changeset 257 3e88ff8f41d5
parent 256 c1f20ce4abcf
--- a/kernel/eka/include/nkern/nklib.h	Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/nkern/nklib.h	Wed Sep 01 12:34:56 2010 +0100
@@ -75,47 +75,6 @@
 typedef Int64 TTimeK;
-union TUint64HL
-	{
-	TUint64		i64;
-	TUint32		i32[2];
-	};
-Ratio represented = iM*2^iX
-e.g. 1.0 has iM=0x80000000, iX=-31
-struct SRatio
-	{
-	void Set(TUint32 aInt, TInt aDivisorExp=0);		// set this ratio to aInt/2^aDivisorExp
-	TInt Reciprocal();								// this = 1/this
-	TInt Mult(TUint32& aInt32);						// Multiply aInt32 by this ratio
-//	TInt Mult(TUint64& aInt64);						// Multiply aInt64 by this ratio
-	TUint32		iM;		// mantissa, normalised so bit 31=1
-	TInt16		iX;		// -exponent.
-	TUint8		iSpare1;
-	TUint8		iSpare2;
-	};
-Ratio and inverse ratio
-struct SRatioInv
-	{
-	void Set(const SRatio* aR);
-	SRatio		iR;
-	SRatio		iI;
-	};
 #if defined(__VC32__) || defined(__CW32__)
@@ -150,12 +109,6 @@
- *
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
 	Macro to offset a SDblQueLink pointer back to the base of a class containing it
@@ -260,7 +213,7 @@
 	@return True, if this is the only link item in the list; false, otherwise.
-	FORCE_INLINE TBool Alone() const
+	inline TBool Alone() const
 		{ return (iNext==iPrev); }
@@ -410,334 +363,6 @@
- *
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-An object that forms part of an iterable doubly linked list.
-SIterDQLink can also be embedded within another object so that that object
-can form part of the doubly linked list.
-@see SIterDQ
-struct SIterDQ;
-struct SIterDQIterator;
-struct SIterDQLink
-	{
-    /**
-    Default constructor; only defined for debug builds.
-    It initialises the link pointers.
-    */
-	FORCE_INLINE SIterDQLink() {iNext=iPrev=0;}
-	enum
-		{
-		ENonAddressMask=3u,
-		EIterator=1u,
-		EAnchor=2u,
-		};
-	FORCE_INLINE SIterDQLink* Next() const
-		{ return (SIterDQLink*)(iNext & ~ENonAddressMask); }
-	FORCE_INLINE SIterDQLink* Prev() const
-		{ return (SIterDQLink*)(iPrev & ~ENonAddressMask); }
-	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsObject() const
-		{ return !(iNext & ENonAddressMask); }
-	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsIterator() const
-		{ return iNext & EIterator; }
-	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsAnchor() const
-		{ return iNext & EAnchor; }
-	FORCE_INLINE void SetNext(SIterDQLink* aNext)
-		{ iNext = (iNext & ENonAddressMask) | (TUintPtr(aNext) & ~ENonAddressMask); }
-	FORCE_INLINE void SetPrev(SIterDQLink* aPrev)
-		{ iPrev = (iPrev & ENonAddressMask) | (TUintPtr(aPrev) & ~ENonAddressMask); }
-    /**
-    Removes this link item from the doubly linked list.
-    @return A pointer to this link item.
-    */
-	FORCE_INLINE SIterDQLink* Deque()
-		{
-		SIterDQLink* next = Next();
-		SIterDQLink* prev = Prev();
-		next->SetPrev(prev);
-		prev->SetNext(next);
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-		SetNext((SIterDQLink*)4);
-		SetPrev((SIterDQLink*)4);
-		return this;
-		}
-    /**
-    Inserts this link item into the list so that it precedes the specified link item.
-    @param aL A pointer to the link item which is to follow this link item.
-    */
-	FORCE_INLINE void InsertBefore(SIterDQLink* aL)
-		{
-		SIterDQLink* prev = aL->Prev();
-		SetNext(aL);
-		SetPrev(prev);
-		prev->SetNext(this);
-		aL->SetPrev(this);
-		}
-	/**
-	Inserts this link item into the list so that it follows the specified link item.
-    @param aL A pointer to the link item which is to precede this link item.
-    */
-	FORCE_INLINE void InsertAfter(SIterDQLink* aL)
-		{
-		SIterDQLink* next = aL->Next();
-		SetPrev(aL);
-		SetNext(next);
-		next->SetPrev(this);
-		aL->SetNext(this);
-		}
-	/**
-	Tests whether this is the only link item in the list.
-	@return True, if this is the only link item in the list; false, otherwise.
-    */
-	FORCE_INLINE TBool Alone() const
-		{ return (iNext==iPrev); }
-	/**
-	Bits 2-31 = Address of the next link item in the list.
-	Bit 0 = 1 for iterator, 0 for object
-	*/
-	TUintPtr iNext;
-	/**
-	Bits 2-31 = Address of the previous link item in the list.
-	Bit 0 = 1 for iterator, 0 for object
-	*/
-	TUintPtr iPrev;
-	friend struct SIterDQ;
-	friend struct SIterDQIterator;
-	};
-Anchor for an iterable circular doubly linked list of SIterDQLink items.
