changeset 43 96e5fb8b040d
child 153 1f2940c968a9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/common/des8.cpp	Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3960 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\common\des8.cpp
+#include "common.h"
+#include <e32des8_private.h>
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+#include <collate.h>
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
+#include <unicode.h>
+// Folding/Collation for 8 bit characters
+extern const TUint8 __FoldCollTab8[256];
+const TUint8 __FoldCollTab8[256] =
+	{
+	0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07, // 0x00
+	0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0x0d,0x0e,0x0f,
+	0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17, // 0x10
+	0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f,
+	0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27, // 0x20
+	0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e,0x2f,
+	0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37, // 0x30
+	0x38,0x39,0x3a,0x3b,0x3c,0x3d,0x3e,0x3f,
+	0x40,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67, // 0x40
+	0x68,0x69,0x6a,0x6b,0x6c,0x6d,0x6e,0x6f,
+	0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77, // 0x50
+	0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x5b,0x5c,0x5d,0x5e,0x5f,
+	0x60,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x64,0x65,0x66,0x67, // 0x60
+	0x68,0x69,0x6a,0x6b,0x6c,0x6d,0x6e,0x6f,
+	0x70,0x71,0x72,0x73,0x74,0x75,0x76,0x77, // 0x70
+	0x78,0x79,0x7a,0x7b,0x7c,0x7d,0x7e,0x7f,
+	0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83,0x84,0x85,0x86,0x87, // 0x80
+	0x88,0x89,0x8a,0x8b,0x8c,0x8d,0x8e,0x8f,
+	0x90,0x91,0x92,0x93,0x94,0x95,0x96,0x97, // 0x90
+	0x98,0x99,0x9a,0x9b,0x9c,0x9d,0x9e,0x9f,
+	0x20,0xa1,0xa2,0xa3,0xa4,0xa5,0xa6,0xa7, // 0xa0
+	0xa8,0xa9,0xaa,0xab,0xac,0xad,0xae,0xaf,
+	0xb0,0xb1,0xb2,0xb3,0xb4,0xb5,0xb6,0xb7, // 0xb0
+	0xb8,0xb9,0xba,0xbb,0xbc,0xbd,0xbe,0xbf,
+	0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0xe6,0x63, // 0xc0
+	0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,
+	0xf0,0x6e,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0xd7, // 0xd0
+	0xf8,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x79,0xfe,0xdf,
+	0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0xe6,0x63, // 0xe0
+	0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,
+	0xf0,0x6e,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0x6f,0xf7, // 0xf0
+	0xf8,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x79,0xfe,0x79
+	};
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline TUint8* memCopy(TUint8* aPtr, const TUint8* aSrc, TInt aLength)
+// Copy 8 bit values.
+	{
+	return Mem::Copy(aPtr, aSrc, aLength);
+	}
+#if (defined(__KERNEL_MODE__) && !defined(__DES8_MACHINE_CODED__)) | defined(__EABI_CTORS__)
+inline TInt StringLength(const TUint8* aPtr)
+	{
+	const TUint8* p = aPtr;
+	while (*p)
+		++p;
+	return p-aPtr;
+	}
+inline TDesC8::TDesC8(TInt aType,TInt aLength)
+	:iLength(aLength|(aType<<KShiftDesType8))
+	{}
+inline TInt TDesC8::Type() const
+// Return the descriptor type
+	{
+	return(iLength>>KShiftDesType8);
+	}
+inline TDes8::TDes8(TInt aType,TInt aLength,TInt aMaxLength)
+	: TDesC8(aType,aLength),iMaxLength(aMaxLength)
+	{}
+// Class TBufCBase8
+inline TBufCBase8::TBufCBase8(TInt aLength)
+	:TDesC8(EBufC,aLength)
+	{}
+inline TUint8* TBufCBase8::WPtr() const
+	{return const_cast<TUint8*>(Ptr());}
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+EXPORT_C const TUint8* TDesC8::Ptr() const
+Gets a pointer to the data represented by the descriptor.
+The data cannot be changed through the returned pointer.
+@return A pointer to the data
+	{
+	switch (Type())
+		{
+	case EBufC:
+		return(&((SBufC8 *)this)->buf[0]);
+	case EPtrC:
+		return(((SPtrC8 *)this)->ptr);
+	case EPtr:
+		return(((SPtr8 *)this)->ptr);
+	case EBuf:
+		return(&((SBuf8 *)this)->buf[0]);
+	case EBufCPtr:
+		return(&((SBufCPtr8 *)this)->ptr->buf[0]);
+		}
+	Panic(ETDes8BadDescriptorType);
+	return(NULL);
+	}
+EXPORT_C const TUint8 &TDesC8::AtC(TInt anIndex) const
+// Return a reference to the character in the buffer.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(anIndex>=0 && anIndex<Length(),Panic(ETDes8IndexOutOfRange));
+	return(Ptr()[anIndex]);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::Compare(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Compares this descriptor's data with the specified descriptor's data.
+The comparison proceeds on a byte for byte basis. The result of the comparison 
+is based on the difference of the first bytes to disagree.
+Two descriptors are equal if they have the same length and content. Where 
+two descriptors have different lengths and the shorter descriptor's data
+matches the first part of the longer descriptor's data, the shorter is
+considered to be less than the longer.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared 
+            with this descriptor's data.
+@return Positive, if this descriptor is greater than the specified descriptor. 
+        Negative, if this descriptor is less than the specified descriptor.
+        Zero, if both descriptors have the same length and the their contents
+        are the same.
+	{
+	return memcompare(Ptr(), Length(), aDes.Ptr(), aDes.Length());
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::CompareF(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Compares this descriptor's folded data with the specified descriptor's folded 
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used for comparing strings in natural language; 
+use CompareC() for this.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared 
+            with this descriptor's data. 
+@return Positive, if this descriptor is greater than the specified descriptor. 
+        Negative, if this descriptor is less than the specified descriptor.
+        Zero, if both descriptors have the same length and the their contents
+        are the same.
+@see TDesC8::Compare()
+	{
+	return(Mem::CompareF(Ptr(),Length(),aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length()));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::CompareC(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Compares this descriptor's data with the specified descriptor's data using 
+the standard collation method for narrow text appropriate to the current locale.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared 
+            with this descriptor's data. 
+@return Positive, if this descriptor is greater than the specified descriptor. 
+        Negative, if this descriptor is less than the specified descriptor.
+        Zero, if both descriptors have the same length and the their contents
+        are the same.
+@see TDesC8::Compare()
+	{
+	return(Mem::CompareC(Ptr(),Length(),aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length()));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::Find(const TUint8 *pS,TInt aLenS) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of the specified data sequence within this 
+Searching always starts at the beginning of this descriptor's data.
+@param pS    A pointer to a location containing the data sequence to be searched 
+             for.
+@param aLenS The length of the data sequence to be searched for. This value 
+             must not be negative, otherwise the function raises a panic.
+@return The offset of the data sequence from the beginning of this descriptor's 
+        data. KErrNotFound, if the data sequence cannot be found.
+@panic  USER 29 if aLenS is negative. 
+	{
+	if (!aLenS)
+		return(0);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLenS>0,Panic(ETDes8LengthNegative));
+	const TUint8 *pB=Ptr();
+	TInt aLenB=Length();
+	const TUint8 *pC=pB-1;			// using pre-increment addressing
+	TInt i=aLenB-aLenS;
+	if (i>=0)
+		{
+		const TUint8* pEndS=pS+aLenS-1;		// using pre-increment addressing
+		const TUint8 *pEndB=pB+i;			// using pre-increment addressing
+		TUint s=*pS;
+		for (;;)
+			{
+			do
+				{
+				if (pC==pEndB)
+					return KErrNotFound;
+				} while (*++pC!=s);
+			const TUint8 *p1=pC;
+			const TUint8 *p2=pS;
+			do
+				{
+				if (p2==pEndS)
+					return (pC-pB);
+				} while (*++p1==*++p2);
+			}
+		}
+	return(KErrNotFound);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::Find(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of the specified data sequence within this 
+Searching always starts at the beginning of this descriptor's data.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non modifable descriptor containing the data sequence 
+            to be searched for. 
+@return The offset of the data sequence from the beginning of this descriptor's 
+        data. KErrNotFound, if the data sequence cannot be found.
+	{
+	return(Find(aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length()));
+	}
+const TUint8* convTable(TMatchType aType)
+	{
+	switch (aType)
+		{
+		case EMatchFolded:
+		case EMatchCollated: return __FoldCollTab8;
+		default: return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+inline TUint conv(const TUint8* aStr,const TUint8* aConv)
+	{
+	TUint c=*aStr;
+	return aConv ? aConv[c] : c;
+	}
+inline TUint lookup(const TUint8* aStr,const TUint8* aConv)
+	{
+	return aConv[*aStr];
+	}
+TInt DoMatch8(const TDesC8 &aLeftD,const TDesC8 &aRightD,TMatchType aType)
+	{
+	const TUint8* table=convTable(aType);
+	const TUint8* pRight=aRightD.Ptr();
+	const TUint8* pM=pRight-1;				// pre-increment addressing
+	const TUint8* pP=pM+aRightD.Length();
+	const TUint8* pLeft=aLeftD.Ptr()-1;		// pre-increment addressing
+	const TUint8* pB=pLeft;	
+	const TUint8* pE=pB+aLeftD.Length();
+	// Match any pattern up to the first star
+	TUint c;
+	for (;;)
+		{
+		if (pM==pP)		// exhausted the pattern
+			return pB==pE ? 0 : KErrNotFound;
+		TUint c=conv(++pM,table);
+		if (c==KMatchAny)
+			break;
+		if (pB==pE)			// no more input
+			return KErrNotFound;
+		if (c!=conv(++pB,table) && c!=KMatchOne)	// match failed
+			return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	// reached a star
+	if (pM==pP)
+		return 0;
+	TInt r=pM==pRight ? -1 : 0;
+	for (;;)
+		{
+		c=conv(++pM,table);
+		if (c==KMatchAny)
+			{
+star:		if (pM==pP)		// star at end of pattern, always matches
+				return Max(r,0);
+			if (r<-1)		// skipped some '?', matches at beginning
+				r=0;
+			continue;
+			}
+		if (pB==pE)			// no more input
+			return KErrNotFound;
+		if (c==KMatchOne)
+			{				// skip a character in the input
+			if (pM==pP)
+				return r+((r>=0) ? 0 : (pE-pLeft));
+			++pB;
+			if (r<0)
+				--r;
+			continue;
+			}
+	// Matching a non-wild character
+		for (;;)
+			{
+			if (table)	// pull this test out of the tight loop (10-20% faster)
+				{
+				while (lookup(++pB,table)!=c)
+					{
+					if (pB==pE)				// no more input
+						return KErrNotFound;
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				while (*++pB!=c)
+					{
+					if (pB==pE)				// no more input
+						return KErrNotFound;
+					}
+				}
+			// Try to match up to the next star
+			const TUint8* pb=pB;
+			const TUint8* pm=pM;
+			for (;;)
+				{
+				if (pm<pP)
+					{
+					TUint cc=conv(++pm,table);
+					if (cc==KMatchAny)
+						{	// sub-match successful, back to main loop
+						r+=(r>=0 ? 0 : pB-pLeft);
+						pB=pb;
+						pM=pm;
+						goto star;
+						}
+					if (pb==pE)
+						return KErrNotFound;	// no more input
+					if (cc!=conv(++pb,table) && cc!=KMatchOne)
+						break;	// sub-match failed, try next input character
+					}
+				else if (pb==pE)	// end of matching pattern
+					return r+(r>=0 ? 0 : pB-pLeft);	// end of input, so have a match
+				else
+					break;		// try next input character
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::Match(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Searches this descriptor's data for a match with the match pattern supplied 
+in the specified descriptor.
