changeset 256 c1f20ce4abcf
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 257 3e88ff8f41d5
--- a/kernel/eka/include/sm_debug_api.h	Thu Aug 19 11:14:22 2010 +0300
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/sm_debug_api.h	Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 // All rights reserved.
 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -23,11 +23,1454 @@
 #ifndef D_STOP_MODE_API_H
 #define D_STOP_MODE_API_H
-#include <rm_debug_api.h>
 #include <plat_priv.h>
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
 namespace Debug
-	{
+    {
+/** This is the maximum size in bytes a user trace can be */
+const TInt TUserTraceSize = 256;
+  Information in the debug functionality block is represented as a concatenation
+  of pairs of TTagHeader structures and arrays of TTag objects.
+  @see TTagHeader
+  @see RSecuritySvrSession::GetDebugFunctionality
+  */
+struct TTag
+    /** Tag ID, value identifying this tag. */
+    TUint32 iTagId;
+    /**
+      Values correspond to TTagType enumerators.
+      @see TTagType
+      */
+    TUint16 iType;
+    /** Size of external data associated with this tag. */
+    TUint16 iSize;
+    /** Data associated with this tag. */
+    TUint32 iValue;
+  Enumeration defining the supported tag types. These enumerators are used in TTag.iTagId.
+  @see TTag
+  */
+enum TTagType
+    /** Indicates that the iValue field of a TTag structure will contain either ETrue or EFalse. */
+    ETagTypeBoolean = 0,
+    /** Indicates that the iValue field of a TTag structure will contain a value in the TUint32 range. */
+    ETagTypeTUint32 = 1,
+    /** Indicates that the iValue field of a TTag structure will contain values from an enumeration. */
+    ETagTypeEnum = 2,
+    /** Indicates that the iValue field of a TTag structure should be interpreted as a bit field. */
+    ETagTypeBitField = 3,
+    /** Indicates that the type of the iValue field of a TTag structure is unknown. */
+    ETagTypeUnknown = 4,
+    /** Indicates that the iValue field of a TTag structure will contain a pointer. */
+    ETagTypePointer = 5
+  Information in the debug functionality block is represented as a concatenation
+  of pairs of TTagHeader structures and arrays of TTag objects.
+  @see TTag
+  @see RSecuritySvrSession::GetDebugFunctionality
+  */
+struct TTagHeader
+    /** Value identifying the contents of this TTagHeader, should be interpreted as an enumerator from TTagHeaderId.
+      @see TTagHeaderId
+      */
+    TUint16 iTagHdrId;
+    /** The number of TTag elements in the array associated with this TTagHeader. */
+    TUint16 iNumTags;
+  Enumeration used to identify TTagHeader structures, TTagHeader::iTagHdrId elements take these enumerators as values.
+  @see TTagHeader
+  */
+enum TTagHeaderId
+    ETagHeaderIdCore = 0,            /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityCore. */
+    ETagHeaderIdMemory = 1,          /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityMemory. */
+    /**
+      Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityRegister.
+      These values are defined as in the document Symbian Core Dump File Format Appendix C
+      (see SGL.TS0028.027 - Symbian Core Dump File Format v1.0.doc).
+      The TTag objects in the associated array have an iSize value corresponding to the size of the register's data in bytes.
+      */
+    ETagHeaderIdRegistersCore = 2,
+    /**
+      Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values corresponding to coprocessor register identifiers.
+      Coprocessor registers are defined as in the document Symbian Core Dump File Format Appendix C as follows
+      (see SGL.TS0028.027 - Symbian Core Dump File Format v1.0.doc):
+      For each 32-bit data word defining a co-pro register, the definition of the meaning of the bits follows
+      the ARM Architecture Reference manual instruction coding
+      Upper Halfword    Lower Halfword
+      Opcode 2          CRm
+      For example: The Domain Access Control Register is Register 3 of co-processor 15. The encoding is therefore
+      CRm = 3
+      Opcode2 = 0
+      Therefore the functionality tag would be:
+      TagID:  15            // co-processor number
+      Type: ETagTypeTUint32
+      Data: 0x00000003      // Opcode2 = 0, CRm = 3
+      */
+    ETagHeaderIdCoProRegisters = 3,  /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityRegister. */
+    ETagHeaderIdBreakpoints = 4,     /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityBreakpoint. */
+    ETagHeaderIdStepping = 5,        /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityStep. */
+    ETagHeaderIdExecution = 6,       /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityExec. */
+    ETagHeaderIdEvents = 7,          /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TEventType. */
+    ETagHeaderIdApiConstants = 8,    /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityApiConstants.*/
+    ETagHeaderList = 9,              /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TListId. */
+    ETagHeaderIdKillObjects = 10,    /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityKillObject. */
+    ETagHeaderIdSecurity = 11,       /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalitySecurity */
+    ETagHeaderIdBuffers = 12,        /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TBufferType. */
+    ETagHeaderIdStopModeFunctions = 13, /**< Identifies a TTagHeader with associated TTag elements with iTagId values from TFunctionalityStopModeFunctions. */  
+  This structure is not used in the run-mode debug API.
