changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 31 56f325a607ea
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/hcr/hcr_pil.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Hardware Configuration Respoitory Platform Independent Layer (PIL)
+// -- INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "hcr_debug.h"
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32err.h>
+#include <e32des8.h>
+#include <nkern/nkern.h>
+#include <kernel/kernel.h>
+#include <e32rom.h>
+#include <plat_priv.h>
+#include <kernel/kernboot.h>
+#include "hcr_hai.h"
+#include "hcr_pil.h"
+// -- GLOBALS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef HCR_TRACE
+GLDEF_C TBuf<81> gTraceBuffer;
+// -- Local functions prototypes
+Retrive Repository file address stored in the iHcrFileAddress field of ROM Image header.
+If this filed is zero or it is equal with a special value then it keeps the original vaule of 
+aRepos parameter and signals it with the retun value.
+@param aRepos     		The reference to a repository variable
+@return	KErrNone 		if successful, the aRepos parameter references to the file in ROM Image.
+        KErrNotFound 	if the ROM Image header contains zero or a special value as the repository file address
+LOCAL_C TInt LocateCoreImgRepository(HCR::TRepository*& aRepos);
+This method transfer the value of aFileName to ROM Image conform file name string. 
+Retrive the variant dependent ROM Root directory address.
+Search the file in \sys\bin directory and if it doesn't exists there it try to find it in \sys\Data.
+@param 	aRepos     			The reference to a repository variable.
+				aFileName			  The name of the new repository file without path. '\0' terminated c-style string.
+@return	KErrNone 			if successful
+        KErrNotFound 		if file not found in \sys\bin or \sys\Data
+LOCAL_C TInt SearchCoreImgRepository(HCR::TRepository* & aRepos, const TText * aFileName);
+Scanning a given directory for the given entry name. The entry name can be sub-directory or file.
+@param 	aActDir     		Pointer to curretn directory in the ROM Image directory tree
+		aFileName			File to be search
+		aEntry				If the file found this referenced to proper directory entry
+@return	 KErrNone		 			if the entry found
+         KErrNotFound					if the entry not found
+LOCAL_C TInt SearchEntryInTRomDir(const TRomDir* aActDir, const TPtrC aFileName, TRomEntry* &aEntry);
+// -- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ Returns 1 when a1 > a2
+ Returns -1 when a1 < a2
+ Returns 0 when identical.
+ */
+TInt CompareSSettingIds(const HCR::TSettingId& a1, const HCR::SSettingId& a2)    
+    // HCR_FUNC("CompareSSettingIds");
+    if (a1.iCat > a2.iCat)
+        return (1); // HCR_TRACE_RETURN(1);
+    if (a1.iCat < a2.iCat)
+        return (-1); // HCR_TRACE_RETURN(-1);
+    // Categories are the same at this point, check keys.
+    if (a1.iKey > a2.iKey)
+        return (1); // HCR_TRACE_RETURN(1);
+    if (a1.iKey < a2.iKey)
+        return (-1); // HCR_TRACE_RETURN(-1);
+    // Both Categories and jeys are the same here.
+    return (0); // HCR_TRACE_RETURN(0);
+    }
+// -- METHODS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// HCRInternal
+   : iStatus(EStatConstructed), iVariant(0), iVariantStore(0), iCoreImgStore(0), iOverrideStore(0)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("HCRInternal(Defualt)");
+    }
+HCR::HCRInternal::HCRInternal(HCR::MVariant* aVar)
+   : iVariant(aVar), iVariantStore(0), iCoreImgStore(0), iOverrideStore(0)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("HCRInternal");
+    }
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("~HCRInternal");
+    }
+TUint32 HCR::HCRInternal::GetStatus()
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("GetStatus");
+    return iStatus;
+    }
+TInt HCR::HCRInternal::Initialise()
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("HCRInternal::Initialise");
+    TAny* store = 0; 
+    TInt err = 0;
+	// Variant PSL object must exist before PIL initalised.
+	if (iVariant == 0) {
+ 			err = KErrGeneral; goto failed; }
+	// Inform the PSL that we are initialising, give them an opportunity to do
+	// initialisation work too.
