changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 36 538db54a451d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/memmodel/epoc/mmubase/ramalloc.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2966 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\memmodel\epoc\mmubase\ramalloc.cpp
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <plat_priv.h>
+#include <ramalloc.h>
+#include <e32btrace.h>
+#include <mmubase.inl>
+#include "mdefrag.inl"
+DRamAllocator* DRamAllocator::New()
+	{
+	return new DRamAllocator;
+	}
+DRamAllocator* DRamAllocator::New(const SRamInfo& aInfo, const SRamZone* aZoneInfo, TRamZoneCallback aZoneCallback)
+	{
+	DRamAllocator* pA=New();
+	if (!pA)
+		Panic(ECreateNoMemory);
+	// If this fails then it won't return but panic
+	pA->Create(aInfo,aZoneInfo, aZoneCallback);
+	return pA;
+	}
+void DRamAllocator::Panic(TPanic aPanic)
+	{
+	Kern::Fault("RAM-ALLOC", aPanic);
+	}
+#ifdef KMMU
+void HexDump32(const TAny* a, TInt n, const char* s)
+	{
+	const TUint32* p=(const TUint32*)a;
+	Kern::Printf(s);
+	TInt i=0;
+	while(n)
+		{
+		TBuf8<80> b;
+		b.AppendNumFixedWidth(i,EHex,4);
+		b.Append(':');
+		TInt m=Min(n,4);
+		n-=m;
+		i+=m;
+		while(m--)
+			{
+			b.Append(' ');
+			b.AppendNumFixedWidth(*p++,EHex,8);
+			}
+		Kern::Printf("%S",&b);
+		}
+	}
+void HexDump8(const TAny* a, TInt n, const char* s)
+	{
+	const TUint8* p=(const TUint8*)a;
+	Kern::Printf(s);
+	TInt i=0;
+	while(n)
+		{
+		TBuf8<80> b;
+		b.AppendNumFixedWidth(i,EHex,4);
+		b.Append(':');
+		TInt m=Min(n,16);
+		n-=m;
+		i+=m;
+		while(m--)
+			{
+			b.Append(' ');
+			b.AppendNumFixedWidth(*p++,EHex,2);
+			}
+		Kern::Printf("%S",&b);
+		}
+	}
+void DRamAllocator::DebugDump()
+	{
+	Kern::Printf("PageSize=%08x PageShift=%d",KPageSize,KPageShift);
+	Kern::Printf("Total Pages=%x Total Free=%x",iTotalRamPages,iTotalFreeRamPages);
+	Kern::Printf("Number of zones=%d, PowerState=%016lx",iNumZones,iZonePwrState);
+	Kern::Printf("PhysAddrBase=%08x, PhysAddrTop=%08x",iPhysAddrBase,iPhysAddrTop);
+	TUint i = 0;
+	Kern::Printf("Zone Info:");
+	for (; i<iNumZones; ++i)
+		{
+		SZone& z=iZones[i];
+		TBitMapAllocator& b = *(z.iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+		Kern::Printf("%x: Avail %x Size %x Phys %08x PhysEnd %08x ID %08x FreePage %x Pref %02x",i,b.iAvail,b.iSize,
+										z.iPhysBase, z.iPhysEnd, z.iId,z.iFreePages, z.iPref);
+		Kern::Printf("Allocated Unknown %x Fixed %x Movable %x Discardable %x",iZones[i].iAllocPages[EPageUnknown],iZones[i].iAllocPages[EPageFixed],
+										iZones[i].iAllocPages[EPageMovable],iZones[i].iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]);
+		}
+	Kern::Printf("Zone pref order:");
+	SDblQueLink* link = iZonePrefList.First();
+	for (; link != &iZonePrefList.iA; link = link->iNext)
+		{
+		SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		Kern::Printf("ID0x%x rank0x%x", zone.iId, zone.iPrefRank);
+		}
+	SZone& zone = *_LOFF(iZoneLeastMovDis, SZone, iPrefLink);
+	Kern::Printf("iZoneLeastMovDis ID 0x%x rank 0x%x", zone.iId, iZoneLeastMovDisRank);
+	}
+TInt CountBanks(const SRamBank* aBankList)
+	{
+	TInt banks=0;
+	for (; aBankList->iSize; ++banks, ++aBankList);
+	return banks;
+	}
+TUint32 TotalBankSize(const SRamBank* aBankList)
+	{
+	TUint32 size=0;
+	for (; aBankList->iSize; ++aBankList)
+		size+=aBankList->iSize;
+	return size;
+	}
+Count how many zones have been specified and do some basic checks on their layout:
+	Zones must be distinct, i.e. not overlap
+	Zone ID must be unique
+	Zones must be page size aligned
+	Zones must be big enough to cover all of the allocatable RAM
+The end of the list is indicated by a SRamZone.iSize==0. 
+@param aZones The list of RAM zones to be setup
+void DRamAllocator::CountZones(const SRamZone* aZones)
+	{
+	TUint32 totalSize = 0;
+	TUint32 pageMask = KPageSize-1;
+	// Check zones don't overlap each other and while running through the zones
+	// calculate how many there are
+	const SRamZone* pCurZ = aZones;
+	for (; pCurZ->iSize != 0; pCurZ++)
+		{
+		// Verify zone addresses and alignment
+		TUint32 curEnd = pCurZ->iBase + pCurZ->iSize - 1;
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("curBase %x curEnd %x pageMask %x",pCurZ->iBase,curEnd,pageMask));
+		if (curEnd <= pCurZ->iBase || (((curEnd + 1) | pCurZ->iBase) & pageMask))
+			{
+			Panic(EZonesAlignment);
+			}
+		if (pCurZ->iId == KRamZoneInvalidId)
+			{
+			Panic(EZonesIDInvalid);
+			}
+		// Check the flags are not set to invalid values
+		if (pCurZ->iFlags & KRamZoneFlagInvalid)
+			{
+			Panic(EZonesFlagsInvalid);
+			}
+		iNumZones++;
+		if (iNumZones > KMaxRamZones)
+			{// Too many zones specified
+			Panic(EZonesTooNumerousOrFew);
+			}
+		totalSize += pCurZ->iSize;
+		// Verify this zone doesn't overlap any of the previous zones' address space
+		const SRamZone* pTmpZ = aZones;
+		for (; pTmpZ < pCurZ; pTmpZ++)
+			{
+			TUint32 tmpEnd = pTmpZ->iBase + pTmpZ->iSize - 1;
+			if (tmpEnd >= pCurZ->iBase && pTmpZ->iBase <= curEnd)
+				{
+				Panic(EZonesNotDistinct);
+				}
+			if(pTmpZ->iId == pCurZ->iId)
+				{
+				Panic(EZonesIDNotUnique);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("iNumZones=%d, totalSize=%x",iNumZones,totalSize));
+	if (!iNumZones)
+		{// no zones specified
+		Panic(EZonesTooNumerousOrFew);
+		}
+	// Together all of the zones should cover the whole of the RAM
+	if (totalSize>>KPageShift < iTotalRamPages)
+		{
+		Panic(EZonesIncomplete);
+		}
+	}
+Get the zone from the ID
+@param aId ID of zone to find
+@return Pointer to the zone if zone of matching ID found, NULL otherwise
+SZone* DRamAllocator::ZoneFromId(TUint aId) const
+	{
+	SZone* pZ = iZones;
+	const SZone* const pEndZone = iZones + iNumZones;
+	for (; pZ < pEndZone; pZ++)
+		{
+		if (aId == pZ->iId)
+			{
+			return pZ;
+			}
+		}
+	return NULL;
+	}
+/** Retrieve the physical base address and number of pages in the specified zone.
+@param	aZoneId	The ID of the zone
+@param 	aPhysBaseAddr	Receives the base address of the zone
+@param	aNumPages	Receives the number of pages in the zone
+@return KErrNone if zone found, KErrArgument if zone couldn't be found
+TInt DRamAllocator::GetZoneAddress(TUint aZoneId, TPhysAddr& aPhysBase, TUint& aNumPages)
+	{
+	SZone* zone = ZoneFromId(aZoneId);
+	if (zone == NULL)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	aPhysBase = zone->iPhysBase;
+	aNumPages = zone->iPhysPages;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+@param aAddr The address of page to find the zone of
+@param aOffset The page offset from the start of the zone that the page is in
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GetZoneAndOffset(TPhysAddr aAddr, TInt& aOffset)
+	{
+	// Get the zone from the SPageInfo of the page at aAddr
+	SPageInfo* pageInfo = SPageInfo::SafeFromPhysAddr(aAddr);
+	if (pageInfo == NULL)
+		{
+		return NULL;
+		}
+	// Perform a binary search for the RAM zone, we know aAddr is within a RAM 
+	// zone as pageInfo != NULL.
+	SZone* left = iZones;
+	SZone* mid = iZones + (iNumZones>>1);
+	SZone* top = iZones + iNumZones - 1;
+	while (mid->iPhysEnd < aAddr || mid->iPhysBase > aAddr)
+		{
+		if (mid->iPhysEnd < aAddr)
+			left = mid + 1;
+		else
+			top = mid - 1;
+		mid = left + ((top - left) >> 1);
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(left <= top && mid <= top && mid >= left, Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent));
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(mid->iPhysBase <= aAddr && mid->iPhysEnd >= aAddr, Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent));
+	aOffset = (aAddr - mid->iPhysBase) >> KPageShift;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)aOffset < mid->iPhysPages, Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent));
+	return mid;
+	}
+@param aAddr The address of page to find the zone of
+@param aOffset The page offset from the start of the zone that the page is in
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GetZoneAndOffset(TPhysAddr aAddr, TInt& aOffset)
+	{
+	// Get the zone from the SPageInfo of the page at aAddr
+	SPageInfo* pageInfo = SPageInfo::SafeFromPhysAddr(aAddr);
+	if (pageInfo == NULL)
+		{
+		return NULL;
+		}
+	SZone* z = iZones + pageInfo->Zone();
+	aOffset = (aAddr - z->iPhysBase) >> KPageShift;
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)aOffset < z->iPhysPages, Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent));
+	return z;
+	}
+@param aId ID of zone to get page count for
+@param aPageData store for page counts
+@return KErrNone if zone found, KErrArgument otherwise
+TInt DRamAllocator::GetZonePageCount(TUint aId, SRamZonePageCount& aPageData)
+	{
+	// Search for the zone of ID aId
+	const SZone* zone = ZoneFromId(aId);
+	if (zone == NULL)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	aPageData.iFreePages = zone->iFreePages;
+	aPageData.iUnknownPages = zone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown];
+	aPageData.iFixedPages = zone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed];
+	aPageData.iMovablePages = zone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable];
+	aPageData.iDiscardablePages = zone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard];
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Update the count of free and allocated pages for the zone with
+@param aZone The index of the zone whose counts are being updated
+@param aCount The no of pages being allocated
+@param aType The type of the pages being allocated
+void DRamAllocator::ZoneAllocPages(SZone* aZone, TUint32 aCount, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	TUint32 free = aZone->iFreePages - aCount;
+	TUint32 alloc = aZone->iAllocPages[aType] + aCount;
+	TUint32 total_alloc = 	aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] +
+							aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard] + 
+							aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] + 
+							aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed] + aCount;
+	if (free > aZone->iFreePages || 
+		alloc < aZone->iAllocPages[aType] ||
+		free + total_alloc != aZone->iPhysPages ||
+		iTotalFreeRamPages > iTotalRamPages)
+		{
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("TotalFree %x TotalPages %x",iTotalFreeRamPages, iTotalRamPages));
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("ZoneFreePages - aCount %x free %x, alloc %x",aCount,free,alloc));	// counts rolled over
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Alloc Unk %x Fx %x Mv %x Dis %x",aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown], 
+					aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed],	aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable],aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]));
+		Panic(EZonesCountErr);
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(free == (TUint32)aZone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]->iAvail, Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("ZoneFreePages - aCount %x free %x, alloc %x",aCount,free,alloc));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Alloc Unk %x Fx %x Mv %x Dis %x",aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown], 
+					aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed],	aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable],aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]));
+	if (iAllowBmaVerify)
+		{
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(aZone->iBma[(aType != EPageUnknown)? aType : EPageFixed]);
+		TUint allocPages;
+		if (aType == EPageFixed || aType == EPageUnknown)
+			allocPages = aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] + aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed];
+		else
+			allocPages = aZone->iAllocPages[aType];
+		allocPages += aCount;
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aZone->iPhysPages - bmaType.iAvail == allocPages);
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)bmaType.iAvail >= aZone->iFreePages - aCount);
+		TUint offset = 0;
+		TUint matchedPages = 0;
+		TInt r = KErrNone;
+		while (offset < aZone->iPhysPages && r == KErrNone)
+			{
+			r = NextAllocatedPage(aZone, offset, EPageTypes);
+			if (bmaType.NotFree(offset, 1))
+				{
+				matchedPages++;
+				}
+			offset++;
+			}
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(matchedPages == allocPages);
+		}
+	// Update counts
+	aZone->iAllocPages[aType] += aCount;
+	aZone->iFreePages -= aCount;
+	aZone->iFlags &= ~KRamZoneFlagMark;	// clear the mark as this zone is active
+	// Check if power state of zone needs to be changed
+	if (iZonePowerFunc && !(iZonePwrState & (((TUint64)1) << aZone - iZones)))
+		{//zone no longer empty so call variant to power RAM zone up if necessary
+		iZonePwrState |= (((TUint64)1) << aZone - iZones);
+		if (iZoneCallbackInitSent)
+			{
+			TInt ret = (*iZonePowerFunc)(ERamZoneOp_PowerUp, (TAny*)aZone->iId, (TUint*)&iZonePwrState);
+			if (ret != KErrNone && ret != KErrNotSupported)
+				{
+				Panic(EZonesCallbackErr);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Re-order the zone preference list so that a RAM zone with more immovable pages 
+	// is more preferable and secondary to that a RAM zone that is not empty is more
+	// preferable than one that is empty.
