changeset 257 3e88ff8f41d5
parent 256 c1f20ce4abcf
child 258 880ff05ad710
child 263 9e2d4f7f5028
--- a/kernel/eka/nkernsmp/nk_bal.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1539 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32\nkernsmp\nk_bal.cpp
-// NThreadBase member data
-// TDfc member data
-#include "nk_bal.h"
-#include "nk_priv.h"
-#include "nk_irq.h"
-#include <e32cmn.h>
- * Load balancing
- ******************************************************************************/
-enum TCCState
-	{
-	ECCReqPending = 0x80000000u,
-	ECCReqDeferred = 0x40000000u,
-	ECCPowerUpInProgress = 0x20000000u,
-	ECCPowerDownInProgress = 0x10000000u,
-	ECCRebalanceRequired = 0x08000000u,
-	ECCRebalanceTimerQueued = 0x04000000u,
-	ECCPeriodicBalancingActive = 0x02000000u,
-	};
-const TUint K_CpuMask	= 0x1fu;
-const TUint K_Keep		= 0x20u;
-const TUint K_SameCpu	= 0x40u;
-const TUint K_NewCpu	= 0x80u;
-const TUint K_CpuSticky	= 0x40u;
-const TUint K_CheckCpu	= 0x100u;
-#define	PERCENT(fsd, percent)					(((fsd)*(percent)+50)/100)
-const TUint K_LB_HeavyThreshold					= PERCENT(4095, 90);
-const TUint K_LB_GravelThreshold_RunAvg			= PERCENT(4095, 1);
-const TUint K_LB_GravelThreshold_RunActAvg		= PERCENT(4095, 50);
-const TInt	K_LB_HeavyCapacityThreshold			= PERCENT(4095, 1);
-const TInt	K_LB_BalanceInterval				= 107;
-const TInt	K_LB_CpuLoadDiffThreshold			= 128;
-//const TUint K_LB_HeavyStateThreshold			= 128;
-const TUint K_LB_HeavyPriorityThreshold			= 25;
-inline TBool IsHeavy(NSchedulable* a)
-	{
-	TUint x = 0xffu ^ a->iLbInfo.iLbHeavy;
-	return (x&(x-1))==0;
-	}
-inline TBool IsNew(NSchedulable* a)
-	{ return a->iLbState & NSchedulable::ELbState_PerCpu; }
-struct SPerPri : public SDblQue
-	{
-	inline SPerPri() : iTotalRun(0), iTotalAct(0), iCount(0), iHeavy(0) {}
-	TUint32	iTotalRun;
-	TUint32	iTotalAct;
-	TUint16	iCount;
-	TUint16	iHeavy;
-	};
-struct SCpuAvailability
-	{
-	enum
-		{
-		EIdle = 4095,
-		EMaxedOut = -268435456,
-		EUnavailable = KMinTInt
-		};
-	void	Init(TUint32 aActive);
-	TInt	FindMax() const;
-	TInt	FindMax(NSchedulable* aS) const;
-	TInt	PickCpu(NSchedulable* aS, TBool aDropped) const;
-	TInt	SetMaxed(TInt aCpu);
-	void	AddLoad(TInt aCpu, TInt aLoad);
-	inline	TInt operator[](TInt aCpu) const
-		{	return iRemain[aCpu]; }
-	inline	TInt TotalRemain() const
-		{	return iTotalRemain; }
-	TInt	iRemain[KMaxCpus];
-	TInt	iCount;
-	TInt	iTotalRemain;
-	};
-TUint32 HotWarmUnit;
-TUint32 LB_DormantThreshold;
-volatile TUint32 LBDelayed = 0;
-void CalcHotWarm(TUint8& aOut, TUint64 aTime)
-	{
-	TUint8 out = 0;
-	if (aTime>0)
-		{
-		aTime /= TUint64(HotWarmUnit);
-		if (I64HIGH(aTime))
-			out = 255;
-		else
-			{
-			aTime *= aTime;
-			out = __e32_find_ms1_64(aTime) + 1;
-			}
-		}
-	aOut = (TUint8)out;
-	}
-void TScheduler::InitLB()
-	{
-	TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
-	TDfcQue* rbQ = s.iRebalanceDfcQ;
-	s.iBalanceTimer.SetDfcQ(rbQ);
-	s.iCCReactivateDfc.SetDfcQ(rbQ);
-	s.iCCRequestDfc.SetDfcQ(rbQ);
-	s.iCCPowerDownDfc.SetDfcQ(rbQ);
-	s.iFreqChgDfc.SetDfcQ(rbQ);
-	NThreadBase* lbt = rbQ->iThread;
-	lbt->iRebalanceAttr = 1;
-	TUint32 f = NKern::CpuTimeMeasFreq();
-	HotWarmUnit = f / 1000000;
-	TUint8 y = 0;
-	CalcHotWarm(y, f/5);
-	LB_DormantThreshold = y;
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,DEBUGPRINT("LB_DormantThreshold=%d", LB_DormantThreshold));
-	}
-void TSubScheduler::GetLbThreads(SDblQue& aQ)
-	{
-	NKern::Lock();
-	iReadyListLock.LockOnly();
-	if (!iLbQ.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		aQ.MoveFrom(&iLbQ);
-		iLbCounter ^= NSchedulable::ELbState_Generation;
-		}
-	iReadyListLock.UnlockOnly();
-	NKern::Unlock();
-	}
-void TScheduler::GetLbThreads(SDblQue& aQ)
-	{
-	NKern::Lock();
-	iBalanceListLock.LockOnly();
-	if (!iBalanceList.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		aQ.MoveFrom(&iBalanceList);
-		iLbCounter ^= NSchedulable::ELbState_Generation;
-		}
-	iBalanceListLock.UnlockOnly();
-	NKern::Unlock();
-	}
-void NSchedulable::InitLbInfo()
-	{
-	}
-void NSchedulable::NominalPriorityChanged()
-	{
-	}
-void NSchedulable::LbDone(TUint aFlags)
-	{
-	BTrace8(BTrace::EHSched, BTrace::ELbDone, this, aFlags);
-#ifdef KSCHED3
-	if (IsGroup())
-		{
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KSCHED3,DEBUGPRINT("LbDone %G %x", this, aFlags));
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KSCHED3,DEBUGPRINT("LbDone %T %x", this, aFlags));
-		}
-	TBool keep = aFlags & K_Keep;
-	TInt cpu = aFlags & K_CpuMask;
-	TBool setcpu = aFlags & K_NewCpu;
-	TBool keepcpu = aFlags & K_SameCpu;
-	TBool checkcpu = aFlags & K_CheckCpu;
-	LAcqSLock();
-	TBool died = iLbState & ELbState_ExtraRef;
-	if (keep && !died)
-		{
-		TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
-		s.iBalanceListLock.LockOnly();
-		s.iBalanceList.Add(&iLbLink);
-		iLbState = s.iLbCounter;
-		s.iBalanceListLock.UnlockOnly();
-		if (setcpu)
-			SetCpuAffinityT(cpu | KCpuAffinityPref | (aFlags & K_CpuSticky));
-		else
-			{
-			if (!keepcpu)
-				iPreferredCpu = 0;
-			if (checkcpu)
-				SetCpuAffinityT(NTHREADBASE_CPU_AFFINITY_MASK);	// move it if it's on a core which is shutting down
