changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 39 5d2844f35677
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/pbus/mmc/sdcard/sdcard3c/sdcard.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1452 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <drivers/sdcard.h>
+// ======== TSDCard ========
+:	iProtectedAreaSize(0), iPARootDirEnd(KPARootDirEndUnknown)
+	{
+	// empty
+	}
+TInt64 TSDCard::DeviceSize64() const
+// returns the SD device size
+	{
+	if(iFlags & KSDCardIsSDCard)
+		{	
+		return (IsHighCapacity()) ? 512 * 1024 * (TInt64)(1 + CSD().CSDField(69, 48)) : TMMCard::DeviceSize64();
+		}
+	return(TMMCard::DeviceSize64());
+	}
+TUint32 TSDCard::PreferredWriteGroupLength() const
+// return SD erase sector size, (SECTOR_SIZE + 1) * 2 ** WRITE_BLK_LEN
+	{
+	if(iFlags & KSDCardIsSDCard)
+		{	
+		TSDCSD sdcsd(CSD());
+		return (sdcsd.SDSectorSize() + 1) * (1 << sdcsd.WriteBlLen());
+		}
+	return(TMMCard::PreferredWriteGroupLength());
+	}
+TInt TSDCard::GetFormatInfo(TLDFormatInfo& /*aFormatInfo*/) const
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+TUint32 TSDCard::MinEraseSectorSize() const
+	{
+	if(iFlags&KSDCardIsSDCard)
+		{	
+		TSDCSD sdcsd(CSD());
+		if (sdcsd.SDEraseBlkEn())
+			return sdcsd.WriteBlockLength();		// raised logarithm
+		else
+			return (sdcsd.SDSectorSize() + 1) * sdcsd.WriteBlockLength();
+		}
+	return TMMCard::MinEraseSectorSize();
+	}
+const TUint32 KEraseSectorSizeShift = 8;	// KEraseSectorSizeShift determines the multiple of the sector size 
+											// that can be erased in one operation
+TUint32 TSDCard::EraseSectorSize() const
+	{
+	if(iFlags&KSDCardIsSDCard)
+		{	
+		TSDCSD sdcsd(CSD());
+		return ((sdcsd.SDSectorSize() + 1) * sdcsd.WriteBlockLength()) << KEraseSectorSizeShift;
+		}
+	return TMMCard::EraseSectorSize();
+	}
+const TInt KDefaultBlockLen		   = 9;							// 2^9 = 512 bytes
+const TInt KDefaultBlockLenInBytes = 1 << KDefaultBlockLen;		// 2^9 = 512 bytes
+const TInt KTwoGbyteSDBlockLen	   = 10;						// 2^10 = 1024 bytes
+const TInt KFourGbyteSDBlockLen	   = 11;						// 2^11 = 2048 bytes
+TInt TSDCard::GetEraseInfo(TMMCEraseInfo& aEraseInfo) const
+// Return info. on erase services for this card
+	{
+	// SD Controllers support MMC cards too. Check if we are really dealing with an SD card
+	if(!(iFlags&KSDCardIsSDCard))
+		return(TMMCard::GetEraseInfo(aEraseInfo));
+	if (CSD().CCC() & KMMCCmdClassErase)
+		{
+		// This card supports erase cmds. However, SD cards don't support Erase Group commands (i.e. CMD35, CMD36).
+		aEraseInfo.iEraseFlags=KMMCEraseClassCmdsSupported; 
+		// Return the preferred size to be used as the unit for erase operations.
+		TSDCSD sdcsd(CSD());
+		TUint32 prefSize=((sdcsd.SDSectorSize() + 1) * sdcsd.WriteBlockLength());
+		prefSize<<=KEraseSectorSizeShift;		// Use multiples of the sector size for each erase operation
+		aEraseInfo.iPreferredEraseUnitSize=prefSize;
+		// Return the smallest size that can be used as the unit for erase operations
+		if (sdcsd.SDEraseBlkEn())
+			{
+			aEraseInfo.iMinEraseSectorSize = KDefaultBlockLenInBytes;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			aEraseInfo.iMinEraseSectorSize=(sdcsd.SDSectorSize() + 1) * sdcsd.WriteBlockLength();
+			}
+		}
+	else		
+		aEraseInfo.iEraseFlags=0;
+	return(KErrNone);	
+	}
+TInt TSDCard::MaxReadBlLen() const
+ * Returns the maximum read block length supported by the card encoded as a logarithm
+ * Normally this is the same as the READ_BL_LEN field in the CSD register,
+ * but for high capacity cards (> 2GB) this is set to a maximum of 512 bytes,
+ * if possible, to try to avoid compatibility issues.
+ */
+	{
+	if (IsSDCard())
+		{
+		TInt blkLenLog2 = CSD().ReadBlLen();
+		if (blkLenLog2 == KTwoGbyteSDBlockLen || blkLenLog2 == KFourGbyteSDBlockLen)
+			{
+			// The SD card spec. makes a special case for 2GByte cards,
+			// ...and some manufacturers apply the same method to support 4G cards
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("=mmc:mrbl > 2GB SD"));
+			blkLenLog2 = KDefaultBlockLen;
+			}
+		return blkLenLog2;
+		}
+	else		// MMC card
+		{
+		return (TMMCard::MaxReadBlLen());
+		}
+	}
+TInt TSDCard::MaxWriteBlLen() const
+ * Returns the maximum write block length supported by the card encoded as a logarithm
+ * Normally this is the same as the WRITE_BL_LEN field in the CSD register,
+ * but for high capacity cards (> 2GB) this is set to a maximum of 512 bytes,
+ * if possible, to try to avoid compatibility issues.
+ */
+	{
+	if (IsSDCard())
+		{
+		TInt blkLenLog2 = CSD().WriteBlLen();
+		if (blkLenLog2 == KTwoGbyteSDBlockLen || blkLenLog2 == KFourGbyteSDBlockLen)
+			{
+			// The SD card spec. makes a special case for 2GByte cards,
+			// ...and some manufacturers apply the same method to support 4G cards
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("=mmc:mwbl > 2GB SD"));
+			blkLenLog2 = KDefaultBlockLen;
+			}
+		return blkLenLog2;
+		}
+	else		// MMC card
+		{
+		return (TMMCard::MaxWriteBlLen());
+		}
+	}
+TUint TSDCard::MaxTranSpeedInKilohertz() const
+ * Returns the maximum supported clock rate for the card, in Kilohertz.
