changeset 271 dc268b18d709
parent 0 a41df078684a
child 279 957c583b417b
--- a/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfsrv/cl_drive.cpp	Mon Sep 13 15:16:07 2010 +0100
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfsrv/cl_drive.cpp	Wed Sep 22 10:53:45 2010 +0100
@@ -125,3 +125,392 @@
 	return driveName;
+    internal class of the CFsMountHelper, provides the real implementation, It is not supposed to 
+    be instantiated by anyone except CFsMountHelper.
+class TFsMntHelperImpl
+    {
+    friend class CFsMountHelper;
+ private:
+    TFsMntHelperImpl(RFs& aFs, TInt aDrvNum);
+    //------ 1:1 interface to the host CFsMountHelper class
+    void Init(); 
+    TInt GetMountProperties();
+    TInt MountFileSystem() const;
+    void DismountFileSystem(TRequestStatus& aStat, CFsMountHelper::TFsDismountMode aDismountMode) const;
+    //------
+ private:
+    TBool DataValid() const {return iFsName.Length() >0;}
+    TBool operator==(const TFsMntHelperImpl& aRhs) const;
+    enum {KPrimExtIdx =0}; //-- index of the primary extension name in the iExtNames array
+    const TDesC& FSysName() const       {return iFsName;}
+    const TDesC& PrimaryExtName() const {return iExtNames[KPrimExtIdx];}
+    /** bits in a error bitmap that indicate some, potentially multiple, API failure reasons */
+    enum TErrorBits
+        {
+        Err_GetFsName       = 0x0001, ///< Error when trying to obtain FS name (possible reason: there is no FS at all on this drive)
+        Err_MountFs         = 0x0002, ///< Error when mounting the FS. (possible reason: the FS layout on the media is corrupt or not recognised)
+        Err_MountFsPrimExt  = 0x0004, ///< Error when mounting the FS with the primary extension
+        Err_MountSecExt     = 0x0008, ///< Error when mounting the secondary extension 
+        };
+    void  AddErrorBit(TUint32 aFlag) const {ASSERT(aFlag); iErrorBitmap |= aFlag;}
+    /** panic codes */
+    enum TPanicCode
+        {
+        ENotInitialised,  ///< the instance of the implementation is not created
+        EDrvNumberInvalid,///< invalid drive number provided
+        ENotImplemented   ///< the functionality is not implemented
+        };
+    void Panic(TPanicCode aPanicCode) const;
+ private:
+        RFs&    iFs;                            ///< reference to the file server session
+        TInt    iDrvNum;                        ///< drive number
+        TFSName iFsName;                        ///< file system name.
+        TFSName iExtNames[KMaxExtensionCount];  ///< [0] is a primary ext. name + up to several secondary ones
+        TBool   iDrvSynch;                      ///< true if the drive is synchronous
+        mutable TUint32 iErrorBitmap;           ///< 32 bits indicating API call failures. '1' bit corresponds to some particular reason. See TErrorBits.  
+    };
+void TFsMntHelperImpl::DismountFileSystem(TRequestStatus& aStat, CFsMountHelper::TFsDismountMode aDismountMode) const
+    {
+    if(!this)
+        Panic(ENotInitialised); 
+    TInt nRes;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    //-- consistency check (debug mode only). Check that we are dismounting file system with the same parameters
+    //-- since last GetMountProperties() call
+    TFsMntHelperImpl  currSnapshot(iFs, iDrvNum);
+    currSnapshot.GetMountProperties();
+    ASSERT(currSnapshot == *this);
+#endif //_DEBUG
+    nRes = KErrArgument;
+    TRequestStatus* pStat = &aStat;
+    switch(aDismountMode)
+        {
+        case CFsMountHelper::ENormal:
+            //-- normal graceful dismounting. Will fail with KErrInUse if there are any opened objects, like files, directories etc.
+            //-- aStat is completed with the API return code. 
+            nRes = iFs.DismountFileSystem(iFsName, iDrvNum);
+            User::RequestComplete(pStat, nRes);
+        break;
+        case CFsMountHelper::EForceImmediate:
+            //-- immediate forced dismount. Don't pay attention to any opened objects. All handles will become invalid.
