changeset 102 ef2a444a7410
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/usbho/usbdescriptors/usbdescparser.cpp	Mon May 03 13:47:38 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Description:
+// Symbian USBDI Descriptor Parsing Framework.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <d32usbdescriptors.h>
+#include "usbdescutils.h"
+// ---------------------
+// UsbDescriptorParser
+// ---------------------
+The main parsing function of the USB descriptor parsing framework.
+This will perform a best effort parse of a USB descriptor tree.  It is best effort in the
+fact that upon encountering a form of syntatic corruption in the source data it will error
+the parse attempt, but also return the incomplete descriptor tree up to the parsing error.
+@param aUsbDes The source data that will be parsed.
+@param aDesc The pointer that will be updated to the top-level descriptor.
+@return KErrNone if successful, a system-wide error code otherwise.
+EXPORT_C /*static*/ TInt UsbDescriptorParser::Parse(const TDesC8& aUsbDes, TUsbGenericDescriptor*& aDesc)
+	{
+	TInt ret = KErrNone;
+	aDesc = NULL;
+	TPtrC8 des(aUsbDes);
+	// First we must find the top level descriptor (the one we will return to the caller).
+	TRAP(ret, aDesc = FindParserAndParseAndCheckL(des, NULL));
+	if(ret == KErrNone)
+		{
+		if(!aDesc)
+			{
+			ret = KErrNotFound;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Now we have a top level descriptor - we now try to build up the descriptor
+			// tree if there are more descriptors available.
+			TRAP(ret, ParseDescriptorTreeL(des, *aDesc));
+			}
+		}
+	// Ensure that all the data has been parsed if successful.
+	if(ret == KErrNone && des.Length() > 0)
+		{
+		// If no parser was found for some data then we should have been errored with KErrNotFound.
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, UsbDescFault(UsbdiFaults::EUsbDescSuccessButDataLeftUnparsed));
+		ret = KErrUnknown;
+		}
+	// release the allocated descriptor if there was an error
+	if(ret != KErrNone && aDesc)
+		{
+		delete aDesc;
+		aDesc = NULL;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+The function to register a custom parsing routine in the USB descriptor parser framework.
+The routine is registered locally to the current thread, and so if an application wishes
+to perform the same custom parsing in multiple threads, it must call this function with
+the appropriate routine in each thread context.
+If the custom routine becomes unapplicable after being registered, the application may 
+unregister it using the UsbDescriptorParser::UnregisterCustomParser function.
+@see UsbDescriptorParser::UnregisterCustomParser
+@param aParserFunc The routine which will be added to the USB descriptor parsing framework.
+EXPORT_C /*static*/ void UsbDescriptorParser::RegisterCustomParserL(TUsbDescriptorParserL aParserFunc)
+	{
+	TBool newlyCreatedList = EFalse;
+	CUsbCustomDescriptorParserList* parserList = static_cast<CUsbCustomDescriptorParserList*>(Dll::Tls());
+	if(!parserList)
+		{
+		parserList = CUsbCustomDescriptorParserList::NewL();
+		newlyCreatedList = ETrue;
+		CleanupStack::PushL(parserList);
+		}
+	parserList->RegisterParserL(aParserFunc);
+	if(newlyCreatedList)
+		{
+		Dll::SetTls(parserList);
+		CleanupStack::Pop(parserList);
+		}
+	}
+The function to unregister a custom parsing routine in the USB descriptor parser framework.
+This routine will only unregister the routine from the current thread context.  If the routine
+is registered in multiple threads and it is no longer wanted in any thread, an application 
+must call this function in each thread context that the routine is registered.
+It is safe to call this function even if RegisterCustomParserL has never been called successfully.
+@see UsbDescriptorParser::RegisterCustomParserL
+@param aParserFunc The routine which will be removed from the USB descriptor parsing framework.
+EXPORT_C /*static*/ void UsbDescriptorParser::UnregisterCustomParser(TUsbDescriptorParserL aParserFunc)
+	{
+	CUsbCustomDescriptorParserList* parserList = static_cast<CUsbCustomDescriptorParserList*>(Dll::Tls());
+	if(parserList)
+		{
+		parserList->UnregisterParser(aParserFunc);
+		if(parserList->NumOfRegisteredParsers() <= 0)
+			{
+			Dll::FreeTls();
+			delete parserList;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/*static*/ TUsbGenericDescriptor* UsbDescriptorParser::FindParserAndParseAndCheckL(TPtrC8& aUsbDes, TUsbGenericDescriptor* aPreviousDesc)
+	{
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* ret = FindParserAndParseL(aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	// We need to ensure that the parsers have correctly initialised the USB descriptor objects.