+	while (&aZone->iPrefLink != iZonePrefList.First())
+		{
+		SZone* prevZ = _LOFF(aZone->iPrefLink.iPrev, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(K::Initialising || prevZ->iPrefRank == aZone->iPrefRank - 1);
+		if (prevZ->iPref == aZone->iPref && 
+			(prevZ->iAllocPages[EPageFixed] + prevZ->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] < 
+			aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed] + aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] ||
+			prevZ->iFreePages == prevZ->iPhysPages))
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("a - Reorder aZone 0x%x free 0x%x before prevZ 0x%x free 0x%x", aZone->iId, aZone->iFreePages, prevZ->iId, prevZ->iFreePages));
+			// Make this RAM zone more preferable.
+			aZone->iPrefLink.Deque();
+			aZone->iPrefLink.InsertBefore(&prevZ->iPrefLink);
+			aZone->iPrefRank--;
+			prevZ->iPrefRank++;
+			if (iZoneLeastMovDis == &prevZ->iPrefLink)
+				{// Ensure iZoneLeastMovDisRank is kept up to date.
+				iZoneLeastMovDisRank = prevZ->iPrefRank;
+				}
+			if (iZoneLeastMovDis == &aZone->iPrefLink)
+				{// Ensure iZoneLeastMovDisRank is kept up to date.
+				iZoneLeastMovDisRank = aZone->iPrefRank;		
+				// aZone was the least preferable with movable and/or discardable so is it still?		
+				if (prevZ->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] || prevZ->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard])
+					{// prevZ is now the least preferable RAM zone with movable and/or discardable.
+					iZoneLeastMovDis = &prevZ->iPrefLink; 
+					iZoneLeastMovDisRank = prevZ->iPrefRank;
+					__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("aa - iZoneleastInUse ID 0x%x", (_LOFF(iZoneLeastMovDis, SZone, iPrefLink))->iId));
+					}
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("iZoneLeastMovDisRank 0x%x", iZoneLeastMovDisRank));
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	// Now that the preference list has been re-ordered check whether
+	// iZoneLeastMovDis needs updating.
+	if (aType >= EPageMovable && iZoneLeastMovDisRank < aZone->iPrefRank)
+		{
+		iZoneLeastMovDis = &aZone->iPrefLink;
+		iZoneLeastMovDisRank = aZone->iPrefRank;
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("a - iZoneleastInUse ID 0x%x", (_LOFF(iZoneLeastMovDis, SZone, iPrefLink))->iId));
+		}
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(	K::Initialising || 
+						iZoneLeastMovDisRank == _LOFF(iZoneLeastMovDis, SZone, iPrefLink)->iPrefRank);
+	if (!K::Initialising)
+		VerifyLeastPrefMovDis();
+	}
+/** Update the count of free and allocated pages for the zone with
+@param aZone The index of the zone whose counts are being updated
+@param aCount The no of pages being freed
+@param aType The type of the pages being freed
+void DRamAllocator::ZoneFreePages(SZone* aZone, TUint32 aCount, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	TUint32 alloc = aZone->iAllocPages[aType] - aCount;
+	TUint32 free = aZone->iFreePages + aCount;
+	TUint32 total_alloc = 	aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] +
+							aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard] + 
+							aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] + 
+							aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed] - aCount;
+	if (free < aZone->iFreePages ||
+		alloc > aZone->iAllocPages[aType] ||
+		free + total_alloc != aZone->iPhysPages ||
+		iTotalFreeRamPages > iTotalRamPages)
+		{
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("TotalFree %x TotalPages %x",iTotalFreeRamPages, iTotalRamPages));
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("ZoneFreePages - aCount %x free %x, alloc %x",aCount,free,alloc));	// counts rolled over
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Alloc Unk %x Fx %x Mv %x Dis %x",aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown], 
+					aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed],	aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable],aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]));
+		Panic(EZonesCountErr);
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(free == (TUint32)aZone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]->iAvail, Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("ZoneFreePages - aCount %x free %x, alloc %x",aCount,free,alloc));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Alloc Unk %x Fx %x Mv %x Dis %x",aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown], 
+					aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed],	aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable],aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]));
+	if (iAllowBmaVerify)
+		{
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(aZone->iBma[(aType != EPageUnknown)? aType : EPageFixed]);
+		TUint allocPages;
+		if (aType == EPageFixed || aType == EPageUnknown)
+			allocPages = aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] + aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed];
+		else
+			allocPages = aZone->iAllocPages[aType];
+		allocPages -= aCount;
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aZone->iPhysPages - bmaType.iAvail == allocPages);
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG((TUint)bmaType.iAvail >= aZone->iFreePages + aCount);
+		TUint offset = 0;
+		TUint matchedPages = 0;
+		TInt r = KErrNone;
+		while(offset < aZone->iPhysPages && r == KErrNone)
+			{
+			r = NextAllocatedPage(aZone, offset, EPageTypes);
+			if (bmaType.NotFree(offset, 1))
+				{
+				matchedPages++;
+				}
+			offset++;
+			}
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(matchedPages == allocPages);
+		}
+	// Update counts
+	aZone->iAllocPages[aType] -= aCount;
+	aZone->iFreePages += aCount;
+	aZone->iFlags &= ~KRamZoneFlagMark;	// clear the mark as this zone is active
+	// Check if power state of zone needs to be changed.
+	//	Don't update iZonePwrState when a zone is being cleared to then be 
+	//	claimed as it shouldn't be powered off as it's about to be used.
+	if (iZonePowerFunc && !(aZone->iFlags & KRamZoneFlagClaiming) &&
+		aZone->iFreePages == aZone->iPhysPages)
+		{// Zone is empty so call variant to power down RAM zone if desirable.
+		TUint64 pwrMask = ~(((TUint64)1) << aZone - iZones);
+		iZonePwrState &= pwrMask;
+		// Don't invoke callback until Init callback sent.
+		if (iZoneCallbackInitSent)
+			{
+			TInt ret = (*iZonePowerFunc)(ERamZoneOp_PowerDown, (TAny*)aZone->iId, (TUint*)&iZonePwrState);
+			if (ret != KErrNone && ret != KErrNotSupported)
+				{
+				Panic(EZonesCallbackErr);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Re-order the zone preference list so that a RAM zone with more immovable pages 
+	// is more preferable and secondary to that a RAM zone that is not empty is more
+	// preferable than one that is empty.
+	while (&aZone->iPrefLink != iZonePrefList.Last())
+		{
+		SZone* nextZ = _LOFF(aZone->iPrefLink.iNext, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(K::Initialising || nextZ->iPrefRank == aZone->iPrefRank + 1);
+		if (nextZ->iPref == aZone->iPref && 
+			(nextZ->iAllocPages[EPageFixed] + nextZ->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] >
+			aZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed] + aZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] ||
+			(nextZ->iFreePages != nextZ->iPhysPages &&
+			aZone->iFreePages == aZone->iPhysPages)))
+			{
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("f - Reorder aZone 0x%x free 0x%x after nextZ 0x%x free 0x%x", aZone->iId, aZone->iFreePages, nextZ->iId, nextZ->iFreePages));
+			// Make this RAM zone less preferable.
+			aZone->iPrefLink.Deque();
+			aZone->iPrefLink.InsertAfter(&nextZ->iPrefLink);
+			aZone->iPrefRank++;
+			nextZ->iPrefRank--;
+			if (iZoneLeastMovDis == &aZone->iPrefLink)
+				{// Ensure iZoneLeastMovDisRank is kept up to date.
+				iZoneLeastMovDisRank = aZone->iPrefRank;
+				}
+			if (iZoneLeastMovDis == &nextZ->iPrefLink)
+				{// Ensure iZoneLeastMovDisRank is kept up to date.
+				iZoneLeastMovDisRank = nextZ->iPrefRank;
+				if (aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] || aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard])
+					{// aZone is now the least preferable RAM zone with movable and/or discardable.
+					iZoneLeastMovDis = &aZone->iPrefLink;
+					iZoneLeastMovDisRank = aZone->iPrefRank;
+					__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("aa - iZoneleastInUse ID 0x%x", (_LOFF(iZoneLeastMovDis, SZone, iPrefLink))->iId));
+					}
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("iZoneLeastMovDis Rank 0x%x", iZoneLeastMovDisRank));
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	if (&aZone->iPrefLink == iZoneLeastMovDis && 
+		!aZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] && !aZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard])
+		{// This RAM zone no longer has movable or discardable and therefore it 
+		// is also no longer the least preferable RAM zone with movable and/or 
+		// discardable.
+		SZone* zonePrev;
+		do 
+			{
+			iZoneLeastMovDis = iZoneLeastMovDis->iPrev;
+			iZoneLeastMovDisRank--;
+			if (iZoneLeastMovDis == iZonePrefList.First())
+				{// This the most preferable RAM zone so can't go any further.
+				break;
+				}
+			zonePrev = _LOFF(iZoneLeastMovDis, SZone, iPrefLink);
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("f - iZoneLeastMovDis 0x%x", zonePrev->iId));
+			}
+		while (!zonePrev->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] && !zonePrev->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]);
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(	K::Initialising || 
+						iZoneLeastMovDisRank == _LOFF(iZoneLeastMovDis, SZone, iPrefLink)->iPrefRank);
+		if (!K::Initialising)
+			VerifyLeastPrefMovDis();
+		}
+	}
+/** Calculate the physical address order of the zones and temporally store
+	the order in aZoneAddrOrder
+inline void DRamAllocator::SortRamZones(const SRamZone* aZones, TUint8* aZoneAddrOrder)
+	{
+	const SRamZone* const endZone = aZones + iNumZones;
+	const SRamZone* zone = aZones;
+	for (; zone < endZone; zone++)
+		{
+		// zoneIdx is the number of zones that have a lower base address than the 
+		// current zone and therefore it is the address index of the current zone
+		TInt zoneIdx = 0;
+		// search for any zones of lower base address
+		const SRamZone* zone2 = aZones;
+		for (; zone2 < endZone; zone2++)
+			{
+			if (zone2->iBase < zone->iBase)
+				{
+				zoneIdx++; // have another zone of lower base address
+				}
+			}
+		aZoneAddrOrder[zoneIdx] = zone - aZones;
+		}
+	}
+/** Initialise SPageInfos for all pages in this zone with the 
+index of the zone.
+@param aZone The zone the pages to be initialised are in
+inline TUint DRamAllocator::InitSPageInfos(const SZone* aZone)
+	{
+	TUint pagesUpdated = 0;
+	if (aZone->iPhysBase > iPhysAddrTop || aZone->iPhysEnd < iPhysAddrBase)
+		{// None of the zone is in allocatable RAM
+		return pagesUpdated;
+		}
+	// Mark each allocatable page in this zone with the index of the zone
+	TUint8 zoneIndex = aZone - iZones;
+	TPhysAddr addr = aZone->iPhysBase;
+	for (; addr <= aZone->iPhysEnd; addr += KPageSize)
+		{
+		SPageInfo* pi = SPageInfo::SafeFromPhysAddr(addr);
+		if (pi)
+			{
+#ifndef __MEMMODEL_FLEXIBLE__	// The FMM doesn't store zone indices in SPageInfos.
+			pi->SetZone(zoneIndex);
+			pagesUpdated++;
+			}
+		}
+	return pagesUpdated;
+	}
+/** HAL Function for the RAM allocator.
+TInt DRamAllocator::HalFunction(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
+	{
+	switch(aFunction)
+		{
+		case ERamHalGetZoneCount:
+			{
+			kumemput32(a1, &iNumZones, sizeof(iNumZones));
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		case ERamHalGetZoneConfig:
+			{
+			TUint zoneIndex = (TUint)a1;
+			if (zoneIndex < iNumZones)
+				{
+				SZone* pZone = iZones + zoneIndex;
+				struct SRamZoneConfig config;
+				NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+				M::RamAllocLock(); // get mutex to ensure consistent set of values are read...
+				config.iZoneId         = pZone->iId;
+				config.iZoneIndex      = zoneIndex;		
+				config.iPhysBase       = pZone->iPhysBase;
+				config.iPhysEnd        = pZone->iPhysEnd;
+				config.iPhysPages      = pZone->iPhysPages;
+				config.iPref		   = pZone->iPref;
+				config.iFlags		   = pZone->iFlags;
+				M::RamAllocUnlock();
+				NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+				kumemput32(a2,&config,sizeof(config));
+				return KErrNone;
+				}
+			return KErrNotFound;
+			}
+		case ERamHalGetZoneUtilisation:
+			{
+			TUint zoneIndex = (TUint)a1;
+			if (zoneIndex < iNumZones)
+				{
+				SZone* pZone = iZones + zoneIndex;
+				struct SRamZoneUtilisation config;
+				NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+				M::RamAllocLock(); // get mutex to ensure consistent set of values are read...
