changeset 256 c1f20ce4abcf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/dmav2/t_dma2.h	Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef __T_DMA2_H__
+#define __T_DMA2_H__
+#include "cap_reqs.h"
+#include "test_thread.h"
+#include "d_dma2.h"
+#include <e32std.h>
+class TTestCase;
+// Global array of test cases
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArray;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayCallback;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayIsrReque;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayMultiPart;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayIsrAndDfc;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayBenchmark;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArray2DTest;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayIsrAndDfc;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayChannel;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArraySuspend;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase> TestArrayQueue;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase>	TestArraySimple;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase>	TestArrayRequest;
+extern RPointerArray<TTestCase>	TestArrayFragment;
+extern TBool gVerboseOutput;   // Verbose output control
+const TInt KParameterTextLenMax = 80;	// command-line param length
+This function prints out the PSL test Information
+void Print(const TDmaV2TestInfo& aInfo);
+Runs all framework self tests
+void SelfTests();
+class CSingleTransferTest;
+class CIsrRequeTest;
+class CMultiTransferTest;
+An interface to a classs that sets up the buffers before a test
+class MPreTransfer
+	{
+	virtual ~MPreTransfer()
+		{}
+	virtual void Setup(const CSingleTransferTest& aTest) const = 0;
+	virtual void Setup(const CIsrRequeTest& aTest) const = 0;
+	virtual void Setup(const CMultiTransferTest& aTest) const = 0;
+	};
+An interface for a check which takes place at the end of a DMA
+transfer test to verify the transfer was as expected.
+class MPostTransferCheck
+	{
+	virtual ~MPostTransferCheck()
+		{}
+	virtual TInt Check(const CSingleTransferTest& aTest) const = 0;
+	virtual TInt Check(const CIsrRequeTest& aTest) const = 0;
+	virtual TInt Check(CMultiTransferTest& aTest) const = 0;
+	};
+class TCompare2D : public MPostTransferCheck
+	{
+	TCompare2D()
+		{}
+	virtual TInt Check(const CSingleTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual TInt Check(const CIsrRequeTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual TInt Check(CMultiTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	};
+class TAlwaysFail : public MPostTransferCheck
+	{
+	virtual TInt Check(const CSingleTransferTest& /*aTest*/) const
+		{return KErrUnknown;}
+	virtual TInt Check(const CIsrRequeTest&) const
+		{return KErrUnknown;}
+	virtual TInt Check(CMultiTransferTest&) const
+		{return KErrUnknown;}
+	};
+class TAlwaysPass : public MPostTransferCheck
+	{
+	virtual TInt Check(const CSingleTransferTest& /*aTest*/) const
+		{return KErrNone;}
+	virtual TInt Check(const CIsrRequeTest&) const
+		{return KErrNone;}
+	virtual TInt Check(CMultiTransferTest&) const
+		{return KErrNone;}
+	};
+Compare that all the various source buffers of a test match
+its destination buffers
+class TCompareSrcDst : public MPostTransferCheck
+	{
+	TCompareSrcDst()
+		{}
+	virtual TInt Check(const CSingleTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual TInt Check(const CIsrRequeTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual TInt Check(CMultiTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	TInt Check(const TIsrRequeArgsSet& aRequeueArgSet, TUint8* aChunkBase, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTferArgs) const;
+	TInt Check(const TIsrRequeArgs& aRequeueArgs) const;
+	TInt Check(const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint8* aChunkBase) const;
+	};
+Check whether destination buffers are zero filled
+Used to check that a transfer hasn't taken place.
