changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bsptemplate/asspandvariant/template_variant/specific/lffsdev.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// template\Template_Variant\Specific\lffsdev.cpp
+// Implementation of a Logging Flash file system (LFFS) physical device driver 
+// for a standard Common Flash Interface (CFI) based NOR flash chip.
+// This file is part of the Template Base port
+// N.B. This sample code assumes that:
+// (1)	the device does not provide an interrupt i.e. it needs to be polled using a timer 
+// to ascertain when an Erase/Write operation has completed.
+// (2) the flash chip does not have 'read-while-write' support.
+#include "lffsdev.h"
+#include "variant.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define CHANGE_ERASE_STATE(x)	{TUint32 s=iEraseState; iEraseState=x; __KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("ErSt: %d->%d",s,x));}
+#define CHANGE_ERASE_STATE(x)	iEraseState=x
+// TO DO: (mandatory)
+// Define the pyhsical base address of the NOR-Flash
+// This is only example code... you will need to modify it for your hardware
+const TPhysAddr KFlashPhysicalBaseAddress = 0x04000000;
+ * Common Flash Interface (CFI) query stuff
+ ********************************************/
+Read an 8-bit value from the device at the specified offset
+@param	aOffset	the address in device words 
+TUint32 DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::ReadQueryData8(TUint32 aOffset)
+	{
+	volatile TUint8* pF=(volatile TUint8*)(iBase+FLASH_ADDRESS_IN_BYTES(aOffset));
+	return pF[0];
+	}
+Read a 16-bit value from the device at the specified offset
+@param	aOffset	the address in device words 
+TUint32 DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::ReadQueryData16(TUint32 aOffset)
+	{
+	volatile TUint8* pF=(volatile TUint8*)(iBase);
+	return 
+		 pF[FLASH_ADDRESS_IN_BYTES(aOffset+0)] | 
+		(pF[FLASH_ADDRESS_IN_BYTES(aOffset+1)] << 8);
+	}
+ Put the device into query mode to read the flash parameters.
+ */
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::ReadFlashParameters()
+	{
+	volatile TFLASHWORD* pF=(volatile TFLASHWORD*)iBase + KCmdReadQueryOffset;
+	*pF=KCmdReadQuery;
+	TUint32 qd=ReadQueryData16(KQueryOffsetQRY)|(ReadQueryData8(KQueryOffsetQRY+2)<<16);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Query QRY=%08x",qd));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(qd==0x595251,FLASH_FAULT());
+	qd = FLASH_BUS_DEVICES << ReadQueryData8(KQueryOffsetSizePower);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Query Size=%08x",qd));
+	iTotalSize=qd;
+	qd = FLASH_BUS_DEVICES << ReadQueryData16(KQueryOffsetWriteBufferSizePower);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Query WBSize=%08x",qd));
+	iWriteBufferSize=qd;
+	qd = (ReadQueryData16(KQueryOffsetEraseBlockSize)) << (8 + FLASH_BUS_DEVICES-1);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Query EBSize=%08x",qd));
+	iEraseBlockSize=qd;
+	*pF=KCmdReadArray;
+	}
+ * Common Flash Interface (CFI) main code
+ ********************************************/
+NOR flash LFFS constructor.
+@param aMediaId            Media id number from ELOCD
+DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::DMediaDriverFlashTemplate(TInt aMediaId)
+	:	DMediaDriverFlash(aMediaId),
+		iHoldOffTimer(HoldOffTimerFn,this),
+		iEventDfc(EventDfc,this,NULL,2)
+	{
+	// iWriteState = EWriteIdle;
+	// iEraseState = EEraseIdle;
+	}
+Device specific implementation of the NOR LFFS initialisation routine.
+@see DMediaDriverFlash::Initialise
+@return KErrNone unless the write data buffer couldn't be allocated or the
+         timer interrupt could not be bound.