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if (!keepcpu)
-			iPreferredCpu = 0;
-		iLbState = ELbState_Inactive;
-		iLbLink.iNext = 0;
-		iLbInfo.iRecentTime.i64 = 0;
-		iLbInfo.iRecentCpuTime.i64 = 0;
-		iLbInfo.iRecentActiveTime.i64 = 0;
-		iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg = 0;
-		iLbInfo.iLbActAvg = 0;
-		iLbInfo.iLbRunActAvg = 0;
-		if (checkcpu && !died)
-			SetCpuAffinityT(NTHREADBASE_CPU_AFFINITY_MASK);	// move it if it's on a core which is shutting down
-		}
-	RelSLockU();
-	if (died)
-		{
-		NKern::Lock();
-		DropRef();
-		NKern::Unlock();
-		}
-	}
-void CalcRatio(TUint16& aRatio, TUint64 aN, TUint64 aD)
-	{
-	TInt ms1 = __e32_find_ms1_64(aD);
-	if (ms1 < 0)
-		{
-		aRatio = 4095;
-		return;
-		}
-	if (ms1 >= 20)
-		{
-		TInt shift = ms1 - 19;
-		aD >>= shift;
-		aN >>= shift;
-		}
-	// aD, aN now < 2^20
-	TUint32 d = I64LOW(aD);
-	TUint32 n = I64LOW(aN);
-	if (n>d) n=d;
-	TUint32 r = (n*4095+(d>>1))/d;
-	if (r>4095) r=4095;	// shouldn't really happen
-	aRatio = (TUint16)r;
-	}
-void CalcRatios(TUint16& aRT, TUint16& aAT, TUint16& aRA, TUint64 aDT, TUint64 aDR, TUint64 aDA)
-	{
-	TInt ms1 = __e32_find_ms1_64(aDT);
-	if (ms1 >= 20)
-		{
-		TInt shift = ms1 - 19;
-		aDT >>= shift;
-		aDR >>= shift;
-		aDA >>= shift;
-		}
-	// aDT, aDR, aDA now all < 2^20
-	TUint32 t = I64LOW(aDT);
-	TUint32 rtd = I64LOW(aDR);
-	TUint32 atd = I64LOW(aDA);
-	if (rtd>t) rtd=t;
-	if (atd>t) atd=t;
-	TUint32 rtt = (rtd*4095+(t>>1))/t;
-	TUint32 att = (atd*4095+(t>>1))/t;
-	TUint32 rta = atd ? (rtd*4095+(atd>>1))/atd : 0;
-	if (rta>4095) rta=4095;	// shouldn't really happen
-	aRT = (TUint16)rtt;
-	aAT = (TUint16)att;
-	aRA = (TUint16)rta;
-	}
-void NSchedulable::GetLbStats(TUint64 aTime)
-	{
-	SCpuStats stats;
-	LAcqSLock();
-	if (IsGroup())
-		{
-		NThreadGroup* g = (NThreadGroup*)this;
-		if (g->iNThreadList.IsEmpty())
-			iLbInfo.iLbNomPri = 1;
-		else
-			{
-			NThreadBase* t = (NThreadBase*)g->iNThreadList.First();
-			iLbInfo.iLbNomPri = t->iNominalPri;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		iLbInfo.iLbNomPri = ((NThreadBase*)this)->iNominalPri;
-	GetCpuStatsT(E_AllStats, stats);
-	iLbInfo.iRecentTime.i64 += aTime;
-	iLbInfo.iRecentCpuTime.i64 += stats.iRunTimeDelta;
-	iLbInfo.iRecentActiveTime.i64 += stats.iActiveTimeDelta;
-	TUint32 aff = iCpuAffinity;
-	RelSLockU();
-	CalcRatios(iLbInfo.iLbRunTime, iLbInfo.iLbActTime, iLbInfo.iLbRunAct, aTime, stats.iRunTimeDelta, stats.iActiveTimeDelta);
-	iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg = TUint16((iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg + iLbInfo.iLbRunTime) >> 1);
-	iLbInfo.iLbActAvg = TUint16((iLbInfo.iLbActAvg + iLbInfo.iLbActTime) >> 1);
-	CalcRatio(iLbInfo.iLbRunActAvg, iLbInfo.iRecentCpuTime.i64, iLbInfo.iRecentActiveTime.i64);
-		iLbInfo.iLbAffinity = (TUint8)(aff & 0xff);
-	else
-		iLbInfo.iLbAffinity = 1u << aff;
-	CalcHotWarm(iLbInfo.iLbHot, stats.iLastRunTime);
-	CalcHotWarm(iLbInfo.iLbWarm, stats.iLastActiveTime);
-	if (IsNew(this))
-		{
-		if (iLbInfo.iLbNomPri <= K_LB_HeavyPriorityThreshold)
-			iLbInfo.iLbHeavy = 0xffu;
-		else
-			iLbInfo.iLbHeavy = 0;
-		}
-	iLbInfo.iLbHeavy >>= 1;
-	if (iLbInfo.iLbActTime > K_LB_HeavyThreshold)
-		iLbInfo.iLbHeavy |= 0x80u;
-	TUint64 blx = NKern::CpuTimeMeasFreq();
-	blx *= 3;
-	if (i_NSchedulable_Spare3 && iLbInfo.iLbRunActAvg<400 && stats.iActiveTime>blx)
-		{
-		__crash();
-		}
-*/	}
-void AddToSortedQueue(SPerPri* aQ, NSchedulable* aS)
-	{
-	TInt k = aS->iLbInfo.iLbNomPri;
-	if (k >= KNumPriorities)
-		k = KNumPriorities;
-	SPerPri* q = aQ + k;
-	TBool h = IsHeavy(aS);
-	SDblQueLink* anchor = &q->iA;
-	SDblQueLink* p = q->First();
-	for (; p!=anchor; p=p->iNext)
-		{
-		NSchedulable* s = _LOFF(p, NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-		if (h)
-			{
-			if (!IsHeavy(s))
-				continue;
-			if (aS->iLbInfo.iLbRunActAvg < s->iLbInfo.iLbRunActAvg)
-				break;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			if (IsHeavy(s))
-				break;
-			if (aS->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg > s->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg)
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	aS->iLbLink.InsertBefore(p);
-	++q->iCount;
-	if (h)
-		{
-		++q->iHeavy;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		q->iTotalRun += aS->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg;
-		if (q->iTotalRun>4095)
-			q->iTotalRun=4095;
-		q->iTotalAct += aS->iLbInfo.iLbActAvg;
-		}
-	}
-void SCpuAvailability::Init(TUint32 a)
-	{
-	iCount = __e32_find_ms1_32(a) + 1;
-	iTotalRemain = 0;
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<KMaxCpus; ++i)
-		{
-		if (a & (1<<i))
-			{
-			iRemain[i] = EIdle;
-			iTotalRemain += EIdle;
-			}
-		else
-			iRemain[i] = EUnavailable;
-		}
-	}
-TInt SCpuAvailability::SetMaxed(TInt aCpu)
-	{
-	TInt x = iRemain[aCpu];
-	if (x>0)
-		iTotalRemain -= x;
-	iRemain[aCpu] = EMaxedOut;
-	return x;
-	}
-void SCpuAvailability::AddLoad(TInt aCpu, TInt aLoad)
-	{
-	if (TUint32(aLoad) > TUint32(EIdle))
-		__crash();
-	TInt& x = iRemain[aCpu];
-	TInt orig = x;
