changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 109 b3a1d9898418
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/heap/t_heapdb.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\heap\t_heapdb.cpp
+// Tests the _DEBUG build dependent aspects of RHeap
+// Overview:
+// Tests debug build dependent aspects of RHeap.  
+// API Information:
+// RHeap.
+// Details:
+// Test1:
+// - Allocate a variety of user heap objects and verify the nesting level, allocation count, 
+// allocation level and length are correct. Also check for heap corruption.
+// Test 2:
+// - Some assorted indirect calls to alloc, and verify the nesting level, allocation count, 
+// allocation level and length are correct. Also check for heap corruption.
+// Test3:
+// - Allocate a variety of objects and verify that the UHEAP_CHECKALL count is correct.
+// - Verify the nesting of UHEAP_MARK and UHEAP_MARKEND macros.
+// - Check the validity of the current thread's default heap.
+// Test4:
+// - Allocate memory for different heaps, check the total number of allocated cells
+// for different heaps and for the current nested level is as expected.
+// Test5:
+// - Simulate heap allocation failures, allocate the memory from user and 
+// kernel heap and check results are as expected.
+// Platforms/Drives/Compatibility:
+// All
+// Assumptions/Requirement/Pre-requisites:
+// Failures and causes:
+// Base Port information:
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_HEAPDB"));
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+RHeap::SHeapCellInfo CellInfo[4];
+class RTestHeap : public RHeap
+	{
+	void AttachInfo(SHeapCellInfo* aInfo)
+		{iTestData = aInfo;}
+	};
+void AttachToHeap(RHeap* aHeap, TInt aInfo)
+	{
+	if (!aHeap)
+		aHeap = (RHeap*)&User::Allocator();
+	((RTestHeap*)aHeap)->AttachInfo(CellInfo + aInfo);
+	}
+void TestCellInfo(TInt aInfo, TInt aNest, TInt aAllocCount, TInt aLevelAlloc, TInt aSize, TAny* aAddr)
+	{
+	RHeap::SHeapCellInfo& ci = CellInfo[aInfo];
+	RHeap::SDebugCell& cell = *ci.iStranded;
+	test(cell.nestingLevel == aNest);
+	test(cell.allocCount == aAllocCount);
+	test(ci.iLevelAlloc == aLevelAlloc);
+	test(cell.len == aSize + RHeap::EAllocCellSize);
+	test((&cell+1) == aAddr);
+	}
+const TInt KMaxFailureRate=100;
+const TInt KThreadMemError=-50;
+const TInt KCellSize=(sizeof(RHeap::SCell)); // Size of free cell header	
+const TInt KHeadSize=(sizeof(RHeap::SDebugCell)); // Size of allocated cell header with space for heaven info
+LOCAL_D TInt heapCount=1;
+LOCAL_D RSemaphore threadSemaphore;
+LOCAL_D TBool array1[KMaxFailureRate+1];
+LOCAL_D	TBool array2[KMaxFailureRate+1];
+LOCAL_C TInt ThreadEntryPoint(TAny*)
+	{
+	threadSemaphore.Wait();
+	if (User::Alloc(4)==NULL)
+		return(KThreadMemError);
+	else
+		return(KErrNone);
+	} 
+class TestRHeapDebug
+	{
+	void Test1(void);
+	void Test2(void);
+	void Test3(void);
+	void Test4(void);
+	void Test5(void);
+	};
+LOCAL_C RHeap* allocHeap(TInt aSize)
+// Allocate a chunk heap with max size aSize
+	{
+	TName n;
+	n.Format(_L("TESTHEAP%d"),heapCount++);
+	return(User::ChunkHeap(&n,aSize,aSize));
+	}
+void TestRHeapDebug::Test1(void)
+	{
+	TAny* p;
+	///////////////////////
+	// Test heaven cell is found for each method of allocating memory
