--- a/kerneltest/e32test/iic/t_iic.cpp Thu Jul 01 17:57:33 2010 +0100
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/iic/t_iic.cpp Fri Jul 09 13:13:20 2010 +0100
@@ -37,13 +37,28 @@
_LIT(KIicProxyFileNameRoot, "iic_client");
_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileName, "iic_slaveclient.ldd"); // Kernel-side proxy LDD acting as a slave client of the IIC
_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRoot, "iic_slaveclient");
+//These are used to exercise stub functions.
+_LIT(KIicProxyFileNameStubs, "iic_client_stubs.ldd");
+_LIT(KIicProxyFileNameRootStubs, "iic_client_stubs");
+_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileNameStubs, "iic_slaveclient_stubs.ldd");
+_LIT(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRootStubs, "iic_slaveclient_stubs");
_LIT(KSpiFileNameCtrlLess, "spi_ctrless.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
-_LIT(KI2cFileNameCtrlLess, "i2c_ctrless.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
+_LIT(KI2cFileNameCtrlLess, "i2c_ctrless.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
_LIT(KIicPslFileName, "iic_testpsl.pdd"); // Simulated PSL implementation
_LIT(KSpiFileName, "spi.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
-_LIT(KI2cFileName, "i2c.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
+_LIT(KI2cFileName, "i2c.pdd"); // Simulated PSL bus implementation
+//These are used to exercise stubs. The I2C pdd to use for stub tests will depend on
+//whether Master, Slave mode has been selected.
+#if defined(MASTER_MODE)&&!defined(SLAVE_MODE)
+_LIT(KI2cFileNameStubs, "i2c_slavestubs_ctrless.pdd");
+#elif !defined(MASTER_MODE)&& defined(SLAVE_MODE)
+_LIT(KI2cFileNameStubs, "i2c_masterstubs_ctrless.pdd");
+_LIT(KI2cFileNameStubs, "i2c_ctrless.pdd");
_LIT(KIicPslFileNameRoot, "iic.pdd");
@@ -730,6 +745,9 @@
//! of words. Wait for the TRequestStatus to be completed (with KErrNone). Specify a notification trigger for Tx and
//! Tx Overrun, then use controlIO to instruct the simulated bus to unblock Master responses.Wait for the TRequestStatus
//! to be completed.
+//! 12) Test the PIL behavior for a client timeout: request notification of an event but deliberately delay the client response.
+//! The PIL should return KErrTimedOut when a subsequent request for a notification is made.
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults 0) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 1) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone, exits otherwise.
@@ -750,6 +768,9 @@
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone, exits otherwise.
//! 11) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for each API call, exits otherwise. The associated
//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone in both cases, exits otherwise.
+//! 12) Kernel-side proxy client should return with KErrNone for each API call, exits otherwise. The associated
+//! TRequestStatus should be set to KErrNone in both cases, exits otherwise, except for when the client response
+//! exceeds the timeout period, and the next request for a notification expects KErrTimedOut.
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
@@ -1189,6 +1210,50 @@
+ //Test the PIL behavior for a client timeout: request notification of an event
+ //but deliberately delay the client response. The PIL should return KErrTimedOut
+ //when a subsequent request for a notification is made.
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Starting test for SendBusErrorAndReturn.\n"));
+ // For Rx, specify buffer granularity=4 (32-bit words), 8 words to receive, offset of 16 bytes
+ // 64 bytes as 16 words: words 0-3 offset, words 4-11 data, words 12-15 unused
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Starting RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
+ r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterRxBuffer(chanId, 4, 8, 16);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Now set the notification trigger
+ //TRequestStatus status;
+ triggerMask=ERxAllBytes;
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with ERxAllBytes\n"));
+ r=gChanSlaveI2c.SetNotificationTrigger(chanId,triggerMask,&status);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Now instruct the bus implementation to represent receipt of the required number of words from the bus master.
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SimulateRxNWords\n"));
+ r=gChanSlaveI2c.SimulateRxNWords(busIdI2c, chanId, 8);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ //
+ // Wait for the notification
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ r=status.Int();
+ if(r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after receiving data = %d\n"),r);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+ //Delay the client response to exceed the timeout period, and check that the next
+ //request for a notification encounters the expected error code.