+				config.iZoneId			 = pZone->iId;
+				config.iZoneIndex		 = zoneIndex;
+				config.iPhysPages		 = pZone->iPhysPages;
+				config.iFreePages		 = pZone->iFreePages;
+				config.iAllocUnknown	 = pZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown];
+				config.iAllocFixed		 = pZone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed];
+				config.iAllocMovable	 = pZone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable];
+				config.iAllocDiscardable = pZone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard];
+				config.iAllocOther		 = 0;
+				M::RamAllocUnlock();
+				NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
+				kumemput32(a2,&config,sizeof(config));
+				return KErrNone;
+				}
+			return KErrNotFound;
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+			return KErrNotSupported;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Setup the ram allocator with information of the RAM available in the system that 
+comes from the bootstrap/superpage.  This is intended to be called from 
+@see DRamAllocator::New()
+@param aInfo Two lists of SRamBanks for available and reserved banks in RAM, respectively
+@param aZones A list of the ram zones in the system and their configuration/preferences
+@param aZoneCallback Pointer to a base port call back function that will be invoked by this class
+void DRamAllocator::Create(const SRamInfo& aInfo, const SRamZone* aZones, TRamZoneCallback aZoneCallback)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("DRamAllocator::Create"));
+	// SZone::iBma array assumes this and KBmaAllPages can't be the same as any 
+	// allocatable page type.
+	__ASSERT_COMPILE(EPageFixed < KPageImmovable && EPageUnknown < KPageImmovable &&
+					EPageDiscard >= KPageImmovable && EPageMovable >= KPageImmovable &&
+					KBmaAllPages != EPageFixed && KBmaAllPages != EPageMovable && 
+					KBmaAllPages != EPageDiscard);
+	// NoAllocOfPageType() requires this
+	__ASSERT_COMPILE(	KRamZoneFlagNoFixed == 1 << (EPageFixed - KPageTypeAllocBase) && 
+						KRamZoneFlagNoMovable == 1 << (EPageMovable - KPageTypeAllocBase) &&
+						KRamZoneFlagNoDiscard == 1 << (EPageDiscard - KPageTypeAllocBase));
+	// SZone::iPhysEnd and iPhysAddrTop rely on this when checking contiguous zones etc.
+	__ASSERT_COMPILE(KPageShift != 0);
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//	Determine where all the allocatable RAM pages are, using the SRamBank
+	//	data passed to the kernel by the bootstrap
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	TUint num_boot_banks=CountBanks(aInfo.iBanks);
+	TUint32 total_ram_size=TotalBankSize(aInfo.iBanks);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("#banks from bootstrap=%d",num_boot_banks));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Total size=%08x",total_ram_size));
+	iTotalRamPages=total_ram_size>>KPageShift;
+ 	// Assume all pages are allocated as unknown for now
+	iTotalFreeRamPages = 0;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Total size=%08x, total pages=%08x",total_ram_size,iTotalRamPages));
+	iPhysAddrBase=aInfo.iBanks[0].iBase;
+	const SRamBank& last_boot_bank=aInfo.iBanks[num_boot_banks-1];
+	iPhysAddrTop = last_boot_bank.iBase + last_boot_bank.iSize - 1;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("PA base=%08x, PA top=%08x",iPhysAddrBase,iPhysAddrTop));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPhysAddrTop > iPhysAddrBase, Panic(ECreateInvalidRamBanks));
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//	Determine how many zones are required and allocate all the 
+	//	data structures that will be required, permanent one first then
+	//	temporary ones to avoid kernel heap fragmentation.
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Stop any RAM zone callback operations until the initial one has been sent
+	iZoneCallbackInitSent = EFalse;
+	if (aZones)
+		{
+		CountZones(aZones);
+		iZonePowerFunc = aZoneCallback;
+		}
+	else
+		{// maximum number of zone is number of non-coalesced boot banks
+		iNumZones = num_boot_banks;
+		// No zones specified so don't worry about invoking callback function
+		iZonePowerFunc = NULL;
+		}
+	// Permenant heap allocation #1 - may be resized if no zones specified
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("iNumZones=%d", iNumZones));
+	iZones = (SZone*)Kern::AllocZ(iNumZones*sizeof(SZone));
+	if (!iZones)
+		{
+		Panic(ECreateNoMemory);
+		}
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//	Coalesce contiguous boot banks
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	SRamBank* physBanks = (SRamBank*)Kern::Alloc(num_boot_banks*sizeof(SRamBank));
+	if (!physBanks)
+		{
+		Panic(ECreateNoMemory);
+		}
+	SRamBank* coalescedBank = physBanks;
+	const SRamBank* const lastBank = aInfo.iBanks + num_boot_banks;
+	TPhysAddr currentBase = aInfo.iBanks->iBase;
+	TPhysAddr currentEnd = aInfo.iBanks->iBase + aInfo.iBanks->iSize;
+	const SRamBank* nextBank = aInfo.iBanks + 1;
+	for (; nextBank <= lastBank; ++nextBank)
+		{
+		// Create new bank if the next bank isn't contiguous or if 
+		// it is the last bank
+		if (nextBank == lastBank || nextBank->iBase != currentEnd)
+			{
+			coalescedBank->iBase = currentBase;
+			coalescedBank->iSize = currentEnd - currentBase;
+			// Mark all the SPageInfos for the pages in this bank as unused.
+			// Needs to be done here to allow SPageInfo::SafeFromPhysAddr to work
+			// which is used by InitSPageInfos()
+			SPageInfo* pi = SPageInfo::FromPhysAddr(coalescedBank->iBase);
+			SPageInfo* piBankEnd = pi + (coalescedBank->iSize >> KPageShift);
+			for (; pi < piBankEnd; pi++)
+				{
+				pi->SetUnused();
+				}
+			++coalescedBank;
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("Coalesced bank: %08x-%08x", currentBase, currentEnd));
+			currentBase = nextBank->iBase;
+			currentEnd = currentBase + nextBank->iSize;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			currentEnd += nextBank->iSize;
+			}
+		}
+	TUint num_coalesced_banks = coalescedBank - physBanks;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("#Coalesced banks: %d", num_coalesced_banks));
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//	Initialise the SZone objects and mark all the SPageInfos with the index 
+	//	of zone they are in.
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Assume everything is off so base port will get notification every time the 
+	// a new zone is required during the rest of boot process.
+	if (aZones != NULL)
+		{		
+		SZone* newZone = iZones;	// pointer to zone being created
+		// Create and fill zoneAddrOrder with address ordered indices to aZones
+		TUint8* zoneAddrOrder = (TUint8*)Kern::Alloc(iNumZones);
+		if (!zoneAddrOrder)
+			{
+			Panic(ECreateNoMemory);
+			}
+		SortRamZones(aZones, zoneAddrOrder);
+		// Now go through each SRamZone in address order initialising the SZone 
+		// objects.
+		TUint i = 0;
+		TUint totalZonePages = 0;
+		for (; i < iNumZones; i++)
+			{
+			const SRamZone& ramZone = *(aZones + zoneAddrOrder[i]);
+			newZone->iPhysBase = ramZone.iBase;
+			newZone->iPhysEnd = ramZone.iBase + ramZone.iSize - 1;
+			newZone->iPhysPages = ramZone.iSize >> KPageShift;
+			newZone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] = newZone->iPhysPages;
+			newZone->iId = ramZone.iId;
+			newZone->iPref = ramZone.iPref;
+			newZone->iFlags = ramZone.iFlags;
+			totalZonePages += InitSPageInfos(newZone);
+			newZone++;
+			}
+		// iZones now points to all the SZone objects stored in address order
+		Kern::Free(zoneAddrOrder);
+		if (totalZonePages != iTotalRamPages)
+			{// The zones don't cover all of the allocatable RAM.
+			Panic(EZonesIncomplete);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iNumZones = num_coalesced_banks;
+		iZones = (SZone*)Kern::ReAlloc((TAny*)iZones, iNumZones*sizeof(SZone));
+		if (iZones == NULL)
+			{
+			Panic(ECreateNoMemory);
+			}
+		// Create a zone for each coalesced boot bank
+		SRamBank* bank = physBanks;
+		SRamBank* bankEnd = physBanks + num_coalesced_banks;
+		SZone* zone = iZones;
+		for (; bank < bankEnd; bank++, zone++)
+			{
+			zone->iPhysBase = bank->iBase;
+			zone->iPhysEnd = bank->iBase + bank->iSize - 1;
+			zone->iPhysPages = bank->iSize >> KPageShift;
+			zone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown] = zone->iPhysPages;
+			zone->iId = (TUint)bank; // doesn't matter what it is as long as it is unique
+			InitSPageInfos(zone);
+			}
+		}
+	// Delete the coalesced banks as no longer required
+	Kern::Free(physBanks);
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//	Create each zones' bit map allocator now as no temporary heap 
+	// 	cells still allocated at this point.
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	const SZone* const endZone = iZones + iNumZones;
+	SZone* zone = iZones;
+	for (; zone < endZone; zone++)
+		{// Create each BMA with all pages allocated as unknown.
+		for (TUint i = 0; i < EPageTypes; i++)
+			{
+			// Only mark the all pages bma and fixed/unknown bma as allocated.
+			TBool notAllocated = (i >= (TUint)EPageMovable);
+			zone->iBma[i] = TBitMapAllocator::New(zone->iPhysPages, notAllocated);
+			if (!zone->iBma[i])
+				{
+				Panic(ECreateNoMemory);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Unallocate each page in each bank so that it can be allocated when required.
+	// Any page that exists outside a bank will remain allocated as EPageUnknown
+	// and will therefore not be touched by the allocator.
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Temporarily fill preference list so SetPhysicalRamState can succeed
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	// Block bma verificaitons as bma and alloc counts aren't consistent yet.
+	iAllowBmaVerify = EFalse;
+	const SZone* const lastZone = iZones + iNumZones;
+	zone = iZones;
+	for (; zone < lastZone; zone++)
+		{
+		iZonePrefList.Add(&zone->iPrefLink);
+		}
+	const SRamBank* const lastPhysBank = aInfo.iBanks + num_boot_banks;
+	const SRamBank* bank = aInfo.iBanks;
+	for (; bank < lastPhysBank; bank++)
+		{// Free all the pages in this bank.
+		SetPhysicalRamState(bank->iBase, bank->iSize, ETrue, EPageUnknown);
+		}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	// Only now is it safe to enable bma verifications
+	iAllowBmaVerify = ETrue;
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	//	Sort the zones by preference and create a preference ordered linked list
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	zone = iZones;
+	for (; zone < lastZone; zone++)
+		{// clear all the zones from the preference list as not in preference order
+		zone->iPrefLink.Deque();
+		}
+	SZone** prefOrder = (SZone**)Kern::AllocZ(iNumZones * sizeof(SZone*));
+	if (!prefOrder)
+		{
+		Panic(ECreateNoMemory);
+		}
+	zone = iZones;
+	for(; zone < lastZone; zone++)
+		{
+		TInt lowerZones = 0;
+		// Find how many zones that have a lower preference than this one
+		const SZone* zone2 = iZones;
+		for (; zone2 < lastZone; zone2++)
+			{
+			if (zone->iPref > zone2->iPref ||
+				zone->iPref == zone2->iPref && zone->iFreePages > zone2->iFreePages)
+				{
+				lowerZones++;
+				}
+			}
+		while (prefOrder[lowerZones] != 0)
+			{// Zone(s) of this preference and size already exist so 
+			 // place this one after it/them
+			lowerZones++;
+			}
+		prefOrder[lowerZones] = zone;
+		}
+	// Fill preference ordered linked list
+	SZone** const lastPref = prefOrder + iNumZones;
+	SZone** prefZone = prefOrder;
+	TUint prefRank = 0;
+	for (; prefZone < lastPref; prefZone++, prefRank++)
+		{
+		SZone& zone = **prefZone;
+		iZonePrefList.Add(&zone.iPrefLink);
+		zone.iPrefRank = prefRank;
+		}
+	Kern::Free(prefOrder); // Remove temporary allocation
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// 	Now mark any regions reserved by the base port as allocated and not 
+	//	for use by the RAM allocator.
+	///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	const SRamBank* pB = lastBank + 1;	// first reserved block specifier
+	for (; pB->iSize; ++pB)
+		{
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("Reserve physical block %08x+%x", pB->iBase, pB->iSize));
+		TInt r = SetPhysicalRamState(pB->iBase, pB->iSize, EFalse, EPageFixed);
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("Reserve returns %d", r));
+		if (r!=KErrNone)
+			{
+			Panic(ECreateInvalidReserveBank);
+			}
+		BTrace8(BTrace::EKernelMemory, BTrace::EKernelMemoryDrvPhysAlloc, pB->iSize, pB->iBase);
+		Epoc::DriverAllocdPhysRam += pB->iSize;
+#ifndef __MEMMODEL_FLEXIBLE__ // Mmu::Init2Common() handles this in FMM.
+		// Synchronise the SPageInfo with any blocks that were reserved by
+		// marking any reserved regions as locked
+		TPhysAddr physAddrEnd = pB->iBase + pB->iSize;
+		TPhysAddr physAddr = pB->iBase;
+		for(; physAddr < physAddrEnd; physAddr += KPageSize)
+			{
+			SPageInfo* pi = SPageInfo::FromPhysAddr(physAddr);
+			pi->Lock();
+			}
+		}
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Now that we have have the RAM zone preference list and know how many
+	// allocatable pages there are, set iZoneLeastMovDis to be the RAM zone 
+	// that will be used when half of the RAM is in use. This a boot up 
+	// optimisation to reduce the amount of moving and/or discarding fixed page 
+	// allocations will have to make during boot.
