changeset 149 d9f1e5bfe28c
equal deleted inserted replaced
135:5e441a173c63 149:d9f1e5bfe28c
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32test\heap\t_page_alloc.cpp
    15 // Overview:
    16 // Tests RHeap class.
    17 // API Information:
    18 // RHeap
    19 // Details:
    20 // - Tests that the page bitmap is consistent (i.e. encoded sizes are sensible and 
    21 // encoded in the correct fashion.
    22 // - Tests that pages which appear in the page bitmap are present in memory by 
    23 // reading them.
    24 // -Tests that other pages are not readable  
    25 // - Tests page bitmap by creating an allocator where all allocations >= 4kB use
    26 // paged allocator, allocating a large number of regions of various sizes (from
    27 // 4 kB to b MB), checking that the walk function finds them all correctly, freeing
    28 // some of them, checking the walk function again, and so on. 
    29 // Platforms/Drives/Compatibility:
    30 // All
    31 // Assumptions/Requirement/Pre-requisites:
    32 // Failures and causes:
    33 // Base Port information:
    34 // 
    35 //
    37 #include <e32test.h>
    38 #include <e32hal.h>
    39 #include <e32def.h>
    40 #include <e32math.h>
    41 #include <e32def_private.h>
    42 #include "dla.h"
    43 #include "slab.h"
    44 #include "page_alloc.h"
    45 #include "heap_hybrid.h"
    48 struct TMetaData
    49     {
    50     TBool           iDLOnly;
    51     RFastLock*      iLock;
    52     TInt            iChunkSize;
    53     TInt            iSlabThreshold;
    54     unsigned        iSlabInitThreshold;
    55     unsigned        iSlabConfigBits;
    56     slab*           iPartialPage;
    57     slab*           iFullSlab;
    58     page*           iSparePage;
    59     TUint8*         iMemBase;
    60     unsigned char   iSizeMap[(MAXSLABSIZE>>2)+1];
    61     slabset         iSlabAlloc[MAXSLABSIZE>>2];
    62     slab**          iSlabAllocRealRootAddress[MAXSLABSIZE>>2];
    63     };
    65 LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_HEAPPAGEALLOC"));
    67 class TestHybridHeap
    68     {
    69 public:
    70     static TUint8* MemBase(const RHybridHeap * aHybridHeap);
    71     static void GetHeapMetaData(RHeap& aHeap, TMetaData& aMeta);
    72     };
    74 TUint8* TestHybridHeap::MemBase(const RHybridHeap * aHybridHeap)
    75 	{
    76 	return aHybridHeap->iMemBase;
    77 	}
    79 void TestHybridHeap::GetHeapMetaData(RHeap& aHeap, TMetaData& aMeta)
    80 {
    81     RHybridHeap::STestCommand cmd;
    82     cmd.iCommand = RHybridHeap::EHeapMetaData;
    83     TInt ret = aHeap.DebugFunction(RHeap::EHybridHeap, &cmd, 0);
    84     test(ret == KErrNone);
    86     RHybridHeap* hybridHeap = (RHybridHeap*) cmd.iData;
    88     aMeta.iDLOnly              = hybridHeap->iDLOnly;
    89     aMeta.iLock                = &hybridHeap->iLock;
    90     aMeta.iChunkSize           = hybridHeap->iChunkSize;
    91     aMeta.iSlabThreshold       = hybridHeap->iSlabThreshold;
    92     aMeta.iSlabInitThreshold   = hybridHeap->iSlabInitThreshold;
    93     aMeta.iSlabConfigBits      = hybridHeap->iSlabConfigBits;
    94     aMeta.iPartialPage         = hybridHeap->iPartialPage;
    95     aMeta.iFullSlab            = hybridHeap->iFullSlab;
    96     aMeta.iSparePage           = hybridHeap->iSparePage;
    97     aMeta.iMemBase             = hybridHeap->iMemBase;
    99     TInt i;
   100     TInt count;
   101     count = sizeof(aMeta.iSizeMap)/sizeof(unsigned char);
   102     for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
   103         {
   104         aMeta.iSizeMap[i] = hybridHeap->iSizeMap[i];
   105         }
   106     count = sizeof(aMeta.iSlabAlloc)/sizeof(slabset);
   107     for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
   108         {
   109         aMeta.iSlabAlloc[i].iPartial = hybridHeap->iSlabAlloc[i].iPartial;
   110         aMeta.iSlabAllocRealRootAddress[i] = &hybridHeap->iSlabAlloc[i].iPartial;
   111         }
   112 }
   114 LOCAL_C void GetMeta(RHeap& aHeap, TMetaData& aMeta)
   115 {
   116     TestHybridHeap::GetHeapMetaData(aHeap, aMeta);
   117 }