-	x -= aLoad;
-	if (x < EMaxedOut)
-		x = EMaxedOut;
-	if (orig > 0)
-		iTotalRemain -= ((orig > aLoad) ? aLoad : orig);
-	}
-TInt SCpuAvailability::FindMax() const
-	{
-	TInt maxv = KMinTInt;
-	TInt maxi = -1;
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<iCount; ++i)
-		{
-		if (iRemain[i] > maxv)
-			{
-			maxv = iRemain[i];
-			maxi = i;
-			}
-		}
-	return maxi;
-	}
-TInt SCpuAvailability::FindMax(NSchedulable* aS) const
-	{
-	TUint32 s = aS->iLbInfo.iLbAffinity;
-	s &= TheScheduler.iThreadAcceptCpus;
-	if ( (s&(s-1)) == 0 )
-		return __e32_find_ms1_32(s);
-	TInt maxv = KMinTInt;
-	TInt maxi = -1;
-	TInt i = 0;
-	for (; s; s>>=1, ++i)
-		{
-		if ((s&1) && iRemain[i] > maxv)
-			{
-			maxv = iRemain[i];
-			maxi = i;
-			}
-		}
-	return maxi;
-	}
-TInt SCpuAvailability::PickCpu(NSchedulable* aS, TBool aDropped) const
-	{
-	TUint32 s0 = aS->iLbInfo.iLbAffinity & TheScheduler.iThreadAcceptCpus;
-	TUint32 s = s0;
-//	BTrace12(BTrace::EHSched, 0x90u, aS, s, aPtr);
-	if ( (s&(s-1)) == 0 )
-		return __e32_find_ms1_32(s);
-	TInt maxv = KMinTInt;
-	TInt maxi = -1;
-	TInt i = 0;
-	for (; s; s>>=1, ++i)
-		{
-//		BTrace12(BTrace::EHSched, 0x91u, s, maxv, aPtr[i]);
-		if ((s&1) && iRemain[i] > maxv)
-			{
-			maxv = iRemain[i];
-			maxi = i;
-			}
-		}
-	if (IsNew(aS))
-		{
-		// this thread hasn't run for a while
-		// pick the highest numbered CPU with a near-maximum availability
-		i = __e32_find_ms1_32(s0);
-		for (; i>maxi; --i)
-			{
-			if ( (s0&(1u<<i)) && maxv-iRemain[i]<K_LB_CpuLoadDiffThreshold)
-				return i;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// this thread has run recently - see if we can keep it on the same CPU
-		TInt threshold = aDropped ? 1 : (TInt)K_LB_CpuLoadDiffThreshold;
-		TInt lcpu = aS->iLastCpu;
-		if ( (s0&(1u<<lcpu)) && maxv-iRemain[lcpu]<threshold)
-			return lcpu;
-		}
-	// use highest availability CPU
-	return maxi;
-	}
-void TScheduler::BalanceTimerExpired(TAny* aPtr)
-	{
-	((TScheduler*)aPtr)->PeriodicBalance();
-	}
-TBool TScheduler::ReBalance(SDblQue& aQ, TBool aCC)
-	{
-	ModifyCCState(~ECCRebalanceRequired, 0);
-	SPerPri sbq[KNumPriorities+1];
-	NSchedulable* s = 0;
-	TInt i;
-	TUint64 now = NKern::Timestamp();
-	TUint64 lbt = iLastBalanceTime;
-	iLastBalanceTime = now;
-	TUint64 bpl = now - lbt;		// balance period length
-	TUint cc = aCC ? K_CheckCpu : 0;
-	TInt nact = __e32_bit_count_32(iThreadAcceptCpus);	// number of CPUs available
-	// aQ holds list of threads/groups to be considered
-	TInt ns = 0;	// number for further consideration
-	TInt nd = 0;	// number dropped this time round
-	SCpuAvailability avail;
-	avail.Init(iThreadAcceptCpus);
-	TUint32 gravel = 0;
-	TInt totalN = 0;
-	TInt checked = 0;
-	while (!aQ.IsEmpty())
-		{
-		NThread* t = 0;
-		++totalN;
-		s = _LOFF(aQ.First()->Deque(), NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-		if (!s->IsGroup())
-			{
-			t = (NThread*)s;
-			if (t->iRebalanceAttr & 1)
-				++checked;
-			}
-		s->GetLbStats(bpl);
-		if (
-			(s->iLbInfo.iLbWarm >= LB_DormantThreshold)	// hasn't run for a while
-		||	(s->iLbInfo.iLbWarm>0 && s->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg<K_LB_GravelThreshold_RunAvg && s->iLbInfo.iLbRunActAvg>K_LB_GravelThreshold_RunActAvg)	// gravel
-		)
-			{
-			TUint32 a = s->iLbInfo.iLbAffinity;
-			if ( (a&(a-1)) == 0)
-				avail.AddLoad(__e32_find_ms1_32(a), s->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg);
-			else
-				gravel += s->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg;
-			if (!IsNew(s))
-				++nd;
-			s->LbDone(cc);		// drop it
-			}
-		else if (nact==1)
-			{
-			s->LbDone(cc|K_Keep);	// keep it but only 1 CPU so don't balance
-			}
-		else if (t && t->iCoreCycling)
-			{
-			s->LbDone(cc|K_Keep);	// keep it but don't balance
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			++ns;
-			AddToSortedQueue(&sbq[0], s);
-			}
-		}
-	gravel /= TUint(nact);
-	for (i=0; i<KMaxCpus; ++i)
-		{
-		if (iThreadAcceptCpus & (1<<i))
-			avail.AddLoad(i, gravel);
-		}
-	if (ns>0)
-		{
-		TInt k;
-		for (k=KNumPriorities; k>=0; --k)
-			{
-			SPerPri& q = sbq[k];
-			if (q.iCount==0)
-				{
-				__NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(q.IsEmpty());
-				continue;
-				}
-			if (nact==0)
-				goto dump_remaining;
-			while (!q.IsEmpty())
-				{
-				s = _LOFF(q.First(), NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-//				BTrace12(BTrace::EHSched, 0x80u, s, s->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg, s->iLbInfo.iLbRunActAvg);
-				if (IsHeavy(s))
-					break;
-				s->iLbLink.Deque();
-				TInt cpu = avail.PickCpu(s, nd);
-//				BTrace12(BTrace::EHSched, 0x81u, cpu, remain[cpu], totalremain);
-				avail.AddLoad(cpu, s->iLbInfo.iLbRunAvg);
-//				BTrace8(BTrace::EHSched, 0x82u, remain[cpu], totalremain);
-				s->LbDone(cc|K_Keep|K_NewCpu|cpu);
-				}
-			if (q.iHeavy > nact)
-				{
-				TInt hr = avail.TotalRemain() / q.iHeavy;
-				TInt n = q.iHeavy;
-				TInt j;
-				for (j=0; j<nact; ++j)
-					{
-					// don't bother about keeping same CPU since we must rotate
-					// threads between CPUs to even out the run times.
