changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 15 4122176ea935
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfat/sl_fatcache.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32\sfat32\sl_fatcache.cpp
+// FAT12 and FAT16 cache implementation
+ @file
+#include "sl_std.h"
+#include "sl_fatcache.h"
+//  CFatCacheBase implementation
+//  Base class for all types of FAT cache
+    {
+    Close(ETrue); //-- deallocate cache's memory discarding any dirty data
+    }
+    {
+    iCurrentFatNo = KInvalidFatNo;
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    }
+    FAT cache initialisation.
+    @param  aOwner pointer to the owning FAT mount
+void CFatCacheBase::InitialiseL(CFatMountCB* aOwner)
+    {
+    ASSERT(aOwner);
+    Close(ETrue); //-- deallocate cache's memory discarding any dirty data
+    //-- populate parameters from the owning mount
+    iFatType = aOwner->FatType();
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS((iFatType == EFat12 || iFatType == EFat16 || iFatType == EFat32), User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));  
+    ipDrive = &aOwner->DriveInterface();
+    iFatStartPos = aOwner->FirstFatSector() << aOwner->SectorSizeLog2(); 
+    iFatSize = aOwner->FatSizeInBytes();
+    iNumFATs = (TUint16)aOwner->NumberOfFats();
+    iFatSecSzLog2   = (TUint16)aOwner->SectorSizeLog2(); 
+    iFatClustSzLog2 = (TUint16)aOwner->ClusterSizeLog2();
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iNumFATs >=1, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
+    __PRINT3(_L("#-CFatCacheBase::InitialiseL() FatStart:%u, FatSz:%d, drv:%d"),iFatStartPos, iFatSize, aOwner->DriveNumber());
+    }
+    This method shall be called to check if we are allowed to invalidate dirty cache, i.e. discard non-flushed data.
+    The behaviour is hardcoded (see KAllowInvalidateDirtyCache constant)
+    @return ETrue if invalidating dirty cache is allowed. Otherwise panics the current thread
+TBool CFatCacheBase::CheckInvalidatingDirtyCache() const
+    {
+    //-- If not EFalse, invalidating dirty cache (pages) is allowed. This shall be OK, because
+    //-- invalidating the cache is required only after direct media writes to the FAT by RawWrite, which can corrupt it anyway. 
+    TBool KAllowInvalidateDirtyCache = ETrue;
+    if(!IsDirty())
+        return KAllowInvalidateDirtyCache;        
+    __PRINT(_L("#-CFatCacheBase::Invalidating dirty cache !"));
+    if(!KAllowInvalidateDirtyCache)
+        {
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0, Fault(EFatCache_DiscardingDirtyData));
+        }
+    return KAllowInvalidateDirtyCache;        
+    }
+    Read portion of raw data from 1st FAT copy.
+    @param  aPos   media position in the _FIRST_ FAT to start reading with
+    @param  aLen   number of bytes to read
+    @param  aData  data descriptor
+    @return standard error code.
+TInt CFatCacheBase::ReadFatData(TUint32 aPos, TUint32 aLen, TDes8& aData) const
+    {
+    //__PRINT2(_L("#-CFatCacheNew::ReadFatData() pos:%u, Len:%d"), aPos, aLen);
+    //-- this method can pick up data corresponding to invalid FAT entries, like FAT[0], FAT[1] and
+    //-- the last portion beyond FAT because of read granularity. This isn't a problem, because the data there
+    //-- won't be written on disk.
+    ASSERT(aPos >= FatStartPos()); 
+    return ipDrive->ReadNonCritical(aPos, aLen, aData);
+    }
+    Writes data to the FAT table, which number is set in iCurrentFatNo member variable. 
+    @param  aPos   data media position in the _FIRST_ FAT copy
+    @param  aData  data descriptor
+    @return standard error code.
+TInt CFatCacheBase::WriteFatData(TUint32 aPos, const TDesC8& aData) const
+    {
+    //__PRINT3(_L("#-CFatCacheBase::WriteFatData() pos:%u, Len:%d, FAT:%d"), aPos, aData.Length(), iCurrentFatNo);
+#ifdef _DEBUG    
+    //-- FAT[0] and FAT[1] entries are reserved and we must not write data there. It's up to the caller of this method to
+    //-- calculate correct data position in FAT
+    TInt reserved_Entries_Offset=0;
+    switch(iFatType)
+        {
+        case EFat32: reserved_Entries_Offset = KFatFirstSearchCluster*sizeof(TFat32Entry); break;  //-- FAT32  
+        case EFat16: reserved_Entries_Offset = KFatFirstSearchCluster*sizeof(TFat16Entry); break;  //-- FAT16  
+        case EFat12: reserved_Entries_Offset = 3;   break;                                         //-- FAT12
+        default: ASSERT(0); break;
+        }
+    ASSERT(aPos >= FatStartPos()+reserved_Entries_Offset);
+    ASSERT((aPos+aData.Length()) <= FatStartPos()+FatSize());
+    ASSERT(iCurrentFatNo < iNumFATs);
+    //-- goto the required FAT copy. iCurrentFatNo shall contain FAT number we are writing to.
