Removing mis-guided fix for bug 3117. The bug is fixed by the fix for bug 2979, though they aren't duplicates.
// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// template\template_variant\specific\uart.cpp
// pdd for serial ports
// assume Modem Control Signals change cause an interrupt
#include <drivers/comm.h>
#include <template_assp.h>
#include "iolines.h"
#include <e32hal.h>
// needs ldd version..
const TInt KMinimumLddMajorVersion=1;
const TInt KMinimumLddMinorVersion=1;
const TInt KMinimumLddBuild=122;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Define here the UART enumeration data for the serial ports.
// It is a good idea to define each enumerated value as a bit mask that can be written to (or OR-ed or AND-ed to)
// a hardware register to provide the configuration option desired (the following are EXAMPLES ONLY):
enum TUartBaudRate
EUartBaudRate115200/* =bitmask for 115200 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate76800/* =bitmask for 76800 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate57600/* =bitmask for 57600 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate38400/* =bitmask for 38400 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate19200/* =bitmask for 19200 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate14400/* =bitmask for 14400 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate9600/* =bitmask for 9600 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate4800/* =bitmask for 4800 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate2400/* =bitmask for 2400 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate1200/* =bitmask for 1200 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate600/* =bitmask for 600 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate300/* =bitmask for 300 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate150/* =bitmask for 150 Baud */,
EUartBaudRate110/* =bitmask for 110 Baud */
enum TUartBreak
EUartBreakOff/* =bitmask for turning Break Off */,
EUartBreakOn/* =bitmask for turning Break On */
enum TUartParity
EUartParityNone/* =bitmask for no Parity */,
EUartParityOdd/* =bitmask for odd Parity */,
EUartParityEven/* =bitmask for even Parity */
enum TUartStopBit
EUartStopBitOne/* =bitmask for one stop bit */,
EUartStopBitTwo/* =bitmask for two stop bits */
enum TUartDataLength
EUartDataLength5/* =bitmask for five data bits */,
EUartDataLength6/* =bitmask for six data bits */,
EUartDataLength7/* =bitmask for seven data bits */,
EUartDataLength8/* =bitmask for eight data bits */
//Remove the #if block if this code needs to be used or referenced.
#if 0 //RVCT40 warning
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Lookup table to convert EPOC baud rates into hardware-specific baud rate values
// Unsupported baud rates select the nearest lower rate.
static const TUartBaudRate BaudRate[19] =
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Lookup table to convert EPOC parity settings into hardware-specific values
static const TUartParity Parity[3] =
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Lookup table to convert EPOC stop bit values into hardware-specific values
static const TUartStopBit StopBit[2] =
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Lookup table to convert EPOC data bit settings into hardware-specific values
static const TUartDataLength DataLength[4] =
#endif //RVCT40 warning
class DDriverComm : public DPhysicalDevice
virtual TInt Install();
virtual void GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const;
virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion &aVer);
virtual TInt Validate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion &aVer);
class DCommTemplate : public DComm
TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo);
virtual TInt Start();
virtual void Stop(TStopMode aMode);
virtual void Break(TBool aState);
virtual void EnableTransmit();
virtual TUint Signals() const;
virtual void SetSignals(TUint aSetMask,TUint aClearMask);
virtual TInt ValidateConfig(const TCommConfigV01 &aConfig) const;
virtual void Configure(TCommConfigV01 &aConfig);
virtual void Caps(TDes8 &aCaps) const;
virtual TInt DisableIrqs();
virtual void RestoreIrqs(TInt aIrq);
virtual TDfcQue* DfcQ(TInt aUnit);
virtual void CheckConfig(TCommConfigV01& aConfig);
static void Isr(TAny* aPtr);
TInt iInterruptId;
TInt iUnit;
TLinAddr iPortAddr;
TInt iInInterrupt;
TUint iSignals;
TDynamicDfcQue* iDfcQ;
// Constructor
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Set up iUnitMask with the number of Units (Serial Ports) supported by this PDD,
// 1 bit set per Unit supported e.g.:
// iUnitsMask=0x7; -> supports units 0, 1, 2
TInt DDriverComm::Install()
// Install the driver
return SetName(&KPddName);
void GetTemplateCommsCaps(TDes8 &aCaps, TInt aUnit)
TCommCaps2 capsBuf;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Fill in the Caps structure with the relevant information for this Unit, e.g
// TCommCapsV02 &c=capsBuf();
// c.iRate=(OR in as many KCapsBpsXXX as bit rates supported);
// c.iDataBits=(OR in as many KCapsDataXXX as data length configuration supported);
// c.iStopBits=(OR in as many KCapsStopXXX as the number of stop bits configurations supported);
// c.iParity=(OR in as many KCapsParityXXX as parity configuration supported);
// c.iHandshake=(OR in all KCapsObeyXXXSupported, KCapsSendXXXSupported, KCapsFailXXXSupported, KCapsFreeXXXSupported
// as required for this Unit's configuration);.
