changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/debug/crashMonitor/src/scmonitor.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\debug\crashMonitor\src\scmonitor.cpp
+// Core dump server - Kernel side crash monitor
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+#include <scmonitor.h>
+#include <kernel/monitor.h>
+#include <assp.h>
+#include <drivers/crashflash.h>
+#include <kernel/klib.h>
+#include <crashlogwalker.h>
+#include <scmconfigitem.h>
+#include "scmdatasave.h"
+GLDEF_D SCMonitor TheSCMonitor; //global definition of SCMonitor
+//keep things 4 byte aligned
+const TInt KRestartType = SCMonitor::ESoftRestart;
+SCMonitor constructor
+	: iMultiCrashInfo(NULL)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	delete iMultiCrashInfo;
+	}
+ Print data to the corresponding output channel. Derived from monitor
+ @param aDes the buffer containing the data
+ */
+void SCMonitor::Print (const TDesC8& aDes )
+	{
+	//intended to do nothing
+	}
+ * Allocates resources for SCMonitor
+ * cant fully construct in constructor as we are a kernel extension and resources are limited when we are created
+ */
+void SCMonitor::StableConstruction()
+	{
+	iDataSave = new SCMDataSave(this, TheSCMonitor.iFlash);	
+	//Configuration object for use upon crash
+	iScmConfig = new SCMConfiguration();
+	TInt err = iScmConfig->SetDefaultConfig();	
+	if(KErrNone != err)
+		{
+		CLTRACE1("SCMonitor::StableConstruction - Unable to set default config err = %d", err);
+		}
+	iMultiCrashInfo = NULL;
+	//We need to take a look at the flash map from variant_norflash_layout.h
+	iMultiCrashInfo = new SCMMultiCrashInfo();
+	TUint numberBlocks = KCrashLogSize / KCrashLogBlockSize;
+	for(TUint32 cnt = 0; cnt < numberBlocks; cnt++)
+		{
+		iMultiCrashInfo->AddBlock(new SCMCrashBlockEntry(cnt, cnt * KCrashLogBlockSize, KCrashLogBlockSize));
+		}
+	}
+ * Start a secondary DFC queue for the Flash and Init the flash in the variant(h4)
+ * @param aAny
+ */
+void StartSecondary (TAny* )
+	{
+	//InitFlash is implemented in the variant as it creates a variant
+	//specific derived CrashFlash
+	TheSCMonitor.InitFlash ( );
+	TheSCMonitor.StableConstruction();
+	}
+ * Global method to create a dfc queue
+ * @param Method to intialise the flash.
+ * @param Null
+ * @param Gets the address of the supervisor thread DFC queue
+ * @param TDfcQ priority number
+ * @return a DFC object
+ */
+GLDEF_C TDfc StartSecondaryDfc(&StartSecondary, NULL, Kern::SvMsgQue(), KMaxDfcPriority-1);
+ * Kernel Main module entry - Own implementation( similar to crash logger)
+ * @param aReason reason to enter to the method
+ * @return One of the system wide codes
+ */
+GLDEF_C TInt KernelModuleEntry(TInt aReason)
+	{	
+	if(aReason==KModuleEntryReasonVariantInit0)
+		{
+		new(&TheSCMonitor) SCMonitor;
+		// We are going to register the system Crash monitor here so that the order
+		// the monitor modules are placed in rom is preserved.  
+		// The monitor is not fully intialised here.
+		//the variant target is missing as we still have to finalise on the crash flash 
+		//implementation. H2 & H4 doesnt support currently.