+  @deprecated
+  */
+struct TSubBlock
+    /** Header to identify the TSubBlock. */
+    TTagHeader iHeader;
+    /** Pointer to array of TTag values associated with this TSubBlock. */
+    TTag* iTagArray;
+  These tags define what kinds of core functionality are supported by the run-mode debug subsystem.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdCore sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+  */
+enum TFunctionalityCore
+    ECoreEvents = 0,        /**< Indicates whether events processing is supported. */
+    ECoreStartStop = 1,     /**< Indicates whether suspending and resuming threads is supported. */
+    ECoreMemory = 2,        /**< Indicates whether reading and writing memory is supported. */
+    ECoreRegister = 3,      /**< Indicates whether reading and writing register values is supported. */
+    ECoreBreakpoint = 4,    /**< Indicates whether breakpoints are supported. */
+    ECoreStepping = 5,      /**< Indicates whether stepping is supported. */
+    ECoreLists = 6,         /**< Indicates whether listings are supported. */
+    ECoreLogging = 7,       /**< Indicates whether logging is supported. */
+    ECoreHardware = 8,      /**< Indicates whether hardware support is supported. */
+    ECoreApiConstants = 9,  /**< Indicates whether the information in the ETagHeaderIdApiConstants sub-block is relevant. */
+    ECoreKillObjects = 10,  /**< Indicates whether killing objects (i.e. threads and processes) is supported. */
+    ECoreSecurity = 11,     /**< Indicates whether OEM Debug token support or other security info is supported. */
+    ECoreStopModeFunctions = 12, /**< Indicates whether Stop Mode function calling is supported. */
+    ECoreStopModeBuffers = 13, /**< Indicates whether Stop Mode buffers are supported. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of core tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    ECoreLast
+  These tags define what kind of memory operations can be performed.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdMemory sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalityMemory
+    EMemoryRead = 0,          /**< Indicates whether reading memory is supported. */
+    EMemoryWrite = 1,         /**< Indicates whether writing memory is supported. */
+    EMemoryAccess64 = 2,      /**< Indicates whether 64 bit memory access is supported. */
+    EMemoryAccess32 = 3,      /**< Indicates whether 32 bit memory access is supported. */
+    EMemoryAccess16 = 4,      /**< Indicates whether 16 bit memory access is supported. */
+    EMemoryAccess8 = 5,       /**< Indicates whether 8 bit memory access is supported. */
+    EMemoryBE8 = 6,           /**< Indicates whether reading memory as 8 bit big-endian values is supported. */
+    EMemoryBE32 = 7,          /**< Indicates whether reading memory as 32 bit big-endian values is supported. */
+    EMemoryLE8 = 8,           /**< Indicates whether reading memory as 8 bit little-endian values is supported. */
+    EMemoryMaxBlockSize = 9,  /**< Corresponds to the maximum size of a block of memory which can be requested. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of memory tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    EMemoryLast
+  These tags define which objects can be killed by the device driver.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdKillObjects sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalityKillObject
+    EFunctionalityKillThread = 0,          /**< Indicates whether killing threads is supported. */
+    EFunctionalityKillProcess = 1,         /**< Indicates whether killing processes is supported. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of kill object tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    EFunctionalityKillObjectLast
+  A TTag with an id from the TFunctionalityRegister enum will have a value from this enumeration.
+  The values define how a register can be accessed, if at all.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalityAccess
+    EAccessNone = 0,       /**< Indicates that a register cannot be accessed. */
+    EAccessReadOnly = 1,   /**< Indicates that a register can be read, but not written to. */
+    EAccessWriteOnly = 2,  /**< Indicates that a register can be written to, but not read. */
+    EAccessReadWrite = 3,  /**< Indicates that a register can be both read and written to. */
+    EAccessUnknown = 4,    /**< Indicates that it is unspecified whether reading or writing to a register is possible. */
+  These enumerators act as core register identifiers.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdRegistersCore sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  The numeric value of each enumerator identifies the register according to the definitions in the Symbian Core Dump File Format Appendix B
+  (see SGL.TS0028.027 - Symbian Core Dump File Format v1.0.doc).
+  */
+enum TFunctionalityRegister
+    ERegisterR0 = 0x00000000,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R0. */
+    ERegisterR1 = 0x00000100,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R1. */
+    ERegisterR2 = 0x00000200,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R2. */
+    ERegisterR3 = 0x00000300,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R3. */
+    ERegisterR4 = 0x00000400,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R4. */
+    ERegisterR5 = 0x00000500,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R5. */
+    ERegisterR6 = 0x00000600,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R6. */
+    ERegisterR7 = 0x00000700,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R7. */
+    ERegisterR8 = 0x00000800,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R8. */
+    ERegisterR9 = 0x00000900,      /**< Identifier for user mode register R9. */
+    ERegisterR10 = 0x00000a00,     /**< Identifier for user mode register R10. */
+    ERegisterR11 = 0x00000b00,     /**< Identifier for user mode register R11. */
+    ERegisterR12 = 0x00000c00,     /**< Identifier for user mode register R12. */
+    ERegisterR13 = 0x00000d00,     /**< Identifier for user mode register R13. */
+    ERegisterR14 = 0x00000e00,     /**< Identifier for user mode register R14. */
+    ERegisterR15 = 0x00000f00,     /**< Identifier for user mode register R15. */
+    ERegisterCpsr = 0x00001000,    /**< Identifier for CPSR. */
+    ERegisterR13Svc = 0x00001100,  /**< Identifier for R13 supervisor mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR14Svc = 0x00001200,  /**< Identifier for R14 supervisor mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterSpsrSvc = 0x00001300, /**< Identifier for SPSR supervisor mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR13Abt = 0x00001400,  /**< Identifier for R13 Abort mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR14Abt = 0x00001500,  /**< Identifier for R14 Abort mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterSpsrAbt = 0x00001600, /**< Identifier for SPSR Abort mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR13Und = 0x00001700,  /**< Identifier for R13 Undefined mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR14Und = 0x00001800,  /**< Identifier for R14 Undefined mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterSpsrUnd = 0x00001900, /**< Identifier for SPSR Undefined mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR13Irq = 0x00001a00,  /**< Identifier for R13 Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR14Irq = 0x00001b00,  /**< Identifier for R14 Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterSpsrIrq = 0x00001c00, /**< Identifier for SPSR Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR8Fiq = 0x00001d00,   /**< Identifier for R8 Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR9Fiq = 0x00001e00,   /**< Identifier for R9 Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR10Fiq = 0x00001f00,  /**< Identifier for R10 Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR11Fiq = 0x00002000,  /**< Identifier for R11 Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR12Fiq = 0x00002100,  /**< Identifier for R12 Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR13Fiq = 0x00002200,  /**< Identifier for R13 Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterR14Fiq = 0x00002300,  /**< Identifier for R14 Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    ERegisterSpsrFiq = 0x00002400, /**< Identifier for SPSR Fast Interrupt mode banked register. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of core registers from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    ERegisterLast = 37