   119 class TestRHeap : public RHeap
   120 	{
   121 public:
   122 	void InitTests();
   123 	void Test1(void);
   124 	void Test2(void);
   125 	void Test3(void);
   126 	void CloseTests();
   127 	TUint GetRandomSize(TUint aMaxSize);
   128 	TUint GetRandomIndex(TUint aMaxIndex);
   129 	static void WalkCallback(TAny* aPtr, TCellType aType, TAny* aCell, TInt aLen);
   130 	TBool CheckWalkArrayEmpty();
   132 private:
   133 	RHybridHeap* iHybridHeap;
   134 	RHeap *iHeap;
   135 	TUint8* iMemBase;			     // bottom of Paged/Slab memory (chunk base)
   136 	static TUint iWalkArraySize;
   137 	static TUint iWalkArrayIndex;
   138 	static TAny** iWalkArrayOfCells;
   139 	TUint iAllocatedArrayIndex;
   140 	TAny** iAllocatedArrayOfCells;
   141 	};
   143 TUint TestRHeap::iWalkArraySize = 100;
   144 TUint TestRHeap::iWalkArrayIndex = 0;
   145 TAny** TestRHeap::iWalkArrayOfCells = new TAny*[iWalkArraySize];
   147 void TestRHeap::InitTests()
   148 {
   149     // Allocate a chunk heap
   150 	TPtrC testHeap=_L("TESTHEAP");
   151 	iHeap=User::ChunkHeap(&testHeap,0x1800,0x800000); 
   152 	RHybridHeap::STestCommand cmd;
   153 	cmd.iCommand = RHybridHeap::EHeapMetaData;
   154 	iHeap->DebugFunction(RHeap::EHybridHeap, &cmd, 0);
   155 	iHybridHeap = (RHybridHeap*) cmd.iData;
   156 	iMemBase = TestHybridHeap::MemBase(iHybridHeap);
   158 	// configure paged heap threshold 16 kB
   159 	cmd.iCommand = RHybridHeap::ESetConfig;
   160 	cmd.iConfig.iSlabBits = 0x0; //0xabe
   161 	cmd.iConfig.iDelayedSlabThreshold = 0x40000000;
   162 	cmd.iConfig.iPagePower = 14;
   163 	test(iHeap->DebugFunction(RHeap::EHybridHeap, &cmd, 0) == KErrNone);
   164 }
   167 TUint TestRHeap::GetRandomSize(TUint aMaxSize)
   168 {
   169 	TUint size = 0;
   170 	do
   171 	{
   172 		size = Math::Random() & aMaxSize;
   173 	}
   174 	while(size < 16384 ||  size > aMaxSize );
   175 	// subtract debug header size	
   176 	return size - 8;	
   177 }
   180 TUint TestRHeap::GetRandomIndex(TUint aMaxIndex)
   181 {
   182 	TUint index = 0;
   183 	do
   184 	    {
   185         index = Math::Random() & 0x7F;
   186 	    }
   187     while(index >= aMaxIndex || iWalkArrayOfCells[index] == 0);
   189 	return index;
   190 }
   193 void TestRHeap::WalkCallback(TAny* aPtr, TCellType aCellType, TAny* aBuffer, TInt aLen)
   194 {
   195     if (aLen>16375 && aPtr>0)    // Don't test DL allocator
   196         test(aCellType == EGoodAllocatedCell);
   198 	TUint i = 0;
   199 	for(i=0; i<iWalkArrayIndex; i++)
   200 	{
   201 		if(iWalkArrayOfCells[i] == aBuffer)
   202 		{
   203 			iWalkArrayOfCells[i] = NULL;
   204 			break;
   205 		}
   206 	}
   207 }
   209 TBool TestRHeap::CheckWalkArrayEmpty()
   210 {
   211 	TUint i = 0;
   212 	for(i=0; i<iWalkArrayIndex; i++)
   213 	{
   214 		if(iWalkArrayOfCells[i])
   215 		{
   216 			return EFalse;
   217 		}
   218 	}
   219 	return ETrue;
   220 }
   223 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   224 // Test page allocation with various sizes, 16 kB - 8 MB //
   225 // Simple test with fixed sizes.                         //
   226 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   227 void TestRHeap::Test1(void)
   228 {
   229 	// Allocate and free single paged buffers of different size
   230 	// Small buffer
   231 	TAny* p1 = NULL;
   232 	p1=iHeap->Alloc(0x4000);
   233 	test(p1 != NULL && p1 >= iMemBase && p1 < iHybridHeap);
   234 	test(iHeap->Count() == 1);
   235 	iHeap->Free(p1);
   236 	p1 = NULL;
   237 	test(iHeap->Count() == 0);
   239 	// Medium buffer
   240 	p1=iHeap->Alloc(0x20000);
   241 	test(p1 != NULL && p1 >= iMemBase && p1 < iHybridHeap);
   242 	test(iHeap->Count() == 1);
   243 	iHeap->Free(p1);
   244 	p1 = NULL;
   245 	test(iHeap->Count() == 0);
   247 	// Large buffer
   248 	p1=iHeap->Alloc(0x700000);
   249 	test(p1 != NULL && p1 >= iMemBase && p1 < iHybridHeap);
   250 	test(iHeap->Count() == 1);
   251 	iHeap->Free(p1);
   252 	p1 = NULL;
   253 	test(iHeap->Count() == 0);
   255 	// Oversized buffer, not allocated
   256 	p1=iHeap->Alloc(0x900000);
   257 	test(p1 == NULL);
   258 	test(iHeap->Count() == 0);