+		CLTRACE("Installing System Crash Monitor");
+		Monitor::RegisterMonitorImpl (&TheSCMonitor );
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else if (aReason==KModuleEntryReasonExtensionInit0 )
+		{
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	else if (aReason==KModuleEntryReasonExtensionInit1 )
+		{
+		CLTRACE("Enqueing dfc to init crash flash for System Crash Monitor after all modules loaded");
+		StartSecondaryDfc.Enque ( );
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	return KErrArgument;
+	}
+ Method to intialize the system crash monitor
+ @param aCategory the fault category type
+ @param aReason the reason for crash
+ @return restart type
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::Init2 (TAny* aCategory, TInt aReason )
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KALWAYS, Kern::Printf("\n\nSystem Crash Monitor Launched: To Analyse Crash Produced Use Core Dump Server\n"));
+	//Start logging the data:	
+	//Need to lock kernel to access object containers (it technically is anyway, but flag isnt set)
+	NKern::Lock();
+	DoCrash(aCategory, aReason);	
+	NKern::Unlock();		
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KALWAYS, Kern::Printf("System Crash Monitor Finished: Log Size = [%d]\n", iDataSave->iCrashInf.iLogSize));
+	return KRestartType;
+	}
+ * This is responsible for setting up any structures required for processing of the crash
+ * @param aCategory the fault category type
+ * @param aReason 
+ */
+void SCMonitor::DoCrash(TAny* aCategory, TInt aReason )
+	{
+	// get debug mask
+	TInt dbgMask = Kern::SuperPage().iDebugMask[0];
+	// if we are writing to the comm port then we need to turn off other debug messages
+	if( iDataSave->GetWriteSelect() == SCMDataSave::EWriteComm)
+		{
+		Kern::SuperPage().iDebugMask[0] = 0;
+		}
+	if(!aCategory)
+		{
+		CLTRACE("\tNULL category retrieved and returning");
+		TheSCMonitor.iFlash->EndTransaction();
+		return;
+		}
+	iFrame = NULL;
+	CLTRACE("\tAbout to set category -- note: can occasionaly crash board");	
+	iFaultCategory = *(const TDesC8*)aCategory;  // this crashes the board sometimes		
+	iFaultReason = aReason;
+	Epoc::SetMonitorExceptionHandler ((TLinAddr)HandleException );
+	// get the first start block
+	// will retieve start of flash by default
+	SCMCrashBlockEntry block;
+	TInt err = GetNextCrashStartPoint(block);  // will also attempt to read iScmConfig
+	if(KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		CLTRACE2("SCMonitor::DoCrash next crash will be written at blocknumber = %d offset  %d"
+				, block.iBlockNumber, block.iBlockOffset);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		CLTRACE1("SCMonitor::DoCrash Failed to find a valid block to write to, can not continue. err = [%d]", err);
+		return;
+		}
+	TUint crashId = block.iBlockNumber;	
+	iDataSave->iWriter->ResetBytesWritten();		
+	//Write the crash (1st pass is to gather header data)
+	TInt spaceRequired = ProcessCrash(block, crashId, EFalse);					
+	// now do the real write	
+	// prepare flash for data	
+	TheSCMonitor.iFlash->StartTransaction();	
+	TheSCMonitor.iFlash->SetWritePos(block.iBlockOffset);
+	//write the crash this time
+	ProcessCrash(block, crashId, ETrue);
+	TheSCMonitor.iFlash->EndTransaction();	
+	// restore debug mask
+	Kern::SuperPage().iDebugMask[0] = dbgMask;
+	}
+ * This walks the existing crash log and finds out where current crashes finish
+ * @param aBlockEntry Block to use. Only valid if KErrNone is returned.
+ * @return One of the OS wide codes
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::GetNextCrashStartPoint(SCMCrashBlockEntry& aBlockEntry)
+	{
+	//First thing is to try and read the config
+	TBool configFound = (iDataSave->ReadConfig(*iScmConfig) == KErrNone);
+	if( iMultiCrashInfo)	
+		{				
+		/**
+		 * data save has been configured to use multicrash info to find the next block we are on we need to scan each
+		 * block to see if it contains a valid header. if we find an empty block in our block list then that is the
+		 * one we will use if we find no empty blocks then we have no room left	
+		 */
+		iMultiCrashInfo->Reset();
+		SCMCrashBlockEntry* block = iMultiCrashInfo->GetNextBlock();
+		TBool blockFound = EFalse;				
+		//For any crashes in flash, we need to record where they end, so that we can then go to the next
+		//block after the one in which it ends
+		TInt crashEndPoint = 0;		
+		while(block)
+			{	
+			CLTRACE1("SCMonitor::GetNextCrashStartPoint Processing block number %d", block->iBlockNumber );			
+			//If we have already found our block, we should erase subsequent ones for use
+			if(blockFound)
+				{
+				TInt err = EraseFlashBlock(*block);
+				if(err != KErrNone)
+					{					
+					return err;
+					}
+				block = iMultiCrashInfo->GetNextBlock(); 
+				continue;