+ User::After(1000 * 1000);
+ r=gChanSlaveI2c.SetNotificationTrigger(chanId,triggerMask,&status);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ r = status.Int();
+ if(r!=KErrTimedOut)
+ {
+ gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value = %d\n"),status.Int());
+ gTest(r==KErrTimedOut);
+ }
+ gTest.Printf(_L("The test for SendBusErrorAndReturn is completed OK\n"));
// Release the channel
r = gChanSlaveI2c.ReleaseChannel( chanId );
@@ -1403,6 +1468,125 @@
+//Only get called in stand alone mode
+LOCAL_C TInt IicTestStubs()
+ {
+ //Function to call the stub methods for Master and slave channels
+ //when Master and Slave functionality has not been built. The stubs
+ //return KErrNotSupported.
+ TInt r=KErrNone;
+ TUint32 busIdI2c = 0;
+ TConfigI2cBufV01* i2cBuf=NULL;
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ //Starting master channel stubs test.
+ //a valid transaction is required when calling the Master QueueTransaction stub.
+ //Use I2C channel here. In MASTER_MODE, channelId starting from 10,
+ //and 10 is a master channel
+ SET_BUS_TYPE(busIdI2c,EI2c);
+ SET_CHAN_NUM(busIdI2c,10);
+ // aDeviceId=1 ... 100kHz ... aTimeoutPeriod=100 ... aTransactionWaitCycles=10 - arbitrary paarmeters.
+ r=CreateI2cBuf(i2cBuf, EI2cAddr7Bit, 36, ELittleEndian, 100);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Use a single transfer
+ _LIT(halfDuplexText,"Half Duplex Text");
+ TBuf8<17> halfDuplexBuf_8;
+ halfDuplexBuf_8.Copy(halfDuplexText);
+ TUsideTferDesc* tfer = NULL;
+ r = CreateSingleUserSideTransfer(tfer, EMasterWrite, 8, &halfDuplexBuf_8, NULL);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Create the transaction object
+ TUsideTracnDesc* tracn = NULL;
+ r = CreateSingleUserSideTransaction(tracn, EI2c, i2cBuf, tfer, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // queue a synchronous transaction
+ gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting synchronous QueueTransaction \n"));
+ r = gChanMasterI2c.QueueTransaction(busIdI2c, tracn);
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous QueueTransaction returned = %d\n"),r);
+ //Queueing a transaction in SLAVE_MODE should return KErrNotSupported
+ gTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ // queue an asynchronous transaction and cancel the trasnaction
+ // QueueTransaction actually completes before CancelAsyncOperation with KErrNotSupported
+ // In test driver, we pretend the request is still in the queue and then cancel it.
+ gChanMasterI2c.QueueTransaction(status, busIdI2c, tracn);
+ gChanMasterI2c.CancelAsyncOperation(&status, busIdI2c);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ if(status != KErrNotSupported)
+ {
+ gTest.Printf(_L("TRequestStatus value after queue = %d\n"),status.Int());
+ gTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ //spare1 is an unused method that is present to provide for future extension,
+ //which just returns KErrNotSupported.
+ r = gChanMasterI2c.TestSpare1(busIdI2c);
+ gTest(r == KErrNotSupported);
+ //StaticExtension is present for PSL implementations to override, the default
+ //implementation just returns KErrNotSupported
+ r = gChanMasterI2c.TestStaticExtension(busIdI2c);
+ gTest(r == KErrNotSupported);
+ //free the memory
+ delete i2cBuf;
+ delete tfer;
+ delete tracn;
+ //Start to test slave channel operations
+ SET_BUS_TYPE(busIdI2c,EI2c);
+ SET_CHAN_NUM(busIdI2c,11); // 11 is the Slave channel number
+ //
+ // clock speed=36Hz, aTimeoutPeriod=100 - arbitrary parameter
+ r=CreateI2cBuf(i2cBuf, EI2cAddr7Bit, 36, ELittleEndian, 100);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Synchronous capture of a Slave channel.
+ TInt chanId = 0; // Initialise to zero to silence compiler ...
