changeset 294 039a3e647356
parent 268 345b1ca54e88
child 295 5460f47b94ad
--- a/kerneltest/sdiotest/source/d_sdioif.cpp	Wed Sep 15 13:42:27 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,825 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// LDD for testing SDIO functions
-#include <kernel/kernel.h>
-#include "regifc.h"
-#include "cisreader.h"
-#include "d_sdioif.h"
-Define the name of the LDD.
-Define the version of the LDD.
-const TInt KMajorVersionNumber=1;
-const TInt KMinorVersionNumber=0;
-const TInt KBuildVersionNumber=1;
-Define the default socket number.
-#ifdef __WINS__
-	const TInt KSocketNumber = 0;
-	const TInt KSocketNumber = 0;
-//	const TInt KSocketNumber = 1;	// 1 for Integrator!!
-Define the default stack number.
-const TInt KStackNumber  = 0;
-Define the default card number.
-const TInt KCardNumber   = 0;
-Define an invalid function number outside the normal 0-7 range.
-const TUint8 KInvalidFuncNum = 8;
-Define the global Dfc Que.
-TDynamicDfcQue* gDfcQ;
-class DTestFactory : public DLogicalDevice
-Class to act as a factory for the test LDD
-	{
-	DTestFactory();
-	~DTestFactory();
-	virtual TInt Install(); 					//overriding pure virtual
-	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;	//overriding pure virtual
-	virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel); 	//overriding pure virtual
-	};
-class DTest : public DLogicalChannel
-Class containing the logical device driver to drive the SDIO classes.
-	{
-	DTest();
-	virtual ~DTest();
-	virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
-	virtual void HandleMsg(class TMessageBase *);
-	virtual TInt SendMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
-	TInt SendRequest(TMessageBase* aMsg);
-	TInt DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
-	TInt SendControl(TMessageBase* aMsg);
-	TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
-	TInt CheckForChangeOfCis(TInt aFunc);
-	TInt DoCancel(TUint aMask);
-	static void EventCallBack(TAny* aPtr, TInt aReason, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
-	// The SDIO objects
-	DMMCSocket* iSocketP;
-	DMMCStack*  iStackP;
-	TSDIOCard*  iCardP;
-    TInt iFunc;
-	TCisReader iCisRd;
-	DThread* iClient;
-	TPBusCallBack iBusEventCallback;
-	// Client requests used for creating local copies of user requests, WDP safe
-	TClientRequest* 								iPowerUpRequest;
-	TClientRequest* 								iResetCisRequest;
-	TClientDataRequest<TSDIOCardConfig>*			iCardCommonReadRequest;
-	TClientDataRequest<TSDIOFunctionCaps>*			iFunctionCapsRequest;
-	TClientDataRequest<TUint>*						iReadDirectRequest; // Use TUint rather than TUint8 for alignment purposes
-	};
-The standard entry point for logical device drivers.
-	{
-	return new DTestFactory;
-	}
-	{
-    iParseMask=KDeviceAllowUnit;
-	iUnitsMask=0xffffffff;
-	iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
-	}
-TInt DTestFactory::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
-Create a new DTest on this logical device.
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-	{
-	aChannel=new DTest;
-	return aChannel?KErrNone:KErrNoMemory;
-	}
-const TInt KDSdioIfThreadPriority = 27;
- _LIT(KDSdioIfThread,"DSdioIfThread");
-TInt DTestFactory::Install()
-Install the LDD - overriding pure virtual.
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-	{
-	// Allocate a kernel thread to run the DFC 
-	TInt r = Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate(gDfcQ, KDSdioIfThreadPriority, KDSdioIfThread);
-	if (r != KErrNone)
-		return r; 	
-	return SetName(&KLddName);
-	}
-void DTestFactory::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const
-Return the capabilities of the LDD.
-@return A packaged TCapsTestV01.