+            //-- The user should wait for aStat completion. Though it is very likely that it is completed immediately.
+            iFs.NotifyDismount(iDrvNum, aStat, EFsDismountForceDismount); 
+        break;
+        case CFsMountHelper::ENotifyClients:
+            //-- attempt to dismount FS with notifying any interested clients.
+            iFs.NotifyDismount(iDrvNum, aStat, EFsDismountNotifyClients); 
+        break;
+        default:
+            ASSERT(0);
+            User::RequestComplete(pStat, KErrArgument);
+        break;
+        };
+    }
+TInt TFsMntHelperImpl::GetMountProperties()
+    {
+    if(!this)
+        Panic(ENotInitialised); 
+    Init();
+    TInt nRes;
+    //-- 1. get file system name
+    nRes = iFs.FileSystemName(iFsName, iDrvNum);
+    if(nRes != KErrNone)
+        {
+        AddErrorBit(Err_GetFsName); //-- indicate an error 
+        return nRes;
+        }
+    //-- 2. find out if the drive sync/async
+    TPckgBuf<TBool> drvSyncBuf;
+    nRes = iFs.QueryVolumeInfoExt(iDrvNum, EIsDriveSync, drvSyncBuf);
+    if(nRes != KErrNone)
+        {//-- pretend that the drive is asynch. in the case of file system being corrupted. this is 99.9% true
+        iDrvSynch = EFalse;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iDrvSynch = drvSyncBuf();
+        }
+    //-- 3. find out extension names if there are any. Extension #0 is a primary one and up to several secondary ones
+    for(TInt i=0; i<KMaxExtensionCount; ++i)
+        {
+        nRes = iFs.ExtensionName(iExtNames[i], iDrvNum, i);
+        if(nRes != KErrNone)
+            {
+            iExtNames[i].Zero();
+            }
+        } 
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+TInt TFsMntHelperImpl::MountFileSystem() const
+    {
+    if(!this)
+        Panic(ENotInitialised); 
+    ASSERT(DataValid());
+    TInt nRes;
+    const TBool bPrimaryExtExists = (PrimaryExtName().Length() >0);
+    //-- all possible extensions that have existed before dismounting should be present in the file server context.
+    //-- anyway, it's impossible to load them here, because their file names are unknown 
+    if(bPrimaryExtExists)
+        {//-- there was a primary extension, use special mounting API
+        nRes = iFs.MountFileSystem(FSysName(), PrimaryExtName(), iDrvNum, iDrvSynch);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        nRes = iFs.MountFileSystem(FSysName(), iDrvNum, iDrvSynch);
+        }
+    //-- actually, if nRes != KErrNone, it doesn't _necessarily_ mean that _mounting_ of the file system failed.
+    //-- for example, the FS can be bound to the drive OK, but the media can be corrupted. This can happen when the FS
+    //-- had been dismounted from such a corrupted media.
+    //-- opposite, KErrNotReady is very likely to mean that the removable media is not present.
+    const TInt nFsMountRes = nRes;
+    if(nFsMountRes != KErrNone)
+        {
+        AddErrorBit(bPrimaryExtExists ?  Err_MountFsPrimExt : Err_MountFs);
+        }
+    //-- mount secondary extensions if there were any
+    TInt nExtMountRes = KErrNone;
+    for(TInt i=1; i<KMaxExtensionCount; ++i)
+        {
+        if(iExtNames[i].Length() >0)
+            {
+            nRes = iFs.MountExtension(iExtNames[i], iDrvNum);
+            if(nRes != KErrNone)
+                {//-- indicate that an error happened while installing some secondary extension 
+                AddErrorBit(Err_MountSecExt);    
+                nExtMountRes = nRes;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    //-- return FS mounting error code if it wasn't OK, otherwise - extension mounting code.
+    //-- for more info see error bitmap
+    return (nFsMountRes != KErrNone) ? nFsMountRes : nExtMountRes;
+    }
+void TFsMntHelperImpl::Init() 
+    {
+    if(!this)
+        Panic(ENotInitialised); 
+    iDrvSynch = EFalse;
+    iFsName.Zero();
+    iErrorBitmap = 0;
+    for(TInt i=0; i<KMaxExtensionCount; ++i) 
+        {
+        iExtNames[i].Zero();
+        }
+    }
+    Panics.