+				}	
+			//is this block before a crash end? if it is, we cant use it as a crash can span multiple blocks
+			if(block->iBlockOffset >= crashEndPoint)
+				{
+				//special condition if we have a config
+				TUint startPos = block->iBlockOffset;
+				TUint skipBytes = 0;
+				if(configFound && block->iBlockOffset == 0)
+					{
+					startPos+=iScmConfig->GetSize();
+					//must align to flash for read
+					skipBytes = startPos % KFlashAlignment;	
+					startPos -= skipBytes;
+					}
+				// try and read an info header at these flash coords
+				TBuf8<TCrashInfoHeader::KSCMCrashInfoMaxSize + KFlashAlignment> buf;
+				buf.SetLength(TCrashInfoHeader::KSCMCrashInfoMaxSize + KFlashAlignment);
+				CLTRACE1("(SCMonitor::GetNextCrashStartPoint) reading at offset %d", block->iBlockOffset);
+				TheSCMonitor.iFlash->SetReadPos(startPos);
+				TheSCMonitor.iFlash->Read(buf);
+				// create the buffer applying the offset of bytes skipped
+				TByteStreamReader reader(const_cast<TUint8*> (buf.Ptr() + skipBytes));
+				TCrashInfoHeader header;								
+				TInt err = header.Deserialize(reader);
+				if(err == KErrCorrupt)
+					{
+					CLTRACE2("(SCMonitor::GetNextCrashStartPoint) Found empty block blocknumber %d blockoffset = %d"
+							, block->iBlockNumber, block->iBlockOffset);
+					blockFound = ETrue;
+					aBlockEntry = *block;
+					continue; //Dont get next block, as next run will erase this current block for use
+					}
+				else
+					{					
+					crashEndPoint = header.iLogSize + startPos;
+					CLTRACE3("(SCMonitor::GetNextCrashStartPoint) In block [%d] we found a valid crash header. This crash finishes at [%d] [0x%X]", block->iBlockNumber, crashEndPoint, crashEndPoint);
+					}
+				}
+			block = iMultiCrashInfo->GetNextBlock();
+			}									
+		if(blockFound)
+			{
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			//CLTRACE("(SCMonitor::GetNextCrashStartPoint) No available blocks TREATING as NO MULTICRASH INFO will write to default block");
+			//In this case should we just overwrite old crashes and return the first block as the comment above suggests
+			//return blockFound;
+			}
+		}
+	// no multi crash info supplied - use default first block settings
+	TInt err = EraseEntireFlashPartition();
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		CLTRACE1("Unable to delete area required to log to flash. Aborting. Error - [%d]", err);
+		return err;
+		}
+	aBlockEntry = SCMCrashBlockEntry(0,0,0);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ * Handles the processing of the crash
+ * @return The size of the crash log (including header) that has been/will be written
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::ProcessCrash(const SCMCrashBlockEntry& aBlock, TUint aCrashId, TBool aCommit)
+	{	
+	CLTRACE5("aBlock.iBlockOffset = [%d]  [0x%X] aBlock.iBlockNumber = %d aBlock.iBlockSize = [%d]  [0x%X]",
+			aBlock.iBlockOffset, aBlock.iBlockOffset, aBlock.iBlockNumber, aBlock.iBlockSize, aBlock.iBlockSize);		
+	// reset writer for start of each crash
+	iDataSave->iWriter->ResetBytesWritten();
+	TInt logLevel = 0;
+	if(aCommit)
+		{
+		logLevel = KALWAYS;
+		iDataSave->iWriter->EnablePhysicalWriting();	
+		}
+	else
+		{
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+		logLevel = KDEBUGGER;
+		logLevel = KALWAYS; //Doesnt matter, KTRACE OPT is empty for rel builds 
+		if(logLevel != KALWAYS)
+			{
+			//This is to avoid warning
+			}
+		iDataSave->iWriter->DisablePhysicalWriting();	
+		}
+	iDataSave->SetByteCount(aBlock.iBlockOffset);	
+	if(aBlock.iBlockOffset == 0 && aBlock.iBlockNumber == 0)
+		{	
+		// this is the first crash - we need to save the config here first
+		CLTRACE("(SCMonitor::ProcessCrash) - this is block 0 - WRITING CONFIG");
+		iDataSave->LogConfig(*iScmConfig);	
+		//Config is not part of crash so reset bytes written			
+		iDataSave->SetCrashStartingPoint(iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten());		
+		}	
+	else
+		{
+		iDataSave->SetCrashStartingPoint(aBlock.iBlockOffset);
+		}	
+	iDataSave->iWriter->ResetBytesWritten();
+	TUint32 logSize = 0;
+	TUint sizeOfObjectDumped = 0;
+	TInt err = iDataSave->LogCrashHeader(iFaultCategory, iFaultReason, aCrashId, sizeOfObjectDumped);		
+	if(KErrNone != err)
+		{
+		CLTRACE("System Crash Monitor: Failed to create crash info header - (TCrashInfo)"); 
+		return KRestartType;
+		}	
+	logSize += sizeOfObjectDumped;
+	//Now we must read the configuration to use. This is held at the start of our flash partition
+	//and managed by the iConfig object
+	iScmConfig->ResetToHighestPriority();	
+	//Always want the crash context
+	iDataSave->iHdr.iCTFullRegOffset = logSize + iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint();
+	err = iDataSave->LogCPURegisters(sizeOfObjectDumped);
+	if(KErrNone != err)