-	{
-	TCapsTestV01 b;
-	b.iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
-    Kern::InfoCopy(aDes,(TUint8*)&b,sizeof(b));
-	}
-	{
-	if (gDfcQ)
-		gDfcQ->Destroy();
-	}
-TInt DTest::DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
-Create a logical channel.
-@param aUnit The socket number.
-@param aInfo Not used.
-@param aVer The version requested.
-@return KErrNone if the channel was created. KErrNotSupported if the version is not supported
-        otherwise one of the system wide error codes.
-	{
-	if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber),aVer))
-		return KErrNotSupported;
-	// Create the asynchronous callback client request
-	TInt ret = Kern::CreateClientRequest(iPowerUpRequest);
-	if (ret != KErrNone)
-		return ret;
-	ret = Kern::CreateClientRequest(iResetCisRequest);
-	if (ret != KErrNone)
-		return ret;
-	ret = Kern::CreateClientDataRequest(iReadDirectRequest);
-	if (ret != KErrNone)
-		return ret;
-	ret = Kern::CreateClientDataRequest(iCardCommonReadRequest);
-	if (ret != KErrNone)
-		return ret;
-	ret = Kern::CreateClientDataRequest(iFunctionCapsRequest);
-	if (ret != KErrNone)
-		return ret;
-	//
-	// Obtain the appropriate card from the socket/stack
-	//
-	iSocketP = static_cast<DMMCSocket*>(DPBusSocket::SocketFromId(KSocketNumber));
-	if(iSocketP == NULL)
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	iStackP = static_cast<DSDIOStack*>(iSocketP->Stack(KStackNumber));
-	if(iStackP == NULL)
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	iCardP = static_cast<TSDIOCard*>(iStackP->CardP(KCardNumber));
-	if(iCardP == NULL)
-		return KErrNoMemory;
-	iFunc=KInvalidFuncNum; // Indicates Cis reader isn't selected
-	SetDfcQ(gDfcQ);
-	iMsgQ.Receive();
-	iBusEventCallback.SetSocket(aUnit);
-	iBusEventCallback.Add();
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-	: iBusEventCallback(DTest::EventCallBack, this)
-	{
-	iClient=&Kern::CurrentThread();
-	((DObject*)iClient)->Open();	// can't fail since thread is running
-	}
-	{
-	iBusEventCallback.Remove();
-	// Destroy the client requests 
-	Kern::DestroyClientRequest(iPowerUpRequest);
-	Kern::DestroyClientRequest(iResetCisRequest);
-	Kern::DestroyClientRequest(iReadDirectRequest);	
-	Kern::DestroyClientRequest(iCardCommonReadRequest);
-	Kern::DestroyClientRequest(iFunctionCapsRequest);
-	Kern::SafeClose((DObject*&)iClient,NULL);
-	}
-Pre-process the received message to prepare the client's request.
-@param aMsg A pointer to a message (request) from the user side.
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-TInt DTest::SendMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
-	{
-	TThreadMessage& m = *(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
-    TInt id = m.iValue;
-	// we only support one client
-	if (id != (TInt)ECloseMsg && m.Client() != iClient)
-		return KErrAccessDenied;
-	TInt r = KErrNone;
-	if (id != (TInt)ECloseMsg && id != KMaxTInt)
-		{
-		if (id<0)
-			{
-			// It's a request
-			TRequestStatus* pS = (TRequestStatus*)m.Ptr0();
-			// Pre-process the request
-			r = SendRequest(aMsg);
-			if (r != KErrNone)
-				Kern::RequestComplete(pS,r);
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			// Pre-process the control 
-			r = SendControl(aMsg);
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		r = DLogicalChannel::SendMsg(aMsg);
-	return r;
-	}
-Handle a request message from the user side RSdioCardCntrlIf.
-@param aMsg A pointer to a message (request) from the user side.
