Removing mis-guided fix for bug 3117. The bug is fixed by the fix for bug 2979, though they aren't duplicates.
// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// template\template_variant\specific\monitor.cpp
// Kernel crash debugger - Template specific
#include <kernel/monitor.h>
#include "variant.h"
// UART code
void CrashDebugger::InitUart()
// Wait for last kernel trace to appear
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Initialise the UART for outputing debug strings. Need to work with the following settings:
// - 115200Baud
// - 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
// - No parity
// Obtain and use UART linear base address to access the UART registers, e.g.
// TUint32 debugPortBase = TTemplate::DebugPortAddr();
void CrashDebugger::UartOut(TUint aChar)
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Output aChar through debug UART
// Obtain and use UART linear base address to access the UART register, e.g.
// Should take in consideration software flow control and check if Power is stable as per example below (pseudo-code):
TUint c=0;
// TUint32 debugPortBase = TTemplate::DebugPortAddr(); TO DO: (mandatory): Uncomment this
// while (!(input FIFO empty)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
if (CheckPower())
// c=(read received char); TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
if (c==19) // XOFF
// wait for XON
// while((input FIFO empty)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
if (CheckPower())
// c=(read received char); TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
if (c==17) // XON
else if (c==3) // Ctrl C
// coverity[dead_error_condition]
// The next line should be reachable when this template file is edited for use
else if (c==3) // Ctrl C
// while ((output FIFO full)) TO DO: (mandatory): wait for last char to leave the FIFO (Implement)
// (write aChar to output port - or FIFO); TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
TUint8 CrashDebugger::UartIn()
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Wait for a char to arrive at input port, read it and return its value
// Use the UART linear base address obtained as in below example to access the UART registers
// Example below is pseudo-code:
// TUint32 debugPortBase = TTemplate::DebugPortAddr(); TO DO: (mandatory): Uncomment this
// while ((input FIFO empty)) TO DO: (mandatory): wait for a character to arrive (Implement)
if (CheckPower())
return 0x0d;
// return (read received char); TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
return 0; // EXAMPLE ONLY
TBool CrashDebugger::CheckPower()
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Check if power supply is stable and return ETrue if not
return EFalse; // EXAMPLE ONLY