changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 62 4a8fed1c0ef6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/kernel/kernboot.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// eka\include\kernel\kernboot.h
+// Interface between bootstrap and kernel
+// This header file should contain only POD structures with members having
+// only the following types:
+// TInt8, TUint8, TInt16, TUint16, TInt32, TUint32, TInt64, TUint64
+// TInt, TUint, TLinAddr, T* where T is an alphanumeric string
+// If TInt64/TUint64 are used, manual padding should be used to guarantee
+// that these start on an 8 byte boundary.
+// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
+//          to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
+//          outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
+#ifndef __KERNBOOT_H__
+#define __KERNBOOT_H__
+The part of SSuperPageBase class.
+Holds the stack base address and the stack size of IRQ, FIQ, Undefined & Abort cpu modes.
+@see SSuperPageBase
+struct TStackInfo
+	{	
+	void* iIrqStackBase;	/**< Stack base address of IRQ CPU mode*/	
+	TInt  iIrqStackSize;	/**< Stack size of IRQ CPU mode*/	
+	void* iFiqStackBase;	/**< Stack base address of FIQ CPU mode*/	
+	TInt  iFiqStackSize;	/**< Stack size of FIQ CPU mode*/	
+	void* iUndStackBase;	/**< Stack base address of Undefined CPU mode*/	
+	TInt  iUndStackSize;	/**< Stack size of Undefined CPU mode*/	
+	void* iAbtStackBase;	/**< Stack base address of Abort CPU mode*/	
+	TInt  iAbtStackSize;	/**< Stack size of Abort CPU mode*/
+	};
+/**	The part of the super page used by the bootstrap.
+Optional fields in this structure may be set to 
+KSuperPageAddressFieldUndefined (-1) if not used during boot time.
+Current optional fields are:	iSmrData
+struct SSuperPageBase
+	{
+	TInt		iRamDriveSize;				/**< @internalComponent */	//   current size of RAM drive
+	TInt		iTotalRomSize;											/**< total size of ROM */
+	TInt		iTotalRamSize;											/**< total size of RAM, excluding simulated ROM*/
+	TLinAddr	iPageDir;					/**< @internalComponent */	//   address of page directory
+	TInt		iKernelFault;											/**< flag to indicate reboot due to fault - cleared by bootstrap on hardware reset*/
+	TLinAddr	iRamBootData;				/**< @internalComponent */	//   pointer to RAM description
+	TLinAddr	iRomBootData;				/**< @internalComponent */	//   pointer to ROM description
+	TLinAddr	iBootTable;					/**< @internalComponent */	//   used temporarily by bootstrap
+	TLinAddr	iCodeBase;					/**< @internalComponent */	//   used temporarily by bootstrap
+	TUint32		iBootFlags;					/**< @internalComponent */	//   used temporarily by bootstrap
+	TLinAddr	iBootAlloc;					/**< @internalComponent */	//   used temporarily by bootstrap
+	TLinAddr	iMachineData;											/**< pointer to variant specific information*/
+	TUint		iActiveVariant;											/**< Active Hardware Variant Descriptor*/
+	TLinAddr	iPrimaryEntry;											/**< pointer to TRomEntry for active kernel image*/
+	TInt		iInitialHeapSize;										/**< initial size of kernel stack/heap chunk*/
+	TInt		iDebugPort;												/**< debug port number*/
+	TUint		iCpuId;													/**< CPU identifier*/
+	TLinAddr	iUncachedAddress;										/**< Virtual address mapped to uncached memory if required*/
+	TLinAddr	iRootDirList;											/**< pointer to ROM root directory list (for extension ROMs)*/
+	TInt		iHwStartupReason;										/**< startup reason code (hardware dependent)*/
+	TLinAddr	iKernelLimit;				/**< @internalComponent */	//   linear address of top of kernel region (direct model only)
+	TLinAddr	iRamBase;					/**< @internalComponent */	//   linear address base of RAM (direct model only)