-					TInt cpu = avail.FindMax();
-//					BTrace12(BTrace::EHSched, 0x83u, cpu, remain[cpu], totalremain);
-					TInt capacity = avail.SetMaxed(cpu);
-//					BTrace8(BTrace::EHSched, 0x84u, remain[cpu], totalremain);
-					TInt nh = 0;
-					if (hr > K_LB_HeavyCapacityThreshold)
-						{
-						if (j == nact-1)
-							nh = n;
-						else
-							nh = capacity / hr;
-						}
-					else
-						nh = n / (nact-j);
-					n -= nh;
-					for (; nh>0; --nh)
-						{
-						if (q.IsEmpty())
-							__crash();
-						s = _LOFF(q.First()->Deque(), NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-						s->LbDone(cc|K_Keep|K_NewCpu|cpu);
-						}
-					}
-				nact = 0;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				while (!q.IsEmpty())
-					{
-					s = _LOFF(q.First()->Deque(), NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-					TInt cpu = avail.PickCpu(s, nd);
-//					BTrace12(BTrace::EHSched, 0x85u, cpu, remain[cpu], totalremain);
-					avail.SetMaxed(cpu);
-//					BTrace8(BTrace::EHSched, 0x86u, remain[cpu], totalremain);
-					s->LbDone(cc|K_Keep|K_NewCpu|cpu);
-					--nact;
-					}
-				}
-			__NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(q.IsEmpty());
-			if (nact==0)
-				{
-				while (!q.IsEmpty())
-					{
-//					BTrace4(BTrace::EHSched, 0x87u, s);
-					s = _LOFF(q.First()->Deque(), NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-					s->LbDone(cc|K_Keep);	// keep it but lose preferred CPU
-					}
-				continue;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	// return TRUE if the only threads which ran were this one and the NTimer thread
-	return (totalN==2 && checked==2);
-	}
-void TScheduler::PeriodicBalance()
-	{
-	iNeedBal = 0;
-	ModifyCCState( ~ECCRebalanceTimerQueued, 0 );
-	SDblQue rbq;	// raw balance queue
-	GetLbThreads(rbq);
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<iNumCpus; ++i)
-		iSub[i]->GetLbThreads(rbq);
-	TBool bored = ReBalance(rbq, FALSE);
-	if (!bored || iNeedBal)
-		StartRebalanceTimer(FALSE);
-	}
-void TScheduler::StartPeriodicBalancing()
-	{
-#ifdef KBOOT
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,DEBUGPRINT("StartPeriodicBalancing()"));
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<KMaxCpus; ++i)
-		{
-		TSubScheduler& ss = TheSubSchedulers[i];
-		volatile TUint32* p = (volatile TUint32*)ss.iUncached;
-		__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT,DEBUGPRINT("CPU %1d: iUncached=%08x -> %08x %08x %08x %08x", i, p, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]));
-		}
-	TheScheduler.StartRebalanceTimer(TRUE);
-	}
-void TScheduler::StartRebalanceTimer(TBool aRestart)
-	{
-	TInt interval = K_LB_BalanceInterval;
-	TUint32 mask = aRestart ? (ECCRebalanceTimerQueued|ECCPeriodicBalancingActive) : (ECCRebalanceTimerQueued);
-	TUint32 orig = ModifyCCState(~mask, mask);
-	TUint32 ns = (orig &~ mask) ^ mask;
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KSCHED3,DEBUGPRINT("StrtRbTmr %08x %08x %08x", mask, orig, ns));
-	if ((ns & ECCPeriodicBalancingActive) && !(orig & ECCRebalanceTimerQueued))
-		{
-		TInt r = KErrArgument;
-		if (orig & ECCPeriodicBalancingActive)
-			{
-			r = iBalanceTimer.Again(interval);
-			if (r == KErrArgument)
-				{
-				++LBDelayed;	// so we can see if this happened
-				}
-			}
-		if (r == KErrArgument)
-			{
-			r = iBalanceTimer.OneShot(interval);
-			}
-		if (r != KErrNone)
-			__crash();
-		}
-	}
-void TScheduler::StopRebalanceTimer(TBool aTemp)
-	{
-	TUint32 mask = aTemp ? ECCRebalanceTimerQueued : (ECCRebalanceTimerQueued|ECCPeriodicBalancingActive);
-	TUint32 orig = ModifyCCState(~mask, 0);
-	__KTRACE_OPT(KSCHED3,DEBUGPRINT("StopRbTmr %08x %08x", mask, orig));
-	if (orig & ECCRebalanceTimerQueued)
-		iBalanceTimer.Cancel();
-	}
- * Core Control
- ******************************************************************************/
-TScheduler fields used for core control:
-	Bit n = 1 iff CPU n is available to threads with no specific affinity.
-	Bits corresponding to existing CPUs are set at boot time.
-	Subsequently this word is only modified by load balancer thread.
-	Bit n is cleared when a decision is made to shut down core n.
-	Bit n = 1 iff CPU n is accepting generic IPIs
-	Bits corresponding to existing CPUs are set at boot time.
-	Bit n is cleared when CPU n makes the decision to ask the idle handler to power down
-		At the same time, bit n of iCpusGoingDown is set.
-	Bit n is set when CPU n returns from the idle handler after waking up.
-	Protected by iGenIPILock
-	Bit n = 1 iff CPU n is in the process of powering up
-	All bits zero at boot
-	Bit n set when the load balancer decides to initiate power up of CPU n, provided iCCDeferCount==0
-	Bit n cleared when the load balancer sets iThreadAcceptCpus bit n
-	Protected by iGenIPILock
-	Bit n = 1 iff CPU n is in the process of powering down and is no longer accepting IPIs
-	All bits zero at boot
-	Bit n is set when CPU n makes the decision to ask the idle handler to power down
-	?Bit n is cleared when?