+The match pattern can contain the wildcard characters "*" and "?", where "*" 
+matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of any character and "?" matches 
+a single occurrence of any character.
+Note that there is no 'escape character', which means that it is not possible
+to match either the "*" character itself or the "?" character itself using
+this function.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifable descriptor containing the match pattern.
+@return If a match is found, the offset within this descriptor's data where 
+        the match first occurs. KErrNotFound, if there is no match.
+	{
+	return DoMatch8(*this,aDes,EMatchNormal);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::MatchF(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Searches this descriptor's folded data for a match with the folded match 
+pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
+The match pattern can contain the wildcard characters "*" and "?", where "*" 
+matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of any character and "?" matches 
+a single occurrence of any character.
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used for matching strings in natural language; 
+use MatchC() for this.
+Note that there is no 'escape character', which means that it is not possible
+to match either the "*" character itself or the "?" character itself using
+this function.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifable descriptor containing the match pattern. 
+@return If a match is found, the offset within this descriptor's data where 
+        the match first occurs. KErrNotFound, if there is no match. 
+@see TDesC8::MatchC()
+	{
+	return DoMatch8(*this,aDes,EMatchFolded);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::MatchC(const TDesC8 &aPattern) const
+Searches this descriptor's collated data for a match with the collated match 
+pattern supplied in the specified descriptor.
+The function uses the standard collation method for narrow text appropriate to 
+the current locale.
+The match pattern can contain the wildcard characters "*" and "?", where "*" 
+matches zero or more consecutive occurrences of any character and "?" matches 
+a single occurrence of any character.
+Note that there is no 'escape character', which means that it is not possible
+to match either the "*" character itself or the "?" character itself using
+this function.
+@param aPattern An 8-bit non-modifable descriptor containing the match pattern. 
+@return If a match is found, the offset within this descriptor's data where 
+        the match first occurs. KErrNotFound, if there is no match.
+	{
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+	return MatchF(aPattern);
+	return DoMatch8(*this,aPattern,EMatchCollated);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::FindF(const TUint8 *pS,TInt aLenS) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of the specified folded data sequence within 
+this descriptor's folded data.
+Searching always starts at the beginning of this descriptor's data.
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used for finding strings in natural language; 
+use FindC() for this.
+@param pS    A pointer to a location containing the data sequence to be
+             searched for.
+@param aLenS The length of the data sequence to be searched for. This value 
+             must not be negative, otherwise the function raises a panic.
+@return The offset of the data sequence from the beginning of this descriptor's 
+        data. KErrNotFound, if the data sequence cannot be found. Zero, if the
+        length of the search data sequence is zero.
+@panic USER 29 if aLenS is negative
+@see TDesC8::FindC()
+	{
+	if (!aLenS)
+		return(0);
+	const TUint8* table=convTable(EMatchFolded);
+	const TUint8 *pB=Ptr();
+	TInt aLenB=Length();
+	const TUint8 *pC=pB-1;			// using pre-increment addressing
+	TInt i=aLenB-aLenS;
+	if (i>=0)
+		{
+		const TUint8* pEndS=pS+aLenS-1;		// using pre-increment addressing
+		const TUint8 *pEndB=pB+i;			// using pre-increment addressing
+		TUint s=lookup(pS,table);
+		for (;;)
+			{
+			do
+				{
+				if (pC==pEndB)
+					return KErrNotFound;
+				} while (lookup(++pC,table)!=s);
+			const TUint8 *p1=pC;
+			const TUint8 *p2=pS;
+			do
+				{
+				if (p2==pEndS)
+					return (pC-pB);
+				} while (lookup(++p1,table)==lookup(++p2,table));
+			}
+		}
+	return(KErrNotFound);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::FindF(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of the specified folded data sequence within 
+this descriptor's folded data. 
+Searching always starts at the beginning of this descriptor's data.
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used for finding strings in natural language; 
+use FindC() for this.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor containing the data sequence 
+            to be searched for. 
+@return The offset of the data sequence from the beginning of this descriptor's 
+        data. KErrNotFound, if the data sequence cannot be found. Zero, if the 
+        length of the search data sequence is zero.
+@see TDesC8::FindC()
+	{
+	return(FindF(aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length()));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::FindC(const TUint8* aText,TInt aLength) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within 
+this descriptor's collated data.
+Searching always starts at the beginning of this descriptor's data. The function 
+uses the standard collation method for narrow text appropriate to the current 
+@param aText   A pointer to a location containing the data sequence to be
+               searched for.
+@param aLength The length of the data sequence to be searched for.
+@return The offset of the data sequence from the beginning of this descriptor's 
+        data. KErrNotFound, if the data sequence cannot be found.
+@panic USER 29 if aLength is negative.
+	{
+	return FindF(aText, aLength);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::FindC(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of the specified collated data sequence within 
+this descriptor's collated data.
+Searching always starts at the beginning of this descriptor's data. The function 
+uses the standard collation method for narrow text appropriate to the current 
+@param aDes The 8-bit non-modifable descriptor containing the data sequence 
+            to be searched for. 
+@return The offset of the data sequence from the beginning of this descriptor's 
+        data. KErrNotFound, if the data sequence cannot be found.
+	{
+	return(FindC(aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length()));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::LocateF(TChar aChar) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of a folded character within this
+descriptor's folded data.
+The search starts at the beginning of the data,i.e. at the leftmost position.
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used for searching strings in natural language.
+@param aChar The character to be found.
+@return The offset of the character position from the beginning of the data.
+        KErrNotFound, if no matching character can be found.
+	{
+	TUint c = User::Fold(aChar);
+	if(c>=0x100)
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	const TUint8 *pBuf=Ptr();
+	const TUint8 *pB=pBuf-1;
+	const TUint8 *pE=pB+Length();
+	const TUint8* table=__FoldCollTab8;
+	do
+		{
+		if (pB==pE)
+			return KErrNotFound;
+		} while (table[*++pB]!=c);
+	return pB-pBuf;
+	}
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::Locate(TChar aChar) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of a character within this descriptor's
+The search starts at the beginning of the data, i.e. at the leftmost position.
+@param aChar The character to be found. 
+@return The offset of the character position from the beginning of the data.
+        KErrNotFound, if no matching character can be found.
+	{
+	const TUint8 *pBuf=Ptr();
+	const TUint8 *pB=pBuf-1;
+	const TUint8 *pE=pB+Length();
+	do
+		{
+		if (pB==pE)
+			return KErrNotFound;
+		} while (*++pB!=aChar);
+	return pB-pBuf;
+	}
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::LocateReverse(TChar aChar) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of a character within this descriptor's data, 
+searching from the end of the data.
+The search starts at the rightmost position.
+@param aChar The character to be found.
+@return The offset of the character position from the beginning of the data.
+        KErrNotFound, if no matching character can be found.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	if (len==0)
+		return(KErrNotFound);
+	const TUint8 *pB=Ptr();
+	const TUint8 *pE=pB+len-1;
+	while (pE>=pB)
+		{
+		if (*pE==aChar)
+			break;
+		pE--;
+		}
+	return(pE<pB ? KErrNotFound : pE-pB);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::LocateReverseF(TChar aChar) const
+Searches for the first occurrence of a folded character within this descriptor's 
+folded data, searching from the end of the data.
+The search starts at the rightmost position. 
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used for searching strings in natural language.
+@param aChar The character to be found 
+@return The offset of the character position from the beginning of the data.
+        KErrNotFound, if no matching character can be found
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	if (len==0)
+		return(KErrNotFound);
+	const TUint8 *pB=Ptr();
+	const TUint8 *pE=pB+len-1;
+	const TUint8* table=__FoldCollTab8;
+	TUint c = table[aChar];
+	while (pE>=pB)
+		{
+		if (table[*pE]==c)
+			break;
+		pE--;
+		}
+	return(pE<pB ? KErrNotFound : pE-pB);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *TDesC8::Alloc() const
+Creates a new 8-bit heap descriptor and initialises it with a copy of this 
+descriptor's data.
+@return A pointer to the new 8 bit heap descriptor, if creation is successful. 
+        NULL, if creation of the descriptor fails.
+	{
+	HBufC8 *pH=HBufC8::New(Length());
+	if (pH)
+		*pH=(*this);
+	return(pH);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *TDesC8::AllocL() const
+Creates a new 8-bit heap descriptor and initialises it with a copy of this 
+descriptor's data.
+The function leaves, if creation of the descriptor fails.
+@return A pointer to the 8-bit heap descriptor, if creation is successful.
+	{
+	HBufC8 *pH=HBufC8::NewL(Length());
+	*pH=(*this);
+	return(pH);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *TDesC8::AllocLC() const
+Creates a new 8-bit heap descriptor, initialises it with a copy of this 
+descriptor's data, and puts a pointer to the descriptor onto the cleanup stack.
+The function leaves, if creation of the descriptor fails.
+@return A pointer to the 8 bit heap descriptor, if creation is successful. 
+        The pointer is also put onto the cleanup stack.
+	{
+	HBufC8 *pH=HBufC8::NewLC(Length());
+	*pH=(*this);
+	return(pH);
+	}
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+#if !defined(__DES8_MACHINE_CODED__)
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TDesC8::Left(TInt aLength) const
+Extracts the leftmost part of the data. 
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a non-modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the leftmost part of the data.
+@param aLength The length of the data to be extracted. If this value
+               is greater than the length of the descriptor, the function
+               extracts the whole of the descriptor.
+@return The 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the leftmost 
+        part of the data.
+@panic USER 22 if aLength is negative. 
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	return(TPtrC8(Ptr(),Min(aLength,Length())));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TDesC8::Right(TInt aLength) const
+Extracts the rightmost part of the data.
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a non-modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the rightmost part of the data.
+@param aLength The length of data to be extracted. If this value
+               is greater than the length of the descriptor, the function 
+               extracts the whole of the descriptor. 
+@return The 8 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the rightmost 
+        part of the data.
+@panic USER 22 if aLength is negative. 
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	TInt len=Length();
+	if (aLength>len)
+		aLength=len;
+    return(TPtrC8(Ptr()+len-aLength,aLength));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TDesC8::Mid(TInt aPos) const
+Extracts a portion of the data.
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a non-modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the defined portion.
+The portion is identified by its starting position and by the length of the 
+remainder of the data starting from the specified position.
+@param aPos The starting position of the data to be extracted. This is an 
+            offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost data position. 
+@return The 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the specified 
+        portion of the data.
+@panic USER 22  if aPos is negative or aPos is greater than the
+                length of the descriptor.       
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0 && aPos<=len,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+    return(TPtrC8(Ptr()+aPos,len-aPos));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8 TDesC8::Mid(TInt aPos,TInt aLength) const
+Extracts a portion of the data.
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a non-modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the defined portion.
