// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfile\sf_file_cache.h
#if !defined(__SF_FILE_CACHE_H__)
#define __SF_FILE_CACHE_H__
#include "sf_cache_client.h"
// if writing sequentially, start flushing dirty data when the cache is half full
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFileCache) : public CFsDispatchObject
static CFileCache* NewL(CFileShare& aShare);
CFileCache* ReNewL(CFileShare& aShare);
void Init(CFileShare& aShare);
CMountCB& Mount() const;
CFileCB* FileCB();
void ReadAhead(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);
void ResetReadAhead();
static TInt CompleteRead(CFsRequest* aMsgRequest);
static TInt CompleteWrite(CFsRequest* aMsgRequest);
TInt ReadBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);
TInt WriteBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);
inline TBool IsDirty() {return iDirtyDataOwner != NULL;}
TInt FlushDirty(CFsRequest* aOldRequest = NULL);
void Purge(TBool aPurgeDirty = EFalse);
// from CFsObject
void Close();
inline TInt64 Size64() const {return iSize64;}
// Sets 64 bit (cached) file size
void SetSize64(TInt64 aSize);
TDrive& Drive() const;
TUint32 NameHash() const;
HBufC& FileNameF() const;
void MarkFileClean();
void ConstructL(CFileShare& aShare);
void SetFileCacheFlags(CFileShare& aShare);
TInt DoReadBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode, CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest);
TInt DoWriteBuffered(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest, TUint aMode);
enum TFlushMode {EFlushSingle, EFlushHalf, EFlushAll};
TInt DoFlushDirty(CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest, CFsRequest* aOldRequest, TFlushMode aFlushMode);
inline TInt SegmentSize() const;
inline TInt SegmentSizeLog2() const;
inline TInt64 SegmentSizeMask() const;
inline void UpdateSharePosition(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TMsgOperation& aCurrentOperation);
static TInt CompleteFlushDirty(CFsRequest* aMsgRequest);
TInt FlushDirtySm(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest);
TInt AllocateRequest(CFsClientMessageRequest*& aNewRequest, TBool aWrite, CSessionFs* aSession = NULL);
void DoReadAhead(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest, TUint aMode);
void FileDirty(CFsMessageRequest& aMsgRequest);
TInt HandleWriteDirtyError(TInt aError);
void PropagateFlushErrorToAllFileShares();
static TInt ClosedTimerEvent(TAny* aFileCache);
static TInt DirtyTimerEvent(TAny* aFileCache);
TBool IsDriveThread();
CCacheClient* iCacheClient;
TInt iMaxReadAheadLen;
TInt iCacheSize;
TInt32 iClosedFileKeepAliveTime; // in microseconds
TInt32 iDirtyDataFlushTime; // in microseconds
CFileCB* iFileCB;
RFastLock iLock;
TInt iFlushError;
TBool iFlushBusy;
CDriveThread* iDriveThread;
TInt iDriveNum;
// closed queue eject timer
TThreadTimer iClosedTimer;
// dirty data flush timer
TThreadTimer iDirtyTimer;
// The last session writing to this file. If non-NULL indicates cache contains dirty data
CSessionFs* iDirtyDataOwner;
// The size of the file.
TInt64 iSize64;
// The size of the file at the start of a write request
TInt64 iInitialSize;
// The full name of the file, including drive and extensions - Folded. This is "stolen"
// from the owning CFileCB when the CFileCB destructor calls CFileCache::Close().
HBufC* iFileNameF;
TUint32 iNameHash;
TDrive* iDrive;
CMountCB* iMount;
// Read-ahead
TInt iSequentialReads;
TInt iReadAheadLen;
TInt64 iReadAheadPos;
TInt64 iLastReadPos;
TInt iLastReadLen;
TBool iFileCacheReadAsync;
CFsClientMessageRequest* iReadAheadRequest;
// sequential append-write detection
TInt iSequentialAppends;
friend class TClosedFileUtils;
friend class TFsFileWriteDirty;
class TFileCacheSettings
class TFileCacheConfig
TFileCacheConfig(TInt aDrive);
static TFileCacheFlags ConvertEnumToFlags(const TInt aFileCacheRead, const TInt aFileCacheReadAhead, const TInt aFileCacheWrite);
TInt iDrive;
TFileCacheFlags iFlags;
TBool iFileCacheReadAsync;
TInt32 iFairSchedulingLen; // in bytes
TInt32 iCacheSize; // in bytes
TInt32 iMaxReadAheadLen; // in bytes
TInt32 iClosedFileKeepAliveTime; // in microseconds
TInt32 iDirtyDataFlushTime; // in microseconds
static TInt ReadPropertiesFile(TInt aDriveNumber);
static void SetFlags(TInt aDrive, TFileCacheFlags alags);
static TFileCacheFlags Flags(TInt aDrive);
static TInt FileCacheReadAsync(TInt aDrive);
static TInt FairSchedulingLen(TInt aDrive);
static TInt MaxReadAheadLen(TInt aDrive);
static TInt CacheSize(TInt aDrive);
static TInt ClosedFileKeepAliveTime(TInt aDrive);
static TInt DirtyDataFlushTime(TInt aDrive);
static TInt GetFileCacheConfig(TInt aDrive, TFileCacheConfig*& aConfig);
static void Init();
static void ReadEnum(const TDesC8& aSection, const TDesC8& aProperty, TInt32& aEnumVal, const TPtrC8* aEnumStrings);
static RArray<TFileCacheConfig>* iFileCacheSettings;
class TClosedFileUtils
static void InitL();
static TInt Count();
static CFileCache* At(TInt aIndex);
static TBool IsClosed(CFileCache* aFileCache);
static void AddL(CFileCache* aFileCache, TBool aLock);
static void Remove();
static void Remove(TInt aDrvNumber);
static void Remove(CFileCache* aFileCache);
static void Lock();
static void Unlock();
static void ReOpen(CFileCache* aFileCache, TBool aLock);
typedef TBool (*TTestFunc)(CFileCache& aFileCache, TAny* aVal);
static void RemoveFiles(TTestFunc aTestFunc, TAny* aTestVal);
static TBool TestDrive(CFileCache& aFileCache, TAny* aVal);
static TBool TestFile(CFileCache& aFileCache, TAny* aVal);
static CFsObjectCon* iClosedFiles;