-		- when TCoreCycler observes the CPU has detached
-		- when the load balancer observes the CPU has detached
-		- when the load balancer decides to reactivate the CPU
-	Protected by iGenIPILock
-	If this is positive CPUs being shut down will not proceed to clear iIpiAcceptCpus
-	In this case bits can be set in iIpiAcceptCpus but cannot be cleared.
-	Also (iIpiAcceptCpus|iCpusComingUp) remains constant
-	Protected by iGenIPILock
-	Bit n = 1 iff a change has been made to iThreadAcceptCpus which CPU n should observe
-	but it has not yet observed it.
-	Bit n set by the load balancer after a change is made to iThreadAcceptCpus, provided bit n
-	is also set in iIpiAcceptCpus.
-	Bit n cleared when CPU n services the core control sync IPI if iKernCSLocked==0 or the
-	next time iKernCSLocked becomes zero otherwise.
-	Bit n = 1 if CPU n is being reactivated after being removed from iThreadAcceptCpus
-	Bit n is set if a thread is made ready, cannot be assigned to any active CPU on
-		account of affinity restrictions and is assigned to CPU n.
-	Bit n is also set when CPU n wakes up from being retired.
-	Protected by iGenIPILock
-	Bit 31 (ECCReqPending)	Set when an external request to change the number of cores is in progress
-	The number of CPUs last requested to be active.
-	Runs when all CPUs have observed a change to iThreadAcceptCpus
-	Runs whenever one or more bits have been set in iCCReactivateCpus
-	Runs whenever a request is received to change the number of active cores
-TSubScheduler fields used for core control:
-void TScheduler::CCUnDefer()
-	{
-	TUint32 powerOn = 0;
-	TBool doDeferredReq = FALSE;
-	TInt irq = iGenIPILock.LockIrqSave();
-	if (--iCCDeferCount == 0)
-		{
-		// Kick cores waiting to power off
-		__holler();
-		// See if any cores are waiting to power on
-		powerOn = iCCReactivateCpus &~ iCpusComingUp;
-		// See if a core control request has been deferred
-		if (iCCState & ECCReqDeferred)
-			{
-			if (iCpusComingUp==0 && iCCReactivateCpus==0)
-				doDeferredReq = TRUE;
-			}
-		}
-	iGenIPILock.UnlockIrqRestore(irq);
-	if (powerOn)
-		iCCReactivateDfc.Enque();
-	if (doDeferredReq)
-		iCCRequestDfc.Enque();
-	}
-void TScheduler::CCSyncDone(TAny* aPtr)
-	{
-	NFastSemaphore* s = (NFastSemaphore*)aPtr;
-	s->Signal();
-	}
-void CCSyncIPI(TGenericIPI*)
-	{
-	TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
-	TSubScheduler& ss = SubScheduler();
-	if (ss.iKernLockCount)
-		{
-		ss.iCCSyncPending = 1;
-		ss.iRescheduleNeededFlag = 1;
-		return;
-		}
-	TUint32 m = ss.iCpuMask;
-	if (__e32_atomic_and_ord32(&s.iCCSyncCpus, ~m)==m)
-		{
-		s.iCCSyncIDFC.Add();
-		}
-	}
-void TScheduler::ChangeThreadAcceptCpus(TUint32 aNewMask)
-	{
-	NThread* lbt = LBThread();
-	if (NKern::CurrentThread() != lbt)
-		__crash();
-	TInt irq = iGenIPILock.LockIrqSave();
-	++iCCDeferCount;
-	iThreadAcceptCpus = aNewMask;
-	TUint32 cpus = iIpiAcceptCpus;
-	iCCSyncCpus = cpus;
-	iCpusComingUp &= ~aNewMask;
-	iGenIPILock.UnlockIrqRestore(irq);
-	NFastSemaphore sem(0);
-	iCCSyncIDFC.iPtr = &sem;
-	TGenericIPI ipi;
-	ipi.Queue(&CCSyncIPI, cpus);
-	NKern::FSWait(&sem);
-	CCUnDefer();
-	}
-template<int N> struct Log2 {};
-TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION struct Log2<1> { enum {Log=0u}; };
-TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION struct Log2<2> { enum {Log=1u}; };
-TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION struct Log2<4> { enum {Log=2u}; };
-TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION struct Log2<8> { enum {Log=3u}; };
-TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION struct Log2<16> { enum {Log=4u}; };
-TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION struct Log2<32> { enum {Log=5u}; };
-class TCpuSet
-	{
-	enum {
-		EBitsPerTUint8Shift=3u,
-		EBitsPerTUint32Shift=EBitsPerTUint8Shift+Log2<sizeof(TUint32)>::Log,
-		EBitsPerTUint8=1u<<EBitsPerTUint8Shift,
-		EBitsPerTUint32=1u<<EBitsPerTUint32Shift,
-		EWords=1u<<(KMaxCpus-EBitsPerTUint32Shift),
-		EBytes=1u<<(KMaxCpus-EBitsPerTUint8Shift),
-		EBits=1u<<KMaxCpus,
-		};
-	TCpuSet(TUint32 aMask);
-	void Consider(TUint32 aAffinity);
-	TCpuSet& operator&=(const TCpuSet&);
-	TCpuSet& operator|=(const TCpuSet&);
-	TCpuSet& Not();
-	TBool IsEmpty() const;
-	TInt Profile(TInt* aOut) const;
-	TUint32 Select(TInt aDesiredNumber, TUint32 aCurrent, TUint32 aIgnore) const;
-	/**
-	Bitfield: Bit n	= bit (n%8) of byte INT(n/8)
-					= bit (n%32) of word INT(n/32)
-	Bit n is set if the subset S of CPUs represented by the bits of n in the
-	canonical way (i.e. x \in S <=> bit x of n = 1) is acceptable.