+The portion is identified by its starting position and by its length.
+@param aPos    The starting position of the data to be extracted. This is an 
+               offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost data position. 
+@param aLength The length of data to be extracted.
+@return The 8 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the specified 
+        portion of the data.
+@panic USER 22  if aPos is negative or aPos plus aLength is greater than the
+                length of the descriptor.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0 && (aPos+aLength)<=Length(),Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+    return(TPtrC8(Ptr()+aPos,aLength));
+	}
+#endif  // !defined(__DES8_MACHINE_CODED__)
+#if !defined( __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__) | defined(__EABI_CTORS__)
+EXPORT_C TBufCBase8::TBufCBase8()
+// Constructor
+	: TDesC8(EBufC,0)
+	{}
+EXPORT_C TBufCBase8::TBufCBase8(const TUint8 *aString,TInt aMaxLength)
+// Constructor
+	: TDesC8(EBufC,0)
+	{
+	Copy(aString,aMaxLength);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBufCBase8::TBufCBase8(const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aMaxLength)
+// Constructor
+	: TDesC8(EBufC,0)
+	{
+	Copy(aDes,aMaxLength);
+	}
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+EXPORT_C void TBufCBase8::Copy(const TUint8 *aString,TInt aMaxLength)
+// Copy from a string.
+	{
+	TInt len=STRING_LENGTH(aString);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(len<=aMaxLength,Panic(ETDes8Overflow));
+	memmove(WPtr(), aString, len);
+	DoSetLength(len);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TBufCBase8::Copy(const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aMaxLength)
+// Copy from a descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(len<=aMaxLength,Panic(ETDes8Overflow));
+	memmove(WPtr(), aDes.Ptr(), len);
+	DoSetLength(len);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+inline HBufC8::HBufC8(TInt aLength)
+	:TBufCBase8(aLength)
+	{}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::New(TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor.
+The heap descriptor is empty and its length is zero.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into it using the assignment operators.
+@param aMaxLength The requested maximum length of the descriptor. Note that 
+                  the resulting heap cell size and, therefore, the resulting
+                  maximum length of the descriptor may be larger
+                  than requested.
+@return A pointer to the new 8-bit heap descriptor. NULL, if the 8-bit heap 
+        descriptor cannot be created.
+@panic USER 30 if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see HBufC8::operator=()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	return new(STD_CLASS::Alloc(_FOFF(HBufC8,iBuf[aMaxLength]))) HBufC8(0);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::NewL(TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor, and leaves 
+on failure.
+The heap descriptor is empty and its length is zero.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into it using the assignment operators.
+@param aMaxLength The requested maximum length of the descriptor. Note that 
+                  the resulting heap cell size and, therefore, the resulting
+                  maximum length of the descriptor may be larger
+                  than requested.
+@return A pointer to the new 8 bit heap descriptor. The function leaves, if 
+        the new 8-bit heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@panic USER 30 if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see HBufC8::operator=()
+	{
+	return static_cast<HBufC8*>(User::LeaveIfNull(New(aMaxLength)));
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::NewLC(TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack, and returns a pointer to, a 
+new 8 bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
+The heap descriptor is empty and its length is zero.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into it using the assignment operators.
+@param aMaxLength The requested maximum length of the descriptor. Note that 
+                  the resulting heap cell size and, therefore, the resulting
+                  maximum length of the descriptor may be larger
+                  than requested.
+@return A pointer to the new 8-bit heap descriptor. The function leaves, if 
+        the new 8-bit heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@panic USER 30 if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see HBufC8::operator=()
+	{
+	HBufC8* buf=NewL(aMaxLength);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
+	return buf;
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::NewMax(TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor.
+No data is assigned into the new descriptor but its length
+is set to aMaxLength.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into it using the assignment operators.
+@param aMaxLength The requested maximum length of the descriptor. Note that 
+                  the resulting heap cell size and, therefore, the resulting
+                  maximum length of the descriptor may be larger
+                  than requested. This also means that the resulting maximum
+                  length of the descriptor may be greater than its length.
+@return A pointer to the new 8-bit heap descriptor. NULL, if the new 8-bit 
+        heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@panic USER 30 if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see HBufC8::operator=()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	return new(STD_CLASS::Alloc(_FOFF(HBufC8,iBuf[aMaxLength]))) HBufC8(aMaxLength);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::NewMaxL(TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor;
+leaves on failure.
+No data is assigned into the new descriptor but its length
+is set to aMaxLength.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into it using the assignment operators.
+@param aMaxLength The requested maximum length of the descriptor. Note that 
+                  the resulting heap cell size and, therefore, the resulting
+                  maximum length of the descriptor may be larger
+                  than requested. This also means that the resulting maximum
+                  length of the descriptor may be greater than its length.
+@return A pointer to the new 8-bit heap descriptor. The function leaves, if 
+        the new 8-bit heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@panic USER 30 if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see HBufC8::operator=()
+	{
+	return static_cast<HBufC8*>(User::LeaveIfNull(NewMax(aMaxLength)));
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::NewMaxLC(TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack and returns a pointer to, a 
+new 8-bit heap descriptor; leaves on failure.
+No data is assigned into the new descriptor but its length
+is set to aMaxLength.
+Data can, subsequently, be assigned into it using the assignment operators.
+@param aMaxLength The requested maximum length of the descriptor. Note that 
+                  the resulting heap cell size and, therefore, the resulting
+                  maximum length of the descriptor may be larger than requested.
+                  This also means that the resulting maximum
+                  length of the descriptor may be greater than its length.
+@return A pointer to the new 8-bit heap descriptor. This is also put onto the 
+        cleanup stack. The function leaves, if the new 8-bit heap descriptor
+        cannot be created.
+@panic USER 30 if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see HBufC8::operator=()
+	{
+	HBufC8* buf=NewMaxL(aMaxLength);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(buf);
+	return buf;
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 &HBufC8::operator=(const TUint8 *aString)
+Copies data into this 8-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+Note that the maximum length of this (target) descriptor is the length
+of the descriptor buffer in the allocated host heap cell; this may be greater
+than the maximum length specified when this descriptor was created or
+last re-allocated.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string. 
+@return A reference to this 8 bit heap descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of the string, excluding the zero terminator,
+                is greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor,
+	{
+	Copy(aString,(STD_CLASS::AllocLen(this)-sizeof(TDesC8))/sizeof(TUint8));
+	return(*this);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 &HBufC8::operator=(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this 8-bit heap descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+Note that the maximum length of this (target) descriptor is the length
+of the descriptor buffer in the allocated host heap cell; this may be greater
+than the maximum length specified when this descriptor was created or last
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@return A reference to this 8-bit heap descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of the descriptor aDes is greater than the
+                maximum length of this (target) descriptor
+	{
+	Copy(aDes,(STD_CLASS::AllocLen(this)-sizeof(TDesC8))/sizeof(TUint8));
+	return(*this);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::ReAlloc(TInt aMaxLength)
+Expands or contracts the heap descriptor.
+This is done by:
+1. creating a new heap descriptor.
+2. copying the original data into the new descriptor.
+3. deleting the original descriptor.
+@param aMaxLength The new requested maximum length of the descriptor. 
+                  Note that the resulting heap cell size and, therefore,
+                  the resulting maximum length of the descriptor may be
+                  larger than requested.
+@return A pointer to the new expanded or contracted 8 bit heap descriptor -  
+        the original descriptor is deleted. NULL, if the new 8-bit heap descriptor 
+        cannot be created - the original descriptor remains unchanged
+@panic USER 26  if aMaxLength is less than the length of the existing data.
+@panic USER 30  if aMaxLength is negative.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Length()<=aMaxLength,Panic(ETDes8ReAllocTooSmall));
+	return((HBufC8 *)STD_CLASS::ReAlloc(this,(aMaxLength*sizeof(TUint8))+sizeof(TDesC8)));
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8 *HBufC8::ReAllocL(TInt aMaxLength)
+Expands or contracts the descriptor; leaves on failure.
+This is done by:
+1. creating a new heap descriptor.
+2. copying the original data into the new descriptor.
+3. deleting the original descriptor.
+@param aMaxLength The new requested maximum length of the descriptor. 
+                  Note that the resulting heap cell size and, therefore,
+                  the resulting maximum length of the descriptor may be
+                  larger than requested.
+@return A pointer to the new expanded or contracted 8 bit heap descriptor -  
+        the original descriptor is deleted. NULL, if the new 8-bit heap descriptor 
+        cannot be created - the original descriptor remains unchanged
+@panic USER 26  if aMaxLength is less than the length of the existing data.
+@panic USER 30  if aMaxLength is negative.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Length()<=aMaxLength,Panic(ETDes8ReAllocTooSmall));
+	return((HBufC8 *)STD_CLASS::ReAllocL(this,(aMaxLength*sizeof(TUint8))+sizeof(TDesC8)));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtr8 HBufC8::Des()
+Creates and returns an 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor for the data
+represented by this 8-bit heap descriptor.
+The content of a heap descriptor normally cannot be altered, other than by 
+complete replacement of the data. Creating a modifiable pointer descriptor 
+provides a way of changing the data.
+The modifiable pointer descriptor is set to point to this heap descriptor's 
+The length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the length of this 
+heap descriptor.
+The maximum length of the modifiable pointer descriptor is set to the length 
+of the heap descriptor's buffer. Note that the maximum length is the length 
+of the descriptor buffer in the allocated host heap cell; this may be greater 
+than the maximum length requested when this descriptor was originally created 
+or last re-allocated.
+When data is modified through this new pointer descriptor, the lengths of 
+both it and this heap descriptor are changed.
+Note that it is a common mistake to use Des() to create a TDesC8& reference. 
+While not incorrect, it is simpler and much more efficient to simply dereference 
+the heap descriptor.
+@return An 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor representing the data in this 
+        8-bit heap descriptor.
+	{
+	return DoDes((STD_CLASS::AllocLen(this)-sizeof(TDesC8))/sizeof(TUint8));
+	}
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::SetLength(TInt aLength)
+Sets the length of the data represented by the descriptor to the
+specified value.
+@param aLength The new length of the descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if alength is negative or is greater than the maximum length of
+                this (target) descriptor.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(TUint(aLength)<=TUint(MaxLength()),Panic(ETDes8Overflow));
+	DoSetLength(aLength);
+	if (Type()==EBufCPtr)
+		((SBufCPtr8 *)this)->ptr->length=aLength; // Relies on iType==0 for an TBufC
+  	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::SetMax()
+Sets the length of the data to the maximum length of the descriptor.
+	{
+	SetLength(iMaxLength);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Copy(const TUint8 *aString)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero-terminated string.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of aString, excluding the zero terminator, is
+                greater than the maximum length of this (target) descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=STRING_LENGTH(aString);
+	SetLength(len);
+    memmove(WPtr(), aString, len);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Copy(const TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aLength)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aBuf    The start address of data to be copied.
+@param aLength The length of data to be copied.
+@panic USER 23  if aLength is greater than the maximum length of
+                this (target) descriptor.