+ * @return Speed, in Kilohertz
+ */
+	{
+	TUint maxClk = TMMCard::MaxTranSpeedInKilohertz();
+	if (IsSDCard())
+		{
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >TSDCard(%d): MaxTranSpeedInKilohertz: %d",(iIndex-1),maxClk));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		//MaxClk for SD should only be either 25000KHz or 50000KHz
+		if ( (maxClk != KSDDTClk25MHz) && (maxClk != KSDDTClk50MHz) )
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >DSDStack: Non-Compliant DT Clock"));
+			}
+		if (maxClk > KSDDTClk50MHz)
+			{
+			//Clock rate exceeds SD possible max clock rate
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >DSDStack: Tuning DT Clock down to 50MHz"));
+			maxClk = KSDDTClk50MHz;
+			}
+		}
+	return maxClk;
+	}
+// ======== TSDCardArray ========
+EXPORT_C TInt TSDCardArray::AllocCards()
+// allocate TSDCard objects for iCards and iNewCardsArray.  This function
+// is called at bootup as part of stack allocation so there is no cleanup
+// if it fails.
+	{
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < (TInt) KMaxMMCardsPerStack; ++i)
+		{
+		// zeroing the card data used to be implicit because embedded in
+		// CBase-derived DMMCStack.
+		if ((iCards[i] = new TSDCard) == 0)
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+		iCards[i]->iUsingSessionP = 0;
+		if ((iNewCards[i] = new TSDCard) == 0)
+			return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void TSDCardArray::AddCardSDMode(TUint aCardNumber,const TUint8* aCID,TRCA* aNewRCA)
+// Add an MMC card straight to the main card array in slot 'aCardNumber'. Save
+// the CID value in the slot. Return a RCA for the card.
+	{
+	TRCA rca=0;
+	// First, lets check if the same card was here before. If it was, keep the same RCA
+	if (Card(aCardNumber).IsPresent() && Card(aCardNumber).iCID==aCID)
+		rca=Card(aCardNumber).iRCA;
+	else
+		{
+		// Allocate and new RCA and store the CID in the slot selected
+		__ASSERT_ALWAYS( (rca=iOwningStack->iRCAPool.GetFreeRCA())!=0,DMMCSocket::Panic(DMMCSocket::EMMCNoFreeRCA) );
+		Card(aCardNumber).iCID=aCID;
+		if ( Card(aCardNumber).iRCA != 0 )
+			iOwningStack->iRCAPool.UnlockRCA(Card(aCardNumber).iRCA);
+		Card(aCardNumber).iRCA=rca;
+		iOwningStack->iRCAPool.LockRCA(Card(aCardNumber).iRCA);
+		}
+	Card(aCardNumber).iIndex=(aCardNumber+1); // Mark card as being present
+	*aNewRCA=rca;
+	}
+TInt TSDCardArray::StoreRCAIfUnique(TUint aCardNumber,TRCA& anRCA)
+// Check that no other array element has the same RCA value 'anRCA'. If no
+// no duplication then store in slot 'aCardNumber'.
+	{
+	if (anRCA==0)
+		return(KErrGeneral);
+	Card(aCardNumber).iRCA=0;
+	// Now let's look if we've seen this card before
+	for ( TUint i=0 ; i<iOwningStack->iMaxCardsInStack ; i++ )
+		{
+		if ( Card(i).IsPresent() && Card(i).iRCA==anRCA )
+			return(KErrInUse);
+		}
+	Card(aCardNumber).iRCA=anRCA;
+	Card(aCardNumber).iIndex=(aCardNumber+1); // Mark card as being present
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void TSDCardArray::DeclareCardAsGone(TUint aCardNumber)
+// reset SD specific fields to initial values and then reset generic MultiMediaCard
+	{
+	Card(aCardNumber).SetBusWidth(1);
+	TMMCardArray::DeclareCardAsGone(aCardNumber);
+	}
+// ======== DSDSession ========
+void DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDAppCmd aCmd)
+	{
+	aDesc.iCommand = (TMMCCommandEnum) aCmd;
+	aDesc.iArgument = 0;						// set stuff bits to zero
+	FillAppCommandDesc(aDesc);
+	}
+void DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDAppCmd aCmd, TMMCArgument aArg)
+	{
+	aDesc.iCommand = (TMMCCommandEnum) aCmd;
+	aDesc.iArgument = aArg;
+	FillAppCommandDesc(aDesc);
+	}
+const TUint32 CCA = KMMCCmdClassApplication;
+const TMMCIdxCommandSpec AppCmdSpecTable[] =
+	{						//	Class	Type		Dir			MBlk	StopT	Rsp Type		Len
+	{ESDACmdSetBusWidth,		{CCA,ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,	4}}, //ACMD6
+	{ESDACmdSDStatus,			{CCA,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,	4}}, //ACMD13
+	{ESDACmdSendNumWrBlocks,	{CCA,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,	4}}, //ACMD22
+	{ESDACmdSetWrBlkEraseCount,	{CCA,ECmdTypeACS,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,	4}}, //ACMD23
+	{ESDACmdSDAppOpCond,		{CCA,ECmdTypeBCR,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR3,	4}}, //ACMD41
+	{ESDACmdSetClrCardDetect,	{CCA,ECmdTypeAC,	EDirNone,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,	4}}, //ACMD42
+	{ESDACmdSendSCR,			{CCA,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse, EFalse, ERespTypeR1,	4}}  //ACMD51
+void DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc)
+	{
+	aDesc.iSpec = FindCommandSpec(AppCmdSpecTable, aDesc.iCommand);
+	aDesc.iFlags = 0;
+	aDesc.iBytesDone = 0;
+	}
+const TMMCIdxCommandSpec SdSpecificCmdSpecTable[] =
+ * SD Specific Command Table
+ *
+ *  - Some commands defined in the SD specification overload those defined in the MMC specification.
+ *    This table contains the SD specific versions of those commands.