+  These tags define the kind of breakpoints that are supported.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdBreakpoints sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalityBreakpoint
+    EBreakpointThread = 0,         /**< Indicates whether thread specific breakpoints are supported. */
+    EBreakpointProcess = 1,        /**< Indicates whether process specific breakpoints are supported. */
+    EBreakpointSystem = 2,         /**< Indicates whether system wide breakpoints are supported. */
+    EBreakpointArm = 3,            /**< Indicates whether ARM mode breakpoints are supported. */
+    EBreakpointThumb = 4,          /**< Indicates whether Thumb mode breakpoints are supported. */
+    EBreakpointT2EE = 5,           /**< Indicates whether Thumb2 mode breakpoints are supported. */
+    EBreakpointArmInst = 6,        /**< Reserved for future use. */
+    EBreakpointThumbInst = 7,      /**< Reserved for future use. */
+    EBreakpointT2EEInst = 8,       /**< Reserved for future use. */
+    EBreakpointSetArmInst = 9,     /**< Reserved for future use. */
+    EBreakpointSetThumbInst = 10,  /**< Reserved for future use. */
+    EBreakpointSetT2EEInst = 11,   /**< Reserved for future use. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of breakpoint tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    EBreakpointLast
+  These enumerators provide information about the stepping capabilities of the debug sub-system.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdStepping sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalityStep
+    EStep = 0, /**< Indicates whether instruction stepping is supported. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of stepping tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    EStepLast
+  These enumerators provide information about the execution control capabilities of the debug sub-system.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdExecution sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalityExec
+    EExecThreadSuspendResume = 0,  /**< Indicates whether suspending and resuming threads is supported. */
+    EExecProcessSuspendResume = 1, /**< Indicates whether suspending and resuming processes is supported. */
+    EExecSystemSuspendResume = 2,  /**< Indicates whether suspending and resuming the entire system is supported. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of execution control tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    EExecLast
+  This enumeration defines the event types supported by the debug sub-system.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdEvents sub-block will have
+  iTagId values from this enumeration, and iValue values from the TKernelEventAction enumeration.
+  These enumerators are also used by the RSecuritySvrSession API to identify events.
+  @see RSecuritySvrSession
+  @see TKernelEventAction
+ */
+enum TEventType
+    EEventsBreakPoint = 0,    /**< Identifies a breakpoint event. */
+    EEventsSwExc = 1,         /**< Identifies a software exception event. */
+    EEventsHwExc = 2,         /**< Identifies a hardware exception event. */
+    EEventsKillThread = 3,    /**< Identifies a kill thread event. */
+    EEventsAddLibrary = 4,    /**< Identifies an add library event. */
+    EEventsRemoveLibrary = 5, /**< Identifies a remove library event. */
+    /**
+     If an event is generated and there is only a single space remaining in the events queue then
+     an event of type EEventsBufferFull will be stored in the queue and the generated event will
+     be discarded. If further events occur while the buffer is full the events will be discarded.
+     As such an event of type EEventsBufferFull being returned signifies that one or more events
+     were discarded. An event of this type has no valid data associated with it.
+     */
+    EEventsBufferFull = 6,
+    EEventsUnknown = 7,       /**< Identifies an event of unknown type. */
+    EEventsUserTrace = 8,     /**< Identifies a user trace. */
+    EEventsProcessBreakPoint = 9, /**< Identifies a process breakpoint event. */
+    EEventsStartThread = 10, /**< Identifies a start thread event. */
+    EEventsUserTracesLost = 11, /**< Identifies user traces being lost. */
+    EEventsAddProcess = 12, /**< Identifies an AddProcess event */
+    EEventsRemoveProcess = 13, /**< Identifies a RemoveProcess event */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of event types from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    EEventsLast
+  These enumerators provide information about constants which are used in the RSecuritySvrSession API.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdApiConstants sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalityApiConstants
+    {
+    /**
+      Corresponds to the size of a buffer required to store a TEventInfo.
+      @see TEventInfo
+      */
+    EApiConstantsTEventInfoSize = 0,
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of API constants tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    EApiConstantsLast,
+    };
+  The set of possible actions which could be taken when a kernel event occurs.
+  Not all actions are possible for all events. The debug functionality sub-block with header id ETagHeaderIdEvents
+  indicates which values are permitted for each event. The value given for that event should be
+  considered as the most intrusive action the debugger may set: with the definition that EActionSuspend is more
+  intrusive than EActionContinue, which is more intrusive than EActionIgnore.
+  @see RSecuritySvrSession
+  */
+enum TKernelEventAction
+    /** If an event action is set to this value then events of that type will be
+      ignored, and not reported to the debugger. */
+    EActionIgnore = 0,
+    /** If an event action is set to this value then events of that type will be
+      reported to the debugger and the thread which generated the event will be
+      allowed to continue executing. */
+    EActionContinue = 1,
+    /** If an event action is set to this value then events of that type will be
+      reported to the debugger and the thread which generated the event will be
+      suspended. */
+    EActionSuspend = 2,
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      Count of event actions.
+      */
+    EActionLast
+  These enumerators provide information about the ability of the debug subsystem to support OEM Debug tokens.
+  TTag structures associated with the ETagHeaderIdSecurity sub-block will have iTagId values from this enumeration.
+  See each enumerator for an explanation of how a TTag with that iTagId should be interpreted.