+	{
+	SetLength(aLength);
+    memmove(WPtr(), aBuf, aLength);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Copy(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor. The length of the data cannot 
+            be greater than the maximum length of the target descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum length of
+                this (target) descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len);
+    memmove(WPtr(), aDes.Ptr(), len);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Copy(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Copies data into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor. Each double-byte value can 
+            only be copied into the corresponding single byte when the
+            double-byte value is less than decimal 256. A double-byte value of
+            256 or greater cannot be  copied and the corresponding single byte
+            is set to a value of decimal 1.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of the aDes is greater than the maximum length
+                of this (target) descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len);
+	const TUint16 *pS=aDes.Ptr();
+	const TUint16 *pE=pS+len;
+	TUint8 *pT=WPtr();
+	while (pS<pE)
+		{
+		TUint c=(*pS++);
+		if (c>=0x100)
+			c=1;
+		*pT++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Append(TChar aChar)
+Appends a character onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+@param aChar The single character to be appended. The length of the descriptor 
+             is incremented by one. The function assumes that the character
+             is non-Unicode and that it can be represented by a single byte.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting new length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr()+len;
+	SetLength(len+1);
+	*pB++=(TUint8)aChar;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Append(const TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aLength)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+@param aBuf    A pointer to the data to be copied.
+@param aLength The length of the data to be copied.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting new length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length.
+@panic USER 29  if aLength is negative.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8LengthNegative));
+	TInt len=Length();
+	SetLength(len+aLength);
+    memmove(WPtr()+len, aBuf, aLength);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Append(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be appended.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting new length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+    TInt n=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len+n);
+    memmove(WPtr()+len, aDes.Ptr(), n);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Append(const TDesC16 &aDes)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+@param aDes A 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be appended. 
+            Each double-byte value can only be appended as a single byte when
+            the double-byte value is less than decimal 256. A double-byte value
+            of 256 or greater cannot be appended and the corresponding single
+            byte is set to a value of decimal 1.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting new length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	TInt n=aDes.Length();
+	const TUint16* pS=aDes.Ptr();
+	const TUint16* pE=pS+n;
+	TUint8 *pT=WPtr()+len;
+	SetLength(len+n);
+	while (pS<pE)
+		{
+		TUint c=(*pS++);
+		if (c>=0x100)
+			c=1;
+		*pT++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Swap(TDes8 &aDes)
+Swaps the data represented by this descriptor with the data represented by 
+the specified descriptor.
+The lengths of both descriptors are swapped to reflect the change.
+Note that each descriptor must be capable of accommodating the contents of
+the other descriptor.
+@param aDes The 8-bit modifiable descriptor whose data is to be swapped with 
+            the data of this descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the maximum length of either descriptor is smaller than the 
+                length of the other descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt l=Length();
+	TInt r=aDes.Length();
+	aDes.SetLength(l);
+	SetLength(r);
+	TInt s=Min(l,r);
+	l-=s;
+	r-=s;
+	TUint8 *pL=WPtr();
+	TUint8 *pR=aDes.WPtr();
+	while (s--)
+		{
+		TChar a=(*pL);
+		*pL++=(*pR);
+		*pR++=(TUint8)a;
+		}
+	while (l--)
+		*pR++=(*pL++);
+	while (r--)
+		*pL++=(*pR++);
+	}
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Fill(TChar aChar)
+Fills the descriptor's data area with the specified character, replacing any 
+existing data.
+The descriptor is filled from the beginning up to its current length. The 
+descriptor's length does not change. It is not filled to its maximum length.
+@param aChar The fill character. The function assumes that the character is 
+             non-Unicode, and that it can be represented by a single byte.
+	{
+    memset(WPtr(), (TInt)(aChar.operator TUint()), Length());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Fill(TChar aChar,TInt aLength)
+Fills the descriptor's data area with the specified character, replacing any 
+existing data.
+The descriptor is filled with the specified number of characters.
+and its length is changed to reflect this.
+@param aChar   The fill character. The function assumes that the character is 
+               non-Unicode, and that it can be represented by a single byte. 
+@param aLength The new length of the descriptor and the number of fill
+               characters to be copied into it.
+@panic USER 23  if aLength is negative or is greater than the maximum length
+                of this descriptor.
+	{
+	SetLength(aLength);
+    memset(WPtr(), (TInt)(aChar.operator TUint()), aLength);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendFill(TChar aChar,TInt aLength)
+Appends and fills this descriptor with the specified character.
+The descriptor is appended with the specified number of characters.
+and its length is changed to reflect this.
+@param aChar   The fill character. The function assumes that the character
+               is non-Unicode and that it can be represented by a single byte.
+@param aLength The number of fill characters to be appended.
+@panic USER 23  if aLength is negative, or the resulting length of this
+                descriptor is greater than its maximum length.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	SetLength(len+aLength);
+    memset(WPtr()+len, (TInt)(aChar.operator TUint()), aLength);
+	}
+#ifndef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::ZeroTerminate()
+Appends a zero terminator onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of the descriptor is not changed. It must, however, be strictly
+less than the descriptor's maximum length. 
+This condition guarantees that there is sufficient space for the
+zero terminator.
+@panic USER 23  if the descriptor's length is not strictly less than its
+                maximum length.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(len<MaxLength(),Panic(ETDes8Overflow));
+	WPtr()[len]=0;
+	}
+EXPORT_C const TUint8 *TDes8::PtrZ()
+Appends a zero terminator onto the end of this descriptor's data and returns 
+a pointer to the data.
+The length of the descriptor is not changed. It must, however, be strictly
+less than the descriptor's maximum length.
+This condition guarantees that there is sufficient space for the
+zero terminator.
+@return A pointer to the descriptor's zero terminated data.
+@panic USER 23  if the descriptor's length is not strictly less than its
+                maximum length.
+	{
+	ZeroTerminate();
+	return(Ptr());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Zero()
+Sets the length of the data to zero.
+	{
+	SetLength(0);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::FillZ()
+Fills the descriptor's data area with binary zeroes, i.e. 0x00, replacing any 
+existing data.
+The descriptor is filled from the beginning up to its current length. The 
+descriptor's length does not change. It is not filled to its maximum length.
+	{
+    memclr(WPtr(), Length());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::FillZ(TInt aLength)
+Fills the descriptor's data area with binary zeroes, i.e. 0x00, replacing any 
+existing data, and changes its length.
+The descriptor is filled with the specified number of binary zeroes.
+The descriptor's length is changed to reflect this.
+@param aLength The new length of the descriptor and the number of binary zeroes
+               to be copied into it. 
+@panic USER 23  if aLength is negative, or is greater than the maximum length
+                of this descriptor.
+	{
+	SetLength(aLength);
+    memclr(WPtr(), aLength);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Fold()
+Performs folding on the content of this descriptor.
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used when dealing with strings in natural
+	{
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	TInt len=Length();
+	const TUint8* table=__FoldCollTab8;
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		*pB=table[*pB];
+		pB++;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Collate()
+Performs collation on the content of this descriptor.
+	{
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	TInt len=Length();
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TChar c=User::Collate(*pB);
+		*pB++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::LowerCase()
+Converts the content of this descriptor to lower case.
+Conversion is implemented as appropriate to the current locale.
+	{
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	TInt len=Length();
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TCharLC c(*pB);
+		*pB++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::UpperCase()
+Converts the content of this descriptor to upper case.
+Conversion is implemented as appropriate to the current locale.
+	{
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	TInt len=Length();
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TCharUC c(*pB);
+		*pB++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Capitalize()
+Capitalises the content of this descriptor.
+Capitalisation is implemented as appropriate to the current locale.
+	{
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	TInt len=Length();
+	if (len--)
+		{
+		*pB=(TUint8)User::TitleCase(*pB);
+		++pB;
+		while (len--)
+			{
+			*pB=(TUint8)User::LowerCase(*pB);
+			++pB;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::CopyF(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies and folds data from the specified descriptor into this descriptor
+replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new 
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used when dealing with strings in natural
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum length of
+                this target descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len);
+	const TUint8 *pS=aDes.Ptr();
+	TUint8 *pT=WPtr();
+	const TUint8* table=__FoldCollTab8;
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		*pT++=table[*pS++];
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::CopyC(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies and collates data from the specified descriptor 
+into this descriptor replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+@param aDes An 8 bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum length of
+                this target descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len);
+	const TUint8 *pS=aDes.Ptr();
+	TUint8 *pT=WPtr();
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TChar c=User::Collate(*pS++);
+		*pT++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::CopyLC(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies text from the specified descriptor and converts it to lower case before 
+putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+Conversion to lower case is implemented as appropriate to the current locale.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum length of
+                this target descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len);
+	const TUint8 *pS=aDes.Ptr();
+	TUint8 *pT=WPtr();
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TCharLC c(*pS++);
+		*pT++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::CopyUC(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies text from the specified descriptor and converts it to upper case before 
+putting it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+Conversion to upper case is implemented as appropriate to the current locale.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum length of
+                this target descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len);
+	const TUint8 *pS=aDes.Ptr();
+	TUint8 *pT=WPtr();
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TCharUC c(*pS++);
+		*pT++=(TUint8)c;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::CopyCP(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies text from the specified descriptor and capitalises it before putting 
+it into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+Capitalisation is implemented as appropriate to the current locale.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the length of aDes is greater than the maximum length of
+                this target descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=aDes.Length();
+	SetLength(len);
+	const TUint8 *pS=aDes.Ptr();
+	TUint8 *pT=WPtr();
+	if (len--)
+		{
+		TChar c(*pS++);
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+		c.TitleCase();
+		c.UpperCase();
+		*pT++=(TUint8)c;
+		while (len--)
+			{
+			TCharLC c=(*pS++);
+			*pT++=(TUint8)c;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Repeat(const TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aLength)
+Copies data with repetition into this descriptor, from a memory location
+specified by pointer, replacing any existing data.
+Copying proceeds until this descriptor is filled up to its current length. 
+If it cannot contain a whole number of copies of the source data, then the 
+last copy is truncated.
+@param aBuf    A pointer to data to be repeatedly copied. 
+@param aLength The length of data to be copied.
+@panic USER 29  if aLength is negative.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8LengthNegative));
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	TInt len=Length();
+	if (len && aLength)
+		{
+		while (len)
+			{
+			TInt i=Min(len,aLength);
+			pB=memCopy(pB,aBuf,i);
+			len-=i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Repeat(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Copies data with repetition into this descriptor, from another descriptor,
+replacing any existing data.
+Copying proceeds until this descriptor is filled up to its current length. 
+If it cannot contain a whole number of copies of the source data, then the 
+last copy is truncated.
+@param aDes An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to be repeatedly 
+            copied.
+	{
+	Repeat(aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Trim()
+Deletes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
+The length of the descriptor is reduced to reflect the loss of the whitespace characters.
+@see TDes8::TrimLeft()
+@see TDes8::TrimRight()
+	{
+	TrimLeft();
+	TrimRight();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::TrimAll()
+Deletes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data and 
+replaces each contiguous set of whitespace characters within the data by one whitespace 
+The length of the descriptor is reduced to reflect the loss of the whitespace 
+@see TDes8::Trim()
+	{
+	TrimLeft();
+	TrimRight();
+	TUint8 *pBuf=(TUint8 *)Ptr();
+	TUint8 *pSrc=pBuf;
+	TUint8 *pDst=pBuf;
+	TInt len=Length();
+	TInt spaces=0;
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TChar c=*pSrc;
+		if (c.IsSpace())
+			{
+			if (spaces++==0)
+				{
+				if (pDst!=pSrc)
+					*pDst=*pSrc;
+				pDst++;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			spaces=0;
+			if (pDst!=pSrc)
+				*pDst=*pSrc;
+			pDst++;
+			}
+		pSrc++;
+		}
+	Delete(pDst-pBuf, pSrc-pDst);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::TrimLeft()
+Deletes leading whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
+All whitespace characters up to, but not including the first non-whitespace
+character, are deleted.