+    err = iVariant->Initialise(); 
+    if (err != KErrNone)
+    	goto failed;
+    iStatus = EStatVariantInitialised;
+    // Ask the PSL for the address of the SRepositoryCompiled object. PSL 
+    // can return KErrNotSupported & NULL if compiled repository not 
+	// used/support by PSL.
+    err = iVariant->GetCompiledRepositoryAddress(store);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        if (store == 0) { // Programming error in PSL, ptr/rc mismatch
+ 			err = KErrArgument; goto failed; }
+        iVariantStore = TRepositoryCompiled::New(reinterpret_cast<const HCR::SRepositoryCompiled *>(store));
+        if (iVariantStore == 0) { 
+			err = KErrNoMemory; goto failed; }
+        }
+    else if (err != KErrNotSupported)
+    	goto failed;       
+    // Ask the PSL if it wants the PIL not to search for the Core Image 
+	// SRepositoryFile settings.
+    iCoreImgStore = 0;
+    if (!iVariant->IgnoreCoreImgRepository())
+    	{
+    	err = LocateCoreImgRepository(iCoreImgStore);
+    	if (err == KErrNone)
+     	   {
+        	if (iCoreImgStore == 0) {
+				err = KErrNoMemory; goto failed; }
+        	}
+    	else if (err != KErrNotFound)
+    		goto failed;
+		}       
+    // Ask the PSL for the address of the SRepositoryFile object. PSL 
+    // can return KErrNotSupported & NULL if a local media based file 
+	// repository is not used/support by PSL.  
+    store = 0;
+    err = iVariant->GetOverrideRepositoryAddress(store);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        if (store == 0) { // Programming error in PSL, ptr/rc mismatch
+ 			err = KErrArgument; goto failed; }       
+        iOverrideStore = TRepositoryFile::New(reinterpret_cast<const HCR::SRepositoryFile *>(store));
+        if (iOverrideStore == 0) {
+			err = KErrNoMemory; goto failed; }
+        }
+    else if (err != KErrNotSupported)
+    	goto failed;       
+	iStatus = EStatInitialised;
+    // Sanity check here to ensure we have atleast one repository to use and run
+    // sanity check on their contents to look for ordering issues and duplicates.
+	HCR_TRACE3("=== HCR Ready: compiled:%x, coreimg:%x, override:%x", iVariantStore, iCoreImgStore, iOverrideStore);
+    if ((iVariantStore == 0) && (iCoreImgStore == 0) && (iOverrideStore == 0)) {
+ 		err = KErrArgument; goto failed; }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	err = CheckIntegrity();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		goto failed;	
+	iStatus = EStatReady;
+	return KErrNone;
+    iStatus = (iStatus & EStatMinorMask) | EStatFailed;
+    }
+TInt HCR::HCRInternal::SwitchRepository(const TText * aFileName, const TReposId aId)
+	{
+	HCR_FUNC("HCRInternal::SwitchRepository");
+	TInt retVal = KErrNone;
+	TRepository* store = NULL;
+	if( aFileName != NULL)
+		{
+		retVal = SearchCoreImgRepository(store, aFileName);
+		HCR_TRACE2("--- SearchCoreImgRepository()->%d (0x%08x)", retVal, retVal);
+		}
+	if( retVal == KErrNone )
+		{
+		switch(aId)
+			{
+			case ECoreRepos:
+			    HCR_TRACE0("--- ECoreRepos");
+				if( iCoreImgStore )
+					{
+					delete iCoreImgStore;
+					}
+				iCoreImgStore = store;
+				break;
+			case EOverrideRepos:
+			    HCR_TRACE0("--- EOverrideRepos");
+				if( iCoreImgStore )
+    				{
+					delete iOverrideStore;
+					}
+				iOverrideStore = store;
+				break;
+			default:
+			    HCR_TRACE0("--- default:");
+				retVal = KErrNotSupported;
+				break;		
+			}
+		}
+    }
+TInt HCR::HCRInternal::CheckIntegrity()
+	{
+	HCR_FUNC("HCRInternal::CheckIntegrity");
+	TInt err = KErrNone;
+	if (iVariantStore)
+		{
+		err = iVariantStore->CheckIntegrity();
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			HCR_LOGMSG_RETURN("HCR iVariantStore failed integrity check", err);
+		}
+	if (iCoreImgStore)
+		{