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	TUint halfAllocatablePages = iTotalFreeRamPages >> 1;
+	TUint pages = 0;
+	SDblQueLink* link = &iZonePrefList.iA;
+	do
+		{
+		link = link->iNext;
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(link != &iZonePrefList.iA);
+		SZone& zonePages = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		pages += zonePages.iFreePages;
+		}
+	while(pages < halfAllocatablePages);
+	iZoneLeastMovDis = link;
+	iZoneLeastMovDisRank = _LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink)->iPrefRank;
+	// Reset general defrag links.
+	iZoneGeneralPrefLink = NULL;
+	iZoneGeneralTmpLink = NULL;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,DebugDump());
+	}
+void DRamAllocator::MarkPagesAllocated(TPhysAddr aAddr, TInt aCount, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("DRamAllocator::MarkPagesAllocated(%x+%x)",aAddr,aCount));
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// Don't allow unknown pages to be allocated, saves extra 'if' when 
+	// creating bmaType.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EPageUnknown);
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(	!(TUint32(aAddr) & (KPageSize - 1)) &&
+					(TUint32(aAddr) < TUint32(iPhysAddrTop)) && 
+					(TUint32(aAddr) >= TUint32(iPhysAddrBase))&&
+					(TUint32((aCount << KPageShift) -1 + aAddr) <= TUint32(iPhysAddrTop)),
+					Panic(EDoMarkPagesAllocated1));
+	iTotalFreeRamPages-=aCount;
+	// Find the 1st zone the 1st set of allocations belong to
+	TInt offset = 0;
+	SZone* pZ = GetZoneAndOffset(aAddr,offset);
+	if (pZ == NULL)
+		{//aAddr not in RAM
+		Panic(EDoMarkPagesAllocated1);
+		}
+	while(aCount)
+		{
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(pZ->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(pZ->iBma[aType]);
+		TInt count = Min(bmaAll.iSize - offset, aCount);
+		bmaAll.Alloc(offset, count);
+		bmaType.Alloc(offset, count);
+		ZoneAllocPages(pZ, count, aType);
+		aCount -= count;
+		// If spanning zones then ensure the next zone is contiguous.
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aCount || ((pZ + 1)->iPhysBase != 0 && ((pZ + 1)->iPhysBase - 1) == pZ->iPhysEnd), Panic(EDoMarkPagesAllocated1));
+		pZ++; 		// zones in physical address order so move to next one
+		offset = 0;	// and reset offset to start of the zone
+		}
+	}
+TInt DRamAllocator::MarkPageAllocated(TPhysAddr aAddr, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("DRamAllocator::MarkPageAllocated %08x",aAddr));
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// Don't allow unknown pages to be allocated, saves extra 'if' when 
+	// creating bmaType.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EPageUnknown);
+	TInt n;
+	SZone* z=GetZoneAndOffset(aAddr,n);
+	if (!z)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Zone index %d page index %04x",z-iZones,n));
+	TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(z->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+	TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(z->iBma[aType]);
+	if (bmaAll.NotFree(n,1))
+		{
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Page already allocated"));
+		return KErrAlreadyExists;			// page is already allocated
+		}
+	bmaAll.Alloc(n,1);
+	bmaType.Alloc(n,1);
+	--iTotalFreeRamPages;
+	ZoneAllocPages(z, 1, aType);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Total free RAM pages now = %d",iTotalFreeRamPages));
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocMarkAllocated, aType, aAddr);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt DRamAllocator::FreeRamPage(TPhysAddr aAddr, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("FreeRamPage %08x",aAddr));
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	// Check lock counter of the page
+	if (aAddr != KPhysAddrInvalid)
+		{
+		SPageInfo* pi =  SPageInfo::SafeFromPhysAddr(aAddr);
+		if(pi && pi->LockCount())
+			Panic(EFreeingLockedPage);
+		}
+	// Don't allow unknown pages to be freed, saves extra 'if' when 
+	// creating bmaType.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EPageUnknown);
+	TInt n;
+	SZone* z=GetZoneAndOffset(aAddr,n);
+	if (!z)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Zone index %d page index %04x",z-iZones,n));
+	TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(z->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+	TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(z->iBma[aType]);
+	bmaAll.Free(n);
+	bmaType.Free(n);
+	++iTotalFreeRamPages;
+	ZoneFreePages(z, 1, aType);
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocFreePage, aType, aAddr);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void DRamAllocator::FreeRamPages(TPhysAddr* aPageList, TInt aNumPages, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("FreeRamPages count=%08x",aNumPages));
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(__MEMMODEL_FLEXIBLE__)
+	// Check lock counter for each page that is about to be freed.
+	TInt pageNum = aNumPages;
+	TPhysAddr* pageList = aPageList;
+	while (pageNum--)
+		{
+		TPhysAddr pa = *pageList++;
+		if (pa == KPhysAddrInvalid)
+			continue;
+		SPageInfo* pi =  SPageInfo::SafeFromPhysAddr(pa);
+		if(pi && pi->LockCount())
+			Panic(EFreeingLockedPage);
+		}
+	while(aNumPages--)
+		{
+		TPhysAddr first_pa = *aPageList++;
+		if (first_pa == KPhysAddrInvalid)
+			{
+			continue;
+			}
+		TInt ix;
+		SZone* z = GetZoneAndOffset(first_pa,ix);
+		if (!z)
+			{
+			continue;
+			}
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(z->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+		TInt zp_rem = bmaAll.iSize - ix;
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("1st PA=%08x Zone %d index %04x",first_pa,z-iZones,ix));
+		TInt n = 1;
+		TPhysAddr pa = first_pa + KPageSize;
+		while (--zp_rem && aNumPages && *aPageList==pa)
+			{
+			++n;
+			--aNumPages;
+			++aPageList;
+			pa += KPageSize;
+			}
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("%d consecutive pages, zp_rem=%x, %d remaining pages",n,zp_rem,aNumPages));
+		bmaAll.Free(ix,n);
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(z->iBma[aType]);
+		bmaType.Free(ix,n);
+		iTotalFreeRamPages += n;
+		ZoneFreePages(z, n, aType);
+		BTrace12(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocFreePages, aType, n, first_pa);
+		}
+	BTrace0(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocFreePagesEnd);
+	}
+	Attempt to clear upto the required amount of discardable or movable pages
+	from the RAM zone.
+	@param aZone			The RAM zone to clear.
+	@param aRequiredPages	The maximum number of pages to clear.
+void DRamAllocator::ZoneClearPages(SZone& aZone, TUint aRequiredPages)
+	{
+		Kern::Printf("ZoneClearPages: ID 0x%x, req 0x%x", aZone.iId, aRequiredPages));
+	// Discard the required number of discardable pages.
+	TUint offset = 0;
+	TInt r = NextAllocatedPage(&aZone, offset, EPageDiscard);
+	while (r == KErrNone && aRequiredPages)
+		{
+		TPhysAddr physAddr = (offset << KPageShift) + aZone.iPhysBase;
+		TInt discarded = M::DiscardPage(physAddr, aZone.iId, EFalse);
+		if (discarded == KErrNone)
+			{// The page was successfully discarded.
+			aRequiredPages--;
+			}
+		offset++;
+		r = NextAllocatedPage(&aZone, offset, EPageDiscard);
+		}
+	// Move the required number of movable pages.
+	offset = 0;
+	r = NextAllocatedPage(&aZone, offset, EPageMovable);
+	while(r == KErrNone && aRequiredPages)
+		{
+		TPhysAddr physAddr = (offset << KPageShift) + aZone.iPhysBase;
+		TPhysAddr newAddr = KPhysAddrInvalid;
+		if (M::MovePage(physAddr, newAddr, aZone.iId, EFalse) == KErrNone)
+			{// The page was successfully moved.
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+			TInt newOffset = 0;
+			SZone* newZone = GetZoneAndOffset(newAddr, newOffset);
+			__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(newZone != &aZone);
+			aRequiredPages--;
+			}
+		offset++;
+		r = NextAllocatedPage(&aZone, offset, EPageMovable);
+		}
+	}
+/** Attempt to allocate pages into a particular zone.  Pages will not
+	always be contiguous.
+	@param aPageList On return it will contain the addresses of any allocated pages
+	@param aZone The zone to allocate from
+	@param aNumPages The number of pages to allocate
+	@param aType The type of pages to allocate
+	@return The number of pages that were allocated
+TUint32 DRamAllocator::ZoneFindPages(TPhysAddr*& aPageList, SZone& aZone, TUint32 aNumPages, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+	// Don't allow unknown pages to be allocated, saves extra 'if' when 
+	// creating bmaType.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EPageUnknown);
+	TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *aZone.iBma[KBmaAllPages];
+	TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(aZone.iBma[aType]);
+	TPhysAddr zpb = aZone.iPhysBase;
+	TInt got = bmaAll.AllocList(aNumPages, (TInt*)aPageList);
+	if (got)
+		{
+		TPhysAddr* pE = aPageList + got;
+		while(aPageList < pE)
+			{
+			TInt ix = *aPageList;
+			*aPageList++ = zpb + (ix << KPageShift);
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Got page @%08x",zpb + (ix << KPageShift)));
+			// Mark the page allocated on the page type bit map.
+			bmaType.Alloc(ix, 1);
+			}
+		ZoneAllocPages(&aZone, got, aType);
+		BTrace12(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocRamPages, aType, got, *(pE-got));
+		}
+	return got;
+	}
+Allocate discontiguous pages.  
+Fixed pages are always allocated into the most preferable RAM zone that has free,
+movable or discardable pages in it.  This is to avoid fixed pages being placed 
+in the less preferred RAM zones.
+Movable and discardable pages are allocated into the RAM zones currently in use.
+An empty RAM zone will only be used (switched on) if there are not enough free 
+pages in the in use RAM zones.  The pages will be allocated from the least 
+preferable RAM to be in use after the allocation to the more preferred RAM zones.
+If a valid zone is specified in aBlockedZoneId then that RAM zone will not be
+allocated into.  Also, if aBlockedZoneId and aBlockRest is set then the allocation
+will stop if aBlockZoneId
+@param aPageList 	On success, will contain the address of each allocated page
+@param aNumPages 	The number of the pages to allocate
+@param aType 		The type of the pages to allocate
+@param aBlockedZoneId	The ID of the RAM zone that shouldn't be allocated into.  
+						The default value has no effect.
+@param aBlockRest 	Set to ETrue to stop this allocation using any currently empty 
+					RAM zones, EFalse to allow empty RAM zones to be used. Only
+					effects movable and discardable allocations.
+@return 0 on success, the number of extra pages required to fulfill the request on failure.
+TInt DRamAllocator::AllocRamPages(TPhysAddr* aPageList, TInt aNumPages, TZonePageType aType, TUint aBlockedZoneId, TBool aBlockRest)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocRamPages 0x%x type%d",aNumPages, aType));
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// Should never allocate unknown pages.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EPageUnknown);
+	TPhysAddr* pageListBase = aPageList;
+	TUint32 numMissing = aNumPages;
+	if (aType == EPageFixed)
+		{// Currently only a general defrag operation should set this and it won't
+		// allocate fixed pages.
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(!aBlockRest);
+		if ((TUint)aNumPages > iTotalFreeRamPages + M::NumberOfFreeDpPages())
+			{// Not enough free space and not enough freeable pages.
+			goto exit;
+			}
+		// Search through each zone in preference order until all pages allocated or
+		// have reached the end of the preference list
+		SDblQueLink* link = iZonePrefList.First();
+		while (numMissing && link != &iZonePrefList.iA)
+			{
+			SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+			// Get the link to next zone before any potential reordering.
+			// Which would occur if previous zone is same preference and has
+			// more free space after this allocation.
+			link = link->iNext;
+			if (zone.iId == aBlockedZoneId || NoAllocOfPageType(zone, aType))
+				{// The flags disallow aType pages or all pages.
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("ARP Flags 0x%08x", zone.iFlags));
+				continue;
+				}
+			numMissing -= ZoneFindPages(aPageList, zone, numMissing, aType);
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("zone.iId 0x%x", zone.iId));
+			if (numMissing && 
+				(zone.iAllocPages[EPageMovable] || zone.iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]))
+				{// Not all the required pages where allocated and there are still some
+				// movable and discardable pages in this RAM zone.
+				ZoneClearPages(zone, numMissing);
+				// Have discarded and moved everything required or possible so
+				// now allocate into the pages just freed.
+				numMissing -= ZoneFindPages(aPageList, zone, numMissing, aType);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if ((TUint)aNumPages > iTotalFreeRamPages)
+			{// Not enough free pages to fulfill this request so return amount required
+			return aNumPages - iTotalFreeRamPages;
+			}
+		// Determine if there are enough free pages in the RAM zones in use.
+		TUint totalFreeInUse = 0;
+		SDblQueLink* link = iZoneLeastMovDis;
+		for(; link != &iZonePrefList.iA; link = link->iPrev)
+			{
+			SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+			if (zone.iId == aBlockedZoneId || NoAllocOfPageType(zone, aType) ||
+				(aBlockRest && (zone.iFlags & KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock)))
+				{// The blocked RAM zone or flags disallow aType pages or all pages
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("ARP Flags 0x%08x", zone.iFlags));
+				continue;
+				}
+			totalFreeInUse += zone.iFreePages;
+			}
+		if (aBlockRest && totalFreeInUse < (TUint)aNumPages)
+			{// Allocating as part of a general defragmentation and
+			// can't allocate without using a RAM zone less preferable than
+			// the current least prefeable RAM zone with movable and/or 
+			//discardable.
+			__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(numMissing);
+			goto exit;
+			}
+		SDblQueLink* leastClearable = iZoneLeastMovDis;
+		while (totalFreeInUse < (TUint)aNumPages)
+			{// The amount of free pages in the RAM zones with movable 
+			// and/or discardable isn't enough.
