the PC will be if that
 12391 		   instruction is executed, and setting a breakpoint at that
 12392 		   address. Stepping into EUSER or certain other DLLs causes
 12393 		   certain death as any thread could hit that breakpoint
 12394 		   before the thread being stepped. Although code has been
 12395 		   written to silently step any thread over a breakpoint
 12396 		   it shouldn't stop at, serious problems occur if the
 12397 		   kernel hits the breakpoint while in supervisor mode or similar.
 12399 		   A document on how to use GDB is on R:\E32\DOCS\GDB.DOC.
 12400 		   Contact me on x625 if you are daring enough to try and use
 12401 		   the most excellent GDB software.
 12403 		   If you wish to use the debugger, you need to include
 12404 		   D_GDB.EXE in your ROM build. Please ensure this is AFTER
 12405 		   euser.dll in the ROM and BEFORE anything you debug.
 12406 		   The debugger will not single step into any part of the ROM
 12407 		   that is before D_GDB.EXE. This is a quick 'bodge' to get
 12408 		   around the problem mentioned above, and allows a quick
 12409 		   method of changing what you can and can't single step
 12410 		   into.
 12412 3) Rog
 12413 		1) Added CAsyncOneShot and CAsyncCallBack. These two active object
 12414 		derived classes are like a single use CIdle. They can also be used
 12415 		to transfer a thread of control between two threads. Because of the
 12416 		way they work both classes are added to the current active scheduler
 12417 		when they are created.
 12419 		2) Added delta timer class. CDeltatimer is a resource efficient timer
 12420 		based on a delta queue and a single RTimer. Requests are identified by
 12421 		TTimerHandles which are returned from CDeltaTimer::Queue and may be
 12422 		passed to CDeltaTimer::Remove.
 12424 		3) Added the fast timer driver to the source release. Due to beta
 12425 		deadlines work on the fast timer has ceased.
 12427 4) Matthew
 12428 		1) Various changes to the sound LDD and PDDs. The main change is that
 12429 		buffering in now done entirely within the LDD.
 12431 		2) Renamed TTime::SetNow() to HomeTime(); TTime::SetUniversal() to
 12432 		UniversalTime() and User::SetSystemTime() to SetHomeTime(). The
 12433 		"system time" is now universal time ie GMT. Home time takes into
 12434 		account any daylight saving and time zone.
 12436 		3) Changes to TLocale - added SpaceBeforeAmPm and changed the way
 12437 		daylight saving is handled.
 12439 		4) Fixed bug in second queue which caused absolute timers to run twice
 12440 		as fast as they should have done.
 12442 		5) Implemented RHeap::CompressAll().
 12444 5) Jane
 12445 		1) Added changes from Steve Townsend to optimize region code.
 12447 		2) Added timer fixes to thread clean-up code
 12449 		3) Fixed the RDebug death under WINS, and implemented RDebug::Print using
 12450 		   OutputDebugString to the debug window.
 12452 6) Pete		1) Pc card Controller now allows allocation of card memory chunks smaller
 12453 		than page size.
 12454 		2) Various omissions to Pc Card Controller now attended to.
 12455 		3) Improvements to media change handling.
 12456 		4) Internal ram drive supports size changing.
 12457 		5) TLocalDrive::Format() now calls back during formatting.
 12458 		6) TLocalDrive::Caps() returns more than just size.
 12460 7) Morgan	1) Thread and Process protection.
 12461 				   The kernel, file server, null thread, supervisor are now marked as
 12462 				   system threads/processes.  They are also Protected.
 12463 				   Any attempt to Panic, Kill, Terminate, SetPriority on a protected thread
 12464 				   will shoot the caller.
 12465 				   A thread's status can be changed with:
 12466 				   RThread::SetProtected(TBool)
 12467 				   RThread::SetSystem(TBool)
 12468 				   RThread::SetNotifyIfDie(TBool)       (was SetServer)
 12469 				   RThread::SetMark(TBool)
 12470 				   Similar functions exist for processes.
 12471 				   The Exec functions (Set)Mark, and (Set)Server have been replaced with
 12472 				   (Set)Flags functions for threads and processes to implement this.
 12474 				   T_PS.EXE displays thread and process status.
 12476 				2) AppendFormat and AppendFormatList changes.
 12477 				   Both can now take a TDes[8|16]Overflow handler which is called when the
 12478 				   formatting operation would write to the descriptor beyond its max length.
 12479 				   When this happens and no overflow handler is supplied, the default action
 12480 				   is to panic.
 12482 				3) TTime::Format has become TTime::FormatL
 12484 				4) Added CServer *CSession::Server() to return the session's server.
 12485 				   Added protected member TDblQueIter<CSession *> CServer::iSessionQ, an
 12486 				   itterator over the server's sessions.
 12488 				5) Name changes
 12489 				   TTimeIntervalShortMicroSeconds -> TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32
 12490 				   AfterInMicroSeconds            -> After
 12491 				   TStartup                       -> TMachineStartupType
 12492 				   and some Americanisations
 12494 				6) Defined __ARRAY_NO_PTRS__
 12495 				   and *_CAST operators
 12496 				   Changed __ASSERT_*(c,p) to use (... p ,0)
 12498 				8) Removed huffman encoding/decoding from TBuf
 12500 				9) Implemented User::IsRomAddress(TAny *)
 12502 		10) Added a checksum member to TRomHeader
 12506 Version 0.01.063
 12507 ================
 12508 (Made by Graham 3 July '96)
 12510 1) SteveG
 12511 		1) Applied patches to the GCC tools and rebuilt them all, with lotsa
 12512 	   help from Nick Twyman. You now no longer need template instantiations,
 12513 	   and the code saving seems to be somewhere between a massive 8 and 13%,
 12514 	   although the exact figure will vary between projects. You will need
 12515 	   to remove all occurances of 'template class.....' from your .cpp files.
 12517 		2) Altered the whole of E32 to compile with the new tools, removing every
 12518 	   'template class...' line from all the source files, altering all the
 12519 	   MAK files etc. The new compiler/linker are a lot more nit-picky, and
 12520 	   you will experience several warnings such as 'class xxx only defines
 12521 	   private constructors and has no friends' or 'taking address of temporary'.
 12522 	   Handcrafted ARM MAK files will need changing by hand, v033 of MAKTRAN will
 12523 	   take care of any changes for you. Any handmade ARM MAK files will need
 12524 	   changing as follows:
 12526 	   change all occurances of -m6 to -mcpu=arm710 -mapcs-32 and remove all
 12527 	   instances of -fno-implicit-templates. Add in -fvtable-thunks after the
 12528 	   -fcheck-new flag. To remove the warnings 'class xxxx only defines
 12529 	   private constructors and has no friends' add in the flag
 12530 	   -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy after the -Wall flag.
 12532 	   If anyone has any problems with the new tools, please hesitate to
 12533 	   contact me on x625.
 12535 	   3) Wrote various benchmark tests to identify areas of E32 that could
 12536 	   improve with being written in ARM code. Start made on testing speed
 12537 	   increases for various descriptor/memory/number functions in ARM code.
 12539 	   4) Debugger (Arrrrrrrrrgh :-(
 12540 	   Source level debugging now possible to some extent running a debug
 12541 	   .exe file from the E32 text shell (if you can bear to use Gdb).
 12542 	   No success with an eikon app yet. Identified some problems caused
 12543 	   by single stepping through user functions which my breakpoint
 12544 	   handler uses (memcopy, array/descriptor functions etc). The first
 12545 	   thing my breakpoint handler does is to clear any breakpoints in
 12546 	   the ROM, but in doing so it cannot use any functions which might have
 12547 	   breakpoints set in them.
 12549 2) Matthew
 12550 	1) Changed RThread::Read() and Write() so that they leave on errors.
 12551 		   This fixes HA-158 - CSession::WriteL(...) panics caller.
 12553 	2) Added RThread::SetInitialParameter() and RThread::GetHeap(),
 12554 		   fixing HA-63, so you can now create an RThread, find its heap,
 12555 		   alloc a cell in that heap, pass the pointer to that cell as the
 12556 		   parameter to the thread and the thread can call User::Free on it.
 12558 	3) Made KCurrentThreadHandle have the NoClose flag set, so that
 12559 		   Close()ing an RThread which hasn't been Create()ed is harmless.
 12561 	4) RThread and RProcess::LogonCancel() now return KErrGeneral if
 12562 		   you are not logged on.
 12564 3) Graham
 12565 		1) Built and released Protea Rev 1 (P1) variant of MARM.
 12567 		2) Made WeekNoInYear and DayNoInYear const correct.
 12569 		3) Removed 'API Freeze Technology'
 12571 		4) Added the REPRO program which must be included (In PETRAN
 12572 		   format) in all P1 variant ROMs. NB this program does not
 12573 		   work yet.
 12575 		5) Re-included Andrew Theolke's fix for Single Queues. This
 12576 		   means that everyone will have to remove their work-arounds
 12578 		6) Fixed the HAL API problem with UserHal::BacklightBehaviour
 12580 		7) Reintroduced stack frames into the debug MARM builds of EKERN
 12581 		   and EUSER.
 12583 4) Jane.
 12584 	1) Fixed linear address allocation problem with hardware chunks.
 12586 	2) Stopped a false read of CMOS data/time information under X86
 12587 		   killing the kernel.
 12589 	3) Fixed bug HA-150 - Rng was returning T rather than TBool
 12591 	4) Removed J Day hacks and old functionality for RAM loading
 12592 		   of exes and dlls, and added support for new E32Image format etc.
 12594 	IMPORTANT NOTE - You must now update to the latest version of E32TOOLS. This
 12595 		version of E32/F32 is incompatible with versions of tools pre 029.
 12597 5) Morgan
 12598 	1) Added WINS Led simulation.  To turn the Leds on and off use:
 12599 	   UserHal::ModifyLedMask(TUint aClearMask, TUint aSetMask);
 12600 	   with the masks, KLedMaskRed1 and KLedMaskGreen1
 12602 	2) Removed the protea bitmap from the kernels WINS resource.
 12603 	   The bitmap is now loaded from \E32\KPWINS\PROTEA.BMP at runtime.
 12605 	3) Implemented TSecondQ::SystemTimeChanged()
 12607 		   User::SetSystemTime() now completes all pending timers on the
 12608 		   K::SecondQ with KErrAbort.
 12610 		4) Added DTimer::Abort() to support this.
 12613 Version 0.01.062
 12614 ================
 12615 (Made by Graham, 31st May 1996)
 12618 1) Graham       Fixed MARM Debug mode
 12620 2) Pete         Added Media change handling. This allows CF cards to
 12621 				be inserted or removed without the need to reset. All
 12622 				that is now required is that the DOOR switch is
 12623 				depressed during these operations.
 12625 				NB Do not attempt to use the CF card (or even boot up
 12626 				a rack with a CF card inserted) if your rack does not
 12627 				have a special capacitor fitted to counteract a fault
 12628 				in the ETNA chip (ASIC12)
 12630 Version 0.01.061
 12631 ================
 12632 (Made by Graham, 30th May 1996)
 12634 1) Jane
 12635 		1. Implemented E32 Proposal: TDes8::Append(const TDesC16&)
 12637 		2. Implemented E32 Proposal: calling RMessage::Complete twice panics server not kernel
 12639 		3. Implemented E32 Proposal: priority enumeration for active objects
 12641 		4. Fixed bug HA-93: referring to a dead thread panics caller
 12643 2) Matthew
 12644 		Fixed bug HA-102: K::BeepComplete can be catastrophic
 12646 3) Rog          Added IrDA support to serial LDD and COM1 PDDs
 12647 				Enabling Irda will automatically set framing and
 12648 				handshaking to SIR standards (i.e. 8N1 None)
 12650 				Added CheckConfig()=0 to PDDs this allows PDDS to
 12651 				furtle with the default configuration before the
 12652 				driver is created (in specific it allows the Etna
 12653 				driver to disable the Fifo.)
 12655 4) Pete         Added ATA media driver for Compact Flash cards
 12656 				(MEDATA.PDD). This allows read/write/format of CF cards
 12657 				via TLocalDrive. However, media change interrupts aren't
 12658 				handled yet. Therefore racks must be powered down or Reset
 12659 				before inserting or removing a card to remove power
 12660 				from the CF card socket.
 12662 NB Use E32TOOLS(028) - this release contains a .EXE which exposes
 12663 a bug in earlier versions of ROMBUILD. You should also use these
 12664 tools because the new MAKTRAN causes -fcheck-new to be introduced
 12665 into the gcc compiler options.
 12667 Version 0.01.060
 12668 ================
 12669 (Made by Graham, 23rd May 1996)
 12671 1) Pete
 12672 		1.  General enhancement to TLocalDrive and its corresponding
 12673 			kernel side objects to support Media Drivers. TDriveBase/TPlatDrive
 12674 			now replaced with TLocDrv which is platform independant.
 12676 		2.  TLocalDrive::Connect() can now take a reference to a
 12677 			media change flag (TBool).
 12679 		3.  Internal Ram Drive now implemented using Media Driver.
 12681 		4.  Further improvements to RPcCardController.
 12683 2) Rog
 12684 		1.  All but a complete re-write of serial LDD. Throughput much
 12685 			increased.
 12687 		2.  Support for COM1 on RackC is now available from the new
 12688 			DATXPC1.PDD.
 12690 		3.  Hardware handshaking is currently broken.
 12692 3) Graham
 12693 		1.  Etna support fixed.
 12695 		2.  Removed redundant .FRZ files
 12697 4) Jane
 12698 		1. Added support for RAM loading of dlls and exes. Currently entrypoints
 12699 		   are called in the same manner as for ROM exes and dlls, i.e. only once
 12700 		   for a process attach, and never for a thread attach/detach, or a process
 12701 		   detach.
 12703 		   IMPORTANT NOTE: To support this, the format of the rom headers has
 12704 		   changed, and there are new rom building tools - see E32TOOLs release notes.
 12705 		   The old tools are incompatible with E32 060.
 12707 		2. Added RDebug::Print(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...) which outputs
 12708 		   text to COM1 from user side code as an aid in debugging.
 12711 Version 0.01.059
 12712 ================
 12713 (Made by Colly)
 12715 1) Fixed RLibrary::LoadExact() which would not load more than 1
 12716    DLL at a time.
 12718 Version 0.01.058
 12719 =============[==
 12720 (Made by Matthew)
 12722 1) Colly
 12723 	1. Changed the _S8,_S16 and _S macros to return
 12725 		const TText*
 12727 	   rather than
 12729 		TText*
 12731 	   which was allowing writeable descriptors to be constructed illegally
 12732 	   over strings. i.e.
 12734 		TPrtC(_S("Test string"));
 12736 	   Bad news as strings are in the text segment and read only.
 12737 	   Compiler will now refuse to compile the above code.
 12739 	2. Renamed class TGuid to TUid and changed the representation to just
 12740 	   a signed integer (to keep Bill happy). Added the class TUidC where
 12741 	   C stands for constructor which just has two constructor, a default
 12742 	   constructor which effectively sets the UID to KNullUid and one
 12743 	   taking an integer. Given a uid of 0x10000000 then TUidC(0x10000000)
 12744 	   will construct the right UID. KNullUid is unfortunately implemented
 12745 		   as a #define to avoid class consts.
 12747 	   Everywhere that guid was used has now been changed to uid which
 12748 	   effected RLibrary and the registry functions.
 12750 	   Renamed the uid test DLL from T_UID to T_DUID and the test program
 12751 	   from T_GUID to T_UID.
 12753 	3. Changed CObjectCon::FindByName() and CObjectCon::FindByFullName()
 12754 	   to use MatchF() instead of Match(). CObject::FullName() used to
 12755 	   concatenate Owner().Name() with Name(). It now concatenates
 12756 	   Owner().FullName() with Name().
 12758 	4. Changed TCreateProcessInfo and TCreateLibraryInfo to have a TUid
 12759 	   which in due course will be supplied by the loader from the
 12760 	   .exe and .dll headers. Added the TUid to DProcess and DLibrary.
 12761 	   Also added iGeneration to DProcess so that more than one process
 12762 	   can be run at the same time.
 12764 	5. Changed the name of a library to include the TUid::Name().
 12765 		   If library t_test.dll is loaded and it has a TUid of 0x10000001
 12766 		   then its name will be:
 12768 		t_test[10000001]
 12770 	6. Changed the name of a Process() to include the TUid::Name()
 12771 		   followed by iGeneration as a 4 digit decimal value. If process
 12772 		   t_test.exe is loaded and it has a TUid of 0x10000001 and
 12773 	   it is the the third copy running its name will be:
 12775 		t_test[10000001]0002
 12777 	7. Added Mem::Crc()
 12779 	   which performs the 16 bit CCITT checksum. It should be called
 12780 	   for a descriptor as follows:
 12782 		TPtrC8 des=_L("Check string");
 12783 		TUint16 crc=0;
 12784 		Mem::Crc(crc,des.Ptr(),des.Length());
 12786 	8. Added the TUidType class. This class packages three UIDs
 12787 	   together. It is intended to provide Type, SubType and
 12788 		   SubSubType together for the typimng mechanism in E32. It
 12789 		   has the following important functions:
 12791 		   TUidType::IsValid()
 12792 				TRUE if at least one of the UIDs is not KNullUid
 12793 		   TUidType::IsPresent(TUid aUid)
 12794 				TRUE if any one of the UIDs == aUid
 12795 		   TUidType::MostDerived()
 12796 				{
 12797 				if (iUid[2]!=KNullUid)
 12798 					return(iUid[2]);
 12799 				if (iUid[1]!=KNullUid)
 12800 					return(iUid[1]);
 12801 				return(iUid[0]);
 12802 				}
 12804 	9. Added the TCheckedUid class. This class packages a TUidType
 12805 	   together with a checksum. It is intended to be placed at the
 12806 	   beginning of all E32 binary files as follows:
 12808 		TCheckedUid check(TUidType(0x10000001)); // Created the header
 12809 		RFile f;
 12810 		f.Open(theFs,_L("binary.file"),EFileWrite);
 12811 		f.Write(check.Des()); // Write the descriptor
 12812 		....
 12814 	   The class can be reinstantiated from the binary file as follows
 12816 		TPckgBuf<TCheckedUid> check;
 12817 		RFile f;
 12818 		f.Open(theFs,_L("binary.file"),EFileRead);
 12819 		f.Read(check); // Read the signature
 12820 		if (check().Type().IsValid()) // Is it a valid signature
 12822 	10.Added a new type TPassword which is just a 16 character buffer.
 12824 	11.Added the new abstract class CSecurityBase which provides
 12825 	   encryption/decryption functions given a TPassword. This is
 12826 	   polymorphic to allow other security systems to be
 12827 	   substituted at a later date. One implementation of a security
 12828 	   system is provided which implements a polyalphabetic
 12829 	   substitution which is similar to that on E32 but no great shakes.
 12831 	   In order to use CSecurityBase merely instantiate one with
 12832 	   Security::NewL(). By default the security object will be
 12833 	   initialsed with a zero length password and disabled. To
 12834 	   change its value use SetL(_L(""),new password). Alternatively
 12835 	   it can be re-initialised with a descriptor that was previously
 12836 	   extracted from a CSecurityBase with CSecurityBase::SecurityData().
 12837 	   The data returned by CSecurityBase::SecurityData() is intended to
 12838 	   be saved to file and acts as a token for the associated password.
 12840 	   Before encrypting or decrypting data use PrepareL() and there
 12841 	   after make continuous calls to EncryptL() or DecryptL().
 12843 	   Hopefully the other functions are self explanatory.
 12845 	   Added test code T_SEC.CPP to test the security system.
 12847 	   NOTE: Passwords are currently case sensitive.
 12849 	12.Added the machine password control functions
 12851 		class Password
 12852 			{
 12853 		public:
 12854 			IMPORT_C static TInt IsEnabled();
 12855 			IMPORT_C static TInt SetEnable(const TPassword& aPassword,
 12856 										TBool aIsEnabled);
 12857 			IMPORT_C static TInt IsValid(const TPassword& aPassword);
 12858 			IMPORT_C static TInt Set(const TPassword& anOldPassword,
 12859 									const TPassword& aNewPassword);
 12860 			};
 12862 	   Password::IsEnabled() returns the current state of the password
 12863 	   enabled	flag. Password::SetEnabled() allows the state to be
 12864 	   changed but only if the correct password is supplied.
 12866 	   Password::IsValid() returns TRUE if the password is valid.
 12868 	   Password::Set() allows the password to be changed
 12870 	   By default the password is _L("")
 12872 	13.Added the notifier functions:
 12874 		TInt User::Notify(const TDesC& aLine1,const TDesC& aLine2,
 12875 						  const TDesC& aBut1);
 12876 		TInt User::Notify(const TDesC& aLine1,const TDesC& aLine2,
 12877 						  const TDesC& aBut1,const TDesC& aBut2);
 12878 		TInt User::Notify(const TDesC& aLine1,const TDesC& aLine2,
 12879 						  const TDesC& aBut1,const TDesC& aBut2,
 12880 						  const TDesC& aBut3);
 12882 	   The function will attempt to connect to a server called
 12883 	   __NOTIFIER_NAME (#define in E32SVR.H) and then send a message
 12884 	   ENotifierNotify with P0() pointing to a TPckgBuf<TNotifyInfo>.
 12885 	   It is allowable for iButton[1] or iButton[2] to be NULL in which case
 12886 	   one, two or three button should occur in the dialog. If aBut1
 12887 	   is picked then 0 is returned, 1 for aBut2 and 2 for aBut3. Any
 12888 	   other error such as their being no Notifier or a result being
 12889 	   wrong will result in a return of KErrGeneral.
 12890 		14.Added Mem::Move() which has the same API as Mem::Copy(). Move()
 12891 		   assumes that src and trg are 2^2 aligned and that aLength is a
 12892 		   multiple of 4.
 12893 		15.Added a new time interval TTimeIntervalShortMicroSeconds
 12894 		   which is an interval in micro seconds but stored in a 32
 12895 		   integer. This is the new interval when specifying After()
 12896 		   delays. Note that I have left the low level kern services
 12897 		   in ticks for now.
 12898 		16.Renamed
 12899 			   RTimer::After() to RTimer::AfterInMicroSeconds()
 12900 			   CTimer::After() to CTimer::AfterInMicroSeconds()
 12901 			   User::After() to User::AfterInMicroSeconds()
 12902 			   CPeriodic::Start() to CPeriodic::StartInMicroSeconds()
 12903 		   to aid the conversion to the new interval. When converting
 12904 		   just multiply the value being passed originally by 100000
 12905 		   which is ofcourse the number of microseconds in a tenth of
 12906 		   a second.
 12907 		17).RSessionBase::CreateSession() and
 12908 			RSessionBase::SetRetry() both take a
 12909 			TTimeIntervalShortMicroSeconds as the the delay interval.
 12910 		18).Fixed mnt.cmd by adding %_F32VER% as the second parameter
 12911 			of all recursive getXXX calls to fix defect HA-121 reported
 12912 			by DavidW.
 12913 		19).Made the Timer services TicksToTenths() a bit easier to
 12914 			implement and OneShot() timing slightly more accurate.
 12916 2) Geert
 12918 		1. Removed CArrayFixBase::DestroyAll(). Use the new
 12919 		CArrayPtr<T> class template instead. (See below.)
 12921 		2. Added support for objects that can only ever
 12922 		live inside an array. E.g. support for a variable
 12923 		array of TBufC<100000>, where the elements are just
 12924 		big enough to contain the actual data in the
 12925 		buffer.
 12927 		CArrayFix<T>::ExpandL(TInt anIndex) opens up a slot
 12928 		at anIndex by shifting the elements after anIndex
 12929 		and returns a reference to the new element. The new
 12930 		element is constructed in place.
 12931 		ArrayFix<T>::ExtendL() is equivalent to ExpandL(Count()).
 12932 		CArrayVar<T>::ExpandL(TInt anIndex,TInt aLength)
 12933 		opens up a slot of size aLength at anIndex by and
 12934 		is otherwise the same as the fixed record case.
 12935 		CArrayVar<T>::ExtendL(TInt aLength) is equivalent
 12936 		to ExpandL(Count(),aLength).
 12938 		3. Added repeated insertion and re-sizing functions
 12939 		to CArrayFix.
 12941 		CArrayFix<T>::InsertL(TInt anIndex,const T& aRef,TInt aReplicas)
 12942 		inserts a copy of aRef, aReplicas times.
 12943 		CArrayFix<T>::ResizeL(TInt aCount)
 12944 		extends or shrinks the array as needed for it to
 12945 		contain aCount elements. Any new elements are
 12946 		bitwise copies of a default-constructed T.
 12947 		CArrayFix<T>::ResizeL(TInt aCount,const T& aRef)
 12948 		extends or shrinks the array like ResizeL(TInt).
 12949 		New elements, however, are bitwise copies of aRef.
 12951 		NB. As a result of these changes, the element type
 12952 		has to have an accessible default constructor. If
 12953 		you have a CArrayXxx<TYyy>, and some custom
 12954 		TYyy::TYyy(TZzz aZzz) exists, a TYyy::TYyy() will
 12955 		have to be added. A knock-on effect is that C-style
 12956 		arrays can no longer be supported as element types.
 12958 		Note that array elements are still bitwise copies,
 12959 		and will be Mem::Copy()-ed around during their
 12960 		lifetime. Having the constructor called merely
 12961 		guarantees that they'll be bitwise copies of a
 12962 		properly constructed object, rather than random
 12963 		garbage. In keeping with this, array functions may
 12964 		construct instances of the element types, but they
 12965 		will never destroy them. Element types need not
 12966 		have an accessible destructor.
 12968 		4. Changed CArrayXxx::InsertIsqL() and added the
 12969 		new funcion InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL()
 12971 		CArrayFix<T>::InsertIsqL(const T& aRef,TKeyArrayFix &aKey)
 12972 		and
 12973 		CArrayFix<T>::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL(const T& aRef,TKeyArrayFix &aKey)
 12974 		return the new element's index.
 12975 		InsertIsqL() leaves with KErrAlreadyExists if a
 12976 		duplicate is discovered, and
 12977 		InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL() inserts the element
 12978 		after any duplicate. The existing InsertIsqL(),
 12979 		returning KErrNone or KErrAlreadyExists, and taking
 12980 		a TAllowDuplicates argument is withdrawn.
 12981 		In the case of variable-element arrays, the
 12982 		signatures are
 12983 		CArrayVar<T>::InsertIsqL(const T& aRef,TInt aLength,TKeyArrayFix &aKey)
 12984 		and
 12985 		CArrayVar<T>::InsertIsqAllowDuplicatesL(const T& aRef,TInt aLength,TKeyArrayFix &aKey).
 12987 		Note that the meaning of InsertIsqL()'s return
 12988 		value has changed and care should be taken when
 12989 		porting.
 12991 		5. Almost all the array manipulation functions in
 12992 		CArrayXxxBase have become public. This is to allow
 12993 		code to operate on incoming (typed) arrays in a
 12994 		type-independent way. It can be argued this reduces
 12995 		type-safety and encapsulation, but the most
 12996 		important thing is to guard against accidental
 12997 		misuse. This is done by providing typed functions
 12998 		in the template classes overriding--and hiding--all
 12999 		the unsafe functions.