-void DTest::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
-    {
-    TThreadMessage& m=*(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
-    TInt id=m.iValue;
-	if (id==(TInt)ECloseMsg)
-		{
-	    // Check for a close message
-		m.Complete(KErrNone, EFalse);
-		return;
-		}
-    else if (id==KMaxTInt)
-		{
-		// DoCancel
-		DoCancel(m.Int0());
-		m.Complete(KErrNone, ETrue);
-		return;
-		}
-    if (id<0)
-		{
-		// DoRequest
-		TRequestStatus* pS=(TRequestStatus*)m.Ptr0();
-		TInt r=DoRequest(~id, pS, m.Ptr1(), m.Ptr2());
-		if (r!=KErrNone)
-	    	Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, pS, r);
-		m.Complete(KErrNone,ETrue);
-		}
-    else
-		{
-		// DoControl
-		TInt r=DoControl(id,m.Ptr0(),m.Ptr1());
-		m.Complete(r,ETrue);
-		}
-	}
-Handle a pre-process for a request message from the user side RSdioCardCntrlIf.
-This will set-up the client requests.
-@param aMsg A pointer to a message (request) from the user side.
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-TInt DTest::SendRequest(TMessageBase* aMsg)
-	{
-	TThreadMessage& m = *(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
-    TInt function = ~m.iValue;
-	TRequestStatus* pS = (TRequestStatus*)m.Ptr0();
-	TAny* a2 = m.Ptr2();
-	TInt r = KErrNotSupported;
-	switch (function)
-		{
-		// A request to power up the SDIO card & stack
-		case RSdioCardCntrlIf::EReqPwrUp:
-			r = iPowerUpRequest->SetStatus(pS);
-	       	if (r != KErrNone)
-        		return r;
- 			break;
-		// A request to read generic data from the SDIO card 
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestReadDirect:
-           	{
-            r = iReadDirectRequest->SetStatus(pS);
-            if (r != KErrNone)
-            	return r;
-            iReadDirectRequest->SetDestPtr(a2);            
-            }
-    		break;			
-    	// A request to reset the CIS pointer 
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestResetCis:
-			r = iResetCisRequest->SetStatus(pS);
-			if (r != KErrNone)
-				return r;
-			break;
-       	// A request to read the Card Common Config  
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestGetCommonConfig:
-        	{
-        	r = iCardCommonReadRequest->SetStatus(pS);
-        	if (r != KErrNone)
-        		return r;
-        	iCardCommonReadRequest->SetDestPtr(a2);
-        	}
-			break;
-        // A request to read the function data (FBR)  
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestGetFunctionConfig:
-        	{
-        	r = iFunctionCapsRequest->SetStatus(pS);
-        	if (r != KErrNone)
-        		return r;
-        	iFunctionCapsRequest->SetDestPtr(a2);
-        	}
-			break;
-		}
-	if (r == KErrNone)
-		r = DLogicalChannel::SendMsg(aMsg);
-	return r;
-	}
-Process any asynchronous requests from the user side.
-@param aFunction The asynchronous function to invoke. 
-@param aStatus On completion, the success code for the function.
-@param a1 Context sensitive data.
-@param a2 Context sensitive data.