+	// It is important that we check as it is possible that a custom parser did the parsing.
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!ret || (!ret->iParent && !ret->iFirstChild && !ret->iNextPeer),
+		UsbDescPanic(UsbdiPanics::EUsbDescNonNullPointersAfterParsing));
+	return ret;
+	}
+// Utility macro to tidy up the parsing routine.
+#define RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(aRet, aParserL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc)\
+	{\
+	aRet = aParserL(aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);\
+	if(aRet)\
+		{\
+		return aRet;\
+		}\
+	}
+/*static*/ TUsbGenericDescriptor* UsbDescriptorParser::FindParserAndParseL(TPtrC8& aUsbDes, TUsbGenericDescriptor* aPreviousDesc)
+	{
+	// Special termination case.
+	if(aUsbDes.Length() == 0)
+		{
+		return NULL;
+		}
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* des;
+	// Try the default parsing routines.
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbDeviceDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbDeviceQualifierDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbConfigurationDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbOtherSpeedDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbInterfaceAssociationDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbInterfaceDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbEndpointDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbOTGDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, TUsbStringDescriptor::ParseL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	// Then we try the custom parsers that have been registered.
+	const CUsbCustomDescriptorParserList* parserList = static_cast<const CUsbCustomDescriptorParserList*>(Dll::Tls());
+	if(parserList)
+		{
+		TInt numOfParsers = parserList->NumOfRegisteredParsers()-1;
+		for(TInt index=0; index<numOfParsers; ++index)
+			{
+			TUsbDescriptorParserL parserL = parserList->RegisteredParser(index);
+			RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, parserL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+			}
+		}
+	// Then we try the unknown descriptor parser.
+	RETURN_IF_PARSEDL(des, UnknownUsbDescriptorParserL, aUsbDes, aPreviousDesc);
+	// Otherwise we haven't found anybody to parse the binary data.
+	User::Leave(KErrNotFound); // inform caller that there is no parser for the data.
+	return NULL;
+	}
+/*static*/ void UsbDescriptorParser::ParseDescriptorTreeL(TPtrC8& aUsbDes, TUsbGenericDescriptor& aPreviousDesc)
+	{
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* desc = &aPreviousDesc;
+	while(desc)
+		{
+		TUsbGenericDescriptor* preDesc = desc;
+		desc = FindParserAndParseAndCheckL(aUsbDes, desc);
+		if(desc)
+			{
+			CleanupStack::PushL(desc);
+			BuildTreeL(*desc, *preDesc);
+			CleanupStack::Pop(desc);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/*static*/ void UsbDescriptorParser::BuildTreeL(TUsbGenericDescriptor& aNewDesc, TUsbGenericDescriptor& aPreviousDesc)
+	{
+	// We assume that the new descriptor has been properly initialised with NULL pointers.
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!aNewDesc.iFirstChild && !aNewDesc.iNextPeer && !aNewDesc.iParent,
+		UsbDescFault(UsbdiFaults::EUsbDescTreePointersAlreadySet));
+	// Find first "top" parent claiming this new descriptor as a child.
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* parent = &aPreviousDesc;
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* topLevel = &aPreviousDesc;
+	while(parent)
+		{
+		if(aNewDesc.IsParent(*parent) || parent->IsChild(aNewDesc))
+			{
+			break; // we have found a parent.
+			}
+		topLevel = parent; // Save the current one for use if we cannot find a parent
+		parent = parent->iParent; // Scroll back up the tree.
+		}
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(topLevel, UsbDescFault(UsbdiFaults::EUsbDescNoTopLevelDescriptorFound));
+	if(parent)
+		{
+		// We should be able to place the descriptor directly as a child of this descriptor,
+		// however it is not that simple because of IADs (Interface Association Descriptors).
+		// The ECN states "All of the interface numbers in the set of associated interfaces must be
+		// contiguous" meaning that if an IAD has two interfaces starting at 1 then the configuration
+		// bundle may have interface descriptors in '1 then 3 then 2' order. As such we need to be able
+		// to go backwards to find the most suitable binding.  The general way for doing this is to
+		// find the right-most, lowest descriptor that descriptor considers a parent.
+        // Where the tree is arranged with peers horizontally linked left to
+        // right, with children linked vertically top to bottom.