+		err = iCoreImgStore->CheckIntegrity();
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			HCR_LOGMSG_RETURN("HCR iCoreImgStore failed integrity check", err);
+		}	
+	if (iOverrideStore)
+		{
+		err = iOverrideStore->CheckIntegrity();
+		if (err != KErrNone)
+			HCR_LOGMSG_RETURN("HCR iOverrideStore failed integrity check", err);
+		}
+	HCR_TRACE0("=== HCR Repository integrity checks PASSED!");
+	return KErrNone;	
+	}
+TInt HCR::HCRInternal::FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingType aType, TSettingRef& aSetting)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("HCRInternal::FindSetting");
+    TInt err = 0;
+    TBool found = EFalse;
+    HCR_TRACE3("--- Repository state: %x, %x, %x", iOverrideStore, iCoreImgStore, iVariantStore);
+    if (iOverrideStore && 
+        ((err = iOverrideStore->FindSetting(aId, aSetting)) == KErrNone))
+        found = ETrue;
+    if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrNotFound))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(err);
+    if (!found &&
+        iCoreImgStore &&
+        ((err = iCoreImgStore->FindSetting(aId, aSetting)) == KErrNone))
+        found = ETrue;
+    if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrNotFound))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(err);
+    if (!found &&
+        iVariantStore &&
+        ((err = iVariantStore->FindSetting(aId, aSetting)) == KErrNone))
+        found = ETrue;
+    if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrNotFound))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(err);
+    HCR_TRACE3("--- Search results: %d, %d, %x", found, err, aSetting.iSet);
+    if (!found || (aSetting.iSet == 0))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrNotFound);
+    // Setting found at this point in the function
+    //
+    TSettingType type=static_cast<TSettingType>(aSetting.iRep->GetType(aSetting)); 
+    if (type & ~aType)
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrArgument); // Wrong setting type
+    HCR_TRACE3("--- Setting found! ID: (%d,%d) Type: %d", aId.iCat, aId.iKey, type);
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt HCR::HCRInternal::FindWordSettings(TInt /*aNum*/, const TSettingId* /*aIds*/, 
+                        TInt32* /*aValues*/, TSettingType* /*aTypes*/, TInt* /*aErrors*/)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("HCRInternal::FindWordSettings");
+    return KErrNotSupported;
+    }
+// -- METHODS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// TRepository
+TBool HCR::TRepository::IsWordValue(const TSettingRef& aRef)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepository::IsWordValue");
+    return ((aRef.iSet->iType & KMaskWordTypes) != 0);
+    }
+TBool HCR::TRepository::IsLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepository::IsLargeValue");
+    return ((aRef.iSet->iType & KMaskLargeTypes) != 0);
+    }
+void HCR::TRepository::GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, TCategoryUid& aCat, TElementId& aKey)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepository::GetId1");
+    aCat = aRef.iSet->iId.iCat;
+    aKey = aRef.iSet->iId.iKey;
+    }
+void HCR::TRepository::GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, SSettingId& aId)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepository::GetId2");
+    aId = aRef.iSet->iId;
+    }
+TInt32 HCR::TRepository::GetType(const TSettingRef& aRef)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepository::GetType");
+    return (aRef.iSet->iType);
+    }
+TUint16 HCR::TRepository::GetLength(const TSettingRef& aRef)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepository::GetLength");
+	// Assume large value, will be caught when value retreived if not correct.
+	// Saves some CPU cycles...
