changeset 257 3e88ff8f41d5
parent 256 c1f20ce4abcf
child 258 880ff05ad710
child 263 9e2d4f7f5028
--- a/kerneltest/e32test/power/d_frqchg.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// e32test\power\d_frqchg.cpp
-// LDD for testing frequency changing
-#include <kernel/kernel.h>
-#include "d_frqchg.h"
-#if defined(__EPOC32__) && defined(__SMP__) && defined(__MARM__)
-#include <nk_priv.h>
-#include <arm_tmr.h>
-  Baseport needs to supply this function to disable DVFS whilst test is running. 
-  The test relies on changing prescalers in local and global timer directly rather than
-  actually changing frequency. Consequently DVFS must be disabled when the test is running
-  This function when driver is loaded. 
-  @return KErrNone if succesful
- */
-extern TInt DisableDvfs();
-   if plaftorm supports DVFS this function will be called when the driver is unloaded
- */
-extern void RestoreDvfs();
-TInt Multiply(SRatio& aDest, const SRatio& aSrc)
-	{
-	TUint64 x = aDest.iM;
-	TUint64 y = aSrc.iM;
-	x *= y;
-	if (x==0)
-		{
-		aDest.iM = 0;
-		aDest.iX = 0;
-		return KErrNone;
-		}
-	TInt exp = aDest.iX + aSrc.iX + 32;
-	if (TInt64(x) >= 0)
-		x<<=1, --exp;
-	aDest.iM = I64HIGH(x);
-	if (I64LOW(x) & 0x80000000u)
-		{
-		if (++aDest.iM == 0)
-			aDest.iM = 0x80000000u, ++exp;
-		}
-	if (exp > 32767)
-		{
-		aDest.iM = 0xffffffffu;
-		aDest.iX = 32767;
-		return KErrOverflow;
-		}
-	if (exp < -32768)
-		{
-		aDest.iM = 0;
-		aDest.iX = 0;
-		return KErrUnderflow;
-		}
-	aDest.iX = (TInt16)exp;
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-// Calculate frequency ratio for specified prescale value
-// Ratio = (default+1)/(current+1)
-void PrescaleRatio(SRatio& aR, TInt aDefault, TInt aCurrent)
-	{
-	SRatio df;
-	df.Set(TUint32(aDefault+1));
-	aR.Set(TUint32(aCurrent+1));
-	aR.Reciprocal();
-	Multiply(aR, df);
-	}
-class DFrqChgFactory : public DLogicalDevice
-// Test LDD factory
-	{
-	DFrqChgFactory();
-	virtual ~DFrqChgFactory();
-	virtual TInt Install(); 					//overriding pure virtual
-	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;	//overriding pure virtual
-	virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel); 	//overriding pure virtual
-	};
-class DFrqChg : public DLogicalChannelBase
-// Test logical channel
-	{
-	virtual ~DFrqChg();
-	virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
-	virtual TInt Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
-	void PopulateDefaultPrescaleList();
-	void SetLocalTimerPrescaler(TUint32 aCpus, TInt aPrescale);
-	TScheduler* iS;
-	TInt iDefaultPrescale[KMaxCpus];
-	void SetGlobalTimerPrescaler(TInt aPrescale);
-	TInt iDefaultGTPrescale;
-	};
-	{
-	return new DFrqChgFactory;
-	}
-// Constructor
-	{
-	}
-// Destructor, called on unload
-	{
-	RestoreDvfs();
-	}
-// Create new channel
-TInt DFrqChgFactory::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
-	{
-	aChannel=new DFrqChg;
-	return aChannel?KErrNone:KErrNoMemory;
-	}
-// Install the LDD - overriding pure virtual
-TInt DFrqChgFactory::Install()
-	{
-	TInt r = DisableDvfs();
