changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 36 538db54a451d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a41df078684a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // f32\inc\f32plugin.h
    15 // 
    16 // WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
    17 //          to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
    18 //          outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
    19 //
    21 /**
    22  @file
    23  @internalTechnology
    24 */
    27 #if !defined(__F32PLUGIN_H__)
    28 #define __F32PLUGIN_H__
    30 #include <f32file.h>
    31 #include <f32file_private.h>
    32 #include <f32fsys.h>
    34 const TInt KPluginMessageForward  = 1; ///< Returned from ::Dispatch() to indicate that a request has been processed synchronously and should be passed down the stack.
    35 const TInt KPluginMessageComplete = 2; ///< Returned from ::Dispatch() to indicate that a request has been processed synchronously and should be passed back up the stack.
    37 const TInt KCountNeeded=KMinTInt;
    39 /**
    40 List of file server operations 
    41 */
    42 enum TFsMessage
    43 	{
    44 	EFsAddFileSystem,           ///< Adds a file system
    45 	EFsRemoveFileSystem,        ///< Removes a file system
    46 	EFsMountFileSystem,         ///< Mounts a file system
    47 	EFsNotifyChange,            ///< Notifies file and/or directory change
    48 	EFsNotifyChangeCancel,      ///< Cancels change notification
    49 	EFsDriveList,               ///< Gets a list of the available drive
    50 	EFsDrive,                   ///< Gets information about a drive and the medium mounted on it
    51 	EFsVolume,                  ///< Gets volume information for a formatted device
    52 	EFsSetVolume,               ///< Sets the label for a volume
    53     EFsSubst,                   ///< Gets the path assigned to a drive letter
    54 	EFsSetSubst,				///< -- 10, Assigns a path to a drive letter
    55 	EFsRealName,                ///< Gets the real name of a file
    56 	EFsDefaultPath,             ///< Gets the system default path
    57 	EFsSetDefaultPath,          ///< Sets the system default path
    58 	EFsSessionPath,             ///< Gets the session path
    59 	EFsSetSessionPath,          ///< Sets the session path for the current file server client
    60 	EFsMkDir,                   ///< Makes directory
    61 	EFsRmDir,                   ///< Removes a directory
    62 	EFsParse,                   ///< Parses a filename specification
    63 	EFsDelete,                  ///< Deletes file
    64 	EFsRename,					///< -- 20 Renames a single file or directory
    65 	EFsReplace,                 ///< Replaces a single file with another
    66 	EFsEntry,                   ///< Gets a file's attributes
    67 	EFsSetEntry,                ///< Sets both the attributes and the last modified date and time for a file or directory
    68 	EFsGetDriveName,            ///<  Gets the name of a drive
    69 	EFsSetDriveName,            ///< Sets the name of a drive
    70 	EFsFormatSubClose,          ///< Closes the Format subsession
    71 	EFsDirSubClose,             ///< Closes the directory.
    72 	EFsFileSubClose,            ///< Closes the file
    73 	EFsRawSubClose,             ///< Closes the direct access channel to the disk 
    74 	EFsFileOpen,				///< -- 30 Opens file
    75 	EFsFileCreate,				///< Creates and opens a new file
    76 	EFsFileReplace,             ///< Replaces a file of the same name or creates a new file
    77 	EFsFileTemp,				///< Creates and opens a temporary file
    78 	EFsFileRead,                ///< Reads from the file
    79 	EFsFileWrite,               ///< Writes to the file
    80 	EFsFileLock,                ///< Locks a region within the file
    81 	EFsFileUnLock,              ///< Unlocks a region within the file
    82 	EFsFileSeek,                ///< Sets the the current file position
    83 	EFsFileFlush,               ///< Commits data to the storage device
    84 	EFsFileSize,				///< -- 40 Gets the current file size
    85 	EFsFileSetSize,             ///< Sets the file size