   259 }
   262 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   263 // Allocate and free multiple random sized buffers, sizes under 65 kB.   //
   264 // Check that all are allocated succesfully with Count. Free every other //
   265 // of them, check the Count. Allocate more buffers sized under 655 kB    //
   266 // and free all buffers in reverse order. Check all are freed.           //
   267 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   268 void TestRHeap::Test2(void)
   269 {
   270     TInt ArraySize=10;
   271 	TInt ArrayIndex;
   272 	TAny** ArrayOfCells;
   273 	ArrayOfCells = new TAny*[ArraySize];
   275 	// Allocate set of buffers
   276 	for(ArrayIndex=0; ArrayIndex<ArraySize; ArrayIndex++)
   277 	{
   278 		ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex] = 0;
   279 		ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex] = iHeap->Alloc(GetRandomSize(0xFFFF));
   280 		test(ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex] != NULL);
   281 	}
   282 	test(iHeap->Count() == 10);
   284 	// Free every other
   285 	for(ArrayIndex=0; ArrayIndex<ArraySize; ArrayIndex=ArrayIndex+2 )
   286 	{
   287 		iHeap->Free(ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex]);
   288 		ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex] = 0;
   289 	}
   290 	test(iHeap->Count() == 5);
   292 	TInt ArraySize2=10;
   293 	TInt ArrayIndex2;
   294 	TAny** ArrayOfCells2;
   295 	ArrayOfCells2 = new TAny*[ArraySize2];
   297 	// Allocate larger buffers
   298 	for(ArrayIndex2=0; ArrayIndex2<ArraySize; ArrayIndex2++)
   299 	{
   300 		ArrayOfCells2[ArrayIndex2] = 0;
   301 		ArrayOfCells2[ArrayIndex2] = iHeap->Alloc(GetRandomSize(0x7FFFF));
   302 		test(ArrayOfCells2[ArrayIndex2] != NULL);
   303 	}
   304 	test(iHeap->Count() == 15);
   306 	// Free all buffers in reverse order
   307 	for(ArrayIndex=9; ArrayIndex>=0; ArrayIndex-- )
   308 	{
   309 		if(ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex] != 0)
   310 		{
   311 			iHeap->Free(ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex]);
   312 			ArrayOfCells[ArrayIndex] = 0;
   313 		}
   314 	}
   315 	for(ArrayIndex2=9; ArrayIndex2>=0; ArrayIndex2-- )
   316 	{
   317 		if(ArrayOfCells2[ArrayIndex2] != 0)
   318 		{
   319 			iHeap->Free(ArrayOfCells2[ArrayIndex2]);
   320 			ArrayOfCells2[ArrayIndex2] = 0;
   321 		}
   322 	}
   323 	test(iHeap->Count() == 0);
   324 }
   327 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   328 // Allocate and free multiple random sized buffers. Use              // 
   329 // DebugFunction(EWalk) to check that all allocated cells are found. //
   330 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   331 void TestRHeap::Test3(void)
   332 {
   333     TUint iAllocatedArraySize = 100;
   334     iAllocatedArrayOfCells = new TAny*[iAllocatedArraySize];
   336     // allocate 100 random cells and save them in iAllocatedArrayOfCells
   337     for(iAllocatedArrayIndex=0; iAllocatedArrayIndex<iAllocatedArraySize; iAllocatedArrayIndex++)
   338     {
   339         iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iAllocatedArrayIndex] = 0;
   340         iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iAllocatedArrayIndex] = iHeap->Alloc(GetRandomSize(0xFFFF));
   341         test(iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iAllocatedArrayIndex] != NULL);
   342     }
   343     test(iHeap->Count() == 100);    //check that all 100 allocations have succeedeed
   345     // copy iAllocatedArrayOfCells => iWalkArrayOfCells
   346     iWalkArrayOfCells = new TAny*[iWalkArrayIndex];
   347     for(iWalkArrayIndex=0; iWalkArrayIndex<iWalkArraySize; iWalkArrayIndex++)
   348         {
   349             iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] = 0;
   350             iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] = iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex];
   351             test(iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] == iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex]);
   352         }
   354     //check that walk finds all allocated cells...