-	if (KErrNone != r) return r;
-	return SetName(&KLddName);
-	}
-// Get capabilities - overriding pure virtual
-void DFrqChgFactory::GetCaps(TDes8& /*aDes*/) const
-	{
-	}
-// Create channel
-TInt DFrqChg::DoCreate(TInt /*aUnit*/, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& /*aVer*/)
-	{
-	iS = (TScheduler*)TScheduler::Ptr();
-	PopulateDefaultPrescaleList();
-	return KErrNone;
-	}
-// Destructor
-	{
-	// restore prescalers
-	SetLocalTimerPrescaler((TUint32) -1, -1);
-	SetGlobalTimerPrescaler(-1);
-	}
-TInt DFrqChg::Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
-	{
-	SRatioInv ri;
-	TInt r = KErrNone;
-	switch (aReqNo)
-		{
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_RatioSet:
-			{
-			kumemget32(&ri.iR, a1, sizeof(SRatio));
-			ri.iR.Set(ri.iR.iM, (TUint32)a2);
-			kumemput32(a1, &ri.iR, sizeof(SRatio));
-			break;
-			}
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_RatioReciprocal:
-			{
-			kumemget32(&ri.iR, a1, sizeof(SRatio));
-			r = ri.iR.Reciprocal();
-			kumemput32(a1, &ri.iR, sizeof(SRatio));
-			break;
-			}
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_RatioMult:
-			{
-			kumemget32(&ri.iR, a1, sizeof(SRatio));
-			kumemget32(&ri.iI.iM, a2, sizeof(TUint32));
-			r = ri.iR.Mult(ri.iI.iM);
-			kumemput32(a2, &ri.iI.iM, sizeof(TUint32));
-			break;
-			}
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_RatioInvSet:
-			{
-			SRatio ratio;
-			const SRatio* p = 0;
-			if (a2)
-				{
-				kumemget32(&ratio, a2, sizeof(SRatio));
-				p = &ratio;
-				}
-			ri.Set(p);
-			kumemput32(a1, &ri, sizeof(SRatioInv));
-			break;
-			}
-#if defined(__EPOC32__) && defined(__SMP__) && defined(__MARM__)
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_FrqChgTestPresent:
-			break;
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_SetCurrentThreadPriority:
-			NKern::ThreadSetPriority(NKern::CurrentThread(), (TInt)a1);
-			break;
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_SetCurrentThreadCpu:
-			{
-			TUint32 old = 0;
-			old =  NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(NKern::CurrentThread(), (TUint32)a1);
-			if (a2) 
-				{
-				kumemput32(a2, &old, sizeof(TUint32));
-				}
-			old =  NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(NKern::CurrentThread(), (TUint32)a1);
-			}
-			break;
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_SetCurrentThreadTimeslice:
-			{
-			TInt ts = NKern::TimesliceTicks((TUint32)a1);
-			NKern::ThreadSetTimeslice(NKern::CurrentThread(), ts);
-			NKern::YieldTimeslice();
-			break;
-			}
-		case RFrqChg::EControl_SetLocalTimerPrescaler:
-			{
-			TUint32 cpus = (TUint32)a1;
-			TInt prescale = (TInt)a2;
-			SetLocalTimerPrescaler(cpus, prescale);
-			break;
-			}
-	case RFrqChg::EControl_ReadGlobalTimerAndTimestamp:
-		    {
-			ArmGlobalTimer* tmr = iS->iSX.iGlobalTimerAddr;
-			TUint32 highlow[2];
-			do
-				{
-				highlow[1] = tmr->iTimerCountHigh;
-				highlow[0] = tmr->iTimerCountLow;
-				} while(highlow[1]!=tmr->iTimerCountHigh);
-			TUint64 ts = NKern::Timestamp();