 13001 		6. Added functions CArrayXxx<T>::At(TInt anIndex).
 13002 		They are synonymous with CArrayXxx<T>::operator[]()
 13003 		and serve to hide the At() functions in the base
 13004 		classes.
 13006 		7. Added CArrayFix<TAny>, CArrayFixFlat<TAny> and
 13007 		CArrayFixSeg<TAny> as well as CArrayVar<TAny> and
 13008 		CArrayPak<TAny>. They are hand-crafted and somewhat
 13009 		restricted instances of the templates, for those
 13010 		who wish to use a generic array; e.g., as a member
 13011 		of the base class in a template pair. In the case
 13012 		of CArrayFixXxx<TAny>, the record length is
 13013 		specified as a constructor parameter.
 13015 		8. Added functions CArrayXxx::AppendL(), Find(),
 13016 		FindIsq() and InsertL() taking a reference to T
 13017 		instead of a pointer. People wishing to switch to
 13018 		the reference-based API may define the macro
 13019 		__ARRAY_NO_PTRS__, which will hide the
 13020 		pointer-based versions.
 13022 		9. Added class template CArrayPtr<T> extending
 13023 		CArrayFix<T*>'s interface with a ResetAndDestroy()
 13024 		function. The function is intended as a type safe
 13025 		replacement for CArrayFix<CBase*>::DestroyAll().
 13026 		It is equivalent to a loop delete-ing all (pointer)
 13027 		elements, followed by Reset().
 13029 		10. CBufBase::ExpandL(TInt aPos,TInt aLength) makes
 13030 		room for aLength bytes at aPos. The new contents
 13031 		are undefined. InsertL(Pos,aPtr,aLength) is
 13032 		equivalent to ExpandL(aPos,aLength) followed by
 13033 		Write(aPos,aPtr,aLength).
 13035 		11. CBufBase::ResizeL(TInt aSize) expands or
 13036 		deletes from the buffer at the end so that its
 13037 		Size() becomes equal to aSize. Not to be confused
 13038 		with CBufFlat::SetReserveL, which has no effect on
 13039 		the logical size of the buffer.
 13041 		12. CBufFlat::Capacity() reports the size the
 13042 		buffer can grow to without reallocation. The buffer
 13043 		insertion functions are guaranteed not to leave
 13044 		until the buffers Size() reaches or exceeds its
 13045 		Capacity(). A flat buffer's capacity is changed
 13046 		using SetReserveL().
 13048 		13. Removed the global new operator taking a base
 13049 		pointer and check size; ie., TAny* operator
 13050 		new(TUint aSize,TAny* aBase,TInt aCheckSize)
 13052 		Making sure at runtime that the allocated size is
 13053 		he same as the supplied buffer size is not a very
 13054 		common requirement. As it turned out, size checking
 13055 		was really only required for RHeap and derived
 13056 		classes. Supplying it with a custom RHeap::operator
 13057 		new(), as is now the case, is actually a cheaper
 13058 		solution.
 13060 		14. Added zero-filling versions of the full set of
 13061 		available global new operators to CBase and removed
 13062 		CBase's delete operator.
 13064 		The delete operator was there only as a workaround
 13065 		for a problem with the Visual C++ linker. The
 13066 		problem appears to be fixed in Visual C++ 4.0, so
 13067 		there is now no point in having the operator.
 13069 		15. Added pragma's disabling Visual C++ warnings to
 13070 		do with the generation of copy constructors and
 13071 		assignment operators to <e32def.h>.
 13073 		16. Added private, undefined copy constructors and
 13074 		assignment operators to CBase. Copying and
 13075 		assignment of CBase-derived classes is now
 13076 		prohibited by default.
 13078 3). Graham
 13079 	1. Various keyboard changes.
 13081 		2. Added HAL set and sense functions. Most are not
 13082 		yet implemented but will be in 059.
 13084 4). Steve
 13085 	1. Debugger:
 13086 	Further improvement and additions to the debugger classes and the Gdb stub.
 13087 	Still no bug fixes back form Cygnus to allow source level debugging using
 13088 	Gdb. Added support for multiple thread debugging, and allowing breakpoints
 13089 	to be set in ROM which effect the threads you specify rather than all
 13090 	threads. Finalised the API for the RDebug class which is used by any
 13091 	debugger or debug stump program. Full details of the E32 debugger class
 13092 	currently in R:\E32\DOCS\RDEBUG.DOC.
 13094 	2. Key translator:
 13095 	Fixed the bug where the modifier status wasn't updated on a modifier key
 13096 	down - it was updated on the next key up or down.
 13098 5). Jane
 13099 		1. Removed saving and restoring of fs & gs in interrupt code to speed up
 13100 		X86 version of EPOC.
 13102 		2.Added support for debugger in finding code address of target processes.
 13103 		Added MMU functions to support debugger in shadowing ROM. (Both untested).
 13105 		3.Added process cleanup code to fix process logon - but left it commented
 13106 		out due to time pressure in meeting API freeze. Will be tested and in
 13107 		place in 059.
 13109 		4.Added start of code supporting process and dll loading from RAM, and
 13110 		added dummy APIs for future additions to this. Rationalised kernel
 13111 		LoadLibrary functions.
 13113 		5.Fixed stack scribble in runThread, which was causing an incorrect
 13114 		return status to be given to logging threads.
 13116 6). Roger
 13117 	Serial LDD reliability improved. Fixed double completion bugs.
 13119 	Eiger Serial PDD. Turned interrupts off during initial fifo priming.
 13121 	Etna Serial PDD. Written not able to test due to a (suspected) kernel bug.
 13123 		Further changes to the serial drivers as of Sat 4th May given
 13124 		to Colly.
 13126 7). Matthew
 13127 	Preliminary sound Ldd and Pdds for Wins and Eiger. Currently the Wins PDD
 13128 	pretends to play by making random beeps for the appropriate length of time
 13129 	and pretends to record aLaw data by filling a bufer with silence in the
 13130 	appropriate time. The Eiger PDD just plays silence.
 13132 8). Pete
 13133 	Improvements to Pc Card Controller and its user interface.
 13135 	Simulation of Media Change using F5 key added to WINS (commented out for
 13136 	now).
 13138 Version 0.01.057
 13139 ================
 13140 (Made by Graham, Friday 19th April)
 13142 1) Graham
 13145 		   BTSTARMUREL.
 13147 		2. Fixed bugs in BMARM\XDUMM.MAK, XKEYB.MAK, and XXYIN.MAK
 13149 		3. Fixed F32\BMARM\ESHELL.MAK to vary name according to
 13152 		4. Updated ARM Rom building system to build debug and unicode
 13153 		   roms as well.
 13155 		5. Ensured O/S and test programs build in DEBUG and UNICODE
 13156 		   as well as RELEASE mode.
 13158 		6. Removed redundant LCD contrast handling from
 13159 		   VARMPR\VA_KEYB.CPP
 13161 		7. Added KE_ETNA.CPP with the help of Roger and Peter.
 13163 		8. Rationalised variant system, allowing for three MARM
 13164 		   variants. Each variant for a given architecture has a
 13165 		   two character mnemomnic:
 13167 				PB      Protea rack B
 13168 				PC      Protea rack C
 13169 				P1      Protea version 1
 13171 		   Each variant has an E32\ sub-directory:
 13173 				\E32\VARMPB
 13174 				\E32\VARMPC
 13175 				\E32\VARMP1
 13177 		   Each must contain a VA_CUST.CPP which implements class
 13178 		   Custom and produces an ECUST.DLL which the kernel links to.
 13179 		   These ECUST.DLL's are called CARMPB.DLL, CARMPC.DLL, and
 13180 		   CARMP1.DLL until one of them is selected to become
 13181 		   ECUST.DLL in the ROM.
 13183 		   They must also include keyboard or pointer device
 13184 		   implementations (VA_KEYB.CPP and VA_XYIN.CPP) which
 13185 		   create CAKYPB.DLL, CAKYPC.DLL, CAKYP1.DLL (Arm keyboard
 13186 		   DLL's) and CAXYPB.DLL, CAXYPC.DLL, CAXYP1.DLL (Arm XY
 13187 		   input device DLL's).
 13189 		   Normally, they will also include a VA_HW.CPP which
 13190 		   implements variant-specific hardware functionality. These go
 13191 		   on to produce the variant dll's VARMPB.DLL, VARMPC.DLL,
 13192 		   and VARMP1.DLL. Physical Device drivers (which are intrinsically
 13193 		   Variant-level entities) and custom dll's might want to
 13194 		   link to these DLL's, but the kernel cannot.
 13196 		   They will also contain PDD source.
 13198 		   The upshot of this is that .OBY files have to change.
 13200 		   A typical Protea Rack B .OBY file will begin:
 13202 		   romname=arompb.img
 13203 		   version=0.01
 13204 		   bootbinary=c:\work\emarm\bootrom.bin
 13205 		   romsize=0x400000
 13206 		   romlinearbase=0x50000000
 13207 		   romalign=0x1000
 13208 		   kerneldataaddress=0x80100000
 13209 		   kernelstackaddress=0x80000000
 13210 		   kernelheapmin=0x10000
 13211 		   dataaddress=0x400000
 13213 		   files=
 13214 		   primary=c:\work\emarm\ekern.exe sys\ekern.exe
 13215 		   file=c:\work\emarm\euser.dll sys\euser.dll
 13216 		   file=c:\work\emarm\elocl.dll sys\elocl.dll
 13217 		   secondary=c:\work\emarm\efile.exe sys\efile.exe
 13218 		   file=c:\work\emarm\efsrv.dll sys\efsrv.dll
 13219 		   file=c:\work\emarm\elocal.fsy sys\elocal.fsy
 13220 		   file=c:\work\emarm\ewsrv.exe sys\ewsrv.exe
 13221 		   file=c:\work\emarm\econs.dll sys\econs.dll
 13222 		   file=c:\work\emarm\edisp.dll sys\edisp.dll
 13223 		   file=c:\work\emarm\varmpb.dll sys\varmpb.dll
 13224 		   file=c:\work\emarm\carmpb.dll sys\ecust.dll
 13225 		   file=c:\work\emarm\cakypb.dll sys\ekeyb.dll
 13226 		   file=c:\work\emarm\caxypb.dll sys\exyin.dll
 13227 		   file=c:\work\emarm\ektran.dll sys\ektran.dll
 13228 		   file=c:\work\emarm\ekdata.dll sys\ekdata.dll
 13229 		   file=c:\work\emarm\eshell.exe sys\eshell.exe
 13231 		   A typical Protea Rack C .OBY file will begin:
 13233 		   romname=arompc.img
 13234 		   version=0.01
 13235 		   bootbinary=c:\work\emarm\bootrom.bin
 13236 		   romsize=0x400000
 13237 		   romlinearbase=0x50000000
 13238 		   romalign=0x1000
 13239 		   kerneldataaddress=0x80100000
 13240 		   kernelstackaddress=0x80000000
 13241 		   kernelheapmin=0x10000
 13242 		   dataaddress=0x400000
 13244 		   files=
 13245 		   primary=c:\work\emarm\ekern.exe sys\ekern.exe
 13246 		   file=c:\work\emarm\euser.dll sys\euser.dll
 13247 		   file=c:\work\emarm\elocl.dll sys\elocl.dll
 13248 		   secondary=c:\work\emarm\efile.exe sys\efile.exe
 13249 		   file=c:\work\emarm\efsrv.dll sys\efsrv.dll
 13250 		   file=c:\work\emarm\elocal.fsy sys\elocal.fsy
 13251 		   file=c:\work\emarm\ewsrv.exe sys\ewsrv.exe
 13252 		   file=c:\work\emarm\econs.dll sys\econs.dll
 13253 		   file=c:\work\emarm\edisp.dll sys\edisp.dll
 13254 		   file=c:\work\emarm\varmpc.dll sys\varmpc.dll
 13255 		   file=c:\work\emarm\carmpc.dll sys\ecust.dll
 13256 		   file=c:\work\emarm\cakypc.dll sys\ekeyb.dll
 13257 		   file=c:\work\emarm\caxypc.dll sys\exyin.dll
 13258 		   file=c:\work\emarm\ektran.dll sys\ektran.dll
 13259 		   file=c:\work\emarm\ekdata.dll sys\ekdata.dll
 13260 		   file=c:\work\emarm\eshell.exe sys\eshell.exe
 13262 		9. Enhanced the KBARM\ rom building system to allow for the
 13263 		   production of all three variant ROMs.
 13265 		10. Fixed spurious Pen Up events on the digitiser.
 13267 		11. Added GETSRC verb to MNT.CMD
 13269 2) Morgan
 13270 		1. Completed DEVICE/DRIVER name changes to LDD/PDD.
 13272 		2. Added operator++() to TTimerLockSpec
 13274 		3. Added TTimerLockSpec User::LockPeriod(). This returns which
 13275 		   of the TTimerLockSpec periods the clock is currently in.
 13277 3) Jane
 13278 		1. Fixed some problems with the new chunk sheme, notably to do with
 13279 		   closing EPOC chunks.
 13281 		2. Added a new debug only build of the .def files for X86.
 13283 		3. Added MMU support for both kernel growth (contigous in linear and
 13284 		   high physical memory) and RAM drive growth (contigous in linear
 13285 		   and low physical memory) - moving other people's pages and page
 13286 		   tables out of the way if necessary. Added TMMU test code to test
 13287 		   these situations.
 13289 		4. Added a new function to the bit map allocator
 13290 		   AllocFromTopFrom(TInt aPos) which returns the
 13291 		   next free page after the one specified. Tidied
 13292 		   up AllocFromTop() a bit while I was at it.
 13294 4) Colly
 13295 		1. Added User::PageSize() to return the current machine page size.
 13297 		2. Renamed RHeap::Destroy() to RHeap::Close().
 13299 		3. Implemented heap sharing for heaps in chunks by having it heaps
 13300 		own and use an RCriticalSection as well as supporting access counting.
 13301 	The function TInt RHeap::Open() should be used to open a heap for
 13302 	sharing which increases the access count. A subsequent RHeap::Close()
 13303 	will decrement the access count but the heap will only be discarded
 13304 	if the access count	goes to zero. The static function User::ChunkHeap
 13305 	includes the call to Open(). Fixed address heaps cannot be shared and
 13306 	calls to Open() will be panicked.
 13308 	The heaps which are created when a thread is created and which can be
 13309 	retrieved with a call to User::Heap() should not be closed with a call
 13310 	to Close() since the chunk in which the heap is created contains the
 13311 	threads stack as well as the heap. If Close() is called the thread will
 13312 	be panicked. The constanst RHeap::EChunkStack for the heaps type indicate
 13313 	this kind of a heap, while RHeap::EChunkNormal indicate a heap created
 13314 	with User::ChunkHeap(). Type EChunkSupervisor will never be seen
 13315 	by an user mode code.
 13317 	A thread is usually created with its own heap, but it can also be
 13318 	created to use either the current thread's heap or a heap already
 13319 	created. To use the current threads heap:
 13321 	RThread t;
 13322 	TInt r=t.Create(_L("Shared1"),threadEntryPoint,KDefaultStackSize,
 13323 			 NULL,NULL);
 13325 	The first of the TWO NULLs will cause the routine to share the
 13326 	current threads heap. i.e. that returned by User::Heap().
 13328 	To use a heap already created:
 13330 	RHeap* pH=User::ChunkHeap(_L("Share"),User::PageSize(),0x100000);
 13331 	test(pH!=NULL);
 13332 	RThread t;
 13333 	TInt r=t.Create(_L("Shared1"),threadEntryPoint,KDefaultStackSize,
 13334 			 pH,NULL);
 13336 	NOTE: In either case above the Heap will be opened and closed
 13337 	internally so you need not provide any cleanup. If you no longer
 13338 	wish to retain your copy of the heap in the example above after the
 13339 	new thread has been created then you can call pH->Close().
 13341 	Finally note that if thread1 creates thread2 to share its heap and
 13342 	then exits thread1's chunk will remain in existence until such time
 13343 	as thread2 exits. This is so since thread2's heap is now in thread1's
 13344 	chunk. Such are the joys of sharing heaps.
 13346 		4. Full automated heap growth is now implemented as is RHeap::Compress().
 13347 	If the adjust to the heaps chunk fails the the kernel server will be
 13348 	called to attempt to compress all heaps known to the kernel. When
 13349 	completed a further attempt will be made to adjust the chunk so that
 13350 	the heap can grow. Remember that a heap will never be compressed
 13351 	below its minimum size and that heaps can onlybe compressed if they
 13352 	have free space at the top of the heap.
 13354 		5. Added a default argument TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess to most
 13355 	of the operating system types CreateLocal(),CreateGlobal() and
 13356 	Open() functions. Because of the default paramter this change is
 13357 	seamless all current programs. The meaning of TOwnerType is to
 13358 	indicate whether the resulting RObject is owned by the Process or
 13359 	the Thread. Owned by the Process has been the only behaviour allowed
 13360 	until this change. EOwnerThread will make the thread the owner of the
 13361 	handle. The effect of being owner by the thread is that when the
 13362 	thread dies any handles owned by the thread and not closed, will be
 13363 	closed automatically. Example of process ownership:
 13365 			RLibrary lib;
 13366 			test(lib.Load(_L("TESTDLL"));
 13367 		//
 13368 		// The library handle will be closed when the process exits
 13369 		//
 13370 			User::Exit(KErrNone);
 13372 	Example of thread ownership
 13374 			RLibrary lib;
 13375 			test(lib.Load(_L("TESTDLL"),EOwnerThread);
 13376 		//
 13377 		// The library handle will be closed when the thread exits
 13378 		//
 13379 			User::Exit(KErrNone);
 13381 		NB. Although the addition of TOwnerType arguments to the
 13382 		appropriate function calls has been made, EOwnerThread-type
 13383 		services have not yet been implemented. This change merely
 13384 		prepares the way for such an implementation.
 13386 		6. Implemented the full and correct naming strategy for
 13387 		objects in the base.
 13389 		7. The test DLLs T_START1.DLL, T_START2.DLL and T_START3.DLL were
 13390 	all using a WIN32 function GetTickCount() to delay their startup
 13391 	which was preventing them from being used as a test under Epoc/32.
 13392 	Changed to use User::TickCount() and removed Kernel32.lib from
 13393 	the link dependencies.
 13395 5) Gillian
 13397 		1. Added TDateTime::SetYear() etc functions (Brendan's
 13398 		accepted proposal E32.51 TDateTime setting functions)
 13400 		2. Added TTime::- and TTime-= functions for all TTimeInterval classes
 13401 		(Richard Knights accepted proposal TTime should define operators -
 13402 		and -=)
 13404 		3. Extended TTime::DateTime() function to deal with BC dates
 13406 		4. Added tests for all the above and tidied the test code up a
 13407 		little.
 13409 6) Roger
 13410 		1. Implemented DFcs under WINS. This allows us to use DFCs
 13411 		from the serial LDD rather than the non WINs PDD. This gives
 13412 		much more reliability under WINs and improved throughput under
 13413 		MX86 and MARM.
 13415 7) Steve
 13416 		Key Translator:
 13417 		1) Added new modifier EModifierPureKey, which is set when a
 13418 		   ctrl-key combination does not alter the keycode (basically
 13419 		   any key other than Space,A-Z which return 0 to 26 respectively)
 13421 		2) Fixed bug so that ctrl-space returns a NULL key press
 13422 		   rather than being thrown away
 13424 		3) TPattern enums moved into E32SVR.H for use by wserv
 13426 		Debugger:
 13427 		4) Removed the Gdb stub from the E32 kernel
 13429 		5) Added Debug and RDebug classes. Debug is on the Kernel side
 13430 		and provides debugging functions for RDebug on the user side.
 13431 		A user mode debugger or stub opens a channel to RDebug and
 13432 		can then debug one or more threads. The RDebug class provides
 13433 		functions for Single-stepping, setting breakpoints,
 13434 		reading/writing memory and reading/setting of register
 13435 		values. Watching of memory addresses will be provided
 13436 		in a later release
 13438 		6) Added 'TInt iDataSize' into DPlatProcess for use by the Debug
 13439 		class for returning the Bss address of a Process
 13441 		7) Simple program written to run on the rack which waits for
 13442 		any thread to panic and then displays what has panicked
 13443 		and why
 13445 		8) Gdb stub written which communicates between RDebug and Gdb
 13446 		running on a remote host PC. Currently the Gdb stub only copes with
 13447 		debugging one thread at a time, and due to problems with Gdb itself,
 13448 		only limited debugging facilities are available.
 13450 8) Pete
 13451 		1. Added PC Card Controller to WINS and MARM.
 13453 9) NOTE to shared chunk users (FBSERV etc). Support for read-only
 13454 		shared chunks has been withdrawn. Although the API remains, all
 13455 		shared chunk users should ONLY open for read/write.
 13458 Version 0.01.056
 13459 ================
 13460 (Made by Morgan, Sometime soon)
 13462 1) Matthew
 13463 	Bug fixes:
 13464 	HA-81: In Wins if a E32Dll returns an error this is now correctly
 13465 	detected.
 13466 	HA-58: (Just in time debugging added for Kernel Panics) fixed in
 13468 	HA-62: (Flat buffers not compressed when cleared) fixed in
 13469 	UBAS\UB_BUF.CPP.
 13470 	HA-82 (ReadCancel() doesn't complete TRequestStatus) fixed in
 13471 	WSRC\WS_WIN.CPP, tested in T_WSIMP.CPP.
 13472 	HA-73, HA-74, HA-61, HA-52,58,61,62,69,73,74,81,82.
 13474 2) Rog
 13475 	Added:
 13476 	IMPORT_C void CActive::SetPriority(TInt aPriority);
 13477 	inline TInt CActive::Priority();
 13478 	SetPriority() will panic if the AO is active when it is called.
 13480 3) SteveT
 13481 	1: Added:
 13482 	TBool TRegion::Contains(const TPoint &aPoint);
 13483 	Simply returns True if the point is contained within the region,
 13484 	False if not.
 13486 	2. Added a new template class RRegionBuf<N>
 13487 	This is a cross between the two existing variants of the TRegion
 13488 	class, it's black box spec is identical to the RRegion class, you
 13489 	can have unlimited size regions but have to check for errors, but
 13490 	a buffer big enough to hold <N> rectangles is included with the
 13491 	RRegionBuf structure, this is used until it is full up when a
 13492 	cell will be allocated and the whole rectangle list copied into
 13493 	the allocated cell, the region will not revert back to using the
 13494 	buffer even if it shrinks small enough fit.
 13496 	These regions are chiefly designed to be used as temporary work
 13497 	space on the stack where they will save a lot of calls to alloc
 13498 	for trivial rectangle lists. Using these for long term region
 13499 	storage would be inefficient as when the buffer overflows it is
 13500 	left lying around empty wasting memory.
 13502 	3. After calling Close() the region can safely be reused, before
 13503 	it was left in a dangerous state with a pointer to the old freed
 13504 	cell.
 13506 4) Jane
 13507 	Changed EPOC to the new process relative chunk strategy. Under
 13508 	this scheme, the process now owns a chunk, which contains the
 13509 	.data and .bss (zero-filled data) sections. Each additional
 13510 	thread now only has one chunk minimally, which contains its stack
 13511 	and heap. This scheme saves on resources, and will allow the
 13512 	process to live on if the main thread dies, a change I intend to
 13513 	make later on.
 13515 	Added support for shared chunks in EPOC. A global chunk - one
 13516 	created with RChunk::CreateGlobal() - can be shared by other
 13517 	processes/threads if they do an OpenGlobal() of the same chunk,
 13518 	by name.
 13520 	WARNING! The latter change has necessitated api changes in
 13521 	RChunk, detailed below.
 13523 	1. The Create functions have gained an extra parameter, as shown.
 13525 	IMPORT_C TInt CreateLocal(TInt aSize,TInt aMaxSize);
 13526 	IMPORT_C TInt CreateGlobal(const TDesC &aName,TInt aSize,TInt
 13527 								aMaxSize);
 13529 	The new parameter, aSize, is the number of bytes to initially
 13530 	commit to the chunk. IT IS NO LONGER NECESSARY TO ADJUST A NEW
 13531 	CHUNK - it will be adjusted to aSize on creation.
 13533 	2. OpenGlobal has gained an extra parameter, as shown below.
 13535 	IMPORT_C TInt OpenGlobal(const TDesC &aName,TBool isReadOnly);
 13537 	The new parameter, isReadOnly, specifies whether the sharing
 13538 	process wants readonly access to the chunk. Thus it is now
 13539 	possible for the creator of a chunk to have read/write access to
 13540 	it, but for others who share that chunk to be denied that
 13541 	priviledge.
 13543 	3. As mentioned, it is now unnecessary to adjust a newly created
 13544 	chunk. It will be adjusted to aSize bytes on creation.
 13546 5) Colly
 13547 		1. Added Registry and Environment services
 13549 6) Graham
 13550 		1. All release mode tests run on MARM
 13552 		2. Enhanced the MARM build to include DEBUG and UNICODE modes.
 13554 		3. Enhanced the Eiger Text Display Deiver to switch between
 13555 		   1bpp, 2bpp, and 4bpp modes.
 13557 		4. Text Window server allows CTRL-ALT-1, CTRL-ALT-2,
 13558 		   CTRL-ALT4 to switch display modes. The rack now boots up
 13559 		   in 2bpp.mode.
 13561 		5. Released BOOTROM.BIN. It boots the rack in 2bpp mode, so
 13562 		   the same .BIN file may be used for Text Window Server and
 13563 		   Graphics Window Server ROM's.
 13565 		6. Added -fno-implicit-templates to the MARM builds and
 13566 		   removed -fvtable-thunks.
 13568 7) Peter
 13569 		1. Added proto-ramdrive.
 13572 Version 0.01.055
 13573 ================
 13574 (Made by Morgan, 18 March '96)
 13576 1). NickT,
 13577 	TLex??. I have added two new classes TLexMark8 and TLexMark16 and
 13578 	the obvious typedef TLexMark. These classes are used to record or
 13579 	mark a positon in a TLex, hence
 13580 		TLex8::Mark(TLexMark8& aMark)
 13581 	which can be followed by, e.g.
 13582 		TLex8::UnGetToMark(TLexMark8& aMark).
 13583 	By and large, wherever there was a TLex?? member function which
 13584 	used the internal mark, e.g. SkipSpaceAndMark, there is a new
 13585 	member which is passed a TLexMark?? or reference to one.
 13586 	I have retained the internal mark iMark, changing it to a
 13587 	TLexMark, and all the existing member function remain, usually as
 13588 	an inline function which passes the internal mark to the general
 13589 	member function.
 13590 	The TLex??::Val() members no longer use the internal mark to
 13591 	recover from errors but use an automatic TLexMark?? constructed
 13592 	within the function.
 13594 	T???Que(Base). I have added a member function Reset() to the Sgl,
 13595 	DBl and Delta ques which just resets the que to be empty (the
 13596 	offset remains unchanged).
 13598 	CArrayFix(Base)/CArrayVar(Base). I have added new member function
 13599 	which over load the existing InsertIsqL members. The change is an
 13600 	addition TInt& argument.
 13601 	On returning from InsertIsqL, this is set to contain the position
 13602 	within the array of either the new entry or, if the entry exists
 13603 	and ENoDuplicates is passed, the position of the pre-existing
 13604 	entry.