+ */
+	{
+							//   Class				Type			Dir			MBlk	StopT	Rsp Type		Len
+	{ESDCmdSendRelativeAddress,	{KMMCCmdClassBasic,	ECmdTypeBCR,	EDirNone,	EFalse,	EFalse,	ERespTypeR6,	4}},	// CMD3 : SEND_RELATIVE_ADDRESS
+	{ESDCmdSwitchFunction,		{KMMCCmdClassSwitch,ECmdTypeADTCS,	EDirRead,	EFalse,	EFalse,	ERespTypeR1,	4}},	// CMD6 : SWITCH_FUNCTION
+	{ESDCmdSendIfCond,			{KMMCCmdClassBasic,	ECmdTypeBCR,	EDirNone,	EFalse,	EFalse,	ERespTypeR7,	4}}		// CMD8 : SEND_IF_COND
+	};
+void DSDSession::FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDSpecificCmd aCmd, TMMCArgument aArg)
+	{
+	aDesc.iCommand = (TMMCCommandEnum) aCmd;
+	aDesc.iArgument = aArg;
+	FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(aDesc);
+	}
+void DSDSession::FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc, TSDSpecificCmd aCmd)
+	{
+	aDesc.iCommand = (TMMCCommandEnum) aCmd;
+	aDesc.iArgument = 0;						// set stuff bits to zero
+	FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(aDesc);
+	}
+void DSDSession::FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(TMMCCommandDesc& aDesc)
+	{
+	aDesc.iSpec = FindCommandSpec(SdSpecificCmdSpecTable, aDesc.iCommand);
+	aDesc.iFlags = 0;
+	aDesc.iBytesDone = 0;
+	}
+// ======== DSDStack ========
+EXPORT_C TInt DSDStack::Init()
+	{
+	return DMMCStack::Init();
+	}
+const TInt KMaxRCASendLoops=3;
+const TUint KSDMaxPollAttempts=25;
+EXPORT_C TMMCErr DSDStack::AcquireStackSM()
+// This macro acquires new cards in an SD Card - star topology stack.
+// This means each card has its own CMD and DAT lines and can be addressed
+// individually by the Controller in turn. Commands can also be broadcast 
+// simultaneously to the entire stack. 
+// It starts with the Controller reading the operating conditions of each 
+// card in the stack (SEND_OP_COND - ACMD41). Then, the following
+// initialisation sequence is performed to each card in turn:-
+// New cards in the stack are identified (ALL_SEND_CID - CMD2) and each one
+// is requested to publish a relative card address (SEND_RCA - CMD3). Finally,
+// the card specific data (SEND_CSD - CMD9) is read from each card.
+// Note that the initialization of MMC cards are supported by this function
+// if they are encountered. These require a slightly different init. procdure.
+	{
+		enum states
+			{
+			EStBegin=0,
+			EStNextFullRange,
+			EStSendCIDIssued,
+			EStIssueSendRCA,
+			EStSendRCACheck,
+			EStRCADone,
+			EStMoreCardsCheck,
+			EStEnd
+			};
+		DMMCSession& s=Session();
+        __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf(">DSDStack::AcquireStackSM()"));
+		iRCAPool.ReleaseUnlocked();
+		iCxCardCount=0; 		// Reset current card number
+	SMF_STATE(EStNextFullRange)
+		iCxCardType = ESDCardTypeUnknown;
+		AddressCard(iCxCardCount); 	// Address the next card
+		// Before issueing commands, see if there's actually a card present
+		if (!CardDetect(iCxCardCount))
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStMoreCardsCheck)
+		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrResponseTimeOut);
+		SMF_INVOKES(InitialiseMemoryCardSMST, EStSendCIDIssued)
+		if( !err )
+			{
+			// The card responded with a CID. We need to initialise the
+			// appropriate entry in the card array with the CID. 
+			if (iCxCardType==ESDCardTypeIsSD)
+				{
+				// Now prepare to recieve an RCA from to the card
+				CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount)->iCID=s.ResponseP();
+				DSDSession::FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(Command(), ESDCmdSendRelativeAddress,0); // SEND_RCA with argument just stuff bits
+				m.ResetTraps();
+				iCxPollRetryCount=0; // Init count of send RCA attempts 
+				SMF_GOTOS(EStIssueSendRCA)
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// The card array allocates an RCA, either the old RCA
+				// if we have seen this card before, or a new one.
+				TRCA rca;
+				CardArray().AddCardSDMode(iCxCardCount,s.ResponseP(),&rca);
+				// Now assign the new RCA to the card
+				s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdSetRelativeAddr,TMMCArgument(rca));
+				m.ResetTraps();							
+				SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST,EStRCADone)
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			m.ResetTraps();
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStMoreCardsCheck) // Timed out, try the next card slot
+			}
+		SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST,EStSendRCACheck)
+		// We need to check that the RCA recieved from the card doesn't clash
+		// with any others in this stack. RCA is first 2 bytes of response buffer (in big endian)
+		TRCA rca=(TUint16)((s.ResponseP()[0]<<8) | s.ResponseP()[1]);
+		if (CardArray().StoreRCAIfUnique(iCxCardCount,rca)!=KErrNone)
+			SMF_GOTOS( ((++iCxPollRetryCount<KMaxRCASendLoops)?EStIssueSendRCA:EStMoreCardsCheck) )
+		SMF_INVOKES(ConfigureMemoryCardSMST, EStMoreCardsCheck)
+	SMF_STATE(EStMoreCardsCheck)
+		if (++iCxCardCount < (TInt)iMaxCardsInStack)
+		    {
+		    __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf(">DSDStack::AcquireStackSM(): More Cards to check: %d",iCxCardCount));
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStNextFullRange)
+		    }
+		else
+		    {		   
+			AddressCard(KBroadcastToAllCards); // Set back to broadcast mode
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("<DSDStack::AcquireStackSM()"));
+		    }
+	}
+TMMCErr DSDStack::InitialiseMemoryCardSMST(TAny* aStackP)
+	{ return static_cast<DSDStack*>(aStackP)->InitialiseMemoryCardSM(); }
+TMMCErr DSDStack::InitialiseMemoryCardSM()
+	{
+		enum states
+			{
+			EStBegin=0,
+			EStSendInterfaceCondition,
+			EStSentInterfaceCondition,
+			EStSetFullRangeCmd,
+			EStCheckForFullRangeCmd41Timeout,
+			EStSentAppCommandBeforeCheckVoltage,
+			EStCheckVoltage,
+			EStFullRangeDone,
+			EStSetRangeCmd,
+			EStCheckForRangeCmd41Timeout,
+			EStSetRangeBusyCheck,
+			EStCIDCmd,
+			EStSendCIDIssued,
+			EStEnd
+			};
+		DMMCSession& s=Session();
+		DMMCPsu* psu=(DMMCPsu*)MMCSocket()->iVcc;
+		static const TUint32 KCmd8Param		= 0x0100 | 0x00AA;	// Voltage supplied : 2.7-3.6V, Check Pattern 10101010b
+		static const TUint32 KCmd8CheckMask = 0x00000FFF;
+		iCxCardType = ESDCardTypeUnknown;
+		s.iCardP = NULL;	// This stops ExecCommandSM() from setting old RCA when sending CMD55
+		// Send CMD0 to initialise memory
+		SMF_INVOKES(GoIdleSMST, EStSendInterfaceCondition);
+	SMF_STATE(EStSendInterfaceCondition)