// c.iSignals=(OR in as many KCapsSignalXXXSupported as Modem control signals controllable by this Unit);
// c.iSIR=(0 or OR in as many KCapsSIRXXX as IR bit rates supported);
// c.iNotificationCaps=(OR in as many KNotifyXXXSupported as notifications supported by this Unit);
// c.iFifo=(0 or KCapsHasFifo);
// c.iRoleCaps=(0 or KCapsRoleSwitchSupported);
// c.iFlowControlCaps=(0 or KCapsFlowControlStatusSupported);
/** @see TCommCapsV02 */
void DDriverComm::GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const
// Return the drivers capabilities
GetTemplateCommsCaps(aDes, 0);
TInt DDriverComm::Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer)
// Create a driver
DCommTemplate* pD=new DCommTemplate;
TInt r=KErrNoMemory;
if (pD)
return r;
TInt DDriverComm::Validate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
// Validate the requested configuration (Version and Unit)
if ((!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(iVersion,aVer)) || (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(aVer,TVersion(KMinimumLddMajorVersion,KMinimumLddMinorVersion,KMinimumLddBuild))))
return KErrNotSupported;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Return KErrNotSupported if aUnit is not in the supported range for this driver, KErrNone if it is
return KErrNone;
// Constructor
iInterruptId=-1; // -1 means not bound
// Destructor
if (iInterruptId>=0)
if (iDfcQ)
const TInt KDCommTemplDfcThreadPriority = 24;
TInt DCommTemplate::DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/)
// Sets up the PDD
TInt irq=-1;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Create own DFC queue
TInt r = Kern::DynamicDfcQCreate(iDfcQ, KDCommTemplDfcThreadPriority, KDCommTemplDfcThread);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
// Set iPortAddr and irq with the Linear Base address of the UART and the Interrupt ID coresponding to aUnit
// bind to UART interrupt
if (r==KErrNone)
// TO DO: (optional)
// Any other setting up of UART hardware registers, required for:
// - Disabling the UART operation
// - disabling all UART Interrupts
// - clearing all Rx errors
// - clearing all UART interrupts
// - de-activating output Modem Control signals
return r;
TDfcQue* DCommTemplate::DfcQ(TInt aUnit)
// Return the DFC queue to be used for this device
// For UARTs just use the standard low priority DFC queue
// For Serial PC cards, use the PC card controller thread for the socket in question.
return aUnit==iUnit ? iDfcQ : NULL;
TInt DCommTemplate::Start()
// Start receiving characters
iTransmitting=EFalse; // if EnableTransmit() called before Start()
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Set up hardware registers to enable the UART and switch receive mode on
// if (iUnit!=IR Port) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
// TO DO: (optional)
// If Unit is IR Port may need to start the IR port
return KErrNone;
TBool FinishedTransmitting(TAny* aPtr)
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Return ETrue if UART is still transmitting, EFalse Otherwise
return EFalse; // EXAMPLE ONLY
void DCommTemplate::Stop(TStopMode aMode)
// Stop receiving characters
switch (aMode)
case EStopNormal:
case EStopPwrDown:
// wait for uart to stop tranmitting
// TO DO: (optional)
// Any other setting up of UART hardware registers, required for:
// - Disabling the UART operation
// - disabling all UART Interrupts
// - disabling Transmit and Receive pathes
// - clearing all UART interrupts
case EStopEmergency:
// TO DO: (optional)
// If Unit is IR Port may need to stop the IR port
void DCommTemplate::Break(TBool aState)
// Start or stop the uart breaking
if (aState)
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Enable sending a Break (space) condition
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Stop sending a Break (space) condition
void DCommTemplate::EnableTransmit()
// Start sending characters.
TBool tx = (TBool)__e32_atomic_swp_ord32(&iTransmitting, 1);
if (tx)
TInt r = 0;
while (/* (Transmit FIFO Not full) && */ Kern::PowerGood()) // TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
TInt r=TransmitIsr();
//no more to send
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Write transmit character into transmit FIFO or output register
TInt irq=0;
if (!iInInterrupt) // CheckTxBuffer adds a Dfc: can only run from ISR or with NKernel locked
if (!iInInterrupt)
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Enable transmission of data
if (r>=0) // only enable interrupt if there's more data to send
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Enable transmit interrupt in the Hardware (Interrupt::Enable() has already been called in Start())
TUint DCommTemplate::Signals() const
// Read and translate the modem lines
TUint signals=0;
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// If the UART corresponding to iUnit supports Modem Control Signals, read them and return a bitmask with one or
// more of the following OR-ed in:
// - KSignalDTR,
// - KSignalRTS,
// - KSignalDSR,
// - KSignalCTS,
// - KSignalDCD.
return signals;
void DCommTemplate::SetSignals(TUint aSetMask, TUint aClearMask)
// Set signals.
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// If the UART corresponding to iUnit supports Modem Control Signals, converts the flags in aSetMask and aClearMask
// into hardware-specific bitmasks to write to the UART modem/handshake output register(s).