 13606 2). Morgan,
 13607 	Plat::TickCount on WINS fixed so 1 tick = 1/10th of a second.
 13608 	CBufxxx::New is now CBufxxx::NewL.  The CArray classes have been
 13609 	altered to use these.
 13610 	CActiveScheduler made concrete and constructor made public.
 13612 	Removed PopAndDestroyAll from TCleanupTrapHandler::Untrap which
 13613 	now calls CCleanup::PreviousLevel().  This ASSERTS that the
 13614 	cleanup stack's current level is empty.  All Pushes to the clean
 13615 	up stack must be balanced with a Pop before the Trap unwinds
 13616 	naturally.  +Test code.
 13618 	Added PushL() and Pop() member functions to TAutoClose so they
 13619 	can be pushed onto the cleanup stack and are closed automatically
 13620 	on a leave.  +Test code.
 13622 	Added TReal and TReal96 formating to TDes?::Format
 13623 	New specifiers are:
 13624 	%f(%F)	- format TReal(TReal96)  (was padding)
 13625 	%e(%E)	- format TReal(TReal96) using exponent format
 13626 	%g(%G)	- format TReal(TReal96) using general format
 13627 	%p(%P)	- padding (used to be %f)
 13628 	and
 13629 	.n	- specify n decimal places
 13631 	New thread test code, to test Suspend/Resume while the thread is
 13632 	suspended on a semaphore.
 13634 	Extended RTimer/CTimer with locked timers for synchronisation to
 13635 	fractions of a second.
 13637 	Included USERTYPE.DAT in the release.
 13639 3). Jane,
 13640 	Fixed Exc::Dispatch which was deferencing NULL in certain cases.
 13641 	Fixed DLogonProcess derivation, which was incorrect under the new
 13642 	single phase destruct.
 13643 	Added kernel protection for bad handles in both kernel server and
 13644 	executive. Now the user thread should get panicked for a bad
 13645 	handle, rather than the kernel dying when dereferencing 0. Now
 13646 	that this is in place, I would welcome reports of any remaining
 13647 	kernel death due to bad parameters, so that we may tighten up any
 13648 	remaining loopholes.
 13650 	Fixed CObjectIx::At which was panicking rather than returning 0 in
 13651 	certain circumstances.
 13652 	Added CObjectIx::AtL which leaves on a bad handle.
 13654 	Added low memory handling to the MMU, and enhanced test code to
 13655 	test that there are no alloc heavens in low memory situations.
 13656 	Note that the rem page allocator function FreeHomePage() now takes
 13657 	a physical address as a parameter rather than a linear one.
 13659 	Added a new type of executive service, EXECUTIVE_SLOW_CONFORMANT
 13660 	(int 22h on x86), which allows certain carefully chosen kernel
 13661 	services to go re-entrant (i.e. be called from another slow kernel
 13662 	executive service). Match8 and Match16 have been changed to this
 13663 	new type, so that Match can be called from Exec::ThreadNext and
 13664 	friends, thus allowing find services to work on EPOC.
 13666 4). Matthew,
 13667 	Tiny change to T_CHUNK (x86): now assumes the executable is T_CHUNK
 13668 	rather than TCHUNK, and the case used on the command-line is not
 13669 	important.
 13671 5). SteveG
 13672 	Key translation:
 13673 	================
 13674 	Combined the keyboard translator files into two source files,
 13675 	KY_TRAN.CPP and KY_CAPT.CPP.
 13676 	These make up EKTRAN.DLL, which carries out translating the
 13677 	scancodes into keycodes and modifiers and handles capture keys.
 13678 	KD_MC400.CPP makes up the keyboard translator data dll
 13679 	(EKDATA.DLL). Removed all .data from this DLL by copious use of
 13680 	const.
 13682 	Fixed the keytranslator so that modifier keys are returned as
 13683 	EKeyNull.
 13685 	CCaptureKey and CKeyTranslator are now defined in e32svr.h for use
 13686 	by the Window Server. w32keyb.h and w32keyb.inl no longer exist.
 13687 	In order to use the keyboard translator, theWindow Server must at
 13688 	startup create a new CKeyTranslator, eg:
 13689 	CKeyTranslator* KeyTranslator=CKeyTranslator::New();
 13691 	The translate key function is defined as:
 13692 	KeyTranslator->TranslateKey(TUint aScanCode, TBool aKeyUp, const
 13693 			CCaptureKeys& aCaptureKeys, TKeyData& aKeyData)
 13694 	and an extra function for obtaining the current modifier state
 13695 	has been added:
 13696 	TUint KeyTranslator->GetModifierState();
 13698 	Key Modifiers
 13699 	=============
 13700 	EModifier enums are now defined in e32virt.h and are at the top
 13701 	level. Anyone making use of 'TEvent::EModifierXxxxx' should
 13702 	globally replace 'TEvent::EModifier' to 'EModifier'.
 13703 	Removed the TModifier class. A normal TUint should be used in
 13704 	place of TModifier, and anyone using the modifier functions
 13705 	IsOn(), IsOff(), TurnOn() etc should do this using | and & etc.
 13707 	E32 TEvents
 13708 	===========
 13709 	Changed the E32 TEvent structure, and renamed it TRawEvent. A
 13710 	TRawEvent is passed to the Window Server, which will create a
 13711 	TWservEvent as before. TRawEvent is defined in e32svr.h and no
 13712 	longer includes the modifier state. The modifier state is added in
 13713 	in the Window Server for events that require the modifer state,
 13714 	rather than being worked out and passed around for every event
 13715 	type.
 13716 	Changed the event types. Mouse events have been removed and
 13717 	replaced with EPointerMove and EButtonNDown/Up events. The new
 13718 	event types, defined in e32svr.h are:
 13719 	enum TType
 13720 	{
 13721 	ENone,
 13722 	EPointerMove,
 13723 	EKeyDown,EKeyUp,
 13724 	ERedraw,
 13725 	ESwitchOn,
 13726 	EInactive,
 13727 	EButton1Down,EButton1Up,
 13728 	EButton2Down,EButton2Up,
 13729 	EButton3Down,EButton3Up
 13730 	};
 13732 	Changed all occurences of TEvent and TEventBuf to TRawEvent and
 13733 	TRawEventBuf respectively in the E32 source and header files.
 13734 	Changed Event.Set() and RawEvent copy constructors etc so they no
 13735 	longer use the shiftState.
 13737 6). Colly,
 13738 	Changes required to implement the proposal to give DLLs a globally
 13739 	unique identifier (GUID) which can be checked before trying to
 13740 	call any of the functions in the DLL. It adds two functions to
 13741 	RLibrary as well as adding the concrete data type TGuid. Included
 13742 	is a test program T_GUID along with a test DLL T_UID, all of which
 13743 	live in TBAS. I have also fixed bugs in the .MAK files for EKTRAN
 13744 	and EKDATA.
 13746 	A new version of t_romg.cpp which was broken by changes to
 13747 	TDes?::Format() (i.e. changing %f to %p for padding).
 13749 7). Jal,
 13750 	Added methods to CSession:
 13751 	IMPORT_C void ResourceCountMarkStart();
 13752 	Panics client if CountResources returns KErrGeneral
 13753 	IMPORT_C void ResourceCountMarkEnd();
 13754 	Panics client if CountResources != iResourceCountMark
 13755 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt CountResources();
 13756 	Default implementation returns KErrGeneral
 13759 Version 0.01.054
 13760 ================
 13761 (Made by Morgan, 23 Feb '96)
 13763 1). Colly
 13764 	Removed two phase destruction. Note that all objects derived from
 13765 	CActive must call Cancel() in their destructors. Note that
 13766 	Adt::Destroy() has disappeared (replace with delete).
 13767 	The class TAggregate depended on Adt::Destroy(), so it has
 13768 	also disappeared (I don't think anyone was using it anyway).
 13770 	Renamed E32ADT.H to E32BASE.H and the project UADT and TADT to
 13771 	UBAS and TBAS. Decided not to include E32BASE.H in E32STD.H as
 13772 	anyone can include E32BASE.H directly and achieve the same effect.
 13774 	Removed all TBuf_10, TBuf_20 etc variants.
 13776 2). Jane
 13777 	Added an extra flag to TModifier: EModifierDoubleClick=0x00800000
 13779 	Fixed DLogons which were writing back the wrong status into the
 13780 	logged thread. The net effect being that now when you try to run a
 13781 	program which doesn't exist, you don't crash the OS.
 13783 	Added the window server to the dll startup scheme so that the font
 13784 	server can be started before it. Look at wsrc\ws_utl.cpp to see
 13785 	E32's window server startup code.
 13787 	Added thread relative handles for DServer, DSession and client
 13788 	DThread in server DThread. This was necessary for proper cleanup
 13789 	of sessions when server and client threads died. It has the
 13790 	side-effect of making the WINS implementation much more like the
 13791 	EPOC one - and will show up any bugs where sessions are used from
 13792 	another thread.
 13794 	Added the Window Server to the dll startup scheme so that the font
 13795 	server can be started before it.
 13797 	Fixed bug in CObjectIx::Destruct(), HA-19.
 13799 3). Matthew
 13800 	Changed the base to use the new CServer/CSession with ServiceL in
 13801 	CSession insted of CServer. The new versions of CSession and
 13802 	CServer are now what used to be called CNewSession and CNewServer.
 13803 	The windows server and test code use this new scheme.
 13804 	If you have your own server/session then to convert you must
 13805 	replace your CServer::ServiceL(RMessage&,CSession&) with a
 13806 	CSession::ServiceL(RMessage&). In addition, if you have supplied
 13807 	a CSession::CreateL() it should now be a
 13808 	CSession::CreateL(CServer&).
 13810 	Made TSglQueLink::Enque() private and TSglQueBase a friend of
 13811 	TSglQueLink. Removed calls to Enque in T_SQUE.
 13813 	Fixed X86 chunk routines. Additionally, changed WINS so that if
 13814 	you try to create a chunk of negative/zero size it returns
 13815 	KErrArgument instead of KErrGeneral.
 13817 4). SteveG
 13818 	This change affects the Window Server:
 13819 	Changed TKeyTranslator::TranslateKey(). It no longer accepts a
 13820 	TModifier as the second parameter. This function now takes care of
 13821 	working out and storing the current key modifier states.
 13822 	Now implemented as:
 13823 	TBoot TKeyTranslator::TranslateKey(TUint aScanCode, TBool aKeyUp,
 13824 		const CCaptureKeys& aCaptureKeys, SKeyData& aKeyData);
 13826 	Altered \wsrc\ws_main.cpp and \wsrc\keytran.h accordingly, and
 13827 	altered keytran.cpp to work out the key modifier states from the
 13828 	supplied scancodes.
 13829 	The keycode translator is now part of E32 as two DLL's: EKDATA.DLL
 13830 	and EKTRAN.DLL.
 13832 	Added the stub for the Gdb debugger. This adds two classes, Gdb
 13833 	and ImpGdb. Class Gdb handles the communication protocol to the
 13834 	remote PC running the debugger. The ImpGdb class handles all the
 13835 	implementation specific functions such as returning register
 13836 	values, setting breakpoints and the sending and receiving of data
 13837 	packets to the remote PC.
 13839 	Altered \e32\kex86\ke_int.cpp to pass control to the Gdb stub when
 13840 	a breakpoint or single step trap occurs, and \e32\kearm\ke_int.cpp
 13841 	to pass control to the Gdb stub when an undefined instruction is
 13842 	executed.
 13844 5). Morgan
 13845 	Fixed thread cleanup code to cancel the threads timer if it had
 13846 	not completed when the thread died.  Previously the destructor was
 13847 	attempting to close it after the thread's heap had been removed.
 13849 	Made TInt64A::Cmp into a signed compare.
 13850 	Fixed the DivMod function and other small fixes to get TInt64 code
 13851 	running on the rack.
 13852 	TInt64 operator >> now does an ASR.  TInt64::Asr() has become
 13853 	TInt64::Lsr()
 13855 	Alloc fail tool changes:
 13856 	__xHEAP_FAILNEXT(n) now fails once on the nth mem alloc.
 13857 	CTimer::Create has become CTimer::ConstructL.
 13858 	CActiveScheduler is now concrete.
 13860 6). Graham
 13861 	Incorporated ARM E32 - find GCC porting guide in 'Protea Software Design'.
 13862 	Modified test programs so that they build under gcc.
 13863 	Added digitiser code (XYIN) and general ADC control code.
 13864 	Added compiler support functions for software floating point.
 13865 	Added 'float' conversion routines to UM_R96.CPP
 13866 	Removed data from ELOCL.DLL by appropriate use of const in LSRC\*.CPP
 13870 	CSession::CreateL(CServer& aServer) has changed to
 13871 	CSession::CreateL(const CServer& aServer)
 13873 	This is a virtual function. If you supply your own version of this
 13874 	function, then be sure to change its prototype. If you don't then you won't
 13875 	get a compiler warning, but your program won't work any more.
 13878 Version 0.01.053
 13879 ================
 13880 (Made by Morgan, 29 Jan '96)
 13882 1).	Matthew
 13883 	Removed all trace of the old date\time classes.
 13885 	\E32\TCDT\T_FIND, which tests the find handles.
 13886 	There's also a modified version of \E32\TCDT\T_KERN.CPP, which has had it's
 13887 	brief TFindXxxx tests expanded to include the ones it previously missed out.
 13889 2).	SteveT
 13890 	I'm just putting keyboard repeats into the window server. I've put this change
 13891 	into \E32\KPWINS\KP_GUI.CPP to block windows auto repeats from getting
 13892 	through.
 13894 	line 169:
 13895 	case WM_SYSKEYDOWN:
 13896 	case WM_KEYDOWN:
 13897 	if (!(HIWORD(lParam)&KF_REPEAT))
 13898 		{
 13899 		v.Set(TEvent::EKeyDown,PP::Sca....
 13900 		Kern::AddEvent(v);
 13901 		}
 13902 	break;
 13904 	Another change to KP_GUI.CPP to get the keyboard repeats going properly. This
 13905 	adds a new TEvent type EInActive that informs me when the E32 window has lost
 13906 	focus, the change I've done is as below.
 13908 	case WM_ACTIVATE:      // line 207
 13909 	if ((lParam&0xFFFF)==WA_INACTIVE)
 13910 		{
 13911 		v.Set(TEvent::EInActive);
 13912 		Kern::AddEvent(v);
 13913 		}
 13914 	break;
 13915 	case WM_CHAR:
 13917 	I'm not sure if this the best solution, presumably for completeness there
 13918 	should be an EActive event as well, or add a true/false parameter to the event
 13919 	to say whether it's an active or inactive message.
 13920 	Of course on the real machine these events will never be used but I don't see
 13921 	that as a problem.
 13923 3).	Morgan
 13924 	Serial drivers for X86 and Eiger platforms.
 13925 	TLinearSectionRam::CreateRegion now rounds the committed size argument to page
 13926 	size before calling Map.
 13928 4).	Natascha
 13929 	Character set conversion.
 13930 	New test code (t_chset, t_chset2, t_chcon) for Unicode build
 13932 5).	Jane
 13933 	Added User::SetDebugMask to allow the setting of the trace mask around
 13934 	important sections of code.
 13936 	Fixed various DSession closing and CServer bugs, including HA-51. EPOCX86 can
 13937 	now run a test program more than once!!
 13939 	Fixed a process creation bug.
 13942 Version 0.01.052
 13943 ================
 13944 (Made by Matthew, 16 Jan '96)
 13946 1). Matthew
 13947 	Modified the kernel to use the new date/time classes internally. This includes
 13948 	the addition of new overloaded functions duplicating old ones. This should not
 13949 	effect the external interface except in a few cases, where some functions have
 13950 	been renamed XxxOld().
 13952 	In release 053 the old functions will be removed and some data members will be
 13953 	changed to the new date/time classes.
 13955 2). Natascha
 13956 	Character set conversion.
 13958 	Replaced \e32\lsrc\LS_850.CPP with new file \e32\lsrc\LS_LAT1.CPP, which has
 13959 	the same format:
 13961 			type table for characters
 13962 		and     conversions for upper case, lower case, folding and collating.
 13964 	for the Windows ISO Latin 1 character set.
 13966 	There are 3 test programs:
 13968 	1) \e32\tlocale\t_chset.mak which writes to a file "chtest.txt" the descriptions
 13969 	for the characters 32 - 255 together with a description of the character it is
 13970 	mapped to for each of the upper case, lower case, folding and collating conversions.
 13971 	It does this by reading from the tables in LS_LAT1.CPP directly.  This is designed
 13972 	to test the mapping tables in LS_LAT1.CPP.
 13974 	2) \e32\tlocale\t_chset2.mak which produces the same output to a file "chtest2.txt"
 13975 	and console, but uses the functions provided by the TChar class instead of reading
 13976 	the tables directly.  This is designed to test that the changes made in
 13977 	\e32\bwins\elocl.mak have taken effect.  Note there is no collate output since
 13978 	TChar has no collate function.
 13980 	3) \e32\tlocale\t_chcon.mak which produces a console output displaying the
 13981 	attributes of a range of characters 0xC0-0xCF using functions in TChar.  This
 13982 	tests that the type table in LS_LAT1.CPP is correct.
 13984 	All 3 test programs read from the text file e32\tlocale\winiso.txt.
 13986 	Note that currently these new tests do not compile in unicode build.
 13988 3). Matthew
 13989 	Replaced TBool TRegion::Check() with TBool TRegion::IsContainedBy(), which
 13990 	has the opposite sense, ie it returns ETrue when Check() returned EFalse and
 13991 	vice-versa.
 13993 4). Roger
 13994 	Added write(0) functionality to the serial LDD.
 13996 	A request to Write(...) with either a zero length descriptor or an explicit
 13997 	zero length will not complete until the control lines are asserted in such a
 13998 	way that a further write would actually send characters on to the line. The
 13999 	exact behaviour of write(0) depends upon the iHandshaking field in the current
 14000 	config.
 14002 	eg.
 14003 	void WaitForCTS(RComm& aSerial)
 14004 	//
 14005 	// Synchronously wait for CTS to be asserted, assumes aSerial is Open.
 14006 	//
 14007 		{
 14008 		TCommConfig cBuf;
 14009 		TCommConfigV01& c=cBuf();
 14010 		aSerial.Config(cBuf);
 14011 		c.iHandshake=KConfigObeyCTS;
 14012 		TRequestStatus stat;
 14013 		aSerial.Write(stat,TPtr8(NULL,0),0);
 14014 		User::WaitForRequest(stat);
 14015 		}
 14017 	The XOn/XOff bits of iHandshaking are ignored for Write(0).
 14019 	There are no changes to the PDD.
 14021 5). Jane
 14022 	Wrote display dll, video device (LDD) and VGA driver (PDD) for EPOCx86.
 14024 	Fixed ImpHal::DisableInt() which was only pushing 16 bits of flags.
 14026 	KMaxSectionBase in m32std.h was wrong - fixed.
 14028 	Added TExec which tests number of exec calls in one second.
 14030 6). Graham
 14031 	Fixed allocation of run addresses to chunks in DPlatProcess::
 14032 	AllocateDataSectionBase().
 14034 7). Roger
 14035 	Implemented CNewServer and CNewSession to run alongside CServer and CSession as
 14036 	proposed in MartinT's E32 proposal "ServiceL() should belong to CSession, not
 14037 	CServer". See E32 proposals for the API.
 14039 	This code is not part of a fully accepted proposal as yet - the code is included
 14040 	in the release to A) make further testing with the socket server less painful
 14041 	and B) allow others to migrate servers to the new scheme if they wish.
 14043 	Assuming the proposal becomes accepted, CServer and CSession will be replaced
 14044 	with CNewServer and CNewSession.
 14046 8). Matthew
 14047 	Maths bug fixes and test code.
 14050 Version 0.01.051
 14051 ================
 14052 (Made by Matthew, 21 Dec '95)
 14054 1). Jane
 14055 	Implemented dll and device loading for EPOC platforms.
 14058 	We have decided that when the entrypoint of a dll (E32Dll) succeeds, it should
 14059 	return KErrNone rather than TRUE. Under WINS, the true entrypoint (_E32Dll)
 14060 	converts KErrNone to TRUE before returning, but under EPOC this is not
 14061 	necessary and we get tighter code by being able just to pass on the return
 14062 	value of E32Dll().
 14063 	So in release 051 all dll entrypoints must now return KErrNone if successful.
 14065 	Added functions TBool User::JustInTime() and User::SetJustInTime(TBool) to
 14066 	allow getting/setting a kernel variable which controls whether the debugger
 14067 	macro executes its int 3 to do just in time debugging of panics with Visual
 14068 	C++. The default is ETrue, i.e. just in time debugging is enabled.
 14069 	All test code which traps deliberate panics should set this variable to
 14070 	false around the code in question, to prevent Visual C++ firing up. See
 14073 2). Morgan
 14074 	Changes to TReal96:  Changed KMatissaBits back to 53.
 14075 	Added Normalise and Prepare functions.
 14076 	GetTReal is now a const function.
 14078 3). Gillian
 14079 	Changes to the date and time classes
 14081 	The following is a summary of the new classes, but see the report in E32 proposals
 14082 	(Replacement for the existing date and time classes), and the ensuing discussion
 14083 	for a fuller description of the classes and the motivation for these changes.
 14085 	To avoid a name clash, the existing TDateTime class has been renamed TOldDateTime.
 14086 	This along with TSystemTime, SDaySec, SDate and STime and the static date and time
 14087 	functions in Userwill be withdrawn in release 053.
 14089 	The functionality previously in TDateTime is provided by TTime which holds the
 14090 	number of microseconds since midnight on 1st January 0AD in a TInt64. A TTime
 14091 	object may be constructed from a TInt64, a TDateTime (see below) or a string
 14092 	literal. Default construction will set the time 0.00am 1st January 2000AD. This
 14093 	class also supports comparisons between TTimes, the addition of TTimeIntervals
 14094 	(see below) to TTimes and the subtraction of TTimes (giving a TTimeInterval as the
 14095 	result). Such arithmetic operations are allowed to over- or underflow, but an error
 14096 	is returned if the results of a subtraction are too large to fit in the relevent
 14097 	(32-bit) TTimeInterval.
 14099 	The class TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds represents a 64-bit signed difference and the
 14100 	classes TTimeIntervalSeconds, ...Minutes, ...Hours, ...Days, ...Months, ...Years
 14101 	all derived from TTimeIntervalBase represent the differences in the rest of the
 14102 	time bases in a 32-bit signed integer. These classes only support getting, setting
 14103 	and comparison functions.
 14105 	The new class TDateTime has been defined for easy user access to TTime. It has
 14106 	year, month, day, hour, minute, second and microsecond data members, all held as
 14107 	TInts and therefore replaces the SDate and STime structs. This can hold times longer
 14108 	than TTime but no checks will be made on construction or assignment. The TDateTime
 14109 	class will only support getting and setting functions.
 14111 	The static functions date and time functions previously in User are now in the class
 14112 	Time.
 14114 	Omissions - BC dates, string parsing.
 14115 	Proviso   - Due to bug in TInt64 class Time::MaxTTime() and MinTTime() fail comparisons
 14117 4). Colly
 14118 	Removed RThread::Read() and Write() variants taking 2 parameters.
 14120 	Provided RMessage::ReadL and WriteL functions. These call the appropriate Client
 14121 	functions, so the code like
 14122 		myMessage.Client().Read(...)
 14123 	should now be changed to
 14124 		myMessage.ReadL(...)
 14126 	Removed AllocHeaps.
 14128 	Added preliminary code for support of shared heaps. In functions where a heap was
 14129 	previously created using given min and max heap sizes there is now an extra argument:
 14130 	RHeap * aHeap. If this is NULL then everything proceeds as before. Otherwise, the
 14131 	given heap is used. However, this is not properly implemented as yet and so for now
 14132 	you should always pass a null pointer.
 14134 	Replaced the constructor RHeap(THeapType aType,TInt aMinLength,TInt aMaxLength,TInt
 14135 	aGrowBy) with RHeap(TInt aMaxLength).
 14137 5). Matthew
 14138 	If TCallBack::iFunction==NULL then TCallBack::CallBack() returns 0. The default
 14139 	constructor now sets iFunction=NULL.
 14141 	CBufBase::DoInsertL() has been made private and a new overloaded variant of InsertL
 14142 	has been added.
 14144 	Added CActiveScheduler::Level(), which returns iLevel.
 14146 6). New error codes:
 14147 	const TInt KErrTimedOut=(-33);
 14148 	const TInt KErrCouldNotConnect=(-34);
 14149 	const TInt KErrCouldNotDisconnect=(-35);
 14150 	const TInt KErrSubSystem=(-36);
 14151 	const TInt KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint=(-37);
 14152 	const TInt KErrBadDescriptor=(-38);
 14155 Version 0.01.050
 14156 ================
 14157 (Made by Matthew, 12 Dec '95)
 14159 1). Roger/Mark
 14160 	Comms bug fixes.
 14162 2). Jal
 14163 	Circular buffer bug fix.
 14165 3). Roger
 14166 	RThread::Duplicate() fix.
 14168 4). Jane
 14169 	Improved the build system. Added mnt cleanup, mnt cleanwins and mnt
 14170 	cleanx86 which delete all the intermediate files for all builds, just
 14171 	WINS and just X86 respectively. A cleanup should always be performed
 14172 	before the first build of a new release of E32.
 14174 	Fixed clean-up of a thread's kernel server session when it dies.
 14176 	DPlatThread::Create() was not opening the thread it created, and thus
 14177 	the access count was too low, causing death when the thread died. Fixed.
 14179 	Fixed TTimerInt::TimerComplete() to switch interrupts off during the
 14180 	non-atomic decrement of the dfc pending flag.
 14182 	Made CObject::AccessCount() public rather than protected - mainly for use
 14183 	in debugging.
 14185 5). Geert
 14186 	Changed to a new scheme for boolean values. As the change has considerable
 14187 	impact there is a fair amount of material here, including some background
 14188 	information. Feel free to skip anything that looks familiar:
 14190 	In a statement such as
 14191 		if (cond) s1;
 14192 		else s2;
 14193 	C++ will execute s1 if cond!=0, and s2 if cond==0.  In general, C++ treats
 14194 	boolean values as false if they are equal to zero, and true if they are
 14195 	anything else.  The if statement, ?:, &&, || and ! operators all work on
 14196 	this assumption.
 14198 	However, the _result_ of a C++ calculation with boolean values is defined
 14199 	to be zero for false, and (int) 1 for true: the built-in &&, ||, !, ==,
 14200 	!=, <, >, <= and >= operators all return either 0 or 1.
 14202 	Thus, although 1 is the most usual value representing 'true', it is not
 14203 	the only value that can mean 'true'.  It is therefore _bad practice_ to
 14204 	compare any boolean variable with 1 (or ETrue, or TRUE), to see whether
 14205 	it's true:
 14206 		if (x==ETrue) s1;
 14207 	will only execute s1 if x==1, whereas
 14208 		if (x) s1;
 14209 	will execute s1 if x!=0, which is the correct definition of 'true'ness.