+class TCheckNoTransfer : public MPostTransferCheck
+	{
+	TCheckNoTransfer()
+		{}
+	virtual TInt Check(const CSingleTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual TInt Check(const CIsrRequeTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual TInt Check(CMultiTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	TBool IsZeroed(const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint8* aChunkBase) const;
+	};
+Base class for all DMA tests
+class CDmaTest : public CTest
+	{
+	CDmaTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const MPreTransfer* aPreTransfer, const MPostTransferCheck* aPostTransfer)
+		: CTest(aName, aIterations), iPreTransfer(aPreTransfer), iPostTransferCheck(aPostTransfer)
+		{}
+	void OpenDmaSession();
+	/* Duplicate aSession */
+	void OpenDmaSession(const RDmaSession& aSession);
+	void CloseDmaSession();
+	void ChannelPause(const TUint aChannelSessionCookie);
+	void ChannelResume(const TUint aChannelSessionCookie);
+	virtual void PrintTestInfo() const;
+	virtual TBool Result() = 0;
+	const RChunk& Chunk() const
+		{return iChunk;}
+	/**
+	Tells the test which DMA channel it should run on
+	*/
+	void SetChannelCookie(TUint32 aCookie)
+		{iChannelCookie = aCookie;}
+	virtual void PreTransferSetup();
+	virtual TInt DoPostTransferCheck();
+	RDmaSession iDmaSession;
+	RChunk iChunk;
+	/**
+	Identifies the channel to open (as understood by a DMA PSL)
+	*/
+	TUint iChannelCookie;
+	const MPreTransfer* iPreTransfer;
+	const MPostTransferCheck* iPostTransferCheck; //!< Some check to be run after the transfer
+	};
+The Decorator Pattern is used allowing test classes to be optionally extended
+using wrapper/decorator classes.
+This is the base class for test decorators
+class CDmaTestDecorator : public CDmaTest
+	{
+	CDmaTestDecorator(CDmaTest* aDecoratedTest);
+	CDmaTestDecorator(const CDmaTestDecorator& aOther);
+	CDmaTest* iDecoratedTest;
+	};
+Will run the wrapped test against both versions of the DMA
+API if available, otherwise just the old version.
+class CMultiVersionTest : public CDmaTestDecorator
+	{
+	CMultiVersionTest(CSingleTransferTest* aDmaTest); 
+	CMultiVersionTest(const CMultiVersionTest& aOther);
+	~CMultiVersionTest();
+	virtual void Announce() const;
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual void PrintTestInfo() const; 
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CMultiVersionTest(*this);}
+	virtual void SetupL();
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual TBool Result();
+	void Configure();
+	TBool Version2PILAvailable();
+	CSingleTransferTest* iNewVersionTest;
+	};
+Holds return codes for the various functions which must be called
+to create, fragment, and queue a DMA request
+struct TRequestResults
+	{
+	TRequestResults
+		(
+		TInt aCreate = KErrNone,
+		TInt aFragmentCount = 0,
+		TInt aFragmentationResult = KErrNone,
+		TInt aQueueResult = KErrNone
+		)
+		:iCreate(aCreate), 
+		 iFragmentCount(aFragmentCount), 
+		 iFragmentationResult(aFragmentationResult), 
+		 iQueueResult(aQueueResult)
+		{}
+	/**
+	Constructs with error results
+	*/
+	TRequestResults(TFalse)
+		:iCreate(KErrUnknown), 
+		 iFragmentCount(0), 
+		 iFragmentationResult(KErrUnknown), 
+		 iQueueResult(KErrUnknown)
+		{}
+	inline TRequestResults& CreationResult(TInt aErrorCode) {iCreate = aErrorCode; return *this;}
+	inline TRequestResults& FragmentCount(TInt aCount) {iFragmentCount = aCount; return *this;}
+	inline TRequestResults& FragmentationResult(TInt aErrorCode) {iFragmentationResult = aErrorCode; return *this;}
+	inline TRequestResults& QueueResult(TInt aErrorCode) {iQueueResult = aErrorCode; return *this;}
+	TInt iCreate;
+	TInt iFragmentCount; //!< 0 means any result permitted
+	TInt iFragmentationResult;
+	TInt iQueueResult;
+	};
+Holds all the results for a DMA CSingleTransferTest
+struct TResultSet
+	{
+	/**
+	No errors expected
+	*/
+	TResultSet(TInt aChannelOpenResult = KErrNone,
+			const TRequestResults aRequestResults = TRequestResults(),
+			TInt aPostTransferCheck = KErrNone,
+			const TCallbackRecord aCallbackRecord = TCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::EThread,1)
+			)
+		:
+		iChannelOpenResult(aChannelOpenResult),
+		iRequestResult(aRequestResults),
+		iPostTransferCheck(aPostTransferCheck),
+		iCallbackRecord(aCallbackRecord)
+		{}
+	explicit TResultSet(const TCallbackRecord& aRecord)
+		:iChannelOpenResult(KErrNone),
+		 iRequestResult(),
+		 iPostTransferCheck(KErrNone),
+		 iCallbackRecord(aRecord)
+		{}
+	/**
+	Errors expected
+	*/
+	TResultSet(TFalse)
+		:iChannelOpenResult(KErrUnknown), 
+		iRequestResult(EFalse),
+		iPostTransferCheck(KErrUnknown),
+		iCallbackRecord(TCallbackRecord::Empty())
+		{}		
+	void Print() const;