+	// if (IsLargeValue(aRef))
+    return (aRef.iSet->iLen);
+    }
+// -- METHODS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// TRepositoryCompiled
+HCR::TRepository* HCR::TRepositoryCompiled::New(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryCompiled::New");
+    return new TRepositoryCompiled(aRepos);
+    }
+HCR::TRepositoryCompiled::TRepositoryCompiled(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos)
+ : iRepos(aRepos)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryCompiled");
+    }
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("~TRepositoryCompiled");
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryCompiled::Initialise()
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryCompiled::Initialise");
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryCompiled::CheckIntegrity()
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryCompiled::CheckIntegrity");
+	if (iRepos->iOrderedSettingList == 0)
+        HCR_LOGMSG_RETURN("Compiled Repository header missing setting array list", KErrNotFound);
+	HCR_TRACE2("Compiled repository 0x%x contains %05d entries", iRepos, iRepos->iHdr->iNumSettings);
+    SSettingC* arr = iRepos->iOrderedSettingList;
+    TSettingId prev(0,0);
+    TInt rc=0;
+    for (int i=0; i < iRepos->iHdr->iNumSettings; i++, arr++)
+    	{
+    	HCR_TRACE3("Checking entry %05d - (0x%x,%d)", i, arr->iName.iId.iCat,  arr->iName.iId.iKey);
+    	rc = CompareSSettingIds(prev, arr->iName.iId);
+		// Check for duplicates that reside next to each other
+    	if ((i > 0) && (rc == 0))
+    		HCR_TRACE_RETURN (KErrAlreadyExists);
+    	// Check that the entries are in ascending order	
+    	if (rc != -1)
+    		HCR_TRACE_RETURN (KErrCorrupt);
+    	prev = arr->iName.iId;
+		}
+    return KErrNone; 
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryCompiled::FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryCompiled::FindSetting");
+    if ((iRepos->iHdr->iNumSettings == 0) || 
+        (iRepos->iOrderedSettingList == 0))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrNotFound);
+    SSettingC* arr = iRepos->iOrderedSettingList;
+    int low = 0;
+    int high = iRepos->iHdr->iNumSettings-1;
+    int mid;
+    int com;
+    while (low<=high)
+        {
+        mid = (low+high) >> 1;
+        com = CompareSSettingIds(aId, arr[mid].iName.iId);
+        if (com < 0)
+            high = mid-1;
+        else if (com > 0)
+            low = mid+1;
+        else
+            {
+            aSetting.iRep = this;
+            aSetting.iSet = &((arr[mid]).iName);
+            return KErrNone;
+            }    
+        } 
+    aSetting.iRep = 0;
+	aSetting.iSet = 0; 
+    return KErrNotFound;
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryCompiled::GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryCompiled::GetValue");
+    if (!IsWordValue(aRef))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrArgument);
+	SSettingC* sptr = (SSettingC*)(aRef.iSet);
+    aValue = sptr->iValue.iLit;
+	return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryCompiled::GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryCompiled::GetLargeValue");
+    if (!IsLargeValue(aRef))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrArgument);
+	SSettingC* sptr = (SSettingC*)(aRef.iSet);
+    aValue = sptr->iValue.iPtr;
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -- METHODS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+// TRepositoryFile
+HCR::TRepository* HCR::TRepositoryFile::New(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryFile::New");
+    return new TRepositoryFile(aRepos);
+    }
+HCR::TRepositoryFile::TRepositoryFile(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos)
+ : iRepos(aRepos)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryFile");
+    }
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("~TRepositoryFile");
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryFile::Initialise()
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryFile::Initialise");
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryFile::CheckIntegrity()
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryFile::CheckIntegrity");
+	if ((*((TUint32*)&(iRepos->iHdr)) != 0x66524348) || 
+		(iRepos->iHdr.iFormatVersion != 0x0001))
+        HCR_LOGMSG_RETURN("File Repository header describes an unsupported repository type", KErrCorrupt);
+    HCR_TRACE2("File repository 0x%x contains %05d entries", iRepos, iRepos->iHdr.iNumSettings);
+    SSettingF* arr = (SSettingF*) (iRepos+1);
+    TSettingId prev(0,0);
+    TInt rc=0;
+    for (int i=0; i < iRepos->iHdr.iNumSettings; i++, arr++)
+    	{
+    	HCR_TRACE3("Checking entry %05d - (0x%x,%d)", i, arr->iName.iId.iCat,  arr->iName.iId.iKey);
+    	rc = CompareSSettingIds(prev, arr->iName.iId);