+		iCxPollRetryCount=0; 						 // Reset max number of poll attempts on card busy
+		iConfig.SetPollAttempts(KSDMaxPollAttempts); // Increase card busy timeout to 1 Sec for SD Cards
+		iConfig.RemoveMode( KMMCModeEnableTimeOutRetry ); // Temporarily disable timeout retries - since we use a timeout event to distinguish between MMC and SD
+		DSDSession::FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(Command(), ESDCmdSendIfCond, KCmd8Param);
+		// SD2.0 defines CMD8 as having a new response type - R7
+		// if the PSL doesn't indicate support for R7, use R1 instead
+		if (!(MMCSocket()->MachineInfo().iFlags & TMMCMachineInfo::ESupportsR7))
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("R7 not supported."));
+			Command().iSpec.iResponseType = ERespTypeR1;
+			}
+ 		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrAll);
+ 		SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST, EStSentInterfaceCondition)
+ 	SMF_STATE(EStSentInterfaceCondition)
+ 		if (err == KMMCErrNone)
+ 			{
+ 			// Check the response for voltage and check pattern
+ 			const TUint32 status = TMMC::BigEndian32(s.ResponseP());
+ 			if((status & KCmd8CheckMask) == KCmd8Param)
+ 				{
+ 				__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("Found v2 card."));
+				iCurrentOpRange |= KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS;
+ 				}
+ 			else
+ 				{
+ 				// Pattern Mis-match, card does not support the specified voltage range
+ 				return( KMMCErrNotSupported );
+ 				}
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStCheckVoltage);
+ 			}
+		// Go idle again after CMD8 failure
+		SMF_INVOKES(GoIdleSMST, EStCheckVoltage);
+	SMF_STATE(EStCheckVoltage)
+		// If platform doesn't support an adjustable voltage PSU then there's no
+		// point in doing a full range for its supported range. To support range
+		// checking on a multi-card stack would require a complete scan of all
+		// cards before actually setting the range. This would over-complicate things
+		// and make the more normal single card/none adjustable cases less efficient.
+		if ( !(psu->VoltageSupported()&KMMCAdjustableOpVoltage) || iMaxCardsInStack>1)
+			{
+			// if the PSU isn't adjustable then it can't support low voltage mode
+			iCurrentOpRange&= ~KMMCOCRLowVoltage;
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStSetRangeCmd)
+			}
+	SMF_STATE(EStSetFullRangeCmd)
+		// Issue ACMD41/CMD1 with omitted voltage range
+		if (iCxCardType==ESDCardTypeIsMMC)
+			{
+			s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdSendOpCond, KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS | KMMCOCRBusy); // Full range + Sector Access + Busy bit (iArgument==KBit31)
+			SMF_NEXTS(EStFullRangeDone)
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(Command(), ESDACmdSDAppOpCond, TMMCArgument(0));
+			SMF_NEXTS(EStCheckForFullRangeCmd41Timeout)
+			}
+		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrResponseTimeOut);
+		SMF_CALL(ExecCommandSMST)
+	SMF_STATE(EStCheckForFullRangeCmd41Timeout)
+		if (err==KMMCErrResponseTimeOut)	
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("ACMD 41 not supported - Assuming MMC"));
+			iCxCardType=ESDCardTypeIsMMC;
+			// Send CMD0 to re-initialise the card - otherwise we may get 
+			// KMMCStatErrIllegalCommand returned for the next command
+			// expecting an R1 response. NB The SD spec recommends ignoring the error
+			// whereas the SDIO spec recommends this approach (ignoring the error
+			// would be difficult to code anyway, since by then we're no longer
+			// in this state machine).
+			SMF_INVOKES(GoIdleSMST, EStSetFullRangeCmd);	// Repeat - but using CMD1
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// No response timeout - so it must be an SD Card
+			(CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount)->iFlags)|=KSDCardIsSDCard;
+			iCxCardType=ESDCardTypeIsSD;
+			}
+	SMF_STATE(EStFullRangeDone)
+		if (!err)												
+			{
+			// Card responded with Op range - evaluate the common subset with the current setting.
+			// Dont worry about the busy bit for now, we'll check that when we repeat the command
+			const TUint32 range = (iCurrentOpRange & ~KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS) & (TMMC::BigEndian32(s.ResponseP()) & ~KMMCOCRBusy);
+			if(range == 0)
+				{
+				return( KMMCErrNotSupported ); // Card is incompatible with our h/w
+				}
+			iCurrentOpRange = range | (iCurrentOpRange & KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS);
+			}
+		// Repeat SEND_OP_COND this time setting Current Op Range
+		if (iCxCardType==ESDCardTypeIsMMC)
+			{
+			// If platform and the card both support low voltage mode (1.65 - 1.95v), switch
+			// NB If this fails then there is no recovery.
+			if (iCurrentOpRange & KMMCOCRLowVoltage)
+				{
+				iCurrentOpRange = KMMCOCRLowVoltage;
+				SMF_INVOKES( SwitchToLowVoltageSMST, EStSetRangeCmd )
+				}
+			}
+	SMF_STATE(EStSetRangeCmd)
+		// Issue ACMD41/CMD1 with voltage range
+		if (iCxCardType==ESDCardTypeIsMMC)
+			{
+			s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdSendOpCond,(iCurrentOpRange | KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS | KMMCOCRBusy)); // Range supported + Sector Access Busy bit (iArgument==KBit31)
+			SMF_NEXTS(EStSetRangeBusyCheck)
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TUint arg = (iCurrentOpRange & ~KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS); // Range supported
+			if((iCurrentOpRange & KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS) != 0)
+				{
+				arg |= KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS;
+				}
+			DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(Command(), ESDACmdSDAppOpCond, arg);
+			SMF_NEXTS((iCxCardType == ESDCardTypeUnknown)? EStCheckForRangeCmd41Timeout : EStSetRangeBusyCheck)
+			}
+		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrResponseTimeOut);
+		SMF_CALL(ExecCommandSMST)
+	SMF_STATE(EStCheckForRangeCmd41Timeout)
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("-mst:ascs:crct:%d", err));
+		if (err==KMMCErrResponseTimeOut)	
+			{
+			iCxCardType=ESDCardTypeIsMMC;
+			// Send CMD0 to re-initialise the card - otherwise we may get 
+			// KMMCStatErrIllegalCommand returned for the next command
+			// expecting an R1 response. NB The SD spec recommends ignoring the error
+			// whereas the SDIO spec recommends this approach (ignoring the error
+			// would be difficult to code anyway, since by then we're no longer
+			// in this state machine).