    86 	EFsFileAtt,                 ///< Gets the file's attributes
    87 	EFsFileSetAtt,				///< Sets or clears file attributes
    88 	EFsFileModified,            ///< Gets local date and time the file was last modified
    89 	EFsFileSetModified,         ///< Sets the date and time the file was last modified
    90 	EFsFileSet,                 ///< Sets the file’s attributes, last modification date/time
    91 	EFsFileChangeMode,          ///< Switches an open file's access mode
    92 	EFsFileRename,              ///< Renames a file
    93 	EFsDirOpen,                 ///< Opens a directory
    94 	EFsDirReadOne,				///< -- 50 Reads a single directory entry
    95 	EFsDirReadPacked,           ///< Reads all filtered directory entries
    96 	EFsFormatOpen,              ///< Opens a device for formatting
    97 	EFsFormatNext,              ///< Executes the next format step
    98 	EFsRawDiskOpen,             ///< Opens a direct access channel to the disk */
    99 	EFsRawDiskRead,             ///< Reads directly from the disk
   100 	EFsRawDiskWrite,            ///< Writes directly to the disk
   101 	EFsResourceCountMarkStart,  ///< Marks the start of resource count checking
   102 	EFsResourceCountMarkEnd,    ///< Ends resource count checking
   103 	EFsResourceCount,           ///< Gets the number of currently open resources
   104 	EFsCheckDisk,				///< -- 60 Checks the integrity of the disk on the specified drive
   105 	EFsGetShortName,            ///< Gets the short filename
   106 	EFsGetLongName,             ///< Gets the long filename
   107 	EFsIsFileOpen,              ///< Tests whether a file is open
   108 	EFsListOpenFiles,           ///< get a list of open files */
   109 	EFsGetNotifyUser,           ///< Tests user notification of file access failure is in effect
   110 	EFsSetNotifyUser,           ///< Sets if the user should be notified of file access failure
   111 	EFsIsFileInRom,             ///< Gets a pointer to the specified file, if it is in ROM
   112 	EFsIsValidName,             ///< Tests whether a filename and path are syntactically correct
   113 	EFsDebugFunction,           ///< Different debugging info
   114 	EFsReadFileSection,			///< -- 70 Reads data from a file without opening it
   115 	EFsNotifyChangeEx,          ///< Requests a notification of change to files or directories
   116 	EFsNotifyChangeCancelEx,    ///< Cancels all outstanding requests for notification of change
   117 	EFsDismountFileSystem,		///< Dismounts the file system from the specified drive
   118 	EFsFileSystemName,          ///< Gets the name of the file system mounted on the specified drive
   119 	EFsScanDrive,               ///< Checks the specified drive for specific errors and corrects them
   120 	EFsControlIo,               ///< General purpose test interface
   121 	EFsLockDrive,               ///< Locks a MultiMedia card in the specified drive
   122 	EFsUnlockDrive,             ///< Unlocks the MultiMedia card in the specified drive
   123 	EFsClearPassword,           ///< Clears the password from the locked MultiMedia card
   124 	EFsNotifyDiskSpace,			///< -- 80 Disk space change notification
   125 	EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel,   ///< Cancels a specific outstanding notification
   126 	EFsFileDrive,               ///< Gets drive information on which this file resides
   127 	EFsRemountDrive,            ///< Forces a remount of the specified drive
   128 	EFsMountFileSystemScan,     ///< Mounts a file system and performs a scan on a drive
   129 	EFsSessionToPrivate,        ///< Sets the session path to point to the private path
   130 	EFsPrivatePath,             ///< Creates the text defining the private path
   131 	EFsCreatePrivatePath,       ///< Creates the private path for a process
   132 	EFsAddExtension,            ///< Adds the specified extension
   133 	EFsMountExtension,          ///< Mounts the the specified extension
   134 	EFsDismountExtension,		///< -- 90 Dismounts the specified extension
   135 	EFsRemoveExtension,         ///< Removes the specified extension
   136 	EFsExtensionName,	        ///< Gets the name of the extension on the specified drive