+			leastClearable = leastClearable->iNext;
+			if (leastClearable == &iZonePrefList.iA)
+				{// There are no more RAM zones to allocate into.
+				__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(numMissing);
+				goto exit;
+				}
+			SZone& zone = *_LOFF(leastClearable, SZone, iPrefLink);
+			if (zone.iId == aBlockedZoneId || NoAllocOfPageType(zone, aType))
+				{// The flags disallow aType pages or all pages
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("ARP Flags 0x%08x", zone.iFlags));
+				continue;
+				}
+			totalFreeInUse += zone.iFreePages;
+			}
+		// Now that we know exactly how many RAM zones will be required do
+		// the allocation. To reduce fixed allocations having to clear RAM 
+		// zones, allocate from the least preferable RAM to be used
+		// to the most preferable RAM zone.
+		link = leastClearable;
+		while (numMissing)
+			{
+			__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(link != &iZonePrefList.iA);
+			SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+			// Update the link before any reordering so we don't miss a RAM zone.
+			link = link->iPrev;
+			if (zone.iId == aBlockedZoneId || NoAllocOfPageType(zone, aType) ||
+				(aBlockRest && (zone.iFlags & KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock)))
+				{// The blocked RAM zone or flags disallow aType pages or all pages
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("ARP Flags 0x%08x", zone.iFlags));
+				continue;
+				}
+			numMissing -= ZoneFindPages(aPageList, zone, numMissing, aType);
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("zone.iId 0x%x", zone.iId));
+			}
+		__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(!numMissing);
+		}
+	// Update here so any call to FreeRamPages doesn't upset count
+	aNumPages -= numMissing; //set to number of pages that are allocated
+	iTotalFreeRamPages -= aNumPages;
+	if (numMissing)
+		{// Couldn't allocate all required pages so free those that were allocated
+		FreeRamPages(pageListBase, aNumPages, aType);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		BTrace0(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocRamPagesEnd);
+		}
+	return numMissing;
+	}
+Attempt to allocate discontiguous pages from the specified RAM zone.
+NOTE - This method only obeys the KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc and KRamZoneFlagClaiming 
+flags and not the others.
+But as currently only EFixed pages will be allocated using this method that is
+the desired behaviour.
+@param aZoneIdList 	An array of the IDs of the RAM zones to allocate from.
+@param aZoneIdCount	The number of IDs in aZoneIdList.
+@param aPageList 	On success, will contain the address of each allocated page.
+@param aNumPages 	The number of the pages to allocate.
+@param aType 		The type of the pages to allocate.
+@return KErrNone on success, KErrNoMemory if allocation couldn't succeed or 
+the RAM zone has the KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc flag set, KErrArgument if a zone of
+aZoneIdList doesn't exist or aNumPages is greater than the total pages in the zone.
+TInt DRamAllocator::ZoneAllocRamPages(TUint* aZoneIdList, TUint aZoneIdCount, TPhysAddr* aPageList, TInt aNumPages, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType == EPageFixed);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("ZoneAllocRamPages 0x%x zones 0x%x",aNumPages, aZoneIdCount));
+	TInt r = KErrNone;
+	TUint* zoneIdPtr = aZoneIdList;
+	TUint* zoneIdEnd = zoneIdPtr + aZoneIdCount;
+	TUint numMissing = aNumPages;
+	TUint physicalPages = 0;
+	TPhysAddr* pageListBase = aPageList;
+	// Always loop through all the RAM zones so that if an invalid ID is specified
+	// it is always detected whether all the specified RAM zones were required 
+	// for the allocation or not.
+	for(; zoneIdPtr < zoneIdEnd; zoneIdPtr++)
+		{
+		SZone* zone = ZoneFromId(*zoneIdPtr);
+		if (zone == NULL)
+			{// Invalid zone ID.
+			r = KErrArgument;
+			break;
+			}
+		physicalPages += zone->iPhysPages;
+		if (zone->iFlags & (KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc|KRamZoneFlagClaiming))
+			{// If this RAM zone can't be allocated into then skip it.
+			continue;
+			}
+		numMissing -= ZoneFindPages(aPageList, *zone, numMissing, aType);
+		if (numMissing && aType == EPageFixed)
+			{// Remove up to required number of pages from the RAM zone 
+			// and reattempt the allocation.
+			ZoneClearPages(*zone, numMissing);
+			numMissing -= ZoneFindPages(aPageList, *zone, numMissing, aType);
+			}
+		}
+	// Update iTotalFreeRamPages here so that if allocation doesn't succeed then
+	// FreeRamPages() will keep it consistent.
+	TUint numAllocated = aNumPages - numMissing;
+	iTotalFreeRamPages -= numAllocated;
+	if (r == KErrArgument || physicalPages < (TUint)aNumPages)
+		{// Invalid zone ID or the number of pages requested is too large.
+		// This should fail regardless of whether the allocation failed or not.
+		FreeRamPages(pageListBase, numAllocated, aType);
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	if (numMissing)
+		{// Couldn't allocate all required pages so free those that were allocated
+		FreeRamPages(pageListBase, numAllocated, aType);
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	// Have allocated all the required pages.
+	BTrace0(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneRamPagesEnd);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Will return zones one at a time in the following search patterns until a suitable
+zone has been found or it is determined that there is no suitable zone:
+	- preference order
+	- address order
+Before the first call for a new search sequence must set:
+		iZoneTmpAddrIndex = -1;
+		iZoneTmpPrefLink = iZonePrefList.First();
+@param aZone On return this will be a pointer to the next zone to search.  
+@param aState The current search state, i.e. which of the zone orderings to follow.
+It will be updated if necessary by this function.
+@param aType The type of page to be allocated.
+@param aBlockedZoneId The ID of a RAM zone to not allocate into.
+@param aBlockRest ETrue if allocation should fail as soon as a blocked zone is reached, 
+EFalse otherwise. (Currently not used)
+@return ETrue a sutiable zone is found, EFalse when the allocation is not possible.
+TBool DRamAllocator::NextAllocZone(SZone*& aZone, TZoneSearchState& aState, TZonePageType aType, TUint aBlockedZoneId, TBool aBlockRest)
+	{
+	TUint currentState = aState;
+	TBool r = EFalse;
+	for (; currentState < EZoneSearchEnd; currentState++)
+		{
+		if (currentState == EZoneSearchAddr)
+			{
+			iZoneTmpAddrIndex++;
+			for (; iZoneTmpAddrIndex < (TInt)iNumZones; iZoneTmpAddrIndex++)
+				{
+				aZone = iZones + iZoneTmpAddrIndex;
+				if (aBlockedZoneId != aZone->iId && !NoAllocOfPageType(*aZone, aType))
+					{
+					r = ETrue;
+					goto exit;
+					}				
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			while(iZoneTmpPrefLink != &iZonePrefList.iA)
+				{
+				aZone = _LOFF(iZoneTmpPrefLink, SZone, iPrefLink);
+				iZoneTmpPrefLink = iZoneTmpPrefLink->iNext; // Update before any re-ordering
+				if (aBlockedZoneId != aZone->iId && !NoAllocOfPageType(*aZone, aType))
+					{
+					r = ETrue;
+					goto exit;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG((r && currentState < EZoneSearchEnd) || (!r && currentState == EZoneSearchEnd));
+	aState = (TZoneSearchState)currentState;
+	return r;
+	}
+Search through the zones for the requested contiguous RAM, first in preference 
+order then, if that fails, in address order.
+@param aNumPages The number of contiguous pages to find
+@param aPhysAddr Will contain the base address of any contiguous run if found
+@param aType The page type of the memory to be allocated
+@param aAlign Alignment specified as the alignment shift
+@param aBlockedZoneId The ID of a zone that can't be allocated into, by default this has no effect
+@param aBlockRest Set to ETrue to stop allocation as soon as aBlockedZoneId is reached 
+in preference ordering.  EFalse otherwise.
+@return KErrNone on success, KErrNoMemory otherwise
+TInt DRamAllocator::AllocContiguousRam(TUint aNumPages, TPhysAddr& aPhysAddr, TZonePageType aType, TInt aAlign, TUint aBlockedZoneId, TBool aBlockRest)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocContiguousRam size %08x align %d",aNumPages,aAlign));
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// No support for non-fixed pages as this will discard and move 
+	// pages if required.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType == EPageFixed);
+	TInt alignWrtPage = Max(aAlign - KPageShift, 0);
+	TUint32 alignmask = (1u << alignWrtPage) - 1;
+	// Attempt to find enough pages searching in preference order first then
+	// in address order
+	TZoneSearchState searchState = EZoneSearchPref;
+	SZone* zone;
+	SZone* prevZone = NULL;
+	TInt carryAll = 0;		// Carry for all pages bma, clear to start new run.
+	TInt carryImmov = 0;	// Carry for immovable pages bma, clear to start new run.
+	TInt base = 0;
+	TInt offset = 0;
+	iZoneTmpAddrIndex = -1;
+	iZoneTmpPrefLink = iZonePrefList.First();
+	while (NextAllocZone(zone, searchState, aType, aBlockedZoneId, aBlockRest))
+		{
+		// Be sure to start from scratch if zone not contiguous with previous zone
+		if (prevZone && (zone->iPhysBase == 0 || (zone->iPhysBase - 1) != prevZone->iPhysEnd))
+			{
+			carryAll = 0;
+			carryImmov = 0;
+			}
+		prevZone = zone;
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(zone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+		base = TInt(zone->iPhysBase >> KPageShift);
+		TInt runLength;
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocAligned: base=%08x carryAll=%08x offset=%08x", base, carryAll, offset));
+		offset = bmaAll.AllocAligned(aNumPages, alignWrtPage, base, EFalse, carryAll, runLength);
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocAligned: offset=%08x", offset));
+		if (offset >= 0)
+			{// Have found enough contiguous pages so return address of physical page
+			 // at the start of the region
+			aPhysAddr = TPhysAddr((base + offset - carryAll + alignmask) & ~alignmask) << KPageShift;
+			MarkPagesAllocated(aPhysAddr, aNumPages, aType);
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocContiguousRam returns %08x",aPhysAddr));
+			BTrace12(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocContiguousRam, aType, aNumPages, aPhysAddr);
+			return KErrNone;
+			}
+		else
+			{// No run found when looking in just the free pages so see if this
+			// RAM zone could be used if pages where moved or discarded.
+			if (aNumPages > KMaxFreeableContiguousPages)
+				{// Can't move or discard any pages so move on to next RAM zone 
+				// taking any run at the end of this RAM zone into account.
+				carryImmov = 0;
+				continue;
+				}
+			TBitMapAllocator& bmaImmov = *(zone->iBma[EPageFixed]);
+			offset = 0;	// Clear so searches whole of fixed BMA on the first pass.
+			do
+				{
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocAligned: base=%08x carryImmov=%08x offset=%08x", base, carryImmov, offset));
+				offset = bmaImmov.AllocAligned(aNumPages, alignWrtPage, base, EFalse, carryImmov, runLength, offset);
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocAligned: offset=%08x", offset));
+				if (offset >= 0)
+					{// Have found a run in immovable page bma so attempt to clear
+					// it for the allocation.
+					TPhysAddr addrBase = TPhysAddr((base + offset - carryImmov + alignmask) & ~alignmask) << KPageShift;
+					TPhysAddr addrEnd = addrBase + (aNumPages << KPageShift);
+					// Block the RAM zones containing the contiguous region
+					// from being allocated into when pages are moved or replaced.
+					TPhysAddr addr = addrBase;
+					TInt tmpOffset;
+					SZone* tmpZone = GetZoneAndOffset(addr, tmpOffset);
+					while (addr < addrEnd-1)
+						{
+						tmpZone->iFlags |= KRamZoneFlagTmpBlockAlloc;
+						addr = tmpZone->iPhysEnd;
+						tmpZone++;
+						}
+					addr = addrBase;
+					TInt contigOffset = 0;
+					SZone* contigZone = GetZoneAndOffset(addr, contigOffset);
+					for (; addr != addrEnd; addr += KPageSize, contigOffset++)
+						{
+						if (contigZone->iPhysEnd < addr)
+							{
+							contigZone = GetZoneAndOffset(addr, contigOffset);
+							__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(contigZone != NULL);
+							}
+#ifdef _DEBUG			// This page shouldn't be allocated as fixed, only movable or discardable.
+						__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(contigZone != NULL);
+						__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(contigZone->iBma[EPageFixed]->NotAllocated(contigOffset, 1));
+						SPageInfo* pageInfo = SPageInfo::SafeFromPhysAddr(addr);
+						__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(pageInfo != NULL);
+						TPhysAddr newAddr;
+						TInt moveRet = M::MovePage(addr, newAddr, contigZone->iId, EFalse);
+						if (moveRet != KErrNone && moveRet != KErrNotFound)
+							{// This page couldn't be moved or discarded so 
+							// restart the search the page after this one.
+							__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, 
+										Kern::Printf("ContigMov fail offset %x moveRet %d addr %x carryImmov %x", 
+										offset, moveRet, addr, carryImmov));
+							// Can't rely on RAM zone preference ordering being
+							// the same so clear carrys and restart search from
+							// within the current RAM zone or skip onto the next 
+							// one if at the end of this one.
+							carryImmov = 0;
+							carryAll = 0;
+							offset = (addr < zone->iPhysBase)? 0 : contigOffset + 1;
+							__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("ContigMov fail offset %x", offset));
+							break;
+							}
+						}
+					// Unblock the RAM zones containing the contiguous region. 