+	TLinAddr	iDCacheFlushArea;										/**< linear address of DCache flush area (direct model only)*/
+	TLinAddr	iDCacheFlushWrap;										/**< size of DCache flush area (direct model only)*/
+	TLinAddr	iAltDCacheFlushArea;									/**< linear address of alternate DCache flush area (direct model only)*/
+	TLinAddr	iAltDCacheFlushWrap;									/**< size of alternate DCache flush area (direct model only)*/
+	TStackInfo	iStackInfo;												/**< base address & size of Irq & Fiq CPU mode's stacks*/
+	TLinAddr	iArmL2CacheBase;										/**< base address of the external cache controller (e.g. L210, L220,...)*/
+	TUint32		iRomHeaderPhys;				/**< @internalComponent */
+	TUint32		iAPBootPagePhys;			/**< @internalComponent */
+	TUint32		iAPBootPageLin;				/**< @internalComponent */
+	TUint32		iAPBootPageDirPhys;			/**< @internalComponent */
+	TUint32		iSmrData;                                               /**< address of shadow memory region information block (SMRIB), optional field set by bootstrap PSL */
+	TInt		iReserved[26];											/**< reserved for the future use*/
+	};
+/**	Descriptor for a single contiguous block of RAM
+struct SRamBank
+	{
+	TUint32	iBase;						/**< physical base address of block*/
+	TUint32 iSize;						/**< size of block in bytes*/
+	};
+/** Maximum number of RAM zones.
+@see SRamZone
+const TUint KMaxRamZones = 64;
+/** Flag to indicate that no further fixed pages can be allocated into a
+particular RAM zone.
+This flag still allows device drivers to allocate pages into a RAM zone
+using Epoc::ZoneAllocPhysicalRam().
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagNoFixed = 0x01;
+/** Flag to indicate that no further movable pages can be allocated into a
+particular RAM zone.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagNoMovable = 0x02;
+/** Flag to indicate that no further discardable pages can be allocated into a
+particular RAM zone.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagNoDiscard = 0x04;
+/** RAM zone flag that ensures no further pages are allocated into 
+a RAM zone.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc = 0x80;
+/** RAM zone flag mask that ensures only discardable pages are allocated into 
+a RAM zone.
+This flag mask still allows device drivers to allocate pages into a RAM zone
+using Epoc::ZoneAllocPhysicalRam().
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagDiscardOnly = KRamZoneFlagNoFixed | KRamZoneFlagNoMovable;
+/** RAM zone flag to indicate that a RAM zone should be temporarily blocked 
+from further allocations.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagTmpBlockAlloc = 0x08000000;
+/** RAM zone flag to indicate that a RAM zone has been inspected by a general defrag.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag = 0x20000000;
+/** RAM zone flag to indicate that a RAM zone should not be allocated
+into by a general defrag operation.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock = 0x10000000;
+/** RAM zone flag to indicate that a RAM zone is being claimed and therefore shouldn't
+be allocated into.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagClaiming = 0x40000000;
+/** RAM zone flag that is used to detect RAM zone activity.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagMark = 0x80000000;
+A mask of RAM zone flag bits that can not be set by device driver or base port code.
+const TUint KRamZoneFlagInvalid = ~(KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc | KRamZoneFlagNoFixed | KRamZoneFlagNoMovable | KRamZoneFlagNoDiscard);
+/** Value that cannot be used for a RAM zone ID.
+const TUint KRamZoneInvalidId = 0xffffffff;
+/** Specifies a single RAM zone and its properties.
