changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/device/t_modem1.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\device\t_modem1.cpp
+// Test program for PC Card Serial Port Driver - Requires Dacom GoldCard Modem.
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32std_private.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include <d32comm.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+class RComm : public RBusDevComm
+	{
+	TInt WriteS(const TDesC8& aDes);
+	};
+const TInt KBlockSize=256;
+//                                  Block size     Line rate
+const TInt KBlocksShort=4; 	        // 4*256=1K     - <1200
+const TInt KBlocksMedium=12; 	    // 12*256=3K    - <4800
+const TInt KBlocksLong=64; 	        // 64*256=16K   - <28800
+const TInt KBlocksVeryLong=128; 	// 128*256=32K  -  28800
+enum TLineRate {EV21_300,EBell103_300,EV22_1200,EBell212_1200,EV22bis_2400,
+				  EV32_4800,EV32_9600,EV32bis_14400,EV34_28800,ELineRateEnd};
+const TInt KMaxLineRates=ELineRateEnd;
+const TInt KStandardRxBufferSize=0x400;
+#if !defined (__WINS__)
+#define PDD_NAME _L("EUARTn")
+#define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
+#define PDD_NAME _L("ECDRV.PDD")
+#define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM.LDD")
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_MODEM1"));
+LOCAL_D TInt LineModeData[KMaxLineRates]={0,64,1,69,2,9,9,10,11};
+LOCAL_D TInt LineRateData[KMaxLineRates]={300,300,1200,1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,28800};
+LOCAL_D TInt LineConnectData[KMaxLineRates]={1200,1200,1200,1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,28800};
+LOCAL_D RComm *theSerialPort;
+TInt RComm::WriteS(const TDesC8& aDes)
+// Syncronous write
+	{
+	TRequestStatus s;
+	Write(s,aDes,aDes.Length());
+	User::WaitForRequest(s);
+	return(s.Int());
+	}
+LOCAL_C TPtrC BaudRateInText(TBps aRate)
+// Convert into Baudrate text
+    {
+    switch (aRate)
+	    {
+        case EBps50:       return(_L("50"));        break;
+        case EBps75:       return(_L("75"));        break;
+        case EBps110:      return(_L("110"));       break;
+        case EBps134:      return(_L("134"));       break;
+        case EBps150:      return(_L("150"));       break;
+        case EBps300:      return(_L("300"));       break;
+        case EBps600:      return(_L("600"));       break;
+        case EBps1200:     return(_L("1200"));      break;
+        case EBps1800:     return(_L("1800"));      break;
+        case EBps2000:     return(_L("2000"));      break;
+        case EBps2400:     return(_L("2400"));      break;
+        case EBps3600:     return(_L("3600"));      break;
+        case EBps4800:     return(_L("4800"));      break;
+        case EBps7200:     return(_L("7200"));      break;
+        case EBps9600:     return(_L("9600"));      break;
+        case EBps19200:    return(_L("19200"));     break;
+        case EBps38400:    return(_L("38400"));     break;
+        case EBps57600:    return(_L("57600"));     break;
+        case EBps115200:   return(_L("115000"));    break;
+        default:           return(_L("Unknown"));   break;
+	    }
+    }
+LOCAL_C TInt TranslateCrLf(TDes8 &aDes)
+// Search for CR/LF characters in a string and replace them with 
+// '\r' '\n' format. Also replaces unprintable characters with "?"
+    {
+    TText8 buf[KBlockSize];
+    TText8 *pS=(TText8*)aDes.Ptr();
+    TText8 *pSE=pS+aDes.Size();
+    TText8 *pT=&buf[0];
+    TText8 *pTMax=pT+(KBlockSize-1);
+    for (;pS<pSE;pS++,pT++)
+        {
+        if (pT>=pTMax)
+            return(KErrTooBig);
+        if (*pS=='\xD'||*pS=='\xA')
+            {
+            *pT++='\\';       
+            *pT=(*pS=='\xD')?'r':'n';
+            }
+        else if (((TChar)*pS).IsPrint())
+            *pT=*pS;
+        else
+            *pT='\?';
+        }
+    *pT=0;
+    if ((pT-&buf[0])>aDes.MaxLength())
+        return(KErrTooBig);
+    aDes.Copy(&buf[0]);
+    return(KErrNone);
+    }
+/* ???