-@see SIterDQLink
-struct SIterDQ
-	{
-	/**
-	Default constructor.
-	*/
-		{ iA.iNext = iA.iPrev = TUintPtr(&iA)|SIterDQLink::EAnchor; }
-	/**
-	Moves link items from the specified list onto this list, and clears the specified list
-	@param aQ The source linked list. This list must not be empty.
-	*/	
-	inline SIterDQ(SIterDQ* aQ, TInt)		// move entries from aQ onto this queue and clear aQ - aQ must not be empty
-		{ iA.iNext=aQ->iA.iNext; iA.iPrev=aQ->iA.iPrev; First()->SetPrev(&iA); Last()->SetNext(&iA); new (aQ) SIterDQ; }
-	/**
-	Tests whether this doubly linked list is empty.
-	@return True, if the list is empty; false, otherwise.
-	*/
-	FORCE_INLINE TBool IsEmpty() const
-		{ return (iA.iNext &~ SIterDQLink::ENonAddressMask) == TUintPtr(&iA); }
-    /**
-    Gets a pointer to the first item in this doubly linked list.
-    @return A pointer to the first item.
-    */		
-	FORCE_INLINE SIterDQLink* First() const
-		{ return iA.Next(); }
-    /**
-    Gets a pointer to the last item in this doubly linked list.
-    @return A pointer to the last item.
-    */		
-	FORCE_INLINE SIterDQLink* Last() const
-		{ return iA.Prev(); }
-	/**
-	Adds the specified link item onto the end of this doubly linked list.
-	@param aL A pointer to the link item to be added.
-	*/
-	FORCE_INLINE void Add(SIterDQLink* aL)
-		{
-		aL->InsertBefore(&iA);
-		}
-	/**
-	Adds the specified link item onto the front of this doubly linked list.
-	@param aL A pointer to the link item to be added.
-	*/
-	FORCE_INLINE void AddHead(SIterDQLink* aL)
-		{
-		aL->InsertAfter(&iA);
-		}
-	/**
-	Gets the first link item in the linked list.
-	@return The first link item in the list; NULL, if the list is empty.
-	*/
-	inline SIterDQLink* GetFirst()
-		{ if (IsEmpty()) return NULL; else return First()->Deque(); }
-	/**
-	Gets the last link item in the linked list.
-	@return The last link item in the list; NULL, if the list is empty.
-	*/
-	inline SIterDQLink* GetLast()
-		{ if (IsEmpty()) return NULL; else return Last()->Deque(); }
-	/**
-	Appends entries from the specified linked list onto this list, and clears
-	the specified link list anchor.
-	@param aQ The source linked list.
-	*/
-	inline void MoveFrom(SIterDQ* aQ)	// append entries from aQ onto this queue and clear aQ
-		{ if (!aQ->IsEmpty())
-			{
-			SIterDQLink* last = Last();		// last current
-			SIterDQLink* fx = aQ->First();	// first extra
-			SIterDQLink* lx = aQ->Last();	// last extra
-			last->SetNext(fx);
-			fx->SetPrev(last);
-			iA.SetPrev(lx);
-			lx->SetNext(&iA);
-			new (aQ) SIterDQ;
-			}
-		}
-    /**
-    The anchor point for the doubly linked list.
-    */
-	SIterDQLink	iA;
-	};
-#ifdef __VC32__
-#pragma warning( disable : 4127 )	// conditional expression is constant
-Iterator for an iterable circular doubly linked list of SIterDQLink items.
-@see SIterDQLink
-@see SIterDQ
-struct SIterDQIterator : public SIterDQLink
-	{
-	/**
-	Default constructor.
-	Iterator starts out not attached to any queue
-	*/
-	FORCE_INLINE SIterDQIterator()
-		{ iNext = iPrev = SIterDQLink::EIterator; }
-	/**
-	Destructor ensures iterator detached before destruction
-	*/
-	FORCE_INLINE ~SIterDQIterator()
-		{
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-		if (iNext != SIterDQLink::EIterator) { __crash(); }
-		}
-	/**
-	Detach the iterator if it is currently attached to a queue
-	*/
-	FORCE_INLINE void Detach()
-		{ if (Next()) {Deque(); SetNext(0);} }
-	/**
-	Attach the iterator to a queue at the beginning.
-	*/
-	FORCE_INLINE void Attach(SIterDQ* aQ)
-		{
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-		if (iNext != SIterDQLink::EIterator) { __crash(); }
-		aQ->AddHead(this);
-		}
-	/**
-	Step the iterator over the next object.
-	Return KErrNone if we stepped over an object.
-	Return KErrEof if we reached the end of the list.
-	Return KErrGeneral if we stepped over aMaxSteps other iterators.
-	In first case aObj is set to point to the object stepped over.
-	In other cases aObj is set to NULL.
-	*/
-	TInt Step(SIterDQLink*& aObj, TInt aMaxSteps=0);	// 0 means use default value
-	};
-#ifdef __VC32__
-#pragma warning( default : 4127 )	// conditional expression is constant
- *
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
@@ -758,6 +383,8 @@
@@ -789,11 +416,6 @@
- *
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- ******************************************************************************/
@@ -917,11 +539,6 @@
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