+					TPhysAddr flagAddr = addrBase;
+					tmpZone = GetZoneAndOffset(flagAddr, tmpOffset);
+					while (flagAddr < addrEnd-1)
+						{
+						tmpZone->iFlags &= ~KRamZoneFlagTmpBlockAlloc;
+						flagAddr = tmpZone->iPhysEnd;
+						tmpZone++;
+						}
+					if (addr == addrEnd)
+						{// Cleared all the required pages so allocate them.
+						// Return address of physical page at the start of the region.
+						aPhysAddr = addrBase;
+						MarkPagesAllocated(aPhysAddr, aNumPages, aType);
+						__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocContiguousRam returns %08x",aPhysAddr));
+						BTrace12(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocContiguousRam, aType, aNumPages, aPhysAddr);
+						return KErrNone;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			// Keep searching immovable page bma of the current RAM zone until 
+			// gone past end of RAM zone or no run can be found.
+			while (offset >= 0 && (TUint)offset < zone->iPhysPages);
+			}
+		}
+	return KErrNoMemory;
+	}
+Attempt to allocate the contiguous RAM from the specified zone.
+NOTE - This method only obeys the KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc and KRamZoneFlagClaiming 
+flags and not the others.
+But as currently only EFixed pages will be allocated using this method that is
+the desired behaviour.
+@param aZoneIdList 	An array of the IDs of the RAM zones to allocate from.
+@param aZoneIdCount	The number of the IDs listed by aZoneIdList.
+@param aSize 		The number of contiguous bytes to find
+@param aPhysAddr 	Will contain the base address of the contiguous run if found
+@param aType 		The page type of the memory to be allocated
+@param aAlign 		Alignment specified as the alignment shift
+@return KErrNone on success, KErrNoMemory if allocation couldn't succeed or 
+the RAM zone has the KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc flag set.  KErrArgument if a zone of
+aZoneIdList exists or if aSize is larger than the size of the zone.
+TInt DRamAllocator::ZoneAllocContiguousRam(TUint* aZoneIdList, TUint aZoneIdCount, TInt aSize, TPhysAddr& aPhysAddr, TZonePageType aType, TInt aAlign)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("ZoneAllocContiguousRam zones 0x%x size 0x%08x align %d",aZoneIdCount, aSize, aAlign));
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType == EPageFixed);
+	TUint numPages = (aSize + KPageSize - 1) >> KPageShift;
+	TInt carry = 0; // must be zero as this is always the start of a new run
+	TInt alignWrtPage = Max(aAlign - KPageShift, 0);
+	TUint32 alignmask = (1u << alignWrtPage) - 1;
+	TInt offset = -1;
+	TInt base = 0;
+	TUint physPages = 0;
+	TUint* zoneIdPtr = aZoneIdList;
+	TUint* zoneIdEnd = aZoneIdList + aZoneIdCount;
+	SZone* prevZone = NULL;
+	for (; zoneIdPtr < zoneIdEnd; zoneIdPtr++)
+		{
+		SZone* zone = ZoneFromId(*zoneIdPtr);
+		if (zone == NULL)
+			{// Couldn't find zone of this ID or it isn't large enough
+			return KErrArgument;
+			}
+		physPages += zone->iPhysPages;
+		if (offset >= 0 ||
+			(zone->iFlags & (KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc|KRamZoneFlagClaiming)))
+			{// Keep searching through the RAM zones if the allocation
+			// has succeeded, to ensure the ID list is always fully verified or
+			// if this zone is currently blocked for further allocations.
+			continue;
+			}
+		// Be sure to start from scratch if zone not contiguous with previous zone
+		if (prevZone && (zone->iPhysBase == 0 || (zone->iPhysBase - 1) != prevZone->iPhysEnd))
+			{
+			carry = 0;
+			}
+		prevZone = zone;
+		TInt len;
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(zone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+		base = TInt(zone->iPhysBase >> KPageShift);
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocAligned: aBase=%08x aCarry=%08x", base, carry));
+		offset = bmaAll.AllocAligned(numPages, alignWrtPage, base, EFalse, carry, len);
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("AllocAligned: offset=%08x", offset));
+		}
+	if (physPages < numPages)
+		{// The allocation requested is too large for the specified RAM zones.
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	if (offset < 0)
+		{// The allocation failed.
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	// Have found enough contiguous pages so mark the pages allocated and 
+	// return address of physical page at the start of the region.
+	aPhysAddr = TPhysAddr((base + offset - carry + alignmask) & ~alignmask) << KPageShift;
+	MarkPagesAllocated(aPhysAddr, numPages, aType);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("ZoneAllocContiguousRam returns %08x",aPhysAddr));
+	BTrace12(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneContiguousRam, aType, numPages, aPhysAddr);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Attempt to set the specified contiguous block of RAM pages to be either 
+allocated or free.
+@param aBase The base address of the RAM to update.
+@param aSize The number of contiguous bytes of RAM to update.
+@param aState Set to ETrue to free the RAM, EFalse to allocate the RAM.
+@param aType The type of the pages being updated.
+@return KErrNone on success, KErrArgument if aBase is an invalid address, 
+KErrGeneral if a page being marked free is already free,
+KErrInUse if the page being marked allocated is already allocated.
+TInt DRamAllocator::SetPhysicalRamState(TPhysAddr aBase, TInt aSize, TBool aState, TZonePageType aType)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("SetPhysicalRamState(%08x,%x,%d)",aBase,aSize,aState?1:0));
+	TUint32 pageMask = KPageSize-1;
+	aSize += (aBase & pageMask);
+	aBase &= ~pageMask;
+	TInt npages = (aSize + pageMask) >> KPageShift;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU,Kern::Printf("Rounded base %08x npages=%x",aBase,npages));
+	TInt baseOffset;
+	SZone* baseZone = GetZoneAndOffset(aBase, baseOffset);
+	if (!baseZone || (TUint32)aSize > (iPhysAddrTop - aBase + 1))
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	SZone* zone = baseZone;
+	SZone* zoneEnd = iZones + iNumZones;
+	TPhysAddr base = aBase;
+	TInt pagesLeft = npages;
+	TInt offset = baseOffset;
+	TInt pageCount = -1;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Zone %x page index %x z=%08x zE=%08x n=%x base=%08x",zone->iId, offset, zone, zoneEnd, pagesLeft, base));
+	for (; 	pagesLeft && zone < zoneEnd; ++zone)
+		{
+		if (zone->iPhysBase + (offset << KPageShift) != base)
+			{// Zone not contiguous with current run of page, so have been 
+			// asked to set the state of non-existent pages.
+			return KErrArgument;
+			}
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(zone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+		TInt zp_rem = bmaAll.iSize - offset;
+		pageCount = Min(pagesLeft, zp_rem);
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Zone %x pages %x+%x base %08x", zone->iId, offset, pageCount, base));
+		if(aState)
+			{
+			if(bmaAll.NotAllocated(offset, pageCount))
+				{
+				return KErrGeneral;
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(bmaAll.NotFree(offset, pageCount))
+				{
+				return KErrInUse;
+				}
+			}
+		pagesLeft -= pageCount;
+		offset = 0;
+		base += (TPhysAddr(pageCount) << KPageShift);
+		}
+	if (pagesLeft)
+		{
+		return KErrArgument;	// not all of the specified range exists
+		}
+	iTotalFreeRamPages += (aState ? npages : -npages);
+	zone = baseZone;
+	offset = baseOffset;
+	for (pagesLeft = npages; pagesLeft; pagesLeft -= pageCount)
+		{
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaAll = *(zone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]);
+		// Unknown and fixed pages share a bit map.
+		TBitMapAllocator& bmaType = *(zone->iBma[(aType != EPageUnknown)? aType : EPageFixed]);
+		TInt zp_rem = bmaAll.iSize - offset;
+		pageCount = Min(pagesLeft, zp_rem);
+		if (aState)
+			{
+			bmaAll.Free(offset, pageCount);
+			bmaType.Free(offset, pageCount);
+			ZoneFreePages(zone, pageCount, aType);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			bmaAll.Alloc(offset, pageCount);
+			bmaType.Alloc(offset, pageCount);
+			ZoneAllocPages(zone, pageCount, aType);
+			}
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2,Kern::Printf("Zone %d pages %x+%x base %08x",zone-iZones, offset, pageCount, base));
+		++zone;
+		offset = 0;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Update the allocated page counts for the zone that is page is allocated into.
+@param aAddr The physical address of the page
+@param aOldPageType The type the page was allocated as
+@param aNewPageType The type the page is changing to
+void DRamAllocator::ChangePageType(SPageInfo* aPageInfo, TZonePageType aOldType, TZonePageType aNewType)
+	{
+	TInt offset;
+	SZone* zone = GetZoneAndOffset(aPageInfo->PhysAddr(), offset);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// ***********	System lock may be held while this is invoked so don't do********
+// ***********	anything too slow and definitely don't call zone callback********
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// Get zone page is in and on debug builds check that it is allocated
+	if (zone == NULL || zone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]->NotAllocated(offset, 1))
+		{
+		Panic(EAllocRamPagesInconsistent);
+		}
+	// Check if adjusting counts is valid, i.e. won't cause a roll over
+	if (zone->iAllocPages[aOldType] - 1 > zone->iAllocPages[aOldType] ||
+		zone->iAllocPages[aNewType] + 1 < zone->iAllocPages[aNewType])
+		{
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("ChangePageType Alloc Unk %x Fx %x Mv %x Dis %x",zone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown],
+					zone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed], zone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable],zone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]));
+		Panic(EZonesCountErr);
+		}
+	// Update the counts and bmas
+	zone->iAllocPages[aOldType]--;
+	zone->iBma[aOldType]->Free(offset);
+	zone->iAllocPages[aNewType]++;
+	zone->iBma[aNewType]->Alloc(offset, 1);
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("ChangePageType Alloc Unk %x Fx %x Mv %x Dis %x",zone->iAllocPages[EPageUnknown],
+					zone->iAllocPages[EPageFixed], zone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable],zone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]));
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocChangePageType, aNewType, aPageInfo->PhysAddr());
+	}
+Get the next page in this zone that is allocated after this one.
+@param aZone	The zone to find the next allocated page in.
+@param aOffset	On entry this is the offset from which the next allocated
+				page in the zone should be found, on return it will be the offset 
+				of the next allocated page.
+@return KErrNone if a next allocated page could be found, KErrNotFound if no more pages in
+the zone after aOffset are allocated, KErrArgument if aOffset is outside the zone.
+TInt DRamAllocator::NextAllocatedPage(SZone* aZone, TUint& aOffset, TZonePageType aType) const
+	{
+	const TUint KWordAlignMask = KMaxTUint32 << 5;
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aZone - iZones < (TInt)iNumZones);
+	// Makes things simpler for bma selection.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EPageUnknown);
+	if (aOffset >= aZone->iPhysPages)
+		{// Starting point is outside the zone
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	TUint offset = aOffset;
+	TUint endOffset = aZone->iPhysPages;
+	TUint endOffsetAligned = endOffset & KWordAlignMask;
+	// Select the BMA to search, 
+	TUint bmaIndex = (aType == EPageTypes)? KBmaAllPages : aType;
+	TUint32* map = &(aZone->iBma[bmaIndex]->iMap[offset >> 5]);
+	TUint32 bits = *map++;
+	// Set bits for pages before 'offset' (i.e. ones we want to ignore)...
+	bits |= ~(KMaxTUint32 >> (offset & ~KWordAlignMask));
+	// Find the first bit map word from aOffset in aZone with allocated pages
+	while (bits == KMaxTUint32 && offset < endOffsetAligned)
+		{
+		bits = *map++;
+		offset = (offset + 32) & KWordAlignMask;
+		}
+	if (offset >= endOffsetAligned && endOffset != endOffsetAligned)
+		{// Have reached the last bit mask word so set the bits that are
+		//  outside of the zone so that they are ignored.
+		bits |= KMaxTUint32 >> (endOffset - endOffsetAligned);
+		}
+	if (bits == KMaxTUint32)
+		{// No allocated pages found after aOffset in aZone.
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	// Now we have bits with allocated pages in it so determine the exact 
+	// offset of the next allocated page
+	TUint32 mask = 0x80000000 >> (offset & ~KWordAlignMask);
+	while (bits & mask)
+		{
+		mask >>= 1;
+		offset++;
+		}
+	if (offset >= endOffset)
+		{// Reached the end of the zone without finding an allocated page after aOffset
+		return KErrNotFound;
+		}
+	// Should definitely have found an allocated page within aZone's pages
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(mask != 0 && !(bits & mask) && offset < aZone->iPhysPages);
+	aOffset = offset;
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+See if any of the least preferable RAM zones can be emptied.  If they can then 
+initialise the allocator for a general defragmentation operation.
+Stage 0 of the general defrag is to ensure that there are enough free 
+pages in the more preferable RAM zones to be in use after the general defrag
+for the movable page allocations.  This is achieved by discarding the 
+required amount of discardable pages from the more preferable RAM zones
+to be in use after the general defrag.
+@parm 	aInitialStage			On return this will contain the stage the general 
+								defragmentation should begin at.  I.e. if no RAM 
+								zones can be cleared then just perform the final
+								tidying stage.
+@param 	aRequiredToBeDiscarded	On return this will contain the number of 
+								discardable pages that need to be discarded 
+								from the RAM zones to be in use after the 
+								general defrag.
+@return Pointer to the RAM zone object that may potentially have pages
+		discarded by the general defrag.  This will be NULL if no suitable 
+		RAM zone could be found.