+The length of the descriptor is reduced to reflect the loss of the
+whitespace characters.
+	{
+	const TUint8 *pBuf=Ptr();
+	const TUint8 *pB=pBuf;
+	TInt len=Length();
+	while (len--)
+		{
+		TChar c=(*pB);
+		if (!c.IsSpace())
+			break;
+		pB++;
+		}
+	Delete(0,pB-pBuf);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::TrimRight()
+Deletes trailing whitespace characters from the descriptor's data.
+The process starts on the right hand side of the descriptor's data
+and proceeds to the left. 
+All whitespace characters up to, but not including the first non-whitespace character, 
+are deleted.
+The length of the descriptor is reduced to reflect the loss of the whitespace
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	if (len==0)
+		return;
+	const TUint8 *pB=Ptr()+len-1;
+	TInt s=len;
+	while (s)
+		{
+		TChar c=(*pB--);
+		if (!c.IsSpace())
+			break;
+		s--;
+		}
+	Delete(s,len-s);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Insert(TInt aPos,const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Inserts data into this descriptor.
+The length of this descriptor is changed to reflect the extra data.
+@param aPos The position within the data where insertion is to start. This 
+            is an offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost data
+            position.
+@param aDes An 8 bit non modifiable descriptor whose data is to be inserted.
+@panic USER 22  if aPos is negative or is greater than the length of this
+                descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than its
+                maximum length.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0 && aPos<=len,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	TInt s=aDes.Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((len+s)<=MaxLength(),Panic(ETDes8Overflow));
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	memmove(pB+aPos+s,pB+aPos,len-aPos);
+	memmove(pB+aPos,aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length());
+	SetLength(len+s);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Delete(TInt aPos,TInt aLength)
+Deletes data from this descriptor.
+The length of this descriptor is changed to reflect the loss of data.
+@param aPos    The position within the data where deletion is to start. This 
+               is an offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost data
+               position.
+@param aLength The length of data to be deleted. If necessary, the function 
+               adjusts this value to ensure that no data beyond the end of the
+               descriptor data area is deleted.
+@panic USER 22  if aPos is negative or is greater than the length of this
+                descriptor.
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0 && aPos<=len,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	TInt d=Min(len-aPos,aLength);
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	memmove(pB+aPos,pB+aPos+d,len-aPos-d);
+	SetLength(len-d);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Replace(TInt aPos,TInt aLength,const TDesC8 &aDes)
+Replaces data in this descriptor.
+The specified length can be different to the length of the replacement data.
+The length of this descriptor changes to reflect the change of data.
+@param aPos    The position within the data where replacement is to start.
+               This is an offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost
+               data position.
+@param aLength The length of data to be replaced.
+@param aDes    The source 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor whose data is to
+               replace the target descriptor's data at aPos.
+@panic USER 20  if aLength is negative or the sum of aLength and aPos is
+                greater than the length of this descriptor.
+@panic USER 22  if aPos is negative or is greater than the length of this
+                descriptor.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than its
+                maximum length.
+@panic USER 28  if the length of the source descriptor aDes is negative or is
+                greater than the maximum length of this target descriptor,
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0 && aPos<=len,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0 && aPos+aLength<=len,Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange));
+	TInt s=aDes.Length();
+	TInt maxlen=MaxLength();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(s>=0 && s<=maxlen,Panic(ETDes8RemoteLengthOutOfRange));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((len+s-aLength)<=maxlen,Panic(ETDes8Overflow));
+	TUint8 *pB=WPtr();
+	memmove(pB+aPos+s,pB+aPos+aLength,len-aPos-aLength);
+	memmove(pB+aPos,aDes.Ptr(),s);
+	SetLength(len+s-aLength);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Justify(const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aWidth,TAlign anAlignment,TChar aFill)
+Copies data into this descriptor and justifies it, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+The target area is considered to be an area of specified width positioned at
+the beginning of this descriptor's data area. Source data is copied into, and
+aligned within this target area according to the specified alignment
+If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, then
+spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+@param aDes        An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the source data.
+                   The length of the data to be copied is the smaller of:
+                   the length of the source descriptor, and 
+                   the width of the target area (only if this is not the
+                   explicit negative value KDefaultJustifyWidth).
+@param aWidth      The width of the target area. If this has the specific
+                   negative value KDefaultJustifyWidth, then the width is
+                   re-set to the length of the data source.
+@param anAlignment The alignment of the data within the target area
+@param aFill       The fill character used to pad the target area. 
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length or aWidth has a negative value other 
+                than KDefaultJustifyWidth.
+	{
+    Zero();
+    AppendJustify(aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length(),aWidth,anAlignment,aFill);
+    }
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendJustify(const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aWidth,TAlign anAlignment,TChar aFill)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
+The source of the appended data is an existing descriptor.
+The target area is considered to be an area of specified width, immediately 
+following this descriptor's existing data. Source data is copied into, and 
+aligned within this target area according to the specified alignment instruction.
+If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, 
+then spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+@param aDes        An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the source
+                   data. The length of the data to be copied is the smaller of:
+                   the length of the source descriptor, and
+                   the width of the target area (only if this is not the
+                   explicit negative value KDefaultJustifyWidth). 
+@param aWidth      The width of the target area. If this has the specific
+                   negative value KDefaultJustifyWidth, then the width is
+	               re-set to the length of the data source.
+@param anAlignment The alignment of the data within the target area. 
+@param aFill       The fill character used to pad the target area.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length or aWidth has a negative value other 
+                than KDefaultJustifyWidth.
+	{
+    AppendJustify(aDes.Ptr(),aDes.Length(),aWidth,anAlignment,aFill);
+    } 
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendJustify(const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aLength,TInt aWidth,TAlign anAlignment,TChar aFill)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
+The source of the appended data is an existing descriptor.
+The target area is considered to be an area of specified width, immediately 
+following this descriptor's existing data. Source data is copied into, and 
+aligned within this target area according to the specified alignment instruction.
+If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, 
+then spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+@param aDes        An 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the source data. 
+@param aLength     The length of data to be copied from the source descriptor. 
+                   If this is greater than the width of the target area, then
+                   the length of data copied is limited to the width.
+                   The length of data to be copied must not be 	greater than
+                   the length of the source descriptor. Note that this
+                   condition is not automatically tested. 
+@param aWidth      The width of the target area. If this has the specific negative 
+                   value KDefaultJustifyWidth, then the width is
+                   re-set to the length of the data source.
+@param anAlignment The alignment of the data within the target area. 
+@param aFill       The fill character used to pad the target area.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length or aWidth has a negative value other 
+                than KDefaultJustifyWidth.
+	{
+    AppendJustify(aDes.Ptr(),aLength,aWidth,anAlignment,aFill);
+    } 
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendJustify(const TUint8 *aString,TInt aWidth,TAlign anAlignment,TChar aFill)
+Appends a zero terminated string onto the end of this descriptor's data and 
+justifies it.
+The zero terminator is not copied.
+The target area is considered to be an area of specified width, immediately 
+following this descriptor's existing data. Source data is copied into, and 
+aligned within, this target area according to the specified alignment instruction.
+If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, 
+then spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+@param aString     A pointer to a zero terminated string. The length of the
+                   data to be copied is the smaller of:
+                   the length of the string (excluding the zero terminator),
+                   and the width of the target area (only if this is not the
+                   explicit negative value KDefaultJustifyWidth). 
+@param aWidth      The width of the target area. If this has the specific
+                   negative value KDefaultJustifyWidth, then the width
+                   is re-set to the length of the  zero terminated string
+                   (excluding the zero terminator).
+@param anAlignment The alignment of the data within the target area. 
+@param aFill       The fill character used to pad the target area.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length or aWidth has a negative value other 
+                than KDefaultJustifyWidth.
+	{
+    AppendJustify(aString,STRING_LENGTH(aString),aWidth,anAlignment,aFill);
+    } 
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendJustify(const TUint8 *aString,TInt aLength,TInt aWidth,TAlign anAlignment,TChar aFill)
+Appends data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
+The source of the appended data is a memory location.
+The target area is considered to be an area of specified width, immediately 
+following this descriptor's existing data. Source data is copied into, and 
+aligned within, this target area according to the specified alignment instruction.
+If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, 
+then spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+@param aString     A pointer to a source memory location. 
+@param aLength     The length of data to be copied. If this is greater than the 
+                   width of the target area, then the length of data copied is
+                   limited to the width.
+@param aWidth      The width of the target area. If this has the specific
+                   negative value KDefaultJustifyWidth, then the width is
+                   re-set to the length of the data source.
+@param anAlignment The alignment of the data within the target area. 
+@param aFill       The fill character used to pad the target area.
+@panic USER 23  if the resulting length of this descriptor is greater than
+                its maximum length or aWidth has a negative value other 
+                than KDefaultJustifyWidth.
+@panic USER 29  if aLength is negative.               
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8LengthNegative));
+	if (aWidth==KDefaultJustifyWidth)
+		aWidth=aLength;
+	if (aLength>aWidth)
+		aLength=aWidth;
+	TInt offset=Length();
+	AppendFill(aFill,aWidth);
+	TInt r=aWidth-aLength;
+	if (anAlignment==ECenter)
+		r>>=1;
+	else if (anAlignment==ELeft)
+		r=0;
+	memmove(WPtr()+offset+r,aString,aLength);
+	}
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Num(TInt64 aVal)
+// Convert a TInt64 to the descriptor.
+Converts the 64-bit signed integer into a decimal character representation
+and copies the conversion into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+If the integer is negative, the character representation is prefixed by a 
+minus sign.
+@param aVal The 64-bit signed integer value.
+	{
+	Zero();
+	AppendNum(aVal);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Num(TUint64 aVal, TRadix aRadix)
+Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character representation 
+based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, 
+replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+lower case.
+@param aVal   The 64-bit integer value. This is treated as an unsigned value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the 64-bit integer.
+	{
+	Zero();
+	AppendNum(aVal, aRadix);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::NumFixedWidth(TUint aVal,TRadix aRadix,TInt aWidth)
+Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character
+representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion
+into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+The function generates the exact number of specified characters, either padding 
+to the left with character zeroes or discarding low order characters as necessary.
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+lower case.
+This function is equivalent to using Format() with parameters which specify:
+1. a fixed length target field
+2. padding with zero characters, for example "%08x".
+When this is the case, always use NumFixedWidth() in preference 
+to Format() as it is more efficient.
+@param aVal   The unsigned integer value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the unsigned integer. 
+@param aWidth The number of characters: to be used to contain the conversion, 
+              to be copied into this descriptor.
+@see TDes8::Format()
+	{
+	Zero();
+	AppendNumFixedWidth(aVal,aRadix,aWidth);
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::NumFixedWidthUC(TUint aVal,TRadix aRadix,TInt aWidth)
+Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character
+representation based on the specified number system and copies the conversion
+into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+The function generates the exact number of specified characters, either padding 
+to the left with character zeroes or discarding low order characters as
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+upper case.