+    @param aPanicCode   a panic code
+void TFsMntHelperImpl::Panic(TPanicCode aPanicCode) const
+    {
+    _LIT(KPanicCat,"CFsMountHelper");
+    User::Panic(KPanicCat, aPanicCode);
+    }
+TFsMntHelperImpl::TFsMntHelperImpl(RFs& aFs, TInt aDrvNum) 
+                 :iFs(aFs), iDrvNum(aDrvNum) 
+    {
+    if(aDrvNum < EDriveA || aDrvNum >EDriveZ)
+        Panic(EDrvNumberInvalid);
+    Init();
+    }
+    Debug only method. Compares 2 instances of the implementation
+TBool TFsMntHelperImpl::operator==(const TFsMntHelperImpl& aRhs) const
+    {
+    ASSERT(this != &aRhs);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    if(iFsName.CompareF(aRhs.iFsName) !=0)
+        return EFalse;
+    for(TInt i=0; i<KMaxExtensionCount; ++i)
+        {
+        if(iExtNames[i].CompareF(aRhs.iExtNames[i]) !=0)
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    if(!iDrvSynch != !aRhs.iDrvSynch)
+        return EFalse;
+    return ETrue;
+#else //_DEBUG
+    (void)aRhs;
+    Panic(ENotImplemented);
+    return EFalse;
+#endif// _DEBUG
+    Factory function. Produces an object of this class
+    @param  aFs     file server session
+    @param  aDrvNum drive number
+    @return pointer to the constructed object or NULL on error.
+EXPORT_C CFsMountHelper* CFsMountHelper::New(RFs& aFs, TInt aDrvNum)
+    CFsMountHelper* pSelf = new CFsMountHelper;
+    if(pSelf)
+        {
+        pSelf->ipImpl = new TFsMntHelperImpl(aFs, aDrvNum);
+        if(!pSelf->ipImpl)
+            {
+            delete pSelf;
+            pSelf = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    return pSelf;
+    Closes the object, deletes the implementation
+EXPORT_C void CFsMountHelper::Close()
+    delete ipImpl;
+    ipImpl = NULL;
+    Acqires drive/mount/file system properties that will be used for mounting the file system back.
+    @return Standard Error code.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFsMountHelper::GetMountProperties()
+    {
+    return ipImpl->GetMountProperties();
+    }
+    Mount the file system onto the drive using properties previously acquired by GetMountProperties() call.
+    Note that the drive shouldn't have the file system mounted, this API call will fail in this case.
+    @return KErrNone if mounting file system + possible extensions was ok
+            the result of file system mounting if the file system mounting failed (e.g. because of the damaged media) 
+            the result of mounting secondary extension if file system mounted OK, but secondary extension mounting resulted in some error.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFsMountHelper::MountFileSystem() const
+    {
+    return ipImpl->MountFileSystem();
+    }
+    An asynchronous API to dismount the file system on the specified drive.
+    Precondition: The drive / file system parameters at the time of this API call must be the same as acquired by the last call of GetMountProperties().
+                  This is checked in debug mode to prevent possible inconsistencied when mounting the file system back later.   
+                  This means that the GetMountProperties() should be called at least once before any attempt to dismount the file system.
+    @param  aStat           request status. On completion will contain the dismounting result code.
+    @param  aDismountMode   describes the dismounting method. See TFsDismountMode.
+EXPORT_C void CFsMountHelper::DismountFileSystem(TRequestStatus& aStat, TFsDismountMode aDismountMode/*=ENormal*/) const
+    {
+    ipImpl->DismountFileSystem(aStat, aDismountMode);
+    }
+    A simplified synchronous version of the DismountFileSystem() API. 
+    Works absolutely the same as RFs::DismountFileSystem()
+    @return RFs::DismountFileSystem() result code
+EXPORT_C TInt CFsMountHelper::DismountFileSystem() const
+    {
+    TRequestStatus stat;    
+    DismountFileSystem(stat, ENormal);
+    User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+    return stat.Int();
+    }