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GeneralDefragStart0(TGenDefragStage& aStage, TUint& aRequiredToBeDiscarded)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	if (!K::Initialising) 
+		{
+		M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+		VerifyLeastPrefMovDis();
+		}
+	// Any previous general defrag operation must have ended.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralPrefLink == NULL);
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralTmpLink == NULL);
+	if (iNumZones == 1)
+		{
+		// Only have one RAM zone so a defrag can't do anything.
+		return NULL;
+		}
+	// Determine how many movable or discardable pages are required to be allocated.
+	TUint requiredPagesDis = 0;
+	TUint requiredPagesMov = 0;
+	TUint firstClearableInUseRank = 0;
+	SDblQueLink* link = iZoneLeastMovDis;
+	do
+		{
+		SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		requiredPagesDis += zone.iAllocPages[EPageDiscard];
+		requiredPagesMov += zone.iAllocPages[EPageMovable];
+		if (!firstClearableInUseRank && 
+			(zone.iAllocPages[EPageMovable] || zone.iAllocPages[EPageDiscard]) &&
+			!zone.iAllocPages[EPageFixed] && !zone.iAllocPages[EPageUnknown])
+			{// This is the least preferable RAM zone that is has movable or 
+			// discardable but may be clearable as it has no immovable pages.
+			firstClearableInUseRank = zone.iPrefRank;
+			}
+		// Reset KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag flag bit for each RAM zone to be defraged.
+		zone.iFlags &= ~(KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag | KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock);
+		link = link->iPrev;
+		}
+	while (link != &iZonePrefList.iA);
+	// Adjust the number of discardable pages for those that are freeable.
+	// Dirty pages will be moved rather than discarded so they are not freeable
+	// and we must make sure that we have enough space in zones for these dirty 
+	// paged pages.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(requiredPagesDis >= (TUint)M::NumberOfFreeDpPages());
+	requiredPagesDis -= M::NumberOfFreeDpPages();
+	TUint totalDirtyPagesDis = M::NumberOfDirtyDpPages();
+	if (requiredPagesDis < totalDirtyPagesDis)
+		requiredPagesDis = totalDirtyPagesDis;
+	// Determine which is the least preferable RAM zone that needs to be 
+	// in use for required number of movable and discardable pages.
+	TUint onlyPagesDis = 0;		// Number of pages in RAM zones for discard only.
+	TUint onlyPagesMov = 0;		// Number of pages in RAM zones for movable only.
+	TUint totalPagesDis = 0;	// Total pages found so far for discardable pages.
+	TUint totalPagesMov = 0;	// Total pages found so far for movable pages.
+	TUint totalCurrentDis = 0;	// Number of allocated discardable pages found in 
+								// RAM zones to be in use after the general defrag.
+	TUint totalCurrentMov = 0;	// Number of allocated movable pages found in 
+								// RAM zones to be in use after the general defrag.
+	TUint totalCurrentFree = 0; // The current number of free pages in the RAM zones
+								// to be in use after the general defrag.
+	iZoneGeneralPrefLink = &iZonePrefList.iA;
+	while (iZoneGeneralPrefLink != iZoneLeastMovDis && 
+			(requiredPagesMov > totalPagesMov ||
+			requiredPagesDis > totalPagesDis))
+		{
+		iZoneGeneralPrefLink = iZoneGeneralPrefLink->iNext;
+		SZone& zone = *_LOFF(iZoneGeneralPrefLink, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		// Update the current totals.
+		totalCurrentDis += zone.iAllocPages[EPageDiscard];
+		totalCurrentMov += zone.iAllocPages[EPageMovable];
+		totalCurrentFree += zone.iFreePages;
+		TBool onlyAllocDis = NoAllocOfPageType(zone, EPageMovable);
+		TBool onlyAllocMov = NoAllocOfPageType(zone, EPageDiscard);
+		if (!onlyAllocMov || !onlyAllocDis)
+			{// Either movable, discardable or both can be allocated in this zone.
+			TUint zonePagesFree = zone.iFreePages;
+			TUint zonePagesDis = zone.iAllocPages[EPageDiscard];
+			TUint zonePagesMov = zone.iAllocPages[EPageMovable];
+			// Total pages in this RAM zone that can be used for either 
+			// discardable or movable pages.
+			TUint zonePagesGen = zonePagesDis + zonePagesMov + zonePagesFree;
+			if (onlyAllocMov)
+				{
+				if (requiredPagesDis > totalPagesDis)
+					{// No further discardable pages can be allocated into
+					// this RAM zone but consider any that already are.
+					TUint usedPages = Min(	(TInt)zonePagesDis,
+											requiredPagesDis - totalPagesDis);
+					totalPagesDis += usedPages;
+					zonePagesDis -= usedPages;
+					}
+				TUint zoneOnlyMov = zonePagesDis + zonePagesMov + zonePagesFree;
+				onlyPagesMov += zoneOnlyMov;
+				totalPagesMov += zoneOnlyMov;
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("onlyMov ID%x tot %x", 
+									zone.iId, zoneOnlyMov));
+				zonePagesGen = 0;	// These pages aren't general purpose.
+				}
+			if (onlyAllocDis)
+				{
+				if (requiredPagesMov > totalPagesMov)
+					{// No further movable pages can be allocated into
+					// this RAM zone but consider any that already are.
+					TUint usedPages = Min(	(TInt)zonePagesMov,
+											requiredPagesMov - totalPagesMov);
+					totalPagesMov += usedPages;
+					zonePagesMov -= usedPages;
+					}
+				TUint zoneOnlyDis = zonePagesDis + zonePagesMov + zonePagesFree;
+				onlyPagesDis +=	zoneOnlyDis;
+				totalPagesDis += zoneOnlyDis;
+				__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("onlyDis ID%x tot %x", 
+									zone.iId, zoneOnlyDis));
+				zonePagesGen = 0;	// These pages aren't general purpose.
+				}
+			if (requiredPagesDis > totalPagesDis)
+				{// Need some discardable pages so first steal any spare 
+				// movable pages for discardable allocations.
+				if (totalPagesMov > requiredPagesMov)
+					{// Use any spare movable pages that can also be 
+					// used for discardable allocations for discardable.
+					__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(onlyPagesMov);
+					TUint spareMovPages = Min((TInt)(totalPagesMov - onlyPagesMov),
+												totalPagesMov - requiredPagesMov);
+					totalPagesMov -= spareMovPages;
+					totalPagesDis += spareMovPages;
+					__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("genDis Mov ID%x used%x", 
+										zone.iId, spareMovPages));
+					}
+				if (requiredPagesDis > totalPagesDis)
+					{
+					// Need more discardable pages but only grab those required.
+					TUint usedPages = Min(	(TInt) zonePagesGen, 
+											requiredPagesDis - totalPagesDis);
+					totalPagesDis += usedPages;
+					zonePagesGen -= usedPages;
+					__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("genDis ID%x used%x", 
+										zone.iId, usedPages));
+					}
+				}
+			if (requiredPagesMov > totalPagesMov)
+				{// Need some movable pages so first steal any spare 
+				// discardable pages for movable allocations.
+				if (totalPagesDis > requiredPagesDis)
+					{// Use any spare discardable pages that can also be 
+					// used for movable allocations for movable.
+					__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(onlyPagesDis);
+					TUint spareDisPages = Min((TInt)(totalPagesDis - onlyPagesDis),
+												totalPagesDis - requiredPagesDis);
+					totalPagesDis -= spareDisPages;
+					totalPagesMov += spareDisPages;
+					__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("genMov Dis ID%x used%x", 
+										zone.iId, spareDisPages));
+					}
+				if (requiredPagesMov > totalPagesMov)
+					{// Still need some movable pages so grab them from this zone.
+					// Just grab all of the general pages left as discard pages will
+					// have already grabbed some if it had needed to.
+					totalPagesMov += zonePagesGen;
+					__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("genMov ID%x used%x", 
+										zone.iId, zonePagesGen));
+					}
+				}	
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("gen least in use ID 0x%x", 
+				(_LOFF(iZoneGeneralPrefLink, SZone, iPrefLink))->iId));
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(_LOFF(iZoneGeneralPrefLink, SZone, iPrefLink)->iPrefRank <= 
+						iZoneLeastMovDisRank);
+	if (iZoneGeneralPrefLink != iZoneLeastMovDis &&
+		firstClearableInUseRank > _LOFF(iZoneGeneralPrefLink, SZone, iPrefLink)->iPrefRank)
+		{// We can reduce the number of RAM zones in use so block all the RAM
+		// zones not to be in use after the defrag from being allocated into 
+		// by the general defrag.
+		link = iZoneLeastMovDis;
+		while (link != iZoneGeneralPrefLink)
+			{
+			SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+			zone.iFlags |= KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock;
+			link = link->iPrev;
+			}
+		// Determine how many pages will need to be discarded to allow general 
+		// defrag to succeed in using the minimum RAM zones required.
+		if (requiredPagesDis > totalCurrentDis)
+			{// Need to replace some discardable pages in RAM zones to be 
+			// cleared with pages in the RAM zones to be in use after the 
+			// general defrag.
+			__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(totalCurrentFree >= requiredPagesDis - totalCurrentDis);
+			totalCurrentFree -= requiredPagesDis - totalCurrentDis;
+			}
+		TUint totalForMov = totalCurrentFree + totalCurrentMov;
+		if (requiredPagesMov > totalForMov)
+			{// Need to discard some pages from the least preferable RAM zone to be
+			// in use after the general for the movable pages to be moved to.
+			aRequiredToBeDiscarded = requiredPagesMov - totalForMov;
+			__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aRequiredToBeDiscarded <= totalCurrentDis);
+			__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(totalCurrentDis - aRequiredToBeDiscarded >= requiredPagesDis);
+			}
+		// This stage should discard pages from the least preferable RAM zones
+		// to be in use after the general defrag to save the pages having to
+		// be moved again by the final stage.
+		iZoneGeneralStage = EGenDefragStage0;
+		aStage = EGenDefragStage1;	// Defrag::GeneralDefrag() requires this.
+		iZoneGeneralTmpLink = iZoneGeneralPrefLink;
+		return GeneralDefragNextZone0();
+		}
+	// General defrag can't clear any RAM zones so jump to tidying stage.
+	aStage = EGenDefragStage2;
+	iZoneGeneralStage = EGenDefragStage2;
+	return NULL;
+	}
+Find the next RAM zone that is suitable for stage 0 of a general defrag.
+This should only be called after a preceeding call to 
+This goes through the RAM zones from the least preferable to be in use
+after the general defrag to the most preferable RAM zone. It will 
+return each time it finds a RAM zone with discardable pages allocated into it.
+@return Pointer to the RAM zone object that may potentially have pages
+		discarded by the general defrag.  This will be NULL if no suitable 
+		RAM zone could be found.
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GeneralDefragNextZone0()
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// Any previous general defrag operation must have ended.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralPrefLink != NULL);
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralTmpLink != NULL);
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralStage == EGenDefragStage0);
+	while (iZoneGeneralTmpLink != &iZonePrefList.iA)
+		{
+		SZone* zone = _LOFF(iZoneGeneralTmpLink, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		// Save the RAM zone that is currently more preferable than this one
+		// before any reordering.
+		iZoneGeneralTmpLink = iZoneGeneralTmpLink->iPrev;
+		if (zone->iFlags & KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag)
+			{// This zone has been selected for a general defrag already.
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext0 zone ID 0x%x already defraged", 
+						zone->iId));
+			return NULL;
+			}
+		zone->iFlags |= KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag;
+		if (zone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard])
+			{
+			// A RAM zone that may have pages discarded by a general defrag has been found.
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext0 zone ID 0x%x", zone->iId));
+			return zone;
+			}
+		}
+	return NULL;
+	}
+Initialise this stage of a general defrag operation which will attempt
+to clear all the RAM zones not to be in use once the general defrag
+has completed.
+@return Pointer to the RAM zone object that may potentially be cleared
+		by the general defrag.  This will be NULL if no suitable 
+		RAM zone could be found.
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GeneralDefragStart1()
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumZones == 1 || iZoneGeneralPrefLink != NULL);
+	if (iNumZones == 1)
+		{// On a device with one RAM zone can't do any defrag so return NULL.
+		return NULL;
+		}
+	// Clear general defrag flags of each RAM zone to be defraged.
+	SDblQueLink* link = iZoneGeneralPrefLink;
+	for (; link != &iZonePrefList.iA; link = link->iPrev)
+		{
+		SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		zone.iFlags &= ~KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag;
+		}
+	// Flags cleared so now to start this stage from least preferable RAM zone
+	// currently in use.
+	iZoneGeneralTmpLink = iZoneLeastMovDis;
+	iZoneGeneralStage = EGenDefragStage1;
+	return GeneralDefragNextZone1();
+	}
+Find the next RAM zone that is suitable for stage 1 of a general defrag.
+This should only be called after a preceeding call to 
+This goes through the RAM zones from the least preferable currently 
+with movable or discardable pages allocated into it to the least 
+preferable RAM zone that is to be in use after the general defrag.
+It will return each time it finds a RAM zone with movable and/or 
+discardable pages allocated into it.
+@return Pointer to the RAM zone object that may potentially be cleared by a 
+		general defrag.  This will be NULL if no suitable zone could be found.
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GeneralDefragNextZone1()
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// Any previous general defrag operation must have ended.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralPrefLink != NULL);
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralTmpLink != NULL);
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralStage == EGenDefragStage1);
+	// If we hit the target least preferable RAM zone to be in use once 
+	// the defrag has completed then stop this stage of the general defrag.