   137 	EFsStartupInitComplete,		///< Noifies the file server of startup initialisation completion
   138 	EFsSetLocalDriveMapping,    ///< Set the local drive mapping
   139 	EFsFinaliseDrive,           ///< Finalise a specific drive
   140 	EFsFileDuplicate,           ///< Makes a duplicate of this file handle
   141 	EFsFileAdopt,               ///< Adopts an already open file
   142 	EFsSwapFileSystem,          ///< Swaps file systems
   143 	EFsErasePassword,           ///< Erase the password from the locked MultiMedia card
   144 	EFsReserveDriveSpace,		///< -- 100 Reserves an area of a drive
   145 	EFsGetReserveAccess,        ///< Get exclusive access to reserved area 
   146 	EFsReleaseReserveAccess,    ///< Release exclusive access to reserved area
   147 	EFsFileName,                ///< Gets the final part of a filename
   148     EFsGetMediaSerialNumber,    ///<  Gets the serial number of media
   149 	EFsFileFullName,            ///< Gets the full filename
   150 	EFsAddPlugin,               ///< Adds the specified plugin
   151 	EFsRemovePlugin,            ///< Removes the specified plugin
   152 	EFsMountPlugin,			    ///< Mounts the specified plugin
   153 	EFsDismountPlugin,	        ///< Dismounts the specified plugin
   154 	EFsPluginName,				///<-- 110 Gets a plugin's name in specific position and drive 
   155 	EFsPluginOpen,              ///< Opens the plugin
   156 	EFsPluginSubClose,          ///< Closes the plugin
   157 	EFsPluginDoRequest,         ///< Issues an asynchronous plugin request
   158 	EFsPluginDoControl,         ///< Issues a synchronous plugin request
   159 	EFsPluginDoCancel,          ///< Cancels an synchronous plugin request
   160 	EFsNotifyDismount,          ///< Issues a request to asynchronously dismount the file system
   161 	EFsNotifyDismountCancel,    ///< Cancels a request to asynchronously dismount the file system
   162 	EFsAllowDismount,           ///< Notifies that it is safe to dismount the file system
   163     EFsSetStartupConfiguration, ///< Configures file server at startup
   164     EFsFileReadCancel,          ///< -- 120 Cancels an outstanding asynchronous read request
   165     EFsAddCompositeMount,       ///< Add a mount to the composite file system
   166     EFsSetSessionFlags,         ///< Set/Clear session specific flags
   167     EFsSetSystemDrive,			///< Set SystemDrive
   168 	EFsBlockMap,				///< Fetches the BlockMap of a file
   169     EFsUnclamp,					///< Re-enable modification of a specified file in storage media
   170     EFsFileClamp,				///< Disable modification of a specified file in storage media
   171 	EFsQueryVolumeInfoExt,		///< Query interface to retrieve extended volume information
   172 	EFsInitialisePropertiesFile,///< Read in the F32 properties file provided by ESTART
   173 	EFsFileWriteDirty,			///< Writes dirty data to disk. Used when write caching enabled
   174 	EFsSynchroniseDriveThread,	///< -- 130 Synchronises the asynchronous operation which executes in driver thread
   175 	EFsAddProxyDrive,			///< Loads  a proxy drive
   176 	EFsRemoveProxyDrive,		///< Unloads a proxy drive
   177 	EFsMountProxyDrive,			///< Mounts a proxy drive
   178 	EFsDismountProxyDrive,		///< Dismounts a proxy drive
   179 	EFsNotificationOpen,		///< Opens the notification
   180 	EFsNotificationBuffer,		///< Communicates buffer to file server
   181 	EFsNotificationRequest,		///< Sends the notification request 
   182 	EFsNotificationCancel,		///< Cancels the notification request 
   183 	EFsNotificationSubClose,	///< -- 140 Closes the notification 
   184 	EFsNotificationAdd,			///< Adds filter to the server, comprising a path and notification type
   185 	EFsNotificationRemove,		///< Removes filters from Server-Side
   186 	EFsLoadCodePage,			///< Loads a code page library
   187 	EMaxClientOperations		///< This must always be the last operation insert above
   188 	};
   190 class CFsRequest;
   192 /**
   193 Request wrapper for plugins 
   194 */
   195 class TFsPluginRequest
   196 	{
   197 public:
   199 	/**
   200 	@publishedPartner
   201 	@released
   203 	Used for getting parameters from
   204 	a CFsRequest by a F32 plugin.