+	////////////////////////
+	// new(TInt aSize)
+	p=new TUint; 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// new(TInt aSize,TInt anExtraSize)
+	p=new(4) TUint; 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// 	new(TInt aSize,TLeave)
+	p=new(ELeave) TUint; 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// Alloc
+	p=User::Alloc(32); 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// AllocL
+	p=User::AllocL(32);
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// ReAlloc with Null parameter
+	p=User::ReAlloc(NULL, 32); 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// ReAllocL with Null parameter
+	p=User::ReAllocL(NULL, 32); 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// ReAlloc with non Null parameter
+	p=User::Alloc(128);	   
+	p=User::ReAlloc(p, 4); 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// ReAlloc with non Null parameter such that cell is moved in memory
+	p=User::Alloc(128);	   
+	TAny* temp=User::Alloc(128);
+	p=User::ReAlloc(p, 526);   
+	User::Free(temp);
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 3, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	// ReAllocL with non Null parameter
+	p=User::Alloc(32);	   
+	p=User::ReAllocL(p, 128); 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p), p);
+	User::Free(p);
+	}
+void TestRHeapDebug::Test2(void)
+	{ 
+	// Some assorted indirect calls to alloc
+	CBufFlat* pBuf=CBufFlat::NewL(10); 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(pBuf), pBuf);
+	delete pBuf;
+	HBufC8* pHBufC=HBufC8::New(10);	
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(pHBufC), pHBufC);
+	delete pHBufC;
+// can also create a HBufC8 from a descriptor by using TDesC::Alloc
+	}
+void TestRHeapDebug::Test3(void)
+	{ 
+	//  Check num of cells detected is correct and CHECKTOTALNUM is ok
+	// NOTE: CHECKTOTALNUM counts the TOTAL number of allocations in the heap regardless of
+	// any MARKSTARTs
+	// NOTE: the alloc count commences from the FIRST occurrence of a MARKSTART, so if one is nested
+	// in another the alloc count will only start from the second MARKSTART if it applies to a 
+	// different heap.
+	TAny* p1= new TUint; 
+	TAny* p2= new(20) TUint;
+	TAny* p3= User::Alloc(15); 
+	TAny* p4=User::Alloc(1); 
+	TAny* p5 =new TUint; 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 2, 4, 2, User::AllocLen(p4), p4);
+	User::Free(p1);
+	User::Free(p2);
+	User::Free(p3);
+	User::Free(p4);
+	User::Free(p5);
+	// Check some nesting out
+	p1=new TUint;
+	p2=new TUint; 
+	p3=new TUint; 
+	p4=new TUint; 
+	TestCellInfo(0, 3, 3, 1, User::AllocLen(p4), p4);
+	TestCellInfo(0, 2, 2, 1, User::AllocLen(p3), p3);
+	TestCellInfo(0, 1, 1, 1, User::AllocLen(p2), p2);
+	User::Free(p1);
+	User::Free(p2);
+	User::Free(p3);
+	User::Free(p4);
+	User::Check();
+	}
+void TestRHeapDebug::Test4(void)
+	{
+	// Test with different heaps
+	TAny* p1=new TUint;
+	__UHEAP_MARK;	// Default start
+	TAny* p2=new TUint;	  
+	RHeap* pHeap1=allocHeap(1000); 
+	AttachToHeap(pHeap1,1);
+	__RHEAP_MARK(pHeap1); // Heap1 start
+	__RHEAP_CHECKALL(pHeap1,0);
+	__RHEAP_CHECK(pHeap1,0);
+	TAny* p3=pHeap1->Alloc(4); 
+	__RHEAP_CHECKALL(pHeap1,1);
+	__RHEAP_CHECK(pHeap1,1);