+    aPos+=iCurrentFatNo*FatSize(); 
+    return ipDrive->WriteCritical(aPos, aData);
+    }
+    get a pointer to the CFatBitCache interface. 
+    @return NULL because it is not present here 
+CFatBitCache* CFatCacheBase::BitCacheInterface() 
+    {
+    return NULL;
+    }
+//  CFatPagedCacheBase implementation
+//  Base class for all paged FAT caches
+               :CFatCacheBase() 
+    {
+    }
+//  CFatCachePageBase implementation
+//  Base class for FAT cache pages (FAT16 fixed and FAT32 LRU)
+CFatCachePageBase::CFatCachePageBase(CFatPagedCacheBase& aCache)
+                  :iCache(aCache)
+    {
+    ASSERT(IsPowerOf2(aCache.PageSize()));
+    iStartIndexInFAT = KMaxTUint;
+    //-- calculate number of FAT entries in the page, it depends on FAT type
+    switch(aCache.FatType())
+        {
+        case EFat32:
+            iFatEntriesInPage = PageSize() >> KFat32EntrySzLog2;
+        break;
+        case EFat16:
+            iFatEntriesInPage = PageSize() >> KFat16EntrySzLog2;
+        break;
+        default:
+            ASSERT(0);
+            Fault(EFatCache_BadFatType);
+        break;
+        };
+    SetState(EInvalid); 
+    }
+    {
+    iData.Close();
+    }
+    Mark the page as "invalid". I.e containing inalid data.
+    On the first read/write access to such page it will be re-read from the media
+    @param aIgnoreDirtyData if ETrue, it is allowed to ignore the fact that the page contains dirty (not flushed) data.
+void CFatCachePageBase::Invalidate(TBool aIgnoreDirtyData /*= EFalse*/)
+    {
+    if(!aIgnoreDirtyData && IsDirty())
+        {
+        __PRINT1(_L("#-CFatCachePageBase::Invalidate() dirty page! FAT idx:%d"), iStartIndexInFAT);
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0, Fault(EFatCache_DiscardingDirtyData));
+        }
+    iDirtySectors.Clear(); //-- clear dirty sectors bitmap
+    SetState(EInvalid);
+    }
+    Flush all dirty page sectors to the media and mark the page as "clean" if required.
+    If the page is "clean" i.e doesn't contain changed data, does nothing.
+    @param  aKeepDirty  if ETrue, the "dirty" flag isn't reset after page flushing.
+void CFatCachePageBase::FlushL(TBool aKeepDirty)
+    {
+    if(!IsDirty())
+        return;
+    if(!IsValid())
+        {
+        __PRINT1(_L("#-CFatCachePageBase::FlushL() Invalid page! FAT idx:%d"), iStartIndexInFAT);
+        ASSERT(0);
+        User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+        return;
+        }
+    //__PRINT1(_L("#-CFatCachePageBase::FlushL() FAT idx:%d"), iStartIndexInFAT);
+    //-- write dirty FAT sectors  to the media one by one. 
+    //-- merging adjacent dirty subsectors into larger clusters and writing them at once looks like a good idea, but
+    //-- in reality it showed FAT performance degradation, at least on MMC/SD media.
+    const TInt MaxSectors = iCache.SectorsInPage();
+    for(TInt i=0; i<MaxSectors; ++i)
+        {
+        if(iDirtySectors[i])
+            {
+            DoWriteSectorL(i);
+            }
+        }
+    //-- All data flushed; mark page as clean if it isn't required not to do.
+    if(!aKeepDirty)
+        SetClean(); 
+    }
+//  CFat16FixedCache implementation
+//  Fixed cache (caches all FAT16) but organised as an array of pages
+                 :CFatPagedCacheBase(),iPages(1) //-- array granularity is 1
+    {
+    }
+    FAT16 fixed cache factory function.
+    @param  aOwner              pointer to the owning FAT mount
+    @param  aFatSize            size of the FAT table in bytes
+    @param  aRdGranularityLog2  Log2(read granularity)
+    @param  aWrGranularityLog2  Log2(write granularity)
+    @return pointer to the constructed object.