+LOCAL_C void PrintBuf(TDes8 &aBuf)
+// Print the contents of a buffer
+	{
+	TInt len=aBuf.Length();
+	for (TInt i=0;i<=len/8;i++)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("%4d: "),i*8);
+		for (TInt j=0;j<8;j++)
+			{
+			if ((i*8)+j>=len)
+				break;
+			TInt v=aBuf[(i*8)+j];
+			test.Printf(_L("%02x "),v);
+			}
+		test.Printf(_L("\n\r"));
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void testLoopBack(TLineRate aLineRate,TBps aBaudRate)
+// Perform an analogue loopback test at the specified linerate
+    {
+    TInt err;
+	TBuf<64> b;
+	TPtrC bd=BaudRateInText(aBaudRate);
+	b.Format(_L("Loopback test(%S)"),&bd);
+	test.Start(b);
+    TBuf8<KBlockSize> txBuf;
+	theSerialPort->ResetBuffers();
+	txBuf.Format(_L8("AT&F+MS=%d,0,%d,%d\\N0&K3&D2M0\r"),LineModeData[aLineRate],LineRateData[aLineRate],LineRateData[aLineRate]);
+    test(theSerialPort->WriteS(txBuf)==KErrNone);
+    TBuf8<KBlockSize> rxBuf;
+	User::After(2000000);		  // 2Secs
+	err=theSerialPort->QueryReceiveBuffer();
+    test(err>0);
+	rxBuf.SetLength(err);
+	TRequestStatus rxStat;
+    theSerialPort->ReadOneOrMore(rxStat,rxBuf);
+	User::WaitForRequest(rxStat);
+//	test.Printf(_L("   Rx(%d):"),rxStat); // ???
+    test(rxStat==KErrNone);
+    txBuf.Append(_L("\r\nOK\r\n"));
+  	err=rxBuf.Compare(txBuf);
+//	test(TranslateCrLf(rxBuf)==KErrNone); // ???
+//  test.Printf(_L(" %S\r\n"),&rxBuf); // ???
+  	test(err==0);
+	test.Next(_L("Get loopback"));
+	txBuf.Format(_L8("AT&T1\r"));
+    test(theSerialPort->WriteS(txBuf)==KErrNone);
+	User::After(5000000);		  // 5Secs
+	err=theSerialPort->QueryReceiveBuffer();
+    test(err>0);
+	rxBuf.SetLength(err);
+    theSerialPort->ReadOneOrMore(rxStat,rxBuf);
+	User::WaitForRequest(rxStat);
+	test.Printf(_L("   Rx(%d):"),rxStat);
+    test(rxStat==KErrNone);
+    txBuf.AppendFormat(_L8("\r\nCONNECT %d\r\n"),LineConnectData[aLineRate]);
+  	err=rxBuf.Compare(txBuf);
+    test(TranslateCrLf(rxBuf)==KErrNone);
+    test.Printf(_L(" %S\r\n"),&rxBuf); // Print what we got back (without CR/LF etc).