-	*/
-	TUint32	iMask[EWords];
-	};
-TCpuSet::TCpuSet(TUint32 aM)
-	{
-	memset(iMask, 0, sizeof(iMask));
-	TInt i;
-	TUint32 m=1;	// empty set only
-	for (i=0; i<EBitsPerTUint32Shift; ++i)
-		{
-		TUint32 ibit = 1u<<i;
-		if (aM & ibit)
-			m |= (m<<ibit);
-		}
-	iMask[0] = m;
-	for (; i<KMaxCpus; ++i)
-		{
-		TUint32 ibit = 1u<<i;
-		if (aM & ibit)
-			{
-			TInt ws = 1<<(i-EBitsPerTUint32Shift);
-			TInt j;
-			for (j=0; j<ws; ++j)
-				iMask[ws+j] = iMask[j];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-TCpuSet& TCpuSet::operator&=(const TCpuSet& aS)
-	{
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<EWords; ++i)
-		iMask[i] &= aS.iMask[i];
-	return *this;
-	}
-TCpuSet& TCpuSet::operator|=(const TCpuSet& aS)
-	{
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<EWords; ++i)
-		iMask[i] |= aS.iMask[i];
-	return *this;
-	}
-TCpuSet& TCpuSet::Not()
-	{
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<EWords; ++i)
-		iMask[i] = ~iMask[i];
-	return *this;
-	}
-TBool TCpuSet::IsEmpty() const
-	{
-	TInt i;
-	TUint32 x = 0;
-	for (i=0; i<EWords; ++i)
-		x |= iMask[i];
-	return !x;
-	}
-void TCpuSet::Consider(TUint32 aAffinity)
-	{
-	TUint32 am = AffinityToMask(aAffinity);
-	am &= EBits-1;
-	if (am == EBits-1 || am==0)
-		return;	// no restrictions
-	TCpuSet bad(am ^ (EBits-1));	// sets incompatible with aAffinity
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<EWords; ++i)
-		iMask[i] &= ~bad.iMask[i];	// knock out sets incompatible with aAffinity
-	}
-const TUint32 Pmask[6] =
-	{
-	0x00000001,			// no bits set
-	0x00010116,			// 1 bit set (10000, 01000, 00100, 00010, 00001 -> 16,8,4,2,1)
-	0x01161668,			// 2 bits set (11000, 10100, 10010, 10001, 01100, 01010, 01001, 00110, 00101, 00011 -> 24,20,18,17,12,10,9,6,5,3)
-	0x16686880,			// 3 bits set (11100, 11010, 11001, 10110, 10101, 10011, 01110, 01101, 01011, 00111 -> 28,26,25,22,21,19,14,13,11,7)
-	0x68808000,			// 4 bits set (11110, 11101, 11011, 10111, 01111 -> 30,29,27,23,15)
-	0x80000000			// 5 bits set
-	};
-	Sets aOut[n] = number of entries with n CPUs present (0<=n<=KMaxCpus)
-	Returns total number of entries
-TInt TCpuSet::Profile(TInt* aOut) const
-	{
-	TInt i,j;
-	TInt r = 0;
-	memset(aOut, 0, (KMaxCpus+1)*sizeof(TInt));
-	for (i=0; i<EWords; ++i)
-		{
-		TUint32 m = iMask[i];
-		if (!m)
-			continue;
-		TInt n1 = __e32_bit_count_32(i);
-		for (j=0; j<=EBitsPerTUint32Shift; ++j)
-			{
-			TInt dr = __e32_bit_count_32(m & Pmask[j]);
-			r += dr;
-			aOut[n1+j] += dr;
-			}
-		}
-	return r;
-	}
-	Given a desired number of active cores and the mask of currently
-	running cores, returns the new mask of active cores.
-TUint32 TCpuSet::Select(TInt aDesiredNumber, TUint32 aCurrent, TUint32 aIgnore) const
-	{
-	TInt max = __e32_bit_count_32(aCurrent);
-	if (aDesiredNumber > max)
-		return 0;
-	TInt profile[KMaxCpus+1] = {0};
-	Profile(profile);
-	TInt dn;
-	for (dn=aDesiredNumber; dn<=max && profile[dn]==0; ++dn)
-		{}
-	if (dn > max)
-		return 0;
-	TInt wix;
-	TUint32 bestMask = 0;
-	TInt bestDiff = KMaxTInt;
-	TInt stop = max - dn;
-	for (wix=0; wix<EWords; ++wix)
-		{
-		TUint32 candidate = wix << EBitsPerTUint32Shift;
-		TUint32 m = iMask[wix];
-		if (!m)
-			continue;
-		TInt n1 = __e32_bit_count_32(wix);
-		if (n1 > dn)
-			continue;
-		m &= Pmask[dn-n1];
-		for (; m; m>>=1, ++candidate)
-			{
-			if (!(m&1))
-				continue;
-			TUint32 diff = (candidate&~aIgnore) ^ aCurrent;
-			TInt wt = __e32_bit_count_32(diff);
-			if (wt < bestDiff)
-				{
-				bestDiff = wt;
-				bestMask = candidate;
-				if (bestDiff == stop)
-					{
-					wix = EWords;
-					break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	return bestMask;
-	}
-void NSchedulable::LbTransfer(SDblQue& aDestQ)
-	{
-	if (iLbState & ELbState_PerCpu)
-		{
-		TSubScheduler* ss = &TheSubSchedulers[iLbState & ELbState_CpuMask];
-		ss->iReadyListLock.LockOnly();
-		if (iLbState == ss->iLbCounter)
-			{
-			iLbLink.Deque();
-			}
-		ss->iReadyListLock.UnlockOnly();
-		}
-	else if ((iLbState & ELbState_CpuMask) == ELbState_Global)
-		{
-		TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
-		s.iBalanceListLock.LockOnly();
-		if (iLbState == s.iLbCounter)
-			{
-			iLbLink.Deque();
-			}
-		s.iBalanceListLock.UnlockOnly();
-		}
-	else if (iLbState != ELbState_Inactive)
-		{
-		// shouldn't happen
-		__crash();
-		}
-	iLbState = ELbState_Temp;
-	aDestQ.Add(&iLbLink);
-	}
-void GetAll(SDblQue& aOutQ, SIterDQ* aInQ)
-	{
-	TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
-	SIterDQIterator iter;
-	TInt maxSteps = NKern::NumberOfCpus() + 2;
-	TInt r;
-	NKern::Lock();
-	s.iEnumerateLock.LockOnly();
-	iter.Attach(aInQ);
-		{
-		SIterDQLink* link = 0;
-		r = iter.Step(link, maxSteps);
-		if (r == KErrEof)
-			break;
-		if (r == KErrNone)
-			{
-			NSchedulable* sch = _LOFF(link, NSchedulable, iEnumerateLink);
-			sch->AcqSLock();
-			sch->LbTransfer(aOutQ);
-			sch->RelSLock();
-			}
-		s.iEnumerateLock.FlashPreempt();
-		}
-	iter.Detach();
-	s.iEnumerateLock.UnlockOnly();
-	NKern::Unlock();
-	}
-void GetAll(SDblQue& aOutQ)
-	{
-	TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
-	GetAll(aOutQ, &s.iAllGroups);
-	GetAll(aOutQ, &s.iAllThreads);
-	SDblQueLink* l0 = aOutQ.Last();
-	SDblQueLink* anchor = &aOutQ.iA;
-	GetLbThreads(aOutQ);
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<s.iNumCpus; ++i)
-		s.iSub[i]->GetLbThreads(aOutQ);
-	SDblQueLink* l = l0->iNext;
-	for (; l!=anchor; l=l->iNext)
-		{
-		NSchedulable* sch = _LOFF(l, NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-		sch->LAcqSLock();
-		sch->iLbState = (sch->iLbState & ELbState_ExtraRef) | ELbState_Temp;
-		sch->RelSLockU();
-		}
-	}
-void GetCpuSet(TCpuSet& aSet, SDblQue& aQ)
-	{
-	SDblQueLink* anchor = &aQ.iA;
-	SDblQueLink* l = aQ.First();
-	for (; l!=anchor; l=l->iNext)
-		{
-		NSchedulable* sch = _LOFF(l, NSchedulable, iLbLink);
-		if (!sch->IsGroup() && ((NThreadBase*)sch)->i_NThread_Initial )
-			continue;	// skip idle threads since they are locked to their respective CPU
-		TUint32 aff = sch->iCpuAffinity;
-		aSet.Consider(aff);
-		}
-	}
-void TScheduler::CCReactivateDfcFn(TAny* a)
-	{
-	((TScheduler*)a)->CCReactivate(0);
-	}
-void TScheduler::CCRequestDfcFn(TAny* a)
-	{
-	((TScheduler*)a)->CCRequest();
-	}
-void TScheduler::CCIpiReactivateFn(TAny* a)
-	{
-	((TScheduler*)a)->CCIpiReactivate();
-	}
-TUint32 TScheduler::ModifyCCState(TUint32 aAnd, TUint32 aXor)
-	{
-	TInt irq = iGenIPILock.LockIrqSave();
-	TUint32 orig = iCCState;
-	iCCState = (orig & aAnd) ^ aXor;
-	iGenIPILock.UnlockIrqRestore(irq);
-	return orig;
-	}
-Runs if a thread is made ready on a CPU marked for shutdown (apart from on
-account of core cycling) or if a core wakes up from shutdown.
