changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 31 56f325a607ea
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/drivers/camerasc.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\drivers\camerasc.h
+ @file
+ @internalAll
+ @prototype
+#ifndef __CAMERASC_H__
+#define __CAMERASC_H__
+#include <d32camerasc.h>
+#include <platform.h>
+#include <kernel/kpower.h>
+#include <e32ver.h>
+/** The default number of buffers available to the client. */
+const TInt KDefaultNumClientBuffers=6;
+/** The maximum number of client capture requests which may be outstanding at any time. */
+const TInt KMaxCamScRequestsPending=8;
+struct SBufSpecList
+	{
+	/** The first entry of the buffer offset list. This list holds the offset from the start of the chunk
+	for each buffer. This list is only valid if the flag KScFlagBufOffsetListInUse is set in
+	TSharedChunkBufConfigBase::iFlags. */
+	TInt iBufferOffset;
+	TInt iBufferId;
+	};
+class TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig : public TSharedChunkBufConfigBase
+	{
+ 	struct SBufSpecList iSpec;
+	};
+// Forward declarations
+class TImageBuffer;
+class DCameraScLdd;
+class DBufferManager;
+The physical device driver (PDD) base class for the camera driver.
+class DCameraScPdd : public DBase
+	{
+	/**
+    Return the DFC queue to be used by this device.
+    @param aUnit The unit number for which to get the DFC queue.
+    @return The DFC queue to use.
+    */
+	virtual TDfcQue* DfcQ(TInt aUnit)=0;
+	/**
+	Return the capabilities of this camera device.
+	@param aCapsBuf A packaged TCameraCapsV02 object to be filled with the capabilities of the
+		device. This descriptor is in kernel memory and can be accessed directly.
+	@see TCameraCapsV02.
+	*/
+	virtual void Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf) const=0;
+	/**
+	Return data format information for a custom camera data format setting. Only required where support is
+	required for a data format that isn't supported by the LDD. Platforms which don't require support
+	for custom data settings need not implement this method.
+	@param aConfigBuf A packaged TCameraConfigV02 object containing the current camera driver configuration
+		(including an identifier for the custom setting required). This configuration object should be
+		updated by the PDD with the appropriate settings for the data format concerned. This descriptor
+		is in kernel memory and can be accessed directly.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SpecifyCustomConfig(TDes8& aConfigBuf);
+	/**
+	Return the shared chunk create information to be used by this device.
+	@param aChunkCreateInfo A chunk create info. object to be to be filled with the settings
+							required for this device.
+	*/
+	virtual void GetChunkCreateInfo(TChunkCreateInfo& aChunkCreateInfo)=0;
+	/**
+	Configure or reconfigure the device using the the configuration supplied.
+	@param aConfigBuf A packaged TCameraConfigV02 object which contains the new configuration settings.
+		This descriptor is in kernel memory and can be accessed directly.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+	@see TCameraConfigV02.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf)=0;
+	/**
+    Start the camera - start pixel sourcing.
+    @param aCaptureMode The capture mode to start. @see TDevCamCaptureMode.
+    @param aLinAddr The linear address of the start of the first buffer to use for image capture.
+	@param aPhysAddr The physical address that corresponds to the linear address: aLinAddr.
+    @return KErrNone if successful;
+    		otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+    */
+	virtual TInt Start(TDevCamCaptureMode aCaptureMode,TLinAddr aLinAddr,TPhysAddr aPhysAddr)=0;
+	/**
+	Sets the address of the buffer into which the next image will be captured.
+    @param aLinAddr The linear address of the start of the buffer to use to capture the image frame.
+	@param aPhysAddr The physical address that corresponds to the linear address: aLinAddr.
+    @return KErrNone if the capture has been initiated successfully;
+  			KErrNotReady if the device is unable to accept the request for the moment;
+		  	otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+    */
+	virtual TInt CaptureNextImage(TLinAddr aLinAddr,TPhysAddr aPhysAddr)=0;
+	/**
+    Stop the camera - stop pixel sourcing.