+		{
+		CLTRACE1("\tError logging full registers = %d", err);
+		}	
+	logSize += sizeOfObjectDumped;
+	CLTRACE("\tAbout to enter processing loop");		
+	SCMDataSave::TDataToDump dump;
+	for(;;)		
+		{		
+		//now we get each item by priority from the configuration
+		TConfigItem* configItem = iScmConfig->GetNextItem();
+		if(!configItem)
+			{
+			// end of list
+			break;
+			}
+		CLTRACE1("\nLooking at item type [%d]", configItem->GetDataType());
+		if(configItem->GetSpaceRequired() > iDataSave->SpaceRemaining())
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\t\tFor Item Type [%d]: Unable to log [0x%X] [%d] bytes because we only have [0x%X] [%d] bytes left", configItem->GetDataType(), configItem->GetSpaceRequired(), configItem->GetSpaceRequired(), iDataSave->SpaceRemaining(), iDataSave->SpaceRemaining()));
+			continue;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			CLTRACE1("Will require [%d] bytes for this item", configItem->GetSpaceRequired());
+			}
+		// only interested in logging items with priority > 0
+		if( configItem->GetPriority() <= 0)
+			{
+			CLTRACE1("\tIgnored config item type %d priority 0", configItem->GetDataType());
+			continue;
+			}
+		//there are a lot of TUints in the hdr to record where we wrote this item. 
+		//This will point to the one of interest for this configItem
+		TUint32* offsetPointer = NULL;				
+		//now we check the type of data we wish to dump
+		switch(configItem->GetDataType())
+			{
+			case TConfigItem::ECrashedThreadMetaData:			
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ECrashedThreadMetaData at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = LogThreadMetaData(SCMDataSave::EThreadSpecific, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iCTMetaOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EThreadsMetaData:			
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EThreadsMetaData at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//record location we are writing to in the header
+				iDataSave->iHdr.iTLstOffset = iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten();
+				err = LogThreadMetaData(SCMDataSave::ESystemWide, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iTLstOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::ECrashedProcessMetaData:			
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ECrashedProcessMetaData at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = LogProcessMetaData(SCMDataSave::EProcessSpecific, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iCPMetaOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EProcessMetaData:		
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EProcessMetaData at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = LogProcessMetaData(SCMDataSave::ESystemWide, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iPLstOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::ECrashedProcessUsrStacks:			
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ECrashedProcessUsrStacks at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = EFalse;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::EUsrStack;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::ERegSetNone;	
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EThread, SCMDataSave::EProcessSpecific, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);	
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iCTUsrStkOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EThreadsUsrStack:			
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EThreadsUsrStack at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = EFalse;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::EUsrStack;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::ERegSetNone;
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EThread, SCMDataSave::ESystemWide, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iSysSvrStkOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::ECrashedProcessSvrStacks:			
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ECrashedProcessSvrStacks at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = EFalse;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::ESvrStack;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::ERegSetNone;
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EThread, SCMDataSave::EProcessSpecific, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iCTSvrStkOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EThreadsSvrStack:			
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EThreadsSvrStack at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = EFalse;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::ESvrStack;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::ERegSetNone;