+ */
+TInt DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::Initialise()
+	{
+	iEventDfc.SetDfcQ(iPrimaryMedia->iDfcQ);
+	iData=(TUint8*)Kern::Alloc(KDataBufSize);
+	if (!iData)
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+	// Create temporary HW chunk to read FLASH device parameters (especially size)
+	DPlatChunkHw* pC = NULL;
+	TInt r = DPlatChunkHw::New(pC, KFlashPhysicalBaseAddress, 0x1000, EMapAttrSupRw|EMapAttrFullyBlocking);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	iBase = pC->LinearAddress();
+	ReadFlashParameters();
+	// close temporary chunk and open chunk with correct size
+	pC->Close(NULL);
+	r = DPlatChunkHw::New(iFlashChunk, KFlashPhysicalBaseAddress, iTotalSize, EMapAttrSupRw|EMapAttrFullyBlocking);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	iBase = iFlashChunk->LinearAddress();
+	r=Interrupt::Bind(KIntIdTimer1, Isr, this);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		{
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV, Kern::Printf("Flash:Isr Bind failed"));
+		return r;
+		}
+	// TO DO: (mandatory)
+	// Write to the appropriate hardware register(s) to
+	// configure (if necessary) and enable the timer hardware
+	//
+	// Enable the timer interrupt
+	Interrupt::Enable(KIntIdTimer1);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Used by the generic flash media driver code to get the erase block size in
+ */
+TUint32 DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::EraseBlockSize()
+	{
+	return iEraseBlockSize;
+	}
+@return Return size of lffs in bytes
+TUint32 DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::TotalSize()
+	{
+	return iTotalSize;
+	}
+Read at the location indicated by DMediaDriverFlash::iReadReq. 
+Where Pos() is the read location
+@return >0			Defer request to ELOCD. A write is in progress
+@return KErrNone	Erase has been started
+@return <0			An error has occured.
+TInt DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::DoRead()
+	{
+	if (iWriteReq)
+		return KMediaDriverDeferRequest;	// write in progress so defer read
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:DoRead"));
+	if (iEraseState==EEraseIdle || iEraseState==ESuspended)
+		{
+		// can do the read now
+		TInt pos=(TInt)iReadReq->Pos();
+		TInt len=(TInt)iReadReq->Length();
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:DoRead ibase: %x, pos: %x, len: %x",iBase,pos,len));
+		// Issue a read array command
+		// Porting note: Some devices may work without this step.
+		// Ensure that the write is always dword aligned
+		volatile TFLASHWORD* pF=(volatile TFLASHWORD*)((iBase+pos)&0xFFFFFFF0);
+		*pF=KCmdReadArray;
+		TPtrC8 des((const TUint8*)(iBase+pos),len);
+		TInt r=iReadReq->WriteRemote(&des,0);
+		Complete(EReqRead,r);
+		// resume erase if necessary
+		if (iEraseState==ESuspended)
+			StartErase();
+		}
+	else if (iEraseState==EErase)
+		{
+		// erase in progress - suspend it
+		SuspendErase();
+		}
+	else if (iEraseState==EEraseNoSuspend)
+		CHANGE_ERASE_STATE(ESuspendPending);	// wait for suspend to complete
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Write at the location indicated by DMediaDriverFlash::iWriteReq
+@return >0			Defer request to ELOCD. A read is in progress
+@return KErrNone	Erase has been started
+@return <0			An error has occured.