+			SMF_INVOKES(GoIdleSMST, EStSetRangeCmd);	// Repeat - but using CMD1
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// No response timeout - so it must be an SD Card
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("-mst:ascs:crct2:%x", iCardArray));
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("-mst:ascs:crct3:%x", iCxCardCount));
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("-mst:ascs:crct4:%x", CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount)));
+			(CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount)->iFlags)|=KSDCardIsSDCard;
+			iCxCardType=ESDCardTypeIsSD;
+			}
+	SMF_STATE(EStSetRangeBusyCheck)
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("-mst:ascs:src:%d",iCxCardType)); // 1:MMC, 2:SD
+		if ( !err )
+			{
+			const TUint32 ocrResponse = TMMC::BigEndian32(s.ResponseP());
+			if ((ocrResponse & KMMCOCRBusy) == 0)	
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("-sd:upd:bsy"));
+				// Card is still busy powering up. Check if we should timeout
+				if ( ++iCxPollRetryCount > iConfig.OpCondBusyTimeout() )
+					{
+					__KTRACE_OPT2(KPBUS1, KPANIC, Kern::Printf("-sd:ocr busy timed out"));
+					return( KMMCErrBusTimeOut );
+					}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+				if ( iCxPollRetryCount > KMMCSpecOpCondBusyTimeout )
+					{
+					__KTRACE_OPT2(KPBUS1, KPANIC, Kern::Printf("-sd:ocr exceeded spec timeout!! (%d ms)", (iCxPollRetryCount*KMMCRetryGapInMilliseconds)));
+					}
+				m.ResetTraps(); 
+				SMF_INVOKES(RetryGapTimerSMST,EStSetRangeCmd)
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				if(ocrResponse & KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS)
+					{
+					CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount)->iFlags |= KMMCardIsHighCapacity;
+#ifdef _DEBUG				
+					if(iCxCardType == ESDCardTypeIsSD)
+						{
+						__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("Found large SD card."));
+						}
+					else if(iCxCardType == ESDCardTypeIsMMC)
+						{
+						__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("Found large MMC card."));
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		// Restore original settings
+		iConfig.SetMode( EffectiveModes(s.iConfig) & KMMCModeEnableTimeOutRetry );
+		iConfig.SetPollAttempts(KMMCMaxPollAttempts);
+		// All cards are now ready and notified of the voltage range - ask ASSP to set it up
+		if (iCxCardType==ESDCardTypeIsMMC)
+			{
+			iCurrentOpRange &= ~KMMCOCRAccessModeMask;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			iCurrentOpRange &= ~KMMCOCRAccessModeHCS;
+			}
+		psu->SetVoltage(iCurrentOpRange);
+		if (psu->SetState(EPsuOnFull) != KErrNone)
+			{
+			return(KMMCErrHardware);
+			}
+		s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdAllSendCID,0);
+		m.ResetTraps();
+		SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST,EStSendCIDIssued)
+		// All done - Higher level state machine expects CID in s.ResponseP()
+	}
+TMMCErr DSDStack::ConfigureMemoryCardSMST(TAny* aStackP)
+	{ return static_cast<DSDStack*>(aStackP)->ConfigureMemoryCardSM(); }
+TMMCErr DSDStack::ConfigureMemoryCardSM()
+	{
+		enum states
+			{
+			EStBegin=0,
+			EStSendCSDDone,
+			EStEnd
+			};
+		DMMCSession& s=Session();
+	//coverity[UNREACHABLE]
+	//Part of state machine design.
+		// Cards is initialised so get its CSD
+		s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdSendCSD, TUint32(CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount)->iRCA) << 16);
+		SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST, EStSendCSDDone)
+		// Store the CSD in the new card entry
+		TMMCard* cardP = CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount);
+		cardP->iCSD = s.ResponseP();
+		if(CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount).IsSDCard())
+			{
+			// Perform SD Specific parsing of the CSD structure
+			if(cardP->CSD().CCC() & KMMCCmdClassLockCard)
+				{
+				cardP->iFlags |= KMMCardIsLockable;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Perform MMC Specific parsing of the CSD structure
+			TUint specVers = cardP->CSD().SpecVers();	// 1 => 1.4, 2 => 2.0 - 2.2, 3 => 3.1
+			if ((specVers >= 2) && (cardP->CSD().CCC() & KMMCCmdClassLockCard))
+				{
+				cardP->iFlags |= KMMCardIsLockable;
+				}
+			}
+		// Check the state of the mechanical write protect switch
+		if (WriteProtected(iCxCardCount))
+			{
+			cardP->iFlags |= KMMCardIsWriteProtected;
+			}
+	}
+EXPORT_C TMMCErr DSDStack::InitStackAfterUnlockSM()
+// Performs initialisation of the SD card after the card has been unlocked
+	{
+		enum states
+			{
+			EStBegin=0,
+			EStNextCard,
+			EStSelectCard,
+			EStSetBusWidth,
+			EStSetBusWidth1,
+			EStGetSDStatus,
+			EStGetSDStatus1,
+			EStDecodeSDStatus,
+			EStDeselectCard,
+			EStCardDeselectedReadCSD,
+			EStCSDCmdSent,
+			EStMoreCardsCheck,
+			EStEnd
+			};
+		DMMCSession& s=Session();
+        __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf(">DSDStack::InitStackAfterUnlockSM()"));
+		iRCAPool.ReleaseUnlocked();
+		iCxCardCount=0; 		// Reset current card number
+	SMF_STATE(EStNextCard)	    
+		AddressCard(iCxCardCount); 	// Address the next card
+		if (!CardDetect(iCxCardCount))
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStMoreCardsCheck)
+		s.SetCard(CardArray().CardP(iCxCardCount));
+		if (!CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount).IsSDCard())
+			{
+			SMF_INVOKES( DMMCStack::InitCurrentCardAfterUnlockSMST, EStMoreCardsCheck )
+			}
+	SMF_STATE(EStSelectCard)
+		TRCA targetRCA = CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount).RCA();
+		if (targetRCA == SelectedCard())
+			{
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStSetBusWidth)
+			}
+		s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdSelectCard, targetRCA);
+		SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST,EStSetBusWidth)
+	SMF_STATE(EStSetBusWidth)
+		const TMMCStatus status = s.LastStatus();
+		if((status & KMMCStatCardIsLocked) != 0)
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStDeselectCard)
+		// set bus width with ACMD6
+		TUint32 arg = TUint32(CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount).RCA()) << 16;
+		s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdAppCmd, arg);
+		SMF_INVOKES(IssueCommandCheckResponseSMST,EStSetBusWidth1)
+	SMF_STATE(EStSetBusWidth1)
+		CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount).SetBusWidth(4);
+		DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(Command(), ESDACmdSetBusWidth, KSDBusWidth4);
+		SMF_INVOKES(IssueCommandCheckResponseSMST,EStGetSDStatus)
+		// Now we have sent ACMD6, ask the controller to set the bus width to 4
+		DoSetBusWidth(EBusWidth4);
+		// get protected area size with ACMD13
+		TUint32 arg = TUint32(CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount).RCA()) << 16;
+		s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdAppCmd,arg);
+		SMF_INVOKES(IssueCommandCheckResponseSMST,EStGetSDStatus1)
+	SMF_STATE(EStGetSDStatus1)
+		DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(Command(), ESDACmdSDStatus);
+		s.FillCommandArgs(0, KSDStatusBlockLength, iPSLBuf, KSDStatusBlockLength);
+		SMF_INVOKES(IssueCommandCheckResponseSMST,EStDecodeSDStatus);
+	SMF_STATE(EStDecodeSDStatus)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		for (TUint i = 0; i < KSDStatusBlockLength; ++i)
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("SD_STATUS[0x%x] = %x", i, iPSLBuf[i]));
+			}
+		// bits 495:480 are SD_CARD_TYPE.  Check this is 00xxh (x = don't care).