 14211 	The draft ANSI C++ standard includes a 'bool' type that has the right
 14212 	properties.  The TBool introduced here has two main design goals:
 14213 	(i) when ANSI compilers become widely available, it will be possible to
 14214 	replace the current type definition with
 14215 		typedef bool TBool;
 14216 	and everything will work perfectly
 14217 	(ii) it is designed to cause the compiler to generate an error message
 14218 	whenever a TBool is compared with ETrue.  This forces you to fix code that
 14219 	is potentially in error, before your code will successfully compile.
 14221 	TBool is no longer an enumeration. It is now an integral type best thought
 14222 	of as the type of boolean operators such as <, ==, !=, etc. The only
 14223 	significant property of its values is whether they are zero (false) or
 14224 	non-zero (true). The EFalse and ETrue enumeration constants are available
 14225 	as boolean literals, but a TBool does _not_ have to be equal to ETrue to
 14226 	be considered true.
 14228 	This has some impact on the kinds of expressions you can meaningfully
 14229 	write using TBools. Comparisons between boolean variables are meaningless,
 14230 	for instance. On the other hand, a statement such as
 14231 		if (x==EFalse) s1;
 14232 	is equivalent to
 14233 		if (!x) s1;
 14234 	which is not only more concise but also more expressive in many contexts.
 14236 	The most common meaningless expressions involving TBools; i.e., the likes
 14237 	of
 14238 		if (x==ETrue) s1;
 14239 	are trapped at compile time, or link time at the latest. Use
 14240 		if (x) s1;
 14241 	instead.
 14243 	Another commonly used construct is
 14244 		return(x ? ETrue : EFalse);
 14245 	where the conditional is now entirely redundant. As a side effect of the
 14246 	definition of EFalse and ETrue, this code no longer compiles. Examples of
 14247 	other code intended to achieve the same effect are:
 14248 		return((TBool)(x));
 14249 	or
 14250 		if (x) return(ETrue);
 14251 		else return(EFalse);
 14252 	or one of many variants. These are not picked up by the compiler.
 14254 	Comparisons of one TBool to another are not trapped, nor are other
 14255 	meaningless constructs such as
 14256 		if (x<=ETrue) s1;
 14258 	To help the human reader, all boolean values should be declared as TBool,
 14259 	including: member data; function parameters taking booleans; functions
 14260 	returning booleans and especially overloaded boolean operators such as
 14261 	operator==(), operator!=() etc. Where booleans are packed into TInt8s or
 14262 	the like to save space, consider using a flags word instead.
 14264 	In rare cases TBools may have to be converted into integer values. This
 14265 	may be the case when packing booleans into bytes, or when streaming them
 14266 	out. One elegant and efficient way of doing that is to compare to EFalse;
 14267 	e.g.,
 14268 		TUint8 iPresent[aColorComponent]=(TUint8)(aComponentPresent!=EFalse);
 14269 	Just casting is not sufficient because vital non-zero bits in the incoming
 14270 	boolean may be lost.
 14272 	Moreover, it is sometimes useful to assert things about the exact integer
 14273 	value of a boolean. One example of this is test code. The built-in boolean
 14274 	operators return either 0 or 1. It may be desirable to specify the same
 14275 	behaviour for overloaded operators or even ordinary member functions. Use
 14276 	the FALSE and TRUE macros in those cases; e.g.,
 14277 		test((des1<des2)==TRUE);
 14279 	The macros may also be useful when an ordinary integer is regarded as a
 14280 	boolean. The E32Dll() entry point returns a TInt, for instance. FALSE and
 14281 	TRUE may be used in that context. Another use is at the interface with
 14282 	external code, such as the Win32 API. As a final example: a callback
 14283 	function to be used in the context of a CIdle object might use the macros,
 14284 	since its TInt return value is interpreted as a boolean.
 14286 	Note that the conversion to this new scheme is only partially implemented
 14287 	in the base.
 14289 6). Steve
 14290 	New functions TSize TPoint::AsSize and TPoint TSize::AsPoint return
 14291 	this as the respective type. Removed overloaded functions in TPoint,
 14292 	TSize and TRect.
 14294 	TSize::SetWH renamed to SetSize.
 14296 	TRect - Functions renamed from Offset to Move and Normalise to
 14297 	Normalize. New functions: Size, Width, Height, IsNormalized, Center,
 14298 	SetSize, SetWidth and SetHeight.
 14301 Version 0.01.049
 14302 ================
 14303 (Made by Matthew, 21 Nov 1995)
 14305 1). Andrew
 14306 	The constness of the parameters to CCleanup::PushL and
 14307 	CleanupStack::PushL has gone.
 14309 	CCleanup and CleanupStack now have an extra PushL overload: This
 14310 	takes a TCleanupItem, which is callback. This enables any component
 14311 	to be placed on the cleanup stack by providing a implicit cast to
 14312 	TCleanupItem: the component will require a static member which conforms
 14313 	to the TCleanupOperation prototype, with which it can constuct a
 14314 	TCleanupItem. The overhead of all this is negligible _only_ if the cast
 14315 	operator is inline!
 14317 	See the RItem class in the T_CTRAP test code for an example of how to
 14318 	do this.
 14320 	It is possible to push a no-data callback on the stack, though the function
 14321 	must take a dummy TAny * parameter. Such a function can be PushLed
 14322 	directly, as TCleanupItem provides a constructor from a TCleanupOperation.
 14325 2). Jane
 14326 	Added code for the WINS platform to allow DLLs to startup in a chosen
 14327 	order. When E32Dll() is first called (aReason==EDllProcessAttach), a new
 14328 	function UserSvr::InitRegisterCallback(TCallBack t, TInt p) should be
 14329 	called. This registers t as a callback function with priority p. All the
 14330 	start-up functionality of E32Dll() should now be moved to the callback.
 14332 	After all the DLLs have been loaded, the kernel runs through a priority
 14333 	queue, doing callbacks in the requested order, and waiting on a semaphore
 14334 	between each call. Before it terminates, the callback function should call
 14335 	UserSvr::ServerStarted() to signal the semaphore, and allow the kernel to
 14336 	callback to the next DLL's registered function.
 14338 	See the t_start files in TADT.
 14340 	Added support for sharing loading of dlls.
 14342 	Fixed the thread cleanup code to correctly free resources owned by the
 14343 	session, and exit cleanly if the thread creation failed due to lack of
 14344 	heap. Should fix HA-7.
 14346 3). Matthew
 14347 	CObject::Close now panics if the access count becomes negative, new test
 14348 	code checks this.
 14350 	In WINS, PP:MapLastError returns KErrDoesNotExist for the NT error code
 14351 	ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND. This fixes HA-22.
 14353 	Added a function RLibrary::LoadExact which loads a DLL without mangling
 14354 	the name. To use this you will need F32 build 13.
 14356 4). Roger
 14357 	Added __DEBUGGER() Macro.
 14359 	Under WINS and MX86 this macro will place an inline int3 instruction into
 14360 	your code. For ARM builds the macro expands to a SWI instruction.
 14362 	The macro compiles out under release builds.
 14364 	Under WINS __DEBUGGER() will cause the application to drop into the
 14365 	debugger - it will also invoke just in time debugging if your system has
 14366 	it enabled.
 14368 	There is no kernel debugger support for ARM or MX86 builds.
 14370 	The Macro is currently defined in E32STD.h this is a temporary measure
 14371 	until there is a good area for platform specific pre-processor macros.
 14373 	Fixed the two DPlatThreads with the same NT thread id in the kernel's
 14374 	list of threads bug, HA-16 and HA-6.
 14376 5). Graham
 14377 	New ARM code, added function TEiger::BootWaitMilliseconds(), changed
 14378 	ArmVectorIrq() and CScreenDriverMarm::Blit().
 14381 Version 0.01.048
 14382 ================
 14383 (Made by Jane,13 Nov 1995)
 14385 1). Colly
 14386 	If a function has a parameter by reference immediately before the
 14387 	ellipsis argument as in:
 14389 	RTest::Printf(const TDesC &aFmt,...)
 14391 	then there is a problem when using the variable argument macros as
 14392 	follows:
 14394 	VA_LIST list;
 14395 	VA_START(list,aFmt);
 14397 	since the macro use &aFmt to try and get the address of the argument
 14398 	on the stack. However this does not work with arguments passed by
 14399 	reference since &aFmt is the real address of the descriptor. I have
 14400 	been using a special function User::SetVaArgList() to overcome this
 14401 	difficulty. However this function does not work with register calling
 14402 	conventions as for the ARM compiler and so a better solution has been
 14403 	found. Many thanks to Geert for the solution as follows:
 14405 	A new class has been defined TRefByValue as follows:
 14407 	template <class T>
 14408 	class TRefByValue
 14409 		{
 14410 	public:
 14411 		inline TRefByValue(T &aRef);
 14412 		inline operator T &();
 14413 	private:
 14414 		TRefByValue &operator=(TRefByValue aRef);
 14415 	private:
 14416 		T &iRef;
 14417 		};
 14419 	The assignment operator is just to stop the compiler whining since
 14420 	it cannot generate the assignment operator. The trick is to pass a
 14421 	reference by value and then have a cast to return the refernce again.
 14422 	So all that needs to change is the function declaration as follows:
 14424 	RTest::Printf(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
 14426 	Note that the TRefByValue is now passed by value so that
 14428 	VA_START(list,aFmt)
 14430 	will now work. SetVaArgList has now thankfully been banished.
 14432 	NOTE: No functions calling these functions with ... should need
 14433 	to be changed.
 14435 	As a consequence of this change three pairs of overloaded functions
 14436 	are now ambiguous:
 14438 	TDesC::Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...); and
 14439 	TDesC::Format(const TDesC8 &aFmt,VA_LIST aList);
 14440 	TDesC::AppendFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...); and
 14441 	TDesC::AppendFormat(const TDesC8 &aFmt,VA_LIST aList);
 14442 	TLex::Convert(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFormat,...);
 14443 	TLex::Convert(const TDesC8 &aFormat,VA_LIST aList);
 14445 	Resolved the ambiguity in each case by renaming the function which
 14446 	takes the VA_LIST argument to end in List, i.e.
 14448 	TDesC::FormatList(const TDesC8 &aFmt,VA_LIST aList);
 14449 	TDesC::AppendFormatList(const TDesC8 &aFmt,VA_LIST aList);
 14450 	TLex::ConvertList(const TDesC8 &aFormat,VA_LIST aList);
 14452 2). Colly
 14453 	A mis-understanding between myself and Nick Twyman caused me to
 14454 	change EXPORT_C to be defined empty. This is not correct and I have
 14455 	put it back to the correct #define EXPORT_C __declspec(dllexport)
 14457 3). Colly
 14458 	Fixed a bug in the TReal96 class which then showed up a failure
 14459 	in the implementation of TReal96. TReal96 on being Set() was always
 14460 	shifting the mantissa left three and then subtracting 3 from the
 14461 	exponent. However all the function were not allowing for this. I
 14462 	have changed the Set() code not to to the shift any longer. So if
 14463 	real calculations are to be performed the shift will have to be
 14464 	done before the calculation. GetTReal() and the cast to TReal
 14465 	normalise as before. GetTReal() had a bug in that it was
 14466 	normalising *this along the way to converting to a TReal. It should
 14467 	in fact do nothing and be changed to a const function. Two new
 14468 	functions need to be added, Normalise() and Prepare(). Normalise()
 14469 	will do most of what GetTReal() is doing now but will do it directly
 14470 	on *this, while Prepare() will do the left shift by three.
 14472 4). Colly
 14473 	Changed all executive services to have 4 or less arguments to suit
 14474 	the calling convention of the GCC compiler. i.e. all arguments are
 14475 	in registers.
 14477 5). Colly
 14478 	Added the ARM implementation of Epoc/32 for the Eiger chip and finally
 14479 	got a workable release of the GNU tool chain from Cygnus. Work is now
 14480 	progressing on getting Epoc/32 running on Eiger.
 14482 6). Graham
 14483 	Various Eiger fixes.
 14485 7.) Jane
 14486 	Changed build system adding the verbs mnt cleanup (deletes everything from \e32sys
 14487 	and \work\e32\...) and mnt blddef (automated build of all the .def files into
 14488 	\E32\BWINS and \E32\BMX86 directories). Made several changes to the DEFMAKE tool
 14489 	to support this.
 14490 	These should only need to be used by the base team - others can continue to
 14491 	use mnt bldall etc. as usual.
 14493 8). Matthew
 14494 	Test code for CPeriodic and TDayName etc added.
 14496 	Fixed rounding bug in um_rtod.cpp (HA-15) & adapted Martin Hardman's test
 14497 	code.
 14499 9). Jane
 14500 	Fixed HA-13, setting iBase=0 in DestroyAll(), and wrote test code. Note that
 14501 	DestroyAll() is due to be replaced by a function in a new class CArrayFixFlatCBase
 14502 	which will subclass CArrayFixFlat<CBase *> and thus can be type safe.
 14504 10). Jane
 14505 	Changed EXE header format in kernel and E32ROM to contain stack & heap maximum
 14506 	and minimum sizes.
 14508 11). Jane
 14509 	MMU - added allocation of linear regions (chunks) from high memory for DLLs, and
 14510 	wrote test code.
 14512 12). Morgan
 14513 	Maths fixes.
 14515 	T_MATH.CPP:
 14516 	2 sin tests (lines 1317-1321) were failing with the new TReal96 due to inaccurate
 14517 	values for sin(3) and sin(4).
 14519 	lntest4 now uses a bit test ( using the 'approx' class) to compare the results taking
 14520 	into account any bit wobble.
 14522 	UM_INT.CPP:
 14523 	Fixed Math::Int(TReal &aTrg,const TReal &aSrc) aSrc.Exp() = KMantissaBits-32.
 14524 	(Left shifting a TInt by 32 (eg  x<<32)  results in 0xffffffff when it was required to be 0).
 14526 	UP_I64.CPP
 14527 	Added TInt64A::MulTop which returns the top 64 bits of a 64x64->128 multiply.
 14529 	UM_R96.CPP - TReal96 functions
 14530 	Set() now writes the correct exponent for a 56 bit mantissa (and is consistent with the
 14531 	transendental fuctions when KMantissaBits=56)
 14533 	Added TMathPanics
 14535 	Added test code for TReal96, RChunks and more tests for Int64
 14538 13). Colly
 14539 	Various X86 keyboard fixes.
 14541 14). Martin
 14542 	Changed Alloc heaven 'dialog' so that address of offending cell is visible.
 14544 	Added a Replace function to descriptors (courtesy of Brendan), with test code.
 14546 	Fixed TPtr::Set function to do the right thing with maxlen, modified test code.
 14548 15). Graham
 14549 	Windows server changes.
 14551 16). Jane
 14552 	Added KBX86 and KBARM boot source to PVCS.
 14555 Version 0.01.047
 14556 ================
 14557 (Made by Colly, 9 Oct 1995)
 14559 1). Changed all TUint to TInt.
 14561 2). The UserSvr::RequestEvent(TEvent &anEvent,TRequestStatus &aStatus)
 14562 	was unworkable for the Epoc/32 micro-kernel variants since the
 14563 	O/S needs to write the resulting event back in the context of the
 14564 	interrupt which may not be the same process as that requesting the
 14565 	event. Like servers, this needs to be written using RThread::Write()
 14566 	which needs to write to a descriptor in the requesting process. To
 14567 	this end I have defined:
 14569 	class TEventBuf : public TPckgBuf<TEvent>
 14570 		{
 14571 	public:
 14572 		inline TEvent &Event() const {return(*((TEvent *)&iBuf[0]));}
 14573 		};
 14575 	The function now becomes:
 14577 	UserSvr::RequestEvent(TEventBuf &anEvent,TRequestStatus &aStatus);
 14579 	i.e. it takes the packaged event. The actual event can be returned
 14580 	by using the () operator on the package or by calling Event().
 14582 3). The text window server had a bug which was causing the unicode
 14583 	release build to fail reading the setup parameters in a random way.
 14585 4). CObjectIx::Destruct() was deleting NULL object handles. Fixed.
 14587 5). Made TRequestStatus a proper class so that it is now strongly typed.
 14588 	This helps the compiler pick the correct overloaded function as
 14589 	can happen in the file server for example. Note that there is no
 14590 	conversion from a TRequestStatus to a TInt. Use the Int() function.
 14592 6). ROM sizes are now quoted for the Epoc/32 microkernel builds and
 14593 	not for WINS as previously.
 14595 ROM SIZES
 14597 			X86    ARM
 14598 			---   ----
 14599 EUSER.DLL   94K   154K
 14600 EKERN.DLL   70K   110K
 14601 ELOCL.DLL    3K     3K
 14602 EFSRV.DLL   27K    41K
 14603 ----------------------
 14604 TOTAL      194K   308K
 14605 ----------------------
 14607 Version 0.01.046
 14608 ================
 14609 (Made by Colly, 2 Oct 1995)
 14611 1). Added #defines _L8, _L16, _S8 and _S16 for string literals.
 14613 2). Eliminated wait handlers for device drivers. The function
 14614 	User::AllowRequestsToComplete() is now redundant. Withdrawn.
 14616 3). KMinTInt8 and KMinTInt16 were not defined correctly. Fixed.
 14618 4). Completed the implementation of RHeap(). The various UserHeap
 14619 	creation functions now have new	arguments, aMinLength,
 14620 	aMaxLength and aGrowBy. The heap will initially be aMinLength
 14621 	in size, and can grow to be aMaxLength in size. If there is no
 14622 	space in the heap then an attempt will be made to grow the heap
 14623 	in aGrowBy increments. There is a new function Compress() which
 14624 	will free any excess space at the end of the heap. Compress() will
 14625 	never shrink the heap to less than aMinLength. The sizing code has
 14626 	been modified to take account of the RHeap structure at the bottom
 14627 	of the heap, so that the free size of a newly created heap will
 14628 	always be >= aMinLength. None of this affects fixed heaps.
 14630 5). Changed RThread::Create() to allow the initial size of the heap
 14631 	to be specified as well as the maximum size of the heap. These
 14632 	are given as the aHeapMinSize and aHeapMaxSize parameters. All
 14633 	heaps created in chunks are targets for compression if the system
 14634 	runs out of memory.
 14636 6). Implemented the process handling functions for the first time in
 14637 	the micro-kernel version, including an interface to allow a loader
 14638 	server to actually load .EXEs and .DLLs. In a normal system the
 14639 	loader server will be part of the file server. The 486 version
 14640 	of Epoc/32 now supports multiple processes, full pre-emptive
 14641 	scheduling, and execute in place .DLLs and .EXEs.
 14643 7). Added User::Beep(TInt aFrequency,TInt aDuration). The frequency
 14644 	is in hertz so 440 is middle A. The duration is in tenths
 14645 	of a second. As in Epoc/16 a negative duration indicates that if
 14646 	the hardware to perform the beep is being used for another purpose
 14647 	no beep will be sounded. As before if the duration is positive the
 14648 	beep can hang up the program until the hardware is free to make
 14649 	the beep. And as before the first beep will return immediately if
 14650 	the hardware is not busy and the beep will continue in background.
 14651 	Note that in Epoc/16 the frequency was specified as an interval.
 14652 	This function is not playing a sound constinuously due to a bug in
 14653 	Win32. It is however functionally correct. I will fix it in the
 14654 	next release.
 14656 8). The constructor for the TPckg template class was leaving the
 14657 	length of the descriptor as zero, when it should be the sizeof
 14658 	the object T. Fixed.
 14660 9). Add support for drivers to the kernel. In Epoc/16 there were LDDs
 14661 	and PDDs. In Epoc/32 a Device is equivalent to an LDD and a Driver
 14662 	is equivalent to a PDD. The only user mode services for drivers
 14663 	are TFindDriver which allows all installed drivers to be listed
 14664 	and User::LoadDriver() and User::FreeDriver(). With the addition
 14665 	of drivers \E32\KSRC\KS_DEV.CPP got too big to handle so I have
 14666 	split out channels into KS_CHN.CPP and libraries (DLLs) into
 14667 	KS_LIB.CPP and put drivers in KS_DRV.CPP.
 14669 10).Completed the implementation of the device driver functions in the
 14670 	kernel and implemented the RDevComm device as well as a WINS driver.
 14671 	Ax X86 driver for 16450s and 16550s is coming soon. Serial comms lives
 14672 	again! The comms device	and WINS driver are now part of the standard
 14673 	release of E32 for WINS. The interface to the device is in D32COMM.H
 14674 	and D32COMM.INL. It is necessary to load both the device driver
 14675 	and	the physical driver in order to use the comms device. An example
 14676 	of how to do this is in \e32\dpwins\t_comm.cpp.
 14678 11).Added a public function CActive::Deque() which will allow the
 14679 	active object to be removed from the scheduler queue. Deque()
 14680 	will call Cancel() before dequeing the object. The object must
 14681 	already be on the scheduler queue to be dequed or else a panic
 14682 	will result.
 14684 12).Added a circular buffer template class CCirBuf<T> to E32ADT.H and
 14685 	its test program T_CIRC.CPP. This is used by the serial device
 14686 	to implement receive and transmit buffers. It allows items to be
 14687 	added at the head of the queue while allowing items to be removed
 14688 	from the tail of the queue. The buffers size can be changed
 14689 	dynamically by calling SetLengthL(), although it will discard the
 14690 	current contents of the buffer. Also added a class CCirBufer
 14691 	derived from CCirBuf<TUint8> which add Get() and Put() which will
 14692 	add or remove a single item and are	optimised for speed.
 14694 13).Added the text window server to the standard build of E32. This has
 14695 	now been implemented for WINS and EPOC/32-MX86 platforms. The source
 14696 	of this server is in \E32\WSRC. It uses a screen driver .DLL
 14697 	to perform character blitting to the screen. The test programs are
 14698 	in \E32\TWIN. The RConsole class has the following facilities:
 14700 	RConsole is used to communicate with the text windows server.
 14702 	Version()	Reports client side version information
 14704 	Create()	If necessary, opens a connection to the window server, then creates a default window without displaying
 14705 				it. The default window characteristics may then be changed using Control() before proceeding to display
 14706 				the window using Set().
 14708 	Set()		If necessary, opens a connection to the window server. If necessary, creates a window. Then displays
 14709 				the window with the given title and attaches the given buffer size characteristics to it.
 14711 	Write()		Writes the given text at the current cursor position.
 14713 	Clear()		Clears the whole window and places the cursor at the top left corner.
 14715 	ClearToEndOfLIne() Clears from the current cursor position to the end of the line
 14717 	Destroy()	Removes the window from the screen. Another may then be opened using Create()/Set().
 14719 	SetCursorSize()	  Sets the percentage height of the cursor
 14720 	SetCursorPosAbs() Places cursor at given absolute position.
 14721 	SetCursorPosRel() Places cursor relative to current position.
 14722 	CursorPos()		  Returns current cursor position
 14724 	Control()	Controls various window characteristics. The text passed to this function may contain near-English
 14725 				commands. However, only the '+', '-', and upper-case letters are actually interpreted:
 14727 				'+'		Apply subsequent characteristics
 14728 				'-'		Remove subsequent characteristics
 14729 				'V'		Visibility
 14730 				'C'		Cursor on
 14731 				'S'		Scroll bars
 14732 				'L'		Scroll lock
 14733 				'W'		Wrap lock
 14734 				'M'		Maximum Window Size
 14735 				'N'		'/n' is CR and LF
 14737 				Before interpreting the text, a silent '+' is assumed:
 14739 						Control(_L("Visibility -Cursor Lock + Scroll"))
 14741 				This would cause the window to become visible, with no text cursor, no scroll lock active,
 14742 				but with scroll bars present. Of course, the following command would achieve exactly the same
 14743 				result, but would not posses the same level of self-documentation or readability:
 14745 						Control(_L("VS-CL"))
 14747 				Further more, the next command would achieve the same thing with even more readability:
 14749 						Control(_L("+Visibility -Cursor -Lock +Scroll"))
 14751 	Read()		Read a character.
 14753 	ReadCancel()	Cancel asynchronous read request
 14755 14).Set the priority of the kernel server thread and null thread
 14756 	correctly on the EPOC/32 platforms.
 14758 15).Now allocating data section base addresses correctly so that multiple
 14759 	threads will now work correctly on the EPOC/32 platforms.
 14761 16).Changed THandleBase::Duplicate(RProcess &aProcess) to be
 14762 	THandleBase::Duplicate(RThread &aThread) since it is usual
 14763 	to have the remote thread handle and unusual to have the remote
 14764 	threads process handle. The O/S uses the thread's process as the
 14765 	handle's source process.
 14767 17).RTimer.After() and User::After() were using a duration in ticks. This
 14768 	has now been changed to a duration in tenths of a second so that it
 14769 	is platform independent.
 14771 18).RProcess RThread::Process() was always returning the current
 14772 	process rather than the thread's process. Also returning a new
 14773 	handle based object can fail with out of memory so I have changed
 14774 	this function to TInt RThread::Process(RProcess &aProcess) so that
 14775 	it can return the error.
 14777 19).Under Windows/NT a mutex once owned by a thread can be waited on again
 14778 	without locking the thread, on the basis that this protects a thread
 14779 	from entering deadlock. However this is nonsense since a mutex can
 14780 	be used to prevent a thread from accessing the resource as
 14781 	happens in the case of the User::Beep() function. Basically the
 14782 	mutex is used to lock out threads until the current beep has
 14783 	completed. What takes the thread out of potential deadlock is the
 14784 	beep completing in due course. Changed the WINS implementation to
 14785 	behave correctly and lock the thread.
 14787 20).TLex::Val(TReal &) did not fail with a number like _L("1.2e"). Fixed.
 14789 21).The default constructor for the TLex class was still being set up for
 14790 	zero terminated descriptors which were discarded in January. Fixed.
 14792 22).TLex::Peek() would happily try and access a character from a default
 14793 	constructed TLex which resulted in an access violation. Now fixed.
 14794 	Also dropped inline for Inc(),Peek() and Get().
 14796 23).CBufBase::Read(TUint aPos,TDes8 &aDes) is documented as reading up to
 14797 	aDes.MaxLength() characters, but was in fact reading up to
 14798 	aDes.Length() characters. Fixed.
 14800 24).RTimer was not setting the request status to KRequestPending after
 14801 	an asynchronous request. Fixed.
 14803 25).I have changed EXPORT_C to just be nothing rather than
 14804 	__declspec(dllexport). For the time being it is still required to
 14805 	declare functions as EXPORT_C. If you had a function which did
 14806 	not have a corresponding IMPORT_C then make sure that there is
 14807 	an IMPORT_C defined somewhere or else the function will not be
 14808 	exported.