+This function is equivalent to using Format() with parameters which specify:
+1. a fixed length target field
+2. padding with zero characters, for example "%08x".
+When this is the case, always use NumFixedWidthUC() in 
+preference to Format() as it is more efficient.
+@param aVal   The unsigned integer value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the unsigned integer. 
+@param aWidth The number of characters to be used to contain the conversion,
+              and to be copied into this descriptor.
+@see TDes8::Format()
+	{
+    Zero();
+    AppendNumFixedWidthUC(aVal,aRadix,aWidth);
+    }
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::NumUC(TUint64 aVal, TRadix aRadix)	//NOT __KERNEL_MODE__
+Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character representation 
+based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor, 
+replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+upper case.
+@param aVal   The 64-bit integer value. This is treated as an unsigned value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the 64-bit integer. If no 
+              explicit value is specified, then EDecimal is the default.
+	{
+	Zero();
+	AppendNumUC(aVal,aRadix);
+	}
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendNum(TInt64 aVal)
+Converts the 64-bit signed integer into a decimal character representation 
+and appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+If the integer is negative, the character representation is prefixed by a 
+minus sign.
+@param aVal The 64-bit signed integer value.
+	{
+	if (aVal < 0)
+		{
+		Append('-');
+		aVal = -aVal;
+		}
+	AppendNum(aVal, EDecimal);
+	}
+#ifndef __DES_MACHINE_CODED__
+GLDEF_C TInt __DoConvertNum(TUint aVal, TRadix aRadix, TUint aA, TUint8*& aDest)
+	{
+	TUint radix = (TUint)aRadix;
+	TUint8* p = aDest;
+	TBool out16 = (aA>255);
+	aA &= 0xff;
+	do	{
+		TUint q = aVal/radix;
+		TUint c = aVal-q*radix;
+		(c>9) ? c+=(aA-10) : c+='0';
+		aVal = q;
+		if (out16)
+			*--p = 0;
+		*--p = (TUint8)c;
+		} while (aVal);
+	TInt l = aDest - p;
+	aDest = p;
+	return l;
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt __DoConvertNum(TUint64 aVal, TRadix aRadix, TUint aA, TUint8*& aDest)
+	{
+	TUint radix = (TUint)aRadix;
+	TUint8* p = aDest;
+	TBool out16 = (aA>255);
+	TUint8 a = static_cast<TUint8>(aA);
+	while (aVal >= UI64LIT(0x100000000))
+		{
+		TUint8 c = static_cast<TUint8>(aVal % radix);
+		aVal /= radix;
+		(c > 9) ? c = static_cast<TUint8>(c + a - 10) : c = static_cast<TUint8>(c + '0');
+		if (out16)
+			*--p = 0;
+		*--p = c;
+		}
+	TInt l = aDest - p;
+	aDest = p;
+	return l + __DoConvertNum((TUint)aVal, aRadix, aA, aDest);
+	}
+void TDes8::DoPadAppendNum(TInt l, TInt aW, const TUint8* p)
+	{
+	if (aW<=0)
+		{
+		Append(p, l);
+		return;
+		}
+	TInt l0 = Length();
+	SetLength(l0 + aW);
+	TUint8* d = WPtr() + l0;
+	for (; aW>l; --aW) *d++ = (TUint8)'0';
+	memcpy(d, p, aW);
+	}
+void TDes8::DoAppendNum(TUint64 aVal, TRadix aRadix, TUint aA, TInt aW)
+// Convert a TUint64 into the descriptor.
+	{
+	TUint8 buf[APPEND_BUF_SIZE_64];
+	TUint8* p = buf + APPEND_BUF_SIZE_64;
+	TInt l = __DoConvertNum(aVal, aRadix, aA, p);
+	// coverity[overrun-local]
+	DoPadAppendNum(l, aW, p);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendNum(TUint64 aVal, TRadix aRadix)
+Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character representation 
+based on the specified number system and appends the conversion onto the end 
+of this descriptor's data. The length of this descriptor is incremented to 
+reflect the new content
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+lower case.
+@param aVal   The 64-bit integer value. This is treated as an unsigned value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the 64-bit integer.
+	{
+	DoAppendNum(aVal, aRadix, 'a', 0);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidth(TUint aVal,TRadix aRadix,TInt aWidth)
+Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character
+representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion
+onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+The function generates the exact number of specified characters, either padding 
+to the left with character zeroes or discarding low order characters as
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+lower case.
+@param aVal   The unsigned integer value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the unsigned integer. 
+@param aWidth The number of characters to be used to contain the conversion,
+              and to be appended to this descriptor.
+	{
+	DoAppendNum(aVal, aRadix, 'a', aWidth);
+	}
+#if (!defined(__DES8_MACHINE_CODED__) && !defined(__KERNEL_MODE__))
+EXPORT_C TPtr8 TDes8::LeftTPtr(TInt aLength) const
+Extracts the leftmost part of the data. 
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the leftmost part of the data.
+@param aLength The length of the data to be extracted. If this value
+               is greater than the length of the descriptor, the function
+               extracts the whole of the descriptor.
+@return The 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor representing the leftmost 
+        part of the data.
+@panic USER 22  if aLength is negative. 
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	TInt len=Min(aLength,Length());
+	return(TPtr8((TUint8*)Ptr(),len,len));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtr8 TDes8::RightTPtr(TInt aLength) const
+Extracts the rightmost part of the data.
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the rightmost part of the data.
+@param aLength The length of data to be extracted. If this value
+               is greater than the length of the descriptor, the function 
+               extracts the whole of the descriptor. 
+@return The 8 bit modifiable pointer descriptor representing the rightmost 
+        part of the data.
+@panic USER 22  if aLength is negative. 
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	TInt len=Length();
+	if (aLength>len)
+		aLength=len;
+	return(TPtr8((TUint8*)Ptr()+len-aLength,aLength,aLength));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtr8 TDes8::MidTPtr(TInt aPos) const
+Extracts a portion of the data.
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the defined portion.
+The portion is identified by its starting position and by the length of the 
+remainder of the data starting from the specified position.
+@param aPos The starting position of the data to be extracted. This is an 
+            offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost data position. 
+@return The 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor representing the specified 
+        portion of the data.
+@panic USER 22  if aPos is negative or aPos is greater than the
+                length of the descriptor.       
+	{
+	TInt len=Length();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0 && aPos<=len,Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	return(TPtr8((TUint8*)Ptr()+aPos,len-aPos,len-aPos));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtr8 TDes8::MidTPtr(TInt aPos,TInt aLength) const
+Extracts a portion of the data.
+The function does not cut or remove any data but constructs a modifiable 
+pointer descriptor to represent the defined portion.
+The portion is identified by its starting position and by its length.
+@param aPos    The starting position of the data to be extracted. This is an 
+               offset value; a zero value refers to the leftmost data position. 
+@param aLength The length of data to be extracted.
+@return The 8 bit modifiable pointer descriptor representing the specified 
+        portion of the data.
+@panic USER 22  if aPos is negative or aPos plus aLength is greater than the
+                length of the descriptor.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0 && (aPos+aLength)<=Length(),Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange));
+	return(TPtr8((TUint8*)Ptr()+aPos,aLength,aLength));
+	}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendNumFixedWidthUC(TUint aVal,TRadix aRadix,TInt aWidth)
+Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character
+representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion
+onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+The function generates the exact number of specified characters, either
+padding to the left with character zeroes or discarding low order characters
+as necessary.
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+upper case.
+@param aVal   The unsigned integer value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the unsigned integer. 
+@param aWidth The number of characters to be used to contain the conversion,
+              and to be appended to this descriptor.
+	{
+	DoAppendNum(aVal, aRadix, 'A', aWidth);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendNumUC(TUint64 aVal, TRadix aRadix)
+/** Converts the specified 64-bit unsigned integer into a character
+representation based on the specified number system and appends the conversion
+onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in 
+upper case.
+@param aVal   The 64-bit integer value. This is treated as an unsigned value. 
+@param aRadix The number system representation for the 64-bit integer. If no 
+              explicit value is specified, then EDecimal is the default.
+	{
+	DoAppendNum(aVal, aRadix, 'A', 0);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Format(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...)
+Formats and copies text into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+The function takes a format string and a variable number of arguments.
+The format string contains literal text embedded with directives for converting
+the trailing list of arguments into text.
+The embedded directives are character sequences prefixed with the '%' character.
+The literal text is simply copied into this descriptor unaltered while
+the '%' directives are used to convert successive arguments from the
+trailing list.
+The resulting stream of literal text and converted arguments is copied into
+this descriptor.
+The syntax of the embedded directives follows one of four general patterns.
+Note that formatting of single numerical values can be achieved more
+conveniently using the Num() and NumUC() member functions of this class.
+The full description of the syntax of a format string cannot be	included here.
+For full details, navigate to the Symbian OS guide, and follow the hierarchy of links:
+Symbian OS Guide
+	Base
+		Using  User Library (E32)
+			Buffers and Strings
+				Using Descriptors
+					How to Use Descriptors
+						Format string syntax
+@param aFmt The descriptor containing the format string.
+            The TRefByValue class provides a constructor which takes a
+            TDesC8 type.
+@param ...  A variable number of arguments to be converted to text as
+            dictated by the format string. 
+@panic USER 23  if the  resulting length of text in this descriptor exceeds
+                the descriptor's maximum length.
+@panic USER 24  if the format string has incorrect syntax.
+@see TDes8::Num()
+@see TDes8::NumUC()
+	{
+    VA_LIST list;
+    VA_START(list,aFmt);
+	// coverity[uninit_use_in_call]
+    FormatList(aFmt,list);
+    }
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::FormatList(const TDesC8 &aFmt,VA_LIST aList)
+Formats and copies text into this descriptor, replacing any existing data.
+The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+The behaviour of this function is the same as Format(). In practice, it is 
+better and easier to use Format(), passing a variable number of arguments 
+as required by the format string.
+@param aFmt  The descriptor containing the format string.
+@param aList A pointer to an argument list.
+@see TDes8::Format()
+@see VA_LIST
+	{
+	Zero();
+	AppendFormatList(aFmt,aList);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,TDes8Overflow *aOverflowHandler,...)
+Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+The function takes a format string and a variable number of arguments.
+The format string contains literal text, embedded with directives,
+for converting the trailing list of arguments into text.
+The embedded directives are character sequences prefixed with the '%' character.
+The literal text is simply copied into this descriptor unaltered while
+the '%' directives are used to convert successive arguments from the
+trailing list. See the description of the Format() function.
+Literal text is appended on a character by character basis.
+If it results in the length of this descriptor exceeding its maximum length,
+then the function:
+1. calls the Overflow() member function of the overflow handler, if an overflow
+   handler is supplied
+2  raises a USER 23 panic, if no overflow handler is supplied.
+As much literal text as possible will have been copied into this descriptor
+and this descriptor will have reached its maximum length.
+Text converted from a trailing argument is appended as a complete string.
+If an attempt to append this string fails because the resulting length
+of this descriptor would exceed its maximum length, then the function:
+1. calls the Overflow() member function of the overflow handler, if an overflow
+   handler is supplied
+2  raises a USER 23 panic, if no overflow handler is supplied.