   205 	*/
   206 	enum TF32ArgType
   207 		{
   208 		EPosition,
   209 		ELength,
   210 		EData,
   211 		ESize,
   212 		EName,
   213 		ENewName,
   214 		EEntry,
   215 		ETime,
   216 		ESetAtt,
   217 		EClearAtt,
   218 		EMode,
   219 		EAtt,
   220 		EAttMask,
   221 		EUid,
   222 		EEntryArray,
   223 		ENewPosition,
   224 		};
   226 	IMPORT_C TFsPluginRequest(CFsRequest* aRequest);
   228 	/**
   229 	@publishedPartner
   230 	@released
   232 	Get the current Function number, as defined in TFsMessage
   233 	*/
   234 	IMPORT_C TInt Function() const;
   236 	/**
   237 	@publishedPartner
   238 	@released
   240 	Returns the drive number of the current request
   241 	*/
   242 	IMPORT_C TInt DriveNumber() const;
   243 	IMPORT_C TParse& Src() const;
   244 	IMPORT_C TParse& Dest() const;
   245 	IMPORT_C TDrive* Drive() const;
   246 	IMPORT_C TDrive* SubstedDrive() const;
   247 	IMPORT_C const RMessage2& Message() const;
   248 	IMPORT_C CFsRequest* Request() const;
   249 	IMPORT_C TUint ScratchValue() const;
   250 	IMPORT_C TInt64 ScratchValue64() const;
   251 	IMPORT_C TBool IsPostOperation() const;
   253 	/**
   254 	@publishedPartner
   255 	@released
   257 	Utility function for returning a TInt type of TF32ArgType value from the current request.
   258 	i.e. ELength.
   260 	To obtain EPosition, authors should use ::Read(TF32ArgType,TInt64&)
   261 	*/
   262 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TF32ArgType aType, TInt& aVal);
   264 	/**
   265 	@publishedPartner
   266 	@released
   268 	Utility function for returning a TUint type of TF32ArgType value from the current request.
   270 	To obtain EPosition, authors should use ::Read(TF32ArgType,TInt64&)
   271 	*/
   272 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TF32ArgType aType, TUint& aVal);
   274 	/**
   275 	@publishedPartner
   276 	@released
   278 	Utility function for returning a TInt64 type of TF32ArgType value from the current request.
   279 	i.e. EPosition.
   280 	*/
   281 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TF32ArgType aType, TInt64& aVal);
   283 	/**
   284 	@publishedPartner
   285 	@released
   287 	Utility function for receving descriptor or packaged paramters of the current request.
   288 	For non-descriptor types such a TEntry, plugin authors should pass an object of type TPckg<TEntry> in to aDes.
   289 	*/
   290 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TF32ArgType aType, TDes8& aDes,  TInt aOffset = 0);
   292 	/**
   293 	@publishedPartner
   294 	@released
   296 	Utility function for receving descriptor or packaged paramters of the current request.
   297 	For non-descriptor types such a TEntry, plugin authors should pass an object of type TPckg<TEntry> in to aDes.
   298 	*/
   299 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TF32ArgType aType, TDes16& aDes, TInt aOffset = 0);
   301 	/**
   302 	@publishedPartner
   303 	@released
   305 	Utilty function for writing data back to the request.
   306 	Non-descriptor values should be packaged i.e TPckg<TUidType>
   307 	*/
   308 	IMPORT_C TInt Write(TF32ArgType aType, const TDesC8& aDes,  TInt aOffset = 0);
   310 	/**
   311 	@publishedPartner
   312 	@released
   314 	Utilty function for writing data back to the request.
   315 	Non-descriptor values should be packaged i.e TPckg<TUidType>
   316 	*/
   317 	IMPORT_C TInt Write(TF32ArgType aType, const TDesC16& aDes, TInt aOffset = 0);
   319 	/**
   320 	@publishedPartner
   321 	@released
   322 	*/
   323 	IMPORT_C TInt FileName(TDes& aName);
   325 	/**
   326 	@publishedPartner
   327 	@released
   329 	When plugin authors perform early completion of read or write requests, then SetSharePos should be called in order to
   330 	update the share position to the client.