+	TBool operator == (const TResultSet& aOther) const;
+	/** Set channel opening result */
+	TResultSet& ChannelOpenResult(TInt aResult) {iChannelOpenResult = aResult; return *this;}
+	TResultSet& PostTransferResult(TInt aResult) {iPostTransferCheck = aResult; return *this;}
+	/** Set request results */
+	TResultSet& RequestResult(const TRequestResults& aResults) {iRequestResult = aResults; return *this;}
+	/** Set Callback record */
+	TResultSet& CallbackRecord(const TCallbackRecord& aCallbackRecord) {iCallbackRecord = aCallbackRecord; return *this;}
+	TInt iChannelOpenResult;
+	TRequestResults iRequestResult;
+	TInt iPostTransferCheck;
+	TCallbackRecord iCallbackRecord;
+	};
+Fills each source buffer with an increasing value and clears each destination
+class TPreTransferIncrBytes : public MPreTransfer
+	{
+	TPreTransferIncrBytes()
+		{}
+	virtual void Setup(const CSingleTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual void Setup(const CIsrRequeTest& aTest) const;
+	virtual void Setup(const CMultiTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	static void SelfTest();
+	virtual void Setup(const TAddressParms& aParams) const;
+	TBool CheckBuffers(const CIsrRequeTest& aTest) const;
+	TBool CheckBuffers(const CMultiTransferTest& aTest) const;
+	TBool CheckBuffers(const RArray<const TAddressParms>& aTransferParams, TBool aAllowExactRepeat=ETrue) const;
+	// This function is part of the unit test
+	friend TBool DoTferParmTestL(const TAddressParms* aParms, TInt aCount, TBool aAllowRepeat, TBool aPositive);
+	};
+const TPreTransferIncrBytes KPreTransferIncrBytes;
+const TCompareSrcDst KCompareSrcDst;
+const TCompare2D KCompare2D;
+const TCheckNoTransfer KCheckNoTransfer;
+Iterates over the bytes in buffer, in the order
+the supllied DMA config would access them
+class TTransferIter
+	{
+	TTransferIter()
+		:iCfg(NULL), iPtr(NULL)
+		{}
+	TTransferIter(const TDmaTransferConfig& aCfg, TUint8* aChunkBase=NULL)
+		:iElem(0), iFrame(0), iCfg(&aCfg), iChunkBase(aChunkBase), iPtr(Start()), iBytes(0)
+		{}
+	void operator++ ();
+	TUint8& operator* ()
+		{
+		Invariant();
+		return *iPtr;
+		}
+	TBool operator!= (const TTransferIter& aOther)
+		{
+		return (iPtr != aOther.iPtr);
+		}
+	static void SelfTest();
+	TUint8* Start() const
+		{
+		return iChunkBase + iCfg->iAddr;
+		}
+	void Invariant() const;
+	TUint iElem; //!< The current element
+	TUint iFrame; //!< The current frame
+	const TDmaTransferConfig* const iCfg;
+	TUint8* iChunkBase;
+	TUint8* iPtr; //<! Pointer to the current byte
+	TUint iBytes; //!< The number of bytes traversed
+	};
+Performs a single DMA transfer using the member TDmaTransferArgs on
+one channel. At each stage of the transfer results are recorded in a
+TResultSet struct: at the end these are compared with a set of expected
+class CSingleTransferTest : public CDmaTest
+	{
+	CSingleTransferTest(
+			const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations,
+			const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs,
+			const TResultSet& aExpected,
+			TUint aMaxFragmentSize = 0,
+			const MPostTransferCheck* aPostTferChk = &KCompareSrcDst,
+			const MPreTransfer* aPreTfer = &KPreTransferIncrBytes
+			)
+		: CDmaTest(aName, aIterations, aPreTfer, aPostTferChk),
+		iTransferArgs(aArgs),iExpected(aExpected),iActual(EFalse),
+		iUseNewRequest(ETrue),
+		iUseNewFragment(ETrue),
+		iMaxFragmentSize(aMaxFragmentSize)
+		{}
+	/**
+	Perform each stage of trasnfer
+	*/
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual void PrintTestInfo() const;
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CSingleTransferTest(*this);}
+	/**
+	Compares the actual vs the exepected results and reports
+	of the test passed
+	@return ETrue for a pass, EFalse for a fail
+	 */
+	virtual TBool Result();
+	/**
+	An accessor function for the object's TDmaTransferArgs
+	*/
+	const TDmaTransferArgs& TransferArgs() const
+		{return iTransferArgs;}
+	// The below methods are setters, which may be chained together
+	// ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
+	// @see
+	inline CSingleTransferTest& UseNewRequest(TBool aFlag) {iUseNewRequest=aFlag; return *this;}
+	inline CSingleTransferTest& UseNewFragment(TBool aFlag) {iUseNewFragment=aFlag; return *this;}
+	inline CSingleTransferTest& UseNewDmaApi(TBool aFlag) {UseNewRequest(aFlag); UseNewFragment(aFlag); return *this;}
+	virtual void OpenChannel();
+	virtual void PreTransferSetup();
+	virtual void CreateDmaRequest();
+	virtual void Fragment();
+	virtual void Queue();
+	virtual void PostTransferCheck();
+	virtual TInt DoPostTransferCheck();
+	virtual void FreeRequest();
+	virtual void CloseChannel();
+	/**
+	A handle to kernel side TDmaChannel object received after a channel is opened.