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EThread, SCMDataSave::ESystemWide, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iSysSvrStkOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EThreadsUsrRegisters:		
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EThreadsUsrRegisters at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = EFalse;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::EStackTypeNone;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::EUserRegisters;
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EThread, SCMDataSave::ESystemWide, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iSysUsrRegOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EThreadsSvrRegisters:		
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EThreadsSvrRegisters at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = EFalse;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::EStackTypeNone;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::ESupervisorRegisters;
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EThread, SCMDataSave::ESystemWide, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iSysSvrRegOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EExceptionStacks:
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EExceptionStacks at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = iDataSave->LogExceptionStacks(sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iExcStkOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::ECrashedProcessCodeSegs:
+				{	
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ECrashedProcessCodeSegs at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = ETrue;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::EStackTypeNone;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::ERegSetNone;				
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EProcess, SCMDataSave::EProcessSpecific, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iCPCodeSegOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EProcessCodeSegs:
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EProcessCodeSegs at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				//define what we wish to dump
+				dump.iMetaData = EFalse;
+				dump.iCodeSegs = ETrue;
+				dump.iStk = SCMDataSave::EStackTypeNone;
+				dump.iReg = SCMDataSave::ERegSetNone;
+				err = LogObjectContainers(EProcess, SCMDataSave::ESystemWide, dump, sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iSysCodeSegOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::ETraceData:
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ETraceData at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = iDataSave->LogTraceBuffer(configItem->GetSizeToDump(), sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iTraceOffset);
+				break;
+				}		
+			case TConfigItem::ELocks:
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ELocks at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));	
+				err = iDataSave->LogLocks(sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iScmLocksOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EKernelHeap:
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EKernelHeap at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = iDataSave->LogKernelHeap(sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iKernelHeapOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::EVariantSpecificData:
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: EVariantSpecificData at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = iDataSave->LogVariantSpecificData(sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iVarSpecInfOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			case TConfigItem::ERomInfo:
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tDoing: ERomInfo at [%d] offset from [%d]", iDataSave->iWriter->GetBytesWritten(), iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint()));
+				err = iDataSave->LogRomInfo(sizeOfObjectDumped);
+				offsetPointer = &(iDataSave->iHdr.iRomInfoOffset);
+				break;
+				}
+			//unknown configuration type - something bad is going on
+			default: return 0;			
+			}				
+		if(KErrNone != err)
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(logLevel, Kern::Printf("\tError logging data: [%d]   Type = [%d]", err, aBlock.iBlockOffset));
+			continue;
+			}
+		//Set the space required so next time around we will know in advance how much space we need
+		configItem->SetSpaceRequired(sizeOfObjectDumped);		
+		//Note: the following steps are only required for the first time we call process crash. The second time,
+		//when physical writing is enabled, these will have been written already and so they dont matter
+		//update the offset and logsize if we are going to dump this item