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-TInt DTest::DoRequest(TInt aFunction, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
-	{
-	TInt r=KErrNone;
-    TInt func = (TInt)a1;
-	switch (aFunction)
-		{
-		// A request to power up the SDIO card & stack
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::EReqPwrUp:
-			{
-			if(!iSocketP->CardIsPresent())
-				{
-				// An SDIO card is not present
-				Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iPowerUpRequest, KErrNotReady);
-				}
-			else if(iSocketP->State() == EPBusOn)
-				{
-				// The card is already powered up
-				Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iPowerUpRequest, KErrNone);
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				// Power up the card
-				iSocketP->PowerUp();
-				}
-			break;
-			}
-		// A request to read generic data from the SDIO card 
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestReadDirect:
-            {
-            TInt addr = (TInt)a1;
-    		TUint8 val = 0;
-			r = iCardP->CommonRegisterInterface()->Read8(addr, &val);
-			if(r == KErrNone)
-				{
-		   		iReadDirectRequest->Data() = (TUint)val;
-				}
-			Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iReadDirectRequest, r);
-			break;
-            }
-    	// A request to reset the CIS pointer 
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestResetCis:
-            {
-	        if ((r=CheckForChangeOfCis(func))==KErrNone)
-	            {
-			    iCisRd.Restart();
-	            }
-			Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iResetCisRequest, r);
-			break;
-            }
-       	// A request to read the card common config  
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestGetCommonConfig:
-            {
-	        if ((r=CheckForChangeOfCis(func))==KErrNone)
-                {
-				memset(&iCardCommonReadRequest->Data(), 0, sizeof(TSDIOCardConfig));
-		        r = iCisRd.FindReadCommonConfig(iCardCommonReadRequest->Data());
-				Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iCardCommonReadRequest, r);
-                }
-			break;
-            }
-        // A request to read the function data (FBR)  
-        case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ERequestGetFunctionConfig:
-            {		        
-	        if ((r=CheckForChangeOfCis(func))==KErrNone)
-                {
-				memset(&iFunctionCapsRequest->Data(), 0, sizeof(TSDIOFunctionCaps));
-		        r=iCisRd.FindReadFunctionConfig(iFunctionCapsRequest->Data());	
-				Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iFunctionCapsRequest, r);
-                }            
-			break;
-            }
-		default:
-			r=KErrNotSupported;
-			break;
-		}
-	return r;
-	}
-Surround the DoControl command, creating a kernel copy of the user side data, then copying back afterwards
-@param aMsg The message 
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-TInt DTest::SendControl(TMessageBase* aMsg)
-	{
-	TThreadMessage& m = *(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
-    TInt id = m.iValue;
-    TSdioCardInfo kernelCardInfo;
-    TAny* userCardInfoPtr = m.Ptr0();
-	// thread-local copy of configuration data	
-	switch (id)
-		{
-		case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ESvCardInfo:
-			// copy config from client to local buffer in context of client thread
-			umemget32(&kernelCardInfo, userCardInfoPtr, sizeof(TSdioCardInfo));
-			// update message to point to kernel-side buffer
-			m.iArg[0] = &kernelCardInfo;
-			break;
-		}
-	TInt r = DLogicalChannel::SendMsg(aMsg);
-	if (r != KErrNone)
-		return r;
-	switch (id)
-		{
-		case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ESvCardInfo:
-			// copy config from local bufferto client in context of client thread
-			umemput32(userCardInfoPtr, &kernelCardInfo, sizeof(TSdioCardInfo));
-			break;
-		}
-	return r;
-	}
-Process any synchronous requests from the user side.
-@param aFunction The synchronous function to invoke. 
-@param a1 Context sensitive data.
-@param a2 Context sensitive data.