+None of the generated text is appended and length of this descriptor
+may be less than the maximum.
+@param aFmt             The 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the
+                        format string. The TRefByValue class provides a
+                        constructor which takes a TDesC8 type. 
+@param aOverflowHandler A pointer to the overflow handler. 
+@param ...              A variable number of arguments to be converted to text
+                        as dictated by the format string. 
+@panic USER 23  if the length of the descriptor exceeds its maximum length and
+                no overflow handler has been supplied.
+@panic USER 24  if the format string has incorrect syntax.
+@see TDes8::Format()
+@see TDes8Overflow::Overflow()
+	{
+	VA_LIST list;
+	VA_START(list, aOverflowHandler);
+	// coverity[uninit_use_in_call]
+	AppendFormatList(aFmt,list,aOverflowHandler);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::AppendFormat(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...)
+Formats and appends text onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+The function takes a format string and a variable number of arguments.
+The format string contains literal text, embedded with directives,
+for converting the trailing list of arguments into text.
+The embedded directives are character sequences prefixed with the '%' character.
+The literal text is simply copied into this descriptor unaltered while
+the '%' directives are used to convert successive arguments from the
+trailing list. See the description of the Format() function.
+Literal text is appended on a character by character basis.
+Text converted from a trailing argument is appended as a complete string.
+@param aFmt The 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the
+            format string. The TRefByValue class provides a
+            constructor which takes a TDesC8 type. 
+@param ...  A variable number of arguments to be converted to text
+            as dictated by the format string. 
+@panic USER 23  if the  resulting length of text in this descriptor exceeds
+                the descriptor's maximum length.
+@panic USER 24  if the format string has incorrect syntax.
+@see TDes8::Format()
+	{
+    VA_LIST list;
+    VA_START(list,aFmt);
+    AppendFormatList(aFmt,list);
+    }
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+#if !defined(__DES8_MACHINE_CODED__) | defined(__EABI_CTORS__)
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8::TPtrC8()
+	: TDesC8(EPtrC,0),iPtr(0)
+Default constructor.
+Constructs an empty 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor.
+It represents no data and its length is zero.
+The non-modifiable pointer descriptor can, subsequently, be set to represent 
+@see TPtrC8::Set()
+	{}
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8::TPtrC8(const TDesC8 &aDes)
+	: TDesC8(EPtrC,aDes.Length()),iPtr(aDes.Ptr())
+Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor from any existing
+It is set to point to the same data and is given the same length as the source 
+@param aDes A reference to an 8bit non-modifiable descriptor.
+	{}
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8::TPtrC8(const TUint8 *aString)
+	: TDesC8(EPtrC,STRING_LENGTH(aString)),iPtr(aString)
+Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to a zero
+terminated string, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor is set to the length of the zero terminated
+string, excluding the zero terminator.
+@param aString A pointer to a zero terminated string.
+	{}
+EXPORT_C TPtrC8::TPtrC8(const TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aLength)
+	: TDesC8(EPtrC,aLength),iPtr(aBuf)
+Constructs the 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the
+specified location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor is set to the specified length.
+@param aBuf    A pointer to the location that the descriptor is to represent.
+@param aLength The length of the descriptor. This value must be non-negative.
+@panic USER 29  if aLength is negative.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8LengthNegative));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtr8::TPtr8(TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aMaxLength)
+	: TDes8(EPtr,0,aMaxLength),iPtr(aBuf)
+Constructs the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified 
+location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor is set to zero and its maximum length is set
+to the specified value.
+@param aBuf       A pointer to the location that the descriptor is to
+                  represent.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of the descriptor.
+@panic USER 30  if aMaxLength is negative.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtr8::TPtr8(TUint8 *aBuf,TInt aLength,TInt aMaxLength)
+	: TDes8(EPtr,aLength,aMaxLength),iPtr(aBuf)
+Constructs the 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor to point to the specified 
+location in memory, whether in RAM or ROM.
+The length of the descriptor and its maximum length are set to the specified
+@param aBuf       A pointer to the location that the descriptor is
+                  to represent.
+@param aLength    The length of the descriptor.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of the descriptor.
+@panic USER 20  if aLength is negative, or is greater than the descriptor's 
+                maximum length,
+@panic USER 30  if aMaxLength is negative.
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(TUint(aLength)<=TUint(aMaxLength),Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TPtr8::TPtr8(TBufCBase8 &aLcb,TInt aMaxLength)
+	: TDes8(EBufCPtr,aLcb.Length(),aMaxLength),iPtr((TUint8*)&aLcb)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aLcb.Length()<=aMaxLength,Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBufBase8::TBufBase8(TInt aMaxLength)
+	:TDes8(EBuf,0,aMaxLength)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBufBase8::TBufBase8(TInt aLength,TInt aMaxLength)
+	:TDes8(EBuf,aLength,aMaxLength)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(TUint(aLength)<=TUint(aMaxLength),Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBufBase8::TBufBase8(const TUint8* aString,TInt aMaxLength)
+	:TDes8(EBuf,0,aMaxLength)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	Copy(aString);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TBufBase8::TBufBase8(const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aMaxLength)
+	:TDes8(EBuf,0,aMaxLength)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxLength>=0,Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative));
+	Copy(aDes);
+	}
+// Truncate literal string to fit into descriptor
+EXPORT_C void TDes8IgnoreOverflow::Overflow(TDes8& /*aDes*/)
+	{}
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C void TDesC8::__DbgTestInvariant() const
+// Test that the class obeys its invariant.
+    {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	switch (Type())
+		{
+	case EBufC:
+	case EPtrC:
+	case EPtr:
+	case EBuf:
+	case EBufCPtr:
+		break;
+	default:
+		User::Invariant();
+		}
+    }
+EXPORT_C void TPtrC8::__DbgTestInvariant() const
+// Test that the class obeys its invariant.
+    {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	TDesC8::__DbgTestInvariant(); // Test base class
+	if (Type()!=EPtrC)
+		User::Invariant();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::__DbgTestInvariant() const
+// Test that the class obeys its invariant.
+    {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	TDesC8::__DbgTestInvariant(); // Test base class
+	if (Length()>MaxLength() || !(Type()==EPtr || Type()==EBufCPtr || Type()==EBuf))
+		User::Invariant();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void HBufC8::__DbgTestInvariant() const
+// Test that the class obeys its invariant.
+    {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	TDesC8::__DbgTestInvariant(); // Test base class
+	if (Length()>(TInt)(User::AllocLen(this)-sizeof(TDesC8)) || Type()!=EBufC)
+		User::Invariant();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TPtr8::__DbgTestInvariant() const
+// Test that the class obeys its invariant.
+    {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	TDes8::__DbgTestInvariant(); // Test base class
+	if (!(Type()==EPtr || Type()==EBufCPtr))
+		User::Invariant();
+	}
+/** Expand all characters from 8 to 16 bits
+@return 16-bit pointer descriptor to transformed text
+The length of descriptor increased by 2 (length *= 2).
+@panic USER 187 if either the descriptor length or the maximum length is odd
+or data pointer is not aligned by 2-bytes boundary
+EXPORT_C TPtr16 TDes8::Expand()
+	{
+	TInt l = Length();
+	TInt ml = MaxLength();
+	const TText8* s0 = Ptr();
+	const TText8* s = s0 + l;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !((ml|(TInt)s0)&1), Panic(EDes8ExpandOdd) );
+	SetLength(l<<1);
+	TText16* d = ((TText16*)s0) + l;
+	while (s > s0)
+		*--d = *--s;
+	return TPtr16(d, l, ml>>1);
+	}
+/** Collapse all characters from 16 to 8 bits
+The length of descriptor truncated by 2 (length /= 2).
+@panic USER 188  if either the descriptor length or the maximum length is odd
+or data pointer is not aligned by 2-bytes boundary.
+EXPORT_C void TDes8::Collapse()
+	{
+	TInt l = Length();
+	TInt ml = MaxLength();
+	TText8* d = (TText8*)Ptr();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( !((l|ml|(TInt)d)&1), Panic(EDes8CollapseOdd) );
+	const TText16* s = (const TText16*)d;
+	const TText16* sE = s + (l>>1);
+	while (s < sE)
+		*d++ = (TText8)*s++;
+	SetLength(l>>1);
+	}
+#else // __KERNEL_MODE__
+EXPORT_C TInt TDesC8::CompareF(const TDesC8 &aDes) const
+Compares this descriptor's folded data with the specified descriptor's folded 
+Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to 
+note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally 
+appropriate, and should not be used for comparing strings in natural language; 
+use CompareC() for this.
+@param aDes The 8-bit non modifable descriptor whose data is to be compared 
+            with this descriptor's data. 
+@return Positive, if this descriptor is greater than the specified descriptor. 
+        Negative, if this descriptor is less than the specified descriptor.
+        Zero, if both descriptors have the same length and the their contents
+        are the same.
+@see TDesC8::Compare()
+	{
+	TInt ll = Length();
+	TInt rl = aDes.Length();
+	TInt r = memicmp(Ptr(), aDes.Ptr(), Min(ll, rl));
+	if (r == 0)
+		r = ll - rl;
+	return r;
+	}
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+Default constructor.
+Constructs a zero-length 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
+Note that the object owns no allocated memory.
+EXPORT_C RBuf8::RBuf8()
+	:TDes8(EPtr,0,0),iEPtrType(NULL)
+	{
+	// Zero-length RBuf8 is of type EPtr with NULL pointer.
+	}
+Constructs an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor, transferring ownership of the
+specified heap descriptor to this object.
+@param aHBuf The heap descriptor to be transferred to this object. This pointer
+             can be NULL, which means that a zero length 8-bit resizable
+             buffer	descriptor is constructed, and the object will not own any
+             allocated memory.
+EXPORT_C RBuf8::RBuf8(HBufC8* aHBuf)
+	{
+	if(aHBuf)
+		//Create EBufCPtr type descriptor that points to aHBuf
+		new(this) TPtr8(aHBuf->Des());
+	else
+		//Create zero-length RBuf8. It is EPtr type of descriptor that points to NULL.
+		new(this) RBuf8();
+	}
+Protected constructor.
+EXPORT_C RBuf8::RBuf8(TInt aType,TInt aLength,TInt aMaxLength)
+	:TDes8(aType,aLength,aMaxLength)
+	{
+	}
+Transfers ownership of the specified 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor's 
+buffer to this object.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aRBuf The source 8-bit resizable buffer. The ownership of this
+             object's buffer is to be transferred.
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::Assign(const RBuf8& aRBuf)
+	{
+	Mem::Copy(this, &aRBuf, sizeof(RBuf8)); 
+	}
+Assigns ownership of the specified allocated memory to this object.
+The allocated memory forms the buffer for this descriptor. The current length
+of the descriptor is set to zero.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aHeapCell  The allocated memory to be assigned to this object. This
+                  pointer can be NULL, which means that a zero length 8-bit
+                  resizable buffer descriptor is created.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of the descriptor.
+@panic USER 20 If the specified maximum length is greater then the size of
+               the allocated heap cell, or the specified maximum length
+               is NOT zero when the pointer to the heap cell is NULL.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::Assign(TUint8 *aHeapCell,TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	Assign(aHeapCell,0,aMaxLength);
+	}
+Assigns ownership of the specified allocated memory to this object.