+CFat16FixedCache* CFat16FixedCache::NewL(CFatMountCB* aOwner, TUint32 aFatSize, TUint32 aRdGranularityLog2, TUint32 aWrGranularityLog2)
+    {
+    __PRINT(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::NewL()"));
+    CFat16FixedCache* pSelf = NULL;
+    pSelf = new (ELeave) CFat16FixedCache;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(pSelf);
+    pSelf->InitialiseL(aOwner, aFatSize, aRdGranularityLog2, aWrGranularityLog2);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return pSelf;
+    }
+    FAT16 fixed cache initialisation.
+    @param  aOwner              pointer to the owning FAT mount
+    @param  aFatSize            size of the FAT table in bytes
+    @param  aRdGranularityLog2  Log2(read granularity)
+    @param  aWrGranularityLog2  Log2(write granularity)
+void CFat16FixedCache::InitialiseL(CFatMountCB* aOwner, TUint32 aFatSize, TUint32 aRdGranularityLog2, TUint32 aWrGranularityLog2)
+    {
+    const TUint32 ReadGranularity = Pow2(aRdGranularityLog2);
+    const TUint32 WriteGranularity = Pow2(aWrGranularityLog2);
+    __PRINT3(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::InitialiseL FatSz:%u, RdGr:%d, WrGr:%d"),aFatSize, ReadGranularity, WriteGranularity);
+    (void)ReadGranularity;
+    (void)WriteGranularity;
+    TBool bParamsValid = (aRdGranularityLog2 >= aWrGranularityLog2) && (aWrGranularityLog2 >= KDefSectorSzLog2);
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(bParamsValid, Fault(EFatCache_BadGranularity));
+    CFatPagedCacheBase::InitialiseL(aOwner);
+    ASSERT(FatType() == EFat16);
+    //-- See FAT specs, and round up the limit to the FAT sector boundary
+    const TUint32 KMaxFat16Size = ((65524*sizeof(TFat16Entry)+FAT_SectorSz()-1) >> FAT_SectorSzLog2()) << FAT_SectorSzLog2(); 
+    const TUint32 KMinFat16Size = 4086*sizeof(TFat16Entry);  //-- See FAT specs
+    bParamsValid = aFatSize >= KMinFat16Size && aFatSize <= KMaxFat16Size;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(bParamsValid, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
+    //-- cache page size is (2^aRdGranularityLog2) bytes and consists of 2^(aRdGranularityLog2-aWrGranularity) sectors.
+    iPageSizeLog2 = aRdGranularityLog2;
+    iSectorSizeLog2 = aWrGranularityLog2; //-- Log2(number of sectors in cache page)
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(SectorsInPage() < KMaxSectorsInPage, Fault(EFatCache_BadGranularity));
+    const TUint numPages = (aFatSize+(PageSize()-1)) >> iPageSizeLog2;
+    __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache Num Pages:%d"), numPages);
+    //-- prepare pointer array for pages. NULL entry in the array means that the page at this index isn't allocated.
+    for(TUint i=0; i<numPages; ++i)
+        iPages.Append(NULL);
+    }
+    Close the cache and deallocate its memory.
+    @param  aDiscardDirtyData if ETrue, will ignore dirty data. If EFalse, will panic on atempt to close dirty cache.  
+void CFat16FixedCache::Close(TBool aDiscardDirtyData)
+    {
+    __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::Close(%d)"), aDiscardDirtyData);
+    TInt cnt = iPages.Count();
+    while(cnt--)
+        {//-- delete pages
+        CFat16FixedCachePage *pPage = iPages[cnt];
+        if(pPage && (pPage->IsDirty()))
+            {//-- trying to destroy the cache that has dirty pages
+            __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::Close() The page is dirty! Start idx:%d"), pPage->StartFatIndex());
+            if(!aDiscardDirtyData)
+                {
+                __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0, Fault(EFatCache_DiscardingDirtyData));
+                }
+            //-- ignore this fact if requested.
+            }
+        delete pPage;
+        }
+    iPages.Close();
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    }
+    Read FAT entry from the cache. 
+    @param  aIndex FAT entry index to read
+    @return FAT entry value at the index "aIndex" 
+TUint32 CFat16FixedCache::ReadEntryL(TUint32 aIndex)
+    {
+    //__PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::ReadEntryL() FAT idx:%d"), aIndex);
+    ASSERT(aIndex >= KFatFirstSearchCluster &&  aIndex < (FatSize() >> KFat16EntrySzLog2));
+    //-- calculate page index in the array
+    const TInt pgIdx = aIndex >> (PageSizeLog2()-KFat16EntrySzLog2);
+    CFat16FixedCachePage *pPage = iPages[pgIdx];
+    TUint32 entry = KMaxTUint;
+    if(!pPage)
+        {//-- page at this position isn't allocated yet
+        pPage = CFat16FixedCachePage::NewL(*this);
+        iPages[pgIdx] = pPage;
+        //-- read the page from media
+        entry = pPage->ReadFromMediaL(aIndex);
+        }
+    else
+        {//-- get cached entry from the page
+        TBool bRes = pPage->ReadCachedEntryL(aIndex, entry);
+        ASSERT(bRes);
+        (void)bRes;
+        }
+    return entry;
+    }
+    Write FAT entry to the cache. 