+ gTest.Printf(_L("\n\nStarting synchronous CaptureChannel \n"));
+ r = gChanSlaveI2c.CaptureChannel(busIdI2c, i2cBuf, chanId );
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Synchronous CaptureChannel returned = %d, aChanId=0x%x\n"),r,chanId);
+ gTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Starting RegisterRxBuffer\n"));
+ r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterRxBuffer(chanId, 4, 8, 16);
+ gTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ gTest.Printf(_L("\nStarting RegisterTxBuffer\n"));
+ r=gChanSlaveI2c.RegisterTxBuffer(chanId, 4, 12, 8);
+ gTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ //
+ // Now set the notification trigger
+ TInt triggerMask=ERxAllBytes;
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Starting SetNotificationTrigger with ERxAllBytes\n"));
+ r=gChanSlaveI2c.SetNotificationTrigger(chanId,triggerMask,&status);
+ gTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ r = gChanSlaveI2c.TestSpare1(busIdI2c);
+ gTest(r == KErrNotSupported);
+ r = gChanSlaveI2c.TestStaticExtension(busIdI2c);
+ gTest(r == KErrNotSupported);
+ delete i2cBuf;
+ //Start to test MasterSlave channel operations
+ //Create a Master-Slave channel
+ RBusDevIicClient chanMasterSlaveI2c;
+ TBufC<18> proxyName;
+ proxyName = KIicProxyFileNameRootStubs;
+ r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.Open(proxyName);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ SET_BUS_TYPE(busIdI2c,EI2c);
+ SET_CHAN_NUM(busIdI2c,12); // 12 is the MasterSlave channel number
+ r = chanMasterSlaveI2c.TestStaticExtension(busIdI2c);
+ gTest(r==KErrNotSupported);
+ chanMasterSlaveI2c.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
LOCAL_C TInt RunTests()
// Utility method to invoke the separate tests
@@ -1619,6 +1803,63 @@
gTest.Next(_L("Free Simulated PSL SPI bus driver"));
err = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KSpiFileNameCtrlLess);
+ //For simplicity, the code coverage tests are executed in STANDALONE_CHANNEL mode
+ //All the changes are made in test code, and not affect PIL.
+ gTest.Next(_L("Start the code coverage tests"));
+ gTest.Next(_L("Load Simulated PSL I2C bus driver"));
+ r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice(KI2cFileNameStubs);
+ gTest.Printf(_L("return value r=%d"),r);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ gTest.Next(_L("Load kernel-side proxy IIC client"));
+ r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KIicProxyFileNameStubs);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ gTest.Next(_L("Load kernel-side proxy IIC slave client"));
+ r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KIicProxySlaveFileNameStubs);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ TBufC<30> proxyNameStubs(KIicProxyFileNameRootStubs);
+ // Open a Master I2C channel to the kernel side proxy
+ r = gChanMasterI2c.Open(proxyNameStubs);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ TBufC<35> proxySlaveNameStubs(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRootStubs);
+ r = gChanSlaveI2c.Open(proxySlaveNameStubs);
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ r = gChanSlaveI2c.InitSlaveClient();
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ // Instigate tests
+ r = IicTestStubs();
+ gTest(r==KErrNone);
+ gTest.Printf(_L("Tests completed OK, about to close channel\n"));
+ gChanMasterI2c.Close();
+ gChanSlaveI2c.Close();
+ UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel, EKernelHalSupervisorBarrier, 0, 0);
+ // Not safe to assume that heap clean-up has completed for the channels just closed, so insert a delay.(DEF145202)
+ User::After(20 * 1000);
+ gTest.Next(_L("Free kernel-side proxy IIC client"));
+ err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KIicProxyFileNameRootStubs);
+ gTest(err==KErrNone || err==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ gTest.Next(_L("Free kernel-side proxy IIC slave client"));
+ err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(KIicProxySlaveFileNameRootStubs);
+ gTest(err==KErrNone || err==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ gTest.Next(_L("Free Simulated PSL I2C bus driver"));
+ err = User::FreePhysicalDevice(KI2cFileNameStubs);
+ gTest(err==KErrNone);
+ gTest.Next(_L("End the code coverage tests"));
gTest.Printf(_L("Don't do the test if it is not IIC_SIMULATED_PSL"));