+struct SRamZone
+	{
+	TUint32 iBase;		/**< Physical base address of the RAM zone*/
+	TUint32 iSize;		/**< Size of the RAM zone in bytes, the end of the SRamZone array is indicated by a RAM zone size of zero*/
+	TUint iId;			/**< ID number of the RAM zone*/
+	TUint iFlags;		/**< Zone flags - specify whether the RAM zone should be reserved for contiguous buffer or h/w use etc*/
+	TUint8 iPref;		/**< Preference value for this RAM zone, lower preference RAM zones are used first*/
+	TUint8 iReserved[3];/**< @internalComponent*/
+	};
+/** Defines an SRamZone struct object.
+@see SRamZone
+#define __SRAM_ZONE(aBase, aSize, aId, aFlags, aPref) \
+{aBase, aSize, aId, aFlags, aPref, {0,0,0,},}
+/** Ends the RAM zone declarations by defining the iSize of a RAM zone as zero.
+@see SRamZone
+#define __SRAM_ZONE_END {0,0,0,0,0,{0,0,0,},}
+/** Descriptor for a single contiguous block of ROM
+class SRomBank
+	{
+	TUint32	iBase;						/**< physical base address of block*/
+	TUint32 iSize;						/**< size of block*/
+	TUint8	iWidth;						/**< log2(bus width in bits)*/
+	TUint8	iType;						/**< device type*/
+	TUint8	iSpeedR;					/**< random access speed*/
+	TUint8	iSpeedS;					/**< sequential access speed*/
+	TUint32	iLinBase;					/**< linear base address of block*/
+	};
+/* Enumeration for type of ROM
+enum TRomType
+	{
+	ERomTypeXIPFlash = 0x01,
+	ERomTypeXIP = 0x02,
+	ERomTypeRamAsRom = 0x04
+	};
+/* CPU ID field
+const TUint KCpuIdISS = 0x80000000u;	// Instruction Set Simulator
+/* Boot flags field
+const TUint32 KBootFlagRunFromRAM = 0x80000000u;
+/** This cosnstant is used in optional fields in the SSuperPageBase struct
+(e.g. iSmrData) to indicate the field is not used/set during the boot process.
+This maybe because the baseport does not support this field/feature or that 
+the feature is not enabled/available as determined by bootstrap PSL in 
+InitialiseHardware() at boot time.
+const TUint32 KSuperPageAddressFieldUndefined = 0xffffffff; 
+/**	Descriptor for a single contiguous block of RAM initialised with a SMR 
+image. Typically these are initialised by the pre-OS loader. 
+The structure represents an entry in the Shadow Memory Region Information 
+Block (SMRIB). SMRIB is pointed to by the SuperPage iSmrData member.
+SMRIB ends with zero sized SSmrBank entry. The iSize is in bytes and must be a 
+multiple of 4Kb.
+struct SSmrBank
+	{
+	TUint32	iBase;				/**< physical base address of block */
+	TUint32 iSize;				/**< size of block in bytes, multiple of 4Kb */
+	TUint32 iPayloadUID;		/**< SMR Payload UID */
+	TUint32 iPayloadFlags;		/**< SMR Payload flags */
+	};
+/** Structure defining the SMR partition image header format.
+The SMR Rom Header has a fixed size of 256 bytes.
+struct SSmrRomHeader
+	{
+	TUint32	iFingerPrint[2];	/**< "SMR_PART" [0]=0x5F524D53[1]=0x54524150 */
+	TUint32 iReserved0;			/**< Reserved for future use, always 0 */
+	TUint32 iImageVersion;		/**< Version number of image format */
+	TUint32 iImageSize;			/**< Size in bytes of the image (hdr+payload)*/
+	TUint32 iImageTimestamp;	/**< Image creation time in seconds since midnight Jan 1st 1970 */
+	TUint32 iReserved1; 		/**< Reserved for future use, always 0 */
+	TUint32 iPayloadChecksum;	/**< Calculated checksum at build time */
+	TUint32 iPayloadUID;		/**< Alloc'd UID identifying payload content */
+	TUint32 iPayloadFlags;		/**< Payload specific flag word */
+	TUint32 iReserved[54];		/**< Reserved for future use, always 0 */
+	};