   331 	*/
   332 	IMPORT_C TInt SetSharePos(TInt64& aPos);
   334 private:
   335 	TInt ClientSubSessionHandle(TInt& aHandle);
   336 	TInt ShareFromClientHandle(CFileShare*& aShare);
   338 	void NameFromShare(CFileShare& aFileShare, TDes& aName);
   340 private:
   341 	CFsRequest* iFsRequest;
   343 	friend class RFilePlugin;
   344 	};
   346 /**
   347 @publishedPartner
   348 @released
   350 Helper class for plugins to use to access TEntryArray data
   351 */
   352 class TRawEntryArray : public TEntryArray
   353 	{
   354 public:
   355 	IMPORT_C TDes8& Buf();
   356 	IMPORT_C void SetBuf(TDes8& aBuf);
   357 	IMPORT_C TInt EntrySize(TInt aIdx);
   358 	};
   360 class CFsPlugin;
   361 class CPluginThread;
   362 class CFsPluginConn;
   364 /**
   365 Plugin factory class. It is created when RFs::AddPlugin is called.
   366 */
   367 class CFsPluginFactory : public CFsObject
   368 	{
   369 public:
   370 	IMPORT_C CFsPluginFactory();
   371 	IMPORT_C ~CFsPluginFactory();
   372 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt Remove();
   373 	IMPORT_C void SetLibrary(RLibrary aLib);
   374 	IMPORT_C RLibrary Library() const;
   375 public:
   376 	/**
   377 	@internalTechnology 
   378 	Installs the plugin factory 
   379 	@return KErrNone or one of the system wide errors
   380 	*/
   381 	virtual TInt Install()=0;
   382 	/** 
   383 	@internalTechnology
   384 	Creates a new plugin 
   385 	@return plugin object
   386 	*/
   387 	virtual CFsPlugin* NewPluginL()=0;
   388 	/**	
   389 	@internalTechnology
   390 	Returns unique position of the plugin
   391 	@return unique position of the plugin
   392 	*/
   393 	virtual TInt UniquePosition()=0;
   394 public:
   395 	TBool IsDriveSupported(TInt aDrive);
   396 	inline TInt MountedPlugins();
   397 	inline TInt SupportedDrives(); //aSupportedDrives is a bit mask
   398 private:
   399 	inline void IncrementMounted();
   400 	inline void DecrementMounted();
   401 protected:
   402 	TInt iSupportedDrives;
   403 	inline void SetSupportedDrives(TInt aSupportedDrives); //aSupportedDrives is a bit mask
   404 private:
   405 	TInt iMountedPlugins;
   406 	TInt iUniquePos;
   407 	RLibrary iLibrary;
   408 	friend class FsPluginManager;
   409 	};
   411 /**
   412     A base class for File Server Plugins
   413 */
   414 class CFsPlugin : public CFsObject
   415 	{
   416 protected:
   418     /** Intercept attribute to specify the order of request handling */
   419 	enum TInterceptAtts
   420 		{
   421 		EPreIntercept     = 0x01, ///< handles the request before the next plugin in chain
   422 		EPostIntercept    = 0x02, ///< handles the request after the next plugin in chain
   423 		EPrePostIntercept = EPreIntercept | EPostIntercept ///< covers both pre and post intercept
   424 		};
   425 public:
   426 	IMPORT_C CFsPlugin();
   427 	IMPORT_C ~CFsPlugin();
   428 	inline TInt Drive();
   429 	inline void SetDrive(TInt aDrive);
   430 	inline virtual TInt SessionDisconnect(CSessionFs* aSession);
   431 protected:
   432 	IMPORT_C virtual void InitialiseL();
   433 	IMPORT_C virtual TInt Deliver(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest);	
