changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/memmodel/epoc/mmubase/ramcache.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\memmodel\epoc\mmubase\ramcache.h
+#ifndef RAMCACHE_H
+#define RAMCACHE_H
+#include <memmodel/epoc/mmubase/mmubase.h>
+class MmuBase;
+Base class for the ram caching or demand paging implementation.
+This provides an interface between class Mmu and the implementation
+of any form of dynamic use of the system's free memory, e.g. demand paging.
+The chief functionality of this interface is for transferring ownership of
+physical pages of RAM.
+class RamCacheBase
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor
+	*/
+	RamCacheBase();
+	/**
+	Intialisation called during MmuBase:Init2.
+	*/
+	virtual void Init2();
+	/**
+	Initialisation called from M::DemandPagingInit.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt Init3()=0;
+	/**
+	Remove RAM pages from the cache and return them to the system's free pool.
+	(Free them.)
+	This is called by MmuBase when it requires more free RAM to meet an
+	allocation request.
+	@param	aNumPages The number of pages to free up.
+	@return	True if all pages could be freed, false otherwise
+	@pre	RamAlloc mutex held.
+	*/
+	virtual TBool GetFreePages(TInt aNumPages)=0;
+	/**
+	Give a RAM page to the cache system for managing.
+	This page of RAM may be reused for any purpose.
+	If the page has already been donated then no action is taken.
+	@param aPageInfo The page info for the donated page.
+	@see ReclaimRamCachePage.
+	@pre System Lock held
+	@post System Lock left unchanged.
+	*/
+	virtual void DonateRamCachePage(SPageInfo* aPageInfo)=0;
+	/**
+	Attempt to reclaim a RAM page given to the cache system with #DonateRamCachePage.
+	If the RAM page has not been reused for other purposes then the page is
+	removed from the cache system's management.
+	If the page has not previousely been donated then no action is taken.
+	@param aPageInfo The page info for the page to reclaim.
+	@return True if page successfuly reclaimed, false otherwise.
+	@pre System Lock held
+	@post System Lock left unchanged.
+	*/
+	virtual TBool ReclaimRamCachePage(SPageInfo* aPageInfo)=0;
+	/**
+	Called by MMU class when a page is unmapped from a chunk.
+	@param aPageInfo The page info for the page being unmapped.
+	@return True is cache system doesn't claim ownership of this page, false if it does.
+	*/
+	virtual TBool PageUnmapped(SPageInfo* aPageInfo)=0;
+	/**
+	Check whether the specified page can be discarded by the RAM cache.
+	@param aPageInfo The page info of the page being queried.
+	@return ETrue when the page can be discarded, EFalse otherwise.
+	@pre System lock held.
+	@post System lock held.
+	*/
+	virtual TBool IsPageDiscardable(SPageInfo& aPageInfo) = 0;
+	/**
+	Discard the specified page.
+	Should only be called on a page if a previous call to IsPageDiscardable()
+	returned ETrue and the system lock hasn't been released between the calls.
+	If necessary a new page may be allocated to replace the one being
+	discarded, however the new page should not be allocated into the RAM
+	zone of ID==aBlockedZoneId.
+	@param aPageInfo The page info of the page to be discarded
+	@param aBlockZoneId The ID of the RAM zone that shouldn't be allocated into.
+	@param aBlockRest Set to ETrue to stop allocation as soon as aBlockedZoneId is reached 
+	in preference ordering.  EFalse otherwise.
+	@return ETrue if the page could be discarded, EFalse otherwise.
+	@pre System lock held.
+	@post System lock held.
+	*/
+	virtual TBool DoDiscardPage(SPageInfo& aPageInfo, TUint aBlockedZoneId, TBool aBlockRest) = 0;
+	/**
+	First stage in discarding a list of pages.
+	Must ensure that the pages will still be discardable even if system lock 
+	is released after this method has completed.
+	To be used in conjunction with RamCacheBase::DoDiscardPages1().
+	@param aPageList A NULL terminated list of the pages to be discarded
+	@return KErrNone on success.