+	*/
+	TUint iChannelSessionCookie;
+	/**
+	A handle to kernel side DDmaRequest object.
+	*/
+	TUint iRequestSessionCookie;
+	const TDmaTransferArgs& iTransferArgs;
+	/**
+	Expected transfer results
+	*/
+	TResultSet iExpected;
+	/**
+	Filled with actual transfer results
+	*/
+	TResultSet iActual;
+	TBool iUseNewRequest; //!< If true then CSingleTransferTest will create a DDmaRequest with the v2 ctor
+	TBool iUseNewFragment; //!< If true then CSingleTransferTest will use v2 Fragment API
+	const TUint iMaxFragmentSize;
+	};
+This class will be used for testing DMA Close() and Open() API
+Extends CDmaTest by implemeting a RunTest() with a sequence of operations 
+to test Close() and Open() API 
+class COpenCloseTest : public CDmaTest 
+	{
+	COpenCloseTest(
+			const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations,	
+			const MPostTransferCheck* aPostTferChk = NULL,
+			const MPreTransfer* aPreTfer = NULL
+			)
+		: CDmaTest(aName, aIterations, aPreTfer, aPostTferChk), iOpenCloseResult(EFalse) , iRunOpen(EFalse)
+		{}
+	~COpenCloseTest();
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new COpenCloseTest(*this);}
+	/**
+	Checks the results of the sequeunce of  sequence of operations 
+	to test Close() and Open() API, return ETrue for a pass, EFalse for a fail
+	 */
+	virtual TBool Result();
+	// The methods below is a setters ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
+	// @see
+	inline COpenCloseTest& RunOpenApiTest(TBool aFlag) {iRunOpen=aFlag; return *this;}
+	TBool DoRunClose();
+	TBool DoRunOpen();
+	TBool DoRunOpenExposed();
+	/**
+	A handle to kernel side TDmaChannel object received after a channel is opened.
+	*/
+	TUint iChannelSessionCookie;
+	/**
+	A handle to kernel side DDmaRequest object.
+	*/
+	TUint iRequestSessionCookie;
+	/**
+	If true then Close/Open  API test passed
+	*/
+	TBool iOpenCloseResult;
+	/**
+	 If true then run Open API test otherwise run Close API test
+	*/
+	TBool iRunOpen;
+	};
+Used for testing Pause and Resume
+Extends CSingle transfer by adding the capability to test
+Pause  & Resume() API.