+    Appropriate FAT cache sector will be marked as "dirty" and will be eventually flushed to the media.
+    @param  aIndex FAT entry index
+    @param  aEntry FAT entry value
+void CFat16FixedCache::WriteEntryL(TUint32 aIndex, TUint32 aEntry)
+    {
+    //__PRINT2(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::WriteEntryL() FAT idx:%d, val:%d"), aIndex, aEntry);
+    ASSERT(aIndex >= KFatFirstSearchCluster &&  aIndex < (FatSize() >> KFat16EntrySzLog2));
+    SetDirty(ETrue);
+    //-- calculate page index in the array
+    const TInt pgIdx = aIndex >> (PageSizeLog2()-KFat16EntrySzLog2);
+    CFat16FixedCachePage *pPage = iPages[pgIdx];
+    if(!pPage)
+        {//-- page at this position isn't allocated yet
+        pPage = CFat16FixedCachePage::NewL(*this);
+        iPages[pgIdx] = pPage;
+        //-- read the page from media
+        pPage->ReadFromMediaL(aIndex);
+        }
+    //-- overwrite entry in cache
+    TBool bRes = pPage->WriteCachedEntryL(aIndex, aEntry);
+    ASSERT(bRes);
+    (void)bRes;
+    }
+    A debug method that asserts that the cache is really clean
+void CFat16FixedCache::AssertCacheReallyClean() const
+    {
+#ifdef _DEBUG 
+        for(TUint i=0; i<NumPages(); ++i)
+        {
+            CFat16FixedCachePage* pPage = iPages[i];
+            if(pPage && pPage->IsDirty())
+                {
+                __PRINT(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::AssertCacheReallyClean()"));
+                ASSERT(0);
+                }
+        }
+    }
+    Flushes all dirty data to the media.
+void CFat16FixedCache::FlushL()
+    {
+    if(!IsDirty())
+        {
+        AssertCacheReallyClean();
+        return;
+        }
+    //-- flush dirty data to all copies of FAT
+    for(iCurrentFatNo=0; iCurrentFatNo < NumFATs(); ++iCurrentFatNo)
+        {
+        const TInt nPages = NumPages();
+        for(TInt i=0; i<nPages; ++i)
+            {
+            const TBool keepDirty = iCurrentFatNo < (NumFATs() - 1);
+            CFat16FixedCachePage* pPage = iPages[i];
+            if(pPage)
+                pPage->FlushL(keepDirty);
+            }
+        }
+    iCurrentFatNo = KInvalidFatNo;
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    }
+    Invalidate whole cache. All pages will be marked as invalid and will be re-read from the media on first access to them.
+    @return always KErrNone
+TInt CFat16FixedCache::Invalidate()
+    {
+    __PRINT(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::Invalidate()"));
+    const TBool bIgnoreDirtyData = CheckInvalidatingDirtyCache();
+    //-- iterate through the array of pages marking invalidating every page
+    TInt cnt = iPages.Count();
+    while(cnt--)
+        {//-- delete pages
+        CFat16FixedCachePage *pPage = iPages[cnt];
+        if(pPage)
+            pPage->Invalidate(bIgnoreDirtyData);
+        }
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+    Invalidate FAT cache pages that contain FAT entries from aStartIndex to (aStartIndex+aNumEntries)
+    These pages will be marked as invalid and will be re-read from the media on first access to them.
+    @param  aStartIndex FAT start index of the region being invalidated
+    @param  aNumEntries number of entries to invalidate
+    @return always KErrNone
+TInt CFat16FixedCache::InvalidateRegion(TUint32 aStartIndex, TUint32 aNumEntries)
+    {
+    __PRINT2(_L("#-CFat16FixedCache::InvalidateRegion() startIndex:%d, entries:%d"),aStartIndex, aNumEntries);
+    ASSERT(aStartIndex >= KFatFirstSearchCluster &&  aStartIndex < (FatSize() >> KFat16EntrySzLog2));
+    if(!aNumEntries)
+        {
+        ASSERT(0);
+        return KErrNone;
+        }
+    const TBool bIgnoreDirtyData = CheckInvalidatingDirtyCache();
+    const TUint startPgIdx  = aStartIndex >> (PageSizeLog2()-KFat16EntrySzLog2);
+    const TUint nPagesToInv = 1+(aNumEntries >> (PageSizeLog2()-KFat16EntrySzLog2));
+    TUint i;
+    //-- invalidate pages that contain [aStartIndex ... aStartIndex+aNumEntries] entries
+    for(i=0; i<nPagesToInv; ++i)
+        {
+        const TUint pageIdx = i+startPgIdx;
+        if(pageIdx >= NumPages())
+            break;
+        CFat16FixedCachePage* pPage = iPages[pageIdx];
+        if(pPage)
+            pPage->Invalidate(bIgnoreDirtyData);
+        } 
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    //-- check if the cache still has dirty pages
+    for(i=0; i<NumPages(); ++i)
+        {
+        CFat16FixedCachePage* pPage = iPages[i];
+        if(pPage && pPage->IsDirty()) 
+            {
+            SetDirty(ETrue);
+            break;
+            }      
+        }
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+//  CFat16FixedCachePage implementation
+//  Page for the FAT16 fixed cache
+CFat16FixedCachePage::CFat16FixedCachePage(CFatPagedCacheBase& aCache)
+                     :CFatCachePageBase(aCache)
+    {
+    ASSERT(IsPowerOf2(EntriesInPage()));
+    }
+    Factory function.