+	__RHEAP_CHECKALL(pHeap1,1);
+	RHeap* pHeap2=allocHeap(1000);
+	AttachToHeap(pHeap2,2);
+	RHeap* pHeap3=allocHeap(1000);
+	AttachToHeap(pHeap3,3);
+	__RHEAP_MARK(pHeap2); // Heap2 start
+	__RHEAP_MARK(pHeap3); // Heap3 start
+	TAny* p4=pHeap2->Alloc(8); 
+	TAny* p5=pHeap2->Alloc(37);
+	TAny* p6=pHeap3->Alloc(32);	
+	TAny* p7=pHeap1->Alloc(43);	
+	__RHEAP_CHECKALL(pHeap1,2);
+	__RHEAP_CHECKALL(pHeap2,2);
+	__RHEAP_CHECKALL(pHeap3,1);
+	__RHEAP_MARKEND(pHeap3); // Heap3 end
+	TestCellInfo(3, 1, 1, 1, pHeap3->AllocLen(p6), p6);
+	__RHEAP_MARKEND(pHeap2); // Heap2 end
+	TestCellInfo(2, 1, 1, 2, pHeap2->AllocLen(p4), p4);
+	pHeap1->Free(p3);
+	__RHEAP_MARKEND(pHeap1); // Heap1 end
+	TestCellInfo(1, 1, 2, 1, pHeap1->AllocLen(p7), p7);
+	User::Free(p1);
+	User::Free(p2);
+	pHeap2->Free(p4);
+	pHeap2->Free(p5);
+	pHeap3->Free(p6);
+	pHeap1->Free(p7);
+	pHeap2->Close();
+	pHeap3->Close();
+	pHeap1->Close();
+	}
+void TestRHeapDebug::Test5()
+// Check the alloc failure macros
+	{
+	TAny *p, *p1;
+	RHeap* pHeap=allocHeap(1000);
+	test(User::Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	p=User::Alloc(1);
+	test(p!=NULL);
+	User::FreeZ(p);
+	__RHEAP_RESET(pHeap);
+	__RHEAP_FAILNEXT(pHeap,1);
+	test(pHeap->Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	p=pHeap->Alloc(1);
+	test(p!=NULL);
+	pHeap->FreeZ(p);
+   	__RHEAP_RESET(pHeap);
+	RSemaphore semaphore;
+	test(semaphore.CreateLocal(1)==KErrNoMemory); // allocated from the kernel heap
+	test(semaphore.CreateLocal(1)==KErrNone);
+	semaphore.Close();
+	__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,0);
+	test(User::Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	__RHEAP_SETFAIL(pHeap,RHeap::EDeterministic,0);
+	test(pHeap->Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	__RHEAP_RESET(pHeap);
+	__KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,0);
+	test(semaphore.CreateLocal(1)==KErrNoMemory);
+	TInt determinism;
+	for(determinism=1; determinism<=KMaxFailureRate; determinism++)
+		{
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,determinism);
+		__RHEAP_SETFAIL(pHeap,RHeap::EDeterministic,determinism);
+		for(TInt ii=1; ii<=determinism; ii++)
+			{
+			p=User::Alloc(1);
+			p1=pHeap->Alloc(1);
+			if(ii%determinism==0)
+				{
+				test(p==NULL);
+				test(p1==NULL);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				test(p!=NULL);
+				test(p1!=NULL);
+				pHeap->Free(p1); 
+				User::Free(p);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	__RHEAP_RESET(pHeap);
+	// Test SetKernelAllocFail
+	// its not possible to test SetKernelAllocFail as above as it is not possible to control the
+	// number of calls to Alloc for the dernel heap - but the following will definitely fail:
+	__KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,1);
+	RSemaphore r; 
+	test(r.CreateLocal(1)==KErrNoMemory); // allocated from the kernel heap
+	__KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,50);
+	test(r.CreateLocal(1)==KErrNone);
+	r.Close();
+	TInt numOccurences1, numOccurences2;
+	__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ERandom,1);
+	test(User::Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	__RHEAP_SETFAIL(pHeap,RHeap::ERandom,1);