+class CPauseResumeTest : public CSingleTransferTest
+	{
+	 CPauseResumeTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs, const TResultSet& aExpected)
+		:CSingleTransferTest(aName, aIterations, aArgs, aExpected)
+	 {}
+	~CPauseResumeTest();
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new  CPauseResumeTest(*this);}
+	// The methods below is a setters ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
+	// @see
+	inline CPauseResumeTest& UseNewDmaApi(TBool aFlag) {CSingleTransferTest::UseNewDmaApi(aFlag); return *this;}
+	void DoCalibrationTransfer(TUint64 &atime);
+	TInt QueueAsyncRequest(TRequestStatus &aRequestState,TUint64 &atime);
+	};
+Used for testing Pause and Resume ( Negative Testing)
+Extends CSingle transfer by adding the capability to test
+Pause  & Resume() API. Expects that Pause and Resume is not supported
+class CPauseResumeNegTest : public CSingleTransferTest
+	{
+	 CPauseResumeNegTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs, const TResultSet& aExpected)
+		:CSingleTransferTest(aName, aIterations, aArgs, aExpected)
+	 {}
+	~CPauseResumeNegTest();
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new  CPauseResumeNegTest(*this);}
+	// The methods below is a setters ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
+	// @see
+	inline CPauseResumeNegTest& UseNewDmaApi(TBool aFlag) {CSingleTransferTest::UseNewDmaApi(aFlag); return *this;}
+	};
+Used for testing element counting 
+Extends CSingle transfer by adding the capability to test
+Element Counting APIs
+class CElementCountingTest : public CSingleTransferTest
+	{
+	 CElementCountingTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs, const TResultSet& aExpected)
+		:CSingleTransferTest(aName, aIterations, aArgs, aExpected)
+	 {}
+	~CElementCountingTest();
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CElementCountingTest(*this);}
+	// The methods below is a setters ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
+	// @see
+	inline CElementCountingTest& UseNewDmaApi(TBool aFlag) {CSingleTransferTest::UseNewDmaApi(aFlag); return *this;}
+	};
+Used for testing Linking of DMA Channels ( Negative Testing)
+Extends CSingle transfer by adding the capability to test DMA channel linking
+Expects that channel linking is not supported
+class CLinkChannelTest : public CSingleTransferTest
+	{
+	 CLinkChannelTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs, const TResultSet& aExpected)
+		:CSingleTransferTest(aName, aIterations, aArgs, aExpected)
+	 {}
+	~CLinkChannelTest();
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new  CLinkChannelTest(*this);}
+	// The methods below is a setters ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
+	// @see
+	inline CLinkChannelTest& UseNewDmaApi(TBool aFlag) {CSingleTransferTest::UseNewDmaApi(aFlag); return *this;}
+	};
+This class will be used for tests which benchmark certain DMA operations
+class CDmaBenchmark : public CSingleTransferTest
+	{
+	CDmaBenchmark(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TResultSet& aExpectedResults, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint aMaxFragmentSize);
+	CDmaBenchmark(const CDmaBenchmark& aOriginal);
+	~CDmaBenchmark();
+	virtual TBool Result();
+	static void SelfTest();
+	/**
+	@return The mean average of the result array
+	*/
+	TUint64 MeanResult();
+	RArray<TUint64> iResultArray;
+	};
+Fragments requests (only) and records duration
+class CDmaBmFragmentation : public CDmaBenchmark
+	{
+	CDmaBmFragmentation(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint aMaxFragmentSize);
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CDmaBmFragmentation(*this);}
+	virtual TInt DoPostTransferCheck()
+		{TEST_FAULT; return KErrNotSupported;}
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	void Fragment();
+	static const TResultSet ExpectedResults;
+	};
+Performs a transfer using an old style DDmaRequest and
+records the duration
+class CDmaBmTransfer : public CDmaBenchmark
+	{
+	CDmaBmTransfer(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint aMaxFragmentSize);
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CDmaBmTransfer(*this);}
+	virtual TInt DoPostTransferCheck()
+		{TEST_FAULT; return KErrNotSupported;}
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	inline CDmaBmTransfer& UseNewDmaApi(TBool aFlag) {CSingleTransferTest::UseNewDmaApi(aFlag); return *this;}
+	inline CDmaBmTransfer& ExpectedResults(const TResultSet& aArgs) {iExpected=aArgs; return *this;}
+	void Queue();
+	};
+Will create and queue multiple requests
+Unlike CSingleTransferTest the class does not permit the use of TResultSet to
+define expected results (for neagative testing)
+class CMultiTransferTest : public CDmaTest
+	{
+	CMultiTransferTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs* aTransferArgs, const TResultSet* aResultSets, TInt aCount);
+	CMultiTransferTest(const CMultiTransferTest& aOther);
+	virtual ~CMultiTransferTest();
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CMultiTransferTest(*this);}
+	virtual TBool Result();
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	inline CMultiTransferTest& PauseWhileQueuing() {iPauseWhileQueuing = ETrue; return *this;}
+	inline CMultiTransferTest& SetPreTransferTest(const MPreTransfer* aPreTfer) {iPreTransfer = aPreTfer; return *this;}
+	inline CMultiTransferTest& SetPostTransferTest(const MPostTransferCheck* aPostTfer) {iPostTransferCheck = aPostTfer; return *this;}
+	const TDmaTransferArgs& TransferArgs(TInt aIndex) const;
+	inline TInt TransferCount() const {return iTransferArgsCount;}
+	void SetPostTransferResult(TInt aIndex, TInt aErrorCode);
+	void OpenChannel();
+	TInt CloseChannel();
+	void CreateDmaRequests();
+	void Fragment();
+	void QueueRequests();
+	virtual void PreTransferSetup();
+	virtual TInt DoPostTransferCheck();
+	TBool Result(TInt aTransfer);
+	const TDmaTransferArgs* const iTransferArgs; //pointer to an array of transfer args
+	const TInt iTransferArgsCount;
+	TBool iNewDmaApi; //!< If true then CMultiTransferTest will use new style API
+	/**
+	A handle to kernel side TDmaChannel object received after a channel is opened.