   355         iHeap->DebugFunction(EWalk, (TAny*)&WalkCallback, (TAny*)this);  
   356         TBool ret = CheckWalkArrayEmpty();
   357         test(ret);     // ...and iWalkArrayOfCells is emptied
   359 	// copy iAllocatedArrayOfCells => iWalkArrayOfCells
   360 	    iWalkArrayOfCells = new TAny*[iWalkArrayIndex];
   361 	    for(iWalkArrayIndex=0; iWalkArrayIndex<iWalkArraySize; iWalkArrayIndex++)
   362 	        {
   363 	            iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] = 0;
   364 	            iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] = iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex];
   365 	            test(iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] == iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex]);
   366 	        }
   368 	// free 40 random cells from iWalkArrayOfCells
   369 	TUint i;
   370 	for (i=0; i<40; i++)
   371 	    {
   372         TUint RandomIndex = GetRandomIndex(99);
   373         iHeap->Free(iWalkArrayOfCells[RandomIndex]);
   374         iWalkArrayOfCells[RandomIndex] = 0;
   375         iAllocatedArrayOfCells[RandomIndex] = 0;
   376 	    }
   377 	test(iHeap->Count() == 60);
   379 	//check that walk finds all the remaining allocated cells...
   380 	iHeap->DebugFunction(EWalk, (TAny*)&WalkCallback, (TAny*)this);  
   381 	ret = CheckWalkArrayEmpty();
   382 	test(ret);     // ...and iWalkArrayOfCells is emptied
   384 	// allocate 20 more random cells starting on the first available free cell
   385 	iAllocatedArrayIndex = 0;
   386 	for (i=0; i<20; i++)
   387 	    {
   388         while (iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iAllocatedArrayIndex] != 0)
   389             {
   390             iAllocatedArrayIndex++;
   391             }
   392         iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iAllocatedArrayIndex] = iHeap->Alloc(GetRandomSize(0xFFFF));
   393 	    }
   394 	test(iHeap->Count() == 80);
   396 	// copy iAllocatedArrayOfCells => iWalkArrayOfCells
   397 	iWalkArrayOfCells = new TAny*[iWalkArrayIndex];
   398 	    for(iWalkArrayIndex=0; iWalkArrayIndex<iWalkArraySize; iWalkArrayIndex++)
   399 	        {
   400 	            iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] = 0;
   401 	            iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] = iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex];
   402 	            test(iWalkArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex] == iAllocatedArrayOfCells[iWalkArrayIndex]);
   403 	        }
   405 	//check that walk finds all the earlier and newly allocated cells...
   406 	iHeap->DebugFunction(EWalk, (TAny*)&WalkCallback, (TAny*)this);  
   407 	ret = CheckWalkArrayEmpty();
   408 	test(ret);     // ...and iWalkArrayOfCells is emptied
   409 }
   412 void TestRHeap::CloseTests()
   413 	{
   414 		// close heap so we don't exceed chunk limit
   415 		iHeap->Close();  
   416 	}
   419 GLDEF_C TInt E32Main(void)
   420 	{
   421 	test.Title();
   422 	__KHEAP_MARK;
   424 	TestRHeap T;
   426 	test.Start(_L("Page Allocator Test"));
   428 	TPtrC testHeapM=_L("TESTHEAP-MAIN");
   429     RHeap* iHeapM;
   431 	iHeapM=User::ChunkHeap(&testHeapM,0x1800,0x800000); 
   433     TMetaData metaData;
   434     GetMeta(*iHeapM, metaData);
   436     iHeapM->Close();
   438     if (metaData.iDLOnly)
   439         {
   440         test.Printf(_L("Page allocator is not used, no tests to run.\n"));
   441         __KHEAP_MARKEND;
   442         test.End();
   443         return(0);
   444         }
   446     test.Next(_L("Init Paged allocator tests"));
   447     T.InitTests();
   448 	test.Next(_L("Test Paged allocator 1"));
   449 	T.Test1();
   450 	test.Next(_L("Test Paged allocator 2"));
   451 	T.Test2();
   452 	test.Next(_L("Test Paged allocator 3"));
   453 	T.Test3();
   454 	T.CloseTests();
   456 	__KHEAP_CHECK(0);
   457 	__KHEAP_MARKEND;
   459 	test.End();
   461 	return (0);    
   462     }