+    @param aCache reference to the owning cache.
+    @return pointer to the constructed object or NULL on error
+CFat16FixedCachePage* CFat16FixedCachePage::NewL(CFatPagedCacheBase& aCache)
+    {
+    CFat16FixedCachePage* pSelf = NULL;
+    pSelf = new (ELeave) CFat16FixedCachePage(aCache);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(pSelf);
+    pSelf->iData.CreateMaxL(aCache.PageSize()); //-- allocate memory for the page
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return pSelf;
+    }
+    Read FAT16 entry from the cache. 
+    1. If page's data are valid, just extracts data from the page buffer.
+    2. If page's data are invalid firstly reads data from the media and goto 1
+    @param  aFatIndex entry's absolute FAT index (from the FAT start)
+    @param  aResult on sucess there will be FAT16 entry value
+    @return ETrue, because FAT16 cache pages never get eviched.
+TBool CFat16FixedCachePage::ReadCachedEntryL (TUint32 aFatIndex, TUint32& aResult)
+    {
+    if(IsValid())
+        {//-- read entry directly from page buffer, the cached data are valid
+        aResult = (*GetEntryPtr(aFatIndex)) & KFat16EntryMask;
+        }
+    else
+        {//-- aFatIndex belongs to this page, but the page is invalid and needs to be read from the media
+        //__PRINT(_L("#-CFat16FixedCachePage::ReadCachedEntry() The page is invalid, reading from the media"));
+        aResult = ReadFromMediaL(aFatIndex);
+        }
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+    Writes FAT cache page sector to the media (to all copies of the FAT)
+    @param  aSector sector number winthin this page
+void CFat16FixedCachePage::DoWriteSectorL(TUint32 aSector)
+    {
+    //__PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCachePage::DoWriteSectorL() startSec:%d, cnt:%d"), aSector);
+    ASSERT(aSector < iCache.SectorsInPage());
+    TInt offset = 0;
+    if(iStartIndexInFAT == 0 && aSector == 0)
+        {//-- this is the very beginning of FAT16. We must skip FAT[0] & FAT[1] entries and do not write them to media.    
+        offset = KFatFirstSearchCluster << KFat16EntrySzLog2; 
+        }    
+    const TUint8* pData = iData.Ptr()+offset+(aSector << iCache.SectorSizeLog2());
+    TUint32 dataLen = (1 << iCache.SectorSizeLog2()) - offset;
+    const TUint32 mediaPosStart = iCache.FatStartPos() + (iStartIndexInFAT << KFat16EntrySzLog2) + (aSector << iCache.SectorSizeLog2()) + offset; 
+    const TUint32 mediaPosEnd = mediaPosStart + dataLen; 
+    //-- check if we are going to write beyond FAT. It can happen if the write granularity is bigger that the sector size.
+    const TUint32 posFatEnd = iCache.FatStartPos() + iCache.FatSize();
+    if(mediaPosEnd > posFatEnd)
+        {//-- correct the leength of the data to write.
+        dataLen -= (mediaPosEnd-posFatEnd);
+        }
+    TPtrC8 ptrData(pData, dataLen); //-- source data descriptor 
+    TInt nRes = iCache.WriteFatData(mediaPosStart, ptrData);
+    if(nRes != KErrNone)
+        {
+        __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCachePage::DoWriteSectorsL() failed! code:%d"), nRes);
+        User::Leave(nRes);
+        }
+    }
+    Write FAT16 entry at aFatIndex to the cache. Note that the data are not written to the media, only to the cache page.
+    Corresponding page sector is marked as dirty and will be flushed on FlushL() call later.
+    1. If page's data are valid, copies data to the page buffer and marks sector as dirty.