+	*/
+	TUint iChannelSessionCookie;
+	RArray<TUint> iRequestCookies;
+	const TResultSet* const iExpectedArray; // array will be of length iTransferArgsCount
+	RArray<TResultSet> iActualResults;
+	/**
+	If set, the test will pause the channel before queuing requests, and
+	resume once they are all queued
+	*/
+	TBool iPauseWhileQueuing;
+	};
+Used for testing TDmaChannel::IsQueueEmpty
+Extends CMultiTransferTest by adding the capability to test IsQueueEmpty() API. 
+class CIsQueueEmptyTest : public  CMultiTransferTest 
+	{
+	CIsQueueEmptyTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs* aTransferArgs, const TResultSet* aResultSets, TInt aCount);
+	CIsQueueEmptyTest(const CIsQueueEmptyTest& aOther);
+	~CIsQueueEmptyTest();
+	inline CIsQueueEmptyTest& SetPreTransferTest(const MPreTransfer* aPreTfer) {iPreTransfer = aPreTfer; return *this;}
+	inline CIsQueueEmptyTest& SetPostTransferTest(const MPostTransferCheck* aPostTfer) {iPostTransferCheck = aPostTfer; return *this;}
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CIsQueueEmptyTest(*this);}
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	void DoQueueNotEmpty();	
+	void DoIsQueueEmpty();
+	void QueueRequests();
+	};
+Used for testing CancelAll, Will create and queue multiple requests
+Extends CSingle transfer by adding the capability to test CancelAll API
+class CCancelAllTest : public CMultiTransferTest
+	{
+	CCancelAllTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations,
+		const TDmaTransferArgs* aTransferArgs, const TResultSet* aResultSets,
+		TInt aCount
+		);
+	//CCancelAllTest(const CCacheNotifyDirCh
+	virtual void RunTest();
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CCancelAllTest(*this);}
+	inline CCancelAllTest& PauseWhileQueuing()
+		{iPauseWhileQueuing = ETrue; return *this;}
+	inline CCancelAllTest& SetPreTransferTest(const MPreTransfer* aPreTfer)
+		{iPreTransfer = aPreTfer; return *this;}
+	inline CCancelAllTest& SetPostTransferTest(const MPostTransferCheck* aPostTfer)
+		{iPostTransferCheck = aPostTfer; return *this;}
+	void QueueRequestsAsync();
+	TInt CancelAllRequests();
+	void PauseChannel();
+	void ResumeChannel();
+	/**
+	A single request status that we use for all
+	asynchronously queued requests (we do not intend
+	to wait for them)
+	*/
+	TRequestStatus iDummyRequestStatus;
+	};
+Used for testing TDmaChannel::IsrRedoRequest
+Extends CSingle transfer by adding the capability to queue with
+additonal transfer parameters (TIsrRequeArgs) which are passed
+to IsrRedoRequest in ISR callback
+class CIsrRequeTest : public CSingleTransferTest
+	{
+	CIsrRequeTest(const TDesC& aName, TInt aIterations, const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs,
+			TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs, TInt aCount,
+			const TResultSet& aExpected, const MPreTransfer* aPreTfer,
+			const MPostTransferCheck* aPostTferChk, TUint aMaxFragmentSize=0);
+	virtual void PrintTestType() const;
+	virtual void Queue();
+	virtual CTest* Clone() const {return new CIsrRequeTest(*this);}
+	const TIsrRequeArgsSet& GetRequeueArgs() const
+		{return iRequeArgSet;}
+	virtual TInt DoPostTransferCheck();
+	virtual void PreTransferSetup();
+	TIsrRequeArgsSet iRequeArgSet;
+	};
+A channel record collects DMA channel capabilities and other PSL information
+before running tests.