+		TUsbGenericDescriptor& suitableParent = FindSuitableParentL(aNewDesc, *parent);
+		TUsbGenericDescriptor* peer = suitableParent.iFirstChild;
+		if(peer)
+			{
+			TUsbGenericDescriptor* lastPeer;
+			do
+				{
+				lastPeer = peer;
+				peer = peer->iNextPeer;
+				}
+			while(peer);
+			lastPeer->iNextPeer = &aNewDesc;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// we are the first child so just update.
+			suitableParent.iFirstChild = &aNewDesc;
+			}
+		aNewDesc.iParent = &suitableParent;
+		}
+	else if(aNewDesc.IsPeer(*topLevel) || topLevel->IsPeer(aNewDesc))
+		{
+		// There is no explicit parent in the tree so, we may just have a group of top-level peers
+		// in the bundle.  If the previous descriptor is a peer then we shall just tag on its tier.
+		TUsbGenericDescriptor* lastPeer;
+		TUsbGenericDescriptor* peer = topLevel;
+		do
+			{
+			lastPeer = peer;
+			peer = peer->iNextPeer;
+			}
+		while(peer);
+		lastPeer->iNextPeer = &aNewDesc;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// The descriptor could not be bound into the tree, indicating that the bundle of descriptors
+		// is unvalid.
+		User::Leave(KErrUsbBadDescriptorTopology);
+		}
+	}
+/*static*/ TUsbGenericDescriptor& UsbDescriptorParser::FindSuitableParentL(TUsbGenericDescriptor& aNewDesc, TUsbGenericDescriptor& aTopParent)
+	{
+	// This implements the algorithm to search down from the top parent found in the tree to the right most, lowest descriptor
+	// that will accept the new descriptor as a child.
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* bestMatch = &aTopParent;
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* desc = aTopParent.iFirstChild;
+	if(desc)
+		{
+		// Do a depth first search.
+			{
+			// First see if the descriptor is suitable.
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(desc, UsbDescFault(UsbdiFaults::EUsbDescRunOffTree));
+			if(aNewDesc.IsParent(*desc) || desc->IsChild(aNewDesc))
+				{
+				bestMatch = desc;
+				}
+			// Now walk to the next point in the tree.
+			if(desc->iFirstChild)
+				{
+				desc = desc->iFirstChild;
+				}
+			else if(desc->iNextPeer)
+				{
+				desc = desc->iNextPeer;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// We've run to the end of a bottom tier, so go back up.
+				do
+					{
+					__ASSERT_DEBUG(desc->iParent, UsbDescFault(UsbdiFaults::EUsbDescTreeMemberHasNoParent));
+					desc = desc->iParent;
+					}
+				while(!desc->iNextPeer && desc != &aTopParent);
+				if(desc == &aTopParent)
+					{
+					// This means that we must have got back to the original
+					// parent.  So we don't do any more.
+					break;
+					}
+				desc = desc->iNextPeer;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return *bestMatch;
+	}
+/*static*/ TUsbGenericDescriptor* UsbDescriptorParser::UnknownUsbDescriptorParserL(TPtrC8& aUsbDes, TUsbGenericDescriptor* /*aPreviousDesc*/)
+	{
+	TUsbGenericDescriptor* unknownDes = NULL;
+	const TInt KMinUnknownDesLength = 2; // Length and type fields
+	if(	aUsbDes.Length() >= KMinUnknownDesLength)
+		{
+		// We require unknown descriptors to have at least the length and type fields.
+		// Any more exotic descriptors should have a custom parser for the framework to use.
+		TUint8 unknownDesLen = aUsbDes[TUsbGenericDescriptor::KbLengthOffset];
+		// Robustness check - check the length field is valid.
+		if(aUsbDes.Length() < unknownDesLen || unknownDesLen < KMinUnknownDesLength)
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+			}
+		unknownDes = new(ELeave) TUsbGenericDescriptor;
+		// Set the standard fields
+		unknownDes->ibLength = unknownDesLen;
+		unknownDes->ibDescriptorType = aUsbDes[TUsbGenericDescriptor::KbDescriptorTypeOffset] ;
+		// Set the blob appropriately
+		unknownDes->iBlob.Set(aUsbDes.Left(unknownDesLen));
+		// Update the data-left-to-parse Symbian descriptor
+		aUsbDes.Set(aUsbDes.Mid(unknownDesLen));
+		}
+	return unknownDes;
+	}