changeset 257 3e88ff8f41d5
parent 256 c1f20ce4abcf
--- a/kerneltest/e32test/active/t_timerduration.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/active/t_timerduration.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:34:56 2010 +0100
@@ -52,48 +52,6 @@
 TInt* TimeValue;
 TInt TimeMin[KMaxTimeValues];
 TInt TimeMax[KMaxTimeValues];
-RTimer TheTimer;
-void After(TInt aTime)
-	{
-	TRequestStatus s;
-	TheTimer.HighRes(s, aTime);
-	User::WaitForRequest(s);
-	}
-TInt Again(TInt aTime)
-	{
-	TRequestStatus s;
-	TheTimer.AgainHighRes(s, aTime);
-	User::WaitForRequest(s);
-	return s.Int();
-	}
-void WaitInSteps(TUint aWait, TUint aPeriod, TUint aSteps)
-	{
-	TUint total_ticks = aWait / aPeriod;
-	TUint remain = total_ticks;
-	TUint steps = aSteps > remain ? remain : aSteps;
-	TUint carry = 0;
-	TUint step = 0;
-	while (remain)
-		{
-		TUint stepLength = remain / steps;
-		carry += stepLength;
-		TUint us = carry * aPeriod;
-		TInt r = KErrNone;
-		if (step==0)
-			After(us);
-		else
-			r = Again(us);
-		if (r==KErrNone)
-			carry = 0;
-		++step;
-		--steps;
-		remain -= stepLength;
-		}
-	}
 void calcStats(TInt i)
@@ -108,20 +66,20 @@
 void printStats()
-	test.Printf(_L("  Value     Min      Max\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("Value\tMin\tMax"));
 	for (TInt i=0;i<KMaxTimeValues;++i)
 		if (TimeValue[i]<0) break;
-		test.Printf(_L("%8d %8d %8d\n"),TimeValue[i],TimeMin[i],TimeMax[i]);
+		test.Printf(_L("%d\t%d\t%d"),TimeValue[i],TimeMin[i],TimeMax[i]);
 #define __BEFORE_WAIT__ \
-	test.Printf(_L("Measuring value(%d measurements at each value):\n"), MaxTimeMeasurements);\
+	test.Printf(_L("Measuring value(%d measurements at each value):"), MaxTimeMeasurements);\
 	for (i=0;i<KMaxTimeValues;++i)\
 		if (TimeValue[i]<0) break;\
-		test.Printf(_L("%8d microseconds ...\n"),TimeValue[i]);\
+		test.Printf(_L("%d microseconds ..."),TimeValue[i]);\
 		value = TimeValue[i];\
 		for (j=0; j<MaxTimeMeasurements; ++j)\
@@ -144,13 +102,12 @@
 	test.Start(_L("Timer resolution test"));
-	test(TheTimer.CreateLocal()==KErrNone);
 	RThread This;
 	TUint tick1,tick2;
 	TInt value, tickPeriod;
 	HAL::Get(HAL::ENanoTickPeriod, tickPeriod);
-	test.Printf(_L("tickPeriod=%d\n"),tickPeriod);
+	test.Printf(_L("tickPeriod=%d"),tickPeriod);
 	MaxTimeMeasurements = KMaxTimeMeasurements;
@@ -215,45 +172,6 @@
-	test.Next(_L("RTimer::AgainHighRes (2 steps)"));
-	MaxTimeMeasurements = KMaxTimeMeasurements;
-	TInt TimeValues5[KMaxTimeValues]={2000,4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,128000,-1};
-	TimeValue = &TimeValues5[0];
-	__MEASURE1__
-			WaitInSteps(value, tickPeriod, 2);
-	__MEASURE2__
-#if defined(__EPOC32__)
-	//Check that RTimer::AgainHighRes() calls completed within boundaries
-	for (k = 0; k<KMaxTimeValues; k++)
-		{
-		if (TimeValue[k] == -1) break;
-		test(TimeValue[k] <= TimeMin[k]);
-		test((TimeValue[k] + 2*tickPeriod) >= TimeMax[k]);
-		}
-	test.Next(_L("RTimer::AgainHighRes (5 steps)"));
-	MaxTimeMeasurements = KMaxTimeMeasurements;
-	TInt TimeValues6[KMaxTimeValues]={4000,8000,16000,32000,64000,128000,-1};
-	TimeValue = &TimeValues6[0];
-	__MEASURE1__
-			WaitInSteps(value, tickPeriod, 5);
-	__MEASURE2__
-#if defined(__EPOC32__)
-	//Check that RTimer::AgainHighRes() calls completed within boundaries
-	for (k = 0; k<KMaxTimeValues; k++)
-		{
-		if (TimeValue[k] == -1) break;
-		test(TimeValue[k] <= TimeMin[k]);
-		test((TimeValue[k] + 2*tickPeriod) >= TimeMax[k]);
-		}
-	TheTimer.Close();