changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/bench/t_notify_perf.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\bench\t_notify_perf.h
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <f32file_private.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+// File operation made in test path to trigger notifications
+enum TNotifyPerfTestOperations
+	{
+	// File Operations
+	EOpEnd,			// indicates that a series of operations ended
+	EOpCreate,
+	EOpReplace,
+	EOpChgAttr,
+	EOpRename,
+	EOpWrite,
+	EOpResize,
+	EOpDelete,
+	EOpManyChanges,	// Large number changes to a single file 
+	EOpManyFiles,	// Small changes to large number of files
+	// Directory Operations
+	EOpCreateDir,
+	EOpRenameDir,
+	EOpDeleteDir,
+	// Mixed Operations
+	EOpMixed		// A series of mixed operations involving both Files and Dirs
+	};
+enum TTestOptions
+	{
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Lowest 4 bit reserved for notification treads ID //
+	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+	// Test with a lot of filters for enhanced notification - 1st bit
+	// set - on; unset - off
+	EBigFilter	= 0x0010,
+	// Whether perform full directory scan and save the file changes to a list - 2nd bit
+	// set - perform; unset - not perform
+	EReportChg	= 0x0020, 
+	// Whether use big buffer for enhanced notification- 3rd bit
+	// Set - big buffer(no overflow); unset - small(could have overflow)
+	EBigBuffer	= 0x0040,
+	// For multi clients test. Enhanced Notification Only!
+	// Mode 1: set a variety of different notifications, same on each clients - 4th bit
+	EMultiNoti1	= 0x0080,
+	// For multi clients test. Enhanced Notification Only!
+	// Mode 2: set a variety of different notifications, in which some are different on each clients, 
+	// and some are same on each clients, only support upto 4 clients - 5th bit
+	EMultiNoti2	= 0x0100,
+	ENotPerfTestReserved6	= 0x0200, 
+	ENotPerfTestReserved7	= 0x0400, 
+	ENotPerfTestReserved8	= 0x0800, 
+	// Notification type - 13th - 16th bits
+	ENoNotify	= 0x1000,	// Test without notification
+	EEnhanced	= 0x2000,	// Using enhanced notification APIs
+	EOriginal	= 0x4000,	// Using original notification APIs
+	EPlugin		= 0x8000,	// Using Nokia plug-in for notification
+	};
+// Note for Plugin Test
+// the plugin test can only be run manually because the plugin is not available in KHS code base
+// to run the test:
+// 1. enable the MACRO above in the mmp
+// 2. get a S60 environment
+// 3. copy the MdsFileServerPlugin.ptx from the release(\Winscw or \Armv5 depend on what kind of test you want to run) 
+//    directory of S60 to the equivalent folder of release directory of your epoc32
+// 4. when build a rom, include the MdsFileServerPlugin.ptx file in the rom
+// 5. then you can run
+enum TMdsFSPOperation
+    {
+    EMdsFSPOpEnable,
+    EMdsFSPOpDisable,
+    EMdsFSPOpRegisterNotification,
+    EMdsFSPOpAddNotificationPath,
+    EMdsFSPOpRemoveNotificationPath,
+    EMdsFSPOpAddIgnorePath,
+    EMdsFSPOpRemoveIgnorePath,
+    EMdsFSPOpNotificationCancel,
+    };
+class TMdsFSPStatus
+    {
+    TInt iFileEventType;
+    TInt iDriveNumber;
+    TFileName iFileName;
+    TFileName iNewFileName;
+    TUid iProcessId;
+    };
+enum TMdsFileEventType
+    {
+    EMdsFileCreated,
+    EMdsFileRenamed,
+    EMdsFileModified,
+    EMdsFileReplaced,
+    EMdsFileDeleted,
+    EMdsDriveFormatted,
+    EMdsFileUnknown,
+    EMdsDirRenamed
+    };
+typedef TPckgBuf<TMdsFSPStatus> TMdsFSPStatusPckg;
+const TInt KMdsFSPluginPosition = 0x200071CD;
+_LIT(KPluginName, "MdsFileServerPlugin");
+// the list of operations to be conducted during a test case
+const TUint KDefaultOpList[] = {EOpCreate, EOpReplace, EOpChgAttr, EOpRename, EOpWrite, EOpResize, EOpDelete, EOpEnd};
+const TUint KDefaultOpListDir[] = {EOpCreateDir, EOpRenameDir, EOpDeleteDir, EOpEnd};