+    @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+    */
+	virtual TInt Stop()=0;
+	/**
+	Power down the camera.
+	*/
+	virtual void PowerDown()=0;
+	/**
+	Queries the driver for the size of the structure to be passed to RDevCameraSc::Caps().
+	*/
+	virtual TInt CapsSize()=0;
+	/**
+	Returns the supported frame sizes that correspond to the desired capture mode and pixel format passed in.
+	@param aCaptureMode The capture mode for which to obtain the information.
+	@param aUidPixelFormat The pixel format for which to obtain the information.
+	@param aFrameSizeCapsBuf An appropriately sized buffer to be filled with the supported frame sizes.
+	@return KErrNone, if successful,
+			KErrArgument, if an invalid capture mode or pixel format is specified, or if aFrameSizeCapsBuf is too small;
+			otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+	@see SDevCamFrameSize
+	*/
+	virtual TInt FrameSizeCaps(TDevCamCaptureMode aCaptureMode, TUidPixelFormat aUidPixelFormat, TDes8& aFrameSizeCapsBuf)=0;
+	/**
+	Sets the sensor brightness to the desired setting.
+	@param aValue A verified brightness setting.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if not supported.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetBrightness(TUint aValue) = 0;
+	// SYM_BRANCH: Add support for setting of Dynamic Attributes. Contrast.
+	/**
+	Sets the sensor contrast to the desired setting.
+	@param aValue A verified contrast setting.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if not supported.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetContrast(TUint aValue) = 0;
+	// SYM_BRANCH: Add support for setting of Dynamic Attributes. Colour Effect.
+	/**
+	Sets the sensor color effect to the desired setting.
+	@param aValue A verified color effect setting.
+	@return KErrNone if successful, KErrNotSupported if not supported.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt SetColorEffect(TUint aValue) = 0;
+	DCameraScLdd* iLdd;
+	};
+The logical device (factory class) for the camera driver.
+class DCameraScLddFactory : public DLogicalDevice
+	{
+	DCameraScLddFactory();
+	virtual TInt Install();
+	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const;
+	virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);
+	TBool IsUnitOpen(TInt aUnit);
+	TInt SetUnitOpen(TInt aUnit,TBool aIsOpenSetting);
+	/** Mask to keep track of which units have a channel open on them. */
+	TUint iUnitsOpenMask;
+	/** A mutex to protect access to the unit info. mask. */
+	NFastMutex iUnitInfoMutex;
+	};
+The class representing a single image buffer.
+class TImageBuffer : public SDblQueLink
+	{
+	TImageBuffer();
+	~TImageBuffer();
+	TInt Create(DChunk* aChunk,TInt aOffset,TInt aSize,TInt aId,TBool aIsContiguous);
+	void SyncMemoryBeforeDmaRead();
+	void SyncMemoryAfterDmaRead();
+	/** The buffer id */
+	TInt iId;
+	/** The chunk used for this buffer */
+	DChunk* iChunk;
+	/** The offset, in bytes, of the start of the buffer within the chunk. */
+	TInt iChunkOffset;
+	/** The size of the buffer in bytes. */
+	TInt iSize;
+	/** The virtual address of buffer. */
+	TLinAddr iLinearAddress;
+	/** The physical address of buffer. KPhysAddrInvalid if the buffer is not physically contiguous. */
+	TPhysAddr iPhysicalAddress;
+	/** A list of physical addresses for buffer pages. 0 if the buffer is physically contiguous. */
+	TPhysAddr* iPhysicalPages;
+	/** This is the result of the transfer into this buffer. */
+	TInt iResult;
+	};
+An object encapsulating an image capture request from the client.
+class TCameraScRequest : public SDblQueLink
+	{
+	inline TCameraScRequest()
+		{}
+	/** The request status associated with the request - used to signal completion of the request and pass back a
+	completion code. */
+	TRequestStatus* iStatus;
+	};
+An object encapsulating a queue of image capture requests from the client.