+		if (iPSLBuf[2] != 0)
+			return KMMCErrNotSupported;
+		// bits 479:448 contain SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA.  
+		// (This is bytes 4 to 7 in big-endian format.)
+		TSDCard& sdc = CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount);
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >DSDStack: Card %d", iCxCardCount));
+		TUint32 size_of_protected_area = TMMC::BigEndian32(&iPSLBuf[4]);
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >DSDStack: SizeOfProtectedArea: %d", size_of_protected_area));
+		const TCSD& csd = sdc.CSD();
+		TUint32 pas = 0;
+		if (sdc.IsHighCapacity())
+			{
+			// High Capacity Card
+			// Protected Area = SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA
+			pas = size_of_protected_area;
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >DSDStack(SDHC): SetProtectedAreaSize: %d", pas));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Standard Capacity Card
+			pas = size_of_protected_area * (1 << (csd.CSizeMult() + 2 + csd.ReadBlLen()));
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >DSDStack(SDSC): SetProtectedAreaSize: %d", pas));
+			}		
+		sdc.SetProtectedAreaSize(pas);
+		//bits 431:428 contain AU_SIZE
+		//(This is higher order 4 bits of 10th byte in big endian format)
+		TUint8 au = TUint8(iPSLBuf[10] >> 4);
+		if(au == 0)	    //AU_SIZE field in SD status register is undefined.
+			au = 6;		//Defaulting to value corresponding to 512K	
+		sdc.SetAUSize(au);
+		SMF_INVOKES(SwitchToHighSpeedModeSMST, EStDeselectCard)
+	SMF_STATE(EStDeselectCard)
+		s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdSelectCard, 0);
+		SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST, EStCardDeselectedReadCSD)
+	SMF_STATE(EStCardDeselectedReadCSD)
+		//
+      	// Read the card's CSD register (again)
+		//
+		//  - We re-read the CSD, as the TRAN_SPEED field may have changed due to a switch to HS Mode
+		//
+      	TUint32 arg = TUint32(CardArray().Card(iCxCardCount).RCA()) << 16;
+      	s.FillCommandDesc( ECmdSendCSD, arg );
+      	SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST, EStCSDCmdSent)
+		//
+      	// Store the CSD in the card entry
+		//
+      	TMMCard* cardP = iCardArray->CardP(iCxCardCount);
+      	cardP->iCSD = s.ResponseP();
+	SMF_STATE(EStMoreCardsCheck)
+		if (++iCxCardCount < (TInt)iMaxCardsInStack)
+		    {
+		    __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("\t >DSDStack: Address Next card: %d",iCxCardCount));
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStNextCard)
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+			AddressCard(KBroadcastToAllCards);
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("<DSDStack::InitStackAfterUnlockSM()"));
+		    }
+	}
+TMMCErr DSDStack::CIMReadWriteMemoryBlocksSMST(TAny* aStackP)
+	{ return( static_cast<DSDStack *>(aStackP)->DMMCStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSM() ); }
+EXPORT_C TMMCErr DSDStack::CIMReadWriteBlocksSM()
+// This macro performs single/multiple block reads and writes
+// For normal read/write block operations, this function determines the appropriate
+// MMC command to send and fills the command descriptor accordingly based on 
+// the value of the session ID set. However, it is necessary to have set the
+// command arguments (with DMMCSession::FillCommandArgs()) before this function
+// is called.
+// For special block read/write operations, e.g. lock/unlock, it is required to
+// have already filled the command descriptor (with DMMCSession::FillCommandDesc())
+// for the special command required - in addition to have setup the command arguments.