+	test(pHeap->Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	__RHEAP_RESET(pHeap);
+//	__KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ERandom,1);
+//	test(semaphore.CreateLocal(1)==KErrNoMemory);
+	__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ETrueRandom,1);
+	test(User::Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	__RHEAP_SETFAIL(pHeap,RHeap::ETrueRandom,1);
+	test(pHeap->Alloc(1)==NULL);
+	__RHEAP_RESET(pHeap);
+//	__KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ETrueRandom,1);
+//	test(semaphore.CreateLocal(1)==KErrNoMemory);
+	for(determinism=1; determinism<=KMaxFailureRate; determinism++)
+		{
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ERandom,determinism);
+		__RHEAP_SETFAIL(pHeap,RHeap::ERandom,determinism);
+        TInt ii;
+		for(ii=1; ii<=determinism; ii++)
+			{
+			p=User::Alloc(1);
+			p1=pHeap->Alloc(1);
+			array1[ii]=(p==NULL);
+			array2[ii]=(p==NULL);
+			if(p)
+				User::Free(p);
+			if(p1)
+				pHeap->Free(p1);
+			}
+		numOccurences1=0;
+		numOccurences2=0;
+		for(ii=1; ii<=determinism; ii++)
+			{
+			if(array1[ii])
+				numOccurences1++;					
+			if(array2[ii])
+				numOccurences2++;
+			}
+		test(numOccurences1==1);
+		test(numOccurences2==1);
+		}
+	__RHEAP_RESET(pHeap);		
+	__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ERandom,5);
+	TInt ii;
+	for(ii=1; ii<=50; ii++)
+		{
+		p=User::Alloc(1);
+		array1[ii]=(p==NULL);
+		if(p)	
+			User::Free(p);
+		}
+	numOccurences1=0;
+	numOccurences2=0;
+	for(ii=1; ii<=50; ii++)
+		{
+		if(array1[ii])
+			{
+			numOccurences1++;
+			numOccurences2++;
+			}
+		if(ii%5==0)
+			{
+			test(numOccurences1==1);
+			numOccurences1=0;
+			}
+		}
+	test(numOccurences2==50/5);	
+	// Cannot really test random failure of the kernel heap accurately
+	pHeap->Close();
+	//client.Disconnect();
+	// Test failing the heap of a child thread
+	// 1st test that it allocates normally
+	TRequestStatus stat;
+	RThread thread;
+	test(threadSemaphore.CreateLocal(0)==KErrNone);
+	test(thread.Create(_L("Thread"),ThreadEntryPoint,KDefaultStackSize,0x200,0x200,NULL)==KErrNone);
+	thread.Logon(stat);
+	thread.Resume();
+	threadSemaphore.Signal();
+	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+	test(thread.ExitReason()==KErrNone);
+	thread.Close();
+#if defined(CAN_TEST_THREADS)
+	// Now make the thread's heap fail
+	test(thread.Create(_L("Thread"),ThreadEntryPoint,KDefaultStackSize,0x200,0x200,NULL)==KErrNone);
+	thread.Logon(stat);
+	thread.Resume();
+	TH_FAILNEXT(thread.Handle());
+	threadSemaphore.Signal();
+	User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+	test(thread.ExitReason()==KThreadMemError);
+	thread.Close();
+	threadSemaphore.Close();
+	}	
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main(void)
+    {
+	test.Title();
+	AttachToHeap(NULL,0);
+	test.Start(_L("Test1"));
+	TestRHeapDebug T;
+	T.Test1();	 
+	test.Next(_L("Test2"));
+	T.Test2();
+	test.Next(_L("Test3"));
+	T.Test3();
+	test.Next(_L("Test4"));
+	T.Test4();
+	test.Next(_L("Test5"));
+	T.Test5();
+	test.End();
+	return(0);
+    }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Test unavailable in release build.
+    {
+	test.Title();	
+	test.Start(_L("No tests for release builds"));
+	test.End();
+	return(0);
+    }