+class TCameraScRequestQueue
+	{
+	TCameraScRequestQueue(NFastMutex* aMutexPtr);
+	~TCameraScRequestQueue();
+	TInt Create(DThread* anOwningThread);
+	TInt Add(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+	TRequestStatus* Remove();
+	void Cancel(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+	void CancelAll();
+	inline TBool IsEmpty();
+	/** The queue of pending capture requests. */
+	SDblQue iPendRequestQ;
+	/** The queue of unused capture requests. */
+	SDblQue iUnusedRequestQ;
+	/** The actual array of request objects. */
+	TCameraScRequest* iRequest[KMaxCamScRequestsPending];
+	NFastMutex* iMutexPtr;
+	DThread* iOwningThread;
+	};
+The buffer manager base class.
+class DBufferManager : public DBase
+	{
+	DBufferManager(DCameraScLdd* aLdd);
+	~DBufferManager();
+	TInt Create(TInt aNumBuffers,TInt aBufferSize);
+	TInt Create(TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig& aBufConfig,TInt aChunkHandle,DThread* anOwningThread);
+	void GetBufConfig(TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig& aBufConfig);
+	void Reset();
+	void Purge(TImageBuffer* aBuffer);
+	TImageBuffer* GetImageForClient(TBool aRemoveLast);
+	TImageBuffer* SetImageCaptured(TInt aResult);
+	TInt ReleaseImage(TInt aChunkOffset);
+	TImageBuffer* NextAvailableForCapture();
+	TImageBuffer* FindInUseImage(TInt aChunkOffset);
+	TInt CreateBufferLists(TInt aNumBuffers);
+	TInt CommitMemoryForBuffer(TInt aChunkOffset,TInt aSize,TBool& aIsContiguous);
+	/** The owning LDD object. */
+	DCameraScLdd* iLdd;
+	/** The chunk which contains the buffers. */
+	DChunk* iChunk;
+	/** The linear address in kernel process for the start of the chunk. */
+	TLinAddr iChunkBase;
+	/**< MMU mapping attributes that the chunk has actually been mapped with. */
+	TUint32 iChunkMapAttr;
+	/** The number of buffers. */
+	TInt iNumBuffers;
+	/** The actual array of buffer objects. */
+	TImageBuffer* iImageBuffer;
+	/** The buffer currently being filled by image capture. (Not in any list). */
+	TImageBuffer* iCurrentBuffer;
+	/** The next buffer to use for image capture. (Not in any list). */
+	TImageBuffer* iNextBuffer;
+	/** A queue of those buffers which are currently free. */
+	SDblQue iFreeBufferQ;
+	/** A queue of those buffers which currently contain captured images (and which aren't being used by the client). */
+	SDblQue iCompletedBufferQ;
+	/** A queue of those buffers which are currently being used by the client. */
+	SDblQue iInUseBufferQ;
+	friend class DCameraScLdd;
+	};
+The configuration class that is specific for each capture mode. This allows the driver to maintain different configurations,
+one for each capture mode, and make switching between capture modes faster.
+class TCaptureModeConfig
+	{
+	private:
+		/** The handle to the chunk that is returned to the user side code. */
+		TInt iChunkHandle;
+		/** The current configuration of the capture mode */
+		TCameraConfigV02 iCamConfig;
+		/** The current configuration of the chunk. */
+		TCameraSharedChunkBufConfig* iBufConfig;
+		/** The size in bytes of the chunk configuration info. structure. */
+		TInt iBufConfigSize;
+		/** The current frame height. */
+		TInt iFrameHeight;
+		/** The current frame width. */
+		TInt iFrameWidth;
+		/** The buffer manager. */
+		DBufferManager* iBufManager;
+	private:
+		friend class DCameraScLdd;
+	};
+The camera driver power handler class.