+    // Sometimes get extra character as modem goes on-line so just look for command echo + connect
+  	test(err>=0);
+	User::After(2000000);		  // 2Secs
+	TInt totalBlocksToTransfer;
+    if (aBaudRate<EBps1200||aLineRate<EV22_1200)
+        totalBlocksToTransfer=KBlocksShort;
+    else if (aBaudRate<EBps4800||aLineRate<EV32_4800)
+        totalBlocksToTransfer=KBlocksMedium;
+    else if (aLineRate<EV34_28800)
+        totalBlocksToTransfer=KBlocksLong;
+    else
+        totalBlocksToTransfer=KBlocksVeryLong;
+	b.Format(_L("Transfering data(%dK)"),(totalBlocksToTransfer*KBlockSize)/1024);
+	test.Next(b);
+	TInt loopBackFail=KErrGeneral;
+	TRequestStatus txStat;
+    txBuf.SetLength(KBlockSize);
+	TInt i;
+	for (i=0;i<KBlockSize;i++)
+		txBuf[i]=(TUint8)i;
+    theSerialPort->Write(txStat,txBuf,KBlockSize);
+	TInt txBlks=(totalBlocksToTransfer-1);
+    rxBuf.Fill(0,KBlockSize);
+    theSerialPort->Read(rxStat,rxBuf,KBlockSize);
+	TInt rxBlks=0;
+	TRequestStatus tStat;
+	RTimer tim;
+	test(tim.CreateLocal()==KErrNone);
+	tim.After(tStat,40000000);  // 40Secs
+	test.Printf(_L(">"));
+		{
+		User::WaitForAnyRequest();
+		if (tStat!=KRequestPending)
+       		{
+//			test.Printf(_L("t"));   // Timed out
+			theSerialPort->ReadCancel(); // Cancel serial read
+			User::WaitForRequest(rxStat);
+			if (txBlks>0)
+				{
+		        theSerialPort->WriteCancel(); // Cancel serial write
+		        User::WaitForRequest(txStat);
+				}
+			loopBackFail=KErrTimedOut; // Test failed
+			break;						
+        	}
+		else if (rxStat!=KRequestPending)
+        	{
+//			test.Printf(_L("r"));   // Serial rx request complete
+			if (rxStat!=0)
+				{
+				loopBackFail=rxStat.Int(); // Test failed
+				goto endSerial;
+				}
+			for (i=0;i<KBlockSize;i++)
+				{
+				if (rxBuf[i]!=i)
+					{
+					loopBackFail=KErrCorrupt; // Test failed
+			        rxBuf[KBlockSize-1]=0;
+//					PrintBuf(rxBuf); // ???
+//					goto endSerial; // !!!Ignore compare fails for now!!!
+					}
+				}
+			test.Printf(_L("<"));
+			if (++rxBlks<totalBlocksToTransfer)
+				{
+                rxBuf.Fill(0,KBlockSize);
+                theSerialPort->Read(rxStat,rxBuf,KBlockSize);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				loopBackFail=KErrNone;
+			    tim.Cancel(); // Cancel timer request.
+			    User::WaitForRequest(tStat);
+				if (txBlks>0)
+					{
+		            theSerialPort->WriteCancel(); // Cancel serial write
+		            User::WaitForRequest(txStat);
+					}
+				break;
+				}
+        	}
+		else if (txStat!=KRequestPending)
+        	{
+//			test.Printf(_L("s")); // Serial tx request complete
+			if (txBlks>0)
+				{
+                theSerialPort->Write(txStat,txBuf,KBlockSize);
+				test.Printf(_L(">"));
+				txBlks--;
+				}
+        	}
+    	else
+        	{
+//			test.Printf(_L("?")); // Stray signal - cancel everything
+			theSerialPort->ReadCancel(); // Cancel serial read
+			User::WaitForRequest(rxStat);
+			tim.Cancel(); // Cancel timer request.
+			User::WaitForRequest(tStat);
+			if (txBlks>0)
+				{
+		        theSerialPort->WriteCancel(); // Cancel serial write
+		        User::WaitForRequest(txStat);
+				}
+			loopBackFail=KErrDied;
+            break;
+        	}
+		}
+	test.Printf(_L(" (%d)\r\n"),loopBackFail);
+	// !!! At this point RTS may or may not be asserted following the write cancel. The
+	// following seems necessary to make sure RTS is asserted so any remaining Rx data
+	// can be received.and thrown away
+	User::After(2000000);
+	theSerialPort->ResetBuffers();
+ 	User::After(1000000);		   // Wait 1Secs for any remaining Rx data
+	tim.Close();
+	test.Next(_L("Disconnect"));
+	theSerialPort->ResetBuffers(); // Through away any remaining Rx data.