-void TScheduler::CCReactivate(TUint32 aMore)
-	{
-	TUint32 startPowerUp = 0;		// cores which need to be powered up
-	TUint32 finishPowerUp = 0;		// cores which have just powered up
-	TInt irq = iGenIPILock.LockIrqSave();
-	iCCReactivateCpus |= aMore;
-	TUint32 cu = iCpusComingUp | iIpiAcceptCpus;
-	finishPowerUp = iCCReactivateCpus & cu;
-	iCCReactivateCpus &= ~finishPowerUp;
-	if (iCCDeferCount == 0)
-		{
-		startPowerUp = iCCReactivateCpus &~ cu;
-		iCCReactivateCpus = 0;
-		iCpusComingUp |= startPowerUp;
-		}
-	TUint32 ccs = iCCState;
-	iGenIPILock.UnlockIrqRestore(irq);
-	if (startPowerUp)
-		{
-		// Begin powering up cores
-		CCInitiatePowerUp(startPowerUp);
-		}
-	if (finishPowerUp)
-		{
-		// ?Rebalance load to new cores now or wait till next periodic?
-		ChangeThreadAcceptCpus(iThreadAcceptCpus | finishPowerUp);
-		if ((iThreadAcceptCpus & (iThreadAcceptCpus-1)) && !(ccs & ECCPeriodicBalancingActive))
-			{
-			// more than 1 core so restart periodic balancing
-			StartRebalanceTimer(TRUE);
-			}
-		if (startPowerUp == 0)
-			ModifyCCState(~ECCPowerUpInProgress, 0);
-		}
-	if (iNeedBal)
-		{
-		if ( (ccs & (ECCPeriodicBalancingActive|ECCRebalanceTimerQueued)) == ECCPeriodicBalancingActive)
-			{
-			StartRebalanceTimer(FALSE);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-extern "C" void wake_up_for_ipi(TSubScheduler* aSS, TInt)
-	{
-	TScheduler& s = *aSS->iScheduler;
-	if (__e32_atomic_ior_ord32(&s.iCCIpiReactivate, aSS->iCpuMask)==0)
-		{
-		s.iCCIpiReactIDFC.RawAdd();
-		}
-	}
-Runs if a core needs to wake up on account of a transferred tied IRQ or IDFC
-void TScheduler::CCIpiReactivate()
-	{
-	TUint32 cores = __e32_atomic_swp_ord32(&iCCIpiReactivate, 0);
-	TInt irq = iGenIPILock.LockIrqSave();
-	iCCReactivateCpus |= cores;
-	iGenIPILock.UnlockIrqRestore(irq);
-	iCCReactivateDfc.DoEnque();
-	}
-TUint32 TScheduler::ReschedInactiveCpus(TUint32 aMask)
-	{
-	TUint32 rm = aMask & 0x7FFFFFFFu;
-	if (aMask & 0x80000000u)
-		{
-		TSubScheduler& ss = SubScheduler();
-		TUint32 me = ss.iCpuMask;
-		if (__e32_atomic_and_ord32(&iCCSyncCpus, ~me) == me)
-			{
-			rm |= me;
-			iCCSyncIDFC.RawAdd();
-			}
-		}
-	return rm;
-	}
-TUint32 TScheduler::CpuShuttingDown(TSubScheduler& aSS)
-	{
-	TUint32 m = aSS.iCpuMask;
-	iIpiAcceptCpus &= ~m;		// no more IPIs for us
-	iCpusGoingDown |= m;		// we are now past the 'point of no return'
-	TUint32 more = iIpiAcceptCpus &~ (iThreadAcceptCpus | iCpusComingUp | iCCReactivateCpus);
-	if (more)
-		return more;
-	if (iCCState & ECCPowerDownInProgress)
-		return KMaxTUint32;
-	return 0;
-	}
-// Called just before last CPU goes idle
-void TScheduler::AllCpusIdle()
-	{
-	}
-// Called just after first CPU wakes up from idle
-void TScheduler::FirstBackFromIdle()
-	{
-	}
-struct SCoreControlAction
-	{
-	SCoreControlAction();
-	TInt	iPowerUpCount;			// number of cores to power on ...
-	TUint32	iPowerUpCandidates;		// ... out of these
-	TUint32 iPowerUpChoice;			// chosen to power on
-	TInt	iPowerDownCount;		// number of cores to power off ...