+The allocated memory forms the buffer for this descriptor. The current length
+of the descriptor is set to the value of the second parameter.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aHeapCell  The allocated memory to be assigned to this object.
+@param aLength	  The length of the descriptor.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of the descriptor.
+@panic USER 20 If the specified maximum length is greater then the size of
+               the allocated heap cell, or the specified length is greater then
+               the specified maximum length, or the specified maximum length
+               is NOT zero when the pointer to the heap cell is NULL.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::Assign(TUint8 *aHeapCell,TInt aLength,TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aLength<=aMaxLength, Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange));
+	if(aHeapCell)
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(User::AllocLen(aHeapCell) >= aMaxLength * (TInt)sizeof(TUint8), Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange));
+		//Create EPtr type descriptor that points to aHeapCell
+		new(this) TPtr8(aHeapCell,aLength,aMaxLength); 
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aMaxLength == 0, Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange));
+		//Create zero-length RBuf. It is EPtr type of descriptor that points to NULL.
+		new(this) RBuf8();
+		}
+	}
+Transfers ownership of the specified heap descriptor to this object.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aHBuf  The heap descriptor to be transferred to this object.
+              This pointer can be NULL, which means that a zero length
+              8-bit resizable buffer descriptor is created.
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::Assign(HBufC8* aHBuf)
+	{
+	new(this) RBuf8(aHBuf);
+	}
+Swaps the content of two 8-bit resizable buffer descriptors.
+@param aRBuf The 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor whose contents are to be
+             swapped with this one.
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::Swap(RBuf8& aRBuf)
+	{
+	Mem::Swap(this,&aRBuf,sizeof(*this));
+	}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
+The function allocates sufficient memory to contain descriptor data up to
+the specified maximum length.
+The current length of the descriptor is set to zero. The maximum length of
+the descriptor is set to the specified value.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aMaxLength  The maximum length of the descriptor.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient	memory.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C TInt RBuf8::Create(TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	if (aMaxLength)
+		{
+		//Allocate memory
+		TUint8* buf=(TUint8*)User::Alloc(aMaxLength*sizeof(TUint8));
+		if(!buf) return KErrNoMemory;
+		iEPtrType = buf;
+		}
+	else
+		iEPtrType = NULL; //Zero-length descriptor.
+	//Create EPtr type descriptor.
+	new(this) RBuf8(EPtr,0,aMaxLength);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor, and leaves on failure.
+The function allocates sufficient memory to contain descriptor data up to
+the specified maximum length.
+The current length of the descriptor is set to zero. The maximum length of
+the descriptor is set to the specified value.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aMaxLength The length and the maximum length of the descriptor.
+@leave KErrNoMemory If there is insufficient memory.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::CreateL(TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(Create(aMaxLength));
+	}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
+The function allocates sufficient memory to contain descriptor data up to
+the specified maximum length.
+Both the current length and the maximum length of the descriptor are set to
+the specified value.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aMaxLength  The length and the maximum length of the descriptor.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient memory.
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C TInt RBuf8::CreateMax(TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	TInt err=Create(aMaxLength); 
+	if(err==KErrNone)
+		SetMax(); 
+	return err;
+	}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor, and leaves on failure.
+The function allocates sufficient memory to contain descriptor data up to
+the specified maximum length.
+Both the current length and the maximum length of the descriptor are set to
+the specified value. 
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aMaxLength The length and the maximum length of the descriptor.
+@leave KErrNoMemory If there is insufficient memory.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::CreateMaxL(TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(CreateMax(aMaxLength));
+	}
+Creates a 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the
+specified (source) descriptor.
+The function allocates sufficient memory so that this descriptor's maximum
+length is the same as the length of the source descriptor. Both the current
+length and the maximum length of this descriptor are set to
+the length of the source descriptor.
+The data contained in the source descriptor is copied into this
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not
+already own any allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any
+pre-existing owned allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own 
+allocated memory, RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before 
+this function is invoked.
+@param aDes Source descriptor to be copied into this object.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient memory.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see TDes8::Copy()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C TInt RBuf8::Create(const TDesC8& aDes)
+	{
+	return Create(aDes,aDes.Length());
+	}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified
+(source) descriptor, and leaves on failure.
+The function allocates sufficient memory so that this descriptor's maximum
+length is the same as the length of the source descriptor.Both the current
+length and the maximum length of this descriptor are set to the length
+of the source descriptor.
+The data contained in the source descriptor is copied into this descriptor.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any
+pre-existing owned allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own 
+allocated memory, RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before 
+this function is invoked.
+@param aDes Source descriptor to be copied into this object.
+@leave KErrNoMemory If there is insufficient memory.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see TDes8::Copy()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::CreateL(const TDesC8& aDes)
+	{
+	CreateL(aDes,aDes.Length());
+	}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the
+specified (source) descriptor. 
+The function allocates sufficient memory so that this descriptor's maximum length
+is the same as the value of the aMaxLength parameter.
+The data contained in the source descriptor is copied into this descriptor.
+The length of data copied is either
+- the length of the source descriptor aDes
+- the value of the aMaxLength parameter
+whichever is the smaller value. The current length of this descriptor is also
+set to the smaller value.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aDes Source descriptor to be copied into this object.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of this descriptor.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient memory.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see TDes8::Copy()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C TInt RBuf8::Create(const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	TInt err=Create(aMaxLength);
+	if(err==KErrNone)
+		Copy(aDes.Left(aMaxLength));
+	return err;
+	}
+Creates an 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor to contain a copy of the specified
+(source) descriptor, and leaves on failure.
+The function allocates sufficient memory so that this descriptor's maximum
+length is the same as the value of the aMaxLength parameter.
+The data contained in the source descriptor is copied into this descriptor.
+The length of data copied is either
+- the length of the source descriptor aDes
+- the value of the aMaxLength parameter
+whichever is the smaller value. The current length of this descriptor is also
+set to the smaller value.
+Note that the function assumes that this descriptor does not already own any
+allocated memory. It does not check, nor does it free any pre-existing owned
+allocated memory.  If this descriptor does already own allocated memory,
+RBuf8::Close() should be invoked on this descriptor before this function is
+@param aDes Source descriptor to be copied into this object.
+@param aMaxLength The maximum length of this descriptor.
+@leave KErrNoMemory If there is insufficient memory.
+@see TDesC8::Length()
+@see TDes8::MaxLength()
+@see TDes8::Copy()
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::CreateL(const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	CreateL(aMaxLength);
+	Copy(aDes.Left(aMaxLength));
+	}
+Resizes this 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor.
+The length and contents of the descriptor are unchanged.
+If the buffer descriptor was created from a zero-length heap descriptor
+HBufC, this method might leak memory (the heap descriptor is not freed).
+It is possible to avoid this by calling the Close() method prior to ReAlloc(),
+but this should be done only in this situation (otherwise the buffer contents
+will be lost).
+For example, add
+    if (desc.MaxLength() == 0) desc.Close();
+before the call to ReAlloc().
+@param aMaxLength The new maximum length of the descriptor. This can be zero,
+                  which results in a descriptor with zero maximum length and no
+                  allocated memory.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient memory.
+@panic USER 26 If the new maximum length is less then the current descriptor length.
+EXPORT_C TInt RBuf8::ReAlloc(TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Length()<=aMaxLength, Panic(ETDes8ReAllocTooSmall));
+	if (!aMaxLength)				//Reallocation to zero length
+		{
+		User::Free(iEPtrType);	//Free memory 
+		new (this) RBuf8();			//Create zero-length RBuf
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	if (!iMaxLength)				//Reallocation from zero length
+		return Create(aMaxLength);
+	switch(Type())
+		{
+		case EPtr:
+			{
+			TUint8* buf = (TUint8*)User::ReAlloc(iEPtrType,aMaxLength*sizeof(TUint8));
+			if(!buf) return KErrNoMemory;
+			iEPtrType = buf;
+			iMaxLength = aMaxLength;
+			break;
+			}
+		case EBufCPtr:
+			{
+			HBufC8* hbufc = iEBufCPtrType->ReAlloc(aMaxLength);
+			if(!hbufc) return KErrNoMemory;
+			Assign(hbufc);
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Resizes this 8-bit resizable buffer descriptor, leaving on failure.
+The length and contents of the descriptor are unchanged.
+If the buffer descriptor was created from a zero-length heap descriptor
+HBufC, this method might leak memory (the heap descriptor is not freed).
+It is possible to avoid this by calling the Close() method prior to ReAllocL(),
+but this should be done only in this situation (otherwise the buffer contents
+will be lost).
+For example, add
+    if (desc.MaxLength() == 0) desc.Close();
+before the call to ReAlloc().
+@param aMaxLength The new maximum length of the descriptor. This can be zero,
+                  which results in a descriptor with zero maximum length and no
+                  allocated memory.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; KErrNoMemory, if there is insufficient memory.
+@panic USER 26 If the new maximum length is less then the current descriptor length.
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::ReAllocL(TInt aMaxLength)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(ReAlloc(aMaxLength));
+	}
+Deallocates memory assigned to this object, and re-initializes the object as
+a zero-length descriptor.
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::Close() 
+	{
+	User::Free(iEPtrType); 
+	//Create zero-length RBuf. It is EPtr type of descriptor that points to NULL.
+	new(this) RBuf8();
+	}
+Pushes a cleanup item for this object onto the cleanup stack.
+The effect of this is to cause Close() to be called on this 8-bit resizable
+buffer descriptor, when CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy() is called at some later time.
+RBuf8 x;
+@see RBuf8::Close()
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::CleanupClosePushL()
+	{
+	::CleanupClosePushL(*this);
+	}
+Tests that the class obeys its invariant.
+EXPORT_C void RBuf8::__DbgTestInvariant() const
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	TDes8::__DbgTestInvariant();
+	switch(Type())
+		{
+	case EPtr:
+		if (iEPtrType)
+			{
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(User::AllocLen(iEPtrType) >= iMaxLength*(TInt)sizeof(TUint8), Panic(EInvariantFalse));
+			}
+		break;
+	case EBufCPtr:
+		iEBufCPtrType->__DbgTestInvariant(); 
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iEBufCPtrType->Des().MaxLength() == iMaxLength, Panic(EInvariantFalse));
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(iEBufCPtrType->Length() == Length(), Panic(EInvariantFalse));
+		break;
+	default:
+		User::Invariant();
+		}
+#endif // _DEBUG
+	}
+#endif	// __KERNEL_MODE__
+#if defined(__DES8_MACHINE_CODED__) || defined(__EABI__)
+GLDEF_C void Des8PanicBadDesType()
+	{
+	Panic(ETDes8BadDescriptorType);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void Des8PanicPosOutOfRange()
+	{
+	Panic(ETDes8PosOutOfRange);
+	}
+#ifdef __DES8_MACHINE_CODED__
+GLDEF_C void Des8PanicLengthNegative()
+	{
+	Panic(ETDes8LengthNegative);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void Des8PanicMaxLengthNegative()
+	{
+	Panic(ETDes8MaxLengthNegative);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void Des8PanicLengthOutOfRange()
+	{
+	Panic(ETDes8LengthOutOfRange);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void Des8PanicDesOverflow()
+	{
+	Panic(ETDes8Overflow);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void Des8PanicDesIndexOutOfRange()
+	{
+	Panic(ETDes8IndexOutOfRange);
+	}