+    2. If page's data are invalid, firstly reads data from the media and goto 1
+    @param  aFatIndex entry's absolute FAT index (from the FAT start)
+    @param  aFatEntry FAT16 entry value
+    @return ETrue because FAT16 cache pages never get eviched.
+TBool CFat16FixedCachePage::WriteCachedEntryL(TUint32 aFatIndex, TUint32 aFatEntry)
+    {
+    ASSERT(IsEntryCached(aFatIndex));
+    if(!IsValid())
+        {//-- we are trying to write data to the page that has invalid data. //-- read the data from the media first.
+        ReadFromMediaL(aFatIndex);
+        }
+    TFat16Entry* pEntry = GetEntryPtr(aFatIndex);
+    const TFat16Entry orgEntry = *pEntry;
+    *pEntry = (TFat16Entry)((orgEntry & ~KFat16EntryMask) | (aFatEntry & KFat16EntryMask));
+    //-- mark corresponding sector of the cache page as dirty
+    const TUint entryIndexInPage = aFatIndex & (EntriesInPage()-1); //-- number of entries in page is always a power of 2
+    const TUint dirtySectorNum   = entryIndexInPage >> (iCache.SectorSizeLog2() - KFat16EntrySzLog2);
+    ASSERT(dirtySectorNum < iCache.SectorsInPage());
+    iDirtySectors.SetBit(dirtySectorNum);
+    SetState(EDirty); //-- mark page as dirty.
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+    Get a pointer to the FAT16 entry in the page buffer.
+    The page 's data shall be valid and the entry shall belong to this page.
+    @param aFatIndex absolute FAT index (from the FAT start) of the entry
+    @return pointer to the FAT16 entry in the page buffer.
+TFat16Entry* CFat16FixedCachePage::GetEntryPtr(TUint32 aFatIndex) const
+    {
+    ASSERT(IsValid() && IsEntryCached(aFatIndex));
+    const TUint KEntryIndexInPage = aFatIndex & (EntriesInPage()-1); //-- number of entries in page is always a power of 2
+    TFat16Entry* pEntry = ((TFat16Entry*)iData.Ptr()) + KEntryIndexInPage;
+    return  pEntry;
+    }
+    Read the FAT16 cache page from the media and returns required FAT16 entry.    
+    @param  aFatIndex entry's absolute FAT index (from the FAT start)
+    @return entry value at aFatIndex.
+TUint32 CFat16FixedCachePage::ReadFromMediaL(TUint32 aFatIndex)
+    {
+    //__PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCachePage::ReadFromMediaL() FAT idx:%d"), aFatIndex);
+    const TUint KFat16EntriesInPageLog2 = iCache.PageSizeLog2()-KFat16EntrySzLog2; //-- number of FAT16 entries in page is always a power of 2
+    //-- find out index in FAT this page starts from
+    iStartIndexInFAT = (aFatIndex >> KFat16EntriesInPageLog2) << KFat16EntriesInPageLog2;
+    SetState(EInvalid); //-- mark the page as invalid just in case if the read fails.
+    //-- read page from the media
+    const TUint32 pageStartPos = iCache.FatStartPos() + (iStartIndexInFAT << KFat16EntrySzLog2);
+    TInt nRes = iCache.ReadFatData(pageStartPos, iCache.PageSize(), iData);
+    if(nRes != KErrNone)
+        {
+        __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat16FixedCachePage::ReadFromMediaL() failed! code:%d"), nRes);
+        User::Leave(nRes);
+        }
+    SetClean(); //-- mark this page as clean
+    const TFat16Entry entry = (TFat16Entry)((*GetEntryPtr(aFatIndex)) & KFat16EntryMask);
+    return entry;
+    }
+//  CFat12Cache implementation
+//  FAT12 non-paged fixed cache. This cache consists from only 1 page, logically divided up to 32 sectors (write granularity unit)
+            :CFatCacheBase()
+    {
+    }
+    FAT12 fixed cache factory function.
+    @param  aOwner              pointer to the owning FAT mount
+    @param  aFatSize            size of the FAT table in bytes
+    @return pointer to the constructed object.
+CFat12Cache* CFat12Cache::NewL(CFatMountCB* aOwner, TUint32 aFatSize)
+    {
+    __PRINT(_L("#-CFat12Cache::NewL()"));
+    CFat12Cache* pSelf = NULL;
+    pSelf = new (ELeave) CFat12Cache;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(pSelf);
+    pSelf->InitialiseL(aOwner, aFatSize);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return pSelf;
+    }
+    FAT16 fixed cache initialisation.