+	txBuf.Format(_L8("+++"));
+    test(theSerialPort->WriteS(txBuf)==KErrNone);
+	User::After(2000000);		  // 2Secs
+	err=theSerialPort->QueryReceiveBuffer();
+    test(err>0);
+	rxBuf.SetLength(err);
+    theSerialPort->ReadOneOrMore(rxStat,rxBuf);
+	User::WaitForRequest(rxStat);
+    test(rxStat==KErrNone);
+    txBuf.Append(_L("\r\nOK\r\n"));
+  	err=rxBuf.Compare(txBuf);
+//  test(TranslateCrLf(rxBuf)==KErrNone); // ???
+//  test.Printf(_L("   %S\r\n"),&rxBuf); // ???
+	test(err==0);
+	txBuf.Format(_L8("ATH0\r"));
+    test(theSerialPort->WriteS(txBuf)==KErrNone);
+	User::After(4000000);		  // 4Secs
+	err=theSerialPort->QueryReceiveBuffer();
+    test(err>0);
+	rxBuf.SetLength(err);
+    theSerialPort->ReadOneOrMore(rxStat,rxBuf);
+	User::WaitForRequest(rxStat);
+    test(rxStat==KErrNone);
+    txBuf.Append(_L("\r\nOK\r\n"));
+  	err=rxBuf.Compare(txBuf);
+//  test(TranslateCrLf(rxBuf)==KErrNone); // ???
+//  test.Printf(_L("   %S\r\n"),&rxBuf); // ???
+  	test(err==0);
+	test.Next(_L("Check result"));
+	test(loopBackFail==KErrNone || loopBackFail==KErrCorrupt); // !!!Ignore compare fails for now!!!
+//	test(loopBackFail==KErrNone);
+	test.End();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void testAllLineRates(TBps aRate)
+// Perform loopback test at the specified baudrate in as many line modes that 
+// are supported at this baudrate
+    {
+	test.Start(_L("Setting baudrate"));
+	TCommConfig cBuf;
+	TCommConfigV01 &c=cBuf();
+	theSerialPort->Config(cBuf);
+	c.iRate=aRate;
+	c.iDataBits=EData8;
+	c.iStopBits=EStop1;
+	c.iParity=EParityNone;
+	c.iHandshake=KConfigObeyCTS;
+//	c.iHandshake=0;
+	test(theSerialPort->SetConfig(cBuf)==KErrNone);
+	if (aRate>=EBps38400)
+		{
+	    test.Next(_L("Testing at V.34-28800"));
+	    testLoopBack(EV34_28800,aRate);
+        }
+	if (aRate>=EBps19200)
+		{
+	    test.Next(_L("Testing at V.32bis-14400"));
+	    testLoopBack(EV32bis_14400,aRate);
+        }
+	if (aRate>=EBps9600)
+		{
+	    test.Next(_L("Testing at V.32-9600"));
+	    testLoopBack(EV32_9600,aRate);
+        }
+//	if (aRate>=EBps4800)
+//		{
+//	    test.Next(_L("Testing at V.32-4800"));
+//	    testLoopBack(EV32_4800,aRate);
+//		}
+	if (aRate>=EBps2400)
+		{
+		test.Next(_L("Testing at V.22bis-2400"));
+		testLoopBack(EV22bis_2400,aRate);
+		}
+//	if (aRate>=EBps1200)
+//		{
+//	    test.Next(_L("Testing at Bell212-1200"));
+//	    testLoopBack(EBell212_1200,aRate);
+//      }
+//	if (aRate>=EBps1200)
+//		{
+//	    test.Next(_L("Testing at V.22-1200"));
+//	    testLoopBack(EV22_1200,aRate);
+//      }
+//	test.Next(_L("Testing at Bell103-300"));
+//	testLoopBack(EBell103_300,aRate);
+	test.Next(_L("Testing at V.21-300"));
+    testLoopBack(EV21_300,aRate); 
+    test.End();
+    }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+	{
+//	test.SetLogged(EFalse); 	// Turn off serial port debugging!