+ */
+TInt DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::DoWrite()
+	{
+	if (iReadReq)
+		return KMediaDriverDeferRequest;	// read in progress so defer write
+	TInt pos=(TInt)iWriteReq->Pos();
+	TInt len=(TInt)iWriteReq->Length();
+	if (len==0)
+		return KErrCompletion;
+	TUint32 wb_mask=iWriteBufferSize-1;
+	iWritePos=pos & ~wb_mask;	// round media position down to write buffer boundary
+	TInt wb_off=pos & wb_mask;	// how many bytes of padding at beginning
+	TInt start_len=Min(len,KDataBufSize-(TInt)wb_off);
+	TInt write_len=(start_len+wb_off+wb_mask)&~wb_mask;
+	memset(iData,0xff,iWriteBufferSize);
+	memset(iData+write_len-iWriteBufferSize,0xff,iWriteBufferSize);
+	TPtr8 des(iData+wb_off,0,start_len);
+	TInt r=iWriteReq->ReadRemote(&des,0);
+	if (r!=KErrNone)
+		return r;
+	iWriteReq->RemoteDesOffset()+=start_len;
+	iWriteReq->Length()-=start_len;
+	iDataBufPos=0;
+	iDataBufRemain=write_len;
+	iWriteError=KErrNone;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Write iWritePos=%08x iDataBufRemain=%x",iWritePos,iDataBufRemain));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Write Pos=%08x Length=%08x RemDesOff=%08x",
+										(TInt)iWriteReq->Pos(),(TInt)iWriteReq->Length(),iWriteReq->RemoteDesOffset()));
+	if (iEraseState==EEraseIdle || iEraseState==ESuspended)
+		{
+		// can start the write now
+		iWriteState=EWriting;
+		WriteStep();
+		}
+	else if (iEraseState==EErase)
+		{
+		// erase in progress - suspend it
+		SuspendErase();
+		}
+	else if (iEraseState==EEraseNoSuspend)
+		CHANGE_ERASE_STATE(ESuspendPending);	// wait for suspend to complete
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::WriteStep()
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:WriteStep @%08x",iWritePos));
+	if (iDataBufRemain)
+		{
+		// still data left in buffer
+		volatile TFLASHWORD* pF=(volatile TFLASHWORD*)(iBase+iWritePos);
+		TInt i=KMaxWriteSetupAttempts;
+		*pF=KCmdClearStatusRegister;
+		TUint32 s=0;
+		for (; i>0 && ((s&KStsReady)!=KStsReady); --i)
+			{
+			*pF=KCmdWriteToBuffer;		// send write command
+			*pF=KCmdReadStatusRegister;	// send read status command
+			s=*pF;						// read status reg
+			}
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("i=%d, s=%08x",i,s));
+		// calculate the buffer size in words -1 
+		TFLASHWORD l = (FLASH_BYTES_TO_WORDS(iWriteBufferSize)) - 1;
+#if FLASH_BUS_DEVICES == 2		// 2x16bit or 2x8bit devices
+#elif FLASH_BUS_DEVICES == 4	// 4x8bit device
+		// write the data length in words to the device(s)
+		*pF=l;
+		const TFLASHWORD* pS=(const TFLASHWORD*)(iData+iDataBufPos);
+		// write the data
+		TInt len;
+		for (len = l; len>=0; len--)
+			{
+			*pF++=*pS++;
+			}
+		*(volatile TFLASHWORD *)(iBase+iWritePos) = KCmdConfirm; 
+		// set up timer to poll for completion
+		StartPollTimer(KFlashWriteTimerPeriod,KFlashWriteTimerRetries);
+		iWritePos+=iWriteBufferSize;
+		iDataBufPos+=iWriteBufferSize;
+		iDataBufRemain-=iWriteBufferSize;
+		if (!iDataBufRemain)
+			{
+			// refill buffer
+			TInt len=(TInt)iWriteReq->Length();
+			if (!len)
+				return;	// all data has been written, complete request next time
+			TUint32 wb_mask=iWriteBufferSize-1;
+			TInt block_len=Min(len,KDataBufSize);
+			TInt write_len=(block_len+wb_mask)&~wb_mask;
+			memset(iData+write_len-iWriteBufferSize,0xff,iWriteBufferSize);
+			TPtr8 des(iData,0,block_len);
+			TInt r=iWriteReq->ReadRemote(&des,0);
+			if (r!=KErrNone)
+				{
+				iWriteError=r;
+				return;	// leave iDataBufRemain=0 so request is terminated when write completes
+				}
+			iWriteReq->RemoteDesOffset()+=block_len;
+			iWriteReq->Length()-=block_len;
+			iDataBufPos=0;
+			iDataBufRemain=write_len;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// write request should have completed, maybe with an error
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iWriteReq->Length()==0 || iWriteError,FLASH_FAULT());
+		iWriteState=EWriteIdle;
+		Complete(EReqWrite,iWriteError);
+		if (iEraseState==ESuspended)
+			StartErase();
+		}
+	}
+Erase at the location indicated by DMediaDriverFlash::iEraseReq
+@return >0			Defer request to ELOCD. Read or a write is in progress
+@return KErrNone	Erase has been started
+@return <0			An error has occured.