+const TUint KManyChangesOpList[] = {EOpManyChanges, EOpManyChanges, EOpManyChanges, EOpManyChanges, EOpManyChanges, EOpEnd};
+const TUint KManyFilesOpList[] = {EOpManyFiles, EOpManyFiles, EOpManyFiles, EOpManyFiles, EOpManyFiles, EOpEnd};
+const TUint KMixedOpTestList[] = {EOpMixed, EOpMixed, EOpMixed, EOpMixed, EOpMixed, EOpEnd};
+const TUint16 KNotifyOptionMask = 0xF000;
+const TUint16 KNotifyTreadIdMask = 0x000F;
+// default time scale for timer
+const TUint KDefaultTimeScale = 1000; // 1ms
+const TInt KMaxHeapSize = 0x1000000;
+// used by SafeCheck
+const TInt KNoThreadId = -1;
+// a Controllor of whether measure time and write loggs;
+extern TBool gPerfMeasure;
+extern TFileName gTestPath;
+extern TFileName gLogFilePath;
+// Threads handles
+extern RArray<RThread> gNotiThreads;
+extern RThread gFileThread;
+extern TBuf<50> gLogPostFix;
+class CTimerLogger;
+// a wrapper for test settings
+class TTestSetting
+	{
+	TTestSetting();
+	TTestSetting(TInt aNumFiles, TInt aNumCli, TUint16 aOpt, const TUint* aOpList);
+	inline void Reset();
+	TInt iNumFiles;
+	TInt iNumCli;
+	TUint16 iOption;
+	const TUint* iOperationList;
+	};
+// a wrapper of parameters for the main thread to pass into notification thread or file operation thread
+struct TThreadParam
+	{
+	TTestSetting iSetting;
+	RSemaphore* iSmphFT;	// Semophore used by File Thread for waiting for signals from Notification Threads
+	RSemaphore* iSmphNT;	// Semophore used by Notification Threads for waiting for signals from File Thread
+	CTimerLogger* iLogger;	// Logger used by Notification Threads;
+	RPointerArray<CTimerLogger>* iLoggerArray;	// a pointer to an array of pointers to CTimmerLoggger
+	};
+// This is the controller of the plugin, it's a simplified copy of the plugin engine used in S60 internally
+class CMdsPluginControl : public RPlugin
+    {   
+    inline void RegisterNotification( TMdsFSPStatusPckg& aMdsFSPStatus, TRequestStatus& aStat);
+    inline void AddNotificationPath( const TDesC& aPath );
+    inline void RemoveNotificationPath( const TDesC& aPath );
+    inline TInt Enable();
+    inline TInt Disable();
+    inline void NotificationCancel();
+    };
+// timer class, also responsible for writing logs
+class CTimerLogger : public CBase
+	{
+	static CTimerLogger* NewL(const TFileName& aLogFile);
+	~CTimerLogger();
+	inline TInt MeasureStart();
+	inline TInt MeasureEnd();
+	inline TBool Timing();
+	TInt Log(const TDesC& aDes, TBool aIsLine = ETrue);
+	TInt LogAndPrint(const TDesC& aDes, TBool aIsLine = ETrue);
+	TInt LogSettingDescription(const TInt aNumFile, const TInt aNumCli, const TUint16 aOption, TBool aNumOpVaries = EFalse);
+	TInt LogTestStepTime(TUint aOp, TInt aNum);
+	CTimerLogger();
+	void ConstructL(const TFileName& aLogFile);
+	TBool iTiming;
+	TUint32 iTickNumber;
+	TUint iTimeScale;
+	TInt iTickPeriod;
+	TFileName iLogFile;
+	RFs iFs;
+	};
+// the conductor of test cases
+class CTestExecutor : public CBase
+	{
+	CTestExecutor(TTestSetting& aSetting);
+	~CTestExecutor();
+	inline void SetTestSetting(TTestSetting& aSetting);
+	inline void LogDescription();
+	void RunTestCaseL();
+	static void KillAllTestThreads();
+	TTestSetting iTestSetting;
+	};
+// This class performs file operations
+class CFileOperator : public CBase
+	{
+	CFileOperator(const TTestSetting& aSetting, RPointerArray<CTimerLogger>& aLoggerArray, RSemaphore* aSmphFT, RSemaphore* aSmphNT);
+	~CFileOperator();
+	void DoChangesL();
+	void DoCreateL();
+	void DoReplaceL();
+	void DoChangeAttL();
+	void DoRenameL();
+	void DoWriteL();
+	void DoResizeL();
+	void DoDeleteL();
+	void DoCreateDirL();
+	void DoRenameDirL();
+	void DoDeleteDirL();
+	void DoMixedOperationsL();
+	void DoManyChangesOnSingleFileL();
+	void DoSmallChangesOnManyFilesL();
+	void MesureStartsAll();
+	void WaitForSignalsAll();
+	void TestStepPrepare(TUint aOp);
+	void TestStepFinish(TUint aOp);
+	// test case will use the number iFirstFile and iNumFiles to generate test file names.