+class DCameraScPowerHandler : public DPowerHandler
+	{
+	DCameraScPowerHandler(DCameraScLdd* aChannel);
+	// Inherited from DPowerHandler
+	void PowerUp();
+	void PowerDown(TPowerState aPowerState);
+	DCameraScLdd* iChannel;
+	};
+The logical channel class for the camera driver.
+class DCameraScLdd : public DLogicalChannel
+	{
+	enum TState
+		{
+		/** Channel open - but not configured. */
+		EOpen,
+		/** Channel configured - but inactive. */
+		EConfigured,
+		/** Channel is active - capturing images. */
+		ECapturing
+		};
+	DCameraScLdd();
+	virtual ~DCameraScLdd();
+	// Inherited from DLogicalChannel
+	virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+	virtual TInt Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+	virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
+	virtual TInt RequestUserHandle(DThread* aThread, TOwnerType aType);
+	inline DThread* OwningThread();
+	inline TInt CurrentFrameHeight();
+	inline TInt CurrentFrameWidth();
+	void Shutdown();
+	virtual TInt ImageCaptureCallback(TDevCamCaptureMode aCaptureMode,TInt aResult,TLinAddr* aLinAddr,TPhysAddr* aPhysAddr);
+	virtual void PanicClientThread(TInt aReason);
+	TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+	TInt DoRequest(TInt aFunction, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+	TInt DoCancel(TUint aMask);
+	TInt SetCaptureMode(TInt aCaptureMode);
+	TInt SetCamConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, const TDesC8* aCamConfigBuf);
+	TInt SetBufConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, const TDesC8* aBufferConfigBuf,TInt aChunkHandle);
+	TInt SetBufConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, TInt aNumBuffers);
+	TInt ChunkClose(TInt aCaptureMode);
+	TInt Start();
+	TInt NotifyNewImage(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+	TInt ReleaseBuffer(TInt aChunkOffset);
+	TInt DoSetConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, const TDesC8* aCamConfigBuf);
+	TInt ValidateConfig(TInt aCaptureMode, TCameraConfigV02 &aConfig);
+	TInt DoValidateConfig(TCameraCapsV02* aCamCaps, TInt &aCaptureMode, TCameraConfigV02 &aConfig);
+	TInt DoStart();
+	TInt ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(TInt aCaptureMode, TInt aNumBuffers);
+	TInt ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(TInt aNumBuffers);
+	TInt GetSensorCaps(TAny* a1);
+	TInt GetFrameSizeCaps(TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+	TInt SetDynamicAttribute(TInt aAttribute, TUint aValue);
+	inline DCameraScPdd* Pdd();
+	static void RestartDfc(TAny* aChannel);
+	static void PowerUpDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+	static void PowerDownDfc(TAny* aPtr);
+	/** An array of configurations for each capture mode. */
+	TCaptureModeConfig* iCaptureModeConfig;
+	/** The unit number of this channel. */
+	TInt iUnit;
+	/** The operating state of the channel. */
+	TState iState;
+	/** A pointer to the owning client thread. */
+	DThread* iOwningThread;
+	/** The current capture mode of the camera. */
+	TDevCamCaptureMode iCaptureMode;
+	/** The pending request queue. */
+	TCameraScRequestQueue iRequestQueue;
+	/** A mutex to protect access to the buffer lists and the pending request list. */
+	NFastMutex iMutex;
+	/** The camera driver power handler. */
+	DCameraScPowerHandler* iPowerHandler;
+	/** DFC used to re-start the PDD following a data capture error. */
+	TDfc iRestartDfc;
+	/** DFC used to handle power down requests from the power manager before a transition into system shutdown/standby. */
+	TDfc iPowerDownDfc;
+	/** DFC used to handle power up requests from the power manager following a transition out of system standby. */
+	TDfc iPowerUpDfc;
+	friend class DCameraScPowerHandler;
+	friend class DBufferManager;
+	};
+#include <drivers/camerasc.inl>
+#endif	// __CAMERASC_H__