 14810 26).Changed the heap checking macros to have understandable names and have
 14811 	simplified their implementation. I have also made them orthogonal. The
 14812 	new names and their old equivalents are as follows:
 14814 	// For the user heap
 14816 	__UHEAP_MARK							MARKSTART
 14817 	__UHEAP_CHECK(aCount)					CHECKNUM1(x)
 14820 	__UHEAP_MARKEND(aCount)					MARKEND1(x)
 14821 	__UHEAP_FAILNEXT(aCount)				SETFAIL(x,y)
 14822 	__UHEAP_SETFAIL(aType,aRate)			SETFAIL(x,y)
 14823 	__UHEAP_RESET							RESET
 14825 	// For the kernel heap
 14827 	__KHEAP_MARK
 14828 	__KHEAP_CHECK(aCount)
 14829 	__KHEAP_CHECKALL(aCount)
 14831 	__KHEAP_MARKEND(aCount)
 14832 	__KHEAP_FAILNEXT(aCount)				K_SETFAIL(x,y)
 14833 	__KHEAP_SETFAIL(aType,aRate)			K_SETFAIL(x,y)
 14834 	__KHEAP_RESET							K_RESET
 14836 	// For any RHeap
 14838 	__RHEAP_MARK(aHeap)						MARKSTART1(x)
 14839 	__RHEAP_CHECK(aHeap,aCount)				CHECKNUM2(x,y)
 14840 	__RHEAP_CHECKALL(aHeap,aCount)			CHECKTOTALNUM2(x,y)
 14841 	__RHEAP_MARKEND(aHeap)					MARKEND1(x)
 14842 	__RHEAP_MARKEND(aHeap,aCount)			MARKEND2(x,y)
 14843 	__RHEAP_FAILNEXT(aHeap,aCount)			UH_SETFAIL(x,y,z)
 14844 	__RHEAP_SETFAIL(aHeap,aType,aRate)		UH_SETFAIL(x,y,z)
 14845 	__RHEAP_RESET(aHeap)					UH_RESET
 14847 	FAILNEXT,UH_FAILNEXT and K_FAILNEXT can be replaced
 14848 	with __?HEAP_FAILNEXT(1)
 14850 	It is no longer possible to check a threads heap since this will
 14851 	not work under Epoc/32 if a thread is in another process.
 14853 	In the first trial implementation of __?HEAP__FAILNEXT(aCount) I
 14854 	had not realised that aCount did not do anything. This is now
 14855 	fixed. Note that aCount==1 fails the next alloc call.
 14857 27).The member variable of TScreenInfoV01 were not declared with a lower
 14858 	case i prefix. Fixed.
 14860 28).Released the console classes. The header for the console class in
 14861 	E32CONS.H. It has an abstract base class CConsoleBase which just
 14862 	defines a basic set of console functions. It also has CConsoleTextWin
 14863 	which is the console implementation for the text window server.
 14865 29).Changed the WINS platform to use the the CConsoleTextWin instead of
 14866 	a second Windows/NT console window. The test class now uses the
 14867 	CConsoleTextWin. The console is released as ECONS.DLL. The
 14868 	CConsoleTextWin class is defined in the E32TWIN.H header.
 14870 30).Changed the test class to use the console. Also added a Getch()
 14871 	function to the test class. Because it now owns a console object
 14872 	I have had to rename the test class RTest. I have also added
 14873 	a Close() member function which will free an allocated console.
 14875 31).Added CConsoleBase *Adt::NewConsoleL() which will create a basic
 14876 	console object. Note that you do not need to be linked to ECONS.LIB
 14877 	in order to	use this or any of the member functions of CConsoleBase.
 14879 32).Took the opportunity with the release of the X86 platform to rename
 14880 	the WINS platform releaseables to be inline with those of the X86
 14881 	platform. The new names are as follows:
 14884 	============	=============
 14892 	For programs the programs which use E32 the only changes to .MAK files
 14893 	which are significant are as follows:
 14895 	ESTAT?.OBJ	to	EEXE.OBJ	- The startup object for .EXEs
 14896 	ESTAT?.LIB	to	EEXE.LIB	- The startup library for .EXEs
 14897 								  if linking with msvcrt20.lib
 14898 	EWINS?.LIB	to	EUSER.LIB	- The user library
 14900 33).Added an inline "construct in place" global new operator.
 14902 34).Due to popular demand I have moved the following functions
 14903 	to a new class of their own CleanupStack.
 14905 	Adt::PushL(const TAny *)
 14906 	Adt::PushL(const CBase *)
 14907 	Adt::Pop()
 14908 	Adt::Pop(TUint aCount)
 14909 	Adt::PopAndDestroy()
 14910 	Adt::PopAndDestroy(TUint aCount)
 14912 	become
 14914 	CleanupStack::PushL(const TAny *)
 14915 	CleanupStack::PushL(const CBase *)
 14916 	CleanupStack::Pop()
 14917 	CleanupStack::Pop(TUint aCount)
 14918 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy()
 14919 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(TUint aCount)
 14921 35).For a long time I have been tracking down a race condition under
 14922 	WINS which resulted in the kernel being hung. This turns out to be
 14923 	a bug in the Windows/NT implementation	of critical	sections.
 14924 	I have replaced the critical section with a mutex which	fixes the bug.
 14926 36).I have fixed the T_SEMUTX.CPP program which has also long had a
 14927 	deliberate race condition as part of its test. However the problem
 14928 	was that sometimes it raced and sometimes it did not. By making each
 14929 	thread wait different times its possible to always make the race
 14930 	conditions occur so that the test will always pass consistently.
 14932 37).The CIdle class was doing a User::WaitForAnyRequest() in the
 14933 	DoCancel() function. DoCancel() should just do nothing ofcourse
 14934 	since the CActive::Cancel() function will do the WaitForAnyRequest().
 14935 	Many thanks to Brendan for spotting the bug and for providing
 14936 	the test code t_idle.cpp.
 14938 38).Adt::DestroyZ() was never any use, so I have removed it.
 14940 39).CSession::CreateL() was defined as pure virtual so that server
 14941 	implmentors had to define a CreateL() function even, as is often
 14942 	the case, the function did nothing. I have now supplied a default
 14943 	implementation which does nothing.
 14945 40).CActiveScheduler::Install() would not allow the current scheduler
 14946 	to be removed by passing NULL. This is now allowed. Note that if
 14947 	you want to change the scheduler you must first de-install by using
 14948 	NULL and then replace with the new scheduler.
 14950 41).Got most of the base test code working in release mode. For some
 14951 	unknow reason, some of the test code template classes are not
 14952 	instaniating in release builds. All tests pass but the following
 14953 	have the body of their code eliminated.
 14958 	In getting the test programs to work in the release build almost
 14959 	all problems wre due to a dependency on the lifetime of
 14960 	temporaries. In debug builds temporaries are never re-used so they
 14961 	exist for the duration of the function. However in release builds
 14962 	they are re-used at the first opportunity. Typical buggy code is
 14963 	as follows:
 14965 	class TBug
 14966 		{
 14967 	public:
 14968 		TBuf();
 14969 		void Set1(const TDesC *aDes);
 14970 		void Set2(const TDesC *aDes);
 14971 	private:
 14972 		const TDesC *iPtr1;
 14973 		const TDesC *iPtr2;
 14974 		};
 14976 	TBuf b;
 14977 	b.Set1(&_L("Temporary 1"));
 14978 	b.Set2(&_L("Temporary 2"));
 14980 	This will work fine in debug builds but will result in iPtr1 and
 14981 	iPtr2 pointing to the same value. This is because _L is defined
 14982 	as a constructor for a TPtrC which creates a temporary. The same
 14983 	automatic space will be used for the temporary.
 14985 42).HBufC::NewMax(),HBufC::NewMaxL() and HBufC::NewMaxLC() all ended
 14986 	up setting the length to the size of the allocated cell which can
 14987 	be bigger that the requested length. Changed to set the length
 14988 	to the requested length.
 14990 43).Moved MemCopy(),MemCompare(),MemCompareF(),MemCompareC()
 14991 	MemFill(),MemFillZ() and MemSwap() to a class of their own
 14992 	called Mem and dropped the Mem prefix. So User::MemCopy() is
 14993 	now Mem::Copy() etc.
 14995 44).Changed TDesC functions Match(),Locate(),LocateReverse() and Find()
 14996 	to return an unsigned result. They all return KNotFound which is
 14997 	defined as KMaxTUint if they fail.
 14999 45).The message system was not tidying up correctly when a session
 15000 	was closed by the client or if the client died before closing. The
 15001 	new implementation of messaging has now fixed this problem.
 15003 NOTE
 15004 ====
 15006 20th September 1995.
 15008 The X86 implementation of the Epoc/32 platform ran through the
 15009 creation and execution of the first user mode process and then
 15010 eventually ended up in the NULL process and consequently the idle
 15011 loop. The MMU and protection is fully enabled, so this constitutes
 15012 the birth of Epoc/32. We hope to have the remainder of the boot
 15013 sequence, i.e. file server, window server and shell completed
 15014 by the end of the next week.
 15016 ROM SIZES
 15018 			X86    ARM
 15019 			---   ----
 15020 EUSER.DLL   90K   148K
 15021 EKERN.DLL   33K    47K
 15022 ELOCL.DLL    3K     3K
 15023 EFSRV.DLL   28K    42K
 15024 ----------------------
 15025 TOTAL      154K   240K
 15026 ----------------------
 15028 Version 0.01.045
 15029 ================
 15030 (Made by Colly, 30 Aug 1995)
 15032 1). Changed the way messaging worked internally. RServer::Receive() used
 15033 	to get a pointer to the message received. I was hoping to pass this
 15034 	pointer directly from supervisor space for efficiency, but I have
 15035 	decided that its not worth the extra overhead of read only shared
 15036 	memory that wouldbe required. RServer now has a RMessage by value
 15037 	which receives the contents of the message when it arrives. If the
 15038 	server needs to hold onto the message then it must either copy
 15039 	the message in full (I have added a copy constructor and an assignment
 15040 	operator to allow this) or it must use the new function MessagePtr()
 15041 	which returns a const RMessagePtr. The only thing you can do with
 15042 	an RMessagePtr is to complete the message as you do with a normal
 15043 	RMessage by call RMessagePtr::Complete().
 15045 	While I was about it I also changes the naming of the accessor
 15046 	functions I1(),P1() etc. The problem with the names was that on
 15047 	the client side arguments were being set into an array using normal
 15048 	indexing, i.e. base 0, while on the server side the names were based 1.
 15049 	In order to help the conversion	I have renamed I to Int and P to Ptr
 15050 	so that:
 15052 	I1() is now Int0()
 15053 	I2() is now Int1()
 15054 	I3() is now Int2()
 15055 	I4() is niw Int3()
 15056 	P1() is now Ptr0()
 15057 	P2() is now Ptr1()
 15058 	P3() is now Ptr2()
 15059 	P4() is niw Ptr3()
 15061 	Sorry for the inconvenience.
 15063 2). Moved a number of constructors in abstract base	classes which were
 15064 	public to protected. This should have no affect other than to stop
 15065 	them being instantiated.
 15067 3). Withdrawn the new(ECleanup) and new(ECleanupObj) options. new(ELeave)
 15068 	still exists. CBase * is not nescessarily the start of the heap cell
 15069 	when MI is involved. In general a cast of (TAny *) to a CBase * will
 15070 	not work unless the TAny * was originally downcast to a CBase *. If
 15071 	you know the type T of a TAny *ptr then its o.k. to code
 15073 	(CBase *)(T *)ptr;
 15075 	but not
 15077 	(CBase *)ptr;
 15079 4). More tiresome CBase * problems. TDblQue::DeletaAll and
 15080 	TSglQue::DeleteAll were removing each item from the que and then
 15081 	casting the ptr to a CBase * to call Adt::Destroy(). Withdrawn.
 15083 5). CActiveScheduler::Start() was not nesting levels correctly. Fixed.
 15085 6). Added TLex?::Offset() and TLex?::MarkedOffset().
 15087 7). The various TLex::Val() routines should not change iNext if they
 15088 	fail to lex a valid number. Fixed.
 15090 8). Added TLex?::Val(TReal32 &aReal,TChar aPoint) and
 15091 	TLex?::Val(TReal64 &aReal,TChar aPoint).
 15093 9). Added some extra key difinitions to E32VIRT.H
 15095 	EKeyBell=0x0007,
 15096 	EKeyLineFeed=0x000a,
 15097 	EKeyVerticalTab=0x000b,
 15098 	EKeyFormFeed=0x000c,
 15099 	EKeySpace=0x0020
 15101 10).Implemented default constructors for TPtrC8 and TPtrC16 which
 15102 	set the pointer NULL and the length to zero.
 15104 11).The X86 version of E32 now builds in unicode.
 15106 12).Changed CObjectConIx::Remove(CObjectCon *aCon) so that it can be
 15107 	passed NULL. It does nothing if aCon is NULL.
 15109 13).Added CObjectCon::operator[]() to allow access to all objects in a
 15110 	container by straight indexing.
 15112 Version 0.01.044
 15113 ================
 15114 (Made by Colly, 23 Aug 1995)
 15116 1). TDes8::SetMax() and TDes16::SetMax() did not work correctly if the
 15117 	TDes was from a TBufC.Des() or HBufC.Des(). This caused the
 15118 	HBufC::NewMax() and HBufC::NewMaxL() to fail to set length to
 15119 	MaxLength(). Fixed.
 15121 2). Added a new type TTrapHandler. This is an abstract class which needs
 15122 	to be derived to provide a handler to work with the TRAP mechanism.
 15123 	The trap handler can be installed by calling User::SetTrapHandler()
 15124 	and can be cleared by passing a NULL pointer. By default there is no
 15125 	trap handler. Once a trap handler is installed then each time TRAP is
 15126 	invoked TTrapHandler::Trap() is called. If a leave is called then
 15127 	TTrapHandler::Leave() is called. If the function being trapped does
 15128 	not leave then TTrapHandler::UnTrap() is called. Each thread has its
 15129 	own trap handler. Its not a good idea to install a trap handler while
 15130 	under a TRAP (exercise for the reader to work out why), so a panic
 15131 	will be given if this is attempted. The current trap handler can be
 15132 	retrieved by calling User::TrapHandler().
 15134 3). Added a new ADT class CCleanup. The purpose of this class is to
 15135 	provide an automated cleanup mechanism to go with the TTrapHandler
 15136 	facility. This class is basically a stack onto which either
 15137 	allocated cells can be pushed using PushL(TAny *aPtr) or objects
 15138 	derived from CBase with PushL(CBase *aPtr). The object can
 15139 	be popped from the stack with Pop() or popped and destroyed with
 15140 	PopAndDestroy(). It is possible to pop a number of items from the
 15141 	stack by using the overloaded Pop(TUint aCount) functions.
 15143 	The object also allows for nesting so that all objects at the
 15144 	current nesting level can be popped or popped and destroyed with
 15145 	PopAll() or PopAndDestroyAll(). These functions automatically
 15146 	decrement the nesting level. The nesting level can be incremented
 15147 	with NextLevel(). When the object is created the level is zero.
 15148 	Objects cannot be pushed while the nesting level is zero so it is
 15149 	necessary to call NextLevel() before doing a PushL().
 15151 	If the object is destroyed then all items on the stack will also
 15152 	be destroyed.
 15154 	The cleanup object keeps a free slot at all times. Thus an object
 15155 	can always be guaranteed to be added to the cleanup stack. Having
 15156 	added the object, room is made for another free slot. This may
 15157 	leave but it will be alright as the object has already been pushed
 15158 	onto the stack and will be cleaned up. Cleaning up leaves room for
 15159 	another free slot.
 15161 4). Added a new ADT class CTrapCleanup which puts 2) and 3) together to
 15162 	give a framework for cleanup. All thats necessary to implement this
 15163 	facility is to call CTrapCleanup::New(). There is no NewL() since
 15164 	the trap handler can only be installed while not under a TRAP.
 15165 	Destroying this object will remove the trap handler. Added the static
 15166 	functions Adt::PushL(const TAny *), Adt::PushL(const CBase *),
 15167 	Adt::Pop(), Adt::Pop(TUint aCount) and the PopAndDestroy()
 15168 	equivalents which all use the installed CTrapCleanup object. Note
 15169 	that the PopAll() variants are not available, since this is done
 15170 	by the trap handler.
 15172 5). Added 2 more types to TLeave, i.e. ECleanup and ECleanupObj. ECleanup
 15173 	will allocate the storage and leave on error. If successful it will
 15174 	add the new cell to the cleanup list. ECleaupObj is the same except
 15175 	that it will add the cell as a CBase derived object. It is possible
 15176 	to use ::new with ECleanupObj, but you will just get
 15177 	panicked. It should only be used with CBase::new. Note that any
 15178 	call to new within a member function in a class derived from CBase
 15179 	will be calling CBase::new and so will need ECleanup. If creating an
 15180 	object then ECleanupObj is correct. Using User::AllocLC() is probably
 15181 	preferable and always call new(ECleanupObj) or new(ELeave).
 15183 	Added RHeap::AllocLC(), User::AllocLC(), TDesC::AllocLC(),
 15184 	HBufC::NewLC() and HBufC::NewMaxLC() which all are the same as
 15185 	the equivalent L functions except that they add the object to
 15186 	the cleanup list if successful.
 15188 	Remember that a Pop() of some kind will be required.
 15190 6). Added the function to return machine information from the Hardware
 15191 	Abstraction Layer (HAL). This is retrieved by calling User::HalInfo().
 15192 	The class is declared in E32HAL.H. Setting functions will be added
 15193 	in a forthcoming release.
 15194 	Note that this function takes a TDes8. This is to allow for extensions
 15195 	to the class as developments proceed apace. The function will always
 15196 	fill the entire descriptor with zero and then copy the smaller of the
 15197 	current size of the info class or size of the descriptor. Thus if a
 15198 	new info class is used with an old O/S all new members are guaranteed
 15199 	to be zeroed. If an old info class is used with a new O/S only the
 15200 	appropriate slice of the new info struct is	returned. There is a
 15201 	typedef for a packaged THalInfoV1 called THalInfoV1Buf which can be
 15202 	passed to User::HalInfo(). Ofcourse later version will be derived
 15203 	from THalInfoV1 as THalInfoV2 and so on, leaving a clear picture of
 15204 	what has been added between versions. The object can be retrieved
 15205 	from the package as follows:
 15207 	THalInfoV1Buf b;
 15208 	User::HalInfo(b);
 15209 	THalInfoV1 &info=b();
 15210 	test.Printf(_L("Machine name = %S\n"),&info.MachineName());
 15212 	See the test program \E32\TCDT\T_HAL.CPP for details.
 15214 7). The O/S was running DLL startup procedures before starting the file
 15215 	server and window server threads. It has to do this to allow the
 15216 	Window and File server DLLs to register their threads so that they
 15217 	can be started in an ordered manner. However many other servers
 15218 	like the alarm, comms and secokets servers would also like to start
 15219 	the server thread from their E32Dll() entry point. The solution is
 15220 	to hang all starting threads except the Window and File server
 15221 	threads until the Window and File server threads have started.
 15223 8).	Changed the RLibrary::Load() function so that it will automatically
 15224 	add the approriate suffix for the current build. Thus if the file
 15225 	server wants to load a .DLL called "elocal.fsy" it just uses
 15226 	"elocal.fsy". The O/S will look for the .DLL names as follows:
 15228 	   Build         Source     Suffix     Target
 15229 	============  ============  ======  ==============
 15230 	ansi release  "elocal.fsy"   none     "elocal.fsy"
 15231 	ansi debug    "elocal.fsy"      d    "elocald.fsy"
 15232 	uni release   "elocal.fsy"      u    "elocalu.fsy"
 15233 	uni debug     "elocal.fsy"     ud   "elocalud.fsy"
 15235 	Because of 8 character name limits the maximum length name of a DLL
 15236 	can only be 6 characters. If an extension is not supplied it will
 15237 	be assumed to be .DLL.
 15239 9). Added TPtrC8::Set(const TDesC8 &aDes) and TPtr8::Set(const TPtr8 &aPtr)
 15240 	and the TPtrC16 and TPtr16 equivalents.
 15242 10).The resource file \E32\KPWINS\KWINS.RC was including afxres.h from
 15243 	\msvc20\mfc\include which is not actually required. Fixed.
 15245 11).Fixed a bug in TLex::Val(TInt?) which has been lurking from day one
 15246 	and was scraping by through good fortune.
 15248 12).Fixed a bug in creating global operating system objects such as
 15249 	RSempahores etc.
 15251 13).Changed CArrayPakBase to be derived directly from CBase rather
 15252 	than CArrayVarBase. This was being done to share code but because
 15253 	of the public inheritance it caused some nasty problems since a
 15254 	CArrayPakBase is definitely not ISA CArrayVarBase. Users of this
 15255 	class note that the sort function is SortL() and not Sort() since
 15256 	it makes a copy of the array as a CArrayVar and then sorts it.
 15257 	Making the copy can clearly fail. Also note that since the sort is
 15258 	actually performed on a CArrayVar the key for SortL() needs to be
 15259 	a TKeyArrVar. Other functions take a TKeyArrPak as normal. No code
 15260 	should be affected by this change.
 15262 14).Added const TArray<T> Array() to each of the array template classes,
 15263 	which allows a degree of polymorphism amongst the arrays.
 15264 	TArray<T> only allows const T &operator[]() and Count().
 15266 	If you want a function to be able to read any of the arrays then
 15267 	declare it as follows:
 15269 	void ReadAnyArray(const TArray<TBuf_40> anArray);
 15271 	It could use the TArray as follows:
 15273 	TUint count=anArray.Count();
 15274 	for (TUint i=0;i<count;i++)
 15275 		test.Printf(_L("%S\n"),&anArray[i]);
 15277 	Then if you have:
 15279 	CArrayFixFlat<TBuf_40> *fix;
 15280 	CArrayFixFlat<TBuf_40> *var;
 15281 	CArrayFixFlat<TBuf_40> *pak;
 15283 	They can all be passed to ReadAnyArray() as follows:
 15285 	ReadAnyArray(fix->Array());
 15286 	ReadAnyArray(var->Array());
 15287 	ReadAnyArray(pak->Array());
 15289 15).SteveT was getting a weird problem with delete in one of
 15290 	his CBase derived classes with the virtual destructor calling the
 15291 	delete from the Windows library. The fix to his problem is to
 15292 	provide CBase::operator delete() even though its not necessary.
 15294 Version 0.01.043
 15295 ================
 15296 (Made by Colly, 21 Aug 1995)
 15298 1). Renamed CBufFlat::Capacity() to CBufFlat::SetReserveL().
 15299 2). Added the L suffix to all the methods in the ADT classes which
 15300 	can leave.
 15301 	CBufBase::InsertL(), CBufFlat::InsertL() and CBufSeg::InsertL().
 15302 	CArrayFix::AppendL(), CArrayVar::AppendL() and CArrayPak::AppendL().
 15303 	CArrayFix::InsertL(), CArrayVar::InsertL() and CArrayPak::InsertL().
 15304 	CArrayFix::InsertIsqL(), CArrayVar::InsertIsqL() and CArrayPak::InsertIsqL().
 15305 	Note that all occurences of ISQ (uppercase) have been changed to
 15306 	lower case. Thus FindISQ() has become FindIsq().
 15307 	Note also that the virtual function InsertL() has been renamed to
 15308 	DoInsertL(), so that the derived classes do not have to re-define
 15309 	the two new InsertL()'s in CBufBase.
 15310 3). The CArray classes had a kludged way of delaying allocation of the
 15311 	CBufBase. Fixed.
 15312 4). Incorporated SteveT's changes to TPoint, TSize and TRect. His release
 15313 	notes are as follows:
 15314 		There are 3 changes to the TRect spec as agreed with Martin Tasker:-
 15315 		Replaced
 15316 			TInt TRect::InterSect()
 15317 			with
 15318 			void TRect::InterSection() &
 15319 			TBool TRect::Intersects()
 15320 		Changed the names of:-
 15321 			TRect:Union() to TRect::BoundingRect()
 15322 			TRect::Inside() to TRect::Contains()
 15323 		I have also removed most of the inline functions from the TPoint,
 15324 		TSize & TRect functions. The only ones left as inline are the
 15325 		TPoint & TSize constructors and operator=, although I'm still not
 15326 		too sure whether they should stay inline or not.
 15327 5).	Changed CBufBase::Ptr() and CBufBase::BackPtr() to return TPtrs
 15328 	rather than pointer and length.
 15329 	Added CBufBase::Read(TUint aPos,TDes8 &aDes)
 15330 		which will read aDes.Length() bytes.
 15331 	Added CBufBase::Read(TUint aPos,TDes8 &aDes,TUint aLength)
 15332 		which will read aLength bytes.
 15333 	Added CBufBase::Write(TUint aPos,const TDesC8 &aDes)
 15334 		which will write aDes.Length() bytes.
 15335 	Added CBufBase::Write(TUint aPos,const TDesC8 &aDes,TUint aLength)
 15336 		which will write aLength bytes.
 15337 	Added CBufBase::InsertL(TUint aPos,const TDesC8 &aDes)
 15338 		which will insert aDes.Length() bytes.
 15339 	Added CBufBase::InsertL(TUint aPos,const TDesC8 &aDes,TUint aLength)
 15340 		which will insert aLength bytes.
 15341 6). Removed the protected destructor (not actually implemented) from CBase
 15342 	and changed CBase::Destroy() so that it does not delete this.
 15344 	Renamed	CBase::Destroy() as CBase::Destruct() and all other
 15345 	virtual Destroy()s to Destruct().
 15347 	Changed Adt::Destroy() to call delete after the Destruct().
 15349 	This allows CBase derived objects to be aggregated by value, although
 15350 	it is not Psion policy to do this (preferring to aggegrate by reference).
 15352 	Note that there is no longer any requirement to call CBase::Destroy()
 15353 	from classes derived from CBase.
 15355 	Note that if aggregating by reference which should be the case for
 15356 	all Psion code then the object must be destroyed with Adt::Destroy()
 15357 	rather than the Destruct() function. Its probably a good idea to
 15358 	search all code for ->Destroy() and check each case. Also make sure
 15359 	that all classes derived from CBase	which have virtual void Destroy()
 15360 	are changed to virtual void Destruct().
 15361 7). CObjectIx, CObjectCon and CObjectConIx could all be created with
 15362 	optional leave on error. This is not in the spirit of
 15363 	the ADT classes and so I have removed the option. They will now
 15364 	always leave on errors. The methods have been renamed where
 15365 	applicable with the L suffix. These classes were also privately
 15366 	derived from CArrayFixFlat<T> which was breaking the ISA
 15367 	relationship with CBase, which prevents use of Adt::Destroy().
 15368 	They now have a CArrayFixFlat<T> and are derived directly from
 15369 	CBase. CObject and CObjectCon used to capitalise the name. They
 15370 	are now case sensitive on the names. Note this affects server
 15371 	names (watch out SteveT and Brendan).
 15372 8). TPckg<T>::operator->() and TPckg<T>::operator()() were returning
 15373 	const T * and const T & respectively. Fixed.
 15374 9). Added HBufC::NewMax() and HBufC::NewMaxL() which allocate an HBufC
 15375 	of the requested size and then set the length to the maximum length.
 15376 	Note in the proposals database a function it was agreed to add
 15377 	a function SetLengthToMax() to TDes. This has been done but I decided
 15378 	to call it SetMax(). Obviously these functions are available for 8
 15379 	and 16 HBufC's as well.
 15380 10).If multiple inheritance is to be allowed for then the only way to
 15381 	guarantee that an Adt::Destroy() through a CBase pointer will work
 15382 	correctly is to have a virtual destructor. This has been implemented
 15383 	in CBase. No derived classes need to be changed as the compiler will
 15384 	generate the appropriate destructors automatically. If this seems
 15385 	like a waste then I have to agree, however it will make us compatible
 15386 	with the C++ language and all proper C++ implementations. If you want
 15387 	to know more details then ask me, Gerry or DavidW.