+class TChannelRecord
+	{
+	TChannelRecord(){}
+	~TChannelRecord(){}
+	/**
+	DMA Channel Cookie
+	*/
+	TUint   iCookie;
+	/**
+	DMA Channel Capabilities
+	*/
+	TDmacTestCaps iChannelCaps;
+	};
+A test case collects together a DMA test (CDmaTest), its hardware prerequisites,
+and other information about how the test should be run.
+class TTestCase
+	{
+	TTestCase(CDmaTest* aTest,
+           TBool aConcurrent = EFalse,
+		   const TDmaCapability = TDmaCapability(),
+		   const TDmaCapability = TDmaCapability(),
+		   const TDmaCapability = TDmaCapability(),
+		   const TDmaCapability = TDmaCapability(),
+		   const TDmaCapability = TDmaCapability()
+		   );
+	static void SelfTest();
+	/**
+	Compares the requirements held in the class
+	against those described in aChannelCaps and makes a decision
+	as to whether this test case should be run, skipped, or failed.
+	*/
+	TResult TestCaseValid(const SDmacCaps& aChannelCaps) const;
+	TResult TestCaseValid(const TDmacTestCaps& aChannelCaps) const;
+	enum {KMaxChannelCaps=5};
+	TDmaCapability	iChannelCaps[KMaxChannelCaps];
+	TUint iChannelType;
+	TInt iTimeout;
+	CDmaTest* iTest;
+	TBool iConcurrentTest;
+	TBool iDmaV2Only; //!< If true then this test cannot be run on DMA v1 framework
+	};
+A TestRunner manages the whole testing process.Before running any test cases it will open its own RDmaSession 
+handle, not associated with a DMA channel, so that it can recover the TDmaTestInfo object (as used by the 
+existing DMA framework) which says what channels are available to be tested.It will use TTestThread objects 
+to run tests in new threads.TTestThread contains a number of useful features such as waiting for thread exit 
+and accepting a TFunctor object to be run in a new thread. 
+class TTestRunner
+	TTestRunner();
+	~TTestRunner();
+	/**
+	This function will populate TTestRunner with an array of test cases
+	to be run
+	@param aTTestCases Array of test cases
+	*/
+	void AddTestCases(RPointerArray<TTestCase>& aTTestCases);
+	/**
+	This will iterate over all test cases held by the test runner and
+	for each one will judge which DMA channels it can be run on, running
+	the test if possible.
+	*/
+	void RunTests();
+	/**
+	This functions retrieves the PSL cookies from all the DMA channels
+	and stores them in a single array.	It will use information from 
+	the PslTestInfo.
+	*/
+	void GetPslCookie();
+	/**
+	This function will generate the DMA channel records.i.e channel cookies,Caps.
+	*/
+	void GenerateChannelRecord();
+	/**
+	Holds the PslTestInfo
+	*/	
+	TDmaV2TestInfo iPslTestInfo;
+	/**
+	A handle to RDmaSession
+	*/
+	RDmaSession iDmaSession;
+	/**
+	Array of DMA test cases 
+	*/
+	RPointerArray<TTestCase> iTestCases; 
+	/**
+	Array of DMA channel records,channel capabilities and other PSL information
+	*/
+	RArray<TChannelRecord> iChannelRecords; 	
+	/**
+	Array of DMA channel cookies
+	*/
+	RArray<TUint> iPslCookies;
+Copy an RArray
+template <typename T>
+void CopyL(const RArray<T>& aOriginal, RArray<T>& aNew)
+	{
+	const TInt count = aOriginal.Count();
+	for(TInt i=0; i<count; ++i)
+		{
+		aNew.AppendL(aOriginal[i]);
+		}
+	}
+template <typename T, typename Iterator>
+void ArrayAppendL(RArray<T>& aArray, Iterator aBegin, Iterator aEnd)
+	{
+	for(Iterator begin = aBegin; begin != aEnd; ++begin)
+		aArray.AppendL(*begin);
+	}
+#endif // #ifndef __T_DMA2_H__