+ */
+enum TFunctionalitySecurity
+    ESecurityOEMDebugToken = 0,  /**< Indicates whether the DSS supports the use of OEM Debug Tokens. */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    ESecurityLast
+  Used for storing the contents of a 32 bit register
+  */
+typedef TUint32 TRegisterValue32;
+ * Processor mode
+ */
+enum TArmProcessorModes
+    EUserMode=0x10,     //!< EUserMode
+    EFiqMode=0x11,      //!< EFiqMode
+    EIrqMode=0x12,      //!< EIrqMode
+    ESvcMode=0x13,      //!< ESvcMode
+    EAbortMode=0x17,    //!< EAbortMode
+    EUndefMode=0x1b,    //!< EUndefMode
+    EMaskMode=0x1f      //!< EMaskMode
+  Structure containing information about the state of the registers when a
+  hardware exception occurred
+  */
+class TRmdArmExcInfo
+    {
+    /** Enumeration detailing the types of exception which may occur. */
+    enum TExceptionType
+        {
+        /** Enumerator signifying that a prefetch abort error has occurred. */
+        EPrefetchAbort = 0,
+        /** Enumerator signifying that a data abort error has occurred. */
+        EDataAbort = 1,
+        /** Enumerator signifying that an undefined instruction error has occurred. */
+        EUndef =2
+        };
+    /** Value of CPSR. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iCpsr;
+    /** Type of exception which has occurred. */
+    TExceptionType iExcCode;
+    /** Value of R13 supervisor mode banked register. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR13Svc;
+    /** Value of user mode register R4. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR4;
+    /** Value of user mode register R5. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR5;
+    /** Value of user mode register R6. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR6;
+    /** Value of user mode register R7. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR7;
+    /** Value of user mode register R8. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR8;
+    /** Value of user mode register R9. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR9;
+    /** Value of user mode register R10. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR10;
+    /** Value of user mode register R11. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR11;
+    /** Value of R14 supervisor mode banked register. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR14Svc;
+    /** Address which caused exception (System Control Coprocessor Fault Address Register) */
+    TRegisterValue32 iFaultAddress;
+    /** Value of System Control Coprocessor Fault Status Register. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iFaultStatus;
+    /** Value of SPSR supervisor mode banked register. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iSpsrSvc;
+    /** Value of user mode register R13. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR13;
+    /** Value of user mode register R14. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR14;
+    /** Value of user mode register R0. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR0;
+    /** Value of user mode register R1. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR1;
+    /** Value of user mode register R2. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR2;
+    /** Value of user mode register R3. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR3;
+    /** Value of user mode register R12. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR12;
+    /** Value of user mode register R15, points to instruction which caused exception. */
+    TRegisterValue32 iR15;
+    };
+  The maximum size, in bytes, of the panic category string returned as part of a
+  TEventInfo object.
+  @see TEventInfo
+  @see TThreadKillInfo
+  */
+const TInt KPanicCategoryMaxName = KMaxName;
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  an agent set breakpoint is hit.
+  */
+class TThreadBreakPointInfo
+    {
+    /** Identifies the type of exception. */
+    TExcType iExceptionNumber;
+    /** Structure containing information about the ARM register values. */
+    TRmdArmExcInfo iRmdArmExcInfo;
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a software exception occurs.
+  */
+class TThreadSwExceptionInfo
+    {
+    /** The value of the program counter. */
+    TUint32 iCurrentPC;
+    /** Identifies the type of exception. */
+    TExcType iExceptionNumber;
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a hardware exception occurs.
+  */
+class TThreadHwExceptionInfo
+    {
+    /** Identifies the type of exception. */
+    TExcType iExceptionNumber;
+    /** Structure containing information about the ARM register values. */
+    TRmdArmExcInfo iRmdArmExcInfo;
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a thread kill event occurs.
+  */
+class TThreadKillInfo
+    {
+    /** The value of the program counter. */
+    TUint32 iCurrentPC;
+    /** Specifies the reason for the kill thread event, this value is specific to the killed thread and does not correspond to a standard Symbian enumeration. */
+    TInt iExitReason;
+    /** Specifies the type of the thread kill event, values correspond to elements of TExitType. */
+    TUint8 iExitType;
+    /** The panic category of the killed thread. */
+    TUint8 iPanicCategory[KPanicCategoryMaxName];
+    /** Contains the length in bytes of the initialised data in iPanicCategory. */
+    TInt iPanicCategoryLength;
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a library load event occurs.
+  */
+class TLibraryLoadedInfo
+    {
+    /** The name of the file that the library was loaded from. */
+    TUint8 iFileName[KMaxName];
+    /** Contains the length in bytes of the initialised data in iFileName. */
+    TInt iFileNameLength;
+    /** The code base address (.text). */
+    TUint32 iCodeAddress;
+    /** The base address of the initialised data section (.data). */
+    TUint32 iDataAddress;
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a thread is started
+  */
+class TStartThreadInfo
+    {
+    /** The name of the file that the process owning the thread was created from. */
+    TUint8 iFileName[KMaxName];
+    /** Contains the length in bytes of the initialised data in iFileName. */
+    TInt iFileNameLength;
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a process is added. Note that the Process may not be fully constructed,
+  e.g. no threads.
+  */
+class TAddProcessInfo
+    {
+    /** The name of the file that the process was created from. */
+    TUint8 iFileName[KMaxName];
+    /** Contains the length in bytes of the initialised data in iFileName. */
+    TInt iFileNameLength;
+    /** The UID3 of this process */
+    TUint32 iUid3;  
+    /** Contains the CreatorThread ID if available: May be 0 */
+    TUint64 iCreatorThreadId;  
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a process is removed. Note that the Process may not be fully destroyed,
+  so its resources should only be accessed if you already have a handle to it.
+  */
+class TRemoveProcessInfo
+    {
+    /** The name of the file that the process was created from. */
+    TUint8 iFileName[KMaxName];
+    /** Contains the length in bytes of the initialised data in iFileName. */
+    TInt iFileNameLength;
+    TUint32 iSpare1;    // Unused
+    };
+  Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object when
+  a library unload event occurs.
+  */
+class TLibraryUnloadedInfo
+    {
+    /** The name of the file that the library was loaded from. */
+    TUint8 iFileName[KMaxName];
+    /** Contains the length in bytes of the initialised data in iFileName. */
+    TInt iFileNameLength;
+    };
+ * Enum to represent the context of a user trace message
+ */ 
+enum TUserTraceMessageContext 
+    ESingleMessage = 0x1,   /** Indicates this message is the only one corresponding to a given user trace */ 
+    EMultiStart = 0x2, /** Indicates this message is the start of a user trace which consists of multiple messages */
+    EMultiMid = 0x3, /** Indicates this message is one in a series of user trace messages */
+    EMultiEnd = 0x4, /** Indicates this message is the last in a series of user trace messages */
+    /**
+      @internalTechnology
+      A debug agent should find the number of core tags from the DFBlock rather than this enumerator.
+      */
+    ELast = 0x5 
+ *   Event specific information returned as part of a TEventInfo object 
+ *   when a user trace event occurs.