+		TUint32 absoluteLogPos = logSize + iDataSave->GetCrashStartingPoint();
+		if(absoluteLogPos+sizeOfObjectDumped < iDataSave->MaxLogSize())
+			{
+			//now, we must record where in the crash log this item will be dumped
+			*offsetPointer = absoluteLogPos;
+			logSize += sizeOfObjectDumped;
+			}
+		}
+	iDataSave->iCrashInf.iLogSize = logSize;	
+	iDataSave->iWriter->FlushCache();		
+	return iDataSave->iCrashInf.iLogSize;
+	}
+ * Logs the meta data for processes
+ * @param aCurrentProcess - scope to dump
+ * @return one of the OS wide codes
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::LogProcessMetaData(SCMDataSave::TDumpScope aScope, TUint& aSizeDumped) const
+	{
+	SCMDataSave::TDataToDump dump;
+	dump.iMetaData = ETrue;
+	return LogObjectContainers(EProcess, aScope, dump, aSizeDumped);
+	}
+ * 
+ * @param aCurrentThread -  to only do the current (crashed thread) or to do all the others
+ * @return one of the OS wide codes
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::LogThreadMetaData(SCMDataSave::TDumpScope aScope, TUint& aSizeDumped) const
+	{
+	SCMDataSave::TDataToDump dump; 
+	dump.iMetaData = ETrue;
+	return LogObjectContainers(EThread, aScope, dump, aSizeDumped);
+	}
+ * Generic method that looks at all kernel objects of aObjectType
+ * @param aObjectType
+ * @param aDumpScope - if you wish to dump for the the current process, current thread or entire system
+ * @param aDataToDump - data you wish to dump
+ * @param aSizeDumped - records how much was dumped
+ * @return
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::LogObjectContainers(TObjectType aObjectType, SCMDataSave::TDumpScope aDumpScope, const SCMDataSave::TDataToDump& aDataToDump, TUint& aSizeDumped) const
+	{
+	aSizeDumped = 0;
+	if(aObjectType >= ENumObjectTypes)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	//Get the object container for the given object type
+	DObjectCon* objectContainer = Kern::Containers()[aObjectType];
+	if(objectContainer == NULL)
+		{		
+		CLTRACE("tFailed to get object container");
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	//Must check the mutex on this is ok otherwise the data will be in an inconsistent state
+	if(objectContainer->iMutex->iHoldCount)
+		{
+		CLTRACE("\tObject Container is in an inconsistant state");
+		return KErrCorrupt;
+		}
+	TInt numObjects = objectContainer->Count();
+	TInt err = KErrNone;	
+	for(TInt cnt = 0; cnt< numObjects; cnt ++)
+		{	
+		DObject* object = (*objectContainer)[cnt];
+		//Are we interested in the object? scope only relevant for thread and process objects, for others, the scope is implicit
+		if(aObjectType == EThread)			
+			{
+			switch(aDumpScope)
+				{
+				case SCMDataSave::EThreadSpecific :
+					{
+					//if we are interested in the current thread and this is not it, continue
+					if(((DThread*)object) != &Kern::CurrentThread())
+						continue;
+					break;
+					}
+				case SCMDataSave::EProcessSpecific :
+					{
+					//if we are interested in the current proc and this is not it, continue
+					if(((DThread*)object)->iOwningProcess != &Kern::CurrentProcess())
+						continue;					
+					break;
+					}
+				case SCMDataSave::ESystemWide :
+				default: 
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		else if(aObjectType == EProcess)
+			{
+			switch(aDumpScope)
+				{
+				case SCMDataSave::EProcessSpecific :
+					{
+					if((DProcess*)object != &Kern::CurrentProcess())
+						continue;
+					break;
+					}
+				case SCMDataSave::EThreadSpecific :  //thread specific process doesnt make sense
+					return KErrArgument;				
+				case SCMDataSave::ESystemWide :
+				default:
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		//Now we look at the data we have been asked to dump
+		if(aDataToDump.iMetaData)
+			{
+			TUint dumped = 0;
+			err = HelpDumpMetaData(object, aObjectType, dumped);
+			if(KErrNone != err)
+				{
+				CLTRACE1("Failed to meta data: [%d]", err);
+				return err;
+				}
+			aSizeDumped += dumped;
+			}
+		if(aDataToDump.iCodeSegs)
+			{
+			if(aObjectType != EProcess)
+				{
+				return KErrArgument;
+				}
+			TUint dumped = 0;
+			err = iDataSave->LogCodeSegments((DProcess*)object, dumped);
+			if(KErrNone != err)
+				{
+				CLTRACE1("Failed to log code segments: [%d]", err);
+				return err;
+				}
+			aSizeDumped += dumped;
+			}
+		if(aDataToDump.iStk != SCMDataSave::EStackTypeNone)
+			{
+			TUint dumped = 0;
+			err = HelpDumpStacks(object, aObjectType, dumped, aDataToDump.iStk);
+			if(KErrNone != err)
+				{
+				CLTRACE1("Failed to log stacks: [%d]", err);
+				return err;
+				}
+			aSizeDumped += dumped;
+			}
+		if(aDataToDump.iReg != SCMDataSave::ERegSetNone)
+			{			
+			if(aObjectType != EThread)
+				{
+				return KErrArgument;
+				}
+			TUint dumped = 0;