   434 	virtual TInt DoRequestL(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest) = 0;
   436 	IMPORT_C virtual CFsPluginConn* NewPluginConnL();
   438 	IMPORT_C TInt RegisterIntercept(TInt aMessage, TInterceptAtts aInterceptAtts);
   439 	IMPORT_C TInt UnregisterIntercept(TInt aMessage, TInterceptAtts aInterceptAtts);
   441 	/** @prototype */
   442 	IMPORT_C TInt FileRead(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TDes8& aDes, TInt64 aPos);
   443 	IMPORT_C TInt FileWrite(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, const TDesC8& aDes, TInt64 aPos);
   444 	IMPORT_C static TInt ClientRead(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TDes8& aDes,TInt aOffset=0);
   445 	IMPORT_C static TInt ClientWrite(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aOffset=0);
   447 	//Overloaded function - checks all types of TInterceptAtts
   448 	TBool IsRegistered(TInt aMessage);
   449 	TBool IsRegistered(TInt aMessage, TInterceptAtts aInterceptAtts);
   450 	TBool IsPluginThread(CFsRequest& aMessage);
   451 	TBool IsMounted(TInt aDrive);
   453 private:
   454 	TInt DispatchOperation(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TDes8& aDes, TInt64 aPos, TInt aFunction);
   455 	static TInt Complete(CFsRequest* aRequest, TInt aError);
   456 	static TInt Complete(CFsRequest* aRequest);
   457 	TInt WaitForRequest();
   459 protected:
   460 	TThreadId iThreadId;
   461 private:
   462 	CPluginThread* iThreadP;
   463 	TInt iDrive;
   465 	/**
   466 	The remaining space in this base class in release 9.1 is defined as follows:
   467 		TUint8 iRegisteredIntercepts[EMaxClientOperations << 1];	244 bytes
   468 		TInt iUniquePos;											  4 bytes
   469 															TOTAL	248 bytes 
   470 	where EMaxClientOperations = 122.
   472 	Unfortunately, the remaining space in release 9.2+ WAS defined as follows:
   473 	    enum {KIntcArrSize = 123*2};
   474 	    TUint8  iRegisteredIntercepts[KIntcArrSize];				246 bytes
   475 																	  2 bytes (padding)
   476 		TInt iUniquePos;											  4 bytes
   477 															TOTAL:	252 bytes
   479 	This meant that a 9.1-compiled plugin running on 9.2+ would have it's first data 
   480 	member overwritten when the base class (CFsPlugin) wrote to iUniquePos.
   482 	To maintain Binary Compatibility (BC), we need to preserve both the (smaller) 9.1 
   483 	and (larger) 9.2+ class sizes. 
   484 	To allow 9.1 plugins to work unchanged on 9.2+ iUniquePos has been moved to BEFORE
   485 	the iRegisteredIntercepts byte array
   487 	N.B. - the iRegisteredIntercepts array uses only 2 bits per function, so the 
   488 	array size only needs to be >= EMaxClientOperations/4. 
   489 	*/
   490     enum {KIntcArrSize = 132};
   491 	TInt iUniquePos;									//			  4 bytes
   492     TUint8 iRegisteredIntercepts[KIntcArrSize];			//			132 bytes
   493 	TInt iLastError;									//            4 bytes
   494 	TInt iMountedOn;	//bitmask						//			  4 bytes
   495     TUint iSpare[26];									//			104 bytes
   496 	// extra 4 bytes to preserve BC with 9.1 plugins. Don't move !