+    @param  aOwner              pointer to the owning FAT mount
+    @param  aFatSize            size of the FAT table in bytes
+void CFat12Cache::InitialiseL(CFatMountCB* aOwner, TUint32 aFatSize)
+    {
+    __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat12Cache::InitialiseL FatSz:%u"),aFatSize);
+    CFatCacheBase::InitialiseL(aOwner);
+    ASSERT(FatType() == EFat12);
+    //-- see FAT specs; 4084 is a max. number of clusters, fat12 entry is 1.5 bytes; but we need to round up FAT12 size to the sector size
+    const TUint32 KMaxFat12Size = ( ((TUint32)(4084*1.5+FAT_SectorSz()-1)) >> FAT_SectorSzLog2()) << FAT_SectorSzLog2();
+    const TUint32 KMinFat12Size = FAT_SectorSz();  //-- 1 FAT sector
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aFatSize >= KMinFat12Size && aFatSize <= KMaxFat12Size, User::Leave(KErrCorrupt));
+    (void)KMaxFat12Size;
+    (void)KMinFat12Size;
+    //-- as soon as FAT12 max size is 4084 entries or 6126 bytes, the cache is contiguous and divided 
+    //-- to logical sectors (write granularity). 
+    //-- calculate number write cache sector in the cache
+    iSectorsInCache = (aFatSize + (FAT_SectorSz()-1)) >> FAT_SectorSzLog2();
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(NumSectors() <= KMaxSectorsInCache, Fault(EFatCache_BadGranularity));
+    //-- round up cache size to write granularity (sector size)
+    const TUint32 cacheSize = NumSectors() << FAT_SectorSzLog2();
+    //-- create buffer for the whole FAT12
+    iData.CreateMaxL(cacheSize);
+    //-- this will read whole FAT into the cache 
+    User::LeaveIfError(Invalidate()); 
+    }
+    Close the cache and deallocate its memory.
+    @param  aDiscardDirtyData if ETrue, will ignore dirty data. If EFalse, will panic on atempt to close dirty cache.  
+void CFat12Cache::Close(TBool aDiscardDirtyData)
+    {
+    __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat12Cache::Close(%d)"), aDiscardDirtyData);    
+    for(TUint32 i=0; i<NumSectors(); ++i)
+        {
+        if(iDirtySectors[i])
+            {//-- trying to destroy the cache that has dirty sectors
+            __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat12Cache::Close() The cache is dirty! cache sector:%d"), i);
+            if(!aDiscardDirtyData)
+                {
+                __ASSERT_ALWAYS(0, Fault(EFatCache_DiscardingDirtyData));
+                }
+            //-- ignore this fact if requested.
+            }
+        }
+    iData.Close();
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    }
+    Read FAT entry from the cache. 
+    @param  aIndex FAT entry index to read
+    @return FAT entry value at the index "aIndex" 
+TUint32 CFat12Cache::ReadEntryL(TUint32 aIndex)
+    {
+    //__PRINT1(_L("#-CFat12Cache::ReadEntryL() FAT idx:%d"), aIndex);
+    ASSERT(aIndex >= KFatFirstSearchCluster &&  aIndex <  (FatSize() + FatSize()/2)); //-- FAT12 entry is 1.5 bytes long
+    TUint32 entry;
+    if(aIndex & 0x01)
+        {//-- odd index
+        --aIndex;
+        const TUint32 byteIdx = 1 + aIndex + (aIndex >> 1); //-- byteIdx = 1+(aIndex-1)*1.5
+        Mem::Copy(&entry, iData.Ptr()+byteIdx, 2); 
+        entry >>= 4;   
+        }
+    else
+        {//-- even index
+        const TUint32 byteIdx = aIndex + (aIndex >> 1); //-- byteIdx = aIndex*1.5
+        Mem::Copy(&entry, iData.Ptr()+byteIdx, 2);
+        }
+    entry &= KFat12EntryMask; 
+    return entry;
+    }
+    Write FAT entry to the cache. 
+    Appropriate FAT cache sector will be marked as "dirty" and will be eventually flushed to the media.