+ */
+TInt DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::DoErase()
+	{
+	if (iReadReq || iWriteReq)
+		return KMediaDriverDeferRequest;		// read or write in progress so defer this request
+	TUint32 pos=(TUint32)iEraseReq->Pos();
+	TUint32 len=(TUint32)iEraseReq->Length();
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:DoErase %d@%08x",len,pos));
+	if (len!=iEraseBlockSize)
+		return KErrArgument;	// only allow single-block erase
+	if (pos & (iEraseBlockSize-1))
+		return KErrArgument;	// start position must be on erase block boundary
+	iErasePos=pos;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEraseState==EEraseIdle,FLASH_FAULT());
+	StartErase();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::StartHoldOffTimer()
+	{
+	// if this is a retry, don't allow suspends
+	if (iEraseAttempt==0)
+		iHoldOffTimer.OneShot(KEraseSuspendHoldOffTime);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::CancelHoldOffTimer()
+	{
+	iHoldOffTimer.Cancel();
+	ClearEvents(EHoldOffEnd);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::ClearEvents(TUint32 aEvents)
+	{
+	__e32_atomic_and_ord32(&iEvents, ~aEvents);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::HoldOffTimerFn(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	DMediaDriverFlashTemplate* p=(DMediaDriverFlashTemplate*)aPtr;
+	p->IPostEvents(EHoldOffEnd);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::StartPollTimer(TUint32 aPeriod, TUint32 aRetries)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Tmr %d * %d",aPeriod,aRetries));
+	ClearEvents(EPollTimer);
+	iPollPeriod=aPeriod;
+	iPollRetries=aRetries;
+	StartPollTimer();
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::StartPollTimer()
+	{
+	// TO DO: (mandatory)
+	// Configure the hardware timer to expire after iPollPeriod ticks
+	// and start the timer
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::EventDfc(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	DMediaDriverFlashTemplate* p=(DMediaDriverFlashTemplate*)aPtr;
+	TUint32 e = __e32_atomic_swp_ord32(&p->iEvents, 0);
+	if (e)
+		p->HandleEvents(e);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::HandleEvents(TUint32 aEvents)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:Events %x",aEvents));
+	if (aEvents & EHoldOffEnd)
+		{
+		if (iEraseState==ESuspendPending)
+			{
+			SuspendErase();
+			}
+		else if (iEraseState==EEraseNoSuspend)
+			{
+			CHANGE_ERASE_STATE(EErase);	// can now be suspended
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC,Kern::Printf("iEraseState=%d",iEraseState));
+			}
+		}
+	if (aEvents & EPollTimer)
+		{
+		volatile TFLASHWORD* pF=(volatile TFLASHWORD*)iBase;
+		*pF=KCmdReadStatusRegister;
+		if ((*pF & KStsReady)!=KStsReady)
+			{
+			// not ready yet
+			if (--iPollRetries)
+				{
+				// try again
+				StartPollTimer();
+				}
+			else
+				// timed out
+				aEvents|=ETimeout;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// ready
+			TFLASHWORD s=*pF;	// read full status value
+			*pF=KCmdClearStatusRegister;
+			DoFlashReady(s);
+			}
+		}
+	if (aEvents & ETimeout)
+		{
+		DoFlashTimeout();
+		}
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::StartErase()
+	{
+	TInt i;
+	volatile TFLASHWORD* pF=(volatile TFLASHWORD*)(iBase+iErasePos);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:StartErase %08x",pF));
+	switch (iEraseState)
+		{
+		case EEraseIdle:	// first attempt to erase
+			iEraseAttempt=-1;
+			// coverity[fallthrough]
+			// fallthrough after attempt
+		case EErase:	// retry after verify failed
+		case EEraseNoSuspend:
+			++iEraseAttempt;
+			*pF=KCmdBlockErase;
+			*pF=KCmdConfirm;
+			CHANGE_ERASE_STATE(EEraseNoSuspend);
+			iEraseError=0;
+			StartHoldOffTimer();
+			break;
+		case ESuspended:
+			*pF=KCmdClearStatusRegister;
+			*pF=KCmdEraseResume;
+			CHANGE_ERASE_STATE(EEraseNoSuspend);
+			i=KMaxEraseResumeAttempts;
+			for (; i>0 && ((s&KStsReady)!=0); --i)
+				{
+				*pF=KCmdReadStatusRegister;	// send read status command