+	@pre System lock held
+	@post System lock held
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoDiscardPages0(SPageInfo** aPageList) = 0;
+	/**
+	Final stage in discarding a list of page
+	Finish discarding the pages previously removed by RamCacheBase::DoDiscardPages0().
+	@param aPageList A NULL terminated list of the pages to be discarded
+	@return KErrNone on success.
+	@pre System lock held
+	@post System lock held
+	*/
+	virtual TInt DoDiscardPages1(SPageInfo** aPageList) = 0;
+	/**
+	Flush (unmap) all the free memory which is currently cached.
+	*/
+	virtual void FlushAll() = 0;
+	/**
+	Attempt to allocate the required contiguous region of pages, freeing
+	RAM cache pages if required.
+	@param	aNumPages The number of pages to free up.
+	@param	aAlign The alignment of the region to free-up, (a power-of-2).
+	@param aBlockZoneId The ID of a zone that shouldn't be allocated into, when set to 
+	KRamZoneInvalidId it will have no effect.
+	@param aBlockRest Set to ETrue to stop allocation as soon as aBlockedZoneId is reached 
+	in preference ordering.  EFalse otherwise.
+	@return	KErrNone on success, KErrNoMemory otherwise
+	@pre	RamAlloc mutex held.
+	*/
+	TInt AllocFreeContiguousPages(TInt aNumPages, TInt aAlign, TZonePageType aType, TPhysAddr& aPhysAddr, TUint aBlockedZoneId, TBool aBlockRest);
+	/**
+	Return the maximum number of RAM pages which could be obtained with #GetFreePages.
+	This value is used in the calculation of the 'free' RAM in the system.
+	@return Number of free RAM pages.
+	*/
+	inline TInt NumberOfFreePages() { return iNumberOfFreePages; }
+	/**
+	Put a page back on the system's free pool.
+	@pre RamAlloc mutex held.
+	*/
+	void ReturnToSystem(SPageInfo* aPageInfo);
+	/**
+	Get a RAM page from the system's free pool.
+	@param aBlockZoneId The ID of a zone that shouldn't be allocated into, when set to 
+	KRamZoneInvalidId it will have no effect.
+	@param aBlockRest Set to ETrue to stop allocation as soon as aBlockedZoneId is reached 
+	in preference ordering.  EFalse otherwise.
+ 	@pre	RamAlloc mutex held.
+	@return The page or NULL if no page is available.
+	*/
+	SPageInfo* GetPageFromSystem(TUint aBlockedZone=KRamZoneInvalidId, TBool aBlockRest=EFalse);
+	MmuBase* iMmu;				/**< Copy of MmuBase::TheMmu */
+	TInt iNumberOfFreePages;	/**< Number of pages which could be freed by GetFreePages.
+									 This value is protected by the RamAlloc mutex. */
+	static RamCacheBase* TheRamCache;
+	};
+class RamCache : public RamCacheBase
+	{
+	// from RamCacheBase
+	virtual void Init2();
+	virtual TInt Init3();
+	virtual TBool GetFreePages(TInt aNumPages);
+	virtual void DonateRamCachePage(SPageInfo* aPageInfo);
+	virtual TBool ReclaimRamCachePage(SPageInfo* aPageInfo);
+	virtual TBool PageUnmapped(SPageInfo* aPageInfo);
+	virtual TBool IsPageDiscardable(SPageInfo& aPageInfo);
+	virtual TBool DoDiscardPage(SPageInfo& aPageInfo, TUint aBlockZoneId, TBool aBlockRest);
+	virtual TInt DoDiscardPages0(SPageInfo** aPageList);
+	virtual TInt DoDiscardPages1(SPageInfo** aPageList);
+	virtual void FlushAll();
+	// new
+	virtual void SetFree(SPageInfo* aPageInfo);
+	enum TFault
+		{
+		EUnexpectedPageType = 3,	/**< A page in the live page list had an unexpected type (SPageInfo::Attribs) */
+		};
+	static void Panic(TFault aFault);
+	void RemovePage(SPageInfo& aPageInfo);
+	SDblQue iPageList;
+	};