+ */
+class TUserTraceInfo
+    {
+    /** The user trace text */
+    TUint8 iUserTraceText[TUserTraceSize];
+    /** User trace text length */
+    TInt iUserTraceLength;
+    /** The context of the message */
+    TUserTraceMessageContext iMessageStatus;
+    };
+  Structure used to store information about an event. An object of this type
+  is passed as an argument to the RSecuritySvrSession::GetEvent function,
+  and is filled in by the debug driver, and returned to the agent, when a
+  relevant event occurs.
+  The debug functionality block contains the size in bytes of the data that
+  the driver will return when a GetEvent call is issued. A debug agent should
+  ensure that this value equals the size of this TEventInfo object to ensure
+  that a compatible debug driver is being used. The value is stored as
+  EApiConstantsTEventInfoSize in the TFunctionalityApiConstants block.
+  @see RSecuritySvrSession::GetDebugFunctionality
+  @see RSecuritySvrSession::GetEvent
+  */
+class TEventInfo
+    {
+    /** Constructor sets all elements to default values. */
+    inline TEventInfo() { Reset(); };
+    /** Resets all values to default values. */
+    inline void Reset()
+        {
+        iProcessId = 0;
+        iProcessIdValid = EFalse;
+        iThreadId = 0;
+        iThreadIdValid = EFalse;
+        iEventType = (TEventType)NULL;
+        };
+    /** The process ID of the process which the event occurred in. */
+    TUint64                 iProcessId;
+    /** The thread ID of the thread which the event occurred in. */
+    TUint64                 iThreadId;
+    /** Has value ETrue if iProcessId is valid, EFalse otherwise. */
+    TUint8                  iProcessIdValid;
+    /** Has value ETrue if iThreadId is valid, EFalse otherwise. */
+    TUint8                  iThreadIdValid;
+    /** Indicates the type of the event. This type should be used to determine
+        the type of the information stored in the union which is part of this class. */
+    TEventType              iEventType;
+    union
+        {
+        /** Information which is specific to the break point event. */
+        TThreadBreakPointInfo iThreadBreakPointInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the software exception event. */
+        TThreadSwExceptionInfo iThreadSwExceptionInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the hardware exception event. */
+        TThreadHwExceptionInfo iThreadHwExceptionInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the thread kill event. */
+        TThreadKillInfo iThreadKillInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the library loaded event. */
+        TLibraryLoadedInfo iLibraryLoadedInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the library unloaded event. */
+        TLibraryUnloadedInfo iLibraryUnloadedInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the user trace event. */
+        TUserTraceInfo iUserTraceInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the start thread event. */
+        TStartThreadInfo iStartThreadInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the Add Process event. */
+        TAddProcessInfo iAddProcessInfo;
+        /** Information which is specific to the Remove Process event. */
+        TRemoveProcessInfo iRemoveProcessInfo;
+        };
+    };
+  @internalComponent
+  */
+class TProcessInfo
+    {
+    public:
+        inline TProcessInfo() { Reset(); }
+        inline TProcessInfo(TUint32 aId, TUint32 aCodeAddress, TUint32 aCodeSize, TUint32 aDataAddress)
+                : iId(aId),
+                  iCodeAddress(aCodeAddress),
+                  iCodeSize(aCodeSize),
+                  iDataAddress(aDataAddress) { }
+        inline void Reset()
+            {
+            iId = 0;
+            iCodeAddress = 0;
+            iCodeSize = 0;
+            iDataAddress = 0;
+            }
+    public:
+        TUint32 iId;
+        TUint32 iCodeAddress;
+        TUint32 iCodeSize;
+        TUint32 iDataAddress;
+    };
+/* Other functionality may be defined here later */
+Represents a register id value, in the terms of the Symbian ELF format:
+ - bits 0-7 define the class
+ - bits 8-15 define the rd_id
+ - bits 16-31 define the rd_sub_id
+Both the core registers (TFunctionalityRegister type) and the coprocessor registers
+follow this identifier scheme.
+typedef TUint32 TRegisterInfo;
+Enum representing the status flags which could be returned from a register
+access call.
+enum TRegisterFlag
+    {
+    /**
+    Default value, a register access call will never return this value
+    */
+    ENotSet = 0,
+    /**
+    Would be returned if the register is supported by the debug driver but the kernel cannot access the register
+    */
+    EInValid = 1,
+    /**
+    Would be returned if the register could be accessed correctly
+    */
+    EValid = 2,
+    /**
+    Would be returned if the register is not supported by the debug driver
+    */
+    ENotSupported = 3,
+    /**
+    Would be returned if a non-4 byte register value was requested
+    */
+    EBadSize = 4
+    };
+Enum representing the different ARM CPU instruction set architectures.
+enum TArchitectureMode
+    {
+    /** Represents the ARM CPU architecture. */
+    EArmMode = 1,
+    /** Represents the Thumb CPU architecture. */
+    EThumbMode = 2,
+    /**
+      Represents the Thumb2 CPU architecture.
+      @prototype
+      */
+    EThumb2EEMode = 3
+    };
+  Used as an identifier for breakpoints set by the RSecuritySvrSession::SetBreak function.
+  @see RSecuritySvrSession
+  */
+typedef TInt32 TBreakId;
+  Specifies the type of a code segment.
+  @see TCodeSegListEntry
+  */
+enum TCodeSegType
+    {
+    EUnknownCodeSegType = 0, /**< Signifies an unknown code segment type. */
+    EExeCodeSegType = 1,     /**< Signifies a code segment belonging to an executable. */
+    EDllCodeSegType = 2      /**< Signifies a code segment belonging to a library. */
+    };
+Structure used for extracting data from a descriptor returned by a call to
+RSecuritySvrSession::GetList() when GetList() is called with TListId::ECodeSegs
+as the first argument.
+@see RSecuritySvrSession::GetList()
+//buffer is a TDesC8 containing 4-byte aligned TCodeSegListEntry objects
+//create a pointer to the start of the data
+TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
+//create a pointer to the end of the data
+const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + buffer.Length();
+while(ptr < ptrEnd)
+    {
+    //cast the pointer to be a TCodeSegListEntry object
+    TCodeSegListEntry& entry = *(TCodeSegListEntry*)ptr;
+    //use the TCodeSegListEntry pointer, i.e.