+				s=*pF;						// read status reg
+				s=*pF;						// read status reg
+				}
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("RESUME: i=%d, s=%08x",i,s));
+			StartHoldOffTimer();
+			break;
+		default:
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC,Kern::Printf("iEraseState=%d",iEraseState));
+		}
+	StartPollTimer(KFlashEraseTimerPeriod,KFlashEraseTimerRetries);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::SuspendErase()
+	{
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iEraseState==EErase || iEraseState==ESuspendPending,FLASH_FAULT());
+	volatile TFLASHWORD* pF=(volatile TFLASHWORD*)(iBase+iErasePos);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:SuspendErase %08x",pF));
+	*pF=KCmdEraseSuspend;
+	StartPollTimer(KFlashSuspendTimerPeriod,KFlashSuspendTimerRetries);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::StartPendingRW()
+	{
+	// start any pending read or write requests
+	if (iReadReq)
+		DoRead();
+	if (iWriteReq)
+		{
+		// can start the write now
+		iWriteState=EWriting;
+		WriteStep();
+		}
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::DoFlashReady(TUint32 aStatus)
+	{
+	// could be write completion, erase completion or suspend completion
+	if (iWriteState==EWriting)
+		{
+		// write completion
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:WriteComplete %08x",aStatus));
+		TUint32 err=aStatus & (KStsWriteError|KStsVppLow|KStsLocked);
+		if (err)
+			{
+			iWriteState=EWriteIdle;
+			Complete(EReqWrite,KErrGeneral);
+			if (iEraseState==ESuspended)
+				StartErase();
+			}
+		else
+			WriteStep();
+		return;
+		}
+	// put the FLASH back into read mode
+	volatile TFLASHWORD* pF=(volatile TFLASHWORD*)(iBase+iErasePos);
+	*pF=KCmdReadArray;
+	if (iEraseState==ESuspending)
+		{
+		// erase suspend completion
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:SuspendComplete %08x",aStatus));
+		// accumulate errors during erase
+		iEraseError|=(aStatus & (KStsEraseError|KStsVppLow|KStsLocked));
+		if (aStatus & KStsSuspended)
+			{
+			// at least one of the two FLASH devices has suspended
+			// start any pending read or write requests
+			StartPendingRW();
+			return;					// in case erase has been resumed by DoRead()
+			}
+		// erase completed before we suspended it
+		}
+	if (iEraseState==EErase || iEraseState==EEraseNoSuspend)
+		{
+		// erase completion
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:EraseComplete %08x",aStatus));
+		CancelHoldOffTimer();
+		// accumulate errors during erase
+		iEraseError|=(aStatus & (KStsEraseError|KStsVppLow|KStsLocked));
+		// if no device error, verify that erase was successful
+		if (!iEraseError)
+			{
+			volatile TFLASHWORD* p=pF;
+			volatile TFLASHWORD* pE=p + FLASH_BYTES_TO_WORDS(iEraseBlockSize);
+			while(p<pE)
+				x&=*p++;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			}
+			{
+			// erase OK
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:VerifyErase OK"));
+			// complete the erase request
+			TInt r=iEraseError?KErrGeneral:KErrNone;
+			Complete(EReqErase,r);
+			// start any pending read or write requests
+			StartPendingRW();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// erase failed, so retry
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KLOCDRV,Kern::Printf("Flash:VerifyErase BAD"));
+			StartErase();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::DoFlashTimeout()
+	{
+	// TO DO: (optional)
+	// Take appropriate action to handle a timeout.
+	}
+DMediaDriverFlash* DMediaDriverFlash::New(TInt aMediaId)
+	{
+	return new DMediaDriverFlashTemplate(aMediaId);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::Isr(TAny* aPtr)
+	{
+	DMediaDriverFlashTemplate& d=*(DMediaDriverFlashTemplate*)aPtr;
+	// TO DO: (mandatory)
+	// Write to the timer hardware register(s) to
+	// clear the timer interrupt
+	//
+	d.IPostEvents(EPollTimer);
+	}
+void DMediaDriverFlashTemplate::IPostEvents(TUint32 aEvents)
+	{
+	iEvents|=aEvents;
+	iEventDfc.Add();
+	}