+			err = iDataSave->LogRegisters((DThread*)object, aDataToDump.iReg, dumped);	
+			if(KErrNone != err && KErrNotSupported !=err)  //we expect to send down a KErrNotSupported when we ask for Full CPU set for the non crashed thread - thats fine
+				{
+				CLTRACE1("Failed to log registers: [%d]", err);
+				return err;
+				}
+			aSizeDumped += dumped;
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+ * Helper method for dumping stacks. Looks to see what type of stack we want and then calls
+ * appropriate method
+ * @param aObject The DThread object whose stack we want
+ * @param aObjectType The object type of this aObject. Anything other than EThread will give KErrArgument
+ * @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the stack dumped after processing 
+ * @param aStkType The type of stack to be dumped
+ * @see TObjectType
+ * @see SCMDataSave::TStackType
+ * @return One of the system wide codes
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::HelpDumpStacks(DObject* aObject, TObjectType aObjectType, TUint& aSizeDumped, SCMDataSave::TStackType aStkType) const
+	{
+	//verify args
+	if(aObjectType != EThread)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	switch(aStkType)
+		{
+		case SCMDataSave::EUsrStack:
+			{
+			return iDataSave->LogThreadUserStack((DThread*)aObject, ETrue, aSizeDumped);
+			}
+		case SCMDataSave::ESvrStack:
+			{
+			return iDataSave->LogThreadSupervisorStack((DThread*)aObject, ETrue, aSizeDumped);
+			}
+		default: return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	}
+ * Helper method to dump meta data about a DThread or a DProcess object
+ * @param aObject DObject to use
+ * @param aObjectType Type of DObject. Must be EThread or EProcess
+ * @param aSizeDumped Holds the size of the stack dumped after processing 
+ * @return
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::HelpDumpMetaData(DObject* aObject, TObjectType aObjectType, TUint& aSizeDumped) const
+	{
+	aSizeDumped = 0;
+	switch(aObjectType)
+		{
+		case EThread:
+			{
+			return iDataSave->LogThreadData((DThread*)aObject, aSizeDumped);	 
+			}
+		case EProcess:
+			{
+			return iDataSave->LogProcessData((DProcess*)aObject, aSizeDumped);
+			}
+		default: return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	}
+ * Wrapper method around the flash erase block fundtion to determine if the erase was succesful.
+ * If the erase was not succesful we can't continue as we cannot write.
+ * @param aBlockOffset Block to erase
+ * @return One of the OS wide codes
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::EraseFlashBlock(const SCMCrashBlockEntry& aBlock)
+	{	
+	iFlash->StartTransaction();
+	TInt numAttempts = 0;
+	while(numAttempts < KFlashEraseAttempts)
+		{
+		iFlash->SetWritePos(aBlock.iBlockOffset);
+		iFlash->EraseFlashBlock(aBlock.iBlockOffset);
+		//we will read the flash to make sure that it set the block to all 1's (well not all, just the start)
+		TBuf8<sizeof(TUint32)> buf;
+		buf.SetLength(sizeof(TUint32));
+		iFlash->SetReadPos(aBlock.iBlockOffset);
+		iFlash->Read(buf);
+		volatile TUint32* result = (TUint32*)buf.Ptr();
+		if(*result == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+			{			
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KALWAYS, Kern::Printf("Erase of block [0x%X] succesful after [%d] attempts", aBlock.iBlockOffset, numAttempts+1))			
+			iFlash->EndTransaction();			
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		numAttempts++;
+		//Sometimes a write to the block helps the next erase
+		TUint32 bytesWritten = 0;		
+		while(bytesWritten < aBlock.iBlockSize)
+			{
+			TBuf8<sizeof(TUint8)> num;
+			num.Append(0x0);
+			iFlash->Write(num);
+			bytesWritten++;
+			}
+		}		
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KALWAYS, Kern::Printf("After %d attempts, we were unable to erase the flash block at [0x%X]. This could be because "
+			"the driver is defective or because the flash has gone past its lifetime. Whatever it is though, "
+			"we cannot continue.", KFlashEraseAttempts, aBlock.iBlockOffset));
+	iFlash->EndTransaction();
+	return KErrAbort;
+	}
+ * This erases each block in the flash partition
+ * @return One of the system wide codes
+ */
+TInt SCMonitor::EraseEntireFlashPartition()
+	{
+	if(iMultiCrashInfo)
+		{
+		iMultiCrashInfo->Reset();
+		SCMCrashBlockEntry* block = iMultiCrashInfo->GetNextBlock();
+		while(block)
+			{
+			TInt err = EraseFlashBlock(*block);
+			if(KErrNone != err)
+				{
+				return err;
+				}
+			block = iMultiCrashInfo->GetNextBlock();
+			}
+		return KErrNone;
+		}
+	CLTRACE("SCMonitor::EraseEntireFlashPartition() -- No Flash MAP available, trying to use the raw driver to delete.");
+	TheSCMonitor.iFlash->EraseLogArea();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+//eof scmonitor.cpp