 15388 11).The ENTER,CATCH,END_ENTER mechanism had a serious flaw when using
 15389 	a register calling convention. This has now been replaced with the
 15390 	pre-processor macros TRAP and TRAPD. These are defined as below:
 15392 #define TRAP(_r,_s) {TTrap __t;if (__t.Trap(_r)==0){_s;TTrap::UnTrap();}}
 15393 #define TRAPD(_r,_s) TInt _r;{TTrap __t;if (__t.Trap(_r)==0){_s;TTrap::UnTrap();}}
 15395 	Basically _r is an integer variable which will receive the result of
 15396 	any User::Leave() and _s is a statement to be executed. It can be any
 15397 	valid C++ statement, but will normally be a function call.
 15399 	The difference between TRAP and TRAPD is that TRAPD will declare the
 15400 	integer variable for you. The integer variable will always be
 15401 	initialised to 0 before the statement _s is executed. It is possible
 15402 	to use a number of statements for _s by separating them with ; but
 15403 	this will possibly lead to failure.
 15405 	Examples:
 15407 	CSomething *pS=new(ELeave) CSomething;
 15408 	TRAPD(ret,pC->ConstructL())
 15409 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
 15410 		{
 15411 		Adt::Destroy(pS);
 15412 		User::Leave(ret);
 15413 		}
 15415 	is the same as
 15417 	CSomething *pS=new(ELeave) CSomething;
 15418 	TInt ret;
 15419 	TRAP(ret,pC->ConstructL())
 15420 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
 15421 		{
 15422 		Adt::Destroy(pS);
 15423 		User::Leave(ret);
 15424 		}
 15426 	If you have a function, say TInt DoSomethingL() and you want to
 15427 	get the result of the function or the leave then do this:
 15429 	TRAPD(ret,ret=DoSomethingL())
 15430 12).Changed RHeap::Free() to zero the cell it has just freed in the debug
 15431 	build.
 15432 13).Added User::RequestComplete() which will complete a request in for
 15433 	the current thread.
 15434 14).Added a new CDT TCallBack which packages a function taking a TAny *
 15435 	argument and returning an integer with a TAny * value. It has a two
 15436 	constructors, the one which does not have a TAny * value will set the
 15437 	value to NULL. It has one function CallBack which can be used to call
 15438 	the function passing it the TAny * value. e.g.
 15440 	class TMyIdle
 15441 		{
 15442 	public:
 15443 		void Run();
 15444 		static TInt Idle(TAny *aPtr);
 15445 		};
 15447 	TInt TMyIdle::Idle(TAny *anObj)
 15448 		{((TMyIdle *)anObj)->Run();}
 15450 	TMyIdle idler;
 15451 	CIdle *pI=CIdle::New();
 15452 	pI->ConstructL(TCallBack(TMyIdle::Idle,&idler));
 15453 15).Added a new active object CIdle which will call back whenever
 15454 	the active scheduler has scheduled all higher priority objects.
 15455 	CIdle will re-schedule itself as long as the callback function
 15456 	returns TRUE. It can be re-started by calling Start() again.
 15457 	New() and NewL() add the idle object to the scheduler.
 15458 16).Changed CPeriodic to use a TCallBack. Note the CPeriodic::RunL()
 15459 	now always calls the callback.
 15460 17).Added TLex8::UnGetToMark() and TLex16::UnGetToMark() which just
 15461 	reset iNext to iMark.
 15462 18).Renamed all the functions which were in the debug build but not in
 15463 	the release build to have an __Dbg prefix. Also renamed the test
 15464 	functions __TestInvariant() and __Test to __DbgTestInvariant and
 15465 	__DbgTest. This is partly as a reminder to users of these functions
 15466 	that they should only be used inside #if defined(_DEBUG) and partly
 15467 	to ease producing the .DEF file to control the .DLL build process
 15468 	using linkage by ordinal. An automated tool will generate the .DEF
 15469 	file for a .DLL linked by name and will produce the .DEF for the
 15470 	debug build. It can then produce the .DEF for the release build
 15471 	by leaving out all the functions starting with __Dbg.
 15473 Version 0.01.042
 15474 ================
 15475 (Made by Colly, 3 Aug 1995)
 15477 1). All DLLs now link by ordinal.
 15478 2). The release versions had a startup bug with some configurations of DLL
 15479 	useage. DavidW this is what cause the BAFL test code to fail.
 15480 3). Includes the first release of the Epoc/32 microkernel platform and
 15481 	implementation for 486 processor on an IBM/PC.
 15483 NOTES
 15484 =====
 15486 Its a good idea to turn on DEBUG under link so that release EXEs and DLLs
 15487 have at least the public symbols for debugging. This can be done for
 15488 all build variants. I have done this for all .MAK files in E32 and F32.
 15490 Version 0.01.041
 15491 ================
 15492 (Made by Colly, 25 July 1995)
 15494 1). RThread::Read() failed when reading a descriptor of the type
 15495 	generated by TBufC::Des(). Added a test and fixed.
 15496 2). Made the NULL thread hang around forever instead of exiting to help
 15497 	with debugging.
 15498 3). Added a new directory BWINS to the group which now has all the .MAK
 15499 	files used to build the base. If the .MAK is in the same directory
 15500 	as the source files then the debug databases .PDB files don't store
 15501 	a full path which causes the debugger to prompt for the source
 15502 	directory. Putting them in BWINS causes all paths to be stored in the
 15503 	.PDB. Note that the BLD.CMD files remain where they were they just
 15504 	pick up the .MAK file from BWINS. If using VC++ then load the .MAK
 15505 	file directly from BWINS. Moved the startup files from USTAT to
 15506 	UPWINS and dropped the USTAT directory from the group.
 15507 	Split the startup module us_stat.cpp into two UP_EXE.CPP for
 15508 	starting .EXEs and UP_DLL.CPP for starting DLLs.
 15509 4). Split EWINS into two .DLLs. EWINS still	survives but now contains
 15510 	just the user mode functions. KWINS is new and contains the kernel.
 15511 	There is no need to change any .MAK files as it is only the
 15512 	EWINSxx.DLLs which link to KWINSxx.DLL.
 15513 5). Stopped releasing the include file E32CHAR.H.
 15514 6). Merged the E32EVNT.H and E32WSRV.H header files into one header file
 15515 	E32SVR.H which is just for communication with system servers such
 15516 	as the Window server and File server etc. Moved the functions which
 15517 	were in the UserWindowServer class to the UserSvr class and gave
 15518 	the functions better names. Note that I have given the functions in
 15519 	the UserSvr class more meaningful names. SteveT, these changes will
 15520 	affect you!
 15521 7). Fixed missing external references to _fltused, _adj_fdiv, _adjust_fdiv,
 15522 	_adjust_fdivr_m64 and _adjust_fdiv_m64.
 15523 8). Added the functions to support Global and thread local data in DLLs.
 15524 	The functions are as follows:
 15526 	TAny *Dll::Tls() - Returns the Thread Local Storage variable for the
 15527 					   current DLL.
 15528 	void Dll::SetTls(TAny *aPtr) - Sets the Thread Local Storage variable
 15529 								   for the current DLL.
 15530 	Usually in the entry point E32Dll() when the process is attached or
 15531 	when a thread is attached to the DLL some memory will be allocated
 15532 	on the threads heap. This value will then be saved with Dll::SetTls().
 15533 	Thereafter it can be retrieved with Dll::Tls().
 15535 	The following functions are not yet fully implemented:
 15537 	TBool Dll::GlobalAllocated();
 15538 	TInt Dll::GlobalAlloc(TUint aSize);
 15539 	TInt Dll::GlobalRead(TUint aPos,TDes8 &aDes);
 15540 	TInt Dll::GlobalWrite(TUint aPos,TDesC8 &aDes);
 15542 	Dll::GlobalAlloc() allocates the global data for the currently
 15543 	running	DLL. Specifying a size of 0 will free the data. The amount
 15544 	of data allocated can be changed by calling Dll::GlobalAlloc()
 15545 	repeatedly. It is normal to allocate the global data in the entry
 15546 	point E32Dll() when a process attaches and when
 15547 	Dll::GlobalAllocated() returns EFalse. There is no need to free
 15548 	the data since if the DLL is unloaded the data will be freed. However
 15549 	it is possible to use some of the allocated data to keep a reference
 15550 	count which can be incremented on process attach and decremented on
 15551 	process detach. When the count is zero it can be discarded.
 15553 	Since the data is kept in the kernel the DLL cannot have direct
 15554 	access to the data, so it must be read and written using the
 15555 	Dll::GlobalRead() and Dll::GlobalWrite() functions. It
 15556 	is considered a panic to write past the current size of the data
 15557 	but not an error to read past the end of the data.
 15559 	These functions are implemented in a class of their own since they
 15560 	need to be statically linked with each DLL or EXE (note than an
 15561 	EXE is also potentially a DLL) on the WINS platform.
 15563 	Finally it is a good idea to minimize the size of the global data.
 15565 	Look at the test DLL \e32\tcdt\t_dll.mak and the test program
 15566 	\e32\tcdt\t_tdll.mak to see how this works in practice.
 15568 9). Now release EXDLL??.PDB	files. These come from EXDLL??.OBJ which is
 15569 	a start up module for EWINS??.DLL, KWINS??.DLL and LWINS??.DLL which
 15570 	have special initialisation	requirements. These are just released as
 15571 	an aide to debugging.
 15573 NOTES
 15574 =====
 15576 It is now vital that programs are build with proper make files. In
 15577 particular any program still linking to the C runtime library MSVCRT20.DLL
 15578 will fail to start correctly. Note that we are only talking about the
 15579 C runtime library and not the Win32 API libraries kernel32.lib,
 15580 gdi32.lib, user32.lib etc. The C runtime library is no longer necessary
 15581 as the base is now running entirely independently.
 15583 All EXEs should be linked with ESTAT??.OBJ and should have _E32Startup
 15584 set as the entry point.
 15586 All DLLs should be linked with EDLL??.OBJ and should have _E32Dll set
 15587 as the entry point. Remeber that a DLL must now supply a function
 15588 E32Dll(). To see and example look at the code in \E32\DPWINS\WS_UTL.CPP.
 15590 Everything should be linked with the user library EWINS??.LIB. Apart from
 15591 other E32 software nothing else should be necessary.
 15593 Make sure that "Ignore all default libraries" is set and that
 15594 "Disable exception handling is also checked" and that alignment is
 15595 set to 4 bytes.
 15597 If you are not sure then start with one of the .MAK files released by
 15598 the base and modify it to suit your project.
 15600 Version 0.01.040
 15601 ================
 15602 (Made by Colly, 20 July 1995)
 15604 1). Converted the kernel to having a Kernel Supervisor Server and an
 15605 	executive.
 15606 2). Replaced the specific exit type of exception with a Panic() category
 15607 	of Exception.
 15608 3). Clean compiled all the platform independent source code with the GCC
 15609 	compiler with the exception of the sources in UMATH.
 15610 4). Added cleanup functionality to the kernel.
 15611 5). Incorporated SteveT's fixes to pointer messages with the new screen
 15612 	surround.
 15613 6). Added Martin Dolphin's CArrayPacked classes. Renamed the classes
 15614 	"Packed" to "Pak". His release notes follow:
 15616 	 This version of CArrayPak inherits from CArrayVar and uses
 15617 	 some virtual functions to achieve code reuse. TKeyArrayPak
 15618 	 inherits from TKeyArrayVar.
 15620 	 ucdt\uc_func.cpp
 15621 		This has a slightly modified binary search.
 15622 		This modification guarantees that:
 15623 		//if no match is found.
 15624 		//the index of the record logically following the value being searched
 15625 		//for will be returned in aPos.
 15627 	uadt\ua_array.cpp
 15628 		Has the new CArrayPak code plus some other small
 15629 		modification listed below.
 15630 		CArrayFixBase::InsertIsq changed to reflect change in BinarySearch.
 15631 		CArrayVarBase::Find, FindIsq have had unused length parameter
 15632 		removed, some functions made virtual to achieve code reuse.
 15633 8). Fixed further bugs in TInt64 divide and remainder functions as
 15634 	reported by SteveT.
 15635 9). Incorporated SteveT's changes to the region classes.
 15636 10).Incorporated the faster versions of User::MemCopy(),User::MemFill()
 15637 	and User::MemFillZ()
 15638 11).Added two template inline functions to align pointers.
 15639 	inline T *Align2(T *aPtr)
 15640 	inline T *Align4(T *aPtr)
 15641 	Align2 will make ((T *)&1)==0
 15642 	Align4 will make ((T *)&3)==0
 15643 	and two template functions to align integers.
 15644 	inline TUint Align4(T aVal)
 15645 	inline TUint Align2(T aVal)
 15646 12).Removed the Notify() and SetNotify methods from RThread and RProcess.
 15647 	They will re-appear in the file server in due course.
 15648 13).Added the executive dispatcher to the kernel.
 15649 14).Rationalised the RThread and RChunk read/write routines.
 15650 15).Changed CActiveScheduler::Destroy() to just remove active objects
 15651 	from the schedule queue. It used to destroy them as well. Before
 15652 	removing each active object it will call CActive::Cancel();
 15653 16).Fixed a bug in TLex8::NextToken() and TLex16::NextToken() which
 15654 	was not checking properly for the end of the buffer. Found by Martin
 15655 	Dolphin by trying to lex an empty command line.
 15656 17).Changed the name of the key matching enumerates as follows:
 15657 	TKeyArrayCmp to TKeyCmpText
 15658 	TKeyArrayCmpNumeric to TKeyCmpNumeric
 15659 	Added another constructor for comparing descriptors and changed
 15660 	the order of the parameters as follows:
 15661 	inline TKey(TUint anOffset,TKeyCmpText aType);
 15662 		At anOffset should be one of the descriptor types, TPtr,TBufC etc
 15663 	inline TKey(TUint anOffset,TKeyCmpText aType,TUint aLength);
 15664 		At anOffset should be TText of length aLength.
 15665 	inline TKey(TUint anOffset,TKeyCmpNumeric aType);
 15666 		At anOffset should be an integer of some type.
 15667 	Added support for TInt64s.
 15668 	This change is propagated to the various TKeyArrayXXX:: classes.
 15669 18).Fixed a race condition in the kernel when resuming threads.
 15670 19).If a thread panics then it just quietly disappears. If this is
 15671 	one of the server threads then the program appears to hang for
 15672 	no reason. To this end I have added new services RThread::Server()
 15673 	and RThread::SetServer(TBool aState). Any thread marking itself as
 15674 	a server with RThread().SetServer(ETrue) will have its panics
 15675 	reported through the messagebox and will then abort the program.
 15676 	Note that this is done for the main thread as well.
 15678 NOTES
 15679 	All test programs pass in all builds.
 15681 Version 0.01.039
 15682 ================
 15683 (Made by Colly, 23 June 1995)
 15685 1). Finally removed the dependency on the C runtime libarary.
 15687 	There are new libraries in t:\msvc21\lib which should all
 15688 	be copied to c:\msvc20\lib. This is still necessary as the
 15689 	main operating system .DLL and SteveT's .DLL still link to
 15690 	the runtime library MSVCRT20.DLL. Also copy
 15691 	t:\msvc21\system32\*.* to c:\winnt35\system32\*.*
 15693 	The build for a .EXE has now changed as follows:
 15695 	a). Select project settings and highlight all 4 builds:
 15696 			Select the Link tab and the Output category.
 15697 			Set Entry-point symbol to _E32Startup
 15698 			(The case is important in _E32Startup)
 15699 			Select the general category.
 15700 			Delete all the libraries/object modules.
 15701 			Make sure "Ignore all Default libraries" is selected.
 15702 	b). Select each build in turn and set the libraries/object modules
 15703 		as follows:
 15705 		Release     : \e32sys\estat.obj \e32sys\ewins.lib
 15706 		Debug       : \e32sys\estatd.obj \e32sys\ewinsd.lib
 15707 		Uni Release : \e32sys\estatu.obj \e32sys\ewinsu.lib
 15708 		Uni Debug   : \e32sys\estatud.obj \e32sys\ewinsud.lib
 15710 	If in doubt look at one of the test programs.
 15712 	The build for a .DLL which is linked to Win32 does not need to
 15713 	change at all.
 15715 	The build for a .DLL which is linked only to E32 must be changed
 15716 	as follows:
 15718 	a). Select project settings and highlight all 4 builds:
 15719 			Select the Link tab and the Output category.
 15720 			Set Entry-point symbol to _E32Dll
 15721 			(The case is important in _E32Dll)
 15722 			Select the general category.
 15723 			Delete all the libraries/object modules.
 15724 			Make sure "Ignore all Default libraries" is selected.
 15725 	b). Select each build in turn and set the libraries/object modules
 15726 		as follows:
 15728 		Release     : \e32sys\edll.obj \e32sys\ewins.lib
 15729 		Debug       : \e32sys\edlld.obj \e32sys\ewinsd.lib
 15730 		Uni Release : \e32sys\edllu.obj \e32sys\ewinsu.lib
 15731 		Uni Debug   : \e32sys\edllud.obj \e32sys\ewinsud.lib
 15733 	c). Provide a function prototyped as follows:
 15735 		GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason aReason)
 15737 		See \f32\sfsrv\fs_utl.cpp for an example of such a function.
 15739 	The new system cannot be build with the project system at the
 15740 	moment and must be built with the VC++ IDE. The correct build
 15741 	order is as follows:
 15743 	\e32\lsrc\lwins.mak
 15744 	\e32\kpwins\ewins.mak
 15745 	\e32\ustat\estat.mak
 15746 	\e32\ustat\edll.mak
 15748 2). Added the fancy graphics screen bitmap of protea to surround the screen.
 15749 	It does not appear in its full glory on my work machine, but it does on
 15750 	my home machine. Perhaps SteveT can sort this out for me. I am also
 15751 	assuming that SteveT will handle the buttons on the imaghe and return
 15752 	them as key strokes.
 15753 3). CServer::RunL() was still using delete to remove a session when
 15754 	a client disconnected rather than Destroy().
 15755 4). Added a protected destructor to CBase which will stop any objects
 15756 	derived from CBase being placed on the stack.
 15757 5). Increased the Window servers stack to 1MByte.
 15758 6). TInt64 divide was not working for large intergers.
 15759 7). Absorbed SteveT's new region code.
 15760 8). Fixed a bug in TLex::Val() which was not dealing with the end of the
 15761 	descriptor properly. MartinH's fix.
 15762 9). Added the TReal to buffer and buffer to TReal functions. The maths
 15763 	library is now complete. Thanks to MartinH.
 15764 10).Fixed a bug in CArrayFixBase::DestroyAll().
 15765 11).Moved the TInt64 class from E32MATH.H to E32STD.H and its source
 15766 	code from umath to ucdt.
 15767 12).Took the additions to the bitmap allocator from JaneS
 15768 13).New version of enter and leave which should fix previous problems
 15770 NOTES
 15771 =====
 15773 1). T_LEX.CPP failed because the TReal functions now work. I have
 15774 	commented these out until MH can fix them.
 15775 2). T_THREAD.CPP and T_SEMUTX.CPP fail under the unicode debug version.
 15776 	T_THREAD because their is a race condition in the kernel somwhere
 15777 	and T_SEMUTX.CPP because there is a bug in the program logic. I will
 15778 	fix these in the next release.
 15780 Version 0.01.038
 15781 ================
 15782 (Made by DavidW, 19 May 1995)
 15784 One step backwards before taking two steps forward again!
 15785 Put back RRegion::~RRegion to allow the Window Server and GDI to
 15786 release new versions quickly, compatible with the latest E32, before
 15787 they take more time over the next week to convert to a new RRegion
 15788 scheme altogether.
 15790 [Added later - fixed INCC.PRJ to release E32DES8.H & E32DES16.H]
 15792 Also made a fix to MNT.CMD which meant that only the Release build
 15793 versions were being released.  The ESTAT*.PDB files weren't being
 15794 released either.
 15796 Note: T_I64 still fails in UON.
 15797 T_SEMUTX fails intermittently (in either UON and UOFF).
 15799 Version 0.01.037
 15800 ================
 15801 (Made by Colly, 19 May 1995)
 15803 1). Fixed a bug in Math::Rand().
 15804 2). Moved the private classes TRectKey and TRectSwap in RRegion
 15805 	to be declared locally in u_regn.cpp.
 15806 	RRegion still has a virtual destructor which I have now removed. I
 15807 	notice that the test code t_regn.cpp does not test either the Close()
 15808 	or Destroy() functions.
 15809 3). Re-organized the entire group.
 15810 	SUSER has been split into
 15811 		UCDT	- User Concrete Data Types, platform independent
 15812 		UPWINS	- User Wins platform dependent
 15813 	SOLIB renamed to UADT - User Abstract Data Types
 15814 	SMATH renamed to UMATH
 15815 	TUSER renamed to TCDT
 15816 	TOLIB renamed to TADT
 15817 	SKERN renamed to KSRC
 15818 	SWINS renamed to KPWINS
 15819 	SWINSD renamed to DPWINS
 15820 	SLOCL renamed to LSRC
 15821 4). In line with the above I have renamed E32OLIB.H and E32OLIB.INL
 15822 	to E32ADT.H and E32ADT.INL.
 15823 5). Added class CBitMapAllocator to Adt. This class uses a bitmap to
 15824 	control allocation of resources. It is used by the PageAllocator
 15825 	in the micro kernel to allocate free physical pages. Another
 15826 	potential use is in implementing a block allocation scheme in
 15827 	a binary file such as a BTree index file.
 15828 6). I have changed the way the version numbers are formatted by TVersion.
 15829 7). Fixed a bug in RSubSession::Close() which did not check for a NULL
 15830 	handle before despatching the close message to the server. It is
 15831 	normal practice to allow a close on something which has never been
 15832 	opened/created.
 15833 8). Recorded the size of components in the release history.
 15834 9). The localising code is now released separately as LWINS.DLL. This
 15835 	is currently included in the base release zip file ewins. Note that
 15836 	only ewins.dll has a dependency on this file so that no build files
 15837 	need change.
 15838 10).Changed TDblQueIterBase::Wind() and TDblQueIterBase::Rewind()
 15839 	to TDblQueIterBase::SetToFirst() and TDblQueIterBase::SetToLast()
 15840 	Also added TDblQueIter<T>::Set(T &aLink) which will start the
 15841 	iterator on a particular link.
 15842 11).Changed TSglQueIterBase::Rewind() to TSglQueIterBase::SetToFirst()
 15843 	Also added TSglQueIter<T>::Set(T &aLink) which will start the
 15844 	iterator on a particular link.
 15845 12).Added a function Adt::DestroyZ(CBase * &anObject) which will
 15846 	destroy an object if anObject is not NULL and will then zero
 15847 	anObject.
 15848 13).Added DestroyAll() to CArrayFixFlat and CArrayFixSeg which
 15849 	assumes that the array is a set of CBase pointers, i.e.
 15850 	CArrayFixFlat<CBase *>. The only check that is made is the the
 15851 	record length==sizeof(CBase *). Note that DestroyAll() destroys
 15852 	all the non-NULL pointers and then calls the normal Destroy().
 15853 14).Added a new template class TAggregate to e32atd.h. The idea
 15854 	behind TAggregate is to automate the desctruction of aggregate
 15855 	objects in CBase derived classes. Say you have three active
 15856 	objects owned by your object CMyObject the current way of
 15857 	writing the class is as follows:
 15859 	class CMyObject : public CBase
 15860 		{
 15861 	public:
 15862 		CMyObject();
 15863 		virtual void Destroy();
 15864 		inline CTimer &Timer(*iTimer);
 15865 		inline CServer &Server(*iServer);
 15866 		inline CComms &Comms(*iComms);
 15867 	private:
 15868 		CTimer *iTimer;
 15869 		CServer *iServer;
 15870 		CComms *iComms;
 15871 		};
 15873 	And the Destroy() is as follows:
 15875 	void CMyObject::Destroy()
 15876 		{
 15878 		Adt::DestroyZ(iTimer);
 15879 		Adt::DestroyZ(iServer);
 15880 		Adt::DestroyZ(iComms);
 15881 		CBase::Destroy();
 15882 		};
 15884 	With TAggregate you would do it as follows.
 15886 	class CMyObject : public CBase
 15887 		{
 15888 	private:
 15889 		enum {ETimer,EServer,EComms,EMaxAggregate};
 15890 	public:
 15891 		CMyObject();
 15892 		virtual void Destroy();
 15893 		inline CTimer &Timer(*((CTimer *)iAgg.iPtrs[ETimer]));
 15894 		inline CServer &Server(*((CServer *)iAgg.iPtrs[EServer]));
 15895 		inline CComms &Comms(*((CComms *)iAgg.iPtrs[EComms]));
 15896 	private:
 15897 		TAggregate iAgg[EMaxAggregate];
 15898 		};
 15900 	And the destructor is as follows:
 15902 	void CMyObject::Destroy()
 15903 		{
 15905 		iAgg.Destroy();
 15906 		CBase::Destroy();
 15907 		};
 15909 	If one of the aggregates is removed or another is added all that
 15910 	has to be done is add a new enum and the accessor method.
 15911 	The Destroy() will automatically be correct. Note that there is
 15912 	no additional overhead for the iAgg.iPtrs[] in the accessors.
 15913 15).I have added a new template class TAutoClose to e32std.h which
 15914 	will add a destructor to any class which has a Close() method.
 15915 	This is	useful for functions in which you want to take advantage
 15916 	of the compiler automatically destructing the object when it goes
 15917 	out of scope. e.g.
 15919 	TInt ReadFile(const TDesC &aFile)
 15920 	//
 15921 	// Read a file
 15922 	//
 15923 		{
 15925 		TAutoClose<RFile> f;
 15926 		TInt r=f.iObj.Open(aFile,KFileStreamText|EFileExclusive);
 15927 		if (r!=KErrNone)
 15928 			return(r);
 15929 		TBuf_100 b;
 15930 		if ((r=f.iObj.Read(b))!=KErrNone)
 15931 			return(r);
 15932 		.....
 15933 		}
 15935 	There is no need to call f.iObj.Close() as the compiler will do that
 15936 	automatically when f goes out of scope. Even if the early return
 15937 	after f.iObj.Read() is taken the compiler will still call
 15938 	f.iObj.Close(). There is no overhead to using the TAutoClose class.
 15939 16).Added SetMax() to TDes which set the length of the TDes to
 15940 	MaxLength(). i.e. equivalent to:
 15941 	TBuf_100 b;
 15942 	b.SetLength(b.MaxLength());
 15943 17).Added TPtrC::Set(const TText *aBuf,TUint aLength) and
 15944 	TPtr::Set(TText *aBuf,TUint aLength,TUint aMaxLength)
 15945 	since assignment of a TPtrC is not supported and assignment
 15946 	of a TPtr means a deep copy rather than a shallow copy.