   497 	const TUint iReadOnly;								//			  4 bytes
   498 														// TOTAL:	252
   499 	friend class FsPluginManager;
   500 	friend class CFsRequest;
   501 	friend class CFsMessageRequest;
   502 	friend class CFsInternalRequest;
   503 	friend class CPluginThread;
   504 	friend class TFsDismountPlugin;
   505 	friend class TPluginSessionHelper;
   506 	friend class TFsDirOpen; //For access to TInterceptAtts
   507 	};
   509 class TPluginSessionHelper
   510 	{
   511 public:
   512 	TPluginSessionHelper();
   513 	TPluginSessionHelper(TFsPluginRequest* aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive);
   514 	TInt CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase& aSession,TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TInt* aReply);
   515 	TInt SendReceive(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const;
   516 	TInt SendReceive(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TInt aSubSessionHandle) const;
   517 	inline TFsPluginRequest* Request();
   518 private:
   519 	TInt Dispatch(TInt aFunction, TIpcArgs& aArgs) const;
   520 private:
   521     CFsPlugin* iPlugin;     // owner; used for setting iCurrentPlugin in CFsMessageRequest
   522 	CSessionFs* iSession;
   523 	RLocalMessage iMessage;
   524     TBool iDirectToDrive;
   525 	TFsPluginRequest* iRequest;
   526 	TUint iSpare[4];
   527 	};
   529 /**
   530 @publishedPartner
   531 @released
   532 */
   533 class RFsPlugin : private RFs
   534    {
   535 public:
   536 	IMPORT_C  RFsPlugin(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive = EFalse);
   537 	IMPORT_C ~RFsPlugin();
   539 	IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
   540 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   542 	IMPORT_C TInt Delete(const TDesC& aName);
   543 	IMPORT_C TInt Rename(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& aNewName);
   544 	IMPORT_C TInt Replace(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& aNewName);
   545 	IMPORT_C TInt Entry(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& anEntry) const;
   546 	IMPORT_C TInt SetEntry(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask);
   547 	IMPORT_C TInt ReadFileSection(const TDesC& aName,TInt64 aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) const;
   549 protected:
   550 	TInt SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const;
   552 private:
   553 	RFsPlugin();
   554 	RFsPlugin(const RFsPlugin&);
   555 	RFsPlugin& operator=(const RFsPlugin&);
   556 	void SetHandle(TInt aHandle);
   558 private:
   559 	TPluginSessionHelper iSessionHelper;
   560 	friend class RFs;
   561     };
   563 /**
   564 @publishedPartner
   565 @released
   566 */
   568 class RFilePlugin : private RFile
   569 #else
   570 class RFilePlugin : private RFile64
   571 #endif
   572 	{
   573 public:
   574 	IMPORT_C  RFilePlugin(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive = EFalse);
   575 	IMPORT_C ~RFilePlugin();
   577     // open a NEW file using same session as passed request
   578 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(const TDesC& aName,TUint aMode);
   579 	IMPORT_C TInt Create(const TDesC& aName,TUint aFileMode);
   580     IMPORT_C TInt Replace(const TDesC& aName,TUint aFileMode);
   581     IMPORT_C TInt Temp(const TDesC& aPath,TFileName& aName,TUint aFileMode);
   583     // re-open SAME file as client's request
   584     IMPORT_C TInt AdoptFromClient();
   586     // Transfer the plugin's open file to the client
   587 	IMPORT_C TInt TransferToClient();
   589 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   591     // RFile overloads
   592     IMPORT_C TInt Read(TInt64 aPos,TDes8& aDes) const;
   593 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TInt64 aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) const;
   594     IMPORT_C TInt Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aDes);
   595     IMPORT_C TInt Write(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aLength);
   596 	IMPORT_C TInt Lock(TInt64 aPos,TInt64 aLength) const;
   597 	IMPORT_C TInt UnLock(TInt64 aPos,TInt64 aLength) const;
   598 	IMPORT_C TInt Seek(TSeek aMode,TInt64& aPos) const;
   599 	IMPORT_C TInt Flush();
   600 	IMPORT_C TInt Size(TInt64& aSize) const;
   601 	IMPORT_C TInt SetSize(TInt64 aSize);
   602 	IMPORT_C TInt Att(TUint& aAttValue) const;
   603 	IMPORT_C TInt SetAtt(TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask);
   604 	IMPORT_C TInt Modified(TTime& aTime) const;
   605 	IMPORT_C TInt SetModified(const TTime& aTime);
   606 	IMPORT_C TInt Set(const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask);
   607 	IMPORT_C TInt ChangeMode(TFileMode aNewMode);
   608 	IMPORT_C TInt Rename(const TDesC& aNewName);
   610 protected:
   611 	// RSubSessionBase overrides
   612 	TInt CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase& aSession,TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs);
   613 	TInt SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const;
   614 	void CloseSubSession(TInt aFunction);
   616 private:
   617 	RFilePlugin();
   618 	RFilePlugin(const RFilePlugin&);
   619 	RFilePlugin& operator=(const RFilePlugin&);
   621 	void SetHandle(TInt aHandle);
   622 	void SetSubSessionHandle(TInt aHandle);
   624 private:
   625 	TPluginSessionHelper iSessionHelper;
   626 	friend class RFile;
   628 	friend class RFile64;
   629 #endif
   630 	};
   632 /**
   633 @publishedPartner
   634 @released
   635 */
   636 class RDirPlugin : private RDir
   637    {
   638 public:
   639    	IMPORT_C  RDirPlugin(TFsPluginRequest& aRequest, TBool aDirectToDrive = EFalse);
   640    	IMPORT_C ~RDirPlugin();
   642 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(const TDesC& aMatchName,const TUidType& aUidType);