+	{
+		enum states
+			{
+			EStBegin=0,
+			EStRestart,
+			EStAttached,
+			EStLength1,
+			EStLengthSet,
+			EStIssued,
+			EStWaitFinish,
+			EStWaitFinish1,
+			EStRWFinish,
+			EStDone,
+			EStEnd
+			};
+		DMMCSession& s = Session();
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf(">SD:RWBlocksSM %x",TUint(s.iLastStatus)));
+		TSDCard& sdCard = *static_cast<TSDCard*>(s.iCardP);
+		AddressCard(sdCard.iIndex-1);
+		if(sdCard.IsSDCard() == EFalse)
+			{
+			//
+			// If this is not an SD card, then use the more appropriate
+			// MMC state machine as this is optimised for MMC performance
+			//
+			SMF_INVOKES(CIMReadWriteMemoryBlocksSMST, EStDone);
+			}
+		if(s.iSessionID == ECIMWriteBlock || s.iSessionID == ECIMWriteMBlock)
+			{
+			// Check that the card supports class 4 (Write) commands
+			const TUint ccc = s.iCardP->CSD().CCC();
+			if(!(ccc & KMMCCmdClassBlockWrite))
+				return( KMMCErrNotSupported );
+			}
+		Command().iCustomRetries = 0;			// MBW retries
+		s.iState |= KMMCSessStateInProgress;
+		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrInitContext);
+	SMF_STATE(EStRestart)		// NB: ErrBypass is not processed here
+		SMF_CALLMEWR(EStRestart) // Create a recursive call entry to recover from the errors trapped
+		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrStatus);
+		if (s.Command().iSpec.iCommandClass!=KMMCCmdClassApplication || s.Command().iCommand==ECmdAppCmd )
+			{
+			s.ResetCommandStack();
+			SMF_INVOKES( AttachCardSMST, EStAttached )	// attachment is mandatory here
+			}
+	SMF_BPOINT(EStAttached)
+		TMMCCommandDesc& cmd = s.Command();
+		const TUint32 blockLength = cmd.BlockLength();
+		if((blockLength == 0) || (blockLength > (TUint)KDefaultBlockLenInBytes))
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf(">SD:RWBlocksSM err BlockLen:%d",blockLength));
+			return KMMCErrArgument;
+			}
+		if(s.iSessionID == ECIMReadBlock	||
+		   s.iSessionID == ECIMWriteBlock	||
+		   s.iSessionID == ECIMReadMBlock	||
+		   s.iSessionID == ECIMWriteMBlock)
+			{	
+			// read/write operation
+			if(!cmd.AdjustForBlockOrByteAccess(s))
+				{
+				// unable to convert command arguments to suit the underlying block/byte access mode
+				return KMMCErrArgument;
+				}
+			}
+		// Set the block length if it has changed. Always set for ECIMLockUnlock.
+		if ((blockLength == s.iCardP->iSetBlockLen) && (s.iSessionID != ECIMLockUnlock))
+			{
+			SMF_GOTOS( EStLengthSet )
+			}
+		s.iCardP->iSetBlockLen = 0;
+		s.PushCommandStack();
+		s.FillCommandDesc( ECmdSetBlockLen, blockLength );
+		SMF_INVOKES( ExecCommandSMST, EStLength1 )
+	SMF_STATE(EStLength1)
+		const TMMCStatus status(s.ResponseP());
+		s.PopCommandStack();
+		if (status.Error())
+		s.iCardP->iSetBlockLen = s.Command().BlockLength();
+	SMF_STATE(EStLengthSet)
+		TMMCCommandDesc& cmd = s.Command();
+		TUint opType = 0;
+		const TUint kTypeWrite =	KBit0;
+		const TUint kTypeMultiple =	KBit1;
+		const TUint kTypeSpecial =	KBit2;
+		static const TMMCCommandEnum cmdCodes[4] =
+			{ECmdReadSingleBlock, ECmdWriteBlock, ECmdReadMultipleBlock, ECmdWriteMultipleBlock};
+		switch( s.iSessionID )
+			{
+			case ECIMReadBlock:
+				break;
+			case ECIMWriteBlock:
+				opType=kTypeWrite;
+				break;
+			case ECIMReadMBlock:
+				opType=kTypeMultiple;
+				break;
+			case ECIMWriteMBlock:
+				opType=kTypeWrite|kTypeMultiple;
+				break;
+			case ECIMLockUnlock:
+			default:
+				opType=kTypeSpecial;
+				break;
+			}
+		const TUint blocks = cmd.iTotalLength / cmd.BlockLength();
+		if ( blocks * cmd.BlockLength() != cmd.iTotalLength )
+			return( KMMCErrArgument );
+		if ( !(opType & kTypeSpecial) )	// A special session has already set its command descriptor
+			{
+			if (blocks==1)
+				opType &= ~kTypeMultiple;
+			TUint32 oldFlags = cmd.iFlags;		// Store the existing command flags, as they will be reset by FillCommandDesc()
+			cmd.iCommand = cmdCodes[opType];
+			s.FillCommandDesc();
+			cmd.iFlags = oldFlags;				// ...and restore the old command flags
+			}
+		// NB We need to trap KMMCErrStatus errors, because if one occurs, 
+		// we still need to wait to exit PRG/RCV/DATA state 
+		if (Command().iCommand == ECmdWriteMultipleBlock)
+			{
+			Command().iExecNotHandle = KMMCErrDataCRC | KMMCErrDataTimeOut;
+			m.SetTraps(KMMCErrStatus | KMMCErrDataCRC | KMMCErrDataTimeOut);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			m.SetTraps(KMMCErrStatus);
+			}
+		SMF_INVOKES( ExecCommandSMST, EStIssued )
+	SMF_STATE(EStIssued)
+		// check state of card after data transfer with CMD13.
+		if (s.Command().Direction() != 0)
+			{
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStWaitFinish)
+			}
+		SMF_GOTOS(EStRWFinish);
+	SMF_STATE(EStWaitFinish)
+		// if MBW fail, then recover by rewriting ALL blocks...
+		// (used to recover using ACMD22, but this has been changed
+		// as is difficult to test for little gain in efficiency)
+		if (Command().iCommand == ECmdWriteMultipleBlock && err != 0)
+			{
+			if (Command().iCustomRetries++ >= (TInt) KSDMaxMBWRetries)
+				{
+				SMF_RETURN(err)
+				}
+			m.Pop();		// remove recursive call to EStRestart
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStRestart)			
+			}
+		// Save the status and examine it after issuing CMD13...
+		// NB We don't know where in the command stack the last response is stored (e.g. there may 
+		// have bee a Deselect/Select issued), but we do know last response is stored in iLastStatus
+		TMMC::BigEndian4Bytes(s.ResponseP(), s.iLastStatus);
+		// ...else issue CMD13 to poll for the card finishing and check for errors
+		s.PushCommandStack();
+		s.FillCommandDesc(ECmdSendStatus, 0);
+		SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST, EStWaitFinish1)
+	SMF_STATE(EStWaitFinish1)
+		const TMMCStatus status(s.ResponseP());
+		s.PopCommandStack();
+#ifdef __WINS__
+		SMF_GOTOS(EStRWFinish);
+		const TMMCardStateEnum st1 = status.State();
+		if (st1 == ECardStatePrg || st1 == ECardStateRcv || st1 == ECardStateData)
+			{
+			SMF_INVOKES(ProgramTimerSMST, EStWaitFinish);
+			}
+		if (status.Error())
+		// Fall through if CURRENT_STATE is not PGM or DATA
+		if (TMMCStatus(s.ResponseP()).Error() != 0)
+			SMF_RETURN(KMMCErrStatus);
+		s.iState &= ~KMMCSessStateInProgress;
+		// skip over recursive entry or throw error and catch in CIMLockUnlockSM()
+		return (s.Command().iCommand == ECmdLockUnlock) ? KMMCErrUpdPswd : KMMCErrBypass;
+	    __KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("<SD:RWBlocksSM()"));
+	}
+EXPORT_C TMMCErr DSDStack::ModifyCardCapabilitySM()
+// This function provides a chance to modify the capability of paticular cards.