+    TUint16 nameLength = entry.iNameLength;
+    TPtr name(&(entry.iName[0]), nameLength, nameLength);
+    // move ptr on to point to the next TCodeSegListEntry object
+    ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
+    }
+class TCodeSegListEntry
+    {
+    TInt GetSize() const;
+    /**
+      Address of the start of the code segment.
+      */
+    TUint32 iCodeBase;
+    /**
+      Size of the code segment.
+      */
+    TUint32 iCodeSize;
+    /**
+      Size of the const data segment
+      */
+    TUint32 iConstDataSize;
+    /**
+      Address of the initialised data
+      */
+    TUint32 iInitialisedDataBase;
+    /**
+      Size of the initialised data
+      */
+    TUint32 iInitialisedDataSize;
+    /**
+      Size of the uninitialised data
+      */
+    TUint32 iUninitialisedDataSize;
+    /**
+      Boolean indicating whether the code segment is execute in place
+      */
+    TBool iIsXip;
+    /**
+      Indicates whether the code segment is from an executable or a dll, or neither
+      */
+    TCodeSegType iCodeSegType;
+    /** Uid3 of this segment. */
+    TUint32 iUid3;
+    /** Currently unused element. May be used in future to aid maintaining compatibility. */
+    TUint32 iSpare2;
+    /**
+      Length of the code segment's name
+      */
+    TUint16 iNameLength;
+    /**
+      First two bytes of the code segment's name, the name should be considered to
+      extend past the end of the TCodeSegListEntry structure to a length
+      corresponding to iNameLength
+      */
+    TUint16 iName[1];
+    };
+Returns the size of the TCodeSegListEntry, including the file name length
+@return the size, in bytes, of the TCodeSegListEntry and the code segment's
+file name
+inline TInt TCodeSegListEntry::GetSize() const
+    {
+    return sizeof(TCodeSegListEntry) - sizeof(iName) + (2 * iNameLength);
+    }
+Structure used for extracting data from a descriptor returned by a call to
+RSecuritySvrSession::GetList() when GetList() is called with TListId::EXipLibraries
+as the first argument.
+@see RSecuritySvrSession::GetList()
+//buffer is a TDesC8 containing 4-byte aligned TXipLibraryListEntry objects
+//create a pointer to the start of the data
+TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
+//create a pointer to the end of the data
+const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + buffer.Length();
+while(ptr < ptrEnd)
+    {
+    //cast the pointer to be a TXipLibraryListEntry object
+    TXipLibraryListEntry& entry = *(TXipLibraryListEntry*)ptr;
+    //use the TXipLibraryListEntry pointer, i.e.
+    TUint16 nameLength = entry.iNameLength;
+    TPtr name(&(entry.iName[0]), nameLength, nameLength);
+    // move ptr on to point to the next TXipLibraryListEntry object
+    ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
+    }
+class TXipLibraryListEntry
+    {
+    TInt GetSize() const;
+    /**
+      Address of the start of the library's code segment.
+      */
+    TUint32 iCodeBase;
+    /**
+      Size of the code segment.
+      */
+    TUint32 iCodeSize;
+    /**
+      Size of the const data segment
+      */
+    TUint32 iConstDataSize;
+    /**
+      Address of the initialised data
+      */
+    TUint32 iInitialisedDataBase;
+    /**
+      Size of the initialised data
+      */
+    TUint32 iInitialisedDataSize;
+    /**
+      Size of the uninitialised data
+      */
+    TUint32 iUninitialisedDataSize;
+    /** Currently unused element. May be used in future to aid maintaining compatibility. */
+    TUint32 iSpare1;
+    /** Currently unused element. May be used in future to aid maintaining compatibility. */
+    TUint32 iSpare2;
+    /**
+      Length of the library's name
+      */
+    TUint16 iNameLength;
+    /**
+      First two bytes of the code segment's name, the name should be considered to
+      extend past the end of the TXipLibraryListEntry structure to a length
+      corresponding to iNameLength
+      */
+    TUint16 iName[1];
+    };
+Returns the size of the TXipLibraryListEntry, including the file name length
+@return the size, in bytes, of the TXipLibraryListEntry and the library's
+file name
+inline TInt TXipLibraryListEntry::GetSize() const
+    {
+    return sizeof(TXipLibraryListEntry) - sizeof(iName) + (2 * iNameLength);
+    }
+Structure used for extracting data from a descriptor returned by a call to
+RSecuritySvrSession::GetList() when GetList() is called with TListId::EExecutables
+as the first argument.
+@see RSecuritySvrSession::GetList()
+//buffer is a TDesC8 containing 4-byte aligned TExecutablesListEntry objects
+//create a pointer to the start of the data
+TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
+//create a pointer to the end of the data
+const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + buffer.Length();
+while(ptr < ptrEnd)
+    {
+    //cast the pointer to be a TExecutablesListEntry object
+    TExecutablesListEntry& entry = *(TExecutablesListEntry*)ptr;
+    //use the TExecutablesListEntry pointer, i.e.
+    TUint16 nameLength = entry.iNameLength;
+    TPtr name(&(entry.iName[0]), nameLength, nameLength);
+    // move ptr on to point to the next TExecutablesListEntry object
+    ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
+    }
+class TExecutablesListEntry
+    {
+    TInt GetSize() const;
+    /**
+      Indicates whether an agent has registered to actively debug the executable,
+      a non-zero value indicates that an agent has attached.