-	TUint32	iPowerDownCandidates;	// ... out of these
-	TUint32 iPowerDownChoice;		// chosen to power off
-	// snapshot of core control state
-	TInt	iCCRequestLevel;
-	TUint32	iThreadAcceptCpus;
-	TUint32	iIpiAcceptCpus;
-	TUint32	iCpusComingUp;
-	TUint32 iCCReactivateCpus;
-	TBool	iCCDefer;
-	SDblQue	iBalanceQ;
-	};
-	:	iPowerUpCount(0),
-		iPowerUpCandidates(0),
-		iPowerUpChoice(0),
-		iPowerDownCount(0),
-		iPowerDownCandidates(0),
-		iPowerDownChoice(0),
-		iCCRequestLevel(0),
-		iThreadAcceptCpus(0),
-		iIpiAcceptCpus(0),
-		iCpusComingUp(0),
-		iCCReactivateCpus(0),
-		iCCDefer(0)
-	{
-	}
-void TScheduler::InitCCAction(SCoreControlAction& aA)
-	{
-	aA.iPowerUpCount = 0;
-	aA.iPowerUpCandidates = 0;
-	aA.iPowerUpChoice = 0;
-	aA.iPowerDownCount = 0;
-	aA.iPowerDownCandidates = 0;
-	aA.iPowerDownChoice = 0;
-	aA.iCCDefer = FALSE;
-	TUint32 all = (1u<<iNumCpus)-1;
-	TInt irq = iGenIPILock.LockIrqSave();
-	// cores fully operative and not being powered off
-	TUint32 c1 = iThreadAcceptCpus;
-	// cores in the process of being retired
-	TUint32 c0 = iIpiAcceptCpus &~ (iThreadAcceptCpus | iCpusComingUp | iCCReactivateCpus);
-	// cores on (including those being retired) or coming up
-	TUint32 c2 = (iIpiAcceptCpus | iCpusComingUp | iCCReactivateCpus);
-	TInt n2 = __e32_bit_count_32(c2);
-	// cores on and not being retired, plus cores being reactivated
-	TUint32 c3 = c2 &~ c0;
-	TInt n3 = __e32_bit_count_32(c3);
-	TInt req = iCCRequestLevel;
-	// take snapshot of state
-	aA.iCCRequestLevel = req;
-	aA.iThreadAcceptCpus = c1;
-	aA.iIpiAcceptCpus = iIpiAcceptCpus;
-	aA.iCpusComingUp = iCpusComingUp;
-	aA.iCCReactivateCpus = iCCReactivateCpus;
-	if (req > n2)
-		{
-		// need to activate some more cores
-		aA.iPowerUpCount = req - n2;
-		aA.iPowerUpCandidates = all &~ c2;
-		iCCReactivateCpus |= c0;	// revive cores currently in the process of powering down
-		iCCState &= ~ECCReqPending;
-		iCCState |= ECCPowerUpInProgress;
-		}
-	else if (req > n3)
-		{
-		// need to reactivate some cores which are currently powering down
-		aA.iPowerUpCount = req - n3;
-		aA.iPowerUpCandidates = c0;
-		iCCState &= ~ECCReqPending;
-		iCCState |= ECCPowerUpInProgress;
-		aA.iCCDefer = TRUE;
-		++iCCDeferCount;	// stop cores going down past recovery
-		}
-	else if (req == n3)
-		{
-		// don't need to do anything
-		iCCState &= ~ECCReqPending;
-		}
-	else if (iCpusComingUp | iCCReactivateCpus)
-		{
-		// defer this request until reactivations in progress have happened
-		iCCState |= ECCReqDeferred;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		// need to retire some more cores
-		aA.iPowerDownCount = n3 - req;
-		aA.iPowerDownCandidates = c3;
-		iCCState &= ~ECCReqPending;
-		iCCState |= ECCPowerDownInProgress;
-		}
-	iGenIPILock.UnlockIrqRestore(irq);
-	}
-Runs when a request is made to change the number of active cores
-void TScheduler::CCRequest()
-	{
-	SCoreControlAction action;
-	InitCCAction(action);
-	if (action.iPowerDownCount > 0)
-		{
-		TCpuSet cpuSet(action.iIpiAcceptCpus);
-		GetAll(action.iBalanceQ);
-		GetCpuSet(cpuSet, action.iBalanceQ);
-		TUint32 leaveOn = cpuSet.Select(action.iCCRequestLevel, action.iIpiAcceptCpus, action.iIpiAcceptCpus&~action.iPowerDownCandidates);
-		if (leaveOn)
-			{
-			action.iPowerDownChoice = action.iPowerDownCandidates &~ leaveOn;
-			// remove CPUs to be shut down from iThreadAcceptCpus
-			ChangeThreadAcceptCpus(iThreadAcceptCpus &~ action.iPowerDownChoice);
-			}
-		// rebalance to remaining cores
-		StopRebalanceTimer(TRUE);
-		ReBalance(action.iBalanceQ, TRUE);
-		if (iThreadAcceptCpus & (iThreadAcceptCpus - 1))
-			{
-			// more than 1 CPU on
-			ModifyCCState(~ECCPowerDownInProgress, 0);
-			StartRebalanceTimer(FALSE);
-			}
-		else
-			ModifyCCState(~(ECCPowerDownInProgress|ECCPeriodicBalancingActive), 0);	// stop periodic balancing
-		}
-	if (action.iPowerUpCount > 0)
-		{
-		TUint32 ch = 0;
-		TUint32 ca = action.iPowerUpCandidates;
-		TInt n = action.iPowerUpCount;
-		while(n)
-			{
-			TInt b = __e32_find_ls1_32(ca);
-			ch |= (1u<<b);
-			ca &= ~(1u<<b);
-			--n;
-			}
-		action.iPowerUpChoice = ch;
-		CCReactivate(action.iPowerUpChoice);
-		if (action.iCCDefer)
-			CCUnDefer();
-		}
-	}
-Initiates a change to the number of active cores
-EXPORT_C void NKern::SetNumberOfActiveCpus(TInt aNumber)
-	{
-	__NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(aNumber>0 && aNumber<=NKern::NumberOfCpus());
-	TScheduler& s = TheScheduler;
-	if (!s.CoreControlSupported())
-		return;
-	TBool chrl = FALSE;
-	TBool kick = FALSE;
-	NKern::Lock();
-	TInt irq = s.iGenIPILock.LockIrqSave();
-	if (s.iCCRequestLevel != (TUint32)aNumber)
-		{
-		s.iCCRequestLevel = aNumber;
-		chrl = TRUE;
-		}
-	// cores in the process of being retired
-	TUint32 c0 = s.iIpiAcceptCpus &~ (s.iThreadAcceptCpus | s.iCpusComingUp | s.iCCReactivateCpus);
-	// cores on (including those being retired) or coming up
-	TUint32 c2 = (s.iIpiAcceptCpus | s.iCpusComingUp | s.iCCReactivateCpus);
-	// cores on and not being retired, plus cores being reactivated
-	TUint32 c3 = c2 &~ c0;
-	TUint32 cc_active = __e32_bit_count_32(c3);
-	if (s.iCCRequestLevel != cc_active)
-		{
-		if (chrl || !(s.iCCState & (ECCReqPending|ECCPowerDownInProgress|ECCPowerUpInProgress) ))
-			{
-			kick = TRUE;
-			}
-		s.iCCState |= ECCReqPending;
-		}
-	s.iGenIPILock.UnlockIrqRestore(irq);
-	if (kick)
-		s.iCCRequestDfc.Add();
-	NKern::Unlock();
-	}