+// Licensee may overide this function to modify certain card's capability as needed.
+// A state machine is needed in derived function and function of base class should be
+// called in order to act more generic behaviour.
+    {
+		enum states
+			{
+			EStBegin=0,
+			EStDone,
+			EStEnd
+			};
+	//coverity[unreachable]
+	//Part of state machine design.
+    	SMF_INVOKES( DMMCStack::BaseModifyCardCapabilitySMST, EStDone )
+    SMF_STATE(EStDone)
+    SMF_END
+	}
+inline TMMCErr DSDStack::SwitchToHighSpeedModeSMST( TAny* aStackP )
+	{ return( static_cast<DSDStack *>(aStackP)->DSDStack::SwitchToHighSpeedModeSM() ); }
+TMMCErr DSDStack::SwitchToHighSpeedModeSM()
+	{
+		enum states
+			{
+			EStBegin=0,
+			EstCheckController,
+			EStSendSCRCmd,
+			EStCheckSpecVer,
+			EStCheckFunction,
+			EStCheckFunctionSent,
+			EStSwitchFunctionSent,
+			EStDone,
+			EStEnd
+			};
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf(">SD:SwitchToHighSpeedModeSM "));
+		DMMCSession& s = Session();
+	SMF_STATE(EstCheckController) 	
+	  	// Get the clock speed supported by the controller
+		TMMCMachineInfoV4 machineInfo;
+		TMMCMachineInfoV4Pckg machineInfoPckg(machineInfo);
+		MachineInfo(machineInfoPckg);
+		if (machineInfo.iVersion >= TMMCMachineInfoV4::EVersion4)
+			{
+			if (machineInfo.iMaxClockSpeedInMhz < (KSDDTClk50MHz/1000) )
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("High speed mode not supported by controller"));
+				SMF_GOTOS(EStDone);
+				}
+			}	
+		//
+      	// ACMD51 Read the SD Configuration Register
+      	//
+		DSDSession::FillAppCommandDesc(Command(), ESDACmdSendSCR);
+      	s.FillCommandArgs(0, KSDSCRLength, iPSLBuf, KSDSCRLength);
+      	SMF_INVOKES(ExecCommandSMST, EStCheckSpecVer);
+	SMF_STATE(EStCheckSpecVer)
+      	//	
+      	// Check the SD version
+		//
+      	// 0 : version 1.0-1.01	: SDHS Is NOT Supported
+      	// 1 : version 1.10+	: SDHS Is Supported
+		//
+      	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   SD Configuration Register received"));
+      	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...card_status=%x", TUint(s.iLastStatus)));
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+      	for (TUint32 i = 0; i < KSDSCRLength; ++i)
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("   ...SCR_STATUS[0x%x] = %x", i, iPSLBuf[i]));
+			}
+      	if(iPSLBuf[0]==2)
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...SD Spec Version 2"));
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStCheckFunction);
+			}
+      	if(iPSLBuf[0]==1)
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...SD Spec Version 1.10"));
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStCheckFunction);
+			}
+      	if(iPSLBuf[0]==0)
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...SD Spec Version 1.01"));
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStDone);
+        	}
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...SD Spec Version > 2 !"));
+	SMF_STATE(EStCheckFunction)
+		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrResponseTimeOut | KMMCErrNotSupported);
+ 		//
+		// SD1.1 uses CMD6 which is not defined by the MMCA
+		//  - fill in command details using the SD Specific command description table
+		//
+		DSDSession::FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(Command(), ESDCmdSwitchFunction);
+		s.FillCommandArgs(KSDCheckFunctionHighSpeed, KSDSwitchFuncLength, iPSLBuf, KSDSwitchFuncLength);
+		SMF_INVOKES(IssueCommandCheckResponseSMST,EStCheckFunctionSent)
+	SMF_STATE(EStCheckFunctionSent)
+       	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   CheckFunctionSent %x",TUint(s.iLastStatus)));
+		m.ResetTraps();
+		if(err == KMMCErrResponseTimeOut)
+			{
+	       	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...CMD6 [Read] Response Timeout"));
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStDone);
+			}
+		else if(err == KMMCErrNotSupported)
+			{
+	       	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...CMD6 [Read] Not Supported"));
+			SMF_GOTOS(EStDone);
+			}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		for (TUint32 i = 0; i < KSDSwitchFuncLength; ++i)
+			{
+	  		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("   ...SD Switch Func Status[0x%x] = %x", i, iPSLBuf[i]));
+			}
+		m.SetTraps(KMMCErrResponseTimeOut);
+ 		//
+		// SD1.1 uses CMD6 which is not defined by the MMCA
+		//  - fill in command details using the SD Specific command description table
+		//
+		DSDSession::FillSdSpecificCommandDesc(Command(), ESDCmdSwitchFunction);
+      	s.FillCommandArgs(KSDSwitchFunctionHighSpeed, KSDSwitchFuncLength, iPSLBuf, KSDSwitchFuncLength);
+      	SMF_INVOKES(IssueCommandCheckResponseSMST,EStSwitchFunctionSent)
+	SMF_STATE(EStSwitchFunctionSent)
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		m.ResetTraps();
+		if(err == KMMCErrResponseTimeOut)
+			{
+	       	__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1,Kern::Printf("   ...CMD6 [Write] Response Timeout"));
+			}
+		for (TUint32 i = 0; i < KSDSwitchFuncLength; ++i)
+			{
+	  		__KTRACE_OPT(KPBUS1, Kern::Printf("   ...SD Switch[0x%x] = %x", i, iPSLBuf[i]));
+			}
+	}
+EXPORT_C DMMCSession* DSDStack::AllocSession(const TMMCCallBack& aCallBack) const
+* Factory function to create DMMCSession derived object.  Non-generic MMC
+* controllers can override this to generate more specific objects.
+* @param aCallBack Callback function to notify the client that a session has completed
+* @return A pointer to the new session
+	{
+	return new DSDSession(aCallBack);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DSDStack::Dummy1() {}
+EXPORT_C void DSDStack::Dummy2() {}
+EXPORT_C void DSDStack::Dummy3() {}
+EXPORT_C void DSDStack::Dummy4() {}