+      */
+    TUint8 iIsActivelyDebugged;
+    /**
+      Indicates whether any agents have registered to passively debug the executable,
+      a non-zero value indicates that at least one agent is attached passively
+      */
+    TUint8 iIsPassivelyDebugged;
+    /** Currently unused element. May be used in future to aid maintaining compatibility. */
+    TUint32 iSpare1;
+    /** Currently unused element. May be used in future to aid maintaining compatibility. */
+    TUint32 iSpare2;
+    /**
+      Length of the executable's name
+      */
+    TUint16 iNameLength;
+    /**
+      First two bytes of the executable's name, the name should be considered to
+      extend past the end of the TExecutablesListEntry structure to a length
+      corresponding to iNameLength
+      */
+    TUint16 iName[1];
+    };
+Returns the size of the TExecutablesListEntry, including the file name length
+@return the size, in bytes, of the TExecutablesListEntry and the executable's
+file name
+inline TInt TExecutablesListEntry::GetSize() const
+    {
+    return sizeof(TExecutablesListEntry) - sizeof(iName) + (2*iNameLength);
+    }
+Structure used for extracting data from a descriptor returned by a call to
+RSecuritySvrSession::GetList() when GetList() is called with TListId::EProcesses
+as the first argument.
+@see RSecuritySvrSession::GetList()
+//buffer is a TDesC8 containing 4-byte aligned TProcessListEntry objects
+//create a pointer to the start of the data
+TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
+//create a pointer to the end of the data
+const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + buffer.Length();
+while(ptr < ptrEnd)
+    {
+    //cast the pointer to be a TProcessListEntry object
+    TProcessListEntry& entry = *(TProcessListEntry*)ptr;
+    //use the TProcessListEntry pointer, i.e.
+    TUint16 fileNameLength = entry.iFileNameLength;
+    TPtr name(&(entry.iNames[0]), fileNameLength, fileNameLength);
+    // move ptr on to point to the next TProcessListEntry object
+    ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
+    }
+class TProcessListEntry
+    {
+    public:
+        TInt GetSize() const;
+    public:
+        /** Process ID */
+        TUint64 iProcessId;
+        /** The Uid3 of the process */
+        TUint32 iUid3;
+        /** 
+         * Process Attributes
+         * @see DProcess::TProcessAttributes
+         */
+        TInt iAttributes;
+        /**
+         * Length of fully qualified file name of the process in bytes. Note that this
+         * entry may be 0 if the process is in the process of shutting down.
+         */
+        TUint16 iFileNameLength;
+        /**
+         * Length of current dynamic name of the process in bytes
+         */
+        TUint16 iDynamicNameLength;
+        /**
+         * First two bytes of the process' file name, the name should be considered to
+         * extend past the end of the TProcessListEntry structure to a length
+         * corresponding to iFileNameLength. Directly after the data corresponding to the
+         * file name, the dynamic name is stored with a length of iDynamicNameLength characters.
+         * Note that these names are not null terminated and are concatenated directly after each other.
+         * 
+         * @code
+         * TProcessListEntry& entry; // entry is a reference to a TProcessListEntry
+         *
+         * //get the file name..
+         * TPtr fileName(&(entry.iNames[0]), iFileNameLength, iFileNameLength);
+         *
+         * //get the dynamic name length..
+         * TPtr dynamicName(&(entry.iNames[0]) + iFileNameLength, iDynamicNameLength, iDynamicNameLength);
+         * @endcode
+         */
+        TUint16 iNames[1];
+    };
+Returns the size of the TProcessListEntry, including the file name length and the
+dynamic name length
+@return the size, in bytes, of the TProcessListEntry and the executable's
+file name file name and dynamic name
+inline TInt TProcessListEntry::GetSize() const
+    {
+    return sizeof(TProcessListEntry) - sizeof(iNames) + (2 * (iFileNameLength + iDynamicNameLength));
+    }
+Structure used for extracting data from a descriptor returned by a call to
+RSecuritySvrSession::GetList() when GetList() is called with TListId::EThreads
+as the first argument.
+@see RSecuritySvrSession::GetList()
+//buffer is a TDesC8 containing 4-byte aligned TThreadListEntry objects
+//create a pointer to the start of the data
+TUint8* ptr = (TUint8*)buffer.Ptr();
+//create a pointer to the end of the data
+const TUint8* ptrEnd = ptr + buffer.Length();
+while(ptr < ptrEnd)
+    {
+    //cast the pointer to be a TThreadListEntry object
+    TThreadListEntry& entry = *(TThreadListEntry*)ptr;
+    //use the TThreadListEntry pointer, i.e.
+    TUint16 nameLength = entry.iNameLength;
+    TPtr name(&(entry.iName[0]), nameLength, nameLength);
+    // move ptr on to point to the next TThreadListEntry object
+    ptr += Align4(entry.GetSize());
+    }
+class TThreadListEntry
+    {
+    TInt GetSize() const;
+    /**
+      Thread ID
+      */
+    TUint64 iThreadId;
+    /**
+      Process ID
+      */
+    TUint64 iProcessId;
+    /**
+      Address of the base of the supervisor stack
+      */
+    TUint32 iSupervisorStackBase;
+    /**
+      Size of the supervisor stack
+      */
+    TUint32 iSupervisorStackSize;
+    /**
+      Non-zero if iSupervisorStackBase has been set correctly
+      */
+    TUint8 iSupervisorStackBaseValid;
+    /**
+      Non-zero if iSupervisorStackSize has been set correctly
+      */
+    TUint8 iSupervisorStackSizeValid;
+    /**
+      Address of the thread's supervisor stack pointer
+      */
+    TUint32 iSupervisorStackPtr;
+    /**
+      Indicator of whether the value returned as iSupervisorStackPtr is valid.
+      It is necessary, but not necessarily sufficient, that the thread be suspended
+      for a valid value to be returned. This may be removed from the final API and
+      the value would be extracted instead via the ReadRegisters type calls.
+      */
+    TRegisterFlag iSupervisorStackPtrValid;
+    /** Currently unused element. May be used in future to aid maintaining compatibility. */
+    TUint32 iSpare1;
+    /** Currently unused element. May be used in future to aid maintaining compatibility. */
+    TUint32 iSpare2;
+    /**
+      The length of the thread's name
+      */
+    TUint16 iNameLength;
+    /**
+      First two bytes of the thread's name, the name should be considered to
+      extend past the end of the TThreadListEntry structure to a length
+      corresponding to iNameLength
+      */
+    TUint16 iName[1];
+    };
+Returns the size of the TThreadListEntry, including the name length
+@return the size, in bytes, of the TExecutablesListEntry and the thread's name
+inline TInt TThreadListEntry::GetSize() const
+    {
+    return sizeof(TThreadListEntry) - sizeof(iName) + (2 * iNameLength);
+    }
+Denotes which list type to return from a RSecuritySvrSession::GetList() call
+@see RSecuritySvrSession::GetList()
+enum TListId
+    {
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the processes in
+    the system. The returned buffer will contain an array of 4-byte aligned
+    TProcessListEntry objects.