 15947 18).Renamed the files E32DES8.INL and E32DES16.INL if E32DES8.H and
 15948 	E32DES16.H
 15950 Comp     Date   Bld  .text   .bss .rdata  .data .idata  Total
 15951 ===== ========= === ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
 15952 LWINS 17-Mar-95  37    822     32   1344   1092    268   2704
 15953 EWINS 17-Mar-95  37  82484    560   6012   1156   2916  92568
 15955 .text  = The code size (a good indication)
 15956 .bss   = The uninitialized data size (a good indication)
 15957 .rdata = The const data size (a good indication)
 15958 .data  = The initialized data size (a good indication)
 15959 .idata = C++ initialisation + .DLL export table (unreliable indication)
 15961 The .idata section is unreliable since it has all .dll refences by name.
 15962 As .dll references will be by ordinal rather than by name I expect these
 15963 sizes to fall quite a bit.
 15965 Note that the current conversion factor from VC++ to GC++ is multiply
 15966 by 1.16
 15968 NOTES
 15969 =====
 15971 1). I think that all the heap debug macros in e32std.h should be prefixed
 15972 	with __ and should be moved to their own include file e32hdbg.h which
 15973 	is included by e32def.h. I also removed the unnecessary spaces in
 15974 	their declaration which have been added back in build 035.
 15975 2). The functions RHeapDebug() in the RHeap class look like constrcutors
 15976 	which they are not. The should be declared as returning void and
 15977 	should also be given a different name. There are a number of comments
 15978 	in the RHeap class declaration which I have removed.
 15979 3). T_thread.cpp fails. Also this program was including the header file
 15980 	k32kern.h so that is could call Plat::CurrentProcess() to get the
 15981 	current process. It is a bad idea for any test programs to call any
 15982 	function in the kernel. This won't be possible on any other platform.
 15983 	The correct way to get the current thread or the current process is
 15984 	just to use an RProcess() or RThread() constructor. i.e.
 15986 	if (RProcess().Mark())
 15987 		etc.
 15989 	if (RThread().Priority==EPriorityNormal)
 15990 		RThread().SetPriority(EPriorityAboveNormal);
 15992 	This works because the constructor for an RProcess or RThread sets
 15993 	the RThread or RProcess handle to a special token which means the
 15994 	currrent process or the current thread. It does no have to be
 15995 	opened or created in the normal way.
 15997 	Also the current process can be got from the current thread e.g.
 15999 	RThread().Process()
 16001 	P.S. This was covered in the release 26 release notes.
 16002 4). T_HEAPDB.CPP also includes k32kern.h (now k32std.h) so that it
 16003 	can call Kern::UserHeap(). This is unnecessary as there is
 16004 	already a call User::Heap() which returns the current heap. I have
 16005 	fixed the test program.
 16006 5). T_I64.CPP still fails on divide. I will fix this in the next release.
 16008 Version 0.01.036
 16009 ================
 16010 (Made by MartinB, 11 May 1995)
 16012 1) New SetThreadAllocFail method in User (MartinH).
 16013 2) New macros in e32def.h (MartinH).
 16014 3) New Math functions and test code (MartinH),
 16015 4) New ASSERT_DEBUGs in RHeap::Alloc.
 16016 5) Removed User::SetWSAllocFail, since cannot have window server
 16017 	dependencies in the base.
 16018 6) Improved region code (Lane).
 16019 7) Added several "long ptr" qualifiers in P_I64.CPP.  MSVC was
 16020 	treating constants as 16 bit values when moved into (say)
 16021 	[ebx]. (MartinB).
 16023 All test code runs for ASCII DEBUG and UNICODE DEBUG builds (MartinB)
 16024 (except T_I64 which does not run in UNICODE).
 16026 Version 0.01.035
 16027 ================
 16028 (Made by MartinB, 9 May 1995)
 16030 1) Fix to Mul routine in P_I64.CPP.
 16031 2) New region code from Steve/Lane.
 16032 3) New T_THREAD test code from MartinH.
 16033 4) New T_I64 test code from MartinH.
 16035 All test code runs for ASCII DEBUG and UNICODE DEBUG builds (MartinB).
 16037 Version 0.01.034
 16038 ================
 16039 (Made by Colly, 9 May 1995)
 16041 1). In both versions of RSessionBase::SendReceive() the parameter
 16042 	TAny *aPtr can be passed as NULL.
 16043 2). Converted the design E32 to make the categories Kernel, User and
 16044 	Olib as units. This allows other designs to import these units.
 16045 3). Added to RChannelBase overloads for DoRequest() and DoControl() which
 16046 	allow none, one or two arguments.
 16047 4). Added three functions to the TLex classes.
 16048 	void SkipAndMark(TInt aNumber) which moves the mark along by aNumber.
 16049 	TPtrC Remainder() which returns the remainder of the buffer after
 16050 	the mark.
 16051 	void Inc(TInt aNumber) which moves the pointer on by aNumber.
 16052 5).	Added IMPORT_C TAny *operator new(TUint aSize,TUint anExtraSize)
 16053 	to CBase.
 16054 6). I have removed the resource file stuff from Olib because I do not
 16055 	want the base to have a dependency on the file system. Note that in
 16056 	due course the file server like the window server will live in its own
 16057 	group and is only included with E32 for convenience while I develop
 16058 	it. The file server is already completely independent of the operating
 16059 	system.
 16060 	I suggest that we have two DLLs called something like HCILI and HCILU.
 16061 	HCILI would contain user interface independent code and HCILU would
 16062 	have user interface dependent code. Then a getbld can go something like
 16063 	this:
 16065 	GET E32		// The base
 16066 	GET F32		// The file server
 16067 	GET W32		// The window server
 16068 	GET HCIL	// Both HCIL DLLs
 16070 	I originally intended to supply the base as 3 DLLs, i.e.
 16071 	E32KERN.DLL,E32USER.DLL and E32OLIB.DLL I now intend to supply it as
 16072 	just two merging E32OLIB.DLL and E32USER.DLL into E32USER.DLL. For
 16073 	those who are fond of the name OLIB I am quite happy to relinquish
 16074 	the name and HCILI.DLL could be OLIB.DLL. But OLIB is a funny name
 16075 	as it stands for Object library which is strange since all libraries
 16076 	are now object libraries. Maybe its time for OLIB to just disappear.
 16077 7). In messages associated with a RSubSession the handle was being passed
 16078 	in P1(). This was not the best option so I have now changed it to P4().
 16079 	Note that for a SubSessionCreate message a descriptor is passed in P4()
 16080 	rather than P1() which a server should use to write back the handle
 16081 	of the sub session. See \e32\swinsd\ws_main.cpp for an example of the
 16082 	approriate code.
 16083 8). Added Math::Rand(TInt64 &aSeed). This returns a random number in the
 16084 	range 0 to KMaxTInt (i.e. positive) and updates the seed.
 16085 9). Renamed the operating systems Segment to Chunk to avoid confusion on
 16086 	80x86 platforms with segment registers. Thus RSegment has become
 16087 	RChunk and User::SegmentHeap has become User::ChunkHeap.
 16088 10). The function Test::Next() was assuming a zero terminated string. Fixed.
 16089 11). RProcess::CommandLine() was not getting the full command line. Fixed.
 16091 NOTES
 16092 =====
 16094 1). MartinB. Surely HufEncode should belong to class TDes and convert its
 16095 	argument a TDesC into the TDes rather than belong to TDesC. As well
 16096 	don't we need a second version of HufDecode called something like
 16097 	HufDecodeInPlace which will do a decode in place on a TDes since
 16098 	this is what the resource system does currently. Finally should we
 16099 	not make a 32 bit version of the resource compiler.
 16100 2). There is a #define test in E32TEST.H. All #defines should be in
 16101 	upper case.
 16102 3). Why does RRegion have a virtual destructor, a Close() and a
 16103 	Destroy(). I suspect that the destructor should go.
 16104 4). In TOLIB t_ctimer.cpp and t_cact.cpp both have a #include to
 16105 	\e32\olib\o_std.h. This is not correct!
 16106 5). In TUSER t_heapdb.cpp has a dependency on the window server header
 16107 	file and in fact uses the window server. This is definitely
 16108 	incorrect?
 16109 6). Can everyone try and make an effort before releasing E32 that
 16110 	all projects are left in the DEBUG build and that all test
 16111 	programs do not have windows open and breakpoints left enabled.
 16113 Version 0.01.033
 16114 ================
 16115 (Made by MartinB, 4 May 1995)
 16117 1) Changed jcxz to a jecxz in P_I64.CPP (!!!)
 16118 2) Fixed some alloc heaven in CArrayVarBase::Delete.
 16119 3) Improved T_RSC test code.
 16120 4) Added MaxSize() to TDes.
 16121 5) New RRegion code from Steve.
 16122 6) Loads of test code from MartinH.
 16123 7) Note u_heap.cpp temporarily includes <stdlib.h> (for
 16124 	random number generators) for heap alloc failure testing.
 16125 	This is a temporary  measure until the real file handling an
 16126 	random number generation becomes available.
 16127 8) T_HEAPDB requires window server to run (since it tests for window
 16128 	server heap failure).
 16130 All test code runs for ASCII DEBUG and UNICODE DEBUG builds (MartinB).
 16133 Version 0.01.032
 16134 ================
 16135 (Made by MartinB, 26 April 1995)
 16137 1) Added a new CResourceFile class (and its superclass CFile).  CFile
 16138 	uses standard C files as a temporary measure until Colly
 16139 	releases the real filing system.
 16140 2) Added a KErrFile const to go with the above.  Again a temporary
 16141 	measure.
 16142 3) CResourceFile reads resource files produced using our resource
 16143 	compiler.  (S_.RSC and S_.RZC were used in the test code, and
 16144 	form part of the release of the test code).  Note that
 16145 	CResourceFile also reads compressed resource files.  This
 16146 	meant that:
 16147 4) Added Huffman compression for TDes16.  Actually this does not
 16148 	quite work yet, one or two of the test cases are #ifdefed out
 16149 	in the UNICODE build.  However it is 90% there and I have a
 16150 	good idea of what the problem is (its to do with the unused
 16151 	byte at the end when the descriptor compresses to an odd number of
 16152 	bytes).
 16153 5) New test code from MartinH.
 16154 6) Minor fixes to threads from Colly/MartinH.
 16156 NOTES
 16157 =====
 16159 1) Should we have a TDes::MaxSize() function?
 16161 2) All test code runs for ASCII DEBUG and UNICODE DEBUG builds, except
 16162 	T_RSC does not run in UNICODE.
 16165 Version 0.01.031
 16166 ================
 16167 (Made by Colly, 18 April 1995)
 16169 1). Changed KEventPending to KRequestPending.
 16170 2). Made CActiveScheduler::Start() call the virtual function
 16171 	WaitForAnyRequest().
 16172 3). Fixed ..\rel\ewinsdb.prj to release the estat*.pdb files
 16173 	rather that wwins*.pdb files.
 16174 4). When a thread had an exception or was killed, terminated or
 16175 	panicked, execution unfortunately continued. Fixed.
 16176 5). Added a function User::Dying() which is called by all the kernel
 16177 	functions just before they kill,terminate,except or panic a thread
 16178 	or process. This is a very good place for a breakpoint when
 16179 	debugging. It will catch everything.
 16180 6). Added support to dynamically load a DLL and then lookup functions
 16181 	in the DLL. See class RLibrary.
 16182 7). Added support for device drivers. See User::LoadDevice() and
 16183 	User::FreeDevice() as well as the example device driver in
 16184 	\e32\swinsd\d_timer.mak and its test program \e32\swinsd\t_devc.mak.
 16185 8). Added a constructor to all TFindHandle derived classes to allow
 16186 	initialisation with the find string.
 16187 9). Converted the rose designs to rose 2.525
 16189 NOTES
 16190 =====
 16192 1). The fact that CActiveScheduler::Start() is static is no reason why
 16193 	the virtual function WaitForAnyRequest() cannot be called. Just use
 16194 	the static pointer to the scheduler:
 16195 	theActiveScheduler->WaitForAnyRequest()
 16197 All test code runs for ASCII DEBUG and UNICODE DEBUG builds (MartinB).
 16200 Version 0.01.030
 16201 ================
 16202 (Made by Colly, 12 April 1995)
 16204 1). Removed the virtual destructor in CBase. Added vitrual void Destroy().
 16205 	CBase::Destroy() now calls delete this. It is now generally necessary
 16206 	to call the base classes Destroy() in order to get proper destruction
 16207 	of the object. Note that the DeleteAll methods in TDblQue and TSglQue
 16208 	only work if the objects on the queue are derived from CBase. Added
 16209 	a static function Olib::Destroy(CBase *anObject) which will only
 16210 	destroy the object if anObject is not NULL.
 16211 2). Added a static function:
 16212 	CActiveScheduler * CActiveScheduler::Current();
 16213 	which return the currently installed active scheduler.
 16214 3). In RSubSession::CreateSubSession() was not passing as P1() in the
 16215 	message the address of the reply so that the subsession handle could
 16216 	be returned by the server.
 16217 4). Creating a semaphore with an initial count other than 0 did not set
 16218 	the internal count with the initial count although the Windows/NT
 16219 	semaphore was being set correctly. The same bug applied to Mutexes.
 16220 5). When a process was dying its access count was not being decremented
 16221 	so that if no handles were outstanding the object was not being
 16222 	destroyed.
 16223 6). CObjectIx::Add() and CObjectCon::Add() were closing the object being
 16224 	added if the add failed. This proves to be unhelpful so they have
 16225 	been changed to just fail and not do the close.
 16226 7). Added the following functions to RThread and RProcess to determine
 16227 	the reason a thread or process exited.
 16228 	IMPORT_C TExitType ExitType() const;
 16229 	IMPORT_C TInt ExitReason() const;
 16230 	IMPORT_C TName ExitCategory() const;
 16231 8). The design of the CPeriodic class made it unusable. This has now been
 16232 	changed so that the New functions add the active object to the
 16233 	scheduler. Start() is now defined as:
 16235 	void Start(TInt aDelay,TInt anInterval,
 16236 			   TPeriodicCallBack aCallBack,TAny *aPtr);
 16238 	which allows a CPeriodic to be restarted after it has been cancelled.
 16239 	StartL() has been dropped since Start() is void.
 16240 	There was also a bug in the RunL() method in that it issued the callback
 16241 	and then requested the next timer. It should request the next timer and
 16242 	then issue the callback.
 16244 The following merged in by MartinB:
 16246 9) Removed double definition of TText8 and TText16 form e32def.h
 16247 10) Moved enclosing #endif (matched to #if !defined(__E32DEF_H__)) to
 16248 	end of e32def.h.
 16249 11) Changed make files so that .PDB files are built into \e32sys.
 16250 12) Added virtual WaitForAnyRequest to CActiveScheduler.  This is not
 16251 	called from Start, however, since Start is a static function.
 16252 	After discussion with DW I retained User::WaitForAnyRequest
 16253 	in Start, until we have time to discuss which functions
 16254 	should be static.
 16255 13) Changed KErrPending to KEventPending.
 16258 Version 0.01.029
 16259 ================
 16260 (Made by Martin, 3 April 1995)
 16262 1) New alloc testing code does not include filename and lineno
 16263 	(MartinH).
 16264 2) New SglQue test code (DougF).
 16265 3) New test code (JalP).
 16266 4) Move common functionality of TKeyArrayFix and TKeyArrayVar into
 16267 	TKey (JalP).
 16268 5) Fix to TEnter (DavidW).
 16270 All test code runs for ASCII DEBUG and UNICODE DEBUG builds.
 16273 Version 0.01.028
 16274 ================
 16275 (Made by Colly, 22 Mar 1995)
 16277 1). Definitely the last name changes for the descriptor and buffer classes.
 16278 		Old Name		New Name
 16279 		========		========
 16280 		TDesC			TDesC
 16281 		TDes			TDes
 16282 		TBufBase		TBufCBase
 16283 		TBuf			TBufC
 16284 		HBuf			HBufC
 16285 		TDesR			TPtrC
 16286 		TDesW			TPtr
 16287 		TBufW			TBuf
 16289 	Note that the function:
 16290 		TDesW DesW()
 16291 	in TBufBase has now been renamed:
 16292 		TPtr Des()
 16293 	Its helpful to consult the Rose class diagram to see why these names
 16294 	are sensible.
 16295 2). Took Steve's new region code.
 16296 3). Added the missing #defines for __TEST_INVARIANT.
 16297 4). Changed the graphics window to position to 10,10.
 16298 5). Fixed the re-entrancy bug with UserWindowServer::Request().
 16299 6). Added the fix to stop the beep on ALT + char.
 16300 7). Added the code for User::Abort() and User::Exit().
 16301 8). User::Panic() was panicking the process and not the current thread
 16302 	making it impossible to run test threads to see if they panic.
 16304 	All the test code passes under the DEBUG build.
 16306 NOTES
 16308 1).	The virtual destructor in CActive is calling the virtual DoCancel
 16309 	which since the destructor is running at the CActive level has
 16310 	no method to call as its pure virtual. The only reasonable solution
 16311 	is to introduce a virtual Destroy() function to CBase() which can
 16312 	do the necessary cleanup and then do the delete.
 16313 2). Many of the test programs do not have a standard comment header.
 16314 	One did not even have a header.	This is just careless.
 16315 	I have fixed them all.
 16316 3). Many people when declaring an enum leave a comma on the last
 16317 	declaration which is untidy.
 16318 4). A number of people are decalring automatic variables with capital
 16319 	letters. Please avoid this practice.
 16322 Version 0.01.027
 16323 ================
 16324 (Made by Martin, 16 Mar 1995)
 16326 1) Changed TBuf to TBufW, TLcb to TBuf and TLcbH to HBuf.
 16327 2) Fixed .lnk files so test code works if built from command line
 16328 	(Duncan).
 16329 3) New T_REF test code (Jal).
 16330 4) Added previously missing RRef<T>::AllocL to e32std.inl (Jal).
 16331 5) Fixed bug in RRefBase::DoAlloc (Jal).
 16332 6) Added invariant to TDateTime (Gill).
 16333 7) Improved T_DATE test code (Gill).
 16334 8) Improved T_KEY test code (MartinH).
 16335 9) Fix to heap checking code (MartinH).
 16336 10) Changed T_QUE to use V classes (rather than S classes) (Doug).
 16337 11) Made iInterval protected (was private) in CPeriodic (at Steve's
 16338 	request).
 16339 12) This release contains a zip file release (in s:\e32\zip) so that
 16340 	users should not need to build E32.  Only the ASCII DEBUG
 16341 	version has been released.
 16343 All test code (ASCII DEBUG) can now be built and run from the command line
 16344 (except T_HEAPDB).
 16346 Actions:
 16348 1) Now that C classes rely on zero filling for initialisation their
 16349 	definitions MUST be changed so that they cannot be declared on the
 16350 	stack.
 16351 2) MartinH to fix T_HEAPDB.
 16352 3) Steve to complete transformation of CRegion to RRegion.
 16353 4) MartinB to complete (or remove) Huffman encoding (did not have
 16354 	time to do it this release).
 16355 5) T_ARRAY and T_VARRAY need more test.Start() and test.Next()
 16356 	messages (Jal).
 16357 6) Many classes still have no __TestInvariant methods (All).
 16358 7) CBufSeg has a test class defined under #if defined(_DEBUG) (Jal).
 16361 Version 0.01.026
 16362 ================
 16363 (Made by Colly, 11 Mar 1995)
 16365 1). Added an operator new() to class CBase which fills memory with zeroes
 16366 	so that most constructors need do nothing. Note that a constructor
 16367 	is still required in order to set the name of the class in debug
 16368 	builds.
 16369 2). Changed the RProcess::FileName() and RProcess::CommandLine() functions
 16370 	to return their result rather than take an them as reference args.
 16371 3). Added RHandleBase::Duplicate(RProcess aSrc) which allows a handle from
 16372 	another process to be duplicated in the current process. This is also
 16373 	the mechanism by which the pseudo handles for the current thread and
 16374 	the current process to be turned into real handles. i.e.
 16376 	RThread self;
 16377 	self.Duplicate(RProcess());
 16379 	Note that you will now need to call self.Close() at some stage since
 16380 	the resource must be freed.
 16382 	In case you have missed the examples in ..\tuser\t_kern.cpp
 16383 	instantiating a RThread or RProcess by default give handles to the
 16384 	current thread and current process respectively. i.e.
 16386 	RThread().Name() will return the current threads name.
 16388 	These objects use a pseudo handle since it is not possible to close
 16389 	these handles since if you could close them they would have to
 16390 	delete the current thread or current process. Since these are pseudo
 16391 	handles passing them to another process will not work as in the other
 16392 	process they will also mean the current process and current thread.
 16393 	Duplicate overcomes this problem since it gives a real handle to
 16394 	either the current thread or the current process.
 16395 4). Added the RThread::Logon(),RThread::LogonCancel(),RProcess::Logon()
 16396 	and RProcess::LogonCancel() functions.
 16397 5). Cleanup on Thread termination by the kernel now implemented.
 16398 6). RThread::Kill(),RThread::Exit(),RProcess::Kill() and RProcess::Exit()
 16399 	implemented fully.
 16400 7). Changed Plat::Panic() and Plat::Fault() to always use the desktop
 16401 	window for the messagebox.
 16402 8). Changed to build options for all variants. Everyone should make a new
 16403 	.MAK file from T_KERN.MAK as a prototype. Presumably the tool sets
 16404 	will have to be updated to reflect these changes. Also fixed a number
 16405 	of link failures which had crept into the system.
 16406 9). Note that because of the use User::SetVaArgList() the optimisation
 16407 	in the release versions to drop stack frames cannot be used.
 16408 10). The definition of the private class TLink in CBufSeg is a waste
 16409 	of space in the headers. So I have declared a forward reference
 16410 	to the class TBufSegLink and then only need the actual declaration
 16411 	and implementation in O_BUF.CPP.
 16413 The following merged in by MartinB:
 16415 11) Uses new toolsets (use TOOLS WINS and TOOLS WINSD to get them).
 16416 12) New T_DES test code. (From Duncan).
 16417 13) Fixed integer compares in TKeyArrayFix and TKeyArrayVar. (From
 16418 	Jal).
 16419 14) Fixed bug in CArrayFixBase::InsertISQ. (From Jal).
 16420 15) Added classes: TSglQueLink, TSglQueBase, TSglQue, TSglQueIterBase
 16421 	and TSglQueIter. (From Colly). (No test code yet).
 16422 16) Added classes: RRefBase and RRef. (From Colly). (No test code
 16423 	yet).
 16424 17) Added Alloc functions that take a size parameter to RRef classes
 16425 	(at Jal's request).
 16426 18) Added __TEST_INVARIANT macro to e32std.h. (from MartinH).
 16427 19) Added MartinH's heap checking code.  Note took some functions
 16428 	even though they were not commented - they will be commented for next
 16429 	release.
 16430 20) Took keycode code from DavidB.  NOTE: P_STDKEY.CPP still contains
 16431 	some numbers that should be converted to symbolic constants.
 16432 21) Small changes to code in winsd from Steve.
 16433 22) Changed User::MemSwap in u_func.cpp so that it does not swap if
 16434 	memory locations are identical.  There is an argument to do
 16435 	this in the compare routines as well.
 16436 23) Moved region to e32std.h and called it RRegion.  Steve will implement it as
 16437 	a proper 'R' in a subsequent release.
 16439 ASCII Debug version only was tested.
 16441 All test code passes except T_QUE which fails on DeleteAll.  Note
 16442 that
 16444 T_HEAPDB, T_ARRAY, T_CACT, T_VARRAY fail when built from the command
 16445 line.
 16447 Version 0.01.025
 16448 ================
 16449 (Made by MartinB, 7 Mar 1995)
 16451 1)  From Gillian: New TDateTime code.
 16452 	Changed DateAsString() to Format().
 16453 	Removed 3 unnecessary Add() functions.
 16454 	Ammended t_time.cpp test code.
 16455 	Renamed u_time.cpp to u_date.cpp (to lessen confusion with
 16456 	timer code).
 16457 2)  From Jal: Bug fix in CBufSeg::Delete() method. New test code.
 16458 3)  From Duncan: mnt.cmd altered to build math functions and test code.
 16459 4)  From Duncan: Updated all .lnk files for test code, so that they are built as
 16460 	windows rather than console applications.
 16461 5)  From Duncan: Introduced bld.prj in SMATH: this contains all the buildable math
 16462 	routines (there are some .cpp files in li.prj that have not yet
 16463 	been converted to E32).
 16464 6)  From Duncan: Introduced bld.prj in SWINSD: this contains all the buildable cpp
 16465 	files (there are some .cpp files in li.prj that have not yet
 16466 	been converted to E32).
 16467 7)  From Doug: Removed DEBUG friend declarations from Que classes.
 16468 8)  From Jal: New CRefCountBase and CRefCount classes added to Olib.
 16469 9)  From MartinH: New TKeyArrayCmpNumeric comparision types for
 16470 	TKeyArrays.  Ammended T_KEY test code.
 16471 10) From MartinH: Ammended T_ACT test code.
 16472 11) From DavidW: new T_VERSION test code.
 16473 12) Minor fixes to test code.
 16475 All ASCII DEBUG test code runs.  There is one anomally: T_COBJ runs
 16476 fine if build inside VC++ but panics with a user panic of 37 if built
 16477 from the command line.  It was getting late so I decided not to track
 16478 this one down.
 16480 Version 0.01.024
 16481 ================
 16482 (Made by Colly, 1 Mar 1995)
 16484 1). Renamed TPackage to TPckgBuf which packages an object in a TBuf8 and
 16485 	added TPckgC which packages in a TDesR8 and TPckg which packages in
 16486 	a TDesW8.
 16487 2). Added new Panic function to RMessage which panics the client and
 16488 	frees the message as well as one to CSession which just panics the
 16489 	client. This is necessary as the Client() functions return a const
 16490 	RThread & on which Panic cannot be called.
 16491 3). Noticed that Convert(const TDesC &aDes,...) would not work properly
 16492 	as taking the address of aDes on the stack would fail. Changed to
 16493 	use the User::SetVaArgList() function. Also removed the version
 16494 	of Convert which took a string as an argument. Fixed the test
 16495 	code accordingly.
 16496 4). My code in the example window server client side code was being very
 16497 	naughty and assuming that all arguments were being passed on the
 16498 	stack (TRUE for VC++, but not TRUE for GCC ARM code generation). Fixed.
 16499 5). Removed the function numbers from the RWindowServerBase class as
 16500 	they can be entirely private.
 16501 6). The platform code to get system time was not subtracting 1 from the
 16502 	day so TDateTime was correctly panicking the kernel on 28 Feb since
 16503 	it was trying 29 Feb.
 16505 Version 0.01.023
 16506 ================
 16507 (Made by Colly, 27 Feb 1995)
 16509 1). Moved the region code to SUSER in the file U_REGN.CPP. Moved the
 16510 	test code from TOLIB to TUSER.
 16511 2). The OLIB CServer class was deleting the server object on disconnect
 16512 	rather than the CSession. Fixed some other bugs as well.
 16513 3). Renamed CActive::Run() to CActive::RunL() to indicate that it may
 16514 	leave.
 16515 4). Renamed CServer::Service() to CServer::ServiceL() to indicate that
 16516 	it may leave.
 16517 5). Renamed CServer::NewSession() to CServer::NewSessionL() to indicate
 16518 	that it may leave.
 16519 6). Added the TInt64 class and a number of the maths functions. See
 16520 	\e32\inc\e32math.h.
