changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 31 56f325a607ea
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/hcr/hcr_pil.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Hardware Configuration Respoitory Platform Independent Layer (PIL)
+@file hcr_pil.h
+Kernel side definitions for the HCR Platform Indepent Layer. 
+#ifndef HCR_PIL_H
+#define HCR_PIL_H
+// -- INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32err.h> 
+#include "hcr_hai.h"
+// -- CLASSES -----------------------------------------------------------------
+namespace HCR
+	class TRepository;
+    //!< Mask for testing for word size settings
+    static const TInt KMaskWordTypes = 0x0000FFFF;      
+    //!< Mask for testing for large settings  
+    static const TInt KMaskLargeTypes = 0xFFFF0000;
+	/**
+	*/
+	class TSettingRef
+		{
+	public:
+	    TSettingRef(TRepository* aRepos, SSettingBase* aSetting)
+			{ iRep = aRepos; iSet = aSetting; }
+        ~TSettingRef()
+        	{ }
+    public:
+    	TRepository*  iRep;
+    	SSettingBase* iSet;
+		};
+    /**
+    */
+    class HCRInternal
+        {
+    public:
+        HCRInternal();
+		HCRInternal(HCR::MVariant* aVar);
+        ~HCRInternal();
+        TInt Initialise();
+        TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingType aType, TSettingRef& aSetting);
+        TInt FindWordSettings(TInt aNum, const TSettingId* aIds, TInt32* aValues,
+                                TSettingType* aTypes, TInt* aErrors);
+        TInt CheckIntegrity();
+        enum States 
+			{
+			EStatUndef          	= 0x00000000,
+			EStatNotReady       	= 0x00010000,
+			EStatConstructed    	= EStatNotReady + 0x0001,
+			EStatVariantInitialised = EStatNotReady + 0x0002,
+			EStatInitialised    	= EStatNotReady + 0x0004,
+			EStatReady				= 0x00020000,
+			EStatFailed				= 0x00800000,
+			EStatMajornMask			= 0xFFFF0000,
+			EStatMinorMask			= 0x0000FFFF
+			};
+		TUint32 GetStatus();
+    public:		// For Test
+    	enum TReposId
+        	{
+			ECoreRepos = 1,
+	    	EOverrideRepos
+	    	};
+	    /**
+	    Based on the input parameter aId it switches the selected repository to the given
+	    name. It is searching the new repository file in \sys\bin and \sys\Data respectively.
+	    It keeps the original value of the repository if the file not found.
+	    @param aFileName 	The zero terminated, c-style ASCII string of the new repository file without path.
+	    					If the name is an empty string (NULL) the it deletes the repository object
+	    @param aId     		The internal repository identifier (see TReposId)
+		@return	KErrNone 			if successful, the selected internal repository variables point to the new HCR 
+													or the referenced repository object deleted.
+	            KErrNotFound 		if the new repository file not found.
+	            KErrNotSupported 	if repository identifier not supported
+	    */    	
+    	TInt SwitchRepository(const TText * aFileName, const TReposId aId=ECoreRepos);
+    private:    
+    	/** Member holding the status of the HCR service */
+    	TUint32 iStatus; 	
+        /** Handle on the variant code in the PSL component part */    
+        HCR::MVariant* iVariant;    
+        /** Compiled settings in the PSL code */
+        TRepository* iVariantStore;
+        /** File settings in the core ROM image */
+        TRepository* iCoreImgStore;
+        /** File settings shadowed in RAM from NAND */
+        TRepository* iOverrideStore;
+        friend class HCRInternalTestObserver;
+        };
+    /**
+    */
+    class TRepository
+        {
+    public: 
+    	// Repository methods
+        virtual TInt Initialise ()=0;
+        virtual TInt CheckIntegrity ()=0;
+        virtual TInt FindSetting (const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting)=0;
+        // Setting accessor methods
+        virtual TBool IsWordValue(const TSettingRef& aRef);
+        virtual TBool IsLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef);
+        virtual void GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, TCategoryUid& aCat, TElementId& aKey);
+        virtual void GetId(const TSettingRef& aRef, SSettingId& aId);
+        virtual TInt32 GetType(const TSettingRef& aRef);
+        virtual TUint16 GetLength(const TSettingRef& aRef);
+        virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue)=0;
+        virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue)=0;   
+        };
+    /**
+    */
+    class TRepositoryCompiled : public TRepository
+        {
+    public: 
+        static TRepository* New(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos);
+        virtual ~TRepositoryCompiled();
+        virtual TInt Initialise();
+        virtual TInt CheckIntegrity();
+        virtual TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting);
+        virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue);
+        virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue);   
+    private:
+        TRepositoryCompiled(const SRepositoryCompiled* aRepos);
+    private:   
+        const SRepositoryCompiled* iRepos;
+        };
+    /**
+    */
+    class TRepositoryFile : public TRepository
+        {
+    public: 
+        static TRepository* New(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos);
+        virtual ~TRepositoryFile();
+        virtual TInt Initialise();
+        virtual TInt CheckIntegrity();
+        virtual TInt FindSetting(const TSettingId& aId, TSettingRef& aSetting);
+        virtual TInt GetValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueWord& aValue);
+        virtual TInt GetLargeValue(const TSettingRef& aRef, UValueLarge& aValue);   
+    private:
+        TRepositoryFile(const SRepositoryFile* aRepos);
+    private:
+        const SRepositoryFile* iRepos;
+        };
+    } // namespace HCR
+// -- GLOBALS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+#define HCRSingleton (&gHCR)
+#define HCRReady    ((gHCR.GetStatus() & HCRInternal::EStatReady) == HCRInternal::EStatReady)
+#define HCRNotReady ((gHCR.GetStatus() & HCRInternal::EStatReady) == 0)
+#endif // HCR_PIL_H