+	   	// Check for duplicates that reside next to each other
+    	if ((i > 0) && (rc == 0))
+    		HCR_TRACE_RETURN (KErrAlreadyExists);
+    	// Check that the entries are in ascending order	
+    	if (rc != -1)
+    		HCR_TRACE_RETURN (KErrCorrupt);
+    	prev = arr->iName.iId;
+		}
+    return KErrNone; 
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryFile::FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryFile::FindSetting");
+    if (iRepos->iHdr.iNumSettings == 0)
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrNotFound);
+    SSettingF* arr = (SSettingF*) (iRepos+1);
+    int low = 0;
+    int high = iRepos->iHdr.iNumSettings-1;
+    int mid;
+    int com;
+    while (low<=high)
+        {
+        mid = (low+high) >> 1;
+        com = CompareSSettingIds(aId, arr[mid].iName.iId);
+        if (com < 0)
+            high = mid-1;
+        else if (com > 0)
+            low = mid+1;
+        else
+            {
+            aSetting.iRep = this;
+            aSetting.iSet = &((arr[mid]).iName);
+            return KErrNone;
+            }    
+        } 
+    aSetting.iRep = 0;
+	aSetting.iSet = 0; 
+    return KErrNotFound;
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryFile::GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryFile::GetValue");
+    if (!IsWordValue(aRef))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrArgument);
+	SSettingF* sptr = (SSettingF*)(aRef.iSet);
+    aValue = sptr->iValue.iLit;
+	return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt HCR::TRepositoryFile::GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("TRepositoryFile::GetLargeValue");
+    if (!IsLargeValue(aRef))
+        HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrArgument);
+	SSettingF* sptr = (SSettingF*)(aRef.iSet);
+	TRepositoryFile *rptr = (TRepositoryFile *)(aRef.iRep);
+    aValue.iData = (TUint8*) rptr->iRepos;
+	aValue.iData += rptr->iRepos->iLSDfirstByteOffset+sptr->iValue.iOffset;
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef __WINS__
+#endif // __WINS__
+	{
+	HCR_FUNC("InitExtension");
+	HCR::MVariant* varPtr = CreateHCRVariant();
+	if (varPtr==0)
+		HCR_LOG_RETURN(KErrNoMemory);
+	new(&gHCR) HCR::HCRInternal(varPtr);
+	TInt err = HCRSingleton->Initialise();
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+	return err;
+	}
+// -- Implementation of local functions
+TInt SearchEntryInTRomDir(const TRomDir* aActDir, const TPtrC aFileName, TRomEntry* &aEntry)
+	{
+	HCR_FUNC("SearchEntryInTRomDir");
+	TInt retVal = KErrNotFound;
+	HCR_TRACE2("--- aFileName: %S (%d)", &aFileName, aFileName.Length());
+	if( aActDir == 0)
+		{
+		}
+	TInt dirSize = aActDir->iSize;
+	aEntry = (TRomEntry*)&aActDir->iEntry;
+	HCR_TRACE3("--- dirSize: 0x%08x (%d), aEntry: 0x%08x", dirSize, dirSize, aEntry);
+	TBool found = EFalse;
+	while( !found )
+		{
+		HCR_TRACE0("Begin of loop...");
+		TInt nameLength = (aEntry->iNameLength)<<1;
+		HCR_HEX_DUMP_ABS((TUint8 *)aEntry, sizeof(TRomEntry)+(nameLength - 2) );
+		const TText* entryName = &aEntry->iName[0];
+		HCR_TRACE1("--- entryName length: %d", nameLength);
+		TBuf<512> newEntryName( nameLength);
+		for( TInt i = 0; i != nameLength; ++i)
+			{
+			newEntryName[i] = (unsigned char)('A' <= entryName[i] && 'Z' >= entryName[i]? entryName[i]+('a'-'A'): entryName[i]);
+			}		
+		HCR_TRACE6("--- aFileName: %S (%d/%d), newEntryName: %S (%d/%d)", &aFileName, aFileName.Length(), aFileName.Size(), &newEntryName, newEntryName.Length(), newEntryName.Size());
+		TInt r = aFileName.Compare(newEntryName);
+		HCR_TRACE1("--- result of CompareFileNames: 0x%08x", r);
+		if ( r == 0)
+			{
+			found = ETrue;
+			HCR_TRACE1("--- aEntry: 0x%08x", aEntry);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TInt entrySize = sizeof(TRomEntry) + (nameLength - 2);
+			HCR_TRACE2("--- entrySize: 0x%08x, (%d)", entrySize, entrySize);
+			// The entrySize must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary
+			entrySize = ((entrySize&0x03) == 0 ? entrySize : ((entrySize&0xfffffffc) + 4));
+			HCR_TRACE2("--- entrySize: 0x%08x, (%d)", entrySize, entrySize);
+			aEntry = (TRomEntry*)((char *)aEntry + entrySize);
+			dirSize -= entrySize;
+			HCR_TRACE2("--- aEntry: 0x%08x, dirSize:%d", aEntry, dirSize);
+			if( dirSize <= 0)
+				{
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if( found)
+		{
+		retVal = KErrNone;
+		}
+	}
+TInt SearchCoreImgRepository(HCR::TRepository*& aRepos, const TText * aFileName)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("SearchCoreImgRepository(TRepository*& aRepos, TText & aFileName)");
+    TInt retVal = KErrNotFound;
+	// Convert aFileName to directory entry style Unicode 
+	const TText* p = aFileName;
+	if( *p == 0)
+		{
+		// Empty file name -> return with KErrNotFound!