   643 	IMPORT_C TInt Open(const TDesC& aMatchName,TUint anAttMask);
   644 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   646 	/**
   647 	Plugin authors should pass in a TRawEntryArray if their intent is to modify the data.
   648 	*/
   649 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TEntryArray& aArray);
   650 	IMPORT_C TInt Read(TEntry& aEntry);
   652 protected:
   653 	// RSubSessionBase overrides
   654 	TInt CreateSubSession(const RSessionBase& aSession,TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs);
   655 	TInt SendReceive(TInt aFunction,const TIpcArgs& aArgs) const;
   656 	void CloseSubSession(TInt aFunction);
   658 private:
   659 	RDirPlugin();
   660 	RDirPlugin(const RDirPlugin&);
   661 	RDirPlugin& operator=(const RDirPlugin&);
   663 	void SetHandle(TInt aHandle);
   664 	void SetSubSessionHandle(TInt aHandle);
   666 private:
   667 	TPluginSessionHelper iSessionHelper;
   668 	friend class RDir;
   669 	};
   672 class CFsRequest;
   673 class CFsPluginConnRequest : public CBase
   674 	{
   675 public:
   676 	CFsPluginConnRequest(CFsPluginConn* aPluginConn);
   677 public:
   678 	inline TInt Function() const;
   679 	inline TDes8* Param1() const;
   680 	inline TDes8* Param2() const;
   681 	inline void WriteParam1L(const TDesC8& aDes) const;
   682 	inline void WriteParam2L(const TDesC8& aDes) const;
   683 	inline void ReadParam1L(TDes8& aDes) const;
   684 	inline void ReadParam2L(TDes8& aDes) const;
   685 	inline const RMessagePtr2& Message() const;
   686 public:
   687 	TInt DoControl();
   688 	void DoRequest();
   689 	inline void Complete(TInt aError);
   690 public:
   691 	TInt InitControl(CFsRequest* aRequest);
   692 	TInt InitRequest(CFsRequest* aRequest);
   693 private:	
   694 	TDblQueLink iLink;
   695 	CFsPluginConn& iPluginConn;
   696 	TInt iFunction;
   697 	TDes8* iParam1;
   698 	TDes8* iParam2;
   699 public:
   700 	RMessagePtr2 iMessage;
   702 	friend class TPluginConnRequestQue;
   703 	friend class CFsPluginConn;
   704 	};
   706 class TPluginConnRequestQue
   707 	{
   708 public:
   709 	 TPluginConnRequestQue();
   710 	~TPluginConnRequestQue();
   711 	void DoAddRequest(CFsPluginConnRequest* aRequest);
   712 	IMPORT_C void DoCancelAll(TInt aCompletionCode);
   713 protected:
   714 	TDblQue<CFsPluginConnRequest> iHeader;
   715 	};
   717 /**
   718 Plugin connection object
   719 */
   720 class CFsPluginConn : public CFsObject
   721 	{
   722 public:
   723 	IMPORT_C CFsPluginConn();
   724 	IMPORT_C ~CFsPluginConn();
   726 	virtual TInt DoControl(CFsPluginConnRequest& aRequest) = 0;
   727 	virtual void DoRequest(CFsPluginConnRequest& aRequest) = 0;
   728 	virtual void DoCancel(TInt aReqMask) = 0;
   730 	inline CFsPlugin* Plugin() const;
   731 	inline TThreadId ClientId() const;
   732 private:
   733 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   734 	CFsPlugin* iPluginP;
   735 	TThreadId iClientId;
   736 public:
   737 	TPluginConnRequestQue iRequestQue;
   738 	friend class FsPluginManager;
   739 	};
   741 #include <f32plugin.inl>
   743 #endif // __F32PLUGIN_H