 16521 7). Completely changed the whole scheme for E32 programs from being
 16522 	console based to being GUI based. Test programs will write to
 16523 	a normal Windows/NT console and the GUI window will be ignored.
 16524 	All GUI programs now need to link with a window server library,
 16525 	i.e. one of wwins,wwinsd,wwinsu,wwinsud. See the make file in
 16526 	\e32\tuser\t_gui.mak.
 16527 	A basic window server which just provides console services can be
 16528 	found in swinsd in the project wwins.mak until Steve can get his
 16529 	window server running.
 16530 	All programs now use:
 16531 	GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
 16532 	for the main program instead of main().
 16533 	The functions for the basic window server and console are in header
 16534 	\e32\inc\e32wsrv.h. Steve will provide these and extended functions
 16535 	by subclassing these in his Window server library.
 16536 8). Added a variant to RThread::Read() which allows an offset to be
 16537 	specified withing the descriptor to allow reading in smaller chunks
 16538 	in case the user sends over a huge chunk of data.
 16539 9). Added the TEvent class and various functions all of which are
 16540 	only for a Window server. I will discuss these with Steve directly.
 16541 	The data is in \e32\inc\e32evnt.h.
 16542 10). The CArray classes were leaving in their constructors. Fixed by
 16543 	 delaying allocation of the CBufBase till an insert. Increased
 16544 	 the error checking.
 16545 11). The kernel was not doing unicode properly since UNICODE was
 16546 	 not defined in \e32\swins\p_std.h before windows.h was included.
 16547 12). Added TDes8::Copy(const TDesC16 &aRef) and
 16548 	 TDes16::Copy(const TDesC8 &aBuf) conversions between 8 and 16.
 16550 	Notes:
 16552 	Many of the test programs were not keeping test.Start() and
 16553 	test.End() in balance.
 16554 	In U_TIME.CPP the unicode build was disabled because Gillian
 16555 	was using a TLex8 instead of a plain TLex8. I also not that
 16556 	the API for DateAsString takes the format string as a pointer
 16557 	and not as a reference. Also the name of the function should
 16558 	surely be Format().
 16560 Version 0.01.022
 16561 ================
 16562 (Made by Martin, 17 Feb 1995)
 16564 1) Fixed construction of TLex over strings.
 16565 2) New time class from Gillian.
 16566 3) Fixed t_buf,t_bflat and t_bseg test code from Jal.
 16567 4) Fixed t_lex test code from MartinH.
 16568 5) Changed CRegion to RRegion (after consultation with Steve).
 16569 6) NOTE: the TDateTime::DateAsString function fails to build under
 16570    unicode.
 16571 7) K_MES.CPP does not build under UNICODE, search for !!! string to
 16572    find where.
 16574 Note that there are new wins and winsd toolsets and a new version of
 16575 EPR.  Get these by doing
 16576 		TOOLS WINS
 16577 		TOOLS WINSD
 16578 in the usual way.
 16580 Version 0.01.021
 16581 ================
 16582 (Made by Colly, 16 Feb 1995)
 16584 1). In TUSER t_buf,t_lex do not compile.
 16585 2). In TOLIB t_bflat,t_bseg do not compile.
 16586 3). In TOLIB t_cact,t_cobj compile but fail. Note t_cact was t_creq.
 16587 4). Made the kernel platform function Plat::SetVaArgList(VA_LIST &aList)
 16588 	public in class User. This function was written assuming the argument
 16589 	const TDesC &aFmt was the first argument. Using it in
 16590 	Test::Panic(TInt anError,const TDesC &aFmt
 16591 	would not work correctly. Changed this function to take a second
 16592 	argument which says how many bytes to skip before the
 16593 	const TDesC &aFmt argument. For Test::Panic this is 4 and 0
 16594 	for all other uses.
 16595 5). Renamed CRequester to CActive and CRequestManager to CActiveScheduler.
 16596 6). Renamed all T classes which require closing to free their resources
 16597 	to R classes. I have not renamed CRegion to RRegion in this release
 16598 	but would propose that we do this (Steve?).
 16599 7). Added User::At() and User::After() to put the current process to
 16600 	sleep for relative and absolute time repectively. These are sync
 16601 	functions.
 16602 8). Implemented the RMessage, RServer and RSessionBase classes and added
 16603 	the Olib classes CServer and CSession. See the T_SVR.CPP test code
 16604 	to see how these are used.
 16605 9). Renamed t_req.* in TOLIB to t_act.*
 16606 10). Added the template class TPackage<T> which will package any type
 16607 	 T in a TBuf<sizeof(T)>. Note the -> and () operator overloading.
 16609 	 TPackage<TVersion> v;
 16610 	 v->iMajor
 16611 	 v().iMajor
 16613 	 This is most useful for passing and receiving non TDesC arguments
 16614 	 to a server so that the server can subsequently read/write to it.
 16615 11). Added the minimum,maximum values for all integers in e32std.h look
 16616 	 for KMaxTInt8 etc.
 16618 Queries
 16619 -------
 16621 1). Are we going to implement a 16 bit version of Hufman coding. If not
 16622 	then we cannot have this functionality as there cannot be a difference
 16623 	between 8 and 16 bit character versions as far as functionality goes.
 16624 2). Someone put #ifdef UNICODE into one of the files in swins. This is
 16625 	wrong and should have been #if defined(_UNICODE). Although Microsoft
 16626 	are confused we should always use the _UNICODE form.
 16627 3). I think we should rename User::Check and User::Available to have
 16628 	Heap in their name somewhere.
 16630 Version 0.01.020
 16631 ================
 16632 (Made by MartinB, 15 Feb 1995)
 16634 1)  Removed (most) string functions from descriptors.
 16635 2)  Fixed bug in unicode Printf.
 16636 3)  Time class changed to DateTime.
 16637 4)  Made some queue parameters constant.
 16638 5)  Tidied up some of the Locale code.
 16639 6)  Tidied up mnt.bat and renamed it to mnt.cmd.
 16640 7)  Fixed Format for %S in descriptors.
 16641 8)  Added Huffman coding to TDesC8 (finally).
 16642 9)  Added some DateTime validation routines.
 16643 10) Removed SetActive and SetInActive functions from CRequestors.
 16644 11) Fixed most test code to run with the new descriptors, but there
 16645 was too much to do for some (ie t_buf, t_lex, t_bflat).
 16647 Version 0.01.019
 16648 ================
 16649 (Made by Colly, 7 Feb 1995)
 16651 1). Added the new TTimer concrete data type (CDT).
 16652 2). Added the OLIB classes CRequestManager and CRequester.
 16653 3). Added the OLIB requesters CTimer and CPeriodic.
 16654 4). UNICODE needs to be defined as well as _UNICODE.
 16655 5). Fixed a bug in TDblQueIter where neither the inc or dec operators
 16656 	returned NULL at the end of the queue. Changed the test code to deal
 16657 	with this. Note that if the iterator is positioned at the end of the
 16658 	queue it will also return NULL when being casted.
 16659 6). Fixed a bug in the TDes::Format(const TDesC &aDes) functons which
 16660 	when try to set up the VA_LIST were taking the address of aDes and
 16661 	getting it rather than the expected address of the argument on the
 16662 	stack. Fixed by using the new User::SetVaArgList() function. The
 16663 	test code is not testing this part of the code.
 16664 7). Added the new static time validation functions to User.
 16665 8). The User::WaitForRequest() type functions are now operational.
 16666 9). Added the device driver code. Still to write a test device driver
 16667 	but this will probably be a console device.
 16668 10). Changed all the kernel classes to be D something rather than C
 16669 	 something to avoid name clashes with OLIB.
 16670 11). Changed the CObject class to allocate the name of the resource so
 16671 	 that NULL can be used to indicate an unnamed object. This has
 16672 	 changed the API's for some of the CreateLocal functions to no
 16673 	 longer require a name, i.e. TSemaphore::CreateLocal().
 16674 12). Changed all the API's to the kernel to use const TDesC& rather
 16675 	 than const TName& etc.
 16676 13). All tests pass in non-unicode debug.
 16678 Version 0.01.018
 16679 ================
 16680 (Made by MartinB,  3 Feb 1995)
 16682 1) Improvements to MartinH's test code.
 16683 2) Uses new format link files (so needs new tools release).
 16684 3) Incorporates Duncan's test code.
 16685 4) Improvements to Strings in test code (ie _TL macro).
 16686 5) Removed most of the #if defined(_DEBUG) stuff from include files,
 16687    but not for the friend classes.  Working on a plan for this though.
 16688 6) Fixed T_VARRAY .MAK file (was building T_ARRAY).
 16689 7) This is a consolidation release.
 16691 Version 0.01.017
 16692 ================
 16693 (Made by Colly, 26 Jan 1995)
 16695 1) Integrated the changes in preparation for device drivers.
 16696 2) Note that the #if defined(_DEBUG) stuff for queues in the
 16697    headers is unacceptable.
 16698 3) Note that I am not confident of the enumerate for EAllowDuplicates
 16699    nor the provision of default parameters.
 16701 Version 0.01.016
 16702 ================
 16703 (Made by MartinB, 24 Jan 1995)
 16704 All test code passes.  (But have not tried UNICODE build).
 16706 Now builds with 32bit EBLD.  To get this type
 16712 You can then do MNT BLD etc from the command line.
 16714 1) Added _S macro and changed _L macro in preparation for removing
 16715    strings from descriptors.  Changed code to use _S and _L so that
 16716    strings could be easily removed in next release.
 16717 2) Took T_TKEY test code from MartinH.
 16718 3) Removed Free from CBuf class.
 16719 4) Minor bug fixes here and there.
 16720 5) Took Que code from Douglas
 16722 Version 0.01.015
 16723 ================
 16724 (Made by Colly, 18 Jan 1995)
 16726 1).	Made the final re-organisation to the descriptors and introduced
 16727 	the new derived class TDesR. Note that TDesC and TDes are real
 16728 	abstract base classes as they cannot be directly instantiated.
 16729 	(They have no contructors). Note that functions like Mid(),Left()
 16730 	etc. now return a TDesR.
 16732 	Added the template TLcb class. This class is intended for use
 16733 	as a member of a struct or class since it needs the minimum
 16734 	storage space.
 16736 	This is similar to the TBuf class except that it is a length
 16737 	followed by the buffer, i.e. no max length. Thus apart from
 16738 	assigning to it and behaving as a TDesC a TLcb cannot be
 16739 	manipulated as it was a TDes. However help is at hand since there
 16740 	is a function DesW() which return a writeable descriptor through
 16741 	which a TLcb can be manipulated in the same was as a TBuf. i.e.
 16743 	TLcb<KMaxName> b;
 16744 	b=_L("   Some spaces");
 16745 	b.TrimLeft(); // This will fail.
 16746 	b.DesW().TrimLeft(); // This will work fine.
 16747 	b.DesW().UpperCase();
 16749 	If a lot of write operations are to be performed on the TLcb then
 16750 	it is more efficient to take a copy of the TDesW. i.e.
 16752 	TDesW w=a.DesW();
 16754 	Note that there is no public constructor on TDesW for a TLcb
 16755 	directly as it would need you to pass the maximum length as well
 16756 	which is best left to the template to do on your behalf.
 16758 	If a function needs a writeable descriptor then just pass b.DesW()
 16759 	and all will be well.
 16761 	As a last final thing for descriptors I have added one final class
 16762 	TLcbH (H stands for heap). A TLcbH has the property that the TDesW
 16763 	returned by DesW() has its iMaxLength set to the size of the alloc
 16764 	cell - sizeof(TUint). A fine feature of	this is that the length of
 16765 	an alloc cell which is always present can now be used to good
 16766 	purpose. It is also possible to call the TLcbH member functions
 16767 	ReAlloc() or ReAllocL() on the cell and the get another TDesW
 16768 	which will have changed its iMaxLength to the new size of the cell.
 16770 	TLcbH *TLcbH::ReAlloc(); // Returns NULL if fails
 16771 	TLcbH *TLcbH::ReAllocL(); // Leaves if fails
 16773 	It is possible to directly construct a TLcbH with the static
 16774 	functions:
 16776 	TLcbH *TLcbH::New(TUint aMaxLength) // Returns NULL if fails
 16777 	TLcbH *TLcbH::NewL(TUint aMaxLength) // Leaves if fails
 16779 	The TDesC class also has two methods:
 16781 	TLcbH *TDesC::Alloc(); // Returns NULL if fails
 16782 	TLcbH *TDesC::AllocL(); // Leaves if fails
 16784 	which will clone the descriptor on the heap. The size of the TLcbH
 16785 	will be the length of the descriptor. Remember that these objects
 16786 	must be freed with either delete or User::Free().
 16788 	Note that there is a class TLcbBase which is just used to provide a
 16789 	place to provide the code for the template class and although this
 16790 	could be placed in the TDesC class this could only be done by
 16791 	sacrificing the efficiency of the constructors for the TLcb class.
 16792 	TDesC has so many constructors that TLcbBase is useful in providing a
 16793 	selector for the base constructor. If this was removed an artificial
 16794 	enum would have to be added to the constructors in TDesC to ease
 16795 	selection. Since these are called inline by TLcb this would waste
 16796 	code.
 16798 	It is useful to look at the Rose class diagram in \e32\desn\e32.dsn
 16799 	in the User\Descriptors category.
 16801 2). Took the fixed u_time.cpp and new t_time.cpp.
 16803 3). Changed the build plan so that all 4 build versions are supported
 16804 	in all E32 .MAK files and that all releaseable files are in \e32sys
 16805 	as follows:
 16807 	Build Name			Object directory
 16808 	==========			================
 16809 	Win32 Release		\work\e32\wins\rel
 16810 	Win32 Debug			\work\e32\wins\deb
 16811 	Win32 Uni Release	\work\e32\wins\urel
 16812 	Win32 Uni Debug		\work\e32\wins\udeb
 16814 	Build Name			.DLLs
 16815 	==========			================
 16816 	Win32 Release		\e32sys\ewins.dll
 16817 	Win32 Debug			\e32sys\ewinsd.dll
 16818 	Win32 Uni Release	\e32sys\ewinsu.dll
 16819 	Win32 Uni Debug		\e32sys\ewinsud.dll
 16821 	Build Name			.LIBs
 16822 	==========			=====================================
 16823 	Win32 Release		\e32sys\ewins.lib	\e32sys\estat.lib
 16824 	Win32 Debug			\e32sys\ewinsd.lib	\e32sys\estatd.lib
 16825 	Win32 Uni Release	\e32sys\ewinsu.lib	\e32sys\estatu.lib
 16826 	Win32 Uni Debug		\e32sys\ewinsud.lib	\e32sys\estatud.lib
 16828 	The directory \e32\lib has been deleted and replaced with
 16829 	\e32\rel where the release project files are kept.
 16831 	As a result of this no generated files get placed in the \e32
 16832 	source tree, meaning a check -a li should always show no
 16833 	additional or missing files
 16835 4). Fixed most of the death in the unicode build but some test
 16836 	programs are not building properly.
 16838 5). Added the __DECLARE_TEST() macro for adding the test operations
 16839 	to classes for debug builds. This macro should always be declared
 16840 	as the last thing in the class as it switches back to public: as
 16841 	follows:
 16843 	public:
 16844 		void __TestInvariant() const;
 16845 		void __Test() const;
 16847 	If a DLL is being built the __DLL__ #define should be present and the
 16848 	macro will generate:
 16850 		IMPORT_C void __TestInvariant() const;
 16852 	The operation __TestInvariant() is expected to be supplied for all
 16853 	classes and should do all the checking that it can to determine that
 16854 	the object is in a healthy state. If it finds an error it should call
 16855 	User::Invariant() which will cause a panic. If a class is derived from
 16856 	a base class then the base class __TestInvariant() should be called
 16857 	first and then further checking should be done.
 16859 	This macro should not be added to template functions as the base class
 16860 	from which the template function is derived should be able to do all
 16861 	the necessary checking.
 16863 	The __Test() function is not implemented and is provided to allow
 16864 	test code a way of directly accessing all the members of a class.
 16865 	Test code needs only to provide the function and then call it as it
 16866 	is always assumed to be in the same .exe as the calling program.
 16868 	Look at e32des8.inl and \e32\suser\u_des8.cpp for an example of how
 16869 	to implement __DECLARE_TEST().
 16871 	N.B.
 16872 	It is expected that all classes will implement this scheme.
 16874 6). Taken Gillian's fix to u_loc.cpp which was returning day names
 16875 	for months.
 16877 Version 0.01.014
 16878 ================
 16879 (Made by Colly, 16 Jan 1995)
 16880 1). THeap::Available() was not subtracting the header from the cells size.
 16881 2). The insert bug in CBufSeg has been fixed.
 16882 3). Implemented the new TDes/TBuf plan. This now allows TBufs to be moved
 16883 	around in memory so that CArray<TBuf_40> is now O.K. Note that TDes8
 16884 	cannot be instantiated, instead instantiate a TDesW8. TBufs now only
 16885 	have an overhead of 8 bytes. See TDesC8::Ptr() to understand how
 16886 	this trickery is accomplished. In general note that the values of the
 16887 	members of TDesC8 and its derived classes are now meaningless so don't
 16888 	jump to conclusions. The iLength should be divided by 4 to get the
 16889 	real length. The bottom two bits provide flags for the Ptr() function.
 16890 	For TDes8,TBuf8 and TDesW8 iPtr is in fact the maximum length. The
 16891 	address of the buffer for TBuf8 is assumed to follow iPtr. For a
 16892 	TDesW8 the real pointer to the buffer follows iPtr.
 16893 4). Added the TVersion class and the User::Version() function.
 16894 5). In class TLex, renamed Token() to NextToken() and made
 16895 	MarkedToken() and NextToken() return a TDesC8.
 16896 6). Removed the new operator in class CBase. As the cell is no longer
 16897 	zero filled all relevant fields must be initialised.
 16898 7). Added a member variable TText *__iName to CBase when the _DEBUG
 16899 	flag is set. All constructors of classed derived from CBase should
 16900 	initialise by using the __DECLARE_NAME macro. For CBufSeg this would
 16901 	be :
 16902 	EXPORT_C CBufSeg::CBufSeg(TUint anExpandSize)
 16903 	//
 16904 	// Constructor
 16905 	//
 16906 		: CBufBase(anExpandSize),iSeg(NULL)
 16907 		{
 16909 		__DECLARE_NAME(_L("CBufSeg"));
 16910 		}
 16911 8). Changed the ASSERT1,ASSERT2 and ASSERT3 macros to
 16912 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS - applied in all builds
 16913 	__ASSERT_DEBUG - applied only in debug builds
 16914 	__ASSERT_OPT - applied if __OPT__ is defined
 16915 	The previous versions assumed that Panic was called, i.e.
 16916 	#define ASSERT1(c,p) if (!(c)) Panic(p)
 16917 	This has been changed to allow other functions to be called.
 16918 	#define __ASSERT_ALWAYS(c,p) if (!(c)) p
 16919 	This should be used as follows:
 16920 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(anIndex<iLength,Panic(EDes8IndexOutOfRange));
 16921 9). Further bugs showed up in T_BFLAT which was still assuming that
 16922 	a TBuf was zero terminated. Changed the code to zero terminate
 16923 	after construction.
 16925 Version 0.01.013
 16926 ================
 16927 (Made by Colly, 12 Jan 1995)
 16928 1). Completed the implementation of the descriptor/buffer classes.
 16929 2). The TLocale class is now working.
 16930 3). Move SDate,STime and SDaySecs out of TTime. Made the members
 16931 	start with a lower case. Changed the order of members so that
 16932 	sorting	will occur correctly. Changed the filler on STime to be
 16933 	1/100ths of a second. Provided a service in the kernel to retrieve
 16934 	the current 1/100ths.
 16935 4). Changed TTime to call the kernel to get the current time and TLocale
 16936 	to get the start of week. The function to set system time is in
 16937 	User. i.e. User::SetSystemTime(TSystemTime aTime);
 16938 5). Moved the static functions from TTime to User.
 16939 6). Converted the u_time.cpp to E32 code standards.
 16940 7). Converted the u_graph.cpp to E32 code standards.
 16941 8). Converted the o_region.cpp to E32 code standards.
 16942 9). Fixed the bug if you ran a program from the command line without
 16943 	the .exe.
 16944 10). Changed TDblQue::Next() to be TDblQue::First() and
 16945 	TDblQue()::Prev() to be TDblQue()::Last(). Changed the
 16946 	implementation of AddFirst() and AddLast() to take a T * rather
 16947 	that a TDblQueLink *.
 16948 11). Changed the static New()'s in CBufFlat and CBufSeg to return a
 16949 	pointer to the class rather than to CBufBase.
 16950 12). Add a further global new operator which will leave if it cannot
 16951 	allocate the memory. This is called as follows:
 16952 	Normally:
 16953 	TRect *p=new TRect(0,0,10,10);
 16954 	With leave:
 16955 	TRect *p=new(ELeave) TRect(0,0,10,10);
 16956 13). Renamed TEnter::Throw() to TEnter::Leave();
 16957 14). Fixed User::Leave().
 16958 15). Add the full queue implemetations.
 16959 16). Threads other than the main thread did not have their heap set.
 16960 17). Lots more that I have forgotten.
 16962 The TLex test code does not pass since it was relying on the zero
 16963 terminator and I don't have the time to fix it. There is bug shown
 16964 in CBufSeg with the test program T_ARRAY, although not surprisingly
 16965 by T_BSEG.
 16966 All the test code should now be reviewed and checked.
 16968 Version 0.01.012
 16969 ================
 16970 (Made by MartinB, 6 Jan 1995)
 16971 1) Fixed death in release 11 below.
 16972 2) Descriptor classes essentially complete.  Moved iMaxLength from
 16973    TDesC to TDes.  However must still define unicode-independent
 16974    buffers.
 16975 3) Passes all test code now (except T_SEM).
 16978 Version 0.01.011
 16979 ================
 16980 (Made by MartinB, 6 Jan 1995)
 16981 1) Bug fixes to Heap from MartinH.
 16982 2) Bug fixes to arrays from Jal.
 16983 3) Changed some pointer parameters to references.
 16984 4) Changed to new Descriptor class hierarchy.  The change is not yet
 16985    complete.
 16986 5) Some things are now (partially) broken:
 16987 		T_BUF does not pass all test code (wierd stack death),
 16988 		T_ARRAY.CPP and T_BFLAT.CPP do not build,
 16989 		T_LEX does not pass all test code.
 16991 Version 0.01.010
 16992 ================
 16993 (Made by MartinB, 4 Jan 1995)
 16994 1) Minor bug fix to o_array.cpp.
 16995 2) Fixes to slocl to support dynamic loading.
 16996 3) Fixes to TLex and TChar code.
 16997 4) Converted to using spaces for tabs.
 16998 5) Incorporated DWs time class.
 16999 6) Moved Steve's CRegion class to SOLIB.
 17001 Version 0.01.009
 17002 ================
 17003 (Made by MartinB, 22 Dec 1994)
 17004 1) Minor bug fixes and improvements to descriptor code.
 17005 2) Now partially buildable under EPR (courtesy of DuncanS).  To get
 17006    extended toolset type:
 17008 		TOOLS ETSET
 17009 		TOOLS WINS
 17011 You will also need to set your DOS box to run off a PIF file
 17012 (ETSET.PIF in this directory will do), otherwise you will get out of
 17013 memory/environment space problems.
 17015 Then
 17016 		ETON WINS
 17017 and (in the usual way)
 17018 		CONT E32 GROUP
 17019 		DON
 17020 		BUILD DEB
 17022 Then you should be able to do MNT BLDALL.  Unfortunately we don't yet
 17023 have the technology to build DLLs yet, but we can do CCs and LFs.
 17024 This certainly makes it much less tedious to build the test code.
 17025 In CONT E32 TUSER type
 17026 		EBLD ETLI
 17027 In CONT E32 TOLIB type
 17028 		EBLD LI
 17030 Version 0.01.008
 17031 ================
 17032 (Made by MartinB, 21 Dec 1994)
 17033 1) Took Jal's fixes for CBufSeg class.
 17034 2) Added
 17035 		void Append(const TUint8* aBuf,TUint aLength);
 17036    function to TDesBase class.
 17037 3) Removed the Assign() functions that were just duplicates of Copy()
 17038    from TDesBase.
 17039 4) Split data in slocl into country dependent, language dependent and
 17040    alphabet (character set) dependent parts.  Split not yet complete.
 17042 Version 0.01.007
 17043 ================
 17044 (Made by MartinB, 20 Dec 1994)
 17045 1) Produces e32winsu.* and e32statu.* on UDEB and UREL builds.
 17046 2) Moved to warning level 4.
 17047 3) operator= changed to return reference in TPoint, TSize and TRect classes
 17048 4) Converted CBuf* classes to constant reference convention.
 17049 5) Changed TLex to use descriptors.
 17051 Version 0.01.006
 17052 ================
 17053 (Made by MartinB, 20 Dec 1994)
 17054 1) #defined _UNICODE on UDEB and UREL in e32ver.h in preparation
 17055    for epr building.
 17056 2) Converted TLex* class to constant reference convention.
 17057 3) Renamed TSuffix to TDateSuffix.
 17059 Version 0.01.005
 17060 ================
 17061 (Made by MartinB, 19 Dec 1994)
 17062 1) First version with buffers replaced by descriptors.  Note that
 17063 		..\inc\e32db16.h
 17064    is a copy of
 17065 		..\inc\e32db8.h
 17066    with 8 replaced by 16 throughout, and
 17067 		..\suser\u_dsbf16.cpp
 17068    is a copy of
 17069 		..\suser\u_dsbf8.cpp
 17070    with 8 replaced by 16 throughout.
 17072    This is necessary since it seems impossible to use templates in
 17073    this case (this is because there seems to be no way to manually
 17074    instantiate the template so that it can be placed in the DLL).
 17075 2) Passes all test code except T_BFLAT (which I didn't get to work on
 17076    version 004) and T_SEM (which I'm not sure about).
 17077 3) TThread class broken?  It may well work but I have not yet looked
 17078    into the implications for this class.
 17079 4) Made this version for a "safe" one to come back to.
 17080 5) U_LEX*.CPP and U_SEG.CPP can now be much improved by using
 17081    Descriptors instead of temporary buffers.
 17083 Version 0.01.004
 17084 ================
 17085 (Made by MartinB, 19 Dec 1994)
 17086 1) Minor fixes to SLOCL tables.
 17087 2) Defined ASSERTn and ASSERT_VALIDn macros.
 17088 3) Last version before new TDes and TBuf classes.
 17090 Version 0.01.003
 17091 ================
 17092 (Made by MartinB, 14 Dec 1994)
 17093 1) Incorporates TPoint, TSize, TRect & TRegion classes.
 17094 2) Incorporates test code for above.
 17095 3) Moved TCheckedHeapWalk declaration into THeap (ie nested class
 17096    declaration), partially because of name class with TSize (above).
 17098 Version 0.01.002
 17099 ================
 17100 (Made by MartinB, 13 Dec 1994)
 17101 1) Incorporates buf fixes to TChar, TLex & TBuf classes.
 17102 2) Incorporates test code for above.
 17103 3) First working UNICODE version.
 17105 Version 0.01.001
 17106 ================
 17107 (Made by Colly, 10 Dec 1994)
 17108 1) First release.