// aSetMask, aClearMask will have one or more of the following OR-ed in:
// - KSignalDTR,
// - KSignalRTS,
TInt DCommTemplate::ValidateConfig(const TCommConfigV01 &aConfig) const
// Check a config structure.
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Checks the the options in aConfig are supported by the UART corresponding to iUnit
// May need to check:
// - aConfig.iParity (contains one of EParityXXX)
/** @see TParity */
// - aConfig.iRate (contains one of EBpsXXX)
/** @see TBps */
// - aConfig.iDataBits (contains one of EDataXXX)
/** @see TDataBits */
// - aConfig.iStopBits (contains one of EStopXXX)
/** @see TDataBits */
// - aConfig.iHandshake (contains one of KConfigObeyXXX or KConfigSendXXX or KConfigFailXXX or KConfigFreeXXX)
// - aConfig.iParityError (contains KConfigParityErrorFail or KConfigParityErrorIgnore or KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar)
// - aConfig.iFifo (contains ether EFifoEnable or EFifoDisable)
/** @see TFifo */
// - aConfig.iSpecialRate (may contain a rate not listed under TBps)
// - aConfig.iTerminatorCount (conatains number of special characters used as terminators)
// - aConfig.iTerminator[] (contains a list of special characters which can be used as terminators)
// - aConfig.iXonChar (contains the character used as XON - software flow control)
// - aConfig.iXoffChar (contains the character used as XOFF - software flow control)
// - aConfig.iParityErrorChar (contains the character used to replace bytes received with a parity error)
// - aConfig.iSIREnable (contains either ESIREnable or ESIRDisable)
/** @see TSir */
// - aConfig.iSIRSettings (contains one of KConfigSIRXXX)
// and returns KErrNotSupported if the UART corresponding to iUnit does not support this configuration
return KErrNone;
void DCommTemplate::CheckConfig(TCommConfigV01& aConfig)
// TO DO: (optional)
// Validates the default configuration that is defined when a channel is first opened
TInt DCommTemplate::DisableIrqs()
// Disable normal interrupts
return NKern::DisableInterrupts(1);
void DCommTemplate::RestoreIrqs(TInt aLevel)
// Restore normal interrupts
void DCommTemplate::Configure(TCommConfigV01 &aConfig)
// Configure the UART from aConfig
Kern::PollingWait(FinishedTransmitting,this,3,100); // wait for uart to stop tranmitting
// TO DO: (optional)
// Ensure Tx, Rx and the UART are disabled and disable sending Break (space) condition.
// May need to modify clocks settings, pin functions etc.
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Set communications parameters such as:
// - Baud rate
// - Parity
// - Stop bits
// - Data bits
// These can be obtained from aConfig using the look-up tables above, e.g.
// TUint baudRate=BaudRate[aConfig.iRate];
// TUint parity=Parity[aConfig.iParity];
// TUint stopBits=StopBit[aConfig.iStopBits];
// TUint dataBits=DataLength[aConfig.iDataBits];
// Write these to the appropriate hardware registers using iPortAddr to identify which ste of register to modify
// TO DO: (optional)
// If the UART corresponding to iUnit supports IR may need to set up IR transceiver
void DCommTemplate::Caps(TDes8 &aCaps) const
// return our caps
void DCommTemplate::Isr(TAny* aPtr)
// Service the UART interrupt
DCommTemplate& d=*(DCommTemplate*)aPtr;
d.iInInterrupt=1; // going in...
// TUint portAddr=d.iPortAddr; TO DO: (mandatory): Uncomment this
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Read the interrupt source register to determine if it is a Receive, Transmit or Modem Signals change interrupt.
// If required also, clear interrupts at the source.
// Then process the interrupt condition as in the following pseudo-code extract:
// if((Received character Interrupts) || (Error in received character Interupt)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
TUint rx[32];
TUint xon=d.iLdd->iRxXonChar;
TUint xoff=d.iLdd->iRxXoffChar;
TInt rxi=0;
TInt x=0;
TUint ch=0;
// while((Receive FIFO not empty) && Kern::PowerGood()) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
TUint regStatus1=0;
// NOTE: for some hardware the order the following 2 operations is performed may have to be reversed
// if(Error in received character interrupt) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
// regStatus1=(Read receive error bitmask off appropriate register);
// ch=(Read received character);
// coverity[dead_error_condition]
// The next line should be reachable when this template file is edited for use
if(regStatus1!=0) // if error in this character
// if (ch & (Parity Error)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
// if (ch & (Framing Error)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
// if (ch & (Overrun)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
if (ch==xon)
else if (ch==xoff)
// if((Transmitted character Interrupt)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
while(/* (Transmit FIFO Not full) && */ Kern::PowerGood()) // TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
TInt r=d.TransmitIsr();
//no more to send
// TO DO: (mandatory)
// Disable the Transmit Interrupt in Hardware
// (write transmit character to output FIFO or Data register) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
// if((Modem Signals changed Interrupt)) TO DO: (mandatory): Implement
TUint signals=d.Signals()&KDTEInputSignals;
if (signals != d.iSignals)
d.iInInterrupt=0; // going out...
return new DDriverComm;