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-TInt DTest::DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* /*a2*/)
-	{
-	TInt r=KErrNone;
-	switch (aFunction)
-		{
-		// Read the card information data
-		case RSdioCardCntrlIf::ESvCardInfo:
-            {
-			if(iCardP)
-				{
-				iCardP->CheckCIS();
-				TSdioCardInfo* cardInfoPtr = (TSdioCardInfo*)a1;
-				TSdioCardInfo& info = *cardInfoPtr;
-				//
-				// Extract the card information
-				//
-				info.isComboCard=iCardP->IsComboCard();				
-	            info.iIsReady=iCardP->IsPresent();
-	            info.iIsLocked=iCardP->IsLocked();
-	            info.iCardSpeed=iCardP->MaxTranSpeedInKilohertz();
-				TCID* cid=(TCID*)&(iCardP->CID());
-				TInt i;
-				for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-					info.iCID[i]=cid->At(i);
-				const TCSD& csd = iCardP->CSD();
-				for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-					info.iCSD[i]=csd.At(i);
-	            info.iRCA=TUint16(iCardP->RCA());
-	            info.iMediaType=TMmcMediaType(iCardP->MediaType());
-				//
-				// Extract the function information
-				//
-				info.iFuncCount = iCardP->FunctionCount();
-				TSDIOFunctionCaps functionCaps;
-				TSDIOFunction* functionP = NULL;
-				for(TUint8 func=0; func<=info.iFuncCount; func++)
-					{
-					functionP = iCardP->IoFunction((TUint8) (func));
-					if(functionP)
-						{
-						functionCaps = functionP->Capabilities();
-						info.iFunction[func].iType = (TSdioFunctionType)(functionCaps.iType);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			else
-			    {
-                r = KErrGeneral;
-			    }
-			break;
-            }
-		default:
-			r=KErrNotSupported;
-			break;
-		}
-	return r;
-	}
-Check if diferent function selected, select new CIS if necessary.
-@param aFunc The SDIO function. 
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-TInt DTest::CheckForChangeOfCis(TInt aFunc)
-	{
-	if (iFunc!=aFunc||iFunc==KInvalidFuncNum)
-		{
-		TInt err;
-		if ((err=iCisRd.SelectCis(KSocketNumber,0,0,(TUint8) aFunc))==KErrNone)
-			iFunc=aFunc;
-		return(err);
-		}
-	return(KErrNone);
-	}
-Cancel an asynchronous request
-@param aMask Mask of requests to cancel
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-TInt DTest::DoCancel(TUint /*aMask*/)
-	{	
-	if (iPowerUpRequest->IsReady())
-		{
-		Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iPowerUpRequest, KErrCancel);
-		}
-	if (iResetCisRequest->IsReady())
-		{
-		Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iPowerUpRequest, KErrCancel);
-		}
-	if (iCardCommonReadRequest->IsReady())
-		{
-		Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iPowerUpRequest, KErrCancel);
-		}
-	if (iFunctionCapsRequest->IsReady())
-		{
-		Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iPowerUpRequest, KErrCancel);
-		}
-	if (iReadDirectRequest->IsReady())
-		{
-		Kern::QueueRequestComplete(iClient, iPowerUpRequest, KErrCancel);
-		}
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-Asynchronous call backs from the SDIO stack
-@param aPtr Data passed in when the callback was registered.
-@param aReason The reason for the callback, one of TPBusCallBack::EPBusStateChange
-               or TPBusCallBack::EPBusCustomNotification.                  
-@param a1 Context sensitive data.
-@param a2 Context sensitive data.
-@return One of the system wide error codes.
-void DTest::EventCallBack(TAny* aPtr, TInt aReason, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
-	{
-	DTest &mci = *(DTest*)aPtr;
-	if (mci.iPowerUpRequest->IsReady())
-		{
-		// There is an TRequestStatus pending
-		TInt retCode = KErrCompletion;
-		switch(aReason)
-			{
-			// There has been a state change
-			case TPBusCallBack::EPBusStateChange:
-				{
-				TPBusState newState = (TPBusState)(TInt)a1;
-				TInt errorCode = (TInt)a2;
-				switch(newState)
-					{
-					case EPBusCardAbsent:	retCode = KErrNotFound;		break;			
-					case EPBusOff:			retCode = errorCode;		break;
-					case EPBusPsuFault:		retCode = KErrBadPower;		break;
-					case EPBusOn:			retCode = KErrNone;			break;
-					case EPBusPowerUpPending:
-					case EPBusPoweringUp:
-					default:	
-						break;
-					}
-				break;
-				}
-			}
-		if(retCode != KErrCompletion)
-			{
-   			Kern::QueueRequestComplete(mci.iClient, mci.iPowerUpRequest, retCode);
-			}
-		}
-	}