+    TInt r;
+	test.Title();
+	test.Start(_L("PC Card Modem Test Program"));
+	RProcess proc;
+	TBuf <0x100> cmd;
+	proc.CommandLine(cmd);
+	// First parameter (if present) sets the serial port number
+	TInt port=0;
+	if ((cmd.Length()>0) && (cmd[0]>='1' && cmd[0]<='4'))
+		port=(TInt)(cmd[0]-'0');
+	// 2nd parameter (if present) sets the start speed 
+	// (4=115K,3=57600,2=38400,1=19200,0=9600)
+	TInt startSpeed=4;
+	if ((cmd.Length()>3) && (cmd[2]>='0' && cmd[2]<='4'))
+			startSpeed=(TInt)(cmd[2]-'0');
+	test.Next(_L("Load Device Drivers"));
+    TBuf<10> pddName=PDD_NAME;
+#if !defined (__WINS__)
+	pddName[5]=(TText)('1'+port);
+	TInt muid=0;
+	if (HAL::Get(HAL::EMachineUid, muid)==KErrNone)
+		{
+		// Brutus uses EUART4 for both COM3 and COM4
+		if (muid==HAL::EMachineUid_Brutus && port==4)
+			pddName[5]=(TText)'4';
+		}
+	r=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(pddName);
+	test(r==KErrNone||r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+	r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
+	test(r==KErrNone||r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+	test.Next(_L("Open serial port"));
+	theSerialPort=new RComm;
+	test(theSerialPort!=NULL);
+	r=theSerialPort->Open(port);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+//  TCommCaps capsBuf;
+//  TCommCapsV01& caps=capsBuf();
+//	theSerialPort->Caps(capsBuf);
+	// Check that the driver powering sequence has completed successfully by
+	// issueing a few simple driver control functions.
+	test.Next(_L("Modem power tests"));
+	test(theSerialPort->SetReceiveBufferLength(KStandardRxBufferSize)==KErrNone);
+	r=theSerialPort->ReceiveBufferLength();
+//	test.Printf(_L("(%d)"),r); // ???
+	test(r==KStandardRxBufferSize);
+	r=(TInt)theSerialPort->Signals();
+//	test.Printf(_L("(%d)"),r); // ???
+	test(r>=0);
+	RTimer timer;
+	TRequestStatus rs;
+	test(timer.CreateLocal()==KErrNone);
+	TTime tim;
+	tim.HomeTime();
+	tim+=TTimeIntervalSeconds(8);
+	timer.At(rs,tim);
+	UserHal::SwitchOff();
+	User::WaitForRequest(rs);
+	test(rs.Int()==KErrNone);
+	r=theSerialPort->ReceiveBufferLength();
+//	test.Printf(_L("(%d)"),r); // ???
+	test(r==KStandardRxBufferSize);
+	r=(TInt)theSerialPort->Signals();
+//	test.Printf(_L("(%d)"),r); // ???
+	test(r>=0);
+	User::After(2000000);		  // 2Secs !!!
+	if (startSpeed>=4)
+		{
+		test.Next(_L("Testing at 115K"));
+  		testAllLineRates(EBps115200);
+		}
+	if (startSpeed>=3)
+		{
+		test.Next(_L("Testing at 57600"));
+    	testAllLineRates(EBps57600);
+		}
+	if (startSpeed>=2)
+		{
+		test.Next(_L("Testing at 38400"));
+    	testAllLineRates(EBps38400);
+		}
+	if (startSpeed>=1)
+		{
+		test.Next(_L("Testing at 19200"));
+    	testAllLineRates(EBps19200);
+		}
+	test.Next(_L("Testing at 9600"));
+    testAllLineRates(EBps9600);
+	test.Next(_L("Close serial port"));
+	theSerialPort->Close();
+	delete theSerialPort;
+	test.End();
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}