+    @param  aIndex FAT entry index
+    @param  aEntry FAT entry value
+void CFat12Cache::WriteEntryL(TUint32 aIndex, TUint32 aEntry)
+    {
+    //__PRINT2(_L("#-CFat12Cache::WriteEntryL() FAT idx:%d, entry:%u"), aIndex, aEntry);
+    ASSERT(aIndex >= KFatFirstSearchCluster &&  aIndex <  (FatSize() + FatSize()/2)); //-- FAT12 entry is 1.5 bytes long
+    aEntry &= KFat12EntryMask; 
+    TUint32 byteIdx = 0;
+    TUint8 tmp;
+    if(aIndex & 0x01)
+        {//-- odd index
+        --aIndex;
+        byteIdx = 1 + aIndex + (aIndex >> 1); //-- byteIdx = 1+(aIndex-1)*1.5
+        tmp = (TUint8)(iData[byteIdx] & 0x0F); //-- we modifying a higher nibble 
+        tmp |= (TUint8) ((aEntry & 0x0F)<<4);
+        iData[byteIdx] = tmp;
+        iData[byteIdx+1] = (TUint8)(aEntry >> 4);  
+        }
+    else
+        {//-- even index
+        byteIdx = aIndex + (aIndex >> 1); //-- byteIdx = aIndex*1.5
+        iData[byteIdx] = (TUint8)aEntry;  
+        const TUint32 nextIdx = byteIdx+1;
+        tmp = (TUint8)(iData[nextIdx] & 0xF0); //-- we modifying a lower nibble 
+        tmp |= (TUint8)((aEntry >> 8) & 0x0F);
+        iData[nextIdx] = tmp;
+        }
+    //-- mark changed sectors dirty. We modified 2 bytes at [byteIdx] and [byteIdx+1]
+    iDirtySectors.SetBit(byteIdx >> FAT_SectorSzLog2());
+    iDirtySectors.SetBit((byteIdx+1) >> FAT_SectorSzLog2());
+    SetDirty(ETrue);
+    }
+    A debug method that asserts that the cache is really clean
+void CFat12Cache::AssertCacheReallyClean() const
+    {
+#ifdef _DEBUG 
+    if(iDirtySectors.HasBitsSet())
+        {
+        __PRINT(_L("#-CFat12Cache::AssertCacheReallyClean()"));
+        ASSERT(0);
+        }
+    }
+    Flushes all dirty data to the media.
+    Walks through all sectors in this cache and flushes dirty ones.
+void CFat12Cache::FlushL()
+    {
+    if(!IsDirty())
+        {
+        AssertCacheReallyClean();
+        return;
+        }
+    //-- write all dirty sectors to the media (into all copies of FAT)
+    for(iCurrentFatNo=0; iCurrentFatNo < NumFATs(); ++iCurrentFatNo)
+        {
+        for(TUint secNo=0; secNo<NumSectors(); ++secNo)
+            {
+            if(iDirtySectors[secNo])
+                {//-- this sector is dirty, write it to the media
+                TInt offset = 0;
+                if(secNo == 0)
+                    {//-- this is a first sector in FAT. We must skip FAT[0] & FAT[1] entries and do not write them to the media.    
+                    offset = 3; //-- 2 FAT12 entries
+                    }
+                const TUint32 secPos = secNo << FAT_SectorSzLog2(); //-- relative sector position in FAT
+                const TUint8* pData = iData.Ptr()+offset+secPos;    //-- pointer to the data in cache buffer
+                const TUint32 len = FAT_SectorSz() - offset;          
+                TPtrC8 ptrData(pData, len);                         //-- source data descriptor 
+                const TUint32 mediaPos = FatStartPos() + secPos + offset;
+                TInt nRes = WriteFatData(mediaPos, ptrData);
+                if(nRes != KErrNone)
+                    {
+                    __PRINT1(_L("#-CFat12Cache::FlushL() failed! code:%d"), nRes);
+                    User::Leave(nRes);
+                    }
+                }//if(iDirtySectors[secNo])
+            }
+        }
+    iCurrentFatNo = KInvalidFatNo;
+    //-- mark the cache as clean
+    iDirtySectors.Clear();
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    }
+    Invalidates whole cache. Because FAT12 is tiny, just re-reads data from the media to the cache
+    @return Media read result code.
+TInt CFat12Cache::Invalidate()
+    {
+    __PRINT(_L("#-CFat12Cache::Invalidate()"));
+    CheckInvalidatingDirtyCache();
+    //-- read whole cache from the media
+    const TUint32 posStart = FatStartPos();
+    const TUint32 len      = NumSectors() << FAT_SectorSzLog2();
+    TInt nRes = ReadFatData(posStart, len, iData);
+    if(nRes != KErrNone)
+        return nRes;
+    //-- mark the cache as clean
+    SetDirty(EFalse);
+    iDirtySectors.Clear();
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+    Invalidate wholes cache. Because FAT12 is tiny, just re-reads data from the media to the cache
+    @param  aStartIndex ignored
+    @param  aNumEntries ignored
+    @return Media read result code.
+TInt CFat12Cache::InvalidateRegion(TUint32 aStartIndex, TUint32 aNumEntries)
+    {
+    __PRINT2(_L("#-CFat12Cache::InvalidateRegion() startIndex:%d, entries:%d"),aStartIndex, aNumEntries);
+    ASSERT(aStartIndex >= KFatFirstSearchCluster &&  aStartIndex <  (FatSize() + FatSize()/2)); //-- FAT12 entry is 1.5 bytes long
+    (void)aStartIndex;
+    (void)aNumEntries;
+    //-- just re-read all FAT12, it is just 6K max and isn't worth calculating invalid sectors
+    return Invalidate();
+    }