+		}
+	while( *(++p)) {};					// Search the end of file name string.
+	TInt nameLen=(TInt)(p-aFileName);	
+	HCR_TRACE2("--- aFileName: %s (%d)", aFileName, nameLen );
+	TBuf<256> origFileName;
+	origFileName.Append((const TText*)aFileName, nameLen);
+	HCR_TRACE2("--- origFileName: %S (%d)", &origFileName, origFileName.Length());
+	TBuf<512> fileNameBuf;
+	for( TInt i = 0; i != nameLen; ++i)
+		{
+		fileNameBuf.Append( 'A' <= origFileName[i] && 'Z' >= origFileName[i]? origFileName[i]+('a'-'A'): origFileName[i]);
+		fileNameBuf.Append(TChar(0));
+		}
+	TPtrC fileName(fileNameBuf);
+	HCR_TRACE3("--- fileName: %S (%d/%d)", &fileName, fileName.Length(), fileName.Size());
+    // Locate ROM Root directory
+    TSuperPage& superpage = Kern::SuperPage();
+   	TRomRootDirectoryList* romRootDirAddress = (TRomRootDirectoryList*)superpage.iRootDirList;
+    HCR_TRACE3("--- Superpage: 0x%08x, ROM root dir list: 0x%08x (Num of root dirs:%d)", &superpage, romRootDirAddress, romRootDirAddress->iNumRootDirs );
+	// Search the root directory which is match to the current hardware variant
+    TUint hardwareVariant 	   = superpage.iActiveVariant;
+    TInt variantIndex;
+    TRootDirInfo* rootDirInfo = 0;
+    for(variantIndex = 0; variantIndex < romRootDirAddress->iNumRootDirs; ++variantIndex )
+	    {
+	    HCR_TRACE3("--- variantIndex:%d, current hardware variant: 0x%08x, root dir hardware variant:0x%08x", variantIndex, hardwareVariant, romRootDirAddress->iRootDir[variantIndex].iHardwareVariant);
+    	if( romRootDirAddress->iRootDir[variantIndex].iHardwareVariant == hardwareVariant)
+	    	{
+	    	rootDirInfo = &romRootDirAddress->iRootDir[variantIndex]; 
+	    	break;
+	    	}
+	    }
+    if( rootDirInfo == 0 )
+	    {
+	    // Not found root directory for this hardware variant
+	    HCR_TRACE_RETURN(retVal);
+	    }
+	TRomDir* romDir = (TRomDir*)rootDirInfo->iAddressLin;
+	HCR_TRACE3("--- romDir: 0x%08x (files:0x%08x, entries:0x%08x)", romDir, romDir->FileCount(), romDir->EntryCount() );
+	TRomEntry* entry = (TRomEntry*)&romDir->iEntry;
+	// We are searching in \sys\bin\ and \sys\Data\ directory only	
+	TPtrC level1DirName((const TText*)"s\0y\0s\0", 6);		// Unicode, because the entry names are unicode too.