-			kumemput32(a1,&highlow[0],sizeof(TUint64));
-			kumemput32(a2,&ts,sizeof(TUint64));
-			break;
-		 }
-	case RFrqChg::EControl_SetGlobalTimerPrescaler:
-		    {
-			SetGlobalTimerPrescaler((TInt)a1);
-			break;
-		 }
-		default:
-			r = KErrNotSupported;
-			break;
-		}
-	return r;
-	}
-void DFrqChg::PopulateDefaultPrescaleList()
-	{
-	TInt nc = NKern::NumberOfCpus();
-	NThread* nt = NKern::CurrentThread();
-	TUint32 aff0 = NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(nt, 0);
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<nc; ++i)
-		{
-		NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(nt, i);
-		ArmLocalTimer* tmr = (ArmLocalTimer*)iS->iSX.iLocalTimerAddr;
-		TInt pv = (tmr->iTimerCtrl & E_ArmTmrCtrl_PrescaleMask) >> E_ArmTmrCtrl_PrescaleShift;
-		iDefaultPrescale[i] = pv;
-		}
-	NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(nt, aff0);
-	ArmGlobalTimer* tmr = iS->iSX.iGlobalTimerAddr;
-	TInt pv = (tmr->iTimerCtrl & E_ArmGTmrCtrl_PrescaleMask) >> E_ArmGTmrCtrl_PrescaleShift;
-	iDefaultGTPrescale = pv;
-	}
-void DFrqChg::SetLocalTimerPrescaler(TUint32 aCpus, TInt aPrescale)
-	{
-	TInt nc = NKern::NumberOfCpus();
-	NThread* nt = NKern::CurrentThread();
-	TUint32 aff0 = NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(nt, 0);
-	TInt i;
-	for (i=0; i<nc; ++i)
-		{
-		NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(nt, i);
-		}
-	for (i=0; i<nc; ++i)
-		{
-		NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(nt, i);
-		TInt pv = aPrescale;
-		if (pv < 0)
-			pv = iDefaultPrescale[i];
-		if (aCpus & (1u<<i))
-			{
-			TInt irq = NKern::DisableAllInterrupts();
-			ArmLocalTimer* tmr = (ArmLocalTimer*)iS->iSX.iLocalTimerAddr;
-			tmr->iTimerCtrl = (tmr->iTimerCtrl &~ E_ArmTmrCtrl_PrescaleMask) | ((pv << E_ArmTmrCtrl_PrescaleShift) & E_ArmTmrCtrl_PrescaleMask);
-			__e32_io_completion_barrier();
-			NKern::RestoreInterrupts(irq);
-			}
-		}
-	NKern::ThreadSetCpuAffinity(nt, aff0);
-	if (aCpus & 0x80000000u)
-		{
-		// notify nanokernel of frequency changes
-		SVariantInterfaceBlock* vib = iS->iVIB;
-		SRatio ratio[KMaxCpus];
-		for (i=0; i<nc; ++i)
-			{
-			if (aCpus & (1u<<i))
-				{
-				if (aPrescale<0)
-					ratio[i].Set(1);
-				else
-					PrescaleRatio(ratio[i], iDefaultPrescale[i], aPrescale);
-				vib->iTimerFreqR[i] = &ratio[i];
-				}
-			}
-		(*vib->iFrqChgFn)();
-		}
-	}
-void DFrqChg::SetGlobalTimerPrescaler(TInt aPrescale)
-	{
-	TInt pv = aPrescale;
-	if (pv <= 0)
-		pv = iDefaultGTPrescale;
-	ArmGlobalTimer* tmr = iS->iSX.iGlobalTimerAddr;
-	// TInt irq = NKern::DisableAllInterrupts(); 
-	tmr->iTimerCtrl = (tmr->iTimerCtrl &~ E_ArmGTmrCtrl_PrescaleMask) | ((pv << E_ArmGTmrCtrl_PrescaleShift) & E_ArmGTmrCtrl_PrescaleMask);
-	__e32_io_completion_barrier();
-	// NKern::RestoreInterrupts(irq);
-	// notify nanokernel of frequency changes
-	SVariantInterfaceBlock* vib = iS->iVIB;
-	SRatio ratio;
-	if (aPrescale<=0)
-		ratio.Set(1);
-	else
-		PrescaleRatio(ratio, iDefaultGTPrescale, aPrescale);
-	vib->iGTimerFreqR = &ratio;
-	(*vib->iFrqChgFn)();
-	}