+	// For example: 
+	// if iFirstFile = 0 and iNumFiles = 100, the test files will be 0000.tst, 0001.tst ... 0099.tst
+	// if iFirstFile = 21 and iNumFiles = 200, the test files will be 0021.tst, 0022.tst ... 0220.tst
+	//
+	// When doing rename or replace test, the new names for test will be the biggest existing file 
+	// number + 1 to the number + iNumFiles.
+	// As a result, in the case of if iFirstFile = 0 and iNumFiles = 100:
+	// The exsting files should be 0000.tst ... 0099.tst
+	// Rename or Replace test will use the new names 0100.tst ... 0199.tst to replace or rename the
+	// existing files.
+	TInt iFirstFile;
+	// Number of files for operating.
+	// Note: in "Large number changes to a single file" case, this indicates the number of changes made on the single file.
+	TInt iNumFiles;
+	TInt iNumCli;
+	TUint16 iOption;
+	const TUint* iCurrentOp;
+	RPointerArray<CTimerLogger> iLoggers;
+	RSemaphore* iSmphS;		// Use for signaling Notification threads
+	RSemaphore* iSmphW;		// Use for waiting signal from Notification threads
+	RFs iFs;
+	};
+// an operator to monitor notification watcher and test stopper
+class CNotifyOperator : public CBase
+	{
+	CNotifyOperator(const TTestSetting& aSetting, RSemaphore* aSmphFT, RSemaphore* aSmphNT, CTimerLogger* aLogger);
+	~CNotifyOperator();
+	void StartOperationL();
+	void LogNotificationNumbers(TInt aNumNoti, TInt aNumIter, TInt aNumOverflow);
+	void LogTestResult(TInt aCounter, TInt aMeanCounter, TInt aOFCounter);
+	void TestChangeReport(TInt aNumChanges);
+	TInt iNumFiles;
+	TUint16 iOption;
+	const TUint* iCurrentOp;
+	CTimerLogger* iLogger;
+	RSemaphore* iSmphS;	// Use for signaling file operation thread
+	RSemaphore* iSmphW;	// Use for waiting signal from file operation thread
+	};
+// this class is responsible for handling notifications
+class CNotifyWatcher : public CActive
+	{
+friend class CNotifyOperator;
+	static CNotifyWatcher* NewL(TInt aNumFiles, TUint16 aOption, TUint aCurrentOp, CTimerLogger* aLogger);
+	~CNotifyWatcher();
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	void RequestNotification();
+	void Reset(TUint aOp);
+	CNotifyWatcher(TInt aNumFiles, TUint16 aOption, TUint aCurrentOp, CTimerLogger* aLogger);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void FullDirectoryScanL(RArray<TEntry>& aArray);
+	void MakeChangeRecordL(RArray<TEntry>& aArray);
+	TBool CompareEntry(const TEntry& aEntry1, const TEntry& aEntry2);
+	void AddLotsOfFilters();
+	void RequestNotificationEnhanced();
+	void RequestNotificationOriginal();
+	void HandleNotification(TBool aLastTime);
+	void HandleNotificationEnhanced(TBool aLastTime);
+	void HandleNotificationOriginal(TBool aLastTime);
+	void ResetMdsFSPStatus();
+	void RequestNotificationPlugin();
+	void HandleNotificationPlugin(TBool aLastTime);
+	TInt iCounter;
+	TInt iMeanCounter;
+	TInt iOverflowCounter;
+	TUint iCurrentOp;
+	TInt iNumFiles;
+	TUint16 iOption;
+	RArray<TEntry> iEntries;
+	RArray<TFileName> iRecords;	// this is the output we produce
+	CTimerLogger* iLogger;
+	CFsNotify* iNotify;
+	TMdsFSPStatusPckg iPluginStatusPkg;
+    CMdsPluginControl iPlugin;	
+	RFs iFs;
+	};
+// An AO aims for stopping the Active Scheduler when test finish
+class CTestStopper : public CActive
+	{
+	CTestStopper();
+	~CTestStopper();
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	void StartWaitingForFile();
+	TFileName iTestEndFile;
+	RFs iFs;
+	};
+#include "t_notify_perf.inl"