+	TPtrC level2Dir1Name((const TText*)"b\0i\0n\0", 6);
+	TPtrC level2Dir2Name((const TText*)"d\0a\0t\0a\0", 8);		// Originally \sys\Data however we search all entry in lower case
+	TInt r = SearchEntryInTRomDir(romDir, level1DirName, entry);
+	HCR_TRACE1("--- result of SearchEntryInTRomDir: 0x%08x", r);
+	if( r == KErrNone)
+		{
+		// \sys directory found.
+		romDir = (TRomDir*)entry->iAddressLin;
+		HCR_TRACE1("--- romDir: 0x%08x ", romDir);
+		TRomDir* parentDir = romDir;
+		// Search in \sys\bin directory
+		r = SearchEntryInTRomDir(romDir, level2Dir1Name, entry);
+		HCR_TRACE1("--- result of SearchEntryInTRomDir: 0x%08x", r);
+		if( r == KErrNone)
+			{
+			// \sys\bin directory found
+			romDir = (TRomDir*)entry->iAddressLin;
+			HCR_TRACE1("--- romDir: 0x%08x ", romDir);
+			// Search the repository file
+			r = SearchEntryInTRomDir(romDir, fileName, entry);
+			HCR_TRACE1("--- result of SearchEntryInTRomDir: 0x%08x", r);
+			if( r == KErrNone)
+				{
+				// Repository file found
+				retVal = KErrNone;				
+				HCR_TRACE1("--- Repository address: 0x%08x ", entry->iAddressLin);
+				aRepos = HCR::TRepositoryFile::New(reinterpret_cast<const HCR::SRepositoryFile *>(entry->iAddressLin));	
+				if (aRepos == NULL)
+                        retVal = KErrNoMemory;					
+                HCR_TRACE_RETURN(retVal);
+				}
+			}
+		// \sys\bin directory or repository file in \sys\bin directory not found.    
+		// Search \sys\Data directory
+		romDir = parentDir;
+		r = SearchEntryInTRomDir(romDir, level2Dir2Name, entry);
+		HCR_TRACE1("--- result of SearchEntryInTRomDir: 0x%08x", r);
+		if( r == KErrNone)
+			{
+			// \sys\Data directory found
+			romDir = (TRomDir*)entry->iAddressLin;
+			HCR_TRACE1("--- romDir: 0x%08x ", romDir);
+			// Search repository file
+			r = SearchEntryInTRomDir(romDir, fileName, entry);
+			HCR_TRACE1("--- result of SearchEntryInTRomDir: 0x%08x", r);
+			if( r == KErrNone)
+				{
+				// Repository file found    
+				retVal = KErrNone;				
+				HCR_TRACE1("--- Repository address: 0x%08x ", entry->iAddressLin);
+				aRepos = HCR::TRepositoryFile::New(reinterpret_cast<const HCR::SRepositoryFile *>(entry->iAddressLin));
+				if (aRepos == NULL)
+                    retVal = KErrNoMemory;					
+				}
+			}
+		}
+    HCR_TRACE_RETURN(retVal);
+    }
+TInt LocateCoreImgRepository(HCR::TRepository*& aRepos)
+    {
+    HCR_FUNC("LocateCoreImgRepository");
+#ifdef __WINS__
+    aRepos = 0;                     // To avoid warning on WINS
+    return KErrNotFound;
+	const TText8* hcrfile = (const TText8*) "hcr.dat";
+	TInt retVal = SearchCoreImgRepository(aRepos, hcrfile);
+	if (retVal != KErrNone)
+		return retVal;
+	const TRomHeader& romHeader = Epoc::RomHeader(); 	// 0x80000000;
+	HCR_TRACE2("--- ROM Header: 0x%08x, HCR file address: 0x%08x", &romHeader, romHeader.iHcrFileAddress);
+	if(romHeader.iHcrFileAddress != 0)
+			{
+			aRepos = HCR::TRepositoryFile::New(reinterpret_cast<const HCR::SRepositoryFile *>(romHeader.iHcrFileAddress));
+			if (aRepos == 0)
+				return KErrNoMemory;
+			}
+	else
+		return KErrNotFound;
+	return KErrNone;
+#endif // __WINS__
+    }