+	// Should never skip past iZoneGeneralPrefLink.
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralTmpLink != &iZonePrefList.iA);
+	while (iZoneGeneralTmpLink != iZoneGeneralPrefLink)
+		{
+		SZone* zone = _LOFF(iZoneGeneralTmpLink, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		// Save the RAM zone that is currently more preferable than this one
+		// before any reordering.
+		iZoneGeneralTmpLink = iZoneGeneralTmpLink->iPrev;
+		if (zone->iFlags & KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag)
+			{// This zone has been selected for a general defrag already.
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext1 zone ID 0x%x already defraged", 
+						zone->iId));
+			return NULL;
+			}
+		zone->iFlags |= KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag;
+		if (zone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] || zone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard])
+			{
+			// A RAM zone that may be cleared by a general defrag has been found.
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext1 zone ID 0x%x", zone->iId));
+			return zone;
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext1 reached general target"));
+	return NULL;
+	}
+Initialise stage 2 of a general defrag operation.
+Stage 2 creates room for fixed pages allocations in the more preferable RAM 
+zones in use by moving pages into the least preferable RAM zones in use.
+@return Pointer to the RAM zone object that may potentially be cleared of
+		movable and discardable pages by the general defrag.  This will be 
+		NULL if no suitable zone could be found.
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GeneralDefragStart2()
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumZones == 1 || iZoneGeneralPrefLink != NULL);
+	if (iNumZones == 1)
+		{// On a device with one RAM zone can't do any defrag so return NULL.
+		return NULL;
+		}
+	// Clear general defrag flags of each RAM zone to be defraged.
+	SDblQueLink* link = iZoneLeastMovDis;
+	for (; link != &iZonePrefList.iA; link = link->iPrev)
+		{
+		SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		zone.iFlags &= ~(KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag | KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock);
+		}
+	// Flags cleared so now to start 2nd stage from most preferable RAM zone.
+	iZoneGeneralTmpLink = iZonePrefList.First();
+	iZoneGeneralStage = EGenDefragStage2;
+	return GeneralDefragNextZone2();
+	}
+Find the next RAM zone that is suitable for this stage of general defrag.
+This should only be called after a preceeding call to 
+This goes through the RAM zones from the most preferable to the least 
+preferable RAM zone that has movable and/or discardable pages allocated
+into it.  It will return each time it finds a RAM zone with movable and/or 
+discardable pages allocated into it.
+@return Pointer to the RAM zone object that may potentially be cleared of
+		movable and discardable pages by the general defrag.  This will be 
+		NULL if no suitable zone could be found.
+SZone* DRamAllocator::GeneralDefragNextZone2()
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralTmpLink != NULL);
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneGeneralStage == EGenDefragStage2);
+	while (iZoneGeneralTmpLink != iZoneLeastMovDis)
+		{
+		SZone* zone = _LOFF(iZoneGeneralTmpLink, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		// Save the RAM zone that is currently less preferable than this one
+		// before any reordering.
+		iZoneGeneralTmpLink = iZoneGeneralTmpLink->iNext; 
+		if (zone->iFlags & KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag)
+			{// This zone has been selected for a general defrag already.
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext2 zone ID 0x%x already defraged", zone->iId));
+			return NULL;
+			}
+		zone->iFlags |= KRamZoneFlagGenDefrag | KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock;
+		if (zone->iAllocPages[EPageMovable] || zone->iAllocPages[EPageDiscard])
+			{// A RAM zone that may be cleared by a general defrag has been found.
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext2 zone ID 0x%x", zone->iId));
+			return zone;
+			}
+		}
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("GenDefragNext2 reached general target"));
+	return NULL;
+	}
+Inform the allocator that a general defragmentation operation has completed.
+void DRamAllocator::GeneralDefragEnd()
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	if (!K::Initialising) 
+		{
+		M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+		VerifyLeastPrefMovDis();
+		}
+	// Reset the general defrag preference link as it is no longer required.
+	iZoneGeneralPrefLink = NULL;
+	iZoneGeneralTmpLink = NULL;
+	}
+Calculate the number of free pages in all the RAM zones to be in use
+once the general defragmentation operation has completed.
+@param aType The type of free pages to find in the higher priority zones.
+@return The number of free pages in the RAM zones intended to be in use 
+after the general defrag operation has completed.
+TUint DRamAllocator::GenDefragFreePages(TZonePageType aType) const
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	if (iZoneGeneralStage == EGenDefragStage2)
+		{// Second stage of general defrag where don't have to empty the RAM zone.
+		return KMaxTUint;
+		}
+	TUint totalFree = 0;
+	SDblQueLink* link = iZoneGeneralPrefLink;
+	for (; link != &iZonePrefList.iA; link = link->iPrev)
+		{
+		SZone& zone = *_LOFF(link, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		if (NoAllocOfPageType(zone, aType) ||
+			zone.iFlags & KRamZoneFlagGenDefragBlock)
+			{
+			continue;
+			}
+		// This zone has free space for this type of page
+		totalFree += zone.iFreePages;
+		}
+	return totalFree;
+	}
+/** Mark the RAM zone as being claimed to stop any further allocations.
+@param aZone The zone to stop allocations to.
+@pre RamAlloc mutex held.
+@post RamAlloc mutex held.
+void DRamAllocator::ZoneClaimStart(SZone& aZone)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(!(aZone.iFlags & KRamZoneFlagClaiming));
+	aZone.iFlags |= KRamZoneFlagClaiming;
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneFlagsModified, aZone.iId, aZone.iFlags);
+	}
+/** Mark the RAM zone as not being claimed to allow allocations.
+@param aZone The zone to allow allocations into.
+@pre RamAlloc mutex held.
+@post RamAlloc mutex held.
+void DRamAllocator::ZoneClaimEnd(SZone& aZone)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(aZone.iFlags & KRamZoneFlagClaiming);
+	aZone.iFlags &= ~KRamZoneFlagClaiming;
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneFlagsModified, aZone.iId, aZone.iFlags);
+	}
+/** Mark the RAM zone so that any allocation or frees from it can be detected.
+Useful for defragging.
+@param aZone The zone to mark.
+@pre RamAlloc mutex held
+@post RamAlloc mutex held
+void DRamAllocator::ZoneMark(SZone& aZone)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(!(aZone.iFlags & KRamZoneFlagMark));
+	aZone.iFlags |= KRamZoneFlagMark;
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneFlagsModified, aZone.iId, aZone.iFlags);
+	}
+/** Unmark the RAM zone.
+Useful for defragging.
+@param aZone The zone to mark.
+@return ETrue if the RAM zone is inactive, EFalse otherwise.
+@pre RamAlloc mutex held
+@post RamAlloc mutex held
+TBool DRamAllocator::ZoneUnmark(SZone& aZone)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	TInt r = aZone.iFlags & KRamZoneFlagMark;
+	aZone.iFlags &= ~KRamZoneFlagMark;
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneFlagsModified, aZone.iId, aZone.iFlags);
+	return r;
+	}
+/** Determine whether it is OK to allocate the specified page type
+to the RAM zone.
+This should be used by all functions that search through the zones when
+attempting to allocate pages.
+@return ETrue if this page type shouldn't be allocated into the RAM zone,
+EFalse if it is OK to allocate that page type into the RAM zone.
+TBool DRamAllocator::NoAllocOfPageType(SZone& aZone, TZonePageType aType) const
+	{
+	TUint8 flagMask = 1 << (aType - KPageTypeAllocBase);
+	return 	(aZone.iFlags & (KRamZoneFlagClaiming|KRamZoneFlagNoAlloc|KRamZoneFlagTmpBlockAlloc)) ||
+			(aZone.iFlags & flagMask);
+	}
+/** Updates the flags of the specified RAM zone.
+@param aId			The ID of the RAM zone to modify.
+@param aClearFlags	The bit flags to clear.
+@param aSetFlags	The bit flags to set.
+@return KErrNone on success, KErrArgument if the RAM zone of aId not found or
+aSetMask contains invalid flags.
+@pre RamAlloc mutex held
+@post RamAlloc mutex held
+TInt DRamAllocator::ModifyZoneFlags(TUint aId, TUint aClearMask, TUint aSetMask)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	SZone* zone = ZoneFromId(aId);
+	if (zone == NULL || (aSetMask & KRamZoneFlagInvalid))
+		{// aId invalid or an invalid flag bit was requested to be set.
+		return KErrArgument;
+		}
+	zone->iFlags &= ~aClearMask;
+	zone->iFlags |= aSetMask;
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU, Kern::Printf("Zone %x Flags %x", zone->iId, zone->iFlags));
+	BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneFlagsModified, zone->iId, zone->iFlags);
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+/** Invoke the RAM zone call back function to inform the variant of the RAM zones
+in use so far by the system.
+This is designed to only be invoked once during boot in MmuBase::Init2()
+void DRamAllocator::InitialCallback()
+	{
+	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iZoneCallbackInitSent == EFalse);
+	if (iZonePowerFunc)
+		{
+		TInt ret = (*iZonePowerFunc)(ERamZoneOp_Init, NULL, (TUint*)&iZonePwrState);
+		if (ret != KErrNone && ret != KErrNotSupported)
+			{
+			Panic(EZonesCallbackErr);
+			}
+		}
+	iZoneCallbackInitSent = ETrue;
+	}
+Structure for outputing zone information to BTrace that couldn't be fit into first
+2 words of the BTraceN call
+struct TRamAllocBtraceZone
+	{
+	TUint32 iId;
+	TUint8 iPref;
+	TUint8 iFlags;
+	TUint16 iReserved;
+	};
+This will be invoked when BTrace starts logging BTrace::ERamAllocator category 
+It outputs the zone configuration and the base addresses of any contiguous block
+of allocated pages.
+void DRamAllocator::SendInitialBtraceLogs(void)
+	{
+	M::RamAllocIsLocked();
+	// Output the zone information
+	TRamAllocBtraceZone bZone;
+	BTrace4(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneCount, iNumZones);
+	const SZone* zone = iZones;
+	const SZone* const  endZone = iZones + iNumZones;
+	for (; zone < endZone; zone++)
+		{
+		bZone.iId = zone->iId;
+		bZone.iPref = zone->iPref;
+		bZone.iFlags = zone->iFlags;
+		BTraceN(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocZoneConfig, zone->iPhysPages,
+				zone->iPhysBase, &bZone, sizeof(TRamAllocBtraceZone));
+		}
+	// Search through zones and output each contiguous region of allocated pages
+	for (zone = iZones; zone < endZone; zone++)
+		{
+		if (zone->iFreePages != zone->iPhysPages)
+			{
+			TInt pageCount = 0;
+			TInt totalPages = 0;
+			TUint32 runStart = 0;
+			while ((TUint)totalPages != zone->iPhysPages - zone->iFreePages)
+				{
+				// find set of contiguous pages that have been allocated
+				// runStart will be set to first page of allocated run if one found
+				for (;runStart < zone->iPhysPages && zone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]->NotAllocated(runStart,1);	runStart++);
+				// find last allocated page of this run
+				TUint32 runEnd = runStart + 1;
+				for (;runEnd < zone->iPhysPages && zone->iBma[KBmaAllPages]->NotFree(runEnd,1); runEnd++);
+				pageCount = runEnd - runStart;
+				if (pageCount > 0)
+					{// have a run of allocated pages so output BTrace
+					TPhysAddr baseAddr = (runStart << KPageShift) + zone->iPhysBase;
+					__KTRACE_OPT(KMMU2, Kern::Printf("offset %x physBase %x pages %x baseAddr %08x",runStart, zone->iPhysBase, pageCount, baseAddr));
+					BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocBootAllocation, pageCount, baseAddr);
+					runStart += pageCount;
+					totalPages += pageCount;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	BTrace0(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocBootAllocationEnd);
+	}
+TInt DRamAllocator::ClaimPhysicalRam(TPhysAddr aBase, TInt aSize)
+	{
+	TInt ret = SetPhysicalRamState(aBase,aSize,EFalse, EPageFixed);
+	if (ret == KErrNone)
+		{
+		BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocClaimRam, aSize, aBase);
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+TInt DRamAllocator::FreePhysicalRam(TPhysAddr aBase, TInt aSize)
+	{
+	TInt ret = SetPhysicalRamState(aBase,aSize,ETrue, EPageFixed); 
+	if (ret == KErrNone)
+		{
+		BTrace8(BTrace::ERamAllocator, BTrace::ERamAllocFreePhysical, aSize, aBase);
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+TInt DRamAllocator::FreeRamInBytes()
+	{
+	return iTotalFreeRamPages<<KPageShift;
+	}
+TUint DRamAllocator::FreeRamInPages()
+	{
+	return iTotalFreeRamPages;
+	}
+TUint DRamAllocator::TotalPhysicalRamPages()
+	{
+	return iTotalRamPages;
+	}
+void DRamAllocator::VerifyLeastPrefMovDis()
+	{
+	// Shouldn't have any movable or discardable pages in any RAM
+	// zone less preferable than iZoneLeastMovDis
+	SDblQueLink* tmpLink = iZoneLeastMovDis->iNext;
+	while (tmpLink != &iZonePrefList.iA)
+		{
+		SZone& zone = *_LOFF(tmpLink, SZone, iPrefLink);
+		if (zone.iAllocPages[EPageMovable] != 0 ||
+			zone.iAllocPages[EPageDiscard] != 0)
+			{
+			DebugDump();
+			}
+		tmpLink = tmpLink->iNext;
+		}
+	}