+    @see TProcessListEntry
+    */
+    EProcesses = 0,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the threads in
+    the system. The returned buffer will contain an array of 4-byte aligned
+    TThreadListEntry objects.
+    @see TThreadListEntry
+    */
+    EThreads = 1,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the code segments in
+    the system. The returned buffer will contain an array of 4-byte aligned
+    TCodeSegListEntry objects.
+    @see TCodeSegListEntry
+    */
+    ECodeSegs = 2,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the XIP libraries in
+    the system. The returned buffer will contain an array of 4-byte aligned
+    EXipLibraries objects.
+    @see EXipLibraries
+    */
+    EXipLibraries = 3,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the executables in
+    the system. The returned buffer will contain an array of 4-byte aligned
+    EExecutables objects.
+    @see EExecutables
+    */
+    EExecutables = 4,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the logical devices in the system.
+    */
+    ELogicalDevices = 5,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the mutexes in the system.
+    */
+    EMutexes = 6,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the servers in the system.
+    */
+    EServers = 7,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the sessions in the system.
+    */
+    ESessions = 8,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the semaphores in the system.
+    */
+    ESemaphores = 9,
+    /**
+    Indicates that the GetList() call should return a list of the chunks in the system.
+    */
+    EChunks = 10,
+    /**
+    Provides a complete list of all the breakpoints in the system and their
+    current state.
+    @see EBreakpoints
+    */
+    EBreakpoints = 11,
+    /** 
+    The following are for the possible use of kernel-side debug and SMP breakpoint
+    manipulation.
+    */
+    ESetBreak = 12,
+    ERemoveBreak = 13,
+    EModifyBreak = 14,
+    /**
+     * Provides static information of the system
+     */
+    EStaticInfo = 15,
+    /** Last listing enum. */
+    EListLast
+    };
+  Bit field values denoting the scope of a listing.
+  In the debug functionality block, the TTag::iValue element which is returned for a listing tag
+  should be considered as a union of the supported values from this enumeration for that listing.
+  */
+enum TListScope
+    {
+    EScopeNone = 0x0,             /**< Corresponds to no scope for a listing. equivalent to not supported */
+    EScopeGlobal= 0x1,            /**< Corresponds to a global scope for a listing. */
+    EScopeProcessSpecific = 0x2,  /**< Corresponds to a process specific scope for a listing. */
+    EScopeThreadSpecific = 0x4    /**< Corresponds to a thread specific scope for a listing. */
+    };
+Interface constructor for passing IPC data for the GetList call.
+class TListDetails
+    {
+    TListDetails(const TListId aListId, const TListScope aListScope, TUint64 aTargetId=0)
+        : iListId(aListId),
+          iListScope(aListScope),
+          iTargetId(aTargetId) {}
+    TListId iListId;
+    TListScope iListScope;
+    TUint64 iTargetId;
+    };
+    };
+namespace Debug
+    {
 	 * The stop-mode debug interface is a stateless interface which may be called at any point
 	 * except user mode, provided the rest of the OS is not going to run or pre-empt it.
@@ -237,7 +1680,7 @@
 				IMPORT_C static TInt TestAPI(const TListItem* aItem);
-				static TInt ExitPoint(const TInt aReturnValue);
+				IMPORT_C static TInt ExitPoint(const TInt aReturnValue);
 				/** Code segment list routines */
@@ -263,6 +1706,105 @@
 				static TInt CopyAndExpandDes(const TDesC& aSrc, TDes& aDest);
+	/** 
+	Provides static methods for accessing the information stored in a TRegisterInfo
+	object.
+	*/
+	class Register
+	    {
+	public:
+	    static TBool IsCoreReg(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    static TBool IsCoproReg(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    static TUint32 GetCoreRegId(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    static TUint32 GetCRm(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    static TUint32 GetCRn(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    static TUint32 GetOpcode1(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    static TUint32 GetOpcode2(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    static TUint32 GetCoproNum(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister);
+	    };
+	/**
+	Identify whether aRegister is a core register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return ETrue if core register, EFalse otherwise
+	*/
+	inline TBool Register::IsCoreReg(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister & 0xff) == 0x0);
+	    }
+	/**
+	Identify whether aRegister is a coprocessor register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return ETrue if coprocessor register, EFalse otherwise
+	*/
+	inline TBool Register::IsCoproReg(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister & 0xff) == 0x1);
+	    }
+	/**
+	Get the ID of the core register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return ID of the core register
+	*/
+	inline TUint32 Register::GetCoreRegId(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister >> 8) & 0xff);
+	    }
+	/**
+	Get the CRm value of a coprocessor register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return the CRm value of a coprocessor register
+	*/
+	inline TUint32 Register::GetCRm(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister >> 16) & 0xf);
+	    }
+	/**
+	Get the CRm value of a coprocessor register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return the CRm value of a coprocessor register
+	*/
+	inline TUint32 Register::GetCRn(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister >> 20) & 0xf);
+	    }
+	/**
+	Get the Opcode1 value of a coprocessor register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return the Opcode1 value of a coprocessor register
+	*/
+	inline TUint32 Register::GetOpcode1(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister >> 24) & 0x8);
+	    }
+	/**
+	Get the Opcode2 value of a coprocessor register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return the Opcode2 value of a coprocessor register
+	*/
+	inline TUint32 Register::GetOpcode2(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister >> 27) & 0x8);
+	    }
+	/**
+	Get the coprocessor number of a coprocessor register
+	@param aRegister register ID to analyse
+	@return the coprocessor number of a coprocessor register
+	*/
+	inline TUint32 Register::GetCoproNum(const Debug::TRegisterInfo aRegister)
+	    {
+	    return ((aRegister >> 8) & 0xff);
+	    }
 #endif // D_STOP_MODE_API_H